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[fieldbox=A test or just a pleasant walk?]

A collab done between Unyielding and Aliceee

Summary :
Violet gets a very small mission to escort somebody. This happens on the day that the Ironblood tournament was over, which means right at the start of the timeskip/7 days back.

Violet was at home filling up her purple watering can. While she was gone, her mother was suppose to be taking care of her plants but Violet was worried her mother might have slack off. With a full watering can, she walked across the road in front of her mother's shop and studied her garden carefully. She started watering the plants one by one. First was the purple muscari. This was her first plant and her favorite as it represented her. Next was her blue cosmos. The cosmos represented her father and was a gift on her 4th​ birthday. Next was the red rose. This was not a gift and instead was the first flower Violet bought. It represented her mother. Next was a white lily. This... Violet did not know what it represented, nor did she remember growing one in the first place. She only had 3 flowers.
"MOMMMMM," she shouted.
Rose quickly walked to the window to greet her daughter, "Hello Vi, you called for mother?"
Violet pointed to the fourth flower, "Why is there an intruder in my garden?"
Rose giggled why looking away as if she was innocent, "Ohh... uhh... you know... I thought they were so lonely so I added a friend..."
"MOMMM... you promised" She said placing her hand at her hips.
Rose walked outside and hugged Violet, "Sorry baby... but did you know, another letter came in for you."
Violet looked at her mother, knowing her plan. "Mom you cannot distract me this time..."
"No really, it reads important and is all fancy." Rose added why pulling out the letter.
Violet took the letter and opened it.
'You have been assigned to an escort mission, please meet up at the Dango Shop to receive further instructions'
"Mom we will talk when I get back," warned Violet as she grabbed her stuff and ran off. When she arrived at the shop, she was captured by the sweet aromas. "2 dangos please," she shouted as she walked to the counter.

Sitting at the round table, Kiyomi leaned with her chin on her palms as her elbows rested on the table. Glancing at somebody who entered the establishment, she doubted that her escort would today be an old senior. The man held the door open for another senior, maybe his wife or sister? Huffing, Kiyomi glanced outside of the room as she decided to wait longer. Lowering her hands, she roffled with her right hand softly on the table.

The shopkeeper chuckled as the ball of energy placed the order. He handed Violet 2 sticks with a balls pink, white, and green ball on a plate. "Thank you sir," she bowed after handing over a few coins. "Dango, dango, dango," she quietly sang as she looked for an empty table. Sadly the some of the other academy graduates from her class was here. She wanted to leave but remembered she had a mission and that comes first. She sighed, looking for an empty spot where her classmates was not sitting and noticed a teenager sitting by herself. Violet knew she recognized the person but could not put a face to name. Smell of the fresh dangos did not help her remember either and only made her think of food. So she walked over to the table with the teenager. Upon closer examination, she noticed a scare on her left eye. Upon arriving at the table she bowed, "H-hello m-ma'am... do you mind... if I s-sit here." The scar was intimidating itself but it was the girl's presences which instilled fear. One that nearly made Violet reconsider sitting with her.

The voice of a girl, who approached her, made Kiyomi glance with a frown. "No, I don't mind. Go ahead." She calmly replied. "Am waiting anyways, so I might be gone in a bit." She further added as she would lean a bit back as she eyed the other. "Enjoy." Kiyomi said, nodding towards the dangoes.

As the teen frowned, Violet lowered her head. This would be the second time a senior figure did this to her. She pictured the moment when she met her sensei, how he seem disappointed in her. Still, Violet thanked her and took a seat. Violet snuck a glance at the teen. "Ma'am... I know this is not my business but who are you waiting on?" Violet quickly looked back down at her dangos hoping not to see the woman get mad at her noisiness.

The question made Kiyomi shrug lightly. "It is a bit odd. I kind of am waiting for somebody who was appointed to escort me. However due to the short of notice, I am not sure who it is or if it is going to happen." Kiyomi answered. She briefly glanced at the door before moving her gaze back to the girl. "But where are my manners? My name is Kiyomi. May I know yours perhaps? Converse a bit easier."

Violet gasped, after hearing the name. "Y-y-you a-are th-the Kiyomi? I-I..." Violet whispered. She took a deep breath to suppress her excitement. "S-sorry Kiyomi-sama. I-I did not know it was you." Violet was trembling realizing that she was sitting with one of the most important people in the country. Then she looked up at Kiyomi "Oh... my name... Sorry... I am Violet Tsukami." After finishing her introduction, Violet smiled and looked down to hide her face, happy to give her name to someone like Kiyomi. Then she though back to a comment Kiyomi made earlier about waiting on some. "I am waiting on someone too."

The Kiyomi? That made the teen snort as she briefly closed her eyes and shook her head lightly. "From what I know is that I am just Kiyomi. Not the. There are probably dozens or hundreds of others having the name, but you are?" Deciding to try to shift the attention from her, Kiyomi continued. "I hope that I'm not occupying a reserved spot then. If you want, I wouldn't mind giving the seat up for the person you're waiting for. I am just waiting for somebody who was send over. No big deal of course."

Violet shook her head and held out her hands while her face went red. She did not want to imply that she wanted the teen to leave. In fact, she would feel really bad if she did leave. "No, no, no Kiyomi-sama. I meant... uhh..." Violet started to panic a little as she struggled to gather her thoughts. "Well... I... uhh... I guess i can tell you." Violet looked around to make sure nobody was listening and grinned, "Well I am secretly on an escort mission myself, but I don't know for who yet..."

"Ooooh, you're a kunoichi, huh?" Kiyomi replied as she would place her left elbow on the table and rest the side of her face on her palm. "Let me guess, you got a note that told you to come here? And now you're here waiting for somebody who you need to escort. Though a shinobi only knows what he or she is supposed to know.... right?" She asked in a manner as if they were plotting something shady.
Violet nodded. "Though... I don't know why they don't tell me who i'm escorting..." Violet folded her arms agreeing with Kiyomi. "Also I am not just any kunoichi, I am going to be one of the greatest Kunoichis!" Then Violet grabbed one of her dangos and took a bite out of the pink ball. She closed her eyes and hummed as its sweetness filled her mouth.

"Interesting." Kiyomi softly said as her eyes quickly glanced to the right before looking back at Violet. "That is a very cool goal. But how will you do that when you're not sure how to identify the person you need to escort?" Kiyomi asked, continuing with another question as she hushed her voice further. "Maybe it is a test? That the top is trying to see if you're being fit to become truly one of the greatest kunoichi in history."

Violet froze in place. Kiyomi was right, this could be a test to test Violet's greatness, and as of right now she was failing. "Oh nooo... I got to find my client. I can't fail test" She looked around the shop again and then she stood up suddenly and walked to the shopkeeper. She asked him if he saw anyone important come by but he shook his head. Then she walked over to a window and looked outside for anyone who might look like they needed an escort. Nobody was standing around the shop. Violet took another bite out of her dango and thought about it, eventually taking out her note. Since the letter is important, that means the escort is important. Also that means that person being escorted is important. Thus they would not be late to this shop and are probably here. Then it hit her like a stone brick. She ran over to Kiyomi. "Kiyomi-sama, you're important and stuff. So that means... I am escorting you?"

Watching how Violet started to pace, Kiyomi would just remain sitting and growing more amused by the situation. It briefly made her consider how she would've reacted as a genin. Probably not much different if she could remember it correctly. Insane how a few years could change a person, she thought to herself. "I believe that might be the case." Getting up, she placed her left hand on her hip. "I was after all waiting for my escort so that I could pay a visit to down town. But I am not really to go without an escort, cause.. I am sure that you're intelligent enough to see know why." Gesturing to the door, Kiyomi giggled for a second. "Shall we go then?"

"Sorry about the wait... but Yes Kiyomi-sama, I am ready" Violet grabbed her dangos and they walked out the door. Happy she passed her test; she took another bite of the dangos, finishing off the pink ball. Next time she got an escort mission; she would be ready and find the client in no time. While walking, Violet was wondering what kind of person Kiyomi was. Sure she was important and stuff, but what kind of kunoichi was she? What kind of taijutsu did she know? What was it like to have the two tails inside of her? What was the two tails like? All these questions filled her head. Finally she build up the nerve to ask one. "So Kiyomi-sama, did you ever escort someone as a genin?"

Walking next to Violet, Kiyomi stuffed her hands into her sleeveless jacket. Glancing sideways as Violet asked her a question, Kiyomi nodded. "Yes. Most often it was just escorting people who needed some extra help. You know, seniors and such folk who have it a bit more troublesome in their daily life." She answered. "It was kind of fun. I remember this old war veteran who spoke of tales of foreign countries and places. And about a lady who kept sneezing every five minutes."

Violet looked up at Kiyomi in amazement. This would be her first escort mission ever so she did not know what it would be like. She tried to imagine what those two people were like but all she could think about was the old folk who just yelled at her when she was home. "They did not yell at you? Most of the elderly I met are just cranky." Violet then looked at the ground. She clapped her hands together to blow away the negative thoughts. "Did you ever get to escort someone as a bodyguard?"

"Yes. The current governor, previously Yondaime Hokage. I've been his apprentice, which meant that I had also to escort and guard him several times. And no," the question made Kiyomi chuckle as she shook her head lightly, "nobody yelled at me. Elderly people can be nice. Just make sure you treat them nice and always be respectful. Most have cool stories to tell. But that might just be me." Kiyomi answered. Heading towards the market, Kiyomi glanced around a bit.

Nice elderly people? Those are two words Violet would never thought to say together. She did not get along with the age group, but then again she did not get alone with her own age group. Violet wanted to ask another question but they were arriving into the market and Kiyomi seemed to be looking for something. Violet started glancing around too. After all, it was her job to keep Kiyomi safe. Who knows what dangers will appear at this so market? Now that her hands were free from the dangos. Violet put on her Rose's Guard. Violet did not wear a headband instead opting to have the village's symbol on these ninja gauntlets. "You don't have to worry Kiyomi-sama, I will protect you." She promised while punching her fist into her palm.

For a moment Kiyomi wanted to ask for who she needed protection from, but remembered what the girl's goal was. "Thank you. Always great to know that there is somebody around that is capable of protecting me." She said, hiding her amusement underneath a friendly tone. She briefly glanced at the gauntlets and decided to keep the conversation going on as they would further advance into the market. It wasn't that busy anyways. "Though what kind of kunoichi are you? Like, what kind of abilities do you have?"

Violet smiled happy to receive a complement from Kiyomi. However it was the second question which really made violet excited. To think Kiyomi had an interest in what Violet could do. "What type of kunoichi am I you asked? Well I am the one and only master of the Delayed Fist" She said while running ahead and entering her fighting stance. She threw a few punches and kicks in the air before she placed her hands on her hips and laughed. "Nobody in my class could beat me either."

"The Delayed Fist?" Kiyomi repeated after, trying to remember a fighting style that had been nicked like that. But she couldn't think of anybody that she knew or had faced that used something that was following that kind of name. "Impressive. And what do I need to imagine with this powerful fighting style?" Kiyomi asked. Slowly halting, she searched her pocket for her wallet. "Wait, shall we buy some fruit? An apple, banana or something as snack?"

"Fruit oh uh, well." Violet loved fruits, especially the smaller bite size ones like grapes and cherries but she suffered from the curse of never being able to pick one out to eat. They all had such good nutritional value and a sweet taste to boot. She looked at the stalls studying the quality of the fruits carefully. "I haven't had a cherry in a while... but the white grapes look so ripe, however bananas would really be good for my training... uhhh..." She was stuck. She reached in her pocket and pulled out her wallet, while letting out a sigh. She was saving up for the new flower pot so she could not spend too much. She had to make a decision. After weighing the different variables, she decided to buy the white grapes. Then she turned to Kiyomi, "What are you going to get?"

"White grapes for us. Sounds good." She told Violet as she would pull out some money of her wallet and order some grapes for the both of them. The woman behind the counter of the stand nodded simply as she asked if they wanted a small bag, but Kiyomi instead asked if the woman had something like two small bowls or something to eat while visiting the market. This made the woman to call her husband and only a minute later did she bring two bowls with the order divided in them. Thanking the woman, who would continue to praise the wares, Kiyomi turned back to Violet. Frowning at the wallet of the girl, Kiyomi stretched one of the bowls towards the girl. "I believe this is on me." She friendly stated.

Violet was cautious to take the bowl, though she did not want to insult Kiyomi's kindness. She accepted it while bowing, "Thank you so much!" Violet was not use to people being nice to her. In fact, besides her parents, she was always at odds with the people around her. It felt nice to be friendly and not constantly worrying about being prank or having to prove herself. She rubbed her eyes before her tears formed. She was truly inspired now and wanted this escort mission to be a critical success. "Oh yeah Kiyomi-sama, did you still want to know about my Delayed Fist technique?"

Slight surprised by the reaction of Violet, Kiyomi didn't start to question it as she would simply pick up a grape and put into her mouth. Waiting for the girl to 'recover' from the friendly gesture, Kiyomi nodded as response to the question as she cleared her mouth. "If you wouldn't mind. I have never heard of a Delayed Fist Technique. Sounds intriguing, if you won't mind me saying."

Violet thought about a good way to show off her technique without causing a big problem for the area. "Well it is hard to explain... Umm" she grabbed a rock and showed it to Kiyomi. "Ok, I am going to toss this rock in the air 3 times" Then she looked around to make sure nobody would get hurt. She tossed the rock in the air. It flew up 1-3 meters before coming back down. "Now I will apply the technique." She closed her eyes to concentrate and minimize the power and threw the rock. As she released it, a tiny explosion of air discharged in her hand causing the rock to fly 4-6 meters before coming down. "Now here is why I named it Delayed Fist" She closed her eyes again to minimize the power and threw the rock. As it reached its peak height, a tiny explosion of air discharged under the rock propelling it another 3 feet into the air. "That is my powerful fighting style hehe" Violet announced while catching the rock.

Not one to be quickly amazed or impressed, Kiyomi couldn't help but to look surprised for a moment. She wondered about how that had worked, other than the obvious fact that there was some chakra in the play. Glancing at the rock, Kiyomi flashed a smile. "Impressive. Good to know that my current guardian is a capable kunoichi indeed. Though," Raising her left eyebrow, Kiyomi hushed her voice a bit. "Is it not unwise for a shinobi to reveal one of their cards?" She asked as she was about to continue the walk around the market.

Violet looked at the rock, and smiled. Although she did show a sample of her technique, that was but a tip of the iceberg. This added to the fact that when Violet would become a Great Kunoichi, everyone would have heard of her technique. So, she would always have to be constantly evolving the style. "Kiyomi-sama, wise or not, I want to be able to win against any card, even if the enemy knows my cards." Then she held up the rock, "Besides Kiyomi-sama, all you know is that I can throw rocks really high. I would not count that as a card." Violet added before giggling.

"I could try to analyze and create a theory behind it. My uncle excels in it, but sounds like fun challenge, no?" She replied. "If I am correct, you need to amplify your chakra in order to either produce or reproduce the effect. Much like how some use their chakra to strengthen their attacks. Meaning simply, don't engage in close range." Shrugging lightly, Kiyomi picked another grape from her bowl. "Though I have no eyes that can see chakra systems or movements, so it is more wild guessing than anything in particular." A light snort escaped her, as she thought of something.

All of the charka talk completely blew Violets mind. She was never really adverse in how chakra worked, but she knew how to use it. She shrugged and laughed. "But then I would just throw rocks at you," she joked while dropping the rock. She then popped a grape in her mouth as they continued walking. "Kiyomi-sama, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of Kunochi are you?"

Clearing her mouth before giving an answer, Kiyomi replied back. "That is a question I have yet to figure out myself. Strangely enough there are a lot of people who claim that you know what kind of kunoichi or shinobi you are when you're dying." She said, picking up another grape. It was sad that it was not busy on the market as she had hoped to encounter some people she knew. Though going back would be a waste of the effort she had placed into getting this bit of freedom arranged. "If you mean what I can do? Nothing really special. I suppose I can swing a sword, but not sure if that is a cool thing." She further replied, actually pondering on it if it was a cool thing.

"Swords are cool, though. My mom will not let me use a sword." assured Violet, "I read about plenty of shinobis who channeled their jutsu through their weapons" She wished she could use a sword but the real reason she could not use a sword was because her technique did not work well with sharp edged weaponry. She remembered the last time she tried it; her weapon flew out of her hand, out of her father's gym window, into her mother's store, and nearly hit a customer. That was a bad day. She wanted to comment more about sword but she did not want to give away the weakness. "I wonder why more Shinobi don't use a sword."

"They can be pretty wicked, that is for sure." Kiyomi said. She briefly wondered if she should talk about people who were quite good with channeling their chakra through a sword or other weapon in order to make them even more of a deadly fighter. "Possibly cause it is hard to smuggle a sword. A knife is smaller and easier to conceal than a big broadsword. There are ways to cover it, but most of them require either chakra or still not be as easy and handy as a knife." Deciding to show Violet something, Kiyomi shifted her bowl from her left to her right hand. Flicking her left wrist, there was a small blade rushing forward. It wasn't that long as Kiyomi's pink and ring finger carefully, but swiftly tilted the handle spot. "See? Easier to hide and use than if I were to try to hide a sword there. Then I am afraid I would hunch over to the left at one point." She joked as she would let the knife pull back underneath her bracer.

Violet amazed at the trick. "Yea using a sword does seem to put you at a disadvantage when you put it like that." This was not something she thought her classmates could do but it was very shinobi like. Every one of her classmates liked to use big moves and attacks. This was probably why they lost to her Delayed Fist, because they did not think about its affects. Then she started thinking about what would happen if she pulled out a hidden blade after an attack. Maybe she would call it Delayed Bladed. when "It is kind of hard to hide my fist," Violet joked, when "Does that put me at a disadvantage?" Though she said a joke, She hid a real question. She wondering if she should try and pick up a weapon instead of always fighting in hand to hand combat.

"Not unless you know how to hide them. Pretty easy." Placing her hands on her back, Kiyomi smiled a bit. "Quite easy, ain't it? But I suppose you've a mentor or sensei who is also able to teach you that kind of tips and stuff. I'm not really that great as others when it comes to helping how to conceal weapons and such." Kiyomi thought of Aiko, Saki and Katsu. Even Hayate was fairly better than her in concealing his weapons. "In the end, I was taught at the start that not picking a fight is the best way to win one."

"Sensei," Violet repeated, remembering her last lesson where he threw a shuriken that cut some of her off. Still, she grinned and raised her fist, "I will learn somehow and improve my Delayed Fist so I can beat the Uchiha and his inner demon!"

The enthusiasm was something that made Kiyomi chuckle. She wondered about what Violet meant with the Uchiha and inner demon, briefly causing her to wonder about something. But she dismissed the thought as it would be impossible and irrational. "Uchiha and inner demon?" She decided to ask, still wondering what Violet meant with that. "That doesn't sound so good. Got a rivalry going on, huh?"
"No... I mean, my class did not have anyone from the Uchiha clan, and everyone always told me the reason Uchiha's eyes turned red were because they had an emo demon inside of them that could cast strong Genjutsu if you look them in the eye." Violet started to shiver after saying the word Genjutsu. It was the worst shinobi ability ever invented. It was super shady, scary, and overpowered. Just the idea of being trapped in a nightmare and being unable to get out was horrible. Like what sicko even invited the idea? That person was a real demon.

Frowning as Violet shivered, Kiyomi was chewing on another grape. Clearing her mouth, she scratched her own cheek. "That is silly. One of my friends is an Uchiha." Though she found it silly, it was pretty amusing. Then again, she could remember the time that Hisoka had showed her his sharingan. Remaining silent for a second, Kiyomi spoke up again. "Beside, three of the past Hokages had those eyes. The Second, Third and Fourth. And knowing two of them, I can say that they haven't any inner demons."
Violet's face went red with embarrassment. She was not one to fall for the pranks of the other students, but to have fallen for this one and show it to Kiyomi was really embarrassing. "But what about the red eyes and the Nightmare you become trapped in by looking into them" That was the real scary part in her mind. It was terrifying to say the least and would make a fight with them involved nearly impossible to win. How do you avoid eye contact and effectively dodge the opponent?

"That is genjutsu. No work of a demon. It is simply manipulating chakra and then once it 'hits' you, you will experience the genjutsu effects." Kiyomi explained. She wasn't sure if she explained it properly as it wasn't something she was overly knowledgeable with genjutsu. "Besides, there are more genjutsu than just those who happen to involve glowing red eyes. Much more."
Violet folded her arms. Just because there was no demon, does not mean that genjutsu was not overpowered. Violet thought that those who used the genjutsu were just cowards who could not fight. Still she was feeling really bad about the demon thing. Good thing she never called anyone out on it. when "It's still scary and as cool as Taijutsu!" Taijutsu was an art, a true way of fighting, and the ultimate test of skill.

"Taijutsu is certainly cool." Kiyomi admitted as she thought about it.
"But there are so many forms of taijutsu. I prefer more un-orthodox fighting manners than the traditional ones. What about you?" She decided to ask, hoping that the conversation would be more to Violet's liking while they continued their walk.

"Un..Or...o..Docks, Is that a new type of taijutsu?" asked Violet. The Academy did not teach many types of taijutsu so she had to study other people like the Hyuugas or read about the different techniques from books. "I like seeing and learning about different types of Taijutsu. I think they all have their own charm. My favorite though, it would have to be the Strong Fist Style: Dynamic entry. I think it shows off the true power of pure Taijutsu and looks really cool. However the best Taijutsu is obviously my Delayed Fist" Violet pounded her fist together as she was itching to show off her ability against a bad guy.

Continue to enjoy her grapes, Kiyomi thought about it. She decided that she shouldn't try to explain it as she didn't want to come over as a smartass. "Though why is it called the Delayed fist? Does it make you slower? The punch comes later?" She asked the girl. Eating the last of her grapes, Kiyomi waited for a reply in return.

Violet chuckled with confidence, "That is my secret Kiyomi-sama." Then she grabbed her hips and tried to look cool. "Just know that it is really powerful, awesome, and unbeatable." Then she pulled out her grapes bowl. She was eating most of them while listening to Kiyomi's stories but now she only had 3 left. She popped one in her mouth and smiled. "When I win a competition or something Kiyomi-sama I am sure you will hear stories about how great my style is"

"I'll be looking forward then to such stories. Maybe I'll be escorted then more often by you, huh?" She cheerfully said. Noticing a stand that sold hats, caps and even umbrella's, as some people rather sought shelter from the warmth of the sun than to bade in it, Kiyomi pondered. "That looks interesting, what do you think?"

Violet smiled and nodded her head to both comments. Though she knew she was just boasting, she really wanted to make her technique renowned like Gentle Fist and Strong Fist. It was not fame she was seeking but acknowledgement of being strong. As Kiyomi pointed out the shop Violet saw a pink parasol. It was so cute. Her eyes glittered for a second before she remembered she was on a mission. "It would not hurt to look Kiyomi-sama." Violet tried to hide her excitement but her eyes never left the pink parasol.
Following Violet's gaze, Kiyomi suppressed a laugh. "I'm not sure what the reward will be of the mission, but if you would, I wouldn't mind to reward such loyal service with a gift." She said on their small way towards the stand. The man behind the counter of the stand rubbed his hands, hoping that the two would buy something.

Violet turned to Kiyomi and smiled."Thank you Kiyomi-sama, but I cannot impose any more then I have. You have taught me lots and all I have done is walk beside you." She picked up the parasol opened it and spun it above her head as if she was in the rain. After looking at the price tag, she put it back. She saw a straw-hat with an artificial flower. She picked it up, checking the tags. "A true Shinobi should earn their keep, not leech off of those wealthier then her." She pulled out her wallet and gave the man a bill as payment. She felt proud to buy something with her own money.

Kiyomi wondered for a moment what she had taught Violet, but would let the girl pay for her own expenses. Looking around, she tried to look for something that she could give away as a gift. Perhaps a hat for Saki? Deciding to wait and perhaps buy a gift later, Kiyomi thought of where they could go now. Seeing that the market wasn't being very interesting today, she was curious to visit the Merchant district. But going outside the inner walls was something that a number of people wouldn't like. Thus she would set her mind on another place. "Ever heard of the place, Azumi?"

"Azumi, Azumi..." Violet repeated as she tried to recall the name, "Umm... I heard some elderly speak the name" Violet went to twirl one of her pig tails but remembered it was not there. Then she fiddled with her fingers hoping to recall something. The only other thing she could remember was the cranky old people yelling at her for spying on them. "Other than the name... no." She sighed, as she gave up on trying to remember.

"Not very surprising that they did. Though I suppose they were probably talking about the teahouse." Kiyomi said. She thought for a moment how to get from their current location to the desired one. "I just want to do a brief visit though, but I assume you haven't heard of the Guardians then either?" The young teen asked politely.

Violet put her finger on her lip and thought very hard. This time nothing, not even the name, came to mind. "Nope... I don't know the Guardians... Do they use that Unoarthrodoxs technique?" Her eyes glowed as she at the thought of seeing a new Taijutsu. Then she went into a weird stance pretending to be an Unoarthrodox fighter.

A laugh escaped Kiyomi, who managed to snort it back into a few amused snorts. "I think that they do. You could perhaps seek an audience and try to join them." She suggested to Violet. "Many members I know are quite the shinobi. Using some nice taijutsu styles as other fighting styles." She wondered briefly if she should share some tales about various members, but wasn't sure if Violet was even remotely interested in hearing them.

Violet covered her mouth to catch her squeal, managing to muffle it enough so only Kiyomi could hear it. Then she started shadow boxing as she fought with her nervousness "Would they let me join? Do I have a shot? Kiyomi-sama thinks I can do! I-I want to do it! I wanna try!" As she finished, she punched her nervousness. However she did not know what she would have to do. "How do I prove myself kiyomi-sama" She ask while running up to Kiyomi and looking up to her with eyes both sparkling with hope and gleaming with determination.

Glancing as Violet caught up with her again, Kiyomi found the question quite adorable. "Enlist. Then from what I remember is that somebody of the elite unit will give you a test. Succeed? And you're a member of the Guardians. Well," she thought on how to properly explain it. Not every member of the Guardians was part of the real Guardian unit. "You will be accepted into the organization, allowing to request other members to help you training or just favors. In return of favors back."

"OK then I will enlist and pass that test without delay!" she cheered while raising her fist. This would be great. Judging by the name, they had to be superb fighters but so was Violet. She also had an ace up her sleeve, her amp. It was the single most powerful move in her arsenal and most discrete. It would surely wipe the floor with anyone who underestimated her. "What is enlist?"

"Joining." Kiyomi answered. She wasn't sure if Violet had made a pun with her first response, but it sure did provoke another laugh from Kiyomi. "I'm sure you will find yourself fitting among them." Briefly she wondered if she should request Hayate to personally test Violet, but she didn't know the girl that well or long enough to perform such nice gestures.

"Oh-KAY! Then I will join and pass without delay" She cheered, replacing the word she learned with a word she knew. Then she remembered something very important, something that will make or break her in the future of missions and shinobi ways. She was on a mission. "Oh... wait there will be one delay... I have to finish escorting you first Kiyomi-sama"

"That is true. I would be after all lost without such a valiant kunoichi." Finding the way wasn't that hard. Leaving the more busy sections and districts of the city, Kiyomi led her and Violet towards Azumi, which meant they were heading for some of the training fields. There were some couples of senior who were heading the same direction as they were or so it seemed at least. "Though I do think I'll return back after this visit. Seeing how calm and peaceful it is today, I figure that a nap later would be most welcome."
Violet nodded and followed Kiyomi. She made sure to take notice of training fields. They were much bigger then her dads dojo but she wonder if they could do as much. Her dad was an excellent trainer and fighter though he rarely worked with Violet. Her mother was a good mentor sometimes but she loved to joke and mess around a lot so rarely did things get done. Still both of them gave good advice and tips for when Violet wanted to train on her own. She also took notice of the senior people, careful not to bother then and get yelled at again. That would be terrible on her escort mission. "So what is this Azumi place"

The question was answered a second later. "It is the headquarters of the organization. It has a dojo, library and even some place for members to stay. The name after all means 'Safe Residence'. It is a sort of second home as some of the members didn't have one before. Or need it." Her voice trailed a bit off as she would simply look in front of her. "It is a nice place in my opinion."

"You mean... for the Guardians!" Violets excitement rose sharply. She was going to meet the Guardians on her mission. If she was a rocket... she would have made it pass Pluto by now. However being the Shinobi that she is, she managed to keep it to a quiet singing as she trailed behind Kiyomi, "I get to meet the Guardians"

"Yes, sorry." A light hearted chuckle escaped Kiyomi as they would arrive on the perimeter of the headquarters. Though there was a small group being active outside, participating in some group training, Kiyomi's attention went to the surrounding gardens. She hoped to see a familiar face tending to the gardens, but seemed that she didn't have the luck. "I suppose we can take a look inside, if you would want that." Kiyomi asked Violet, glancing at the double door entrance of the complex.

Upon seeing the garden Violet jogged over to get a better view of the plants. They were so pretty and so many. However her garden of 3 flowers was still clearly better. At least that is what she kept telling herself. Then Kiyomi mentioned going inside. "If that would be alright with you Kiyomi-sama." She was trying to stay respectful. She wanted to go inside really badly and started chanting the song again in a quiet voice.

"Then let's go." Heading towards the doors, she was grateful that everybody outside was minding their own business. She didn't feel the need to spark a conversation with somebody other than a few exceptions. Opening the door, she glanced around before holding it open for Violet to enter. "Let's hope we don't disturb anybody. The majority of the halls is actually off-limits."

Violet nodded and walked in after Kiyomi, grinning and wanted to shout every second. However Kiyomi warned her that most of the hall was off limits and this brought even more excitement. Would she catch of glimpse of the secret areas? Would she meet the Guardians? Would she pass the test? "What is everyone doing?"
Closing the door softly behind them, Kiyomi shrugged lightly. "I am not certain. Many are part of a team, so they can be on a mission, send on by the jounin commander. Or a specialized team from the Guardians are on a mission send by the captain of the Guardians. Training, enjoying some free time or spending time in the library. Not sure." She replied to the girl. Beckoning her to not wander off and stick close to her, Kiyomi felt it was ages since she had wandered around the halls. Deciding that they could first go to the library, Kiyomi thought of something. "Do you like to read?"

Violet followed like a tourist while listening to all the things Guardians do. Special missions, training, Library, these were all interesting things for the 12 year old girl. "I read a little. I love the stories about Heroes and I love books about the different Taijutsu. I have a small Library at home too hehe." It was not a big one, with only 5 books, 4 of them she swiped from her father's collection because he was going to just throw them away. "OH is there secret books techniques I could learn?"

"If the captain allows you, yes." She answered. It took a bit before they were at the entrance of the silent wing, mainly because it had been some time for Kiyomi. Spotting several people reading and studying, she decided that it would be best to not further advance into the section. "I think we should else go to the lounge. Before we disturb somebody." She suggested to Violet, glancing at the girl as she would take a step away.

That means she would just have to impress the Captain when she met him. However her bubble would be popped when Kiyomi suggested they go to the lounge. She was heartbroken but she bared it. Why Kiyomi was walking off, she raised her hand and blew a kiss to the countless books she would read in the future. "Till we meet again books of learning" Then she quickly caught back up with Kiyomi. when "You think we will get to meet someone in the lounge Kiyomi-sama"

Glancing sideways, she didn't want to disappoint Violet. Clearly the girl was excited to meet somebody that was part of the organization, which Kiyomi doubted. Around this time of the day, she didn't reckon that many members were spending time in the lounge, possibly at the end of the afternoon or just in the early hours of the evening.

"One way to find out." The young teen said. As they neared the lounge, Kiyomi wondered where Kazuo was. Probably arranging some matters for Hayate, she figured. Together with Violet, they would arrive in the lounge. There were a couple of people at a table talking with each other. Wearing the specialized flak jacket, Kiyomi recognized that they were part of the real unit of the organization. "See those few people there? Those are members who have proven their worth and loyalty to get such a jacket. Next to be being a chuunin shinobi or kunoichi."

Prove their worth and Loyalty? Violet knew she was loyal but what did Kiyomi mean by worth. She walked in front of Kyomi to speak with them but she felt a sharp wave of nervousness hit from nowhere. Thoughts of what might happen if she made a bad impression seeped in. She was scared. Had this been a fight, she would not worry but social interaction was a huge downfall of hers for years. "Kiyomi-sama… what if I make a bad impression? What if I'm not worthy"

The questions confused Kiyomi as she blinked a few times rapidly. "Worthy of what? Oh." She looked back at the group. They had clearly caught eye of Violet and her, but politely continued their own conversation instead of just staring at them. "I doubt you will. Besides, they are probably not a bad bunch." She paused. "None of them is the captain or one of the two lieutenants. But if you don't dare, I suppose can call it a day."

"Wait wait... I..." Violet did not want to quit. She was not a quitter. She fought tooth and nail to get where she was now. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and exhaled the nervousness. She had Kiyomi behind her and what more could she ask for. She could not let Kiyomi down and dishonor her kindness. Violet opened her eyes which were filled with fire. Then she walked over to the two shinobi and politely interrupted them. "Excuse me and good afternoon. I am Violet Tsukami and I hope I can one day be worthy like you both." Then she bowed.

Though she had playfully taunted Violet, Kiyomi hadn't anticipated that Violet would just walk on to the two members by herself. Walking after the girl, she was a bit too late to prevent her from speaking up. The two at the table briefly stared, surprised, at Violet. The kunoichi at the table had her arms covered in bandage as her dark eyes briefly eyed the genin, only to travel back to Kiyomi. The eyes of both the Guardians widened as they rose up and made a quick bow. Something that did irk Kiyomi, but she couldn't blame them. Subtly gesturing to the members that it was fine, Kiyomi took a step backwards to allow Violet some time to talk with the members. The young man, sporting dark brown hair and freckles, chuckled briefly. "A pleasure to meet a future member then." He politely replied. The kunoichi with raven colored hair remained silent as she placed a hand on her hip.

"You're rather short, aren't you?" She stated, tilting her head to the right as she asked so.
The words future member stuck in her head. She thanked the man and blushed, delayed standing up to look at the man. However she knew she could not be scared. She had to be brave or else. When she looked up she saw the man smiling which made her blush more. It was the first time she made a good introduction. However all of this would change when she heard the kunoichi called her short. She clenched her fist but otherwise held her composer. "I-I maybe short... but... but I-I am not weak!" she said firmly. Memories of her Academy days rushed in. She was the shortest girl in class and person overall and was teased for it. She did not let that stopped her, and took it as a challenge to prove how wrong they were.

Remaining out of it, Kiyomi simply observed the situation. The young man glanced at the kunoichi, who crossed her arms out front of her chest. "Take it easy. No need to judge somebody on their heights, Sui." The kunoichi that went by the name Sui simply raised her eyebrows. She didn't say anything as the young man would introduce himself. "The name is Katashi. Don't mind her; she is in a bit of a sour mood." He friendly stated, earning himself a sideways glare from Sui. "But you want to join the Guardians, eh?"

Violet was happy that the man defended her; but if she had too, Violet could totally kick that woman's butt. Totally... like if Sui was sleeping, and had her arms cut off... Then maybe Violet would have a chance. However, that would not be needed because Katashi was nice and stuff. Violet smiled before answering the question, "Yes Katashi-san I want to join the guardians!"

Katashi rubbed his chin as he raised his right eyebrow slowly up. "Good, good. But do you know what the purpose is of the Guardians?" He asked friendly. Sui sat down as she threw a glance at Kiyomi. The latter still keeping a little of distance as she observed the situation with an amused smile on her lips.

Violet thought about the name and came to a conclusion. "Is it to protect Akinian?" That is what her father told her about shinobi in general when she wanted to be a ninja. She did not pay it much mind at first but as she read more stories about heroes. She too wanted to uphold their tradition. After all, to her heroes were strong themselves and renown among the great Shinobi. "I love Akinian... and my dream is to become a strong Kunoichi. One that can defend Akinian with my own power."

Sui scoffed, but Katashi shot the other Guardian a glance as he would shook his head. Sitting down to prevent the girl from the trouble to look up all the time, the young man made a gesture to the person behind Violet. "It is, but we're to protect the person that rules over Akino. Though we won't just leave somebody in danger, our first goal is to protect the ruler." This provoked a snort from Kiyomi. She wanted to say a light hearted joke that Violet could then already see herself as a Guardian with her current mission, but decided against it.

Violet grinned at the man explanation. A group to protect Kiyomi, they had to be like heroes. She also knew that she also had a lot to learn and her Delayed Fist was not strong enough to be the Guardian Kiyomi needed. However that did not deterred her, instead only adding another reason to train and grow stronger. "Good cause already agreed to give my life and grow stronger to protect, Kiyomi-sama!" she announced while making a fist.

Kiyomi herself wasn't that much thrilled with hearing that as she would speak up. "Though I serve the people." She said. Both Katashi as Sui seemed to find the Violet's reaction slight amusing as Katashi nodded to confirm Kiyomi's words. "That and there is still always a tomorrow that needs another hero. If I were you, I would enjoy my time rather than spending it all on training. Believe me," the man sighed softly, "training all day long isn't that great or cracked up as they make you believe it is."

"But training can be fun too. The feeling of inventing a new move and perfecting it" she said why swaying as she remembered the joys and struggles when developing her Delayed Fist, "The experience of overcoming new obstacles, and breaking the limits." Then she placed her hands over her heart. She would not forget about the people though. She moved to the side she was not in between Kiyomi and the two chunin. "And I will be the herione who protects everyone."

The reply made Kiyomi wonder if she had been like that as well. She could remember Leo and how he wanted to be a hero later. Crossing her arms out front of her chest, she watched how Violet's words caused both Katashi as Sui to snicker and laugh. But not at her as the young man replied back. "That's the spirit. When I was a genin, I had pretty much the same ambition. Just work hard and you'll get there eventually." He told her. Even Sui seemed to crack a smile.

She bowed after receiving the complement, "Thank you Katashi-san" It was great having people believe in her for once. She stood up while smiling and turned to Kiyomi. Then she remembered she was on a mission not here to waste time. She ran over to Kiyomi to apologize, "Sorry Kiyomi-sama, I took your time again. We can leave whenever you are ready."

Shaking her head lightly, Kiyomi replied back. "It is okay. Let's not just tell anybody that you took a bit of your own to talk with them." She told Violet as she would gesture to the way they had came into the lounge. While already walking, Kiyomi glanced at the girl. "So, are you certain? I mean, becoming a hero isn't always that great. People will rely on you, y'know?"

Violet waved to the two Chunin before following Kiyomi. Then she glanced away from Kiyomi. She was not good at answer these life questions. Her father would randomly pick up one while she was training and she never had a good answer. "If I back down now, I would be letting those who believe in me down while giving in to those who do not. I want to be strong. I want to prove to everyone I can be a great Kunoichi. I want to help others in need, Even if others don't want to help me... I will fight alone if I have too, to protect what is important to me." A tear ran down her face, though she wiped it away.

Simply nodding as she didn't consider herself as the person who was allowed to doubt Violet, Kiyomi placed her hands at the back of her head. Enjoying the serenity that was still present in and around the complex, Kiyomi wasn't looking forward to heading back to the palace. Once outside, she would turn towards Violet. "I forgot to ask, but who is actually your sensei? Perhaps somebody I know?"

Violet grabbed the part of her head where her pigtails would come out. She did not know how she felt about him. He seemed like caring person but he did cut her hair on that mission. "Hiron Hon-sensei."
"Oh really? That old drill sergeant?" She said, lowering her hands as she would then erupt in laughter. "I suppose you should be luckily that you consider training that much fun. He has a way to test that though." She wondered if Violet was aware that her sensei was Kiyomi's guardian. Deciding to not reveal that fact now, she continued snickering.

Violet turned to Kiyomi with shock. To her knowledge, Hiron was not a funny guy. In fact, he was the opposite of funny. He was super serious, mean, and had no eye for skilled students. "Test! Is Hiron-sensei going to give me a test too? Darn it... where do all these people find the time to make test" she complain while folding her arms. Today was already full of test. She hoped if she had to take another test, that it would be much later when she was more rested.

"Hahahahah, it isn't really what I meant. It is more," Kiyomi paused as she snorted her laughter back. "That he will likely train a lot. It is a manner of saying." Glancing to the side, Kiyomi cupped her chin for a moment as she thought out loud. "Though perhaps I should think of a test for you now, huh? One more can't always hurt."

Violet laughed hesitantly while looking away, "Hahaha Kiyomi-sama, your jokes are funny hahaha... Please tell me you are joking?" She started sweating a little worried about what kind of brain rattling test she would bring up this time though she really hope she was just joking.

Again the teen snickered as she nodded. "Don't worry. I suppose we should get going. I suppose in exchange for your excellent escorting that I could do a good word for you. I'm sure that the lord jounin commander would be pleased to hear that there are genin like you around. What do you think?" Kiyomi replied back.
Violet clapped her hands together and looked up at Kiyomi, "Again Kiyomi-sama, your kindness knows no bounds" Her eyes were more radiant than ever. If the Lord Jounin Commander would hear her name, maybe she would be giving more special mission. Then she bowed and continued to thank Kiyomi.

Waving the thanks away, Kiyomi found Violet's thanks more than amusing. It most certainly had its boundaries, she knew herself well enough, but it was always fun hearing somebody stating such lines. "That's alright. I suppose I can find my own way back without somebody bothering me or requiring more of your service. That and I wouldn't dare to occupy such a valiant kunoichi longer than I already have for today."

"No Kiyomi-sama, It was a blast. I learned so much and met new people. I would love to escort you again some time." Violet smiled. Her mission was complete and a complete success. She could not wait to go home and brag to her mom about how awesome she was, though she would surely make sure to keep quiet about the secret parts about the mission.

"Glad to hear so. I suppose I will be hearing soon enough then about your adventures." Kiyomi half turned around as she would nod towards Violet. "Thanks and take care." With that said, the young teen would place her hands again at the back of her head as she would walk in a calm pace towards 'home'.

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[fieldbox=Keishi - Daimyo's palace, ]
The Meeting of the Clans,
A collab done between :
Roran Hawkins, Gerontis, Fieryfly, Aeronfarron, Chromehound, Nim, Lesli and Aliceee.

Part I

Summary :
The hosted event at the Daimyo's palace is about to start. Representatives and leaders from the clans that reside within the Empire of Akino were invited to the old palace of the Fire Daimyo in the city of Keishi.


The room was big and spaciously decorated in the traditional way that was so typical for the style of the Daimyo's palace. This meant a low long table and cushions along the outside for people to sit on. No chairs graced the room. People were supposed to sit on their knees like the high lords of old times. There was a place reserved for all the clanleaders that were invited. Little name cards were present on the table to signify where everyone should sit. It was a conscious decision by Hisoka. It generally worked better if you didn't let people chose their place. That way he could chose to avoid conflict. He could place his father at the end of the room so that he wouldn't be inclined to look over his shoulder every five seconds.

The walls were painted in a pleasant shade of mellow green. The left wall when standing in the dooropening had a large decoration of a flying ibis, black and white wings spread out. The right wall had doors to a porch and the inner garden. Might it get stuffy than the doors could open to let in some fresh air.

Hisoka stood next to the door. He was dressed rather fashionably, or at least he thought so. He wondered what Harumi thought of his attempt to get dressed back home where he had pulled out several yukata's until he found one that suited his needs. He had probably let the rest of them somewhere on the couch, he realised now. Maybe Harumi wouldn't be happy about that...

He observed the table once more. Tea was ready to be served along with light snacks. His eyes moved over the names as he walked past them once more. The table was u shaped so that no one would sit with their back to the door. In the middle of the u was Hisoka's place for he was to open and guide the meeting. Next to him on his right side was Shozo as it was only natural that his dad was next to him. Next to Shozo was Kensuke Nimatsu and next to him came the Kusanagi clanhead. The Nara and Sarutobi followed suit. On Hisoka's left side was Kiyomi, the Empress of the Akinian Empire who could be in no place less than on his side. Next to her was her uncle Zakito with Aiko next to him and next to her Gakuro Senju. The Hyuzu clanhead graced the position next to the Senju. At the end said several other clan members such as the Yamanaka and Akamichi clanheads.

He had considered the positioning quite well and hoped it would work out. As he stood behind his seat Hisoka realised that, yes, he was ready for this.

It was quite an interesting setting as she thought about it. Though properly dressed, Kiyomi had made a choice with her atire. Instead of wearing something that would make her stand out, she had a kimino that was rather 'dull'. There were some patterns of dark blue fire at the bottom of the dress, while at the right side of her chest the crest of the Homura. She had been tempted to wear a bright color, but instead the kimino was dark grey. In her opinion, it would be a sign of desperate trying to gain attention while she knew that if she would act composed and calm that she would receive a better reaction. That and one of the 'colors' of the Hon clan was dark grey, so she considered it a good choice.

But this all wouldn't make her mutter softly a curse as she wanted to walk in a good pace towards the hall where the meeting would be. The kimono wasn't that 'comforting' as baggy trouser. Hiding her discontent about the limited mobility of her dress, Kiyomi noticed a few of the Guardians standing near the entrance of where the meeting would be held. Nodding as flashing politely a smile, she would enter the room. Though she had noticed Hisoka as she entered the room, Kiyomi curiously eyed the surrounding. "This is nice." She mumbled, turning her gaze on Hisoka. A playful smile crept on her lips as she would make her way to her place. The name cards were in her opinion adorable. Before she sat down on her place, Kiyomi would make a small and graceful bow towards Hisoka. "Sir." She said the sole word with a certain respect and yet keeping up her smile as she sat down.

A few moments later, the representative of the Sarutobi clan would make his arrival. The man made a short bow towards Hisoka, followed up towards a bow towards Kiyomi. The man then seemed for a moment to wonder where he would sit, but the rather convenient name cards made it quite easy for him to find his place. Sitting down, the man briefly rubbed his chin as the scarred facial features of the Sarutobi frowned as he glanced around for a second.

Kensuke frowned at the guardian who glanced over his appearance as if to see wether or not he was supposed to belong here. The guardian was adamant to his frown and Kensuke snorted in indignation. It seemed that he had passed the test, and he was allowed entry with a quick nod. He entered the room and heard the door close behind him, and observed the large table. He quickly recognised the nameplates everywhere, and after a moment's hesitation he found his own seat, right next to Shozo Uchiha. Walking over there he admired the traditional arrangement, and tried to ignore the fact that he was going to sit next to Hisoka's father for at least a few hours. Folding the black hakata underneath him as he sat down on his knees on the cushion prepared for that, Kensuke straightened his blue haori over the white kimono he was wearing. Proudly emblazoned on both the haori and the kimono was the Nimatsu clan seal. He had this outfit prepared for occasions like this with his surprisingly wealthy income to have some variation between formal attire. The clothing he had from home, all sent here by his sister, was a uniform collection of dark greens and greys. While those were the colours of his clan, it was a step too far to literally become a green stain wherever he went.

As he walked towards the building, wearing a dark blue kimono with the Senju clan symbol onthe back in aqua, he tried to recall what his mother used to say about the Daimyo back at the day. Stopping to allow the guardian by the entrance to inspect him, Gakuro kept a calm expression and thanked the man as he was allowed entry. Unable to remember what was told to him due to him being at a fairly young age and his lack of interest back then, he decided it would be best for him to avoid the topic of the Daimyo and only admire the appearance of the place. Once he entered the room in which all of them would gather, he was thoroughly impressed by the decor and somewhat joyed by the fact there was a reserved spot for each head of a clan. Not having the need to choose a spot by himself was a relief, as he saw his spot, but before going there, he approached Kiyomi and gave her a big bow "Good day, your majesty." He told her, afterwards he rose and gave a smaller bow towards Hisoka "Hisoka-san." He then looked in Kensuke's direction and gave him a short bow as well. With the introductions of the people present complete, he went to take his own spot in the nicely shaped table.

Heading to the room, Zakito held his left eye closed. He noticed the members of the Guardian unit that were standing guard at the entrance of the room. The black flak jackets remembered him of the comfortable fit that the garb provided to the wearer. Not that he was wearing a traditional wear as his clan didn't have such a thing. If anything, he was wearing what seemed to be more focused on looking proper and yet comfortable. The dark jackets worn by what were more teens and young adults made Zakito softly chuckle. Perhaps they weren't the bunch that looked the roughest, he knew that members who were granted those jackets and place in the unit weren't given to just any show off. Seeing the few members, Zakito wished he could just also keep his jacket with him. But with such an official meeting, it wasn't really allowed. No, instead he was wearing a dark grey tunic with a black wolf's head on the right shoulder, woven into the dark grey clothing. His trousers were black as well. He found it simple and yet showing the colors of his clan. Seeing that would likely be a thing. "You look like a butterfly." He complimented the woman who he walked arm in arm with.

"That is sweet. Though I wish that I could've found you something more… cheerful." The woman replied. Aiko had her hair braided the day before. Technically she wasn't looking forward to a meeting with other clan heads. There were a few that she was on friendly terms with. Mainly for relations to ensure more and easier trade between her and other clans. In all this time, it had only grown, but that didn't mean she was excited for formal meetings. Then again, she liked the light purple dress. It wasn't too 'occupied' with flower and butterfly. They were mostly around the short sleeves and bottom of her dress. Flashing a smile towards the few Guardian members, the two would enter the room. Noticing the current occupants of the room, Aiko made a respectful bow towards Kiyomi, followed by a shorter one towards Hisoka. She was briefly wondering where she would sit, finding out about her seat. Settling down, she flashed a friendly smile towards Gakuro Senju, placing her hands on her lap as her gaze travelled to the decorated wall.

Letting Aiko enter first, Zakito glanced at the members near the door. He hadn't yet seen Hayate, but figured that the leader of the organization and unit wouldn't be too far away. For a moment the man wanted to hook a thumb behind his belt, only figuring that it wouldn't be proper. Or was that lacking class? Mentally sighing, the man placed his hands on his back as he would enter the room after Aiko. Making a bow towards Kiyomi, the man would simply nod towards Hisoka. Heading to his place, he found it a good idea with Kiyomi between him and Hisoka. As he sat down, he did miss the comfort of a chair. Noticing the color of Kiyomi's atire, Zakito let out a soft chuckle. "Hope the journey was pleasant, your grace."

Korina smiled at the Guardian that had the job of searching her for hidden weaponry. She didn't mind it so much, as the man was being respectful, but she almost had to laugh because of how difficult it was. Her clothing, what her people called a "deel" was wrapped and fastened in multiple areas around her right side. The red fabric clung closely to her body, but was still loose so she could move. The yellow colored sash at her waist was fastened rather tightly to accentuate her waistline and hips. Her sleeves had been trimmed recently to keep the openings away from the red ceremonial gauntlets with golden colored trim. Unlike her daily gauntlets, these were unarmed, which she was happy to let the guard check. Beneath it all, so wore black colored pants and shows, both of which had red trim. Her back carried the symbol of her clan, a stylized multi-headed dragon, in golden thread. It was rather...odd to be so covered up, but both she and Amaiya agreed that this would be the safer option, so as not to offend anyone. Once she was cleared, the Kusanagi clan head made her way to her seat, and sat down with a surprising amount of grace, given her general personality.

The simple clothes of the Nara clan leader allowed the Guardian who was searching him to do so with ease. Nodding his thanks as the Guardian allowed him through and into the room, Shikamura Nara entered slowly, his eyes taking in the surroundings. The room was well decorated and quite luxurious, and the Nara smiled inwardly. Making his way further into the room, Shikamura bowed his head politely towards the Empress and nodded towards the others at the table. Noticing the arrangements, he smiled, and made his way towards his seat. The girl beside him was not one he recognized, but her place-card indicated she was from the Kusanagi clan. The Nara was not overly familiar with the clan, and he was curious to find out more about it. Nodding politely towards Korina, Shikamura turned his attention towards Kiyomi and Hisoka, waiting for the meeting to begin.

Approaching the building, Jora was hesitant. He still was not familiar with all of the intricacies of politics and etiquitte around meetings like this, and only hoped that he wouldn't make a fool of himself. He was dressed almost entirely in black, with only his clan's crest on his back highlighted in a silver thread. Pausing at the door, Jora allowed the Guardian to search him. He wished for a moment that Hayate were there to settle his nerves. It was strange in a sense, he was the older brother and yet Hayate always seemed to find these situations easier to deal with. As the search finished, Jora walked past the Guardian and entered the large room. The grandeur inside surprised him, and Jora paused momentarily, looking around.

Spotting the table, he made his way towards it, at first nervous that he would have to choose his own seat. His eyes caught sight of the name plates, and he was relieved. Jora stopped in front of the table, bowing deeply towards the Empress and then made his way towards his seat.

The next one to enter was Shozo Uchiha. Having patiently been checked by one of the guardians the man strode into the room. He made eye contact with his son for a second before walking over to the table. In front of it he bowed towards the Empress just like Jora had done moments before though his bow was slightly siffer. He nodded politely to the other clanheads before searching his seat. It was right next to the Nimatsu clan head. The boy seemed so young in comparison to him. Ignoring him, Shozo looked up to his son to wait for the meeting to start.

As the last of the clan heads entered the room, Hayate signalled the Guardians outside of the room, passing the order to allow no further entrants. Entering the room himself, Hayate took his place along the wall, giving himself a good view of the entire room. He glanced around at all of the clan heads, his eyes lingering for a moment towards the center of the table, before he went back to scanning the rest of the room. Hayate hoped that his brother would do alright in the meeting. He knew that Jora was new to these things, but he would need to get used to it.

Shifting his stance, Hayate felt slightly uncomfortable in his current attire. He was not wearing his traditional long black jacket, and instead was wearing the modified Flak Jacket of the Guardians with his rank insignia patched over the right side of his chest. Making eye contact with the few Guardians who remained inside the room, Hayate ensured each of them was paying attention, and was satisfied to see that all of them were standing properly at attention. Turning his eyes back to the table, Hayate waited.

Now that everyone was in place Hisoka cleared his throat. He bowed first towards Kiyomi and then towards the clan leaders. They were an important part of their society and demanded respect, respect that he was definitely willing to give. His eyes couldn't help but linger on Kensuke and in his mind he wondered how the boy was doing.

"Thank you all for coming," he said as he sat down as well, folding his yukata along his knees before he rested down on them. "We are here to talk about the current developments and generally get an overview of the current clan line-up within the Akinian Empire. However before we begin," he clapped twice and the door next to Hayate opened again. Two servants would come in with glasses of green tea and some plates of mochi. Hisoka gestured for the clan leaders to indulge themselves and then looked at Kiyomi, expecting her to say something to open a more pleasant conversation.

The bowings. She flashed a smile in return as some of the people bowed. Making a mental note of who did and who didn't, Kiyomi half closed her eyes. Hearing the chuckle as Zakito's words, Kiyomi nodded as she would reply back to her uncle. "It was a good journey." She wanted to comment more, but the last person entered the room. As Shozo made his stiffer bow, the teen almost forgot how she had changed her mind about how to react to the man. Briefly she wanted to throw something at the Uchiha, but instead closed her eyes as she flashed another friendly smile. It wouldn't help her or make the meeting go any smoother if she would get frustrated on how the man kept treating her.

As Hisoka started the meeting, Kiyomi wondered what the first topic would be that they were going to talk about. Seeing that tea and mochi was brought, Kiyomi couldn't help but faintly smile. For a moment, she wanted to whisper and ask Hisoka if they would also get some apple pie. But as she sideways glanced, she noticed that he was looking at her. For a moment, she wondered briefly what he was expecting of her. Realizing, Kiyomi mentally flinched as she hadn't studied more about how to be present in meetings like this. "I must say that I enjoyed the mochi that were presented at your wedding. How is Miss Uchiha doing?" Kiyomi friendly inquired as she hoped it would lead to a pleasant conversation.

Kensuke was both indignated and amused by his neighbour being Shozo Uchiha. The old man seemed to completely ignore his existence. It annoyed him because it meant he failed to appear as a respectable clanhead, but it also nearly made him giggle about the stiff man's way of dealing with being seated next to a 'minor' clanhead. Hisoka's clapping tore him out of his pondering and for an instant Kensuke was on high alert, untill the servants streamed in. He accepted the cup of tea and snatched one of the mochi. He was filled with absolute delight when he tasted it. Despite being a disciplinarian and very strict on just about every possible matter, he was a sweettooth. He made a mental note to thank Hisoka for bringing some direly needed improvement to this obligated meeting. For a few moments it remained respectfully silent, and then almost awkwardly so, untill Kiyomi started speaking.

He wanted to walk up to hear and drag her outside by her ear and tell her about how bad of a conversational topic that was with both Hisoka and his father here. Fortunately the circumstances prevented him from doing so. Even though he realised that at a meeting like this it was almost inevitable for that topic to pass the word, it was hardly a subject to begin the discussion with. "Undoubtedly she fares very well. Now Hisoka-sama has more time on his hands it is clear he will take care of his wife as well as he has tended the state up untill recently." Kensuke spoke on a convinced tone.

Gakuro greeted each passing head clan with a small bow from his spot until all got arranged in their spots. After Hisoka started the meeting and had servants bring forth the green tea and mochi, the young man took a cup of tea and settled for that. Snacks and light treats could wait until after the more major topics were discussed, in his opinion. As he sipped from the tea and listened to Kiyomi and Kensuke. With the topic of the recent marriage at hand, the Senju clanhead knew his cousin would jump at asking when they will have a child that could play with Mayumi. He knew better "I agree with her majesty. The mochi at the wedding was a delight. And even though I believe that Miss Uchiha is doing well, I'd prefer hearing about it from Hisoka-san." He said as he turned to look at Hisoka.

Glad to hear that her journey had gone well, Zakito was glad with the tea and mochi as he would politely just take a cup of tea. Leaning a bit more back, he overheard the conversation and wondered for a moment. Was it now going to be that everybody was going to comment on the marriage between Hisoka and Harumi? He wondered if nobody else was figuring that it would be a slight weird thing as he thought that it had been a curious, innocent and yet formal way to start. Instead, Kensuke began to answer from Hisoka while Gakuro already made an assumption on the whole matter. Slowly raising the cup that he held with both hands, Zakito decided on the matter in silence. "Hmmmm. Who would react in for another's marriage stead? None of my bussiness. Unless..." He thought to himself, softly blowing on the warm surface of the tea as he hoped that nobody would suddenly ask how his marriage with Aiko was. Not that it was going bad, but the thought made him wary and thus he remained silent.

Aiko glanced at the mochi. She had before decided that she would eat less sweets. But the smell as the look of the mochi that were offered were too much a temptation for the woman as she mumbled a friendly thanks towards the servant as she would pick a mochi with one hand and with caution, in order not to spill, a cup of tea. It smelled great and for a moment, Aiko had almost not heard the current conversation. Taking a bit of the mochi, she listened to the conversation. Slightly, her left eyebrow raised by a bit as she remained silent as well. Noticing that Zakito was remaining silent, Aiko decided to state something. "The mochi certainly taste good." Her voice was kept a bit soft as she of course didn't want to disrupt the current conversation but neither wanting to remain silent.

Korina bowed back to the Nara clan leader as he took the seat next to hers as well as to Kiyomi and the other clan heads. Granted, the bow wasn't as deep as it was to Kiyomi, but this was the woman that once greeted the Empress with a mere nod of her head when they met. She thanked the servant with a smile then blew on her tea as she listened to the conversation. She had nothing to really contribute, and didn't't feel the need to seem like a fool, for what did she know of marriage? She looked at the mochi quietly then sipped her tea. She found that she wasn't fond of the liquid, but decided that she could deal with it. She look at the man beside her then cleared her throat quietly. "Ah, excuse me, Kind Sir. But...what exactly is this?" She asked inquired about the mochi.

Watching and listening as the others spoke, Shikamura remained silent. Some topics were better left untouched. As the tea and snacks were brought in, the Nara politely thanked the servant and went back to watching, paying little attention to his own food or drink. The sound of someone trying to gain his attention caused Shikamura to look back at Korina. Smiling at her question and her formality, the man responded in a hushed tone. "It is a traditional sweet rice cake. A little sweet for my taste, if I must be honest." Glancing around the room, Shikamura waited until all of the others had received their food and drinks before turning back to Korina. "A trick, if you find it too sweet, is to wash it down with the tea. Helps mute the flavour a little." Smiling politely, Shikamura once again turned his attention back to the center of the room.

Trying to remain as still as possible, Jora did not wish to do anything to make it seem as if he did not belong. Realizing that he probably looked much too stiff, he attempted to relax his posture slightly, trying to mimic the other clanheads. When Kiyomi brought up the subject of lord Hisoka's recent marriage, Jora was embarrassed as he did not know how to respond. Thankfully, he was saved by the delivery of the food and tea. Fighting the urge to dig right in to the delicious mochi, Jora watched how the others ate it before moving in for his own. Taking a sip from his tea, the Hyuzu hoped that a response was not yet required of him, as he had nothing to add to the current topic.

Of course, Hisoka had wanted Kiyomi to start some sort of small talk, but why did she have to choose the topic of his marriage. His father was drinking tea next to him,but Hisoka had the distinct feeling that the man was watching him as if he was curious about the answer as well. He was almost grateful when Kensuke spoke up for him, shooting the young man a look, until Gakuro demanded an answer from him personally. At least he was good at lying. "Thank you for the compliment, your majesty and mister Senju. I am glad you enjoyed them," he said. "And Miss Uchiha is doing fine, thank you." He nodded to Kensuke once more. "I hope to take care of her in the best way I can." Which probably was by staying out of her way as much as possible, but he couldn't tell them that of course.

Amused. That was what she was as she sat back and enjoyed the conversation that sparked. With given some tea and mochi, the young teen took a sip of her tea as the event unfolded. She didn't have any ill intention with her question, but it was more than amusing to see how others decided to react and reply while her question had been aimed at Hisoka. If anything, the young ruler was pondering on if she should continue. What would the others state and say if she would inquire about other matters? But with Hisoka having answered the question, she decided that it was time to get serious. They were here for a reason after all.

"Glad to hear that. But very well. I shall start this meeting with the blessing of our good governor and one of my advisors." Kiyomi paused, glancing sideways at the Uchiha at her side. Turning her attention to the others, she kept the pause up for a moment as she would then speak again. "Our first topic shall be that of the newest clan to be in the realm." Nodding friendly towards Korina, Kiyomi continued. "As you all are, they are subjects and thus our countrymen as comrades. However," she paused again as she remembered most of her lessons quite good, "I know all too well that some of you don't trust them. Which is natural and not something to be ashamed off. If we were to trust everybody on our doorstep, we would have been used for other's advantages many more times than we could count all together." Slowly the gaze of Kiyomi traveled to Jora, the brother of Hayate and current representative of the Hyuzu clan.

"What I want to discuss now is simple and fair. You all are chosen or have been chosen to present your clan, culture and people in the realm. As I have asked our good governor, Hisoka-san, here to help with this meeting, so do I wish to ask you all here to help to talk and discuss in a civilized manner about the topic. I ask you, what kind of rules would be best to settle on. The Kusanagi are nomads, not something we are used to in the Empire. But as they are now my subjects, they shouldn't be treated as strangers. I don't dare to inflict the decision upon you all that you need to embrace them as your brothers and sisters. But to treat them fair as any other subject of the realm." Pausing, Kiyomi flashed a smile as she continued to look around at the present people.

"Perhaps is there anybody who would like to start with suggesting something on how we can keep everybody happy while allowing the nomads to continue their life style?"

Listening to the words of the young empress, Ling had been silent the whole time. Taking a sip of his tea, the Sarutobi had yet to speak up after the meeting had sort of started with the question of the young ruler towards the governor. But now he slowly raised his left hand while holding his cup with his right. "If your grace and the governor wouldn't mind, I would like to speak." Lowering his hand, he waited a second. The scars on his face made it perhaps difficult for the others to see if he was looking calm or slight worried. Never the less, he spoke. "I've yet to become aware of the manners and traditions of the Kusanagi clan. For that I bid my pardons to the young miss." Bowing his head slightly towards Korina, he continued. "But as others know, the woods and forests of the Sarutobi clan are considered their home. I won't bother and bore all those who are present with my people's history or manners, but if the nomads would find themselves in need of traveling through what we consider our homelands, we would like to make an agreement. As it is only to be civil to request permission, even though we all are serving your majesty, I would like to see that the forest and woodlands aren't just dismissed anymore as some..." The man sought for a proper word as his eyes briefly lowered. "Public park. They provide my people with food. Resources. Homes. We don't have much and we wouldn't like to ask for much. Your majesty and my governor, I would like to propose this. It is what my people would appreciate and make it easier for them to be open to others if there is some sense of security that they can retreat to."

Listening to the words of the empress, Aiko blew gently on the surface of the warm tea. Briefly she wondered about the topic and what the Cho clan would think about it. Likely not too much. They had their own affairs and troubles and weren't much into meddle into the buseniss of others unless it would beneficial for them. Wondering who would speak up first, the representative of the Sarutobi clan spoke up. It sounded in her opinion more out of concern than anything else. Something she could understand. Though it was maybe not a problem, it could become a problem if there wouldn't be made some agreements. "I find the suggestion of Lord Sarutobi quite fitting. It would be better to know what the other would find fitting as a conflict between nomads and farmers wouldn't sit well." Aiko said. She briefly wondered for a moment if she could add something to the suggestion of the Sarutobi. "Many of the Cho clan are farmers. I can't say that I have lived for the majority of my life on the countryside, but I know some of the farmers quite well. A new factor as nomads roaming around the empire might be interesting, but if left unchecked it will become a problem. It will be harder to keep track where they live and go as well making sure that they know where they can let their herds and horses graze to not upset the locals who use the land for agricultural ends."

Korina thanked the Nara head gratefully for the information but stuck to the tea. She had to remind herself that these people didn't know about her clan and their beliefs, but she couldn't help the frown at a few of their words. "I am unsure of what you mean...by treating the forest like a park, Sir. I've seen the parks of this place...and I can assure you that even our children have more respect for the Great Mother's domain. So you have little to worry about." She looked around at the gathered heads, "As a clan, the Kusanagi firmly believe that the Great Mother's gifts belong to everyone. As such, we take on the roles of the protectors and cultivators of the forests, laying, beaches, and tundras we inhabit. Ideas are changing slowly due to a few of my people finding new places to set their roots. Many are travel weary, and have found and petitioned for land outside of established, known boundaries. So you have little to worry about from them."

The Kusanagi head met the eyes of Aiko then looked at her Empress and the other addressing party. [Colors=lightblue] "We are unused to the ideas of boundaries outside of camp set up. In Lightning Country, we were given free reign of all lands, because we offer many things that others did not. For the duration of our stay, we often care for the land, tend to any crops we may partake of, and plant various herbs and vegetables as thanks for letting us use their land. When the herd grazed on lands that we knew belonged to another clan, we would give gifts of leather, decorative clothes, and a young colt as thanks. For any clans that shared their own herds of sheep or cows, we would freely butcher any that they asked us to, and gave them useful tools we would make from usually discarded pieces. Bones would be made into weapons, hides turned into adhesive or clothes...we shared everything." [/color]

Korina rubbed her chin, "We exclude very few from the clan. And nothing belongs to us. I am more than willing to continue this culture of sharing and cooperation with any clan that welcomes us into the forests they consider their own. Of course, you will have access to these same items if you decide to not share of your lands, but you will have to pay for services and goods rendered. My people live by a strict code of beliefs. And unfortunately, I cannot return to them and say that we aren't allowed into this section of the forest, because a man or a woman told them not to. It flies in the face of everything the clan born were born to know, and everything the clan joined had to learn to even marry into or become adopted by the clan. Well, I could, but there will be a lot of questions."

"If I may?" Shikamura asked politely, looking from the Empress to Korina and around at the other heads who had spoken so far. He had remained silent during the initial question, as he still did not know much about the Kusanagi clan and did not wish to assume anything about their culture. As such, he desired instead to listen and gather information before making any statements.

Korina's words had given the Nara some significant insights into the general culture of the clan, along with some of their traditions. Armed with that knowledge, the man felt prepared to speak. "I do not wish to speak for Master Ling, or the good Lady Aiko, but I think I may be able to clear some things up." Turning slightly to face the girl beside him, Shikamura continued. "It is not a matter where anyone wishes to interfere with your people's culture Lady Korina. Master Ling has been incrediby kind and patient thus far with some who have, in the past, treated his lands and forests with less respect than they have deserved. As such I suspect he simply wishes to ensure that is not a tradition that continues. From Lady Aiko's words, it appears more that she is looking out for both her clan's interest as well as your own. Farmers can be highly protective over their crops and livestock, and rightly so. It would be more wise for there to be an understanding in place so that neither side looks upon the other in an unfriendly light. If, for example, a group of Kusanagi clan members were to come across some of the farmland without there being an understanding, the farmers might think they are simple raiders trying to steal their livlihood. As you can probably imagine, that could have some relatively negative consequences." Pausing for a moment to consider something, Shikamura decided to continue, hoping to explain more clearly.

"Again, I apologize if I have spoken incorrectly on the behalf either Master Ling or Lady Aiko, and if I have, please accept my sincerest apologies." Inclining his head slightly in a polite bow towards the two he had mentioned, Shikamura turned his attention once again to Korina. "I can appreciate that yours is a clan of sharing and cooperation and that you do not shy away from showing thanks for gaining access to another's lands and herds. That is truly a unique and interesting aspect from a nomadic clan. However, there are still many problems that can arise from having no boundaries." Intertwining his fingers, the Nara continued. "Take, for example, my own clan. If a member of your tribe were to enter our lands unknown and kill one of our deer, then in thanks, brought us the antlers as a gift... That would be an offense of the gravest consequence. Deer are sacred creatures within my clan and thus we offer our protection to them and allow them to roam through our forests and lands without fear of harm from another human. Your clan members would have no way of knowing this without first hearing about it from a member of my clan. Thus a grave issue would have arisen where instead, we could have avoided any conflict if there had been a simple understanding amongst our clans." Finishing, Shikamura hoped that his words had not come across in a hostile light, he simply hoped to clear up any confusion surrounding the current topic.

The Hon had listened. The first topic was interesting, but he wasn't keen on speaking first. As others spoke before him, Zakito rubbed his chin while pondering on what had been said so far. Understanding the situation, Shikamura's words made Zakito nod ever so slightly. Wondering what his own folk would do in this situation, he was half doubting that it would go with a smile and wave. Briefly, he glanced with his eye to the door where Hayate stood. The man was wondering about the words of Korina. It could be true that the Kusanagi were left to roam around in the Lightning country, that had more nomad cultures and groups roaming around, but what made him worried was if Kiyomi had perhaps given a message that the Kusanagi could continue as they could've in the Lightning country. The two realms operated differently, that was crystal clear, but the man wasn't sure if he would need to say more after Shikamura's words. And uttering his doubts wouldn't likely be received positively, making Zakito remain silent for another moment. Clearing his throat softly, he decided to speak up. "If my opinion would be valued," he started as the thought came up what if they wouldn't value it, almost making him chuckle, "then I would like to state that I agree with Lord Nara. In a simple analogy, the realm is the host and they are still the new occupants or as some see it, guests. In either way, though preserving of culture is what I would like to follow, I do think that something as simple as conversing before taking action would solve a lot. Lord Nara's example of his clan's deer would put anything I could think of to visualize the situation of how wrong it can go to shame." Compliments, an important part of such a meeting.

"In that light, I think this goes more than just to the Kusanagi. This situation has happened before and led to conflict between my own culture and people and the Sarutobi, because what Lord Nara gave as example happened." Zakito continued, his tone still friendly as yet serious. "We're all loyal to the realm, I hope I can safely assume that. With that taking as a fact, it is true that a subject could potentially go wherever that person wishes to go. As wonderful as it may sound to have this freedom, I don't think that it would be proper to let this continue without some... boundries." He didn't like the word as well the lenght of his reply, but continued anyways. "My thoughts on this situation would be that we should extend this manner to other clans. While I believe that many don't travel in large groups around these days, it can always happen. Some of our ancestors after all wandered around as well. What was, may come again."

[fieldbox=Blades and fangs in the dark, crimson]
Detachment of the Guardians,
Led by Lieutenant Koike Hon, 30 people strong detachment.

In one of Keishi's poor districts.

Part I

Summary :
Leading an operation, this detachment isn't at the Daimyo's palace, but instead working in of the districts where they were ought to find something. Or somebody.

The group slowly advanced. Fifteen of them, all geared up in the special flak jacket of the Guardians. The civilians didn't seem to be minding the group that much. "Keep your eyes open." Koike mumbled, audible enough for the team to hear it through the earphone communicator. They had divided the group of thirty in two. Fifteen would take up strategic positions around the slums in numbers of three. The other group of fifteen would move under his lead through the slums. Their objective was in theory quite simple. Find the trace and make sure that nothing or nobody would disturb the meeting that transpired at the Daimyo's palace. Keeping his right hand leaning on the blade that hang at his hip, Koike glanced around. The civilians were probably considering that they were just a patrol as each of the fitteen had been ordered to not be too intimidating in attitude. Only to keep their eyes open and look for anything that could arise suspicion.

Katsu seemed a bit more ease than the lieutenant, talking to Tanpo from time to time with a grin. After hearing his friend warn them over the communicator, he took a few steps to get close to him. "Do you need to be so tense, Koike? It's not like we're gonna miss anyone coming near us until they've got their knives on our necks. Sheesh!"

The Hon looked at Katsu. "Uchiha, if you're so relaxed, feel free to take it up with the captain. Or swap with somebody. For now, everybody stays on watch. Slowly advance. We're not far from it." Koike replied back. "And yes, that was an order. It might seem easy, but there is quite a lot at stake here." He added, hoping that Katsu wouldn't be a problem. With being one of the youngest, Koike had hoped that it would motivate the others into showing that they wouldn't be outdone or something like that. "Now advance. And keep yourself sharp." He mumbled, something moving in his shadow.

As Katsu slowly fell behind Koike and took his previous place again, he mimicked the lieutenant mockingly before sighing and glancing over at Tanpo. "He's just a sore old butt." he said quietly. The direwolf panted as he walked cheerfully.

They continued on for what seemed like a hour. Slowly the group crossed a market as the civilians now and then glanced at them but left them be. Koike wasn't sure what to expect of them, but it was probably nothing too bad. With people knowing of the fancy meeting between the leaders and representatives of clans and cultures in the old palace of the Daimyo, perhaps they had anticipated more patrols? Glancing at the direwolf that silently stood at his left flank, Koike hoped they would reach the spot without any trouble.

He had some doubts about the orders, but didn't feel like he should question it. So far the job seemed not that bad other than that they had little intel on who they were going after. Hearing the hourly report of the five groups of three that were on the look out, Koike decided to pass an order. "Make sure that the captain is aware of the situation." Getting a confirm that somebody would patch it through, his group reached the perimeter of what seemed to be a run down appartment complex.

"Everybody, spread a bit out. Move in groups of two to four. Keep for now the perimeter secured." Koike ordered. Glancing over his shoulder, he beckoned Katsu to come with him. "Did you check your gear?"

"I have all of my weapons," Katsu said, nodding. "Newly cleaned."

"Good." A grim expression flowed over Koike's features. He glanced at the building while they would calmly walk to 'cover' and remain out of sight of anybody who could be in the complex. It didn't look large. "I want one group to enter the building at the southern entrance. The others, keep the exits in check. Nobody leaves without my permission." Waiting for the others to acknowledge his order, Koike sighed softly. He would quickly nick the other team as Team Red as well flagging him, Katsu and their wolves as Team Grey. Flexing the fingers of his left hand, he tried to guess the distance. "I doubt you can with this distance, but try to check if some chakra in that complex is nearby a window."

Scoffing at his friend's lack of faith, even though he knew the doubt it was well founded, the boy brought his hands together and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he turned to his friend, shaking his head before opening his eyes again. "No one's in there."

Remaining silent, Koike glanced around the corner at the building. He knew that it was fruitless, but tried to see for any signal of life or movement. It really seemed abandoned. "We're at the southern entrance. Over." Hearing it, Koike pressed his left index finger at his communicator. "Acknowledged. Move out and do so in a cautious pace. We're going in here as well." Glancing at Katsu, Koike nodded.

Katsu jogged up to the doors of the building, and made a small opening with a bit of a creeking sound. He couldn't see too well with the contrast in light between the outside and inside, but he could make out some knocked over furniture. He pushed it a bit further and took a step in, raising his hand, radiating light from it.

Waiting, Koike sighed. His gaze quickly moved up to keep a watch for any movement. It was here much more quiet than the other part of the district. Though earlier before their arrival other teams had attempted to gather intel. Most intel had pointed out to this building."Clear?" Koike mumbled through his communicator, hoping for a quick reply.

The light went out and he spoke back through the earpiece. "Yup. All clear," he said. "This place is so creepy..."

Making a short jog towards the doors, Koike glanced around as well. Akumu followed him and after a hand sign, the direwolf would enter before him. The large creature sniffed around the place. "It isn't cheerful, that is for sure." He noticed some filfthy clothes, but doubted that they could use that. If any possessions were of their pressumed targets, then there was just too much junk to clear out what they could use to track them down. "Stay close." Koike muttered as he would slowly advance.

Tanpo followed right after Akumu, running next to Katsu again. "Er... Right." He followed his friend closely.

It seemed that the last occupants had clearly no interest in cleaning the place up after them. The slums hadn't look that bad in Koike's opinion, but this building was just a big mess. Keeping his right hand on the handle of his blade, he would slowly peek around the corner. Nothing other than trash and a couch that somebody had left to rot in the hallway. "Gods... This place reeks." His nose wrinkled as he briefly wondered how the wolves could withstand the smell.

"Ugh... I know. Why are we looking inside this specific building, again?" Tanpo seemed to share the sentiment of disgust, patting his nose with his paws as if trying to scratch it.

"Orders." Koike simply answered. He would continue a moment later. "Lately stuff has become odd. I mean, the Daimyo and his family turned traitor. The events at Nanporo." Becoming silent, Koike glanced around at the hallway. Walking slowly further, he thought he saw something on the ground. At first thought he wondered if it was blood, but as a drip came off the ceiling, the answer was clear. "Glad when I am home again." He mumbled to himself.

"That's not an answer," Katsu grumbled, tempted to run to a window and jump out. "What are we looking for in here? I can't imagine anyone staying here..."

"If I knew, I would've gladly shared it now. But just remain on watch. Whatever or whoever might be hiding here, we can get answers from them." Koike mumbled back. Pressing his shoulder at the wall, he peeked around the corner. As suspected, nothing or nobody alive. Just more trash. Glancing at Akumu, Koike made a gesture. The large wolf silently paced forward. After a moment, with the wolf not making any sound Koike made the same gesture to Katsu.

Katsu rolled his eyes and glanced at Tanpo as he walked forward past Koike, following Akumu.

Passing the corner as well, with a glance backwards, Koike noticed that they could go a few ways. Either the stairs up and scout what was up ahead a level above them. Or go down, what he assumed to be a basement. Or more into the building on the ground level. "Hmm." He was about to suggest something, but a voice rang through their communicators. "Lieutenant. We found half an arm...."

Staying silent, Koike frowned. "Half an arm... Could you confirm that, again?" He asked. "Ew..." The person sounded nervous. "Half an arm, lieutenant. Not clean cut, but... ripped.

"What is your current position?" He asked, glancing at Katsu. Making a gesture that the other should try to scan for chakra, they got an answer on the other end of the communicator. "First floor. Still likely at the southern side, lieutenant. It is a mess here. Found no trace of who or what might have done this. Nor do we see any...thing else of the owner of the arm."

Katsu brought his hands together but shook his head again right after. Tanpo let out a subtle, continuous growling sound with a hint of whimpering. "Hm? What's wrong?"

The same occured with Akumu, who didn't make any sound, but it stance seemed anxious as aggressive as well. Flashing his fangs, the wolf took a step forward. "Stay on your position and report... we might have something over here." Koike said, hearing an "Acknowledged" from the other team. Wrapping his fingers around the hilt of his weapon, Koike glanced at the door that was closed. Gesturing to scan again, he would make a silent gesture to go to one side of the door as he would go to the other.

Katsu jogged over to the side of the door where his eyes went wide open. "Koike!" he whispered. "There's something there... Something big...."[/spoili]

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[fieldbox=Keishi - Daimyo's palace, ]
The Meeting of the Clans,
A collab done between :
Roran Hawkins, Gerontis, Fieryfly, Aeronfarron, Chromehound, Nim, Lesli and Aliceee.

Part II

Summary :
The hosted event at the Daimyo's palace is about to start. Representatives and leaders from the clans that reside within the Empire of Akino were invited to the old palace of the Fire Daimyo in the city of Keishi.

"At this point, I am most likely the one with the least to say, as everything else of importance regarding the topic had been said." Gakuro spoke calmly after listening to everyone else, but kept his eyes focused on Korina now "Allow me to first tell you that the Senju clan in its whole were pleased to hear of your clan joining the empire. I agree with both lords Nara and Hon. The freedom of roaming your clan is used to is the biggest topic on the table as of now, from what I've seen, but I believe it can be resolved with ease in a manner everyone will be convinent with. Something that was done back at the day of the First Hokage, when clans started to gather and helped form Konohagakure, but each still wanted their own area to ensure their clan has its territory within the then new village. A kind of map to indicate where are some things located, such as large farm areas. While many maps exist, I know, and boundried within the empire should not be a thing as we are all under a single ruler," He turned to Kiyomi and gave her a respectful nod "We still need to remember that as long as people wish to keep their clans, we will have some form of boundries between us, and thus a proper map, formed by the clan heads who are the best aware of each clans lands and sacred grounds, will provide for the best kind of map."

"I can assure all of you that my clan is not composed of barbarians. We do not kill indiscriminately, just for trophies to present. And I am sorry if I made it seem that way. We kill only what we need or to stave off over population. Too many of one type of animal in an area can deplete the forest much quicker than most could anticipate. Populations explode without the natural check and balances the Great Mother has put in place. As I said, we seek, as a clan, to keep balance wherever we go."

Korina leaned back slightly and sipped at her tea again, "But, if the Nara Clan--or any clan, I suppose--does not wish for us to perform our duties in their...lands..." The thought of dividing up the land like that was a disconcerting thought to her. Even the Kusanagi Clan grounds weren't really theirs, as evidenced by the lack of a permanent settlement. "Then we are more than willing to discuss it and come to an agreement." She looks at the Nara clan leader and tries to come up with a way to say what she wanted to, diplomatically. "Although, I must ask...for this discussion has made me most curious of it...why do you feel the need to divide the land and the spoils of the land? I understand marking your territory, but even marking animals understand that their territory is called a home to other animals."

"I believe it would be up to Master Ling to decide if his lands are overpopulated or not, not to the Kusanagi who are well honored guests in this land." Shozo Uchiha raised his voice only slightly to let it be heard. His son shot him a look, a warning perhaps, but Shozo felt no need to react upon it. Caution, something his son had a fair share off, was good, but should be applied reasonably and Shozo was confident in this matter. "As for your question," he placed his cup of tea down. "Why do we lay claim to our lands? Because this is the land we fought for. This is the territory that our ancestors bled for and gave their lives for so that we could live. This is the land they build, each in their own way. Each clan fought and managed to drive away the barbaric ways of the past, the warring clans. Konoha was founded with the idea that the clans would gather together, but they also did retain their individuality and thus their land. The idea of home is tied to land for many of us. Konoha is what my clan fought to create with the Senju." He nodded politely to Gakuro. "and such Konoha is my home and it is mine to protect. I think we feel the need to divide because that is what creates a stable home for us. Something to fight for, something we have been fighting for, something we will be fighting for. It is a line that continues from years ago."

Still, she was kept amused by the exchanging of words. If she had only been able to make notes. What she had learned from her books did fall in line with what was happening today. That and her experience with some people, but she knew them, so that was hardly a surprise or something be amused off. Waiting patiently, she observed the people who talked. How they talked and trying to figure out for what reason they talked. A wise man said something, cause he has something to say. A dumb person says something cause he wants to say something. A lesson that had been harshly taught, but all lessons of Meisa were harsh. Taking a moment to place her thoughts on a line, she felt no need to fall in repeating her words. If she was correct, Ling Sarutobi had spoken out in concern and try to offer a solution that seemed reasonable. Aiko then followed with placing some emphasis on the suggestion, confirming she found it a good option as well. Listening to Korina, Kiyomi wondered briefly about something else. If they lived off on the livestock and land of others, then would the Sato as well have such habits? She knew that she shouldn't make too quick assumptions, but it was in her opinion rather not that productive. But remaining silent about that, Kiyomi decided to speak up at last.

"I learned that the Hon were in the past nomads too. Hailing from the north, they descended with hostility upon the region where they have build their homes, attend to their crops and see their children grow up." Kiyomi started, feeling slight proud. Those hours in the books had provided her with this knowledge, wondering if she would cause Zakito to chuckle. "As that might be interesting to those who would like to know more about that, my point is simple. We've all been guests before. Hon. Sarutobi. Hyuzu. Kusanagi." Pausing, Kiyomi threw a glance at the people around them. She could name more, but that would be overdoing her point. "Lord Uchiha as Lord Senju said it quite right. Konohagakure was founded with the idea that the clans would gather together. To be capable of holding true to what made them Hon. What made them Nara or Cho. Yet, in order to agree with each other, we need to be capable of speaking with each other on a civilized manner. What has been proposed and talked about is what we're doing right here now. Talking. No longer do we force each other in the field, sword and fire in hand. As the days on which Konohagakure was founded, so have we gathered today to build a stronger realm. Together." A smile grew on her lips, masking her slight irritation quite well.

"I have yet to learn a lot about the manners, but to add to Lord Senju's words, it would benefit everybody if we would as well map out what each clan find sacred locations. I am well aware that it would be highly unpleasant to start a fire in the woods of the Sarutobi and Nara clan. Or to probe around in the inner section of the Hon Estate. As I do understand your analogy, I think that we can't compare ourselves to animals. How ironic that might come from me though." Leaning a bit backwards, the jinchuriki wondered if she had talked too much. The solution was simple. Talk and plan, yet all this talking about talking...

Kensuke observed the ongoing conversation with a mix of indifference and disinterest. He was getting pretty good at playing the clanleader game. His sister having shown the 'new' application of their common skill to him, that game had become so much easier. Although he was far from a master at reading and interpretting body language such as his sister was, he could recognise some reactions already, and place them into context. In this conversation, this along with what he heard told him several things. Most clans did not seem openly opposed to allowing the nomadic Kusanagi inside their borders. They were generally afraid of possible frustrations arising around this. Openly afraid, that was. He knew it wasn't just a guess when he imagined most of these clanheads being concerned about having other clans walk their soil, their sanctitudes, the places where they could plot against whomever they desired to. As expected, Shozo voiced these issues most vocally of the entire bunch.

Korina Kusanagi on the other hand seemed eager to convince everyone of how harmless her people were. She was somewhat succesful at this, her inexperience somewhat of an advantage to prove her harmlessness. Once Kiyomi had finished her long, pacifying monologue Kensuke cleared his throat to announce he wished to speak next. As soon as he had everyone's attention, he clasped his hands together and threw a glance at his neighbour, head of the Kusanagi clan. "The Nimatsu clan's lands have always been a sanctuary for travellers. I see no need to change that. So long our local laws are abided, our people respected, there should be no trouble that the local law enforcement cannot deal with." Kensuke said, and leaned back after taking another of the mochi. This one wasn't sweet at all.

Korina's pursed lips and slight narrowing of her eyes hinted at any number of emotions. Unlike most, her clan saw no need to hide anything...unless on the field of battle of course. No, sincerity and trust in each other is what has always led to the continued peace of her people. But of course, this was not freely given to outsiders, and Korina was beginning to see why. She remained silent while others spoke, analyzing and storing away possible candidates for alliances and mutually beneficial treaties. She looked at Kensuke with an honest and grateful smile, then nodded her head once. For now, she looked back at Shozo, "And suddenly, your clan's...warm welcome makes a lot of sense. If this is the attitude you harbor, I find myself wondering if you would do today, what your ancestor did when they founded Konohagakure." She spoke frankly then moved on to Kensuke. She would talk with Kiyomi later in a more private setting. As her owner, it was not Korina's place to call the woman's words into question in public.

"Thank you, Lord Nimatsu. I will make sure that my clan respects and returns your trust." She thanks the man with a gentle bow. "The Kusanagi Clan has made moves to integrate into these new lands...despite what some may think--" It took every grain of self control that she had to not look at both Kiyomi and Shozo with a look of utter anger, "We came not as guests. We didn't decide that the grass was greener here and then relocate. We didn't come for conquest or land, or because life was too hard in the North. My clan followed me here, rather than let me leave my home alone. I didn't ask any of my people to make the move, they decided to on their own, for their own reasons."

"All I wish to do, is to repay them for their kindness and trust in me, and show you all that even nomads have their purposes and use to an Empire. I would greatly appreciate any of your efforts to help me repay them for their loyalty...but please, don't take it as a weakness. We can sustain ourselves just fine, if that is what you wish. But this is a chance for your people to learn about us and to forge friendly relationships. We have nothing to hide, and no motive to bring harm. So please, think of my proposal for a mutually beneficial relationship of our clans. We don't wish to infringe on any of your individuality nor call your lands our home. I can assure you, that we don't need walls to do that. Our home is anywhere that our people are. That is something that we have not nor will ever forget."
While she didn't look at Shozo, she sure meant for it to be directed at him.

Aiko remained silent as she listened, as was to be expected as others were talking. Taking a bite of her mochi, she wanted to softly repeat her comment. Perhaps she could request the recipe as she had to bitterly, ironically enough, admit that she found it better than her own recipe. With knowing how big a fan Katsu was of delicates as these, she kept that thought in mind. Just as she was happy that there was more talk about the suggestion, finding it simple and fitting, Aiko would raise her right hand quickly in front of her mouth. The sticky mochi had likely a darker twist to it sweet flavour, causing the woman's eyes to widen as she was fearing a fierce battle to not lose her composure and spit the mochi out in front of her. Managing to recover from the deadly assassination of the mochi, Aiko softly coughed. Just in time it seemed as Korina ended her reply. But with making sound as coughing, she wagered it was likely to drawn attention on her. Silently cursing the mochi, she would lay the delicious treat on the napkin as she placed her hands on her laps.

"Sorry, I do find it quite delicious." She apologized, shooting an apologizing smile towards Hisoka, hoping that he wouldn't be offended by it. Seemed that misunderstandings were easy to poke up as she wondered what had been phrased wrong. "I will also apologize, but I have to admit that I am slight confused. If I may," gesturing subtly to Ling Sarutobi, the woman continued, "Master Ling and I were suggesting a talk before action was taking, Then afterwards it was a simple solution as what her grace had explained before and what Lord Uchiha made quite clear. This isn't a matter on where or where not the Kusanagi may come and go. They are now our countrymen, but their lifestyle varies a lot from our own. Something that is quite visible from the exchanges of words as well the misunderstandings. I hope you all won't be thinking lowly of this, but I will try to explain the situation with the use of the examples that were granted before by Lord Nara as what Lord Nimatsu stated." Making a short nod with her head to the two named men, Aiko would give her example.

"The customs of the Nara clan differ from the Nimatsu clan. Where Lord Nimatsu might now state he welcomes your people with open arms, I doubt that any other lord or lady here wouldn't do the same. Though we're country men and all follow the laws of the realm as try to not disturb the customs of the locals, it would be a most unpleasant thing if an event would transpire because there wasn't any communication. Lord Nara, me or Master Ling aren't against the Kusanagi nomads. If listen well, we just consider it wise to exchange plans, thoughts and words to clear matters out. It can happen that a member of the Kusanagi strolls around and walks into the backyard of this or that person. Or that a member of the Kusanagi clan is offended because a farmer doesn't want them to slay their goats in return for goods he can produce himself or doesn't need. Without communication or attempting to understand why the other is suggestion talk, will lead to misunderstandings that one is being called barbarians. After all," she said in a calm tone and pace, "I doubt that anybody here would consider it a free passage to enter the chambers of her majesty without permission of her majesty herself. It is perhaps childish, but it is how it is. While it might be considered just land, the backyard of a commoner should be treated the same way as we treat the royal palace. With respect." Hoping that it was cleared out, Aiko would pick up her mochi again. Round two.

Gakuro drank his tea in silence as he listened to the others that spoke, and when Shozo gave him a nod, he would recieve a polite one in return, but one that wasn't accompanied by a smile. What the man said made it slightly more clear to the Senju that they were thinking in different directions, even if their words were similair. But given how this was not the time to point such things out, he merely placed his tea down at the table and then listened to what Aiko had to say "I agree with what Lady Cho has said. And it may sound a bit rude of me, but I believe her Majesty did not bring us here just to welcome the new clan." He said and turned to look at Kiyomi, waiting to hear what she will have to say next. The young Empress smiled as she nodded twice in response. Korina nodded in acceptance, more than willing to move on as well.

Slowly the door would crack open as a member of the Guardians, a blonde young woman, would silently hop into the room. Keeping herself on a low volume, she would lean towards Hayate, whispering something in his ear, waiting on what he would order next. A short glance was thrown the meeting, but her attention would quickly return to the captain commander.

Nodding as he heard the report, Hayate took one look back at the table and the clan heads and then turned to the messenger. Keeping his voice a barely audible whisper, he passed along his orders, a part of him wishing he could be out with the field team. Hayate knew his place however, and once his orders had been relayed to the blonde woman he turned his attention back to the group he was tasked with watching over.

Watching the proceedings, Jora remained silent. He did not want to step on any toes, especially so early into the meeting. Relieved at the suggestion to change the topic, Jora hoped he would have something more to add to the next piece of business. Glancing over at the Kusanagi clan head, the Hyuzu pondered something. His clan had remained secretive for years, something he hoped to start changing. Perhaps one of the ways he could start making progress towards that was to put forth an offer of open acceptance with the Kusanagi clan head, something he could take care of later. Turning his attention back towards the center of the u-shaped table, Jora nodded his acceptance as well.

Shikamura had opened his mouth to respond to Korina when Shozo spoke in his stead. Holding his tongue, the Nara sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. Waiting for a slight break in the conversation, Shikamura leaned towards the Kusanagi and whispered politely, so as not to interrupt the rest of the proceedings. "If you were truly curious about my clan's customs and traditions then it would be my pleasure to discuss them with you at a further venture." Inclining his head slightly, the Nara hoped the offer would smoothen over any unintended offense by his previous words.

Hisoka, who had not said a word regarding the discussion, now cleared his throat. He had looked at his father with slight worry when the man spoke up, but overall was pretty content with his words. It was not often that he and his father agreed on matters, but in this case, Hisoka simply was okay with it. His father and he shared the same protective feeling for the land even though they might show that differently.

With people quieting down he raised his voice: "With all that said, let us look further at the future and any upcoming events. I feel like it would be beneficial for us to talk about upcoming events or upcoming plans that each clan might have planned, or that is in the planning. These things can be all kinds of things from coming of age to... marriages, to trade expansions etc."

Zakito had been rather silent the whole time. Truth be told, he agreed with the suggestion. It was a good one and though he would've phrased it less confronting, Shozo's words were true. While the Kusanagi weren't guests in his eyes, it was perhaps a bit too soon to include them as comrades. Having drink all his tea during the exchanges of words, Zakito glanced at Hayate and Saki at the doorway. Half closing his right eye, the man wondered if there was any report that would need his attention. It was irritating the man that he was here, just sitting and drinking tea while there was a while operation going on or at least people following a planned operation. With Hisoka speaking, Zakito shifted his attention towards his friend and governor. "If I may suggest something," the man friendly said, "why not perhaps start to exchange ideas about bonding us clans together? The traditional way is marriage. But I am sure that perhaps a feast together would be an efficient idea." Briefly he was considering to suggest the Hon Estate, but wouldn't be capable of just promising that. Even as the leader of his people, he didn't deem himself capable of just deciding that they would have a festival if they wouldn't agree on it. A thought went through his head, though he was happy that his children were way too young to be spoken about for marriages...

Ling had resorted to silence as the exchange of words wasn't what his suggestion was made for. But he was glad that something productive had came out of it. The man then took a sip of his tea as he listened to the governor and Lord Hon. "I think that would be a good idea." If he was correct, soon his people would indulge into the preparation for the End of Dawn. But he would remain silent regarding that. Not many other cultures and clans would likely understand why Sarutobi, who aren't a rich people to begin with, be willing to burry jewelry and other valuable wares. His sight moved to Zakito for a moment. Hons probably could, but still. There were more present. "Perhaps it would be a wise course of action to propose... couples? Marriage is a way to make people connect and a reason to prepare a feast. Most certainly when the union is also done in the light of unification." Ling proposed.

"Unions can be done in more than just marriages. But in this case, I agree it would be beneficial." Gakuro said before sighing "Unfortunatly, I cannot commit to any marriages as I am already engaged. Someone from my clan who has always been close to me. However, should anyone here still wish to bring my clan closer to his, I believe we could work on arranging mutual events to help each clan learn about the other and such." He said before looking down at his right hand, with a simple golden ring on one of his fingers "The Senju clan is always open for learning about other clans, as Lord Uchiha knows well."

As the conversation shifted into a different topic, Jora listened at first with interest, and then a growing confusion. Swallowing a large sip of his tea, the Hyuzu set his cup down and looked around the table with a look of incredulity on his face. "You can't be serious...?" Pausing, he looked at the other clan heads and representatives, wondering if they were all playing a joke because he was the new guy.

"Are you actually proposing that we try and arrange marriages?" Shaking his head, Jora looked down, not wishing to make a scene, but thorougly confused. "I am all for bonding between clans and improving relations, but since when have arranged marriages been the best way of doing that? From my experience arranged marriages only foster awkwardness between both of the involved parties and those around them. I don't see what it could really do to bring clans together except for forcibly putting the two people into a situation that might cause more conflict than anything." Shaking his head, Jora did not know what else to say, but he feared he had already said too much. "I apologize if I have offended anyone, as that is not my intention..."

Korina nodded quietly to the Nara clan head with a small but honest smile. She didn't want to disrupt the meeting any further and instead focused on her tea while she thought. She rubbed her chin a little bit as she pondered a few ideas and nearly missed the talk of arranging marriages. She nearly choked on the tea she had sipped then set the cup down again. Once silence had fallen again, she thought to throw in her opinion, then thought better of it. The last thing she needed was anyone suggesting that she strengthen her clan's ties to the village by arranging a marriage. She wouldn't want it done to herself, so she wouldn't do it to any of her family.

Deciding to quickly speak up, the man would uphold his friendly tone. "It might not seem as.. beneficial, but there is an old saying. A pot that isn't warmed up can get hot while a pot that is already warmed up can only cool down." Realizing that it wouldn't explain the matter, Zakito decided to attempt to explain it a bit further. "Arranged marriages aren't done without the consent of those who are being suggested, at least not in my culture and some that I am familiar with. It is also a rather traditional and... old way of bringing people together. Might not look perfect, but it ensures more guarantee than other methods. It is easier to break a treaty or agreement than something as a marriage. And who knows? The love of two people that can blossom from such a bond can do more than a treaty or agreement could."

Jora's reply made Aiko curious for a moment. She could understand how it sounded, as if they would really force two persons to bond to bring two groups closer together. "A festival would be nice. I must say that the Cho haven't got anything planned, but perhaps could aid in organising one. Would be certainly a reason to give a splendor if it is going alongside a wedding." Taking a sip of her tea, the woman wondered about something as her gaze traveled to Shozo.

Nimbling on the mochi, Kiyomi eyed those who spoke as well trying to read what others thought about it. Not that she had much success with it. If anything, she could find herself in line with the spoken thoughts of Jora. But arranged marriages did make sense. It wasn't just traditional, but it had also reasons. It brought people together and as she sideways glanced at her uncle, she agreed with what he said. If anything, she did want to bring something up but felt a bit too unsure if it was the right time.

Remaining silent for some time, Shikamura took note of the young Hyuzu's outburst. It was clear from his words that the young man was lacking in experience, but at least he was not afraid to stand up for something he believed in. Commendable, but not something that was overly fitting in this kind of situation. Pressing his fingertips together, Shikamura leaned forwards and spoke smoothly. "If nobody else would like to say anything at this time, then perhaps I could offer up something?" Looking around, the Nara nodded his head before continuing. "My nephew Shikaroku would be a worthy candidate for such a marriage. Albeit he is a little young at the moment, perhaps a betrothal could be arranged. The Nara clan has a strong understanding of duty, and I am certain that my nephew would understand the importance of such a proposal. If anyone can think of a suitable match then I would be more than happy to discuss that." Smilling politely, Shikamura leaned back in his seat, curious as to who might respond.

Being one of the people who had been more silent, a masculine voice spoke up. A friendly and respectful tone answered the suggestion of Shikamura. "I think I know a fitting match, if Lord Nara would like to hear it." The white eyed man, glanced at Shikamura. "Perhaps it won't be a wedding right away, but a bethrothal would be an excellent idea. Giving rise to a future festival to celebrate a possible union between the Nara and Hyuuga."

Raising an eyebrow slightly as he heard the man speak, Shikamura smiled. color=purple]"I would be honoured to hear your suggestion, Lord Hyuuga."[/color]

Nodding, the man would reply back. "I have several candidates in mind. Perhaps we could leave it for the moment at this suggestion? I am sure that we would need to both see if which one of the candidates is more of a match as you know your nephew better than I probably do." With the exchange between the leader of the Hyuuga and Nara closing to an end, somebody else decided to speak up.

"I'm glad to hear such suggestion and I do have one in mind as well." Zakito spoke up as he would flash a smile. Placing a hand on Kiyomi's shoulder, he continued on a calm tone. "As far as I am aware, it is to be expected that our empress will be needed to continue her line. Don't however confuse this with that I condone an imminent wedding with this suggestion." The man slightly raised his eyebrows as if he already expected some people to speak against him. But he was assure that he was in his right as uncle, adviser and mentor that he could propose this. Not to mention that he had the qualifications, seeing some did harbor and respected titles.

"My suggestion is to not only tighten and unify the clans of Akino, but taking it a step further. News has come to my ears that in the north, in the Earth country, a new dynasty has risen up." His gaze went to Jora. "The Hyuzu are now the royal line and daimyo's of the north. I am sure that if our good grace would align herself with the clan that this would prove beneficial to lay a link and bond to the Earth country." Slowly the right eye then traveled the man's gaze to the captain of the Guardians. "Lord Hyuzu is engaged and we all know how he thinks about arranged marriages. This however isn't much arranged as by manner of saying, the pot is already warmed up. I suggest Hayate Hyuzu to become the betrothed of Kiyomi Homura. The Hyuzu were once honorable guests, but this should signify their new start as true citzens and members of the Empire." Softly squeezing the shoulder of the girl, the man would remove his hand and chuckle. "If anything, what would be better for our empress than somebody who is a qualified and sublime shinobi and enabling us to continue a time of peace with a neighbour through such a bethrothal and perhaps marriage?"

Kensuke had listened to the ongoing conversation about arranged marriages with increasing interest. He was surprised by Jora's naive interruption though. Arranged marriages had been the political tool of importance in forging alliances and generating more power for your clan if used correctly in the past. Some said it was no longer something for today, now shonobi villages were the most important political players, and he agreed with that sentiment. They were no longer needed, and he personally felt little for marrying a stranger. Admittedly, the Nimatsu clan in their self-imposed isolation never got too involved in the political theatre and arranged marriages. When Lord Hyuuga spoke up he for a moment felt a distinct cold anger that he quickly subdued. Things certainly had not been settled yet between both clan heads.

When the conversation shifted to an arranged marriage for Kiyomi, Kensuke couldn't believe his ears. Zakito Hon, who had been like a father to him and in a certain sense parhaps for Kiyomi as well, was suggesting for her to have an arranged marriage with a political guest? He could understand his intentions in tying the other great dynasty to Kiyomi's, but Kensuke felt strangely hurt. Kiyomi was like the little sister he had missed back home, his real sister growing into a merciless and cold leader in his absence. He felt the need to speak out against this, but he did understand that his argument would have little power and strength. Instead, he sat back, deeply disappointed in Zakito. Instead, he carefully suggested the following. "We are talking about the leader of our state here, and I think that we should be a little bit more careful about such matters. Not only is her marriage a matter we as heads of the clans have no sway in, there are more than enough other fine candidates for such a marriage."

The exchange of words and suggestion between Lord Nara and Hyuuga were followed with half interest of Aiko. She wasn't that against arranged marriages, but it was more that she had nothing to do with one or another. Until Lord Nara named a name that she recognized instantly. Briefly Aiko wondered how Shikaroku was doing. It had been some time that the boy had came to her, asking for lessons in genjutsu. While she wanted to ask how he was, this was hardly the place or the time. As Zakito spoke up, Aiko took another bite of her mochi. As he started, her teeth just carefully - not eager to choke again on the devilious treat - into the mochi. What followed was a mix of confusion and surprise. Coughing, Aiko turned her face away as her cheeks started to gain a reddish taint. Managing to recover, Aiko squeezed her left eye as her eyebrows rose while she glanced at the two next to her, Zakito and Kiyomi.

Before she could react, Kensuke spoke up in a rather cautious reminder that they should be careful who they would let become Kiyomi's significant other. But there was something off about it. Zakito wasn't suggesting it out of thin air or somebody who was known to be a shrewd politician lover. Glancing at the young ruler, Aiko thought about something. "Lord Nimatsu has a point, but I do believe that her grace can speak up if she wouldn't agree with this suggestion. " The tone of the woman was polite, but not in a manner friendly. Briefly the woman glanced at the Hyuzu near the door as a pause followed the woman's words. "Though as leaders of clans and cultures we might now have no sway in it, but it is suggested by her uncle. I would thus also like to hear the little wolf's reply on this... suggestion." She couldn't lay her finger on what could be the case of the suggestion. "That and if that information is true, I doubt that many of us here can sport a candidate that is... proper enough to be matched with her grace." If she was right, this wasn't done for political gain. Something personal was behind it.

She stared. Staring at Zakito, she had wondered why he had placed a hand on her shoulder. It was okay, he was her uncle and mentor. A confidentante of her. But as he spoke, her eyes widened as blood started to rush towards her head. The young girl's lips parted slightly as she realized she had to react. She barely even registered what the others said as her eyes quickly shot towards Hayate. The feeling of joy as fear started to mix, just like when Meisa and Hisoka had requested her presence. When they had promoted her to become a jounin, on that one condition. Starting to feel light in the head, Kiyomi licked her lips as she wanted to say something.

Managing to however prevent her head from slamming into the table, by placing her hands on it, Kiyomi lowered her head by a bit. Her cheeks were the same color as her hair, a bright glint in her eyes as a big smile on her lips. Not able to say much, Kiyomi would move her left hand to the top of her shirt. Slowly, she pulled up a small ring. "If Hayate... would... then I would like to follow that... pr-proposal." Almost did she erupt into giggling, but managing to compose herself as she kept her head a bit lower.

The words of Zakito Hon had calmed Jora slightly, at least at first, and he had watched with a strange curiosity as Lords Nara and Hyuuga exchanged offers. The idea still didn't sit well with him, but he was content to watch and remain out of matters so long as nobody made an attempt to propose any members of the Hyuzu clan. Their clan was not one which was accustomed to arranged marriages and thus it was something he believed would be difficult to try and convince any members of.

Watching as Lord Hon once again seemed to step in, Jora listened to his words, a mixture of dread and confusion growing within him. As the man mentioned the Hyuzu dynasty within the Earth Country, Jora froze, his face expressionless. Just below the surface, several thoughts were running through the young Hyuzu's mind. As Zakito continued, Jora relaxed, ever so slightly, realizing what the man was getting at. A single corner of his mouth curled up in a smile as the full suggestion was made. It was a bold move, and Jora wondered if the girl had had any say in it. Taking a look at her, her surprise appeared to be real, and it lead him to believe it was just as unexpected to her as it likely was for the rest of the clan heads. Turning his head, Jora glanced at his brother who stood at the wall.

To his credit, Hayate's face did not betray the emotion that was clearly running through him, but Jora knew his brother, and for a moment he was filled with a sense of pride and happiness for his brother. Turning back to the rest of the clan heads, Jora was surprised to hear the Nimatsu clan representative speak up. Kensuke, that was his name. Hayate had mentioned the name to him before, it was the name of a man he had looked up to, whom he had respected. To hear the man now speaking out as if Hayate was unworthy... the happiness from a moment prior was replaced with rage and the desire to speak out in protection of his brother.

"You should be mindful of your words Nim-" Jora started suddenly, stopping almost immediately as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Glancing up, he saw his brother look down at him, his face still strangely blank.

Giving Jora a slight nod, Hayate stepped forward towards the center of the large table. Jora was silenced and sat back, watching his brother. Lowering himself to one knee, Hayate placed one fist on the ground and with the other, pulled the long chain necklace out from beneath his shirt. Holding up the ring that was linked to the necklace, Hayate kept his head lowered in a deep bow. "If it would please the Empress, I shall also humbly submit to the proposal." Only now did his cheeks begin to flush a deep red, his hands trembling slightly.
[fieldbox=Blades and fangs in the dark, crimson]
Detachment of the Guardians,
Led by Lieutenant Koike Hon, 30 people strong detachment.

In one of Keishi's poor districts.

Part II

Summary :
Leading an operation, this detachment isn't at the Daimyo's palace, but instead working in of the districts where they were ought to find something. Or somebody.

Pressing his shoulder against the wall, Koike gestured Katsu to be silent. Raising three fingers up, he would then pull out his blade slowly. Keeping three fingers raised, he narrowed his eyes. Three. Two. One. With a step to the side, Koike raised his right foot. A hard sound followed as the door was kicked open. More sounds came from the room as Koike entered the room with his blade at the ready.


"OH NO!" Katsu yelled in alarm as he jumped behind Koike. "It's gonna eat your face!"

Staring at the street cat, the feline meowed as it sat on top of a rusty pan, staring calmly back at the two. ".... Katsu." Koike slowly said his friend's name. "I'm close to gutting you."

Tanpo didn't seem to find the situation any less alarming than Katsu had mentioned. He slowly walked towards the young boy with the alarming growl growing. "Oh relax, Koike. There's no one--"

"Lieutenant! Movement spotted. Green light to pursue?"

Just as he was at the moment turning around to smack the back of Katsu's head, Koike froze. "Stay on position. What movement? Who's there?" There came no answer. "Team Red? Red? Fuck..." The silence remained. The other teams as well likely listened nervously for any response. Turning around, Koike glanced at Katsu. "No more jokes."

"... Agreed," he muttered. He brought his hands together again. "I can't feel anything." Gulping, the boy put his hand on one of his swords.

A loud growing emitted from the hallway. "Gods damnit." Koike cursed softly as he would enter the hallway. The other team had been on the first floor. "I want somebody to report to the captain. We got contact, though not sure on what or who. Right now, we're going to check Team Red out. Over." A positive reaction came back from somebody else on the teams outside. Gesturing to Katsu, Koike jogged up the stairs. Glancing around, he didn't see anything that pointed out where the other team had been. "Scan again. There has to be somebody around..."

Katsu did as he was told, his eyes opening wide just after he put his hands together. "Er.... There are six people nearby."

"Let's get to it. Stay on guard." He mumbled backwards. Staying in the back, he gestured Katsu to lead the way. Akumu's growling became softer as he seemed to waver. "Akumu, not the time. Come on boy." The direwolf moved, though not excited to head in the direction behind Katsu.

"You just have to have me be first to go into that room don't you? It's gonna smell even worse, I bet..." Grumbling, Katsu pulled out his short sword, becoming a bit more nervous as Tanpo followed behind slowly. He walked through the door, looking around.


The voice was the same of the leader of the other team, sounding over the earphone communicator. Several wild sounds sounded as if something sharp ripped over wood. "Team Red. Do you hear me?" More violent sounds erupted from the communicator and from the distance. "Let's go." Starting to jog towards the direction, Koike started to grow nervous as well.

Katsu followed and ignored the warning of Team Red, moving to open the door. He stopped when he noticed the scratch marks on the wood. Katsu grabbed the handle but the doors seemed to be stubbornly shut, more willing to break before opening.

"Team Red. This is Team Grey. Do you copy?" No answer returned. Half turning around, there was about to come an answer from the other team, but Koike already gestured to Katsu to forcefully open the door as he kept the watch around to make sure that they wouldn't get flanked out of nowhere.

Katsu's sword glew white as a large X could be seen from the other side on the door with the doors' barring failing. With a kick, the cut up door flung open.

Briefly there were sounds produced from inside of the room. Until somebody spoke up. "Huh... oh, thank god." As the dust settled, the other team seemed relieved to see Katsu. "Did... you two see them?" Koike heard the question as he shot a look into the room. "Who? What happened?" He asked as the four glanced at each other briefly. "Lieutenant. I am not sure. We stayed on the position. But then we spotted somebody and before we knew... we were covered in blood." Judging from his tone and body language, it was clear that they weren't comfortable.

"Blood? Katsu, could you scan it for chakra? Remember, at Nan--" He wanted to end his sentence, but suddenly heard Akumu growling again. The large canine lowered himself more to the ground. Movement around the corner as a soft laughter rang throught the air. Before Koike could say something, Akumu gave chase. "Akumu! No! Hold! Fuck!"

Katsu couldn't see Tanpo immediately behind them either, afraid he'd went with Akumu. Without a moment's thought afterwards, Katsu rushed back through the way they'd come. "Tanpo!"

"Katsu! No! Stand... damnit." Koike lowered his blade as he quickly glanced at the other Guardians. "Get out. Make sure that you don't get to contact with anybody and let yourself be checked out first." He turned to the direction of where Katsu had went as he would shout one last thing. "Report to the captain too! Katsu!"

The soft laughter rang through the halls as the person ran down the stairs. The large black wolf stood on top of it as he suddenly came to halt and whimpered.

"Akumu? Where's Tanpo!?" Katsu waited for a moment, as if expecting an answer before rushing forward to where the person was moving, keeping his senses sharp.

The large wolf whimpered, glancing around. Just a moment later did Koike arrive. "Katsu? Do you copy?" He tried over the communicator. Looking around, he gestured to the large black wolf to follow him. "Come on boy. Find them."

Tanpo's growl's had become more hostile and audible, but still in some distance. The boy's eyes turned red, noticing the distinct color of dry blood. Clicking his tongue, he brought his hands together, noting the location Tanpo in the corner of the room and a girl running into a different room. "Tanpo! Stick close to me! Sheesh..." He rushed into the next room.

"Katsu? Respond! Now! Where are you?"

The girl moved more to the back of the room, looking with wide open eyes at Tanpo.

Katsu ran in through the door, keeping his sword up. "Who are you?!" Tanpo rushed to his friend's side, growling from there.

The girl took more steps backwards. "Go away." She softly demanded.

The boy reached up to his earpiece. "There's someone down here. Tanpo doesn't seem to like her scent...." Katsu answered to his friend, keeping his sword up forward.

"On my way!"

A soft yelp escaped the girl, who seemed to be barely clothed as she stumbled backwards as Katsu kept his sword forward. "Run now... Run. Now." The scared attitude seem to slowly shift. A smile covered the lips of the girl as she started to giggle.

Katsu pulled out his second sword, becoming more and more nervous. "Creep..."

"Maker.... guides us."


A loud growling originated behind Katsu as a long arm swept towards the head of the boy.

Katsu's eyes opened wide upon hearing the noise, turning back and moving his head back, the claws grazed his skin, peeling some of the skin off, making him let out a yelp as the impact tossed him towards the side. Quickly regaining his balance and landing on his feet after pushing himself with his hands to stop himself from falling, the boy kept his eyes on the beast, occasionally glancing at the girl. "Ah...." Katsu gritted his teeth to keep himself concentrated on the situation.

The large bipedal creature let out another loud growl as the girl started to laugh. "Maker blessed us with many preys. Oh, he did! He DID!" The girl started to laugh more as the large creature took a step towards Katsu. Raising its left claw, flashing its fangs as it did so.

Katsu brought his eyes to meet its, neglecting any subtleties in his genjutsu and trying to use it to it maximum capacity as he moved forward to intercept the arm with his swords.

The creature quickly stepped aside as it snarled. The laughter of the girl would shift into another sound as well. Slowly, her body seemed to shift as the skin grew darker. Some fur seemed to rise as the change progressed and another large beast on two legs glared at Tanpo and Katsu. The creature growled, what was once the girl that had lured the two away."Maker---"

[fieldbox=Keishi - Daimyo's palace, ]
The Meeting of the Clans,
A collab done between :
Roran Hawkins, Gerontis, Fieryfly, Aeronfarron, Chromehound, Nim, Lesli and Aliceee.

Part III

Summary :
The hosted event at the Daimyo's palace is about to start. Representatives and leaders from the clans that reside within the Empire of Akino were invited to the old palace of the Fire Daimyo in the city of Keishi.

Shozo Uchiha was silent. It troubled Hisoka that his father was silent for often that meant that wheels were turning nside the man's head. He seemed to have no reaction on the fact that the Empress and this Hyuzu boy of whom Hisoka of course had heard felt so strongely for each other. Hisoka would almost shake his head at Zakito's rather bold move and he had suspected his father to go against it, but the man didn't say a word. The Hyuzu clan was a clan originating from the Land of Earth not something his father would pick for the Empress of the Akinian Empire. Or would he?

Hisoka studied his father's face as he himself tried to figure out when he thought about this development. He was not a friend of the Land of Earth, he would never be. That door had been closed on that one faithful day, but that didn't mean he could accept the future that was rushing past him. A future that would leave him behind no doubt.

"Lord Hon." His father spoke up suddenly and turned to Zakito, not ignoring but also not openly acknowledging what he had just witnessed. "While we let her Grace compose herself with this happy news, I have a proposal for you." Shozo placed his hands carefully on the table and folded them over each other, his elbows along the table's edge. "We haven't always seen eye to eye. Events of the past have always kept us... separate if I may put it like that." His gaze was stern and next to him Hisoka frowned. He couldn't remember if Shozo and Zakito had ever openly agreed on something. What would his father want now?

"But maybe it might be time to burry some of that," his father continued. "As you know I keep myself well informed about the clans that dwell within Konoha and the Land of Fire and it has come to my attention that the son of the White Blade, who has trained under the great care of your wife," he inclined his head to Aiko as he spoke, "has not found someone to share his life with. Maybe that can be an... opportunity for us to bring our clans closer and start mending some... old wounds."

The leader of the Hon was glad to see the reactions of both Hayate and Kiyomi. A soft chuckle escaped him as he briefly closed his right eye and folded his arms. It seemed that there wasn't much opposition to it, not that he had expected that. Else Kiyomi would be able to deal with that. Or Hisoka, of that he was sure of. Only worry he had was that Kensuke seemed to have made Jora slight upset. But before Zakito could attempt to drift the attention to something else, Shozo spoke up. Zakito listened, curious as he was wondering what the Uchiha would say or ask. Keeping his arms folded out front of his chest, the man considered the proposal quickly. "Lord Uchiha," he began, "I consider that a honorable offer. I don't see any harm in burrying some of the past troubles and start anew. If it would please you, I shall see what my nephew has to say about it. He is a dutiful lad and perhaps you would like to meet him to be certain that the Uchiha who would bond with my nephew, Koike." Hoping that the addition to the proposal would somewhat please Shozo as Zakito wasn't eager to offend the other man.

The Kusanagi representative listened to those around her offer up the lives of their people like cows. She hid her dismay behind her tea cup as she sipped and continued to listen. After the proposal of her Empress, Korina was content to tune out the rest until the Uchiha spoke up again. She set her cup down, liquid gone, and then looked towards Lord Hon to await his response. She made a quick mental note to ask Koike about the White Blade, if only so she could understand what he was talking about.

Then Lord Hon graciously mentioned that. Koike was indeed, the young man they had been discussing. At this, Korina cleared her throat as an indication that she wished to speak. Upon the next silence, Korina spoke up,

"Please excuse me, Lord Hon, Lord Uchiha for the interruption. I am afraid that you both may be...misinformed. While it is true that Koike Hon has not chosen a wife...he has a good reason not to. I have been his girlfriend for nearly four months. We met on my first day in Konohagakure as he was my guide." Her eyes met both of their's, full of mirth at the thought of Koike. "I humbly request of you both that you wait to make such plans so as to respect his decision as to our current relationship. In addition, he is dreadfully busy, as most high ranking, skilled ninjas are, and I don't think pushing such matters on to his mind will be good for his health or focus."

The unfolding scene melted Aiko's heart. The woman couldn't simply watch it without a smile growing on her lips as she held the half eaten mochi together with both hands. In her opinion, this was how it should be. Then again, this awfully seemed like one of the novels she kept reading whenever she saw a chance. But seeing only one person knew of that, who wouldn't dare to risk his neck to share that dreadful secret, Aiko just watch in silent. As Shozo spoke up, Aiko barely could pay attention to the man's words. "So cute... Oooh." She whispered to herself, bringing the mochi up to her lips. Just as she started to focus on the words of the Uchiha, she had missed a large part of it already. With Zakito talking, Aiko took a bite of the mochi as she sideways glanced at her husband.

Again, mochi proved to be the woman's downfall as she started to choke in her bite. This time it seemed heavier and worse than last two times as the woman patted the table with her left hand. She wanted to say something, but Korina beat her to it. Managing to breath, and basically live, again after her third struggle with the mochi Aiko put down the dreadful sweet assassin on the napkin in front of her. Though she wanted to speak up, there were actually two 'problems'. First, she was happy that Koike had found somebody on his own. When she had learned of this, Aiko had been surprised, but that problem was that Korina was a clanleader. A good person in Aiko's opinion, but as the aunt she was, she wanted the best for Koike. Not to mention, it was a relationship, which wasn't ruling out the proposal of Shozo. Speaking against that with such an argument wouldn't make much effect as the young man, Koike, was after all in a rather good position.

Another problem she noticed was that she felt troubled with not knowing the person Shozo was proposing. It was an unknown person and that frightened Aiko slightly."If I may?" She started, speaking on a friendly and yet serious undertone. "I have known Koike for years. As Lord Shozo stated, I have trained and watched the boy grow into the fine young man he is today." A certain pride, as that of a mother, rose a bit up as she spoke. "I may not be the leader of his people and culture, but as an aunt and somebody who practically raised him, I feel inclined to speak up. If my lords and ladies as governor as Empress would allow that." Pausing, Aiko glanced in Shozo's direction. She had no ill blood with the man and the proposal seemed genuine. It would actually fall in line with helping to bond and unify the clans more, which was the whole purpose. Then again, that could also happen perhaps if she would side with letting the young man decide for himself.

Half tempted to start to inform more about Koike, she knew better than doing that. The young man wasn't keen on being in the center of attention after all. "If I understand this correctly, Lord Uchiha is making a proposal that I would very well want to hear more about. On the condition, as the person who took care of him, that I am also allowed to meet the one who he proposes." After saying that, Aiko would place her hands on her lap. Asking for Koike to decide for himself was practically useless anyways. The bloke was more dutiful than a brick supporting a home.

Korina's eyes narrowed at Aiko, "With all due respect, Lady Aiko, the talk of a proposal with a committed Man, regardless of perceived relationship status seems mildly distasteful..." She spoke softly, but her tone was borderline insubordinate had she been speaking as a student to a teacher. "While I am sure that all of you find marriages for political gain to be the most effective way to gain such favor...I think we should all remember that there should be boundaries or limits. If for no other reason, than to show that we see our clan members as more than alliance or baby making machines and actually see them as our family. Our people. I'm sure that Lady Aiko here would hate for someone to break up her marriage only to marry her to someone else on the principle of a steady alliance." She pointed out.

"As I have already asked though, can we please put a temporary stay on any proposals featuring one Koike Hon for the next month or so? His plate is already beyond overflowing, and it is a nightmare just getting him to stop in for a meal and some rest. He does not need anyone knocking down his door demanding his presence at a meeting to meet a girl someone else thinks he needs to marry." While they may not have been married, Korina was fiercely protective of her clan and Koike. It was hell trying to get him to even like himself again, and she would be damned if that progress was halted for any reason. Koike needed rest and food more than he needed this political bullshit taking up the few hours of rest that he could get. And she didn't care how it made her look to the other clan heads, decorum be damned.

As Shozo would like to start, another voice interrupted the man. Usually the voice was friendly, polite and respectful. Even if slighted, Zakito's voice usually kept that tone. But now it was colder than before. And with good reason. The man didn't turn his head or glance in the direction of the Kusanagi as he spoke. "I am well aware of my nephew's schedule. Even as we speak, he is quite busy. In that, you have stated a good fact that we should remember well. However," The word was uttered with a brief shaking. "I would like to remember Lady Kusanagi that this isn't a marriage proposal for an alliance. Not for political gain. Lord Uchiha made this offer to bring people closer together. Not to win my favor or that of my people." The man turned his sight on Korina as his right eyebrow slightly raised. "This isn't to breed more people. Not to do anything of which you stated. This," the right hand of the man clenched into a fist as he continued. "is made out of a friendly gesture. I'm glad that your people are so honorable and caring for each other. As I am glad to hear that my nephew has found somebody. But as family, I want to be certain of that he will be happy. Perhaps I haven't been able to do that with the minimal of free time and for that I do apologize. But I must request Lady Kusanagi to refrain to involve my family into this matter. As I have been respectful and welcoming towards the Kusanagi from the start, I am hoping that respect won't be abused with.... such statements." Pausing, the man raised his chin a bit as he would look back in Shozo's direction.

"Though it is up to my nephew to decide, I hope that my wife's proposal will be accepted. The boy," slightly the tone of Zakito was giving away that he had lost his calm mask as the last word was spoken with more affection, "shall however have the last say."

Korina looked back at the Hon clan head with a bored expression. She was sick of being in the room with clan heads that seemed to forget that they too were human. Who were these people to decide on the dates of their people just because they shared blood?

"Lord Hon, baking someone a pie and offering to the one you've harmed is a friendly gesture. Buying them a token of friendship, is a friendly gesture. I understand that you took my words rather literally, and for that I apologize. Maybe I was too vague. If you would let this disagreement sour the budding relationship between my people and yours, then that is on you, for we both are merely acting out of protectiveness for someone we mutually care for greatly. But you must know that my concern is for Koike's happiness and his well being. Not yours, and not Lord Uchiha's."

She didn't let her gaze move from his until she looked at his wife, "Koike is a strong, young man. And you've done a great job acting as his parents. He has a good job, he is kind and dutiful. He is respectful and is finding his own way in life. I humbly ask, that you let him continue finding his way. He needs the love and stability of his family...not...whatever this is right now. Whether you wish to hear my words or not, Lord Hon...that's the truth that I know that you know. Just as I will stand aside to let him choose his own path when the time comes. I only have the purest of intentions, Lady and Lord Hon. Please...just think of your nephew's current needs and not just his future ones." She looked down quietly then looked to Kiyomi, mentally asking to be excused from the meeting. She needed to take care of some clan things before shade sure Koike has some dinner to heat up. And to talk to him because she may have just burned a bridge or two with his parental figures.

The young empress's eyes shot wide open as she noticed some movement in front of her. Stuttering, she was actually grateful for Shozo's proposal as it left the attention away from her. Nodding, she also gestured to Hayate that he should go as she wanted to hide her face in her hands and giggle the nerves away. It was a dream that came true in her experience. Finally, all the work and effort had paid off. Barely was she able to hide her smile as she calmed herself, waving her left hand to cool herself a bit. She was in time to recompose herself as she caught on the current topic. It surprised her, causing her to throw a curious glance in the direction of Shozo. If anything, her respect for the man slightly went up as it was a fair offer. She knew of Korina and Koike, but this was simply a start and Zakito didn't confirm that he would instantly jump on it. It was thus all with all, a start of what would hopefully make the two clans bond more.

However, that joy about how the unification of the clans would witter away as the situation continued. The smile vanished as a calm expression flowed over her features. With Korina speaking up, she understood the other and what she wanted to convoy. But it wasn't phrased in a manner that sat well with others. If anything, Kiyomi grew more worried as she heard the manner how Zakito spoke. Granted, she had barely ever heard or seen the man angry, but it was a sight that she hoped to avoid. Just before she could speak up, Korina took the word and seemed to want to be excused of the meeting.

A stern gaze made clear that she wouldn't be excused. "I am glad to hear that the bonding is taking some process." She started on a calm tone, briefly placing a hand on Zakito's shoulders. Which would've made her likely burst in laughter as she figured it would look a bit odd. If anybody could calm somebody down, she figured it was Zakito. "But while I am interested to hear more about the continued proposals, I fear that I would like to request to continue to the next topic. After all, I wouldn't like to restrain you fair men and women from your tasks." A polite smile covered Kiyomi's lips. A smile, Zakito and Hisoka would perhaps recognize from who Kiyomi had copied it.

And what it meant.

"Now with some of the process done, I would like to remember that it is of course a delight in my opinion to hear later more about how clans will bond together. I forsee some pleasant future if we would all work more often together." Folding her hands together on the table, Kiyomi paused. During that pause she thought about her next words. "Next what we," Kiyomi nodded with respect towards Hisoka, "considered a fair reasonable topic would be the form or religion. Now, I understand some of your clans have different traditions and opinion on religion, but I find it myself fascinating to know more about it. It also helps to understand each other better and lead to clearing out misunderstandings." She paused again, though not focusing her gaze on anybody. "If my lords and ladies would be pleased, I would like to invite somebody to perhaps state what ground or place they consider sacred. It falls perfectly in plan with what Lord Senju had brought up before."

Throughout the entire talk about bonding via marriages, her majesty's engagement to the Hyuzu guard captain for very logical political reasons, and further talks regarding the topic, Gakuro remained silent and merely watched each person as they talked. Once Kiyomi spoke again and moved to the religion topic, He finally spoke "Before I approach the new topic, allow me to congratulate you on your new engagement, your Majesty and Captain Hyuzu. May it only prosper and bring joy to you both." He said and moved his sights between Kiyomi and Hayate, giving them both smiles and a nod of approval "Now, The Senju have created many places over the years that were considered sacred to them, but with time they became more forgotten. Relics of the past. Even I do not possess knowledge about all the locations of said altars, but I know of a few. Currently, all of them are considered Important, but they would not be considered sacred anymore. The only sacred ground we have today is our graveyard, which is a few kilometers outside of Konoha." As he spoke the smile faded away, but his tone remained calm.

"I believe we should all know by now that while our clans have history in the land, not everything is as it was years ago. People grow, traditions change. I think we should consider turning the more... outdated sacred grounds into areas where the people of Akino can learn about the different religions, to help each other understand more. I am not saying we should give up the sacred grounds, but that is another way for us to assist with bonding. Understanding is one of the keys to becoming a better kingdom." With those words he finished, picked his cup of tea and took a sip of it.

Korina just opts to remain silent. If it were anyone else, she would have just left already. But Kiyomi's tone made it obvious that wouldn't be happening any time soon. She made a mental note to send her sister the next time a meeting came up. She had too much shit already on her plate without being forced to make nice with s bunch of stuffed shorts.

Aiko remained further silent as the exchange continued. Slight worried on how there had been a misunderstanding between the parties, she felt at first relieved. But a sting of pain reminded her. She knew that Korina meant no ill with saying that they had been good parents, but Aiko considered herself not good when it came to Koike. The mistake of the past still caused hurt and she knew better that with her previous attempt to be there for him wouldn't make it all better. With the new subject starting, Aiko listened to the answer of Gakuro Senju. "The Cho clan has an ancestor worship, your grace. We don't consider places sacred to be honest. Perhaps home, but other than that, there isn't much that the Cho consider as holy in relation to their culture or beliefs." Aiko said. "Perhaps the Keep of Dayi, though if I must choose a place that the Cho consider sacred, it would likely be the temple in the middle of the compound in Konohagakure."

He was about to retort, clearly not wishing to just let somebody read him the lesson. Where he could understand the care as protective reason of the young girl, the man knew that if he would blantaly turn down the offer of Shozo that it would become more sour between them two. Instead of continue on or continue his irritated thoughts, Zakito simply remained silent as Kiyomi took the word. With the next topic being presented, Zakito listened to the words of Gakuro and Aiko as he considered on how he should phrase himself. "The only sacred place for the Hon clan is currently Magnhild, which is more known by the name Hon Estate." Zakito replied, his tone calm. "I would find the suggestion of Lord Senju quite nice, but perhaps it would prove beneficial if we would also perhaps share knowledge on the origins as well? Provided if there are still sources. From what I know is that some religions have started to explain matters that they couldn't explain yet. I would for one gladly assist in requesting somebody of mine clan to help with this."

Spotting the gesture from Kiyomi, Hayate stood, bowing deeply once more before turning and walking back to his place against the wall. As he moved, he caught sight of Gakuro briefly, barely managing to register the man's kind words. Bowing his head in thanks to the Senju, Hayate continued on his way. His cheeks had not lessened in their reddish colour, and he could not hide the smile from his face. Resuming his position, Hayate tucked the necklace back underneath his shirt and began watching the proceedings once again.

"As some of you may be aware, the Nara clan has more of an open belief system. Though we share many cultural traditions and consider the deer to be sacred creatures, we do not push any specific belief structure upon members of the clan. They are free to believe as they choose and we do our best to foster an open dialogue regarding whichever beliefs a member may have. To that extent, we are also open to hearing about other clan's beliefs and are always interested in sharing or learning from them however we can." Smiling politely, Shikamura knew that his answer may not have been as specific as some may have hoped. The Nara were logical thinkers and as such were not typically inclined to follow any faith blindly. That had fostered an air of open discussion amongst them, something Shikamura was glad had not yet divided any members of the clan.

The door slowly opened by a bit as the previous blonde Yamanaka entered the room once again. This time, the blank expression was a bit pale though the blue eyes didn't betray any emotion. While she wouldn't pay much attention to the current meeting, the young woman seemed to be slight surprised by the appearance of a blushing Hayate. For a moment, Saki wavered, but she had a job to do. Keeping her hands on her back, she would lean slightly towards Hayate to bring out the newest important report.

"Captain, sir. Team... Grey has got contact. Another team is being investigated as they are covered in blood. Current situation seems that the contact is hostile." The whispered words would hint briefly towards some fear as Saki glanced at the meeting. "Currently Leader Grey is pursuing the contact as one of his team members has given chase due to his wolf."

Noticing Saki's approach, Hayate tried to hide the blush on his face, realizing it was already too late. Listening as she gave her briefing, Hayate's smile vanished and his brows furrowed. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, the Hyuzu nodded. "Understood. Tell them to stay cautious. We don't yet know what they are facing and it won't do us any good if they get themselves killed before we can get any information. Tell the other team to regroup and prepare to move in in case Grey team needs---"

"Captain, sir, I need to state that won't be possible. The team that did report wasn't Team Grey, but the team that had found the ripped off arm. They are physically okay. Currently a sensor of the unit is scanning the blood for any... properties. So far no further intel has been given about team Grey." Keeping her voice calm, Saki glanced again at the meeting. She was clearly not content with the situation.

Cursing under his breath, Hayate wished once again that he could be in the field. "Is there anyone we can send in to support them?" Saki shook her head, barely noticeable. "No sir. Team Red only is aware that Team Grey is in the building. Grey leader did command before that the other teams should seal off the location."

His eyes narrowing even further, Hayate cursed the stubborness of his team leader. It had obviously been done for good reason, but it left them without backup and in a situation where they may not be able to retrieve invaluable intel. "Tell Red team to stay alert and to keep looking. We can't afford to lose anyone here. I want to know the instant there is news on Grey team's status." Nodding in response, the young woman would take her leave again. Only interests she had for the clan meeting was perhaps for how Kiyomi and Zakito were doing as well why Hayate had been blushing before.

"The Sarutobi have thus since long kept a close connection to the woods as well a similar religion as the Hon's," Ling said as he had been talking during the brief encountering between Saki and Hayate. The man flashed a smile as he bowed his head slightly. "I sincerely hope that my short explanation of my clan's religion and origin thus haven't bored anybody."

Kiyomi was quick to speak up. "Not at all, Master Ling. I find the woodland lore of the Sarutobi rather intriguing. Thank you." Kiyomi had noticed that Saki came inside. The sharp eyes of the young ruler couldn't catch much hints what was going on. But the smile of Hayate vanished, which could mean some things. However to make sure that the attention wouldn't be stemmed away, Kiyomi cheerfully continued. "Who else would like to speak and inform us about their clan beliefs and traditions?" Kiyomi asked, glancing around.

Listening to the clanleaders talk about their beliefs the young Nimatsu's attention was drawn by the sliding door opening, revealing a figure dressed like a guard. In an instant he recognised Saki Yamanaka by how she moved, and he briefly wondered what was going on that she was here. She seemed troubled by something, but he had little time to think about that. The conversation was not one he could follow while only listening half-heartedly.

Kensuke did not feel very inclinded to speak up, but since most clanleaders were talking a bit about their values and culture, it felt like a general concession, and Kensuke grudgingly began thinking of how to formulate his clan's way of life. He didn't like talking about that. Outsiders often were all too keen on criticising on that. Even folks from other clans. "We have never been part of any shinobi nation, us Nimatsu. Long after the shinobi villages and states were founded by other clans, we remained strong and independant, and that has reflected upon how we see things, I suppose. We uphold our traditions with the respect they deserve, but in this hostile world we have learned that even more important than tradition and strength is the ability to adapt." Kensuke said after a moment's thought when a break fell in the ongoing conversation. "Like a rabbit trades its brown fur for a white coat in winter to survive, we will do what it takes." He paused here for a moment, letting his words sink in. "We have no place we see as holier than any other, but we will defend our home from any invader, be it friend or foe, for it is the only place where we can live in freedom." Kensuke finished. He was glad that Zakito represented the Hon clan. Any other Hon might have interpretted this as hostile rethoric after their conflict two years ago.

"If anything," Shozo said, speaking up after his long silence that he had kept himself to while Korina quarreled with the rest. His voice was still steady and even, but Hisoka detected a slight hint of amusement that probably only he could gather. His eyes had shot only briefly to the entrance of one of guards, but seemed to ignore it. "The Uchiha clan is in a sense like the Cho. We value our ancestors above all. On the fourth of Februari each year, the day when one of the founders of Konoha, Yoshimitsu Uchiha left this earth, we gather to remember those who have led us here. As such we do not have altars or specific holy grounds though one could suggest that Konohagakure itself marks something sacred as it is something that our ancestors build for us, the future generation, and it is to us to keep it safe. Our graveyard would also be a place for rememberance and would be something that we would be willing to fight for, but not something we would like to share with the world as it is a place for personal mourning and reflection."

Somebody cleared a throat. Closing her eyes for a moment, Aiko folded her hands together on the table. Calmly, she glanced in Shozo's direction. "I'm happy to learn this Lord Uchiha. I wasn't brought aware that our cultures shared this interesting detail. Please forgive me, but I would like to propose something, if that would be allowed?" Aiko glanced in Kiyomi's direction. The teen nodded, growing curious to what Aiko had to say. "Thank you, your grace." Aiko replied with a warm tone. That tone would however vanish as the warmth in the green eyes as well ebbed away. She had considered the previous talk carefully and had decided on some matters, though it would likely be bold it would shot a clear message and warning for those who would be intelligent to decypher the warning of the coming arrangments. Her attention went back to Shozo. "Lord Uchiha, you're known for being an educated man. Clearly this has been proven during this meeting and while it isn't sure if your proposal will continue seeing the situation... with Lady Kusanagi's relationship regarding my nephew." The voice of the woman didn't change from the serious tone. "Though I am certain you're aware that the brother-in-law of your son, our governor," Aiko briefly paused to bow her head in respect to Hisoka before she would continue, "isn't living with his sister and brother-in-law. In fact, I am not certain if you were brought aware of the situation, but he has been living among others in the Cho Compound. As my nephew," Aiko paused as there would likely be a clear reason for why she did that, "I've also been Katsu's mentor. Perhaps not for that long as I would like, but perhaps it would interest you to know that he is quite the splendid shinobi." A smile started to cross her lips, though there wasn't much joy to be find in it.

"During my tenure as his sensei and mentor, he lost his parents. To not bore or sadden you fine ladies and gentlemen with the details of what transpired afterwards, he and I agreed I would become his guardian. In an informal manner, of course." Pausing, Aiko had to mentally gather herself. The last conversation she had with Katsu still caused some pain, but she was determine to continue her actions. It was too late to turn back anyways. "With your most friendly gesture, that I," placing a hand on her chest, the woman kept smiling, "find quite warming, I would like to thus propose something in return. I am well aware of my position and it won't perhaps be as attractive as forging a bond through marriage, but I would like your blessing as the guardian of Katsu Uchiha. Next to the proposal that we will sort out later how to make sure that your friendly and genuine gestures are returned properly."

Nodding slightly along with Aiko's words, Shozo kept his eyes steady on her. The proposition she gave was rather interesting. The man thought about it in silence for a moment under the watchful gaze of his son next to him. "Word had reached my ear that the young man is doing quite well and that he has recently gained access to his Sharingan which is always wonderful to see. I was not aware that he was stationed directly under your care. It seems I have to thank you partially for his development. The loss of his parents was truly a tragic event. As for your proposal..." The man raised his hands, still folded, to his chin as if he was partially leaning on them. "I give my blessings sparcely, but in this case I would extend it towards you. I will only say that I will need your absolute word that the boy will not forget where he roots lie and that his clan can still help him."

Aiko returned a slow nod as her smile remained present on her lips. There seemed briefly a glint in the dark turned green eyes of the woman. "But of course. I wouldn't like to ruin the relation that could blossom between us. I'll promise that he will remember where his roots lie. Though it might also help to inform you that the boy has taken the likings of some of the Hon traditions. Such as taking an old tradition and acquiring a direwolf as... companion." The woman paused. "Of course that would help furthering the previous gesture. In any case, I thank you kindly for your blessing." The woman seemed to pause as she would lift her chin a bit. Her attention drifted now towards Jora.

"As was noted before, I wouldn't of course like it to see my family being shattered. I'm overprotective as some of you might know. After some consideration, I wish to propose thus also something to Lord Hyuzu. Who, if I remember correctly, I am helping with taking care of his younger sister." The tone of Aiko remained serious, but the smile seemed to turn more genuine as she continued. "If it would please Lord Hyuzu, I can inform that the young lady is doing well. I must admit even that I am slight sad that I couldn't find a most fitting place for her to stay alongside me in Konohagakure as she clearly deserves the best I can provide for her. As she would likely now be counted among the royal family due to the newly bethroded Empress and the brother of Lord Hyuzu." Aiko would even turn her attention to Hayate, making a short bow, before continue on. "As Lady Kusangi wisely and rightfully stated, I would be shattered. Angry. Furious even!" Pausing, the woman would simply glance around as she said the words. "Anybody or anything that would threaten my family would cause nothing but anger and provoke my retribution. Something I am sure that those who know how protective mothers can be when it comes to their little... cubs." For a second, Aiko glanced sideways at Zakito. The man frowned for a moment, but then seemed to come to some understanding. Closing his right eye, he would simply nod.

Mustering her courage, Aiko would continue. Bringing her attention back at Jora. "Thus from the perspective from a mother, I hope that Lord Hyuzu understand that this isn't an easy thing to propose. My little hero is a kind soul that I would like to shelter from the world as long as I am able. However, I would like to suggest an arranged marriage, or more so a betrothal, between my little hero and the lord's young sister. With the recent developments between her grace and the younger brother of Lord Hyuzu, I only can hope that my lord can find this suggestion proper and not see any ill will in it."

Listening carefully as the clan heads discussed their own traditions and beliefs, Jora began wondering about how to phrase his own clan's beliefs. It wasn't that the Hyuzu held many strange traditions, but he had never tried to explain them to an outsider before. Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Jora waited patiently for his turn to speak.

His initialy pride and excitement for his brother had faded only slightly, but the older Hyuzu knew he needed to keep himself composed. When Aiko began speaking, however, he found that composure beginning to falter once again. She had mentioned his younger sister, something that brought a pang of worry to the pit of his stomach, but Jora refrained from commenting yet. Aiko was a woman he had respected, someone who had been there to help when things had gone to hell... Offering a polite smile and a nod of his head in thanks as she mentioned that his sister was doing well, Jora wondered what the woman had in mind. As Aiko continued, the Hyuzu grew more and more nervous as he began to see where she was going.

Freezing as Aiko completed her suggestion, Jora's eyes widened. An... an arranged marriage for his baby sister? Thoughts swam through his head as Jora silently contemplated the proposal. Did he really have the right to make such a decision for his sister? Glancing quickly towards his younger brother, Jora hoped that Hayate could give him some sign, a direction to go. Hayate appeared just as surprised by the suggestion, but there was a faint smile present on his lips. Making eye contact with his brother, Hayate nodded. Closing his eyes, Jora settled his nerves and turned back to face Aiko. "Lady Aiko, you have my gratitude for everything that you have done thus far for my sister. I can not think of a more fitting place for her at the moment, and I truly believe that she will be able to reach her full potential while remaining under your care. I cannot think of a better role model." Smiling, Jora was at a loss for words. Was he really about to do this? "I... I find that your proposal is a wonderful idea. With hope, they can grow together and forge a bond as strong as Dragonsteel. I would be honoured to accept your proposal Lady Aiko."

The woman would bow her head towards Jora. "Many thanks Lord Hyuzu. I must add however that even though we have this arrangment, that I will take no shame if your sister wouldn't later accept it nor do I hope that you won't take it as a shame when my son does it." Hoping that it would comfort Jora, still remembering how he had reacted to the topic of arranged marriages, Aiko would make her last move. "To end my proposals, some of you may wonder what I will propose for my daughter." For a moment she had almost said little princess, but she would savor that for herself. "As some of you might be against arranged marriages and the idea perhaps of bonding, which is the reason why her grace and our governor have gathered us together, I wish to make my point clear with this last." Pausing, she could see those little smiles perfectly. Hearing the usual bickering and running around. Perhaps it didn't look on the outside that she was having some struggle making the political moves and arrangments, but it wasn't easy. "My daughter, Kei Hon, is the heir of the Cho clan. Already am I trying to groom her into the next possible leader of the Cho culture as I am protective over her. However, if there is any of you who could delight me with an interesting proposal to see my daughter becoming possibly bethroded, then with all means." With that Aiko would return to silence and finish her mochi at last.

As he listened to the ongoing conversation and further matchmaking that went on, Gakuro pondered to himself. When Lady Cho finished speaking about her daughter, he turned to look at her "I may have a proposal then. A few months ago I discovered that my cousin had a child. I am not refering to Sakamoto, but rather his older brother. While he has.. a bad reputation, the child first was raised by his mother without the influence of his father. A month ago his mother passed on and now I took on raising him. His name is Ayumu. So far he has been a quiet child, but I have every intention of ensuring he grows up to be a fine man, much like his great grandfather, the First Hokage." He said and then moved to look at eveyone else.

"I am aware that many would want to avoid being associated to a known criminal, especially one with mental issues. The reason I have told you all here is to show that first, the Senju will not conceal anything. The second is a request, from all of you. If in the future, Ayumu wishes to come together with a member of your any of the clans, please do not discriminate him for what his parent did. Try to get to know him first. If we were to look at people for who their parents were, then I am sure many shinobi we know would have tainted reputations, while being respected shinobi." After saying this, he looked back at Aiko "With this cleared, I will offer to have an arranged marriage between your daughter and him, but if you wish to wait with answering this offer, I will understand." Gakuro said and then finished talking.

With the mochi finally finished and not able to further its attempt to assassinate her, Aiko did listen to what Gakuro Senju was proposing. Taking a second to carefully consider her words, Aiko flashed a polite smile. "I'm honored to hear such a proposal, Lord Senju. Though in regards of the boy's origin, as it is honorable and yet also worriesome, I have to answer with a no for now. I hope you indeed will truly understand that this might change in the future, but for now and relying on what you informed us about I find myself to be on a more cautious side. Thank you though for your friendly gesture as offer."

Gakuro nodded "It is more than fine and understandable. Thank you for putting it into even the slightest consideration, that already means a great deal." He said and gave her a polite smile in return to hers. After moving his sight away from Lady Cho, the calm expression returned to his face as he pondered on something.

"I apologize for this, but I will be straying off topic for this. This is something that has occured just before my departure here, and thus I did not have time to send messages, or make it public knowledge. The evening before my departure, I held a council meeting. And the council had come to a conclusion, given how the number of members that still reside in the compound, participate in the clan traditions or attempt to aid the clan directly, that holding the title of a clan is not suitable anymore. I did not wish for this to occur, but I couldn't help but agree with them. I will still do everything I can to aid the village, but merely from a stance of a smaller family rather than a clan. He said in a slightly grim tone, making it clear he wasn't pleased, and then turned to look at his cup of tea.

Clever. Kiyomi wasn't that surprised by what she considered a quick swoop from Aiko's side. In a few minutes she had managed to arrange that her family would be closely tied to the perhaps royal family. But the message behind her proposals were clear. Briefly did the teen feel her neck hair raising as she wasn't deceived by the current composure of the woman. In her opinion, it was both an interesting as scary sight to behold. Taking a sip of her tea, Kiyomi wondered though what would follow. Glancing at Gakuro as he spoke up, Kiyomi remained further quiet. If anything, she wondered if the previous attempts of Shozo had lead to the quickly political securing of Aiko. Hon, Uchiha, Hyuzu and thus potentially Homura. Not bad.

When Gakuro Senju started to speak again, Kiyomi listened to what the man had to say. At the end, she slightly tilted her head to the left. "Thank you for informing us, Lord Senju. Does anybody else have an announcment to make or wish to perhaps speak up?" Kiyomi friendly asked as she lowered the cup she was holding both hands.

Hisoka listened patienly to the proposals that were placed on the table. Aiko chosing to secure the future of her children was honestly slightly surprising, but then again, she had always been a political player. It seemed that Miss Kusanagi had lit that candle and it was burning fierce. The marriage of the young Aki was soon arranged, but Kei seemed a more difficult matter for the mother. Gakuro spoke up and Hisoka patiently brought his own cup to his mouth. The movement froze however when Gakuro metioned the child of his cousin. With a frown Hisoka eyed the man over his cup, before gently blowing on the hot water as if he was just waiting for it to cool down. Gakuro talked on and Hisoka felt himself calm down, placing his cup on the table again. Next to him, his father silently shook his head as her Grace asked if there were any more important matters or announcements to be discussed. He had said all that he had come here to say. The development of the Senju clan - or rather family - was a grave disappointment in his eyes, but he chose to remain silent.

Bored of the politics now, Korina opted to remain silent while more talks of betrothals and back room deals were struck. She waited for them to be done before she spoke up again. "In regards to beliefs, the Kusanagi value merits over most other things. We are a fluid people, and don't believe in betrothals or arranged marriages, no matter their use." Korina paused, and stretched her back. "For when an outsider marries into the Kusanagi clan or is adopted by the clan, they are to become Kusanagi. They are expected to forget their old lives to better assimilate into our mindset, for how can one watch their brother-in-law's back if he is conflicted over a fight with his father? No. Marrying into the Kusanagi must be a choice; for it is a cruel fate to force onto another. One must make the decision to change themselves and their mindset...that right of free will should never be taken.

Nature is our most sacred of beliefs, with the sea holding a special place in my heart. The balance of need, desires, and restraint. Then comes out family, then any oaths we've made. Oftentimes, an oath is made in regards to family, so there is some leeway. Every harvest, so maybe August or so here, the entire clan makes a pilgrimage from the sea. I will not go into details, but the journey lasts for some time, then we camp for the Harvest Moon to celebrate the Great Mother and her blessings. From food, to newly born children, to newly paired lovers. The Kusanagi takes almost all forms of love in stride and as a good thing. We do not condone rape, or forcible entry into the clan. But we celebrate all stages of a relationship as sacred, from schoolgirl crushes to marriage of 50 years. One never knows what might become of the smallest seed."
She explained.

"Your cemeteries and ancestral sites are safe by principle. Death is a sacred part of the Great Mother's will. I know a few of my people would love to ask about your burial rites, if you feel so inclined to share. Change is a huge part of our way of life. Things must change for there to be any progress." Though her eyes and tone screamed irritated boredom, Korina spoke firmly and clearly. She would not have been surprised if someone scoffed at the way the Kusanagi Clan ran, but she was secure and confident in their way of life. They didn't survive several generations out of sheer luck. No, careful planning, selective breeding and assimilation, and a firm sense of brotherhood and family kept her people alive and fruitful. But of course, the Konoha sect would need some form of motivation to keep moving forward...she saw what complacency did to people in the village. It was one of the reasons she refused to build a compound. Luxuries were nice, but they made one lazy with convenience...

The man had listened to the conversations, taking two sips of his tea. But when he heard of the traditions and manners of the Kusanagi, the leader of the Hon wasn't pleased at all. He wasn't a man that was soon to judge or find it his place to speak against them. Some of his students would be able to guarantee that he was open to others, even if their ways were vastly different from his and his people. But hearing that somebody who married into the Kusanagi had to forsake their old lives. Their beliefs, traditions and manner. He doubted, but felt wary now, that the young lady meant also family that wouldn't join the Kusanagi. But the previous anger started to raise again as the man would place his cup on the table. It wasn't that the Hon culture would force another to give up on their background, their old life, nor attempt to judge that of another. This wouldn't happen to his nephew, not as long as he drew breath. With raising his chin slightly, Zakito was about to speak. He had been read the lesson on his family, by somebody he considered an outsider. A grave insult, seeing the current situation. But instead of speaking, the man would remain silent. Glancing at the surface of the tea in his cup, he knew what he would do. For a wolf doesn't howl alone in the night. Nor does he simply forgets.

Korina, unable to ignore a fight, looked over at Zakito when she heard someone put their cup down. From what she experienced that seemed to be the way anyone wanted to speak. That or clearing their throat. She looked over the man's countenance, "Does anyone have any questions? I would be happy to answer them to the best of my ability."

"I have a single question for you, lady Kusanagi. What does your clan do if a member decides that they wish to leave the clan in order to be with someone else? Do you just prevent it? Because from how you explained it, and I may have been mistaken, it sounds as if there is only two options when it comes to that. Join the Kusanagi and forget your old life or just forget about it. Now, while that may be so for outsiders, I cannot help but wonder if you do the same for your own members." Gakuro asked with a calm tone, which disguised perfectly the slight disgust he felt towards the description the young woman had given.

The representative of the Sarutobi had a calm expression plastered over his face. He simply enjoyed his tea as the talk continued. Upon hearing the young representative of the Kusanagi speak, the man rubbed his chin with his right hand. Only to then not really feel anything for it. It were the customs of their people. Not his. Beside, he was more afraid if he would question something that it would lead to a slight. Better to remain silent. Better to not cause trouble, he thought to himself. Kiyomi on the other hand, was slightly surprised. She thought about the words of Korina explination. Her green eyes went to glance at Zakito. It wasn't clear to read what man thought about Korina's words. Simply, she would follow the example. Enjoying her tea, she heard Gakuro asking his question. Trying to read the man's body language didn't go that well. Perhaps she should ask more lessons from Saki or Meisa? In either way, she was largely neutral to what Korina had said. If that was the way how the Kusanagi culture worked, that was all fine. As long as there would be peace and order, she wouldn't meddle.

Korina raised an eyebrow at Gakuro when he spoke. She let out a breath, "You misunderstand something that is fundamental. No matter how you may look at it or try to change my words, we are forcing nothing on anyone. If someone wishes to marry into the clan, then that is fine. But they MUST know what they are getting themselves into. It is by choice that we have set up a camp instead of a compound house. It is by choice that we live in tents and sleep on the ground with nothing but blankets, some furs, and a loved one to keep us warm. It would be a grave injustice if we just threw someone from your world into ours without any preparation or training. How many people would one of your daughters kill because she is unused to cooking on am open campfire and vastly under cooks the meat? How fair would it be for one of you to lose a son because he accidentally got himself killed while on a hunt? Our lifestyle is not one that you can jump into and automatically adapt to." She explained.

"As for someone that wishes to leave, they are free to do so. But, their memories will be sealed so as to allow them to forget the hardships of their lives and create new memories with new loved ones. This causes them no pain, and it can't be placed on a whim. Once activated, it is possible for it to be broken, but the seal is complicated, even for me. The seal is also not set in a public place, for it is not a mark of shame or a brand. It is a new slate, a new start, and it keeps the clan safe and our secrets well...a secret. It's a win-win for everyone. We don't wish to punish those that leave of their own accord. Likewise...we don't want them to suffer from possibly painful memories..." She looked down at her hands. "Suicide is a very real danger for those that are not prepared for this life. We would rather have them start over than have their souls returned to the Great Mother too soon...because they feel as though they have no way out."

"One of the Kusanagi, usually their mother, acts as a guidance counselor and connects them to trusted allies and families to teach them the skills they'll need to live. Once we feel as though they can survive, they are free to leave and start their lives. But before they make the decision, we ask why they are leaving. If it is due to malicious actions from a member of the clan...we deal with it. Maybe they just wish to settle and don't want to be called Kusanagi For others, it is due to love. We will ask to meet the one that has captured their heart. In this instance, we ask to keep tabs for a year before we truly let them go, to insure they are being treated with love."

"As we are...not very trusting of outsiders and very protective of our own and wish no harm to befall them...this is our policy. Some of our people that have left for love are still in touch, some have come back. Others were abused, and others were happy. Choice and provision. We will do our best to never let someone feel like they are making these decisions on their own with no help." She said with a small smile. "We turn away few that wish to join us. But make no assumptions, we harbor no criminals. We take in people that truly wish for a different life and are willing to put in the work and love and respect for others." Korina looks at all of the clan heads then looked at Gakuro, "Did I answer your question satisfactorily?"

A friendly voice quickly spoke. "I think that does answer Lord Senju's question." The smile on Kiyomi's lips seemed genuine as she placed the tops of her fingers against each other. "Thank you most kindly, Lady Kusanagi, for your most detailed answer." The young ruler quickly considered her options. There weren't many as she wished she could just request advise. Her eyes traveled her gaze around the room. Resting on Hayate, she wasnt sure what to do. "I reckon a break is in place, no?"

The man slowly placed his hands at the table. Without stating a word, Zakito would raise himself up. The grey right eye of the man traveld down on his niece. Taking a step back, the man made a deep respectful bow towards Kiyomi. As he straightened his back, the man would continue with a shorter and yet respectful bow towards Hisoka. Once that was done, the man would glance back at Kiyomi. He knew that it would be beter to remain with her, but there were boundaries. Flashing a smile, the man would turn around and head towards the door. On his way, he would nod towards Hayate, patting the young man's shoulder. He knew that Kiyomi was the one who would decide who could leave, but there were no need of words between him and his niece. Opening the door, the man would softly close it behind him.

Before he could slip a word in, her majesty spoke on his behalf. And then, once more before he could even open his mouth, Lord Hon rose from his seat, gave the ones who arranged the meeting bows and then departed. Somewhat surprised, Gakuro held a blank expression on his face now. He wondered if he should even speak now, but he believed Zakito made things very clear on his side. After another moment, he turned to look at Kiyomi and nodded "I agree that it would be best." He said in a respectful tone Or ending the meeting early is a better option. He thought to himself.

Aiko remained silent. She watched, but knew what drove Zakito away. Sideways did she look at Kiyomi. This was supposed to be the day that the girl would be open with her relationship. It wasn't hard to decypher that the girl and the Hyuzu captain had been probably more aligned in a relationship from how they had reacted. For how long had they remained silent, Aiko wondered. Yet, now that moment was slowly tainted as Aiko felt sorry for her. When Gakuro spoke, Aiko glanced at the man. "I believe a bit of fresh air in the gardens of the palace would do us some wonders." She friendly stated. "We must discuss of course that our empress is betrothed. I would like to claim the responsbility to take her grace, if," Aiko turned her head to the girl with a big genuine friendly smile, "her grace would honor me with accepting the request. I know just the perfect locations where she can enjoy some peace and yet choose for what she would like to wear once the event will transpire." The woman seemed to ignore the whole event of her husband leaving the meeting, clapping her hands bit as she giggled. "I mean, sorry my lords and ladies." With a cheeky smile, she would bow her head slightly. "I might be a bit too... overjoyed with the propsect of her grace finding true love."

The door would slowly open. Saki didn't have a frown. As before, she would place her hands on her back. "Captain. Team Grey is fine. Leader Grey has been covered in blood as well." She whispered. "Three civilians however got wounded as more got spooked. The.... threat has been last seen heading to the palace." Glancing at the meeting, she was slight confused - though keeping her face straight and blank - and wondering where her old mentor was. "It would be perhaps wise to seal off the area. Before this threat or more will close in?"

Ling had simply observed the situation. It seemed that Zakito had decided to either take some fresh air or give up on certain people. His gaze went briefly to Korina and traveled then to Shozo. Taking the last sip of his tea, the representative for the Sarutobi wondered what he should say. The leaving of Zakito marked that the Hon clan wouldn't likely wish or desire to deal with the Kusanagi clan. If this Kusanagi however was aligned with the man's nephew, Ling wondered how that would turn out. He had a question or two on his tongue, but with Aiko speaking up, the man decided to chime in with her. "I am certain we can host a great feast for her Grace. It is always beautiful to see love blossom, certainly when it is done in the wisdom of our respectful Lord Hon." Ling stated, marking that he couldn't perhaps leave but making it clear who the Sarutobi would be with. The raven, known as wolf-bird by some, would follow the wolf as it had done for a long time. Cause when the wolf is away, the raven lingers behind to warn of threats.

Hayate watched as Zakito stood and made his way towards the exit. Hesitant and confused, the Hyuzu wondered why the man was leaving, but knew it was wiser to remain silent. Extending a nod of respect towards the Jounin Commander as he passed by, Hayate's attention was then distracted as the blonde Yamanaka entered the room to report in once again.

Relieved to hear that Grey Team was fine, Hayate nodded his head. That relief faded quickly however, as Saki continued. "Find Zakito, he just left. Inform him that I may require his assistance. He may have other matters to attend to, but please stress this is important." Frowning slightly, Hayate was already thinking of a way to contain the situation. Remembering something that Aiko had mentioned, the Guard Captain grew an idea. He turned his head away from the table, talking low. Hayate didn't want to alarm any of the clan heads, not yet. "I will attempt to keep the clan heads within the palace walls. Judging by how things are going, however, it may prove a little difficult. If you can, lockdown the outside. I want nothing further coming in or out. Set up our sensors to give us as wide a net as we can, and make sure they overlap. I don't want any deadzones. If they have to draw in a bit in order to cover those gaps, have them do so. I want to know the instant something comes into range. My earphone will be active if you need to contact me again, Guardian frequency only. I don't want anyone listening in on this. Last thing we need is to sow unrest amongst the clan heads." The young woman nodded as she would leave the room. Outside, she would quickly result jogging in attempting to catch up to the Lord Hon and Jounin commander. As well giving the orders to ensure Hayate's plan would be followed up. Keeping in mind about the prepared chakra masts, a courtesy from somebody that Hayate didn't wish to speak of, Saki hoped they could ensure nothing bad would happen.

Nodding once, Hayate turned back to the table with a smile. He would wait for the Yamanaka to leave before stepping forwards. "Lady Aiko's suggestion was indeed a good one. The gardens of the palace are quite beautiful. Perhaps you would like to retire there for a short time, and get some fresh air?" Bowing his head, Hayate would await a response. His proposal had been purposeful. The gardens were located within an inner courtyard. An area he could organize his Guardians to defend. If the sensors were able to cover off the outside then the gardens would be as safe a place as any for the clan heads to reside.

In a quite move the leader of the Uchiha clan rose from his position. He was obviously aware that something was going on with the two guards who were posed at the door and his gaze landed on his son. There was a silent conversation between the two after which Shozo nodded curtly and responded to the guard. "The gardens it is. Lord Senju, can I suggest a walk?" the man said as he started to retreat to the doors at the side of the room that lead directly to the gardens. Hisoka had already opened them and the fresh air along with the rustic sound of birds and the traditional ticking of bamboo filled the room.

The govenor himself allowed everyone to leave before he himself looked over to Hayate, his eyes serious. He had read the silent question in his father's eyes but also knw that the man would comply with his suggestion. Shozo Uchiha was a diplomat first and a fighter second. He could probably keep everyone occupied when he started talking. Meanwhile Hisoka could ask Hayate some well needed questions.

Hearing Shozo offer him a walk, the Senju nodded "I'd be glad to accompany you on a walk, Lord Uchiha." He said as he stood up and followed the man's footsteps, though for a few moments his eyes were focused on the door through which Zakito had left. He hoped everything will end up okay with Zakito as he then moved his sight to Shozo's back and slightly rushed his steps to catch up to the older Uchiha.

With Hayate's suggestion, Kiyomi was erupted from her thoughts. She kept them hidden behind a polite smile, but she felt the need to run away. Understanding her uncle, she didn't want to be alone in the meeting without him. Even though he couldn't directly advise her, Kiyomi felt more comfortable with his presence. Remaining silent, she would rise up. Following behind the others that would leave the room, she glanced briefly at Hayate, but would remain silence. During the walk to the gardens, Kiyomi brushed a few strands of her hair behind her left ear. Spotting a tall figure, Kiyomi would increase her pace by a bit. "Lord Nimatsu," she said on a cheerful tone, "Looking quite dashing. How is your sister doing?" Kiyomi asked, flashing a friendly smile.

Ling would follow the rest to the gardens. His hands at his back, remaining silent as he thought briefly on later meeting up with Zakito. It was clear that the Hon wasn't pleased with some aspects that had been brought up. Perhaps he could get an insight on what had pushed the man's patience over the edge of the cliff. Though he had a good hunch what had caused it.

Kensuke spent most of the rest of this meeting silently observing. He heard the different clan heads give a brief explanation about their traditions. Sometimes he paid attention, hearing new and interesting things, but most of the time he simply observed everything and everyone. Zakito leaving after having been driven to the edge signified the end of the ongoing discussions, but Kensuke had seen it coming a few moments earlier, when the man had changed his composure. He couldn't tell back then, as he was still learning what to do with the information he could read from others outside of combat. He had also noticed that Hayate and his guards had been running about. There was something going on, but it was clear that they intended to solve it without their help, and if possible, knowledge. Kensuke was interested in the situation, but didn't want to ask. He didn't want to be the one to break this illusion of peace. The situation might after all just be that there was not enough mochi left after their collective feeding frenzy on the poor candy. Nevertheless, as someone who had been more of a soldier than a politician eversince he was born, Kensuke felt something was up in his guts, and in all honesty he related more to the guards than to the other clan heads present.

As the meeting was paused and they went outside, he toyed with the idea of talking to one of the guards, offering his aid. Of course he didn't put this into practice, but it was a nice fantasy to play with here, where he was seen as a weird bug from that weird village. He saw Kiyomi coming and knew that the luxury of thinking about random things was gone now. "Me? Dashing? Why thank you my lady." Kensuke said, resisting the urge to give her a jovial wink. "My sister is doing well, thank you for asking. I have not heard much from her, but it has reached my attention that a traveller from Sunagakure has been found in the valleys. He was on the brink of death, and looked like he'd crossed the entire desert on foot. Nothing really spectacular though." He asked. "I assume that you've heard news a lot more exciting than this as Empress of course."

A sarcastic reply laid ready on her tongue, but she decided to remain polite. "Oh, most certaintly." The young teen answered in return. "Though I must admit that I feel sorry from the man. Coming from Sunagakure. One would assume he could've tripped... earlier." A smile grew on her lips as she folded her hands together in front of her stomach. "Glad to hear she is doing fine. Was planning on maybe paying the place a visit." Glancing up ahead as she thought about something, she didn't return her gaze back to him. "Would you mind doing me a favor? It is a small one, I assure you. But when we're back in the capital, I might need your assistance with something. Just a small task I need to have somebody trustworthy for."

Despite everything, Kensuke's interest was piqued. "Someone trustworthy? That narrows down your potential candidates for sure." He replied. "I think I could do that." He then added.

Korina made her way out of the meeting area to the outside. She sighed happily at the taste of fresh air and left to find a secluded spot to just sit and meditate. She was careful to not meditate too deeply, but just thought of her parents and sister to calm down and focus on.

Last edited:
[fieldbox=Blades and fangs in the dark, crimson]
Detachment of the Guardians,
Led by Lieutenant Koike Hon, 30 people strong detachment.

In one of Keishi's poor districts.

Part III

Summary :
Leading an operation, this detachment isn't at the Daimyo's palace, but instead working in of the districts where they were ought to find something. Or somebody.

Katsu took the period of change to bring his hands up in front of his face and release an intense concentration of light.

The creatures snarled by the flash. "You pay!" One of them growled. As the beast behind Katsu was about to wildly swing around, something tackled it down. A collission of another creature of black fur lunged and managed to force the hostile into a fight. "Katsu." Appearing in the door opening, Koike stared at the large bipedal creature. "What in the gods..."

Tanpo growled and leapt at the girl, his mouth open wide, ready to lock his jaw on the beast. Katsu glanced at Koike for a moment before rushing at the girl with his swords.

Slammed on her back, the girl turned beast tried to fight off the persistent direwolf. Biting back and attempting to wrap one of her claws around the neck or throat of the beast, the other fight seemed have ended. Akumu was forced off as the creature he had lunged at managed to escape the grasps of Akumu. Attempting to blockade the only escape route, Koike swung his blade. But the hostile creature simply grunted as the blade slashed its shoulder. Ramming aside the young man, it started to ran.

As Tanpo was bit as well, his eyes widened, but his jaw tightened. Katsu leapt up over the tackled girl and Tanpo, aiming his sword's tip towards the girl's head, hoping to get the jaw released above all else.

Growling, the girl would tighten her bite as she would drag the young direwolf with her as she rolled away from Katsu's attempt. Getting up, Koike quickly glanced in the direction of where the other beast had fled to.

Tanpo whimpered as he was dragged sideways. The moment he landed, Katsu went for a sideways swing towards the side of the beast's head with the edge of the blade readying an arc of wind.

"Stale..mate." The girl growled as she managed to get up and position Tanpo in front of the attack.

Katsu flinched and stopped his sword, grumbling. "Cowardly little..." Tanpo's grip tightened further as he tried to rip up the collarbone by shaking his head wildly.

The girl whimpered, but kept position Tanpo between her and Katsu. Another deep growling rose up as Akumu circled and tried to approach the girl from the other side. "Katsu, take care of that one." Koike ordered as he would run after the other beast. "Maker..." The girl was forced to step back as she kept shifting Tanpo between her and either Katsu or Akumu.

"I'm trying!" the boy grumbled, mostly to himself. Katsu brought his hands up in front of his face after dropping his swords and the same flash of light shone as earlier.

Spotting some movement, the girl turned as she wanted to position the irritating juvenile direwolf to be in the range of Katsu's attack. Only to let out loud angry screams. "FILTH! MAKER! MAKER!" Blinded and enraged, she attempted to push and get Tanpo off her as she stumbled forwards. Lunging forwards, the jaws of Akumu tightened around her left leg and prevented her to escape. "MAKER!"

Tanpo whimpered as he fell to the ground, releasing his jaw as well. Katsu's hand reached to his other left wrist, as he lunged, and quickly flung to the other side, letting out a stream of thing wires from his brace, moving towards the girl's torso in a fast, wide arc.

Growling, the girl kicked Akumu. The large wolf whimpered, but stubbornly kept his jaws tigthened. Hearing some sounds, the head of the girl turned as her eyes widened.

Blood flushed out from the girl's back in three fine cuts, with the lines coming out from behind her covered in a dark red, painting the wall delicately. Without taking an extra second to see if she'd been killed right then, the boy rushed over to Tanpo. "Shit..."

The body of the beast turned girl twitched as she fell down on her knees. She kept muttering something, still trying to get away. Before she could raise her left arm, to the exit of the room, she would breath out her last breath as Akumu snapped her neck with a bite.

Continuing swearing quietly, Katsu tugged his shirt out from under the flack jacket and tore the area covering the waist. "Is this enough? Ah..." He tried to wrap it around the wound but he was finding it hard to tie it up tight with his hands trembling.

The large direwolf slowly backed off from the body. The girl seemed to revert back to her human form, the markings of the wound still showing. Sniffing, the black direwolf glanced in the direction of Tanpo and Katsu for a second. Then he ran off.

Seeing how it wasn't wide enough, Katsu unzipped his jacket hurriedly and pulled of his shirt, the knives all falling on the ground in the vest.

"Katsu? Katsu? Do you copy?" The voice of Koike sounded anxious.

The boy wrapped the shirt around Tanpo's neck with the torso on the wound to hold the blood back as much as possible. A shaking voice answered through the communicator to Koike. "Y-yes, I'm still here." Tanpo whimpered a bit, wanting to get up but being kept in his place by Katsu. "I don't know what to do..."

It remained silent on the other side. "We got a little problem here." Again, another short moment of silence. "Target has escaped the building. Pursuit is happening. What's your status?"

"K... Koike..." After a few moments of silence, the voice was heard again. "I... Tanpo needs help. I don't know how..."

Silence followed Katsu's words. Almost for thirty seconds, no reply was uttered back from Koike's side. "A team is on its way. Stay there, Katsu. And remain sharp." His voice sounded friendly and calm. "Okay?"

"O... Okay."

The boy rubbed away some tears and gave a faint smile to his friend. "You hear that? They're... They're coming to help."

"This is Delta One. Over. We're entering the building." The voice seemed feminine as she would speak up again. "Grey, do you copy?"

"Y-yes," Katsu spoke, clearing his throat and trying to regain his composure. "We're down in the basement."

"Acknowledged." Was the short reply. There were some faint sounds upstairs as the voice spoke up again. "We're approaching the stairs down. Is it free of any hostiles, Grey?" The person sounded slight nervous as she asked the question. Faintly there was another voice talking in the background, about markings.

Katsu brought his hands together, taking deep breaths. "It's clear," he breathed into the communicator.

"Approaching." The sounds became more audible. And soon enough four Guardians jogged into the room. One of them approached Katsu as the other three remained at a short distance away. Crouching, the woman didn't do anything as she seemed to be waiting for something. "He is clean..." One of the three said. "Good. Okay, just keep him still." The woman would pull out a syringe off her pouch. "This might sting a little."

"Don't we need to check the wolf too.." Another of the three mumbled. "Not really got the time for that now." Turning her attention back to Katsu, she nodded. "Just keep him still----"

"I'm fine! He's worse off," Katsu blurted out. "I just... I just waited to make sure he was alright. I can still move, so check him first!"

The woman nodded as she would slowly stab the wolf. Waiting five seconds, she would pull the syringe out and place it on the ground. Flashing several handsignals, she would apply some sort of medical ninjutsu, attending to the wounded animal. "He will be fine." She mumbled, focusing on her task. "What's the status?" Koike asked through the communicator.

"Please... Take good care of him," the boy said to the others in the room before reaching up to his earphone. "I'm coming your way. He's fine," he said, sounding a bit relieved. Quickly forming a few handseals, Katsu disappeared, only to appear next to Koike. "He got away." There was blood on the black jacket, but none really on Koike's blade. Staring into the direction of the palace, there was some turmoil as the other Guardians were attempting to calm down the bystanders. Raising his left hand, Koike swept some of the sweat and blood off his brow. "Did you kill the other one?"

"She's... yeah, she's dead," the boy mumbled, realizing how that wasn't exactly the best situation possible. "There couldn't have only been two, right? Even if they were strong, they couldn't have hoped to actually get past the defenses around the palace."

"I don't know." He mumbled. Glancing at Katsu, Koike paused and then took a step aside. "The captain has been reported about the situation. Right now we got to get the situation under control. Though, I got to go and get checked. Did that one spray blood on you as well?" He asked, sounding more worried than he wanted to let on.

"Spray blood? What are you..." His voiced trailed off as he remembered the team they'd found in the room. "No." He shook his head quickly. "Uh... Thank you," he said with a lower voice.

"Good. Same shit as in Nanporo." Koike grumbled. Sheating his blade back in its scabbard, he let out a frustrated sigh. "Gods, the captain isn't going to be happy. Three civilians got wounded. A few stands got damaged and a lot of people got the chakra scared out of them." Raising his right hand to run it thorugh his hair, Koike let out another sigh. "Probably will be set on guard duty next time, huh?"

Katsu remained silent, his eyes moving down as the wires went back into his brace with his hand going up to the raised skin on his forehead from the clawing of the escaped beast.

"Well, I need to get checked. I suppose that you should head back. Check on Tanpo. And make sure that nobody is dragging that corpse away. I'd rather have something that was worth this mess than nothing." He said, rather friendlily. Raising his left hand, he wavered. "You did well, now get going." Deciding not to pat Katsu's shoulder, Koike would lower his head and start to whistle as he kept an eye on the situation as the other Guardians tried to reassure the civilians.

Katsu nodded, starting to walk back before stopping and turning to his friend. "I'm... I'm sorry," he said weakly before rushing back to the building.

Saying nothing, Koike glanced over his shoulder. He wanted to say something, but wasn't feeling as how he was showing off. Before he could, one of the teams in the slums approached him with caution. "Well, this is going to be great..." He grumbled.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Nim and Aliceee
[fieldbox="Sho Deshuga, lightblue"]
Team 15 Chuunin | Out on the Streets

The doctor said that he had to keep his activities at a minimum. His arm was pretty badly hurt from that fight and the first two days he wasn't even able to properly move it. The medics at the fighting arena had told him that he had been lucky. The Jounin could have sliced off his arm had the move been different. But the move hadn't been different and Sho was still in the possession of two arms. Of course the move hadn't been different. Sho wasn't about to lose a freaking arm in some random fight even though he might have slightly felt the fear when he was in the fighting arena. His words had still been strong though. He couldn't show his opponent that the wounds that he had inflicted had actually fazed him, had actually broken through the stoic facade that Sho kept up all the time. His arm had hurt fucking badly, but he wasn't going to let some shinobi or doctor see that.

And he wasn't going to let him keep that down.

He had spend two days at home after he had returned. His mother had been fussing about him which had annoyed Sho greatly. Why did she even bother? She had never shown much interest in him when he was growing up, but after that Bijuu attack suddenly he had to be taken care of too. Why did he suddenly matter? Since when did he suddenly matter? Sho didn't get it and didn't want to get it. She was fourteen years too late. If she wanted his love, she would have to do a lot more than just fuss.

Not that she could actually do something to make his life better except fuss. The truth was actually the opposite. His mother seemed rather incapable of keeping any job for any stable period of time. She would apply for some and be set for a month or two, maybe even four, before being kicked out once again and losing whatever income they had. No, it was Sho would actually bring in the money. His career as a shinobi was giving him some sort of money that he could spend on food and everything. A library card for that matter. The idea that something like that actually costed him money was preposterous, but then again it had helped him to learn lightning release. So he guessed that that evened it out.

Even though his shinobi job got him money it was slow and it was not enough. Especially with his team being... basically non existant. The Amekage had resigned so there was no chance that Ryoku was ever coming back to help him ever again. So much for that. He didn't know where Sango went either. As for the rest of his teammates.... there was nothing to talk about. No, it was up to he himself to get some extra money.

So now he was strudging through the streets. His left arm was still bandaged, but he kept it hidden under the sleaves of his dark shirt. His red scarf was covering his neck where the bandages also showed. He wasn't going to show the world that he had actually sustained some kind of injury. Whatever people knew him on the street would never let him live that down. He had to be strong, always.

He stopped on the corner of a random street as his eye caught sight of a piece of paper on the wall. Someone was looking for help with some form of construction and assembly. Sho assumed the said person would pay for the help he/she would receive. His eyes rested on the name Yoshikuni Sadako for a second. It didn't ring any bells. With a quick move he ripped the piece of paper of the wall and started to make his way towards the given address. It didn't sound like a very difficult job, but at least it would be something he would be paid for. And that was a good thing.

Before long Sho arrived at the shop that was mentioned on the paper. Sadako's Silks, whatever that was supposed to mean. He had never heard of the shop before. Without wasting time however he tried the door to open it and see if anyone was inside.

Kaminari Himura
Genin, Kiri

Kaminari sat cross legged in the middle of her run down home with her eyes closed in a meditative state. She tried to remember something, anything at all, about her parents and who they were. The Anbu had thought it was questionable that there was no money or other resources where they had found her years ago. They said that for two dangerous shinobi who had taken countless amounts of money from many different homes it was odd to not find where it went. Her parents must have kept it safe somewhere, but how would a little kid know where such a place would be?

How could they expect her to know where it would be? She hadn't even known what her parents were doing until that day... She couldn't have known... Could she have?

For days now, she had been sending Kosui out searching for any clues of where it might be. Once she found it, she had a choice to make. Either to tell or keep it to herself, shaking her head as she opened her eyes as the jackal came into the house. She already knew the answer to her own question, no clues.

"Maybe next time," Kaminari said with a sigh. It was time to train now and Kosui seemed tired so she didn't say anything more as the Jackal curled up for a nap.
Yoshikuni Sadako
Amegakure Chuunin, Team 11

The store's floor had been covered completely with plastic, and there were a couple of paint buckets laying besides one of the walls. Kuni had a bit of paint on her clothes, but seeing how those were meant to be thrown out anyway it was fine.

She was a quarter way done with the first wall when the store door opened. Turning to look at the person who opened it, Kuni smiled, quickly tossed the paintbrush into the open paint bucket and quickly approached the young man "Hey! Welcome to the construction of the upcoming Library Teahouse! I'll just go ahead and assume you are here from the help wanted papers I put up around town. So, I'll go over it quickly." She said, gave him a smile and then wiped her hand on her pants before it dove into her pocket, rummaged around for a moment and then took out a couple of papers.

Handing one of the papers to the young man, she looked at the one she kept at her grasp "So the job isn't complicated. You will help me set up things here, for a payment of course. The payment is stated in the paper, its not the best payment, but its the most I can offer for the work. The only thing I expect from you is to follow the instructions I give, how you behave, react or whatever is up to you, and I really don't mind it as long as the work gets done. It will be a job for a couple of weeks, and it includes painting, assembling furniture and then setting them in place, and finally arranging the books by names." Kuni finished speaking, taking a deep breath.

"Any questions, or shall I get you a paintbrush to get started?" Kuni asked with a smile.
[fieldbox="Sho Deshuga, lightblue"]
Team 15 Chuunin | Out on the Streets

Sho was greeted by a girl, about his age, when he had opened the door and stepped inside. The interior didn't look like much yet, but he guessed that that was why this person had called for helpers. For what again? Library Teahouse? Sho nearly snorted. He should try to bring tea to the old lady at the city library. She would definitely murder him.

She handed him a sheet of paper and Sho glanced briefly at it, not really interested in the intricate details of the arrangement. She was right, it wasn't a good payment, but it would do. Everything would do right now as long as he didn't have to sit at home doing nothing or spending time with his worthless team.

She explained some more. He could act however he wanted, something he appreciated but didn't need to incentive for. He wouldn't change his behavior anyway regardless if she demanded it or not. The job description seemed easy enough and when she asked him if he had questions, he shook his head. There was no returning smile. "Seems easy enough," he said, wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck so that it would not get in the way when he would be painting. Removing it was probably easier, but no way in hell he was doing that at the moment. "Gimme one of those brushes and I'll be working." He didn't feel like chitchat. He didn't want to know anything about her really nor did she need to know anything about him. It was better just to get gong and get this done.


[fieldbox="Eiji Emiya, sandybrown"]
Team 11 Jounin | At Home

Eiji couldn't help but raise his eyes at the interaction between Ryu and Johnathon that was unfolding before his eyes. he didn't expect them to be best friends of course, but Ryu seemed rather aggresive towards John's obvious flirtations. Maybe that would be good for the boy, Eiji mused as he watched Naomi stalk closer to Sachi. John always seemed a bit... too much with words though personally Eiji found it rather amusing. He knew that there was more to the guy that just his plentiful words and hoped that the rest of the team would also get to know that side at some point.

He settled back in the sofa as both of his students declined the offered drink. That suited him just fine. "Well it is very good to have you back, John," Eiji said jokingly to keep with the boy's tone. As he said that, he pondered some more on Ryu's question for Medical ninjutsu. The most logical thing for her to do is find a proper teacher. There was no possibility of him teaching anyone anything about medical ninjutsu since he had never ever spend a second studying it. No, the most logical way was another teacher, someone who had extensive knowledge and perhaps the time to help a beginner out. Eiji's thoughts drifted to the personal he knew in the hospital. "I might know someone Ryu..." he said trailing off.

Then John asked about his wife. About Samaki. And despite the fact that it had now been quite some time the question caught Eiji off guard. He had sort of figured that all the people around him knew what had happened to her, but of course John had been away for a while too and there was no reason for anyone to keep up with the personal life of your old sensei. He took a breath and kept his complexion even. "Unfortunately Samaki is no longer in this world," he said quietly. "She passed away almost two years ago now."

As Naomi came closer Sachi didn't move. She was still sitting on the sofe, her legs folded up underneath her as she stared to the big cat. Then slowly she raised her tiny hands towards the panther's nose as if she was going to pet it. However instead of carefully touching the fur her hands reached for something else. Whiskers. With a smile of satisfaction on her face she clasped her fingers around them and pulled.

[fieldbox=Rini Yoto, lightsalmon]
| Amegakure genin of team 15 | Amegakure - one of the poor districts |

Raising her left hand, the girl swept the sweat of her brow. All morning she had tried it, but every time it had failed. Glaring at the edge, she hadn't been able to reach it. At first she blamed her height and then her strength. And then her speed and at the end, she didn't know what to blame. The edge was certainly double her height, but Rini wanted to reach it. People who passed by often glanced with a frown, but nobody approached the teen that was trying to scale a wall without the use of chakra. Not because she just wanted a shortcut home. She wanted to improve herself.

Even though they had won the last match and she had - unlike that shrimp of a Sho - no scratch on her. All those matches she had managed to use her wit and skills to remain out of reach of any enemy. But what good would that do if she was in a pinch? At first she had considered to continue her routine of training her strength and accuracy, but then came up with an idea. She was fast, but if she would keep relying on chakra, what would she do if for say somebody could disable that? There had been people during the Oppression who had blockaded the use of ninjutsu. And what was could come again.

Narrowing her eyes, Rini sprinted forwards. Ignoring the sound of her boots and the water splashing against her rain coat, the girl would press a foot against the wall as her hands went up. The smooth wall offered no good grip, but yet she tried as she pushed herself off.


With a hard smack, she was returned to the ground. Grumbling, Rini pulled her head up as she felt the dirty water in her hair. She had landed right into a pool of muddy water. "Eeeewwww!" Sitting, she tried to remove the substance from her face with her gloved hands.


Surprised, Rini looked up as a man dropped a coin and walked further. With big eyes, Rini stared at the back of the man. "Damn you!" She muttered, picking the cold hard coin up. Raising it, she wanted to throw it. He could keep his damn coin! She wasn't a beggar or needing anybody's help! Yet as she was ready to throw the coin, she didn't.

Lowering her hand, Rini glanced at the small coin. She needed it. Ever since she had came back to Amegakure, it had just gone all downhill. First she had to leave her parental home, unable to pay the rent and taking care of it. With her current wage she could afford a small apartment in a poor district. Stuffing the coin away, Rini decided to head home. Kicking a pebble, she would turn around and head home in a slow pace.

It wasn't as if somebody would tell her anyways that she was late.​


[fieldbox=Harumi Uchiha, green]
Akino ANBU | Konohagakure | Uchiha district |

It was nice. Waking up a bit later, Harumi hadn't done one chore. Why should she? Because she was a married woman now? The woman didn't even think of Hisoka as she had woken up. No, the whole house was silent. The only disturbance had been from Harumi when she had discovered that her 'kind and gracious' husband had left clothing on the couch. Governor or not, Ex-hokage and adviser to the Empress, Harumi didn't care. Couldn't he clean up behind him?

"Tch." She frowned as she found herself wanting to clean it up. Why? It wasn't her couch. Not her clothing. Yet after staring at the several yukata's, Harumi would begin to clean them up. Folding them, she would hum softly. The day had just begun and so far she knew, it was one of the few rare days where she had all the time in the world. At least, until the sun would go down and rise up again.

Tomorrow she had to be on stand-by in case a mission would be dealt out to her. But that was okay. For now she could enjoy a day or perhaps two without Hisoka. Without Shozo being town. All by herself. Though that didn't make her smile as she didn't want to be by herself.

Hopefully Katsu was doing fine and not by himself.​

Yoshikuni Sadako
Amegakure Chuunin, Team 11

Nodding as Sho motioned he had no questions and remarked that it was easy enough, Kuni smiled "Good! Well, the paintbrush is in the bucket over there, and you can see where I stopped painting." She said as she pointed to the paintbucket and then to the very clear spot where the fresh paint and the old paint met "We will still need to have another layer of paint on this of this one, but we will do that one tomorrow after this one has dried up. After we have finished painting the walls, we'll begin putting the furniture together in the middle of the space." She told him, just so he will be aware of the plan for the day.

Once she finished explaining, Kuni went, grabbed one of the two buckets and the spare paintbrush before moving to the wall opposite from the one Sho was meant to paint and opened the paint bucket "So, whats your name? As an employer I oughta know who I'm hiring. And if you feel like I should know anything else, be sure to say it. My name is Yoshikuni Sadako, as the paper said, but people call me Kuni. My mom used to own the store Sadako Silks until she was killed over 2 years ago." She said as she dipped the brush in the paint and then begun moving it across the wall up and down, as painting should be done.
[fieldbox=Rough Week, lightblue]
Katsu Uchiha,
Konohagakure Chuunin | Team 6

A new toy!
Day 1

Near the Arsenal, on a busy, wide street, stretching from a square to another, a wide, lifeless yet crowded shop stood in between everyone's favorite tailor and a luxurious jewelery. Inside were some half built contraptions with gears inside them. For the first time that day since the owner walked in, the door opened and hit the bell inside, chiming briefly as it closed as well.

"Ay! Anyone here?"

The only response that the young customer could hear was some crashing sounds coming from the back. A man with a dark, poorly groomed beard came to the counter, covered in what seemed to be dried oil and dirt. "Ah! The kid's back! Did you collect enough coins to get the damned thing off my hands yet?"

"I'm not a kid!"

"A midget, then?"

The boy pouted, grumbling as he placed a bag of coins on the table, returned by the man with a skeptical look as he started counting.

"Where'd you get this money?"

"What does it matter?"

"I don't want stolen money, kid."

"I didn't steal it! Gimme my package!"

The man hesitated before walking into the back again. It took a few minutes before he returned putting a bag on the table.

"There's your toy. Be sure not to break it."

Meeting with Hayate [Collab with Chrome]
Day 1

Walking through the halls of Azumi, Hayate was glad he would get the chance to spend time with a friend today. It was not often lately that he had much free time, and though this meeting was part business, it would still be nice to see Katsu again.

Entering the lounge, Hayate spotted an open booth near the wall, with a good view of the door. Walking over, he sat down and waited for his friend to arrive.

Before long, Katsu arrived at the lounge, glancing around happily. He seemed to be wearing regular clothes --a t-shirt and a pair of shorts-- with the exception of a bracer. Noticing his friend, the boy walked over and sat across him, only speaking after a relieved sigh. "Morning!"

Smiling, Hayate nodded his head. "Good morning to you as well. Thanks for coming, and... sorry I haven't really been free much lately."

"Well, you're a busy man now, aren't you?" Katsu said, chuckling. "It's nice to be able to see you again like this, though. What did you want to talk about?"

Nodding his head, Hayate chuckled as well. "Well, there are a few things I was hoping to talk about, but first I wanted to catch up a bit, if that would be alright?" Spotting one of the servers passing by, Hayate glanced at Katsu. "Hungry?" He asked, flagging the server down.

"I actually am, a bit," Katsu said gladly. His eyes drifted to the server for a moment. "Well... How are you? I suppose being the head of the Guardians keeps you busy but have you had any highlights lately?"

"Busier than you can imagine," Hayate laughed. Ordering a drink and some food for himself, the Hyuzu waited for his friend to order, thinking about the question. "Not necessarily highlights for everyone, but I have managed to grow the gardens here a fair bit, a task I admit that I am slightly proud about. Other than that, I have mostly been practicing my smithing as well as working on a few techniques here and there. What about you though, you have been doing quite well for yourself, or so I hear."

Katsu quickly ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and turned back to his friend. "Uh... Well, I've been okay, I suppose," he said with a smile. "I've been trying to keep my days productive too, but I haven't really been up to anything specific for the last... two days, I think."

Raising an eyebrow, Hayate leaned back in his seat. "And what of earlier hmm?"

"Well, I had had this made some time ago but only last week came into enough money to buy it," he said, gesturing to the bracer that seemed quite standard except for a few wires going out of what seemed like a thick bracelet and into the edge of the bracer. "I've been trying to get used to it but it's taking a bit..."

Admiring the bracer for a moment, Hayate nodded his head. "And what does it do?"

"Well... The bracer itself is actually useless. It just helps with practice," Katsu said, reaching at the bracelet wrapped around it and pulled out some thin, weaved metal wires. "There're some pretty long wires like these. It's pretty durable yet flexible. It cuts a lot better than the line of a fishing rod too."

Pausing for a moment, Hayate slowly smiled. "Clever, quite clever. Have you been able to practice with them yet at all?"

"Well, that's what I've been up to since I got it, but it's... unorthodox," Katsu said, sighing. "I'm slowly getting the hang of it, and it's much easier to understand how it's going to react to my gestures when I have my eyes, but it's a shift from using a sword so it'll take some getting used to."

"Wires have always been more free form, and in a way it works more like a dance than a combat style. You have to keep momentum as you move, something I am sure you are more than capable of, but I can imagine it isn't an easy transition from traditional sword use." Pondering something, Hayate rubbed his chin. "I was kind of the same way when I first learned to use a staff. Though it is different in many ways, the principle is the same. You have to focus on your entire body movement rather than just your arms and footwork. So... very much like dancing... Perhaps you should talk to Saki at some point? I am sure she could teach you a few moves."

"She might actually be able to help," Katsu paraphrased his friend, smiling. "Thanks for the advice!" The boy let go of the wires and with a whizzing sound, they went back into their sockets. "You said you were working on some techniques. Anything interesting?" he asked, leaning his elbows on the table and his head on his palms.

Cocking his head to the side, Hayate thought about it for a moment. "Hard to say, to be honest. I am not even sure if some of them will work." Frowning, the boy looked back up at Katsu. "Mostly just trying to find new ways in which I can employ my metal release into situations where it won't become a weakness. It's hard because there are so many variables to consider, and I can't exactly ask many people to help with it."

"I see," Katsu said thoughtfully, his eyes fleeting down. "That must be quite difficult," he said as he looked back up at Hayate.

Shrugging, Hayate sighed. "It can be, but I'll manage. I have a lot of talented friends, it would seem, so I am sure I'll be able to steal all their ideas." Grinning, Hayate chuckled, hoping his friend knew he was joking.

Katsu snickered, his eyes shut tight. He opened his mouth as if to speak, a smile still on his lips, when he was interrupted by the plate being placed in front of him with the smell of freshly grilled cheese seeping out. "Want some?"

Laughing, Hayate was about to respond when his own plate appeared. "Thank you for the offer, but I wouldn't want to steal your food." he said with a smile. Taking a sip of his drink, Hayate thought about something for a moment. "It has been awhile since we have gotten the chance to train together Katsu. We should do it again sometime."

"That sounds great! When would you have time?" Katsu asked, grinning.

Thinking for a moment, Hayate realized time was something he did not have too much of, though... Technically he could delegate some tasks to other members of the Guardians, something he was sort of expected to do after all... "I can make time whenever you are available. I will just need to take care of a few things, but I am sure we can find a day soon!"

"Alright," Katsu said, taking a bite from his sandwich. "So... Mm this sandwich is so good... What did you want to talk about?"

Chuckling again, Hayate took a bite of his own meal, giving himself enough time to chew and swallow before replying. "I am going to be organizing the Guardians a little more. Something I have been wanting to do for quite some time. If ever there comes a time where all of the troops are mobilized, the Guardians will stand as their own unit, with a specific purpose. And I want to ensure we can function as such."

Katsu nodded, chewing as subtly as he could as he listened. After his friend finished, he swallowed the bite in his mouth. "What purpose did you have in mind for the Guardians, then?"

With a peculiar smile, Hayate sat back. "We shall be as our name suggests. We will be Guardians, protectors. To do that though, we need proper organizations, proper ranks, etc. We will need to train those within the Guardians to be a proper fighting force." Taking another sip of his drink, Hayate looked around the room. "As of this moment, the Guardians have been a place to train, to develop people. To gather as a loyal group of shinobi that we can help grow. Now, we will truly unify. Teach the others how to fight as a single unit, as a team."

"That sounds like a formidable force," Katsu said before taking another bite from his sandwich.

Nodding his head, Hayate looked back at his friend. "It may be, yes. We have a lot to do before we get to that point however."

"I see," Katsu said, trying to look as serious as he could as he kept chewing his bite. "I'm sure you, Masami and Koike'll whip us into shape."

"It is going to take more than just us three to do this. I am going to need more people at the top. People who are skilled and can train others. People who have shown themselves more than capable. And people I can trust..."

Katsu chewed his bite a few more times before swallowing, continuing staring at his friend, adding to the silence.

Grinning at his friend's silence, Hayate took another bite of his food, the smile ever present on his face. "I am asking for your help Katsu, what do you say?"

Katsu's face didn't change for a few moments before he gained a surprised look. "I'd be glad and honored," he said with a smile. "I just hope I can actually do what you need me to do propperly..." He took the salt shaker and poured a bit on the bread before taking another bite.

Relieved, Hayate nodded. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't have absolute faith in you Katsu. But thanks, I... I appreciate it. It can be difficult to find people I can trust for this. I am just happy you are in."

Katsu swallowed the bite just as his friend finished talking. "I... I'm glad I could be someone you can trust," he said.

"As am I, Katsu, as am I."

A meeting with Saki [Collab with Les]
Day 1

Katsu stretched his back inside one of the dojos of the Azumi, wearing a plain, dark pair of shorts and a black shirt, glancing at the sliding doors and his stuff next to them from time to time.

Heading in a quick walking pace towards the dojo, Saki hoped she wasn't too late. If Noru had actually just been put, then she wouldn't have taken that long with preparing herself to go outside. In her regular outfit, the Yamanaka started to jog as she spotted the HQ of the Guardians up ahead. Chewing on her lower lip, she felt sorry for making Katsu wait. If Noru only...

"I am here!" Opening the doors, Saki panted softly as she flashed an apologizing smile.

Katsu looked over at Saki, grinning. "Yes you are," he agreed. "Good morning, Saki!"

"Heh," she rubbed her neck as she would use her other hand to close the door behind her, "I hope that you didn't have to wait too long for me. But good morning as well Katsu. How are you?" Saki asked, lowering her hand.

"I just finished warming up and you seem to have warmed up on your way here, so I'd say your timing was quite ideal," he said, snickering. "I'm fine, thank you very much. I hope you are the same! Thanks for agreeing to help!"

Snorting, Saki simply nodded. As he thanked her, she shook her head lightly. "Too early to thank me. First things first. Cause if I understand it correctly, you want to train more nimble kind of taijutsu?" She asked, her smile growing.

"Basically, that's the idea," Katsu said. "I thought learning something like that would help me with my small build, as well as with something else..."

Raising her left eyebrow as his voice trailed off, Saki's eyes narrowed in delight. "If you want dancing lessons in case you meet that girl of before, then I am all up to help you with that. Just in return, I want to hear details.~"

"That's... not what I meant," Katsu said with a nervous chuckle.

"Not?" Tilting her head slightly to the right, Saki eyed the boy. "Somebody else then? Is it somebody of the Guardians?" She asked.

"It is not about a girl," Katsu said and quickly followed it up, raising his finger in front of him as if to intercept an interruption. "Neither is it about a boy! It's to better use a weapon."

She almost had bursted out the question when he stated that it wasn't about a girl. When he mentioned a weapon, Saki frowned. "A weapon?" She repeated. "Mind me asking what kind of weapon? If it is a familiar one, I can try to attune today's training to that particular weapon."

"Metal wires," Katsu said. "I'm having some difficulties adjusting, but Hayate pointed out that your seamless fighting technique might help me get a better grip over using it without lagging after each attack."

"He did? Heh." Wanting to reply as she didn't think the same about her fighting style, Saki thought about it. "But that is quite cool. From where do you handle the wires? Your hands or?" She asked, growing more curious about it, placing her left hand on her hip.

"My left wrist and my right hand," he said. "The wires are stored in a bracelet-like thing. I can pull out the wires with my other hand as much as I like, and pull back the wires with gestures of the left hand."

"That's a new one. Wicked." Nodding as she approved it, Saki considered how to fight with that. "Thus if I am right, that leaves you practically able to still use your right hand, no? Seeing how you can pull the wires back with your left hand and further coordinate the wires. If so, there are several ways to fight with it. One of the most obvious is using your agility and speed in order to coordinate and work to constrict the target."

"That's pretty much the idea but it can do more than constrict. And with the help of wind chakra, I'm hoping it'll give me the edge in a few fights," he said. "So that's the main reason I asked you to help me today..."

"Ooooh, in that case. Let's focus on balancing on three limbs. Place your left hand on your back." As she instructed him, Saki would place her left hand on her back. "I doubt this will be much trouble for you, but lets still do this as a sort of practice. Now, the idea is simple. I want you to push me off balance, but keep moving. To make it trickier, we will do two rounds. One round without much rules other than not using your left hand." Pausing, Saki stretched her right leg for a moment. "The second round, you need to be supporting your balance with only one limb. That means if you're not allowed to stand on both feet at the same time or your right and and one foot. Any questions?"

"Got it," Katsu said. "Oh! Do I get to use both hands in the second round?"

"No. The whole time, your left hand need to be on your back. This is because if you get used to not use your left hand, it will be easier to keep using that hand to control the wires while the rest is attunted to keep your balance. If you can move around on three, that means you're having an easier time than somebody who isn't used to that. I hope that makes sense." Ending her reply with a softer tone.

"Oh! Okay, I got it," he said with a smirk, putting his left hand behind him and taking a step back, his right hand in front of him. "Ready?"

Nodding, she would spread her feet by a bit. Clenching her left hand into a fist as she kept it at her back, Saki focused for a second on her breathing. Katsu dashed forward, lowering himself to the point that his bottom would be an inch away from the heel of his foot as he swept his other leg at Saki's legs. In a quick movement, Saki's feet would move up from the floor to evade the sweeping attacking. In a forward dodge over the leg, Saki placed her right hand on the ground as she would attempt to land a kick against Katsu's shoulder. The boy made a quick roll towards the side to dodge, using his right hand instead of his back in order to get to his feet again. The moment he landed, Katsu rushed to the side to keep moving.

Moving her foot back, Saki grunted softly as she would roll over her shoulder to get quickly up again. Katsu lunged forward to where she was getting up with his palm open, in front of him as his arm stretched forward aiming towards her side. Noticing the movement, Saki leaned to the side in order to avoid the palm strike, attempting to reply with one of her own. Katsu's eyes opened wide as his momentum kept its pace for a moment more than he'd expected. His left shoulder went back and his footing readjusted to the stopping. Taking a deep breath, Katsu took a step back to concentrate with his right hand up just like how he'd started.

Pulling her hand back after the hit by a small bit, Saki breathed out as she would lower herself. Placing her hand on the ground, she would attempt to keep the attack up with a fast kick. Katsu quickly stepped to the side and countered with a kick of his own aimed at the foot she'd attacked with. Slightly surprised, Saki noticed how her kick was evaded as well needing to struggle to remain in balance as she felt how he kicked her foot away. The boy quickly dropped and swept the leg he was standing on towards her foot-level.

Managing to regain her balance, Saki felt the sweep however forcing her to land on her side.

Katsu let himself sit on his bottom after that, huffing. "Haaah... That was more fast-paced than I'm used to," he said with a grin. "Can we take a minute before... going to round 2?"

Removing her hand from her back, Saki snickered. "Heh, to be fair, I had expected you to be slower. Good work." She said, remaining on her back. Knowing that she had made a mistake with lowering herself, Saki decided to state something else. "Been some time that I have been helping somebody in this manner."

"Oh? Who did you last train like this?" the boy asked, a sincere curiosity evident in his eyes.

"Well, that is a bit something I am not truly sure off. I used to train taijutsu with Kiyomi back in the day. In the old team 6 I was in. There was also Kaname." Becoming silent for a second, Saki stared at the ceiling. "We had a teamleader who was rubbish. Thus we tried to figure out together on how to become better. We used to sing a lot. Kaname and I."

"Used to?" Katsu immediately regretted asking the question after remembering what kinds of things happen to people in this line of work.

"Turned rogue. No idea why, I wasn't around with her. Being stationed at other positions at that time." Sitting up, Saki tried to blow a few strands of blond hair away. "Got killed in action." Becoming again silent, Saki didn't seem to be remotely affected by the topic. "Things happen, I suppose." She then said, shrugging lightly.

"Oh... I'm sorry," he said quietly, his eyes fleeting down.

"Don't be. I have some good memories about Kaname." Saki smiled as she crossed her legs. "That and losing people is what we need to get used to, no? Being shinobi means to endure. I am sure that Kaname wouldn't like it if I would start to sob every time somebody mentions her name."

Katsu smiled back at the response. "I suppose you're right," he said as he got to his feet. "I'm ready for another go!"

"Good!" Getting up as well, Saki took a step back. Placing her left hand at her back, she glanced briefly at her footwork. "Thus simple. This time right after your first attack or movement, you may only balance on one foot or your right hand. If you want a tip, use your momentum. Basically, try to focus on moving and evading and lash out if you spot a chance." She wanted to compare it to dancing, but figured that it would make it sound silly.

"Alright. Here I come!" Katsu lunged towards Saki's side with a chop aimed towards her shoulder. Leaning to the left to evade the chop, Saki would place on foot on the ground while raising the other in attempt to land a kick against his side. Upon the miss, Katsu's foot touched the ground and pushed off but the kick reached him, pushing him further along the way he was trying to move, but knocking him off course. He tried to remedy as much as he could by balancing on his right hand as he landed towards the area he was lunging and quickly pushed himself back to one foot and jumped up on the wall.

"Nice!" Saki complimented as she would keep herself balanced on one foot, eyeing his movements. Breathing slowly, she spread out her right arm while holding her right knee up.

Katsu grinned as he sprung himself off the wall with one foot and lunged forward on one foot, making another brief contact with his hand to push himself upward and spin to kick at her downwards from above. Letting herself lean forward, Saki would roll forwards to avoid getting kicked from above. Placing her right hand at the ground, she would push with her left foot while aiming to kick him during the movement with her right. A grunt escaped Katsu as his trajectory changed with the kick. Hardly gaining his balance, Katsu stumbled on one foot, then the other, but then quickly started to move sideways, in a circular motion with Saki as the center.

Using the push of the kick and her other foot, Saki would perform a short handstand. Grunting, Saki attempted to move away with using the momentum to get on one foot. Landing on her right foot, Saki would attempt to build more distance with performing another jump forward towards the wall. Katsu kept himself moving towards her, jumping briefly and pushing himself upwards with his hand.

Grinning, Saki would land against the wall with just her right foot. Balancing her out, she quickly twisted her head to glance over her shoulder as she would push herself backwards.

"Huh? OOF!" Katsu felt the weight of his senior on him. In a split second, the boy was on the ground, laying on his back, groaning. "Ah.... Ow..."

"You know. In my head this played out quite well." Saki cheerfully replied. "I should name this into a technique. What do you think?" She asked, snickering as she would get off him, reaching out a hand to help him up.

"I think it'd make for a good S-Rank technique," Katsu grumbled, grabbing the hand and pulling himself up with her help, feeling a bit sore. "That was pretty difficult to even keep up..."

Patting his shoulder, Saki nodded. "Indeed. Imagine now if somebody who isn't trained to be fast and mobile to fight while you can move around. Keep an eye on the surrounding and make use of it. Half of the battles will be already won." She stated. "It would amaze you how many just focus on their own abilities and not invoke the surrounding they fight in."

"You've seen a lot more than me so I'll take your word for it," he said cheekily. "Another round!"

Katsu laid on the ground, panting. "I think... that was enough training for today..."

Leaning forward, with her hand on her knee, Saki half closed her eyes. "Heh, yeah. For today, huh?" She said, straightening her back as she knew that she would be able to get faster back on a normal breathing pace if she straightened her back. "Hope you enjoyed it."

"It was a... good learning experience," Katsu said, nodding. "That first collision still makes me ache all over..."

"Hahaaha, I am sorry about that. But believe me, once you fight against a little devil that just uses all of her body and not her limbs, you start to care less about orthodox manners when it comes to taijutsu." Saki answered. She thought about something. "I do wonder though. You would've been some real trouble if you had used your sharingan. Why didn't you?"

"Well... I suppose that would've helped but then what would be the point?" he asked back. "Sure, that helps me copy and learn, and even anticipate but if I can't do that without the help of my eyes, then that's no good, is it?"

Listening to his answer, a genuine smile crept on her lips. "Yeah, I suppose that is true. I just imagine it would be kinda cool. Being able to anticipate movements as any expert taijutsu fighter. Using genjutsu by just locking eyes or... well, what else the sharingan does." She said. "Though I must state I am glad you didn't use it. Else I would've handed my ass over without doubt."

"Hah... I doubt that could ever happen," Katsu said, chuckling as he sat up. "Though... Again, thanks, Saki."

"You're welcome Katsu." Saki replied. Glancing at the door, she threw a look back at him. "If you want to do this soon again, just let me know. I have soon an appointment with the Jounin commander, so if you don't mind I have to go and refresh myself."

"Alright. Good luck, Saki!"
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[fieldbox=A walk?]
Who let the dogs in?!

A collab between Icy and Les

Summary :
Saki is heading out to find Zakito and takes a few Guardians with her. However some mutts disturb the peaceful walk!


Closing the door behind her, Saki's left hand would lower and lean on the hilt of her sword. There were a dozen of Guardians stationed outside. "I need to know where the Lord Commander went to." One of them pointed calmly out in the direction as Saki would give out another order. "I need you four to come with me." Gesturing to one small group as she would already start to walk into the direction. Though she would portray a calm expression, her grip on the hilt tigthened as she would march down the hall.

Hideki follwed suit with an ounce of reservation, blending in with the rest of the group. He was still fickle about uncovering the right side of his face, and by effect, displaying the left-over scars for the world to see; he'd received quite a few subtle yet noticable glances from Guardian acquaintances, though no-one had yet to actually provide a comment; for which he was thankful. No matter, permanent, he intoned silently.

The group would continue to head down the hallway. Noticing that they had either go to the right or left, Saki made a decision. "We will split into groups. You two will take the left." The young woman nodded to two as she placed her attention on another member of the unit. "I need you to remain here. In case that he decides to walk back. Inform him that the captain wishes to see him or request orders through the communicator." The pale blue eyes glanced at Hideki. "We'll take the right way." Turning around, she would start to walk again. Not spending attention to the art and decor that graced the halls of the palace, Saki would throw a glance towards Hideki.

Hideki acknowledged her glance with a subtle nod, his bandaged hand forming the Seal of Confrontation. The veins around his left eye bulged, then settled as contours traced his faded iris. "Seems like he's at-least fifty yards away; the garden maybe?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Saki's pace lowered a bit. "Do you spot others as well?" Saki asked. It was good that the man wasn't that far away. It made Saki wonder what had caused the man she saw as her old mentor, a rather patient and friendly person, to decide to leave an ongoing meeting. It wouldn't be any of their doing, cause then why would Hayate request her to bring Zakito under watch?

"Hmm, no, or well, aside from two servants." Hideki mumbled absently. As they traversed the corridor, Zakito's apparition-like sillhouette grew more easily perceieved, the breadth of Hideki's Byakugan increasing with each passing step. While barely recognizable, Zakito seemed to be moving a bit faster than usual. Had something occurred during the meeting? Friction perhaps? That didn't bode well, though hopefully not as alarming as the news they'd recieved over the communicator device. He silently hoped no-one was hurt at the scene of action.

"Two servants?" Saki frowned as she would pick up the pace again. "There shouldn't be any servants over there. If any where, they should be attending to the meeting and not just aimlessly wander around." She mumbled further, her left hand lowering and running her thumb across the handles of her knives. Turning around a corner, she could see the back of Zakito. Raising the volume of her voice, she called out to him. "Lord Commander, sir. A moment please." Saki friendly uttered as she flashed a smile while attempting to close in the distance.

Turning around as he heard the voice, Zakito frowned for a second. Noticing the two approaching guardians, the man would place his hands on his back while waiting for the two. "Yes?" He asked friendly in return. Briefly the grey eye glanced at the bandage of Hideki. "Good to see you in the field again." The man nodded after his words while waiting for what they had to say.

"Thank you, sir." Hideki replied, issuing a brief nod of respect. Miniscule amounts of chakra were amassing at his fingerstips; Saki's comment about the servants had caught him off-guard. Glancing at her, he waited for the report in silence.

Keeping the smile up, Saki made a small bow with her head before she would speak again. "Sir, I must apologize. But I must request you to come back with us. Not to meeting though, but the captain-commander would be delighted to speak with you. Under four eyes." The young woman replied. Using her left hand, she would pull out two knives. Carefuly, Saki held up the handles to the man. "Seeing you're not carrying any, I take it that I can trust you with these? I heard that there are some big rats... wandering around, sir." The last sentence was spoken with still a friendly tone, but with a clear message.

Surprised, Zakito glanced at the handles of the weapons. Reaching with his right hand, he weighted the first knive in his palm. He liked the balance of the weapon as he would also gently accept the other knive. Hooking one behind his belt, the man listened to what Saki told him. "Ah, of course. Perhaps you two should take a look at those then? I'll find my way back." Zakito said. He would hook the other knive as well behind his belt. Placing his hands at his back, he flashed them both a smile as he would calmly walk back from the direction that they had came from. A soft whistle would originate from the man as he headed off.

Hideki faked a smile, feeling none of the calm Zakito seemed to emanate. Stretching his fingers, he flashed Saki a brief glance, then bolted down the corridor, heading for the two servants. Aside from them, they were alone within forty yards - the maximum range of which his Byakugan could percieve. "I think we ought to be prepared," he whispered to Saki, still in motion.

Nodding to Zakito as she would step aside to let the man pass through and then to proceed with following after Hideki. "Yeah. One moment." She whispered back. Using the communicator, she would whisper back a brief report that somebody should alert the captain-commander and to activate the masts. After hearing a response that Hayate approved, Saki spoke again. "Okay, lets do this quick and clean. What is their position from each other?" Saki asked as she would pull out four knives, two in each hand.

"Relatively close, but enough distance to separate them permanently if we act decisively. Also," Hideki squinted, his brow creasing into a frown, "there seems to be something.. strange with their pathway systems, almost like there's a subsidiary element at play.. No matter, I may just be projecting." Turning a corner, the pair descended upon the servants with haste. Hideki lightly pushed the right one, a moustached male, away from the left one, separating the two and allowing Saki to operate within a greater width. He was still relucant as to further action until the man stirred; perhaps they'd made a mistake?

A subsidiary element? She knew enough. With letting Hideki taking the lead and attracting the attention of the two servants, Saki would turn around the corner. Narrowing her eyes, she would focus first on the left servant, a male as well. Throwing the first two knives, she had aimed them to cripple the man - one knife aimed at the right knee and another at the right side of the man. Before throwing her other knives in succession, Saki glanced quickly if she would need to aid Hideki taking down the other one.

As the man stirred into action, he barely managed to twist sideways before Hideki's fingers punctuated the movement, sinking into his left thigh and staying there for the duration. With his free hand, he withdrew a kunai and held it to the man's throat, wary of further movement. If the communicative reports were correct, this would most likely only provide a temporary incapacitation. He did, however, hope to avoid any unnecessary casualties.

The other man dropped on his good knee. Before he could however reach out and threaten the flank of Hideki, a knife would puncture through the clothing and hitting its mark - the man's shoulder. Another knife followed by hitting the man again in the side. "I suggest you both stay down." Saki calmly stated. If she was correct, they had thirty seconds before the chakra masts would be activated and jamming any active chakra moulding in the vicinity. Her left hand already lowered, ready to grab more knives in case the two would get funny ideas.

"Thanks for th-" Before he could finish, the moustached man, earmarking some idiotic and compulsive meditation, decided to act once more. A swift blow to the head with the handle of Hideki's kunai relapsed him into silence. "That."

Approaching the other cautiously, Saki just nodded in return to Hideki. The wounded man on the left seemed to attempt to get up again. Picking up the pace, Saki would lift her right foot. As the man glanced sideways, he would just be in time to notice the soil of Saki's boot colliding against his head. With the firm kick dealt, she would take a step back. But seemed that the surprise attack had just been what they needed to overpower the two quickly. "I suppose we should get them back." She sighed, staring down at the man she had knocked out. Reporting back with her eaphone communicator, she glanced at Hideki, as her report would be followed with a request where they would need to take the two towards.

Issuing a sigh, Hideki deposited his kunai and ensured the man was fully unconscious before lifting him onto his shoulders with an audible heave. "Hell has this guy been eating.." he murmured privately, turning his attention back to Saki. "Shall we?"

"Perhaps a person or two? You're what you eat." Saki snickered as she would crouch. Lifting the other man up, she half closed her eyes and sighed out loud. "And this one weighs like he had eaten a whole damn village." The young woman mumbled. Receiving the answer that they should bring the captives to the barracks of the palace guard - or where the guards used to be stationed when the daimyo had used this as his seat.

Hideki kept his Byakugan extra-suspectible to change as they hurriedly navigated the maze-like corridors, speeding toward the barracks with more than a little weight on their shoulders.

Arriving at the baracks, there were a couple of other Guardians waiting. Glad that they had arrived as well cover from the watch of their collegue's, both Saki and Hideki could lay the knocked out captives in the barracks. "Suppose I should head back." She glanced at Hideki. "The chakra masts should soon warp this into a 'black zone'. Only person who can override them is her Grace." That having said, she beckoned him to follow her back.

"Mhm." Before heading after Saki, Hideki spared a brief moment to wish the Guardians good luck and thank them for taking over responsibility for the crooks. "Will the meeting continue, or was it over already?" he inquired, jogging up to Saki's flank.

Glancing over her shoulder, the young woman shrugged. "I am not sure. If anything, I doubt it will continue. With the leader of the Hon clearly not present, I don't think that they will continue on for much longer." Really, what had caused the man to leave the meeting? "It is highly unlikely that they know what is going on. So I suspect that when we got green light that the meeting will be over and we can head home."

"Well, that's a relief at-least. This place gives me the creeps, though I doubt we'll be getting much time to rest, given the.. situation." He fiddled absently with his bandaged fingers; a few bands had been pulled loose during the confrontation, revealing hints of singed skin; not a pretty sight, though it was unlikely anyone else but he noticed. "So, what will you do now, with your brand-new insignia?" he teased, mildly aware of her discomfort regarding the subject.

"Ordering you around. Doubt that it will be much of a difference." She replied back, scoffing. "But not sure to be honest. Got to get used to it. Probably spend more time at the War Academy to follow courses." Saki said. Though she didn't want to say that she would be spending less time at home. Scratching her right cheek, she shot him a sideways look. "I was considering to you know... ask you to register at my adress. Seeing that would help with the administration and taxes." The last sentence seemed rather quickly added as Saki looked back in front of her. "Your pick though."

Hideki snorted, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "Sure, but we'll have to divide the chores and pay; surely you wouldn't be so cruel as to let your underling do all the work? With all my woes and scars?"

"Wooow, hang on." Slowing down, Saki raised her hands a bit. "I meant to live officially with me. Not a marriage. We can split the costs based on how much we earn each and such kind of things." Lowering her hands, she frowned slightly. "Not that I am against marrying you, but I don't know if... you... well, let's not discuss such matters here. We got a job to do."

Hideki arched an eyebrow. "Never implied it. Not that I have any personal qualms with it, but marriage seems a bit redundant nowadays, and especially so in the case of shinobi. And well, given how straight-laced my family is, it would only serve to evoke a mountain of squabbles and feuds. Though, I will admit, seeing this side of you is refreshing every once in a while," he grinned at the last sentence, inconspicously pulling the sleeve of his right arm over the bandaged fingers. "Anyway, let's finish up here. I want to pet Noru already."


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[fieldbox=Meeting at Keishi]
Summary Post

| Keishi | [Old] Fire Daimyo's Palace |

The events at Keishi didn't go as some had hope for. The mission in the background had led to some positive results, as two captives were found in the Daimyo's palace as reports of the eyewitnesses from the Guardians in the field. The meeting of the representatives and leaders of the clans didn't really go that smoothly. Though some of the clans have managed to construct the start of a better unification, there have been several slights created.

With the meeting done and the mission in the background complete, the leaders as representatives of the clans would head back home. The corpse of the mysterious girl who had turned into a beast and the two suspicious captives would also be brought to the HQ of the Intelligence Division - of course, legally smuggled - as several teams of disguised ANBU would make sure that the civilians of the district where the ordeal had happened would remain under control and stay clean from too much panic.


[fieldbox=Mika Hayashi, royalblue]
Jounin of Team 14 | Kirigakure | Port district

Waiting, Mika wasn't expecting the others to arrive soon on the spot. Placing her hands on her hips, Mika glanced from underneath the cover of her hood around. The port was busy - as usual - but there was some change to it. There were more soldiers as shinobi patrolling around. Some even boarding ships of varies sizes, carrying backpacks and boxes on board.

Today the team would go out for a rather simple mission. Last mission had gone 'relatively' well. The fact she considered it relatively was because somebody had still died. Of course it wasn't anybody's fault. The boy had acted on his own accords and paid for it. Hopefully the others would learn from that 'accident'.

Considering out what the team was composed off, Mika considered to not split up the team and grant them some independence. If anything she wanted to prevent another 'accident'. Wouldn't look good on her record, she thought a tad amused.

[fieldbox=Asami Sanosuke, plum]
Jounin of Team 5 | Kumogakure | Capital of the Sky country

It never stopped. People were constantly busy. Marching down and up, armed and armored as they came back or were heading to patrol the streets or even out the city to patrol the surrounding areas. Some even would head out and not come back. Asami calmly watched another group of soldiers and a few shinobi heading out. It had continued like this all the time, but that wasn't too surprising as the situation was becoming grimmer with news coming from the borders.

Asami herself wasn't too nervous about the situation. It was expected sooner or later that a situation like this or conflict would break out. If it didn't then being a soldier or shinobi meant you were there just for show. As she waited, waiting for her team to meet up at the corner of the barracks, a small bird would land on her left shoulder.

"And?" She asked, glancing sideways at the sparrow. The bird only nodded as Asami let out a soft sigh. "Good." Now it was waiting for her team to meet up with her. There was enough work to do.

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[fieldbox="Miu Sanosuke, seagreen, solid"]
Miu was at home with her parents up until they came into her room as she was doing her daily routine of simple exercises to keep her body in a fit condition. When she stopped and stood up from her sit ups they handed her a note, whe she opened up and tilted her head. Only her and that Rei kid, also their leader but not her little cousin? Actually thinking about it, this was a mission Asami accepted, It was probably wise she didn't come on it after all. Well she would quickly start shoving some toast into her mouth as she ran out the door. Where she would meet up with Asami and wave at her. "Hey Cousin ... oops I mean sensei. What kind of mission are we doign where only you, Rei and me are going on?"[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Aya Oda, blue, solid"] Aya was sulking at home ever since she had to switch teams. She was looking forward to her time with her daddy on missions. Stupid dumb work, making him too busy! Her little birdy friend was perched on her shoulder tweeting, until another bird delivered a message to her. Aya took it and watched the bird fly away, so she opened it and would read about having to meet up for a simple mission. Unsure why the word simple made her shudder as she stood up, taking her sword in hand. "Well little flappers! I have to go do something simple. I will see you when I get home!" Aya told the little bird, who tweeted and flew off which made her giggle as she herself walked off to the destination. She would arrive too see she was the first one and she showed it by beaming proudly. Yet she pretty much just looked at her sensei and said nothing, she really didn't seem the type to like talking... or like people.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Shin Yuki]
Shin yawned as he read the message. Gotta meet up at the docks again, huh? Alright, well, guess it'll be good for us to start working together... We didn't even have the chance to do that in the first team... Of course... That was more his fault than ours.... He got his explosive tags and tools to make them, then started heading out the door, directing himself towards the docks. He waved as he approached, noticing Aya and their new team jounin standing there. As he got closer, he noticed they were both dead silent. He wondered what happeend that caused Aya to be silent, "Why so quiet? Cat got your tongue?" He looked between the two, hoping for some response.
Nanami Fukumitsu
Kirigakure Chuunin
Team 14

She stared at the letter, her eyes narrowing. She was sitting in her now freshened up apartment, that is, besides the lizards that somehow slip in. Dirty critters... Well she couldn't blame them, it was starting to get pretty cold. She slapped the note down on the small coffee table in front of her. 'Simple' obviously meant the opposite.
"Jeriko, sorry but you'll have to sit this one out, okay?" She peeked her head out of the window, calling to the ram who was tucked under the stairs. She could tell he heard her from the snort he made; Lazy big fluff ball... She grabbed her bag, fitting it over her shoulder, and ran out.

"Hey, i'm here!" She called as she approached the group. She looked around, noticing someone was missing...
"Huh, looks like dog boy didn't get here yet."
The nickname was appropriate, considering on a walk she noticed him barking at a cat... And also his weird behavior on their last mission. Was he practicing to roleplay as a dog or something? Well, he is a kid... Probably hasn't grown out of doing questionable acts as of yet.

Shiba Inumura
Kirigakure Genin
Team 14

It took him a solid minute to properly process all the note was saying. He only caught 'simple' and 'mission' through his second skim, so he at least got the idea. He whimpered a little; wasn't getting those gigantic birds enough? Well, missions were a normal thing for Shinobi, so he shouldn't complain.
"Okay... Come on Shiba... N-no ruff business in this time..." He told himself. He really didn't want to embarass himself with acting like a dog in front of everyone. It was difficult to suppress his normal urges, but his nervousness made it a little easier. He sighed, leaving his small apartment, having his bag on him and all his tools packed.

On his way, he saw a cat eating from a stray can of whatever, only looking at the cat sadly and walking on after a bit of hesitation. He had to control himself in public.
"Oh wait..!" He just realised; he really shouldn't be taking his sweet time- he was going to be late! He began running, almost going onto his fours, but tightened his fists and ran, until he made it to the port.

His teeth were gritted as he panted, as to not allow his tongue to loll out.
"S-sorry... That I am... Late..." He whimpered.
[fieldbox=To learn is to listen, turquoise]
Royal Palace, Konohagakure.
Meeting between Kiyomi Homura I and Zakito Hon, jounin commander and confidante.

Collab between Aliceee and Gerontis,

Summary :
Zakito and Kiyomi discuss and talk for a bit.


Waiting for him, Kiyomi stood at the corner on the second floor of the palace complex. Patiently, she was hoping that Zakito would come. Of course he would try to make time, but there was enough that would be more important than a small walk and talk with her. He had after all quite the responsibilities. Yet ever since the event at Keishi, this would be the first time she would speak with him again. And somewhere, she felt sorry and guilty of that Zakito had decided to stand up and leave the meeting prematurely.

It had been a long walk. All the way from his office to the royal palace, which took him almost a hour. Not because the distance, but because of his work. There was a lot of preparation going on. He was planning the transport for the first supporting units towards the Wolf country - in order to join the Joint Strike Operation - as well several other operations that would need his personal attention regarding planning and preparing. Not executing or joining in the field. Even though he wouldn't mind it, Zakito knew better : his days in the field were sort of over. If anything, it made him feel old, but he was content with his job. There was a chance that he would be needed one day in the field though, but he found reassuring that there were others who could handle the job without him needing to be around.

The delay became longer as he had to be checked and pass the several rings of security. It never ceased to amaze the man the discipline and how organised the Sworn Swords operated. It wasn't that surprising though as he knew as one of the best - helping to organize and set the royal guard up - that each person that currently served were each veterans. Battle-tested and hardened elites. Somewhere Zakito had hoped that it would make his niece, who was more than not fond of honing her skills, to spend time with these men and women. In hope that she wouldn't feel alone in the large palace complex.

As he entered the palace, Zakito did softly sigh as he had to climb the stairs. It was a small consolation to walk through the halls of the complex that was the royal palace. Art such as small statues, portraits and drawings of scenery made him keep the pace nice and slow. It would be very rude to just pass the hard work many artists had put up to decorate the place after all!

But he had to climb the stairs, releasing a soft sigh as he would start the climb. Luckily as he managed to get on the second floor, he saw Kiyomi. Making a bow, Zakito greeted her with a friendly tone. "Good day, your grace."

Smiling as she saw her uncle, Kiyomi would 'reply' with a small gracious bow of her own. "Glad you could come on such a short notice. I hope that it wasn't any trouble." She then half turned around as well subtly gesturing to walk with her.

"It was no trouble. Hope you've been doing fine these couple of days." Zakito replied back, placing his hands on his back as he would walk next to her. Glancing around, the man was glad that he hadn't to climb another staircase. Beautiful as the place was in his opinion, he rather avoided to waste more time in climbing the stairs.

"I've been fine. Busy, but I think you had it more busy ever since we brought friends from Keishi over." Kiyomi said. "I hope that they do like their accommodation." The left eyebrow of Kiyomi was slightly raised as she threw a sideways glance at him.

"Ah yes. So far only the Guardians are aware of the existence of these... people." He had to think on what to call them. But regarded that it would be polite to refer to them as people. "And of course the people who were spooked in the district where one managed to escape the past operation. Though the Intelligence Division is taking care of these... tasks."

Kiyomi pitied those captives for a moment. Meisa was a person the girl highly valued and respected, but she knew better. To be subjugated to Meisa's interrogations wasn't something that anybody would like to experience. Then again, Meisa's work guaranteed answers and progression. "Glad to hear so. Though if we're going to talk about the events at Keishi..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes lowered.

"Don't worry, little wolf." Zakito patted her shoulder gently. "I doubt you need to hear my reasons, but I don't blame you or even that girl. If it is the culture of their people, then so be it. But as everybody is entitled to their opinion, so do I believe I am allowed to keep mine. And from what I have seen and heard is that I don't wish to exchange much communications with a person that is apparently an example, but has left nothing but a sour taste in my mouth." Placing his right hand on his back again, Zakito sighed. "I am glad that not all went wrong with the other clan leaders and representatives."

Kiyomi simply nodded at first. She could very well tell why he had risen up and left. Perhaps others hadn't understood why he had done that, excluding those who knew Zakito well, but she felt a bit guilty for it. "Perhaps another meeting could help?" She friendly suggested.

Zakito glanced at Kiyomi with a frown. He came to a halt as he spoke. "With all respect, I don't think I will be thrilled to meet with a person who doesn't seem to grasp simple concepts. Such as respect. She declared that her people find family important, something most if not all of us do, but then budges into my family because she has a... relationship going on with my nephew?" The frown was traded for the usual calm expression. "Kiyomi, I don't need to explain how our culture works regarding how grave that incursion was that day. Certainly with explaining how well they respect family in their own culture."

Stopping as well, Kiyomi turned around as she thought about it. She hadn't been happy either, but as Zakito spoke, she wasn't sure what to say. Of course Korina could've brought it in a different manner than involving the family Zakito and Aiko rose. Which she also saw as her family. But what truly did cause her to be silent was that she couldn't come up with a solution to repair the damage of the miscommunication. "I'm sorry..."

A chuckle escaped the man as he closed his eyes and shook his head lightly. "Don't be. I might grow just a bit old and grumpy. Perhaps even a bit too damn proud. But I do plan to meet with Shozo later to discuss some matters. It would be very rude as well contradicting my first response to his suggestions if I would not try to continue them." The man said. "Besides, you did nothing wrong."

"No, I know, but am I not supposed to lead people? If I can't bring two people together, how am I supposed to keep an entire empire running?" Kiyomi asked with a little voice, slightly frowning as she kept her head lowered. "I just thought this wouldn't happen. Of course people don't always instantly agree, but this..."

He looked with a more sorry expression at her. "Well, you see. You're already keeping people unified, 'your grace'. You do several matters as behaving what most people expect from somebody of your position, certainly probably impressing some people here and there if they learn of how young you are." He said, putting some emphasis on the two words. "Perhaps in time if the Kusanagi adjust more to the realm that my opinion would change. But due to several factors, I am going to keep my distant. And so too will most of the Hon clan as I have already send word about what happened at the meeting." Zakito further calmly said.

Raising her left hand to brush some strands of hair behind her ear, Kiyomi glanced up. She was happy with the compliments, but felt a bit worried as he further spoke. If the Hons back in their own homelands would hear of this, Kiyomi doubted that many of the clan and culture would consider to engage in a friendly barter with the Kusanagi nomads. Let alone the idea that one of the revered positions - the White Blade - would align himself with the same who had insulted their clan leader. "But may I ask about your current trust of the Kusanagi? After all, Korina has stated to me personal that they highly value loyalty. Wouldn't that make any difference or allow them to grow closer to a positive opinion? I mean, loyalty is important to have in the military." She tried.

Zakito glanced with a more stern expression at her. "No, Kiyomi. I rather have a company strength unit of Uchiha underneath my command than a whole brigade of Kusanagi. From the Uchiha I am not sure if I can expect their respect, their loyalty. But I do know that they know what discipline is. And that they will be fiercely loyal to fight on the side that represent their homes. From the Kusanagi? I am not even sure if I can trust one with watching a box." The man said, his tone still respectful but not so friendly anymore. "From what I have gathered at the meeting has made it clear. I don't trust them. If they are so fond of loyalty, why were they so quick to trade that for the Raikage? And if they didn't, then how come that they are here and swore loyalty to you? A friend of everybody is no friend at all. If anything, I rather not deal with any Kusanagi as that girl was nothing but rude and disrespectful. Everybody can see a blame or a flaw in me and I try to be the honest man and adviser that you desire from me, but if you wish my thoughts on them?" The right eyebrow of Zakito slightly rose.
"I wouldn't keep them close at all to a positive opinion based on the first expression I have from them. I rather have Shozo Uchiha guarding my back on a war campaign than a dozen of that girl that proclaims herself as a clan leader. Loyalty is an important essence for any military, but so is respect and discipline." The man paused for a moment. "They may be or may not be good warriors, but that doesn't give them a free pass to act as they deem fit. The Sarutobi, Uchiha and other clans also bring forth good soldiers, police and shinobi. If anything, tend next time to listen more to any of the Kusanagi. You can only learn of another's intentions and what they are like if you let them talk. If they are truly loyal to your rule, then it wouldn't be a problem for them to also listen to those you've delegated some of your responsibilities towards."

She listened as always Zakito did make a lot of sense. Not surprising seeing how many people looked up to him and respected the man, next to the amount of responsibilities he had and had held before. "I just wish I was just good as you and the others were. When I hear and see you and them lead, it seems so easy." Her voice had became soft again.

For a moment Zakito could see somebody else in front of him. A small girl with pink hair that wasn't sure if she was fit to become a kunoichi. Stepping forward, the man placed a hand on Kiyomi's head. "I think more than enough have the same when they see you lead. I am sorry that it feels tough to be the one that has to lead, but I believe you're fit for it. And do so others. Now, if you called me here for some advise, then listen little wolf." He paused as he would then start to talk. And Kiyomi would start to listen.


[fieldbox=Another meeting, olive]
Inside the throne room | Royal palace | Akino
A meeting between Hisoka Uchiha, Kiyomi Homura and Korina Kusanagi.

A collab written by Fieryfly, Aeronfarron and Aliceee.

Summary :
Attending to some meetings with assistance of Hisoka, Kiyomi had requested Korina's presence to discuss several matters.

Sitting on the throne, Kiyomi had a slight bored expression on her face. Her right elbow was resting on the arm of the seat, supporting her head as she watched the last person to walk out of the dobule doors - opened by two members of the Sworn Swords. The man had a proposal for a project regarding a road been laid out to three villages. Most likely for his own benefit, but Kiyomi had politely listened to him. Today's meetings wouldn't be that more interesting, but she was growing used to them. The thick two doors would be closed as Kiyomi would be alone with one other person, at her right. If she was correct, this would be one of the last meetings that would need her attention today. Sitting up right, the young teen placed her hands on her lap.

Briefly she did wonder if she should raise the throne higher. It had something, to sit up on a high evualated throne as it made her look down on others and force others to look up. For a second, she considered to ask Hisoka a question, but decided against it. He had likely his own plans or business to deal with after these meetings. Everybody was busy anyways.

Korina sat quietly as she awaited whatever meeting Kiyomi had called her to. Quietly, she looked down at her left wrist and let her fingers play over the lightly tattooed skin. She hissed a little bit, for the area was still tender following the "seal surgery" her apparent Aunt had performed. She tried not to shiver at the memory of pure, unadulterated agony the entire thing had put her through, for not even the strongest alcohol could numb the sensation. Surgery, as she'd come to find out, was always risky. Even the safest ones had a chance of the patient's life slipping from the surgeon's hands.

And she was no different. She'd had to be resuscitated twice during her ordeal, due to the seal slipping and managing to pull the majority of her chakra into it. She was fuzzy on the details themselves, but she was grateful to the Uzumaki woman for freeing her of her daily burden. Only for her to then be thrown into a room of old geezers and their stupid talks while she was barely recovered enough to fight. Let alone analyze, think, and other nonsense that she really had no idea about or will to learn. Honestly, she had enough on her plate to learn...she didn't want to add "Political Bullshit" to it any time soon.

The next meeting would be announced as the empty spacious hall's silence would be disturbed by the double doors being pushed open by the same two Sworn Swords. It was now the turn of Korina to enter the hall as the two guards would close the double door entrance once Korina would be in the room. Eyeing Korina from her seat, Kiyomi remained silent for a moment. "Good day, Korina." Kiyomi friendly said, leaning a bit back in the throne. Gesturing subtly that Korina could approach, Kiyomi would wait again until Korina would approach the stairs and climb them to the first of the two plateau of the stairs.

Korina followed the guards and looked around. The hairs on the back of her neck raised, as the quiet and empty space felt like it was pressing in on her chest. Now that the seal was gone, her appearance had changed drastically as she was still getting used to her natural look. Her long, dark red hair was pulled into a low ponytail that reached the middle of her back, and her eyes were a warm honey color as they flickered here and there. Her skin tone had darkened slightly, and her eyes were more narrow, and arched a little upwards towards the outer edge. Her teeth had more of a sharper edge where it's tipped poked out a bit from her upper lip to bite warily on her lower lip.

Korina let her eyes drift towards Kiyomi, then focused on the face of her Master. Her eyes brightened almost immediately, "Hello, My Ma-Empress." she smoothly transitioned into the proper title when she saw that they were not truly alone. "If I may ask, to what do I owe the summon?"

"I requested your presence to discuss several matters. I suppose that I should add that none of them are truly threatening though." Kiyomi answered, slight amused as she said the second sentence. "But I do have thought about some things. Such as the troubles that you've encountered. Regarding the Uchiha and Hyuuga." Pausing, Kiyomi's voice retained the friendly edge as she would continue. "I get it that it would be unfair to lecture you on that fighting is wrong, but for a fight you need two people. I would like to request that you and your people avoid to fight or collide in any manner with the Uchiha or Hyuuga. I'll request the same of the other two clans of course, on that you've my word. But if there will be even a small fist cuff next time, then the governor of this province," Kiyomi subtly gesture to Hisoka as she continued, "would likely need to make sure that the police deals with it. And I never met somebody who paid a fine with smile or is eager to spend a night in prison."

Korina chuckled deeply as she looked at Kiyomi with an apologetic grin, "For the most part, we don't start fights, Your Grace...we finish them. Please forgive me, but I feel as though you forget my clan. We live to fight. Generations without judges or juries has led to challenges of wit and fists to settle our issues if talking does not suffice. I am sure that many of my people would be happy to tell their families that they knocked out a Hyuuga or Uchihs that dared to call them "worthless trash". And I'm sure that family member would happily pay the fine or be there to pick them up when their sentence is done. Because the Kusanagi do not take such words lightly." She doesn't turn away from the woman as she speaks. "We have only ever asked to be treated with the respect any decent human deserves. Because family respects each other. If the Uchihas and Hyuugas don't start any problems, then there won't be any problems. You have MY word on that."

The smile and friendly tone remained present as Kiyomi would reply in return. "Glad to hear so, but I hope you understand that I can't say who is or who is more guilty or who started etcetera." The young teen paused once more, visibly pondering on something. "I am well aware that some cultures and clans 'live to fight'. But without order, there is only chaos. And I am not sure if you have lived through a period of chaos, I rather not go through it again." Almost she wanted to glance at Hisoka. The Shoji oppression had been bad, but the Great War had been much, much worse. The experience of the man's sharingan had made the painfully clear to Kiyomi before. "I can do only so much, but I do hope that further clashes will be less violent. As I stated before, I will make sure that the Uchiha and Hyuuga will hear of this request." Glancing at her own right hand, Kiyomi slight tilted her head to the left. "But I consider that is to all we can say about that topic. If anything, this isn't the first time that the Hyuuga have been acting high out of their positions." Returning her gaze on Korina, the friendly tone slowly became a bit more neutral. "I've never witnessed it before nor consider it worth our time to dabble into talking about prior cases. Instead, I would like to use our time to talk about about something that worries me a bit."

The young teen would return a more polite tone to her voice. "I doubt that nobody didn't notice, but I would like to discuss about the growing slight that has brought into the world after the clan meeting at Keishi, between you and the Lord Commander."

Korina shrugged, for she understood that Kiyomi was being political. Though she heavily disagreed with how the other teen handled the reports of the Hyuuga's spoiled nature as a clan. She wouldn't question her in front of company, though she made a mental note to get some help with writing her thoughts to Kiyomi later.
"I care not of the Lord Commander's opinion on his nephew's love life. He and his wife both, have made it abundantly clear that they care not for whatever romance Koike and I may or may not be building. So unless we need to discuss business or a mission, then I don't care for what he has to say, think, want, or wish. And whatever slight he may think he is harboring, well...I care little for that as well. But if you wish to discuss it, go ahead. But I cannot promise an opinion or wish to reconcile."

A soft sigh escaped Kiyomi's lips. "Be as that may, I don't think that is really the point. But if that your stance, then all I can say that I hope you understand his point of view one day. I've been his pupil and still are, next to being his niece in name, and all I could do and say is to help you understand the reasons why he's not content with the exchange that was dealt out at the meeting." Kiyomi calmly said. "If you took that out of their replies, then I will leave it up to you if you wish to hear my explination of that they did care as that arranged marriages at the meeting weren't... that old traditional ones. But I will leave that up on you to decide if you wish or don't wish to hear me explaining those matters."

"I will never understand why your people choose arranged marriages as a means to bond clans. I don't care of what thin excuse they have, whether it's for the good of the clan or not, or if it's to 'secure' the future of your child." Her voice was firm and her stance was resolute. "I understand your reasons just fine. But I will NEVER be OK with inserting my business or wishes in someone else's--be they a clan member or a subordinate--life unless there is a dire need or if they ask me to. If someone asks for me to arrange a marriage for them, not their kid or sister, but for them, then I would be happy to. If a husband or a wife is abusing their spouse and they refuse to answer for that crime, then I will happily arrange a marriage with their closest friend to get them out of the toxic relationship and somewhere safe. But it is my belief, and the belief of my clan, that our lives can be cut short at any time. So we should find love on our own terms, at our own pace. So we can enjoy the best it can offer for as long as we can. Not to be...sold off in exchange for peace or to forge a bond between clans that will lose their names as time moves forward."

She looks at Kiyomi, though she struggles to keep her voice neutral, "Inevitably, outside parties are changing and determining someone's life. Introduce them as friends, not as someone you hope they will marry. At that point...you take away their choice to choose. Because the question no longer becomes: Will you marry ME? But is instead: Will you do as you clan demands you to, and sacrifice the only happiness you may have so that your leaders and parents sleep well at night...happy that they didn't have to make the choice that you did? As far as I am concerned, HE should make the choice between divorcing his wife to marry the Uchiha or take the Uchiha as a second wife and deal with the consequence. Because HE is the one that would be making the deal. Not Koike."

Listening patiently, Kiyomi's facial expression remained the same. Waiting for a moment to be sure that Korina was done, Kiyomi would reply back. "I'm well aware that nomads have a different viewpoint on it. At least some." She remembered what she had learned of the Sato. Arranged marriages weren't a rarity among the nomads of the Lightning country if she wasn't thus mistaken. "But you see, that is where the mistake happened. Those arranged proposals weren't going to be forced upon the participants. Nor were they suggested to gain anything, but to follow why I organised the meeting in the first place. To unify the people as an unified Akino is better than a scrambled one." Briefly Kiyomi raised her left hand to scratch her cheek for a second. "If I remember it correctly, my uncle never did accept the marriage proposal. But he did accept the gesture behind it. There is a subtle difference in it, you see? It means that Koike wouldn't be proposed if he wouldn't decide with it nor would my uncle or the Hon clan enforce a marriage with anybody. I suppose that is something that your people could thus relate to, correct?" Kiyomi would however continue on. She did manage to not snort or laugh at the idea of Zakito having two women. An idea that was amusing, but really weird.

"And hmmm, well, let me continue with asking this. And don't take this wrong, but what do you know of Koike?" The friendly tone was genuine as Kiyomi hoped that the other teen wouldn't get more prickled by the question than Kiyomi consider she was with the topic.

Korina shook her head, "Just because you have all disillusioned yourselves as to the literal meaning of the term "Arranged marriage" and somehow don't see that you're STILL arranging a union between two people without them knowing or agreeing to BEFOREHAND doesn't mean that it's some prettied up little act of benevolence. If a third party even entertains the idea of setting up a possible bride and groom pairing without their prior knowledge, it is still an arranged marriage."

"You're basically holding up a red apple and a green apple to my face and chiding me for not seeing why you're so enthralled with the red apple. Even though I'm telling you that it is just an apple, and you're disagreeing that it's an apple because it's green."
she said and pinched the bridge of her nose. "If you truly do not see the difference, I'll make it clear. And arranged marriage is Zakito introducing this Uchiha girl that the clan leader picked out as a possible marriage candidate, then going ahead with the wedding as soon as Koike says that he will marry her. What is NOT an arranged marriage, is a random Hon introducing a bunch of Hon men and women to a bunch of Uchiha men and women and then letting them do as they wish. In both scenarios, the hopeful result is the same: A Hon and an Uchiha get married. However, in the first scenario, Zakito and the other clan head have an active hand in the pairing. And are thus skewing the result away from genuine love and towards utility. In the second scenario, they are hands off and are letting the couples get to make their own decisions, free from the predetermined bias of traitor versus loyalty. No matter how you slice it or pretty it up, if Zakito introduces Koike to the Uchiha girl, he is pressuring Koike into choosing his own happiness and his clan's possible safety, just because it's the clan head and he is expecting a result. Otherwise...why would he introduce them? Do you see where I am coning from, now?"

Her eyes narrowed dangerously, "And I am not answering your question. Because I shouldn't need to prove anything to YOU or anyone else about the legitimacy of the care I have for Koike. Whatever he may or may not have shared with me is his business and my own. No one else's. I'm not going to play whatever little game or whatever little point that you want to make in this useless, stupid, pointless debate. We have different views, leave it at that." She had lost all friendly tone that she may have had at the question, no matter how innocent it might have been. "Did you have any other questions or can we move on?"

Patiently Kiyomi listened to the reply of Korina, but as the other clearly grew irritated, Kiyomi's left eyebrow slowly rose by a bit. Waiting for some time, Kiyomi let the silence return to the hall. The jade color eyes would slightly darken, but the friendly tone remained in her voice as she spoke up again. "I see." Remembering something, Kiyomi flashed a smile. "I certainly do. I have learned enough of the previous topics. All I can say is that I hope that matters will not become problems." Folding her hands on top of each other, Kiyomi briefly glanced at Hisoka and then back at Korina. "Hmm, what I would like to talk now about is the matter that is between us. The thing is that I like to rely on people who follow my leadership without ties as seeing me as their... hmm, owner. I know that it might be in your clan's culture or traditions to do follow that, but I must express that I don't find myself fitting to be anybody's owner. As much as you and your clan follow your traditions, I am still a Hon as I follow their traditions and culture." Kiyomi explained. "I am hoping we could perhaps talk together about it. Seeing I don't wish to demand you to abandon your ways to make me content nor I hope you would like to make me feel slight discomforable with the idea I owe somebody. Something that is after all not accepted by the law of the realm."

"What about it? Does the idea make your lady bits tingle?" Korina asked with a smirk before remembering whom she was talking to and where. She coughed a bit, "ER...my bad. Forgot where I was for a bit. But seriously, what about it?"

"The idea is that you're a subject, but that doesn't mean that I really have a collar around everybody's neck. It is mostly going against how the culture is of the Hon clan or well, the law of the realm." Kiyomi explained, ignoring the first sentence of Korina. "I don't wish to insult your or state to drop the promise you made to me. I simply request to perhaps discuss on how to make it clear you're a free person." She thought of something. "After all, I would be a major hypocrite if I were to make the main branch of the Hyuuga stop abusing their clansmen and then to have a certain leash on somebody else myself. What do you think?"

Korina rubbed her chin as she pondered over the dilemma, "Easy: I chose this. The collar, a metaphor, and leash, another metaphor, are symbols. My collar is my loyalty to you. My loyalty is unwavering because I belong to you. Happily so. So much that I would wear it like a badge of honor. Everyone would know that I answer to you and maybe those you would choose in your absence. My leash is my restraint. The one time I was let off of it...it wasn't pretty. It is a power that scares me...a darkness and bloodthirst that makes me cringe. I don't like feeling it, but I know that it is a part of me, and one I accept. But I don't trust myself with that power. So, I gave it to you. It is yours to decide if I ever use it or if I don't. You decide the place and time, not because I wish to lay the blame on you, but because I would probably abuse it. This isn't an abuse. You aren't controlling my every move or using the commands to cause me pain or suffering. " She then looks at Kiyomi.

"To prove my point: Did you know that my trust was recently betrayed and that I am recovering from Seal surgery, where my Uzumaki-blood Aunt had to resuscitate my twice from actual death on the table?" She asked.

Hisoka had been silent throughout Kiyomi's meeting with the Kusanagi girl. He had taken up a position behind the young Empress and hadn't moved since. A couple of times the girl had glanced in his direction, but she was not asking for him to speak and he felt no need to. The topics were ones covered before and Hisoka felt no need to state his opinion on the matter since they were rather on one line with Kiyomi. Not completely though as his own arraged marriage was not playing out so well. Technically though he had said yes to it about six years ago, but the Hisoka of then couldn't be held accountable for the Hisoka that was making the choices now.

The Hisoka of now would have made many different ones, including trying to marry someone else. But all that didn't matter.

Whatever Korina had to say about the Uchiha, Hisoka didn't feel offended. He knew his clan, he knew it well as the son of the currently clan leader. He had spend a considerable time among them and with their customs. He was a hundred percent certain that the members in his clan held no open aversion towards the Kusanagi clan. They may see them like guests yes, but even guests were welcome as long as they realized that the country they were in was different from the one they originated from and that a different country had different rules. Of course, he couldn't speak for the odd one out that appeared now and then and that might have been the Uchiha that Korina had encountered. If that was the case then that was a shame, but it was nothing he could do anything about. Judging a clan on the antics of one person was naive.

In the end however Hisoka decided to speak up. "I think what the Empress means to say is that she isn't fond of the used metaphor. I understand the sentiment you are carrying, Miss Kusanagi. Many, if not all, shinobi among us would throw their life in the balance following the orders of the Empress. Their loyalty is unwavering because that is what we demand of them. If we had unloyal shinobi in our army then our army would not function as a proper unit. It is disloyalty that breaks a nation the quickest. However, while these shinobi undoubtedly feel the same amount of loyalty towards your majesty as you they show this by proudly wearing the symbol of our nation. That is the symbol that the loyality should be placed upon, that is the symbol that was designed for that purpose. And that is why missing nin generally cut through that as a symbol of their break with the nation. As such there is no need for collars and leashes, there shouldn't be any need for it."

"It may not seem necessary to you, but it is to me. It is not some symbol that can be cut as soon as I feel like I don't want to be loyal. It isn't something that can be thrown away on a whim. And it is not something that could be understood by those that have no wish to understand." The girl looked at the Uchiha with a seriousness that denied her age. "It is not a status symbol that is to be held over my head. For I was the one that offered it. I am no unwilling slave. I CHOSE this for my own reasons. I am nomadic by nature. If left to my own devices with no way for Kiyomi to contact me...I would have failed in the first step of fulfilling my deal...I am not scared of this bond. Nor do I wish for it to be imparted on anyone else. And I am Kiyohime, I set the example for my people without hesitance or question. I demand complete loyalty and total trust from my clan, just as they demand the same from me. This bond is their example. I would be serving Kiyomi just as completely, with no regrets. But at least this way...I am of little unconscious danger to my comrades."

She sighed and rubbed her forehead in exasperation, "Besides...the bond can't be broken just like that. Kiyomi would have to give my collar and leash to someone else, but even then....she needs my permission. Again, it isn't a power trip, but to make sure that I am treated well...if it is the metaphor you take issue with, then call it whatever you want. " She rolled her eyes at how politically correct and squeamish they were. "A necklace, a mark, whatever you need to call it to help yourself sleep at night. Or you know...I could use a massage every night...maybe get someone to brush my hair before bed since our Empress is allergic to personal interaction." She teased lightly to the cold nature of her Empress that she's observed.

Kiyomi glanced sideways at Hisoka as the man spoke. Not unexpected he knew to say what she meant and felt quite good. Glad that she had requested him here and not Zakito or Meisa, Kiyomi's attention went back to Korina. But slowly the words of the previous conversation started to gain volume inside the mind of the young ruler. Seeing how Korina rolled her eyes made Kiyomi make a mental note as she lowered her gaze futher to quickly inspect her nails of her left hand. "I know that you won't perhaps like the Uchiha, that much is clear, but if you're stark loyal to me, then I would like it as well that you treat our governor," there was a light and subtle emphasis on the last two words, "with the respect he deserves. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't sit here nor would you be here." Kiyomi's eyes locked back on Korina as she suspected the Kusanagi perhaps didn't like it, but Zakito's words made Kiyomi slightly more obsverant. "I think we just have for now to agree that we disagree, yes? Though I would like to ask as I remember you told me that you and your clan are quite proud to be loyal to a person," a small pause followed. "If you had to chose between me and the Fifth Raikage, who would you choose?" She hadn't plan the question, but thanks to the previous conversation with her uncle, she would want her answer.

"In all fairness I am." She stretched her arms out as she blew out a breath...she would rather be anywhere else than here right now. "He's got a good head on his shoulders, even if I disagree with some of his ideas." She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms with a smirk, "Answering my questions with a question of your own, hm? I'll answer yours in the hopes that you won't skim over the questions that matter to me...but the Raikage never held this bond with me. Unlike..." she coughed a little bit, "I served in the Raikage's Storm Guard. He helped me develop my skills personally through his Storm Guard. They welcomed my quirks and helped me to shape my skills. Now don't misunderstand, the Raikage was a busy man. He didn't have time to actually train me. But his subordinates were invested in my growth. They let me fail so I could grow. They talked to me, listened, a few even gave me advice on leading my own clan in civil matters. Even now...I wish I'd paid more attention. So even if it may not be the truth, it felt like he cared deeply for us. For me."

"I learned so much there. I miss it, and should I go back, I'm sure that he would let me since I didn't leave of my own volition. I am eternally grateful to him, for he shared a meal with my people and steeped himself in my culture even if he didn't like it. I wear the symbol of the Storm Guard to show this gratitude "

She looked between them both then settled on Kiyomi again, "Despite that...my loyalty is to YOU. It has been ever since I stepped out of Lightning Country. The Raikage knew this would happen, that my loyalty would shift entirely. And he still allowed me to make the journey. So please....I respectfully ask that you understand that. I won't keep reassuring you of this fact of life...because there should be no need to. I would have left everything had my clan not followed me. I would have been alone in this strange country, no connections, with my owner too busy to even say hi through the door beside her own."

Though she did listen to Korina, she nodded. Not because of what Korina said. But it seemed Zakito did have a good point after all. Making a mental note to follow the advise of the man later, Kiyomi would wait for Korina to be done with replying. It did made her wonder. Was Midori part of that Storm Guard? If anything, it would make Kiyomi quite proud and happy to hear if Midori would really be that awesome. The lips of the young ruler however were left unphased by her thoughts. "Ah, yes. Sorry, I forgot to answer your questions. But no, I didn't know nor suspect you were an Uzumaki. I'm glad that everything went fine." To be honest, Kiyomi wasn't sure what Korina was hoping that would follow from that. It didn't change the facts. Perhaps she could throw it later into Shozo's face, but then again, she came from the Lightning country. Not from the Empire. Else she would be a foreigner as well. Which did briefly amuse Kiyomi. Same as when Korina stated her door was right next to quarters of the Empress. "If you wish a reason for why I don't say hi, I am indeed to busy. As well, there are more doors that lead to my quarters. A large portion of the level of the complex is composed out of my quarters. I think more than half of the servants and guards could claim the same. Would be rather unfair if I give one person more attention because she desires it." Briefly Kiyomi snickered out loud. "But if you wish, you can always request a time later and I see what I can do. Though I'll follow the advise of my uncle and now and then spend time at my real home." Kiyomi glanced at Hisoka.

"Which by the way reminds me, I hope you will come soon too. With winter coming, Hiron will make his delicious stew. I 'insist' that you come over whenever you have the time." She said on a slight softer voice, marking the comment obviously to be out of the conversation. She was tempted to even bring up that they could request 'the old drill sergeant' five laps around the entire city.

"If that is what you truly believe, then fine. Are we finished here, or can I go? I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon in an hour." She asked seeing as Kiyomi seemed keen on discussing something with Hisoka.

She wanted to state that it was quite rude to request such a thing and certainly in such a phrase from one's ruler. But she doubted Korina knew how to showcase her respect in a different manner. Leaning back, Kiyomi remained silent as Korina would have to walk to the double doors. She spoke once the doors would be closed again. "I would like your opinion. I know my uncle's and it would be a waste of time to ask Meisa, as we both know what her stance is on those who shift their loyalty. But what do you think?" Kiyomi asked, glancing sideways.

Hisoka couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly at Kiyomi's mention of Meisa. It would be a waste of time. Then again it would be nice to talk to her. They both had been busy after the... marriage that talking had become a strange thing. He realized that he missed it, missed her. He made a mental note to search her out whether she wanted it or not. He was still part of everything after all.

"My opinion..." he said slowly. "Miss Kusanagi is very passionate. About many things it seems. She is very firmly set in her believes which in itself shouldn't be considered a bad thing. However, it becomes troublesome when those believes clash with believes of others which I believe is what happened during the clan meeting and the conversation just now. If both parties keep being stubborn and do not cave in an understanding will not be met. I believe that it should be Miss Kusanagi in this case who should give in more seeing as she is new to this nation and its laws. As for shifting loyality... I do think she would give her life for you, Kiyomi." Now that they were more or less alone safe for the guards stationed in and around the room, he felt it more than suitable that he called her by her first name like he used to do. "The idea that one's loyality can shift so drastically so easily seems strange in my eyes as I myself would find it impossible to do. It seems dangerous. As I mentioned before loyality is the key. Yet I also think that if you keep faith in her, then she will keep faith in you. But that is a weird system. That is not how our system works..."

She crossed her arms as she had to look up. It was perhaps fitting as how the situation was now. When Korina had spoken to them, she had been standing on the first evualation of the stairs to the throne. Forcing her to look up to both her and Hisoka. But now Kiyomi, even though sitting on the throne had to look up to the man that stood at her side. Gesturing to the door with her left hand, Kiyomi frowned. "You think she would? If you would have heard Uncle Z's words, then I must state that I don't believe that. I do agree with both of you as you state a similar opinion. But how can I put trust into somebody who follows an oath? Do you follow me only because you swore to do so or because you find me somebody worthy to follow? " Kiyomi asked, the last question asked a bit softer. She even dropped her 'mask' as a worried expression graced her features.

"Both," Hisoka replied. "Seeing as I am partly to blame for that fact that you now sit upon that throne it wouldn't have made sense if I didn't think you could handle it, if you weren't worthy. Yet I also follow you because I swore to fight for Konoha and the Akinian Empire as soon as I became a shinobi. Or maybe as soon as I was born seeing as my father was rather... keen on that aspect of the Uchiha." He made a dismissive gesture as if to say that that wasn't an important point. "Zakito has reason to be mad, I understand his frustration up to a certain extend. I am sure his words were less than pleasant. But oaths are strange things, loyal people then to stick to them. Miss Kusanagi seems like someone who would stick to them given the right... circumstances. Hence why I just think that you'd do well to keep her close. After all it is not friends you keep close every second of the day..." He shot her a meaningful look.

Briefly it made her quite happy. She respected Hisoka, a lot. Somewhere she did believe that the man was a good leader. And if not, a mentor. Of course she had hoped he would state he would support her alone, but he had been loyal to Konohagakure before she had even been taught on how to use a sword. "They were. At least, for his doing." Kiyomi added. Zakito being unpleasant or rude was something she had just to behold personally. Nodding slowly as Hisoka shot her a meaningful look, Kiyomi spoke up again. "Got it. Though, what would you do in my place? I have it busy enough as it is. I have my duties, but uncle Z also stated it would do me well if I would be more... outside. You know, not only for those who I count as my friends and family, but also to learn the people."

Hisoka hardly remembered the last tme he has seen Zakito actually mad. Reserved yes, upset yes, but mad... that hardly happened. Yet Hisoka could remember how cold the man's words could be. He hadn't forgotten their days in the war. "I would not make an enemy where you don't need one. And sometimes you keep friends for the benefits they give. Maybe that is one of your duties. As for Zakito's suggestion..." Hisoka smiled slightly. "I know better than to go against him when he is busy fussing about you. But I think it would be nice for both you and the people to see each other. People need someone to look up to. That was why I was Hokage after all."

Kiyomi kept frowning as she did listen to Hisoka, glancing at the doors again. "I suppose I can drink tea with her. But I don't like people who are rude. Or make those I look up to irked." She stated. It was good to state her thoughts and showing her emotions to somebody who she could trust after holding them underneath the surface after a conversation that they had. "Yet I am certain if I tell any Kusanagi that they need to be more respectful that they obviously will either take it wrong or not know what I really mean. How do you convoy such desires without offending anybody?" She turned her head again. "As example, I asked her to be more respectful to you. And all I heard was that you got a nice head on your shoulder. When I was up in the Lightning country, I never encountered such responses. Even when I visited the Sato clan with Midori." Briefly she felt a small sting as she wondered if others would look at the Sato clan for being the same. They were quite different from how Kiyomi had experienced the two groups and cultures. For a moment she wanted to speak further, telling how she had met Shunso and what kind of respect they did show to even outsiders.

Hisoka shook his head. "There will be a lot of people in your lifetime who will be rude or irk those around you. I mean my father and Zakito have never been on the best of terms and that is putting it lightly. The proposal from my father might bring a change in that but I don't see Zakito suddenly become best friends with Shozo. And it will happen again and again. There will always be people that disagree with what you say or do." It was slightly endearing to see how Kiyomi could get rattled when someone offended the man she held so dear. He himself didn't mind in any way what Korina said about him. He had heard enough hateful things in his time, disrespect was easy to brush off. "I do not think you can judge the entire Kusanagi clan by the example of Korina. I am sure there will be people within the clan who wish to hear your words more clearly might you try. I do not know the customs of the clans within the Lightning country, but just like the clans here they must be quite different even in their responses. Like the Sato clan. They must be quite a clan to have provided an Empress and a Savior," he said, inviting her to talk about it more.

Zakito and Shozo best friends? That made Kiyomi snicker for a moment. But she understood what Hisoka was saying. Though it made her wonder if she couldn't think of a way to prevent people to be rude. If she had to choose, she found Shozo even less rude how he had been and somewhat still to her, than how Korina had treated her uncle and Hisoka. Picking up that she could continue on, a smile grew on Kiyomi's lips as it also became more evident that she was eager to talk about the Sato clan. "Well, they aren't a shinobi clan. They are quite simple in fact. Just nomads who herd their cattle and travel around. Doing trade and stuff." She explained. "When I visited a part of the clan, cause I don't think that they were all there, they were so friendly. No mean looks or wary people, but they were quite friendly. At worst, just polite. I really liked it. They just treated me like..." Her voice trailed off as she remembered something.

"A normal person. I am not a Sato by definition of culture, but they made me feel welcome." The young woman sought for the words as she wanted to say more. "I have been wanting for some time to send a letter. To Shunso. My euhm, biological father." Still, she felt a bit strange when she said that. But when she had been there and talked to Shunso, it had been different. "Trouble is that I don't know where he is. Or if he even knows that I am currently ruling an empire. I mean, what I don't even know if he would or wouldn't like that." Kiyomi kept ranting on. "I don't know so many things about the Sato, but truly, it is vastly different from how I experience the Kusanagi. Korina and her people aren't in my opinion that bad, but I doubt that Shunso would disrespect Zakito for example. I just hope I can travel back one day, you know?" She lowered her head a bit as she pulled gently at the end of the sleeve of her right arm.

Hisoka's eyes softened as Kiyomi went of on a rant about the Sato. It was clear that she had been waiting to talk about this with someone. He wondered what else she wanted to talk about and if she had someone to just... talk to in general. Keeping up appearances was tiring, he knew that from experience. Sometimes you needed to have a normal conversation. To feel like a normal person as she had felt with these Sato. With Shunso. The name was unfamiliar to him and it seemed that Kiyomi too hadn't completely gotten used to the idea that her father was alive and out there somewhere. Her real father.

Hisoka smiled. "I am sure that as a father he can only be proud of his daughter. I don't know the man of course, but I also do not know a father who wouldn't be proud of his daughter for achieving this completely by herself. As for a letter, how do you normally communicate with him? Do you send letters to your sister?" He asked her. "Or maybe you should visit. I am quite sure that nobody would find that increadibly strange if it is your wish to visit your family though you will have the problem of needing to travel with guards of course. An Empress can't leave just by herself. Those days are past I am afraid. But maybe your uncle would like to join. Perhaps then he can judge for himself if these nomads are worthy of you love." He smirked as he said the last line knowing full well that Zakito's opinion of the current nomads stationed in their country would certainly make it so that the man would be reserved.

A light blush covered Kiyomi's cheeks. That would be nice. It was great that Hiron was proud off her and it always filled her with warmth and that she had acomplished something big. But the idea that Shunso was proud of her? Somewhere she was a bit scared to hope for that. When Hisoka stated that she could, but with guards, Kiyomi already started to consider a way. It would've been easy if she could go by herself, but he was right. She couldn't do that and risk her life. And taking guards with her could perhaps spook the people of the Sato clan. Something she didn't want at all. "That might be a good idea." Kiyomi said on the idea of taking Zakito with her. Meisa and Hisoka could keep an eye on the matters of state while they could meet up with Shunso. "I don't or well, not have written Midori that often. I could write and ask her to send a request for Shunso. If uncle is too busy or I can't leave for too far or too long, we could try to arrange a meeting somewhere at the border." She said. "But then again, I am not sure how long a message is going to take. To find a nomad in the vast expenses of the Lightning country might take weeks. Or months." Her enthousaism died a little as she further thought about it.

"The only thing you can do is try," Hisoka said, trying to sound optemistic. "If I have understood it correctly your sister has lived with the traveling Sato for quite a while, I would imagine that she would know how to get the message to your father as fast as possible. She must be communicating with him as well I assume, unless I am horribly mistaken of course. I have not delved into the personal family matters of you and the Sato clan." He stepped away from her and walked down the fews steps to the front of the throne. "Besides, a little bit of patience can't hurt anybody."

Getting up, Kiyomi couldn't argue against Hisoka's words. Not that she would want to though. Walking down the steps, she thought about something. "Hisoka-san, if you don't mind me asking," tilting her head slightly to the left Kiyomi paused for a second, "You said that I could handle it, what makes you think of that?" She asked him friendly, attempting to hide her own doubts.

Hisoka raised his eyebrow at her question, but then made a wide gesture around the room."All of this makes me say that. It seems to me that you have proven quite well that you can handle being an Empress. You have surrounded yoursel with loyal guards and friends, adivisors and fighters. The Empire still stands, doesn't it. I don't think you actually need me to tell you why you can handle it. Besides I am not sure if I can exactly pinpoint it. Though don't think it will be easy."

Chewing on the inside of her left cheek softly, Kiyomi simply nodded. "True, but I just wonder sometimes. I mean," Kiyomi briefly paused to gather the words she wanted to use to convoy her message, "When people speak of the Second Hokage, they do it with pride and respect. I don't mind if people will or will not remember me, but I do want to know what makes those men and women being so revered. I have only met you, Meisa and Zakito. But I haven't met the leaders for which you all fought before. Is it the same?" She wanted to ask more, but realized that the last question was stupid.

"My uncle was a very special man," Hisoka said slowly. "And no it is not the same. But then again, it shouldn't be the same. You shouldn't try to be Daisuke even though he was a great man. If Zakito has taught me anything, it is that a new way of rule, that change is a good thing. Zakito was not like Daisuke and yet he did much for our country despite people not knowing that." Hisoka frowned slightly as he spoke. No recognition would ever come for Meisa, he knew that. She would forever be seen as an assistant. But maybe that was good. "I think what makes them revered, what makes Daisuke so great, is that he fought with all his heart for a country he wanted to create. He fought literally on the battle field but also in his way of life, his way of ruling. He had a great heart, but knew when to take a decision. He was strong, in every sense of the word. He had pride, but he also had modesty. I think pride is valuable. It is good to take pride in something and defend that." Hisoka considered offering to show Kiyomi what his uncle was like but refrained from it. So far he hadn't completely regained control over his Sharingan so trying anything like that would probably result into something bad.

"He sounds like a great man." Kiyomi said on a soft tone. For a second, she wanted to ask if they had that in common then? Both having an uncle, or figure in her case, that were great leaders. "Thanks Hisoka-san. You know, I'm glad that you're around." She said cheerfully. "I mean, I would like to hear more about Daisuke. I have read enough about him, but books don't make up for good conversations nor do they answer all questions, you know?" She asked, hoping now that he would speak more about his uncle.

Hisoka inclined his head ever so slightly. "I am afraid that I cannot supply you with much information. My uncle was often busy and I unfortunately never got to spend much time with him. When I was small he would often drop by the house, but as I grew older more pressing matters weighted on his shoulders and during the Great War he was often off with Jinkama and, on occasion, Zakito. Your uncle might possibly even know more about my uncle than I." Hisoka's voice remained steady as he explained. It had always made him sad that Daisuke hadn't spend more time with him. He understood the man's reasons just fine, but it had stung when he was small.

"Oh." Realizing that she had perhaps brought up something painful, Kiyomi felt bad. Rubbing her left upper arm, she wanted to shift the topic. "I will ask my uncle later then. Though I am grateful for the fact you shared this all with me." Then she knew what she could ask as she felt however guilty for not asking earlier about him. "How's Bolin doing? Haven't seen him for quite some time."

"No problem and you should ask. It is good to not forget people," he said. "As for Bolin, he is doing quite well. At least he has given no complains so that generally means he is fine. Doesn't talk much though." He shot her a smile. "If that was all I think I should however get back to my duties. Unless you have more questions of a pressing nature."

"Hmmm, not really. I think I can handle the other visits and meetings." She answered. But after a few seconds, she did ask something. "I know you're quite busy and have your own affairs, but would you perhaps like to... you know, have supper here together once?" Kiyomi asked, adding something quickly to it. "Seeing uncle Z stated after all that it would do me good to venture out for more company. So the same counts for requesting that."

"I would be delighted," Hisoka said making a small bow. "Just send for me when you would like to have dinner. I shall see that I make some time for it." As he raised his face again he would turn around and walk away. At the doors he would look back at Kiyomi for a second. "I am sure you can handle the rest just fine," he said, slightly teasing. "Good luck." With that he left the room.

Nodding with a smile, Kiyomi turned around. She did throw a glance over her shoulder. Briefly she considered who more should she invite for dinner? Walking the stairs again, she decided to first see through the other meetings of the day. She could perhaps later this evening give it more thought.

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