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"Fuck!" Havoc grimaced, leaning heavily against the wall for support. His leg was throbbing like crazy if it weren't for the obvious fact that the Lidaran could feel his toes Havoc would have thought he lost the damn thing. "Damn green-eyed wench!" If it weren't for her Havoc might have had a much easier time getting out of this damn city. But now, with the whole damn place on high alert and a bum leg, Havoc was going to need a miracle. "Where's that furry eared bastard when ya need him?" He grumbled, limping further into the alley. The purpled eyed Lidaran didn't get very far from the scene, maybe just a couple of blocks, definitely not far enough for him to feel comfortable; especially with the rush of guards towards this sector.

The white-haired male glanced down to his gauntlets, gauging the magical energy he had left over. There was enough to get him to the edge of town but Havoc didn't have the right mods on him to help in this situation. Brute force and bombs were only good with an able body after all. The pale male growled. "Wonderful."

The atmosphere sudden grew heavy, much in the same way it did when Havoc activated his own magic. The Lidaran froze, eyes gleaming wide with unease. "Shit, that's a hella lot of magic." It sent a shiver down his spine. "Glad I got the fuck out of there."

"Would you like to get all the way out of here?"

"Eh?" The Lidaran paused, glancing over his shoulder to spy a familiar face. Magie. He smirked (which failed to reach its usual luster considering the sweat and dirt smudging his face), "Well don't you have impeccable timing!"

The woman rolled her eyes, not particularly interested in his wise-guy banter. Her eyes, instead, drifted down to his leg, noting the lack of the blood around the wounded area. "Must have been a concussion shot," she mused, tapping his chin. "Should be an easy fix. Shall I get us out of here? Mr. Rev has already retrieved Miss Adie."

Havoc waved her off, not really interested in the safety of his comrades. "Yeah, I'm done with this bloody ant nest. Damn group of weirdos ruined my fun." He grumbled, accepting Magie's shoulder. The woman nodded, beginning her spell. A magic circle appeared beneath their feet before they disappeared into blue smoke, leaving no trace save for the scraps left behind on the wall.
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It was a melee in flame, his skin ablaze as he battered his prone foe and was battered in return, but Jagred cared not for the pain, drowning instead in the violent, explosive moment. The pain was a dull afterthought compared to the glory and the challenge, his red hair mixing with the chemical flames until there was no difference at all. So drunk was he on adrenaline that Jagred didn't even notice he was pushed out from the flames before it was too late, shadowy tendrils transporting Adanna elsewhere in a feat of strange magic.

And from behind him, geysers of water quenched the irregular conflagration, the end of the fight heralded by the appearance of the Magemother once more. It was always like that, huh? The presence of an almighty existence ending all conflict in her wake.

Jagred coughed, spat out a gob of blood and mucus, took a few unsteady steps, swayed, and fell flat on his face.
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Had the fates of the people beneath the rubble been left to her, Faora, and the recruit... well, things wouldn't have ended happily. Much to her relief, that wasn't the case. A gust of wind blew through the area and with it arrived a tall woman in purple robes. She exuded both power and a silent strength, something that made Anais stare up at her with eyes as wide as saucers.

It was the Magemother, the same woman who'd saved them three days ago.

The fire was put out and the rocks rose into the air, freeing those trapped underneath. A multitude of things happening all at once. "Let's go help sassy boar man," she said in response to Faora's earlier question. Now that the mage and her group were out of any immediate danger, helping their friend seemed like the only thing left to do - at least, until the large woman disappeared into a shadow circle on the ground. There one minute, gone the next. Who... who were these people?

Anais rushed forward as Jagred hit the ground. "Can we get one of the medics here too?"

Vi remained curled up tightly in her patient's lap. She felt the strangest sensation wash over her. There was magic in the air. While it whispered soothingly in her ears, the force behind it reminded the bunny of the racing winds before a tropical storm. She curled up even tighter, bracing herself for whatever came next.

She didn't want to trust this mage so readily. That brief encounter with Havoc was still fresh on her mind. His magic was explosive and chaotic. Crazy like lightning! She sucked in her breath. Vi felt a swell whooshing towards them. There was a brief pause followed by the sound of clattering rocks. She whimpered.

"It's okay," the soldier said. "We're saved."

"Huh?" Vi relaxed and sat up.

She leaned against the man's stomach, taking it in slowly. The rocks were gone. Her eyes were tearing because it was so bright all of a sudden. There was sunlight again! Saved, they were saved! She gaped.

"The Magemother," he supplied in a hoarse whisper. His voice was trembling with reverence. "S-she saved us."

Vi tilted her head upwards. She noticed him looking towards the center of the street and she followed his gaze. The Magemother's sigil glowed brilliantly before twin gusts of water rushed towards the raging blaze. Vi's eyes widened even more. Such power! This woman had to be the mage she felt earlier! The magic felt the same.

The bunny would have continued staring in childlike wonder but a soft whoosh caught her ears. The apprentice mage had collapsed on the ground. Dios Mio! Vi thought as she stared at the woman curled up in a trembling heap. The woman needed help now!

"I - Get help! Please!" she shouted. "Help!"

Vi's voice rose to a shrill pitch. "The mage, she's in trouble."

She leaped off the soldier's lap and rushed over to the mage. Kneeling down, the sea rabbit gripped the young woman's clammy hand in hers. "Y - you'll be okay, yes? Y-yes, I'm here."

Could she do this? Vi wondered. Her body was already aching and her concentration wavering. These were signs that she was near her limit too. She couldn't hold back despite knowing this. This brave woman needed her!

"Relax," she ordered. "You need to focus on breathing. Relax. Don't go to sleep."

Blue sparks leaped from Vi's fingers and entered the rivulets of sweat flowing down the apprentice's skin. Vi didn't have a better spell to use in this situation. Calming the young woman down without putting her to sleep was her best option. She didn't want to risk the mage going into a coma or dying. Assuming, of course, that a fatigued human mage suffered the same risks an exhausted carbuncle does. She didn't know what to expect and the uncertainty made her more anxious.

"Someone, please!" she shouted to the guards pouring into the area. "Someone, a healer! Please!"

Vi's head swiveled around desperately until her eyes fell on the Magemother's back. She stopped shouting for a bit. This … woman? The idea seemed silly honestly, but the healer could only think of her patient right now. "Please Wise One," she called out. "Please, I need your again. S - sorry …"
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The horde of soldiers scattered when the archmage raised her hand and flicked three fingers in a circular motion, a signal that their quarry had escaped through magical means. After a short pause, hesitant and conflicted looks cast upon one another, the group split off into several squadrons and branched off into different streets and alleyways. Unlike some, the members of Aesyth's City Watch were well-equipped to deal with magic… for obvious reasons. They knew that teleportation was a useful and near-unstoppable spell, but it had its limits. If the border patrol was alerted and reinforced quickly enough, the criminals could be contained before they even left Aesyth's jurisdiction. The problem was that there were a fair number of hiding spots out there in the plains and the nearby forest. Exactly why time is of the essence!

Save for three or four fighters who continued to make their way to the weary group, the intersection was soon deserted, the noise of trampling feet in metal boots slowly rumbling into the distance.


The Magemother narrowed her eyes at the foreign burst of magic that had come after her spell. When the waters had curled off and the steam had dispersed, she noticed that one figure was left where the fire had been. She could have sworn there were two earlier, and… Oh. The pieces slid together with an audible click and her thoughts were rendered clear as paned glass. Every type of magic had its own… flavor, of sorts. If one possessed enough perception and natural talent, they could sift through that and determine the character behind the spell; every mage had an arcane footprint. Albeit quick as a flash, she was certain that what she had sensed was akin to a slithering whisper, like a snake rustling through dry grass, tainted with a numbing sensation. Shadows.

She turned when a voice called her. There was a panicking Magical hovering near her unconscious apprentice. In one swift glance the Magemother determined that nothing grievous had afflicted the novice, which briefly confused her until the pieces clicked. In Magicals, overextending oneself could cause effects leading to death; it made sense, seeing that they were magic given physical form. For humans, magic may be greater in some, yet it was still an… accessory, of sorts. A bonus. A fatigued mage had nothing much to worry about save unconsciousness and terrible bodily aches later on, which was a mortal body's way of compensating. A smile formed at the realization and she glided forth to the two.

"Please calm down. Nova is only tired. It's nothing a short rest can't fix, thankfully," the Magemother's laugh tinkled like chimes, before she took on a more serious tone as she added, "human magi don't suffer the same consequences as your kind do when our magical reservoirs are depleted, dear one." Still, to help the frazzled carbuncle, the archmage turned her palm up, the hem of her robe slipping down a pale wrist. From the center of her palm rose a pulsing green orb with small motes of light in orbit. It shivered then burst in a shower of fine emerald light, the remnants flying to both Vivi and the apprentice and covering their skin with a light mist. At once they would feel re-energized and soothed. With that done, the Magemother stood up and surveyed her surroundings, her eyes narrowed into thin lines of flashing white light. Everyone was partitioned off into groups, tending over their own wounded. It would be inefficient if she went to them one by one. So… "Everyone stand still," she called out and raised both of her hands to chest-level.

All of a sudden, the world tilted, and everyone reacted to the sudden shift in various ways. The two guards that were shouldering their fallen companions blinked in unison and cast furtive glances around, while their fellow, who was standing near them, lurched in a delayed reaction. The bright blue sky, the wreckage, and the overpowering scent of ash and mortar were gone. Surrounding their gathering were four great stone walls, casting great shadows over their forms. Under them, cool marble cracked in places. Behind them… a reception desk?

They were in the Circle's Great Hall.

"Oh—what!" A stupefied janitor cried out. He dropped his mop, spilled a bucket and, after staring at the Magemother and her sudden guests, went running down the corridor behind. "Healers! The Magemother is here!"

The aforementioned savant sighed deeply and took a step forward, locking her hands together over her heavy gold-threaded belt. Her gentle gaze fell upon the nearest wounded—Jagred, with Anais by his side. With another step, she was close enough to kneel on the damp floor, awash in the scent of cleaning powder and lime. For yet another instance, her skin flared with magic. While the Magemother assessed the damage and focused on where to heal with grim-faced intensity, she asked the pyromancer to provide her with an explanation of what happened.
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Anais was moments away from plucking Vivi off the ground and depositing her onto Jagred. The rabbit creature was a healer after all, and the Magemother already had everything else in the bag. However, before she could leave the sassy boar man's side, the mage mother did something. It wasn't as amazing as her entrance three days ago - she was a one woman army that day - but it was nonetheless fantastic, and Anais stared wide eyed and impressed as the rubble and soot disappeared from view.

They were in a building, one she'd never been in. There was a reception desk and janitor, but Anais remained focused on the Magemother alone. "You're... you're frigging amazing! Three days ago... you took out those people like BAM." Now that they weren't in any immediate danger, her inner fangirl was creeping up on her. Anais was only smacked back into reality when the woman knelt beside her to tend to Jagred. "He's fine, right? He's tough, so that means he should be okay?"

There was a pause before she actually got around to answering the Magemother's own questions.

"Oh," she looked to Faora as if asking for assistance. "The four of us, me, Faora, Lawrence, and boar man over here, we went to the merchant's district to meet up with um, Quincy something. Her son went missing and she was hiring people for a job, we wanted to help but some guy with a metal arm broke in through the roof and kidnapped her. All of us." Anais gestured to Vivi, Estefania and everyone else in the room. "We were there so we ran after the bastard. Backup came then, uh, you showed up and started being all amazing again."
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One minute they were in flames, and in the next she was enveloped in a syrupy darkness, smothering the pain that had engulfed her body. Adie had been running on pure instinct as she and Jagred brawled into the flames... and now it was quiet. Her ears thudded with a low, droning noise, and her heart beat with the rapid chant of conquest.

Her nose picked up on the scent of pine and old rock. Her head was cool, when it was warm before from the sun. Adie shook herself out of her reverie, half-lidded eyes falling upon Ruvaen. He was wearing the same expression he always did, a disinterested mask akin to cool glass. They were here. The base.

"Ah. I owe you my thanks," Adie staggered to her feet. At once her limbs were aflame with a different sort of fire--a heavy, bruised pain that spoke of the fight. But she didn't win. Nonetheless, it was a good battle. "The boy. We have to prepare."

Magic spat out a duo beside their point. The light pouring in from the entrance of the long hall was briefly blocked by their forms. Havoc and Magie--or Magpie, as they called her. Despite her age, she had such an eye for valuable things.
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"Th-thank you," Vi whispered.

Admiration shone brightly in the carbuncle's eyes. She had never felt so enthralled by someone before. This woman was so kind, so wise and so in tuned with the magic. Vi wanted nothing more than to follow the Magemother around and ask hundreds of questions. Questions about the unusual magic, questions about the strange script decorating the woman's clothes and more importantly questions about the healing spell.

She never got a chance to ask a single question. Vi blinked for a fraction of a second and she found herself inside a grand building. Vi remained by Nova's side, trying her best to figure out where she was. She could feel the buzz of magic in the air and hear the sound of people gathering inside the hall. She was so taken in by everything that she forgot about the Magemother.

"I - I don't know what to say," she spoke out loud. "It is huge … lots of magic. Is the Magic Circle like this? Big, a lot of wise mages and filled with magic."

She broke off when a healer approached them. Smiling sheepishly, Vi explained what happened before moving away. There were more people around now. Their brusque manner and quick pace made her feel like she was constantly in their way. She started drifting further and further away from the group. She wanted to join Lawrence's side but there were other healers there too. She felt utterly useless.

With her ears drooping down, the Magical moved slowly towards the very edge of the hall. She hovered alone next to one of the pillars and watched everything silently. She felt a little sad. Is there some way she could help? Everyone here seemed so much more competent than she was. Vi sighed. Sir Hero and Miss Quincey are in good hands. She consoled herself.

She considered leaving, but she felt bad doing so without saying goodbye to certain human. Estefania had been very kind. Leaving without saying a word would be rude. Vi glanced around the room to catch a glimpse of Estefania's white blonde hair. She saw it shimmering in the light not too far away and the bunny made her way towards the noble.

"Miss Estefania?" Vi called out to her first friend in Aesyth. "Miss? I - I … thank you kindly. Thank you for saying you will bring to the Magic Circle. We had a hard day. I think I should go."

She swallowed then continued. "I want to check the line. I hope I can get into the Magic Circle today. It is important I do." She floated over and stood in front of Estefania. Vi thought about giving Estefania hug but she wondered if the noble would like it. The little things Vi recalled about Estefania led her to believe that the human didn't enjoy physical contact at all. Vi chose to smile instead. "I will go soon. I want to thank the Wise One for saving us. She healed me too."
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He could have sworn it was naught but a delusion that changed the world around him, but as the bruises he would have been feeling the morning after dissolved, the swelling swiftly subsiding, Jagred realized that this was no hallucination. The Magemother had descended upon them once again, her powers transporting and healing him.

Hah, magic applied in a non violent fashion was truly miraculous, wasn't it? The shamans of his tribe had been able to make some magical concoctions, but all their foul smelling remedies paled in conparison to the otherworldly powers of the one who sat at the top of the Magic Circle.

"I'm indebted to you," the red haired savage said, pushing himself to a sitting posture despite his body's protests, "Twice now, you have saved us, and not once have I properly repaid you. For now, please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your acts of miracle healing, Magemother of Aesyth."

A wry smile emerged then, as he turned to the flame haired arsonist that still didn't refer to him by name.

"Glad you didn't end up burning down the entire town as well, firecracker. Looks like you're improving, marginally."

"You are too kind, dear one," the Magemother said graciously, though she glowed from the praise and instantly offered a wide, indulgent smile to the younger mage. It seemed she valued validation of her work in one way or another, as many professionals did. Magic required years of practice and study to complete—staying at peak form was much harder than she made it look. However, her jubilant expression smoothed when she listened to the explanation. "The merchant Quincey… She did approach us, and we let her borrow the means with which to spread her message," the savant said with a soft sigh, hands still awash in healing light, as she turned her head and watched the aforementioned woman groggily push herself up with the aid of two novices. Prudence immediately kicked up a racket, believing herself to have been kidnapped based from the sudden shift in location and the number of blurry figures occupying her vision. Thankfully, she soon calmed down—no casualties, fortunately, because the novices managed to avoid her thrashing punches—and not because of a sleeping draught this time. Around them, the sounds of the grand Circle slowly stirring to life as healers and busybodies—apprentices, scholars, and crafters alike—scurried into the Hall. "We believed her problem would sort itself out. Her son had always been a free spirit after all. A… soft child, to be sure, but one who cherished his freedom. We did not think it would go this far…"

The light in the Magemother's eyes dimmed, and she frowned. "Did he mention why he wanted to take her away? Perhaps this is related to young Corrin's disappearance? To think one boy destroyed that much for… fun. No. There must be a reason. And yet I do not know." But soon, her patient stirred, and yet another grateful heart offered their thanks in short order. The archmage found cause smile again. "You can repay me by staying still, warrior; my spell is almost done," she answered, her voice light-hearted. A moment later, the glow surrounding her hands intensified—and was gone, leaving a light spring mist in the air. The Magemother daintily patted her robes down as she got to her feet. Sounding like a cross between a (true to name) mother and a school teacher, she shook her head at Jagred and offered a reproach. "That should suffice. Don't go out searching for fights, now, please."

Oh. Wait. She remembered something. "Before I forget, which one of you is talented in shadow magic? I sensed it earlier, during the fight… But ever so briefly. I need to make sure before I do what must be done next."


That was far too much magic for comfort. Yes, it may have saved the day, but… Ooph. Estefania shook her head with a grimace, feeling quite displeased with the turn of events. To think the sorceress carried them from one place to another in the blink of an eye, with nary a person shifting an inch from their position… And three days earlier, she had watched spires of inescapable ice lunging from those same hands. A shudder ran through her delicate frame. Mages weren't strictly bound to one "school," so to speak, and that they could eventually become as powerful as the Magemother… It was an unsettling thought. Not all of the Order's teachings about magic were hogwash, apparently.

The noblewoman pulled out a handkerchief and wiped off the thin line of red clinging to the very tip of her rapier. She returned the weapon to its scabbard. The wariness caused by magic had already taken off what vicious delight Estefania had felt in the battle earlier, finally landing her first hit in a battle outside of the Asturian tourneys—may it not be the last.

Then the carbuncle from earlier, Vivi, drifted closer. Despite the Magical's… otherworldly nature, Estefania found herself with less reason to balk at her approach. Perhaps it was the attitude—Vivi seemed more docile and anxious compared to her own bullish, fiery temperament—or the size. Whatever it was, it had lulled the condesa into lowering her defenses. She allowed the Magical to get well within speaking range and perked up to listen.

"Hmm, in a way, I've fulfilled my promise," Estefania replied. She brought a hand up over her chin, her strained forehead smoothing as if eased by a gentle, invisible force. "I hope you're not planning to leave and then queue up again. We are already here, after all. This is the Magic Circle's Great Hall, and the formidable archmage over there is the Magemother herself." The noblewoman nodded once. She had been possessed by another idea, from the looks of it. "Come, let's approach. I have yet to thank the redhead for lending his assistance."

And so the aristocrat marched over to the gathering at the center of the Hall, where she leveled quite a severe stare at Anais upon arrival. The Magemother showed no sign of noticing even when her heels clattered on the floor, footsteps echoing closer and closer—Estefania took it as a cue to proceed with the conversation she had in mind. She turned to the (also) red-haired man—is he related to the pyromancer—and dipped into a respectful half-bow. Even half-sitting, he seemed more imposing than her. "Greetings. I am the Condesa Estefania de Villanueva. I am grateful for your assistance earlier, as, I'll admit, my performance was subpar. But are you all right now, sir…?"

Anais' expression lit up when Jagred proved to be alright - at least - until he took another jab at her skills. She was starting to sense a pattern and she didn't like it. Not. One. Frigging. Bit. The pyromancer narrowed her eyes at the offending boar man and pulled her lips back into a scowl. "Remind me not to call for help next time." She stuck out her hand and gave his forehead a slight push. "Shush it and go lie down." She was glad he was alright, but that didn't mean she didn't want to smack him.

Rolling her eyes, she decided to spend her energy on the Magemother instead.

"The guy with the splodey arm mentioned Corrin, not why he took him though." Anais scrunched up her nose as she tried to recall the details. It was hard to remember the man's words when they'd been busy trying to not get blown up. "His mom said he knew something 'bout the the weird sickness that made people crazy, maybe it's connected to that? Damn, hey Faora? Lawrence? You remember if the bastard said anything shady?" There was a pause as the Magemother turned to the topic of Shadow Magic.

Boar man wasn't a mage, and neither were Faora or Lawrence. Could it have been the mermaid rabbit? Of course, there was also the possibility that the refined Swordswoman was the one with the shadow powers.

Speaking of the refined Swordswoman, she was... glaring at her?

Anais blinked slowly, oblivous to the judgement in the other girl's gaze. She waited for Estefania to finish her introduction before she spoke up. "Hey, sword girl - Este... Este, um, Fannie. You wouldn't happen to be the shadow mage would you?"

She hadn't sensed any magical energy coming from Estefania, but she could have easily missed it amid all the trying-not-to-die moments earlier. "Or maybe it's your magical friend over there? The cute, mermaid bunny?"
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It was fast. So much happened in perhaps what felt like the blink of an eye. The boarman was in a fight with their new adversary. The Carbuncle was helping the people around the area. Trying to minimize the collateral damage. Anais and Faora helped out, or tried to, as much as they could.

However, once again, a familiar figure appeared in the area, her presence felt around the entire area. Faora's little artifact glowed ever so slightly. The pirate woman couldn't see what was happening around the Magemother, but she knew it had to be something good, right?

Jagred was now alone as well. The charcoal-skinned woman was nowhere to be found. She was gone. Did she escape because of the Magemother? All Faora could do in that moment was to keep calm and collected. Once the help had arrived, and the situation defused ever so slightly, most if not all of the important players present in the area were teleported. They were now in a different area.

The boarman was unconscious. The Magemother approached the group, healed the former but also in the process, she asked questions. Questions about their adversaries. The woman who could manipulate fire other than Anais, and the white haired guy she shot at.

Judging by Anais' expression, and after having a closer look at the Magemother, she couldn't help but agree. This woman was powerful, and she had saved the lot twice in three days. Her attention moved towards the people who spoke around her, but it quickly diverted towards her fiery mage of a friend.

"Hm?" She walked up to her, before looking in the Magemother's direction. "No, I don't know. Honestly, That was pretty much what I heard as well. Unfortunately, we were not able to capture one of these people!"

Keeping quiet, she turned towards Estefania, who Anais' was asking a simple question. Yes, who used shadow magic? Pondering on the situation at hand, she was wondering why the Magemother was asking.

"Is there a reason behind your question? I mean, about Shadow Magic?"
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Anais's little jab made him grin a little wider, her push hardly moving him. The firecracker girl was spirited at least. Between the Red Plague and that psychotic albino, he would have figured she'd want nothing to do with the business now. A solid heart, that one.

His smile softened at the Magemother's own directive, a slight shrug as she spoke. He didn't go looking for fights. Fights found him. But he supposed that wasn't the sort of answer the 'ruler' of Aesyth wanted, so the savage just nodded instead, once. But as his treatment concluded, the arcane lady posed another question, one that brought forth to mind the shadowy tendrils that consumed his adversary, pulling her into another place far, far away.

"It was the enemy," he stated simply, "A magical art that transported the one I was duelling away from the flames and out of sight."

Such irritating garbage. Jagred could count it as his victory at least, if she had to receive someone else's help in order to escape his fists of fury. Yup, definitely his victory. Another nod to himself, before he added, "If it is of use for your investigations, revered Magemother, Adanna, the woman I fought with, also wielded a spear. I disarmed her and tossed it up upon the roof of an adjacent building. If there is a magic that can locate the owner of a lost object…"

He trailed off, knowing that the rest could be inferred from there. Sharp footsteps reminded him of the presence of others, and as he turned his head, the fencer from before had arrived as well, naming herself and thanking him.

Unnecessary, considering the part she played in his victory, but he'll accept those feelings anyways.

Rising to his feet, he offered a firm handshake, before saying, "Due to the Magemother's treatment, I'm fine, Condesa, but I thank you for your concern. I'm Jagred Stone-of-Heart, shieldbearer…though I haven't had many opportunities to use my shields recently. Though your performance on the battlefield may be subpar compared to your skill in the training halls, that singular thrust of yours was still what sparked our collective victory over those vile eldernappers, and for that reason alone, you should hold yourself up with a measure of pride. Your skill no doubt surpasses mine, so from here on out, one must simply hone the steadiness of their mind."

If a little encouragement was all that was required to raise a new master of the blade, Jagred wasn't bothered with having to speak more than he usually did.
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Vi's bunny nose twitched nervously. Red hair. Red hair that twisted and curled like seaweed. Ms. Seaweed Head, that's what she called the girl earlier. She found the girl startling enough back at the Quincey's residence but the sudden attention on her was downright scary. Letting out a bubbly squeal, the sea bunny darted behind Estefania. She figured she could talk to the Magemother about her quest later. Anais appeared too big a threat to be ignore.

"I am not a mermaid," Vi corrected Anais from where she remained with her hands perched on the fencer's shoulders. "I am a carbuncle. A sea rabbit…" She didn't what else to say to the wild haired human. Was the girl even human? Vi wasn't sure. She doubted any human could reach such a shrill pitch. It hurt her ears.

The carbuncle kept her ears folded and flattened against her head in anticipation. She didn't look forward to hearing more from the fire mage right now. Thankfully, the Wise One, the woman Ms. Este called the Magemother, seemed to be searching for answers.

A green eyed woman spoke after Anais. Vi didn't know who she was but the shrill girl called this human Faora. Vi peeked quickly over Estefania's shoulders before hiding again to avoid Anais' eyes. Sir Hero, whom referred to himself as Jagred, spoke next. He had disarmed the challenger during the battle and tossed her spear up a roof. It was impressive! Vi wanted to give Jagred a smile but, when she peered over Estefania's shoulder a second time, she noticed that Ms. Seaweed Head was visible too. Eeping softly, the bunny ducked back down.

Finally, the floor was theirs. Vi hoisted herself up again and did her best not to look at the fire mage. She chose to focus on Jagred and the Magemother instead. "I - I hope you don't mind me saying something." She hesitated. "I didn't see who it was but I don't think the mage is in our group. The magic - I don't know how to explain. Um the magic felt different. It wasn't like the white haired man's. It wasn't the woman's. I don't know. This other magic, shadow magic you called it, came and you came after. Your magic drowned it away. The mage Nova … her magic felt faint compared to yours."
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Considering all of his past adventures and experience, this by far was the most chaotic. Lawrence was accustom to magic but nothing of this scale. Never before had the Solistian witnessed so many different forms of magic in one place at one time. Solistia was home to many magic users, especially hears, fire casters (similar to Anais), and it wasn't unusual for some fishermen to have some proficiency in water or wind magicks—even if they were only talismans or charms. But this... it was enough to practically overwhelm Lawrence. Standing over the still form of Miss Quincy, the young man stood his ground, pistols raised should Jagred and the fencer need further assistance.

The blows that had been exchanged were brutal, bringing a grimace to Lawrence's face. He had to have it to Jagred, the guy could take a hit. Maybe he was more beast than man, those existed right?

Yet despite the other male's ferocity in battle he was beginning to grow weary. Lawrence felt a twinge of dread as each blow broke upon Jagred's neck, preparing to aim his pistol one last time. He had been hesitant to shoot for fear of causing Jagred harm with him so close to the enemy. Fortunately, help arrived. The air grew strange, as if the atmosphere were shifting. Lawrence wasn't sure what it was but he had a hunch it had something to do with magic. His guess was confirmed as the magemother appeared, rescuing the fallen soldiers. Golden eyes flickered to Jagred to find the female warrior gone in a ghastly wisp of smoke. The enemy had escaped but at least they didn't lose anyone.

Lawrence winced as the healer carefully probed his skull, locating a tender bump where the debris had struck him back at the house. "Sorry, I'm almost done." She murmured, hand glowing has she gentle cup his head. Seconds later, the throbbing ebbed away. The Solistian sighed, "Thanks, feels much better." The healer smiled, giving him a quick once-over, "Anything else hurt?"

Lawrence eased himself up from the chair he had been sitting in, stretching out his muscles and rolling his joints. "Eh, don't think so, just some little things, no need to waste you're magic on me. I'm sure others need it more." She nodded, patting his shoulder lightly. "Just ask if you need anything then."

Lawrence grunted lightly, letting his eyes roam as some of the party talked with the magemother. His eyes found Quincy. The old lass was placed on a cot with a healer standing by her head, one hand hovered carefully over her chest. "Will the lady be alright, Miss?" Lawrence asked.

The healer followed Lawrence's gaze. "She'll be alright sir, Marcy's with her. She was a bit shaken up with some minor injuries to her head and abdomen, but we're addressed the worst of it." The healer assured him, "Just needs some rest is all."

Lawrence nodded, "Thank you."
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Estefania narrowed her eyes at the red-haired girl who, by now, had committed two insults against her person. To think she would be accused of being a mage! Thankfully, Jagred's words of inspiration soothed the Condesa before she could bite back at Anais. She swelled with pride, try as she could to hide it. "Thank you for praising my melee abilities," Estefania replied, with a meaningful glare boring into the pyromancer.

Thankfully, Vivi redirected the inquiries regarding shadow magic, and assured folks that Estefania didn't possess a speck of magical ability. Then, the Magemother spoke...


"I see," the Magemother spoke, after listening to everyone's comments regarding the situation. "From what you've reported, Corrin knew about this... plague, and for that, he was kidnapped by this group. Perhaps for their own reasons, or they were contracted by a more sinister organization--either way, it is a line of thought to be deliberated upon later, once the boy is safe." The archmage trailed off, and cast a look at Jagred, then Faora. "I could find its owner, but that requires a... ritual of sort, and the end result may be rife with errors. However, this shadow magic..."

Vivi explained, and the Magemother nodded. As expected of the Otherfolk to be particularly attuned to arcane influences. It also lent even more credence to Jagred's claim, that his opponent was transported away. That was... worrying. They were a capable group, and the guards were hardly in fighting capacity at the moment. "I believe your companions have explained the point correctly--ah!"

The savant broke off and her head rolled back. Her eyes were wide, milky white orbs of light, as she stared at something that wasn't there. Moments passed. Then the Magemother glanced down, and in a hurried voice said, "We must move! I sense a significant output of that same shadow magic just outside of Aesyth. If I am to hazard a guess, it must be the place they had teleported to. If we make haste, we can catch these criminals!" She swivelled to the side, her robes twirling with her movement. "Prepare yourself, then seek me out once you are all ready. I will grant you permission to borrow from the nearby stalls and arm yourselves, if you are still willing to undertake this task," the Magemother exclaimed, her arm sweeping around to gesture at the closed forges and enchanting workshops in the Great Hall. And then she walked off to the other gathering of soldiers, to tell them the same news.
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"Understood," the savage said, leaping up onto his feet. Magic truly was a miracle when applied for the benefit of humans and Magicals alike. Testing his full rotation of movements, Jagred confirmed that there was not a single part of his body that was lacking in functionality, before nodding once at Estefania. "Time to prove yourself once more, Condesa."

Long strides brought him into the forges of the Great Hall, where dozens of weapons lined up against racks. Silvered steel, hardened wood, and a variety of other deadly weapons presented themselves before him, but Jagred disregarded them all, hefting up an ensorcelled tower shield onto his back instead. Looking down at his scorched clothing for a moment, the Lidaran mercenary nodded once and decided that he didn't want to get blasted into bits by some edgy white kid's magical gizmos. Leather armor, tough and resilient against impacts, was the man's go-to there, taking the largest available before tying it over his form. Breastplate, greaves, gloves, and headgear. The craftsmanship was lacking compared to the leatherworking techniques of his people, but this...this would do.

Bursting out of the forges once more, Jagred made eyecontact with the Magemother, before calling out, "I am prepared, Magemother. You'll be transporting us there, I presume?"
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She was a... crab uncle? Anais tilted her head to the site. Mermaid sounded a lot better in her head, but if the cute creature wanted to be called that, then she'd follow Vi's wishes. The pyromancer broke into a grin. "Anyway, pleasure to meet you! You're super adorable." She was so caught up in the magical's cuteness that she didn't quite notice Estefania giving her a disapproving glance. She caught the tail end of the girl's state, but by then she was already talking to sassy boar man.

Faora and the crab uncle started sharing information with the mage mother and Anais found herself nodding. So Fannie wasn't the mage... well, she hadn't sensed magic from the girl anyway. But considering she was pretty crappy at sensing magic, she figured the best approach would have been to ask. Better than beating around the bush after all.

The mage mother explained what she thought happened to Corrin, and then, her eyes went white.

Shadow magic just outside of Aesyth. Anais gulped. They were heading right back to the frontlines then. Well... they couldn't disappoint the Magemother. She clenched her fists. This was their call to adventure and it was time to answer it!

"Game time, guys!" She called out to her Faora and Lawrence before following Jagred to the many stalls. Anais eyes went wide at the assortment of available armor and weaponry. Jagred knew exactly what he wanted, but Anais was the opposite. She had her uncles' knife in her messenger bag and her home made bombs - things she actually knew how to use. Still, she'd always wanted to swing around a sword. Anais rushed over to sword rack and picked out one of the blades.

It was made of silver, sleek, and with a blade as long as her arm.

She picked it up, grunted when she realized it was heavier than it looked. She could swing it around with both hands. With one - nope! She zipped around like an excited child and grabbed a helmet for herself before heading back to her friends.

The helmet and sword were both too big for her, but she insisted on taking it anyway.

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Anais' attention wavered like a small flame in the wind. She didn't even stay long enough to hear what Vi was about to say. The poor carbuncle ended up addressing air and dust. "A - a pleasure, Miss. I think you're ... adorkable too..." Vi trailed off, feeling a little silly. Catching wisps of seaweed in the currents was easier than getting the human's attention, the bunny concluded. Maybe that's what she meant when she said 'adorkable'. Someone who comes and goes like the summer breeze.

She waited patiently for the Magemother to finish speaking before leaning over to whisper to Estefania. "Miss Estefania, the people from before, those scary people, they are adorkable, aren't they? They come and they disappear quickly."

Feeling proud for learning a new word, the little healer finally let go of the condesa's shoulders and drifted to the woman's left. Vi hovered around shoulder height, studying where the rest were headed. "I - I guess I should come?" she asked uncertainly.

She knew they hadn't quite completed Miss Quincey's quest yet but leaving the Circle so soon seemed counterproductive. The Circle had been her ultimate goal after all. Then again, she realized they haven't succeeded in reuniting Miss Quincey with her son. That goal was just as important to her. "Oh ... I guess I could go too. For Miss Quincey, yes?"

"I shall go find water, Miss Estefania," she explained. "I need it for my spells. Maybe I can find someone to help me with the plants here. I want to see what we can use for medicine."

Vi passed by a curious stall filled with lamps, carpets, maps and urns. She stopped to inspect the wares before leaving with a small enchanted water skin. According to the stall keeper, she could store up to three days' worth of water in it without worrying about the extra weight. The water skin was designed to remained slim and light.

Her next stop was the Herbologist. She passed the woman a leather bound book from inside her sling and asked for detailed sketches of the common medicinal plants around Aesyth. Vi even asked for written instructions on how to use them. She figured that even if she wasn't able to read what was written someone else in the group would be able to.

Her final stop was the water fountain. Here she filled up her water skin and packed enough water beads to fill up the remaining space in her sling. When she returned to the area, the first person she bumped into was Lawrence. Vi smiled and waved her hands. "Welina," she greeted. "Hello, Mr. Lawrence! How's the good Miss Quincey? I hope she and you are much better. I saw the healers helping you two."
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[OOC: Changing MM's dialogue color to make it easier to read.]

The Magemother waited for the adventurers with a certain degree of impatience; time was important, after all. Every second spent here was time the miscreants could use to further their nefarious deeds. Once they had gathered before here—all of them, she noted with approval, and only some took advantage of her lenience to borrow enchanted stores from the Circle's allied artisans—the archmage brought them all to attention with an authoritative call. What remained of the guards were already waiting. "Good. Now, I've briefed the guards on what we should expect. A confluence of the very same shadow magic I had sensed earlier has formed at a spot outside Aesyth—somewhere within territory once operated by the Felan Panning Company." She brought her hands up, and as her audience watched as an image constructed from arcane light flowed into being before their eyes. Illusion magic. While many believed illusions were deceit incarnate, such magic could also be used for far more mundane purposes. For this situation, it was used to create a map showing a simple network of passages. The routes all led to a rectangular room at the center of the system. "The FPC started a gold panning business a few decades ago, although they quickly became bankrupt because—as I've told them—there is nothing of value on our riverbanks. Then, inspired by some bedtime story about the bones of a great, mystical beast hidden deep beneath Aesyth—or perhaps simple desperation—poor, foolish Felan ordered his crew to start digging down."

With her words regarded with rapt attention, the sorceress continued, "The place is abandoned now. However, it is still of considerable length. Do take notice of this." The Magemother flicked her wrist and specific portions of the map shone with golden light—the tunnels, from what it seemed, had two outlets that led back to the surface, one at the east and the other at the opposite side. She jutted her finger at the center room, the tip of her nail piercing through the illusion. "If there is a place where the villains have gone, it must be here. Now, I have to say that I've based my construction off on the last blueprint we had received from the company—the one they had submitted on the day they applied for bankruptcy. I don't see much reason, or time, for the layout to have changed."

She drew both hands away and the map dissolved into the air, motes of magic wafting and falling upon the nearest individuals with a soft, almost imperceptible fizzle. "I hope I am right. In any case, we must make haste. As there are two entrances, I'm afraid we will have to split up to block both paths and minimize our targets' chance of escape. I can also only transport you to an approximation... You will have to locate the exact entrance yourselves. This task is not too heavy; I believe all of you are capable enough to do so. Concerns?" While the archmage waited for a protest or inquiry, five soldiers moved into the group, while their companions stayed where they are. There were about three squadrons left, with the adventurers escorted by one—earlier, there was a huge commotion about rousing the rest of Aesyth's Watch and following the other units into securing the city's borders. The group could remember that the horde of soldiers approaching them along the intersection marched away as soon as they were saved. So it was not at all unreasonable that only a token force was left to assist the Circle, what with the Magemother and the Arcane Council's arsenal as powerful as it is.

"If there are no other questions…" The Magemother said, and then brought her hand up. The world started to shift again…