I understand completely, was quite the arse-hat back in the day anywho.

Gotta get through one more day of work and I'll have time to discuss this stuff.

[tabs][Tab | Personal Information |]
~Ferra Arkos~

"Give up? Have you met me?"

Nickname/Alias: N/A
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: Born August 12th in the year 449, Ferra is 27 years old
Age Appearance: Late Twenties
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Mother = Kami
Father = Tenzen

Mother's Father = Ero
Mother's Mother = Ayana

Father's Mother = Nina
Father's Father = Kaede

Length and build: 1.75cm and athletic build
Weight: 148lbs
Favorite weather and season: Sun and Spring

Village: Amegakure
Birthplace: Amegakure
Organization: Amegakure Military

Clan/Bloodline: None

Rank: Jounin

Chakra Nature: Earth and Fire


Appearance #1: Mission Outfit


(Without the mask)

Appearance Option #2: Casual Outfit


Ferra has dark red hair, green eyes and a faint scar that she refuses to tell anyone the origin of and I wouldn't advise asking... The scar travels from her left temple to her upper lip. (As seen in the first picture) She also has two small triangle tattoos under her right eye with the thin ends pointing down..

[/tab][Tab | Detailed Information |]


To say Ferra is tenacious would be a dreadful understatement. Ever since she was a little girl, she had a fiery personality and a rebellious streak to boot. As she grew older, she learned to control her emotions, to a degree, and to follow authority. Despite that, she is still a fiery spirit at heart and relishes in the opportunity to let loose.

Around people she knows and trusts, Ferra is fun loving and outspoken. She loves playing pranks on people she considers close and is very active. She can be considered as more of a tomboy in the way that she does not hesitate to get dirty if the situation demands it. Ferra is fiercely protective over the ones she cares about and will not hesitate to fight to her last to keep them safe. For people she is not familar with, Ferra can come across as apathetic and rather blunt in many situations.

While she still has her problems with authority, Ferra becomes all business when the situation calls for it. She takes no nonsense on a mission and expects her team to do the same. Not one to watch her words, Ferra will speak her mind to anyone she feels needs to hear it. This has put her at odds with others who can find her blunt attitude off-putting and rude.


While Ferra was born into a stable home, she did not know the turmoil that took place behind the facade of her happy, unified family until she was much older.

Her mother and father were both very young when they first fell madly in love. They met during their time in the academy and stayed close afterwards, their relationship growing from a strong friendship into something more. Kami's father, Ero, did not approve of their relationship however, and forbade the two from seeing each other. Ero was incredibly protective of his daughter, and believed that she was too young to be involved with somebody romantically. While his motives were mostly noble, Ero was also concerned that Tenzen was after the Arkos' hidden techniques. The paranoia mixed with his overprotectiveness caused Ero to keep a close eye on the two young lovers.

Despite this obstacle, Kami and Tenzen continued seeing each other behind her father's back, doing whatever they could to find time together. Ero's overprotectiveness had the unfortunate side effect of pushing his daughter into acting out more. Kami grew pregnant with Ferra when she was only 16 and both she and Tenzen panicked. Neither of them had prepared for this event and they had no idea how to tell their parents. Deciding that it would be best to hide the evidence of Kami's pregnancy for as long as they could, both of them began working more and more, trying to save up enough money so that they could move away from Kami's overbearing father and get married. They managed to keep things hidden for several months but the time came when Kami decided to step down from active service for fear of getting hurt or losing the child.

Ero grew suspicious when Kami stepped away from her life as a shinobi and he increased his watch on the girl. When it became impossible to hide the pregnancy any longer, Tenzen went to Ero in an attempt to gain the man's approval to marry Kami. Furious, Ero refused and forbade Tenzen from seeing his daughter again, threatening him more seriously to ensure that the teen would stay away this time. Keeping Kami on house arrest to ensure that she could not sneak off and see Tenzen, Ero decided that he and his wife would claim the child as their own so that it would not put a stain on Kami's name and ruin her future.

Realizing that he would also need to keep Tenzen quiet, Ero made a deal with him in order to ensure the teen's silence. Tenzen would be allowed to marry Kami and the two could live on their own in a house that Ero and his wife would pay for... Just as long as he swore to never claim the girl to be his own. Kami's father also demanded that the marriage could only take place once Kami had turned 18. He was worried that if the two were married before the child was born, word would get out and they would take the child as their own. At that point Ero feared that nothing but trouble would come of it.

Finding no other alternative, and not wishing to put a stain on Kami's name, or her future, Tenzen regretfully agreed. From that day forward, Tenzen spent much his time trying desperately to gain Ero's approval, hoping that maybe... just maybe, he would be able to change the man's opinion of him and one day he and Kami could finally call their child their own...

Ferra was born a few month's later and Ero and Ayana took the girl to raise her as their own. Tenzen and Kami were forced to watch from a distance as their child grew. They were occasionally allowed to visit and interact with Ferra, but Ero always kept a close watch to ensure they did not grow too close or tell the girl the truth about her origin.

While Ero was a strict father, he was also a very caring man and he and Ayana raised Ferra as best they could. As the girl grew older, it became clear that she had inherited her mother's slight rebellious streak. This streak was fuelled further by Ero growing stricter and more impatient as the rift between he and Kami grew. Ferra could sense the tension but did not understand why it was there. Wanting to make things feel right again, Ferra began doing whatever she could to try and make her 'father' happy again. Believing that Ero wanted her to be more like her older 'sister' Ferra began training herself to be a shinobi. She was small for her age and got made fun of by many of the larger kids for her diminuitive size and her unparalleled tenacity. It was that very tenacity that began getting Ferra into trouble. In her determination to succeed and grow stronger, the girl started to pick fights with some of the larger kids, hoping that the increased challenge would boost her own skills and reduce the time it would take her to become as strong as her 'sister' Kami.

Unfortunately, despite her scrappiness and fierce attitude, Ferra ended up on the receiving end of a beating far more than she was able to dish one out. One day, after a particularly humiliating beating, Ferra ran away for fear of Ero's reaction to her cuts and bruises. Making her way to her secret place, Ferra let her frustration get the best of her and she released her anger on a poor, innocent tree. Collapsing from exhaustion after she violently tore the tree limb from limb, Ferra was surprised by an unexpected visitor...

Tenzen had followed the girl and waited to let her get out her anger and frustration. Sitting with Ferra for awhile, Tenzen managed to calm her down and got her to explain her troubles. Learning of the bullying and the fights, Tenzen offered to train Ferrra. Surprised, the girl accepted his offer, and the two began meeting regularly to train. For Tenzen it was the only way he could spend more time with his daughter, even if he had to pretend to be her brother in-law. For Ferra, it was a way to get stronger as quickly as possible to stop those who doubted her and to make Ero proud and happy again.

Enrolling in the Academy at the age of eight, Ferra began to show progress, thanks in great part to the training with Tenzen. When she began showing signs of an affinity to her clan's hidden technique, Tenzen decided it was time to bring Kami in to help Ferra train. Under Kami's tutelage, Ferra began to show quite an aptitude for the hidden technique, implementing it into her fighting style in a unique way. Despite her progress as a shinobi, things never seemed to improve with Ero and that only pushed Ferra to try harder. Graduating the Academy at the age of 11, Ferra was placed on a team, something she at first thought would be a great experience... Unfortunately, Ferra did not find it easy to fit in with her teammates despite her best efforts. She was still small for her age and found it difficult to work in a team environment, being much more used to doing things on her own. Her frustration grew and Ferra began refusing to taking orders from her sensei, believing Kami and Tenzen to be far superior teachers.

Concerned by the girl's behaviour, Ferra's sensei went to Ero and Ayana to see if they could talk some sense into her. When Ero and Ayana confronted Ferra about it, she inadvertantly let it slip that she was training with Tenzen and Kami and that they had taught her more than her sensei ever could. In a rage, Ero forbade her from ever training with Kami and Tenzen again. Confused and angry, Ferra demanded to know why but Ero would not say, instead he grounded the girl, refusing to let her out of the house until she learned not to talk back. Sneaking out of her house the one time that Ero let his guard down, Ferra made her way to Kami and Tenzen's house. When she got there, she explained what happened and asked why Ero had forbidden her from training with them. After a long consideration, Kami and Tenzen decided to tell Ferra the truth.

Learning that Kami and Tenzen were her real parents, Ferra broke down. Running from their home, she eventually made her way back to Ero and Ayana's house, the place she had always considered home... Relieved that Ferra had returned, Ero confronted her and she told him that she knew about her real parents. Shocked into silence, Ero could not stop Ferra as she gathered her things and left for good.

Moving in with one of her few friends, Ferra stayed there until she made enough money to support herself. Her parents tried to reach her several times, trying to help, trying to fix what they had broken. Ferra refused to speak with them, too hurt to listen. Focusing on growing as a shinobi, Ferra became very quiet and her rebelious nature all but disappeared. The sudden change surprised and worried her sensei, but the fact that she was listening was enough to keep him from saying anything.

Unbeknownst to Ferra, Ero had grown quite ill after she left, stress and guilt beginning to wear him down. As his health deteriorated, her family tried to reach out to her and let her know, but Ferra continued to ignore all of their attempts to contact her, wanting nothing more than to be left alone. Her relationship with her teammates began to improve gradually and she found herself learning a lot from her sensei. When she turned 13, Ferra tried out for the Chuunin exams. Though she fought hard, Ferra lost her match and was not promoted to Chuunin rank.

Kami and Tenzen approached her after the match, letting her know that they had been watching, along with Ero and Ayana. They apologized and told her they were proud. Still angry, Ferra pushed past them, not ready to listen. When they told her that Ero was sick and not getting any better, she hesitated. Brushing it off as another trick to try and get her to talk to them, Ferra walked away, leaving her parents behind.

Ero passed away a week later.

When news got to Ferra, the young teen was in anguish. Her pain turned to anger, anger at the world, anger at Ero, at her parents... but most of all, anger towards herself. Ferra blamed herself for not going to see Ero before it was too late. She never had the chance to forgive him, and a part of her still didn't know whether or not she truly did... It took a long time before she was ready to talk to her family again. When she did, Ayana, Kami and Tenzen welcomed her with open arms, just happy to have her back.

Two years later, when she turned 15, Ferra took part in the Chuunin exams once more. This time, thanks to the training from her parents and her sensei, Ferra excelled. Winning her match, she was promoted to the rank of Chuunin and began to improve rapidly. Ferra gained a reputation for taking on difficult missions, her natural tenacity pushing her to find larger and harder challenges. She once tried out for the ANBU but was denied for several reasons. Ferra excelled as a fighter, but was never overly strong in stealth or reconnaissance missions. Her loyalty was unquestionable, but her tendency to leave destruction in her wake and her occasional issues with authority figures was not something the ANBU could accept.

It was around that time that she joined a Gotai team, using the competition as a way of getting out her frustrations and letting loose. The team she joined was known as the Flying Lemurs, an amateur team that had never really seen much success. Ferra quickly took to the sport, training long and hard to develop her skills. The effort paid off and she was able to lead the Flying Lemurs to their first tournament win. After that, she was named as the team captain. Under her leadership, the team gained quite a bit of fame and became one of the most successful Gotai teams in the country.

Her time as a captain of the Lemurs and her years spent working to hone her skills as a shinobi eventually succeeded in maturing her as she reached her 20's, Ferra was promoted to the rank of Jounin at the age of 22. She was not put in charge of a team for several years, the higher ups concerned that her independent nature would make it difficult for her to train a squad of fresh genin. While she had proven herself as a leader in Gotai, they felt she had a long way to go until she would be ready to lead actual shinobi. Working hard, Ferra proved herself over the next several years, never one to back down from a challenge. She earned herself a squad but never had a chance to meet them. Right before she would gather her team for the first time, Shoji's forces invaded.

During the occupation of Amegakure, Ferra found it very difficult to hold herself back from openly opposing the soldiers. The only thing that held her back was knowing she would cause more harm than good. Doing what she could to help fight from the shadows, Ferra resented Shoji for trying to take away the shinobi corps. She saw him as a hypocrite and saw the excuses he created to be the same as the excuses Ero had given for lying to her about being her father. When Shoji's forces were repelled, Ferra joined the forces taking the fight to his remaining soldiers. She wanted nothing more than to extinguish the lies of a corrupt man.

After the dust settled, Ferra went back to independent missions for quite some time. When she felt ready, Ferra approached the higher ups and requested a squad of her own. It took them some time to grant her wish but for once Ferra waited patiently. It was her turn to make a difference...

Theme Song:

[/tab][Tab | Combat Information |]


Name of Weapon or Item: Spear and Shield

Description: The spear shortens or extends to form a short sword or spear. The shield is one handed, circular and has two indentations in the sides that allow Ferra to rest her weapon on and attack from behing the safety of the shield.



Ferra also carries all of the standard shinobi tools and weapons.

*High Speed
*High Strength
*Excellent Taijutsu
*Masterfully Skilled with her sword/spear and shield
*Great Chakra Control
*Good Ninjutsu
*Great control of her clan's hidden techniques
*Non-existant Genjutsu (she prefers a more direct approach)
*Below Average Stealth

Special Traits
*High Willpower
*Average Chakra Pool
*Good Intelligence

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: None
Clan: N/A
Description: N/A

Clan Hidden: Polarity
Clan: Arkos
Description: Members of the Arkos clan are capable of manipulating the area around them and objects that they come in contact with by careful use of their chakra. This hidden technique cannot be used on people, due to the internal chakra system that would interfere with it. Many people believe that this technique is an advanced form of puppetry but it is in fact very different.

When a clan member inserts their chakra into an object, they are capable of manipulating it via polarity, attracting it or repelling it in whichever direction they need. To use the hidden technique effectively, one must have good chakra control. It does not require a lot of chakra to manipulate the objects, but there is a limit to how many objects can be manipulated at a time.

To some extent, clan members are able to manipulate the area around them, causing subtle shifts in the 'aura' around them that will attract or repel objects in the immediate vicinity. This aspect of the technique is less refined and there is much less control over it than through the touch method. A user is unable to control the specific direction that objects are repelled or attracted when using this method and, instead, their core will act as the focal point.


[tabs][Tab | Generic Ninjutsu |]
Shadow Clone Technique
Summoning Technique
Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation

*All Academy Techniques

Name of Technique: Polar Shift
Type of Jutsu: Hidden (Ninjutsu)
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Ferra makes physical contact with an object, inserting her chakra into it. Once that is complete, she can manipulate the object's direction and velocity. She can choose how much to influence the object and it can vary from the slightest shift to a complete reversal of direction and/or velocity.

The most common form that Ferra uses this technique for is to manipulate her own spear/sword and shield. She can throw either weapon and have them return to her, or manipulate them in a fight to catch her opponent off guard.

Weakness: The further from Ferra the object moves, the harder it is to manipulate. If the object moves more than 30 meters away from her, she loses her connection with it and would need to make physical contact with it again to regain control. While she can end the connection at will, Ferra is only able to control up to five objects at once.

The connection also only lasts for a maximum of an hour depending on how much chakra she inserts upon initial connection.

Name of Technique: Shield Wall
Type of Jutsu: Hidden (Ninjutsu)
Rank: C
Range: Short
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Flowing her chakra into her shield Ferra extends the coverage of her shield with a 'wall of chakra' that blocks incoming attacks. The wider the area Ferra wants covered, the more chakra she has to put into the technique. As a result, Ferra often crouches before employing this technique in order to minimize the area she needs to cover. This technique is quite powerful when it comes to blocking incoming attacks, be they from ninjutsu, weapons, etc., but it requires a constant flow of chakra to keep active which can drain Ferra quicker.

Weakness: This technique only protects her from attacks that are coming in front of her shield with a slight curve that protects her sides. Her back is still entirely exposed and an attack that comes from above or below would still be able to hit her. Takes a fair bit of chakra to keep active meaning that Ferra has to be rather conservative with this technique.

Name of Technique: Repulse
Type of Jutsu: Hidden (Ninjutsu)
Rank: B
Range: 10 feet
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Focusing her chakra and releasing it in a burst, Ferra changes the polarity around her. Depending on how she releases the burst, she can stop or repel incoming projectiles. She can also do this to melee weapons provided she has enough time to react. The max range of this technique is 10 feet. She cannot affect anything outside of that range. If an object enters the range while she is using this technique, it will be repelled and sent flying in a random direction at a slightly reduced speed in comparison to how fast it was traveling towards her.

Weakness: This technique requires a lot of control in order to use as she is manipulating the area around her without physical contact. While this can be an effective technique for blocking incoming attacks, if Ferra chooses to repel any projectiles, they will be repelled in random directions. This means that anyone nearby her could potentially be at risk, including allies.

Name of Technique: Attract
Type of Jutsu: Hidden (Ninjutsu)
Rank: B
Range: 10 feet
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The reverse of her 'repel technique.' When she focuses her chakra, she can change the polarity around her and 'attract' objects. While she cannot affect people, she can, to a small extent, affect the objects on their person. This means that she could theoretically pull someone towards her by their clothes, weapons, etc. That takes a large amount of concentration and chakra control however.

Weakness: This technique takes a lot of control and uses more chakra than the 'repel' technique as she has to send her chakra out and then pull it back towards herself, meaning she is using twice the amount. It also requires a great amount of control and is not nearly as precise as if she were to use the Polar Shift technique. She can also only affect objects within a 10 foot range.

[/tab][Tab | Nintaijutsu|]

Name of Technique: Fists of Fire
Type of Jutsu: Nintaijutsu
Rank: C
Range: Self
Nature Type: Fire
Handseals: Rat, Ox, Dog
Description: Ferra surrounds her hands (and occasionally feet) with fire chakra to burn her opponents when she strikes them.

Weakness: Water can stop this relatively easy. Wind can spread the fire if she isn't careful and turn it back on her.

Name of Technique: Infuse (or the 'Magic Touch' as she calls it)
Type of Jutsu: Nintaijutsu
Rank: D
Range: Touch
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: During combat, Ferra will make contact with a piece of armour, a weapon, a shield, etc. of her opponent. When she does, she will infuse her chakra, allowing her to manipulate the object through the use of her polarity.

Weakness: She needs to touch an object for this to work. This also requires a lot of chakra control as she needs to release her chakra with precision for the infusion to work.

Name of Technique: Ragdoll
Type of Jutsu: Nintaijutsu
Rank: C
Range: Short (20 feet maximum)
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Using a mixture of her polarity and natural taijutsu fighting skills, Ferra launches a vicious kick from below that sends her target flying upwards. Pulling them back down with her 'Attract' technique, she delivers another vicious series of kicks, culminating in one vicious side kick that sends the opponent flying in a direction she chooses (using her polarity again to add velocity)

Weakness: This is essentially a combo that blends a couple of styles/techniques. An opponent can dodge the technique with relative ease in the beginning though it gets progressively harder to dodge as she speeds up near the ending strikes.

[/tab][Tab | Fire Release Ninjutsu |]
Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Fire Release: Running Fire
Fire Release: Flame Bullet

Name of Technique: Flame Weapons
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Range: Self/Weapons (Touch)
Nature Type: Fire
Handseals: N/A
Description: Flowing her chakra into her weapons (or her shield), Ferra coats them in flames, allowing for more offensive strikes and keeping her opponents at bay.

Weakness: Water release can put these out with relative ease. The weapon attacks can be dodged and it takes chakra to maintain the flames.

[/tab][Tab | Earth Release Ninjutsu |]
Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique
Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique
Earth Release: Rock Pillar Spears
Earth Release: Quicksand
Earth Release: Rock Shelter
Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet
Earth Release: Earth Flow River

[/tab][Tab | Taijutsu and Bukijutsu |]
Dynamic Entry
Burning Slap of Youth
Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading

Name of Technique: Goodnight Kiss
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
Rank: E
Range: Short
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Pulling her opponent in for what seems like a kiss, Ferra delivers a vicious headbutt, stunning the enemy.

Weakness: It's a headbutt...






Okay, I will do the review. Will already state ahead that I wish that you redo the sheet, seeing that there are some matters that I am really against seeing how the lore of the setting works and has been build.

My reasons :

Female (actually male, but brought up and lead to believe he's female)
So you can imagine her despair when she birthed a boy instead of a girl
No. I can't. Certainly not when there are plenty (alive) kunoichi who have become famous for their abilities. Sex doesn't seem to hold back people as it would have in a more realistic setting. Yet females hold important offices and being promoted to high ranks and even become rulers. There is no disadvantage of sex being present, so I don't see the need of a boy being raised as a girl or vice versa. I understand that there is perhaps some character development in that, but it isn't going to make any kind of sense. Not to mention that there are enough reasons and matters that would make it clear to him that he isn't a she. There are obviously manners to avoid it, but that is all just extra effort for development that would just make little to no sense and even bordering being offensive - which I doubt you aim to do, but should be after this review aware of it.

Name of Weapon or Item: Knuckle Dusters

Description: A pair of metal knuckle dusters, one of many defensive weapons Joshu keeps on his farm, given to Hope just in case she needed them.
lacks physical power for taijutsu
Okay, but why? She lacks in the area of taijutsu and thus in close quarter fighting. Giving her thus knuckle dusters make no sense. That is just giving a child a bottle of whiskey and stating that they can handle it. I also fail to see how knuckle dusters are defensive or why a farmer would have such weaponry - but think you would need to reconsider the weapon of choice as it makes no sense in my opinion.
Here we go, this one's normal, or at least it should be.

Risu Amura

"Did I do it right? I think I made a mistake."


Name: Risu Amura
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 11 22nd of July 465
Age Appearance: 10
Sexuality: Straight

Shiva Amrua - Mother 43
Maike Amura - Father 40

Length and build: 4'6 Slim build.
Weight: 63lbs
Favorite weather and season:
Cold, yet sunny days during autumn.


Village/Nation: Kirigakure
Organization: n/a
[clan, special unit or such organizations]

Clan/Bloodline: Amura - not a clan of note

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Water




Personality: Typically quite calm on the outside yet easy to fluster, frustrate and agitate, it can be problematic but he mostly manages to keep himself in check so to not shout or get aggressive just because of that. He's highly respectful of those who are in positions above him and is polite to his peers, even if they're not so polite to him.

He likes to make himself useful to others, especially if repayment is offered, but even if there were no payment he'd be happy to do most mundane tasks anyway. It's just how he is.
Under duress he tends to cut corners if it gets the job done and will normally fail to recognise that he's done it until it's pointed out to him.


The Amrua family is just a normal family in Kirigakure, Risu's father is a retired shinobi who now leads a life of handiwork and public service meanwhile his mother stays home and handles the finances of the family. Whilst he was young Risu was called on to help around the house for tasks such as cleaning around the house, helping to prepare food and running errands for his mother. So much so that he's often found himself running around and doing things almost all day.

Now he intends to become a shinobi like his father was, sort of seeing it as a family tradition more than an actual duty to fulfill, alongside his duties at home he started to prepare ahead of time with a bit of home tutelage from his father before he joined the academy. He did rather well during his time there and came out of it feeling like he was ready to take on the world, of course he wasn't but it wouldn't stop him feeling like he could. As a bit of a reward for doing well his father taught him how to create water clones and he was free to do whatever he wanted the following day.

Risu is now just waiting to find out who his teacher will be.

Theme Song:


Name of Weapon or Item:
Kunai and Shuriken - 5 of each.
Pretty normal metal kunai and shuriken, nothing of note about these.


Name of Weapon or Item:




Good stamina
Good chakra control


Special Traits


Kekkei Genkai

Name of Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Clan :




Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)

Accepted by me.
Also accepted by me. You can post the character sheet in the thread for the accepted characters. After which, your character shall be put into a team.
Discussion Topic :


Wait, what? Religion?

Yes, I am going to fill this post up about the religion(s) in the RP. Why you might wonder? Simple. Development and background purposes. As I was going back to my (parental) home, I read most of the main chat back and some other conversations. It was clear that most development and posts are originating from just combat and a focus on just training. Something wrong with that? No, please don't see this post as some kind of rant or pointing fingers that some of you all should feel bad. If anything, read this post and perhaps try to do some research. It might give a certain depth or flavour to your character that might create a way to create new posts that aren't revolved on just always training and striving to become a better soldier/shinobi/kunoichi.

Okay, but how can one get development from religion?

It is quite easy. A religion has rituals, beliefs and is quite often attached to a culture. It is something that is also important in a setting like this where science isn't providing its occupants, not all the answers on how it is raining or how evolution works. Religion keeps people connected and it is part of how they are raised. Think about it : What made a person a Christian, a Germanic or Celtic 'pagan' or somebody a follower of a Buddhist religion/way? It was because they were often born to a (pair of) parents that believed in such ways and raised their children up to grow up with the tales of Jesus, Odin and the Aesir or Buddha. In a way, religion isn't just what you can choose and follow on later ages than when you're heavily dependent on your parents/family. It is part of your culture and it can give hope, motivation and a way of life. This doesn't mean that anybody who doesn't follow their religion or faith 100% is a bad person. Neither am I trying to make it seem like every character needs to be devoted, that isn't the point of this post - remember that.

Now how do you get development from it? Let us start with the most obvious thing that people have with religion: conflict.
Do I mean that we're going to have a religious conflict, crusades and all that zealous driven actions that we are already bombarded with by the media with the ongoing matters of IRL?


What conflict means in a religion can entitle a lot. Perhaps your character's faith in the religion is wavering because of several following events. Or perhaps he/she decides to follow the religion of another culture/clan because it fits them better, you can continue on how a 'conflict situation' with religion can mature and develop a character. Certainly with the average age of the characters where they might start to question and wonder about such topics conflict can arise.
Now there is also another way on how to use religious 'conflict' to gain development or create some amusing posts. A great example is how two characters that care about each other start a talk about their faith and religion. While they would likely jump into the fire for each other, there is the troublesome fact that not every 'afterlife' is the same. In some religions it might be even that non-believers aren't allowed to be reunited with those who follow that religion.
This can create a certain conflict, which doesn't have to break out in blood shedding or arguing. The example of before is a collab that I once wrote with Fieryfly regarding our characters. My character was raised and believed in the religion of the Hon clan, while Fiery's character was raised and believed in the religion of the Sato clan. Both religions were different and while our characters have a good click/connection they couldn't agree. There was also the development that it made my character consider what the afterlife will be if her friends and beloved ones don't share the same faith and thus won't end up in the same 'afterlife' or what if her religion is wrong?
Something as simple as that can lead to all kinds of development. Perhaps my character would, later on, like to try to convince Fiery's or any character that is close to her but not following the same beliefs to do so. Simply for the fact of being scared that they will not be together when they pass away, thus ending up separated from them.

It might sound childish, but once more: science isn't as present as it is in our world. It isn't around in that sense that it will provide answers - know that I wrote this before, but keep that clear in mind.

Now, there are also other ways to use religion to further develop your character. As I said before, religion can give way for rituals and comfort. I know, it isn't for everybody and you might personally disagree but the fact is : you're not your character. If you somehow are then I apologise, but for those who aren't making alter-ego's of themselves it is a fact that counts.
You can perhaps make your character find comfort and a way to calm themselves with following a ritual or bring out an offer/pray to his/her deity/deities. It isn't something that will be frowned up by the majority as religion is something that binds people together in a setting like in the RP. It is also a fact that many religions have feasts and special days when they come together to celebrate or commenerate something. In this way, it can also provide some chance for interactions between characters.

But my character is an atheist, cause I don't see them believing in any god or gods! My character didn't need religion before, so doubt that I will use it in the future.

Nothing wrong with your character believing in anything supernatural. Just know and remember that in the RP common knowledge as the galaxy, how the earth rotates around the sun and such facts aren't known. The majority of the population follows religion as that is how they were raised and it doesn't hurt to not try to be a special snowflake. Then again, you're free to choose what you want to do with your character's beliefs.

Okay, I think I want to give it a try. I just don't know what kind of religions are out there! Can I create my own or do I need to follow a religion of a clan? Wait, what if my character isn't part of a clan?!

Relax. I will answer the questions one after another. First is that I am happy that you're going to try it out. I will move on to what kind of religions are out in the RP already in a moment. First, I will answer if you need to follow a religion of a clan and if you've the freedom to create your own :

No, you're not forced to follow the religion of your clan if you don't want to. It will be really odd if your character believes something else, but in no nation in the RP it is forced upon people to follow one faith. It is quite tolerant and gives thus freedom of development for characters to use that.

Now, yes. You're free to make your own religion and suggest it. Write it out, flesh it out with the details and please be enthusiastic about it. Really, yes. I would love to put away some of my free time to just read and talk with you about your own created religion. I even just assume that you're not going to invest a half hour to make some joke and then propose it. As serious I am with this, I hope you will be serious with me and others.
How to make a religion is a tricky one. You can take inspiration from IRL religions and give it some of your own twists. Just try to remember that when somebody makes a religion to not just make fun of it or feel offended. Same counts for those who consider to make a religion to not be offensive towards members of the RP. Regardless how much fun and interaction/development it can give to the characters in the RP, there is no need to hurt the beliefs and feelings of the players, members and writers of the group.

As for the existing religions, I will treat them in separated from nations. Why? Quite simple, cause already from my own memory and experience there is a subtle difference between characters from the Lightning country and those who reside in the Akinian empire. There have been quite a lot less characters (both player and NPC's ) who haven't ever stated interest or belief in the Sage of the Six paths. There are also differences that we will hopefully can overview at the conclussion.

- Akinian Empire
Many religions that are known and followed in the Akinian Empire have one thing in common : they are focused on ancestors. Now this might sound dull or simple, but do know that religions who have something in common can create more 'conflict' or perhaps less, depending on how it is being treated and viewed. Yet the clans inside the imperium of Akino are mostly focused on ancestor-worship. These are mostly followed by clans that have a long and detailed history, which makes sense in a certain way. A fun fact - at least I consider it quite funny and interesting - is that there is a difference that make one ancestor worshipping clan/religion different from another with just one question :

Do they consider the Sage real or nothing more than a fabrication/myth?

Some clans claim that the Sage is a far away ancestor of their clan and bloodline. Is that wrong? No, if you didn't know that is how many religions and even countries worked in our own world. There are a lot of people who claimed that they were the survivors of Troy - I can recommend Fiery to elaborate on this as I remember mostly her telling me that even the Irish claimed that they were the descendants of Aenas and his Trojan kin. In a similar way we can use the clans of the Uchiha as example. It is claimed that their sharingan exists because they are the descendants of the Sage, so they believe that he existed. Nothing wrong with that. After all, every character will learn or already knows that the Sage once fought the Ten Tails and in the aftermath created the Nine Bijuu that everybody loves - for some odd reason, even while they are depicted as horrors and what not in general.

Are the clans that don't believe in the Sage then wrong? No. Nobody is really wrong or right, let us establish that once more. The clans that don't believe in the Sage have their own reasons. It is even interesting to know that such clans in general don't have a dojutsu or any genetical ability such as in the example, the Uchiha. It can be a long lost reason that was formed because of envy - thus by denying the existance of the Sage making the rival clan who believes in the Sage look like fools and vice versa. It can also because of other variables and reasons. One that is clearly showing is that clans that reside in the more eastern part of the Empire seem to not believe in the Sage. Most of these religions are actually part of one culture : the Chonobi (Cho, Hon and Sarutobi clans). I won't indulge really into the difference between clans, that is a topic I want to rant on about later. But as I also stated at the start of this topic : it matters where you're born on what you follow or are being raised with.
A person that is born in the Uchiha clan will be brought up with the story that the Sage is real and likely being explained why. A person that is born in a Chonobi clan will be raised and told other stories as well told that such figures as the Sage aren't real. There is no wrong, remember that once more.

- Lightning country and her vassals
What religions one can find in the Lightning country? Sadly, I can't really be as detailed as I can be of the religions that one can find in the Akinian Empire. I will instead use the only details that I know off from clans or characters that expressed their religion(s) in the past. Cause what is really interesting is that the faiths in this part of the RP's world aren't much connected to ancestors or if the sage is real or not. It is close to nature.

No, I don't mean it like they dance naked in a forest and pray that all the trees will jump and drive away some scary person or whatever your mind can conjure! Let us take for example the Sato clan. In short, they believe that if you die that you will become part of nature. Not as in that you're just a pile of compost, slowly decaying in order to just become a fertiliser for the ground you will fall on or where people will put you in. It is that your soul will become part of nature itself. Special people or those who have earned it will become something of nature. A tree, mountain or hill. In a way, reincarnation into nature itself.
There was also another clan that was quite close to nature and their religion as culture showed that. I have less information about them than the Sato, but I am talking about the ### clan that was created by Lilly. This shows that there is even no big difference in the beliefs between the nomadic Sato and the settled ### clan. Another clan that comes in mind that was 'close' to nature is the Kusanagi clan.
In a way as how ancestor-religion and worship are a general theme for the people in the Akinian empire, it is most likely that religions in the Lightning country are more focused on nature.
Does that mean that there are not other religions that are less focused on nature being present in the Lightning country? Probably, yes.

- The Republic of the Water Country.
I feel bad, but as for religion in the Republic of the Water country? I haven't yet find or can see a pattern. It is yet unclear what kind of religious aspect is shared among the present/possible faiths in the nation. One might consider that their faith is perhaps opposed to the ancestory or Sage faiths as many clans and people in the Republic aren't fond of the Akinian Empire, thanks to the end of the Great War.

Conclusion :

The conclusion of the post is simple : I hope that you've learned something and will consider religion as part of your character's background. Try to figure out more about what present faiths are in the RP. How they could have impacted your character and how interactions can be influenced by their experience and opinions on various faiths. Instead of just focusing on development that is gained from combat, training and the obvious matters why not try to involve something that isn't involving on how your character can become a better killer. If you perhaps want, why not elaborate on why your character(s) don't believe in a religion? I am certain that it can create a fun discussion as long as you respect each other's choices and remember in what kind of setting the RP is in. For those who have their characters don't follow any faith, that means you're basically being snowflakes. And if that is anything positive or negative? That is all up to you to decide.

Within a week or two, I am going to RANT more about clans. On how a clan's history can impact your character and perhaps their views on other clans. If it is logical for your character to follow the 'general' viewpoint of her/his clan on other clans and how to try and use your clan as a means to get more interaction and development.
Hope you enjoyed reading this post and found it informative as well.
Seeing that there are some who waver or aren't known with what religions are present in the RP, I decided to spend some time to summarise them. Some of them are new as I want to give options and base-setups that can be used and perhaps expanded by those who find them interesting enough for their characters. Also, do note that I am doing this from what I can remember and find back in the story. Best is to contact the person when interested - in case it isn't made up by me.

As there isn't a present religion that spans over the whole known world I will thus do it realm by realm.

-Credits and thanks to @Fieryfly for helping me to make this! -

Short explanation:

Name :
[ What is the name of the religion? ]
Kind of religion:
[ Is it a religion with one god? Is ancestor worship being the main theme or something else? One that sports a militant mindset or being more of a pacifistic one?]
Exclusive or free:
[ Is it exclusive to a clan or group or is a religion that anybody can learn off and practice/join? ]
Brief summary:
[ A summary of the major features and facts about the religion. ]
Splinter/Branch factions:
[ Any splinter or branches that have originated from this religion? ]
[ Who made the religion?]

*Note :
I am not going to sign up every religion. If you feel like it then use the chance to promote or make your own religion with the small sheet I just displayed up. Once more, do try to be respectful and not joke around with using offensive terminology or anything that can be seen as harmful. Thanks.

Lightning Country and her vassals :

Nature Worship of the Sato Clan
Kind of religion:
Nature worship. Reincarnation into a different form.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
The Sato believe that everything around in nature them carries a form of life force/energy. Nature and man are irreversibly connected through this force. When someone passes away he or she will become part of this energy and thus become one with natural force once again. For those who have lived a specific life it becomes possible to become a nature spirit, a spirit that will live in a specific mountain or a specific tree and will guard this tree. The Sato have many a tale about such spirits and the wrath they can bestow on those who harm the natural element they live in and protect.
Splinter/Branch factions :

The cult of Hinode [ 日の出 ]
Kind of religion:
Nature worship, pacifistic ethics.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
The cult of Hinode is one that praises the sun as the supreme deity. The monks and priests who spread the word of Hinode are of a pacifistic nature, claiming that the sun is above all. Yet they tend to stay away from arguing and claiming that their religion is superior or truer than that of others. If anything, a member of Hinode's cult is taught to respect other religions and cults for what they are. To seek the truth behind all in order to reach enlightenment isn't after all achieved by conflict.
Splinter/Branch factions :
Owner :

The Voice of the North
Kind of religion:
Nature and ancestor worship.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
The religion of the northern settlers, mainly Sanosuke clan members. It is a religion that carries the idea that when you die your soul becomes part of the wind. Depending on where your heart lies, you shall be carried by the wind towards that place where your soul shall be reunited with those you loved and cared for during your life. Those who have managed to gain enough respect are often regarded as revered ancestors, the chosen champions or advisors that will aid their family in times of dire need - through a priest communicating with them.
Splinter/Branch factions :
Owner :
- @Aliceee

The followers of Akemi.
Kind of religion:
Nature, deities and ancestor-worship.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
Akemi was the founder of the religion that was about the worship of the storms and lightning. Finding these phenomenon fascinating the founder of the religion began to explain how the driving power of the world was not in the earth itself, but up above in the clouds. Several deities make up a pantheon for the storm religion where it is explained that one who has followed a life by the codes of the Storm shall be allowed to enter the paradise where his or her ancestors feast.
Splinter/Branch factions:
Owner :


The Water Republic/Republic of the Water Country/The Republic:

Youko's Faith
Kind of religion:
Nature worship and a deity pantheon.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
The faith of Youko is centred around the sea. It is said that life originated from the sea when the Lord Youko saw it fit that some of its creations were allowed to leave the water to live on the land. Humans were thus rumoured to be mermaids and mermen before what they are now. There are various gods and while Youko's faith doesn't inspire any aggressiveness towards different faiths, many followers only uphold one or two deities. In various stories, the gods of this faith are often clashing in all kind of matters.
Splinter/Branch factions :
The followers of Nanami.
Owner :
The followers of Nanami.
Kind of religion:
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
The Followers of Nanami believe in one god and that is Nanami. The religion explains that Nanami originated from Youko and in time managed to usurp all the other deities. This often times creates a conflict situation with the members and followers of Youko's faith. Yet the followers of Nanami are generally quite pacifistic and seem to have some resemblance to the cult of Hinode as Nanami is seen as the sun, watching over everybody.
Splinter/Branch factions:

Miku's Light.
Kind of religion:
A monotheistic belief and an attached order.
Exclusive or free:
Free, though in order to join the Inner Circle, one has to prove their worth.
Brief summary:
The Word of Miku or Miku's Light is a belief follows the teachings of Miku. Miku is a god that favours intelligence, and enlightenment through study and observation. In general, he is regarded as a benevolent deity that grants his followers insight in their time of need or allows them to enter his paradise instead of being lost in the Void, where the wicked reside to be lost forever.
Splinter/Branch factions:
The Inner Circle.
The Inner Circle.
Kind of religion:
A militant order devoted to the belief of Miku's Light.
Exclusive or free:
Exclusive as one needs to be undergoing various test and years of servitude before being allowed as a member.
Brief summary:
The Inner Circle is a small order that is dedicated to providing protection for the followers of Miku's Light as they try to reach enlightenment. It is attractive for those who are too poor to pay for an education or those that have a militant preference. The Inner Circle is quite secretive with their rituals, but it is rumoured that they require that a member swears to not only devote their life in servitude of Miku but also not to stain the edge of their weapons with the blood of the innocent. For their honourable and righteous behaviour, they have gained a mixed reputation, for some members have been quite zealous in the past.
Splinter/Branch factions:


The Empire of Akino :


Uchiha Faith.
Kind of religion:
Ancestor worship.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary :
The Uchiha culture is based on their faith in their ancestors. In everything they do they believe that their ancestors are watching over them, judgingevery step they take. From a young age, the children are taught to always honour their ancestors as it is those people who brought them on the path that they are on now, the path of prosperity. Not performing to the best of your abilities would put a shame on their name and they will strike back at you for that causing ill luck to befall you. Putting shame on the name of your ancestor is the worst fate an Uchiha can befall. In their eyes, it is in every way worse than death. No one will acknowledge you, no one will look at you, no one will deal with you until you have redeemed yourself. The Uchiha are also of the belief that the Sage of the Six Paths existed and brought the shinobi arts into the worlds. For them the Sage is something akin to a holy figure. They see him as the beginner of their greatness, something akin to their shared ancestor.
Splinter/Branch factions:

Chonobi religion.
Kind of religion:
Ancestor worship.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
The Chonobi culture worships and praises ancestors that have managed to do something worthy to gain such respect, praise and love. There are various subtle differences between the three Chonobi clans but the main theme resolves around to maintain the respect of your ancestor and winning your own place with them in the afterlife.
Splinter/Branch factions:
The faith of the Hon,
The faith of the Sarutobi,
The faith of the Cho.
Owner :
The faith of the Hon
Kind of religion:
Ancestor worship with some figures that can be considered 'deities'.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
What makes the Hon belief different from the other Chonobi is that they don't pray or worship their ancestors or their deities. The concept of praying and worship is almost foreign to many that follows this belief. This is because the Hon believe that the Great Wolf gives strength and courage to every person and that it is all that they will need. Making offers and praying will only provoke the anger of the deity, making it rare for a Hon to ever be serious with a prayer. Ancestors are revered and respected by trying to emulate their deeds or to not forget them. How this happens differs between families and even individuals.
Splinter/Branch factions:

Name :
The faith of the Sarutobi
Kind of religion:
Ancestor worship with some figures that can be considered 'deities'.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
The Sarutobi are somewhat different in their beliefs because of their rituals. Understanding the word sacrifice is a big theme for the Sarutobi people. Not too surprising seeing their history and troubles. They do pray and bring offers to their ancestors and deities that they hold responsible for various aspects of the world. Much akin to the Hons the Sarutobi faith doesn't provide a pathway on how to be considered a 'good' person. This is left open for interpretation.
Splinter/Branch factions:
Owner :

The faith of the Cho.
Kind of religion:
Ancestor worship with some figures that can be considered 'deities'.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary :
The Cho clan has different rituals and manners regarding their faith than the other two Chonobi clans. They have more manners and rituals that originate from the Moon which holds an important role in their religion. While they do support a more pacifistic manner of live, there is nothing against those who follow a military career. While tolerant towards other religions, it is known that the Cho faith is quite 'hostile' towards those who praise bloodshed and sacrifice of humans.
Splinter/Branch factions:

The Way of Fire
Kind of religion:
A monotheistic belief.
Exclusive or free:
Brief summary:
A belief with the majority of its believers residing in the Fire province of the Akinian Empire. The Way of Fire is closely related to the Will of Fire, but differs in various aspects. It is a faith that proclaims that their uncalled deity - who is above having a name and thus often refered to just as God - created the world from flames. The element of fire is thus regarded as holy and every once in a while the priests of the faith proclaim a chosen champion of their god, being called the Keeper of the Flame. An interesting fact is that while there aren't any sidebranches that it isn't rare that priests believe in another person to be the champion of their deity.
Splinter/Branch factions:

Name :
Taishaku's Blessing
Kind of religion :
Nature worship.
Exclusive or free :
Brief summary :
The major belief that is present in the Rain province of the Akinian Empire. Taishaku is being held responsible for the almost constant rain pour which isn't seen as a punishment by the locals. It is being said that the rain is how the deity attempts to clean the land from demonic and foul spirits to protect his followers. Taishaku is a benevolent god and there are many tales on how he uses the weather to protect as advises his followers. Bad omens in the faith are when it starts to storm, signalling that Taishaku is angered somehow.
Splinter/Branch factions :
Owner :

  • Thank You
Reactions: Oetje

"You'll never know what hit you."

  • xclv9d.png

    Sairento Shi



    Age and date of birth:
    28, 8/2/448

    Age Appearance:
    Late Twenties


    * Isamu Shi
    * Honoka Shi

    Length and build:
    1.88 Meters, with an athletic build.

    180 lbs

    Favorite weather and Season:
    He's not overly picky.




    Akinian ANBU Forces



    Chakra Nature:
    * Wind Release (Primary)
    * Water Release (Secondary)




  • 23msj6g.png

    Sairento is not one to let his emotions get in the way of his work. He has always had an excellent control over emotions, and put whatever task was at hand before anything else. As such, he often comes off as apathetic and a little rude towards those he does not yet particularly trust or like. He is a more polite towards his allies, than total strangers, yet has still been accused of being rude more than once.

    To those he particularly trusts and likes, Sairento is quite a friendly individual. He is certainly fun loving, and enjoys a good prank played on others. He can also be a little bit of a flirt, but tends to keep that to a minimum to avoid annoying his friends. He is rather protective when it comes to those he trusts, willing to defend them until his dying breath.

    Sairento has always been rather careful with his actions and words, trying to make each moment a calculated risk. He is perfectly comfortable being either in the background, or forefront of any situation. So long as he is in a position to keep those he cares about around and with him.


    Sariento was born to a stable and loving couple, he had a rather pleasant young life. From the time he walk and talk, it had been Sariento's dream to become a shinobi. As such, one could imagine how overjoyed the boy was whenever he was enrolled in the academy within Amergakure. Through hard training and studying, Sariento managed to excel at his courses throughout the academy and graduated as one of the top students in his class.

    During this time period, the Great War reached its boiling point and erupted into violence across the world. To the boy, and many others in Amegakure, fear of invasion was omnipresent for these terrible years. He desperately wished to become part of the growing military forces in Amegakure, so he could protect those he cared about. He wanted to ensure his neighbors didn't end up like the refugees of war who were steadily trickling into the village with each day that passed.

    Upon being assigned to his first team, Sariento was determined to become strong, to face off any invaders should they come for his home. Although he did make time to try to befriend his teammate, thinking a good bond would help them should they have to go to battle. A year after being assigned to the team, another person was assigned to Sariento's team. A girl named Ferra, which the boy tried to befriend immediately. Sadly, things didn't seem to work out for him, much like his attempts with his other teammate.

    Over time, Sariento did end up growing closer to Ferra, as the two became quite good friends in the years following being put on the same team. When Ferra left her home, it was Sariento who offered for his friend to stay with his family for the time being. Although he also grew worried at the sudden change in her personality, trying to get her to open up a bit more but to avail. Not long after, Sariento tried out for the Chuunin exams at the age of 14, and managed to pass on his first time through. At this point, Sariento was the first on his team to be promoted to Chuunin, a small cause for celebration if one were to ask him. From this point forward, Sariento was off like a shot. Constantly improving, and at a rapid rate, he gained a rather impressive resume pretty quickly.

    As he was training, Sariento took some of his free time to play Gotai alongside Ferra on the Flying Lemurs. He was one of the key players during their the team's rise under Ferra's leadership. He quite enjoyed being on one of the best teams in nation, and a shinobi at the same time.

    At the age of 23, he was promoted to the rank of Jounin, but wasn't assigned a team of genin at his own requesting. Instead he continued to operate as Jounin, and usually on his own. Eventually wondering how he could go about doing... more, as a Shinobi. This led Sariento down the path that took him towards the ANBU, which he had not previously considered an option.

    As he was getting ready to try to become an ANBU, Sariento deicded it might be best to leave the Gotai team. Wishing them all luck, and explaining his reasoning to Ferra before making the attempt to join the ANBU. Sariento preformed pretty well, and become one of the ANBU operratives for Amegakure not long afterwards. He worked for the ANBU for about two years, completing various missions before the Shoji occupation began.

    Whenever the forces moved to occupy Amegakure, his home, Sariento found it hard to himself back from an open fight. Instead, the man worked from the shadows, were he was at his best to fight off the occupiers. Shoji was a hypocrite at best, a corrput filth of a man at worse. In Sariento's eyes, Shoji was a man who was meant to fall.

    He just needed a little push.

    As Shoji's forces were being repelled, Sariento went with them to ensure that the enemy's armies were crushed. Serving alongside his longtime friend, Ferra, during the events that ended the occupation. With the Shinobi crops back in place, Sariento went back into service as an ANBU. Although this time, he attempted to keep in contact with Ferra, the woman who had possibly become his closest friend over the years.

    Then when the Yonbi attacked Amegakure, Sariento was among the forces fighting against the beast; trying to keep the damage it incurred to a minimum. Sariento took time during this battle to help two young Uchiha escape the battlegrounds after he found them hiding in alleyway nearby. Sariento returned to fight just in time to watch the Yonbi destroy his childhood home. Not long after this point, the beast was sealed away in the host and Sariento discovered that neither of his parents survived the attack. After some time for grieving, Sariento was back on duty for the ANBU. Ready to serve to the best of his ability, and perhaps his actions would be able to prevent others from suffering the same fate as he did.

    Theme Song:

  • 2h5tkk2.png


    * Kunai
    * Smoke Bombs
    * Explosive Tags
    * Wire
    * Flashbang Bombs

    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Standard Tanto

    The standard Tanto given to ANBU

    Standard Tanto


    * Excellent at Silent Killing
    * Excellent Kenjutsu
    * Good Taijutsu
    * Good Ninjutsu
    * Good Chakra Control
    * Poor Genjutsu
    * Works well on his own


    Special Traits
    * Average Chakra Reserves
    * Great Intelligence
    * Quick Reaction Times
    * Can lie without Chakra Fluctuations


    Kekkei Genkai:

    Name of Kekkei Genkai:





    * Knows all ANBU Techniques



    * N/A

Last edited by a moderator:
@Jason Diabolus

My review :

- Vacuum sword is a Wind technique.
- Technically - though not a game-breaker - the ANBU in even other provinces is part of the same ANBU corps. Any individual ANBU corps have been made into one bigger organisation. This is important to know as missions are given by the higher echelon residing in the imperial capital surpass the command of the Amekage-position holder.

Other than that, have no points or remarks about the sheet so far.

"The sorrows of life...To not be able to live like yourself. The joys of life...To be able to die like yourself."


Name: Yamada Suzu
Nickname: Rabbit
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 28
Age Appearance: 27
Sexuality: Straight


Length and build: 162cm, Fit
Weight: 55kg
Favorite weather and season: Sun Showers, Spring


Village/Nation: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Konohagakure
Sworn Swords

Sworn Sword Agent
Chakra Nature:




Suzu is a bit of an oddball when it comes to what one would expect from a Shinobi, and from a Sworn Sword view point she's more of a ball thrown at the batter from the bushes past the field house.

Oddly playful for her position, Suzu seems to enjoy toying with and teasing others as much as she can while maintaining a veil of childish innocence despite her age. However; those that know her closer understand that all of her personality is more of a shield than anything else, in fact those that know her best would even venture to say she doesn't seem to posses a standard sense of what the word "emotion" even means. While not a void shell of a human-being like those who have seen the horrors of battle unfold before them, Suzu simply lacks the understanding to be able to interpret and convey her feelings and the feelings of others, which as it turns out, is the largest factor to determining a high-functioning person from a standard psychopath

Born 28 years ago, Suzu was born and raised during a time of relative prosperity within Konoha and the surrounding countries. She was raised by her mother [Redacted] and father [Redacted] both of which were Shinobi and had high hopes for their little Suzu to one day join the ranks of the revered warriors of Konoha. But early on it became apparent that their little Suzu had something just ever so slightly off about her. Whether it was the way she seemed to mercilessly bully local pets; not to mention the unexplained disappearances of more than a few dogs and cats from their area; and her seemingly low responses to things that other children her age found to be very engaging.

A cut on her knee? She simply stood up and kept going, never a tear in sight. A dead bird? Walk on by without flinching. A dead father? No tears, no grief, no sorrow; but an unexplainable feeling deep within her chest forced her widow of a mother to believe there was a soul within her child. Her mother steeled her resolve on the fact that sending Suzu to the Academy would be the best way to honor her late husband and within the year Suzu had been enrolled and was slated to start classes come the next spring.

Suzu's life in the Academy went about how her mother expected it go, that is to say an overwhelmingly disastrous success. Other parents were convinced that there was something seriously wrong with the girl and even the head teacher had insisted that she required some sort of attention following a fight with a fellow classmate. Her mother did not budge. However; she did concede that her daughter needed some more attention at home, and attention she got.

Her mother, an adept user of Genjutsu, began training Suzu to channel her misguided morality into something that would be beneficial to both herself and the village. Although her seeming lack of emotions never seemed to improve, her lack of understanding for when to use violence and anger versus when to use diplomacy and words were seemingly set in place by her mothers long nights spent training the girl to use; at first; the simplest of genjutsus.

Suzu graduated the academy at the age of eleven and went on to train with a team that no longer graces Konoha, a rag-tag bunch of misfits (Not including their Jounin-sensei) that was sent on the lowest of missions in order to keep them away from valuable matters and important people as much as possible. This all changed shortly after the team had taken and failed their first Chuunin exam, enter, The Great War.

The Great War saw many of Suzu's acquaintances and even her mother, rushed off to fight in what would be the costliest and most unforgiving war the hidden villages, and the world, had ever seen. Suzu's team was no exception. Just a year and a half after its start, they were sent to fight against the soldiers and shinobi of the Water Country, where Suzu's team along with countless others saw fierce combat versus many feared and now even renowned Water shinobi, so fierce that by the end of their first year involved in the fighting her team had been reduced down to three and now had a new Jounin in charge of them.

With their new Sensei, Suzu and her team were sent on a deep reconnaissance mission of an enemy encampment. Like the rest of her military record, the events that took place during their reconnaissance mission are marred in black and stamped in red lettering "Confidential", but what is known is that of the three man team that left only two returned; one seriously injured, the other grinning wide from ear to ear. The team that was sent to attempt to recover the body of the Jounin assigned to the team found only death in the path that the girl and her injured teammate had taken back to their position with obvious signs of some form of Genjutsu being in play, and although hard to distinguish the death count stood at 16:1, weighing heavily in favor of the Konoha reconnaissance team. For lack of any better explanation and out of pure disbelief, the commander of the small Konoha force decided to account the kills to all three of the recon team members against the insistence of the second team which swore that only one of the first team could use Genjutsu.

The end of the Great War a year later saw Suzu emerge with a field promotion to Chuunin, the attention of a few Shinobi in high places, and no mother; although the last part never seemed to bother the girl. Following the end of the Great War, Suzu was watched for half a year by ANBU forces dispatched under the personal order of the Third Hokage before she was plucked from her team to begin training in the ANBU both as a way to keep the odd Shinobi under close watch and in line, and to see if there was really any way to create what many could see as the ideal Shinobi.

Suzu's time within the ANBU has seen her grow from a Shinobi of Chuunin level prowess to one that easily surpasses many of the best and brightest Jounin and ANBU that Konoha has to offer, and after many years serving faithfully she was chosen to join the ranks of the newly formed Sworn Swords. The... expertise... she gained while operating within the ANBU forces has set her up to be an expert infiltrator and interrogator as well as an exceptionally skilled sword user which made her a perfect choice to act as one of the few Sworn Sword Agents of the Akinian Empire.

Theme Song:


Standard Shinobi Gear
Bag of cherry flavored lollipops

See: "The Wind and the Rain"
Name of Weapon or Item:
A Katana, approximately 60cm in length
There is nothing special about Suzu's Katana, it is simple and utilitarian with a black hilt and black koshirae. Just as she prefers it to be.

Name of Weapon or Item:
A Wakizashi, approximately 40cm in length.
The same as Kaze, Ame's hilt and koshirae are black and serve no aesthetic purpose.


Very High Chakra Control
Above Average Agility, and Speed
High Reflexes
Excellent Kenjutsu and Genjutsu
Great Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu
Expert Infiltrator and Interrogator
Average Strength
Advanced Skill in Silent Killing


Special Traits
Above Average Chakra Reserves
Unwavering Loyalty


Kekkei Genkai

Name of Kekkei Genkai: None
Clan :


Able to use all Academy Jutsu as well as the standard ANBU techniques.

Chakra Suppression Technique
Time Reversal Technique
Shadow Clone Technique
Chakra Threads
Body Flicker Technique

Samurai Sabre Technique
Lightning Ball
Dance of the Crescent Moon

Leaf-Style Willow
Sly Mind Affect Technique
Temple of Nirvana Technique
Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death


Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)
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"The sorrows of life...To not be able to live like yourself. The joys of life...To be able to die like yourself."


Name: Yamada Suzu
Nickname: Rabbit
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 28
Age Appearance: 27
Sexuality: Straight


Length and build: 162cm, Fit
Weight: 55kg
Favorite weather and season: Sun Showers, Spring


Village/Nation: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Konohagakure
Sworn Swords

Sworn Sword Agent
Chakra Nature:




Suzu is a bit of an oddball when it comes to what one would expect from a Shinobi, and from a Sworn Sword view point she's more of a ball thrown at the batter from the bushes past the field house.

Oddly playful for her position, Suzu seems to enjoy toying with and teasing others as much as she can while maintaining a veil of childish innocence despite her age. However; those that know her closer understand that all of her personality is more of a shield than anything else, in fact those that know her best would even venture to say she doesn't seem to posses a standard sense of what the word "emotion" even means. While not a void shell of a human-being like those who have seen the horrors of battle unfold before them, Suzu simply lacks the understanding to be able to interpret and convey her feelings and the feelings of others, which as it turns out, is the largest factor to determining a high-functioning person from a standard psychopath

Born 28 years ago, Suzu was born and raised during a time of relative prosperity within Konoha and the surrounding countries. She was raised by her mother [Redacted] and father [Redacted] both of which were Shinobi and had high hopes for their little Suzu to one day join the ranks of the revered warriors of Konoha. But early on it became apparent that their little Suzu had something just ever so slightly off about her. Whether it was the way she seemed to mercilessly bully local pets; not to mention the unexplained disappearances of more than a few dogs and cats from their area; and her seemingly low responses to things that other children her age found to be very engaging.

A cut on her knee? She simply stood up and kept going, never a tear in sight. A dead bird? Walk on by without flinching. A dead father? No tears, no grief, no sorrow; but an unexplainable feeling deep within her chest forced her widow of a mother to believe there was a soul within her child. Her mother steeled her resolve on the fact that sending Suzu to the Academy would be the best way to honor her late husband and within the year Suzu had been enrolled and was slated to start classes come the next spring.

Suzu's life in the Academy went about how her mother expected it go, that is to say an overwhelmingly disastrous success. Other parents were convinced that there was something seriously wrong with the girl and even the head teacher had insisted that she required some sort of attention following a fight with a fellow classmate. Her mother did not budge. However; she did concede that her daughter needed some more attention at home, and attention she got.

Her mother, an adept user of Genjutsu, began training Suzu to channel her misguided morality into something that would be beneficial to both herself and the village. Although her seeming lack of emotions never seemed to improve, her lack of understanding for when to use violence and anger versus when to use diplomacy and words were seemingly set in place by her mothers long nights spent training the girl to use; at first; the simplest of genjutsus.

Suzu graduated the academy at the age of eleven and went on to train with a team that no longer graces Konoha, a rag-tag bunch of misfits (Not including their Jounin-sensei) that was sent on the lowest of missions in order to keep them away from valuable matters and important people as much as possible. This all changed shortly after the team had taken and failed their first Chuunin exam, enter, The Great War.

The Great War saw many of Suzu's acquaintances and even her mother, rushed off to fight in what would be the costliest and most unforgiving war the hidden villages, and the world, had ever seen. Suzu's team was no exception. Just a year and a half after its start, they were sent to fight against the soldiers and shinobi of the Water Country, where Suzu's team along with countless others saw fierce combat versus many feared and now even renowned Water shinobi, so fierce that by the end of their first year involved in the fighting her team had been reduced down to three and now had a new Jounin in charge of them.

With their new Sensei, Suzu and her team were sent on a deep reconnaissance mission of an enemy encampment. Like the rest of her military record, the events that took place during their reconnaissance mission are marred in black and stamped in red lettering "Confidential", but what is known is that of the three man team that left only two returned; one seriously injured, the other grinning wide from ear to ear. The team that was sent to attempt to recover the body of the Jounin assigned to the team found only death in the path that the girl and her injured teammate had taken back to their position with obvious signs of some form of Genjutsu being in play, and although hard to distinguish the death count stood at 16:1, weighing heavily in favor of the Konoha reconnaissance team. For lack of any better explanation and out of pure disbelief, the commander of the small Konoha force decided to account the kills to all three of the recon team members against the insistence of the second team which swore that only one of the first team could use Genjutsu.

The end of the Great War a year later saw Suzu emerge with a field promotion to Chuunin, the attention of a few Shinobi in high places, and no mother; although the last part never seemed to bother the girl. Following the end of the Great War, Suzu was watched for half a year by ANBU forces dispatched under the personal order of the Third Hokage before she was plucked from her team to begin training in the ANBU both as a way to keep the odd Shinobi under close watch and in line, and to see if there was really any way to create what many could see as the ideal Shinobi.

Suzu's time within the ANBU has seen her grow from a Shinobi of Chuunin level prowess to one that easily surpasses many of the best and brightest Jounin and ANBU that Konoha has to offer, and after many years serving faithfully she was chosen to join the ranks of the newly formed Sworn Swords. The... expertise... she gained while operating within the ANBU forces has set her up to be an expert infiltrator and interrogator as well as an exceptionally skilled sword user which made her a perfect choice to act as one of the few Sworn Sword Agents of the Akinian Empire.

Theme Song:


Standard Shinobi Gear
Bag of cherry flavored lollipops

See: "The Wind and the Rain"
Name of Weapon or Item:
A Katana, approximately 60cm in length
There is nothing special about Suzu's Katana, it is simple and utilitarian with a black hilt and black koshirae. Just as she prefers it to be.

Name of Weapon or Item:
A Wakizashi, approximately 40cm in length.
The same as Kaze, Ame's hilt and koshirae are black and serve no aesthetic purpose.


Very High Chakra Control
Above Average Agility, and Speed
High Reflexes
Excellent Kenjutsu and Genjutsu
Great Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu
Expert Infiltrator and Interrogator
Average Strength
Advanced Skill in Silent Killing


Special Traits
Above Average Chakra Reserves
Unwavering Loyalty


Kekkei Genkai

Name of Kekkei Genkai: None
Clan :


Able to use all Academy Jutsu as well as the standard ANBU techniques.

Chakra Suppression Technique
Time Reversal Technique
Shadow Clone Technique
Chakra Threads

Samurai Sabre Technique
Lightning Ball
Dance of the Crescent Moon

Leaf-Style Willow
Sly Mind Affect Technique
Temple of Nirvana Technique
Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death


Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:


Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)

Accepted by me.
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Reactions: FrostedCaramel
Lesli, for some reason I do not understand, your post is not showing up for me. Fiery was kind enough to quote it to me earlier, so I have made the adjustments.

I have removed Vacuum Sword from the list. I also changed the Amegakure ANBU Corps, to Akinian ANBU Corps.

Hope everything else on there looks alright.
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