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[fieldbox=Temple Raiders?!, burlywood]
Hanaguro - the provincial capital of the River province.
In the western side of the city.
Team 4.

A collab between Frost, Zane and Oetje

Team 4 goes into the Fire Temple but don't succeed in getting the lodging inside or near the complex. Relocating, Meilin comes up with a plan that has some risks. The team discusses the plan before the move into action.

Previous post!

Before anything could really be said from Madoc on any matters, all those angry facial expressions Aoi had been making before Meilin's arrival would surface once again. Which was when Aoi would begin getting all these issues she had with what they just did, unleashing them all on Meilin. This caused him to groan as he fell backwards on the bed, as he was debating to leave the room to get a drink Aoi had pushed Meilin back to the door causing any chance for him to escape to not be plausible. Well, he could always leave through the window. Sitting back up he would hold his hands in the position for the seal. Except he wasn't throwing his conscious into Aoi's head, just sending his own chakra into her.

She wouldn't feel anything at first, yet her muscles would weaken and she would find herself walking away from Meilin to the opposite side of the room.
"Okay never thought I would be the mediator in any situation, Aoi when you calm down I will let the jutsu go. When you become a shinobi you have to do things you don't want to. Killing, stealing, burning a part of a temple. Your job comes first and everything else second. So I won't make my words sound sweet never have, never will. Your…. God is your second priority if it means burning a temple gets us information." Madoc said to Aoi before looking at Meilin. "And you should be more open, I get keeping secrets who doesn't these days. I have some, I'm sure Aoi does too. However I consider those free time secrets, anything mission wise should at least be a bit more open. Like just a heads up would be nice, not full details but enough details to get the point across. Like a secret clan technique perhaps would be all we need to know, on how you planned to enter that temple." Madoc said to her before looking at Aoi. "Now I'm going to let you go, just relax please? I'm really getting exhausted from all this chakra I'm burning up." Madoc said as he released his seal thus giving Aoi free reign of her body back.

"Okay, so we can..."
Meilin's voice trailed off as she slowly turned her attention away from the papers to Aoi. The Cho became silent. Her arms hanging at her body as she listened to the other chuunin. The lips of Meilin did part once, her features shifting and even revealing some disgust. Not because of what Aoi voiced but just once more what she had dreaded before. The confrontation she had hoped not to experience.

Despite staying silent and even letting Aoi work her against the door, Meilin's lips stayed tight upon each other. Her chin would slightly be raised, eyes narrowing and her hands clenched into fists as the other would slightly lift her up. Before Meilin decided to interject and respond back to Aoi, Madoc decided to intervene.
Still appearing calm about it all, Meilin would throw a glance at Madoc. She wanted to say something but decided to turn her attention on.

"What I asked was wrong. What happened was wrong."
Meilin paused for a mere second. She felt a strong mixture of emotions rushing through her own body. The adrenaline rush that came from Aoi becoming physical only made it worse.
"You indeed did terrible things. Things I doubt I would be able to do if one were to ask me. I don't think that I can conjure a response that will make you sleep calm tonight. I don't think anything I can say will repair the damage. But," she gestured to the papers.

"We got what we needed! It is not foolproof but if that priest collaberates with those zealots, we can save so many more! You haven't... They..." Meilin's arm dropped and hang at her side as she tried to find the words.
"I swear by my gods and ancestors, Aoi, I am not asking this because I don't respect your God. Neither because I don't consider you a waste. Believe me, if we can avoid what they did before. To other people, it isn't for nought. Our real enemy is capable of doing much more horrid things! I.. Fucking hell... Fine!"

Meilin's hands shot to her clothing. Lifting her top garment, she would care less about the fact that she showed some skin. Pointing at large scars at her side, she spoke up again.
"Feel free to punch me. Berate me. Scold or curse my name. But by Valdar's wrath, I promise you. I have seen what those bastards are capable of. They butcher groups without a second thought. Women, men or children. Just... give me this one chance. If that priest isn't with them? I will surrender myself to the local authorities. I will do what is right. Regardless of being a kunoichi. Regardless of anything. Just, give me this one chance. Please, Aoi."

Aoi was struck with a primal terror as she suddenly felt she was no longer in charge of her own body. She willed herself to move with every ounce of her being but all she ended up doing was releasing Meilin and backing away. For a moment she was convinced she'd lost it. She'd snapped. Then Madoc began to speak to her side. She couldn't turn her head to look at the blonde mind reader but she was able to at least turn her gaze on him. Her eyes were ablaze with anger, at Meilin for the most part, but at least some of it was for the complete violation she felt from no longer being able to control herself.

She didn't speak to him, just darted her eyes up and down in place of shaking her head in agreement to his terms, she felt her control come back and she didn't move. At this point she was sure the Yamanaka would do something far more drastic if she lashed out for Meilin again.

As Meilin began to talk Aoi couldn't help but to turn her head to the side in a question. Had she misunderstood what Aoi wanted here? She couldn't blame the Cho, she barely knew what she had been saying herself, but she was sure that it at least made some semblance of sense that could be formed into coherent thought. Meilin went on about saving people. About how what they'd done could possibly stop the deaths of many. She watched from her spot across the room as she seethed in anger. Her want to now beat the Yamanaka along with the Cho only rising as Meilin spoke, misunderstanding what the problem Aoi had with the operation was. Then she pulled her shirt off and bared herself so they could see her scarred stomach.

Aoi let out a small nondescript sound, something akin to a gasp laced with an angry mumble. She couldn't not look at the scar for a few moments, then she tore her eyes away from it and back to Meilin, "How do you not get it?" She asked, almost pleading with her to understand, "Even Madoc got it for God's sake!" She pointed at the blonde where he sat.

"It's not about the Temple! It's not about the Guards!" At some point earlier between Madoc taking control of her and Meilin talking she had stopped crying, now they threatened to make an appearance once again. "It's about your lack of trust in your own fucking team!" She cried at Meilin.

"Why did I trust you enough to commit blasphemy for your plan, but you didn't trust us," she pointed between Madoc and herself as she spoke, "enough to tell us your ace in the hole to get into the Temple? Some secret technique that was just far too great for us to know about? That's utter and complete bullshit!" The tears came again, although not as forcefully as before. She wiped at her face with her forearm, leaving streaks of clean skin to play against her dirty face from her earlier brawl, "Why don't you trust your team enough to tell us a piece of make-or-break mission information?" She choked back a breath and swallowed. She brought her breathing down and straightened herself up, while wiping at her face again.

As he kept his position on the bed just hoping to relax, it seemed he would not get such when Meilin started to defend herself against Aoi. Who he was thankful didn't instantly attempt to lash out again at Meilin or himself this time. Yet as Madoc watched their argument, Meilin suddenly lifted her top garment off which shocked him, and for a few moments, he just stared before covering his eyes. Now just listening, he felt the need to give Aoi a look for what could be interpreted as an insult. Even Madoc got it? The fuck was that supposed to mean, he was the only one here who you literally couldn't keep a secret from. At this point him even speaking up wouldn't be beneficial at all, so all he did was listen as he sat on the bed with his left hand covering his eyes.

"I don't want to! Happy now?! I don't want to!"

The volume of Meilin's voice suddenly raised as she clenched her hands into fists.

"I don't want to trust you! I don't want to be hurt, again! Get that? You got it so easy. With your forgiving god. With your loving faith. Know what happens when you have nothing to fall back on to? Feels fucked up, doesn't it? Be glad that I, at least, didn't take anything tangible from you!"

Her cheeks flared up as she wanted to take a step forward. She had hoped that by showing the scar and talking about the results that she wouldn't have this damned confrontation. That they would just get some sleep and follow the priest tomorrow. That they would be able to put an end to the Zealots. Panting softly, Meilin felt the burning sensation in her stomach. It was crawling up to her chest and caused her hands to feel itchy.
"You want to know why I don't want to trust you both? Want to fucking know? Cause it means that I will put faith in you both. That means opening up. Putting myself vulnerable. Even if it something not that big." Meilin said, managing to lower the volume of her voice as she spoke. Her voice was a bit shaken but her gaze was locked on Aoi.
"Happy now? Or do you want more? Or will you just shut the fuck up and lay down? If you feel like picking this further up later, I am all game. But right now, I want to get some damn sleep and not be questioned by anybody. Tomorrow, I want to seek out those idiotic Sworn Swords. Then see if I have to turn myself in or not."
That having said, Meilin would almost stamp towards her own bed. Her back turned towards Aoi and Madoc, she would start to undo her weapon belt and pouches, letting them fall to the ground.

Aoi stood and simply listened, Meilin's deep-seated anger at her past experiences with others flowing over her as she let it out. As she told them how she really felt about them. About the team. Aoi thought to say something as Meilin spoke, but caught her tongue and let the Cho continue unhindered. Aoi felt her own rage leaving her as Meilin's words washed over her. 'At least she's being truthful now.' she thought to herself as Meilin went on, an immense feeling of guilt welling inside of Aoi to replace her previous outburst at the thought she had forced Meilin to do this, to say what she didn't ever want to say. Her whole body began to feel heavy at the thought that she was a burden on Meilin, that she was something Meilin could get hurt from and had been up to now consciously avoiding getting close to in secret to keep herself as isolated and safe as possible. She felt the tears on her face, just a few as they rolled down and clung to the bottom of her chin before dropping off without a sound.

She wanted to speak. To say something. To shake Meilin vigorously and tell her she was being unreasonable. Tell her that she wasn't going to be betrayed by Aoi now or ever. But even Aoi couldn't think those words with more than a hint of confidence on her own, she didn't know if she could speak them with the conviction needed to convey them properly, to make Meilin believe her. She let out a deep breath as Meilin began to undo her belt. "That's better…" she said her voice shaky and unsure of the words even as she said them.

She made her way across to the door and let herself out of the room. The door closing behind her she placed her back and head against the wall and stared at the ceiling, unsure of what she was even doing now that she was outside of the room.

Their talk seemed to be reaching the climax with Meilin giving them the reason on why she didn't want to trust them, that it would make her vulnerable. Although some points she was driving didn't sit well with him, so when she finished speaking and Aoi uttered a simple few words before leaving the room. It would leave just him and Meilin to which he would sigh and stand up off the bed uncovering his eyes he would speak. "Ain't going to force you to do anything, I won't say you are wrong or right. Cause frankly neither you or Aoi are freaking right. You are in charge of a team if you don't want to trust us. Then why are we even here? You ain't the only one who has nothing to fall back on. So I just want you to think about it before we proceed forward, if you can't trust us then I don't think this team will last much longer. Like I said before, doesn't need to be every detail just enough to get the point across….. I'll talk to Aoi as well, do try to take my words to mind, please? Neat technique by the way." Madoc said before opening the door and closing it behind him. Patting Aoi on the shoulder he would walk down the hall. "Come on, you get my words of wisdom next." Madoc said motioning for her to follow him.

Meilin would ignore the sounds behind her, hearing Aoi faintly. She didn't deem to react as she wanted to just lay down and sleep. Tomorrow they would need to operate at their best. A lot was at stake, after all. Hearing Madoc, Meilin threw a look over her right shoulder. She would remain silent.
When the door closed behind Madoc, Meilin would lay down and crawl underneath the sheets. She knew that she wasn't in the right. It had felt wrong to ask what she had asked of Aoi. To commit such acts. Closing her eyes, Meilin just wanted to fall asleep. She felt exhausted and yet sleep eluded her.

Clenching her hands into fists, Meilin wanted to scream and flail her fists around. The frustration of before was only growing and drove her to the need to kick the door open and just drag both of them back into the room. Kicking and screaming at them for making her feel like this. It was perhaps far from them being at fault for how she felt, what she had experienced and what their tasks were but she wasn't sure what else to do. All she wanted was to achieve her goals.
[fieldbox="Words of Wisdom, solid, [COLOR=#ffffff]#00cdcd[/COLOR]"]

A collab done by Frost and Obli
Location: Hanaguro - the provincial capital of the River province.
In the western side of the city.
Summary: After a team dispute between Aoi and Meilin. Madoc decided to give his words of wisdom to Aoi in hopes of calming her down.

[spoili]Aoi was able to hear Madoc talking to Meilin through the door, although what he said she wasn't quite sure. Unexpectedly the door opened and she watched as Madoc stepped out of the room. She hadn't expected him to leave, but she was happy that he had. She flinched as he pat her on the shoulder and just idly nodded her head to his words before following him down the hall.

"Words of wisdom huh?" She asked as they went along. Her face felt red but her breathing had calmed down and she had stopped crying back in the room. "Do tell oh sage." She said as they walked to some yet unknown destination.

Looking at her he would chuckle a bit, she must have been feeling a bit better if she was cracking a joke. "Call it what you will but its advice and hopefully advice both you and Meilin take to heart. I told her my thoughts so I'll tell you mine as well. Trust is easier to ask for than to actually get. You don't know her reasons, neither do I. Should she have given us a clue? One hundred percent. Should you have yelled at her for trust? No." Madoc said as he would lead Aoi and himself out of their temporary resting quarters and to the street. Even for a shitty part of town, it had its own charm.

As he continued walking he would resume speaking. "What I'm trying to get at. It's hard to want to give your ally trust, when they are shoving you against a door. Hopefully she will be more open after tonight and if she isn't? Then I'll just tell everything for her. So keep it to yourself but she turned into a bird. That's how she got in. No clue what technique that even is, so I'm guessing its a clan secret technique or something." he would pause for the moment to look at her. "You both seem to forget I can read minds and sense miles out. Keeping a secret from me is next to impossible. Hence why I told you both about it. It's a secret otherwise, yet a secret that would make missions harder. So give her time, she will come around. She may not feel very team friendly after her last one treated her like shit. Fun fact I had one discussion with the leader and promptly was moved to this team."

Aoi walked along with Madoc, and when he started to talk she found herself intently listening. Her mood had gotten a little better since Meilin had been truthful for what may have been the first time since they had met now that she looked back, even if what she said hadn't exactly pleased Aoi, the fact she had said it at all was what mattered. She flinched as Madoc pointed out Aoi had went about the whole situation wrong. That her confrontation was exactly counter to what she wanted in the long term. And he was right.

"I'm…" she wasn't sure where to begin or how to say what she meant, "Thank you." she quickly blurted out, "For stopping me. I don't know what came over me it wasn't a plan or anything it just happened one mom enemy I was there and talking and angry and the next I had my hands on Meilin and I was so ready to hit her right there to fight my teammate…" Aoi ranted as they walked her hands coming up in front of her in fists as if mimicking grabbing Meilin, "You stopped what could have been so much worse from me…"

She brought her hands to her face in embarrassment for a moment before she took a deep breath through them and let it out. Her mind shifted from what she had done to the technique of Meilin that she had kept hidden from them both, and partly to the fact that she was pretty sure Madoc staring at her and then reminding her of his abilities was him doing it to her. "Did you just…?" she shook her head, "Nevermind I don't mind it. Meilin turned into a bird? She hid that from us?" Aoi was slightly dumbfounded. People could turn into all sort of things using the right technique, why Meilin decided she needed to hide that was beyond her.

As she thought she surveyed where they were walking, and raised an eyebrow at Madoc, "Where exactly are we off to anyway?" she asked him.

He chuckled at her confusion but shook his head. "Nope, I'm dropping wisdom on you. Why would I need to look at that mind right now? Also yes a bird, must be something special if she kept it hidden. Wouldn't surprise me, those Cho's terrify the fuck out of me. Although I could always ask a risque question~" Madoc said giving another smirk before pointing ahead at the pub at the end of the street. "Well after I just watched you two argue, have one of you try to fight the other, the other started removing clothing. I could use a drink, and frankly I think you probably do as well. We don't have to operate until late tomorrow anyway. Gives the chance for any hangover to clear out. So all drinks are on me, however if you start removing clothes as well. Then I'm leaving you with one of the pub males."

She smiled and shook her head, "I'm not sure why you'd need to look." Aoi replied before she thought on Meilins technique. It'd make sense for some Cho technique to be a rather secret affair considering the reputation of the Chonobi as a very secretive people. She smirked and raised an eyebrow to Madoc's tease at the end, "Oh?" she said curiosity before she dropped her playing along with it.

"A drink does sound good." she agreed before wondering just how much money he'd really be willing to pay for them both to drink. "Do you plan on cheating to pay or are you using the money we won from cheating to pay?" She teased as they entered the pub. "I won't take off any clothes in the pub." She assured Madoc as they took a seat at an empty booth, "I don't much prefer to be left with a random stranger missing clothes." she grumbled before she waved at a passing server who quickly hurried over.

Giving a shrug at her question but a smile that had deviousness written all over it. "What can I say? I have my ways, and us getting a shitty love hotel room only keep more money in my pockets." Madoc stated not giving a true answer to her question, but she could probably figure that out herself. As he took a seat he chuckled. "Good. Don't need to know you and Meilin on that kind of level. Sometimes i feel you women have no control when angry." As the server came over, he would order whatever their strongest drink was to which the server nodded and would take Aoi's order before going to get the drinks. "I say two drinks and you are wasted. You have shown to be a rather lightweight."

She laughed at his confidence and nodded along before she ordered what Madoc had gotten. "Are Meilin and I not good enough for you then?" she asked accusingly of Madoc, "It sure seemed like you wanted to get to know me better on the wagon ride here." she added in to see what sort of a response she might get from him. She then scoffed at his accusation she was a lightweight and shook her head.

She placed a hand on the table and leaned forward towards him while raising her other hand and three fingers, "Three!" she said, "I'll make it to at least three this time." She shook her head as if what she had said was undeniable truth and sat back in the booth. The server dropped them both their glasses of Cloud Nine and left quickly to attend to others.

Aoi took a sip, and was pleasantly surprised by the sweet flavor of what was apparently the strongest drink in the house. She took a larger drink and sloshed the rest of it around in the glass in front of her, "I feel pretty shitty." She admitted to Madoc, "I'm not sure if someone with trust issues like Meilin will ever trust me now." Her eyes wandered to stare at the wood of the table. She took another drink.

"Ain't that you aren't good enough, it's the fact you two are good enough. Don't need an asshole like me being involved." he said before giving her an amused chuckle at her comment. "Yeah last I remembered though. You got more interested than I did, took a hell of a lot to pry you off." he would jest before their drinks came with the server informing them it was called Cloud Nine. A Tokugawa drink then? Taking a sip his eyes would perk at the sweet taste. A rather sweet drink, didn't seem like it was that strong but if it was known to be the strongest one then he was sure there was a reason.

"Hmmm two and a half. I see you willing yourself that far." Madoc said giving a smirk before Aoi admitted her feeling like shit. "Then apologize in the morning, I expect her to apologize as well. Yet this is why we are a team, to build this trust. No three people come together as best friends and agree with each other. Hell I still never wanted to go to that stupid temple….. No offense I'm just not a… religious kinda guy. I was outvoted and to the temple we went. It's about compromises and working to build trust. A team that's always on the same page is honestly what I'd be most afraid of. Not cause they work as a team, but because they would most likely only work well with each other."

Aoi felt a little bit of a blush come on at Madocs comment to bother her and Meilin and to her own part in what had happened between them on the ride to Hanaguro, but she was pretty sure her face was still red and she didn't dwell on it for very long. She took another drink, determined to get to three before she could start feeling the alcohols effects.

"Yeah… I will." she agreed at his suggestion to apologize. She turned her gaze back to him and raised an eyebrow in question, "You mean a team that doesn't always agree is going to be looking at more than one option? Because that's how I see a team that doesn't agree." She spin the liquid in her glass again, "A team that doesn't immediately agree is going to look at everything open to them." she drank once more. "Three." she said confidently before finishing the rest of her first glass in one go. She was sure she'd regret this in the morning.

Nodding his head he would smile and shake his head at her getting to three like an accomplishment. "Just remember no stripping. Yet you are correct. A team that doesn't agree looks at multiple options, so if ones a bust, they go to the next. A bonded team is a ship ready to sink, a team that bonds and disagrees . Well they could go pretty far. Hence why I like this team, don't want to go back to every other team thinking I'm a cunt cause I speak what I think." Taking a sip from his drink he would point one finger at her.

"Might find this shocking but even assholes like myself do have some feelings in our bodies. So since we are talking might as well ask why you became a shinobi."

With a laugh Aoi shook her head at his comment on her stripping and gave a thumbs up that she would follow the rules. The server came back around to their table and Aoi flagged her down, "Another please." the girl nodded and smiled and disappeared into the pub.

"That's an interesting way to put it." she replied to Madoc on his thoughts on a working team dynamic. She shook her head as if to reassure him, "I find your honesty to be endearing." she said a bit lower than her other comments, "It speaks about who you are." she said with another smile before she leaned back in her spot.

"That's a hard one." she sighed and watched as the server dropped off her second drink, she smirked and raised two fingers at Madoc while mouthing the word Three. She raised the glass and took a smaller drink this time, even if it didn't burn like other drinks, the sweet taste was a little nauseating in large amounts. She placed the glass down and tapped her fingers on the table before speaking, "It wasn't really my choice if I'm being honest." she watched Madoc as she spoke, "My parents enrolled me at six, sent me off to the academy. Since I was blessed with Magnet Release they felt they needed to send me off to be of use to the country." She didn't seem upset as she spoke, but there was a deep unease inside her as she did.

"I like being a Shinobi don't get me wrong. It affords me a lot of chances I wouldn't have back home. But I'd have liked to have been given a choice on what I wanted to do with my life." she finished and took a long drink from her glass.

"You know…. That's probably the nicest way anyone has ever subtly called me an ass.Yet anytime words of wisdom from me are hard to come by you know." he said raising his glass and taking another sip from it, a bit longer this time. Which gave her ample time to taunt her three drink victory in his face. "Oh how the tower will fall." he started saying hinting at the hangover that will smack her as hard as possible in the morning. He would listen to her apparently forced enrollment into the academy, which wasn't an uncommon thing to hear about. Some parents who had a gifted child enrolled them hoping they would make it big one day.

"So what would you be doing if you did have the choice? Help running a temple? I see you being a….." he cut off as he rested his elbow on the table and rested his head on his fist as he examined her. "Hmmm…. I see you running a flower shop, maybe running an orphanage and helping children."

She stuck out her tongue and made a face at Madoc for his comment, "I wasn't calling you an asshole I'm serious. Honesty, no matter what you may seem like on the outside, really does tell more about you then you might think." She said. She could feel warmth radiating from inside of her, and she was pretty sure she wasn't going to make it to the third drink, but she hadn't actually thought she would in the first place.

She gave him a smile and thoughtfully watched the spinning liquid in her glass before resting on Madoc again. She watched him as he seemed to settle into himself and take her in, then he made his guess. Aoi smiled and let out a small laugh at his decision, "I could have seen myself being an orphanage worker, but why a flower shop?" She asked curiously raising an eyebrow before she would answer his initial question.

Snickering he would give a shrug and downing the rest of his drink. "Eh it's fine. If I'm an ass then I'm an ass. It's who I am and I don't plan on changing it for anyone." It was kind of her to deny him being an asshole, but it was denial. He knew he was one, it's how he acted and he knew what many thought of him. Took a day for his last sensei to ship him to a new team afterall, he's positive it wasn't do to his polite outlook.

Smiling at her laugh, as she must of found his answer amusing he would give a shrug of his shoulders as he leaned back in his chair. "That depends. You want the honest answer, the lie, or the flirty option. I have a special going. Where you get all three with less sass in my voice."

Aoi sat and thought on his offer for a moment. All three were tempting. She could see what his lie would say, or why he really thought she would own a flower shop, or even some sort of smooth line to win her heart over the fact. She leaned her head to the side and grinned, "You say you're running a special?" she took a drink, "Can I get all three answers?" she asked mischievously as the warmth only continued to grow.

"Ahhh they always take the special." he said with a shake of his head smiling. "The lie is because you seem like the type to love watching growth happen before your eyes. The truth is, that you just have that look to you that you enjoy plants. The flirt option is, that you must be into flowers with how radiant you are." Madoc said giving all three answers, slightly debating wondering what would happen if he didn't say which was which.

She couldn't help but laugh at the flirting response, "I'll be honest," she struggled as she tried to calm down, "that'd of been pretty good one if you'd caught me off guard." She took a moment to gather herself, slowing her breathing and biting her lip to stop the laughter that so desperately was trying to escape her, she figured the alcohol was really starting to play its part now considering how she couldn't quite get over the line. After a few moments of patiently calming herself down she'd place her face back in a hand stare at the glass in front of her before turning to Madoc's now empty glass.

"I don't think I'm going to make three." she admitted with a small blush at the fact she'd lost, "But I am ahead of you." she added almost victoriously as she took another long drink leaving less than half of her second glass remaining. She breathed out, the sweetness of the liquor threatening to cause her to bring it back up for a moment before she rested her view back on Madoc, "So then Pretty Boy. You asked me a question now I get one." she pointed to him with a finger from around her glass, "Why'd you become a Shinobi huh? What brought the golden locks of Madoc to this life?"

"I have my way with words. It's all up to the person on they want to believe however. Who knows, maybe everything I said was a lie, maybe it was all the truth? Only I will know…. And anyone with my abilities of course." Madoc said giving an amused chuckle at her claiming victory of her beating him in drinks. "One of us has to walk the other to the room. Besides I said I needed a drink, not drinks. You keep going though, I got my buzz so I'm good."

As she would proceed to ask him why he joined, his smile would fade into a bit of a frown as he would look around at everyone. "Would you believe it if I said it was out of the kindness of my heart to help?" he started with before shaking his head at himself. "To get out of my house. Now before you go asking, my parents are nice people. Stepdad could be less prickish, but who doesn't have a prick step parent? Yet I joined because I needed to get out, it just wasn't the same anymore."

Aoi suddenly felt bad about asking, as if she had torn off a bandage on something Madoc would have rather kept hidden. She shook her head, "Sorry I shouldn't have…" she said before looking away for a moment. She finished her second drink and turned back to him, "I forgot to answer your question." she said softly as she placed the empty glass on the table. She took a moment, dug through her mind and all the things she wished she had had a choice to do, of all the things she wished she could have done. She gave a small smile and shrugged, "I'd probably have been a Shinobi." she said to Madoc, "Just the idea of having a choice would have made a big difference." she smiled and debated flagging down the waitress for one more drink, but quickly decided against it as Madoc's words rang true in her head. She didn't want to be so much of a mess that she couldn't stand on her own for the walk back.

She placed her other hand on her face, cupping her cheeks as she leaned forward on the table and sighed softly, "So if you'd been able to do something else then… What would it have been? What would Madoc have done if he wasn't a Shinobi?" she asked, repeating his questions for her from earlier.

"Don't be sorry, you asked and you got an answer. I aint offended, just rather not dwell on those reasons." he said and even he had forgotten that she never answered his question. So when she did and it was the job she was currently in, he raised an eyebrow as she explained just having the reason would have made her happier. "That so? Well to each their own I suppose." he never saw much that was glamorous about this type of life. Sure you got to see places, yet you also had to do shit you probably never wanted to do. Well he can't complain, he signed up for this after all. This was what Aoi wanted, the choice too.

Then came her next question on what would he be if he wasn't a shinobi. A devious smile would form on his face as he folded his hands and laid them on the table, resting his gaze on her. "Hmm…. I'd like the special."

Had Aoi been drinking still she may have spit out her drink as Madoc once asked for the special. She stared for a moment, her mind running over the different possibilities for Madoc and she closed her eyes. She thought for a long while, she wasn't sure how long it had been but it must of been a few minutes at least. When she opened her eyes the light stung and Madoc was a tiny bit blurry in her vision.

"I think you'd have been a craftsmen. Someone that works with their hands…" her brow scrunched and she seemed to think hard for a moment, "A carpenter maybe? I like that idea." she agreed with herself and then moved on to the special. "Because you're too good a person to use your mind reading to cheat people out of money for a true living would be my honest answer. Doesn't mean you wouldn't… I just can't see you taking advantage of people like that forever." she shrugged, "For the lie? Because you obviously enjoy working with your hands… and for the flirt… Because girls like a man with an impressive job, something that can show their devotion. Although I don't really think that's a flirt." she admitted as she got a bit red and turned her gaze away from him, "Because craftsmen are probably good with their hands." she said even softer as she continued looking away.

Now he was the one who had to resist laughing out loud, a craftsmen or carpenter? He thought he would have enjoyed these answers until she hit the nail on the head with the first one, just in the incorrect way. However he kept his amused look, not to betray his actual guilt at having done such. Hell she was a rather good guesser and a really shitty flirter. Like wow that was really something. "Well we aren't going to let you seduce any enemies when you had a few drinks thats for sure. As for what I'd be…. I said it before actually. I think I'd like running an Orphanage, for my own reasons of course though."

Madoc would stretch his arms out with a yawn as he looked at her. "We should probably call it quits and head back home to bed. Before anyone tries to steal you away for a lovely night." Madoc said with a snicker, wondering if anyone would actually do such a thing.

Aoi couldn't help but to laugh a little, "I agree, never leave me to seduce anyone when I've been drinking please." she said before she turned back to face Madoc and simply stare. "The orphanage?" she said a little shocked, "That's actually really…" she struggled for the word she was looking for before just repeating something she'd said earlier, "I told you that honesty really does show what kind of a person you are." she said, her words beginning to slur a little at the end of her sentence.

She nodded her head as he suggested they should get going, "Probably should… Wouldn't want someone else to steal me now would you?" she teased as she braced her hands on the table and stood herself up, "Nooooow I just need some help getting back." she admitted as she took a few unsteady steps toward the door. She could feel the alcohol hitting her now that she'd stood up, like a sudden wave of it all at once.

"Either that or you need to improve on how you flirt cause that would only work on the most desperate of men." Madoc said with a smile as he would motion for the server to come on over and would pay for their drinks from the funds provided by the men he beat at gambling. Meanwhile Aoi tried to find the words to describe her reply to his answer. He just shook his head with a faint smile, "As I said, I have my own reasons for everything."

Standing up he would watch Aoi proceed to stand up which was comical in and of itself as she admitted to needing some help, only after delivering a rather solid flirt. [color=]#00cdcd]"Oh? See that one was much better. Please no one would steal you from me….. Buying however is another story. Yet come on now, arm over my neck."[/color] Madoc said moving over and helping to steady the girl as one arm rested on her side so she didn't go stumbling off, with the other holding her arm. "You know…. Never thought of this beforehand…. Gonna suck if Meilin locked the door."

Aoi gladly accepted Madocs support and followed his instruction as she put her arm around his neck and allowed him to take some of her weight from her. "Thank you, I admittedly wasn't trying too hard with that one." she beamed proudly as they started to make their way back to the hotel. As they went she lingered on his words about the possibility of Meilin locking the door. She prayed silently that she hadn't upset Meilin enough for that, "I didn't think of that either…" She was afraid of going back to the room in honesty. Of being near Meilin after their confrontation. As she walked she seemed to hesitate on a few steps as they neared the hotel, as if she were just stumbling but she was really trying to decide if she really wanted to be back in the room after all. "Hey Madoc?" she asked as they walked, the hotel close now, so close she could see it from the where they were in the road.

As they would get closer to the hotel, Madoc would notice that Aoi was getting less eager to head back. It could have been due to him mentioning the possibility of a locked door, granted that just meant buying another shitty room with other people's money. She said his name but stopped saying anything after that which caused him to stop and look down at her with an eyebrow raised. "What is it? If it's Meilin I doubt she'd go as far as locking her team out for the night."

As they stopped Aoi couldn't help but stare at the hotel down the road before turning her face up to face the taller Madoc. She stared for a moment, the worry evident on her face before she took a deep breath and replaced it with a small smile, "I don't think she would either." she agreed and looked back toward the hotel, she began to walk again, forcing him to move with her as they went. She wondered for a moment out loud, "Do you want to get a room?".

Hearing her agree he would mentally sigh that she didn't think the worse as they continued moving on until she asked a question which caused him to stop dead in his tracks, bringing her to a halt. "..... You are too drunk to be asking those kinds of questions. Good thing you have a responsible adult to prevent you from making any mistake now."

She stopped with him as he stared at her for a moment. She shook her head at him in defense of herself, "I didn't make it to three." she said holding up two fingers, "I'm not that drunk… Plus," she squeezed his shoulder with her hand, "Whoever said this is a mistake?" she grinned and waited for his response before she would move.

He remained silent for a good bit, just staring at her as if he was trying to read her without using his Mind Reader. [color=]#00cdcd]"It wouldn't amount to anything between us you know. I said it earlier. You and Meilin are too good to be with an ass like me. Now before you say you don't think I'm one, thats just because I haven't had a need to be one yet. So do you still want to? Despite knowing that it won't mean anything?"[/color]

Aoi listened intently as he spoke, she was half tempted to correct his grammar and tell him it was actually "Meilin and you" but held her tongue as she figured it might ruin this. She shook her head and smiled as she watched Madoc, it was a bit cute how he was so sure of who he was and yet he seemed just about anything but, "I just want to get away from Meilin for now… And I don't want it to mean anything, I just…" she trailed off as she thought, "It doesn't need to mean anything." she reaffirmed. She began to walk again, pulling Madoc with her as they entered the hotel. She got a second room from the clerk at the desk, "You can pay me back for the room with those guys money you won, and we don't tell Meilin anything about this." she said as they made their way down the hall to their new room, her hand dragging against the wall for balance as they went.

Before Madoc could do or really say much, she had already gone and purchased the second room and began heading for it pulling him along. Yet everything she was saying just wasn't making him any happier in the situation. He didn't say much of anything and just let her get the second room and enter it, that's when he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Look…. I get that you aren't in the happiest mindset right now. I'll let you have this second room, i'll even stay in it with you tonight. However… I respect you too much to try anything with you. Not that I wouldn't. Just not under these circumstances, you are still upset, and slightly drunk. So nothing is going to happen tonight, trust me its better this way Aoi."

Letting them both into the room she was about to start kicking off her shoes when she felt Madoc's hand at her shoulder. She turned to meet him as he talked. She listened silently, a small bout of confusion rising in her as he spoke. She was positive he'd just agreed. As long as neither of them expected anything of this, and now he's changed his mind? She wasn't sure if she'd misunderstood or simply heard what she wanted. A flush of shame ran over her and she just nodded at his words.

She shrugged his hand off of her should and stepped backwards to where she knew the bed was. As her legs found it she took a seat at its edge and continued to watch Madoc, "I'm a mess aren't I?" She asked quietly of him while she turned her gaze to the floor. She couldn't tell if she now felt more guilty for the earlier yelling match with Meilin or her most recent fuck up. "I didn't mean to force you into this…" she waved at the room and the bed she sat on, "You're just… You're right I'm upset. I want something to take my mind off it for a little while." she admitted, her legs shaking as she spoke.

As she took a seat on the edge of the bed looking rather embarrassed at the turn of events, she would ask if she was a mess to which he shook his head. "Not a mess, just not in the right state of mind. Hence why I only had one drink, didn't want anything bad to happen. You didn't force anything, like you said you are upset. We say stuff and do stuff when we are upset. Although I take offense at being a distraction good lady. I'm sooo much more than a distraction."[/COLOR] Madoc said as he walked over and sat down next to her. "So stop worrying. I don't think any differently of you."

Aoi managed out a weak smile for Madoc as he reassured her of her own self. It didn't really help as much as she'd have liked, but every little bit helped. She continued watching the floor as he spoke, her legs shaking anxiously as she did, "I never said you'd be a bad distraction." She said as he sat down at her side. She badly wanted to do something more, but Madoc was right, it wasn't a very good idea at least not tonight. She leaned over into him, letting her head fall on his shoulder, "That's good to know." she said as he let her know she hadn't quite ruined herself for him. She only hoped it was the same for Meilin.

"You think Meilin is alright? Like… You really think I can make this up to her?" She asked as she stared out across the room from her place against Madoc. "I really hope I can." she stated more for herself than for Madoc, "I really do."

"Damn right. I'm a great distraction." Madoc said trying to lighten the mood up as she proceeded to rest her head on his shoulder. This was fine, hell it was tame to what she has done before. Last time she invaded his personal space in a cramped little carriage. Made sleeping so damn painful. She again started to worry about Meilin to which he shook his head in amusement. "If you are worried about her, then you are already on the right step to making it up. Just remember to apologize in the morning. I doubt such a scene like that will destroy any friendship that may have been brewing. Yet if you must know how she is doing."

Madoc would stop then weave a few handsigns before sensing the hotel for Meilin's chakra signature, to find her curled up in bed. "She is sleeping right now. So she seems alright to me."

Aoi smiled at his comment on him being a rest distraction, she even debated thanking him for it but realized she already had multiple times. She nodded as he spoke about her worry and the fact it meant she was already on the way to forgiveness. All she had to do was take the next step in the morning. "I will. I'll tell her in the morning." she nodded again on his shoulder before she watched him weave his hand signs.

Turning her head up to watch him as he did his work, she couldn't actually see anything that he was doing but she watched nervously nonetheless. When he told her she was sleeping she exhaled the breath she didn't even know she'd been holding in. She smiled again and pressed her face into his shoulder, "That's really good." her words were muddied as she spoke against him. She lifted her head slightly so she could be better heard by Madoc, "So you'll really stay the night then?" her question was softer and she breathed calmly against him while she waited for his reply.

He tapped his chin as if he was now re thinking his own words of earlier to stay, yet not wanting to return her to further sadness he smiled and nodded. "Yeah I'll really stay, Meilin would probably prefer that anyway. She would feel guilty if she caused you to be all alone because of her actions. However no funny business now. I have a mind like a hawk and will not hesitate to enter your mind and force you to go to sleep. Yeah think about that for a mind blast. I could fall asleep in your body and force you to sleep. Ain't that creepy shit?"

She stared for a moment as he told her he was willing to once again violate her mind and force her out of consciousness and although it was a slightly uncomfortable thought she was also a little relieved to hear that he wasn't going to leave her. She grinned up at him and wrapped her arms around him and let herself fall over onto the bed pulling him over with her. "I won't do anything crazy, not today." she said with a laugh as she left her arms over him.

She closed her eyes and let the comfort of Madoc's heat seep into her. "If only your morals weren't so well defined." She whispered teasingly before pressing herself a bit further against him as she got comfortable.

As she wrapped her arms around him, in a swift motion would pull him with her as she also stated she wouldn't do anything crazy, for today anyway. He debated asking about that but resisted that urge as she seemed to settle down, only after giving him one more taunt for good measure. He rolled his eyes as he thought of many comments he could say, yet opted for her to simply be the winner of taunting for today. "Yeah yeah, get some sleep. You have a fun hangover awaiting you in the morning."

Aoi sighed loudly at Madoc's comment as if she was being a nuisance. She clutched at his side slightly and moved her head up onto his chest. She could hear his heart beat and the sound of his breath, she closed her eyes. She hadn't realized how tired she'd been, so focused on her anger and guilt she'd been none the wiser to the fatigue that had grown inside her. In only a few moments she was asleep, the steady rise and fall of her chest accompanied by her soft breathing as she slipped away.[/spoili][/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Blood and cortisol, turquoise, solid"] The room was full of chaos, people fighting people. There was no chakra, just the human body and brain against one another. Yiko felt proud that he had taken on an enemy himself, he felt his father would be proud in some sense that he did not hesitate to protect his teammates.

Yiko held the other mans blade back as much as he could, the young uchiha's eyes locked onto the man in front of him. It was almost like time had halted even for just a moment, every little detail on the mans face became etched into his mind. The face of someone who had experienced fighting and killing, someone that wouldn't hesitate to kill someone like Yiko. And just as he realized this, the man overpowered him, and knocked him down to his back, and went to drop the sword onto the genin. Just in time, Shikaroku launched himself at the man.

It took Yiko a few seconds to recuperate being on the brink of death is something he wasn't used to. He got to his feet and watched as his team leader used all of his momentum to force the enemy into the wall head first and began to bark orders. The genin noticed that his leader was wounded, but not enough to hinder his movements.


Without moments notice, Yiko grabbed his kunai and ran full speed at the man Hiron was holding and plunged the blade right into his throat, and pulled it to the side causing the wound to be greater, blood covered Yiko's hand. He pulled the blade back and took two steps back. "I-I... I killed him" He said while watching the life leave the mans eyes.

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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Gerontis
[fieldbox=Some decisions are not meant to be right, gold]
Takeru Destrushia

Fifth Raikage | Kumogakure, Raikage's Office.

Standing in front of the window, Takeru couldn't help but feel the bitter taste of defeat. The news was spreading about various clans being in an uproar. The demands that the Regency council was making were against the 'natural' order of how the dynamic worked between the Feudal lord and the clans. Some clans were even claiming that they had the right to rebel. A response that usually was met with the same fierce reply from the council.

If things would continue to spiral further down, then it wouldn't take long for violence to burst out. And not just between the various clans against the Regency council but Takeru was certain that there were clans that would make use of the chaos and confusion. The eyes of Takeru narrowed. He wanted to stop it but it was easier said than done.
Turning half around by the sound of the doors opening, he saw who it was.

"Reporting, Lord Fifth," the young woman said as she proceeded to kneel down. The tone of the young woman was even.
Save it from the doors that were closed, it remained silent in the spacious room. Takeru had his hands on his back while his gaze rested on the young woman who had entered. Despite the respectful attitude, he wasn't so sure if it was genuine. Yet, no point in questioning that now.

"Good. I hope that the journey back home wasn't too rough, Miss Sato." Takeru began as he decided to sit down. He subtly gestured that she could rise. Something that Midori Sato did without wavering. Her green eyes locked on the masked kage.
"Yes, Lord Fifth."

"I take it that your friend, miss Azumi was it? That she is safe?" Takeru asked, his tone quite polite. Despite the fact that Midori's was even. Not cold but far from warm either. The response of the young woman was a short nod.
"Good, then we can proceed with---"

"Excuse me. But where is my mother?" Midori asked. Her tone became harder and Takeru could see how her right hand clenched into a fist. Briefly, silence plagued the room after Midori interrupted and questioned Takeru.

"Safe. Like I promised you before." Was Takeru's calm response. A certain tension was rising in the room, making Takeru slightly lean forward. Planting his elbows on the table, he just stared at the young woman. Her facial expression was blank but there was a clear anger present in her eyes. For a moment, Takeru wagered that he had a good chance to beat the fabled tamer of the Hachibi.

Lifting his index finger, Takeru frowned behind his mask. He couldn't see them but he was certain that the six cloaked ANBU guards were at the ready to restrain the jinchuriki in front of him. It remained further silent as Takeru waited for what Midori would do.
The intent started to fester more, clearly becoming a heavy killing intent. Narrowing his eyes behind his mask, Takeru started to mould his own chakra. If anything, he wondered if she indeed would strike.

"Thank you."

It stayed silent. The heavy tension in the air started to flow away. Midori stayed bowed as she seemed to force the words out of her mouth. There was nothing threatening or menacing about the specialised jounin in front of him.

"You are welcome. One moment." Takeru would make a gesture and by it, the doors would open. Only to close a few seconds later. "Now, we can talk. I honestly didn't expect this. It is… nice." Takeru further said, his tone sweet.

Straightening her back, Midori gave a glance over her shoulder. Spotting nobody she would turn her attention to Takeru. "Lord Fifth, I just want---"
Midori stopped as Takeru raised his left hand and shook his head.

"North. I send her away from the city. The location is a few days travel from here. A nice small village that is quite isolated. I have a dozen ANBU watching over the site and preparing it to safeguard you as the jinchuriki of the Three Tails. This evening, I will need you to travel there with the last ANBU that I can spare to the site. You lot will be safe there from all the turmoil that is going on."

The words of the Raikage left a silence echoing into the room. The blank expression showed some cracks but Takeru was certain that she wasn't tearing up or wanting to show happiness. He saw what he usually saw when people dealt with shinobi. Distrust, disgust and perhaps some anger?

"Lord Fifth, I want to know something."
"By all means, miss Sato." Takeru said, adding a gesture that she was free to speak.

"How am I certain that this is no trap?" Was the question. The even tone made it somehow seem more blunt than she perhaps wanted to bring over. Folding his hands together as he leaned back, Takeru couldn't help but smile a bit behind his mask.

"Can shinobi ever be trusted, miss Sato?" Takeru asked back. But no response came, so Takeru decided to answer her question. Properly.
"Yes. Despite your distrust or dismay towards me, I hold no ill will towards you. Or your kin. Your friend's safety is also something I hold dear. Not because I find you jinchuriki fascinating. But because it is my job to see to it that this country remains safe.And I can't do that when some ravenous cult is trying to find and abduct you or your friend. Or when the Regency council gets its hands on you." Takeru answered. "So, no. It isn't a trap. I would gain little by seeing you hurt."

Once more silence followed. Watching how the young woman remained frozen as a statue, Takeru wanted to say something. But she beat him to it.
"May I then prepare, Lord Fifth?"

The man was tempted to say no. Just to have a sort of final jest at the young woman. In truth, he did enjoy to see how she reacted to his words. Was it because she had managed to tame the beast? Were they communicating? Truly, she was a curious case. But Takeru nodded slowly.
"Yes. You may. Fair journey to you, miss Sato."

Watching how she straightened her back and turned on her heels, Takeru wondered a bit more. Certainly when she stopped at the doors, as if she was considering something. But Midori would open one of the double doors and take her leave. Causing Takeru to sigh and lean backwards.

"Well, I can scratch challenging a jinchuriki from my bucket list."
[fieldbox="Iaido Training, SkyBlue"]

Shion Kobayashi & Yuyuko Takeda | Genins of Team 17 | Republic of the Water Country, Kirigakure

@FrostedCaramel @Sakayanagi Selko

Despite the thick mist and darkness shrouding over Kirigakure, its streets were illuminated by the thin streams of moonlight leaking through the mist, the tall lamps dotting the streets and the lights from the houses as people started to wake up to prepare for their day. Tucked away between these houses was an empty lot used as a makeshift playground for the neighborhood kids, now currently occupied by two genin and a woman in wheelchair.

"So Yuyu-chan. What do you think about this Kukiko Yuki?" Akane Kobayashi asked as she rolled her wheelchair over to the two girls, "For some 'reason', I couldn't get anything out of your dear friend."

"Well, sorry for not asking her," the genin pouted as she was doing splits, "I could have asked her if sensei didn't punch me into dreamland."

"Hush, girl," her mother replied before she pushed her daughter's legs to the side with her shinai, making her split even wider, "And don't slack off."

"Oof," Shion stumbled as she placed her hands on the ground to stabilize herself, feeling her hamstrings straining from the stretch, "All that for a warmup…"

"Anyway before we get back to our question," Akane pushed down on the masked girl's shoulder, forcing her to stretch even wider than before, "You are still young, Yuyu-chan. Your legs can take more than that."

Yuyuko cringed while doing the exercise of splitting her feet, which admittedly while it was painful, she knew was needed if she was going to take the next step in Iaido training, which was the same reason why she started wearing her Oni mask.

"I understand, Kobayashi Sensei...and ehm...hmm, Kukiko sensei huh….eeek…..she is well, very strict like any sensei should be.

But i think she reminds me of Papa like as though Sensei is…..hnmm...i dunno how to say it."

She said putting a finger to her head thoughtfully. Of course with the two girls being rivals, it is no surprise that Akane would have chatted with Yuyuko's parents, Naotora and Masakage a few times. Though Yuyuko did avoid giving any real details as she wanted to avoid talking about her mask, granted Akane probably would have already known from occasionally chatting with Masakage who was the stay at home parent in Yuyuko's household.

"Hm, I think I get what you mean," Akane replied as she glanced at her watch, "I thought she would be lax from first impressions but it's good to know that she can be strict when she needs to. Right, Shion?"

"Oh, um, y-yeah, I guess," the genin replied reluctantly, the defeat from before still fresh on her mind.

"Glad you share the same opinion," the mother replied as she looked back at the watch, "3…2…1…okay, warm up's over, ladies!"

"Finally!" the genin got up as she shook her fatigue off her legs, "Where do we start?"

"Now since you are just starting out, you will need to catch up on the basics," Akane explained, "So can you demonstrate the moves for her, Yuyu-chan? Think of it as a refresher for you."

"But mom," the genin raised her hand, "We practise different styles, don't we?"

"Well, yes, Kashima Shiden-ryu and Katori Shinto-ryu have very different philosophies but when it comes to Iaido techniques, both styles share a lot of similarities in both execution and training methodologies," Akane explained before clapping her hands, "Now get started. In case there are any major differences, I will personally step in to show you the way, understand?"

"Well, if you say so," the genin grumbled as she faced her masked rival, "Lead the way, Yuyu."

Yuyuko made a small groan as she exercised her muscles to get them relaxed from the warm up as she nodded in reply to Akane and then to Shion as she reach to pick up Fuurai and moved so that no one was within the reach of her blade.

"I understand, Kobayashi Sensei. And now, at least from how i am taught by Chichiue-sama/Father...when training me and other students in iaido are usually training with kodachis due to our sword styles. However the main points are, 1, we always keep a check on our breathing as we grip our weapons limiting it to deep breaths so we can match our sword draws with it.

2, Keeping our senses in tune with the environment like the simple breeze that blows through the area and lastly.

3, A careful remembrance on the position of our footing and length of our sword.

And when we do that, we draw our sword with one hand while sometimes if we want the sword drawn even more quickly, we hold onto our sheath and pull it back in the opposite direction like say...."

With that, she turned so Shion and Akane could see clearly as she while breathing out unsheathed Fuurai while holding onto the sheath as she drew her sword at a speed slightly faster than the normal ones that Shion have seen before, the force of sword draw causing a small breeze from the force that maybe be felt by Shion and Akane as Yuyuko immediately breathed in and resheathing Fuurai within that same timing and motion.

"Something like this, i believe." Yuyuko said before putting a hand behind while doing a small hehe.

"That's a pretty smooth draw," Akane clapped, "But soon, we will see if you can manage more than that."

"Well, I get the technique," Shion rubbed her chin as she observed Yuyuko's demonstration, "But it still looks very different from Katori Shinto-ryu."

"Yes, I can see why. Unlike Kashima Shiden-ryu, Most of our techniques are very quick and aggressive after all," Akane explained, "But Iaido requires very specific and precise techniques to be effective which is why, even in our own style, we taught beginners to go slow and focus on the finer details of the movement first."

"Now Shion, follow after Yuyu-chan," the mother ordered, "And Yuyu-chan, 10 reps of Iai-quickdraws. Go slowly. We're focusing on getting smooth, consistent draws."

Yuyuko nodded as she readied her stance to begin her Iai-quickdraw repetitions paying attention to Akane's words.

-10 Repetitions later…-

Yuyuko panted tiredly as she carefully resheathed Fuurai blinking twice to be sure her non-covered eye is not being cross-eyed. Granted during the 10 repetitions, she got a 4 which were less than smooth, the first was during the 3 repetition and the last 3 was at the 7th through 9th mark."Done...haaa...Kobayashi..Sensei…"

Shion followed after Yuyuko's lead, imitating her moves throughout the repetitions though she had done so very poorly. Her blade snagged in the midst of the draw. Even as the blade came of the sheathe, her arm would drop slightly, messing up the edge alignment for the imaginary slash.

"How could a simple move be that difficult!?" the genin complained, shaking her hands due to the fatigue.

"Mainly due to the slow speed," Akane explained, "With a normal Iai-quickdraw, you barely feel the weight due to the fast speed in which it's performed but now since you're going slow, you can feel every ounces of your sword's weight in your arm."

"And Yuyu-chan, I suggest you work on your slow draws back at home. 10 reps should be easy for someone well-trained in Iaido," she admonished the masked girl, "But now, I will let it slide. I have something else planned for you today."

"So Shion, do you now understand how to perform an Iai-quickdraw?" Akane asked. As she saw her daughter nodded, she continued, "Good. Before we continue, can you summon a water clone for me?"

"Sure," with a perplexed expression, Shion performed a hand-seal, materializing a water clone just besides Akane.

"Now then do you see the fruits in this basket?" she asked the clone as pointed the basket filled with rotten fruits besides her, "As soon as I say 'start', you will throw them at Yuyu-chan one by one."

"And Yuyu-chan, you will cut down each of these fruits with Iai-quickdraw. This will work on your timing, distancing and even depth-perception," she explained, "Any questions?"

Yuyuko panted, slightly cringing at how she did mess up on the ending few iai-quickdraws partially due to how she in hindsight may have used slightly too much strength in her draw which made the draws less than smooth. "Right, sensei…"

She said sheepishly as she watched the water clone appeared, before hearing the next part of the exercise and causing her eyelid to blink to be sure she was hearing things right.

As she realised it was true, her right hand twitched instinctively moving halfway and then stopping at her shoulder as though hesitating for a moment and then moving to her sheathed Fuurai as she too readied her stance letting her hands relax while making sure to at least try to match her breath intake with her heart.

"I understand, Kobayashi sensei, i am ready to begin on your mark."

"Alright, start," Akane ordered the clone before turning to Shion, "And you're going to continue on with your slow draw. I will correct you if needed. Now go."

For the first 10 fruits, the clone lightly tossed them into the range of Yuyuko's sword, not putting much strength into her arms.

Shion, on the other hand, continued on with her slow drawing practice under Akane's watchful eyes with almost all reps ended in failure due to her blade getting snagged in the sheathe several times and being forced to restart as a result, "Argh! How in the heck is this so difficult!? I'm drawing the sword as slow as I can!"

"Hmm, that's because you're pulling on the blade with the sheath. In fact, stop for a second. Let me show you something," Akane held her Shinai horizontally, her left hand gripping the base of the bamboo blade to simulate the sheath.

"So let's say. I draw my sword. If I pulled on the 'sheathe' too hard," the mother pulled on the bamboo blade as she slowly drew the bamboo blade, causing it to get stuck mid-draw, "See? It's like you're pulling on your blade with your sheath, right?"

"Instead," Akane's hand reset at the base of the bamboo blade before she redrew the shinai as slow as before, this time with the left hand moving smoothly along the blade, "You should pull on your sheathe 'along the blade' to let it out more easily. That way, you can keep your draws smooth whether you do it fast or slow."

"And most important of all, your breathing doesn't match your movement," she continued, "If you can manage at least that, then the rest will follow after you get used to it. Continue. Focus on your breathing."

"I see. Pull your sheath 'along the blade', not 'against it', right?" Shion commented as she went back to Iaido stance, "Let me try again."

As Shion returned to her practice with a pout, Akane glanced back at Yuyuko to see her progress.

Yuyuko breathed in while readying herself gently, her eye sharpening as she heard Akane's signal to begin her training as Yuyuko begun cutting down the fruits being thrown at her.

The first 10 were easy and quick work thanks to them being very gentle throws. Also it gave her a good amount of time to settle herself for the ones after as she kept her eye trained on the movements of the water clone as she made sure to silence her mind as she begins to cut down the fruits thrown after the first 10, them being rather consistent with a few being cut slightly more to the left or right than where she wanted to but at least now she was settled into the training.

"Oho, you seem to be doing pretty well, Yuyu-chan," Akane commented as her lips curled into a smirk, "Time to stop going easy on you then."

"Mix up the trajectories," she ordered the clone before turning her gaze back at Shion who was still consistently making mistakes as she practiced her blade-drawing technique, "And Shion, match your movement with your breathing and not the other way around. I know that this is monotonous but unfortunately, repetition is the only way for anyone to get used to the basics of Iaido."

At Akane's order, the clone continued throwing fruits at Yuyuko. The first two fruits were thrown as gently as before but on the third fruit, the clone suddenly put force into her throw, aiming to have the fruit go over the masked girl's head.

As Yuyuko heard that, she breathed in to sharpen her senses as with that instruction, things were now a whole different ball game as she continues her cutting while her ears heard Akane's advice to Shion to help booster her training in Iaido, granted Yuyuko did have her own troubles learning it on her part.

With the first 2, it was luckily easier than Yuyuko had expected as she cut the first with a quick-draw like the previous 10 before moving her free left hand forward to grip the bottom of the handle and using her right hand more of as a pivot as she turned the blade cutting down the second in short order. When the third came, its trajectory higher than what she had thought, Yuyuko at least with her being on guard quickly let go of the bottom before using it to help boost her right hand as she manages to slash the fruit, however the downside was that the slash was more to the right than within half of the fruit's radius. Granted she probably might had been able to cut it better had she not being wearing her mask but to her, she realised her depth perception needed some work due to how she was handicapping herself by going one eyed.

"When you're using only one eye, the differences in depth perception is actually pretty minor," Akane commented as she saw Yuyuko missed her target, "But in battle, the minor differences can mean life and death."

"Try not to follow the apple with your eye," she advised Yuyuko as the clone chucked another fruit to the masked girl's left, "Rather predict where it will land and act accordingly."

"Now doing this with falling fruits can be very difficult even back in my prime," she added as the clone chucked another fruit to the right as the previous one was still in mid-air, "However you will learn from your failures, slowly but surely."

"Speaking of which, you've been doing quite well, Shion," she congratulated her daughter, "Pretty smooth draw and quite synchronized with your breathing."

"Hehe, thanks, mom," the girl chuckled bashfully as she ruffled the back of her head.

"You're welcome. That means we can now practice the Iai-draw techniques at normal speed," Akane cut in on her daughter's joy with a smile, "Now, do it quicker. Exhale a sharp 'SHUU' as you draw, like when you're throwing a punch."

Grumbling, Shion went on and practiced as her mother ordered. Due to the increased speed, it became harder for her to concentrate on the technique and thus, her blade kept getting snagged within the sheathe with each individual reps.

As Yuyuko heard Akane's comment, she nodded letting that comment sink in as she rolled her working eye in the few moments before she breathed in repeating to herself as she saw the fruits flying in her direction. With that, she breathed, sharpening her vision while stepping her left foot back as she considered how the fruits would enter her range of her katana taking a deep breath before...SHUUUU!!!!

This time, her slash managed to be on the mark as she slashed the first one on her left with a quick draw so it would be in front of her while using the momentum to get her sword to her right before with a quick flick of her right and left hands, the blade turned to slash the second fruit as Yuyuko looked on in surprise, her breathing a slight pant trying to process her success this time.

"Just like that, don't let an uncut fruit touch the ground," Akane commented as she saw the masked girl's success with the fruits, "Keep this up with next reps, okay?"

Shion, on the other hand, was doing badly in her exercise again due to having to draw the blade at a higher speed. After about 20 draws in, the genin stopped her practice as she shook her arm in pain, "Owowoww, it's starting to ache really bad."

"In a real fight, your enemies won't let you take a breather, you know?" Akane reprimanded her daughter as she poked her daughter's back with her shinai, "If you are feeling pain, drown it out with even more pain."

Meanwhile, the clone lobbed a fruit towards just a foot outside of the range of Yuyuko's sword and another aimed right over the masked girl's head as the previous one was still in air.

Yuyuko said a small yes as she refocused on her training resheathing her sword for what was coming next. Granted this time was more trickier as this time, she moved from her original position half a foot in the direction where the first fruit was flying while flicking the sheath such that it would hit said fruit up into the air towards the second fruit before Yuyuko, blinking for a second to recheck her distance, proceeded to slash the two fruits with an iaido quickdraw. While not perfectly on target, it was at least acceptable as she in that motion returned to her original position for the remaining repetitions.

The fruits bounced off one another, changing their trajectories and causing Yuyuko's sword to miss them.

"Nice thinking," Akane commented, "Too bad you used the wrong move though."

On the other hand, Shion could now perform a quick-draw smoothly, in about three times out of ten. It was a massive improvement in her mind, at least compared to before.

"Not bad but you're slowing down a bit. Pain is a sign of change. Push through it and pick up the pace," Akane advised her daughter as she noticed faint streams of sunlight leaking through the mist, "My, my, speaking of which, looks like the sun is rising already but don't slack off. We still got more than enough time left."

As the mother raised her hand at the clone, she lobbed fruits at Yuyuko one after another, at varying speed and trajectories. Though the pace was much faster and the trajectories more random, there was a noticeable pause after every two fruits to make it fair for the masked girl.

Yuyuko nodded as she heard Akane's answer, her mind did a partial groan at how her trick failed. Granted Yuyuko kept fears in check as she decided to use this as a way to experiment with a few ideas.

When Shion's clone started to continue, Yuyuko moved her left hand into her pebble pouch to load up on a pair of pebbles as she started to use her right hand only for her iaido slashes.

By the time Shion's clone had thrown the third pair of fruits, Yuyuko realised the time interval difference which made the genin move her left hand to tap the pouch, that proving useful as that test allowed her to gauge the amount of time needed to reload against the time Shion's clone would throw the next volley.

At the 4th volley and onward, Yuyuko kept her eyes trained on the throws as the genin used her pebble flicking method to flick a pebble to hit the first fruit thrown closer to the path of the second so it would not go as high as the previous attempt with her sheath before Yuyuko followed up with an Iai-quickdraw and resheath.

Yuyuko managed to consistently cut down one out of two fruits for the first three pairs, mainly due to not being able to get into range for the second fruit for each pairs.

From the fourth pair onwards, Yuyuko's tactic to use pebbles to reposition both fruits to be in the range of her sword paid off quite well...for the smaller fruits at least. On the other hand, the tiny stones bounced off the bigger fruits, the change in trajectory too small to be humanely noticed. As such, when it came to the pairs with the smaller fruits, the masked girl successfully managed to cut them down in a single draw mostly. Her slashes also missed several pairs of fruits due to the pebbles missing their targets or the pebble altering the fruits' trajectories out of Yuyuko's calculations. It was a chaotic run for the masked girl to say the least.

As the basket was emptied, Akane clapped twice, "Alright, that's all for this morning, ladies. Let's take a break first, shall we?"

"Finally!" Shion sat down on the ground as she massaged her arms, her mind dismissing the clone as it dissolved into a small puddle, "Oooh, my arms are numb already."

"Don't worry about that. You will get the feelings back soon, though you will regret it," the mother commented before she turned to the girls, "Now then, Yuyuko. Continue the same exercise with Masakage and Naotora at home, understand? As for you, Shion, we will continue on with Kukiko-sensei's chakra-control exercise after lunch."

"Buuut before we leave, let's do a little cooldown exercise, shall we?" Akane said as she waved her hand at the fruits scattered over the ground, "Clean them up."

[fieldbox=Temple Raiders?!, burlywood]
Hanaguro - the provincial capital of the River province.
In the western side of the city.
Team 4.

A collab between Frost, Zane and Oetje

Team 4 goes into the Fire Temple but don't succeed in getting the lodging inside or near the complex. Relocating, Meilin comes up with a plan that has some risks. The team discusses the plan before the move into action.

The previous post!

Waking up, Meilin blinked slowly with her eyes. Turning around, she expected to see Madoc and Aoi. However, it was completely silent in the room. Which was perhaps comfortable but not in this situation. Instantly on guard and awake, Meilin looked around. Both of them were gone. Glancing at her weapon belt and pouches, she saw that her equipment was still there. Yet, Meilin decided to check it. Only ending up frowning as she noticed that she wasn't missing anything.

Confused, the Cho would get up and stretch. Trying to think of where they could have gone, she felt her stomach turn. Not out of hunger but out of guilt. She should have kept her mouth shut and just let Aoi vent. But now they were aware of how she felt about them. Or well, more on how she felt about trust. Perhaps Madoc and Aoi had now decided to go out on their own? It was a possibility but Meilin hoped it wasn't the case.
Sitting down on the bed, she considered her options. She could also go out on her own or try to wait. The former option was more alluring but despite it all, it would just show how little trust she gave to Madoc and Aoi.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Meilin flexed her right hand slowly. She would wait.

He had been up for a while at this point, was a challenge at not awaking Aoi, yet now he sat in a chair waiting for the blue haired woman to wake up. As time went on he used his sensory to keep an eye on Meilin too see whenever she woke up. Waiting for that moment to wake Aoi up or vice versa, yet when Meilin did wake up and looked around the room to most likely find them. It looked as though she was slightly worried, before relaxing and waiting it seemed. Walking over to the bed to the sleeping Aoi he debated even waking her up, since her hangover would probably start first thing. Yet if he went to Meilin alone then Aoi woke up alone, well he would probably get yelled at by her.

Shaking the blue haired woman until she finally woke up, he motioned with his hand to get up. "Come on now, Meilin is awake. Best to get this over with before it too late."

Aoi started awake, her arm moving up to slowly bat at Madoc as he shook her. She blinked in the light of the room, and realized that it was morning all at once. She sat up quickly, a gasp escaping her lips as she realized that Meilin had probably left the room long ago but before she could voice her concerns to Madoc a sharp pain shot through her head. She hunched over and pressed her palm into her head, moving it in slow circles as she groaned. "I don't like it when you're right…" she said softly as the sound of her own voice only increased the pain in her head. She heard Madoc telling her that Meilin was awake but it took a few moments to click in her mind that he knew it as a fact.

She stood up, unsure at first as her head spun for a moment and then steadied herself as her mind cleared and the dizziness left her. She managed a weak smile as she massaged her headache, "Alright. I will." she assured Madoc before heading for the door. She pulled it open and stepped into the hall, there were a few people coming and going, couples mostly and some alone but she paid no real attention to them, only to her growing headache and the direction in which she knew the teams room was in. Leading the way with Madoc in tow she made her way slowly down the hall and stopped in front of the door.

She took stared at the knob for a moment, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest as she did. With a deep breath she grabbed the door knob and opened the door to step inside. Meilin was sitting on the bed and seemed as if she had been waiting. She opened her mouth to talk, to apologize and managed nothing but a hoarse sound as if the words were literally stuck in her throat. She closed her mouth shut her eyes tight and willed herself to be able to say anything at all. Her fist curled into a ball at her side, "I'm sorry Meilin, I was upset and confused and you didn't deserve that." she said as she kept her eyes shut and focused on listening to the girl over the focus wrenching pain of her headache.

The door went open and Meilin shot a sideways glance at the two that entered. She remained silent and just watched as Aoi wanted to say something. The Cho remained silent as Aoi spoke her words. Watching how Aoi shut her eyes and awaiting what the response would be, Meilin would rose up from her bed.

"Okay. Come on, we have things to do."

Was what she said. Despite the fact she wanted to apologise as well. Wanted to say something else but it didn't work. She was somewhat angry over yesterday but only grew more upset on the fact she couldn't return or even accept the apology. Walking towards the door, Meilin forced herself to stop for a moment.

"I can't talk about it. Once we are done with this all, then we can talk." Contrast to the even tone she spoke with, her left hand trembled and she avoided eye contact with the two others. "The meeting we are going to eavesdrop on is over many hours. But we still got to contact those Sworn Swords. Not to mention that I want to scan and explore the place the meeting will be held."

As Aoi woke up and reluctantly knew what she had to do, Aoi would head to the other room with him in tow. He had hoped this would go easy. They would apologize and forgive. So when only Aoi apologized and Meilin wanted to get to work stating they could talk later, a frown appeared on his face. She wanted to explore the meeting area and contact those sworn swords, the more she talked the more he shook his head as he closed the door with all of them in it.

"No. We talk now. We have several hours before this even starts. We have time to talk now. Those Sworn swords can wait for all I care. Finding them won't be hard for me to do. Exploring the area shouldn't take long either. So we talk now Meilin. Aoi apologized and she felt guilty about it all freakin night. So I refuse to even track the Sworn swords until you talk it out." Madoc stated as he proceeded to lock the door and fold his arms. He gave Meilin a look to inform her that he was serious about this and just leaned against the door as he waited for them to talk it out.

She opened her eyes as Meilin spoke and her heart sunk as Meilin appeared to brush her off completely. There was a brief moment in which Aoi felt she had the right to scream and storm out of the room but the feeling was quickly overpowered by the thought that this was what she deserved. That after last night it would take far more than a hungover apology to get Meilin to ever even listen to her again. Were she not so thirsty she may have even had some tears to spare for the thought. She was so lost in her own self pitying that she hadn't even realized Madoc had begun to talk until he was just about finished. Even missing most of his words she knew what he had wanted to happen.

She gave him a meek smile, mouthed the wordsthank you and turned to Meilin, guilt written all over her face as she watched her teammate.

Meilin halted as Madoc decided to block her path. Even deciding to lock the door. The calm expression on Meilin's face didn't shift, save it for her eyes briefly narrowing. Her right hand slowly opened. It remained silent in the room but there was a clear tension as despite Meilin's stance not hinting towards violence.
If anything, she felt like a cornered cat that couldn't go anywhere. Suffocating and threatened. If anything, it felt like her words of yesterday about not wanting to put herself vulnerable were now used against her. The anger in her stomach started to shift from against her towards the Yamanaka.

"I accept her apology. I am sorry for what I did. It was wrong. I don't want to talk further about it. Now," taking a step closer, Meilin locked her eyes with Madoc. Her tone still even. "I will make a suggestion. Step aside. Don't ever corner me like this. Don't ever force me to open up. Like I said, we can talk and delve all later about this. Right now, I want to do my job. Regardless if you or Aoi don't want to get to it or help. Got that?"

Well that was a half assed apology if he ever heard one, still staying still despite the fact she tried to intimidate him, with what sounded like a threat. Letting out a sigh he would unlock the door as he looked at her. "No. What you want to do is ignore what happened but fine. If you want to treat us how your last team treated you then so be it Meilin." Madoc said shifting off the door allowing Meilin to get out. "Well? You want to get to work, then let's get to work." Madoc said as he opened the door and walked out of the room first.

Standing to the side Aoi shifted nervously in her place. This was not at all how she'd wanted this to have gone, she wasn't quite sure how she wanted it to have gone but this surely wasn't it. Meilin looked close to trading a blow with Madoc and although Aoi knew she'd help Madoc if it came to that she didn't want to. She just wanted to talk. When the Yamanaka finally gave in to Meilins request after her almost apology Aoi felt admittedly relieved.

They'd talk about his later when they had more time. For now Meilin was at least a little bit right, hey had a job to do, even if it could have waited for hours until they needed to begin. She was aware they were both avoiding the issue now like it was plague. Meilin actively brushing it to the back burner on their list of things to do, and she herself was just allowing it to happen as she convinced herself it was necessary to do so. She followed Madoc out the door and resisted the urge to say anything at all to either of them.

Meilin didn't budge or reply back to the Yamanaka. As he walked out of the room, Meilin followed as second. She felt the need to punch something. To release the pent-up aggression and frustration. But she also didn't want to show either of them how she felt.
Once outside, Meilin rested her left hand on the pommel of her sword. She considered where they would be able to find the Sworn Swords. If anything, she could ask Madoc but at the moment she didn't want to ask anything of either him or Aoi.
Perhaps splitting up? No, that wouldn't be a good idea.

"They might be hanging around at the meeting spot of yesterday. If we have some luck." Meilin said, throwing a look at Aoi and Madoc briefly. "I suggest we go there and see if we can pick up a trail." Waiting a second, the Cho would then start to walk. Right now, she would even consider the talk with Suzu less bothersome. Knowing, however, that she was too frustrated, Meilin tried to suppress her feelings.

As he kept more to the front, he had tried to keep himself calm best he could. Honestly he had thought Meilin would be more mature to get their apologies out of the way, yet seems he was wrong. Seems she was still bent on this whole trust thing. As she suggested a plan, to see if they could pick up a trail at the meetup spot they missed yesterday. He knew where they were, in fact he even knew where one was before she went back to where the other was.

"Or we go where I know they are. Rather not waste any time finding our two favorite dumbasses." Madoc said with some annoyance in his voice, he still didn't even want to include those two in their business. Yet for some reason Meilin wanted to babysit them so off to collect them they would go. "They chose some hotel near that location. Well the silent dumbass did. The albino one chose some random dudes house, then snuck out and returned to the silent one." Madoc stated as he wouldn't slow down at all, he just continued making his way to the Sworn Swords location.

Following behind Meilin and Madoc, Aoi couldn't help but want to be near the Yamanaka. She wanted him in between Meilin and her just to separate them by a tiny amount. She listened as Madoc seemed to take issue with Meilin's command and stated already knew where the Sworn Swords were at. The idea that maybe she was the one that needed to be separating them flashed across her mind but she made no move to overtake the Cho in front of her. She spent a lot of the time walking to the two Sworn Swords simply staring at the ground, watching her feet move out in front of her and fall out of sight to be replaced by the other over and over again, 'Just one more step.' repeated in her mind as she walked and walked. She wasn't sure how far they'd gone but at this point they had to have been close.

The Cho threw a narrowed glance at Madoc. She had something on her mind that she desired to tell the Yamanaka. But decided against it. A thought followed that he could bite her if he was reading her mind. Following Madoc, they would take the walk towards the place without exchanging much of a word. Meilin did throw a glance at Aoi, more to see if she was still there than to start any small talk.

When arriving near the site, Meilin wanted to suggest that they should keep their bickering or annoyance to themselves. But at this point, she wasn't so sure if she should make any suggestions. Frowning slightly, it was an odd idea to track and meet up with two members of the most elite military corps one could find in the Empire. Deciding to step forwards, Meilin hoped that the two would be awake and able to listen.

Not really looking back if they followed wasn't his concern really. He didn't need to look at them to feel them staring at him. Which was fine they could stare all they please, they weren't exactly cooperating as a good team today. Arriving at the hotel, he would enter the building and upon telling the lady at the counter they needed to talk to two friends. One noticeable by her rather well endowed female body, the lady had the look that she knew which ones he was talking about and told him which room they were located in. Not that he needed to be told, it just felt smarter to ask than to storm right up to the room.

Coming to the door he would pound on it followed by speaking. "Yo silent duck and albino chick. Open the door so we can talk!" Madoc said loud enough for them hear him, a few others as well as some doors peeked open to see Madoc and the two females standing outside the door. Then returning to their rooms as it wasn't any of their concern.

Suzu bounded ot the door of the small apartment, she had a deep desire to end the boys life that was knocking at the door but sated it on the thought that bigger and better things stood ahead for her to end. She threw the door open and placed a hand on the Yamanaka's shoulder before pulling him inside and motioning for the other two to follow. She shut the door behind them and turned to the three, "Unexpected? Certainly. Unwelcome? Not at all. Idiotic? Most certainly." she sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, "Who in their right mind makes that much of a commotion when trying to covertly contact an ally?" she asked rhetorically as she stared the Yamanka down.

After a moment she turned to Meilin and the blue haired girl, the Miyazato, they all seemed as though something might be wrong, but what it was Suzu couldn't quite place. She opened a hand as if to accept something Meilin wasn't even offering at the moment, "Well let it out then." she asked, "Must have been something important to have missed the rendezvous last night." she said as she waited for an answer from the Cho.

Aoi jumped in her place as the door was wrenched open and Madoc pulled quickly inside, she didn't hesitate in following the beckoning and unspoken order of the Sworn Sword to follow him in. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light shining through the ratty curtains on the other side of the room, Aoi couldn't help but realize how much of a dump the place these two were staying in was. The wallpaper was peeling and stained dark in places, on the floor a dark stain took up an area about the same size as an adult man might, and the bed was torn and in tatters. She shuddered as she realized just how good the hotel they'd stayed in was in comparison to this one. When Suzu began to ask her questions Aoi simply stayed silent. It wasn't her place to talk in this matter, the Sworn Sword obviously had some sort of a trustable relationship with Meilin and Aoi did not want to get between in.

After hearing loud knocking on the door, Ino quickly stepped out of the shower and grabbed a kunai she had with her. Can never be too safe, after all. When Suzu opened the door and begun responding in the manner she did, She understood who it was that foolishly enough came straight to them. After putting on her gear, she finally left the very small bathroom, passing by Suzu and Team 4 to get towards the partially shattered window at the edge of the room. Leaning next to the edge of the window, she looked towards all the people present, thinking they easily ruin long-running covert missions with the way they handled things.

Having been sensing as he had been pounding on the door, he knew where in the room the two were. So it didn't shock him when Suzu opened the door and yanked him in and ushered the other two in. Then when she began lecturing him he couldn't help but snicker through it all. It almost got rid of the image of Ino coming out of the bathroom with her little Kunai. "Shit last I knew it was an insult calling someone a duck and an albino. Next time I switch it to Disgusting duck and Walk of Shame Albino. As for who in their right mind. The same people that go waltzing into a temple, fuck it up and then waltz out and make us do their job." Madoc said as he would roll his eyes at the group before walking to the door.

The way how Madoc addressed the two Sworn Swords made Meilin frown. She wouldn't call it really professional. Then again, there was no point in professionalism. They were in a shitty hotel and speaking as if they were the cousins or nieces of her Majesty wouldn't help much more. They certainly weren't dressed as if they were some damn rich entourage, so Meilin only hoped that Madoc's 'bluntness' wouldn't spark too much ire.
Suzu was the one who opened the door and Meilin would follow as last into the room.

"Fucking Hella," Meilin muttered as one of the women ran out of the bathroom. She was certainly anything but amused by the sight. More so when the woman had a kunai. Placing her left hand on her hip, Meilin turned her attention towards Suzu.
Before she could answer, Madoc spoke up. Almost causing Meilin to smack the Yamanaka's head. But she resorted to a mere look, her eyes half closed. She understood that the guy was irritated but he was now starting to become a sore pain for Meilin's patience.
"Not now." She told Madoc, her tone sharp and cold. Spotting that he walked to the door, Meilin decided to linger. But yet, she took a step to position herself between Suzu and Madoc. She wasn't sure but felt the need to do so.

"Yes, it was. We got some good information about a rather shady meeting between a priest and a guard. I want to check out the location but in case of trouble, I would prefer to have some backup when the meeting takes place." Meilin said to Suzu. "Before I, however, give that information, I want you two to promise that nobody will be harmed unless it is out of self-defence. I prefer not to see any curious bystander being stabbed or gutted."

Watching the only male member snap at them before walking to the door made Ino stare at his back for a brief moment before turning to look at Meilin, who was now speaking to Suzu. She then decided to ask for them to promise not to harm any innocent bystanders, Ino decided it was worthwhile to make something clear "We are not meant to harm any civilian lives as part of our roles. Making the promise to keep bystanders safe comes with the job." She said. They had been allowed to take care of civilian lives if it is truly needed, but Ino felt like there is always a way to do things in a way that would not get any civilians involved.

Suzu was about to speak when the Yamanaka did. She held herself in place, wondered how easily she could blame the deaths of the three Chuunin on a Zealot ambush and realized she'd have to kill Ino for that to work out as well. She took a breath and moved her attention from the boy and focused herself on Meilin who had positioned herself in between them. She pulled her arms a bit tighter against herself. 'A meeting of a Priest and a Guard…?' she thought as Meilin spoke, it could mean just about anything. A lovers meetup, criminal dealings, or zealot activity. She wondered who the Priest was as she remembered the one from the garden.

She shifted in her place as Ino spoke from the other side of the room. Nodding in agreement as she finished speaking Suzu decided to add her own word as well, "We won't be taking any more lives than are necessary." she affirmed to Meilin before open a hand to the girl, "So where's this meeting going to take place, and why do you think you need us there? Something have you spooked Meilin?" she asked.

Despite both women stating that they wouldn't take any innocent lives, Meilin felt a bit unsure. She remembered how the last operation had proceeded when she had worked together with Suzu. If anything, the Sworn Sword operatives seemed to be on a whole new level when it came to silence people. Then there was also the fact she wanted to mark it clear, indirectly, that they had no true reins over team 4.
"Good." Meilin replied at first. The questions of Suzu made Meilin to pull a piece of paper out of a pocket. Holding it out to Suzu, she continued.

"It is not the original note. I tried to write down the information of the meeting place and time. It is not far away from the temple, I figure. The time is at midnight, today. Which gives us some time to scout and scan the area clean. Despite this very well not be what I suspect it to be, no harm in trying to verify it."
Meilin paused. She remembered what she had told Aoi. If this was indeed not a meeting between potential allies of the zealots, she would turn herself in.
"I don't know what to expect. And I hate to run into those... things." She shot a meaningful look towards Suzu. "If you two are what they say about the Sworn Swords, better to have your backing than to be alone."
Being aware that she could rely on or call in Team 7, Meilin didn't want to yet do so. If this would be indeed a waste of time, it could lead to a potential opening for the zealots to strike at Team 7's goal. Not something she desired to shoulder as well.

She took the note and studied it for a moment, a location and time was all that mattered on it. She thought for a moment before turning to Meilin as she held up two fingers on either side of the paper, "I hope you don't mind." she said as a small arc of electricity jumped between fingers and set the paper ablaze. She turned it in her hand to allow the entire paper to be swallowed by the small flame that spread up it. She let go of the paper and set her boot over it to snuff out the last of the fire. "I certainly…" she wanted to fight the beasts again, she craved a fight like that once more, she knew better than to say so "Don't want to face them either." she assured Meilin, "But if we do, I at least know I have someone who's done it before with me, and same goes for you so ease your mind." she shuffled slightly to the side, "We'll do everything we can to support this, especially if this comes to combat in the streets."

She turned to Ino, "Ready then? I say we head out now, scout the area as Meilin suggests, figure out what we're working with."

"Ready. Lead the way, Rabbit." Came the brief response from Ino as she concealed the kunai. She had no reason to trust what Meilin brought forth, but after chasing down a lead her way before, she could only offer Suzu the same benefit of the doubt and let her lead.

Shrugging lightly as Suzu destroyed the note, she didn't mind. It was going to be pretty useless after tonight, anyways. When Suzu brought those things up, stating she didn't want to fight them Meilin slowly nodded. The cold shiver that ran down her spine was something she tried to ignore for the time being.
The comment of Suzu on that at least there would be somebody else who knew how to fight them was present, Meilin didn't reply. She felt even slightly uncomfortable as she was certain that could raise questions with Madoc and Aoi.
"Good. I do suggest that we will scan out the areas, separate. He," Meilin simply raised her left hand to point at Madoc with her thumb, "Can establish a link between us. I want to have the area to be scanned. Possible positions where we can lay in wait. And prevent that the zealots cut us off and such."

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[fieldbox=Discussing Plans - Part 2, chocolate]
Wolf Country, the eastern continent.
At the allied camps - Imperial camp.

A collab between Lesli and ChromeHound

Saki Yamanaka goes to the tent of the commander of the Imperial army, present on the eastern continent. Holding a discussion with Hayate Hyuzu, the young commander of the Imperial forces as the Guardians, the two talk about the possible future.

"Going home sounds good to me," Hayate said, a hint of amusement in his tone. "See, I told you you'd be a good commander." Smiling warmly, the Hyuzu tilted his head to the side as Saki continued. At the mention of an all out fight, Hayate's smile faded and he nodded solemnly. It was not an event he was looking forward to, however, Saki was very much correct. It was inevitable. The enemy they faced now did not appear to be one they could simply scare off. "Thank you Saki," Hayate began, "I appreciate your help with this, and you are right..." Scratching the back of his neck, Hayate looked at the map.

"I've been reading up on some past engagements," he mentioned, glancing over to the small library he had amassed. "I haven't really been through anything like this before, as I am sure you are aware. So my experience is a little... lacking. To make up for it, I am reading up as much as I can, learning from a history of combat. It will never be the same as earned experience, but I am afraid I have to start somewhere."

Going home indeed sounded quite good. But wishful thinking wouldn't improve their situation, at all. When Hayate thanked her, Saki wanted to reply that she had barely done anything to earn his thanks. Knowing, however, how stubborn her friend and commander could be Saki remained silent. Hearing that Hayate had studied past engagements was one good step. Experience of battlefields would help more. Knowing personally how dreadful as frightening a battle of large scale could be, Saki decided to speak up. "I have fought two large conflicts. If anything, I reckon that we do have various advantages. The first clash made clear that we got better equipped and skilled troops. The enemy has the advantage of numbers, however. That means we need to force them to fight on our terms. Fighting where the enemy can't deploy a larger front and envelop us would be a step in the right direction. Once we have established that, we ought to consider how we will fight. We can try to go for an offensive or even try to bait the enemy. Either way, we will need to make that risk if we don't want the enemy to pick what day and place we have to fight."

Pausing, Saki turned her eyes to the maps. "I suggest we plan the large clash in the morning. Make sure that the deployed troops are well fed and rested. If we take the enemy by surprise, their troops will be not fully rested and have to fight on an empty stomach. Sounds like a small advantage but it can do quite some mental damage. Then, we need to take a look at the weather. If we fight in the early morning, the sun will be in the east. As commander, you will need to have a clear sight and the officers will need to be able to spot you. Helps morale and what not. This also means that we have to carefully decide how and where we will deploy troops. Deploying ourselves with our faces to the east might give our enemy a slight advantage. Nothing more annoying for an archer to look into the sun, to give you an idea. And I doubt that our heavy cavalry will be thrilled to charge through wet mud." Saki would shoot a quick glance to see how Hayate would react upon her advice and words.

Listening closely as Saki described her experience and provided advice, Hayate was again reminded how lucky he was to have her on his side. Saki was a cunning strategist and not someone Hayate ever wanted to have to face on the battlefield. Glancing at the map, he studied the positions of the allied forces. There were several areas they were still scouting out, areas that they could potentially take advantage of. Looking from the map back to Saki, Hayate waited for her to finish, eagerly gathering as much information as possible. "Baiting them may very well work out in our favour," Hayate began, as Saki finished. "I cannot imagine they will easily overlook the damage we have done with our night raid. Pair that together with the right catalyst and we can manipulate them into taking action when the time is right." Scratching his chin, Hayate nodded slowly. In theory it would be a highly effective strategy. Combat situations had a tendency to work in unexpected ways, however, but that did not mean they couldn't do their best to prepare in advance.

"And you're suuure I can't convince you to take the role of Commander, hmm?" Hayate said, offering a brief smile. "You're quite invaluable Saki, did you know that?" he asked, tilting his head ever so slightly. "I would like to see what our scouts return with before we plan final positioning. They may find something we can use to our advantage."

"I imagine that they would be eager to punish anything that they could. Or think that they can. If we provide them with the right bait, they will bite. Only problem is that either you are willing to put your own at risk or become indebted to one of the other commanders. At least, that is how I see how it is." Saki said, her eyes narrowing for a moment as she threw another glance at the maps. Perhaps they could coerce one of the allied forces to take the risk but she doubted that either the Lightning or Republican commanders would be keen to put their men to such a test.

Hearing what Hayate said, coming back to a previous point, Saki scoffed. Crossing her arms out front of her chest, she shook her head. "I fear not. I consider myself much better as the one who pulls your hide into safety." When Hayate said that she was invaluable, Saki felt a sting of pain and regret. Her eyes lowered, returning her gaze back to the map. She knew that Hayate meant nothing of ill will with those words. But if she was as good as people claimed and said, then why wasn't Hideki around anymore? Pushing that horrible question aside, to the back of her mind, Saki nodded. "A wise decision. I imagine that Koike will bring back information. Has he disclosed on how he will do that?"

She was right, that much was certain. If they were to lay a trap with one of their groups as bait, it would not be an easy decision. While Hayate had no desire to let his troops be thrown to the wolves, he also had no intention of asking one of the other forces to do something he and his men would not. It would set a precedent amongst the troops. Actions like that could cause the entire allied force to splinter if not handled appropriately. Did he really want his first command to end like that? "Then we had certainly better prepare to cut the head off the snake before it bites," Hayate said, glancing towards Saki.

When he had called her invaluable, Hayate thought he caught a glimpse of something before Saki turned her gaze from him and back to the map. He was no expert on body language, but he knew enough to see that it had caused a reaction. Worried for a moment, Hayate gritted his teeth. The last thing he wanted to do right now was bring his friend any more pain. Hearing her question, Hayate leaned forward slightly, surveying the map alongside Saki. "As you know, he has taken Katsu with him, along with split forces from the Republic and the Lightning. To make things easier, Koike will use Katsu as a go-between. The technique we used back when..." Trailing off, Hayate glanced at Saki. "He will make use of the summoning technique to communicate. I have requested these... occurrences to be kept as far apart as possible. We do not yet know what the enemy has for sensors. I do not wish to risk compromising the mission by taking more action than absolutely necessary."

"Indeed. I don't even like snakes," She replied with a faint attempt to joke about it. Upon hearing that Katsu would be the one send back and forth through the technique, Saki didn't look up from the maps as Hayate trailed off. She didn't blame Hayate for being cautious. In his shoes, she wouldn't be much different. "Okay. Understandable. So they will come back with information. Then we will need to make a plan to face and take down that army. Only," she looked up, a frown present on her brow. "What next? I know that we can't yet be certain that we will win but a following action planned would be good. Isn't there a large urban center or fortified position that we can make our own? Cause it might be wise to set up a base to gain control back over the region."

Hayate's eyebrows raised slightly as realization hit him. What next? He had been so preoccupied with the current events and planning a strategy to defeat the enemy here and now that he hadn't truly considered what next...

Taking a moment to ponder, Hayate chewed his lip. "I suppose that raises several good questions," he said after a pause. Looking over the map, Hayate frowned. "If we do win this, how will the Lightning and the Republic react? If we are continuing to fight together, then we will need to factor that in wherever we end up. If they leave, we will need to find something easier to defend with a smaller force." Scratching his chin, Hayate looked back to Saki. "Wherever we go, however, we will want to make sure that the locals do not resent us taking up position around them. We may not have the manpower to keep them at bay while also fending off whatver force is still in the area."

The answer of Hayate did little to please Saki. In fact, it did quite the opposite. "If they leave, Hayate, then why should we stick around? It is their problem in the first place. We are here to just prevent another Great War by making them follow the treaty, that binds us to solve this mess." She said, gesturing to the map. "If both of them leave, we simply should relocate back to the coast. Foritify ourselves there until the Imperial fleet can transport us back home. No need to see more of our countrymen die on this blasted continent." The Yamanaka added. "And if we do stay here, I suggest that we first look for a well fortified position. Use it as a base. Then use what operatives we have to appease the locals. Gain their trust and perhaps some income of supplies. Some auxiliary allies would even be better."

Gritting his teeth, Hayate did not immediately look towards his friend. She was right, but it didn't mean he had to like it. Sacrificing his own soldiers for another's cause was not something Hayate was willing to do. However, if this zealot army was worse than what they had seen so far... if they had another force that could come in and wreak havoc across the continent... Hayate wasn't entirely sure he could sit around and just let them do it. Thousands of people would die. Innocent people... If they had the potential to stop that, then he wasn't sure he could just walk away without even trying. After a long pause, Hayate turned to Saki, keeping his tone even. "Let us then hope that the Lightning and Republic do not cut and run. If they do, then we shall cross that bridge when we get there. In the meantime, however," pausing, the Hyuzu stretched his neck slightly, reaching up to rub out some of the tension, "we can start looking for somewhere to hold up. Somewhere that is easy enough for us to fall back to without leaving us exposed for too long. If we find something close enough, we can begin fortifying it ourselves, before this whole thing is over. Best case scenario, we make those fortifications for no reason. Worst case, now we will have somewhere to fall back to that has already been prepared, something to ensure we aren't caught unaware when we pull out."

"Yeah. When we manage to defeat the opposition or rout them, I can take up with my unit to scout around for such a place. Preferably some high ground or already fortified position. I imagine that there has to be some site that the locals or past inhabitants of this land used as castle or fortress. Unless we are currently in a region where they have no idea on how to construct such fortifications. Once we got that settled, we need to figure out how to keep our supplies going." Saki brought her right hand up to her face. Briefly rubbing the bridge of her nose with her right index finger, she was considering what they could plan for that. Trying to get the locals to help was the obvious path that they could take. But she reckoned that it would be quite beneficial if they could establish a supply route with the homefront. "We could potentially send one of us back at home. To discuss some matters with Kiyomi. Through the Zodiac summoning technique. It has to be only one of us. Once that person has settled matters, the person summons himself or herself back. And we can see if we can count on some established supply route from home or the Lightning."

"If they do not have an idea on how to construct such fortifications, then perhaps they were meant to be overrun..." Hayate mentioned with a half-humoured smirk. Truth be told, he just hoped that the locals had something they could fall back to. Something to give the troops hope if things went sideways. Despite their early successes against these zealots, Hayate didn't pretend for one moment that this would be an easy conflict.

When Saki mentioned that they could use the Zodiac technique to pass information along to Kiyomi, Hayate felt a fleeting moment of excitement. Perhaps he could go back, just to see her. Even if it was for a short time... Shaking the thought from his mind, Hayate sighed. He could not afford to leave the field, even for a moment. It would be irresponsible and a gross dereliction of his duty. That knowledge did little to comfort him, however, and Hayate took a moment before looking back at Saki. "Who would you suggest we send?" he asked, his tone even. Hayate already had someone in mind, but was curious as to what the Yamanaka was thinking.

"You could curry the most out of her Majesty. I am certain that my friendship carries some influence and favours but you're the commander. Your word would hold most sway. However, we also need you here." Saki began as she cupped her chin with her left hand. "Koike would also be a good possible candidate. He and Kiyomi are close as well holding some family ties to the Lord Commander. The problem is that he is what connects you to the 13th brigade. If he would be send away and the 13th brigade would grow restless, I don't think neither of us would know how to calm them down properly." Thinking further out loud, Saki shook her head lightly. "Katsu would be the least problematic to send. However, he also holds the least sway from what I can imagine. Masami is pretty much the same deal." Becoming silent, Saki's features hardened.

"And I simply refuse. So you got to pick between those three to be send back." The young woman concluded. "For I don't wish to be send back and be held out of the imminent clash. The Tiger Claws are bound to my command, after all."

Grumbling under his breath, Hayate scratched the back of his head and sighed. Why couldn't any decisions just be easy? Saki was right in her assessment of the options, but it wasn't like it made the decision any easier. Ideally he would have selected Koike or Saki. Both held a close friendship with Kiyomi and could speak to what was needed with clarity. Katsu and Masami, while both of them were very capable in their own right, Hayate did not know how close either was with Kiyomi, nor did he know how clearly they could communicate to her what was required. While he did not believe Kiyomi would refuse a request from any of them, it would not be as easy for them to persuade her. Chewing his lip in thought, Hayate finally nodded. "I appreciate your input Saki. Truly. I will think on this and make a decision soon."

"With all respect, commander, sir," Saki gestured to the only entrance of the large tent. "We will need somebody picked today. There is no telling how long our enemy will sit still. In the meanwhile, we must act or else.." The young woman halted herself as she would straighten her back, placing her hands on her back.

"If anything, sir, I do think that we have little choice. We could miss colonel Koike for a day or two. He has the most chance of convincing both the Lord Commander as her Majesty to lend us more forces and resources to work with. In the meanwhile, I can work on the hostages that we already have as you can work with the other commanders on a feasible battle strategy."

Frowning ever so slightly at Saki's words, Hayate was frustrated because he knew she was right. "Then I think we have our answer." he said, glancing at the map and then back to Saki. "When Koike returns, I will speak with him and make arrangements. Let's just hope he and the others return soon. And safe..."

Turning to face the Yamanaka fully, Hayate stared at her for a moment. "I trust that you will be thorough with the interrogations," he began, locking eyes with her, "just... make sure they stay alive long enough that you can get some useful information out of them, alright? I'm asking you to handle them because I believe you are the best one for the job, but if I find out this has turned into an excuse to exact as much pain on them as possible in some form of revenge, I will not hesitate to pull you out. Understood?"

It was weird. She was happy that he had made the choice. But at the same time, she didn't like the idea of Koike going. But they didn't have much of another choice. When Hayate stated his trust, Saki simply nodded in return. "No worries. My methods won't introduce a lot of pain but it will slowly pull out any secrets that they might have on them." There was the temptation to see if she could make the captives suffer. In fact, she knew she really wanted to. But orders were orders.
"It will just depend on how cooperative they will be. But I doubt I will have much trouble. They don't seem the kind that know how to handle interrogations of my kind." At least, she hoped so.

Nodding, Hayate considered something for a moment. The Yamanaka methods were highly effective but, as Saki had mentioned, they could sometimes take time. Time that they might not have. Scratching his chin, Hayate tilted his head slightly. "We will buy you as much time as possible, but if they are proving to be resistant to your usual methods, I will authorize the use of other more... crude methods... Let us just hope it does not get there."

"Good. I will be able to bring in the report, very soon." Saki replied back. She thought about his words but wouldn't seek a way to twist them into her own favour. "I will get straight to it, as well making sure that Koike gets a message to report once he is back." Making a salute, Saki flashed a smile before turning on her heels. For some reason, she was eager to get started on her new task.

"Thank you Saki," Hayate began, "Please make sure you take care of yourself, okay?" He trailed off. Nothing more needed to be said. Returning the smile along with the salute, Hayate watched as Saki exited the tent. He hoped that she would take some time to mourn. She had been through a lot and, while she was one of the toughest people he knew, that much pain could begin to chip away at even the strongest steel.

When he was alone in the tent once more, Hayate leaned over the map, placing a hand on it. It wasn't always the fighting that took the largest toll. If they didn't finish this thing soon, Hayate feared what would happen to all those who had left Konoha with him...

[fieldbox='Shikaroku Nara & Tentou Aburame | Konoha Team 9, #4B0082']
Pull Your Weight

Tentou heard the commotion on the other side of the room, but she did not have time to look as her opponent charged towards her once more, swinging his savage blade towards her with startling speed. Spinning to the side, the Chuunin managed to just avoid the blade, feeling a twinge in her knee from the man's previous attack. Bringing her kunai up to strike back, Tentou was forced back into a defensive stance as the man recovered faster than her.

This isn't good! The girl thought, feeling the first hint of panic. Forcing herself to focus on her training, Tentou allowed instinct to take over. Parrying and dodging, Tentou felt herself being slowly backed towards the wall. Her opponent was quicker and stronger than she had anticipated and she did not know how she was going to turn this fight back against him.

Time seemed to slow for Shikaroku. He was still pulling the kunai from his weapons pouch as Hiron lunged forwards and slammed their opponent into the wall repeatedly. The Jounin shouted something towards him and Yiko but Shikaroku was still focused on the man that Hiron was slamming against the wall. It wasn't until Yiko stepped up and attacked the man that Shikaroku shook out of it. The lever!

Glancing behind him, the Nara spotted the lever against the wall and stood, taking a step towards it. Something caught his eye however and the Genin hesitated. Tentou was fighting fiercely against the far wall, trying to keep her opponent at bay but losing ground rapidly. The lever was on the opposite wall, an equal distance away.

Gritting his teeth, Shikaroku's grip tightened on the kunai, Hiron's words echoing in his mind. The mission comes first...

Taking a step, the Nara closed his eyes, his mind made up...


Tentou raised the kunai in her hand, twisting her wrist in an attempt to get past the man's guard. It didn't work and she reeled back in pain as the man's blade nicked her arm, carving a shallow wound. His sword came around again and Tentou could only raise her blade weakly, attempting to block it.

The kunai was wrenched from her hand and sent flying across the floor as the man swung his blade through viciously. Tentou met his gaze and a strange sense of calm came over her as she saw the cruel glint in his eyes. Closing her eyes, the Chuunin hoped the others were faring better than her.

This was it...

Raising his sword, the man brought it down with speed, a wicked grin growing on his face as he sensed the end was near.

Blade sliced through flesh and muscle, meeting bone with a sickening crunch.

Tentou gasped, expecting the pain to overwhelm her. Instead she felt only numb. Opening her eyes, Tentou blinked rapidly, trying to understand the sight in front of her.

The man's sword lay on the ground and he was gripping one arm, lowered to one knee in front of her. As her eyes regained focus, Tentou saw Shikaroku behind the man. He was holding a kunai that had been embedded up to the hilt in the back of the man's shoulder. The tip of the kunai had pierced clean through to the other side of the man's shoulder and the man was wincing, obviously in intense pain.

Shikaroku looked pale and Tentou couldn't tell if he were wounded or just in shock. Coming to her senses, Tentou reached into her weapons pouch, wrapping her hand around a kunai. It was time to finish this.

Before she could withdraw the blade however, the man used his free hand and grabbed his sword from the floor. Stabbing backwards blindly, he attempted to hit the boy who had fatally wounded him. Shikaroku let out a pained howl as the man's blade stabbed into him, catching him just below the left collarbone. Releasing his grip on the kunai, Shikaroku fell back and grasped his wound, stemming the flow of blood.

Seeing this, Tentou whipped her kunai out and plunged it into the man's chest. Flipping over him, she grabbed onto Shikaroku's kunai with her other hand, twisting and ripping the blade upwards. With her added momentum, the kunai severed through the rest of the man's shoulder, leaving his arm hanging by a few tendons and a small amount of skin.

With a strange noise, the man toppled forward, dead before he hit the ground. Tentou turned her attention towards her teammate as he tried to stop the blood from his own wound. Shikaroku was having difficulty standing but waved Tentou off as she approached. "No time." he muttered weakly, gesturing across the room. "Get the lever. I'll be fine."

Tentou took one more look at him, the concern clear in her eyes. Nodding once, she charged across the room, heading towards the lever.

Shikaroku stumbled over to the wall, leaning against it for support. Reaching into his pack, he pulled out one of his shirts and tore a strip off. Pressing it against the wound, the boy winced. Tearing another strip from the shirt, Shikaroku lifted it, attempting to wrap it around his shoulder to hold the makeshift bandage in place. As his hand raised, Shikaroku noticed how badly it was shaking.

"Perfect..." he grumbled, wrapping the shirt around his shoulder and using his teeth to pull it tight.

Tentou reached the lever, glancing towards Hiron and Yiko who appeared to have things handled. Relief flooded through her and she pulled the lever, stepping back as the entrance opened. Turning back she watched Shikaroku slide down the wall a trail of blood streaking behind him.

"Shikaroku!" She shouted, sprinting towards him, hoping it was not too late.

[fieldbox=An Uchiha and Cho walk around Magnhild..., violet]
Empire of Akino,
Hon Clan Lands.
Magnhild - The Seat of the White Wolf.

A collab between Tim and Lesli
Part 2

Two mornings after arriving in Magnhild with team 8, Aiko sets out to venture back to the 'Thirsty Boar' - where she arranged some lodges for her students. Once gathering up with Neji Uchiha, the two spend some time together. Talking, lunching as relaxing.

Before the woman would react, she handled the payment of the food and drink. Once paid for the service, she would turn to Neji and gesture him to follow her. Exiting the establishment, she considered her options. It was true that it would be unwise to allow Neji to just roam around in the city. Not really for his clan but more because he wasn't known with the large city. Scratching her neck for a second, Aiko would decide on what she would do. "I can accompany you, no problem. I had planned most of today to be free. The bigger question is what you would like to see or learn about the city or its people. There is a lot to see and experience."

Neji would exit the restauruant with Aiko sensei in tow. The food was good, it was different from what he was used to eating back home, but it was good. Neji now stood in the busy street as Aiko sensei walked out of the establishment and they tried to figure out what they would do next. " Well I would like to see some of the government and military buildings. Also maybe some of the entertainment parts of the town." In general Neji just wanted to get a better feel for the city in general.

Exiting the establishment, Aiko thought about it. "I could show you around some buildings and places that are in line with military. As for government? That will be trickier." Aiko explained as she gestured Neji to come with her. Walking through the street, she pointed towards the tall fortifications on the tall hill, that was more towards the northern part of the city. "The city as the region is governed from the inner circle. The keep as various other complexes can be found there. Obviously, it is restricted with those who have the right to go there. Those who don't are going to be held back by the guards. Not to mention the fortifications and other security measures. So, sadly, I won't be able to show much else than just what everybody else gets a glimpse from."

Walking through the street, Aiko considered what kind of military buildings she could show Neji. There were various things that came to mind. Entertainment was much easier but she figured that he was curious about the military. Most of the entertainment was perhaps something that the Uchiha was a bit too young for.
After they walked for a good half a hour, they would reach a small wall that seemed to separate the street from what appeared to be small training fields. The sound of thuds, hammers on anvils and other familiar activities became louder as they approached a certain complex. "Let us watch from here," Aiko suggested as she could lean on the wall.

In front of them, there were various people training alone or together on the small fields. Behind them was a long complex that seemed to house facilities such as smithies by the sound of it. On some small fields, there were people who trained together in hand to hand while others were working on various weapons.
"There are various of these, longhouses. It is not necessary an official military building. Here the militia as local guard train and smiths are able to repair, make commissions or ready out an order from the local authority. It is also the meeting spot during the evening for many that serve in the regional military." Nodding towards a notice board, Aiko continued. "It is also where the notice boards are located. Here people are allowed to put up a request for a trouble. It can range from something small as a desperate plea to resolve a feud between two families. Usually, the militia and guard handle those affairs. But it isn't highly unusual that other parties try to take upon such contracts to earn some coin."

Neji would follow Aiko sensei out of the establishment and back out onto the busy streets of Magnhild. She explained that it would be difficult for her to show him any government buildings. That obviously made sense as they wouldn't just want anyone to be able to get to their leaders so easily. The two would walk around the city for about half an hour before coming up on some buildings and training fields.

Aiko would have them stop and watch from afar as members of the military training by themselves or in small groups. Neji would watch with a keen eye seeing what the men and women were working on down on the fields. Neji would listen as Aiko would explain the board that was set up for people to take on quest and such. Neji would turn to Aiko sensei " So why don't the Hon really have any territory in Konohagkaure?"

"They do have a small compound in Konohagakure. Though, it is true that has taken quite long despite being seen and considered as one of Great Clans." Aiko said as she briefly pondered on how to explain that particular situation. "It has to do with the fact that the Hons didn't feel much for the city. The Hokage was perhaps the military supervisor and the clan was bound to an oath to the daimyo, that didn't mean that they were considering to spend much effort to become invested in either Konohagakure or the Fire country, back then. After all, most reasoned that they didn't pick the Hokage nor did they owe the hokages any kind of fealty."

Letting a pause follow her words, Aiko had settled her gaze back on the scenery in front of them. "Then there were also the various leaders that objected to meddle with the affairs that weren't their own. These days, I think that many are growing open to the idea."

Neji thought about it for a moment, " Ah yes that's right they do have a very small compound in the city, I had actually forgotten all about it. Most of the adults in my clan told the kids to try and stay away from that part of the city." Neji listened to Aiko's words and they did make a bit of sense. The Uchiha and Senju were the two main founding clans of Konohagkaure with some other smaller clans joining quickly after, The Hon didn't establish the city at the very beginning, but they would eventually joined the city and fire country and become a very prominent and important clan to the empire, even if they didn't have a huge complex in Konohagakure. " Well I would have to imagine that now, the Hon's feel that they should mettle in the affairs of the empire, they are one of the most important and influencial clans in the entire empire, and the empress is a Hon herself."

She wasn't surprised to hear that. Hearing the latter comment of Neji, Aiko smiled a bit. "I fear that politics is much more complicated, my dear." She started. "For example, the Dowhons don't regard the empire a necessity. There are elements within the Hon clan that don't regard that their clan should meddle too much in the imperial government. It brought them nothing but a hassle during the two daimyo dynasties before the Empire. And even with the empress being a Hon, it doesn't change much." She briefly paused.

"I suppose that the best analogy is on how there are various nobility in the Uchiha clan that are more focused on their own agenda or the Uchiha clan than anything else. It is a slow progress. It will be some time before factions like those are truly minor."

Neji would listen to Aiko sensei's answer about the Hon clan and then she related back to his own clan. It was true that some in the Uchiha clan put their clan above the rest of the empire, Neji was sure that their were members of every clan that put their own clan above the empire and that maybe that would never change. " Well I'm sure that every clan has members like that, as long as everyone can somewhat get along and do what needs to be done for the good of the capital. though I guess things are never that simple are they." Neji would look back down onto the training fields as he watched the people work on their training.

"No." Was Aiko's sole answer. "Things are never that simple, sadly enough. Always one or more factors that play with the situation and make it either vague or complicated." Becoming silent for a moment, the woman released a soft sigh.
"Come, there is more to see than just this." She said, tapping gently on Neji's shoulder.

Starting to walk, she tried to think of what landmark or place would be interesting for Neji to visit. Walking down the street, the woman went by a list through her mind. Then she figured something that Neji would perhaps find interesting. It would just be somewhat of a trek. "So, what is your impression in total, so far? Did you expect to see more fur-clothed people, for example?" The woman asked, a sliver of amusement present in her tone.

Neji was learning a lot from this one on one with Aiko, he had taken some interest in politics recently so this conversation was definetely interesting. What Aiko was saying was true, things were never simple. Especially when it came to the different clans of the empire and the politics behind all of a clans actions.

Aiko would tap Neji on the shoulder as the two would head off for another destination. " Well the city is pretty impressive, but yeah since we are in the east, I did exepct some more fur and things of the east and such."

"If you do want to sight more fur, I can recommend to consider taking a trip further north from here. " Aiko replied, "There are quite some cold areas where people don't just wear it for a fashion statement. Though, I believe that is where some people gain the idea from." The last sentence was more mumbled, in slight amusement. Walking with the chuunin, Aiko would lead him further. The sight that she wanted to show him should take a bit, however.

"I do imagine that one day we will visit some Uchiha sites. Or some other more foreign sites. Are you by any chance curious for a particular clan or region?" Aiko decided to ask, throwing Neji a curious glance.
[fieldbox=Needles and Books, violet]
Empire of Akino,
Hon Clan Lands.
Magnhild - The Seat of the White Wolf.

A collab between Tim, Winter, Zane and Lesli.
Part 1

Aiko rallies her students for a particular interesting excurssion. The team spends some time at the Lorehouse in Magnhild. After that, they are taken to a tailor shop where Aiko reveals why she brought them there.

Aiko leaned against the wall with her back. The biting cold was getting worse with the snow starting to fall in a larger quantity down from the clouded sky. The hood that Aiko had pulled up wasn't enough protection. For that reason, a brown scarf was tucked around her neck and pulled up to provide some protection for the lower part of her face and nose. Waiting at the meeting point, she hoped that the team would go together. She had some faith that they would not have any trouble to head out together. For while there was no immediate danger that she had to worry about, neither of the three were at home in the large city. If they would get lost then it could take up much longer before they would show up. Not to mention that Neji wasn't able to speak or understand Chonobi, which was far from ideal in a city like Magnhild.

But she still stayed waiting at the street corner. There were fewer people on the street but that was to be expected with the current weather. Most establishments were still open and some people were already starting to shovel the snow away from the entrances of their shops, taverns and such. Guards still patrolled the street but seemed to be anything but pleased with the cold or snow.
Letting out a sigh, Aiko hoped that her team wouldn't take too long. Her shadow clone had pressed on to the innkeeper that she should inform her students to travel together as to not take too long to head to the meeting point.

The Genin of the team had gotten herself ready first, waiting in the lobby for the others to arrive before they would depart together. While she waited she reached up and secured her blonde hair into it's usual ponytail, putting on her overcoat before wrapping a shawl scarf around her neck. While she waited she made some last minute checks to ensure she had all her things before checking the time, the others should be here any minute which meant they could depart together as per Aiko's request. Satia had gotten a good idea of the area over the last few days and combined with her high level of perception she was confident she could make for the meeting point, though she doubted she was the only one who had taken the time to observe Magnhild.

He couldn't say he was displeased with the upcoming event. Sure he sort of wished this wasn't going to be a group activity, yet he couldn't quite say that. So he would get himself prepared, putting on his jacket and a dark purple scarf, and would meet up with Satia who had been ready first. Giving her a wave, he would glance around too see if Neji was around yet couldn't spot him. "So he isn't here yet?" Kazumo spoke in Chonobi as he would sit down while waiting for their young Uchiha companion. "Never really got to say it since we have been busy. Yet back at Amegakure. Good job on distracting that guy." he once again said in Chonobi, striking up a little conversation before Neji got here and he would have to resort back to Taika.

Neji would close the door to his room and lock it as he made his way down to the lobby of the inn. He made sure he was dressed warm as he had saw out of his window that it was snowing. He made his way downstairs where he saw Satia and Kazumo standing and chit chatting as they waited for him. Neji made his way over to them. " Hey guys sorry if I'm a little late I apologize. Are we ready to go?"

Satia almost jumped when Kazumo spoke up while she'd been checking her belongings to make sure she had everything, giving a sheepish smile as he spoke to her in Chonobi, certainly an effort the young Cho appreciated. She inclined her head respectfully, "Good morning Kazumo-Sama" she replied politely, shaking her head as he asked if Neiji had come down yet. Hearing the compliment caused her to smile slightly brighter, "Thank you, though it was thanks to you and the others that I was able to get there safely" she replied. She turned as Neiji arrived before nodding her head once to his question, also changing her dialect to Taika. "I believe so" she replied, motioning for them to depart as walked towards the door, pressing a hand against it as she pushed it open. She would take a glance to ensure they were coming with her before walking out into the cold chill of Magnhild.

Shaking his head at her saying she only got there because of him and the others, he would disagree. "I only took the shot. You helped me, Neji and Tomiko helped you. Anyone you should be thanking..." Kazumo said as his gaze trailed off towards the approaching Neji. "It would be them." He said with a bit more of neutral tone as he would nod at Neji. "Well let's get going, we don't want to make sensei wait on us now." he stated as he would follow Satia outside.

Neji would nod his head at both of them as they made their way out of the inn and towards where Aiko sensei told them to meet her. Neji being a bit younger than his squad members sometimes felt out of place with them. They each had some years on him so sometimes he felt that they may treat him differently because of his age, also since his clan was Taika and both of their clans were Chonobi. So Neji sometimes felt out of place with them, but he pushed those thoughts out of his mind as they made their way to Aiko sensei.

She kept waiting. For a moment, Aiko considered heading towards the inn. But as soon as the woman pushed her back from the wall and made a step, she spotted the three. A smile dawned on Aiko's lips as she slightly spread her arms towards the three approaches. "Good, you three are here. For a second I was afraid that I would have lost you to the vices of the city." Quickly shooting each of them a glance, she could conclude that they were okay. Or in any case, nothing that raised any concern. "Now, come. For we have a long day ahead of us. I hope you lot will find it most exciting. Come, no time to lose."

The grey walls would give a sombre impression. Together with the guards that eyed the small group with stern gazes but said nothing, it wasn't really having an attractive atmosphere. No passage was, however, hampered by any guard. Coursing over the small courtyard, the team would see both old and young people enter and leave the complex. It was tall and wide, almost looking like a broad tower.
Once they had passed the wide doors and its guards, they would be walking into a different world. The scent of paper, ink and some scent of candals was ripe in the air but nothing too overwhelming. Up in the distance of the hallway were shelves already visible, brimming with books and scrolls.
Passing through the hallway, the group was briefly halted by a man in a brown outfit. Aiko spoke softly with the man for a few minutes, being given four cards, before she gestured the team to follow her.

"Okay, from here on, we must speak softly. See it as a large library. I arranged most departments to be accessible for you three. You will use these cards. Each one of you has one," holding the cards towards the three, Aiko gave them a somewhat stern gaze. "I can't be everywhere at the same time as ninjutsu inside isn't allowed. Not to mention that members of the Grey Guard are also on the look-out and doing their patrols. Don't try to be spot them. I doubt I will be even capable of such a feat. Just know that you can't write or draw in or on the books, scrolls and what not. There is usually some paper and ink available in case you want to make notes. Do know that if you want to take some knowledge with you in the form of notes or scribbles that it will be checked when we will exit." Pausing to let the information sink in, Aiko would hold up the cards for each of them.

"The history, bestiary and such will be open. Don't disturb anybody without a good reason. I will be around the place. In case you need, you will need to these." Pulling out the earphone communicators out of her jacket's pocket, she would hold up her hand to let each of them take one.
"Now go, little birds. We have a few hours before we will have to move out again to attend to other matters."

They would arrive at the spot to meet up with Aiko, which took a bit longer than he thought it would have. Yet in a new environment, remembering directions took a bit longer than with a place you lived in. As soon as they arrived, however, they would take off to the next location which took a bit but as soon as they arrived at the place where the outside didn't appear that inviting. the look in Kazumo's eye shined a bit with happiness. Entering the building, the inside would be exactly how he thought it would be. A quiet atmosphere with book and scrolls stacked on shelves in the distance. The gentle scent of some candle making it a most pleasing learning environment

Aiko gave them all the rundown of what they could do and what to not do, he had no intention of speaking out loud or even bothering anyone anyway. It also made him wonder how many people tried using ninjutsu in such a place. Taking a card and earphone communicator, he would smile brightly as he moved off by himself, heading right away towards the history. Where he would grab a book about some of the various Hon houses and go and take a seat. The first house he would read up on was the Dowhon, or as some might think of them. Bear shifters.

The three would arrive at where Aiko would want them to meet, as soon as they arrived they were off and made their way through the city until they reached an interesting building. It definitely wasn't very inviting from the outside. The four would enter the building and Aiko sensei would speak with someone, and then would come back to her three students. She would hand each a card and a ear-piece as she explained the rules of the library. She would explain the different sections and then let them be off. Neji grabbed his card and put the ear-piece in his ear and then made his way to the section in the library in which the books weren't in chonobi. Neji looked around this section until he found some books on the Hon clans rivals Neji's own clan the Uchiha. He grabbed some of the books on his clan and began to look through them.

Reading upon the various Hon houses was quite informing in learning new matters, that even surprised him. Like the fact that the one Taika clan that not only opposed the Hons back in the Warring Clan Era, also happened to be one that fought the most with them as well. It caused him to wonder how the Tokugawa who were known for being deceitful in the past, as shown by the Tokugawa Conquest where they attacked the Hanta who were reeling from an attack by the Hons. To pulling off a similar tactic once again in the Senju-Cho Confrontation, by allowing the Uchiha through their land only to join on the Cho side and force the Uchiha into a defensive position between two forces. Yet all the while, the Hon houses fought on two fronts and managed to do rather well.

The wars back then were always interesting in many ways, such as the tactics implemented, how they defended, how they attacked, allies, enemies. All of it was a good read, even if some of these tactics weren't done by the Chonobi themselves.
At this point Kazumo had gone back and forth and gather several books at the table he was reading at, as he wanted to see the perspective from several points. Like it amazed him that the Hons had fought with the Sarutobi once and became great allies as it was known today, fought with the Hyuzu and became great allies. Yet one of the said great allies they never fought beside a few raids early on in the Warring Clan Era was the Tokugawa. Was it because they had hired the Agnarr that they never fought them? Surely the Agnarr, if such a scenario existed, would have joined their brethren against the Tokugawa, so what was it that made it so they never fought in a real war against each other?

Be it as he searched he couldn't truly find the answer, only more questions at his own question. Was it respect? Maybe they didn't want to fight against a clever opponent and risk unnecessary lives? Yet even those questions only gave him more questions. He would sigh but not from frustration, yet from the happy fact, such a simple thing had so many questions about it. He looked at all the books and couldn't help but smile as he only read a bit of what he could learn about and yet he still had thousands of books to keep reading from. It made him want to ask if he could borrow the card to keep coming back and reading here.

Yet wanting to answer some of his questions himself, or attempt such he would need to look at one of the players in that era. The Tokugawa, a clan known for being vipers rather than the sharks they compare themselves too. They started as slaves and managed to become their own power among all the warring clans. Which is when he answered one question of his, out of all the wars they fought in. All of the ones they started or joined, they never picked a fight they couldn't win. It was always sly dirty tactics that allowed them to grow, fighting a weaker clan. Taking out two clans at once who were warring each other. Fighting the loser of a war. All these underhanded tactics are what allowed them to grow, and yet calling them weak would be a grave mistake. They were thinkers through and through, using their strategies to overcome any difference in power, not only that but by making deals with other clans, it allowed them to get goods they could never get. They were a Great Power created by the power of their mind. Getting to such heights with words and very rarely wars.

They were quick to go each their own way. For a moment, Aiko wasn't sure why she was so surprised by it. Blinking twice in a rapid fashion, the woman placed her hands on her hips as she tried to spot where each of her students went. Raising her left hand, Aiko rubbed her neck as she let out a sigh. "Have fun guys." She said, a wry smile briefly portrayed on her lips.

Now that she was on her own, Aiko turned around and wondered what she should do. In truth, she wasn't really keen on reading. Not now, at least. Despite the chance to indulge in some subjects that would be hard to come by in the libraries in Konohagakure, Aiko figured she knew enough. There was a small lounge room nearby, deciding to take a rest there. At the moment, there was nobody else that had taken a spot on the few couches and spots that were placed in the comfortable sitting room. Taking a spot on a small couch, Aiko threw a glance around. Much as expected, the style of the interior was Honnic. Nothing too elaborate, however, in terms of decorations.

Leaning a bit backwards, placing one leg over another, Aiko raised her hands to the back of her head. "And so my watch begins," she mumbled to herself, quite content with that so far none of her students had requested her presence. Closing her left eye, she started to sink away in her own thoughts. There was still a lot that she had to arrange but all in time.

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[fieldbox=Needles and Books, violet]
Empire of Akino,
Hon Clan Lands.
Magnhild - The Seat of the White Wolf.

A collab between Tim, Winter, Zane and Lesli.
Part 2

Aiko rallies her students for a particular interesting excurssion. The team spends some time at the Lorehouse in Magnhild. After that, they are taken to a tailor shop where Aiko reveals why she brought them there.

The young Genin reached her hands up to carefully and would gently tug the shawl further around her neck as they ventured towards the building, saying little as she instead tuned in to some of the passing conversation from various other folk passing by about their business. It was a habit of hers, something she tended to do as not only an interest but the young girl often found that keeping an ear to the ground was a good way of scouting interesting information, even if it only amounted to gathering details on interesting rumors or points of interest. Of course she was sure not to become too complacent as to miss prompts from her Jounin.

"Good morning Aiko-Sensei" she would greet softly with a smile, saving her usual greeting for the Jounin as Aiko seemed like she wanted to get moving. Instead she simply inclined her head respectfully as the older Cho mentioned that they should hurry to their destination, something the Genin could only happily agree to considering she was rather curious to see what lay ahead of them that required them to meet her at this hour. Satia remembered that after their training they had come upon the idea to help the community here by taking on some of the notice board tasks, although she wasn't yet sure if that was what the Jounin had in mind.

Nevertheless the young girl waited patiently as she followed, her gaze cast upwards at the building as it came into view through the cold day god as their shoes crunches against the frosted ground beneath them. From the outside the building wasn't too impressive and Satia lost interest in it fairly quickly as she cast her gaze elsewhere, seeing if she could perhaps spot something of interest for her to scope out later once they were finished here for the day. Unfortunately, she wouldn't have time for within the next few minutes they were through the front door of the building itself and Satia could see further down a plethora of books, her intrigue gnawing at her excitement.

She quickly looked back at Aiko talking to the gentlemen before beaming with a bright and happy smile upon her features as she was handed one of the cards, listening as her teacher explained that the information was not only available but they can also transfer information they wished to make note of. Satia could spend a lifetime in such a place, such knowledge and information that could feed her mind for many years. Although once her excitement had peaked so far she began to realise that she would have to decide which books were more important, her time of course limited. "Thank you," she said politely towards Aiko before she would turn and make her way into the library itself.

It was beautiful, to say the least and although Satia could be biased with such an opinion this library in particular looked to be very well taken care of, and designed in such a way that she couldn't help but fall in love with it's design and architecture. The main floor space maintained a large seated area full of tables and chairs with several more comfy chairs for those looking to extend their stay for more than just a few hours, although most of them were already taken by others looking to seek knowledge here. At the center of the main floor there appeared to be a statue of a beautiful lady holding a book with a soft smile, children reaching up at her with smiles as if eager to hear a story.

Satia wished she could take some time to appreciate it to a greater extent but she was eager to make the best out of her short time here and so she quickly moved on. The four corners of the library housed large enclosed spiraling stair wells, built from hard polished wood and embellished with beautiful pattern designs that traveled consistently up it's framework. Each floor appeared attached to these stair wells which provided exits on each floor while seemingly serving as part of the support structure for the balconies that allowed the higher floors to overlook the ground floor seating area. Looking up to the ceiling a large stained glass dome permitted light into the library which cast a colourful patterned shadow across the ground floor seating area.

"Beautiful" Satia commented to herself as she walked within this haven of information, approaching the first stairwell as she made her way naturally towards the history section of the second floor, but not before seeking out one of the library helpers to request a trolley she could use to stack books in order to save some time. She wondered how a trolley would move between the floors given wheels made for lousy tools to overcome stairs, However a helper politely and happily pointed out that on both sides people could find simple wooden elevators which functioned in a rather impress display of engineering as weights and ropes functioned to comfortably and safely transfer people and their trolleys between the floors. Satia quietly and politely thanked the helper before she would take her trolley and move on.

Upon reaching the first few isles the young Genin slowly began her collection of books, starting with The Warring Clans Era 181 - 390, Forming of Countries 391 - 459, The Great War 460 - 464, The Decade of Peace 464 - 472, The Conquest of the River 473, The Shoji Occupation 474 and finally The Rise of the West 475 - 476. The young girl would stack these books on one side of the trolley before making her way to the next floor towards Botany and Plants, retrieving an encyclopaedia of current known plants including genus, known effects, uses, symptoms and geographical sprouting location. Moving on the Genin would also endeavor to take scrolls containing various known methodology around Medical Ninjutsu and Wind Techniques.

Once her trolley was full with enough information to satisfy her, she would make her way back down to the seating area where she would find herself her own table in the corner to unload her books and settle down. Satia was already earning herself a few strange glances from other library attendees, wondering how on earth she planned to chew through so much knowledge within one day, but in truth, Satia didn't entirely intend to. She planned to read them of course but she also had with her books of her own which she could use to transfer information, of course, details she may want to highlight she would transfer into them and if she happened to run out of time she would make notes of the book titles for a later date.

"Ah, finally" she said lowly to herself as she settled down into a chair, opening one of her own books on a blank page with a quill and ink neatly next to it before she reached for the first book, deciding to start with the history first given they made the largest portion of the books she'd decided to hoard in her corner. "The Warring Clans Era" she commented to herself as she opened the book onto the first chapter and began to read the Hon-Hyzu conflict. After a few minutes of reading she picked up her quill and soon began to detail information about the decade of blood and the various conflicts and sieges that took place during that time period, adding her own small annotations under the information on her own thoughts about the history, if not just to give her a peace of mind for later reflection.

After reading her way through the first Hojo-Sanosuke war, she would begin to read her way through the first Wakumi conflict, not something which was unfamiliar to her given her lineage and what they later would do to the Wakumi but nevertheless she felt it prudent to read through it anyway just to pick out a few details that caught her interest, wondering if such details might turn up later during the second and third Wakumi war against the Cho. Specifically, she picked out details concerning the battle of Niri, where she noted some of the interesting strategies employed against the other.

The Kichibei War specifically was something of interest as her eyes moved back and forth over the texts, reading into the details concerning the massacre and how many cities had been razed during the conflict. She had always wondered how the Cho managed to get themselves into such conflicts but through reading through these books she was starting to understand the reasons why and a little more about the nature of man itself. Satia would breath out a soft sigh as she rested the book down and began to transfer the information into a fresh page of her book, briefly checking the time to ensure she was putting aside enough for each book and each section.

"Ahh, the second Wakumi War, here it is" she said quietly to herself as she flipped onto the next chapter. This one, in particular, was a pretty fast read since she knew most if not all of it already. Back within her home at Tenghua she'd read up on her families lineage and the feats that had earned them their status within the Cho. It was still all very interesting to her but it wasn't long before she'd moved through the pages onto onto the next chapter, the third Wakumi war against the Cho. Satia once again began to take some notes as her quill danced black ink across the pages, letting the ink dry to avoid smudging before adding a little more.

The Genin adjusted herself in her seat a little, causing the chair to creak as she laid the book flat to give her hands a rest. Reading up about the confrontation with the Tokugawa all the way up to the third Wakumi War before she would eventually close the book and finish up some of her notes and annotations, once again ensuring the pages were dry before she would flip the pages to a specific section dedicated for different information, It seemed that the book Satia took to writing in was split into various pages of contents for different information, no small task and fairly time consuming in of itself.

Gently and carefully placing the book aside Satia would reach for the next book, a text under the title 'Forming of Countries'. Once again it held information that she already knew, but then again there were always details even within existing knowledge that could be refined or improved and after all she didn't quite know the origins or everywhere save for Konogakure, the chapter of which she would read first before moving on to Kumogakure, Kirigakure and finally Amegakure which interested her the most given her recent visit. She found it interesting how each place differed in how it came to be, especially in contrast between each other.

Satia placed the tip of her quil into the ink pot and dabbed it gentle on a piece of cloth before she would make more notes, though she was mostly adding to pre existing notes since had already endeavored to indulge in information concerning this in the past. She sighed before once again closing the book, checking the time and stealing a glance around the library to take a break from reading. She would place the book beside the other before readying her next one from the ones she'd chosen. She wondered for a moment how the others were getting on and what kind of information they had sought after once they had departed from Aiko. The Cho would soon cast the thought aside as she decided to refocus onto her next book.

Her next book was the Great War spanning from 460 to 464, including details about The Decade of Peace and The Conquest of the River. The transition between peace and war appeared to come quickly and she had some recollection of reading and hearing tales about this time in history, but to read it and to read the gruesome details she found herself once again engaging in interest in the various political moves made after the strategies in the field made to overcome the other. Satia had always enjoyed strategy herself and it was something she'd demonstrated in her training sessions with Aiko. The Genin wondered whether further study into the strategy of war might have some transferable skills she could develop into her own fighting ability.

The young Cho again dipped the quill into the ink pot and dabbed it onto the cloth before adding the bits of informations she was most interested in being very careful with her book now given the amount of new information she'd added to it. It crossed her mind a little about what she would do if she lost it and admittedly the thought of that made her feel a little sick given the amount of information and research were written into the pages. It also crossed her mind about what she would do if she ran out of space, after all she couldn't well carry around a bunch of books wherever she went. Books were heavy and not very useful to be carrying in a fight. Satia shook her head gently of the thought before sliding over the next book, titled The Shoji Occupation.

She read through the short book all the way through the rise of the west making notes until she eventually set her quill back down again and flexed her fingers before stretching her arms up a little. With that on her mind she decided to get up and take a walk around the library once or twice just to stretch her legs and stop her body from falling asleep in the hours she'd spent reading and writing. She couldn't pretend her brain wasn't a tad overworked but she wasn't yet finished and with her notes made she was sure that anything that wouldn't stick or be retained she could always reflect on through her notes once they had left from here.

Returning to her table she would start reading through the botany encyclopaedia, most of which played into her strengths and interests so it was much lighter reading than the previous books on history. Reading through some of the pages she was brought back to her earlier years at Tenghua.

ooo000OOO Four years go, Tenghua, house of Tashigi OOO000ooo

Satia sat in a chair upon a balcony that overlooked the valley beneath Tengua, a beautiful expanse of land that seemed to trail off into a horizon of green tree canopies and rolling hills at the end of the valley, the balcony itself overlooking a courtyard where a single beautiful tree had grown to shed it's petals in the passing breeze of the wind. The day was the warm evening and as the sun began to set Satia had taken to reading into books concerning local flora and plant life written by those who had travelled out this way to pick the lands clean of research.

The air was lightly scented from the room adjacent to the balcony where incense burners were lit. The area around Tenghua was silent save for the shush in the trees and the song of birds calling their lovers home to rest for the imminent nightfall as the sun began to descend towards the horizon, casting beautiful color in its wake. The young blond girl picked up her tea and sipped from it sparingly as she read before a voice startled her from her study. "Reading again I see" she looked to the open doorway to see her father smiling warmly.

"It would seem so, I've become quite taken with learning about flowers" she replied as she set the book down, her father walking over seemingly to approach the balcony before he would step beside her and place a single kiss on her forehead. "I have already been blessed with the two most beautiful flowers, I am glad you've found something to occupy your time. Though please don't linger out here for too long… your mother would like to see you at dinner" he said with a smile, the smile of a doting father upon old tired features.

Akiyoshi was a strong man with a gentle voice and a smile to match it. According to her mother, it had been that smile that'd won her heart in their youth. Satia nodded and returned his smile, "I will, I won't be too long" she replied, to which her father nodded before he gazed out towards the horizon for a moment. He would say nothing more, simply inhaling a content breath before he would turn and make his way back inside. Satia watched him leave before she would return to her book, likely to continue for half an hour longer before she would follow her father's request.

As the sun fell beyond the horizon Tenghua's guard would begin to light the wall sconces, the stars starting to pierce through the sky above as the dark of night slowly crept in. Satia would softly sigh with a smile before closing her book, tucking it under her arm before making her way inside again. It was the first day of many that she'd spent there reading such books and it was the start of her interest into her fields of knowledge, where the young Cho had unknowingly set herself upon a true path for adventure and learning and off in the direction of her own destiny.

ooo000OOO Present day, Magnhild OOO000ooo

Satia smiled warmly as she recalled the memory, setting her book down as she finished making more notes about various plants including where to find them and the different effects they can have on the body. Of course, she had to rely partly on her understanding of biology to complete the transfer of information but it was no big deal. The Genin placed the book on top of the others once she was finished with it before smiling as she felt truly like she had accomplished a lot on the last hours, like she'd truly made good use of her time in studying just like she had done years ago at home. "I wonder how mother and father are doing…." she thought to herself, making a mental note to write home at her next opportunity.

Fortunately, the young Cho had saved the lighter reading for the end as she checked the time and appeared to be closing into her last hours. She was pleased that her math had worked out correctly in how much time she'd given herself on each subject, intending to finish it now with her chosen scrolls. Of course, after reading and transferring the information she would have to wait till she had the opportunity to practice the techniques offered from the texts. The scroll for the Wind Technique contained most of what she already knew which was disappointing but not entirely unexpected, the Genin had basically mastered her element and was more than proficient in it. Nevertheless, she wanted to check to ensure she hadn't messed anything.

After being sure and adding some extra notes into her book she would read over the medical ninjutsu scroll, for the last time transferring over some notes albeit with more detail than she had done with the wind techniques. She wondered if she could apply some of the same effects from this type of chakra art that some of her poisons and toxins could, but decided that was for another time as she simply wrote down the basics so that she could practice a foundation to build from when she would eventually attempt to pull these techniques into her skill set. She would more than likely ask Aiko for assistance with that, but she would wait till their next training sessions before bothering the Jounin with it.

Once their time was up the young Genin would make her way back to where she'd departed from Aiko, assuming they would all meet back in the same place again. She would have to make a note of this place and come back some day to further her study, perhaps when she was older and more well travelled as she had much to do between now and then. She would offer her book to the library guard to have her notes checked before proceeding anywhere near the exit, she was content she hadn't written any information that would be considered dangerous… though she did worry that if she did her book might be confiscated… which she hadn't thought about till just now.

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[fieldbox=Time to unify - part 1, plum]

Asami Sanosuke
Raikage Assistant |Lightning Country, far north.

Her arms crossed out front of her chest, Asami's gaze was locked on the circle. Various men of different age and postures took place at the stone roundtable. The room they were in seemed to be hacked out of a natural rock formation with on the top some cloth to keep the dreadful cold out. Or well, some of it. Her attention went to the various men in the room. There were guards that had slightly different gear, that gave away their origin and loyalty.

A few glances were thrown in her direction from the armed and armoured guards. But Asami couldn't care more or less about the guards. What was more important were the men that sat at the table. All men and each looking like what one could expect from a Sanosuke.

The first to speak was Thorstein from the jarldom of Horga. He had a large brown beard, which sported a few braids. There were various tattoos adorning his arms. Sea creatures that crawled down.
"So, I hope we all agree. These demands of this Regency council," the large man paused as he leaned on the table with his right arm. If the disappointed tone of the man wasn't audible enough, the disgusted expression said quite enough.
"It is utterly disrespectful. When we were forced to join, we were given rights. Duties as well but this is a violation. An attack on our people's freedom."

Soft mumble echoed after Thorstein's words as a few other jarls nodded. The next to speak was the jarl of Arkanes. Hallbard the Mad. A nickname that he had earned for good reasons. A respected leader but one that was feared for his sometimes sporadic actions.
"I say," Hallbard slammed a fist on the table. "We work them out. What are they going to do? Try to come to us and grab our people? I say, let them try!"

"Yeah, yeah. Easy for you to say, you mad dog." Another man said. He had a disappointed expression as he shook his head. Asami frowned slightly as she watched Grotnar of the jarldom of Langanes. He was the oldest among the present jarls.
"If the regent sends troops up north, you won't be the first to deal with them. It will be me and Thorstein first. So you can speak big all you like but don't think I am going to take a hit for you. Just so that you can try to swing an axe."

"You talk like a little welp, you sack of bones." Hallbard said, not hiding his amusement at his own insult. Before anybody could react, Grotnar stood up with an axe pulled out of its ring.

"Say that again and you're going to be buried with this axe," Grotnar hissed as his grip on the handle tightened. "Cause I will slam it so hard that it will forever remain stuck in that hollow skull of yours!"

The tension rose for a moment. The present guards were standing at the ready, their weapons not yet were drawn. Before anybody could do anything, another man spoke up.
"Shut up, you impotent drunkards. You know that shedding blood in this place is a sacrilege. We came here to discuss what we will do against the measures of the regency council. Not to carve each other up." Aldvar spoke. The leader of Ygnvar. One of the oldest and respected Sanosuke jarldom. The tension seemed to ebb away as Aldvar continued.

"Morimoto said that the oldest son of the late Lord is in our care. We have sworn an oath of fealty. Even with the steel that was held against each of us, we are bound to safeguard the life of this Ranzaki." The stern jarl continued. "In theory, we can either sell him out or make the best of the situation. Either way, I doubt that we are save from harsh demands."

It remained silent for a moment.

"Perhaps we could try to find allies in the other clans? Surely, we can't be the only ones that are quite… displeased, with these absurd demands?" Morimoto, the jarl of Reistara asked. His name already made him an odd egg and it certainly didn't help that his mother was a Taika. Or the fact that the Jarldom of Reistara was one of the most populated regions in the far north. Envy wasn't that well hidden or subtle among the jarls, so far Asami could see or remember.

"So, we wouldn't be in the wrong no matter what we do. That is good to know. Then it comes down to what we will plan." Thorstein said as he shook his head. "We can either submit and be loyal to the regency council or---"

"Fuck them! We have held these lands for centuries! Our ancestors will spit on us if we would just roll over because some damned regent demand us to submit to their demands." Hallbard said, his anger quite evident. "We can rally an army. If we each raise a hird, what are they going to do? Strike first? Let them! Give us more pretext to kick them out of our lands."

Soon the bickering started again. Watching and listening, Asami didn't do nor say anything. She wasn't at the Holy Ring of the North to represent the Raikage. Neither was it so that she could visit the sacred place where the jarls met in secret during times of crisis. She had traveled because Takeru had warned her. Aware that Takeru had his own plans and hoping she would spark some resistance, Asami was certain that the Sanosuke could hold the attention of the regency council. But only at what cost? Her gaze went towards Aldvar, who watched his fellow jarls continue to bicker. If anything, Asami was betting on that man to keep the others in line. The only question she had was who Aldvar was more loyal to. After all, they each had their own agendas.
[fieldbox=In Office, #DBA901]
Chika Suzuhara | Home | Amekage

Chika darted through the rain, her coat on her head rather than her shoulders. She made a swift turn into a small stairwell covered by a tent, between two apartment buildings. She stood there, breathing out into her hands cupped in front of her mouth and nose, warming herself. Soon after [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/e008/i/2017/318/4/b/sketches_by_sketching101-dbtrfap.jpg]a young woman much better prepared for the weather joined her. Chika gestured up the stairs with an apologetic smile. "Thanks for helping me carry all of that, Ihei," she said as she walked up the stairs, a dry briefcase in hand. The younger woman beamed in response, carrying a few filed inside her jacket. "Don't mention it ma'am, Control!"

Chika grumbled as she pressed her key on the lock on the door at the end of the stairs. "You know better than to call me that," Chika said as the young woman followed closely behind with a naive grin. "Also, stop with ma'am. It makes me sound old..." With a final twist, the locks clicked and the door flung open. Ihei walked in behind her, shaking the wetness from her umbrella out the entrance before shutting the door. She hung the umbrella up, placed the files on a tall table near the door, and hung her coat as well. Chika quickly snatched the files and brought them into the living room, placing them next to a parcel -with a note that read "An office warming gift"- along with her briefcase.

Ihei walked past the living room as Chika rifled through the files in her briefcase, looking at each of the three-letter coding for the files. A few minutes passed before Ihei returned to find Chika muttering rapidly. "...hapsishouldgetfathertocomeoverorgrandfatherandmaybeevenaunties..."
Chika shot an annoyed glare at Ihei, who quickly laughed it off.
"Sorry, sorry, Miss Suzuhara."
With a heavy sigh, Chika pulled out a file from the case. "Do you know when Souzu and Itsuo are to arrive?"
"Maybe at the end of the hour?" Ihei said, or rather, asked. "I'm sure they'll be by to help soon. In the meantime, I'll do my best!"
Chika offered a conciliatory smile as she scooted along the couch to make room. "Well then… We'd best get to work, hm?"
[fieldbox=Blood drawn at night - Part 1, burlywood]
Hanaguro, capital of the River province - Akenian Empire.
Team 4 and the Sworn Sword duo.

A collab between Frostedcamel, Inzane, Nim and Oetje.

Team 4 and the Sworn Swords move to the site where a meeting is held between a priest and a guard. They scout the area and set up for a potential ambush. As the meeting occurs in the dark of the night, the group learns that a lot of sinister affairs are being handled by the Zealots and their allies. Before the group is able to move in, a loud roar resonates.

The moon was barely visible. Dark grey clouds slowly moved through the dark night sky, the most reliable sources of light being the few street lanterns that were lighted. Some dim light came from homes and establishments but nothing that truly shed much light into the meeting place. The alley wasn't that small but could provide room for a carriage to move through. Despite this space, it was void of people. No beggars that sat around the corner nor any women that seeked out lonely, drunk or desperate figures with the promise of a night of delight. For just a bit of coin or more.

The sound of boots resonated faintly but would become more present as a small group of men clad in some armour and bearing simple weapons came into sight. Three would stand at the corner of the entrance into the alley, but just out of sight. Clearly, those who crossed the other road didn't seem to mind or care much for the guards. Most tried to just stay out of the men's way. Besides, it seemed more like if the guards were just taking a break from their patrol than anything else.

Two guards ventured further into the alley way. Coming to a halt in the middle of the alley, they waited. Nothing seemed to happen or occur for a good twelve minutes. A breeze flowed through the alley, rooftops and left a cold behind. A drop in the temperature that seemed natural for the cold season but yet had something to it. Something sinister.
A hooded figure slowly made his way into the alley. The dark brown clothing and dark in the alley masked the features from sight but the stature of the figure betrayed the bite of time and age. Slightly leaning forward, the figure used a cane to move forward. Coming to a halt in front of the two men, there would be a silence. One that seemed uncomfortable for the two guards, who shifted their weights and frowned slightly.

"And?" The hooded figure asked, the tone being cold and sharp. Almost as if it was a sneer and not a question.
"We have tried but to no avail. Clearly, that thing is damn hard to find. We have been dealing with it but the last place that had tracks weren't good enough. It is like it disappeared into thin air." One of the guards replied, shaking his head.
"You did promise us the coin though. Took a fucking ton of effort to even get the last bits for you."

It remained silent as the head of the hooded figure turned to the guard, which had voiced his annoyance. The air seemed to tighten as some invisible pressure became more evident. The man's eyes widened as he made a short and quick bow.
"I apologise, sir. Truly!"

"I want you to find the beast and take it down. Don't burn the carcass. I want to investigate on how and why it can track some of my people down. Your coin," the hooded figure turned his attention briefly on the pale turned guard, "Will come after it. How does the process stand with the transport? I do hope you have arranged suitable means to transport the boy?"

One of the guards nodded. "We have. Don't worry. That jinch--"
"Say that word and I will make you regret that you woke up today."

The guard nodded as he made a small bow.
"Yes, of course.But it has been a real fucking hassle to get one of those restraints. No telling if it is truly effective on the … Fox."

This concern seemed to be dismissed as the hooded figure made a hand gesture, almost waving it away. "If it comes to that, I will deal with it. Right now, we need to make sure that we are on the move. Those pesky hunters are on our trail. And some of my people need to head east. With all haste."

"What about the girl?" The guard, that had voiced his annoyance earlier, asked.
"Ah yes. Be done with her. Gut her and dump her into the river. I don't care. I doubt she will be worth the trouble."
The guards nodded as it turned silent for a moment.
"If that is all, then we are done. Make sure that you do your fucking…." The voice of the hooded figure trailed off into silence. Nearby, a roar echoed into the night. It wasn't that of a dog, for it was deeper and louder. The guards quickly turned around and seemed to search for something.
"You fucking idiots. Were you followed?"
"No sir! No! We even have some guys a few streets away from here! Then, there are also those four men you sent us! We got a lock down on the streets!"

The hooded figure hissed as it turned around, as if it was expecting the source of the roar to show up behind him. Turning the guards, the figure pointed with a finger at the guards.
"Deal with it or else I will have your corpses and souls rotting."
Stating those words, the hooded figure seemed to collapse. The dark brown cloak seemed to slowly sink to the ground, revealing that what or whoever wore it wasn't there anymore.

She wasn't sure what to think of this. Listening close, she would repeat what she heard to the others through the link that Madoc had established. Hidden in the dark and using her Raven technique, the guards nor the hooded figure seemed to mind the bird nearby. Laying still, Meilin wasn't sure what to think of this cold. It sends a cold shiver down her spine but it was different. It felt more dangerous than a simple cold winter breeze.
When the roar occurred, Meilin froze. That wasn't a cat or dog. Was it one of those things? Judging by the reaction of the clandestine meeting, it sure didn't seem to be on their side. For a second, Meilin wondered if it would be the jinchuriki that they were talking about. After all, she couldn't come up with anything else that started with jinch-. Not to mention, it sure seemed to fit in the alley of the Zealots to be shady about transporting a jinchuriki. Or something equally as terrifying.

"Wait. Madoc, what can you sense?" Meilin asked through the telepathic bond. Only to see four men rush into the alley. Now, the Cho wasn't so sure if it had been a good idea to be this close to the ground.

Aoi was sitting on a street corner less than a block away to the North, throwing rocks into the gutter on the other side of the road as she waited. She didn't have any sort of a technique to get her in close, and she didn't quite trust herself to be able to stay silent and hidden otherwise. She had been hassled by a pair of men in common clothing for a few minutes as they tried to get her to move and she merely ignored them and continued throwing rocks at the storm gutter until they finally decided she must have been deaf or stupid and left her where she sat. The entire time she listened to the words in her head coming from Meilin about the meeting, "A Jinchuriki? Where did they even find one? Aren't they all under guard or something?" she thought back to them more out of a sudden wave of curiosity she wasn't able to stem in time than an actual need to know the answer. When the roar came from farther up the road Aoi felt goosebumps rise on her skin, that wasn't like any animal she'd ever heard before, even back in the mountains of her home where bears and other large animals were common.

She didn't move from her spot as she stared off down the dark street, "Stay or go….?" she thought to the team as she continued to watch the road, a primal instinct welling in her stomach told her to get off the street but she didn't want to abandon her position until she was given a command.

Suzu was sitting with her legs dangling over the edge of one of the rooftops above the meeting place, completely invisible as used her chakra to disperse the light around her and create a barely outlined see-through figure. She was a bit back from the meeting, not wanting to be directly over them, and was grateful that Meilin had had the Yamanaka use one of his techniques to allow them all to think to each other and hear one another without speaking. As the meeting began to drum up Suzu was making mental notes of what was being relayed. A Jinchuriki had been captured. There was a girl in their custody as well, and some sort of beast appeared to be hunting down Zealot forces. When the hooded figure disappeared she was a bit let down, he seemed to be the most important one here, capturing him would have been a major victory for the Imperials but he had so easily slipped away, quite literally into the ground. She didn't give any commands, and when the blue haired Miyazato asked for direction she held her own intentions from them for the girl, allowing Meilin to have complete control over the situation if she so desired.

Under the covers of a few old newspaper, Ino leaned against a wall in an alley north of the alley where the meeting had taken place. She was able to spot Aoi from her spot, but anyone who would look at Ino could easily pass her as nothing more than another homeless woman. Remaining quiet as she listened to what was being sent through the telepathy technique, the thing that caught her attention most of all was the beast. Something like that, running rampant, could easily cause any forces of Zealots to disperse and move to another location, making any work done be for nothing. As important as the Jinchuuriki, leading monk and the girl could be, this beast could make any and all future covert missions against the Zealots become much, much more difficult and unpredictable. And yet, to convert such a creature to their side would be beneficial. The roar of something came, and it made Ino wonder if perhaps the same creature had caught the scent of the monk. Regardless of what it was, like Suzu, she would wait to hear further instructions from Meilin first.

Waiting on the outskirts of where everyone was, he was a bit out of the view of the targets but he didn't need to be close to track them. Yet every time he did he noticed they had quite the odd chakra system going on. Not normal by any means. When Meilin first spoke up he couldn't help but frown that she ordered him to include Suzu and Ino in on the Mind link. He would rather not include the woman who thought of killing him like it was the first thing that came to mind, which is why also kept an eye out on her as well. He heard the info she gave and wondered several things. Why did they have a Jinch on their hands, the second was the woman. What woman would they have that benefitted them, only one person came to mind as he groaned. Did that team fail to guard that woman? Just as Madoc was about to answer a roar of the likes he never heard before echoed the area. Meilin asked what did he sense and as he surveyed the area his eyes widened in fright. "Meilin I know I've been a dick and I'm sorry for that, but do not have us engage yet! It's a bear but not a bear at the same time! It's coming for those men."

"Focus. Our goal isn't any jinchuriki. We stay and see if we can extract information from them. Possibly alive."
Was Meilin's response to Aoi. She was a little confused. Jinchuriki and Fox? The infamous Kyuubi? But wasn't the host not a Hon that was on the eastern continent? Had they managed to capture Koike? Meilin felt an anger rising up in her. Those damn zealots were really deserving a painful death. She would wish all those zealots a trip to Hella, to be damned to the end of the world.

Feeling a bit insecure and quite wary, Meilin ignored her primal instincts. She wasn't going to flee. Not if she could actually try to thwart the plans of these Zealots. Madoc's response confused the Cho for a moment. Then she realised something.
"A bear and yet, not a bear? By the gods. Madoc, can you try to link me or us to that source? Ask later but now, try to relay us to that source if possible! And quick! Everybody, ready to descend upon these guys. Do not, pick a fight with what is coming. Maybe, I can do something."

As Meilin began speaking, she would ask if he could link that source up with them. He wanted to question such a risky plan, they don't know who this is and she wanted to let whatever it is know? Madoc sighed before speaking to them. "Fine give me a moment." Madoc said as he sensed the area for the Fake Bear and once found connected his mind with all of theirs. "Hey bear. Can you hear us? We are in the vicinity of those shits you are after. She can fill you in more." Madoc stated which was also a que for Meilin to do whatever it was she wanted to do now.

It stayed silent for a second after Madoc relayed the link to the unknown source. The guards moved into the alley where as the four thugs also stayed close. Clearly trying to ready themselves, despite feeling anything but confident.
A deep voice spoke back through the telepathic bond. It sounded confused but soon turned into what one could describe in anger. The tongue was, however, not Taika. It started to sound demanding, ringing loud in everybody's mind.

The deep and loud voice in her mind hurt slightly. She hadn't expected it to sound like that. Trying to focus on the speech, she was certain of it. Taking a second, Meilin would reply in a slow fashion. As if she needed to weigh her words. The tongue that the other spoke was Chonobi but it was a dialect that felt archaic. Nervously, she would await the response.

He almost severed the mind link as soon as the voice started to shout at them loudly and violently, in a language that seemed like Chonobi but he couldn't quite tell. He had no way to know what he was saying so he remained silent until the man was more clear.

"Okay… Staying put then..." she responded back to Meilin as she watched down the road in the direction of the earlier roar. Whatever it was it was coming this way and Madoc had enough foresight to label it a rather impressive danger enough to warn them off the entire operation. She felt goosebumps rising and the hair on her neck stood up as she watched down the dark road. Then the strange voice began to boom through her head. She hunched over wincing in pain before it stopped and listened confusedly to Meilin talking back to it.

The men in the alley seemed to brace themselves. Weapons were drawn but no sign was given about the impending danger that was heading their way. Out on the streets, most people decided to head inside or call for the guards. Armed and armoured guards made way towards the direction to where the roar had came from. As civilians made their way, a man would appear at the entrance of the alley. The dark of the alley hid some of his features but he was easily a foot taller than most of the men gathered in the alley. A sword rested in the scabbard at his right hip, being of shorter and straight design. An axe hung in a ring at his right, the weapon having a bearded design.

Rolling with his shoulders, the man would take a few steps into the alley. More light would fall upon the new unknown figure, revealing a grin on his lips. Though bald, there were various black lines inscribed on the man's scalp. Giving him quite the intimidating sight. Speaking up, the same deep and threatening voice spoke up. Revealing that the man was the unknown impending danger that Madoc had warned them about.

"Fuck," One of the guards cursed as he tried to seek a way out. Another guard charged with his spear at the large tattooed man. The stab that was aimed at the abdomen of the bald man was avoided with a simple step to the side. Before the guard could try to recompose himself, one of the hands of the bald man shot forward. Gripping the charging guard by the neck, the bald man used his other hand to gain a better grip on the guard's head.
Mumbling something, the bald man rested his gaze on the other men in the alley before a sickening sound of bones breaking could be heard. Releasing the guard, the large man would spread his arms. Resulting that the held guard fell on the ground, no longer moving or breathing as his neck was snapped.

Then more chaos followed. The other guards would ready themselves, aiming their weapons at the bald man. The four thugs dropped their weapons as their skin seemed to shift. The disturbing sight of their bodies starting to reform went with the sound of bones being shifted and formed into something else. Patches of fur started to become visible. Soon enough, four beasts were standing in the alley, ready to lunge forwards at the bald man. Who seemed anything but fazed.

Meilin remained silent. Watching and waiting, the Cho felt how her instincts were basically yelling at her to go away. To not linger at the site. But her curiosity was also playing a part, together with her discipline. Spotting the large figure at the entrance of the alley, Meilin's heart started to skip beats. The mere appearance of the man was straight out from the stories that she had read and heard from. It was without mistake a Dowhon and a rather large one too.

"Attack, now! Try to keep one or two of those guards alive!" Meilin instructed, repeating the same in Chonobi. The raven on the trashcan would start to morph as chakra surrounded it, quickly giving form to Meilin. The chuunin would pull out two kunai. She wanted to target one or two of the guards. But upon sighting those damned beasts, she threw two kunai at the nearest Other. They were a higher priority, after all.

The two kunai hit and impaled the nearest beast, causing it to snarl and turn its attention to Meilin. Its small eyes narrowed as it turned towards the Cho, drool slowly coming off the lips as the beast revealed the dreadful fangs and elongated canines.
Drawing her short sword, Meilin felt how her breath started to become irregular as adrenaline rushed through her system.

[fieldbox=No Escape - Part 1, teal]
Amegakure, capital of the Rain province - Akenian Empire.
A collab of Team Mitsunari.
Written by Conman, Jason, Inzane and Oetje.

Mitsunari rallies his team together for a quick operation. Receiving information about a group of insurgents, they decide to act quickly to apprehend the men. The last loss of the Insurgents of Soru and Zealots has drained the men from their fighting spirit, which also can be attributed to the sight of Mitsunari being there personally. The genin are ordered to take the men captive and bring them back.

Sitting on a bench in a park overlooking some of the establishment the city of Amegakure had to offer. The citizens were roaming the streets going to work, taking a walk, or just enjoying their time now that it seemed like the problems befalling the place has been taken care of. It hadn't been an easy time for any of them, a lot of damage has befallen the place and keeping the trouble down was a task in of itself. Thankfully the Empress having arrived in Amegakure and addressed the issue probably helped calm some of their nerves.

Rubbing his temple Mitsunari would await his students to arrive, he gave specific instruction to not be late or else they would not be participating in what they would be doing today. He also had a new member on his team as of now, Ryu Uchiha. She used to be part of Eiji's team but after what befell him, he was forced to place his students on different teams. He had reports about that girl, and honestly he hoped she didn't live up to them as it seemed like a headache waiting to happen. He would love to get the team more used to the fact they had a new member, but with the report he received he wasn't going to wait.

Having been up early to try to practice her medical ninjutsu more, Ryu decided it probably best to arrive early as well on her first day with a new team. As such, the girl was quickly out the door and soon on her way to the meeting point. It was nice to see the citizens outside, after all the ugliness of the previous events. Something which put the hints a smile on her face, how nice it seemed that everything was returning to normal. Not long after that, Ryu arrived at the meeting point and immediately recognized her new sensei. Having already seen the man when they were getting ready to move on the Housha Compound.

Taking a few steps closer, she first made a two fingered gesture towards the ground and the panther behind her obediently sat. Then Ryu gave a respectful bow towards the man. "Ryu Uchiha, reporting for duty Riojin-Sensei… er.. sir!" She said, her face flushing slightly with color as she was unsure whether the man would prefer sensei or respect to his rank.

Kona had finally put back together her house as of last night, and had spent the night completely dead to the world. When she awoke, she quickly put on her gear and made her way to the meeting point that Mitsunari had specified. The trip was decent, all things considered, and she had even had time to eat on the way, stuffing her face with a hunk of bread and cheese that she had grabbed from her house, putting her in an especially good mood when she finally made it to the specified meeting point.

When she did spot her teacher, she walked over to him, and bowed, avoiding the panther that was sat down behind a new person. "Good morning Riojin-Sensei, Kona Omari reporting for duty."

Waking up, groaning, Yone couldn't really shake off the shackles of sleep. Scratching the back of her head, she was about to head back to bed. Only to remember the note that she had received yesterday. Once more, a groan escaped Yone as she forced herself to get ready. Taking a tad long over it, Yone wasn't certain how she felt about the team being rallied once more. She remembered last time, slightly cringing because of it. Deciding to not linger on for too long, Yone would head out to the meeting point.

The fact that the meeting point was in a park made Yone slightly frown. Pondering on her way, walking in a relatively calm pace, the genin decided to not break her head over it. Perhaps they would do some training today? Nothing of the heavy lifting sort, hopefully. Remembering that she had almost been subjected to the fighting training, Yone considered her options. Reporting in sick wouldn't likely help much. Mitsunari would probably show up at home and drag her to wherever she was needed to go.

Arriving at the meeting point, Yone spotted the three others. Both Kona as Mitsunari were there already. As a newcomer. Cocking her head to the side, Yone would close in the distance. "Good day, all. Reporting for duty." Yone said in a casual tone, placing her hands on her hips as she simply nodded towards Mitsunari.

As the first to arrive would be Ryu, he would look at the young girl before looking at the panther and raising his eyebrow. Guess the feline wouldn't affect anything too badly today, although he would have to make a note about it for later. "Good morning Ryu." Mitsunari would say nodding his head as Kona would be the next to arrive on the scene. She didn't seem too down in the dumps so that was a plus. He would give her a nod as well. "Good morning Kona."

The last to arrive would end up being Yone, which he couldn't fault her for. She did after all be forced with situation after situation she didn't wish to partake in, she was still young and inexperienced to the dangerous side of this lifestyle. "Good morning Yone." Mitsunari would say lastly as he would stand up folding his arms as he looked at the three. "Before I state why you are all here first thing is first. Yone and Kona, Sho has decided to retire from service. I have a feeling I know why but its a personal matter and that's all you will be informed of. Which brings me to the new member of the team." Mitsunari said as he gestured to Ryu Uchiha.

"Ryu Uchiha will be part of this team as of today. Go ahead and introduce yourself to the others."

Her gaze shifting to Kona for a few brief moments, Ryu hid the minor irritation she had at seeing the other again. She still recalled how she had the Omari at the training fields, who had then tried to pry into much too personal matters. Then her gaze drifted to the other girl… Yone? Ryu hadn't met her before now. As Mistunari stood, Ryu turned her attention back towards him. Hearing that Sho had retired from service, the girl wondered why for a brief moment. He hadn't seemed like he was last they met. Then again… he seemed more driven to try to beat her unconscious because of her clan at that point.

Whenever Mitsunari gestured towards her, the Chuunin bowed her head slightly. "Pleased to meet all of you. I'm Ryu. I'm learning to use medical ninjutsu and my chakra nature is fire. Uhm… I'm also a Chuunin!" She said, before Naomi piped up with a soft noise. "And the whiner here is Naomi. She's sort of my summon, but she likes to follow me." She said quickly, before falling silent and looking towards the others present.

Mitsunari's briefing didn't do much else than making Yone frown. Her gaze rested on this Uchiha but no word yet left Yone. Crossing her arms and shifting her weight on her left leg, Yone remained silent for a moment.
"An Uchiha," she said, as if she was repeating the Lord Commander. The tone was even and the facial expression didn't betray much on what Yone thought. Remembering the Uchiha that Sho got into trouble with, reminded her also of that cocky Hyuuga. Who proclaimed himself to be a clan leader. What a joke that was.

Yone's eyes briefly lifted the girl's gaze to Mitsunari. She doubted that this was the time to show she wanted to do with an one-eyed Uchiha. Feeling the need to spit at the ground, Yone just nodded and remained silent.

Seeing all the facial features the team was giving one another caused him to mentally sigh as Ryu would finish her introduction. He had hoped he wouldn't need to tell them to introduce themselves back, yet at the current moment they didn't seem like they would be doing as such. Clapping his hands he would clear his throat. "Okay then. Ryu this is Kona Omari and Yone Tsuji." Mitsunari said pointing at each one separately so she knew who was who

"To get to the matter of today. Their will be no training exercise." Mitsunari said at first while thinking. "Thank fuck I didn't do that." "I got intel on some zealots that plan to book it out of Amegakure, with important intel on our defenses. Currently we have the element of surprise. We can plan an ambush and surprise them into surrendering, or charge them outright at their base. Either way these people aren't fighters so our presence alone should be enough to make them surrender." Clapping his hands again he looked at the others. "Which leads me to the question, of first any questions and second of all which method you three feel more comfortable with. Ambush or charging."

Ryu gave both of her new teammates a polite smile and not as they were introduced. She couldn't really tell how Yone reacted to her introduction, but hopefully it wouldn't be a bad reaction. Hearing Mitsunari explain that they would be going straight into a mission, she thought it similar to how she had been introduced to Eiji's team. The girl didn't mind much, however, hopefully she'd perform much better this time around. After a few moments she looked towards Naomi then towards Mitsunari. "I think an ambush would be better, sensei. Try to make as many things play in our favour as possible." She said, wanting to ensure they got this group. She didn't want another Housha attack on her home. "Also, no questions at the moment Sensei."

Kona had been quiet for the moment. Kona quietly nodded to acknowledge what had been said. Sho was gone, Mistunari had quickly informed them, and Kona felt apathetic at this revelation. Apparently this meant that the new girl, whom Kona recognized from their single meeting, and whom Mitsunari reminded Kona was called Ryu, was the replacement for Sho. The next thing the Mitsunari brought up was the mission of the day. His explanation raised two questions in Kona's mind, first, why wasn't a team with more experience in the field assigned to returning this intel, and second, if the objective was to capture just the intel, or to nab the zealots as well. She'd leave the former alone, it didn't really matter. "Actually Sensei, I am curious how you want us to deal with the zealots. Clearly we need to secure the intelligence, in whatever form it takes." Given Kona's current record, she actually had a sort of sick sense of curiosity at how Mitsunari would react to the phrasing of the question.

Yone shot a look at Mitsunari. Her lips parted, the eyes of the teen slightly narrowing as there was a protest about to leave her lips. Instead, however, the teen would shut herself up before a word had even slipped out of her mouth. Thinking about the situation, Yone heard what her fellow team members said.
"I say charging."
Locking her gaze at Mitsunari, she waited a second before explaining herself.
"They are on the run. Clearly not wanting to engage if your source is correct, Lord Commander, sir. No need to try to spring a trap. We ought to move in and arrest them as soon as possible. If they have intelligence that can prove a threat, we ought to secure it. You can take the front of the charge while we cover you. Easy as that." Yone said, her right eyebrow slightly perking up as if she was about to ask if the man could even do such a thing.
There was, of course, the doubt with working with Kona. Yone hadn't forgotten about what the other had done. Killing another in cold blood? That was nasty. Then there was this Uchiha. Seemed more out of place than that feline of hers.

Ryu's answer was simple enough, play it safe. He could understand that, however what blew his mind was what Kona said next. It stopped his train of thought enough to look at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face. As he was about to speak, Yone would give out her opinion and even suggested the plan they could implement. Rubbing his temple he would nod his head and clap his hands. "Okay then, Kona pay better attention when I speak. If you listened you would have heard that, we got this intel from some zealots we captured and then I asked which plan of action you wanted to do. Ambush or charge them. These people with intel are inexperienced so either method would work. However." He would pause to look at them all, sizing them all up he would speak again.
"After that statement, I don't think I'm very inclined to do the ambush now. So charging them it is. So i will make this crystal clear."

Mitsunari would look at Ryu first. "First the feline goes into a seal when we get closer." Mitsunari then looked at Kona. "I want them alive okay? Not dead, if they surrender you don't throw sharp things at them. Got it?" Mitsunari would then look at Yone. "I don't expect a fight, but if it does break down, we will fight back. Not kill but knock them out. We will not go the other direction." Mitsunari said glancing at all of them.
"I don't want any fighting among each other, any bickering while we are on a mission. You can stare daggers at each other all you want in your free time. Beat each other up? Go for it, yet when we are all on the clock doing our job. I expect you to act like professionals. Do I make myself clear everyone?"

Ryu was confused by Kona's question, but decided to not say anything on it. "Yes Sensei. Will I be able to unseat Naomi once we're committing to the attack? She won't kill, not when I tell her to keep them alive." She asked, before looking at Naomi and the rest of them. "Crystal Clear, sensei." She said, wondering if she might need to stabilize any of their enemy. Not something she was overly excited about, but they needed the intel.

Kona's eyes narrowed at Mitsunari's words. Clearly, upon looking back at what she had said, she likely should have rephrased exactly what she wanted clarified. Kona shrugged though. She never was one for words in the first place, and Kona was beginning to believe that she should use them less. A lot less. In response to Mitsunari, Kona nodded. "Yes sensei."

Yone's eyes narrowed for a moment. She understood why Mitsunari said but it didn't feel that great. Nodding slowly, she wouldn't answer in return. The man expected that she would do her best. Not much more she could give than that, anyways.
"Understood, sir," Yone answered on the last question of the jounin commander.
Letting her arms hang at her side, Yone briefly flexed the fingers of her right hand. Already feeling somewhat tense, she kept in mind that the enemy was already shaken. The sight of the jounin commander would likely shatter any thought or will to react in force. "Or in any case, he might just break them. Either way works."

Looking at all of them as they understood he would nod his head, gazing at Ryu and shaking his head. "No need for the feline on this mission. Unless a fight breaks out, we won't need her out. Now follow me and prepare yourselves for anything." Mitsunari told them as he would start marching off, expecting them to follow him which he made sure they were doing by glancing over his shoulder at them every few minutes.


They would arrive in the southern districts where more warehouses became a common sight, workers would be out and about doing their job of loading them up and unloading goods. Nothing about the area would make one think a hideout for zealots was even stationed here. As they continued walking Mitsunari would stop moving and hold up his hand for the others to stop. "We have arrived, that small warehouse in the distance is where they will be hiding. Now remember they aren't fighters, all they have is intel we dont want out. They aren't going to want to die. Keep up a brave front and this will be done quickly enough. When they surrender, we will search them for any weapons and then take them in. Understood everyone?"

So this was where the were hiding? Right among the warehouses, somewhere Ryu wouldn't have placed them. Then again, part of her imagined the enemy hiding out in some underground evil lair like some adventure novel. She continued to watch the area around them, wondering whether any of these people here were also among the Zealots as Mitsunari spoke. Hearing the last bit, Ryu nodded as she put a gentle hand on the summon scroll on her hip where Naomi was currently hidden. "Understood, Sensei." The Chuunin said softly, keeping up a brave front and searching for weapons after taking the enemy in? Sounded easy enough to the Uchiha.

Yone stared at the warehouse that Mitsunari designated where their targets were. For a moment, she wondered if it was possible for them to come up with a quick plan to move in and subdue them all. If their intel was correct and their targets not willing to put up a fight, they wouldn't have to worry so much. But if their enemies would feel like cornered rats, who knew? If one would react back in a violent fashion, the other targets could follow suit. Feeling the hair on her neck slowly rise, Yone tried to keep focus. "Move in, have them surrender check for weapons and then check out. Gotcha." Yone replied back, almost wanting to make a joke about it. But this was hardly the time or place for that.

Kona listened and kept her response short and sweet. "Yes sensei." was her reply. Finished, she looked around. Warehouses. They were in an industrial district with plenty of places to hide. This is where the real fun began, scaring the enemy into submission. It was an easy enough job, unless one of them tried something stupid. Either way, no one was going home dead today. Kona already knew what she would do. Open combat wasn't exactly her specialty of course, her skills were better suited to ambushes, but it wouldn't really matter in this situation.

They seemed to understand the objective well enough, eyeing them over for a little bit he would nod his head. He would lead them closer to the warehouse, as they got closer he would look to see if they were all ready, yet ready or not this was going to happen one way or another. Slamming the door open with enough force to clearly get the attention of those inside. The linen warehouse clearly wasn't that anymore, very little in any goods were stored in here it was a makeshift base at most. With four people who were scurrying around grabbing paper and food, froze in place at the sound of the door being slamming open. Seeing the Jounin Commander was enough to make them raise their hands, yet with the other three involved they didn't even waste time and got on their knees.

Looking at them, he would motion for the three to search them. "The less you struggle the easier and better in the long run this becomes for you. Keep your hands in the air and leave them there! Mitsunari said as he would close the warehouse door so no onlookers would look at the scene.

Ryu was the second inside behind Mitsunari, and she kept a hand near the handle of a Kunai on her belt. However it seemed that their enemy weren't fighters, as Mitsunari had said they wouldn't be. Watching the four enemies get to their knees with their hands behind their heads, Ryu mentally sighed in relief that she wouldn't need to do any fighting today it seemed. Sometimes it was nice to be able to head home after a mission without a whole new set of bruises to look forward to in the morning.

As they received the order to go search them, the Chuunin didn't betray any emotion as the approached the man furthest to the left. Taking caution to glance around the warehouse in case of any surprises. At the same time, she allowed her Sharingan to activate. She was pretty sure from the speed of things that she wouldn't need to use it, but it didn't hurt to be safe. Going behind the man she had chosen, she began to pat down the man and search him for any weapons or something that would otherwise prove to be of merit.

Following Mitsunari, Yone flexed her gloved fingers. Keeping her guard up, the genin was hoping that this mission would go as smooth as they all likely imagined it to be. As the team closed in on a door, Yone would grab one of her kunai. Holding it in a reverse grip, the teen tried to regulate her breathing. Her eyes narrowed when Mitsunari kicked the door open.

Waiting for a second, Yone saw that the Uchiha moved first into the building. Following and entering as third into the room, Yone didn't feel any relief. Even as it was clear that the enemy was on their knees and hands behind their back. Eyeing the men that they now held as captives, Yone would slowly approach one of the four. Walking around the man's back, Yone would grab one of the man's wrist and jerk it downwards- separating it from his other hand. "Better safe than sorry indeed." Yone thought to herself as she didn't like the idea of seeing the man's hands close by. For all they knew, was that one of them was able of ninjutsu.
Pulling a small length of wire out of her pouch, Yone would start to tie the man's wrists. Once she was done with that, the genin started to work on using a smaller extension of wire to tie the fingers - disabling the man's ability to weave handsignals to mould chakra.

Kona drew no weapon, lest Mitsunari get the wrong idea. Besides, if what he said was true it wouldn't matter anyways. Kona followed him into the warehouse, and the four had already surrendered. Kona simply followed Yone's example and tied up one of the men, pushing his hands behind his back and watching for any sign of the man attempting to tense his muscles up to make escape from the wire easy. Once she was finished, she would pat the man down for weapons.

They would find no weapons of merit on the men, only Yone would find a paper with a lot of written detail of classified information on Amegakure. Ryu's guy look a bit more relaxed too see he wasn't being aggressively handled unlike his companions were. Which one seemed to notice cause the one Kona was searching scoffed. "So Ren get some pampered treatment from one eyed there, while Yuuki and I get manhandled? It only makes it better with the fact mine could just stab me at any given moment. I guess that's one thing we forget to include in that report, highly murderous children like to slaughter single woman in barbaric way. So how'd it feel bitch? Did it feel good to kill that woman in such a way? Did it bring you joy? You sure look like you have no qualms about it, hell bet you fall asleep to it with a smile on your face." The man said as he then turned his head and spit on her shirt.

Kona ignored the man's harsh words. Deep inside, she wanted to strike the man. Maybe roughing him up a little would serve to make him shut up. But he had surrendered, and hadn't struggled. She refused to let the man provoke her. He was a prisoner now. Aside from that, she couldn't exactly afford to get in any sort of trouble at the moment. Kona did wipe her shirt off with a small cloth from her pocket though, then stepped behind the man so she was out of view for him to spit at her. She looked at Mitsunari, awaiting their next order.

Ryu held back a response as she roughly bound and secured her prisoner's hands like Yone had. The Uchiha had to admit that it was probably the smarter idea. The words from Kona's prisoner struck more with Ryu than anything. The taunt about murderous children and sleeping with a smile on her face after it. The Uchiha wanted to then demand if the prisoner's allies were any better. Assaulting the Housha and slaughtering innocent people she'd personally come to know and care about. Alas, that would be out of turn and Eiji had already taught her better than to give into rash emotions. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Ryu's features betrayed a hint of the irritation she currently felt as she awaited orders.

Glancing at the piece of paper, Yone quickly placed her gaze on the man in front of her. She hadn't gotten any idea yet what was on the paper but decided to not let her guard waver. Hearing what one of the captives said, Yone's attention briefly focused on Kona. They were the enemy, not Kona. And yet, Yone couldn't put herself to trust Kona more than she could entrust these blokes to try anything funny.
"Sir, I got something. Yone said as she would hold up the paper for Mitsunari to see.
The genin would, however, remain in her place. Not moving unless she was ordered to do so.

He was glad they weren't letting the captives get to them, he couldn't really explain why any of them were murdered if none put up a fight. The others seemed to be following in Yone's example and would bound their captives, although only Ryu's would start complaining about her needing to make up her mind. Yone would report that she had something, so walking over to her he would take the piece of paper and gaze at the contents on it before folding it and putting it in his pocket. "Okay good work everyone, now we take them in and we will be done here."
One of the men scoffed, this one being the one under Kona's control "I aint movin. I know how surrendering works with you dogs. I'd rather you just kill me now, than save it for later. I bet you bunch of pussies are wondering how we even know about you huh? Who hasn't heard of the merciless child here? Killing people is just a tuesday for her, yet does it compare to the sister killer there? What's wrong? Daddy not there to comfort you? In fact the only one we really don't know about is that one who found your precious intel. Either she's new or she is just a scared little bitch." The man said and literally anytime grabbed to move would resist the attempt, while the others obliged and simply ignored their ally.

A curious glance was evident with Yone as she wondered what Mitsunari thought of the paper's content. Granted, she barely knew what it was about as she had briefly cast a glance on the content. When Mitsunari gave his new order, Yone already turned to the captive she had bound. Only to hear what Kona's captive spat out.
She felt to need to tell the guy to shut up. But when the man brought up that Ryu was a murderer, of her own kin, Yone halted. She threw a glance at Ryu. The blank expression soon turned into one of disgust and disdain. The lips of the genin parted as she wanted to say something. Only for the guy to address her.

"To each their own secrets," she managed to cramp out, a wry smile as she made a mocking bow towards the guy, before pushing her own captive forward. This time with more force than she did before.

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[fieldbox=A 'success', maroon]
Hiron Hon
Jounin of Team 9 | Major General of the Third Division | Empire of Akino, countryside- Border between the Fire and Grass Province, Uchiha-Hanta clan-lands.

Grunting, Hiron struggled to keep a firm grip on the zealot. The man tried to shake off Hiron's grip, resisting to be smashed or pressed against the nearby wall. Hiron's eyes narrowed as he softly muttered a curse, hoping that Shikaroku or Yiko would move into motion to do as he ordered. If he would try to grab a weapon himself, it would give a chance for his foe to lash out and wound him. Or worse.
Wanting to bark out another order, that the genin should hurry up, Hiron noticed movement in the corner of his eyes. Turning his head slightly, he froze for a second. His grip on the zealot tightening.

Watching how Yiko's blade plunge deep into the man's throat, Hiron continued to hold the man in an iron grip. As the steel bite deep, rupturing through flesh and blood, Hiron threw a look at the Uchiha.
"I-I... I killed him"
If anything, Hiron felt no pity. Neither for the genin or the dying zealot, who was right now choking on his own blood. Using his weight and strength, Hiron would throw the choking enemy on the ground and firmly kick down on the man's throat as the zealot's strength was waning due to Yiko's attack.

Instantly he glanced at the lever. But instead of Shikaroku, he saw Tentou. While the Aburame chuunin pulled the lever, Hiron already turned. Every enemy in the room was down and either dead or dying. Only Hiron noticed that Shikaroku was against the wall, sliding down.

"Hold that fucking door closed!" Hiron ordered at Tentou, even giving Yiko a push towards the door before he would quickly make way towards the Nara. Though faint, sounds of fighting rang outside the door. Indicating that the Crimson Blades were moving inside and starting to eliminate the zealots within the underground fortification.
"Gods be damned," Hiron mumbled as he kneeled down. The wound that Shikaroku had sustained was far from pretty.
"Don't you dare to die, Nara," Hiron sneered as he would grab the boy by the head. Far from gentle, Hiron would start to do his work. His own features became a bit pale, indicating his own worry about losing the genin.

"Just keep breathing. Stay awake and keep breathing. That is an order," Hiron once more sneered at Shikaroku while he did his best to bandage the wound. Hiron didn't need to be a medic to understand that the boy needed serious medical treatment. But nobody on the team could give them that and if a zealot or two would barge into the room, then there was no telling how much worse this could be for them.
"Don't you fucking die, boy."

It was odd. A silence echoed after the violence that had occurred within the confines of the hill bunker. The Crimson Blades had moved in and spared no Zealot. Any resistance of the Zealots was met with a cold steel approach from the Uchiha unit, who held no mercy for the troublesome uninvited guests in their lands. Hiron was able to lead his team out of the room and one of the Crimson Blades was able to help and stabilise Shikaroku's condition. Officially, the mission was over and a grand success. They had managed to wipe out a group of Zealots without losing a single person on their side.

Hiron spoke with the leader of the unit of Crimson Blades, who stated that they were honoured to work with such fine Imperial operatives. Though he returned the polite compliment, Hiron felt nothing to stick around. With once more receiving word that Yiko Uchiha was transfered to the Imperial military, becoming part of Team 9, Hiron thanked the Uchiha captain before he returned to his team.

The atmosphere was far from joyful. Hiron didn't do much to improve it either. Carrying Shikaroku on his back, he would order Tentou and Yiko to get marching. The jounin didn't seem at all bothered by the killing and violence that had transpired today.
The travel back to Konohagakure was done in almost utter silence. There were was no friendly exchange during camp as Hiron kept both Yiko and Tentou occupied while keeping a close eye on Shikaroku. Any attempt to talk about the mission was taken down by Hiron, who forced the genin and chuunin to focus on their tasks and surrounding.

As the tall towers and walls would come into sigh, the atmosphere became a little bit less tense. Hiron kept both Yiko and Tentou occupied while continue to carry Shikaroku on his back. Once they crossed the bridge that led to the large and imposing main gate, Hiron would talk to one of the gateguard captains. After his conversation, he would turn to Tentou and Yiko. Stating that the mission was over. Tentou seemed to waver about something but would give the team a bow before taking her leave. Hiron gave some instruction to Yiko, stating that he had an adress to stay with his kinsmen at the Uchiha compound.

With Shikaroku still on his back, Hiron would head towards the home of the boy. The grim expression on the man's feature vanished as he couldn't hold back his guilt anymore. Arriving at Shikaroku's home, a yell pierced the air as his mother came rushing out. Followed by other members of his household. Able to give Shikaroku over to his family, the jounin had a small conversation with the genin's father.
Though done with his job and able to return home, Hiron wavered as he wanted to talk with Shikaroku. But as the boy's family took him inside, Hiron decided to take his leave. Heading back home himself.

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[Fieldbox=Team Nishi - Training part 1, orange]
Kirigakure, the capital of the Republic of Water.
Team Nishi, Training Field E.

A collab between Jason, Celestial and Oetje.

Nishi rallies her team together for a training. They are given the bell test but with a small twist. The genin and chuunin decide to work together but are starting to learn who they are up against.

The field was void of any life. Which was good cause for what Nishi had in mind, they couldn't use any obstructions. Her gloved hands were resting on her hips as the woman went over the training course she had planned for her students. Fair enough, they weren't both to the standards that she wanted to commit the team to anything serious. But in all honesty, it could still happen. For it wasn't going to be her choice what mission the team was going to get.
Considering how the first mission had gone, Nishi wasn't totally disappointed. The major point of today was making sure that they understood various principles as advancing some basics. And luckily, Nishi knew how she could manage to do that.

Briefly, she wondered if the girls would like this kind of training. But if they didn't like harsh training, then they shouldn't have enlisted or allowed themselves to be enlisted in the military.

Yukimi was fairly early to arrive to the training, not that she particularly wanted to be here or anything but it was a good excuse. As she approached, the chuunin wore a much more pleasant expression than previously, one which wasn't entirely forced by her promise to her aunt either. As today's training had made a wonderful excuse to get out of spending time with Betrothed. Any activity that didn't involve that fat pig was good enough for Yukimi.

Once she approached Nishi, the Yuki gave a bow that was pure elegance and grace as one might expect from one of high status. "Goodmorning Sensei. I do believe an apology is in order for my behavior during the mission. The way I acted was unbefitting of a Lady, and certainly a Kunoichi. For that, I do apologize." The Yuki said while bowing her head and hoping that it would be enough for Nishi.

Today was the day the team would train and Claire made sure she was up early. Unlike before she wouldn't be rushing or late. The blonde took no time to make her way to the field and got there only a few minutes after Yukimi. A slight bow and smile as she approached the pair. "Good morning Sensei, good morning Yukimi." She spoke as she straightened up and held her hands together in front of her. Any tension from the first day seemed to be far gone as the three stood there and Claire felt relieved that they wouldn't be fighting all the time.

The first to arrive was Yukimi. The jounin flashed a polite smile and nodded in response back to the chuunin. The apology was a slight surprise, certainly seeing how the Yuki had behaved before. Nishi already had something on the tip of her tongue, wanting to state to the Yuki that she indeed had acted unbefitting of a lady. But then again, they weren't meant to be ladies in the military. The protocol was quite different from the social norms that were expected of a lady. Letting some silence follow Yukimi's words as Nishi certainly didn't find an apology well enough to make it up for the previous behaviour.

But Claire arrived before Nishi decided to speak up. The genin wished them both a good morning. Causing Nishi to once more flash a polite smile and nod, this time towards Claire.
"Good, you both are still on time. Meaning that I don't have to put a penalty on you two." Nishi began, "Today I wanted to get some training done. After all, we aren't part of the flower community or whatsoever. I want you two to get a bit more ready for future missions. I am certain you both have heard about a particular bell test?"
Producing two small bells from her pocket, each bell was stringed up at a small cord.
"Each for one of you."

Throwing a bell up towards each one of them, Nishi placed her hands on her hips.
"The goal is to prevent me from getting the bells. You have a few minutes to prepare yourself." The jounin stated before she would fall apart in a small puddle of water, revealing it was a water clone.

As the woman spoke she smiled and was glad they would have no penalty. Though as the test was spoken about she caught the bell and Claire looked at the water as it puddled on the ground. Glancing at Yukimi she felt her heart begin to pick up in pace and panic struck her. Of course they had a few minutes to prepare but she was caught off guard by this. "So what exactly should we do? She could be anywhere." The blonde glanced around for any signs of life other than her and the chuunin. Yet all was quiet and not a sound came from anywhere. She had no idea where Nishi was and her ideas to keep the bell away from her were lacking. Traps? No she could easily predict that. If they wanted to keep the bells they would have to work together, it was obvious seeing how their first mission went.

"This is stating the obvious but I think she wants us to work together. If not I don't think we stand a chance keeping these bells away from her." Looking down at the small bell Claire found herself moving it in the air some. The small chiming made it easy to locate and that would be a problem if they planned anything stealthy. "You know she never specified we each had to keep the same bell, what if we swapped them off if one of us gets in trouble? Tossing it might can give one of us a chance to get away and snag it before she does. Of course I imagine one of us having both would be bad so the other would need to swap as well. It would keep her on her toes if she has to chase the bells and us. Like extreme monkey in the middle.

Obviously they were supposed to work together, it would take a moron to not think two team members weren't expected to do that. The Chuunin caught herself before releasing a scathing response to Claire's observation before remembering her promise to her Aunt. "She can make water clones. More than one, and your plan fails." Yukimi said calmly, bearing no emotion in her response as her eyes drifted lazily around the field. "However, that sound will be a problem." She said as she stepped over to the puddle and touched a her boot to it, channeling her chakra to freeze the liquid just in case. "Alright. Let me see your bell for a second." She said, holding out a hand for it. Moments later, after Yukimi had coated both bells in a small amount of water then froze them she handed it back to her teammate. "Now that they're frozen, they won't make noise. Keep it out of sight. If we can force her to not use sight we have a slight advantage. First rule to this situation, however, don't panic." The girl explained as she took a step back and started to mould her chakra.

The cap on her canister opened slightly as she focused on first trying to find the jounin. "Get something ready to defend with. I'll mould my chakra and make two duplicates of the ice crystal. Hopefully then we can use those to throw her off once we see her. I want you to focus on spotting her from a distance. Disturbances in the foliage and such, got it? I'll focus on if she gets closer." The Chuunin explained before lifting her arm to start spraying water from her palm, to both make it easier to see Nishi and make it easier to release her Kekkei Genkai. The Yuki took a calming breath as she continued her work in wetting the field.

In truth, Nishi wasn't too far off. Hiding behind a tree, the jounin waited briefly. The goal of the test was quite easy, so she doubted that the two would go off on their own. Then again, Nishi remembered that she had been wrong before. Weaving various handsignals, the jounin would throw a glance upwards. The dark blanket of clouds didn't change from earlier. But then a drop of water would fall on the woman's cheek. Steadily followed by more rain drops falling over the large area. More so, the rain would start to conceal the jounin.
Once she was entirely invisible due to the rain technique, she considered her next approach. It would be troublesome to have this much water, regardless if it was her chakra, in the vicinity with a Yuki. But despite that field advantage, the chuunin would be forced to deal with Claire. Defending the less experienced kunoichi was, after all vital.
"Let us first see how they react to some disturbance." The jounin thought to herself. Moving with complete silence, the woman started to move from her position. Catching sight of the two students, the jounin would pull out a senbon out of a pouch.
Aiming for a bush, to the right of the clearing where the girl's were standing, Nishi would throw the small and barely noticable object to create a subtle and soft movement in the foliage. Now waiting to see what the genin and chuunin would do as reaction.

Taking the now frozen bell Claire nodded as she listened to Yukimi. Right don't panic and stay calm. Looking around she glanced up as the rain began to fall making it hard for her to see at further distances. When the senbon hit the bush the genin's eyes shifted towards the foliage. Hand ready on her sickle to easily send it flying in case the jounin would ambush from that area. Of course it wouldn't be used to harm Nishi but to keep her at a distance. If she had to guess that was simply a distraction, why would a jounin be so careless to give away her position? "There was movement in that bush but I doubt it was her." Claire kept her voice low as she slipped the bell into a pocket, keeping it hidden like the Yuki said.

Yukimi slowly scanned the area after she finished up wetting down the area around them. As the rain started to fall and obscure her vision, the girl frowned as she knew it would be much more difficult, maybe even not possible, to manipulate that water since it was infused with Nishi's chakra. Hopefully she wasn't actively controlling it, that would be much easier. When Claire mentioned movement, Yukimi's eyes briefly darted in that direction. But deciding to trust the genin, the Yuki focused instead on creating two ice crystals like the bell ones. Then she handed one to Claire. "Guard it like the bell." She said firmly, then went back to scanning the immediate area. With the rain obscuring her vision, Yukimi kept her gaze on the ground, looking at the grass and water around for hints of Nishi's movement. Meanwhile the temperature slowly started to drop as the girl tried to tip the scales in her favor.

Nishi continued to watch. It was somewhat reminding her of previous operations she had been onto. Where it was now simply toying with the chuunin and genin, the jounin had deployed similar tactics into the field to create an opening. Targets that had been more dangerous than her two students combined. Yet, Nishi was well aware that underestimating them could wind up pretty bad for her. Seeing what the two were doing, Nishi considered her approach again. They were attempting to try to trick her while hiding the bells out of sight? Not a bad step.
Silently, Nishi would position herself at the rear of the two. Keeping a comfortable distance, the jounin would pull out a kunai. An explosive tag was wrapped around the handle. Aiming to the side where Yukimi was standing, Nishi would throw the weapon. Moving away from her position, the jounin would form the Seal of Confrontation, letting the tag do its work and create a small explosion behind the genin and chuunin.

Due to the rain the sound of the kunai was silent to Claire. The only give away was the noise it made the second it hit its mark. Glancing over just as it exploded made the genin pull out her sickle to prepare for a follow up as she stepped aside to avoid the radius of the attack. "Okay I think she is toying with us now." The blonde sighed as she took a deep breathe to keep her composure. Once the temperature dropped it made the water even cooler to the touch against her skin, her breath becoming visible but she knew this was part of Yukimi's skills and not Nishi's. It was clear she was heavily at a disadvantage with the rain unlike the other two kunoichi. With the lack of sight, the sound of rain and now the dropped temperature she felt herself losing confidence. "We need to find a way to get her out of hiding, any suggestions?"

The Chuunin's head whipped over towards the sound of the explosion. They needed to know where they were being thrown from. Focusing Yukimi slightly froze some of the puddles around them, careful to ensure minimal sign was given of her actions as she did so. "She needs our bells. Remain vigilant, she may be toying with us but she still needs to come to us. I need you to keep an eye out, and try to force her to move. I can even force a slight defense around us." She said, taking a small step back. Meanwhile she let her gaze drift across the scenery, looking for that little movement. With the water being hardened into ice in some spots, she hoped to see the scratches of thrown projectiles. Figure out where their sensei was hiding. "For us, if she remains hidden all day and we stay out here then we still win. Just need to keep her away from us." Yukimi said firmly, and silently hoped to force the woman to get sloppy.

Observing once more the reaction of the two, Nishi played with the idea to move in. Spotting the frozen puddles, Nishi gained an idea to teach the two a vital lesson. After all, ninjutsu was great and all. But it carried a few risks with it. Weaving a few handsignals, Nishi waited. The rain was formed by her chakra and manipulating it at some range wasn't an impossible feature for them. While the two girls were trying to figure out where Nishi was, a water clone formed behind Yukimi.
Silently, the clone would lean forward before whispering something to the chuunin.
[fieldbox=Making plans, cyan]
Kumogakure, Raikage Office.
A meeting between the Fifth Raikage and recently promoted Jounin Commander, Gedric Hon.

A collab between Conman and Geroman.

Takeru has summoned Gedric to his office. With Naruko Jun having been allowed to resign to focus on the affairs of the Jun clan, Takeru promoted one of his old friends, Gedric Hon, to the position of Jounin commander. The two discuss a certain aspect of the current situation that they find themselves in.

Takeru was leaning forward. His eyes locked on the map of the Lightning country in front of him, on his desk. He hadn't yet heard anything from Asami but didn't assume that he would for some time. The part of the plan was that it seemed that Asami had ventured to the north on her own devices. Not part of Takeru's bigger plan on how to try to limit the potential brewing conflict that was on the horizon.

But despite trying to reach out to the likes of the Hojo and Alaricus, he hadn't received any message in return. It would be likely taking some time before he would hear anything from the other two Great clans of the north. But there were other preparations that would need to be taken. If the Regency council would take air of his plans against them, then they would first attempt to see who they could use within Takeru's network against him. It was for a reason that he had dispatched some people away on missions or assignments. Though he wondered if it had been worth Asami's absence for he could rely on her presence.
Furthermore, there was the problem of forces. Those who were loyal to his command were half of the nation's military. But a good number was on the eastern continent, which shifted the favour slightly towards that of the Regency council. If it would thus come to blows, Takeru wasn't so hopeful about his side coming out. Then again, the purpose was to prevent an actual civil war from occuring in the first place.

Knowing better though, he send word for the new Jounin commander to report to his office. If the Regency council had more forces, Takeru knew he had to try to even it up. Somehow. And he just knew the man who was fit to aid him in that measure.

Gedric marched at a quick pace through the hallway to Takeru's office. His quiet yet purposeful demeanor moving people out of the way of the Jounin Commander without him even having to say a word. The jewel in the pommel of his sword gleamed like an actual fire as he moved, and as he opened the door to the office, a grim look adorned his features. Takeru had not said what the purpose of the meeting was, but he knew what it would be. The regency council had been making moves that created enemies. It would be a difficult discussion indeed. He nodded to the man as he closed the door. "Takeru, I trust you have been well?" He said as he walked up to the desk, standing before the man. He looked at the map for a moment, then looked at Takeru, studying the man's face, his eyes perceiving the difficulty etched there, despite the mask. "Nevermind, scratch that question, I know how you have been. What is it that you called me here for?"

The masked kage glanced up on who entered the spacious office. Spotting that it was Gedric, Takeru nodded as he gestured the other to come closer. "I need you to do some matters for me. I have received the reports back on who I could count upon if the regency council would do something drastic. Such as call us all here traitors." Takeru didn't hide the disdain from his voice as he pointed to various points at the map.

"Currently, I have loyal forces in the southern half of the country. Those who are loyal to the regency council basically occupy most of the middle and eastern part of the country. The north, held by the Sanosuke have yet to declare who they are more loyal to. Same counts for the Hojo in the west and the Alaricus in this part of the south," Takeru continued as he pointed the large clan lands out. "I wish I could state that I am certain that they won't side against us or with the regency council. But I can't guarantee that just yet. I was thus hoping," the man began as he threw a glance at Gedric, "How much men you could muster in a short time. I am talking about capable soldiers. Not half assed levies that don't even know how to hold a spear."

Gedric gazed at the map as he contemplated the man's question. He had known this would come up, it was inevitable. In response he drew several scrolls from out of his tunic and set them down, unfolding them to reveal different reports on the influx of new guild recruits and reports of business from various other operations he controlled. "I run a guild of men who fit your description, you know that. I could set a new contract that most would jump at the opportunity for, funded for by the guild. I'd estimate around eight hundred immediately from the guild, plus the five hundred from my own retinue. Maybe even a few ships. Anything more from the guild would take time" He unrolled a final scroll, a map of the world, and pointed to the Hon clan lands. "Given time, I could get more mercenaries from other Countries, particularly the Hons in the Akinian Empire. I have the money to put behind it too. I'd bet the men of my guild against ten times the number of anything the regency has." Gedric finished confidently.

Listening to Gedric, Takeru restrained himself from pacing back and forth. There was some comfort in Gedric words but also some worries. Takeru's gaze went to the region that Gedric pointed out at. Not that Takeru had anything against enlisting some mercenary warbands from the Hons, it could make things both easier and more difficult for them.

"I think we need to keep it as a last resort. Nothing against your kinsman, good friend. But the Alaricus and Hojo will become quite discontent if we will bring in Chonobi from the Empire into the fray. I assume it will cost both more funds and time but could you send word to other regions?" Takeru asked, his gaze still focused on the map.

"And despite I am not eager to draw some plans, I believe we need to consider a possible strategy against the regency council." Pointing at the various places where a large number of forces were stationed in fortresses and cities, Takeru continued. "If it would come to a clash, they have more forces north of us. Most of the terrain is dominated by highlands and mountain ranges. Some valleys and rivers that certainly hamper large forces from advancing fast. I consider that we could try to pull some forces back to try to lure them into a sense of security. Then again, I want to avoid as much bloodshed as possible. I don't want to give our foreign rivals a chance to take us by surprise."

"Aye, I could send for men in other regions. Most if not all in the guild are loyal to me, i've done many a favor for them. It would not be difficult to summon more men. As for our numbers... " He pointed to the cities and fortresses. "An army marches on it's stomach. You have your shinobi corp, do you not? You can deploy them to sabotage their supply trains, food stores, water supplies, the like. Even then if they deploy a force, it will be weakened by hunger. I might recommend that we might raise troops of our own, under some pretense of border protection, and begin drilling them. Better an untested but trained force of levies then an untrained and untested force of none. If the people must remain on our side, set up recruitment drives to bring in volunteers." He pointed to various valleys, river crossings, and mountain passes. Military tactics 101, if you are outnumbered, make it so the enemy cannot deploy all of their troops. " Additionally, we can dispatch men to the mountain passes and valleys, have them prepare to set up defensive works. We can hold the valleys and passes against a large force if need be. If all works according to plan, these conscripts that the regency council is calling up might desert in the face of food shortages and difficult marches. Hell, my men are trained in the ways of ambushes, I could have them set up traps and create obstacles for an approaching force. There are more ways than open combat to defeat an army." He was quiet while he awaited the man's reply.

Raising his right hand, Takeru would rub his chin. He listened to the advice of Gedric. "That is certainly a good approach that we could adopt. But I prefer something faster. But if it does avoids too much losses on our side, it might be the only way to approach a possible conflict against the regency council." The kage mumbled, his irritation at the situation being quite clear.

"Alternatively we could also try to strike first. Put them on the defensive. Then with some detachments try to move around," Takeru stated as he would move his right index finger to visualise for Gedric what he meant. "Perhaps forcing them to pull back some forces to try to defend any flanking maneuvers on their positions. After all, Ranzaki," Takeru ended on the capital city's location with his finger, "Is the main goal. If we somehow manage to overwhelm any loyalists to the council, we can put a quick end to any civil dispute."

Perhaps a combination of the two?" Gedric suggested. "If you can deploy your shinobi to sabotage their movement while we remain mobile we can easily out maneuver them. We might also consider not attacking certain cities, as you said the goal is simply to get to the capital after all. Perhaps we could even simply target the regency council? With no one to lead them at that point the enemy might crumble. Distributing anti-regency propaganda might turn the people themselves against the regency. I think yours is the better plan, to attack with our smaller force and keep them on the defensive. We can also raise troops in the rear while we attack though, and build up a secondary force to bring up the rear."

A combination would be even better. But Takeru felt a bit cautious. If it would lead to a loss of their forces, it could prove anything but beneficial. The further suggestions of Gedric weren't that bad either. It was good to know, at least, that they weren't without options to work with to even the balance. At least, unless the council would be able to persuade the Hojo and Alaricus to their side. "I am somewhat hesitant to use propaganda as a tool. It could be quite effective but it will set people up against each other. Making the matter more troublesome for all of us." Takeru thought out loud. Then again, he was confident in Kaizen's work as a spymaster. The man certainly had his ways to make such a suggestion pay off in their favour.
"I might need to pay a visit to either the Hojo or Alaricus clan. In my absence, I want you to ready the defenses. Double the patrols and start to see what you can do. Though," Takeru shifted his attention back on his friend. Amusement clear in the kage's voice.

"That doesn't allow you to start drinking without me. I hope when I return that there is no drop of alcohol left in the city."

Gedric laughed at Takeru's voice, then his face grew serious. "Takeru, old friend, I would not advise you to visit the Hojo or the Alaricus in person. Send me, or someone else in your stead. If they have allied with the regency, they may take the opportunity to kill you." His eyes bored into Takeru, laden with the losses of many former comrades present in his eyes.

The advice was considered by Takeru but he shook his head. "I already send Asami to the north, to see what we can get out of the Sanosuke. If I send you to the Hojo, they will be offended. You are a good friend of mine. But they will see a foreigner in their halls. The Alaricus? I imagine you might be stabbed by them way quicker than they would stab me in the back. They are anything but fond of your and kin, good friend." Though Takeru didn't dismiss Gedric advice entirely. If he would wind up being betrayed by either the Hojo or Alaricus then he would doom more people to die a senseless death.

"Very well. I have send messengers to both clans. I will try to be more patient before I will let my eagerness get to me. Though if they will respond with an invitation, we will see if we can't go together. I have yet to taste some sake of the Hojo. And I am most curious to what alcoholic beverage the Alaricus brew themselves."

Gedric nodded. "I am glad you see it my way." He said shortly. "Well, unless there was another matter you wished to speak to me about, I should leave. I have to make the appropriate preparations and get together the contract. " He waited for the man's response to his words.

"For now, there isn't much else that I have in mind. Make sure that you get to work as soon as possible. If you need some more funds, alert me right away." A pause followed Takeru's words for a moment. "Don't forget to make sure you sleep well. I have this bad feeling that we will have some busy days and nights ahead of us." Though an amused tone ring through Takeru's voice, it sounded somewhat as a half-hearted joke.

"I will, don't worry." He crossed his arms, a frown adorning his face. "It's a shame that it has come to this." He stated simply before turning around and walking out the door, leaving the man behind in his office.

[fieldbox=Needles and Books, violet]
Empire of Akino,
Hon Clan Lands.
Magnhild - The Seat of the White Wolf.

A collab between Tim, Winter, Zane and Lesli.
Part 3

Aiko rallies her students for a particular interesting excursion. The team spends some time at the Lorehouse in Magnhild. After that, they are taken to a tailor shop where Aiko reveals why she brought them there.

Reading upon some of the past wars was never a boring subject, it could drive new strategies and such just by reading how the armies waged war. Something that would prove useful to him for his future goals. After all uniting the Sarutobi was only step one in a long line of steps, that he had planned for his people. So learning how others governed their clans, how they handled diplomacy, waged war. All of it was a very informing tool to have contained in a book. It made him wonder how others in his position took charge. Others before him had to have been presented with this choice, what did they do to try and stake their claim? Were they born ready for it, maybe they were like him and wished too see their people united together than apart. These all brought only more questions though, some of which Aiko had presented him even Kiyomi had presented these questions too him. Some of which he still had no answers for.

Yet what he could do is try and figure out how he could try and win over the factions of the Sarutobi. Blackroot Vale, Pinedale, Aldermarsh, Edani, and Gwade. Each of them a true Sarutobi through and through, each though had their own goals tough for the clan which is what kept them from being united. Each was different despite being a Sarutobi, they never tried fighting each other yet they still tried to prove they were the rightful leaders. Trying to even guess how to deal with them without meeting them was a challenge in its own right. To have goals and plans in advance though never hurt. Sometimes they would pay off and then sometimes they would have to be altered. It made him glad in a way that he could seek out Aiko's help for some of these matters. He wouldn't seek her out for every answer but if he hit a wall it was nice to have her perspective of the matter.

He had the various factions of the Sarutobi by his side and decided to start with the Blackroots, a strong bunch that didn't take very kindly to many outsiders. Even if said outsiders were from their own culture, it seemed like they just didn't like being bugged. he could understand that, their woods were rather dangerous and any distractions there could result in death. The winter times were especially dangerous to them. The cold weather along with the nature of the wildlife in those woods, a single distraction could cost an entire hunting party. This may be why they are also considered the harshest of the Sarutobi. Willing to leave others to die instead of coming to their aid, it was harsh but with the way of life they went through it made sense.

Such dangers in their woods ranged from common threats such as wolves and bears. A danger to which normal hunters would be wary of. The Blackroot lands consisted of such threats such as Dire Wolves, Boggarts and even this Wood Horror. Dire Wolves were dangerous for reasons the Hons have shown in wars. They were so dangerous and deadly that some have even become famous in those wars, one such was Halvard. Boggarts were a threat in that couldn't see naturally but chakra was something could see. Chakra set them in a frenzy and caused them to chase down the source until it was dead. Powerful and frightening, no wonder they were feared in those woods. The Wood Horror was something he wasn't accustomed too. In fact this was the first time he read about it. Three eyes and if that third eye found you, then hell would await them. Large enough to even be a threat to possibly even a Boggart.

They were under the leadership of Knvell Blackroot a man who had lived to be quite the age, leads with an iron fist yet earned the respect of his people. A man that Kazumo honestly wanted to meet one day. A man that never seemed to care much for the unification or even show ambition to achieve it. They were on some good terms with their northern ally the Hons, so they weren't shy of being around others. To get a man like him on his side would be probably the hardest thing he could do. Just from reading about him, he would need to prove himself as a strong leader to even hope to get his approval. With such leadership the only thing Kazumo could even think of to better the Blackroots resided in those dangerous woods. The Wood Horror was terrifying on paper, yet also seemingly very rare. Maybe it meant they weren't that strong to fend off the threats themself in those woods. So that left the Boggarts, a creature with a bad reputation. One that no Chonobi wanted to be eaten by, getting rid of them in its entirety might be one way to get them on his side.

Rubbing his temple a bit he would also have to think of how to even suggest such a thing. They were tough creatures and none really sought them out on purpose, getting anyone to back him on that seemed like it would be even more difficult than proving himself a capable leader. The next one wasn't one he thought would be hard to convince, they would be hard to prove himself too. Pinedale where the Pinedale Ale was created, military wise they weren't the best out of the various factions. They were by no means weak as they were deadly as any opposing force could be, yet they have relied on the Hons before and even the Blackroots whom they have a close relationship with. While not the most powerful, they were more than likely able to boast a more happy lifestyle and had a rather good export gain of wealth. So far all he could even think about what they might need is a strong and capable leader, yet when his answer seemed like a repeat he would shake his

Truly they would be hard to convince in a different manner, even more so when they have tried to get one of their own to be the one to lead the Sarutobi. He honestly couldn't think of a good way off the top his head. He could try being close with the Blackroots, maybe that way they would see him as a worthy contender. Honestly he would probably need to talk with them too see how they would even act, what they hoped for. This wasn't just about him after all he had to consider each and every one of the factions. As he was told by influential people, unifying meant that some would oppose as it might tamper with what they had in mind. Some were aspiring for the same thing he was, and if he did achieve his goals then what awaited them? He still had much growing to do before he could even hope to lead his people.

A smile grew on his face as he saw Aldermarsh's symbol on the page. It was his birthplace after all how could he not be proud of it? They were some of, if not, the smartest when it came to knowledge about nature itself. Then again they were smart in general they even proclaimed that the blood of the old rulers, runs through the veins of those few families in the council. It made him wonder if they would even believe it if he told them that the blood of Sigeberth ran through him. He could only hope his own birthplace would aid him in his attempts. It was the place he wanted to start with first, his home should be the starting point to his goals. To him it would be a slap in the face of everyone there if he sought them out anything but first. It even felt right with such strong ties towards Sigeberth being found in his homeland. Yet much like him wanting to unify his people, they too had their own choice on who should lead them. Honestly as much as he was worried to meet the Knvell Blackroot and the council of Pinedale one day. It felt almost comforting to want to meet the choice that the council in Aldermarsh had chosen, it felt like it would be talking to family in a way, see how their goals lined up, what each would do, what would change, what would improve. He chuckled to himself as he thought of the idea, simply thinking about a talk on how they would try to improve their clan… well It was a pleasant thought. They had a council yet it seemed like the most notable was one man who was considered the youngest politician of the Sarutobi factions, a man called Hrani. Most likely the man he would be talking with the most, now thinking upon all these councils and representatives. It made him wonder how he would even meet them. He knew that Aiko had some connections with the Gwade and thus could get him to meet and possibly talk with those in charge there. All the others however were another story, he couldn't always keep using Aiko for everything that wasn't fair to her and showed he relied on others to get him everywhere. He never once when he was younger thought that being known to the world would have advantages, it made you well known to both allies and those that wished to kill you. Now it seemed to even get to meet these people, he needed that reputation.

If he had to brag he might even consider Aldermarsh one of the deadliest of the factions. They had extensive knowledge of all sorts of plants. They had probably had poisons that some didn't even know existed, they also had cures for any poisons probably used against them. Combine this with one of the stealthiest forces, the Aldermarsh Stalkers, this was a recipe of death that awaited any that tried to fight them. None that fought them ever entered their forest and didn't feel as though a huge price was paid. Such examples was the Republic who experienced them first hand and even Shoji's forces have felt such horrible losses. A force that made armies beware was one he needed on his side. Thinking upon them made him wonder something, what exactly did his father do before he had mom and himself? Everything he learned about plants, wildlife, poisons he had learned from his father. It made him wonder if he had ever been an Aldermarsh Stalker before as it would explain how he knew in great detail where to shoot a man, or beast to bring them down in one shot or two. It would need to be a question he would have to discuss with his father, possibly even asking what he knew in detail about Aldermarsh.

Edani was next as he continued reading onwards, one of the more prideful Sarutobi as he knew. Even they knew this and demonstrated that pride in their buildings. Using stone for its temples and buildings, while using marble for the shrines. Even Whitefair was known as such for most of its buildings being created from white hard stone. Making it a beautiful sight in Winter while blinding in Summer. Thinking about such, it was winter now meaning that the true beauty of Whitefair was in full display. Deep inside he wanted to go visit it now to see it for himself, yet he probably had a long time before he would rest his eyes on the place. While he loved his homeland he might have to say that Edani might be the most beautiful of all the factions. Then again that all depended on the taste and perspective of the viewer.

The Wind Flower was also in display in a field which had a story in of itself around it. A maiden from the bloodline from kings of old, lost her love and died on what they call Whitetop which is covered in the flowers during spring and summer. None no of this story is true as no local is allowed to climb the hill, unless they have the old bloodline flowing through them. Such a beautiful place, yet they too claimed they had the bloodline of old running through them, the same as the maiden. It made him wonder, with all these claims that they had the bloodline within them. Which of them actually believed they did and which knew they didn't? Possibly they all knew and thought the others claiming it to be liars, or perhaps they all lie and try to make it seem as though the others lie more. Perhaps they all carried the bloodline, what a plot twist that would be. It also brought a question as to why they all wanted to be the one to lead? Surely they could work together to bring better days to the Sarutobi, yet that would always mean one would be more in charge and the others lesser. Something none were ever thrilled about.

The Gwade were next which brought him some comfort, they had a good relationship with the Cho which just so happened to be Aiko who lead the Cho. She even promised one day to take him along on one of her talks with the Gwade. It's been something he has looked quite forward too as well. It would help give him both an insight on how the Gwade operated and how a leader did as well. From what he read and knew, the Gwade were similar in aspect to the Blackroot. They are more militarized and while not as less open to outsiders, they still have that cautious attitude. While they might focus on martial pursuits, they also boast a good trade which comes from their southern neighbours, the Cho. Just reading about their well fortified cities and their troops was enough to make him glad they weren't enemies.

It also brought him some satisfaction that maybe being close with Aiko would help in getting their trust and possibly their willingness to help him unify the Sarutobi. It felt a bit low using others as a building stone, yet at the same time he saw no other way to get close with them. This could just be all his inexperience talking though, one thing for sure was that reading upon all of them. How they treat their people, how they fight, how they govern, how they live. They were all a force to be feared just by themselves, which is why they needed to be as one. If they all struck fear into the hearts of all with just one faction alone, then if they were together then nothing would be impossible. They needed to be united after all if Kazumo wanted to achieve his true final goal. To reclaim the Old Sarutobi Kingdom, they all needed to be united and there together otherwise reclaiming it would mean nothing. It was something the Sarutobi had to witness for themselves, their old home being reclaimed by their hands.

Before he could continue reading he had gazed over at the clock and witnessed the ending of his time allotted by Aiko. In fact the time upon which they were to meet up was right now and he had all these books still on the table. In a bit of a panic he grabbed them and brought them back to their respective sections on the shelves, and began walking back. He would however stop at one shelf that had some basic techniques on earth ninjutsu, he debated for a moment to quickly read it yet that would be pointless in actually learning anything. So he would walk away from the scrolls and head back to Aiko and Satia with a bit of a worried expression he took too long and handed back the card he was given from her. He honestly wanted to read more, yet she had more planned for them today and he didn't wish to miss out on them, so with his reading episode done, they now only awaited Neji.

If one would state that Aiko was bored or worried about her students, they would be far from stating the truth. The woman was having the time of her life with taking it easy. The tranquility that was present within the complex was soothing and giving her both the time as space to ponder on some matters. Both serious, that were plaguing her mind for some time, as some lighter matters. When her students started to return, Aiko would stretch out her arms and release a soft sigh. She almost had forgotten about time. Rallying her students and instructing them to follow her, Aiko guided them out of the complex. Which did take some time as the notes that the three had taken were reviewed before they were allowed to take their leave.

Once outside, Aiko threw a look at her students. As if she needed to assure herself that nobody was forgotten. But seeing that the three younglings were around, Aiko decided to speak up once more.
"I hope you guys managed to learn some new stuff. Or more importantly, enjoyed yourself. It is time for something quite serious," the woman stated as she gestured them to keep up with her. Walking through the streets, she raised the hood of her jacket. It offered some help against the snowfall that started again.

Walking for around ten or so minutes, Aiko would come to a stop in front of an establishment. The sign that hang outside was still remotely visible, despite the snowfall. Revealing a needle and a ball of wool. Opening the door, Aiko motioned that her students should move into the store. It was not only pleasant warm, compared to the cold temperature outside, but seemed also quite cozy.
A man came and spoke in Chonobi, asking if he could help them in a friendly tone. But upon seeing Aiko, his tone and attitude became respectful. He made a bow to the woman and gestured them to follow him.

While they walked through the store, to what seemed to a room. Three stools were placed in the middle of the room where as a large bench there were all kind of tools laid out together with cloth of various colours, material and quality.
"Take a seat," Aiko gestured to the three stools.The man of before seemed to apologise himself before he would leave the room. Giving some time for Aiko to explain why they were in a clothing establishment.

"Now, before you three try to find an escape, this is the situation." Aiko crossed her arms out front of her chest as she leaned against the table. "Soon enough there will be a feast held at the citadel in the city. Many prominent people, leaders and representatives of clans and provinces will be there. Including the Empress. Because of the nature of this event, I can't have you three show up in casual or military clothing. Certainly not when her Majesty has informed that she desire to see you three at the feast. Which means that you can't refuse. Or well, you could but I wouldn't advise it." The woman paused to let the words sink in. She doubted that they would skip the chance to be a guest, invited by royalty, at a lavish feast. But she had been wrong before.

"So that is why we are here. I have contacted this place to make sure that you three have something nice to wear. I suspect that the employees as shop owner soon will be back to get started. From what I hear, they will be able to craft either a Taika or Chonobi styled outfit. As for the cost," she flashed a smile, "Don't worry about that."

[fieldbox=Needles and Books, violet]
Empire of Akino,
Hon Clan Lands.
Magnhild - The Seat of the White Wolf.

A collab between Tim, Winter, Zane and Lesli.
Part 4 - The Final Part

Aiko rallies her students for a particular interesting excursion. The team spends some time at the Lorehouse in Magnhild. After that, they are taken to a tailor shop where Aiko reveals why she brought them there.

He had to admit he was a bit disheartened to be leaving the Lorehouse, they still had most of the day left and while he understood that Aiko had more planned for them, he just couldn't see anything surpassing this part of the day.Yet in the words of his sensei it was time to get more serious, so he could only assume that this part would be a challenge for them. Potentially putting their newly found knowledge to a test or such? As they continued walking they would come to a halt in front of an establishment, he would look it up and down but nothing seemed bizarre about it. He thought that maybe she was just remembering the location for later, as they should have no need for a tailor. That ship sunk when she opened the door and ushered them inside, a look of new found fear at what she would be doing resided on his face.

Looking around as though he was expecting some sort of trick to be played didn't seem to be the case. A man had lead them to this room where it looked like they created the outfits in, wo which Aiko told them to take a seat. Wondering for a moment what this was about would be explained to him as they would be at a feast where all sorts of powerful political leaders and figures would be at. Cursing mentally at such a situation, she would state that the workers and owner would be creating something suitable for them to wear. She expressed to not worry as they would be able to craft either Taika or Chonobi outfits and to not worry about the cost. Instantly his hand shot up. "I'm not very versed in this whole…. fashion thing. Can I just trust them on what they make me? Also are they going to measure me? Also after we are finished here can we go back to the Lorehouse?"

Satia had remained fairly quiet as they traveled from the library, content with a small smile from having been given opportunity to enrich her mind with texts and tomes of various information that'd otherwise prove difficult to come across anywhere else. Despite the actual physical properties of her book she could almost swear it felt heavier from the amount of new information contained within it. Indeed the young Genin was quite pleased with how today was going and it seemed it was destined only to improve as they were soon lead to a room where Aiko explained why they'd been brought out here.

At first she'd assumed it were a quiet location for a briefing for their next mission assignment but as the Jounin moved to explain why they were here a smile began to slowly grow across her features till she could no longer contain her own excitement. "Oh how exciting!" she replied genuinely with a tone of enthusiasm as she brought her hands together, "Thank you Aiko-Sensei" she said with a small respectful incline of her head. She would turn towards Kazumo as he expressed his lack of sense for fashion and gave a small inward chuckle, "I can help you if need be, perhaps find you something that'll attract the attention of the aristocratic girls if that'd suit you" she half teased, although her offer was genuine.

Aiko threw a look at Kazumo. Hearing the question, Aiko wanted to answer. But Satia beated her to it. Remaining silent for a second, Aiko had to hold back a snicker. The reaction that Satia had was the complete opposite of Kazumo. Then again, judging from Satia's origin, it wasn't that strange. She was out of all three most attuned to these sort of events. "They will measure you guys here and within a day or two will likely have something at the ready. I was promised by the good folk here, that neither I or any of you would be disappointed." Aiko said at first. She then continued.

"And no. We won't return to the Lorehouse after we are done here." The voice of the jounin became somewhat sterner than it had been before. "Once we are done here, I will have other matters I need to attend to. I also arranged a task for you three. It is from one of the local notice boards. There are the occasional and everyday message written on the papers. But I have seen somebody promising some reward for tracking his lost son in the nearby woods. I want you guys to prepare for that as good as you can. Win information and what not before we will move out to see what we can do."

Hearing Satia's offer or jest at his expense didn't seem to earn his amusement as he stared back, before shaking his head at her. "I'll be fine, thank you." Kazumo said mumbling as he listened to Aiko on what they would be doing. tracking a kid in the woods? Well he could track easily enough however since it was a kid, a lot could have happened in that amount of time he's been lost. He pouted a bit as well not knowing how well versed the other two would be at such a task either. He mentally sighed as he rather just go back to the lore house than get all dressed up, yet he couldn't refuse his niece. After all if he ever went home, she would be there.

A smile cracked on Aiko's lips as Kazumo stated he would be fine. Before the jounin could say anything else, a few women would enter the room. Carrying linen and other cloth. The man of before would appear as well, approaching Aiko. Speaking in a hushed tone, the two engaged into a brief conversation.

"Very well. Guys," Aiko spoke up as she turned to her team. The women already had instructed the genin and chuunin to rise up, so that they could measure them. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, Aiko wagered but not the worst either. "Mister Torvald here is the owner of this establishment." Aiko gestured to the man to her side, which flashed a smile before making a galant bow.
"He is able to make sure that you will get what you want. But in order to do so, you need to state what you want. I believe," Aiko shot a sideways glance at the man as she shifted into speaking Chonobi. Asking if the man had something that he could show to her students. Torval nodded as he excused himself.
Watching the women measuring the three caused the smile of before to return on Aiko's lips.

"Well, this is fun as well, ain't it?" She asked, the amusement quite evident in Aiko's voice. It didn't take long for Torvald to return. He had a few sketches on paper that would resemble what he had either in stock or what he could prepare for the three. He approached Kazumo, Satia and Neji with the sketchbook. Showing that he wasn't indeed limited to only Chonobi fashion but quite able to replicate Taika attires. He spoke in quite an enthusiastic manner, trying to figure out what the three wanted to wear.

Shortly after he finished speaking, a few women would enter into the room carrying material that would most likely be used for their attire. He had a slight frown, not that he didn't appreciate this, but it just wasn't his style. Yet the sooner it was done, the sooner this would all be over as well. Being told to rise by one of the women, he would stand up from his seat and was right away made to stand up straight and to raise his arms as they began measuring him. This felt super weird, having a stranger touching him with a measuring tape.

As this was all being done, Aiko was also giving them details on Torvald's establishment. Being able to make what they wanted, but had to know what they wanted in the first place. Kazumo's face took on a look of being unprepared for this. He never read up on fashion so he had no need to know what he wanted to wear. He sighed in relief though and slightly slouched which was correct by the woman measuring him, as he heard Aiko ask if they had anything they could show them on what they wanted. As Aiko asked if this was fun, he didn't even need to answer as he knew that she could tell he was probably enjoying this the least. So when he was shown some sketches, he would point at one of them for his choice.

Satia retained a small smile on her features as she listened, being instructed to rise so that they could take her measurements. While not usually pleasant it wasn't unfamiliar for her as she'd been measured before back when her mother and father would have dresses or outfits made for her to attend noble social gatherings in her youth. Given her choice in path one might expect her to detest this kind of thing, but in truth she actually always kind of enjoyed it.

She observed the sketch book herself and worked with the tailors to find something she liked, opting for a Taika style given her heritage and lineage which she was always very proud of, even if some didn't look kindly upon her culture. In fact perhaps in some ways it was because of that opinion that she felt the need to champion her culture even more, to make it clear she was not ashamed of who she was and would not shy away from it in the face of those who turned their noses up at it.

The Genin would disappear from the others as she prepared to get herself changed and ready, slipping out of her attire once her chosen attire had been made to her measurements. It took a relatively fair amount of time for the young woman to carefully ready herself, taking a modest amount of time to ensure she looked her best as she fixed her hair and attached a flowery hair clip to keep her hair in position. Eventually the Genin would deem herself ready to attend the event, stepping out of the allocated changing room.

"I think I'm ready" she said with a soft smile, "How do I look?" she asked.

Much like Satia's his clothing was soon made and while he would have trusted it outright, he also had the feeling sensei wasn't letting them leave without trying them on. So he would leave to a changing room and got it on relatively quick enough, it wasn't the most complicated outfit. For the most part he choose what looked to be the most simple, while still being fancy enough to fit the theme. He would exit the room only to be stopped by Torvald who helped him fix his… well whatever they were called around his waist. He then went out about straightening the outfit that was on him, little mistake that Kazumo failed to see before sending him on his way.

Kazumo would enter the room too see both his teammates done and had the look of a child that was being forced to play with others. His face flustered a bit as he looked at Aiko. "Finished as well."

It was now just waiting. Neji soon followed the other two as he would put on his outfit. Waiting, Aiko spoke briefly with Torvald regarding the price. It was certainly not cheap but Aiko managed to haggle a good deal out of the services and clothing. Satia was the first to show her outfit. Despite it was in a Taika fashion, the outfit was quite nice. Aiko would walk towards the genin and briefly inspect the young woman in the pretty garment. After twenty seconds, the older Cho would nod in an approving manner. "Quite beautiful. I hope that there will be enough guards to keep the young men off you," Aiko said, a teasing wink following her comment.

The next that would come out was Kazumo. A playful smile adorned Aiko's lips as he had shown before that this wasn't something he truly enjoyed. Much like she had done with Satia, Aiko would take almost half a minute to inspect the young man in the luxurious outfit. "Quite handsome. Now, if you would just smile a bit more, I am sure you will also steal the show." The woman said as she nodded once more in an approving fashion.

Neji followed suit with an outfit of his choosing. Provoking a soft 'aawww', from Aiko, the woman would inspect the youngest member of the team. Once she was sure that all three were content with their outfits, Aiko instructed them to get changed again. While they would shift back into their previous attire, she would exchange the money with Torvald. The outfits would be later delivered to the address where the three were staying. Collecting her students, Aiko would lead them outside.

"Now, that wasn't so bad was it?" She began, a smile finding its way back to the woman's lips. "Now, I want each of you to be ready when the time comes. I will make sure that you will get picked up by some servants. They will ensure that you get passage into the citadel. I will arrange a room where you can once more refresh before the event starts. Any questions?"

The younger Cho would incline her head in thanks with a smile, "Thank you Aiko-Sensei" she replied softly before observing the other two and how they looked in their outfits. Both of them looked very nice, handsome even as they tidied up very well. She smiled to them and gave her own approving expression while Aiko gave her verdict before they were instructed to change again. The Genin would change out of her clothes and back into her previous attire before folding the dress carefully with the accessories nearly placed between the folds of the material for safe keeping. She would then emerge once more, "I'm actually quite excited for this event, it'll be nice to see some faces both old and new, depending on who turns up of course".

Being told the outfit would look better if he smiled more caused him to fluster up even more as he slightly pouted at the compliment, they were then instructed to change back into their previous attire. This he had no complaints about, heading to the changing room and somehow struggled way more in removing the clothing than getting it on, yet he would be back in his own attire soon enough. As he left the changing room and rejoined the others as they went outside, he felt his comfort level rising back up as Aiko said that it wasn't so bad was it? The look he gave was one of flustered embarrassment, yet he shook his head as it honestly could have been much worse, When asked if he had any questions he nodded. "I'm without any doubt going to need help putting that belt thing on."

Neji mumbled something, clearly a bit flustered as well. If anything, the fact that Kazumo and Neji reacted as such only made Aiko find the situation more amusing. Satia stating that she was excited was a good sign in Aiko's opinion. Placing her hands briefly on her hips, she eyed the three students. "Good. I need to head back now. Take it easy. Don't get into trouble and be ready for the feast." She passed on as instruction. Half turning, she would freeze as if she forgot to state something.

"After the feast, I will see if we can't return to the Lorehouse if you guys enjoyed it that much." She added. Only raising her right index finger as her tone became a bit sharper. "But I expect you guys first on your best at the feast. Now, take care and I will see you three later."
