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The base exercise room was different from the sparring area. Wanda liked working on her endurance training. Uncle Logan had been working with her to improve that in particular for a couple of years now. She watched the shield sharpshooter work out as she started to relax herself. At one point she started to relax too much, letting her mind open up to nearby thoughts.


Suddenly her relaxed posture changed as her mind picked up his thoughts of Hydra. Cut him off ! What the hell !..She had been out here a while, sweaty and tired. She didn't say a word as she left the exercise room. She did however reach out for her brother and uncle Logan.

(( telepathic signal )) "Pietro, Uncle Logan, please meet me in the dining room, something is wrong."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Wanderer @Sir Kaltao
"Right right. The medical support. Come on in, I'll meet you in the garage." Hill ends the call and comes back to the doorway, says to Laura "Logan should be coming in soon....ish. Our medical support is here for the next mission, and we'll be wheels up when the final preparations are done." She takes up her duffle and heads back to the garage, using her communicator to reach out to Ward.

"Agent Ward. We have support from Department M incoming. I'll be briefing you and him, so meet up at the garage."

Once at the garage, Hill is standing in wait for the others to show.

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
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Jessica wandered in, one hand in her pocket, the other clutching a Starbucks cup. Even though she looked beyond disinterested, nothing could be further from the truth. The faster she got these things out of the way, the faster she could get back to being left alone.

Strangely enough, Jessica was wearing the standard SHIELD armored uniform - with her jacket over it. She'd considered the scarf too, but thought it looked ridiculous.

"Yo Joe or whatever the Hell it is you guys say. I'm here, now what?"

@Ms.Ezra @Gands @The Wanderer @MST3K 4ever @Camleen @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sir Kaltao
Wait… what's that supposed to mean? About being fun and competitive. She's fun and competitive. She'd like to see anyone kill these robot sparring partners as efficiently as she did. And as for fun… she knows a joke.

A single joke.

She half turns and watches Maria out of the corner of her eyes as she 'takes the call'… a small scowl upon her lips. She doesn't know these people, she doesn't know what they are truly about. Not yet. She is here though. She is doing her best to… be… one of them. But it's a bit of envy she feels when she thinks about Maria going out and enjoying time with Weapon X.

And she has no idea why.

Jade green eyes look now fully towards Agent Hill when she addresses Laura once more, as she speaks of Logan and medical support. What kind of mission are they going on that could require medical support? And why did Maria feel the need to inform her of Logan's imminent arrival? And why does she feel a little bit of relief when she is informed of Logan's imminent arrival? She nods as she now turns, heading towards the doorway. "Understood. I will be ready." She watches as Maria head in the general direction of the garage, and she herself heads towards the bunk area.

A little sniff, and she knows no one is in the immediate area. Not anyone that could walk in on her. She peels off the t-shirt she had been wearing, tossing it onto the bed as she kneels down. From under her bed she pulls a small trunk, thin enough to be manageable under her bed. She opens it and rummages through it. She didn't have… anything… when first she came here. But Shield (Maria) was kind enough to take a little pity on her. Provide her with at least some choices in regards to wardrobe. It almost makes her feel like she's going through her cousin's closet again looking for something cute to wear.

A thought that brings a smile to her lips.

And that smile widens as she finds a cute pink and black crop top shirt… and she pulls that from the trunk. She draws a few other garments from the trunk, and she then closes it as she pushes it under her bed once more. Standing, she quickly slips into her new outfit. This is as close as she will come at the moment to a battle uniform. It isn't exactly Shield issue (like at all), but she likes it. The outfit serves no purpose (as Jessica's does), but she likes it. Pulling the pink top on, she then slips thigh high stockings up her long and muscular legs, and then a short black skirt. She finds herself smiling the whole time she gets dressed. Once more, she might be an engineered killing machine… but she likes to look pretty when she can. Slipping on a pair of combat-ish boots, she now walks slowly back and forth in the room, getting a feel for the outfit. She nods in satisfaction, and she pulls on a pair of red and gray gloves. A hand moves to her neck, brushing against the locket affixed to the black leather choker she always is seen with, and she now moves towards the doorway.

Proceeding down the hall, her hands flex and her blades drive out of the back of her hands. The gloves already have little tears in them from her claws, but her cool boots will have to be sacrificed if she has to use her talons. She should invest in flipflops or something. Her claws retract into her skin, and she rubs her knuckles actively as she now enters the garage, glancing towards those already there (Maria and Jessica). Being the keen conversationalist she is… she remains quiet as she stands away from them. Her arms cross over her toned abs, her long dark hair partially concealing her eyes.

Tagging: @Ms.Ezra, @Gands, @The Wanderer, @Furasian, @LuckycoolHawk9, @Sir Kaltao, @Michale CS
Fandral woke up with the sun as usual this morning. Any lingering difficulties from the night before now gone. Instinct and Hogun's ring agreed it was a good day to have armor. So he put it on. He concentrated on it for a bit as Wade slept. Changing it's appearance almost to that of the standard Shield armor given to him. Except for the trim, on his armor, it was green. He pulled out a green and black hood to complete the effect.

He stood in front of the mirror, satisfied. He then put on sword and scabbard, with his new bow and arrows. Again, satisfied...

He adjusted his wrist brace, pressing the main button and concentrating until all of it disappeared, leaving his standard boots, jeans & fancy belt with a fresh white t shirt.

He went out into the kitchen to prepare this mornings breakfast. Whistling to himself as he did so. He thought about his companions, his fellow warriors.

As he was cleaning up, he did notice some of the others heading to the Garage. He grabbed up two bags of extra food and followed.

He stood next to Laura and not far from Jones.

"Thank you again for your assistance friend Laura, It was appreciated. " He whispered this to the young woman with a soft smile.

@The Wanderer @LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS @Camleen @Ms.Ezra @Sir Kaltao @Dunruffle
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In the Garage
Phil Coulson walked into the base Garage through the more private entrance with Lincoln the Medic.

He noticed deputy chief Maria Hill, walking to her with the expectation that Lincoln would follow. He extended his hand..

" Maria, it's good to see you again " His smile towards her was genuine. He and she joined about the same time and were good friends."

"I have a favor to ask"

He pulled out a nice looking, small wooden box.

"Can you get him to sign one ? It wouldn't matter which. "

He now held out he box of rare, collector Captain America trading cards, held in the precious box.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Ms.Ezra
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After Coulson's vehicle parks just outside the base, the rumble of Logan's Harley can be heard as he arrives shortly afterwards. The garage door opens, and Logan rolls in wearing his leather jacket, jeans, and a hat that read 'Zed's Frat House #1'. He looks annoyed that most of the team is already here, but huffs and turns off the bike. He takes off the hat, and throws it at Maria, who would have no issue catching such a thing.

"Ya left that. Try not to lose it again. Loser." He says with a smirk as he joins the group, standing on the opposite side of Maria from Laura and the others, nudging her and chuckling. He eyes up Coulson, the box, then Lincoln when he comes in. "Another boy scout? Whatever, I got other stuff to check on, so I'll get the notes later." He leaves the garage, but looks at Laura quickly before he does. He says nothing. But his eyes lock with hers and he conveys a sense of readiness to her. For what? That's left unclear even to her, for now.

He had been just in range of Wanda's telepathic message when she sent it out, and now seeks her out in the dining room. He'd felt her urgency on the matter. Not fear. Alarm, a readiness to act he'd instilled in the twins.

Logan comes into the dining room, and takes a seat as he waits.

@Gands @Ms.Ezra
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Logan will find Wanda waiting there. She's got a concerned look on her face, mixed anger with betrayal and simply alarmed. She's in her workout clothes from an early morning endurance run on one of the machines.

" Uncle Logan, I'm going to use telepathy, I know you don't care for it... but there is a matter of trust right now."

Unless he objects she proceeds with telepathic abilities, sending both to him and to Pietro.

(( " I was working out this morning, on the treadmill, working on endurance. I wasn't far from the man Ward, the sniper guy. So, I've started to get a little relaxed here. Probably a mistake, cause when I relax, I sometimes let my mental guard down without trying. I started to hear his thoughts.... Which I will now recreate for you from memory." ))

(( [QUOTEI don't know. I don't like not knowing about stuff HYDRA does. I want to be in the goddamn loop. Did they steal that sub? Was it a group of mutants? Why haven't they contacted me in a while? Have I screwed up? Fuck, did HYDRA cut me off?][/QUOTE] ))

This is distinctly with someone else's mental voice, in both how the mental speech is put together and the mental * sound * it makes.

(( continued telepathic contact )) " So now, I am angry and I need to do something, but the whole thing has me freaked out a bit, like I said, angry. I wanted to get some help as how to move forward from here "

@Sir Kaltao @The Wanderer .
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Grant Ward

Ward was busy punching the bag from earlier, he still hadn't quite vented out all of his damn frustrations on everything that had happened. He wasn't sure what to do and he needed to focus. He couldn't lose focus now. People trusted him. Well, most people trusted him.... but it was good enough. The Captain found him as a good man and that was good in his books. He heard his communication.

" I'll be right over," he said to her, stopping first at his room to get changed and to freshen himself up for the incoming meeting. Ward headed into the garage, ready to be briefed.

Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln followed Phil Coulson out of the garage. There was so much he wanted to say, but he remained quiet. When Logan called him another boy scout, he held his tongue, knowing that he could curse the man out latter. He was silent as he followed.

He noticed deputy chief Maria Hill, walking to her with the expectation that Lincoln would follow. He extended his hand..

Lincoln watched as Agent Ward arrived. He didn't trust him- but he held back his words. There was no proof of him being bad or anything. He just rubbed the medic the wrong way. It seemed they were all ready and there to be briefed.

Captain America

Captain America had been watching the other teammates, but he did hear the medic was arriving. He wasn't going to let that go unnoticed. Fury had told him that he had full parameters on who he hired and he wanted to at least meet this medic. He arrived at the garage. He looked at the box. " I could sign more than one- I don't mind. Miss Hill, I see that Agent Ward is here. Would you like to introduce me to the other two agents?"

@Ms.Ezra @Gands

Peter made his way to the room where everyone had gathered. He hadn't bought a vehicle. Preferring to go on foot. No need to worry on gas or anything of the sort.

He was almost talked into buying a motorcycle by one of the others. He had forgotten who. While the fast ones had a sense of thrill of riding one. Peter preferred the style of motorcycles available in his time. They were simpler.

He stood off to the side. Close enough to overhear any details. But at a distance to keep up with his rep as a slight lone wolf.

Pietro quickly showed up, holding his helmet. He was hoping they were going to head on a mission soon. And put his skills to the test.

@Camleen @Gands @Dunruffle @Ms.Ezra @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sir Kaltao
Hill catches the hat, and puts it on, the item clashing with her official attire, but where else does one put a hat? "Thanks Logan. Would hate to have lost my crown." She laughs and nudges him back before he leaves. She's smiling when she comes back to Coulson, then Captain America, but coughs and recomposes herself but keeps the hat on. "Yes yes, my apologies." She stands next to Coulson opposite Lincoln.

"Captain America, meet Agent Coulson, and Agent Lincoln, who will be our medical support for the coming mission. And I'm safe in assuming the Captain doesn't need an introduction, correct?" She asks the others.

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
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Agent Phil Coulson

Coulson happily hands his treasured cards to Captain America with a wide smile. Out of another pocket he pulls out a couple of thumb drives handing one to each, Captain America and Maria Hill.

"Thank you Captain, those are among my most treasured things, since I was a kid. "

"Those files are follow up information on your prior meeting. Also, Deputy Director, should you need anything, anything at all, contact me, I've orders to expedite any requests. And with that, I'm off. Take care and good hunting. "

@Camleen @Ms.Ezra @LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS @The Wanderer
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Grant Ward, Lincoln Campbell and Captain America

Grant Ward wasn't very oblivious to things and made a mental note that he possibly had a weakness for both Hill and Wolverine if the occasion ever did arise where he would need to exploit though honestly.

" Ahh- so this is the medical support for our mission. He seems quite capable of this. A little rough around the edges..." Captain America paused and smelt the air. " And another recovering alcoholic it would seem too."

Captain America got out a pen and signed the trading cards before handing them back to Phil and taking the flash drive from the man with a smile. He liked this agent, he seemed nice enough at that too.

Too nice for his own good. Ward was happy to be the silent observer for now as it would seem.

" After I rereview the flash drives, I believe it is time to call a meeting to order. Lincoln and Ward, you can return to the dinning room for now or sparring, either works," he said, going to his bedroom to quickly rebrowse the files again.

@Gands @Ms. Ezra

I looked around the room at the 'Team' and reaffirmed my assessment of them.

  • Captain America: Old fashioned, honest, and as straight-laced as you'd expect, but surprisingly likable. Sort of like spiking root beer.
  • Logan and the Spinoff version: They definitely seemed to be related somehow, though he seemed to act more like an uncle than a father to her. At least the older one had his psychoses more under control.
  • Wanda: I think what she saw in me spooked her more than it did me. She seemed nice enough, too nice for someone able to know what people really think of her and that worried me a bit.
  • Pietro: Though it stands to reason someone able to move that fast would have attention span issues, I was concerned that he'd do something reckless that'd endanger everyone; it was just a matter of when.
  • Emo Spider-Man: He's got issues, or he really likes being left alone, or both, So... the most like me I think.
  • Grant Ward: All sorts of red flags here. He keeps way too quiet not to be hiding something. SHIELD, from the looks of their spiel, was a friendlier more talkative face than this guy was. Maybe he has a secret race issue with the Metas, or something.
  • Phil Coulson: The kind of man that could smile and shake your hand honestly while he had snipers drawing a bead in your skull. Was kind of the epitome of SHIELD in my opinion.
  • Maria Hill: A woman doing a man's job twice as well for half the recognition. Also pretty handy in a fight though, for a normal.
  • Lincoln Campbell: Just met the guy and only briefly, but his face carried a lot of guilt, a fucking shitload of it. I just hope it won't make shit harder for us.
  • Fandral: One of the two people I'd come totally clean with. He had that classic chivalry about him like Rogers, but definitely looked like he had done shit that wouldn't ever enter into Cap's mind on his worst day. Call it favoritism, but I'd trust him the most, because I have a feeling he wouldn't get all judgmental on me. When you've had to do bad shit, you're a little more likely to look the other way when you see things that are a bit more in the grey areas.

@Camleen @Ms.Ezra @LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS @The Wanderer @Gands @Dunruffle @Sir Kaltao
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Fandral of Asgard
New York city Shield - Avengers Base

Fandral slides a bit closer to Laura, starting to friendly but slightly sarcastic whisper.

" Friend Laura, remind me next time I go out for comfort food, to take my damned armor. {{ He chuckles softly }}. And, if I didn't say so before... Thank you. Fandral doesn't forget his friends. By the by, what do you make of this ? "

Logan furrows his brow as he receives the telepathic message, making sure Wanda doesn't get into the memories from his meetup with Hill the previous night. He's become better at this over time. They needed to focus on what was going on.

The man has a mind to go out and confront Ward head-on, cut the crap and maybe some of his fingers if need be. Why else would a man have HYDRA on the brain unless he were a double-agent freaking out he was being left in the dark? Wanda of course gets this full train of thought from him, and he thinks as he looks at her Wanda, we gotta be careful, and that means you gotta calm down. If we spring this on Ward at the wrong time, wrong place, people can get hurt and he might get away and we don't want any of that. He sighs audibly and leans forward looking between the siblings Here's the plan. We go to Hill and Cap. I know for a fact Cap can be trusted, and Hill is on the level. Meanwhile, you two stay close, keep an eye on him.

@Gands @The Wanderer
Wanda Maximoff

Wanda spent several moments practicing a technique taught to her of course by Charles Xavier, She emerged from her self imposed trance more in control of her emotions. Her mind heard and recorded what Uncle Logan told her.

{{ Yes Uncle Logan, I've got it under control now. }}

She reached out carefully with her telepathy... just communication, with Captain Rogers and Deputy Chief Hill.

{{ Captain Rogers, Deputy Chief Hill, Forgive this interruption of your briefing. Can you two join Logan and I in you meeting room please ? We have something terrible to tell you }}

She keeps a mental listening ear for replies from Cap and Maria... She has a mental location tab on Ward and communications open with Uncle Logan and brother Pietro.

{{ I have sent the message Uncle Logan }}

{{ Pietro, please try to keep an eye on Agent Ward }}

@Sir Kaltao @Ms.Ezra @Camleen @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Wanderer
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Lincoln Campbell

God, Cap hadn't mentioned there would be so many damn people in the room. Why was this team so ridiculously large for what it was? He looked over at Jessica for a moment and decided he would just sit quietly. He wasn't too keen on introductions, but did give a friendly wave to everyone. God, he could use a drink.

Maybe a nice cold beer or a martini or well anything. He had to stay sober though. He would look bad at the new job if he was drinking, especially since he was supposed to be off the wagon. He looked in the kitchen area for anything non-alcoholic or of the sort. He bit down on his lip and hoped to find something good.

@Michale CS @Gands

Captain America

Captain America received the thoughts from Wanda and replied. Message received, I will meet you in the meeting room, I hope Miss Hill will join us. I can delay the meeting. I trust you. Captain America headed towards the meeting room, wondering what he would be told there. Hopefully, it wasn't a betrayal. Though, he expected it to happen sooner or later. He wondered what it was about, heading there.

@Gands @Sir Kaltao @Lady Ezra

Grant Ward

Ward took the opportunity to go back to training, punching the bag to up his strength. He rubbed his hand against his face, careful not to smear his facial conceal. Bad guys always had beards and he hadn't shaved in a while. Less likely to be suspected as evil. He went towards his room, checking his gun supply for now.

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When the meeting was temporarily pushed back, Jessica shook her head and casually tailed Ward, pretending to have her head in her phone the whole time. She did notice the desperate look in Lincoln's eyes and sympathized, but she just shook her head, mimicked with her hand with thumb extended drinking from a bottle, and shook her head again, clapping him on the shoulder as she left.

Grant Ward

Ward took the opportunity to go back to training, punching the bag to up his strength. He rubbed his hand against his face, careful not to smear his facial conceal. Bad guys always had beards and he hadn't shaved in a while. Less likely to be suspected as evil. He went towards his room, checking his gun supply for now.

She kept quiet as he did the workout and 'jumped' above the door, balancing on the doorframe, when he left the training room, landing silently once he'd left. Tailing tons of cheating husbands made her know exactly where guys aren't likely to look.

Once he'd gotten to his room, Jessica thought it over. He definitely had the look of a guy who was hiding something. So, with her strength, she bent the doorknob and the hinges on the door to Ward's room, knowing he didn't have a window out - all the rooms were on the interior of the base. Then, she casually leaned against the door.

"Hey, Agent Ward. You're really good at keeping a low profile but what gives? You're hiding something. See, for years I've been in the business of knowing when someone doesn't want to be asked questions, or seem out of place. You've gone way beyond being casual, you're trying to be ignored. Word of advice, tone it down next time. So, you gonna tell me what it is you've been so desperately trying to hide or am I just going to take my concerns to Hill while I have you locked in your room? Oh, and if you're considering shooting, I'll just use my laser vision to take off your hand at the wrist - I hear SHIELD can replace hands now." Of course Jessica didn't have laser vision - but Ward didn't know that, and Hell, that bluff had worked once before already.

Maria thanks her training when she gets the telepathic message, as it allows her to carry on as if nothing has happened. She does forget the hat though, as she walks in line with Cap to the meeting room. Her thoughts are guarded, much as they can be, from Wanda as she thinks What the hell is going on? Something terrible? Can't be my worst-case scenario. Inexperienced as she might be, Wanda wouldn't clue me in on this. Especially if she told Logan first, which she would have.

As she gets into the meeting room, Maria almost takes the head chair, but stops and stands aside, motioning for Cap to take it. This dynamic of a Deputy Director being kind of subordinate to a Captain was odd, but Maria was glad to not be in the 'hot seat' as it were. She looks at those assembled, and notices distinctly that neither Ward or Lincoln were present. Her eyes narrow slightly, and already she's thinking of the next two steps if this was going where she felt it was.

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Camleen