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[fieldbox=Rini Yoto, lightsalmon]
Genin of Team 15 | Akinian military | Amegakure, towards the meeting location.

Walking through the rain, Rini kept the hood of her rain coat up as she would head towards the meeting point. Somewhere Rini was glad with the fact they were going on a mission. On the other side, she felt no need for the presence of other team members. If anything, the girl was still a bit bitter about the fact that she had to share her sensei. But she could set those feelings aside.

Narrowing her eyes, she thought she could spot Itsuo up ahead. Picking the pace up, the girl wanted to raise her arm and wave. Noticing however somebody with him, Rini frowned underneath the cover of her hood. Who was that? Slowing down, Rini would come to a halt as she shot a look at the woman with the white hair. Making a small bow towards the woman, not wanting to take any risks and making Itsuo look like a fool, Rini would then flash a smile. Though it would likely come over a bit hasty as nervous.

While she wanted to request Itsuo what kind of mission they were going on, Rini remained silent. Her eyes did throw a look into the direction of the woman, while she tried to hide that she was pondering on the possibilities of why the woman was there. Perhaps she was also a kunoichi? If anything, then she seemed not really geared for it. Then again, appearances could deceive. Certainly when it came down to shinobi and kunoichi's. But what could she then be? Perhaps she was Itsuo's sister?

Glancing away, Rini had to do her best to not giggle or grin as she thought of something else. What if it was perhaps Itsuo's girlfriend or wife? No, no, that last couldn't be it. Itsuo had nobody to tell him would be late. Thus a wife wouldn't make any sense. Then again...
Shooting a look at Itsuo, Rini wondered about it. How much did she really know about him? Or how much did he know about her? Somewhere the girl felt still a bit ashamed that she hadn't performed better at the tournament. Casting her eyes down, Rini remained silent.
[fieldbox="Eiji Emiya, sandybrown"]
Team 11 Jounin | At Home

Obviously distracted by the sudden antics of Sachi and Naomi, Eiji grabbed his daughter and put her on his lap. "You should be nice," he told her. Sachi snuggled against his chest, but didn't answer so Eiji turned his attention back to John. "A training and a signature, I must be extremely lucky. Honestly though, it is okay. There is no way that you could have known," he said with a slight smile.

"Anyway, back to the original topic. Ryu, I know someone who works at the hospital. He patched me up a couple of times, good guy. If you tell him I send you and explain that you want to learn the basics of medical ninjutsu from him I don't think he will be capable of saying no. Wait, I'll write his name down for you." He reached with his left hand for the small table which stood next to the sofa on which a newspaper, a pencil and some other small notes laid. With some difficulty he pushed Sachi to the side so that he could take one of the notes and place the note on his knee. He quickly wrote down the name along with his signature might the guy actually wonder if Eiji truly send Ryu to him. With that done he offered the piece to Ryu.

"As for you. Chuunin now and all. Since this is technically my free day and i can do whatever I like, how about you show me what kind of extremely amazing fighter you have become. Even more than you already were of course," he said jokingly. "Of course, you can join us Ryu, if you want. Or you can just go the hospital right now."

Yoshikuni Sadako
Amegakure Chuunin, Team 11

"Sho. I like that name. SHO!" Kuni suddenly shouted the name out loud "It has a nice ring to it." She turned around to look at him and gave him a smile before getting back to painting in silence. A very brief moment passed before Kuni decided she doesn't like being silent when someone she doesn't know well is near.

"So, are you a shinobi? I am. I'm a student of Eiji Emiya, the awesome explosive sensei. I have a teammate and I had another but I think she left my team. Sad, but guess she didn't get along with my other teammate. Its important to find a way to get along with everyone. I like getting to know everyone so I'll know how to get along with them the best I can, if you get what I mean." She said as she kept painting.
[fieldbox=Shin Yuki]
Shin smiled back at Aya, until she suddenly hugged him. He leaned back slightly, confused, as they had only really been friends for a short time. He shrugged, figuring Aya would be Aya and became noticeably comfortable again, before nodding. "It probably isn't the best idea to upset her." He agreed with Aya, figuring she may have already upset their sensei by saying she disliked everything, but leaving it be. He looked to Nanami as she asked about 'dog' boy. He sort of glazed over that question in his mind before pointing at her "Aren't you supposed to have a companion with you? I thought you did on that other mission we did..." He spoke, referring to her goat ally. "I was going to say that it got a hold of your tongue if you were quiet like these two were when I arrived, but it's not here..." He crossed his arms, thinking about the loss of perfect comedic material. He sighed, before looking back to Aya, figuring he could trust her more than any of the others seeing as their first dangerous situation involved him and her working fairly well together, from his point of view. The one that Nanami had been asking about showed up, late, but still showed up. Shin offered a wave, before realizing he had forgotten to wave to Nanami and quickly turned and waved to her as well.

Shin listened to their sensei explain the mission, then waited at the end, not sure what he was expecting. He suddenly got a shoo and her disappearing. "That's it? Alright..." He glanced to Aya as she said she'd watch like a hawk that watches. He gave a return wave and chuckled at the hawk that watches comment. "I'll watch better than Genso, that's for sure." He said, smirking and stepping away from the others. He frowned, figuring it would be very difficult to utilize his kekkei genkai for this mission without a better control over it than he was sure he had. The best I've got for this is trying to make mirrors with the ice to look around with, which would be hard to control... I could make a small ice sculpture that had different signs on it to remind me to look for different things... Or I could just have a specific pattern... Pattern it is. Surroundings, Aya, Nana, and Shiba, in that order. He began his pattern instantly, attempting to keep an idea of where everyone was at all times to minimize the time it took to find each one, though he knew this would only work so long as each was at least somewhat noticeable where they were.
Nanami Fukumitsu
Kirigakure Chuunin
Team 14

Huh, so it really WAS a simple mission... Oh well, she's needed to stretch her legs anyway. Can't ride livestock forever.
"I'll have to concur on our jounin seeming to hate everything." She mumbled. It was brought to her attention that she didn't have Jeriko with her.
"Oh, you mean Jeriko? I told him he could stay home, for his own safety. He's not ready to be lambchops yet." She chuckled, beginning to follow everyone.
"So... How have you guys been?" She's never really tried to establish communication before, but since they were supposed to be patrolling together, why not fit in some small chatting?
"I mean, it's been around a week so, has anything new happened?"

Shiba Inumura
Kirigakure Genin
Team 14

He was bewildered when the woman had suddenly disappeared into thin air, being evident that he began trying to feel for her. People could do that?! Urgh, theres a lot of different things people can do, huh? He looked to everyone leaving and quickly made a move on, trying to keep up with the group, being quiet when the question of 'how are you' was popped.
Chakra points can help with healing, right...?
(a collab between Rusty4297 and AeronFarron... Sorry for not posting this sooner, Hawke)​
Korina chewed on her tooth pick as she played around with a kunai. She was waiting around the typical meeting spot for her teammate, Hiraku at one of the smaller training fields. Her interest in medicine had increased sever since she used an academy-leveled anatomy book for practice reading material. Alongside the vivid pictures, she found a few interesting tidbits about medics and surgeons. She'd thought back to her team and realized that her team lacked any sort of recovery or healing support. From there her interest had grown further.

So, a few days prior, she had asked Hiraku if he knew anything about medicine. The young man had shaken his head and said that he only knew the same academy level first aid that she did. Bit he did think he could teach her something that she would find useful. He had teased her with the knowledge and set up the meeting spot...in what she was sure was a big brother thing to do.

And Kazumo wondered why she did this stuff to him!

The though made her smirk and she made a mental note to...train with Kazumo later. For now though, she was ready to learn whatever it was that Hiraku was offering. And from his secretive ass, she was sure that it was either juicy...or really, really dumb.

Hiraku had been surprised that Korina wanted to know anything about medical ninjutsu, especially since he didn't know a thing about it. He did, however, know something that could supplement it if it wasn't part of it in the first place. Knowing that no one would be able to memorize the chakra points from just being shown once, he'd told her that he had something to teach, but not then. He made sure to get a drawing of a human body with each of the points illustrated, in between having informed Korina that he'd had something to teach and the actual day to teach her. He rolled up the paper, and set off for the training grounds.

Hiraku approached the grounds and raised a hand above his head. "Hey, hopefully you're prepared to learn, because there's a lot." He held up the rolled up illustration, revealing the contents and speaking once more "Chakra runs closely with internal organs, so the chakra points should be pretty helpful if you want to heal people." He proceeded to activate his Byakugan, then aim a poke at one of Korina's chakra points, intending to increase chakra flow (not dangerous) to show an immediate effect of knowing the chakra point locations as well as knowing how to interact with them.

Korina nodded in excitement when Hiraku showed up. She thanked the young man then looked over the chart that he'd brought. She was enthralled with how many separate points there were, and had missed his poke. What she didn't miss was the increased chakra flowing into her left arm. She smiled at the rush, interest even more apparent now than it had been before.

"Whoa...that is amazing.". She said with a wide smile.

Hiraku smiled back, and nodded. "It's one of the few things about my clan that I appreciate." He motioned towards the picture that depicted all of the chakra points and spoke "Since I see them whenever I'm aiming for them, I don't need to have them memorized, but I can still probably help you remember where they are. If you interact with the chakra points the right way, you can do some pretty cool things. Of course, Gentle Fist takes advantage of the dangerous side of it... But you can also just cut off chakra or enhance it if you know how and where to apply the chakra." He looked at the paper for a moment, then looked back to Korina, "If you're training for medical ninjutsu, I've heard it takes a lot of chakra control, but so does Gentle Fist. While I'm not about to teach you all of Gentle Fist, I'll be glad to help you learn how to make chakra go faster or slow down depending on what you need to use for your healing." He held out his hand, pointing to a chakra point on the back of it. "This isn't near any vital organs, so you won't have to worry about any serious accidental injury. Try sending a little bit of chakra exactly here."

Korina nodded seriously and let her eyes roam over the picture. Honestly, she was happy that he opted for s picture rather than a book. She supposed that anyone with an ounce of sense would, but it still felt good that her teammate would accommodate her.

She tuned back in and nodded every now and then to show that she was listening. She licked her lips and stared at his hand then did her best to commit the spot to memory. She held up her hand and it glowed a dark green with her concentrated chakra. She tapped the spot and sent out a tiny amount of her chakra, probably too little.

The fact is, that with Gentle Fist, very little chakra needed to be used for the sake of interacting with the tenketsu. It was more about how someone interacted with it than how much chakra, so long as they used chakra in the first place for it. Hiraku felt the chakra enter the chakra point, and nodded."Good, but you have to think of the chakra point as a gate. The chakra you're putting in should be intended to open or close it, at least for this." If she allowed him, he would poke a chakra point on her hand, increasing the chakra flow, and then motion to her other hand. "Try to find the chakra point on that hand using the picture or your memory of where the other side's was, and try to copy what I did to that hand on the other side." He looked at the paper, thinking about how long it might take to memorize every last one, and thought about maybe teaching just one or two for each part of the body to start with.

Korina nodded in understanding, it made sense to think of the point like a gate. The rather quiet girl let the young man poke her hand again, and she really focused on the feeling. After he finished speaking, she nodded then poked her other hand with her chakra. She startled a little bit due to how it felt on herself, but the feeling felt similar to when Hiraku poked her hand.

Korina looked back at the paper and roamed her eyes over it before she began to poke various spots along her arm to her shoulder. For her, memorizing from a picture was a snap, since it was how she had grown up learning. Well, that and verbal instruction as well as experimentation.

Then, she drip fed chakra into the arm. She watched in wonder as she moulded the chakra into lightning so that it danced across her arm. "Wow...so....this is what my comrade could do?"

Hiraku watched as she started to put the increased chakra flow to use. "I have a test, whenever you think you know the points well enough. One that will see whether you'll be able to use this knowledge in a truly dangerous situation." He nodded to her, before speaking up again "But first, quick, you have one second to hit one of my chakra points." He stood there, waiting to see if she'd taken in any or multiple points in her head, yet.

Korina looked up from her experiment to smile at her brother in arms. "Oh, a test? That'll be fun." She grinned at him before she blinked. The man had basically given her a one second time limit which...what the heck? She was no Gentle Fist user so a second was hardly enough time.

No, no doubts. She needed to show him that she was serious about her training. When he gav the go ahead, Korina sent two jabs from her left arm and one from her right. The left attempted to open the tenketsu near the wrist and armpit while her right jab attempt to close off a point in his stomach. Not an important one, but one nonetheless.

Hiraku let the first hit through, but stepped back after that, defending against the other attacks. "I was making sure you had memorized at least one by now." He sat down, using his own chakra to return his chakra flow to normal. "Sorry to interrupt you, I just wanted to be sure you got the idea of where it was even in minimal time." He nodded to her, and closed his eyes, his Byakugan allowing any vision he might need. "Speak up when you think you know enough about them for the test." He began to attempt to focus on his Byakugan's range, hoping he could get the range to increase while Korina looked over the picture. He could guide her through the learning of all of the points, like he did with the one on the hand and how to interact with them at all, but for now, she had what she needed. Of course, he wouldn't leave her be for too long, he just wanted to let her train on her own some for a few moments, seeing as she'd have to in the future to make sure she remembered the points' locations.

Korina smiled at him when he dodged out of the way. Rather than get upset, as she often was when someone didn't stand to fight, she took it as a compliment. Granted, Hiraku probably had his own reason, but she still considered it an ego booster. She nodded when he let her know that she would be left to her own devices, and focused on the chart.

Some of the placings were familiaar, and the chakra network as a whole did a fairly good job in showcasing the major organs. Using her own body as a reference, she traced over each tenketsu point in order to commit it to memory. She knew it'd probably take a few more sessions before she could apply such information to combat reflex, but this would be an excellent start. After a few minutes of intense study, she was confident in her short term memory to take Hiraku's test.


Hiraku felt the edges of the Byakugan's range stretch just a bit, not much, but he was sure if he kept trying he'd be able to increase the range on it. He knew there were Hyuuga who could see farther than others, and he wanted to be able to see farther than he currently did. He kept focusing, attempting to push the limits on his vision. He felt it stretching again, almost half a meter's distance, he was about to-. He stopped concentrating when he heard Korina say she was ready. "Alright." He stood up, opened his eyes and looked at her. "In that case... Let's spar... But let's set some rules. The rules are that neither of us can attempt to actually leave bruises or anything of the sort, instead, we'll fight to cut off each other's chakra points. Our training won't include any injuries sustained on either side so long as both of us stick to just attempting to cut off chakra points." He proceeded to get into the Gentle Fist's trademark stance, in which one arm is outstretched on a downward slope in front, and the other is outstretched in the opposing direction. "Got it? You can say when we start, so ask any questions you might have before we start."

Korina watched him slide into his stance before she lowered into her own. She stood sideways with a firm base, her forward arm was up with her hand near her face while her back arm was lower to protect her chest. "Will I need to learn the Gentle Fist? Or can I make up my own style to incorporate the tenketsu attacks?"

Hiraku shook his head in response to Korina's question. "Gentle Fist is an entire style of fighting taught to Hyuuga since birth. To teach you Gentle Fist would take too long for the sake of what I'm teaching you now, and I likely wouldn't be appreciated by the other Hyuuga for revealing clan secrets." He paused for a second before he spoke up again "The intention is for you to be able to find the tenketsu in split-second timing, similarly to Gentle Fist's intention, but you'll be using this for medical purposes, so a fighting stance wouldn't be helpful to you in the future."

"Ha, what ninja doesn't use the information that they know in a life or death situation?" She asked with a sad smile. "I need to be able to use whatever I can. What opponent will look at this stance and expect their chakra to be cut off with one hand, only for the other to launch them through a wall?" She looked at her hand, "This knowledge will be used for healing. But now that I know what it can do, I also need to use it to protect myself. The second an enemy knows I'm a healer...well. I don't want to know what will happen." She slides back into her stance. "I can't promise that I won't use it to kill, but I do promise to use this knowledge primarily to heal and support. We may start whenever you're ready."

Hiraku shook his head again, realizing he had explained improperly about what he intended her to use this knowledge for. "I'm not saying to not use it in a fight, just that you shouldn't learn a fighting style based solely around using it, when you intend to do other techniques throughout. It could work, but only with emphasis on the Gentle Fist for your fighting style." He nodded, and mentally prepared once again, "In that case, may the test begin." Hiraku moved forward, aiming a poke to Korina's stomach.

"Oh...well..." She rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment, "I'll keep that in mind." She said before she focused back in. She wasn't prepared for the attack to her stomach, but made use of the reach by aiming a jab at the shoulder of his attacking arm. She barely felt his hand against her stomach, which only emphasized how dangerous the Gentle Fist could be.

Hiraku, cutting off the chakra point that he had just touched, watched as Korina aimed for his shoulder. Of course, as a wielder of Gentle Fist, he was much more used to aiming for these points, and was sure he'd be able to avoid her hitting a chakra point, but he let it go, knowing it would do no good to avoid every hit when she needed to practice hitting the points right on. However... He intended to return the favor. As Korina's jab reached his shoulder, he moved his other arm up quickly to cut off a chakra point on the arm that had attacked his arm, hoping to show that any openings in Gentle Fist combat can be devastating.

Korina shifted as he tapped her arm. Unexpectedly, her arm snapped back like a striking snake to try and grip his outstretched wrist. She had to grit her teeth to force the movement as her chakra rushed to try and fix the damage. She would hold fast though, and aimed three quick jabs into his vulnerable side and neck, thanks to his cross body attack.

Hiraku stepped towards her now chakra-free arm. Although she had a hold on his arm, it was much weaker without chakra, meaning that all he needed to do, was step into that arm and turn so that his chakra-free arm didn't bend at an impossible angle. He quickly pushed a knee into Korina's leg, using one of his tenketsu there to push out the chakra needed to cut off her chakra in her leg. One of the few other things I appreciate about my clan...

"Oh, that is just rude and unfair!" Korina yiped as she dropped. She brushed her hand against her stomach on the way to the ground to release the chakra there then shifted her hips with her stomach and hand. The strength in her remaining arm allowed her to kick out viciously, but she stopped before the kick followed through. Quietly, she acquiesced and began to heal up her own tenketsu. Her face was visibly pained, as Hiraku had sealed off the chakra in the arm that fed her seal, and the damn thing was retaliating. "Fuck, Fuck...Damn it!" She hastily pulled off her kote to begin manipulating the chakra flow, but the glowing seal was burning into her arm. She hissed in pain, even as her skin was stuck in a rotating cycle of burning and rapid healing. "What...is happening..."

Hiraku smirked as she dropped down. He stood over her, figuring the sparring match was more or less over. He was surprised, however, when she started to kick in his direction, from what it seemed like, she had been about to attempt to injure him. "You did well for only learning the points today, especially without Gentle Fist..." His smirk faded as she seemed to act like she was nursing actual wounds. He watched as she started the chakra flow through her tenketsu, until she suddenly started reacting quickly. His eyes widened as she removed her kote, revealing the mark that she had mentioned previously. He quickly started to boost chakra flow through each of her tenketsu leading to the mark. "Did you forget to put chakra in it today, or something?" He spoke, worry in his voice. "I'm sorry, I should have avoided that arm..."

Korina groaned in pain as her mark refused to settle quietly. With Hiraku's help the seal was beginning to let up, if only enough for her burns to begin healing, "Not your fault. This seal...it's been draining constantly of my chakra." Her words were jumbled due to her pain, "Didn't think it would react like this."

Hiraku frowned as Korina continued to react to the mark. "Come on, let's go to the hospital. They'll probably be able to do something about that mark..."He quickly went over to roll up the paper that had the tenketsu marked on it, and returned to Korina, holding out his hand to help her up. I didn't expect anything like this... Even if it's not technically my fault, I need to do what I can to make up for it...

Korina nodded quietly in acceptance and took his hand. With his help, she stood up and held her arm protectively to her chest. She whimpered quietly in pain, a testament to the strength of the seal. Nothing helped to calm it down.

Hiraku put Korina's arm over his shoulder, helping to support her weight so she wouldn't have to worry about it while dealing with the pain from the seal. He took part of a step forward, making sure she kept up with his steps so it didn't hurt more than it helped for him to do this. "If this is the kind of thing that mark does, why haven't you gotten rid of it by now? I'm sure there's someone who can seal that mark's power..."

She walked carefully with Hiraku, thankful for the help. "It...wasn't supposed to be like this. It...was supposed to be a seal that allowed me to access chakra for later." She whimpered again as pain began to fog her mind. "I didn't know that something was wrong until it began to hurt whenever I wasn't feeding it chakra...I had inquired about seeing someone that can remove it but...this damn village is too busy. The people that can help are too busy to probably save my life..." She growled bitterly.

Hiraku frowned as his teammate seemed to continue being as pained as she had been only moments earlier. He stopped and stepped in front of her, kneeling down towards the opposite direction. He held out his arms behind him "Sorry, but I'm gonna ask you to get on my back." He hadn't had the chance to deactivate his Byakugan, so he could see behind him without turning his head, meaning he could keep track of whether she would start to do as he asked or not. Even if you don't want to for pride or something, now's not the time, I'm not going to let my teammate suffer for longer than she has to...

Korina winced again as Hiraku shifted. She let out a small breath then carefully shifted to get onto Hiraku's back. While she had no issue with accepting help, she didn't want to hurt her teammate by being careless. She held onto his shoulder with her right hand and kept the other arm tucked against her chest, "OK..."

Hiraku let Korina get onto his back, making sure to use his arms to help hold her up so she wouldn't need to do all the lifting herself, then proceeded to begin running towards the hospital. It wouldn't be too far away, as the training fields were a prime location for injuries, but it wouldn't be three steps away either. As he rushed towards the hospital, he frowned, "It was supposed to seal chakra for later use...? So you weren't warned about the side-effects by whoever gave you the seal...?"

"No...I don't even think this was a side effect. I think...that this was the intent of of the seal in the first place..." She said between quiet whimpers of pain. "From looking it over and messing with it...the seal is hiding something from me. I feel it in my gut, Hiraku...they tried to kill me...again..."

Hiraku frowned, slowing down for a moment as he tried to think about the situation. Realizing he needed to hurry, he picked back up his speed. He took on a rage that he didn't expect he'd take. "So they put that mark on you to kill you at their will, huh? Sounds familiar... Who tried to kill you?" He began to pick up speed. This, this right here was exactly the same situation that every side-branch Hyuuga was in, except the difference was that they had to play their roles to avoid their fate, whereas Korina had to just sit back and take it. Guess each side has its cons... We have to live by other rules, but she has to just sit back and wait to die...

Korina laid her forehead on his back as another wave of pain threatened to knock her out, "T-The Elders back in Cloud. My mother and the other Oracle Mothers told me. But I know because I remember...there was a celebration. The Kiyohime before...another Oracle. Was incredibly powerful. There were rumors that she brought herself to life, because everyone thought that she had died. The Elders attempted to kill her because they feared her. Although she was a protector. She cared little for power, why should she when she had so much? Her eyes were always red. Always watching." She began to shake as her body began to go into shock from the pain.

"They tricked my sister...lies...we'd been living carefully constructed lies. With me being so far away...they can't control the seal...so it kills." She trailed off as she fought to stay conscious.

"I need to find those whose memories we've sealed...they were supposed to help them by locking away painful memories. A new life, a new start. What if, what if they don't? What if those are lies too?" She muttered almost drunkenly.

Hiraku frowned as Korina explained the situation. He reached a hospital at this point though, and made sure to rush inside. "A seal on her hand. The chakra was cut off from it and she's in great pain!" He watched as a nurse came over with a wheelchair, getting Hiraku to set Korina into the chair. He followed the nurse until they told him he couldn't any more, and then he waited. He wasn't sure exactly what happened, but eventually he was told he could enter."Korina, you said something about others. I'll help you find them... He looked at her hand, the one that had the seal and looked down. "You question why I hate my clan, right? It's because they do exactly what's been done to you to every single side-branch member. They put us on strings, play the puppeteers, and if any of us go too far out of line, they just make a handseal and your brain's gone... They do it for the same reason that you think the elders gave you that mark... To keep us under control, and throw us away if they can't keep us under their control..."

Korina blacked out before she was even in the wheelchair. The doctors did the best they could until someone came to disrupt the seal enough to stop most of the pain. The disruption however, let her true appearance come through. Her fave had become more angular, and her hair had lengthened and lightened into a dark red color. She woke when Hiraku was brought into her room.

She gave a thankful smile to the young man and listened quietly to him. "I'm so sorry...that's...that's terrible...If they need to seal...at least be humane about it..." She lifted her hand slightly from beneath her blanket. She saw a strange swirling pattern then stared at the seal that was super imposed on her own. The seal felt...instinctively familiar.

"I'll help if I can. I'm...no good with politics but...I'll help any way I can..." She vowed to him.

Hiraku looked up, noticing the differences in Korina's face and hair. Wait... Shit, that IS Korina, right? He saw that there was a clipboard nearby, and he walked over, reading it slightly. He breathed a sigh of relief as he realized that it was, in fact, his teammate. Of course, during the wait time he had turned off his Byakugan, rather than sitting there wasting chakra, and he didn't feel the need to activate it again for this, at least not when there was a clipboard to save the day.

Hiraku nodded to her, looking to her hand again "Our situation isn't quite as bad as yours... We still have the option to play the part we're given... You're just being killed for no reason, from the looks of it..." He sat down in a chair nearby, and nodded again. "Thank you, but this is something that's happened for generations. Nothing short of the main branch being removed from power would change it... And obviously, that's when they'll throws us away."

He paused for a moment, thinking of how to improve the mood of the situation. "Well, now that you've got that thing sealed away, there are some... obvious changes. Kazumo and Aiko-sensei might be confused when you show up again." He smiled, not sure if she had been informed yet about her new appearance. "Hopefully they won't have troubles adjusting."

"That's a convenient excuse bastardy hide behind...tradition..." She looked away, golden hazel eyes narrowed in anger. She sighed then tilted her head to flex her fingers, "It's temporary. As long as I keep from flowing excess chakra directly to it, I should be fine. But I'll need to talk with the doc to see what seal they used and of they can show me how to apply it. Shouldn't be too hard...your standard even and odd interaction." She rubbed the back of her head and sat up slowly. She closed her left eye then looked at Hiraku out of her right eye. "I doubt Aiko-Sensei will be surprised. The woman is...very passive. But what changes?" She asked then yawned.

Hiraku nodded as Korina explained her seal's situation. He paused for a moment when she asked what changes, and then began looking around. "They're not... They're not major, but it's best to see it yourself." He continued his search for a mirror of some sort, frowning as he didn't seem able to find any mirrors laying around. Wouldn't they have left one for her since she had changed in appearance? He sighed and got ready to activate Byakugan, only to notice something reflective nearby. "Oh, here's a mirror." He picked up the handheld mirror, and handed it over to Korina, hoping that she, herself, wouldn't be too surprised by her own appearance.

Korina watched him fumble around for a bit while she played with her bangs. She huffed as they fell into her eyes before she combed them back with her fingers.

Just for them to fall back.

She went cross eyed as she glared at them before she looked at the mirror. Her eyes widened as she turned her head then took the mirror. She grinned into the mirror cockily, only to see the changes to her teeth. Then looked back up at Hiraku, "Not...that bad? I mean, I see some similarities but...Most won't be able to tell that I'm me! At least, not until I open my mouth and call em a dick."

Hiraku smiled, glad that she didn't seem upset about her change of appearance. "Well, Kazumo will definitely be pretty surprised when we tell him it's you."He looked out the window for a second before looking to Korina's hand. "Do you still feel anything from it, or is everything back to how it was before that thing started going crazy?"

"We should totally not tell him." She grinned at him, though she winced a bit. "I feel...weird. Like...my chakra has increased a little bit." In actuality, it had increased by almost 10%. She looked at the seal quietly, "What...is this thing sealing off?"

Hiraku smiled, thinking the idea amusing, but not sure if they should trick a teammate into thinking another teammate isn't their teammate, especially when she'd be that way for a while. "If you won't, I guess I won't either." He listened to her explain about her feeling more chakra and then her question about the seal. "Well, if you feel more chakra and that thing was attacking you, then I would think it was sealing you yourself. Maybe it was building up chakra from you to seal you away with...?"

Her eyes flickered back to the seal, all amusement gone from her eyes. "Sealing...me?" She asked, her eyes cutting low with even further betrayal. "That...makes more sense in such a twisted way..."

Hiraku looked towards Korina for a moment, then looked out the window. "Well, people seal things they don't want around, so if they would try to kill you, then it's just as likely they'd try to seal you away..." He looked down, thinking once more how it works basically the same as the side-branch Hyuuga.

Korina sighed quietly as she stared at the seal, "I need to study this more..." She clenched her fist then looked at Hiraku. She remained silent, now understanding the betrayal he felt against his clan. Korina couldn't bear to hate her clan...bout she knew she had a few men to kill in Cloud if she ever returned. "Any ideas? Maybe if I keep resealing it, it will weaken...layer by layer...?"

Hiraku shook his head as Korina asked him for ideas. "I don't know anything about seals, really... I'm sure there's some way to get the seal itself removed... Maybe if you remove the top-layer of skin that it's marked onto...?" He shook his head again. "You should ask someone who knows a lot about seals like that one..."

"Do you really thing that would help?" She asked with a sigh. "Maybe the person that made the swirly seal will know. Can you find him for me please?" She asked him.

Hiraku nodded, looking to the door for a moment. "Alright, I'll be back soon enough." He gave Korina a small nod before heading to the door, exiting the room. He went to the front desk, asking about the one who had made the seal, saying that Korina had some questions about her seal. After the man was called to the room, Hiraku went back, seeing a man walk into the room just before him. He followed inside, stepping to the side just in case something was wrong, as he hadn't met the one who had sealed Korina's seal.

The man walked into the room then spoke to Korina in hushed tones about her condition. Her once hopeful smile rapidly deteriorated when he was finished speaking. Korina stared down at her hands as the man hesitantly reached out to clasp her shoulder. She flinched and looked away as she tried to blink back her tears.

The man let go then walked over to Hiraku. He gave a sad smile to the young man and spoke quietly, "I've gotten in contact with a specialist, but...she'd booked solid for her healing abilities. I've done all I can, but the seal won't...can't hold. If we can't get the specialist in here by the end of the week..." He looked back at Korina whom was silently crying. "Then we can't go through with her possible treatment. It will be too dangerous for her and possibly the village. The most we could do is try to keep the pain at a minimum and make her comfortable." He said.

Hiraku frowned, looking down as the man told him the situation. "What if you remove the skin that has the seal on it... Can't she just live with a scar...? I know it doesn't work that way for my seal, but..." He looked down, closing his eyes. "If she fed chakra to it like she has been, would it weaken the one trying to kill her enough for the one you put there to last longer...?"

"We have tossed that idea around, but it wouldn't work. Not with the seal so intricately linked with her chakra network. It would continue to suck the chakra, but would leave us with little information in how to deal with it." He said softly.

"Currently, we are unsure. If she feeds chakra to the area directly, it is possible that it could go to either seal. Right now, we've blocked off as much chakra as we can to that area. We could try to amputate the limb as a last resort if need be." He said quietly. "We could look into maybe having an arm made for her, like a puppet arm or something. But I'd rather wait for the Uzumaki specialist to look over the file. If she determines that there is nothing we can do, we can discuss a few possible...but very risky treatments."

Hiraku nodded, looking to Korina. Of course, she already knows what he's telling me, now... Hiraku looked back to the doctor, "Please get doctor Uzumaki to look into this soon..." Hiraku looked to Korina, then stepped closer to her. "Hey Korina, what's your favorite food?" He gave a smile and spoke again "Might as well have that while you study up on those chakra points." He hoped the positive attitude would help her feel at least a bit better about the situation. After finding out what she liked, he would then say his farewell for the day, being sure that he would get that food for her the next day.
[fieldbox='Shikaroku Nara, Purple']
Konoha Genin, Team 9
Gathering at the Gates

Tossing the last of his things into his pack, Shikaroku glanced around his room. He had grabbed everything he might need for this newest mission, everything except... His eyes halted for a moment on the door to his closet. Shikaroku felt his fists clench as he glared towards the door. Standing motionless, the boy let out a frustrated sigh before unclenching his fists and moving towards the closet.

Opening the door, Shikaroku pushed aside the clothing hanging near the front, clearing a way towards the back of the closet. Glancing over his shoulder, the Nara paused for a moment, making sure nobody was nearby. Satisfied, he turned back to the task at hand. After a few moments, the boy pulled out his secret chest, his hands hovering above the clasp. Biting the inside of his cheek, Shikaroku unlocked the chest and stared at the objects inside. Pulling a small pouch from one of his pockets, he began counting the pills gathered within the chest. Pulling out an adequate amount, Shikaroku placed them within the pouch and hid it inside the inner pocket of his coat.

Locking the chest, he returned it to its hiding place and closed the closet. Retrieving his pack, Shikaroku placed it over his shoulder and left his room.

~Some time later~

Making his way towards where he was supposed to meet with the rest of his team, Shikaroku pondered about the mission ahead. Escort missions had the annoying habit of being unpredictable as it could be difficult to tell whether the client had hired them due to a rational fear for their safety, or simply to bolster their own ego by having a personal escort. Frowning, Shikaroku found himself reaching towards his inner pocket to reassure himself that the pouch was still there. Pulling his hand away in disgust, the Nara kept walking.

After awhile he found himself at the meeting point. Violet and Neji were already there along with Hiron-sensei. Glancing around, Shikaroku did not see Masami and felt a brief twinge of disappointment. Confused at the feeling, Shikaroku pushed it aside and moved to join the rest of the group. Nodding politely towards his teammates, Shikaroku turned towards Hiron and bowed his head slightly.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hideki Hyuuga[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Diagrams and Scalpels[/BCOLOR]

Scanning the page - and the illustration of the human body - Hideki pressed the ink-tipped kunai into the log, carving in certain highlighted points so as to resemble the chest area of a human. A light breeze enveloped the forest - slightly beyond the training grounds - and he almost felt cold, despite being dressed in his usual attire of monochrome jumpers. When he deemed the portrayal somewhat accurate, he took a step back and scrutinized it from a distance, comparing it with the original diagram. Hardly a piece of art - rough lines and slightly misplaced organs - but it'd accomplish what he'd primarily arrived for.

[BCOLOR=transparent]He went over to his backpack and rummaged for a small white bag with a red cross in the center. In it he brought forward five scalpels made out of tempered steel. He twirled them between his fingers, trying to ease into their small size - he'd grown far too accustomed to kunai and shuriken as of late. Then, when he believed he'd found some sort of rhythm, he activated his Byakugan, focusing on the log before discharging a moderately-large chunk of chakra into the scalpel. He barely had time to throw it before it exploded in a detonation of vacuum. Rolling in the grass, Hideki eventually came to a stop by a tree trunk, lying with his eyes to the sky. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The sun was slowly beginning its descent, visible through the treetops, and soon to be besmirched in dust and dirt and turn orange. At the very least, he had to be home in time to cook dinner. Saki was probably wondering where the hell he had gone off to all day. And on the topic of her, was he going nuts or had she been acting more reserved than ever since their homecoming? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Perhaps the notion that she was now of the higher hierarchy had gotten to her. Oh well, she'd make it through.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He rose to his feet and initiated the same routine once again - focusing on the diagrammed body with his Byakugan, raising one of the scalpels, imbuing it with charged chakra, and then- It actually managed to travel a few yards before spinning out of loop and slicing into the soil, the air around it twisting and distorting. "That's more like it," he mumbled to no-one in particular, chewing on his bottom lip in concentration. Was talking to himself now? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Maybe being so alike in appearance to a pirate had some maniacal side effects. Withdrawing another scalpel, he threw this one without a discharge of chakra, aiming for the thymus near the center of the log. Slightly off-mark, the scalpel didn't pierce the wood quite as pointedly as he'd wished. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Seems like I have to exert more force into the throw. These aren't kunai, after all, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]he silently intoned, fumbling in the bag for another one.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Or maybe he'd been the cause of her aloof attitude? He twirled the scalpel, adapting. But what could he possibly have done? Not telling her what he'd been doing this past week? He squinted his eye, sent the scalpel flying. That couldn't be. As far as he knew, she wasn't particularly possessive. It entered the log with a tiny sound, vibrating for a fleeting moment before stilling. Then why? Was it his appearance? Maybe removing the face bandages had been a bad idea. Extending his palm, he ejected a shell of compressed vacuum, rushing toward the diagram in a straight line. A soundless boom. Nah, that couldn't be either. Pettiness just wasn't in her nature. "Ah, c'mon. Why did I do that?" he muttered under his breath, staring at the shattered log.[/BCOLOR]
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  • Nice Execution!
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[fieldbox=Ryu Uchiha, blue, dashed, 10, Tahoma"] Ryu studied the piece of paper immediately before looking up at Eiji. "Doctor Tsubaki? I know him from the times I was back at the hospital! He's really nice." Ryu said before blushing when she realized she was starting to sound like a girl who was obsessed with a guy. "Uhm... I mean. Yeah I know him. Do you think he will have time? He always seems to be busy. But uh... I should go talk to him... Uhm... Bye Sensei!" The girl said before waving at Sachi. "And bye miss Sachi, it was nice to meet you!" She added before briefly checking her outfit and racing out the door. As the girl ran, she hoped that they hadn't picked up on what she had said... or done. Ryu couldn't help it. Doctor Tsubaki was sweet, kind, and cute. Not to mention he was the first person who knew about the true side of her, and didn't tell anybody she was a girl. He was trustworthy, and for somebody who had trust issues. That truly meant a lot. Either way, she had to get to the hospital.

Upon reaching the place, she stopped at the front desk and smiled at the woman behind the desk. They had gotten to know each other rather well during her stay as well. When the lady opened her mouth to say something about Ryu's new appearance, the girl answered the question before it was asked. She really didn't want to explain it all again. "Hey, ends up I'm a girl not a guy! How neat! Anyways, is uhm... is Doctor Tsubaki in> I'm not hurt or anything but I need a really huge favor from him." Upon being told where he was by the nurse who was still grasping the concept of Ryu's gender change, the girl took off towards the office and knocked, awaiting the answer.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox=Suguha Uchiha, Purple, dashed, 10, Tahoma"] Suguha strode through the village, heading towards the assigned meeting point for the mission... which she knew virtually nothing about. Wonderful. Suguha was not one who liked to go into a situation unprepared. When she arrived to find Rini already there along with Itsuo-Sensei and some woman, Suguha was confused. Was she late? The girl gave a slight bow towards the woman there, not knowing who she was and playing safe before turning towards Itsuo. "Sensei, am I late? I had to prepare meals for my sister. If she tries to cook, she's burn down the apartment. Either way, I apologize if I am late." She said, hoping like hell that she wasn't running late. Suguha would hate to look bad to her teammates.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Hisoka Uchiha, olive"]
Operation Silent Darkness - Part 1

For once Hisoka was glad that he had to travel quite a distance to get himself to the location of his mission. The Irana family owned a small estate near the border of the Tea Country so the travel took him quite a while even though he was speeding through the trees faster than he had run in a while. It had been awhile since he had been out and about anyway. They had opted to give him a horst, arrange a carriage, all those things people offered to a govenor, but Hisoka had firmly declined. His horse riding skills were abismal and adding to that he really didn't fancy horses. And a carriage was just boredom in the form of a box. No, he was going to travel by foot like he used to always. He was already a sentimental person who looked way too much to the past, might as well add this little throwback to it.

Of course then they had insisted that he had to take some guards with him, which in their defence was reasonable because it was what he told Kiyomi as well and Kiyomi could handle herself fine without guards. Still it was not the same. He could really handle himself well without guards, he had done it for two years. And in the war there were no guards. Not for common soldiers anyway. He could do fine without them. But he had accepted anyway which was why he was now being followed by two ANBU, masks covering their faces.

They would not directly enter the festivities with him as he felt like that would attract too much unwanted attention and also gave a sign that he didn't feel save ni their home, which was something he absolutely wanted to radiate. That estate had to feel like the savest place on earth. Instead the ANBU would stay outside, hidden, of course still in contact with Hisoka through their earpiece.

The good thing about ANBu was that generally they knew not to talk and Hisoka was not in a mood for talking something that his current speed clearly showed. The conversation with Meisa had left him mentally drained somehow. Seeing her cry... Seeing her go through such a rough time without him being able to do one goddamn thing about it, it hurt. Because he didn't know how to solve this problem. He didn't know how to make it so that she could be one hundred percent happy. He didn't now if he could ever do that.

It fucking sucked.

He wasn't one to swear, but this pissed him off. Somehow it seemed that he had made everything about himself while obviously everything should have been about her. She was the one crying. She was the mother.

He pushed himself to run faster. The ANBU followed him without making a sound. It had been awhile since he had been outside like this, awhile since he had been on a mission. The air felt crisp as he ran through a forest of birches and oaks. Rain had just swept over the lands and had released the smell of wet leaves into the air. On occasion drops would still come down, but Hisoka refused to pull up a cap. The rain would do him good. He concentrated his thoughts on the mission. It wasn't going to be too difficult. Previously acquired tracks of these new so called zealots lead them straight to the Irana Estate, suggesting that they were not as loyal as they seemed. Luckily for him they were holding a festival and he had received a perfectly fine looking invitation from Kiyomi. He was expected to be there. So he would be there. And then he was there he would investigate. There was something going on in that estate and he would get the proof he needed to confirm their suspicions.

It took him four days to get to the estate, just like Meisa and he had predicted if he traveled fast. He and his guards had been silent for most of it. There had been some small talk as they rested and ate their meals, but generally non of them seemed to feel like they should learn to know the other much better. Hisoka figured that the ANBU also refrained from talking to him because he wasn't talking to them and it was rather impolite to suddenly talk to an official was just not done.

It was the afternoon of the fourth day since he had left Konoha and as the forest started to clear it gave way to an rather open, slightly sloping landscape on which the estate was build. He could see the house now in the distance and slowed his pace to catch his breath. While he considered himself to still be in excelent shape he could feel that he hadn't run so long for quite awhile. He really had to take up jogging again or something. Just something to make this easier.

He gave the two ANBU a look and tapped on his earpiece, which was hidden by the longer locks of his hair, to test the connection

"Working," they both confirmed in the same monotone voice. Hisoka nodded. He honestly enjoyed the strictness that was common under the ANBU opperatives. They never asked him neadless questions and he was grateful for that because he really didn't feel like needless questions now.

With the test a succes Hisoka left the two men behind and set out by himself to the estate. He straightened his coat and dragged a hand through his hair to give himself the feeling that he was looking presentable. Most likely he would at least get a moment to clean himself up after his "long and weary travels" as they would no doubt call them. Still he would like to look decent now before he arrived. So he composed himself. The thoughts that had been swarming his head were pushed back. Meisa and Mayumi would have to wait till after the mission. All the other things too. The focus was now on his task and on his task only. He was a shinobi after all, he had been trained for this and had already done this countless of times. It was easy to empty his mind and fill it with things that he would need. Plesantries he would have to say, information that he was supposed to know.

With his face set in a pleasant smile Hisoka arrived at the gates. The guards there recognized him immediately and invited him inside with polite bows. There was no one on the road behind him.

  • Love
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Korina Kusanagi
A series of flashbacks!

Night was falling rapidly, but even in the waning light, Korina stood fast. For the first time in a long time, Korina was unarmed: no kote, shin guards, jacket, or mesh shirt. Only her shorts and her chest bindings...and weights.

A lot of weight.

Her arms and legs glowed a deep blue, almost indigo with how concentrated her chakra was. The Kiyohime backflipped away from a swipe and kicked the blade in the process. The young man she was sparring with twisted his arm to keep the blade under his control and then followed up with a stab. Korina landed on her feet and ducked down into a sweep. The young man's knee buckled at her kick to it then blocked his hand when he seemed ready to smash it into her face. She drove her knee into his stomach then rolled away. Though she made sure to feel the flat of the blade to attach a chakra string to it. She gave it just enough juice to be present, but not enough to make it visible.

The man growled in irritation and charged again, slicing and dicing all that he could. Korina swung her torso to the left under one swipe then swung to the right under another slice. All the while she back pedaled and waited to see if he would falter. The man overextended on a lunge, which Korina was ready for. She leaned to the side and forward just as he lunged.

He was unprepared for the smaller girl to rock him with a vicious straight to his temple. Dazed, he stumbled on the follow through and straight into a hook aimed at the hinge of his jaw, then another aimed at the bridge of his nose. He dropped like a rock, sword on the ground by his body.

"Good. Very good, Korina." The ruby eyed woman congratulated her as she clapped slowly. "Very good, indeed. As per the rules of the match, the katana is yours. When one starts to slash like a barbarian...they don't deserve so fine a sword." The once Kiyohime huffed in frustration at her knocked out student. She then addressed the students that surrounded the practice area. "That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call arrogance and failure. This is what happens when one decides to challenge for a title in this clan. Korina, if you'd please?"

The Kiyohime was a little startled at being addressed by her actual name. She pulled the sword into her hand with her chakra string, then tested the blade with a smile. "Very nice..." She hovered over the man and took possession of the scabbard. The once Kiyohime handed the girl a tag, which she attached to the sheathe then placed the blade in it. Then she ran her chakra through it to reverse summon the sword. "Strength. Honor. Prowess. And Deception. That, class, is what the Kusanagi live by." Mother Inferno addressed her students, then motioned for Korina to sit among them. Korina bowed her head respectfully then hurried back to her spot, still kitted out in her training gear. The sun that shone over the emerald fields felt nice on her shoulders and back though she hoped that she wouldn't burn. Sunburns really did suck.

"We, as a people. Specialize in the arts of horsemanship and swordsmanship. Some of you have been watching our Kiyohime as she trained. And I know that some of you have been assisting her in her training, which I thank you for. This is the style that all Kiyohime have learned. It has no name, and many of you have begun to learn some variant of the style. Many of you, will never be ninja. And that is fine." The woman gave a gentle smile as a small murmur began to start up. "Ninjas are not the backbone of the Kusanagi. They are a highly specialize arm of it. If you have the will and aptitude to become a ninja, the path is open." She continued to walk slowly around the circle of students.

"As you may have heard, our Korina--with Amaiya's permission--will be starting up a new branch of a military unit under her current sensei. This unit will be one composed entirely of horsemen. Some will be archers, most will be mounted cavalry whether with sword or spear. The Empress has approved it, as far as I understand. So sign ups will start within the next month or so. We need strong wills and Kusanagi pride and ferocity. Nothing less." The woman's eyes flared slightly. "Now, let us begin partner drills. Kiyohime, you are with me."

Korina meditated silently on top of her board on the spire. She'd spent most of the morning reflecting on her life thus far, as well as on her upcoming lesson with Mother Force. Goddess, was that woman relentless. Honestly, it made her wonder what exactly happened between Mother Force and her wife on their wedding night some years ago. From what she'd heard...the two kept most of the camp up late into the night. And honestly...she could believe it.

Letting out a deep breath, Korina refocused on centering her chakra. Nearby, two clones were sparring while another was working on the Leaf Training exercise while she worked on manipulating a few sticks and stones. Korina took in a deep breath then channeled her chakra into her secondary seal. The Mothers had discussed the chance that they would be removing the limiting seal after her training with Mother Force. And she was honestly unsure if she were ready to do so. Nonetheless, she continued to train with her seal, then directed the two sparring clones to different tasks. One was switched to working on her lightning release while the other began to work on summoning the swords and switching between using the different swords.

Korina stood before Mother Force with her normal gear on, watched by her teachers. The woman smirked widely at her pupil and drew her sword, Korina did the same with the sword she'd won a few days prior. Mother Force slashed at Korina rapidly, which forced the girl on the defensive. Parries, deflects, and sparks flew between the two fighters, until one of the Mothers yelled out "Change!" Unsure of whom yelled it out, Korina did her best to focus between the dodges and deflections until her sword disappeared. Korina summoned her two daggers to keep deflecting. Mother Force managed to lock the two up and tried to use her strength to try and force her into submission. Korina braced herself to match Mother Force's strength, which prompted her to smirk.

"Yes. You've been working out like I told you to. Yes. I see it." Her eyes brightened in excitement and threw a punch. Korina dropped back a step, ready to--


Growling, Korina shifted and summoned her largest sword. Mother Force backed off to circle the girl. Korina dashed forwa--


Goddess! Korina released her sword and summoned her two katanas. The two continued their fight, with their attacks and sparks flying. The two eventually locked up again, with neither giving no quarter. Korina was panting hard, hair slicked with sweat and chest heaving. Mother Force winked at the girl and sucker punched her in the face. Korina dropped like a sack of potatos, which Mother Force caught with one hand.

"She is ready...let's start the ceremony."

(Three days after Training with Hiraku)
Korina was never the type of kid that enjoyed running away. No, she preferred to stand and fight, against all odds and obstacles. She had always wanted to die with blood on her knuckles and a sword to the gut, fighting for honor, family, and her owner. But now, she may not get that dream. No, instead, she'd been told that she would die because of treacherous bastards. The men she once had placed her absolute faith in, were so terrified of her that they implemented a fail safe in the seal she had devoted herself to wholeheartedly.

The seal she had defended naively as a way to help people...the seal that was a sister seal to the store ones the same men inflicted on those that left...She owed Zakito an apology. How many people had this seal killed? How many people did she think they were really helping? Would Amaiya want to do the same thing here?

In the end, it didn't really matter...she was waiting to die, pain keeping her bed ridden, and shock elevating her body temperature past what was considered safe, even for her. Korina turned to look out of her window, unsure of her next step. The doctor had proposed an idea to get rid of the seal. And it was an all or nothing plan. They might be able to rid her of it, but the pain would be immense, and it didn't have a 100 percent success rate. Or a 100 percent chance that she'd live through it. Don't get her wrong, the chances were good, maybe 80 to 87 percent, maybe a few more if they could get a specific chakra surgeon. But...like everywhere else she'd been hearing when she went to get help...the surgeon was busy.

Busy...what a bullshit cop out. She knew that the forces here were massive, but even her Sensei had taken the time from his schedule and kid to train with her. Was it naive or her to think the same might have been the case for Aiko? Or...was it that Aiko simply didn't care?

No, she had to have. Because she did listen to her kind of...about clan busines. And she did make an alliance of sorts with the Cho, which had been going rather smoothly as fair as business ventures went.

So deep was she in her thoughts that she didn't notice a medical text being tossed into her lap. She startled slightly, which dislodged a few of the ice bags that was keeping her cooled and poured ice water on her chest. She gave a little yelp and tried to get the medical gown off when a hand stopped her. She blinked at the hand on her wrist and followed it up to its owner's face.

The woman was kind looking, with a smile and green eyes somewhat blocked by black framed glasses. But what struck her was her bright ass red hair. Brighter than even Aiko's!

"Calm down. I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Rini. Rini Uzumaki. I'm a surgeon here and will be taking on your case." She spoke gently. Korina calmed her panicked heart slowly as she clenched her jaw.

"I thought you were too busy." She spoke bitterly.

"Oh, I was. But your preliminary tests came back with some very interesting information." The woman sat down and began to unwrap the bandages from the girl's left arm.

"Like...what?" Korina's eyes narrowed again, only to close when gentle hands brushed over her seal. She looked away, noting the flowers and picture scrolls Hiraku had brought the day before, alongside the ridiculous senbon doll Kazumo had made. She regretted asking them to not tell her parents...or to never come back.

"You, my dear, are my niece." She chuckled and shifted the girl's chin to look her in the eyes, "Mhm. You have mother's eyes alright. And my sister's hair." She chuckled. Korina's eyes widened in shock.

"But...my mother. She is clan born, how...?" She stuttered over herself in shock. Rini looked the girl in her eyes with a seriousness she'd only seen with her mother.

"Why do you think the Elders tried to kill you? Don't look so shocked." Rini rolled her eyes before she stared at the seal. "Of course they tried to kill you. Technically, you have so little Kusanagi blood that it's a wonder you never realized it. Your entire life has been one giant lie. One perpetuated by the ones you escaped from and the one you call Father." She said. Korina just stared at her in silence.

"Your mother is keeping the clan from panicking right now, alongside Amaiya. While you were away, your father was killed in the dead on night, along with three others. We have reported it, of course. But no one knows who did it. What we do know though, is that all four were reporting back to the clan in Cloud." The woman explained as she went about taking a few notes.

"What we found, were instructions. Upon your return, your seal was activated. If it hadn't been for your friend cutting off that tenketsu point when he did, you'd probably be dead...but another factor is this seal you've been developing yourself. It's in its very early stages, but this probably inhibited the seal enough for the tenketsu point to mess with it. Well, that's my theory at least."

Silence settles over the two for a time until Korina spoke up a few minutes later. "Why...are you telling me this? How do I know that you aren't lying?"

"I haven't tried to kill you." The woman replied with a small smirk. Korina has to admit that she had a point. "As for the why? My sister loves you deeply. And with your actions, you unknowingly gave me back my sister. Even if we weren't family...I'd owe you this." She said quietly before she wrote a little more with her free hand.

"The seal isn't too complicated. And not nearly as serious as I thought. Knowing what I know now, it shouldn't be too difficult to break. You'll still be in a lot of pain during and after the seal removal for some time, maybe a week. But your chances have increased. Not by much, but enough to say that we can perform this seal removal in two days' time. I'll speak to your mother--"

"No need. If I'm going to die, I'll die fighting. Two days...it's still morning...think you're too busy to sit with me and show me this?" She held up the text with a small smile. The woman chuckled and took the book from her to settle down and teach her.

I have a team and a sister that needs me. I can't...I won't let them down because I was weak. I won't let them down...I refuse to let this thing kill me!
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[fieldbox=Johnathon Housha]
John gave a smile and a nod. He gave a quick thumbs-up before letting Eiji take care of what Ryu had come here for. He smirked as Ryu said how nice the doctor was, then mentioned how busy he was. If a joke about her having a crush were to be serious, it'd be when talking about that doctor, it seems. He watched as she left, and then shrugged, "She's missing out. But you'll get to see how much greater I've become, no matter how hard it is to believe that I could get stronger than I was!" He stood up, putting on his helmet and did just a few punches at the air, smirking under his helmet. "Soon enough I'll literally be unstoppable, heheh!" He said, then gave a thumbs-up to Eiji. "Of course, when I pass you by, I'll make sure to start helping you catch up. I can't go having my teacher be too far behind me."
[fieldbox=Start of Operation : Deadly Whisper, wheat]
Koike Hon,
Specialized Jounin | Akinian military, Konoha Team 6| Konohagakure, Wolf's Den.

The young man walked up the street in a calm pace. His hands stuffed in the pockets of his pants, Koike was wondering what would be the next operation. He had received a note from a 'mice' of Kiyomi that detailed he was required to meet up what was nicked as the Wolf's Den. While he had no reason to be wary, somehow the whole mysterious happening and past operation had made him cautious. Not that he would be able to decline to do an operation if any of the higher up would 'request' him to do so. Else he would be a poor shinobi. At least, in his opinion. Heading to a small bar that was surprisingly open at 11:00 AM, Koike walked into the establishment as the door was open. A bald man behind the counter eyed the Hon.

"Can I help you?" He asked. Nodding, Koike would walk to the counter as he would speak the phrase he was instructed to say. "I'm looking for some ice-cubes." The man simply nodded as he would point out to a door at his right. "In the back of the kitchen." Heading to the door, Koike would open it. It was a normal and small kitchen. And no other door or way that seemed to lead to another room. Glancing around, Koike wondered when he had a real free day for the last time. Not a day where he had been on standby and not receiving an operation.

Around a week or two ago.

Collab with Hawke :
Meet the parents.

Summary :
Korina introduces Koike to her parents. Seems it is going off better than somebody's expectations.

Korina walked beside Koike, her arm in his and her head on his shoulder. It was a rather peaceful day, and she'd decided to take the day off from training to spend time with the young man. They'd gone out for some ramen and meditated together before catching a little game that the academy students had been using to train. Now, the two were on the way to the Kusanagi compound to discuss something that had been long overdue.

"Koike...are you sure you're ready for this? My people won't respect you if they feel as though you don't respect yourself...And my father will be expecting some sort of introductory label as to whatever we are..." She said as they walked. "I mean...not like a proposal or anything...just...y'know."

It had gone all well today. The lunch was great. The meditation had been soothing and something he started to love. Even the little game that they had been doing was something that just made the mood of the young man better than it had been even the past few days before.

With Korina's question, he briefly glanced at her. He had suggested it as he didn't want to make a bad impression or look like he was trying to evade her parents. "It will be fine." He replied back, flashing a warm smile. "I'm trying to follow your advise and even got some help. Besides, what is the worst thing that can really happen?" He didn't however really want an answer on the question, deciding to continue talking. "And I think we can introduce us as ...." He paused. Her mentioning of a proposal made him waver for a moment, but not frown. "Boy and girlfriend sound so cheesy though. But suppose we should just name it like that? Unless you know a better term." He replied, his last sentence said with an amused tone present in his voice.

The young woman smiled at him, though she didn't actually look up at him. "That...sounds like a plan to me." She replied and played with his fingers.

"It is kind of cheesy, but...what else would we call each other?" She asked with a shrug. Korina's kote glinted as she pulled her...boyfriend's...jacket close around her torso.

Feeling slight sorry as he didn't know how to convince her or even himself, Koike decided that they would just see how it would go down. Being respectful, friendly and polite would be a good start, wouldn't it? He would see how it further would go from that point.

"Good question." He mumbled. "I fear that calling each other pet is also weird." Thinking more about it, he couldn't come up with something fitting. Fitting for them. "We're together. That sounds, okay, doesn't it?"

The young woman's eyebrow twitched a little bit at the pet comment, "Wise choice, Deer. But I like "together"." She said with a cheeky grin. She grabbed his hand and hurried them over to the gates when she saw the walls of her home. "Come on! I can smell the meats roasting!" She said with a happy laugh.

"I can be wise." He said, feeling it was a good time to show what good smart ass he could be. Glad that she liked his suggestion as he was sure that calling each other stuff like 'my buttercup' and the stuff he had heard other couples calling each other would only provoke out a sarcastic retort from Korina.

"Yeah." He flashed another smile as he would quickly pick up the pace with her as he slowly felt his stomach turning as the nerves were slowly building up. He hadn't been nervous before as he hadn't been really thinking about what he would encounter. "Oh wait, are we going to eat with your parents?" He asked, sounding slight surprised, but added something as he didn't want to give her the idea that he would back down now. Instead he would bring up one of his most favorite tips she had given him about her clan. "I thought I had to hunt something myself first and then drag it all the way here."

Korina looked at Koike over her shoulder with a wicked glint in her eye, "That's for proposals." She said before she continued to drag him forward. "But yes...I am bringing you for dinner since things always goes more smoothly when discussed over food."

Korina stretched her neck as she tried not to show her own nerves. She hoped that her parents liked Koike, and she figured that her mother would...but her father was another matter. As one of the Mothers, her mom was a typically fairly open minded. Her father was a hard man to please, even as a daddy's girl and a Kiyohime...

She was still deciding if it was worth telling Koike or not.

He narrowed his eyes briefly as she mentioned that it was for proposals, already his lips parting as he wanted to bring up an argument, but she continued. That and it wouldn't be a good idea to say anything that could sour the day. Plenty of time and chances would be ahead that could make it happen without him saying something wrong. But he hoped things would go smoother over dinner. Thinking of it, what would he talk about? Or what would they want to talk about? Mentally flinching, he decided to not think about it. Damn nerves.

"Hey, another thing." He decided to bring up something else. If they would keep on going on about the dinner, then he wouldn't be able to push his thoughts and questions away. "Do you want to stay over at my place or seeing we're already here, y'know. For a turn stay at your place?" Realizing something, he coughed briefly. "Well, not if it is your own parental home. I figure that... might be wrong to go about without their approval, right?"

Korina stopped her hurried walking to turn and looked at Koike. Remaining silent, she thought about what he was saying. "I think...staying over your place would be better. The tents here don't offer much privacy." Her cheeks took on a slightly pink tinge. "I have my own place here, but it's in the middle of the camp-kinda." She told him. Korina scratched the back of her head nervously.

He nodded. "That sounds fine with me." Though he had kept going on with his study of body language, he was a bit puzzled as Korina seemed flustered. Quickly Koike tried to think of what he had said that could've made her like that. It wasn't the first time that she had stayed over, just sleeping next to him. Sqeeuzing her hand, he grinned a bit. "If I must give a tip, you look most adorable now." Koike said, feeling a light triumphant euphoria as he said it with an amused tone. Though he was genuine. "Well, let's not keep them waiting. I don't want to give the impression that I let people wait." Though he waited for her to lead them to the place of her parents as he didn't know where it was or would be.

Korina blush deepened at his compliment then continued to pull him through the gates to her home. The guards bowed deeply to her and murmured something, to which she replied with a murmur of her own. She led the young man by the hand through the bazaar, and tried to push down the blush at the giggles and guffaws of her people.

To see their Kiyohime acting like the teen she was made many of them happy. It reminded them that she was, indeed, human. And that she could be gripped by the case of the crushes. Korina smiled at Koike apologetically, "We...gossip more than housewives, I'm sorry in advance." Korina cleared her throat as the pink tint on her cheeks crept down her neck and into the jacket and wire shirt. "Eh...heh..."

It made Koike wonder. What was different? He threw a look now and then at those who they passed on their way as he could remember his first visit to the Kusanagi compound. With Korina explaining that they gossiped a lot, Koike frowned a little for only a moment. "Don't worry. I don't mind it, really." He doubted that he would need to worry about it, but hoped that she wouldn't get too much of a hassle with it. "If you think another time would be better, that is okay with me." He said, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.

Korina waved her hand back and forth and shook her head, "Not getting out of this. I'd rather them know on our terms, y'know?" She asked him. She smiled at Koike then kissed his cheek, "No getting out of this~" she teased him as she continued to lead him to her parents' tents. A burly man sat outside of it, his hair a bright blonde color and his eyes a deep, oceanic blue. Her hammered away at some heated metal on an anvil, then quenched it in some water nearby. A woman with deep black hair was hanging some skins on a tanning rack. Like her daughter, the woman had long, lanky limbs even though she stood a fair bit taller than even her daughter and husband.

"Mama! Papa!" She called out and hurriedly pulled Koike along behind her. The two adults looked in her direction and beamed happily. Her father removed the metal to let it rest then hurried over to pick up his daughter in his massive arms. She let go of Koike's hand to hug her father's neck and laugh as he spun her around.

"My darling Kiyohime! Oh, look at you. Have you grown taller since you last visited your old man?" He playfully pat her head which he had a little problem reaching.

"Papa..." Korina poked her lip out, even as her own mother picked her up and slung her Iver her shoulder. "Mama!!"

"So, who is this young man that you've brought to our tent, young lady?" The woman asked as she turned to grin at Koike. It was fairly obvious as to where Korina got that smirk. Teal colored eyes twinkled in mischief as a tanned hand pat her daughter's bottom, "You didn't get my baby pregnant, did you?"

Able to understand that, Koike closed his eye as she kissed his cheek. As they would arrive at the tent of her parents, Koike made sure to keep his hands out of the pockets of his pants. First impressions did matter, didn't they?

Trying to keep up a friendly smile, Koike would wait till he was being talked to. However, the first question he got made him blink rapidly for a few seconds. "No, no. I did not."Half had he almost blurted out that he hadn't done such a thing with Korina. But he deemed it wiser to not even start with her parents on such topics. A bit hesitating, Koike made a small bow with the head to both of them. "Koike Hon. Sir, ma'am."

Korina smiled gently at the young man's formal introduction. Her father merely nodded his head slightly, "Good man. She needs no seed in her belly for a long while!" He guffawed. "A pleasure to meet you, Koike Hon. This is my wife, Mother Hearth, and I am Kitoni." He introduced both of the adults. Mother Hearth smiled gently at Koike and then hauled her daughter into the tent, only beckoning Koike with a wave of her hand.

Korina smiled apologetically at Koike when she was faced towards him, "At least you can see that I got my humor honestly, yeah?"

The comment that Korina didn't need anything in her belly made Koike only more uneasy. He crafted a smile, though it was likely a bit nervous. He wanted to say he agreed, but perhaps it was better to avoid that topic. Or relevant topics. "Pleasure to meet you sir, ma'am." Koike friendly replied. Following them into the tent, Koike slightly nodded after Korina's words. Scratching his chin briefly, Koike's left hand lowered to his collar. Briefly pulling it, he eyed quickly around. "Nice home." He decided to say, hoping that he wasn't already making a bad impression.

The "home" in question was deceptively roomy. The canvas tent was built into a square shape and feature a bear pelt on the ground, a fire pit in the middle, and two bed rolls close to the pit. The pit was lit, a black metal pot hung over it and gave off an aroma of spices intermingled with a sweet scent. Weapons were scattered about along one side of the tent walls, in addition to a work bench and a stool. The other side featured two tanning racks, a drying rack, and a meditation mat.

"Haha, do not worry, young man." Mother Hearth set her daughter down and then rubbed her neck. "We will be taking dinner outside. The evening is shaping up to be a nice one." The older woman said with a gentle smile. "Tonight, we just wish to get to know the young man that seeks our Kiyohime. As one of the leaders of the clan...you must understand our trepidation..." Mother Hearth sighed quietly.

His attention was drawn at the weapons, briefly wondering if he should start a talk about that. There was much that he hadn't learned yet about the Kusanagi clan. His attention was quickly focused back on Mother Hearth, not wanting to be impolite and just stare around. "I'm fine either way, ma'am. Really." He wasn't able to conjure a warm smile, hoping that the tone would suffice. Waiting for Kitoni would sit down before he would, Koike almost had replied again. Clan politics? Of course. He knew all about them, but he wouldn't state his opinion on politics as he wanted to come over as a good person.

"A quiet one. I must admit that I am surprised, Kiyohime." The older woman pulled the lid off the top of the pot, unbothered by the heat on her fingers. "Then again...it makes sense. I am sure that you speak for you both more often than not."

"He can be a little quiet, yes. But he does have strong opinions." Korina looked at the older young man with a raised eyebrow. Kitoni laughed quietly and sat down on the stool, a dagger in one hand and a polishing rag in the other.

"The Kusanagi women can be rather forceful, no? I, myself, was not born into the clan. Quite a few of the male spouses aren't. It seems as if the Harvest Mother favors the female at birth." He joked. His laughed turned into a full bellied one when a potato slice was thrown at his head. "See what I mean?" the man said after he ducked. "Korina gets her temper from her mother...most of the time. There will be no better dodging training than being near an angry Kusanagi woman an a pot filled with hot food!" Korina rolled her eyes at her father before she began to help her mother. Quietly, Korina motioned for Koike to join her father with a gentle smile.

"He doesn't bite, Daiki. I know you're curious...when aren't you?"

A light chuckle was kept back as Koike overheard what Korina's mother said. Glancing back at Korina, Koike wanted to object regarding strong opinions. But it as probably wiser to not do so. With Kitoni speaking up, Koike couldn't hold back the snort at the man's words.

"More often not." Koike muttered underneath his breath. Sitting down near Kitoni, Koike wondered what he could talk about with the man. He had no idea of what the other's occupation was, thus figuring out to play it 'safe'. "You weren't born into the Kusanagi clan?" Hoping the question would be an okay one, Koike placed his hands on his knees as he briefly glanced at the knife.

The man chuckled a little bit at the interaction between the two. "Aye. I am a clan-joined. That's the term they use to describe anyone that wasn't born into the clan. Korina is a clan born, you see?" He asked with a smile. He twirled the dagger and offered the handle to Koike. "Korina's mother was helping my old village deal with some bandits. We fell in love and I followed her back to the clan. We married, and three years later, we had Korina." He said with a gentle smile.

Taking the handle of the knife slowly, Koike understood it. "Sounds rather simple." And convenient. Koike never was much of a fan of a clan that one would value blood and abilities over following the same traditions and practically culture. "And that happened in the Lightning country, didn't it? Must be a big change coming to the Empire from the northern lands."

"Aye, it did. We lived in the mountains, my old village I mean." He said after handing off the knife. The man gave a rueful smile, "It was a lot to get used to. I hadn't grown up like Korina, so I wasn't quite prepared to live a nomadic life. It was a lot to get used to, but I can't say that I am angry about the move to the Empire." He looked over at his wife and daughter, whom were having a spirited discussion about something. "It's nice to put down some roots again. But even I have to admit that it wasn't something I saw coming. Not from my daughter...the girl whom could barely stay in her smallclothes as a toddler."

The Kusanagi man looked back at Koike. "The Kusanagi are fairly set in our ways. Once clan-joined like myself learned to live like this...it is difficult to remember any other way of living. Almost like...mind control, I suppose. But my family was very supportive. And even my sister and father married into a nomadic sect. My sister is a few tents down, and my father is living alongside his wife near Wind Country boarders." The older man learned back into his chair.

"Man to man for a second...This...relationship?" He motioned between Koike and Korina. "She will never give up her position or name. I hope...you understand and are ok with that..."

He had anticipated that such a change, from becoming somebody who lived in a village into a nomadic would be a big change. Only to reverse back again. Glancing once more at the knife, Koike grew a bit uneasy with holding it in his hand. Keeping it lower and the tip away from pointing at Kitoni, Koike listened further to what the man told him.

He conjured a small smile on his lips as the man talked about his daughter, barely able to stay in her small clothes. Hearing that the man's family further married into the nomad clan, Koike wondered for a moment about where a person could encounter a Kusanagi. Would be handy for later to learn more about their traditions and how to treat with one if they would be so wide spread. "Hm? Oh." Koike glanced briefly at Korina. "She told me at the start and I see so far no trouble with it. Everybody has their duties, I suppose." He replied back, pausing for a second. "I also rather not have anybody give up anything for me. If I may be honest and bold, sir, I rather admit that I don't desire anything big at all. Makes me rather uncomfortable if I get noticed too much." Rubbing his neck with his left hand, Koike kept up the small smile.

Korina's father looked at the young man, contemplating a few things. After a time when Koike finished speaking. He rubbed his stubbled chin then addressed Koike, "A man with no ambition, is a suspicious man. But a man that is content with his life and is living it to the fullest, is a man worthy of respect." The man leaned forward, "Time will tell which one you are...but the care and respect you have for my daughter's name is one that I admire. For now...we eat." The man stood and headed towards the pot as Korina poured soup into the bowl

A bit surprised, Koike would nod in response. He wasn't sure if he should speak up, but decided to not try to continue the talk. It was a good sign that he got the respect and what he considered a good impression. At least the start wasn't that rocky, much to his relief. Getting up as well, Koike felt a bit more at ease. Hopefully he wouldn't say or do anything to damage the impression he was making now. "So how do you like the country so far? Anything you miss from back home?" Koike decided to ask Korina's parents to further the conversation.

Korina continued to dish out the food while her mother answered his question, "This country is much warmed than we are used to. Naturally, Kusanagi run pretty warm, so we've been having a few issues with heat sickness, but happily, we've been adjusting and dealing with it. I'd say that I miss the sea, more than anything." Mother Hearth smiled widely, "My first feeling of this world was the embrace of my mother and water. So the sea was always a source of comfort for me when during this time of the year."

Kitoni thought over the question and helped gather some skins of water and wine. "I miss the traveling. I think I might journey out with some of my kinsmen when they come through to barter for supplies." He said. "My wife has been busy with her own affairs, and she's been a little naggy about me getting out of the hut."
That was interesting. But asking what kind of illness had came up didn't seem like a fitting topic during dinner. At least, it wasn't his favorite topic during dinner. Listening further, Koike grew more curious to the northern atmosphere of the lands that were under the reign of the Cloud. Was it that cold? Deciding to listen further, Koike briefly smiled. "I know that a bit, with people getting nagging when you decide to go out hunting or taking a day or two off and then coming back."

The man gave a jolly laugh, "Yes. But it is quite the opposite, actually. I haven't been out of the Hut in a few weeks. Usually selling my wares or taking care while my wife and daughter are away. As is the life of a Kusanagi husband." He grinned at Koike. "My wife here thinks I need to get out and back on the road for some fresh air. And I'm inclined to agree." The man said honestly.

"Well, that can be nice." Koike replied. He hadn't thought about his words, causing him to pause again. Wondering if he should suggest places, Koike decided against that. He knew nothing of Korina's father and rather wanted to remain polite. "What kind of places do you like to visit then?" He also glanced at the mother, not wanting to seem as if he was excluding her from the conversation.

Mother Hearth was eating with her daughter, though Korina looked ready to explode. Her mother stood with a smug and daring grin. She was more than ready for the punch the other girl threw her way. The older woman tackled the Kiyohime with a laugh and the two scuffled about, Korina yelling in irritation as she tried to pin her mother.

The man watched with an amused expression before he shifted his attention to Koike. "Ah. There was a mountain that I greatly enjoyed back in Lightning Country. It was always shrouded in the clouds, for it was that tall. The sect that I stayed with often ventured to the mountain as a right of passage for the coming of age Kusanagi. I volunteered to make the trip every other month alongside the kid and adults." He paused then moved to serve out more food while the two women caught their breath, Mother Hearth was perched atop her daughter, legs crossed at the ankles on the girl's back. Korina laid face down, murmuring in some language. Mother Hearth laughed in response.

"It reminded me of my old home. But watching young people coming into their abilities atop the mountain always moved me. They can be a downright savage bunch of folk, both to an outsider and to each other. But anytime I can see or experience the tenderness the Kusanagi have...I am happy. Whether it be in a forest, on a mountain, or here...that is where I love to travel." Kitani smiled at Koike. "What about you, Young Wolf?"

Slowly eating, Koike was content with listening. It was such as simple thing to do. Just listening. However as he received a question, Koike found himself at thought. His first answer without thinking would be nothing too special. Or crowded. But he didn't want to come over as boring or bland. "I would like to travel soon back to the homeland of my clan and culture. Not sure if I can anytime soon, but it would be nice." He said, knowing though that with the stream of requests for missions and operations, he was lucky to have a moment of respite like this.

"Oh? Where would that be if you don't mind my asking?" The older woman asked while Korina began doing push ups with her mother perched on her back. The woman gave him a gentle smile, though Korina grumbled under her breath. Near Koike, the man lifted a book then looked at Koike.

"Also, kid. Is this your doing? I've been meaning to ask Korina, but kept forgetting." He asked as he held up the text. The title read: "The Beginner's Guide to the Human Anatomy".

"Up north from here, ma'am." Koike replied back. He wasn't sure how far away it was, but it would likely take a day or three on foot to reach it in a normal pace. When Korina's father raised a book, the young man almost frowned as he heard the question. He had read some medical books, but never had he done it in the presence of Korina or in anybody's in that matter. Nor on anatomy. "No, I am not known that much with the human anatomy." He answered back. For a moment, Koike wondered if he should shift the conversation to a medical subject. Was that perhaps now the best course of action?

Korina looked up at the mention of the human anatomy then frowned at her dad, "Pops! That's where my book went!" She narrowed her eyes at him, then continued her push ups once Mother Hearth pat her head.

"I just never though you had an interest in reading. Let alone medicine, kid." He shrugged then flipped through the pages.

"Have to learn, Pops. If I wanna be a good ninja for the Empress and a good leader to the clan." She said. A dark look passed over Mother Hearth's face before it went back to its neutral expression.

"You're smart enough, Kiyohime. You've picked up your seals quite fast." The woman said quietly before she looked at Koike. "North, huh? How far North?"

Finishing his dinner, Koike remained silent as he listened between the exchanges between the Kusanagi. He was glad with the attention going to Korina. Just as he placed his hands on his knee and wanted to throw another glance around, the young man turned his gaze to the mother. "It is a place that takes two days with horse or three or four on foot." Thinking about the precise start of the land that the Hon clan claimed as their heartland made Koike silent for a moment. "But that is just the fortified seat. Think the common name is Hon Estate." Wavering if he should bore them with more facts, Koike flashed a polite smile.

Korina huffed at her parents' doting, though she gave a smile to Koike and winked at him. She finished her push ups when her mother pat her head again, the tromped over to her father once she was let up. Snatching the book, she settled near the fire to continue her reading lessons, though it would be slow going.

"Was the soup ok, Koike? Would you have preferred something more substantial?" Mother Hearth asked, almost randomly. She didn't press for more information, since wolves could get touchy about their territory. Though she did file the approximate details away for later in her head.

Feeling a bit out of place, Koike, he would turn his attention towards Korina's mother. "Yes ma'am." Koike replied. "It was all good. I'm fine, thank you." He had almost added that he wasn't that much of a good cook or rather used to worse warm meals instead of the rather well made soup. Becoming silent, Koike wondered what he should further talk about. If anything, he considered it rather well enough for a first visit. But he would speak up again. "So, have you perhaps seen some of the landmarks in Konohagakure yet?"

"Oh yes. We went on a self-guided tour to a few of the more popular landmarks." Mother Hearth smiled widely and hurried to grab a writing pad. When she opened it, it showed some well drawn pictures and a few sketches of the places. "My husband draws in his spare time. So we took this along so we could show the others." She launches into a spirited retelling of their trip while Korina was away on business. For her part, Korina remained silent as she quietly sounded out the words she couldn't figure out in her head. Mother Hearth looked out of the tent flaps then looked at Koike.

"Do you need to return home soon?"

Listening, Koike was interested in the stories as drawings. Briefly, Koike did glance at Hawke, but then listened and paid attention to what the mother was telling him about. As her stories came to an end and asked the question, Koike was a bit surprised. He did had some paperwork in the morning to help Hayate with some reorganizations. Not to mention the operation Raven and the Wolf would also need him to be properly rested. "I suppose I do need to go soon, yes." Attempting to flash a polite smile, Koike slowly got up.

"It was a honor and a pleasure to be guest." Koike wasn't sure if he should wait to be dismissed or how to continue on this point.

Mother Hearth clicked her tongue, which practically summoned Korina from her studies. "Should we be expecting you back, Kiyohime?" The older woman asked as she handed her husband his book. Korina looked between Koike and her mother, replaying the last few minutes in her head to catch up to the current conversation.

"No. If I'm back, I'll just head to my tent. Got some rest, Mama. You too Papa." She told her parents before she hugged them both. They didn't exchange good byes, and instead nodded to Koike before Korina gently grabbed his wrist topless him out into the night time air. She still held her book under her arm, "Shall we?"

"Yes." He wanted to wish her parents a goodnight, but was already tugged outside. Though he felt relieved, Koike didn't want to utter it. It had gone well and hopefully had left a good impression. Not much that he could do about it now anyways. Feeling like he could use a drink, the young man reminded himself silently that he had promised to lessen. "So, that went well, did it?" He decided to ask, hoping for some insight, scratching his cheek with his free hand.

Korina played with his fingers as she led him through the bustling camp. There were a few open fires, surrounded by dancing and singing Kusanagi and guests. "They like you." Korina spotted Amaiya at a fire as she danced between five young men, switching her partner with a flourish and a twirl into their arms. Korina made a mental note to accompany her leader through the village on the morrow.

"If they didn't, Mama would have let you know as such." She chuckled quietly. "It is a very good thing that they did not say good bye to you. My clan doesn't like to say good bye to people we are sure to sew again." She smiles widely at him. She figured that the bonfire would be too much for Koike right now, poor guy didn't look so good.

It was a relief to hear that they liked him. Somewhere there was still some doubt if it was truly the case, but he wouldn't question it. A smile cracked on his lips after she made it clear why they hadn't told him goodbye. "Makes sense." With the hour going late, he wasn't however sure if she wanted to stay or not as he noticed that seemed to be still some activities going on. "If you want, you can else stay. I am going to head home." He friendly told her.

Korina shook her head at Koike's words, "No, it's...fine. Amaiya is handling it." Korina said after a yawn. With a cheeky grin, and stretched her arms over her head, "Shall we? I'm tired and I want my cuddles."

Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he snorted briefly. "Fair enough." Starting to walk again, briefly his mind went to the tasks he had to do and what would to come. "I'm going to move soon though. To another apartment." He decided to say. "Not yet where. Figure it would be nicer to live a bit more out of the busy block."

"Oh? Maybe closer to the forest?" She suggested as she walked alongside Koike. She bumped his arm playfully, "You're thinking too loudly." She teased him in a gentle and caring voice.

"Possibly. Don't want to have too much room or pay too much rent." He briefly, for a second, frowned. Bit surprised, he glanced at her. It costed him a moment to understood what she meant. "Sorry." Furthering the brisk walk, Koike sought already for the keys of his apartment as they would arrive around the block. "Before I forget it and you come knocking on the door again, I will be gone most of the coming days." He decided to inform her, remembering what had happened when he had taken two days for himself.

The girl hummed a bit, "Good to know that you treasure that door of yours. But thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to keep busy." She said as she waited for him to grab his keys. "You should make sure that you're happy with whatever place you decide to buy though. I understand cost, but this will also be your home, you know?"

Unlocking the door, he nodded. "I know. Probably going to try to find a better place for Akumu. Figure that if he keeps sneaking out that he might panic somebody sooner or later." Opening the door for her, he would close it behind him. "Just think I will first see where I can find a new home."

Korina nodded in agreement as she walked in. Quickly, she pulled off her sandals and her jacket and set them near the doorway. She looked around for the massive dire wolf, intent on giving him some unsalted, dried meat that she snuck from her parents' tent.

Putting out his boots and jacket, he glanced surprised at the dried meat and chuckled. The large canine was to be found at 'his' corner in the living room space. Quite invisible due to the dark fur, if it weren't for the two yellow eyes that calmly observed the two as they walked into the room.

The young kunoichi blinked in the darkness as she tried to let her eyes adjust. When she spotted the two eyes, she calmly approached the wolf wolf and held out the strips to him,. She really didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but he was so cute! Korina could help but want to spoil him.

Laying motionless, the canine kept staring back. Narrowing his eyes slightly, the upper lip didn't seem to move. Watching the two, Koike remained silent as it seemed the animal wasn't feeling bothered with the distance being closed in. The nostrils of the creature widened a bit, before it would half close his eyes again. "Doesn't seem to be hungry." Koike mumbled, scratching his own chin.

Korina shrugged and set the meat down on the floor for him to sniff when he felt like it. She turned towards the young man and smiled a bit, "He looks more apathetic than sleepy." She jokes then rubs her ear. "Well...sleep well, Koike. I'll stay up a while longer, I think." She said quietly as she looked around at the walls then quietly headed for the door. "I'll head onto the roof, I'll try to be quiet when I come back..."

"Yeah." He said, glancing at the direwolf. Though Koike wondered if it was better that the creature seemed apathetic towards Korina or wary. Probably apathetic was a start to friendly, he assumed. As she stated she was going to be up a little bit longer, he nodded as flashing a smile back. "That is fine. I am going to already tuck in." Turning to head to his room, Koike scratched his chin briefly. He was wondering what to make of the fact he had survived a meeting with her parents. In his imagination it would've gone far worse. Raising his hand further to rub his nosebridge, the young man decided to not ponder more about it.

Korina nodded twice to Koike then grabbed the key to the place before she left. She locked the door behind herself (after a few seconds and a muttered curse or two) the quietly climbed up to the roof. She sat there quietly, legs crossed and stating up at the moon while she struggled to come to terms with...stuff. So much stuff.

Slowly walking further to the back, Koike noticed a small crack in the wall. It was odd as the walls seemed as new and properly maintained. Frowning, Koike would turn around as his eyes would stare right into another pair of brown eyes. "On time. Good." A feminine voice said, surprising Koike who froze. Remaining silent, he watched how the young woman would gesture to their right. "Time to give you the briefing."

Following the line of the gesture, Koike eyed the woman. Somebody who he knew. Ayano Maki. Somebody who he had met at the War Academy and even now and then hang out with. For a moment he was expecting Daichi Akimichi as well, but apparently it was just them. Following her as Ayano walked towards the wall, he came to a halt for a second. Without stopping, Ayano walked into the wall and vanished. An illusion? Following her, Koike glanced around.

"I don't have too much time, so I will make it quick. I am sure that you'll have questions, but lets just state that we both got our tasks." Ayano said. The room wasn't too spacious. There was a table with various maps and scrolls on it while there were a few bookcases and the like that provided storage for more scrolls, maps and what seemed files. Glancing at his right, Koike saw a few standards for equipment. Walking around the table, Ayano placed her hands on the furniture as she frowned at Koike. Getting the message, Koike nodded.

"I hope you're known with this region. It is the southern coast, at the border with the Wind country. This operation won't be carried out solo or with a wingman or woman. You're whole team is required, if you consider them good enoguh for this operation." Ayano explained. Though Koike had questions on why she was here and why this secrecy, he remained quiet. Everything had a time and place, questions would come later. "Never been there." He stated calmly.

She simply nodded, placing her right index finger on the map. "That is fine. You and your team have to meet up with an informant here. There has been information send about something that is quite suspicious. I guess you're familiar with the name Suzu?" Ayano glanced up. Koike nodded slowly. Suzu was however a name with fame from Kirigakure. Was the Republic of Kirigakure busy with getting friendly with the Wind country? And if yes, why? Crossing his arms out front of his chest, he waited for more information.

"The informant will only give you more detail about where the cargo will be stationed and how many guards. The objective is simple. Take anything or anybody out. The Suzu have become ghosts. No need to let one of them rise up from the dead or becoming living ghosts." Ayano said with a strict tone. Koike stared at the map. He wondered if he and his team would be able to take down a Suzu. Though he wanted to at least ask if it was certain that it was a Suzu as the last of their kind had died out with Rika Suzu, he remained silenced.

"Unlike normal missions, you and your team will receive equipment. Nothing too out of the ordinary, so no need for practice or fooling around. Any questions?" She asked. Deciding to make sure of it, Koike's lips parted. But seemed Ayano was quicker. "Don't ask. You're not the only shinobi who serves in secretive operations. Lets not indulge into my own secretive part. I just relay information and arrange matters. Now, any other questions?"

He couldn't help, but to smile a bit as he would let his arms hang at his side. "I suppose that there is a time that I have before I have to move out?" He asked. Ayano nodded.

"You have one day to get going. Good luck."

Last edited:
Collab between Icy and Les

Totally Not Clickbait


Coming home from the training grounds, Hideki navigated the apartment complex and arrived in front of Saki's door - and technically his now as well. It still felt weird passing by the Hyuuga compound on his way here, but in both retrospect and forethought, this was a million times better. If he were to return, he'd no doubt find himself stifled and smothered by that all-too-familiar discipline and propriety. Not to mention the persecution he'd have to face daily. He fumbled in his pocket for the key, then, when he found it, put it into the lock and twisted, elicting a tiny clicking sound as the door creaked open. "I'm back," he called, flipping off his sandals and heading into the hallway. He dropped his back-pouch on a nearby chair, filled with his basic gear - amongst which were the scalpels he'd been practicing with earlier. No sight of Noru anywhere; the rascal barely came home nowadays, content with his outdoors freedom.

Hearing the door going open, Saki looked up as she had been busy with reading a book. Nothing too particular interesting as it was about the history of the River country. Closing the book, she would reply back. "Welcome back." Wanting to get up from the couch, Saki however remained where she was. There was a moment where she was seriously pondering on if she should make them something to eat or just wait. "Are you hungry?" She asked him.

Entering the living room, Hideki removed his jumper and fell into the sofa by Saki's couch, burying his head in the pillow. He felt like dozing off right there. "Thanks, and not particularly - I can cook something up, though. If you want," he said, involuntarily issuing another yawn. God, he was tired, both physically and mentally. He didn't even want to think about that author anymore, at least not until tomorrow - when he'd pick up the encrypted messages. Glancing at Saki, he wondered if she was still acting weird.

"Oh." Sitting up to give him some space and not claim the whole couch for herself. Putting her book down on the coffee table, Saki remained silent for a second. "I was actually thinking about to go out." Lowering her eyes for a moment, she weighted her words first. "Think we need to talk."

Hideki felt a few butterflies churn to life in his belly. Definitely still weird. The question was, had he been the one to warrant her behavior? Or was it all in his imagination and he had nothing to do with it whatsoever? "Alright." He glanced puzzledly at her, his feelings a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Flashing a smile, she tapped with her fingers on her knee for a few seconds. "We probably can go just like this. Unless you want to go somewhere fancy?" She asked, getting up. Trying to act a bit more cheerful, she felt a tad nervous. "I mean, I don't have to go anywhere fancy. It isn't a big thing we need to talk about."

Hideki raised an eyebrow, his eye narrowing somewhat. Not a big thing? That was a relief at least. Not that it stilled his apprehension any. She might just be using rhetoric. Ugh, he felt like some superannuated private detective trying to solve a case of domestic food poisoning or some other ridiculous crime. Just be cool, Hideki "Uh-huh. Let's go then. Sushi place near here?" he suggested, unable to conceal a sliver of excitement at the idea.

"Sounds good with me." She answered, starting to walk. Making sure she had her wallet with her, Saki thought about bringing along a jacket as it would get colder most likely. "Probably should set some food for Noru." Heading to the kitchen. "Would you please lock the door of our bedroom? I don't want to buy new pillowcases tomorrow." She shouted out from the kitchen. The young woman would then proceed to quickly prepare a dish for the feline in case he would get hungry before they would be back.

Running up the stairs, Hideki peeked into the bedroom to make sure all the pillows were fine before locking the door. Probably wouldn't amount to anything either way. Noru always found some bizarre way to get his will across, no matter the odds, and in this case, that will entailed ripping pillows to shreds. Done with his task, Hideki went back downstairs and met up with Saki, eventually locking the door behind them and heading off toward the Sushi place. It felt awkward and unnatural walking like this, being all quiet and tentative around each other. He hoped it would end after this juncture.

Shoving her right hand into the pocket of the jacket, Saki remained quiet as she walked next to Hideki. Though she wanted to say something, she felt it wouldn't doing any good. Which was only frustrating her further as she disliked that she couldn't convoy her feelings and desires directly without feeling she was pushing him. Or worse. As she noticed the sushi establishment up ahead, Saki chewed on her lower lip. Deciding to let him order the table and talk, Saki hoped it wouldn't be too occupied. It did however bring up the memory how they first had met, which brought up a warm feeling around her stomach area.

Entering the restaurant, Hideki took initiative - as signalled by Saki - and ordered two ordinary plates and a table. The majority of seats were free - maybe Sushi wasn't the most optimal dinner choice for most? - and so they could choose to sit wherever. Hideki decided upon a secluded place by the far right corner, preferring the privacy. It would also allow them to talk more openly. "This good with you?" he inquired, tasting the words in his mouth before speaking.

Saki had been glancing around, thinking about how she should start the subjects she wanted to talk about. "Hm? Oh yes." She replied to Hideki. Pulling off her jacket, Saki threw a glance in his direction before sitting down. "So..." She started. "How was your day?"

"Nothing special. Just the usual stuff. I trained some, practiced a new technique, but that's about it," he answered reluctantly. This felt messy. He'd never exactly been a ladies' man so he had no idea what was going through Saki's head, or any other woman for that matter, but this hardly seemed to bode well. No point in beating around the bush, though. "So what's the deal?" He feigned indifference by playing with the salt cellar as he waited for her to spill the beans.

Just when Saki was about to indulge further into his day, wanting to keep the conversation going about anything than what spooked through her head, she was baffled. Even while she had her pride in masking her emotions and expressions away a friendly mask, the direct question had been something as a surprise. "Oh, I..." Her cheeks started to radiate a reddish taint as she quickly sought for the words. "I received a letter today. I've been invited to join the Tiger Claw's." She wanted to say more. What had been her thoughts about it, but she remained silent after her last words.

Hideki parted his lips, unable to process what she was telling him at first. He'd expected some sort of rebuke aimed at him, which was not to say that he was in an entirely scot-free zone yet. "That's… good, isn't it? You'll be amongst the elite, and earn loads, I imagine," he offered, tentative in his approach. Something was obviously still bothering her, discernible through her mannerism and stiff speech. Did she feel unworthy? She'd struggled with stuff like that in the past too, not even wanting to consider a promotion during her time as a Chuunin, despite being somewhat overqualified.

"Well, yes. But... no, not really and yes." Confused at her own reply, Saki glanced away. "It is a good thing. I guess. But I will be more often away from home." The volume of her voice lowering a bit. Noticing a waiter approaching their table, Saki managed to regain her composure. "Thought we could perhaps celebrate it?" She hinted.

It was almost irritating trying to figure this out, and with her last question, it was impossible not to get his mind in the gutter. "Uh-huh?" he said, pausing for a fleeting moment to consider his words. He imagined himself balancing on a thin wire, churning waves hundreds of feet below. "Is that, uhm, it?" he continued, treading with outmost care. "I thought you were vexed at me or something… And don't worry about being away from home from time to time. I mean, I'm not exactly a glowing example of that," referring to his extended ventures away from the village. "We'll handle."

She waited till he had replied and the order was made. "I am not vexed. Irritated, maybe."Feeling embarressed, Saki wished it was easier to convoy her feelngs and thoughts. "I mean, things are going great. Promotion and invitations. But..." Her voice trailed off as she shuffled with her feet on the ground. The uneasy feeling was growing more present and likely starting to become more audible in her voice. "I want to talk about what we discussed before. In Keishi."

"In Keishi?" Leaning back in his seat, he tried to conjure the details of their discussion, frowning in deep- and it came to him. So that's what it was all about. "Marriage?" he blurted out, his tentativeness declining somewhat.

"Well, yes. More or less." Growing ever more frustrated and thus irritated at the situation and liability of convoying what she wanted, Saki briefly huffed. "I don't want to pressure you or state that I want to marry, but I do know I want to be with you. You know.." Her eyes lowered as she quickly thought about her next comment before stating it. "I am aware that some won't accept it, but you're marrying me. Well, if that will happen. Not your family-- well, you know what I mean." She wanted to throw her hands up in the air, but felt she was already drawing more than enough attention, even though she kept her voice low.

Hideki struggled with a mixture of relief and weariness. Twirling a few intangible kunai between his fingers, he contemplated the scene. If he'd actually hurt her back then, then he was to blame. But there wasn't much he could actually do about it. What he'd said in Keishi had been the exposed, unsugarcoated truth. After a moment, and in a softer tone than before, he spoke up. "It's not like that. I want to be with you too - more than anything else. But frankly, I don't even want to consider the future. It's hard enough to think about the present in this occupation. Don't get me twisted, though. I really like you - I do - both as a person and the other way around.." He prayed his words wouldn't strike the wrong chord with her. This was the truth. As of right now, he was tired of drama and conflict - something marriage would, without a doubt, evoke. He just wanted to go on with his daily life without any interferences until he felt ready. Glancing up at her, he considered just pissing on this whole conversation and embracing her in a kiss. God, where was the sushi?

She listened. His words at first managed to calm her down, causing her to mentally sigh and smile a bit. She had been stupid and though she already had realized that before they had started this conversation, Saki wondered what would follow. Her hands were folded together on the table, her left index finger gently scratching the back of her right hand. But as he continued, Saki's smile started to vanish. Staring at Hideki, she barely registered that the waiter came back with the order. Somewhat surprised, she felt both happy as more frustrated. Irked by the fact she couldn't get what she want, angry at that she realized that she was tiring him out and on the fact that she was gaining progression in fields in which she had been content with. Waiting for the waiter to friendly wish them a good meal and leaving, Saki spoke. "I know its hard, but I am just nervous." Yes nervous was a good cover up for the word 'scared'. "I'm going to get it busy. You'll as well. I just felt like because I am not a Hyuuga that it makes everything so complicated."

"Don't be. I couldn't care less what they think. I don't plan on letting this all fall apart for some mindless arranged marriage. And then there's the fact that I'm pretty much a black sheep in the clan as of now. They wouldn't prioritize me over others, I believe." Or it would turn out the exact opposite way. Perhaps they wanted to rid of Hideki as soon as possible. Shipping him off with some random fiancee would certainly accomplish that. Not that he'd ever allow it. He was fed up with their machinations. "I'm serious. Don't worry," he said, placing his hand on hers for a fleeting moment.

Hearing what he said had the desired effect as Saki glanced away, but felt calmer. She knew it from the start, but knowing it and getting a confirmation were two different things. And it felt quite good. Picking up her glass, Saki looked back at Hideki. "You better be. I have been beaten myself almost senseless about it. I even considered to work more in order to become.. I don't even know. I just had silly thoughts." She admitted, pouting as she did so. "I mean, you were busy and I didn't want to bother you." Taking a sip of her drink, she felt a deal of stress rolling of her shoulders.

Hideki couldn't resist a smile. "C'mon now, just how big of a fussy are you?" he jested, finally picking up his chopsticks and indulging in the food. "And I'm not that busy. Guess I'll be the one staying at home all the time now, though. With the Tiger Claw and what not."

"I am not a fussy!" She said, her voice lightly raising a pitch. "I just concern myself with some affairs more." Saki mumbled. His second comment was met with a soft snort. After taking a sip of her drink, Saki reacted again. "Ha, you would think that. But I think it will be good if you also start to get more fresh air. Thus soon we'll have a dinner party. Maybe even join the barbeque of the neighbours." Saki said.

Hideki rolled his eye in a somewhat subtle manner. "The neighbours? I'd rather just hit up some Guardians." Though that sounded pretty tiresome as well - without Kazuo overseeing it all. He still found it difficult to enjoy all the small things in life, but this was good progress at least. A dinner party wouldn't kill him. "And I'm not leaving the future entirely in the hands of fate. There are some things I've been considering."

Putting her glass down, Saki would pick up her chopsticks. Just as she was about to reply that it would be a good start to be on friendly terms with their neighbours, she was surprised as Hideki stated he had some things in consideration as well. "Oh? Mind filling me in?" She asked, picking up a small sushi roll. "And I think it might be good to meddle with the neighbours. Maybe we can see if somebody other than us can take care of Noru now and then. We both can be busy after all and I think paying for a nanny is... a bit too strange."

"Ah, yeah, good idea. I'll try talking to them a little. Can't say they'll be infatuated with him, though, given his antics.." he said with a sigh, taking a sip of his drink before continuing. "And as for what I've been considering, it's a secret for now. You'll have to stay pressed." He tried to wink, then irritatingly realized it was impossible with one eye.

"I wonder how that came to be." She mumbled as she would chew on the small sushi roll. It was better than she had anticipated. Hideki's reply that he would keep it a secret made Saki frown. Clearing her mouth, she spoke again. "Oh, come on. Not even a hint?"

"Maybe if you teach me some Tiger Claw moves later on. I'm always at your service, after all - ma'am," he feigned a respectful bow, drawing a few quizzical looks from the nearby tables.

"Some Tiger Claw Moves huh?" Saki took another bite as she thought about it. Clearing her mouth again, she raised her free hand by a bit. "Rawr?~" She made a small claw movement as she uttered the sound. "How is that?"

Unprepared, Hideki nearly choked on a roll of sushi. It took a few seconds for him to compose himself and clear his throat. "Something like that, though admittedly, I expected a little more fierceness - but the night is still young, eh?" He immediately went for another roll, stifling a childish grin. Hopefully he'd survive the next few minutes.

"Oh, don't you dare." She said, though she feigned the sterness in her reply. Taking up another roll of sushi, she couldn't help but smile. "You know, if things are going like this, I imagine that soon everything will just be great. No need to worry about money. No need to worry about anybody else and oh!" Realizing something, Saki became more excited. "We obviously need to talk about who will be coming to our dinner party. I do plan to see if I can get more people coming over. Though, just for a few hours. I don't plan to keep people in our home for the whole evening."

"Uh-huh. Well, I'm cool with whoever." He silently hoped they wouldn't invite the better part of the village. He could only deal with so many people at once. And on the topic of people, there was the fact that he'd recently been assigned to a new team. Kensuke Nimatsu and some Inuzuka Genin. He didn't know how to feel about it yet. As it stood, he'd rather continue operating solitarily or with periodical teams. But he'd have to see for himself later.

"Well, first we have the Empress herself joining us. Totally something we could use to impress everybody in the block. If not, the whole district." Saki said with a growing grin. "Then my team. Koike Hon and Katsu Uchiha. Oh, you will like Katsu. He is great." The young woman briefly paused to take a sip of her drink. "Hmm, I also am planning to invite more people. Hayate Hyuzu for example. And well..." Becoming silent, Saki glanced at the food. "I don't thnk I want to invite Korina."

Hideki felt a tinge of excitement at seeing Lilia - or Kiyomi, as she preferred nowadays - once more. It had been a long time since they last caught up with each other, owing to their respective duties. Sometimes he wondered how she was dealing with everything. She was younger than him, yet already an empress commanding thousands of subjects. It couldn't be a bed of roses. He arched an eyebrow at the mention of Korina. He faintly remembered her from that eccentric (and uncanny) bar they'd gone to before his departure. "How so?"

Saki felt for some reason a bit childish. She didn't want to look petty in his opinion, but she felt she was right. "I joined the Ironblood tournament. For a good goal of course." She answered. "We decided to go hooded and masked, so that nobody could recognize us. Yet for some reason, Korina managed to identify Katsu and call him a 'fucking Uchiha'. Now, I know that it could've been in the heat of the moment, but it was so odd. And insulting!" Frowning, the more she thought about it, the more she felt irked. "I already had a talk with Katsu and I still have the idea that he isn't fond of his eyes. He only uses them when he really has to and even told me that he uses them to catch up with me and Koike." Picking up her glass, Saki felt the need to rant more about it. But there wasn't much more about it actually.

Hideki listened. Korina did strike him as a little crude and choleric during the bar visit, even going so far as to threaten the other girl - whatever her name was - for a nickname. Not despicable or anything - she was probably a wonderful person aside from some prominent flaws. "I see." He left it at that. The Uchiha deal did, however, peak his interest somewhat. Why would the guy not be fond of his eyes? He considered it for a brief moment as he finished up his plate.

Finishing as well, Saki let out a sigh. "I wouldn't mind going more often to this place. That was great." Placing her left hand in front of her mouth, she managed to surpress a burp. Still it was clear what she almost had done. "Sorry." Picking up her glass, she decided to Hideki a most important question. "Shall we order a dessert?"

"If you want. I'm not that hungry," he replied, absently picking at his bandages. He was still curious as to Saki's Tiger Claw promotion and what it entailed. It did get him thinking about his own future. He did have some potential plans for the years ahead, but nothing finalized. It was hard to imagine himself leading a team, and especially so when he already struggled to retain contact with friends and acquaintances on a personal level. "Will you be going through a training program or is the enlistment in effect immediately?"

"Oh, then I will just see if we got anything sweet back at home." She decided. Emptying her glass, she was rather content. If things would be start to become this great, she wondered if there would be any reason for future worries. "Hmmmm." The question made her think about it. "I have no clue. I think I will have a chat and get more informed. I have yet to make a decision after all. Though, it is quite prestigous."

Hideki blew air out of his nose at her last comment. "So even the famously-modest Saki Yamanaka is yearning for some status and renown, eh? Didn't take you for the type," he said with a teasing smile. On a serious note, if anyone deserved a shred of prestige, she was certainly the one.

"I-I didn't mean it like that." She said, briefly glaring at him. "I just think this is one of those things that if you decline that people will be all upset or angry. Or that it looks like an invitation, but on the other side, the extra money as some training from elites is welcome. I just don't want to get too much attention fixed on me, y'know?"

"Well, the Tiger Claws are more mobile than the Sworn Swords, no? I imagine you won't be garnering that much public attention. Shinobi all across the village will revere you, though," Hideki mused, barely resisting another smile.

"Somebody did his homework." Saki said at first. Hearing his last line however provoked a different reaction. Feigning an irked expression, Saki huffed. "You see, that is where it all starts. People just love to challenge those who are being revered. Though if I am being revered, you'll likely be dragged as well into it. Hiki Hyuuga... the minion. Doesn't ring that great." Considering a better nick, Saki hoped actually that with joining the Tiger Claws that Hideki wouldn't garnish any unwanted attention.

Hideki shrugged. "As long as I'm not in the spotlight. Not that I would ever dare thieve on your precious fame. Anyway, shall we go? I'm pretty tired."

She nodded. Bringing out her wallet, she would open it. "I know you wouldn't. But you know how generous I can be." She joked as she would place the money on the table. If it was too much then that was fine with her. At least then they couldn't complain about the tips. Pushing her chair back, Saki glanced around. "We should come here soon again. It is a nice place."

"Of course. It's customary for the superior to pay, after all," Hideki added, unable to hold in his laughter this time around. In addition to higher pay and a little prestige, Saki's promotion seemed to result in quite a few more teasing opportunities. Hideki planned to milk this until the end of time. "And yeah, it's awesome - good service and tasty food. Nice walls too, right?"

"You're really not away from thin ice yet, Hiki." Saki said, though she would smile as she put on her jacket. "After all, you're going to help me cook when we'll be hosting the dinner party. And it is going to be a lot. A lot."

He sighed at that, feeling fatigued by the thought alone. "Just promise me you won't invite the entire neighbourhood."

"I can't make that promise. I soon will have fans and can't disappoint them, can I now?" Saki replied back.[/spoili]

[fieldbox=A tea party]
A royal tea party!
At the Royal Palace in Konohagakure.

A collab done between Rusty and Aliceee

Summary :
Hiraku Hyuuga has been invited and requested for a visit with Kiyomi at the Royal Palace. There the young man learns of a plan that is designed to change the lives of the Hyuuga. Hopefully for the better than worse.

Everything was set and prepared. Leaning back in the chair, Kiyomi threw a glance outside the nearby window. The room wasn't that spacious as one would likely expect from seeing various rooms and halls inside the palace complex. The current room was however small, but sufficied to give space to a round coffee table and various chairs. Which were quite comfortable, making Kiyomi wonder if she shouldn't try to hide here from the maids next time. Placing her left elbow on the arm of the chair, she supported her head - palm against her cheek - as she glanced at the plate on the coffee table. It had all kind of small delights that would be light on the stomach and later on a servant would come with tea and cold water.

Yet it wouldn't be really a most comfortable conversation. At least, she didn't suspect the main topic to be much of a cheerful one. But it was better than to hold audiences, she figured. Wondering if the guest would already be escorted and guided from the entrance of the palace to the room, Kiyomi thought once more of the plan that had been laid out.

Hiraku looked very confused as the guards brought him to the empress. He didn't believe he had done anything specifically identifiable, nor did he do anything covert that she may have heard about. As he walked, he attempted to think over anything that she could want from him... The only things he had done recently were getting food for some hungry and shouting about his clan like always... Could she possibly be personally asking him to stop sullying his own clan's name...?

Hiraku watched as one of the guards opened the door, and he stepped in, noting the food placed on the table, as if an actual talk was intended. His confusion did nothing but grow as he proceeded to bow. "Hiraku Hyuuga, it's an honor to meet you." He said, hoping he had spoken properly. Side-branch members weren't taught as much regarding the proper way to speak to nobles or anything of that sort, so he was left to learn for himself in that regard.

As the door went open, Kiyomi glanced at the person. It was one thing to read a profile and hear from others about a person, but as she looked at him, Kiyomi couldn't see anything bad. Slightly and slowly, her left eyebrow went up as she remained a second silent as she eyed him. "Glad you could come. Please, take a seat." Kiyomi gestured to the only other chair at the other side of the coffee table. Crossing her legs, the teen flashed a smile as she would wait. "Hungry?" She asked, subtly gesturing to the plate.

Hiraku listened to her requesting him to take a seat, and raised an eyebrow in return as she gave a smile. She seems to be friendly... I should pay more attention to things I've done to get peoples' attention... He nodded, stepping over to the chair and carefully taking a seat. "Only a little. Thank you." He spoke, as he took one of the small delights, he proceeded to take a small bite, ready to respond to anything she specifically asked him about. Still slightly worried he might be in trouble for something, he looked to her, waiting for some form of idea at what she'd asked him to arrive for.

Half closing her eyes, Kiyomi stayed silent as he would pick up a small delight and take a bite. Her eyes seemed to focus on his forehead, but as she spoke, they lowered to lock her eyes with his. "Now, I am sure that you're wondering why I called you here. It is sadly not a common event that random people get to be invited for a tea party." She said on an amused tone. "But I had several questions. And I was hoping you could help me with them. Else, feel free to state you wish to go."

Hiraku took a confused face as she seemed to look at his forehead. Of course, he could understand why she might, it wasn't a common sight to see someone with the Hyuuga curse mark displayed for the world to see. But... Shouldn't she be able to hide that she was looking at the mark? He frowned slightly, but returned to his regular face, and listened to her speak. "I have no problems with helping anyone." He gave a smile, beginning to let himself calm slightly. If she were mad, he probably wouldn't have gotten snacks or a kind response. "I'm sure the rest of my team would be delighted to be here as well, though." He said this, but then remembered Korina's way of speaking, and immediately regretted the suggestion.

She snorted as first response, not wanting to erupt in laughter. "I would be happy to see Aunt A as well. But I'm sure you will suffice." Kiyomi answered. "And I am glad to hear that. Hmmm," she seemed to ponder about something. "Would you be so kind though? I've two good friends who are branch-members and it is quite known how the Main Branch have treated the side branch members. I was wondering if you would be so kind to give me your opinion? I've been hearing some things. Nothing negative though." She added the last sentence after a second pause.

Hiraku smiled as she snorted. It couldn't be something too bad if she was ready to laugh. He nodded as she said he would suffice. He wasn't sure why, quite yet, but it must be important for him to have been brought here. He took another bite of the delight, listening to her partial, albeit almost cryptic, sort of explanation on his being there. He understood now that it had to do with his being a Side Branch member and his opinions of the Main Branch. He looked at her for a second when she asked fo rhis opinions of the Main Branch. "I'm sorry if this gets offensive at all... But I think they're a group of slavers that on their own should make the Hyuuga name something to despise. I think they put marks on the Side Branch and call it a tradition so they can get away with having virtual puppets to dance around at their whim... I have a very strong hatred of people being... Looked down on."

Kiyomi listened to the answer as she politely remained quiet. Before she could speak, a soft knocking could be heard. "Yes, come in." It was the servant with the tea, cups and water. As the man was about to offer to do it for them, Kiyomi waved him away. Almost impatiently. "Many thanks. Let the others know that we'll be fine." The servant made a bow before he left as Kiyomi waited before the door was closed again. "I'll admit that I have received such news. Of both that the situation of the Side Branch hasn't improved much and your dislike. Though I wonder, how much would you be willing to do to change that for the sake of others?" She said, leaning forward. Grabbing a cup, she glanced up. "Tea or water?"

Hiraku looked to the servant as he came in. He kind of felt bad for him as Kiyomi waved him away almost instantly. He looked back to Kiyomi, somewhat confused. Is this some huge secret that they can't know about...? He squinted slightly as she asked how far he'd go to help others. Now I'm wondering how far she intends to take this... He looked to the cup "Tea, please..." He looked to her again, and spoke up. "I'll do whatever it takes to help others..."

Pouring some tea in the cup, Kiyomi would get up to place the cup in front of him. She would also pour some tea into another cup for herself. Taking place on her chair again, Kiyomi would speak up. "That is good to hear. I would like to do something about the situation. It is rather frustrating that the daimyo's never tried anything to improve the situation of what were their subjects." Pausing to blow on the warm surface of the liquid in the cup, Kiyomi continued. "Now that it is clear why I have requested your presence and you stating how far you wish to go, I suppose we could start to discuss plans. You see," lowering her cup by a bit, Kiyomi frowned, "The first problem is that I don't think many of your clan would really trust me. I've some friends and perhaps earned some respect, but the attitude from the Hyuuga to the Hon is making it quite clear that I won't be expecting any stark loyalty. If the situation thus needs somebody to lead that change, it needs to be somebody from the inside. Somebody who thinks of others." Raising her eyebrows slightly again, Kiyomi decided to ask him something. "The question is only if you wish to help me to bring that change? No matter the cost."

Hiraku nodded to her as she placed the cup "Thank you." He spoke quickly, hoping to avoid interrupting the talk. He nodded as she explained a bit more about the situation, and took another small bite of the delight, almost leaving it entirely gone at this point. He decided he could let the tea cool as he listened to her speak. He brought the tea close to his mouth, feeling the warmth to make sure it wasn't too hot, before taking a quick sip. "Relations between clans shouldn't get in the way of helping people..." He set the tea back down and looked at her "The only thing I ask is that more good will come from it than bad. If more people will prosper because of it, then I'll do whatever it takes to help."

"Oh, they shouldn't indeed. Problem is that such small and trivial matters are going to be a sour pain anyways. Glad however that we can speak without the need of being restricted to the strained relations between our two cultures." Kiyomi said on a happy tone. "But would you also kill? I will be honest. I want the Hyuuga leader dead." Pausing, the smile and expression on Kiyomi's face vanished. Leaving it blank of emotion. "Not out of hate or envy, but he is the only Main Branch member left. His children are all dead, save for one. But she has been branded with the same seal that has been put on your forehead. Nowadays she lives somewhere else, but that isn't important. What is," she slowly raised her right eyebrow, "is that the man dies and any supporter as well."

Hiraku smiled as she seemed to be happy that the clans' relationship wouldn't get in the way. He figured he might as well smile now, since the conversation seemed like it would be taking a somewhat unhappy turn soon. As he was thinking this, Kiyomi just outright asked if he'd kill. His smile faded as he listened to her explain the rest of the situation. Hiraku looked down slightly. I already know that if I do this, I can end these stupid traditions... But it would also require ending at least one life... While I'm generally okay with it... It's a life of a man who just followed the rules he was taught were okay... He looked up again, breathing in deeply. "I'm willing to do it for the clan. I can kill if it means that the future of the clan will be better."

"Then we will prepare his end." Kiyomi said on a softer tone. "I'll have to state that I wished to avoid anybody getting hurt, but the side branch has suffered enough. I think that my own story of being oppressed and facing a similar treatment won't make the talk much better, but I do wish to express I have experience to know how it is to live underneath somebody who adapts to cruel manners." A smile returned, though it didn't seem to harbor any joy."The only problem that you're going to face is that the man has practically a leash on you. Have you ever been...." Abused was a word she wanted to avoid. Pausing for two seconds, Kiyomi was carefully weighing her words. "Treated badly by him? You know, that he used the seal to make you suffer?"

Hiraku nodded. He proceeded to pick up the cup of tea again, taking a longer drink this time as he listened to her explain the little bit of her own story that she decided to share. Hiraku stopped drinking from the tea, and set the cup back down, only to hear her mention the leash that all side-branch Hyuuga had on them. His fists clenched slightly as he listened to her. "No... I've not had it happen to me, but I've heard about it, and I've thought about what it could do... I don't need to feel it to know that he could make a single handsign and toss me away like trash, just as he could for literally any other Hyuuga, if even the Main Branch has this mark..." He frowned, leaning back "It's like he's a cruel king, claiming that our lives are just his tools..."

Taking a sip of her tea, the sharp eyes of Kiyomi caught the subtle change as his fists clenched. Listening to his answer, Kiyomi had to admit that she was surprised. In her impression she had thought that he had likely faced such punishments before. "A cruel one indeed. Though I must admit that I can understand that he likely believes he is right. Those people are the most dangerous." Kiyomi said. "Its for that reason why convincing him won't help. Though there are some small problems. I don't know if it is or isn't true, but the Hyuuga is... quite close knitted, no?" Kiyomi asked, realizing she had perhaps to be more direct. "Isn't the man something as a relative to you? Uncle or cousin of an uncle or something down that line?"

Hiraku finished off the snack as he listened to what Kiyomi had to say, agreeing with a nod as she said that convincing him wouldn't help. He began to sip from his tea some more as she asked about his blood-relation to the current leader. "Cousin of my father." He set the tea down again, looking to her. "But someone who treats others like tools, and looks down on those not part of our clan is no family to me... My teammates are more family to me even with how short a time I've been with them..." He remembered back to what Korina had said at the hospital, "In fact, one of them promised to help right the Hyuuga... Although she thought it'd be more diplomatic at the time..."

Thus was it true? Kiyomi briefly wondered how long the Hyuuga had indulged into interbreeding. A thought that made her stomach shift a bit as she found it a sickening idea. But that wasn't really the problem now. Nor should it be of her concern actually. "I see." Kiyomi listened further, slightly nodding as he spoke that he was quite close with his team. When he said that one of them stated that they promised to help right the Hyuuga, Kiyomi threw a skeptical look. "That might be very nice of them, but who is this person? Cause I imagine that if a non-Hyuuga will enter the situation, it won't be very nice. Regardless of who he or she is."

Hiraku looked at his tea for a second before speaking up, "It's Korina. The one who almost directly after the recent Ironblood tournament had a seal on her hand act up. The seal seems to be almost like mine, but slowly killing her instead of just at someone else's whim." He breathed in deeply again, and looked to Kiyomi "I'm not saying to get her involved. I just wanted to show a sign that those teammates are closer than the leader of the clan is to me. In fact, I'd prefer not to bother her, as I believe she's still in the hospital, worrying about her seal."

Korina? Kiyomi had her own opinion and wanted to state that bringing in Korina was probably a very bad idea. Certainly after how the girl had behaved at the clan meeting, Kiyomi was certain that Meisa, Zakito and Hisoka would deem it too risky to let the Kusanagi know of this. But it seemed that Hiraku did understand that he shouldn't get involved. Taking a sip of her tea, Kiyomi almost frowned at the same time by hearing that Korina was having trouble with some seal. Lowering her cup, Kiyomi thought carefully on how to react. Not because she wanted to be seen as a friendly person, but they were already talking about a sensetive subject. No need to upset Hiraku with her opinion. "I hope she will be doing well then." It was becoming easier to just sound friendly and say words that she didn't mean. Not that she wished Korina any ill will of course. "But I do have to ask another question. Ever heard of Dragon Steel? Cause you're going to need it if you wish to survive this whole ordeal."

Hiraku nodded, sure that Korina would be feeling better soon. He cocked his head to the side slightly as he heard mention of Dragon Steel. "Dragon Steel? I've heard the name, but I've never heard anything more than that... Is it a strong metal? Or is it red, like a dragon...?" He wondered what these traits could possibly be so helfpul for against a Hyuuga. Perhaps it was heavy and would avoid an Air Palm knocking him back...? He took a sip from his tea, waiting for an explanation on why it was so important so as to be mentioned.

"Heh, no. That and dragons aren't red from what I know." Briefly Hayate's summoning came up in Kiyomi's mind. "It is quite durable yes. But the reason why you will need it is that it has the trait that it repels chakra. I doubt that the chakra that controls the cursed seal needs much chakra or is strong enough to force a way through Dragon steel." Briefly Kiyomi paused. She didn't want to request a favor from the Hyuzu. While Jora and Hayate would likely help out, Kiyomi was still somewhat wary of the clan. "What I am thinking off is that you wear a headband, with the Dragon Steel in front of your cursed mark. If I am correct, it will blockade the control over it or at least disturb it somewhat. Giving you an opening to strike quickly if you're close enough." Kiyomi wanted to state that he had then likely only one chance to strike, but she didn't want to discourage him more than it already likely was.

Hiraku was sure that at least some type of dragon was red... Didn't myths and legends always have them as red or green... Perhaps brown? He simply let the thought go as she explained the metal with more details than he had previously known. His eyes widened slightly as she mentioned the cursed seal on his forehead as well as the chakra-resistant metal. He put his hand to his forehead, almost feeling like the metal would remove the chains that almost every Hyuuga had up until now. "Then... With that, I won't have to worry about the strings that he has puppeteering every Hyuuga..." He frowned slightly, "Why hasn't this metal been used in more situations like this...?"

"You won't. At least, if my knowledge is correct. I can't use the metal much myself. You know." She made a vague gesture as she paused again. "It hasn't been used much cause it is hard to produce. And even harder to wield. Certainly when people place a lot of trust in the use of chakra, the metal is even way less populair and well known with clans that try to produce the best of the best shinobi." Almost had she made a sarcastic comment on the Hyuuga, but she held herself in. "Only so far one clan in the Empire can make it. I... have a few favors I can ask from them, so I don't think it will be much trouble for you to get that headband. Other than that, I think it is best to have a team of ANBU watching over you. Only the remaining problem is that you need to get close and alone with him."

Hiraku nodded as he listened. It made sense, but the metal seemed very useful, especially for any chakra-free taijutsu experts. He looked down for a second "I'll have to make sure Kazumo and Korina know about this metal... They might be able to get a lot of use out of it..." He looked up as Kiyomi began to mention favors that she would ask for him to get this Dragon Metal headband. "If he remembers me well and knows that I don't wear my headband on my forehead, he might question it the second he sees me... But that's just a possibility..." He glanced to the side for a second, "Wouldn't a quick, easy fix, be to send me in with a message only for the Hyuuga clan leader's ears? The reason could be that the message is only to be heard by two of each clan for some reason?"

"Oh, then I think that they might need to be careful." Kiyomi looked a bit worried. "I don't think that the producers of this metal would be keen on selling it or giving away to just anybody. I can try to see if I can provide something in return that you help me bring the Hyuuga back up to a... normal shape." Kiyomi said. As he made his suggestion, Kiyomi visibly pondered on it. "It could be worth a try." She thought out loud. "If he would learn of your stance or if you would, like say be challenging enough then that might provoke him to summon you. And if he has anybody with him, I am certain that the ANBU can make certain you will have a chance to get out alive. If there would be a fight, cause I hope there won't be."

Hiraku frowned, having hoped the metal was a bit easier to get. "Hold off on that idea until I'm sure one of them might get some good use out of it... If you'd please." He then thought about the suggestion of making his stance more well-known or to possibly challenge him. "I don't know... He's been trained more in-depth with the ways of Gentle Fist... If he's ready for a possible fight when I arrive, I might lose... Wouldn't it be better to use the element of surprise against him? I feel like if he were to summon me specifically for my stance or for a challenge, he'll be prepared to avoid using the cursed seal in the first place... He'd want to make an example of me, wouldn't he?"

She nodded. "I do think so. Hmmm." Pondering, she wished she knew more about the Hyuuga leader. That he was proud? Not really a surprise. But other than that, she knew nothing else off him. Hisoka was gone on a mission and bothering Zakito wasn't an option. She could figure it out. Yes, that was certainly a good option. "I'll try to get my hands on more information and the headband. If you do happen to know something, then you just write a letter and leave it at the Will of Fire monument. That way we can communicate without anybody getting wary."

Hiraku listened to her response, waiting to see if she had any better ideas. He drank a bit more of the tea, setting it back down as he nodded again. "If I find out anything that can help I'll do that... Should I check the monument often then, in case of your letters, or will yours be less indirect?" He looked to her, figuring she knew what she was doing, and so he'd just leave these bits entirely to her without any additional input from him.

"Just whenever you wish to contact me or have any ideas. I will get your letters directly. So no need to encode them. Unless you would think that would be better." Kiyomi friendly answered. Leaning back as she took another sip, the teen decided on something. "But come! I think that if I want to have a long meeting about politics then I would rather have let somebody else come. Lets talk about something more fun. I mean, I don't know much about you. Other than some reports." Kiyomi told him, hoping that he would pick up the 'subtle' hint.

Hiraku nodded. She hadn't particularly answered how she might inform him of any updates, but he figured it wasn't all that important. He was somewhat surprised when the Empress of Akino asked about him. He was sure she had the ability to talk to whoever she wanted whenever, so it seemed slightly odd to him that she'd talk to someone like this after asking him to kill someone. He shook the odd feeling, and tried to treat her more like a friend, hopefully without being rude in any way, though. "Well... There's a lot of things I could tell, but not a lot of them are probably things that people would be interested in hearing... Do you have a starting point I could go from...?" He took another quick sip of the tea, hoping he hadn't already missed her telling him what she was looking for in his soon to come explanation of something about himself.

"Yes, I already know your name. I know you dislike the Hyuuga clan situation and probably don't wish to see others in pain. But perhaps start with something I don't know? As your favorite food? Hobby?" She asked, her eyes gaining a soft glint. "I mean, I don't often get friendly talks. I just thought that we could have one, you know?" She flashed a smile.

Hiraku nodded, realizing that this was all just a friendly conversation now. "Favorite food...? Probably these." He said this as he took another one of the small treats on the plate and began to eat it. As he finished the first bite, he scratched the back of his head. "Uh... Hobby, though? I'm not really sure... Most of my time outside of missions I spend practicing my Gentle Fist or trying to help someone..." He thought about it for a bit before shrugging, "What about you? Do you have a favorite food or hobby?"

She snickered as he answered back. "I can have let the cooks make more for you." She suggested. As he asked her what her favorite food and hobby was, Kiyomi smile grew. "Apple pie. It reminds me of my adoptive grandfather. We used to go two or three times in a week to eat apple pie together. As for my hobby, I love to read and just spend time with friends and family. Though that last hasn't really happened a lot. I am kind of stuck here, you know?" She gestured to the room itself. "Not that it is bad, but it isn't like many people can really come and visit me. Though, what do you do to help people?"

Hiraku shook his head. He didn't want to impose on the cooks. He was sure they were busy enough cooking other things, and asking for small treats and the such seemed like too much of a bother for him to cause. "Apple pie? I can see why, it's really good, and with memories to go with it..." He nodded, giving a smile. He then looked around the room as she had said that her friends and family can't often visit. "Why not? Can't you just ask them to visit, and everything's okay? Kind of like how you did with me, even if I was brought for some business... There has to be some time in which you and they are free..." He thought for a moment when she asked how he helped people, and he crossed his arms. "Oh... Just some small things... Helped Korina with chakra points to start her off on learning medical jutsu... Hopefully that helps her... Buy some meals for hungry people... Not a lot of things that people ask me for help with that doesn't involve ninja-work, but if I can help, I'm glad to."

"I could, but you know. Being an Empress isn't without duties. I can relax around and people help me a lot, but it is hard to find a time where they are free. Not everybody of course, I am not that lonely." She thought however of when she had tried to visit Hiron. Hopefully he would be soon back from his current mission. Kiyomi almost frowned upon hearing that he helped Korina to learn medical ninjutsu. She didn't see the other girl much as a medical ninja. But what made her more curious was if he was a medical shinobi. "Oh, that is quite nice of you. Heh, maybe I should do that next time or better." She grinned a bit. "We could perhaps organize something together to give something to the people. Something simple and useful? That and you're a medical ninja?"

Hiraku nodded. It did make sense that she'd be busy, but he was sure she'd be able to make a little time to talk with friends and family at least once a week, maybe? He raised an eyebrow at the 'next time' comment, not sure what she meant. "Next time? As in next time someone asks for help, or...? He nodded when she suggested giving something to the people though. "I like that idea, but we'd have to think more on what we could give. Food is a first thought, since if everyone has food, they can save their money for other things, but that's just one possibility..." He then heard her asking if he was a medical ninja, and he shook his head. "No, I've thought about it, and still do, but it's not something I've practiced in... I helped her with the chakra points though... I thought knowing a bit about them and where they were could help her understand how to heal people better later on, since the chakra network is so closely intertwined with many vital organs." He then referred to something she had mentioned only a short time ago "So what kinds of things do you like to read? Just anything? Or perhaps specific types of literature...?"

She nodded. Though she was slight disappointed to hear he wasn't a medical ninja, as she was curious to ask him more about that field, Kiyomi listened how he had helped Korina. There was some doubt, but Kiyomi decided that seeing she knew not that much about chakra points that it wasn't justified to state she doubted it would help. He had knew more than her about it. "Hmmm. I like to read all kind of books. I love to read about history and learning more about past leaders and figures who had something to them. Such as the Second Hokage. I am currently trying to figure out why so many were willing to risk their lives in his service as well continue the fight after he was murdered." She remembered Hisoka's words. Perhaps she should request some time from Zakito to ask him more questions. "Other than that, I like to learn more about other cultures and of course ninjutsu. I know that it won't be that much help, but knowing is half the battle, heh?"

Hiraku nodded, taking another drink of his tea. "So you like to read to learn, then... There's a lot of people who like to read for the fictional story. But it's probably more helpful to read stories like that..." He scratched the back of his head, thinking slightly about the fact that having read as much as she seems to have about other cultures and jutsu, she's got a bit of an advantage over any other leaders out there. "Well, hopefully only half the battle ever has to be fought... I don't want to have to do any more than that most of the time, because it'll only end with someone's friends or family dying... If it's needed, I will... But if it can be avoided..."

She smiled, but the smile vanished away as his voice trailed off. "I know what you mean. I have seen the horrors of conflict. It is a horrible sight to see people you love and cherish die one by one. And people who had faith you would lead them into peace, only to die as well." Growing silent for a moment, Kiyomi cleared her throat softly. "But I suppose that is what something we have to endure. So others don't have to. At least, that is what is has been taught to me. If nobody will try to endure it then more will only suffer. Wish it was different though."

Hiraku nodded, knowing that someone had to endure it so others wouldn't have to. "I'm glad to know you feel like that... It kind of shows that I don't have to worry about any unnecessary battles... Without meeting you it's hard to know you would avoid situations like that, but at least now I can fully trust any battles I end up in aren't unnecessary or over a small whim..." He looked down slightly, realizing he may have been offensive "Not that I thought you would have before, just that I had no real way of knowing."

If anything, Kiyomi was amused. "It is fine. I don't expect that everybody has heard of my exploits nor do I long to be recognized for my past deeds. I only can say I did what I had to do." Surpressing her own true opinion, Kiyomi decided to keep the conversation going. In her opinion, it wasn't a bad one at all. "Though what did you think of me before meeting me? I promise you that I won't hold it against you. After all, if I may be so honest, I hadn't expected us to talking this easily. But that might be because of our heritage and origin."

Hiraku nodded, hoping her own explanation for the situations were all that there was to the situations she was referring to. He gave a half-shrug, as he wasn't fully sure what he thought of her before meeting her. "I'm not sure... You haven't exactly been putting us into any bad situations, but I haven't seen you doing what you suggested with giving things to people. At least, I haven't yet seen that... So all I could tell was that you were the Empress, and that's about all I knew for sure..." He then thought about his heritage and his origin, then shook his head "Honestly, I don't see any reason to fight with other people because of blood you were born with, or traditions you've taken... So long as no one's hurt by any of it, we should just be friends."

She snickered a bit. "I've never been one to make my actions bigger than they were. I use to help others a lot, but not surprised people haven't heard everything much of that. Probably isn't that interesting." Taking a sip of her tea, Kiyomi thought about the last comment of Hiraku. "I honestly value blood and origins as traditions. But everybody does deserve a chance. After all, the first few Hyuuga's I met were quite friendly and open. Same goes for the Uchiha and other clans that are or weren't that close with my clan and culture. Think it would be a better world if people would give each other a chance before making a judgement."

Hiraku hadn't heard about Kiyomi helping others, so he couldn't help but ask. "Well, what kinds of things did you do? I'm sorry if they're famous, I've had some other things in mind when it comes to the past, specifically my clan." He said, hoping it wasn't somehow rude to have not heard of her actions in the past. He listened to her comment about blood and traditions, nodding when she said that it would be better for people to give each other a chance. "Well, I'm a bit biased about blood... But yes, everyone deserves a chance before judgement. That's exactly why I didn't really judge you." Hiraku smiled, glad that the Empress of Akino, Kiyomi, was so generally friendly.

"Heh, don't worry. I doubt that anybody can make a great song of how I helped digging and building for the inner wall. Or on occassion helped out a member of the Guardians when I was building the organization. If anything, my charity work was mostly underneath the radar of attention. Bad thing about being known is that people will not always see charity work as real charity. It is something I have picked up as people that are envious will twist it around and make it look like I or others are doing things for our own good." Kiyomi answered at first. Emptying her cup of tea, she let out a soft sigh. She would speak further to reply back to his second comment. "Glad to hear so. I hope that the reason why I made you come over here didn't give the idea that I judged you either. If anything, my current judgement is that you're the person who has and will change the Hyuuga clan. Think we could use more people around who think about others first than themselves. Would make my job at least much easier." She did briefly snicker at her own comment.

Hiraku frowned, "I don't know about others, but every time I hear about you doing anything charitable in the future, I'll know it's not for your own gain." He took another bite of the treat, listening to her say how people that think of others first make her job easier. "To be honest, I thought I had somehow done something that required the Empress to personally tell me not to do it again." He smiled at his own complete misunderstanding of the situation. "But no, the reason itself didn't make me think you judged me... I've made it pretty clear that I don't exactly like how my clan is right now... It makes sense that you'd ask someone who doesn't like the clan to help you fix it. Me being part of the clan only makes it easier for you, right?"

She smiled as he said that he wouldn't think like that in the future. Which was reassuring, even if it was just one person. Well, one person extra to the bunch she expected not to think like that. When Kiyomi heard what he thought the reason she had invited him, the teen erupted in laughter. Managing to regain her composure, she raised her right hand a bit to make a sort of apologizing gesture. "Sorry, sorry. But that is great. Its just that most of the time people always come with compliments and flatterly when I invite them. I have a whole bunch of stories on how people would consider a personal invitation a whole honor to brag about and that I was impressed. Not that they had done something wrong." Snickering for another two second, she would become serious as she wouldn't ignore what he had asked. "And yes, it does. Cause if everything goes as planned, nobody of the higher ups will be mentioned when history remembers the whole ordeal. It will just look like a whole... accident. Though I don't like it to hide many things from the people as I rather be honest and open, my advisers were more concerned that if something goes wrong that it would risk my safety. Or at least make people more afraid and worried. Which isn't good either."

Hiraku smiled, scratching the back of his head a little as she laughed about what he thought he was there for. It was definitely an amusing thought, if others had actually all thought it was a huge honor before getting there. "It's okay... My thought was that you might have wanted me to stop saying bad things about the Hyuuga... I thought it might have been causing some kind of problem..." He smiled again before taking a bite of his treat. He nodded when she explained that it wouldn't be mentioned that higher-ups were involved, "Whether it's put into history or not, I'll make sure to remember that you helped... I thought I'd have to do something like leave the clan and make a new version of the clan or something if I could... I doubt I could have done that though."

She thought about it for a second. "Eventually you would likely end up in trouble. Even though you're unlikely that important to Lord Hyuuga, I figure that his pride and patience have a limit. But glad that he hasn't acted yet, cause else I fear we wouldn't have this conversation. And I do like a good conversation." Kiyomi flashed a small smile. "And that is good. You know what my favorite food is, so if you wish to ever thank me, you know how. Or at least, know how to bribe me. That and I don't think it would be too late to make something... new out of the Hyuuga. People can change after all. From my experience, all they need is somebody who is capable of giving them that chance and help them through it. Cause I don't think that the Hyuuga will be comforted with having nobody to speak for them in the future." Her tone was friendly, but the message in it was probably quite clear.

Hiraku nodded, knowing the leader of the Hyuuga would likely not be willing to put up with him for too much longer. "I think it's probably easier for him to ignore the member of the Side Branch that says bad things about it than it is to yell at them... At least at first..." He then nodded, "I also like a good conversation. I think it's better than fighting, at least at times." He smiled when she mentioned that he knew of her favorite food, and nodded to the idea. He'd likely be sure to give it as a gift at some point. He listened as she spoke of making something new of the Hyuuga, agreeing in his head as she spoke. "Speaking of the new leader... Who will it be? You must have already talked to them about this plan, or other possible plans before to know they'll lead it properly, right?"

The teen blinked twice as she then flashed a big smile. "Yes, I already have. I think you will like him. He is a friendly man. Perhaps a bit young, but that is okay. Can't really start about age, seeing my own." Kiyomi replied at first, pausing for a moment, relishing the moment with a smile. "I think you will after all be a good leader. Only just a bit inexperienced, but with the right people at your side and support, that won't be a problem I wager." She gestured to the plate. "Shall I perhaps ask for the servants to bring some more? Perhaps a personal request?" She almost had added 'Lord Hyuuga', but figured that it was too early to sell the hide of the boar.

Hiraku smiled as he heard about the new leader. That's good. He sounds like he'll lead the clan and stop some of the cruel traditions... He finished off his snack as Kiyomi began her next sentence, almost choking on it in surprise when she said he'd be a leader. "I didn't expect I'd be the leader... I thought you'd put someone you knew better in that position." He took a sip of tea before shaking his head. "I think I'm okay... I'm not hungry enough to eat any more." He leaned back a little bit, trying to take in the fact that he'd be leading the clan. But I'm only a Chuunin... Well... I guess she knows what she's doing... Especially since she obviously hasn't led Akino astray... I'll probably have to ask her for advice occasionally...

Kiyomi weighted her words quickly, but carefully. Though she felt she could be open with him, she didn't want to say anything that would make him more nervous than he could be or than it would be good for the situation and plans. "To be fair, I think that it is hard to find a Hyuuga that could take the position and lead the clan to a better form. You show compassion and what I have seen a good character. Not that I can state I really know you, but the fact you want the Hyuuga to change for the better of everybody is something I value quite highly. Besides, you're young. Like me, it will just take the right mentor and help to turn you into a great leader for your clan." Hoping her friendly words would drive away any doubt, Kiyomi was hoping that it would also make the future more comfortable for him. Being a leader wasn't after all that cracked up as many thought it was. "I can already suggest that you could later, if it will all work out, to approach Aiko. She is experienced with politics and leading a clan. You're a student of her already, so think you already got somebody who is of great help."

Hiraku nodded, still thinking about how it'd be. "I'll trust you... But I might also ask for help or advice from you, since you're the one putting me in the position. I'll of course ask Aiko-sensei, but I might need help from everyone that I know who leads anything..." He looked down slightly, thinking about how difficult it must be to manage a clan. He then thought about how it was to manage all of Akino, and looked to Kiyomi again. "Have any suggestions before-hand? Anything you think people should know before leading people at all...?"

Glad with his trust, Kiyomi nodded. "Think it will only be fair that I help you out, seeing I did play a part in it." She said, her tone being slight amused. Though she did wonder if she would be that much of a great help. For a moment, she remembered what Zakito had told her before. "About leading? Simple. Find people you can trust and heed their advise well. Then don't forget who you are. Sounds perhaps a bit cheesy, but it is sometimes hard to forget who you are when people come to you for advice." She told him. "Also as reminder that you're human. Perhaps people don't expect mistakes from a leader, we all make them. My uncle always says that mistakes are there to learn from and use them to better yourself."

Hiraku smiled, nodding "Thanks... I'll try to remember those suggestions..." He took a sip from his tea and let a quick "Heh" before he spoke up again. "I can only imagine what my teammates will think when I'm suddenly a part of a secret plan to take down the leader of the Hyuuga, then take his place..." He imagined both of their possible reactions, then looked to Kiyomi. "Is it hard to remember those suggestions when leading all that you do? It must occasionally be hard to remember one or two of them, right?"

Smiling and nodding as she was glad to be off assistance, Kiyomi thought about his next question. "Sometimes it can be hard. Certainly when those who you trust advise different methods or approaches. The problem is however that in the end it will be your mistake. At least, you might feel like it, but people will see as it. The leader gets most of the time all the honor and prestige as the controversy of his or her decisions." Briefly Kiyomi thought of Meisa. The woman did deserve way more praise for all she had done. Perhaps one day...

Hiraku nodded, thinking about the fact that the leader does seem to get all credit for everything done even with a lot of suggestions being given. "I guess it kind of makes sense... Not fully... Of course people with good ideas should get credit, but the fact is that until it's put into action, it's still only an idea that entire time... The leader does have the last say whether it happens, and since they'd get all the blame for that, they should get a bit of the credit for good things too. But the one with the idea should share in that blame or credit..." He thought about it for a moment and then said "I think whenever I make a decision that someone else helped with, I'll make sure to credit them as I make the decision."

Nodding, Kiyomi would place the empty cup on the table. Hearing his last comment made her smile a bit. "Something I do find admirable about you. Though in my experience it is harder than it sounds like. Some people don't want any praise, even if they did or think of something amazing to improve the situation or needs of others. And sometimes people will think you're only trying to be modest and giving you more praise. Believe me, sometimes I get the idea it is way more simple to say nothing and let people figure it out by their own. Though that won't work either, I suppose."

Hiraku frowned. He knew some people wouldn't want the credit, but he was hoping that people would at least believe him if he said someone else had most of the credit or something of that sort. "Alright, I'll ask them before I decide... Whether they want credit or not... And if they do, I'll say they do, whether people believe me or not." He nodded. Of course, he wouldn't have nearly as many people doubting what he said or believing what he said as she would, but he'd still likely have to face some of those problems.

"Heh, that is a good way to go at it." She wanted to talk more, but a soft knocking on the door would herald that their time was running out. "I do have several more duties to attend to today. But I'm glad to have met you Hiraku. Remember, if you wish to contact me. Write a letter and leave it on the Will of Fire monument. You'll get a reply as soon as possible. No worry about that." Flashing a smile, she would rise up from her chair and extend her right hand towards him.

Hiraku nodded, standing up and shaking her hand. "Alright, I'll make sure to do that. Sorry to take more time than you may have hoped." He quickly picked up the remaining of the tea, drank it to ensure there wouldn't be any tea wasted, set it down and bowed slightly. "I'm glad to have me you as well. Hopefully we can talk more about the idea of handing out something simple and useful another time." He proceeded to walk to the door, nod and say "Goodbye, have a good day, Empress." He would then open the door to leave, exiting the room.

Smilling, Kiyomi would take place on the chair again as Hiraku left - escorted back to the perimeter of the place. Briefly she thought back about the whole meeting and could concluded it was a good one. Her thoughts went briefly out to Hideki and Masami. Hopefully they and the other Hyuuga would soon get a better future other than just one Hyuuga.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hideki Hyuuga[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Part Whatever of Whatever[/BCOLOR]​


[BCOLOR=transparent]"Aside from the map, which seems to indicate a village near Sea Keep, the accounts are mostly harmless correspondence. Nothing illicit. Have a look yourself." She handed him one of the letters upended. The formerly blank page was now guested by a few rows of kanji, the chakra influence dyeing them a light blue. Hideki held the letter to the light of the lamp and read.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Are you well? Eating alright? Just a formality, of course. I'm not expecting a reply - assuming you're even reading these letters in the first place. It's odd here. Secluded and quiet. The villagers are slowly growing accustomed to my presence, which is not to say they've completely accepted me as one of their own. I still deal with distrust and oblique glances daily. But that's a worthy punishment, wouldn't you say? [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Otherwise it's lovely. The wind blows in from the sea here, reminding me of home and the days I used to go fishing with my father[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. From time to time I like to take a few days off and go set up a camp there, by the water. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]The tranquility is indescribable. As for my treatises, they are hardly making loads - as a matter of fact, there's only a few copies available worldwide - but I find it fun and almost soothing to write. I did send over a few copies to the Konohagakure library, if you're ever in the mood of reading. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shireneko has been growing increasingly impatient with me - I can sense it. It's been nearly two years since I last summoned him. But it's better this way. His time as the Menace of the Countryside is over, and I still don't trust him enough to set him free. Not much else to say. Again, I hope you're doing well. I miss our talks.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Koichi Suzuki, as you know it.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"See? Nothing too harmless. I wonder why he even bothered to encrypt them. Seems like a whole lot of extra work for something so insignificant," the receptionist mused, adjusting her oblong spectacles by nudging them up her nose. Hideki said nothing, a frown creasing between his brow. He skimmed through the other letters, searching for hints of any kind. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was all very puzzling. The discontinuance of letters seemed to indicate the author had either learned of Reiko's demise, grown bored, or found something else to spend his time on. Third-party interference was also a plausible option. The mention of punishment and one "Menace of the Countryside" did peak his interest somewhat, but it was nothing he could expand upon. Shireneko seemed to refer to some cat, as evidenced by the 'Neko', but what in the world did 'Shire' stand for? 'To know'? No, that couldn't be it. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was all too ambiguous, the entirety of it permeated with an undercurrent of privy. Hideki stood around for a few moments, absently biting on his tongue, his thoughts seething, before returning to reality and addressing the receptionist. "This'll do, I think. Thank you so much." He offered a respectful bow in the form of compensation. "It's what we're commissioned to do!" she responded cheerfully, feigning a militaristic gesture and almost causing her spectacles to fall off her nose. Yes, the rumors were definitely somewhat true. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hideki stuffed the letters in his bag, then, with a smile and wave, bid the Cryptanalysis facility farewell. As soon as he was out, he tightened the straps of his headband, made sure his eyepatch's adhesive was working as intended, read the skies for any irregularities, and ascended onto the rooftops of Konahagakure, dashing away toward the Hyuuga compound. There was some unfinished business he had yet to take care of.[/BCOLOR]
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[fieldbox="Operation Unseen Revelation, green"]
The village of Takato

Kensuke silences an ANBU operative who has assassinated another ANBU operative.

The man looked like any man. He did many ordinary things during his days, nothing that'd raise suspicion or betray his actual role. He bought groceries, watched television, talked to some people, ... Nothing that made him stand out at all. He was in fact so ordinary it was as if it was his profession to be inconspicuous. Although that was not entirely a correct statement, the man's actual profession indeed was all about subtlety, secrets and acting unseen. His physique was easily disguised by his clothes, but it was visible in the way he walked, in the way he moved, in the way he acted. This man bore a confidence in him, a strength that only could have been forged through many years of training, and the test of this training. One more thing betrayed his experience, and that was his composure. Especially his eyes. He had unflinching eyes that could stare down the gates of hell and remain unimpressed. Of course, once you've seen something enough, it loses any special value. Even horror and death.

One thing Kensuke's eyes did not find in this man however was even the slightest hint that he had murdered a fellow comrade in cold blood. It made him slightly uneasy about what was expected of him. He knew he would have to act without hesitation to succeed, and he knew that there was no reason to doubt the reports, but his gut feeling told him this man was innocent. Then again, this man was an ANBU operative. He mightn't be able to hide the things he didn't know he showed, but the things he knew he could hide... It would be an easy feat for his mark to assassinate the neighbour's daughter in broad daylight and unarmed without any of the villagers even noticing. On top of that, Kensuke knew the ANBU. It was a tough job, and a lot of killing was involved in it, more so than in an average shinobi's life. Without the ability to steel your emotions and protect yourself from emotional harm, you wouldn't last long.

No matter how skilled this ANBU operative was however, he would die tonight.

"...considering your skills, we have decided that you would be the best candidat to execute this mission."

He made no effort to sneak towards the house. It was late at night, and the man was about to head to bed. His camouflage technique prevented any careful observer from noticing his presence, and even his mark would have to look twice to see him. The trick was in not allowing his mark a second look. The Uchiha were famous for their dojutsu, and this individual was no different. His ANBU training had only built on his natural aptitude for this line of work, and he truly was a fearsome opponent to face. Kensuke knew all about this, which was why he was chosen for this task. As the man responsible for training the most skilled ANBU operatives in expert kenjutsu, he should have little trouble at ambushing this single operative. Right?

Entering his mark's house was a piece of cake. The door was locked, but a simple trick with fire and wind chakra made the lock snap. The sound was lost in the man's evening rituals of donig the dishes. With some help from Kensuke's wind jutsu the door slowly and silently allowed him entry, and then closed again behind him.

There were many ways to kill an opponent, but not many that also incapacitated the target instantly and prevented him from being able to retaliate. Not if you wanted to keep things subtle and silent. Kensuke approached Nadaki Uchiha from behind, his hand on his sword, ready to strike. He held his breath not to be heard as the man finished cleaning another plate.

Suddenky Nadahi Uchiha swivelled around and threw a large serrated kitchen knife at him. Moving as quickly as the man had just now, he stepped forwards and directed his blade's point on a collision course with the throat of the man. The kitchen knife he could not avoid, but his breastplate protected him well enough from such things. Somehow Nadaki anticipated this and caught the attack with a pan. He then continued to tap his wrist, summong a sword into his hand with which he attacked Kensuke. Kensuke didn't need to try his sword to know it was stuck inside the deformed cooking utensil, and instead stepped forwards. The sword left a gash over his right arm as he deflected the blade with his wrist protector before it could build up enough momentum to do much harm. He stretched out his hand towards the throat of his opponent, and coated his hand in air-natured chakra.

As his opponent sprayed blood from the gaping wound in his throat, Kensuke proceeded to throw his adversary on the ground. Knowing the ANBU, he knew his opponent would not let something as insignificant as a cut throat stop him from killing Kensuke in retaliation. Despite his efforts to prevent the man from killing him during the few seconds of consciousness he still had left, the Nimatsu clan leader could feel the sword's bite in his thigh. A few moments later it was done.

Stepping back he observed the carnage. Despite the ambush, despite having literally not a single advantage over his opponent, Nadaki Uchiha had still managed to stab Kensuke between his falling leg armour plates through his thigh, barely missing his arteries. Spitting out a mouthful of blood, most of which was his opponent's, Kensuke set to the grim task of cleaning up the body.

He didn't know if his mark had seen it coming, but Nadaki Uchiha had fought his fate beyond his last breath.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Aliceee
~Tales from the Distant~

"Stories come in many shapes and sizes. Some are big, and extend over a period of time. Some are short, yet feel elegant. But everyone has a story.

And everyone has a role to play in the world."

Jiro Island - Shijo Ito, Age 21

Life on an island wasn't an easy life. Most of the food they lived on was fish. Of course, there was meat, but it was expensive because breeding took time and importing to their island was expensive. Shijo didn't mind, but he did wonder what it was like to live with a bigger selection of foods. He nearly fell asleep on the stall when the owner, an elder woman named Yukiji, slammed her hand on the stall "Oi! Don't slack around and tend to the fish! You won't get your salary like this!" She shouted at him, and he nodded lightly as he got up from leaning on the stall and turned to the crates behind him. The owner gave him a stern look before going back to shouting to people that they had the best prices in the island.

Shijo was rather tall, standing at 1.93m and had muscles that just barely showed. Sporting brown hair to his neck and a small beard made him look like a hobo, according to his mother, but he liked the look. He always wore the same clothes, simple light green clothes that matched his eyes. He had a scar across his arm from a fishing accident, but he always liked to claim it made his arm much tougher to injure now.

As he bent down to get more fish, he heard Yukiji start to talk to a potential customer, and as always, she made him many different offers at the speed of sound. As he turned back holding a fresh batch of fish to place on the stall, he saw that Yukiji was speaking to a young woman, probably his age. He gave her a simple smile as she rolled her eyes and he nearly laughed. He knew the pain she was going through, but couldn't remark on it.

After finishing with the fish, the elderly woman turned and slapped Shijo's hand "Get this nice lady three tuna and one bass! Come on, I'm not paying you to look pretty!" She told him and he grabbed a bag, placing the selected fish in it and then handing it over to the lady. She gave him and Yukiji a small bow before heading away "And that's how you do business Shijo. It's also the reason why you will never own a stall of your own." She told him as she turned back towards the market and begun to shout once more.

About half an hour later, Shoji was on his way to collect another batch of fish from the bay. The path was between many trees, and of course it was peaceful. Violence was uncommon, as the people there mainly went there to escape the everyday life that was offered in the bigger countries, along with the crimes. As the bay came into his sight, a soft smile came to his face as he always enjoyed the sight of the sea, even if it was a very common thing for him. It always made him feel at peace.

The bay wasn't too occupied today. Many of the shipments had already left to the market and many boats were out in the calm sea. Shoji approached one of the buildings and knocked on the door twice before the door opened on its own. Feeling like something isn't right, he peeked inside. No one was there, and all the fish were unguarded. Taking a step inside, he looked around. It was too quiet. Before he could ask if anyone was inside, he saw something move in a pile of fish that had no crate. Slowly moving towards it, he started to spot something that made him hasten his steps. single foot was coming out of the pile.

Shoji quickly begun to move the fish aside and quickly discovered the usual fisherman, who was nearly forty, unconcious and injured, with a broken wooden plank stuck in his shoulder. Pulling the man to the side from the fish, he tried to think about what to do. The broken plank appeared to stop any bleeding, but he didn't know if leaving it inside was any good, and he wasn't a shinobi, so any kind of ninjutsu was out of the question. Deciding that leaving it inside was a bad idea, he quickly tore a piece of his own shirt in order to stop the bleeding once he removed the plank, and placed it besides the arm before grabbing onto the plank. Praying that it would work, he started to pull, only to hear aches of pain from the man, who was apparently in the proccess of regaining his conciousness. Stopping midway, he thought about this again. Any wrong move and the man could lose his entire arm, if not more.

Letting go of the plank, he saw that it remained in the spot, and he turned to look at the man's face "Sir? Are you awake?" He asked, and recieved a grunt in return. Unsure of what it meant, he turned to look at the door and took a deep breath "Help! I need help over here! Is anyone out there?" He shouted at the top of his lungs, just like the owner of the stall would do to attract potential customers. Turning back to the man, and to the plank, he decided that leaving it behind would most likely cause only harm given wood is not meant to be inside anyones body this way, and grabbed it once again. The slight movement caused by the grab made the man ache again lightly, and Shoji gave him a concerned look "This is for your own good. This is for your own good..." He said, unsure if he is speaking to the man or trying to reassure himself.

Pulling it out, he quickly tossed it towards the fish pile, grabbed the piece of cloth from before and begun to tie it around the man's injury, which had begun bleeding. He went ahead and tore another piece from his shirt and tied that around the first piece of cloth as reassurance that the blood would go out. Afterwards, he picked the man up and begun walking towards the exit, each step feeling like quite a bit with the man's weight on him "Don't worry, there's a doctor in the village, he will help you. It will be just a bit." He told the man as he kept walking, hoping that he will make it there in time.

It took him over an hour, and a short stop to ensure the cloth was still doing fine, and he arrived back at the village. Making his way towards the doctor's office. He had to pass through the market, and Yukiji spotted him, coming towards him in anger before with was replaced with wonder at the sight of the man he was carrying "What the hell happened over there?" She asked with anger and concern mixed in her tone "He had an accident. I'm taking him to the doctor." Shijo replied, and while that did answer the question, Yukiji seemed more displeased. She mumbled something as she headed back to the stall.

Arriving at the doctor's office shortly afterwards, Shijo used his leg to knock on the door and a moment later the doctor opened the door. Upon seeing the man he was carrying, the doctor immediatly moved out of Shijo's way and let him inside. Putting the man down on the bed, he went and sat on a chair in the office as the doctor moved to the man "What happened?" He asked as he began examining the cloth around the injury and begun undoing it. Shijo took a couple of breathes before speaking "He had an accident in the docks. A plank impaled him, most likely from a badly constructed crate or such, because he was also buried under fish when I found him." The doctor nodded at the explanation and begun taking tools to take care of the injury "I'll need for you to step outside now." He said.

"I will, but if I may say something quick... I think there should be someone with medical experience in the docks as well, for these kind of things. The walk back here... It wasn't easy." Shijo said, and the doctor kept working on the injury with no response. Shijo walked outside and closed the door behind him, moving to lean on the wall beside the door and waiting there. He knew Yukiji was waiting for him, but that didn't matter now. He only wanted to ensure that the man would be fine.

The evening arrived, and Shijo wondered how much his legs would ache in the morning. The doctor opened the door and stepped outside, turning to look at Shijo "There you are. Unfortunatly, he lost too much blood and I'll need to send him to the Moon Island to get a proper surgery by a shinobi medical team there to get the hand removed smoothly. But, you did manage to save his life." He informed Shijo, and the young man looked down at the ground and nodded "About what you said earlier, I am well aware that it could help, but many people here do not possess medical knowledge, nor wish to learn it. I could send message to the other village on the island, and also one to the Sea Island, but it would take time before someone arrives to help. This may be a bit out of my area of expertise, but would you be willing to learn first aid from me and being there in the bay? I'll talk to the members of the village to arrange for a payment for this, and everyone will be capable of being more at peace regarding the people in the bay and those who go fishing."

Shijo's eyes widened. Him and first aid? That seemed so... unbelievable. He wasn't someone who was capable of facing medical injuries every time over and over. Or at least, he did not think of himself this way. But, today did show something else. He guessed that perhaps he was someone who would simply jump into action. Looking up at the doctor with concern, the doctor easily spotted the unease in the young man "This doesn't need to be permanent. I will still send message to bring someone more suitable here, if you do not consider yourself to be up for the task for the rest of your life." He told him, but Shijo did not feel any better. It was still a large responsibility.

"Can I think about this over night? This is... a rather big offer for me." He said, and the doctor nodded "You know where to find me. Just don't take too long." Shijo nodded and begun heading off as the doctor went back into the office. Walking with haste, Shijo, made his way back to where he could see the ocean from. Once he arrived there, several minutes later, he sat down and took a deep breath. He allowed the sight of the sea to take him in, and to let the calmness it gave him spread over him.

He stayed there until the next morning, and only then came to a conclusion.
[fieldbox=Ryu Uchiha, blue, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Learning to Heal: Part 1

As Ryu stood there fiddling with the hem of her top, she heard the sound of the the door being opened. Immediately the girl let go of her clothes and allowed her arms to drift behind her, clasping her wrist with one hand and smiled up at the man who opened the door. She couldn't help it, he was one of the few people she actually trusted. Not to mention the doctor was also very nice to her, and helped her through some of the harder times during her extended stay at the hospital. "Ryu? What brings you here? Come in, it would be rude of me to leaving you standing in the hall." Came a very kind voice, one that made Ryu's heart skip a beat slightly as she mentally slapped herself for stupid hopes about him. As the man stepped aside Ryu walked into the room and hopped up onto his desk, seating herself and facing him. She knew he wouldn't be bothered by it, he used to her doing this. Lord knows how many times she had done after she was up and moving in the hospital. "Heya Doc. I actually have a huge favor I want to ask you. I've been thinking about things lately, and my last mission really struck a cord with me. There was this woman in the village who was apparently injured really badly or something. Which I've been before, both from that deadbeat piece of garbage called my father and when I blew myself up. I wanted to help but felt useless because I couldn't do much of anything. So, I've decided that I want to be able to do something about that. I want to be able to help heal other people and fix the pain in the world. So; rant and stuff aside. I want to learn to be a Medical Ninja. Eiji-Sensei said that you would be able to help me, and you seem to know alot. So do you think you could train me?" The girl said, her expression changing from the happy, average teenage girl to that of somebody who was very determined about her goal.

Kante stood there and silently listened to the speech that Ryu gave. A small smile spreading on his lips, it had been a long time since he met somebody who was as determined as Ryu to help others. Frankly it reminded him of himself when he was about her age. When she was finished he moved over to check his schedule, studying it briefly before turning back to Ryu. "Well, unless some emergency comes up that we weren't expecting. I should be able to train you in the mornings every other day. We would meet in the lobby of the Hospital around 8:00. Does that work with you?" The Doctor said as he awaited the girl's answer.

"Yes, it does! Thank you so much Doctor Tsubaki! I won't disappoint you!" She said happily and hugged him tightly. The Doctor laughed slightly before saying. "I actually have time now, we could work on Chakra control to start off with. I will expect you to practice outside of our training sessions. Oh, and Ryu? Go ahead and call me Kante. Doctor Tsubaki is going to get annoying to say with all the questions you're bound to ask. Now come along, I have lunch hour and I am not terribly eager to spend it in here. We can head out to the training fields to practice Chakra control" and with that, he walked out of his office. Grabbing his lunch and ensuring Ryu was coming along with him.

Along the way, Kante explained the nature of Chakra and how very precise control was necessary for one to use it in any form tat represented medical ninjutsu. He also explained the exercise of the day. "Today, I will be evaluating you on how well you can already control your Chakra. We will start off with some of the more basic forms of Chakra control. So to start off, the classic tree walking." After being told this information, Ryu nodded and immediately went to the nearest tree, despite their not arriving at the training grounds yet... and promptly ran right up the side. It was a skill the girl had gotten down a while ago, she had used it whenever getting into the tree that resulted in her blowing herself up. Kante rolled his eyes in response to Ryu's small Ta-da from the top of the tree. So he decided he would have to make things harder for her then. Throughout the rest of the lunch hour, they trained with various means of Chakra control. Ryu was very good, for a Genin. So that made things that much easier for Kante. Overall it was a good training session.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Team 15 Mission | Itsuo Takata , lightblue]

"Good, you're both here," Itsuo said, looking at the two genin. "We'll be going to the Hidden Valley Village. It'll take two days to reach there in a carriage if we take a night to camp out and rest the horses. Our client is miss Ai Ito, whom we're assigned to escort there." He paused for a moment. It wouldn't be a great adventure as Team 15's first mission for them if the mission's difficulty was downplayed, so he cleared his throat and crossed his arms. "In case of any hostilities, we'll be expected to be there to protect her from harm. Keeping that in mind, let's be on our way."

The woman got to her feet and started to walk towards the gates where a large, tented carriage with two horses was waiting. Itsuo looked at his team one more time before making his way to the carriage.