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I have a question....
So my race has kind of a two part existence (which I though was way more complicated than I would have thought I would be capable of...) and I was wondering how I should go about this. Make two race sheets or a combo one sort of thing?
I have a question....
So my race has kind of a two part existence (which I though was way more complicated than I would have thought I would be capable of...) and I was wondering how I should go about this. Make two race sheets or a combo one sort of thing?
Uh... what do you mean by "two-part existence"?

If they just have a really complicated backstory, then you can put all of that in the race sheet. There's really no reason to split it up. Outside of that... I have no other idea what "two-part existence" would mean. o_o"
I have a question....
So my race has kind of a two part existence (which I though was way more complicated than I would have thought I would be capable of...) and I was wondering how I should go about this. Make two race sheets or a combo one sort of thing?
This isn't even my final form.

I recommend just modifying the race sheet to meet your needs. If your writing flows better as two separate sheets in one post, go for it.
Uh... what do you mean by "two-part existence"?

If they just have a really complicated backstory, then you can put all of that in the race sheet. There's really no reason to split it up. Outside of that... I have no other idea what "two-part existence" would mean. o_o"
Well, short story is a Synthos takes over the body of another being and becomes an Athys, which is a new being with different powers. But yeah I think just doing them in one would be best~

This isn't even my final form.
I know right!
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Ishika Tadeis

Blessed by heaven
Followed by death
Silver-haired maiden
Still follows her path

Her heart still frozen...


168 cm (~5 feet, 7 inch) tall

Race: Awaïtai (Taid/Taih mix)
Gender: Female
Age (apparent): 18/19
Age (actual): 45 years

Born from a one night episode between a Taih and her mother Kadisi Tadeis, a barmaid in the less desirable part of Ilaish, a Taid port city, Ishika was raised in a poorer, but decent environment. Her early childhood was primary marked with her Awaïte being unknown, but after trying everything her mother simply gave up on finding what it was. As she grew up Ishika started to wander around in her free time, doing various things, including sneaking into the grounds of a school and listening to the lesions, fighting with other children and exploring the city. From when she turned eight until the day of the Nohuähi ceremony Ishika learned to write from her grandfather, a former messenger in the military.
The first step that will take Ishika on her current path in life was her insisting to go the the Great Temple of Nohua (Nohuänjräruin) in the city of Nohuäsuye (lit. Nohua's Glory) and try the hardest known Nohuähi ceremony (excluding certain Taih ceremonies). There she cleared all ten challenges, all deadly and each harder then the previous, a deed that has only one done before by Aldayu, the first king of Kadimh, whose military and statecraft talents allowed him to lay the foundation for the era of civilization. She was granted the powerful Nohuähi Diäkarÿawai (lit. First Staff of Awai) which possessed two powerful abilities: Awaïusäri(Awai Sacrement of Life) - which allows one to use a healing ability that recharges (the length of this "recharge" depends on the severity of the wound/sickness healed) and Awaïshüni (Awai's Eternal/High Garden) - which can keeps one eternally young and gives boosted healing abilities.
Naturally this kicked up a lot of dust and resulted in the decision that Ishika should go to the Nohuäsuye Military Academy. Fate and Ishika wanted to follow a different path, so before the last details could be settled out Ishika run off. The events of the next four years are hard to ascertain, as Ishika rarely speaks about her past on Awaïna and even rarer about this particular part of it. But on the day when Ishika finally resurfaced it was not as a warrior but as a trader of weapons, Awaïna's first notable "merchant of death". In just a few years Ishika built an well-established, well-run and spread out bussniess of selling weapons across several trading centers and regions. This was the second step on her path to where she is now.
The third step was the activity she chose to kill boredom after her arms trading bussniess become so well-oiled that all she had to do was sign papers once per week. That habit was ruin exploring and it was during one of such expeditions that Ishika Tadeis contact with an ancient and nearly inoperable gate that was once used to travel between realms. The expedition activated the gate and in the aftermath Ishika ended up in the realm of Omnibus Academy while the gate exploded, engulfing any trace of the expedition and most of the ruins.
With no identity on Earth and given her incredibly slow ageing Ishika had to live on the fringes of society until she managed to get into the criminal underworld which allowed her some semblance of a normal life. But she knew well that sooner or later she would need to find a more permanent solution. Now what appears to be a potential permanent solution is here - Omnibus Academy.

Ishika usually appears as a courteous, nice and decently friendly person, as over the years she learned to treat anyone and anything as a potential customer. But after getting to know someone she will establish a more or less unique relation with the person in question, depending on the other person's personality and reactions to Ishika's interactions with them. Likes nature, adventurers and the art of trade. Dislikes bland food, smoking, snails (there are no snail-like creatures on Awaïna) and hot-headed people. Loves drinking, but due to bad tolerance to alcohol and being a nasty drunk she rarely drinks.

"Market of Death"
- Allows storage of an infinite amount of military equipment.
- All military equipment stored in this way can't be used by Ishika, only sold to others.
- Any military equipment stored inside for at least 12 hours will be copied at midnight (copies will not be copied!).
- All military equipment (including copies) that has been stored and then sold will have an effect of attracting death, both to the buyer, future owners, users or targets of use.
- All things sold can be sold both as legal or illegal items, with proper papers being created in case of legal sales.
-Anything sold will be given a certain value called MDP. MDP can be collected and used to:
1. Utilize equipment from the Market (AKA "Direct Buyout")
2. Use blueprints and other sources of information to recreate weapons that are no longer in circulation (AKA "Market Craftworks")
3. Temporary gain increased MDP (AKA "Investment Policy")
- If wanted the Market of Death can turn any room or space into an area for showing equipment and can include an area/room to test out the equipment (temporal copies will be used for this).
-To make trade easier this ability includes an auto-translator (both for speech and text) and a dictionary for each language the ability holder has encountered.
Note: All items stored by the Market will be magically disintegrated. Since recreation is made using magic all items taken from the Market have a certain degree of magic in them, allowing their effective use even on immaterial things like ghost or on beings that usually can't be harmed with ordinary weapons.

Medium Level Heat Drain Magic
Heat drain magic, also known as ice magic, allows one to use magic power to decrease the heat of objects. At medium level it is able to completely freeze a cubic meter of water that is 20 degrees K above it's freezing point.
Diäkarÿawai abilities:
Awaïusäri - Allows one to use a healing ability. This ability can treat any wound and sickness. It can't revive dead people. After using the ability it needs to recharge, depending on what it was used to treat. For example after treating smaller cut or bruise the ability will be reusable after a few minutes. Healing bigger wounds or curing a cold might need several dozens of minutes. Fixing broken bones or more serious sicknesses might take half an hour to several hours depending on the nature of the injury/sickness. Healing hard to cure diseases or regrowing a body part needs at least several days to recharge. Bringing someone from the brink of death or curing a deadly disease might require weeks of recharge. Note that the ability can also be used on magically induced problems ("status effects" like petrification or paralysis or some types of curses).
Awaïshüni- An ability which extends one's life (potentially for ever) and provides perfect health. It is a rare ability but it was present once before in the history of the Awaïtai. As the scholar Antyah put it in his book "On the Gifts of Awai and Nohua": "Named from the legendary Garden of Awai, which surrounds the home of the goddess and god; this ability bestows the two key elements that appear in all myths about it, eternal youth and perfect health. Naturally one will still age, but slowly and it is assumed that at one point one's ageing will stop. The only known holder of this ability in recorded history was Tykar, which meet his end from an extremely large Datÿam (Forest Boar) during a hunt at some 50 years of age. He still looked only 21 when he died."

Experienced with in fighting with a staff. Decent archery and marksmanship skill.
Knows how to establish and run organizations/businesses.
Can do some other everyday stuff (like cooking, cleaning and so on) as well.

Diäkarÿawai - a powerful Nohuähi in the form of staff that possesses two powerful abilities and is incredibly durable. Also serves as a regular magic staff, aiding magic casting and boosting cast spells.
Smartphone - A model with dual SIM card function. Contains a program in which she tracks the inventory of the "Market of Death", her MDP and any past sales she made.
A powerful laptop with satellite internet access.
Several mementos from her past.
Wallet, with a fake ID on the name Ishika Raven and some cash.

First CS is done... that took longer then expected...
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After thinking for a while, and understanding that I missed my chance on creating a purely original bio-mechanic race, I decided to not create original races.
Sorry peeps!
Name singular: Yuki
Name plural: Yuki


average lifespan of a bonded pair of Yuki is 200 years, an unbonded Yuki is only around a hundred but the oldest known Yuki was a little of 250 years old. They don't age quite the same as humans so in theory if a Yuki got all the nutrients it needed and was well-protected it could live several hundred years.

Short description:
they are creatures of ice and snow that feed off the energies of the living.

the powers of a yuki will differ slightly based on it's sex. The strength of a Yuki's powers will also depend on its age, older Yuki are stronger and have more control.

a male Yuki's powers are more combat oriented as well as more focused on ice then snow.
-Their most commonly used ability would be 'Ice blade' in which they fashion a blade from any snow or ice in their vicinity, if in dire straits they can use water and freeze it but it won't be as effective.
-A strong male Yuki can summon a minor storm front, which can lead to snow or rain.
-Male Yuki can temporarily give life to an ice creation (think Olaf from frozen but ice). To do this the Yuki effectively takes a piece of his soul and places it in the creature, temporarily weakening his own powers and body. When the creature is destroyed or the magic dispels that strength is returned to the Yuki.
-Male Yuki do have minor control over ice itself. In a very icy area they can morph the ice around them, attacking with their very surroundings.

Females' powers are similar but based more on defense and more focused on snow.
-Female Yuki have the ability to call snow storms, though the storm is proportional to the Yuki's power. A child would create a single cloud, an ancient could cover the entire mountain in a blizzard.
-Similar to the male's 'ice blade' ability, female Yuki can solidify the snow into a sort of spear that they use if they are forced into actual melee combat.
-Yuki can create illusions from snow, they can look like a house, or a person, or even (for very powerful Yuki) entire towns. But the effect is only visual and auditory, there are no smells attached to the illusions and if they are examined to closely you can tell that they are not real (though the strong the Yuki and the more concentrated it is, the harder it is to tell) and there is no actual substance to the illusion, if touched it will crumble away as snow (for larger illusions, it will crumble where touched and generally the Yuki will release the rest of the illusion). This is often used as a tactic to get enemies lost in the snow.
-A powerful Yuki can cast a cloud of snow over a town that puts the inhabitants to sleep. A less powerful Yuki can put maybe a handful of people to sleep, though usually they are not capable of even that until they reach maturity.

Both: the two genders have a few abilities in common
-they have an ability to charm living creatures, making them more willing to listen to the Yuki. Strong-willed people and races are less likely to be effected and it can't effective mechanical creatures at all.
-Yuki also have the ability to go incorporeal for a short period of time, generally to give themselves a chance to run away from an enemy they can't defeat, or to scare someone.

the male and female Yuki are very different. They look very similar to Asian humans, with the same obvious physical differences between the genders but there is more than just that. Female's bodies are practically ethereal, while male's are completely solid

The male Yuki is very solid and generally very muscular, while at the same time his skin will often be tinted grey or blue, and his lips are generally some shade of blue. Male Yuki look very similar to a hypothermic human male except that their eyes are one solid color, the shade may very but will always be some version of blue. Their average height is around 5'9", taller than normal Asian humans. They always have black hair (the length is entirely up to the Yuki in question).

The female Yuki are more ghostly looking then their counterpart, generally being exceptionally pale and will have a quality that makes them seem almost translucent though they are very much there. All female Yuki are said to be exceptionally beautiful regardless of age. They generally have very long black hair (though this is cultural preference rather than a physiological necessity). The shade can vary from raven to midnight black. Their eyes arms more human than the males, actually having pupils but the actual color is identical in that it is one unbroken shade of blue. The average height of a female Yuki is 5'6".

Yuki always bear twins, and almost always it will be a male and a female (though single sex twins have occurred). The Yuki children will follow the same growth rate of the average human child but their growth slows considerably after the age of 20. The gestation period of a Yuki is a year, rather than the 9 months of a human.

(I wrote it all in 'story style' but it's actually true)
The Yuki were said to have come into being when a man was trapped in a terrible blizzard in the mountains and froze, but his determination to live was so strong that his soul separated from his body and took the form of a woman made of snow, who breathed life into his corpse, creating a man of ice. The pair retreated far into the mountains where they begot two children, one male and one female, who themselves later had 8, 4 male and 4 female. These children scattered into the mountains, pairing off, the male protecting the female while she got them sustenance. They then had children of their own, who themselves left home and scattered.

It is said that every Yuki has a perfect partner in another Yuki somewhere, that when these perfect pairs come together they will be stronger than ever before and live longer. Most Yuki don't believe this because they will often pair off with the most available Yuki that fits their needs, and some go their entire lives never pairing up and looking for that perfect one. Once a Yuki pair has been formed, it cannot be broken, if one were to die, the other would follow. However, Yuki can live and work together without being bonded, it requires an active effort on both Yuki's side to form a bond.

Yuki communities are not uncommon, though there are rarely more than 8 in a household. As Yuki must be near some form of life other than other Yuki to sustain themselves, and the more there is in one place the harder it is for them all to feed without killing people. Yuki generally don't kill people, while it will happen with careless young ones or starving Yuki it is not especially common.
However sometimes this can cause nearby human villages/towns/cities to blame everything that goes wrong on 'monsters in the mountains' making them suspicious of the Yuki.
the need for pairings come from the fact that the female Yuki are generally physically weak, but the male Yuki cannot as easily gain the nutrition they need being closer to human than their counterparts. this is primarily superstition, like chasing ghosts. the humans generally don't actually know what they are.
The Yuki population is not necessarily high, but they are not considered endangered by any stretch.

Realm: the Yuki come from the mountains of earth.

Feeding habits:
Yuki feed in a fashion similar to vampires. Instead of biting however they have to come into physical contact with human and draw the energy out of them, this makes the victim weak and generally tired. The easiest way to do this is a kiss, especially for younger Yuki still learning how to do it as they can use an intake of breath to help train themselves on pulling the energy from their victims. The older Yuki merely need to touch their victim with a hand.

The Yuki are effectively split up into a body and a soul, the male and the female, 'perfect' pairings are when they are in fact the soul that 'belongs' to the body and vice versa. Perfect pairings will be nearly identical, minor differences in height and then of course the skin tone and eye differences always happen.
'imperfect' pairs are when the body and soul do not match but they chose to bond anyway.
Pairings need not be romantic, pairings generally lead to children but that is more out of a need to increase their population then an actual want for children.

When a pair of Yuki are bonded, they are connected on a physiological level. When one is injured the other can feel their pain and vice versa. In a pairing, when one Yuki gains energy then can transfer some to their partner. Paired Yuki are always stronger than unpaired Yuki and the status of their pairing (how compatible they are) decides how much stronger they are. Paired Yuki are less likely to wander then unpaired Yuki. The younger a pairing is made the stronger the Yuki will be in the long run.
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Man, there sure are a lot of parasites at school...I hope this doesn't cause any trouble, since this is like, the third draft.

Name singular: Dragon
Name plural: Dragons
Powers/Abilities: Dragons are widely considered to be the evolutionary zenith of life on earth. They possess physical strength, speed, durability, and regenerative capabilities far beyond any life native to earth. There is no color of light they cannot see, no frequency of sound they cannot here. Their sense of smell makes a bloodhound look like a human with a cold. All dragons possess an innate talent for magic, and an immense pool of mystical power from the day they hatch. A dragon experiences no negative effects from the passage of time, and instead will only grow more and more powerful as the years go by. This applies to all of a dragon's physical, magical, and mental abilities. There is no set cap on how strong a dragon can grow, with the most ancient among them having nearly limitless magical and physical power. Sometimes referred to as the 'king of beasts,' a dragon garners respect (or fear) from most sentient life. Lesser earthbound creatures such as dogs, birds, and humans with little impulse control will often find themselves obeying a dragon's word on impulse. This effect is not magical in nature, and is easily resisted by anyone who makes a conscious choice to do so. It is largely speculated that this is something of a survival strategy, as there was a time when dragonkind dominated the planet, and crossing them meant certain death for 'lesser creatures.' Now, obviously times have changed, but the impulse has remained. Aside from their natural, innate abilities, a dragon's powers are determined by it's color. There are five colors for dragons, which are as follows.

Red dragons are perceived as the most arrogant of dragonkind. Their arrogance is not without merit however, as they are considered to be the most deadly of their kin by far. They are significantly significantly stronger and more durable then the rest of their kin, capable of shrugging off attacks that would devastate most beings. They possess an inherent immunity to immunity to any fire that fails to burn as hot as their breath. Red dragons can breath forth massive tides of flame that are matched by few. Ancient red dragons were famed for breathing rays of destructive plasma, but there are no red dragons alive today with this capability.

Observed to be the most sadistic of their kind, blue dragons have incredible difficulty empathizing with the vast majority of non-dragon life. They are however, the most intelligent of their race by far. In the glory days of the Draconic Empire, they were architects of incredible devices that combined magic and machine into incredible technological tributes to the glory of the empire. They can fire blasts of electricity from their mouths, and are immune to electrocution themselves. In fact, when a blue dragon comes into contact with an electric current, it is absorbed entirely and channeled into the dragon's next breath-weapon attack. Because of this, many blue dragons would purposefully get electrocuted to supercharge their breath to ridiculous levels.

Thought to be the most greedy of their kind, green dragons are longer and more snakelike then their kin. Green dragons possess innate psionic power, and are able to read minds from an early age. As they age, they will be capable of telepathy, mind control, and will be able to project illusionary images. They can release deadly clouds of toxic gas with their breath, which will kill nearly any life that breathes it in. While this poison is potent enough to kill another dragon, it is largely ineffective as a weapon against their kind, since A) dragons can hold their breath for days at a time, and B) dragons can fly, and their wings can be used to create massive gusts of wind. However, each green dragon has a completely unique poison, meaning that there is no natural antidote to a green dragon's breath. Lastly, green dragons have the greatest regenerative ability of their kind. Unlike most dragons, the green variety have a crystalline core around which they will regenerate. So long as this core is intact, a green dragon can recover from total physical destruction in a matter of days.

Known to be the smallest and physically weakest among their race, a black dragon is a creature of the night, for unlike the other types, black dragons possess an unrivaled power of stealth. Their pitch-black scales naturally absorb light, and render them totally invisible in dim light or darkness. Otherwise, their scales seem to be as black as void, and can be somewhat disconcerting to look at. They can release a spray of deadly acid from their mouths that will melt through nearly anything, save for the scales of another black dragon. While their acid can melt through the scales of other races, it is slow enough that most dragons will be able to shake it off before any serious damage occurs, if they are aware of the acid. Additionally, a black dragon's tail is tipped with razor sharp stinger that can pierce the scales of other dragons, delivering the same acid as their breath weapon.

Considered to be the lowliest and most bestial of their race, white dragons are far less intelligent than most dragons of their same age. They possess a power over ice and snow, being able to create simple shapes, as well as spikes and blades from frost. They can release freezing blizzards from their mouths. White dragons have a natural ability to shapeshift, and are able to augment their natural weapons, forming extra limbs, spikes, or thickening their scales. Before the fall of their empire, white dragons were often kept like pets by other members of their race. While they are considered the lowest among dragonkind, they are still beasts of incredible power. Despite being incredibly animal-like compared to other dragons, the white dragons possess a sort of bestial cunning, and are not to be underestimated.

Lifespan: A dragon will live until it is killed. They cannot die to old age, and are immune to non-magical poisons and diseases. Dragons experience no negative effects from aging, and instead, only grow more powerful as the years tick by. Each year, a dragon grows stronger, faster, tougher, smarter, and gains greater mystical power. It is this trait, in particular, that has earned the dragon the title 'King of Beasts.' While other earth life may rival a dragon at some stages of its life, a dragon will inevitably grow stronger than whatever dares to oppose it.
Short description: Enormous winged lizards with incredible powers that only grow stronger with age.
Physical description: The appearance of a dragon can vary greatly, depending on it's age and color. All dragons are reptilian creatures with thick scales, razor-sharp claws, and sharp teeth. They have prehensile tails, and epic wings that create mighty gusts with each flap. A dragon's two front feet are more like hands, allowing them impressive dexterity. Upon hatching, most dragons are the size of a large dog, the exception being black dragons, who are closer in size to a Labrador. After that, they grow rapidly, at around a foot and a half per year for most dragons. (Black dragons however, grow at only two thirds of this speed.) Each color of dragon has a unique style to their horns. Red dragon horns sweep back towards the tail, with a second, comparatively tiny ridge sprouting beneath the eye. Black dragons are the opposite, with horns that come forward, sprouting from the base of the neck before turning to grow in parallel to the dragon's head. Blue dragon's have one large horn on the snout, with two rows of smaller spikes going down from the nose-horn to the tail. Blue dragons are also the only member of their species to have ears, which are large, leathery frills similar to a bat. Green dragons lack horns of any sort, instead having large frills that go down the spine. Lastly, white dragons lack any sort of real ornamentation, instead having a gullet like a turkey that is covered in thick bristles that are known to make exceptional spears. I'd recommend looking at pictures of dragons from D&D for further sources.
Cultural description: Once, in a time long before the advent of humanity, the Draconic Empire held uncontested dominion over the earth. While theirs was not the only empire, they were by far the greatest and mightiest among the old kingdoms. They constructed massive monuments to the empire's glory, and had sprawling cities fit to house such titanic creatures on every continent. Not even the moon escaped their influence, housing a massive palace dedicated to research of both magic and technology. They were, understandably, a proud culture, seeing themselves as the greatest of beings in the cosmos. In these days, dragons would live to be thousands of years old, amassing incredible hordes of treasure and knowledge. Young dragons were given complex, grandiose names to signify their greatness. These names would grow as a dragon aged, eventually detailing virtually everything there was to know about a particular dragon. Massive amounts of wealth poured endlessly into the empire, and they managed to conquer countless worlds, creating enormous gateways to other planets. Eventually though, even the greatest empires must fall. A dragon scientist, who is remembered only as "Chianir-Vhisar" or "Cheating Betrayer" due to his true name being seen as an accursed word that would be heresy to record or speak brought about the fall of the empire. This dragon summoned some sort of terrible creature from the space between realities. While the Empire's mighty military eventually killed the creature, disposing of it's body in a black hole, the monster left something behind: A plague. It infected any being with innate magics and corrupted them, turning the host's own power against it and killing it within a matter of days. The dragons, beings with such incredible mystic power, failed to find a way to cure the disease in time, and their mighty civilization crumbled slowly into extinction. The few dragons that survived the plague were spread out across the cosmos, thus leading to the once mighty empire's present state. Even now, most surviving dragons are incredibly proud of their heritage, and will tolerate no disrespect from the so called "lesser beasts." A dragon is a creature that demands respect, but many settle for fear. After the fall of their empire, most dragons despise parasitic life-forms, seeing them as manifestation of the extradimensional evil that brought down their once mighty civilization.
Realm: While they are native to earth, it is not uncommon to encounter dragons on other planes of existence, in other dimensions, or far off among the stars.
Other: N/A

Anyway, I don't know if you want this in a separate post or what, but I was working on it right here, beneath the race sheet, so here's my character.

Name: Since "Jacisvaust Geoudronilnr Hesilleisgar Tenamalo Ekessibahalii" tends to be a bit difficult for most people, he goes by James.
Race: Red Dragon
Gender: Male
Age (Apparent): 16
Age (actual): 160
Appearance: While James' true form is a 245 foot tall red dragon, he uses his innate magic to change his physical form into something more...practical. In this case, practical means a six foot tall incredibly pale young man with a thick, broad shouldered build. With hair as crimson as his scales, James actually bears a striking resemblance to an old-fashioned lumberjack, what with his red hair and bulky, muscular frame. He's got perfect teeth, a cute nose, and large eyes that he hasn't really decided on a color for yet. They were red for a while, but he felt that seemed too edgy. Currently, they're the same color as his real eyes: shimmering gold. However, this is subject to change as James settles on a color. While in a human form, James loses a great deal of his dragon strength and durability, but is still quite tough. He still possesses his protection against fire, and his magical abilities regardless of what form he is in.
Bio: James is, to the best of his knowledge, the last surviving member of the Draconic Empire's royal family. (He is not, however, the last dragon. There are others.) He's never met his parents, since they died under mysterious circumstances sometime before he hatched. Instead, he was assigned a human caretaker who's descendants kept his egg in molten iron to insure it stayed at the right temperature. James was raised by humans, who treated him like a god, catering to his every wish and need for decades, until he eventually left to explore the world on his own, scouring what ruins were left of his people's grand culture. Since his explorations began, he's discovered that most non-magical humans are naturally subservient to his kind, out of a mixture of awe and terror. James doesn't really like this, since it's made it difficult for him to make friends. Additionally, he's discovered that most earth-native magical beings tend to try and stay out of his way, or kiss his ass, not wanting to make an enemy of a red dragon. He doesn't like this either, as he wishes that people would just treat him normally. Because of this, James tends to be rather quiet around strangers, not wanting to scare them or hurt them on accident. See, James doesn't really know his own strength, and even with the limits of a human body, James is still strong enough to break the average person's hand by shaking it. He's hurt enough people when he didn't mean to that now he largely keeps to himself, not wanting to repeat his mistakes. While he does buy in to the typical arrogance of his species, (which is especially prevalent in red dragons) he tends to keep this to himself, preferring to silently judge the actions of others from a far than blatantly advertise his supposed superiority. He doesn't want to hurt their feelings after all. It's not their fault that they were born as something other than a majestic scaled beast of nearly unrivaled potential. Now, just because James likes to keep to himself doesn't mean that he lacks passions. He's got a love for the fiction of modern and ancient humans alike (especially stories about dragons) and has an incredible passion for magic in general. Particularly, James wants to learn the ancient practice of Runic Magic, a type of magic based around the using of ancient symbols of power to create potent mystical effects. James is always quite animated when he speaks, pointing at people and waving his hands in whatever motions seem relevant to the words he's making. When he's excited, this trait tends to kick into overdrive, and James will often unintentionally create small, harmless magical effects when he speaks about topics he's interested in.
Other: James' favorite superhero is Spiderman.
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Welp,this thread exploded O_O.

Name singular: Nism

Name plural: Nism

Powers/Abilities: Chi perception/manipulation through their forehead "badge" (think Naruto). Regeneration/unbreakable bones (think Wolverine). Levitation/flight (think Superman, only not as fast). Strength (even females can lift/carry 1000 lbs, without use of Chi). "Built-in" translator (everybody near a Nism understands what everyone nearby is saying, so long as said Nism doesn't turn it off). Able to access Threshhold for travel/storage of stuff (think Hammerspace... Nism just so happen to have access to a means of transportation that allows them to "step" from one world to another, quick and easy as stepping through a doorway, as well as a "space" to keep all their huge hammers). Also, yes, very adaptable to different environments, so long as they aren't too extreme. And, heh, indeed, almost forgot! Able to become Unnoticeable at will (comes in real handy when needed... when you don't want anyone to notice you sneaking into the girls locker-room). Nism females also have the ability to control their own fertility. To have a single kit, or to give birth to a "litter". Or not get pregnant in the first place.

Lifespan: 900 years

Short description: Alien dragonoidish species with fur and scales and large ears, get about on all fours as readily as two. Males have a feathered shroudruff covering their backs, females have a large, thick tuft of fur at the ends of their tails, while both have a "sensor badge" on their foreheads.

Physical description: Long, lean, svelte yet athletically muscular dragonoidish creatures. Slender muzzles with four nostrils. Bright, intelligent eyes backed by raccoonish teeth when they grin. Long necks, fluffy manes, fur everywhere except lower portion of limbs and tail's underside (that portion, from vent to about two-thirds of tail length). Female Nism have a chest-ruff and a large, thick fur-tuft on their tail's ends. Males have no chest-ruff, no tuft, but they do have a very handsome feathered shroudruff, anchored at the nape of their neck and extending over their backs down to their hips... like the fan of a peacock, it can be raised and unfurled in display, to attract female attention. And to shelter the resultant offspring. Males are also very well endowed in the "family jewels" department. More? Well, anatomically, Nism "carry" their Life Essence in three Vital Stones. Stone of Mind, in the forepart of their skulls (their forehead "badge" is an external expression of that Stone). Stone of Heart (just behind their shoulderblades). And Stone of Life (buried in their pelvic structure, pretty much right behind their bladder/reproductive systems). These three Vital Stones work in synergy through a Nism's bones, the energy field of their Chi rendering their bones adamantine. What this all boils down to? A Nism's Life Essence isn't in their flesh, but in their three Vital Stones... so, strip away all the flesh, and it will grow back, bones and Stones, unbreakable (though it still hurts like Hell if you knee them in the groin).

Biological Addendum: Both sexes nurse young through a pair of retractable "feeler" tongues ("milk-tongues"). Both sexes also produce a pheromone musk. Females, at the end of their tail, groomed through their tuft-fur and waved about for "dispersal". Males... well, heh... their musk glands are in a more "personal" place. So they "mark" a female when they mate.

Cultural description: All Nism trace their lineage back to the original Thousand Pairs through their Bloodline names. One thousand Bloodline names exist, every father passing his to his sons, every mother passing hers to her daughters, ever since their Creators created their species over five million years ago. Why? Because their Creators saw their own extinction coming, so they created Nism to take their place. On the homeworld, garden that it is, there is one dead tree, preserved. Vinnaheen's Tree. Monument to the last Creator, preserved to honor her memory, this tree, her favorite. Most expectant mothers visit Vinnaheen's Tree for a "blessing" (and also take "their male" along with them). As for the rest of their culture, it is very loose, their Free Spirited nature much in evidence. Gregarious, social, yet very individualistic, Nism have pretty much boiled their "culture" down to a very simple "We're here, we're alive, hey, let's enjoy this!" philosophy. No strife. No war. No freeways. Nice lawns. Excellent barbecue. Coffee and tea any time of day or night. With or without donuts/crumpets. And speaking of crumpets, Nism (as a general rule) really, really like to travel!

As for the whole Bloodline thing, the original Thousand Pairs were created as brother/sister pairs, so there is, as an example, not only a male "Ahvviyinn" Bloodline, but a female line, as well. Nism never mate within the same Bloodline. And they keep quite extensive genealogical records. And know who their relatives are. Not to mention, every Bloodline has a male/female characteristic that is passed from father to son and mother to daughter, so, no matter how "mixed", everyone knows which Bloodline they can trace back to (males of the Ahvviyinn Bloodline have blood-red, blue-tipped shroudruff feathers). Also not to mention... heh... when the Creators were still about, they instituted a quite "liberal" breeding program, to ensure thorough genetic "mixing". Reason they gave male Nism such generous nads (yes, this is taken from actual biological science... males from "promiscuous" species have this "distinction" in their anatomical profile - rats are a good example. Though Nism presently practice monogamy). For Nism, having kits is a way to honor their Creators. So, yes, the idea of not having kits is pretty much an "alien" concept. It is also "tradition" to conceive, gestate and give birth to a First Kit on the Homeworld, again to honor their Creators.

Realm: Creator Homeworld ... earthlike world circling a G2 star, location and actual name unknown. Whole biome is a well-tended natural "garden". Nism "cities" tend to mix architecture from all over the Universe (their species is well-traveled), though much is integrated into their natural environs, everything kept in balance.

Other: Nism never give out their world's name or location, out of respect for their Creators' language and to preserve their Creators' privacy. In other words, "Don't wake the dead."



Name: Deen, of the Bloodline Ahvviyinn

Race: Nism

Gender: Male

Age (apparent): 17 years

Age (actual): 173 years

Appearance: EXERCISE - Detailed Physical Appearance ... Yes, the link describes Deen as an adult, still, all you need to do is shorten his shroudruff feathers to about one third his full, adult length. The rest stands.

Oh, what the hey! A few pics:


Only pic showing his forehead "badge".





Yes, a short, unfinished comic! Based on an RP scene. Enjoy...



Yes, artist forgot their forehead "badges" in all these pics... sorry!

Bio: Deen is a "wild child". His parents, the Nism equivalent of "hippies" (yes, hippies... they even have a tie-dyed VW Bus). Ever curious, not in the least bit shy, ever ready to explore... to boldly go where none have gone before! Being young, male and Nism, Deen has used his access to Threshhold to travel all over the Universe, though he's especially fond of earth and those fascinating, mixed-up humans. Which explains what he's doing in Omnibus. Poking at other interesting stuff.

Other: Well... not being the shy type, Deen is ever ready to poke his nose and ears and other body parts into other people's business and "private" affairs. Yes, he loves gossip! Though he's not one to spread it, just loves to know everything he can about a new place and its people. Even if he causes mass embarrassment to others in the process. As an addendum, Deen has no problem "invading" personal space in his "quest" to satisfy his curiosity. So be forewarned!

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@Luma as you seem to be the Co-GM who is online most/fastest responding, I've finisehd off the Necris sheet, hope that works for you. I'll just add some cloaking crap to the swarm or make them hiding behind the moon or some other carp. but other than that does it work or do I need to expand further.
I'll just add some cloaking crap to the swarm or make them hiding behind the moon or some other carp. but other than that does it work or do I need to expand further.
Cloaking, and be sure to clarify the nature of the communications between humans and the Swarm. You would need to either remove the bit about contact between the two entirely, OR you can make it so that there's contact, but that it's more of a Men in Black type deal where most humans don't know about it. And if you go with the latter, then you just have to clarify that it's hush-hush and all that.
Realm: They subsist in most realms by inhabiting those of that realm.
Mmm perhaps it would be easier to just say "earth" if they don't have any special realm of origin?

In any case, the syntax of this sentence is a bit weird, and basically boils down to "they live where they live". I get what you're trying to say, but I also don't want it to just be left as "virtually any realm" when there are sure to be realms later down the line for which this wouldn't make any sense for the Necris to be there (like any afterlife-based realms, or a digital realm).

So... yeah. Sticking with earth is usually easiest when there's no particular reason to involve other realms. It exists as a default for a reason.

That being said, the rest of this looks pretty good! Just clarify this one bit and we can add this to the accepted list. ^^
Mmm perhaps it would be easier to just say "earth" if they don't have any special realm of origin?

In any case, the syntax of this sentence is a bit weird, and basically boils down to "they live where they live". I get what you're trying to say, but I also don't want it to just be left as "virtually any realm" when there are sure to be realms later down the line for which this wouldn't make any sense for the Necris to be there (like any afterlife-based realms, or a digital realm).

So... yeah. Sticking with earth is usually easiest when there's no particular reason to involve other realms. It exists as a default for a reason.

That being said, the rest of this looks pretty good! Just clarify this one bit and we can add this to the accepted list. ^^
'Ight, Still trying to work out a biological cloaking system
Update: given the Swarm a cloaking feild and made them more MIB style
Update: given the Swarm a cloaking feild and made them more MIB style
Looks good to me! I'll add them to the accepted list. ^^
I think, tomorrow I will finish Slavic Mermaids ("Palus Syreni" - I proudly and scientifically called them c:<), and Leshiy (Silvan).
So I'm currently working on the Great Backlog of Things To DoTM​, which so far means that I've added both the Swarm and the Mista to the race list.

Also, @Luma, I went ahead and alphabetized the race/realm lists, with the exception of humans/earth, as it just makes since that those would stay at the top. I feel like this will make it a lot easier for people to find the sheets for specific races once the lists get longer. Hope you don't mind.
  • Thank You
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Name singular: GRID
Is this name supposed to be an acronym for something? Or is there another reason why it's always spelled in all-caps like that? If it's an acronym, you might as well include what it's supposed to stand for.

Other than that, though, this looks good! Interesting stuff, too. The digital realm sounds like it has a lot of thought put into it -- I suppose I could ask you to elaborate more, but you've got enough here to get a pretty good idea of how all of this works, so, your current version of it is fine, I think. If anyone ever has questions about all this, well, that's why we have ambassadors. XD

I'm sure this'll be all-good to accept once we get that one detail about the name straightened out.
Any input on my Race/Character sheet?
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