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Things only continued to grow worse, it seemed. Ilona was unconscious from her head hitting one of the pillars and now another body had been found. Unsure what to do with her companion, Eve propped Ilona up nearby and glanced over at the body. "Pummeled to death?" she questioned, half wanting to walk over and check it out. She couldn't leave Ilona alone, however, so she simply waited with the girl at first to see if she would awaken. If she didn't wake up after a while, she would need to look around and see if there was anyone who could help her out.

Raiden finally noticed the young girl being hurt, great guardian that he was. Looking down at her, he knew he couldn't do anything for her. He was a monster built for killing, and that was about it. But, maybe this new tagalong personality in Cameron's mind could do something. Pulling the up codec he spoke silently in it, beckoning Kate away from her investigations.

She looked over, planning on ignoring him until she saw who he was standing next. She didn't know what Ryan was like, Cameron's data banks and memories being locked away from her, but she was able to see. She saw a little girl that could potentially be hurt.

This was the hard part. John had come to believe that the means always justified the ends, but she walked a softer path as a doctor. People first, always.

Speaking not aloud into the codec in that odd way that Raiden did, she ordered them to swap places. Raiden investigate, she'd see to the girl.

With a lingering glance at the girl, not really wanting to leave her behind, Raiden left her side to continue Kate's work. She gave him an odd, undecipherable look as they passed, and then she was by the little girl. Checking her breathing, Kate quickly discovered that she could also measure the girls skin temperature to the exact degree, something she would have killed for as an ability in the future. She seemed to be alright, though she wished she had a light on her so she could measure her pupil reaction. Just the same though, the best way to wake her would ironically be the most primitive and ancient way.

She didn't have any of it on her, but she had the next best thing. Looking her new body town, Kate located what she was looking for. Fluid reserve. Not quite oil, much less crude than that, but essentially the same. Just how to get it out. Drawing her Katana she sliced into her arm until it reached endoskeleton, then stopped. Just what she needed. Reaching in, she drew out some of the nasty smelling oil like fluid and held it under the girl's nose.

Gross? Without a doubt. But she didn't have smelling salts, and she wanted her up. Then she could get back to the investigation that that inept cyborg was no doubt fumbling.

Annnnnd apparently the little girl was waking up. So much for her plan to slice herself into sushi and use the smell to wake her up inside : |​

Immediately, Ryan's nose wrinkled up when the smell hit her nose... But she didn't try to push 'Kate' away, or anything. Just dealt with it, gross as it was.

"We super put the bad guy away and won. Also," she put a hand on Ryan's bruise to see how bad it was. "You got yourself super hurt." For now she left out the fact someone died again and bopped Ryan on the head where there wasn't a bruise.

"Didn't I super tell you to play it safe?"​

This at least made the child perk up slightly. "Really?" she inquired. "I don't really remember anything, after Reece huddled over me after we hit the pillar.." she admitted. When Kinu pressed Ryan's bruise, the girl didn't so much as flinch.. So it either wasn't that bad, or she had a high pain tolerance. But, she did get a bit ashamed and sheepish when Kinuhata referenced that she had been hurt, and she twiddled her thumbs. "Sorry, Kinu.. I didn't mean to. I only wanted to help--"
Frank, seeing the two, rushed over. He crouched down next to them, a worried look on his face as he scanned both of them, not just Ryan. He did address the younger child first, though, his voice full of frustrated concern. "Dammit, I left you with your sister because I thought she'd have the sense to take you somewhere this couldn't happen! Are you alright?" He then looked at Kinuhata again, once more trying to scan her for injuries, that same worried expression still present. "Are you alright, Kinu? Did you get hurt?"

Jeez. Frank was going mother hen.


Ohhey it was Frank.

There was a slight pause before the little blonde finally responded. "I wanted to go with her to help," she explained. "And don't worry, Franky. It's only a bruise. I'm fine," she assured, finally climbing to her feet.

@Kaykay @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin

Immediately, Ryan's nose wrinkled up when the smell hit her nose... But she didn't try to push 'Kate' away, or anything. Just dealt with it, gross as it was.

This at least made the child perk up slightly. "Really?" she inquired. "I don't really remember anything, after Reece huddled over me after we hit the pillar.." she admitted. When Kinu pressed Ryan's bruise, the girl didn't so much as flinch.. So it either wasn't that bad, or she had a high pain tolerance. But, she did get a bit ashamed and sheepish when Kinuhata referenced that she had been hurt, and she twiddled her thumbs. "Sorry, Kinu.. I didn't mean to. I only wanted to help--"

Ohhey it was Frank.

There was a slight pause before the little blonde finally responded. "I wanted to go with her to help," she explained. "And don't worry, Franky. It's only a bruise. I'm fine," she assured, finally climbing to her feet.

@Kaykay @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin

The old man just went to pull her into a hug that was almost more to reassure himself, the worried look still on his face. That was probably the last time he'd trust Reece enough to leave Ryan alone with her.

The old man just went to pull her into a hug that was almost more to reassure himself, the worried look still on his face. That was probably the last time he'd trust Reece enough to leave Ryan alone with her.


Ryan didn't protest, and happily returned the hug. But, as much as the girl loved hugs.. She eventually squirmed away slightly, peering around quietly. "..Is anyone hurt?" she asked, calmly. She was about to say more...

...When she spotted a certain blue-haired boy.

Immediately, the girl's face lit up, and she promptly moved to tackle-hug the male in question. "Mina! You're okay!" she chimed, happily. Luckily, with the various distractions from her companions, she hadn't yet realized that another person had died.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @The Tactician @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Whoever​
Ryan didn't protest, and happily returned the hug. But, as much as the girl loved hugs.. She eventually squirmed away slightly, peering around quietly. "..Is anyone hurt?" she asked, calmly. She was about to say more...

...When she spotted a certain blue-haired boy.

Immediately, the girl's face lit up, and she promptly moved to tackle-hug the male in question. "Mina! You're okay!" she chimed, happily. Luckily, with the various distractions from her companions, she hadn't yet realized that another person had died.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @The Tactician @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Whoever​

Ryan hadn't noticed yet, and Frank intended to keep it that way. He smiled at Ryan before going back to fussing over Kinu. "Are you okay?" The old man was on his knees, furiously looking the girl over for any such of injuries.

Ryan hadn't noticed yet, and Frank intended to keep it that way. He smiled at Ryan before going back to fussing over Kinu. "Are you okay?" The old man was on his knees, furiously looking the girl over for any such of injuries.

Figuring she didn't really give Ryan any more of a hard time over getting hurt, she turned to Frank. "I got super blown into a pillar, but other than that I'm super okay. My neck super hurts a little, though." Other than a few scratches on her legs and the aforementioned pain, she seemed alright.

@Hospes @BarrenThin
Figuring she didn't really give Ryan any more of a hard time over getting hurt, she turned to Frank. "I got super blown into a pillar, but other than that I'm super okay. My neck super hurts a little, though." Other than a few scratches on her legs and the aforementioned pain, she seemed alright.

@Hospes @BarrenThin

At first, the news of her slamming into a pillar appeared to worsen his concern, but she seemed fine. Frank looked and felt relieved. Ryan and Kinuhata both had been hurt a little, but nothing too serious. "What happened in there?"

At first, the news of her slamming into a pillar appeared to worsen his concern, but she seemed fine. Frank looked and felt relieved. Ryan and Kinuhata both had been hurt a little, but nothing too serious. "What happened in there?"

"We walked into a building, but I think some sort of illusion was super put on us. We kept getting to weird places, and then some vampire guy fought us, and we kinda super killed him I guess. The details were super weird on this one," Kinuhata sighed. Vampires and Crimson moons were not things she was used to. "Ryan and I only got super thrown into a pillar, but I'd reconsider having Reece be a guardian, since she super chose a couch cushion to protect themselves from a blade. I had to walk over and deflect it myself, which was a super pain," she complained, though it wasn't really a bother. Just post-battle complaining.​
"We walked into a building, but I think some sort of illusion was super put on us. We kept getting to weird places, and then some vampire guy fought us, and we kinda super killed him I guess. The details were super weird on this one," Kinuhata sighed. Vampires and Crimson moons were not things she was used to. "Ryan and I only got super thrown into a pillar, but I'd reconsider having Reece be a guardian, since she super chose a couch cushion to protect themselves from a blade. I had to walk over and deflect it myself, which was a super pain," she complained, though it wasn't really a bother. Just post-battle complaining.​

Kinuhata wasn't being 100% serious, but Frank's expression said he took it that way. "Don't worry. I'm not going to leave either of you with Reece again." The old man still considered Kinu a little girl, no matter how capable she was, and he naturally felt very protective. He'd never quite lost his paternal instincts. In fact, losing his kids so violently probably made him more inclined to be overprotective. "I'm just glad you're safe." Frank managed a faint, relieved smile.

"Well, I guess we're glued at the wrists now~" Oh god, now Robin was making stupid puns, all with a stupidly sweet grin on his face. However, after a few moments, he sighed as he remembered there would be another group split soon enough, "I'm going to be with Illya's group once the voting's over. You can come along, you know, if you desire to do so..."

"Hey, Illya?" Minato gently poked the girl's arm, trying to keep her aattention off of Ryner, "WWe're leaving right after the voting, right?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite

"I'll come along with you in Illya's group this time around, and I'm sure that Battler-san would handle himself well. He might not be great in getting things done like I can, but I do have some faith in him..."

Yes, Erika was admitting that Battler could do well on his own. Guess that we should take her word for it.

@The Tactician
Kinuhata wasn't being 100% serious, but Frank's expression said he took it that way. "Don't worry. I'm not going to leave either of you with Reece again." The old man still considered Kinu a little girl, no matter how capable she was, and he naturally felt very protective. He'd never quite lost his paternal instincts. In fact, losing his kids so violently probably made him more inclined to be overprotective. "I'm just glad you're safe." Frank managed a faint, relieved smile.

"It's not something you super need to worry about, at least she tried her super best, I guess," Kinuhata told him with a shrug. It seemed she wouldn't bother to correct Frank's opinion on the matter. At least, for now. "Of course, it's super hard to kill me, you know?"​
"It's not something you super need to worry about, at least she tried her super best, I guess," Kinuhata told him with a shrug. It seemed she wouldn't bother to correct Frank's opinion on the matter. At least, for now. "Of course, it's super hard to kill me, you know?"​

He didn't comment on the part about Reece; the damage had been done. "I know you are. Bet you played a pretty big part in killing the vampire, huh?" Admittedly, this sounded a little patronizing, but he went on to say, in a more serious tone, "Kinu, you're probably one of the stronger members of the group, but Fianma... he's something else. This isn't over yet... not by a longshot, I don't think. So... be careful, okay?"


Ryan didn't protest, and happily returned the hug. But, as much as the girl loved hugs.. She eventually squirmed away slightly, peering around quietly. "..Is anyone hurt?" she asked, calmly. She was about to say more...

...When she spotted a certain blue-haired boy.

Immediately, the girl's face lit up, and she promptly moved to tackle-hug the male in question. "Mina! You're okay!" she chimed, happily. Luckily, with the various distractions from her companions, she hadn't yet realized that another person had died.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @The Tactician @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Whoever​
Minato only had a moment's notice before the girl had her arms around him, but it was long enough for him to smile from ear to ear, "Of course I'm okay! I couldn't exactly stay down when I have two girls waiting for me back here!" Without a second thought, he returned the hug from Ryan as he continued, "What about you, Ryan? No one's been trying to hurt you, have they?"

@Kaykay @BarrenThin @Hospes

"I'll come along with you in Illya's group this time around, and I'm sure that Battler-san would handle himself well. He might not be great in getting things done like I can, but I do have some faith in him..."

Yes, Erika was admitting that Battler could do well on his own. Guess that we should take her word for it.

@The Tactician
"Really, you admitting that your rival is any good at all?" Faux shock formed in Robin's expression, his mouth held agape as Erika admitting her faith, "Perhaps you're not really my Erika... Just kidding." Giving her a sly wink, he cuddled closer to her with a small chuckle, "I'd be honored to have you with us, Erika-chan, though be prepared. The foes we may facemare quite the dangerous sort..."
Minato only had a moment's notice before the girl had her arms around him, but it was long enough for him to smile from ear to ear, "Of course I'm okay! I couldn't exactly stay down when I have two girls waiting for me back here!" Without a second thought, he returned the hug from Ryan as he continued, "What about you, Ryan? No one's been trying to hurt you, have they?"

@Kaykay @BarrenThin @Hospes


That statement alone, combined with the return of her friend and the wide smile on his face, was enough for Ryan's smile to widen as well. "Well.. I'm glad," she stated, sincerely. Of course, Minato's question earned a thoughtful pause. "Well.. I got knocked into a pillar by a vampire.. But Kinu and Reece protected me," she explained. The fact that Reece's efforts- considering the Sybil's powers weren't made for protective, offensive, or defensive maneuvers -didn't really contribute much help to her kind of went over her head. But, then again, her sister did no wrong in the child's mind.

"..So I'm alright," she finally assured, not yet moving to break the embrace. Good luck prying the kid off of you, Minato - she only seemed to get more clingy once her friends had returned from death.

@The Tactician
Annabeth took the notes Mari said. She typed furiously, and saved the document. She then looked at Ilya. "Ilya, Percy and I want to Go with you. and I wish to get some images of your house, as I want to be an architect, and I want to see what's left of it."

Percy sighed. "I just want to get away from here."

@Verite @Mari
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He didn't comment on the part about Reece; the damage had been done. "I know you are. Bet you played a pretty big part in killing the vampire, huh?" Admittedly, this sounded a little patronizing, but he went on to say, in a more serious tone, "Kinu, you're probably one of the stronger members of the group, but Fianma... he's something else. This isn't over yet... not by a longshot, I don't think. So... be careful, okay?"

"To be honest, I felt more like a super distraction than anything. But don't worry. I know I super have limits," she assured the old man. Though confident in herself, she knew there were plenty of battles she couldn't win, having experienced a few. "So where'd you go, anyway?"​
"To be honest, I felt more like a super distraction than anything. But don't worry. I know I super have limits," she assured the old man. Though confident in herself, she knew there were plenty of battles she couldn't win, having experienced a few. "So where'd you go, anyway?"​

"You've been just as useful as anyone else in the group. Me? I'm not even armed anymore. Couldn't do too much when I was; been a bit out of my depth." Frank smiled again. After a moment, he nodded, then gestured back to the alley. "That's where we found the others that had died."

"You've been just as useful as anyone else in the group. Me? I'm not even armed anymore. Couldn't do too much when I was; been a bit out of my depth." Frank smiled again. After a moment, he nodded, then gestured back to the alley. "That's where we found the others that had died."

"Hehe, I see, I see. Super need a weapon, then?" she asked, pulling out a pistol from wherever she managed to hold it on her person. seriouslytheresnoroomforthatinherclotheswheretheheck

"Everyone's super back now, huh? That's good. Still, not planning on super dying."
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Figuring she didn't really give Ryan any more of a hard time over getting hurt, she turned to Frank. "I got super blown into a pillar, but other than that I'm super okay. My neck super hurts a little, though." Other than a few scratches on her legs and the aforementioned pain, she seemed alright.

@Hospes @BarrenThin

Kate was just glad the girl had woken up, even if she had harmed Cameron's out skin for nothing. But, it would heal in time. Didn't really matter in the end.

Wrapping her arm in a suture Kate gave Kinu a funny look, not really puzzled, she got the whole multiverse thing, but unaccustomed to seeing someone from another world in person. The Resistance tended to restrict access to their home dimension, though you always did have the odd warrior Time Lord running around.

Addressing the girl in her friendly doctor's demeanor, she spoke. "So, they build you super tough in your home universe, huh?"

@Ryan's friend harem
@Mighty Roman
Annabeth took the notes Mari said. She typed furiously, and saved the document. She then looked at Ilya. "Ilya, Percy and I want to Go with you. and I wish to get some images of your house, as I want to be an architect, and I want to see what's left of it."

Percy sighed. "I just want to get away from here."

@Verite @Mari

Mari nodded at hearing Annabeth's words, though somewhat reluctantly so. Though she was a little disappointed that her first acquaintances here were already planning to go separate from her, perhaps it would be the best. In strategy it was usually not a good thing to keep your best people in one place... for the sake of accomplishment and growth it was usually best to spread the best, and hope they impact on the others.

But, she still had some others, especially John and Barbossa, to stick to. And they were not quite done here yet, something in her mind told her. There was still the matter of a vote, after all...

@The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman
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