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"That's good. Go ahead, think I'll rest here a bit for now."

With a sigh the wounded Bryte set himself down in the kitchen floor. Having not found alcohol, but his wound healed by the mysterious powers of the Magical. It was no longer of immediate concern as he closed his eyes to put a damper on the wild spinning of the world around him. Nerves settling as the sound of the Magical's odd movements left the building, he released tension at the moment respite before registering a slight tingling within his skull.

Opening his eyes once the sensation intensified after a few minute the world around him looked vaguely different, new even. Where was he? He thought to himself before wondering at what was causing the strange sensation. He knew he hadn't taken anything for his pain and yet his head felt numb. Within the next moment he found himself walking upright among the streets in the opposite direction of Prudence's estate. How had he arrived there? He lightly questioned before pondering what he had been thinking previously. Hadn't someone been hurt? Who was that?


With a streak of blood running from his nose and a haze in his eyes, the strange wanderer took the stairs down in silence. Absentmindedly turning the handle of an open door several times before walking out into the streets. There he disappeared among the crowd that soon gathered outside. Unlikely to be seen again by the citizens of Aesyth and doubtless to be cured of the serious illness to inflict him.
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The criminal had been cornered; his elderly hostage, albeit shaken and seemingly on the verge of a heart attack, was safe in the protection of the adventurers. With Aesyth's guards on one side closing in, batons at the ready, and mages preparing spells on the other while Prudence's mercenaries readied themselves, it seemed that Havoc's short reign of explosive chaos will soon come to an abrupt end.

Unfortunately, Fate had another story in mind.

The first sign that the situation wouldn't arrive at its ideal outcome came from one of the novice magi, the individual who had lobbed the frost spell. As her companion rushed away to heal the black-haired swordswoman who had accompanied the civilian group, she suddenly veered towards the elemental barrier, surprise and unease plastered over her features, and placed a hand over its surface.

Snapping and crunching noises tore through the street as the construct began to collapse on itself — and a comet of red-hot fire pierced through the barrier, dislodging and sending chunks of ice flying with its vicious advance. The unfortunate guards bore the brunt of its searing charge, shrieking in pain and fear as they each flew to either side of the warpath. Steam billowed from the wreckage and covered the intersection with a thin film of humid air, and the comet stepped out to face the group.

Except as the flames flickered and thinned around the figure, one could see it wasn't any sort of extraterrestrial rock at all.


The woman was well-armored in leather and beaten copper plates, and imposing with a build that spoke of power and endurance. She was nearly as tall as Jagred, give or take an inch or two, and yet she had recovered from her charge with little trouble. Perhaps most worrying was the fact that she wielded a tall, heavy-looking spear, with a harsh, jagged tip that looked as though it was made for a bloodhunt — for maiming and tearing meat. "You," the fighter said in a deep, neutral voice, and cast her disapproving eyes upon the white-haired troublemaker. From the looks of it, he had been reaping the consequences of his brash behavior — she would have loved to let him rot a little bit longer, considering other matters at hand, but he had to be stopped before he brought the entire city upon their heads. "You returned, risking all else, for the matriarch. Yet your trophy is absent from your arms."

She quickly raked her dark-eyed gaze through the line-up in front of her, ignoring the groans from the fallen soldiers behind them. Adie silently moved into combat stance, her spear glinting wickedly under the light as she picked a target. Though she identified the red-haired brute as, roughly, an equal in terms of strength, there were no rules here. The weak had to be culled first. "Havoc. Commit. Retrieve your objective, or flee," Adie added as she leaned forward, ready for another lunge. Either way, it goes without saying that she will lend her arm to the fight, to cover his escape or to provide a secondary distraction. Magpie was on the way already, anyway — even Havoc would remember that, considering the mage's constant role as their getaway portal.

Adie's feet left the ground quickly, the energy she had been building for a pounce coiling through her body as she swiftly covered the distance between her and her prey: the three huddled, spindly little girls.

She was their age when she joined the gladiatorial pits.

"Phsssh, I'm obviously a saint compared to this guy. Hurting oldies, man, that's low. I've got standards, Jagred!"

Well, wasn't this convenient? Prudence was safe in Jagred's arms and Faora had shot the bastard in the leg. Injured and surrounded, she doubted the man would be a big threat, even if he could lob one of his colorful bombs at them. Things were looking up, at least until the frozen barrier was melted away by a comet? No, another mage then?

Had the situation been less dire, Anais would have gaped at the level of skill the woman before them had displayed. Right now though, the newcomer's intentions were ambiguous, and Anais' left hand dug into her messenger bag. She wrapped her fingers around one of the handful of bombs she'd crafted back in Ivalon. They weren't dangerous, mostly they malfunctioned, but they had gotten her out of sticky situations before, and this was one heckuva sticky situation.

The pyromancer's fingers tightened around what she assumed was the oil bomb, a smooth metallic circle that would dispense oil whenever it crashed into something with enough force. Her grip tightened as the woman spoke to Havoc.

His trophy, things became clear, and a split second later, Adie was upon them.

Her don't-get-arrested and don't-disgrace-your-family instincts kicked in. Anais flounder back, throwing out her arm in the process. The oil bomb smashed against the pavement in front of them and oil began seeping out of its metallic case. She didn't know if she'd be able to cast anything worthwhile in time, but she threw out her other hand, sending measly sparks of fire at the spilled oil pooling on the ground. "Faora, Swordy, watch out!" She was a novice really, but the thing about oil... well, it was a combustible liquid.
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Warden

Small, labored pants signalled the blue bunny's arrival. She floated woozily as her blue slowly creeped back into her purplish cheeks. Vi's mind swarm with exhaustion and oxygen deprivation, leaving her in a less than alert state. Havoc's words barely left an impression until he shouted the word "catch". Next thing she knew, hundreds of pounds of quivering flesh hurtled towards her with enough force to send her flying. Potentially crushing her.

"Aiyeeeee ~ !" she screamed, shielding her face with her frail arms. Not once did she think of running off. The thought simply didn't cross her panicked mind. She was too worried about the pain the impact would deliver to her petite frame.

Light dimmed to nothingness. The darkness made carbuncle lower her quaking hands hesitantly. Before her, like a hero of old, stood a man with blood red hair. His muscles taut and ready. The mighty Hercules caught the woman with little to no effort on his part. A magnificent feat that awed the little rabbit.

"You're a hero," she whispered. "Thank you kindly. Thank you! You saved us."

Her gratitude was so sincere that she would have liked nothing more than to continue singing his praises. Vi's attention was brought back to Prudence by Jagred's request. She could see the woman was pale and clammy. Madam Quincey looked nothing like her earlier self as she shook and hyperventilated.

"Good hero, sir, thank you for being our protector. I am happy to heal her."

Vi swam over to the woman and took a pudgy hand into hers. Soft, soothing words were crooned repeatedly while the apprentice examined woman. She couldn't detect any signs of bleeding. Bruising or bone fracturing would require a more thorough examination later. The woman needed to calm down first.

One ear remained upright and the other folded down. The sea bunny hadn't had that many experiences healing wounded humans thus far. This made her constantly worry about the outcome, but right now she didn't have the luxury of time to second guess herself. Nothing good ever happened when someone reached Prudence's state.

Vi gave Prudence's stubby fingers a reassuring squeeze then let go. Swiftly, she fished out three beads of water. She merged them together into a sizeable sphere, an equivalent of one gulp of water for an adult human. Blue sparks pulsed from her fingers, entering the water and turning it a shimmering blue.

"Please drink this." The carbuncle held up the blue bead towards Prudence's lips. She pressed the cool surface of the calming draught towards the parted lips. "It will help you relax," she explained. "You need to relax."

Vi started sponging Prudence's sweat soaked face with a fresh bead of water, waiting for the draught to take effect. The warmth should be spreading slowly throughout the body by now. A soothing sensation similar to hot tea on a rainy day. Besides this and keeping calm, there wasn't much else she could do at the moment.

Keeping calm wasn't easy. Vi's single upright ear kept her updated. She knew that someone else had arrived. She knew the ice wall had shattered. Each new piece of information made it harder to stay the reassuring healer. She really had no choice but to put her trust in Jagred. If he fell, she wouldn't stand a chance against the white calamity.

"Sir Hero, be careful," she pleaded. "That man. We can't let him have Ms. Quincey."
Havoc was a proud bastard. Proud and cocky. In mists of throwing the poor old hag towards the so-called heroes, the pale-haired male was well convinced he had managed to evade his own capture. So the sudden, sharp, exploding pain in his leg struck him like a well-placed sucker punch; the smirk of victory frozen on his face as his violet eyes widened in shock. It was like the world slowed down, moving so slowly that Havoc could perceive everything, right down to the smoke snaking lazily out of the barrel of the gun that sniped him. Even that glowing green eye.

Then he hit the ground.

The pain slithered up his leg, radiating and throbbing with a rage of its own. Havoc gasped, hands reaching down to clamp mercilessly onto the wound, demanding to extinguish the pain. His flesh paled beyond his usual pallor and sweat began to bead along his brow. Through the pounding heartbeat in his ears Havoc could barely make out the shouts and jeers from the mass of do-gooders. A single angry eye glared out at the bunch, much like a wounded corner beast might; teeth bared and bristled.

Fortunately, this wolf wasn't alone. The sudden rise in temperature followed by the ever comforting sound of combusting air brought a nasty sneer to Havoc's pained face. "Not today ya little shit," He hissed, staring down the brunette. A long-range fighter, something to be wary off next time. He turned his head to glare at Adie next, presenting her with his best shit-eating grin. "What can I say, I'm a risk taker, sweetheart!" He chuckled, waving a bloodied gauntlet through the air in a most casual matter. "Besides, I wouldn't say the hag was much of trophy." He grunted, turning toward the newly opened path. "I'd say my work is done here, plenty of destruction to go around. You can take it from here, catch ya later."

Limping away, Havoc raised his hand and adjusting the setting on his gauntlets, fixing the recovering guardsmen with a feral sneer. With a snap of his metallic fingers, Havoc set off another of his signature bombs, kicking up a free cloud of dust and debris. His lanky form soon disappeared into it, leaving little trace but the stray drops of a blood. "Until next time kiddies!"
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Warden

Just when they thought they had it all in hand, a new character joined the scene and upended their little tableau. Estefania gaped at the muscular woman, whose voice rumbled like thunder when she spoke to the bomb-loving brigand, and her eyes were inevitably drawn to her weapon. A spear. Instinctively, the condesa reached for her rapier and pulled it out. She didn't have a clue as to how she was going to fight against that kind of weapon, but common sense dictated that a fighter with a polearm needed distance. Closing said distance should be her top priority if she wanted to be effective.

Estefania quickly glanced at her surroundings. To the left, the swordswoman and the novice healer had disappeared, having left before the barrier crumbled down. The other magi had made her way to the guardsmen, two of which had recovered and were crouched over their third comrade – the one who stood in the center of their formation, from what it seemed. When she flicked her eyes back to the matter at hand—

The fighter was lunging for them with impressive speed, her spear glinting wickedly under the daylight.

Panicked, the fencer took a step backward—before her own feet seemed to move of their own accord, launching her forward and into a growing column of flame what was that doing there!?

"Faora, Swordy, watch out!"

Too late. Estefania charged past the fire before stopping and twirling around immediately, her free hand furiously swatting to extinguish the flames eating at the back of her skirt. That little peasant was going to have a talking-to later when this situation was resolved. Fortunately for Anais, the fire was too weak to deal a significant burn to the aristocrat's person; smoke rising out of her dress, the condesa turned to face her enemy once more—committing the grave mistake of succumbing to distraction in a combat scenario.

A comet? No, a woman, tall and muscled, charred black by the blazing sun that she must have fought under so many times before. The white-haired youth, crawling on the ground with one leg damaged, was nothing compared to the spearwoman, and Jagred instinctively felt the muscles in the back of his neck go taut, legs bending down slightly, his large frame bunching up. Dangerous. Magical power that broke apart that great ice barrier. Physical power to stick the landing. And most importantly…a cold, measured confidence that came from attaining victory after suffering a great many losses.

His shields weren't there. He wasn't well-equipped at all for the task at hand, but Jagred felt the pulsing beat of his heart regardless. The war drum. Vivi's praise fell to deaf ears as he drew strength from the fencer's own bravery, charging forward. The flames were but a curtain, oily smoke rising from the conflagration. The white-haired had blasted off, so there really was only one target left to restrain, wasn't there?

One hand rose to the collar of his shirt, the thin fabric tearing off as he ripped it off his chest. His pants were made of tougher material, but the flimsy material would catch fire much too easily. Wrapping it around his right hand, Jagred leapt dramatically in, and then through, the flames, feeling hot tendrils lick his skin, feeling the too-potent warmth that persisted over his right hand even after passing it.

The bundle was burning.


Blood for blood. Pain for pain. Flame for flame. A familiar declaration burst from his chest as he tactfully ignored the fumbling of the fencer girl, hoping voice alone was enough to draw the attention of the charcoal-skinned woman.

"I am Jagred Stone-of-Heart! Name yourself, challenger!"
One would think that things would get easier for them, but it didn't. The ice wall was no more, or rather, there was a hole in it. Another stranger showed up. One who gave a rather intense first impression to those around her. A big, dark skinned female, and someone who seemed quite familiar with their adversary.

Curious, Faora still kept her rifle aimed at the one who tried kidnapping Prudence. Judging by his reaction to her action, he was in pain. Looking in Anais' and the female next to her, it did not take long for the kidnapper to flee, and the new stranger to dash in their direction. Her green orbs widened, and everything else that came after, came quick.

The new stranger was in league with the kidnapper, that much was given. A spear in her hand, and the capability to use fire magic, the pirate woman had little to no time to react. Anais' made sure she had enough to time take a step back from the splattered oil on the ground.

To increase their distance from the new adversary, she listened in time, moving her rifle back towards her shoulder, before jumping back and away. The spark of fire that came from Anais' was enough to engulf the oil in fire. "Nice think--" The female with white hair jumped forward regardless of the danger, and even her clothes caught on fire, but luckily, it was minimal damage if anything. To her clothes, that is. "Crap.."

Gazing at Anais, her attention swiftly moved over the new adversary's shoulder. The boarman had interfered. One big man against one big woman, what a nice fit. Faora was more concerned about the one who was getting away. "Anais, what should we do. Prudence is being taken care of.. We should go after the other guy.. He can't be that far ahead.."
Starting from her capture, Prudence had felt very ill. Oh, not from panic or terror as most had assumed, but from anger. The man wrecked her house and lugged her along like a sack of potatoes; he was lucky her ancient body was far too unhealthy to respond to her rage. Instead of a berserker's adrenaline rush, Prudence was afflicted with the precursor of a heart attack. Her chest constricted quite painfully throughout the entire ordeal, and she was quite sure she would kick the bucket before the day was over — but by all the deities in this stupid world, she would land a hit on this pasty-faced brigand first!

The strange Magical was assigned to care for her while the other more able-bodied people fought the new entry, who reminded the old merchant far too much of her own glory days. Prudence had also barely zoned in on Vivi's assurances; she was too focused on keeping calm when she saw the madman slip away. However, the "medicine" began to work, and judging the smallest bit of comfort as a sign she was ready for whatever it is she wanted to do, she heaved herself off the ground like a shaking warship.

"I'll wallop that wacko and wipe that shit-eating grin off his face!" Prudence spat out, yet even more sweat forming on her forehead. She leaned on the nearby wall for support as she made her way back to her residence, one tremulous and uncertain step at a time. "Let me get my war hammer! I'll show 'im!"

Oh, poor Vivi.

@Fox of Hearts


She thought correct. The alchemist didn't gauge her fellow's reactions, leading to a minor accident, where the delicate girl was distracted by her own finery; the battle would have ended then and there if another combatant hadn't entered the picture.

Emerging through the growing fire, the red-haired man brazenly issued a challenge. Now shirtless and equipped with a flaming fist, he seemed dedicated to close the distance and press his melee advantage — and she wasn't about to let him. But he had a significantly longer stride than any of the little women. She had overextended.

"Adanna," she replied, curt and flat compared to Jagred's impassioned declaration. It seemed she wasn't much for words, unlike the more boisterous Havoc. The gladiator slid closer, fueled by the momentum of her charge, and snapped her spear to the side. The blade left an odd whistle in the air as it slid a scant few inches from Jagred's skin. Adie's arms bunched up and she forcefully slammed the staff against his side, his fist crunching into the dull plate atop her shoulder as she ducked. Prudence shrieked in surprise when Adie hit and bounced off the wall beside her.

The impact of the hits led to a repositioning; now, the spearwoman found her back turned to the street the group had come from, and Jagred covered the intersection.

Adie, without moving into a proper stance, launched a salvo of thrusting attacks at the weaker one of the two. Estefania let out an undignified squeak and attempted to block the first attack with her toothpick of a sword — a mistake — before staggering back to avoid the second one. Judging by the pinched expression on the noblewoman's face, her sword arm stung from the previous blow.

Adie stalked forward, regaining lost ground.


Meanwhile, Havoc's last present caused the guards yet another bout of trouble. The explosion caused the wall of the house they had been clustered against to partially crumble, burying them under a significant amount of debris. However, flashes of light emerged from visible gaps in the wreckage — the magi had managed to throw up a barrier before all else.

But the light was growing weaker, a dying pulse.

@Akashi @Fox of Spades @Rose305
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Worry flashed across her features as Estefania charged through the pillar of fire. Instead of preventing the woman from charging at them, all she'd managed to do was distract her companion. She would have launched herself - rather stupidly - to the girl's aid, but found she had no need to once Jagred had interfered. He was tough, the girl would be alright for now.

It was only then that Anais finally made sense of Faora's words.

Right... they still had that bastard to deal with. "Gotcha, let's go get him." She would have followed after Faora in pursuit of Havoc, no questions asked. But then the explosion was followed up with a crash and scattered debris. The wall had toppled over, threatening to crush those who'd been caught beneath the rubble. The choice was clear, Havoc would have to wait.

Shit. Whoever was underneath didn't seem like they'd last long.

Anais launched herself towards the rubble, lifting as much as she could and tossing it out of the way. "Faora, we can go after him later! His leg is all busted anyway. Help me free them - fuck I don't think they'll last long." Hurriedly she did what she could. The soldiers who managed to escape the fate of their fellow men and women, began to pitch in.

As the battle between Adana and Jagred raged on, every available pair of hands lifted away at rubble and steel.

"Are you sure?" Vivi squeaked. Her patient getting all fired up like this was bad! The woman might make herself even sicker if she attempted to chase after that mage. What was she to do? What to do? Vi's mind raced around and around inside her head. She didn't want to confront the enraged Quincey Madam because she was trembling inside. Angry people were loud, unpredictable and ... so terrifying. She never failed to say "no" to anyone who looked even the tiniest bit angry. "Please?"

Vi broke down into a tittering mess as she watched the massive woman heave herself off the ground. Prudence's fighting spirit only got her so far much to the healer's relief. The Quincey matriarch barely took a step or two down the path before her sickly pallor returned. Vi saw the woman sweating heavily once more. "Kahaha ... Dios mio!" the healer uttered almost consecutively, flitting quickly towards her patient's side. An equivalent of "I told you so" crossed her exasperated mind, but she felt that she would be wasting her breath. "Miss, you need to sit," the rabbit insisted firmly as she lay a single hand on Prudence's back. "You feel relaxed, yes?"

A gentle, golden green aura surrounded Prudence after Vi channeled her magic using the liberal amounts of sweat bathing the panting human. Not wishing to take any more chances, the sea bunny decided to use a sleep-inducing spell this time. The green seeped through the open pores of the skin and penetrated the layers of fat until it entered the bloodstream. Vi could literally feel Prudence's muscles relaxing, a sign that her spell worked.

She couldn't help feeling a little elated to find out it worked on humans just as well as carbuncles! This spell was her last resort always. Making her more restless patients sleep while they get healed from deep within. Honestly, she felt it was for the best since she was certain that the cause came from inside Prudence's body. And, even if the spell was a bit of an overkill, it wouldn't hurt their quest-giver to wake up energized from her deep slumber. Brimming with youthful vigor, that was what the senior healers told her.

The spell appeared to have been too effective! Vi felt the huge woman tottering backward. The bunny's eyes went very round. "MISS QUINCEY!" she shouted, hoping to rouse the woman. "Miss Quincey! You ... no, no ... AIYEEEEEEE!"

Hundred pounds of slumbering flesh was collapsing upon her. A weight so great she could barely prop it up. She slid as far up Prudence's back as she dared, supporting the whale of a woman using her body weight. A fall like this wouldn't end well for such an elderly person. "Someone! Anyone? HELP!"

Just before the elderly Prudence could completely crush the tiny bunny eared creature a second pair of hands planted themselves firmly against the human woman's shoulders, stopping her descent. Lawrence sighed a little, giving the bunny-eared Magical a crooked grin. "Whoo! That was close!" He chuckled, pushing Prudence up enough to let the poor girl out before laying her carefully on the ground.

The Solistian removed his jacket, bundling up the worn leather and pillowing it beneath the elderly woman's head. Once he was satisfied with his work the human lad turned to Vivi, grinning broadly. "It's a good thing I got here in the nick of time," He mused holding out a hand. "Name's Lawrence by the way. Saw ya back at the house."

"Thank you kindly. You helped me. You helped Miss Quincey too!" Vi exclaimed with a smile. She cocked her head to the side, staring at the outstretched hand in bewilderment. What did he want? A reward? Feeling bad that she didn't have anything decent to offer, Vi fished out the best thing she had in her bag - seaweed biscuits. She smiled awkwardly and placed three tiny ones into his hand. "I hope you like them," she chimed nervously. "I made them."

Lawrence blinked, staring down at the treats in surprise for a moment. Not exactly the greeting he expected but hey, free treats! Grin once more curling up his face Lawrence popped one in his mouth. "Hey, thanks, I was getting kinda hungry." He hummed through his mouthful.

There was a pause as she fished out another three and placed them in his hand. "I saw you too. I am Vivi Whiffle. It's nice to meet you. You and Hero Sir are nice." Her eyes flitted briefly to the Lidaran giant. He was engaged in combat with a dark-skinned woman. A battle so fierce that the bunny found herself hoping not to get involved.

"Pleasure ta meetcha too, Miss Vivi," The human said, gladly accepting her offer of more tasty morsels. Gracefully munching down on her gift, Lawrence mumbled through another mouth of biscuits, "Aw, thanks. You're nice too, I've never been given biscuits before. They're really good!"

After the friendly exchange, the Solistian turned to view the current state of the clash he had seen. Lawrence did just arrive at the scene moments prior having been absent for the chase. After the initial explosion went off and began the chase through town the Solistian had almost lept out the window himself after Anais. But once he took in the state of the building and the number of people still inside he realized that someone had to make sure they all got out alright. Besides, most of the party had already fled to save Prudence and the Solistian was confident they would be fine without him for the moment.

So after several minutes of scoping the house for any remaining workers or house guest Miss Prudence may have had, Lawrence raced to catch up. Fortunately, the trail was easy enough to follow and the smoke and earth-shaking blasts ahead confirmed the location of the white-haired psycho.

The unfortunate part; there seemed to be a new variable added to the mix in the form of a powerhouse warrior going head to head with Jagred.

The Magical bobbed her head in acknowledgment, but her eyes remained on Jagred. She couldn't help worrying about him. "Sir Hero ... does he need help?" she spoke softly as her ears wilted in apprehension. "That woman is strong." She winced visibly and covered her face with her small hands when Adie lunged forward with her spear. Her eyes not daring to peek through the cracks separating each finger. "Is he okay, Sir Lawrence?"

Seemed he wasn't the only one with eyes on Jagred... if Sir Hero meant the towering Lidaran. Lawrence paused, watching the exchange in silence. "I think they'll be okay—"

She only peaked when she heard Estefania. "Miss Estefania!" she positively yelped. "Sir! We got to do something..."

Lawrence narrowed his eyes, hand already snatching his beloved pistol from his belt and taking aim. Two golden eyes stared straight down the barrel, the shaft of the spear in sight. With a single steadying breath, Lawrence pulled the trigger, letting loose a bullet to smash into the dark-skinned warrior's spear in hopes of throwing it off its intended target; Estefania.

@ERode @Warden

Vi watched from the sidelines as the Solistian joined the fray. She kept her fisted hands pressed against her jaw, worrying ceaselessly for all three involved. These were genuinely nice people and she didn't want anything bad to happen to them. In the midst of the battle, a strange glow caught her eye. She turned towards the pile of rubble. Magic? She sensed it coming from beneath that pile yet it was growing weaker.

Someone or someones were trapped in there! The bunny squeaked loudly. Dios Mio! Dios Mio … Kahana! People were in danger and only two women were close by. One of whom she recognized as the red seaweed head from earlier.

She swam over to Anais' side. "Miss, Miss, we need to help," she gasped. "I worry about them." She didn't know how to explain it but magic weakening slowly wasn't a good sign. The castor might be tiring out. He or she might be hurt.

Vi knew that she wasn't going to ever be much help shifting the heavy rubble. She wasn't fast enough to run off and get reinforcements either. The tiny mermaid wrung her hands repeatedly, hoping there was something she can do.

"I …. oh!" she broke off suddenly as she spied gaps between the rubble. An idea clicked inside her head. "Miss," she tugged on Anais' sleeve. "I will go inside. Check on them."

@Fox of Spades @Akashi

Taking a deep breath, the carbuncle began an arduous journey towards the group trapped inside. There was a lot of squeezing, sharp inhalation and wriggling. Despite all the difficulty, she continued on even when fine powder rained on her from above. The rumbling accompanying each shower told her that time was running short.

Eventually, she found herself tapping against a solid barrier of sorts. "Hello?" she called out. "I want to help. Are you … are you hurt? I can go get help."

Her arm was shaking.

The rapier bowed under the impact. Estefania narrowly avoided getting slashed across the arm, if only because she reeled backwards from the force. Before she could even regain her footing the fighter struck once more, forcing Estefania to keep moving away. Every time the condesa tried to counter, the woman would distract her with another salvo. There wasn't even a pattern to see; "Adanna" simply kept throwing one strike after another. Fencing -- her style of fencing -- was precise and mathematical. This was far too random, and far too quick! What was she supposed to do!?

Fortunately, help arrived in the form of a gun, but the noblewoman would only find out about that later. A loud bang! tore through the air. Estefania watched, wide-eyed, as the woman's next lunge went wide. She couldn't exactly process what had happened; only the dawning hope that this was her chance. Blood pounding in her ears, she dug her heel in and met Adanna's charge.

Aim for something!

Estefania's small frame easily darted under the spear and the fighter's bulky figure. Her rapier flashed once with red when she brought it up in a quick, narrow cut over Adanna's wrist. And then she was gone.
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It struck but it did nothing but bruise as Jagred shifted his body in the nick of time, moving with the impact of the shaft. Bumping past him, the dark-skinned spearwoman unleashed another flurry of blows in close quarters, the fencer girl having finally gathered her wits enough to deflect them. Good. She was getting into the rhythm of combat, and for a moment, the red-haired savage was content with watching the fencer dance about, the thin blade somehow managing to parry Adanna's mighty blows. But his own eyes remained alert, flickering all about as he watched his surroundings, kept track of positioning, searched for intent, his left hand open and ready to yank the frail fencer back the moment a deadly blow was ready.

It was for that reason that Jagred was well-prepared when Lawrence shifted off to the side, his gun barrel bursting to life. For all of his past mistakes, the man was a crackshot, possessing terrifying accuracy as a concussive round smashed into the side of the spear, leaving it open just in time for a lightning quick thrust to capitalize on the opening. The needle threaded blood, and the monolith burst into action, one open palm thrusting into the spear and closing over it. Stepping in deep, he rotated the spear against Adanna's weakened grip, and, as casually as walking, twisted the blood-spear out of her weakened grasp.

In his palm, it was heavy and stank of violence, and with a grimace, Jagred tossed it skywards. The weapon clattered on the rooftop of an adjacent building, as he brought his fists up. Backlit by Anais's alchemical flame, there was no need for words between the two warriors now, as he bounced forwards with a quick trio of punches.
Only one guard out of the three had made it out of the blast radius in the nick of time, although it looked like he was the youngest in the team. Glass-eyed and sweating rivulets under his helm, the recruit was fumbling for something until Anais arrived.

"Oh… ah, thanks, thanks for the help!" he cried out and left her to it, turning away and whipping out a knobby, fist-sized chunk of metal from a belt pouch. Clearly prioritizing this task over whatever trouble his allies were in, the boy dug in his pockets and fished out an orange cartridge. He took a painfully long time to load the gun, tongue sticking out as sweat dripped down his face onto the firearm's scratched metal surface. "Gosh, I hope this works, I don't even know how to use it!"

On the other hand, the carbuncle's efforts proved a little more productive. From within the circular barrier, a young woman's voice drifted out. "Y-yeah, we're fine! Ugh. Well, not really. Can you go out for a bit? I'll try to push this thing outward, it's a little cramped." As if the accentuate her point, the magi's barrier shimmered once. "Or you could come in and… and heal? Or help me with the barrier if you know how to? I... Whatever you want, really. You're a Magical, aren't you? Can't you do something well… not to be offensive, big?"

Their conversation was interrupted by a horrendous sound from nearby. A whoosh, signalling compressed air rushing out from somewhere, and a high-pitched whine assailed the senses. So did a sour, burnt odor. The greenhorn's helm had slipped over his face as he fired the shot; the flare… round… or whatever one called the small, smoking cartridge puttered to the ground uselessly before rolling to a stop at the center of the intersection. He stared at it, the disbelief on his face growing, until it started vibrating -- to which his disbelief was replaced by horror.

"Oh no! Duck!" The recruit screeched and tackled Anais as the cannister exploded but a couple of meters away from them, showing the street with an upward spray of orange and pink. Unfortunately for the team helping the guards, they were close enough for a hefty dosage of the color treatment. One could only hope it wasn't toxic.

The harmless, if not irritating, explosion was quickly answered by a thunderclap, coming from the direction of the Circle tower.

@Fox of Spades @Fox of Hearts @Akashi

The cute magical from earlier was chattering away in her ear. Of course she was trying to help, what exactly did the magical think she was doing right now? Anais clenched her jaw as the soles of her shoes dug into rubble and dirt. Straining, she managed to shift one of the larger bricks away from the pile it was on. She tossed it aside... this was very ineffective. She wasn't exactly given the gift of muscles, not like a certain Lidaran who liked to throw shade as much as he liked to throw boars.

Screw it.

"Faora, I don't think we're doing shit." It didn't help that the soldier who'd escaped the blast was busy with some gun?

It was around then that the tiny magical spoke up once more. She was going to head inside? Anais eyed her small stature and twitchy bunny ears and a frown immediately wormed its way onto her face. "No, that's too dangerous... and she's gone." In an attempt to aid the rabbit-mermaid magical, she continued to dig until she was tackled to the ground.

"What the hell was that s'posed to do?" Instead of thanking the soldier for saving her, she moved away from him and quickly hopped back to her feet. Splashes of color had scattered all over the place, but aside from that, things seemed unchanged. "Are you calling the cavalry?" Her eyes went back and forth between the fallen wall and the soldier beside her.

So many things were happening.

"Rabbit mermaid! Are you okay in there? Uh mage, soldier! Can you hear us?"
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Vi pressed her hand against the barrier curiously. Inside, she could see a lone mage struggling to keep up this strange bubble. The raw magic pulsing from the barrier caused a soft crackling sound that could be detected by the sea bunny's ears. It reminded her of dried twigs snapping under someone's feet.

"I … um," she paused. There were for too many words for her to process at one go. Vi retained less than 60 percent of the entire message, but the meaning was clear enough. She could see that the mage's two companions needed medical attention.

The soldier furthest from the woman lay still on his back. His chest barely rose each time he struggled to take a breath. Signs of the insufficient breathe was most apparent on his lips. The outer edges were turning a sickly white. His comrade didn't fare that much better. Although he could sit upright, the man was nursing very severe burns on the exposed skin. The areas included his face, his neck and his hands. They were bad but he won't be permanently disfigured if he received treatment quickly.

"I can help heal them," Vi answered finally. She doubted she'd understand the spell that kept the rocks at bay. She thought it was some sort of bubble at first but now she wasn't so sure. The walls of protective bubbles used by the carbuncle hunters weren't this unyielding. They were soft and elastic. A lot more transient. "Yes, I will help heal them," she repeated with more confidence.

The rest of the message became much clearer when the bubble started glowing. Vi felt a surge of magic coming from within and she backed away on instinct. The light bathing the walls made them easier to spot with the naked eye. Vi didn't need to squint too hard to realize that they were expanding slightly. She was debating on trying to escape altogether when she noticed hole opening up. The Magical frowned. Should she ... ?

Squeezing cautiously around the sides, she ended up at the entrance. Vi's nose twitched nervously. "D-do I come in?" she asked the mage. "Oh …" The hole would allow her to enter. She found even more reason to linger outside. Anais' shrill voice had just reached her. "I - I found them. I don't know. Should I go in?" she tried shouting. Sadly, her voice wasn't able to reach those on the outside.

@Fox of Spades

She eyed it cautiously as her nose twitched even more. She knew it was safer inside. The unseen walls kept the rocks from crushing them. But … allowing herself to be trapped like that brought up memories of her journey in the cramped cargo hole. She shivered. Yes or no? Yes… no …. Okay, yes!

She darted inside the bubble seconds before the humans inside could hear the high pitch whine from the flare gun filling the air. Some of the acrid smoke managed to sneak in at the very last second as the mage finally sealed the hole. Vi covered her nose with her hands, as she remained huddled and shivering beside the soldier with the bad burns. Her ears were flattened until they formed compact two buns on the top of her head.

Vi blinked slowly and focused on her breathing. Each breath brought her heart rate down closer to the baseline. At least, she didn't take that long to calm down this time. Getting up from where she sat, the merbunny began floating up. She stopped when she was able to make eye contact with the soldier sporting the burns. "I - I'll start healing them," she announced to no one in particular. Her soft voice sounding a little louder thanks to the echoing inside. "Please drink this."

She drew two beads of water from the bag. Merging them together, she infused the liquid with blue sparks to form a second dose of the calming draught. This she held up to the soldier's lips. "It helps with the pain," she explained. "Makes you feel better. I will come back later. Your friend, he needs more help."

She held up her hands long enough for the man to swallow the draught. Nodding apologetically, she made her way towards the unconscious soldier. She laid her head against his chest and flattened a single ear against his damp shirt. She assumed his friend had removed his chest plate earlier, because she could see a battered plate lying close by. "I will heal him from inside," she told the shadow falling over her. "He is hurt bad but he isn't in danger." She hoped the message was enough to reassure the other soldier who hovering close by and the brave mage holding up the fort.

"I'll heal him now." There wasn't enough sweat drenching his skin, so Vi needed to sacrifice almost all her water beads to make sure she sent enough healing magic into his veins. She sighed once the last bead disappeared beneath the skin. Sweat was doting her own brow as she felt a little lightheaded from exhaustion. At least, she had enough beads left for her other patient. It wasn't going to heal him fully but it would be enough until they could get help. "Can I treat you now?" she asked politely.

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The spear slipped out of her grasp, as it should. After all, the child's needle was more than a mere plaything. She had underestimated the girl and her companions, thinking them to be individualistic buffoons more likely to maul one another than band together and tear down a predator. She was pleased, somewhat, an old survivor's pride, to have been proven wrong.

Polearm was on the roof now, but it wasn't her only weapon. Adie felt the warmth of the fire behind her as the brute advanced. His fists moved. One grazed her ribcage, sending a searing flash of pain fluttering across her chest. Breath teased out of her lungs, but it was a familiar pain. Not enough. Not even close.

Move, duck. Step. Get away from the chemical-fire.

She blocked a punch and ducked another. When his attacks faltered, she rose with a high kick, repaying his blows with her own. Hand, foot, keep the pressure off the wound. Slippery bastard had nowhere to hold on to.

As the melee advanced, Adie threw a punch at Jagred's midsection and attempted to hook his right leg with her own. Her ears had picked up on the rumble. She had to break the stalemate now.
Blood roared in his ears, drowning out all else as fists were exchanged, the burning sensation of one of his fists indication enough that he was still alive. The pain kept him sane as Adanna wove and wove. It was a difference in combat experience that set the two equally strong combatants apart, but Jagred paid no heed to it. Experience offset strength, and tenacity offset experience. Far from backstepping, he moved forward as her high kick launched out, adrenaline numbing the pain as he absorbed the blow before it could fully extend, the foot sliding off the side of his ribs instead of his face.

She knew of the flame, and he did as well. Unlike her though…

He folded over as her punch struck dead center, both arms latching over her own as the flame-haired man bent his legs, lowering his center of gravity and wholly negating her attempt to grapple. And from that lowered position, head-to-chest with Adanna while embracing her arm with his entire body, Jagred launched himself forwards. Coiled legs sprang into action as he attempted to drive both of them into the flames.

Blood for blood. Pain for pain. Burn for burn.

…he didn't have to worry about escaping.
Her feet backpedalled, soles chipping off pebbles and dust from the loose street. She thrashed in place, but Jagred's grip was solid. The flames licked closer, too close-

He was corralling her. This was no longer about the fee their company would receive in return for the boy. This had become a battle for survival. She can't lose. Her wrath, long-dead, long-hidden, bubbled to the surface like tar. Adie bared her teeth and drove her elbow down on his exposed neck. It felt like cracking rock. Her nerves lit with a strange, mixed sensation -- caught between pain and a sensory reflex. Again. Again, again!

Below them, the push became just a bit easier for Jagred. Too easy. She gave way in inches, where earlier it had seemed like shoving rock. Then her weight shifted in a blink. She stomped on him, swinging her foot down with the rest of her body wherever she could strike like a lead-weighted maul. Adie knew she was failing the charge. She was going to make him pay for it.

Let the fire melt their skin and boil their blood!
The first blow caught him unaware, a flash of paralyzing pain racing down to the extremities of his body. The neck, of course she was going for the neck. He should have expected nothing less! But his own neck was strong as well, a wiry bunch of muscles trained daily until it became as solid as the rest of the body. Tensing even more, hardened flesh repelled the elbow strikes as the rage exponentiated.

Only fools expected to come out a fight unscathed. Only weaklings shirked from pain when it came to them!

It was always the push that flared back, the unending surge amidst crippling pain as the magma beneath the mountain seethed, boiled, and erupted! The instant Jagred felt that shift in weight, that sudden lightness, he moved as well, surging upwards instead of forwards, lifting the charcoal-skinned madwoman up into the sky as her own foot came down, bouncing off as the perpendicular force became angular instead. Another pain, another bruise to think about later.

He wasn't broken yet. He wasn't fallen yet. He wasn't done yet!

The guttural demon-roar broke out from the surface of his mind as Jagred swung Adanna downwards into the flaming hazard, the taste of copper and rust fresh in the roof of his mouth as thundercrack sounded through the streets.
There wasn't much the pirate woman could do now. The white haired adversary was probably long gone now. Saving the people beneath the rubble was the priority. Thanks to the boarman, the new adversary was occupied. Her eyes darted ever so slightly in their direction more than once.

That woman was keeping up with the boarman. Judging by her body size, it wasn't surprising. One may as well say that she was the female version of the boarman. However, she instead, helped Anais' out. Trying to remove the debris. Help the Carbuncle out as well.

But Anais' was right. They were not effective enough. Removing heavy rocks and what not also put a strain on her injury from days ago. Sharp pain, but nothing she couldn't handle. Luck was on their side though. Tha Rabbit Mermaid was successful in aiding the person beneath the rubble.

Once again, she looked in the direction of the boarman and the enemy. "Should we help?" Faora asked, wondering if that was the right decision. She looked at Anais, not really sure what to do next. If they could help, what could they do?
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Oblivious to the fierce brawl occurring outside their rubble prison, the mage nodded at whatever the small Magical was saying, all of her concentration poured on sustaining the barrier. Sweat dripped down her brow, and her arms, spread outward, trembled. However, her reserves were running low. It wouldn't take long until…!

With a sharp whoomph, the opaque barrier turned transparent and crumbled like paper, rocks and dust rolling down. The novice screamed in a panic. The last dregs of her magic sprung to life, and their trapped group was once again spared in the nick of time. However, the strain was painstakingly apparent not just in her form and figure, but also in her spell; the barely-lit wall, now a scant couple of inches around their bent forms, flickered constantly. They needed more help, and fast!

As Anais, Faora, and the hapless novice figured out what to do, a gust of wind buffeted the street. Everything seemed a bit… still, somehow, as if time had slowed to a syrupy consistency. The more magically-attuned in the area would recognize it for what it was: a swell of magic, upsetting the natural flow and imposing a new rhythm upon the usual song. To others, was only a feeling of general unease. The guard glanced up, afraid. He was greeted by a familiar form gliding through the air, before softly descending upon the dusty streets.


"Stand aside, dears," the Magemother sighed. She was a full head taller than any of them and the dark purple robes she wore had a strange, mystical quality to it. As she moved closer to the trio, the hem of the fabric dipped into the light, revealing a continuous script-like pattern in iridescent ink. Soothing whispers, though unintelligible, curled in the air. But perhaps the most baffling of her features were her eyes. They were a soft, ethereal white under the shadows of her hood, similar in color to the tresses flowing down her collar. "I did feel there was something wrong, but…"

With a wave of her hand, the rocks covering Vivi and her charges shook, then rose in the air. As if attached to invisible puppet strings, the debris followed the savant's gestures, neatly falling into a pile beside the destroyed house. Now that the immediate danger was gone, the weary novice mage let her barrier come crashing down, fully revealing their wounded group to whatever help the others can offer.

Her apprentice was safe now. Good. Next, the Magemother turned her attention to the two fighters at the center of the street. She could barely discern their figures from the smoke caused by the fire, which had billowed into an all-consuming pillar. With a slight hiss, the archmage drew her hands together, a tremulous, ice-white sigil forming in front of her palms. The sign churned like flimsy fabric before twin gusts of water tore out and lashed at the blaze.

At the very end of the intersection's northern street, marched a full contingent of guards led by the messengers the district watchpost had sent earlier. Though they were but specks in the distance for now, most were hastily-armored, bore signs of heavy fatigue and some leftover injury from the fires. Some even had bandages on.
There was someone standing on a roof not so far away from the commotion, from the chaos that ensued after Havoc's reckless actions. Taking matters into his own hands, it was utterly pathetic in his mind. Covered by a black cloak hiding most of his features, the only thing one could see was the tone of his skin.

A failure of an attempt at kidnapping the mother of the son they had kidnapped earlier. The people were alert. Adanna's interruption did however, give Havoc the chance to get away - despite his injuries, that is. Ruvaen "Rev" Ermer was also a part of the very same organization as Havoc and Adanna - it was called the Venomeroth. A mercenary group that was hired to do a certain job.

His almost pale blue eyes squinted ever so slightly at what was unfolding before him. "Always the unruly one!" Even if Ruvaen was a part of the Venomeroth, his reasons were different - but likely, so where theirs. Collateral damage aside, Adanna was fighting someone her own size. A male brute with red hair.

So far, he was doing a good job holding his partner in check, but why was she still there? There was no reason for Ruvaen to actually bother helping her out. She decided to help Havoc, and he was something else. Ruvaen was never the type to help him out because of his own mistakes. If it would endanger their organization, he'd get rid of him, if neccessary.

Even so, they all had some understanding between each other. Hailing from a lost kingdom called Prester, Ruvaen was part of a race that is rarely around anymore in the world of Luhain. He was a Shyn, and they came in many forms. Some had tails and furry ears, some had one or the other. Nevertheless, they had at least something that could easily be referred to as being a Shyn.

Ruvaen's furry ears beneath the hood perked up ever so slightly. The air was different in the vicinity. Something, or someone was close by. His pale blue eyes darted in the direction. It was the magemother, and that person was someone Ruvaen knew much about. Having great affinity with magic in general himself, he could see what she could do, or what was around her.

Ruvaen, or sometime, if not most of the time referred to as Rev knew that he had to do something. It was for Adanna's sake. Sighing, he closed his eyes for a mere moment. Below his feets, a black circle appeared. Magic swirled around it. Black shadow like tendrils came forth like they were alive.

Looking down in its direction, it was lively as ever. Going down on one knee, he placed his hand on the center of the shadow circle. Slowly but surely, he was sucked into it like quicksand.

Not so long after, right where Adanna was, a black circle of the same form appeared. This time though, a dusin black shadow like tendrils lashed out in the direction of the brute red head. It gave Rev the opportunity to do what he was there to do. A hand, a tan arm appeared from the center of the shadow, grabbing Adanna from behind. The tendrils followed suit and wrapped themselves around her charcoal arms.

If anything, she would know what that was. Quickly, she was pulled down into the shadow circle before it disappeared with her. Moments later, the circle emerged once more, but in a cave/mine, their temporary base. There, Rev was standing, or rather, leaned against the wall, his arms folded before his chest. Portaling Adanna away from the danger was a success. She was there, standing before him. "You should know when to stop."

"That was more than just a distraction, Addie."