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Mari frowned at this. Gilgamesh was a good person, in her eyes, even though they did not know each other very much. She looked around, and no one acted right away.

"Though I am not a detective or a professional, I will look at what might have happened to him", she said, as she went to investigate the body of Gilgamesh." She looked at her companions to see if they wanted to join her as well.

@Mighty Roman @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @Verite

Meanwhile, Battler finally decided to take a good look at the murder scene, he needed to investigate it all before inputting his vote or even thinking of which group he would converge into.



Well.. That was a nasty surprise. Reece had been so drawn up in trying to provide cover for her unconscious little sibling that she had let the others out of sight.. And someone had died- Gilgamesh, one of the few friends she'd made, at that -in the meantime. Reece knew that she wasn't to blame, because of the application of the knowledge of how these 'games' worked, but it didn't mean that it didn't affect her. In fact, Reece was highly annoyed - sure, Gilgamesh wasn't exactly what one could describe as a good person, but he was still a person. He didn't deserve to die: just like none of the other victims had deserved to die.

A very serious expression on her face, Reece finally stood up from where she'd been curled around Ryan in a defensive position, before she brushed herself off quietly.. Briefly leaving her unconscious sister alone to investigate the bodybecause that was fucking brilliant.​
To those who would attempt to investigate the scene, you would find a few additional notes. On top of the fact that he seemed to have been punched so hard that the force behind the impacts seemed to cause the ground to cave in a little bit, emphasizing the strength behind the punches, it seemed that there was also a thin stab wound in Gilgamesh's chest, no wider than say, a knife or so. Other than that, it didn't seem that there was much else to look at.

  • Useful
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

Well.. Now that was another thing that Reece could relate to. She sighed slightly, gaze briefly returning to the male with mild interest. "Your.. Eyes. What do you mean?" she inquired, curiously. "..Well, regardless of your meaning, you aren't the only one facing the issue. My Sybil abilities seem to have been tampered with, as well. If I had those, then I could solve this within moments.." she explained, trailing off.

"..But I don't, and I can't."

@DapperDogman @Atomyk @Bomb @Investigators

"My eyes...I can see and copy magic of all kinds...Even spells people don't finish casting..."
You'd think this was awesome, but of course, there was the other side to his powers

"But, if I get too emotional about anything, I melt down, I become a bomb, I'd kill everyone here in the blink of an eye..."
"It's why I distance myself from people...I can't afford to get emotional over Gilgamesh's death"

"Even if I kinda miss the guy's barking commands and narrow viewpoint slightly, The guy may have been a jerk, but I miss everyone who's died so far, the noise...You don't notice in crowds, you don't pick out voices, it's all just white noise"

"But you notice when it's gone"


And just like that, Ethel slept near him.​

And just like that Donny happened to wake up and notice Ethel.

Quietly looking at Lon'qu Donny slowly got up and moved away a bit as to not wake her. Well he still had manors but felt uncomfortable being close to her like that. Without speaking both Donny and Lon'qu went over by Gilgamesh's body where some of the others were....​
It was clear Emma knew none of this people, and what had ever happened before she arrived meant nothing to her. She wasn't here to make friends, in fact, the darkness inside of her longed for the people around her to be destroyed, and even killed. But Emma was smarter then that, and knew not only could she take out a small number of them with her magic, but some could and or are hiding abilities around her. Emma was almost lost in thought when she saw his magical projection, it was Dark Blood, the Dark One of this multiverse. Walking away from the group, she managed to get to him with out his projection vanishing.

"So you've come, I gotta say, I'm surprised the famous Emma Swan would save a teenager like me."sinisterly teased Dark Blood.

"and I have to say, I thought you where far more capable of handling yourself." sharply replied Emma.

"Welll, you what they say, teenagers make mistakes." teased Dark Blood.

Emma rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms. She was obviously done with Dark Bloods games.

"So, why cant you return? You have your magic." annoyingly asked Emma.

"Well, I'm imprisoned." stated Dark Blood as he raised his hands and shoulders, looking at his feet.

"and it seems I wont be able to leave till this bullshit is over. So, Emma Swan, go forth and join this, 'murder game.' so I can be freed." stated Dark Blood as he turned, then his projected self dissipated into the air. Emma sighed, then looked over the group, thinking of what to do next. It was clear she was going to continue the present course. But she had no idea at the moment what to do.

@Literately anyone.
Kinuhata decided to poke the unattended and unconscious Ryan to search for signs of life.

@Hospes @nomorerynameshnomorethingstodorip​

There wasn't much of a reaction from the younger girl. There was a decently-sized bruise on her head, but it didn't look terribly severe - and her chest was still subtly rising and falling. That was a good sign, right?

Try poking her 'til she wakes up. Maybe something magic will happen. :D

Electricity had danced through the air, intertwining with a bevy of magical phenomena to put an end to the man that stood before them. The battlefield had shone like a kaleidoscope of dazzling imagery, awing even Misaka, who saw Esper powers on a daily basis. As the battle had come to an end, an unmistakable smirk was plastered on young girl's face, brown eyes moving slowly upward to spy on the moon above. As normalcy settled on the town, Misaka felt as if she was dreaming, a nightmare transitioning to a pleasant and comforting experience.

As the world began to shatter, it was nothing short of... magic.


"You... of course it would be you..."

Misaka stared at Touma, eyes flinching slightly in the light of the falling glass. She knew he'd be back to save the day at the most opportune of times. It was almost as if he always planned it this way! Crossing her arms, Misaka sharply turned her head and tried to pretend she hadn't been staring at Touma. Her eyes came upon Ryner, who she was surprised to hear echoing her thoughts. Wait a second... who did he think he was?! Touma wasn't here to show him up, that wasn't even who he was! What was with boys thinking they were the center of attention? As Ryner moved to stand over Gilgamesh's body in disgust, Misaka stepped over to him haughtily, taking care to avoid those investigating the body closer.

"Your idea?" Misaka asked, chin lifted slightly upward. It was almost as if she was looking down on him, even though he stood taller. "How could you have had that idea? Hey--" Clenching a hand, Misaka conjured electricity around it. A display of electricity made her feel like her words carried more weight. She'd never been proven otherwise. "You can't just be thankful that we got helped out? This isn't some... contest! I mean, uh, it's a game, yeah, but... Er, we're working together here, not against each other. No one's trying to steal your glory. You're hardly the only one going through this." The young girl was blushing at this point, even if she didn't realize it. Her eyes shifted slightly toward Touma as she ranted. "You know what, if you're heading with them to find the source, then I won't be heading that way. How do you like that, huh? A taste of your own medicine!"


"E-Eh...? Wait..." A look of incredulity fell upon Misaka's face as she saw Ryner change his clothing before her. In fact, he seemed to be just about going insane before her very eyes! "Jeez, what's with you... Are you even listening to me?" Blinking at Ryner, or whoever the heck he was trying to be, Misaka decided she needed to avoid this guy from now. "I'm just gonna... see how the investigation is going." With that, Misaka stepped away to join the others in their examination.

Yeah, okay, whatever. It was time to focus for Misaka Mikoto.​

"Were you expecting anyone else, Biri Biri? You look surprised," Touma spoke, smiling at her as he would approach her, "Sorry if I made you miss me, but I'm back now. Made a wrong turn somewhere by mistake is all I can really say," he said with a somewhat sheepish laugh, scratching his head briefly.

"What's this about someone thinking I stole their idea or something? I just wanted to help out. I guess it doesn't bother me since I did my peace and I don't ask for a thank you or anything, but..."


"This is somehow worse than getting no acknowledgement at all. Looks like I missed a lot, huh?" Touma said with a sweatdrop as Ryner... danced around in golden armor. And a barrage of arrows hit his knees and whatever the hell.

"Either way, you're okay, right? Even if you're not my Misaka, you're still just as important."

... He probably could have worded it better, what with the implications something like what he said being possibly destructive, but it came with the territory of having bad luck.

Last edited:

There wasn't much of a reaction from the younger girl. There was a decently-sized bruise on her head, but it didn't look terribly severe - and her chest was still subtly rising and falling. That was a good sign, right?

Try poking her 'til she wakes up. Maybe something magic will happen. :D

At least she was still breathing and stuff. Kinuhata continued poking.

Cause she totally believed in magic.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Mid-Chapter Update

Continued from here.

The Story So Far
After breaking your way out of the artificial world that Fiamma of the Right had sent you to previously, you would find yourself in a place called Misaki Town. However, you weren't out of the woods just yet, as it would turn out that the place had been corrupted by a powerful vampire who called himself Night of Wallachia, seemingly able to manipulate fears and reside within a world called TATARI where he was all-powerful without exception, daring all the Survivors to oppose him and see what happened.

Those who would make their way to the Outskirts would face off against a girl who claimed to be the embodiment of the fears of a girl named "Akiha Tohno," guarding the unconscious body of a woman. Upon making quick work of her, the woman would wake up, revealing herself to be a powerful vampire known as Arcueid Brunestud, who claimed to be the only one around capable of defeating Wallachia by summoning the Crimson Moon with her mysterious power, the Marble Phantasm. With that, she would lead everyone to the Shrine Skyscraper.

At the Shrine Skyscraper, those who would initially traverse here would meet a young man named Motoharu Tsuchimikado, who is revealed to be the one who had been contacting them all this time through the interdimensional phone and informing them of the results that the Agents had been coming up with. Accompanying them into the building, they would face all sorts of strange occurrences, most notably ones that exploited the fears of Percy, Annabeth, and Battler. Before long, though, they would come face to face with Wallachia himself.

At first, the battle against him seemed to be for naught, as he was truly invulnerable in the territory where he had corrupted Misaki Town. However, the tables would be turned once Arcueid and those who had saved her from the Outskirts would appear. By summoning the Crimson Moon, Arcueid would seem to seal the majority of Wallachia's power, overriding his power with hers, and thus, rendering him vulnerable to the attacks of the others around him until he would inevitably fall.

Meanwhile, in the Back Alley, those who would traverse there would come across a strange vision of death, caused by Kouma Kishima, little would anyone there realize. Before long, they would come across a girl who would claim to be the spirit of a girl named Satsuki Yumizuka, who would claim to be a creation of Wallachia's TATARI, but managed to resist his evil and become her own independent existence.

The afterlife, after bumping into Aoko Aozaki and Shiki Tohno, would be led into Misaki Town where they would reunite with those in the Back Alley, where a dramatic scene would occur with Shiki coming into contact with Frank Castle and Yumizuka, a number of unpleasant memories resurfacing for quite a number of people.


With the never-ending barrage of attacks coming Wallachia's way, his death was imminent. With every blade that pierced his body, every punch that landed on him, every attack that came his way, the villain's constitution and resolve weakened more and more until he would be unable to do anything but give in.

Admit defeat.



His body would, in one final act of vengeance, let out a small magical explosion, blasting away Furiosa off the skyscraper and to her death. But other than that, it seemed that that was it of him.

With a pained hiss that didn't sound pleasant in the slightest, like he was suffocating, the Night of Wallachia would definitively come to an end when the damage that he would sustain would prove too much to handle, and before long, what remained of his entire body would rip apart and turn to dust until nothing remained. Until no trace of him was left.

Until there was no longer any proof that he had even ever been there in the first place.

With a long, exasperated sigh, Arcueid would stretch out her arms. Though it didn't look like she had done much on her end, it seemed that summoning that Crimson Moon, however she did it, seemed to tire her greatly. With no more need for it to remain in this world, Arcueid would let her power deactivate, the Crimson Moon steadily disappearing as abruptly as it had come.


Before you knew it, Misaki Town was back to normal. With a normal moon, this time. Not a giant crimson moon, not a moon with a bloody smiley face, but a normal moon this time around.

Almost like a breath of fresh air, eh?


"Phewww, what a pain! Looks like he's finally over and done with. Hopefully, that's the last of him. I never liked him even back before Altrogue made him into a Dead Apostle Ancestor," Arcueid spoke, mostly to herself, it seemed, before placing a hand on her hip, "Now, I gotta go find Shiki and make sure he's alright. Hmm... Maybe I'll stop by the mansion. Bye, friends!~" She waved, and without another word, had left just as abruptly as she had appeared.

"Yeah, good work, team! Good, good work!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, clapping his hands briefly with his usual grin after getting out of the cover he was hiding behind. "I expected nothing less from you guys! Now... Uh, how do we get outta here?"

And then a sharp sound would occur, as if on cue. A sound that you just might find familiar.

The Imagine Breaker.

Like glass shattering, part of the air seemed to shatter around you. Like you were inside a glass dome, the entire foundation collapsed, though thankfully, the shards of "glass" would dissipate before reaching you.

The shrine skyscraper collapsed harmlessly, sinking into the ground as though it had never existed. The chilly Winter air was replaced by a Fall wind. Though it was still cold, it was something, at least.

And in the back, Touma Kamijou would stand, breaking the illusion of the TATARI with the Night of Wallachia having come to an end.


"There you guys are! You'd be surprised at how hard it is to find a giant magical dome lying around a remote town like this, though I suppose that's what happens with my kinda luck," Touma spoke, the "dome" finally collapsing until it was completely gone. Now, you were back in the normal Misaki Town, it seemed, though it seemed to hardly matter since the outside looked almost the same. Like a mirror that reflected what was outside.

"I suppose it was a bit of my fault too with that Second Magic of mine interfering with the destruction of the Core from earlier," an older voice spoke before the old man from the artificial world, Zelretch, would appear. "In any case, it seems that everything is back in order. We didn't miss much, I trust?"

"Too much to explain, old man, but we took care of it! You can be sure of that! And a hi to you by the way, Kami-yan!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed with a thumbs up. Seemed like he was familiar with Zelretch. Alright then.

"I see. When will our ride arrive then?"

"In... a few minutes, hopefully. A place that doesn't show up on GPS is pretty hard to find. But we should get before something else--"

Pow! Touma had suddenly socked Tsuchimikado right in the face.

"That's for acting like you know everything about what's going on here without giving me an explanation, you bastard."


"Ow... Can't live with you, can't live without you, Kami-yan! Now, anyway, before I'm interrupted again, I think we should--"


"Hoooolld it! Attention, please, everyone!" Illya exclaimed, popping up out of nowhere, now making herself the center of attention.


"Just in case you don't remember me or we've gotten some new arrivals, I'm Illya from the castle, back from the dead along with the people who helped me get back here," she said, gesturing towards Minato, Robin, and Kirby for a brief moment, "So ah... Basically, I've got a favor to ask. I won't force anyone to doesn't want to go with me, since you've got your own journey to brave."

"To put it briefly, I'll give you all a choice. You can either choose to temporarily leave the main group and come with me to find the Dress of Heaven from my mansion that's... hopefully not destroyed and burned to the ground. With the dress, we will be able to destroy the source of whatever's causing this Murder Game to happen. It's that, or you can simply choose to continue on your present course. This goes for you as well, Robin, Kirby, the rest of you. You've done more than enough for me already, so you don't have to feel obligated to keep going if you don't want to. I'll understand."

"... Ah-huh. That's very nice. Now, if that's all everyone has to say, then--"

"Excuse me," Zelretch said, raising his hand.

"What? What is it now?!"

"I found a dead body."




"So it seems. Take a closer look."

Gesturing somewhere else, it would seem that Gilgamesh had been murdered this time around! Lying on the ground, judging from the way the ground around him was structured, it would appear that he had been pummeled to death by something powerful, but as always, there seemed to be more to the scene than meets the eye. If you investigate, you might find something else, unless you'd rather vote right away.

"... Oh, that's pretty serious. Guess we should do another vote then."

Off you go then.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Team Beerus as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@CCC Kouhai as Bee (Bee and PuppyCat)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@Melon as Erik (Phantom of the Opera)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)

The Dead
@Verite as Illyasviel von Einzbern - DIED! INNOCENT! DEFEATED!
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@The Tactician as Robin Tact and Minato Arisato - MURDERED! INNOCENT! BURNED TO A CRISP!
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SKEWERED!
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED!
@Archwar as Jason - DIED! INNOCENT! LEFT BEHIND!
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED AWAY!
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh - MURDERD! INNOCENT! PUMMELED!

The Voted
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro - TRAITOR!
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa and Mister Negative - INNOCENT!
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" - TRAITOR!
Cinder Fall
@Verite @Others

Cinder frowned, looking over the body... As per usual, before speaking "What an... Interesting way to kill someone..." she remarked, standing up, and dusting herself off as she looked towards Illya, noticing the three that had come straight back from the dead. "I'll come back with you." She said simply, sounding rather absolute about it; though it was difficult to read alot of if any emotion on her face at all...​
Cinder Fall
@Verite @Others

Cinder frowned, looking over the body... As per usual, before speaking "What an... Interesting way to kill someone..." she remarked, standing up, and dusting herself off as she looked towards Illya, noticing the three that had come straight back from the dead. "I'll come back with you." She said simply, sounding rather absolute about it; though it was difficult to read alot of if any emotion on her face at all...​
Emma was still in thought when her gaze fell upon Cinder, the women was wearing the strangest of clothing. Even for this multiverse traveler, Emma has not seen this style yet, and she was unsure rather it pleased her, or annoyed her eyes. but thats when she sensed it, or it was at least what she thought was the pull of magic. Emma rose her hand, shooting a line of darkness at Cinder, attempting to drain her of this foreign magic.
Mid-Chapter Update

Continued from here.

The Story So Far
After breaking your way out of the artificial world that Fiamma of the Right had sent you to previously, you would find yourself in a place called Misaki Town. However, you weren't out of the woods just yet, as it would turn out that the place had been corrupted by a powerful vampire who called himself Night of Wallachia, seemingly able to manipulate fears and reside within a world called TATARI where he was all-powerful without exception, daring all the Survivors to oppose him and see what happened.

Those who would make their way to the Outskirts would face off against a girl who claimed to be the embodiment of the fears of a girl named "Akiha Tohno," guarding the unconscious body of a woman. Upon making quick work of her, the woman would wake up, revealing herself to be a powerful vampire known as Arcueid Brunestud, who claimed to be the only one around capable of defeating Wallachia by summoning the Crimson Moon with her mysterious power, the Marble Phantasm. With that, she would lead everyone to the Shrine Skyscraper.

At the Shrine Skyscraper, those who would initially traverse here would meet a young man named Motoharu Tsuchimikado, who is revealed to be the one who had been contacting them all this time through the interdimensional phone and informing them of the results that the Agents had been coming up with. Accompanying them into the building, they would face all sorts of strange occurrences, most notably ones that exploited the fears of Percy, Annabeth, and Battler. Before long, though, they would come face to face with Wallachia himself.

At first, the battle against him seemed to be for naught, as he was truly invulnerable in the territory where he had corrupted Misaki Town. However, the tables would be turned once Arcueid and those who had saved her from the Outskirts would appear. By summoning the Crimson Moon, Arcueid would seem to seal the majority of Wallachia's power, overriding his power with hers, and thus, rendering him vulnerable to the attacks of the others around him until he would inevitably fall.

Meanwhile, in the Back Alley, those who would traverse there would come across a strange vision of death, caused by Kouma Kishima, little would anyone there realize. Before long, they would come across a girl who would claim to be the spirit of a girl named Satsuki Yumizuka, who would claim to be a creation of Wallachia's TATARI, but managed to resist his evil and become her own independent existence.

The afterlife, after bumping into Aoko Aozaki and Shiki Tohno, would be led into Misaki Town where they would reunite with those in the Back Alley, where a dramatic scene would occur with Shiki coming into contact with Frank Castle and Yumizuka, a number of unpleasant memories resurfacing for quite a number of people.


With the never-ending barrage of attacks coming Wallachia's way, his death was imminent. With every blade that pierced his body, every punch that landed on him, every attack that came his way, the villain's constitution and resolve weakened more and more until he would be unable to do anything but give in.

Admit defeat.



His body would, in one final act of vengeance, let out a small magical explosion, blasting away Furiosa off the skyscraper and to her death. But other than that, it seemed that that was it of him.

With a pained hiss that didn't sound pleasant in the slightest, like he was suffocating, the Night of Wallachia would definitively come to an end when the damage that he would sustain would prove too much to handle, and before long, what remained of his entire body would rip apart and turn to dust until nothing remained. Until no trace of him was left.

Until there was no longer any proof that he had even ever been there in the first place.

With a long, exasperated sigh, Arcueid would stretch out her arms. Though it didn't look like she had done much on her end, it seemed that summoning that Crimson Moon, however she did it, seemed to tire her greatly. With no more need for it to remain in this world, Arcueid would let her power deactivate, the Crimson Moon steadily disappearing as abruptly as it had come.


Before you knew it, Misaki Town was back to normal. With a normal moon, this time. Not a giant crimson moon, not a moon with a bloody smiley face, but a normal moon this time around.

Almost like a breath of fresh air, eh?


"Phewww, what a pain! Looks like he's finally over and done with. Hopefully, that's the last of him. I never liked him even back before Altrogue made him into a Dead Apostle Ancestor," Arcueid spoke, mostly to herself, it seemed, before placing a hand on her hip, "Now, I gotta go find Shiki and make sure he's alright. Hmm... Maybe I'll stop by the mansion. Bye, friends!~" She waved, and without another word, had left just as abruptly as she had appeared.

"Yeah, good work, team! Good, good work!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, clapping his hands briefly with his usual grin after getting out of the cover he was hiding behind. "I expected nothing less from you guys! Now... Uh, how do we get outta here?"

And then a sharp sound would occur, as if on cue. A sound that you just might find familiar.

The Imagine Breaker.

Like glass shattering, part of the air seemed to shatter around you. Like you were inside a glass dome, the entire foundation collapsed, though thankfully, the shards of "glass" would dissipate before reaching you.

The shrine skyscraper collapsed harmlessly, sinking into the ground as though it had never existed. The chilly Winter air was replaced by a Fall wind. Though it was still cold, it was something, at least.

And in the back, Touma Kamijou would stand, breaking the illusion of the TATARI with the Night of Wallachia having come to an end.


"There you guys are! You'd be surprised at how hard it is to find a giant magical dome lying around a remote town like this, though I suppose that's what happens with my kinda luck," Touma spoke, the "dome" finally collapsing until it was completely gone. Now, you were back in the normal Misaki Town, it seemed, though it seemed to hardly matter since the outside looked almost the same. Like a mirror that reflected what was outside.

"I suppose it was a bit of my fault too with that Second Magic of mine interfering with the destruction of the Core from earlier," an older voice spoke before the old man from the artificial world, Zelretch, would appear. "In any case, it seems that everything is back in order. We didn't miss much, I trust?"

"Too much to explain, old man, but we took care of it! You can be sure of that! And a hi to you by the way, Kami-yan!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed with a thumbs up. Seemed like he was familiar with Zelretch. Alright then.

"I see. When will our ride arrive then?"

"In... a few minutes, hopefully. A place that doesn't show up on GPS is pretty hard to find. But we should get before something else--"

Pow! Touma had suddenly socked Tsuchimikado right in the face.

"That's for acting like you know everything about what's going on here without giving me an explanation, you bastard."


"Ow... Can't live with you, can't live without you, Kami-yan! Now, anyway, before I'm interrupted again, I think we should--"


"Hoooolld it! Attention, please, everyone!" Illya exclaimed, popping up out of nowhere, now making herself the center of attention.


"Just in case you don't remember me or we've gotten some new arrivals, I'm Illya from the castle, back from the dead along with the people who helped me get back here," she said, gesturing towards Minato, Robin, and Kirby for a brief moment, "So ah... Basically, I've got a favor to ask. I won't force anyone to doesn't want to go with me, since you've got your own journey to brave."

"To put it briefly, I'll give you all a choice. You can either choose to temporarily leave the main group and come with me to find the Dress of Heaven from my mansion that's... hopefully not destroyed and burned to the ground. With the dress, we will be able to destroy the source of whatever's causing this Murder Game to happen. It's that, or you can simply choose to continue on your present course. This goes for you as well, Robin, Kirby, the rest of you. You've done more than enough for me already, so you don't have to feel obligated to keep going if you don't want to. I'll understand."

"... Ah-huh. That's very nice. Now, if that's all everyone has to say, then--"

"Excuse me," Zelretch said, raising his hand.

"What? What is it now?!"

"I found a dead body."




"So it seems. Take a closer look."

Gesturing somewhere else, it would seem that Gilgamesh had been murdered this time around! Lying on the ground, judging from the way the ground around him was structured, it would appear that he had been pummeled to death by something powerful, but as always, there seemed to be more to the scene than meets the eye. If you investigate, you might find something else, unless you'd rather vote right away.

"... Oh, that's pretty serious. Guess we should do another vote then."

Off you go then.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Team Beerus as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@CCC Kouhai as Bee (Bee and PuppyCat)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@Melon as Erik (Phantom of the Opera)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)

The Dead
@Verite as Illyasviel von Einzbern - DIED! INNOCENT! DEFEATED!
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@The Tactician as Robin Tact and Minato Arisato - MURDERED! INNOCENT! BURNED TO A CRISP!
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SKEWERED!
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED!
@Archwar as Jason - DIED! INNOCENT! LEFT BEHIND!
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED AWAY!
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh - MURDERD! INNOCENT! PUMMELED!

The Voted
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro - TRAITOR!
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa and Mister Negative - INNOCENT!
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" - TRAITOR!

Raiden's fingers dug into the ground beside Gilgamesh, angrily crushing it. His aura flickered red for a moment, not Jack, but a pissed off Raiden, something even scarier before he totally vanishes again.

There had been times he hadn't liked him, but he had known from the start of this his value as an ally. Someone to keep the others safe, from the killers and most importantly him if he went out of control like he almost had before.

Now that was his job.

Gilgamesh would be back, and when he was, together they were going to have a nice fun time hunting down these two. A real fun time.

Looking over the body, Raiden immediately noticed one thing, he'd been beaten to death viciously. Raiden held up his own hand, the hand that had just crushed rock in his frustration. That wasn't going to hold up well with the others. In fact, his thing wasn't going to hold up well with the others. He'd nearly lost it at them before, and his abilities were no secret.

If he was selected for the voting, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. But that'd be another chance at voting wasted. Raiden pulled up his codec to silently converse with Kate, having been forced to accept her dominance over Cameron's body after their mutual surrender.

AKA her beating him up.

We interrupt this post to bring you an unscheduled flashback.​

Kate looked around as the world break up around the world broke up around them, to be replaced with a grinning bloody skull, and then frowned in annoyance as she fell asleep again. For a high grade prototype cyborg chassis she sure fell asleep a lot.

Then the face on the moon, clearly a man with an ego to rival Marcus, even if he'd given up his life to save John in the end, just like a lot of other people had over the years.

Standing up gracefully on legs that could crush skulls or do ballet, she looked down to offer Raiden a hand up.


That's when a cyborg fist that could shatter a Metal Gear punched into her face, snapping her face back with enough force to snap twelve human necks.

But Kate wasn't human anymore. Kate was a rogue consciousness driving the wheel in Cameron's mind. And she fought a lot better than any Terminator.

[spoili]Skip to about fifty seconds in[/spoili]

Samson and the lion, got entwined in a fight, And Samson he jumped up and took on the lion's might.

Right hook, left hook, fake with the right then kick Raiden in the nuts.

Even being a cyborg with a reinforced pelvis the blow still hurt, a lot. Raiden stumbled back, throwing his hands up in a defensive stance.

He didn't draw his katana because he didn't want to hurt her, but he wouldn't do the lightning trick again. He didn't want to risk further screwing with her memory. Doktor would have to do a full workup, period. Right now he just needed to disable her for shutdown till he could recover her later.

Kate however, always the negotiator, raised her hands, palms outward and asked, "Why are we fighting?"

"You're malfunctioning Cam, and you're going to hurt yourself or someone else." But just the same, Raiden stayed where he was. Maybe his nuts were still hurting :|

"The name's Kate cyborg. Kate Connor. Cameron Phillips was one of my husband's Terminators, and something of an experiment I suspect."

Raiden stayed locked in place. From what he'd seen inside her memory, this could be legit, and if so... maybe he would have a more intuitive partner while the game was on. Then he could get Cameron back.

"Fine then. You wanna do the whole marvel team up thing?"

The rest was history.

As Kate came over, she immediately started investigating with the others. Blunt force trauma. A thin stab wound. Unless she found something else she stopped her analysis, she rose to her feet and looked around, scanning the others for the same equipment, super strength and small blades, or something that could act as a Shiv.

Obviously this wasn't going to work, so she spoke up, speaking to all of those that hadn't already departed.

"Okay soldiers. Who here has a shank?"

@Hospes (puns ;)


"My eyes...I can see and copy magic of all kinds...Even spells people don't finish casting..."
You'd think this was awesome, but of course, there was the other side to his powers

"But, if I get too emotional about anything, I melt down, I become a bomb, I'd kill everyone here in the blink of an eye..."
"It's why I distance myself from people...I can't afford to get emotional over Gilgamesh's death"

"Even if I kinda miss the guy's barking commands and narrow viewpoint slightly, The guy may have been a jerk, but I miss everyone who's died so far, the noise...You don't notice in crowds, you don't pick out voices, it's all just white noise"

"But you notice when it's gone"


Well, that statement certainly caught Reece's attention. Her own unnaturally green eyes lit up with something like curiosity and interest. "That's intriguing. I don't think I know of any Casters with such an ability.. But I suppose that- considering this seems to be an event in which we've all been drawn from a variety of universes -would make sense," she rambled on. Like usual. Sure, she knew someone that could effectively steal someone's powers- thus rendering that person briefly unable to use said powers -for a brief period, also allowing the power thief to use said powers for that amount of time, but this was.. Different.

Andddd then there was the seller. Magic always came with a price, after all.

Reece had never had those stakes. She had known from the very beginning that she would be Light, and she hadn't been the 'chosen one' that got stuck with all of the stakes for her Claiming. So, to say that she knew what Ryner was feeling would be a lie. So, instead, she responded seriously. "Well.. I apologize for snapping at you, then. I didn't realize your predicament," she stated, trying her best to seem nonchalant. His next comment did make a bit of an impact, though.

Reece would never admit it, but some days, she did miss her younger brother - as big of a sonuvabitch he was. He was still family. But even so - he was also a monster. Just like Abraham, Hunting, Sarafine, and Ridley. Maybe the latter hadn't gone totally Dark, yet, but Reece knew what she had seen on the day of the family gathering.

She had seen what the female would become. And a Sybil saw, heard, and spoke no lie.

"..I suppose that's correct, yes. Falling under the saying that 'you don't know what you have got until it's gone'," she mused, finally. "..Anyways, we may not be able to bring everyone back with the snap of our fingers, but if we can root out the lackey of Flamma's that committed this.. We can put this pointless and disturbing display of death to a stop."

Suddenly, she realized something. She hadn't even introduced herself yet. "Oh, and please excuse me for forgetting to introduce myself. I'm Reece."
To those who would attempt to investigate the scene, you would find a few additional notes. On top of the fact that he seemed to have been punched so hard that the force behind the impacts seemed to cause the ground to cave in a little bit, emphasizing the strength behind the punches, it seemed that there was also a thin stab wound in Gilgamesh's chest, no wider than say, a knife or so. Other than that, it didn't seem that there was much else to look at.


And so the investigation began.

The Light Sybil frowned faintly as she studied the wound, trying her best to mentally calculate it's proportions. The better idea she had of the size of the blade, the better. It was clearly thin and small, likely caused by a knife or dagger of some sort, or maybe even a spearhead. It was hard to tell just what it was, but it was at least a start.

"..So, judging by the indent of the ground under Gilgamesh, and the thin, small stab wound in his chest... We're looking for someone with at least minorly enhanced strength, with a small and thin bladed weapon of some sort.. Or the ability to manipulate themselves or other objects into such a shape. If that isn't the cause, I would say that the weapon of choice could've been anything from a pocket knife, to a dagger, or something of the like."

@DapperDogman @Atomyk @EVERYONE​
  • Love
Reactions: Gwazi Magnum
Emma was still in thought when her gaze fell upon Cinder, the women was wearing the strangest of clothing. Even for this multiverse traveler, Emma has not seen this style yet, and she was unsure rather it pleased her, or annoyed her eyes. but thats when she sensed it, or it was at least what she thought was the pull of magic. Emma rose her hand, shooting a line of darkness at Cinder, attempting to drain her of this foreign magic.
Cinder Fall

Well, such an ability might have worked, had it been magic that her clothes were imbued with; dust, despite it's similarities, appeared to have drastic differences, enough to the point where it nullified the line of darknessess intended effect. Though, despite this, her dress did glow orange, from the dust that outlined it reacting to it, though before anything could really happen, Cinder's head snapped towards Emma abruptly, it looked like she sensed something was tampering with her clothing as she narrowed her eyes in Emma's direction, seeming to be trying to identify the source of this sudden interference.​
At least she was still breathing and stuff. Kinuhata continued poking.

Cause she totally believed in magic.

Kinuhata used 'repetitive pokes'...

It's super effective!!!

Eventually, the repeated poking and prodding managed to make the ten year old shift slightly, before she finally came to with a small groan of... What might have been pain, or just disorientation. Her delicate little hands moved to carefully ghost over the bruise on her head, and she finally cracked open a single blue eye to peer up at Kinuhata. "H-huh..? Wh-what happened...?"


There wasn't much of a reaction from the younger girl. There was a decently-sized bruise on her head, but it didn't look terribly severe - and her chest was still subtly rising and falling. That was a good sign, right?

Try poking her 'til she wakes up. Maybe something magic will happen. :D


Raiden finally noticed the young girl being hurt, great guardian that he was. Looking down at her, he knew he couldn't do anything for her. He was a monster built for killing, and that was about it. But, maybe this new tagalong personality in Cameron's mind could do something. Pulling the up codec he spoke silently in it, beckoning Kate away from her investigations.

She looked over, planning on ignoring him until she saw who he was standing next. She didn't know what Ryan was like, Cameron's data banks and memories being locked away from her, but she was able to see. She saw a little girl that could potentially be hurt.

This was the hard part. John had come to believe that the means always justified the ends, but she walked a softer path as a doctor. People first, always.

Speaking not aloud into the codec in that odd way that Raiden did, she ordered them to swap places. Raiden investigate, she'd see to the girl.

With a lingering glance at the girl, not really wanting to leave her behind, Raiden left her side to continue Kate's work. She gave him an odd, undecipherable look as they passed, and then she was by the little girl. Checking her breathing, Kate quickly discovered that she could also measure the girls skin temperature to the exact degree, something she would have killed for as an ability in the future. She seemed to be alright, though she wished she had a light on her so she could measure her pupil reaction. Just the same though, the best way to wake her would ironically be the most primitive and ancient way.

She didn't have any of it on her, but she had the next best thing. Looking her new body town, Kate located what she was looking for. Fluid reserve. Not quite oil, much less crude than that, but essentially the same. Just how to get it out. Drawing her Katana she sliced into her arm until it reached endoskeleton, then stopped. Just what she needed. Reaching in, she drew out some of the nasty smelling oil like fluid and held it under the girl's nose.

Gross? Without a doubt. But she didn't have smelling salts, and she wanted her up. Then she could get back to the investigation that that inept cyborg was no doubt fumbling.

Annnnnd apparently the little girl was waking up. So much for her plan to slice herself into sushi and use the smell to wake her up inside : |​
And so the investigation began.

The Light Sybil frowned faintly as she studied the wound, trying her best to mentally calculate it's proportions. The better idea she had of the size of the blade, the better. It was clearly thin and small, likely caused by a knife or dagger of some sort, or maybe even a spearhead. It was hard to tell just what it was, but it was at least a start.

"..So, judging by the indent of the ground under Gilgamesh, and the thin, small stab wound in his chest... We're looking for someone with at least minorly enhanced strength, with a small and thin bladed weapon of some sort.. Or the ability to manipulate themselves or other objects into such a shape. If that isn't the cause, I would say that the weapon of choice could've been anything from a pocket knife, to a dagger, or something of the like."
Raiden was about to start asking questions, but then that bossy blonde girl interrupted.


Bitch please he had this.

Going with the flow of things and letting her take over Raiden drew his blade, holding it out so people could see as he explained his part.

"The shape of my katana is the right size for the wound, but the depth is wrong. For any of you that aren't warriors, let me tell you, you fight someone like him," Raiden pointed one clawed finger at Gilgamesh's body. "You don't have to to lightly poke him in the center of the chest. It'd be all or nothing. A bloody fight that would leave no time for finesse like this."

Kinuhata used 'repetitive pokes'...

It's super effective!!!

Eventually, the repeated poking and prodding managed to make the ten year old shift slightly, before she finally came to with a small groan of... What might have been pain, or just disorientation. Her delicate little hands moved to carefully ghost over the bruise on her head, and she finally cracked open a single blue eye to peer up at Kinuhata. "H-huh..? Wh-what happened...?"


"We super put the bad guy away and won. Also," she put a hand on Ryan's bruise to see how bad it was. "You got yourself super hurt." For now she left out the fact someone died again and bopped Ryan on the head where there wasn't a bruise.

"Didn't I super tell you to play it safe?"​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Verite
Mid-Chapter Update

Continued from here.

The Story So Far
After breaking your way out of the artificial world that Fiamma of the Right had sent you to previously, you would find yourself in a place called Misaki Town. However, you weren't out of the woods just yet, as it would turn out that the place had been corrupted by a powerful vampire who called himself Night of Wallachia, seemingly able to manipulate fears and reside within a world called TATARI where he was all-powerful without exception, daring all the Survivors to oppose him and see what happened.

Those who would make their way to the Outskirts would face off against a girl who claimed to be the embodiment of the fears of a girl named "Akiha Tohno," guarding the unconscious body of a woman. Upon making quick work of her, the woman would wake up, revealing herself to be a powerful vampire known as Arcueid Brunestud, who claimed to be the only one around capable of defeating Wallachia by summoning the Crimson Moon with her mysterious power, the Marble Phantasm. With that, she would lead everyone to the Shrine Skyscraper.

At the Shrine Skyscraper, those who would initially traverse here would meet a young man named Motoharu Tsuchimikado, who is revealed to be the one who had been contacting them all this time through the interdimensional phone and informing them of the results that the Agents had been coming up with. Accompanying them into the building, they would face all sorts of strange occurrences, most notably ones that exploited the fears of Percy, Annabeth, and Battler. Before long, though, they would come face to face with Wallachia himself.

At first, the battle against him seemed to be for naught, as he was truly invulnerable in the territory where he had corrupted Misaki Town. However, the tables would be turned once Arcueid and those who had saved her from the Outskirts would appear. By summoning the Crimson Moon, Arcueid would seem to seal the majority of Wallachia's power, overriding his power with hers, and thus, rendering him vulnerable to the attacks of the others around him until he would inevitably fall.

Meanwhile, in the Back Alley, those who would traverse there would come across a strange vision of death, caused by Kouma Kishima, little would anyone there realize. Before long, they would come across a girl who would claim to be the spirit of a girl named Satsuki Yumizuka, who would claim to be a creation of Wallachia's TATARI, but managed to resist his evil and become her own independent existence.

The afterlife, after bumping into Aoko Aozaki and Shiki Tohno, would be led into Misaki Town where they would reunite with those in the Back Alley, where a dramatic scene would occur with Shiki coming into contact with Frank Castle and Yumizuka, a number of unpleasant memories resurfacing for quite a number of people.


With the never-ending barrage of attacks coming Wallachia's way, his death was imminent. With every blade that pierced his body, every punch that landed on him, every attack that came his way, the villain's constitution and resolve weakened more and more until he would be unable to do anything but give in.

Admit defeat.



His body would, in one final act of vengeance, let out a small magical explosion, blasting away Furiosa off the skyscraper and to her death. But other than that, it seemed that that was it of him.

With a pained hiss that didn't sound pleasant in the slightest, like he was suffocating, the Night of Wallachia would definitively come to an end when the damage that he would sustain would prove too much to handle, and before long, what remained of his entire body would rip apart and turn to dust until nothing remained. Until no trace of him was left.

Until there was no longer any proof that he had even ever been there in the first place.

With a long, exasperated sigh, Arcueid would stretch out her arms. Though it didn't look like she had done much on her end, it seemed that summoning that Crimson Moon, however she did it, seemed to tire her greatly. With no more need for it to remain in this world, Arcueid would let her power deactivate, the Crimson Moon steadily disappearing as abruptly as it had come.


Before you knew it, Misaki Town was back to normal. With a normal moon, this time. Not a giant crimson moon, not a moon with a bloody smiley face, but a normal moon this time around.

Almost like a breath of fresh air, eh?


"Phewww, what a pain! Looks like he's finally over and done with. Hopefully, that's the last of him. I never liked him even back before Altrogue made him into a Dead Apostle Ancestor," Arcueid spoke, mostly to herself, it seemed, before placing a hand on her hip, "Now, I gotta go find Shiki and make sure he's alright. Hmm... Maybe I'll stop by the mansion. Bye, friends!~" She waved, and without another word, had left just as abruptly as she had appeared.

"Yeah, good work, team! Good, good work!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, clapping his hands briefly with his usual grin after getting out of the cover he was hiding behind. "I expected nothing less from you guys! Now... Uh, how do we get outta here?"

And then a sharp sound would occur, as if on cue. A sound that you just might find familiar.

The Imagine Breaker.

Like glass shattering, part of the air seemed to shatter around you. Like you were inside a glass dome, the entire foundation collapsed, though thankfully, the shards of "glass" would dissipate before reaching you.

The shrine skyscraper collapsed harmlessly, sinking into the ground as though it had never existed. The chilly Winter air was replaced by a Fall wind. Though it was still cold, it was something, at least.

And in the back, Touma Kamijou would stand, breaking the illusion of the TATARI with the Night of Wallachia having come to an end.


"There you guys are! You'd be surprised at how hard it is to find a giant magical dome lying around a remote town like this, though I suppose that's what happens with my kinda luck," Touma spoke, the "dome" finally collapsing until it was completely gone. Now, you were back in the normal Misaki Town, it seemed, though it seemed to hardly matter since the outside looked almost the same. Like a mirror that reflected what was outside.

"I suppose it was a bit of my fault too with that Second Magic of mine interfering with the destruction of the Core from earlier," an older voice spoke before the old man from the artificial world, Zelretch, would appear. "In any case, it seems that everything is back in order. We didn't miss much, I trust?"

"Too much to explain, old man, but we took care of it! You can be sure of that! And a hi to you by the way, Kami-yan!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed with a thumbs up. Seemed like he was familiar with Zelretch. Alright then.

"I see. When will our ride arrive then?"

"In... a few minutes, hopefully. A place that doesn't show up on GPS is pretty hard to find. But we should get before something else--"

Pow! Touma had suddenly socked Tsuchimikado right in the face.

"That's for acting like you know everything about what's going on here without giving me an explanation, you bastard."


"Ow... Can't live with you, can't live without you, Kami-yan! Now, anyway, before I'm interrupted again, I think we should--"


"Hoooolld it! Attention, please, everyone!" Illya exclaimed, popping up out of nowhere, now making herself the center of attention.


"Just in case you don't remember me or we've gotten some new arrivals, I'm Illya from the castle, back from the dead along with the people who helped me get back here," she said, gesturing towards Minato, Robin, and Kirby for a brief moment, "So ah... Basically, I've got a favor to ask. I won't force anyone to doesn't want to go with me, since you've got your own journey to brave."

"To put it briefly, I'll give you all a choice. You can either choose to temporarily leave the main group and come with me to find the Dress of Heaven from my mansion that's... hopefully not destroyed and burned to the ground. With the dress, we will be able to destroy the source of whatever's causing this Murder Game to happen. It's that, or you can simply choose to continue on your present course. This goes for you as well, Robin, Kirby, the rest of you. You've done more than enough for me already, so you don't have to feel obligated to keep going if you don't want to. I'll understand."

"... Ah-huh. That's very nice. Now, if that's all everyone has to say, then--"

"Excuse me," Zelretch said, raising his hand.

"What? What is it now?!"

"I found a dead body."




"So it seems. Take a closer look."

Gesturing somewhere else, it would seem that Gilgamesh had been murdered this time around! Lying on the ground, judging from the way the ground around him was structured, it would appear that he had been pummeled to death by something powerful, but as always, there seemed to be more to the scene than meets the eye. If you investigate, you might find something else, unless you'd rather vote right away.

"... Oh, that's pretty serious. Guess we should do another vote then."

Off you go then.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Team Beerus as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@CCC Kouhai as Bee (Bee and PuppyCat)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@Melon as Erik (Phantom of the Opera)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)

The Dead
@Verite as Illyasviel von Einzbern - DIED! INNOCENT! DEFEATED!
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@The Tactician as Robin Tact and Minato Arisato - MURDERED! INNOCENT! BURNED TO A CRISP!
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SKEWERED!
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED!
@Archwar as Jason - DIED! INNOCENT! LEFT BEHIND!
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED AWAY!
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh - MURDERD! INNOCENT! PUMMELED!

The Voted
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro - TRAITOR!
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa and Mister Negative - INNOCENT!
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" - TRAITOR!

Kizaru would nonchalantly walk over to the pummeled body of Gilgamesh and look it over. "So scary...if someone had the power to do this to a king like him..."
Mari frowned at this. Gilgamesh was a good person, in her eyes, even though they did not know each other very much. She looked around, and no one acted right away.

"Though I am not a detective or a professional, I will look at what might have happened to him", she said, as she went to investigate the body of Gilgamesh." She looked at her companions to see if they wanted to join her as well.

@Mighty Roman @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @Verite
Barbossa nodded. 'Aye, I ain't an expert meself, but we may as well take a look.' He shrugged. This kind of investigation was beyond him. He was usually the one who was actually doing the killing, not discussing it. However, he did think of one thing he could ask about.
'Aye, was he armed when he be killed? If he was, the killer must've been pretty quick if he didn't put up much o' a fight.'
@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @Verite
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mari
"I did too, I'll admit that..." Erika quickly dismissed the current issues that were taking place, almost forgetting that there was important matters going on. Guess she could get easily distracted once she was in the embrace of the tactician that introduced her to the true concept of love.

As they were back together, Robin would take notice that his left wrist was duct tape to Erika's right wrist. The duct tape was something that she had to reintroduce again...


"Don't worry, just making sure that we stick together~"

Oh Erika, I never knew you were the type to make puns.​
"Well, I guess we're glued at the wrists now~" Oh god, now Robin was making stupid puns, all with a stupidly sweet grin on his face. However, after a few moments, he sighed as he remembered there would be another group split soon enough, "I'm going to be with Illya's group once the voting's over. You can come along, you know, if you desire to do so..."

"Hey, Illya?" Minato gently poked the girl's arm, trying to keep her aattention off of Ryner, "WWe're leaving right after the voting, right?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite
Barbossa nodded. 'Aye, I ain't an expert meself, but we may as well take a look.' He shrugged. This kind of investigation was beyond him. He was usually the one who was actually doing the killing, not discussing it. However, he did think of one thing he could ask about.
'Aye, was he armed when he be killed? If he was, the killer must've been pretty quick if he didn't put up much o' a fight.'
@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @Verite


Mari shrugged, as she did not have the answer to Barbossa's question. "I do not know," she responded, "but the stab wound that seemed to kill Gilgamesh seems to at least give us some clue to who it may be." She looked towards Annabeth and Percy, hoping they would take note of what was revealed upon their investigation of the body... as she started to walk away from it immediately afterwards. She was not comfortable with being around a dead body, even that of someone she found to be relatively tolerable here.

@Mighty Roman @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles
  • Love
Reactions: Poe Dameron
Kinuhata used 'repetitive pokes'...

It's super effective!!!

Eventually, the repeated poking and prodding managed to make the ten year old shift slightly, before she finally came to with a small groan of... What might have been pain, or just disorientation. Her delicate little hands moved to carefully ghost over the bruise on her head, and she finally cracked open a single blue eye to peer up at Kinuhata. "H-huh..? Wh-what happened...?"


"We super put the bad guy away and won. Also," she put a hand on Ryan's bruise to see how bad it was. "You got yourself super hurt." For now she left out the fact someone died again and bopped Ryan on the head where there wasn't a bruise.

"Didn't I super tell you to play it safe?"​

Frank, seeing the two, rushed over. He crouched down next to them, a worried look on his face as he scanned both of them, not just Ryan. He did address the younger child first, though, his voice full of frustrated concern. "Dammit, I left you with your sister because I thought she'd have the sense to take you somewhere this couldn't happen! Are you alright?" He then looked at Kinuhata again, once more trying to scan her for injuries, that same worried expression still present. "Are you alright, Kinu? Did you get hurt?"

Jeez. Frank was going mother hen.

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