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Ok, posted.

@Shizuochan Idfc how anti-social you make him. Wrecker will have his tie compare conversation. >8(
I'm down to clown mate
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Oh my word why does everybody think Alex is a pretty-boy or a model or something XD I suspect this is my own inability to perceive "hotness" or "attractiveness" coming into play but it's still hilarious.
I mean, he just has one of those looks. Not to mention the shot is professionally done. haha
Granted I think everyone besides Jonah Hill/Wrecker qualifies as conventionally attractive :P
Which is exactly I purposefully avoid pictures like that. XD

Someone has to look like the regular guy, in a sea of pretty faces.
I might change Joan's picture soon...that would mess up the "Winona Ryder stand-in" joke but I have a picture that I like a lot better that just needs a little bit of an edit. We'll see :P

Granted I think everyone besides Jonah Hill/Wrecker qualifies as conventionally attractive :P

Heh well that's because the Internet is full of pictures of conventionally attractive people.

Which is exactly I purposefully avoid pictures like that. XD

Someone has to look like the regular guy, in a sea of pretty faces.

I try, but it's hard enough to find somebody wearing enough clothes without having to worry about something I can't perceive very well anyway. XD
Don't get me wrong, sometimes finding a good pic is a pain in the ass. It's usually in the keywords and such that you find the little diamonds. Or if you go for an actor that you know has the look you want.

Hell, I have even used pictures of atheletes that fit the bill. Just gotta keep the peepers open. =D
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Usually I can find more non-conventional looking people when it comes to art, but I also like uniform, and so I picked a photograph. I was going for "looks like a jerk face" and "wears glasses." Unfortunately, that's always like 100% attractive. Silly photography. It's really hard to find someone unattractive, that isn't a well-known figure, in photography.

.that would mess up the "Winona Ryder stand-in" joke but I have a picture that I like a lot better that just needs a little bit of an edit. We'll see
If it messes up a joke. That's fine. XD They are just jokes. Also she's had a lot of looks over the years.
What the heck, I'm swapping the picture out. I'll change it again once the edits I want are in place, but it's a good picture by itself and I don't think it looks that pretty, though I could be wrong.
Sorry Joan, he's a pretty boy. xD Don't take it too hard though, most pictures that come up are pretty. Ray's picture would look like an emo pretty-boy if I didn't find one with facial hair.
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I probably won't be able to get my intro up until Tuesday. Besides the site being down, I was at a weekend retreat the past two days, and I'm quite exhausted (and hella sore). :P However, I will try my best to make the deadline. In the very least, I'm keeping up with the intro posts to get a feel for everyone's characters. :)
I probably won't be able to get my intro up until Tuesday. Besides the site being down, I was at a weekend retreat the past two days, and I'm quite exhausted (and hella sore). :P However, I will try my best to make the deadline. In the very least, I'm keeping up with the intro posts to get a feel for everyone's characters. :)
Take your time. We won't move on without you. At worst you can just catch up in the second round of posting. Thank you for letting us know. <3
Well uh I wasn't able to do anything Friday evening and I forgot Saturday was update day SO I'll put up that post I promised tomorrow

Ah I know I said this but on Monday I was exhausted. My dad talked me into going on a PokéWalk with him on Sunday night and though we didn't even go a mile I couldn't handle it. :/ I'm almost done with the post, though. I just have Alex left. I have to skim through Perelandra and write a synopsis for school today, but that post should be up today ^^'
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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And Cat officially enters the fray, keep a hand on your stuff or you won't have it long. Initially left her dialogue uncolored cus I just don't do that (partly cus I'm a tad lazy) but figured using you guys' text colors is a good way to show who's voice she copies.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I will try my best to have my post up this evening. If all else fails, tomorrow for sure!
So there will be two teams attacking a large aircraft carrier. There are two jobs. One is to be Team Distraction and the other to be Team Infiltration. The next post I make will be ICly stating those choices and moving this thing forward.

Pick whatever your character would do I will work around that. So if there are more members of Team Infiltration I will roll with that or vice versa. I like to tailor these things for the enjoyment of those involved and try to find diverse situations so that everyone feels included. If you have your own idea of what your character may want to do in this little raid that is not being a distraction or infiltrator PM me and we can sort that out. Expect my post Friday.

Should you not post before then, because real life can and does get in the way sometimes then feel free to jump onto either side and we can improvise.
If distraction involves killing things, Obsidian is all over that ish. She's too insane for smoke-and-mirror work, so to speak. XD
I don't think I need to state what Redoc would be best for...