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I think reproductive stuff would go more in the physical description field if it's added at all, actually.
...At first I thought this was your response to what I said about the 'eggs' comment, and that you just quoted the wrong thing... but... you posted this before I posted my response to your race sheet... so... unless you're a time traveler, I don't know what happened here... o_o

I'm a bit confused, myself!

By culture do you mean how the race acts as a society, or...umm, something else?
How they act as a society, mannerisms, norms, etc. Plus, really any general description of them that isn't wholly physical.

Like, with EddiEddi's Swarm, I really didn't have a basic overview of how the race organizes itself as a whole. That sort of description would be helpful to have under the 'cultural' bit.

Really, anything you want to say about them that doesn't relate to physical descriptions would probably go under 'cultural'.

Both, Untill a Mechani has picked his power type, he cannot use any of the abilites, and when he picks his power type he gains a single one, acording to his power type.
Ok, so, the abilities you're talking about in the bolded part -- are those the "Electrical"/"Steam"/"Clockwork" ones? Or does this refer to the list of abilities that came before that? Because if it's the latter, I definitely assumed those were powers that all Mechani had...

In either case, this is definitely something that should be clarified and edited into the CS. The sentence I quoted in the first place didn't make any sense at all due to syntax issues, so, yeah, best we fix that. o_o"

Basically robots yup.
Ok. You should probably re-word some parts of your race sheet to better clarify that.

It seemed the only place to put it so where do you suggest I put it?
:/ I'm not saying it's in the wrong place. I'm just saying that the fact that there's such an important piece of info -- something that I feel should be expanded into a much longer and more detailed description -- was reduced to such a small little point, sort of shows some of the overall problems in the race sheet. And it seems to be an overall problem in the way that all of yours are done -- lots of good descriptions of small details, not enough of a general description for me to really make sense of those small details...

The character sheet, yes. The race sheet was actually modeled after some TJA wiki articles though.
:/ Well that's weird... because the actual race sheets that we used in TJA hardly had any fields to fill out at all, and instead encouraged players to just write a general description in paragraph form so that it could be organized however they like.

ALSO, AT THIS POINT, I WOULD LIKE TO ASK THAT @Luma AND @Clownpiece TAKE OVER THINGS FOR A WHILE, because I had some Fandomstuck posts I wanted to take care of tonight, and I want to do that before I completely run out of steam from this. @_@
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Having read 1.5 of your race sheets so far, my biggest suggestion to make is that you might want to move a lot of these 'powers' down onto some of the more general descriptive bits, so that it's easier to just explain what exactly your race is, rather than just trying to piece it together like this...
Then give us a 'general description' segment, rather than asking us to produce a race peicemeal. honestly, these are mostly pulled from stuff I've written and I have HUGE sheets, like 8+ pages of cultural history and legends for the race, but there's no where to bloody put it.
Ok, so having read what is wanted in in a race sheet I think there was a misunderatanding. While I have fully formed ideas and can expand on the sheets a immense amount (and will do) I resent being called a 'newbie' (mostly because I could drop some stupidly long stuff in here but am not going to force it in to the confines of a sheet like that, no offence). When the sheet has limits of 'a few sentences' I get the feeling that you want us to keep it short and sweet however as you've stated there is LOADS more I can do. so I am going to re-organize the sheet and expand on it. stay tuned for when I let you know when shit's done. that you mention it, this sheet is sorta confusing. I'll be clear: you're welcome to ignore it and write in your own format if it suits you better. Sorry for the confusion, I'll write a simpler template and give it to Kaga shortly. that you mention it, this sheet is sorta confusing. I'll be clear: you're welcome to ignore it and write in your own format if it suits you better. Sorry for the confusion, I'll write a simpler template and give it to Kaga shortly.
Ok, well, you gave me persmission. if I get told off for making 5 pages worth of crazyness then its not my fault. that you mention it, this sheet is sorta confusing. I'll be clear: you're welcome to ignore it and write in your own format if it suits you better. Sorry for the confusion, I'll write a simpler template and give it to Kaga shortly.
We can add in sections of our own? Am I reading this correctly?

That makes me feel a bit better now ^^
I'll make sure to have all this stuff still- but hopefully there will be more to make it easier to understand, because my race in itself is literally a bunch of lifeless corpses at the moment... (I just made a pun about my own race...not sure whether to be proud of myself or worried xD)
Ok, well, you gave me persmission. if I get told off for making 5 pages worth of crazyness then its not my fault.
I doubt you will be. But you should try not to be too miffed if some people don't read all of it.
Right, Re-shuffled the Mechani and expanded on culture and done a few grammar fixing things. Hope that is up to scratch, Going to do the same for the Swarm.
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We can add in sections of our own? Am I reading this correctly?

That makes me feel a bit better now ^^
I'll make sure to have all this stuff still- but hopefully there will be more to make it easier to understand, because my race in itself is literally a bunch of lifeless corpses at the moment... (I just made a pun about my own race...not sure whether to be proud of myself or worried xD)
Yes absolutely. The sheet is more of a guideline, and I've asked Kaga to clarify this with an edit when he has time. Modify it to your race's needs.

Right, Re-shuffled the Mechani and expanded on culture and done a few grammar fixing things. Hope that is up to scratch, Going to do the same for the Swarm.
Well that covered my questions and then some. Nice work.
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Name singular: Awaïta (lit. Person of Awai)
Name plural: Awaïtai (lit. People of Awai)

All Awaïtai are born with two unique abilities, known to them as Awaïsinüatea (lit. Pricless Gift of Awai, in speech usually shortened to Awaïte) and Nohuäsinühias (lit. Weapon Gift of Nohua, in speech usually shortened to Nohuähi) that are considered to be given by the two gods, Awai the mother goddess and Nohua, the warrior god.
Awaïte is a special ability (or in rare cases, abilities) that every Awaïtai is born with. It can be anything from simply making more tasty dishes, over inborn magical powers, to various unique powers. Due to some Awaïte being hard to figure out some people live their whole life without discovering what their is.

Nohuähi on the other hand is gained in a ceremony held at one's twelfth birthday or when it is determined one is physically old enough to begin specialized military training. The ceremony is public in most cases and takes place in a sacred area of Nohua, usually a former battlefield (through a temple or village square are often used when there is no nearby former battlefields). After completing a series of up to ten challenges that gradually become harder the god Nohua will bestow the Nohuähi, a weapon that will always be here when one needs it, but disappear when it is not needed. While the weapon given depends on the person the the strength, power and any potential abilities of the Nohuähi depend on how many challenges were cleared and how hard where those (in the ceremony one must only clear the first challenge, through most people clear at least the first three. One can also skip a challenge once, to conserve strength for the one after it. Some temples have specially organized harder challenge series for those that want to earn even greater grace from Nouha).

Awaïtai have a lifespan similar to humans. Some Awaïte do extend one's lifespan, usually by only a decade or two. There was one person that lived for 201/202 years.

Short description:
Awaïtai mostly look like humans, but looks can be deceiving, with a knack for magic and with powerful blessings of their two deities this race is anything but human. They also have a more diverse spread of hair and eye coloration.

Physical description:
Awaïtai, have formed three district variations, each adjusting to the specific climate system of the planet in a different way. All Awaïtai have at least a decent affinity with magic, allowing most to learn at least some.
The Taid are the most numerous and are generally human like, with skin usually ranging from what would look like a light tan to extremely dark coloration. Their internal working are also similar to humans, with only slight differences, mainly in the lack of vestigial structures.
The Taih, the second most common variation, are also mostly human like, but usually with significantly more hair, both on the head and body (the body hair in particularly can sometimes be dense and long enough to be called a fur), although most of this extra hair is seasonal, with the actual amount of hair adjusting as winter or summer approaches. They are also usually shorter then humans but are muscularly built with lot of fat pockets spread to provide heat protection.

The last and least common are the Taia. Faced with the unique climate of Awaïna this race has took to living where the climate was constant - the dark depths of tropical jungles, inside caves deep underground or under hundreds of meters of ocean. Due to centuries of low exposure to sunlight left them extremely pale. The Taia also experimented with many applications of magic, developing countless advances in it, but not without a price. Many Taia have been damaged by magic, their bodies and the bodies of their descendants developing various traits that were anything but Awaítai or human, from ears of animals to parts of all sorts of abominations.

Cultural description:
The Taid, until the rise of civilization, lived as sedentary hunters and gatherers in the open plains north and south from the planet's tropical jungles, with limited expansion out of those areas. The Taid were the ones that developed agriculture, starting the era of civilization and allowing the three branches of Awaïtai to reconnect. Most of the Taid now lives in city-states or monarchies of various size. Taid place great importance in the worship of the goddess Awai and in their current society is a religious one in which one's place is usually determined by the Awaïte or birth, with only rare cases of hard work, talents or Nohuähi allowing one to improve one's social status.
The Taih are primary, even after the rise of civilization lead to some of them settling down, wandering seafaring nomads that move as the long sessions of Awaína shift winter and summer between the hemispheres of the planet. The cornerstone of Taih culture and mobility are their unique boats called Awaínäkori (lit. Travelers of Awaïna, also called just Kori). After there are also their unique fishing spear and hunting bow. Taih also employ the Luitëruin (roughly-Great Newts), an genus of species of large newt-like creatures which they ride as mounts. Taih are mostly devoted to the god Nohua, but Awai is still properly worshiped.

The last ones, the Taia, had found retreat in places of constant and unchaining climate, the lush jungles of the tropical zone, the rock caves deep under the surface or the depths of the seas. To survive in this environments the Taia took to first cooperating and then taking control over various species, using selective breeding and magic to achieve the results. The cornerstone of this were three species and the safety they provided - in the jungles it was the anthills of the Yatöruin (roughly-Great Ant), in the caves it was the webs of the Sajïnis (roughly-Darkest Spider) and in the ocean it was the massive Kadüari (roughly-Greatest Whale).
The ear of civilization is now placing new tests on the race, with conflicts, of all kinds and degrees, between its branches, inside the branches and between various social classes.

Connection to Earth/Omnibus:
Several years ago all the groups of Awaïtai came together after the discovery of a massive ruined city hidden in a newly-discovered cave in a region in the far north. The ruins were leftover by an ancient civilization that used magic to travel between different worlds and which left countless artifacts scattered across the universe. The join expedition managed to find, fix and activate one of the ancient magical gateways which were used to travel between worlds, but the magical circuits for navigation were beyond repair and all the expedition could do is make a replacement that at least would connect them to a planet each time. After changing the destination of the gate many times the expedition finally hit a habitable planet - Earth, which they secretly explored, finding the existence of Omnibus Academy half a year ago. After establishing what exactly Omnibus was the Awaïtai came into contact with it and decided to allow up to a few students to go ahead and seek acceptance into it every year.

Planet of Awaïna (lit. Awai's Garden)
Awaïna was until roughly a million years ago a normal Earth-like planet, but it was then that a disturbance caused the planet's orbit to become more elliptical and elongated leading to extremely long seasons, each usually lasting around a Earth year. This lead to many drastic changes in the planet's climate and ecosystem, which is still not stable even now. One of the consequences was the branching of the emerging sapient species of the planet - the Awaïtai.

A short look on the standardized language (Awaïtaïkjr) of the Awaïtai
Most of the words in the language are actually compounded from multiple words, usually by adding the whole word or a part of it as a suffix. Letters with two dots (diaeresis) above them point where a part of a compound word ends. Note that those words can be written without the diaeresis. The main reason for many compound words is the difference between the languages of the Awaïtai branches, making it hard to chose words that would mean and sound the same in all three, not to talk about the dialects of those three languages. So this standardized language (along with Taidöausäkir/Awaïtadïusäkjr the most widespread of Taid dialects) is primary used by diplomacy, trade, scholars and educated people with only a few terms/words like Awaïsinüatea or Iätur ((I) surrender) entering everyday knowledge and use.

That finishes the race sheet. Time to go and do the first (1st) character sheet.
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Well that covered my questions and then some. Nice work.
Well, Just did the same for the Swarm. It appears My speed is not just for throwing together 'raw' things, I can draw up entire Race bio's and even a way of integrating hybrids and crap in the space of 10 minutes. Also I've removed most of the 'powers' from The swarm because its all covered in the general description. on to the next one!
You'd be right to picture them as being froglike (this relates to your second thing because yes, they reproduce by spawning BUT THAT DIDN'T SEEM LIKE SOMETHING THAT SHOULD COME INTO PLAY). Except they only got normal length tongues and no SUPER JUMPS TO THE MOON. As for other physical traits, that's all they've got going on from the outside.
Mmm, alright then. Maybe something about them being "froglike" should be added to the race sheet, to better solidify that comparison?

Other than that, I'd say you're good!

Ok, so having read what is wanted in in a race sheet I think there was a misunderatanding. While I have fully formed ideas and can expand on the sheets a immense amount (and will do) I resent being called a 'newbie' (mostly because I could drop some stupidly long stuff in here but am not going to force it in to the confines of a sheet like that, no offence). When the sheet has limits of 'a few sentences' I get the feeling that you want us to keep it short and sweet however as you've stated there is LOADS more I can do. so I am going to re-organize the sheet and expand on it. stay tuned for when I let you know when shit's done.
o_o Woah, sorry, I didn't mean to offend. By "newbie", I literally just meant "new"... I didn't mean it as an insult, so I'm sorry if you took it this way.

Secondly -- and I certainly don't mean this personally -- I just don't want new members giving themselves a ton of responsibility right off the bat. I've seen plenty of instances of players biting off more than they can chew. If you can handle playing one or two races/characters, then you can add more. I just need you to prove to me that you can in fact handle it. Again, I don't mean this personally -- this is just a general rule applied to all new members.

Also, the thing about "a few sentences" applies only to the mini-description that goes onto the race list on the 2nd post of the thread. It's there to give everyone a super-brief description of your race, as an overview. But the rest of the race sheet needs to have more detail. The only reason why the overview description is kept short is so that we don't have a ton of information making the race list longer than it needs to be -- since everyone's mini-descriptions will be there. The rest of the sheet is where you can go into more detail.

I'm sorry you thought I was insulting your abilities or anything. I admit I was probably a bit too blunt earlier. I didn't realize you were confused on the instructions.

In any case -- I'm working with my co-GM's right now to figure out how we can improve the race sheet so that it's less confusing. Please bear with me while I catch up on all the posts that came in while I was writing campy Sonic fanfiction attending to responsibilities elsewhere.
(As far as the real thing goes, tbh, I had to take a deep breath over the no separate CS thread because every other RP I've been in has had that, so that pattern of organization was set for me. This system is messing with my patterns so at first I was like, "Aahhhhh!!!" Lol! But then you guys cleared it up so now I'm like, "There'll be links to the sheets, brain. It'll be okay. Deal with it." Luckily I can make myself adjust if I really want to, which in this case I do, so it'll be all good!)
Now would be a good time to point out that on the GENERAL DISCLAIMERS list, there's a note about possible accommodations for people with mental illnesses -- if there's any small thing I can do to make things easier for you, just send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Just like with the rules list, I would also love it if everyone could read the disclaimers list. XD
Not a problem, I've re-done the first two and am about 1/3rd through the Necris sheet and one of the co-gm's read the first sheet and said that it covered her/his(?) issues so I presume that's good?
Now would be a good time to point out that on the GENERAL DISCLAIMERS list, there's a note about possible accommodations for people with mental illnesses -- if there's any small thing I can do to make things easier for you, just send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Just like with the rules list, I would also love it if everyone could read the disclaimers list. XD
Did read it Might as well put it out here now:
Dyslecsic, my grammar and spelling is crap. google spell check does wonders but sometimes when using made up words I get the plural(ities) confused and if I use a word spelt very similar I apologise (Archives and achieves along with chives are right next to each other on the spell check, its fucking stupid).
Now would be a good time to point out that on the GENERAL DISCLAIMERS list, there's a note about possible accommodations for people with mental illnesses -- if there's any small thing I can do to make things easier for you, just send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Just like with the rules list, I would also love it if everyone could read the disclaimers list. XD

I did. I read every single thing. I just don't tend to mention the OCD in any serious form because usually I can manage it just fine with things like this. It wasn't a big enough deal to really bring up. But then there was salt going on so I had to clarify just so you'd know I'm not being an idiot, lol. It's all good though. I adjust. :)
Then give us a 'general description' segment, rather than asking us to produce a race peicemeal. honestly, these are mostly pulled from stuff I've written and I have HUGE sheets, like 8+ pages of cultural history and legends for the race, but there's no where to bloody put it.
I was expecting people to put that kind of stuff under the 'cultural' bit, or perhaps under an 'other' field (did we seriously forget an 'other' field?? Wow... I feel like I rushed some things, here).

In any case, you're right, it's confusing. If you want to toss all the fields out and write your own race sheet, that's fine. I certainly never meant for the race sheet to be so restricting. I only wanted it to help cover all the necessary bases to address in a race sheet.

Funnily enough, the race sheets for TJA really were just a "write a general description" sort of thing, but I remember a lot of people not liking them because they felt kind of direction-less... I thought people here would like having a list with clear templates better. ^^"

Ok, well, you gave me persmission. if I get told off for making 5 pages worth of crazyness then its not my fault.
I would never have 'told you off' for adding detail in the first place. The only thing I've 'told you off' for thus far was how your old race sheets seemed to skip over some big things and were organized weirdly, WHICH, as we've already established, is our fault here on the GM side of things, so we apologize for that.

Before I go give your revised sheets a look, I'd like to ask that we all just try to stay polite here... I admit I may not have been as professional as I should have when I looked over your original sheets, and I apologize for that. In general, though, things feel like they're getting a bit hostile, and I'd really rather avoid that. I'm ok with criticisms -- criticisms are welcome -- but, politeness is good, too.

and I've asked Kaga to clarify this with an edit when he has time.
Kaga is a girl actually, but nbd. XP
Hey.. Um, this might be a stupid question but I just have to ask. Do I need to fill out the race sheet template eventhough I'm going to use a pre-existing race? After thinking long and hard, I decided to make an elf. I also want to make a slyph but I don't think I can handle two characters >_>
I would never have 'told you off' for adding detail in the first place. The only thing I've 'told you off' for thus far was how your old race sheets seemed to skip over some big things and were organized weirdly, WHICH, as we've already established, is our fault here on the GM side of things, so we apologize for that.

Before I go give your revised sheets a look, I'd like to ask that we all just try to stay polite here... I admit I may not have been as professional as I should have when I looked over your original sheets, and I apologize for that. In general, though, things feel like they're getting a bit hostile, and I'd really rather avoid that. I'm ok with criticisms -- criticisms are welcome -- but, politeness is good, too.
It was more of a light hearted joke. Sorry if I cam across as hostile, I didn't mean to. most of the time when I am on forums I tend to be very hard to rile up and annoy (to the degree where so-far on my entire web-expirance only one person has managed to get my hackles up, and he got banned from this site a while ago). So if I say anything that feels hostile go grab enough salt to make league of legends look like it has a sodium dificancy and try and ask yourself 'could this have been written as a joke or as some kind of sarcastic quip, or is it just purely cynical asshattery?' Because I'm cynical enough to be cynical about being cynical, which means I've seen to much of life.
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Name singular: Mechanus
Name plural: Mechani

Cultural description: Mechani's Culture is very similar to humanity, however they have a much greater respect for the dead, as it is the dead who power their very way of life. A normal mechanius life would consist of the usual affair of living, However not requiring food or drink or sleep leads to a unusual pattern. Most Mechani tend to work for 12 hours of they day and have the other 12 hours for recreation. The only major deviation is that any time a Mechani dies or their body is to be integrated in to the machine of the city their is a ceremony much larger than a normal human funeral as the integration in to the greater machine is both a honour for the Dead mechanus and a moment of importance for the family. However, birthdays are downplayed as years lived is less important to a mechanus than what they have achieved. Living in a flying city has had some impacts on the Mechani way of life, meaning that the weather is less of a issue as they can fly above the clouds. The lack of resources however has lead to a emphasis on recycling and reusing things.
Cultural Legends/history: The Mechani have a story about the 'Fire Of Creation' a supposed source of all the energy that they produce, the ultimate mobius core, and it was from this Fire Of Creation that the first Mechani stumbled, unsure of himself, little more than a soul filled with energy and a desire, a desire to live, and create. and it was from him came the first of the four Kings of Energy, the first of each energy type, Steam, to build, and create, Clockwork to aid him in making all that was to be made apeasing to the eye. Electricity to gather resources and protect them. and Plasma to organise and keep them from arguing. They toiled, and toiled for unknown years, seas changed, rivers changed course and mountains rose and fell around them. and when they were done they stood before the first flying city, they looked upon their works and were proud. But for all its beauty and intricate mastery the city was empty, and so, The King Of Steam took some wire in his hands and heating it up he wove a mind, a brain for a child, and he built a body for his child, He took his child before the Fire of creation and begged the flame to impart the same life force he had in to his child. The flame looked upon the child and declared that each of the Kings should make such children, and so they did. Once all the kings made their children, The Fire Of Creation gave each child a portion of its power, and returned them to the Kings, but they also told the kings and the children that it was the child's choice as to which type of power it would get to use. and so the children learnt under the kings upon the city that was still yet to leave the ground, for it lacked the power to fly. And each year, the kings would weave new children from their bodies and the Flame Of Creation would impart them life. Years went by and the city was populated slowly. Then One year, the King of Electricity realised that he couldn't make a child, for he had used too much of his own body, Making more children would kill him. So he alone went to the Flame of Creation and begged to let him use something else to create his child. The flame refused but instead granted those who had chosen a King to follow the ability to make their own children from their bodies, AND repair themselves. The Flame then drew the four kings to it, and told them that if they wished to see their city fly, they would have to sacrifice themselves. And so, reilising that their duty was done, they walked willingly in to the heart of the city they made, a heart yet to start beating, a Heart that for thousands of years had remained dormant. The city shuddered at the death of its creators, and then blazing with light as those that made it imparted the four essences of energy to create a new spark of creation, a smaller, weaker spark, but one that burned just as brightly. The city slowly lifted from the ground, taking flight and leaving its old home to soar above the clouds. Since then the Mechani people have always lived upon flying cities as a homage to their creators. New cities are made when the Oldest of each of the 4 types come together to create a new 'Heart' (a secret passed down from the eldest Steam Type to the next) and power it. The largest of the flying cities has 2 hearts, one of which is supposedly the 'Kings Heart'

Realm: The Mechani realm (called Mechanum) is a realm like earth before humanity, wide expanses of green, huge forests, mighty feilds ect. and above it all flies the huge cities of the Mechani. They have recently started exploring other realms through the use of 'jump gates' machines that allow smaller ships to be launched between universes, some universes have been found hostile, and have been closed off, others have been found friendly and trading and other agreements have been formed in the past few hundred years.

Self-Improvment/repair, A mechanus is capable of building and re-building itself or new parts of itself.
Ingergration: Mechani have the capability to absorb and reproduce technology
Mobius Power: A Mechanus has theoretically infinite energy within its body, allowing it to power all number of devices and technologies.
Single Source: A young (under 12 years old) Mechanus's Mobius core produces a type of energy that is 'Universal' and can be transmuted in to any type of power the Mechanus desires. At the coming of age a Mechanus chooses a single power 'type' that defines them, all Mechani are considered children until they have chosen their power type. Each power type has a few different abilities (detailed later)
Veriant Technology: When intergrating or building new technology in to their body the technology will be adapted to run off their chosen power type (Steampowered iphones exist.)
External Power: A Mechani can provide power to external sources at will, allowing them to power entire houses should the desire to.

Power Types and Abilites: Upon chosing his 'Type' of power, The Mechanus chooses one of the following and gains the associated powers.

Electrical: These Mechani chose to have their Mobius Cores produce electrical energy, They often are made of steel or chrome or even titanium. often with glowing eyes and smooth but robotic movements. These Mechani are capable of firing arcs of powerful electrical blasts as well as producing a EM-feild which can disable technology that isn't stored within a Mechani. (these are the most common Mechani)

Steam: These Mechani chose to have their Mobius cores produce high pressure and temperature steam, Often bronze and brass with grinding gears and glittering glass or crystal eyes these Mechani are considered to be master engineers and crafters, as well as among the most skillful scientists, often they have small holes in their plating, or clear parts in their body to show of the beautiful and intricate internals and driving parts. They also have steam vents to release excess steam. These Mechani can eject a scolding hot blast of steam, often used to either make lovely coffee or clean metals, They also are immune to heat and rust. These Mechani Move in a slow steady fashion however they have clear, distinct pauses.

Clockwork; These Mechani chose to have their Mobius core behave like a forever wound clockspring, very often made of the rare metals or a combination of bronze, brass and crystals, these mechani are considered to be the most beautiful of all, often with clear or otherwise no body allowing the showing of the billions of minuscule gears that make up their form, their heartbeat is the sound of a billion clocks ticking. The best dancers, artists and musicians are among the clockwork Mechani. Clockwork Mechani have the unique ability to perfectly record everything, they are the only mechani with a eidetic memory. Their movement is steady but full of thousands of tiny jerking motions.

Plasma: These Mechani chose to have the raging fury of the sun as their power source. The Mobius core becomes a raging ball of plasma. Often made of highly advanced and almost futuristic materials, capable of being mistaken for humans (or any other race they chose to immitate). Plasma Mechani are the diplomats, politicians and lawyers of the Mechani realms. They have the ability to let lose a violent ball of plasma, capable of incinerating most things, however, they are drained after doing so, and thus will do it very rarely. They are also the only 'type' of Mechani capable of having expressive eyes, all the other Mechani's eyes never show emotion.

Mechani have 2 types of lifespan, Mind Life, and Body Life. a Mechani's mind lives for about 150 years, however its Mobius Core burns for all eternity, the most ancient Mechani have their core powering the mechani's flying city. However, a Mechani that has lost its mind is 'dead' in the sense that it no longer can speak, move, remember, or even interact in any way shape or form with the outside world, all that is left is a mindless husk with eternal energy inside.

Short description: A mechanical Race of non Organic beings who come in 4 unique types.

Physical description: Each Individual mechani appears as described within the power type chosen, beyond that however they may appear as they chose.
To quote the gm: "they are basically robots"

Other: First fully finished race! and 2 more to come!
Looks good to me! We can add this to the accepted list. ^^

And on that note, I have to say, I'm not sure if I'll be able to read any more race sheets tonight. I'm starting to hit that wall that I mentioned, so concentrating on long chunks of text is becoming a bit difficult. o_o" I'll still be around to answer questions and work with my co-GM's. I'm just not sure about any bulk amounts of reading.
Looks good to me! We can add this to the accepted list. ^^

And on that note, I have to say, I'm not sure if I'll be able to read any more race sheets tonight. I'm starting to hit that wall that I mentioned, so concentrating on long chunks of text is becoming a bit difficult. o_o" I'll still be around to answer questions and work with my co-GM's. I'm just not sure about any bulk amounts of reading.
To the secret GM lair of secrets, where horrible conspiracies come to life.
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