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"I should probably get going too. If the Murder Game's already underway, then that changes my plans a bit. If you died and were mysteriously revived, I'll bet my darling older sister's puppet making abilities are being utilized here, whether she even realizes it or not," Aoko spoke, as though somewhat amused by her so-called darling sister being involved, "If you need her, I'm sure she'll be happy to provide another body for you in case you die again."


"Oh, right. I guess it'd be hard to ask someone for another body if you're dead. But if you do somehow bump into her, ask her to stop stealing money from my account or I really will track her down! Anyway, bye then! Don't forget what we talked about, Shiki. I'll be waiting for you in London when you're ready!" She said, giving a small wave, before turning around. With the sheer magnitude of the speed at which she would suddenly dash at, a sonic boom would be created, and just like that, she was gone. Wonder what that was all about.


"S-Sensei, wait! You still never gave me my trip money!"

Ugh, how was he ever going to put up with this? With a sigh, the young man would adjust his glasses, facing the rest of you.


"Well, anyway, I suppose I should help you get into Misaki. That place has been getting weird lately, so I may as well try to make sure that you get in safely. Let's go."

@The Tactician @Nater Taters
Minato gave the boy a thumbs-up of appreciation, "Thanks, Shiki-san. Knowing me, I'll get us lost along the way, so I'm glad we have a local leading us there."

"Yes, well, we had best be going then," Robin suggested, following Shiki's lead. As they walked down the road and the tactician began to feel they were far enough away from Aoko, he prodded their guide's arm, "Is your teacher always so... Strange? Disappearing suddenly and saying such odd things, plus having plans of her own revolving around the Murder Game is rather alarming..."

Yumizuka would lean in and try to listen to what Frank would say, though to little avail.

"U-Um... Do you happen to know Tohno-kun from somewhere, mister?"

@Gibbons @BarrenThin @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Schnee Corp Lawyer

"Yeah, we've met. We're friends." Frank put on his best grandfatherly smile, then continued on like nothing had happened. If she really was so blindly willing to pursue Shiki, perhaps defaming him wasn't the best move. "Sorry to trouble you, Miss Yumizuka, but you wouldn't happen to know where we could find this Wallachia?"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer


Blood flew violently from Wallachia's body as you would all strike him. The slices from Erika, the strike from Ethel, and the weapon spam from Gilgamesh. With every hit, the vampire wordlessly staggered back until he would finally fall to the ground without any resistance, his body riddled with wounds and weapons sticking out as he lay in a pool of his own blood.

But it wasn't over. It was never that easy.

Mere seconds later, Wallachia would rise, grabbing each sword that remained inside his body and yanking them out with his hands without a sound. And then when he was done, he would face you all, his blank eyes opening for the first time.


"That... hurt," He hissed with an empty grin on his face, stepping towards you all, "Let me return the favor."

With that, he would extend his arm, before performing a sort of swiping motion. In an instant, what looked like a black mini-tornado would materialize out of thin air on the rooftop, quickly moving towards you all and sucking you in like a vacuum.


Sending you flying about at high speeds, Wallachia would attempt to crash you all into nearby objects, most notably the nearby pillars!

Dice roll situation

Odds - Crashing into the pillars

Evens - Grab onto one of them to resist the mighty wind

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper

"W-Whoa!" Erika had to have her scythe disappear as she and the others were thrown off of their feet and presumably towards those pillars. Luckily for her, Battler managed to get close to Erika, grabbing her wrist in an attempt to redirect themselves into a way that they hopefully wouldn't have a rough impact.


"D-Dammit... hold on Erika!" Battler yelled out Erika by her name for once, struggling to get themselves in a safe position. Well... how was that going to go?

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Verite@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper
Skipping over to the Shrine Skyscraper in an unusually chipper way, Arcueid would lead the rest of you to the base of the building, where you could see what looked like a black tornado on the rooftop from where you were. Looked like some of the other Survivors decided to start the party without you guys, but at least you acquired the means to end it.


"Alright, I think this is the place," she commented, putting a hand on her hip, looking up at the building some more, as if examining it to confirm something, "Hmm... I wonder if I can make the jump from here while carrying you guys."


"You guys wouldn't happen to weigh much, would you? Shiki says it's rude of me to ask other girls their weight, but I never understood that, so I'd just like a straight answer with no fuss."


"And maybe an explanation as to why people don't like that."

@C.T. @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Atomyk @DapperDogman @Jeremi @El Tigre! @york @Outskirts to Shrine Skyscraper Bottom
"I'll carry my own weight" Ryner answers "I can carry one person, if it's too much hassle for the clearly superior vampire lady"

He was hoping no-one would have to piggy back on him, but he could do it if it was needed

He chants, his legs glowing white as he looks to the vampire "You got all of them?"

@C.T. @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Atomyk @Verite @Jeremi @El Tigre! @york @Everyone​


Blood flew violently from Wallachia's body as you would all strike him. The slices from Erika, the strike from Ethel, and the weapon spam from Gilgamesh. With every hit, the vampire wordlessly staggered back until he would finally fall to the ground without any resistance, his body riddled with wounds and weapons sticking out as he lay in a pool of his own blood.

But it wasn't over. It was never that easy.

Mere seconds later, Wallachia would rise, grabbing each sword that remained inside his body and yanking them out with his hands without a sound. And then when he was done, he would face you all, his blank eyes opening for the first time.


"That... hurt," He hissed with an empty grin on his face, stepping towards you all, "Let me return the favor."

With that, he would extend his arm, before performing a sort of swiping motion. In an instant, what looked like a black mini-tornado would materialize out of thin air on the rooftop, quickly moving towards you all and sucking you in like a vacuum.


Sending you flying about at high speeds, Wallachia would attempt to crash you all into nearby objects, most notably the nearby pillars!

Dice roll situation

Odds - Crashing into the pillars

Evens - Grab onto one of them to resist the mighty wind

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper

Ryan was about to get frantic from the way everyone now chose to attack the vamp.. But her protests were quickly cut off by the attack thrown by the vamp, himself. "Ryan!" she heard her eldest sister exclaim, just before feeling that same sister's hand latch onto her own. "Hang on!" Reece commanded her, trying to get a grip on the column.

Well, looked like Reece and Ryan hit the pillar. The child of the pair was knocked right out, and the older sister freaked out. Woohoo.

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Verite @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper
Minato gave the boy a thumbs-up of appreciation, "Thanks, Shiki-san. Knowing me, I'll get us lost along the way, so I'm glad we have a local leading us there."

"Yes, well, we had best be going then," Robin suggested, following Shiki's lead. As they walked down the road and the tactician began to feel they were far enough away from Aoko, he prodded their guide's arm, "Is your teacher always so... Strange? Disappearing suddenly and saying such odd things, plus having plans of her own revolving around the Murder Game is rather alarming..."
"Yeah, we've met. We're friends." Frank put on his best grandfatherly smile, then continued on like nothing had happened. If she really was so blindly willing to pursue Shiki, perhaps defaming him wasn't the best move. "Sorry to trouble you, Miss Yumizuka, but you wouldn't happen to know where we could find this Wallachia?"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

"Don't worry. As eccentric as she might be, she's a good person. I should know that better than most, after all. Though it does raise an eyebrow or two when I explain that we met when I was just a little boy, half as tall as I am now, like they're thinking of something else," Shiki mentioned somewhat nonchalantly, leading you all through the forest and towards the town.

However, his carefree smile would abruptly disappear when he, along with the rest of you, might notice that the coming town had a strange sense of... dread approaching. Like there was something wrong. But you all pressed forward, regardless. You had all come this far. No reason to just suddenly stop now.


You would reach Misaki Town through the old Back Alleys, but before you would be able to make it very far in, you would suddenly bump into what seemed to be an invisible, impenetrable, never-ending barrier. Like a video game with those invisible walls to act as barriers for the map, or something to that degree.

"Huh, what the...? What's going on here?" Shiki questioned, feeling up and trying to examine the invisible wall to the best of his ability.

In the distance, upon taking a closer look, you would see a small group of individuals, most notably Frank, Gunha, Cole, Stubbs, and an unidentified schoolgirl.

"Wait a minute, is that... No, it... what the hell?"


"R-Really?! You're friends with Tohno-kun?! Wow, maybe this time I can leave a message and maybe pass on afterwards!" Yumizuka exclaimed excitedly, before clearing her throat, calming down.

"S-Sorry about that. Anyway, I don't really know why you'd want to seek him out, but I think you might be able to find him at that Shrine Skyscraper under construction. A point that high would give him an easier time to survey the town and gather all his energy," She answered, though before she could say more, a peculiar sight would catch your eye.

Beyond the Back Alleys, just on the edge of town, you would all be able to spot Robin, Minato, Kirby, and two other individuals that only Frank would recognize; Shiki and Illya.


"N-No way! Is that... him?!"

@BarrenThin @Gibbons @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Nater Taters @The Tactician @Back Alley
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Skipping over to the Shrine Skyscraper in an unusually chipper way, Arcueid would lead the rest of you to the base of the building, where you could see what looked like a black tornado on the rooftop from where you were. Looked like some of the other Survivors decided to start the party without you guys, but at least you acquired the means to end it.


"Alright, I think this is the place," she commented, putting a hand on her hip, looking up at the building some more, as if examining it to confirm something, "Hmm... I wonder if I can make the jump from here while carrying you guys."


"You guys wouldn't happen to weigh much, would you? Shiki says it's rude of me to ask other girls their weight, but I never understood that, so I'd just like a straight answer with no fuss."


"And maybe an explanation as to why people don't like that."

@C.T. @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Atomyk @DapperDogman @Jeremi @El Tigre! @york @Outskirts to Shrine Skyscraper Bottom
Cinder Fall
@C.T. @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @Atomyk @DapperDogman @Jeremi @El Tigre! @Verite @Outskirts to Shrine Skyscraper Bottom

"Tch... I'm light as a feather." Cinder muttered, half sarcastically... She was indeed light, but, prooobably not quite as light as a feather, she decided not to answer that second question Arcueid had asked, instead, cockign her head a little... Wondering how she was going to manage to carry them all; if not, then, Cinder had another idea...​
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"Don't worry. As eccentric as she might be, she's a good person. I should know that better than most, after all. Though it does raise an eyebrow or two when I explain that we met when I was just a little boy, half as tall as I am now, like they're thinking of something else," Shiki mentioned somewhat nonchalantly, leading you all through the forest and towards the town.

However, his carefree smile would abruptly disappear when he, along with the rest of you, might notice that the coming town had a strange sense of... dread approaching. Like there was something wrong. But you all pressed forward, regardless. You had all come this far. No reason to just suddenly stop now.


You would reach Misaki Town through the old Back Alleys, but before you would be able to make it very far in, you would suddenly bump into what seemed to be an invisible, impenetrable, never-ending barrier. Like a video game with those invisible walls to act as barriers for the map, or something to that degree.

"Huh, what the...? What's going on here?" Shiki questioned, feeling up and trying to examine the invisible wall to the best of his ability.

In the distance, upon taking a closer look, you would see a small group of individuals, most notably Frank, Gunha, Cole, Stubbs, and an unidentified schoolgirl.

"Wait a minute, is that... No, it... what the hell?"

- - -


"R-Really?! You're friends with Tohno-kun?! Wow, maybe this time I can leave a message and maybe pass on afterwards!" Yumizuka exclaimed excitedly, before clearing her throat, calming down.


"S-Sorry about that. Anyway, I don't really know why you'd want to seek him out, but I think you might be able to find him at that Shrine Skyscraper under construction. A point that high would give him an easier time to survey the town and gather all his energy," She answered, though before she could say more, a peculiar sight would catch your eye.

Beyond the Back Alleys, just on the edge of town, you would all be able to spot Robin, Minato, Kirby, and two other individuals that only Frank would recognize; Shiki and Illya.


"N-No way! Is that... him?!"

@BarrenThin @Gibbons @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Nater Taters @The Tactician @Back Alley

Frank's expression was less than happy upon recognizing Shiki. Upon seeing the way the boy reacted, the old man's eyes hardened even further. Apparently, he had neither forgiven, nor forgotten.

Then, his eyes focused on the others and he greeted them with a wave.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
@Nater Taters
@The Tactician
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"Don't worry. As eccentric as she might be, she's a good person. I should know that better than most, after all. Though it does raise an eyebrow or two when I explain that we met when I was just a little boy, half as tall as I am now, like they're thinking of something else," Shiki mentioned somewhat nonchalantly, leading you all through the forest and towards the town.

However, his carefree smile would abruptly disappear when he, along with the rest of you, might notice that the coming town had a strange sense of... dread approaching. Like there was something wrong. But you all pressed forward, regardless. You had all come this far. No reason to just suddenly stop now.


You would reach Misaki Town through the old Back Alleys, but before you would be able to make it very far in, you would suddenly bump into what seemed to be an invisible, impenetrable, never-ending barrier. Like a video game with those invisible walls to act as barriers for the map, or something to that degree.

"Huh, what the...? What's going on here?" Shiki questioned, feeling up and trying to examine the invisible wall to the best of his ability.

In the distance, upon taking a closer look, you would see a small group of individuals, most notably Frank, Gunha, Cole, Stubbs, and an unidentified schoolgirl.

"Wait a minute, is that... No, it... what the hell?"

- - -


"R-Really?! You're friends with Tohno-kun?! Wow, maybe this time I can leave a message and maybe pass on afterwards!" Yumizuka exclaimed excitedly, before clearing her throat, calming down.


"S-Sorry about that. Anyway, I don't really know why you'd want to seek him out, but I think you might be able to find him at that Shrine Skyscraper under construction. A point that high would give him an easier time to survey the town and gather all his energy," She answered, though before she could say more, a peculiar sight would catch your eye.

Beyond the Back Alleys, just on the edge of town, you would all be able to spot Robin, Minato, Kirby, and two other individuals that only Frank would recognize; Shiki and Illya.


"N-No way! Is that... him?!"

@BarrenThin @Gibbons @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Nater Taters @The Tactician @Back Alley
Frank's expression was less than happy upon recognizing Shiki. Upon seeing the way the boy reacted, the old man's eyes hardened even further. Apparently, he had neither forgiven, nor forgotten.

Then, his eyes focused on the others and he greeted them with a wave.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
@Nater Taters
@The Tactician
"Eh, Castle, Mister Zombie," Minato waved back at Frank and for some reason Stubbs. It seemed he still remembered being trapped in the bedroom together at the beginning of the game.

Where as the Persona user was rather subdued in his response to seeing their companions once again, Robin was at first shocked before rushing forward to the others, "Well, well, it seems Naga favors us indeed! Frank, would you mind telling me if the group has discovered any other traitors? I would like to know what the methods have been so far and such as well, to keep some idea of our foes' operations."

@BarrenThin @Gibbons @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Nater Taters @Verite
"Eh, Castle, Mister Zombie," Minato waved back at Frank and for some reason Stubbs. It seemed he still remembered being trapped in the bedroom together at the beginning of the game.

Where as the Persona user was rather subdued in his response to seeing their companions once again, Robin was at first shocked before rushing forward to the others, "Well, well, it seems Naga favors us indeed! Frank, would you mind telling me if the group has discovered any other traitors? I would like to know what the methods have been so far and such as well, to keep some idea of our foes' operations."

@BarrenThin @Gibbons @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Nater Taters @Verite

Frank was glaring past Robin at Shiki when he answered. "Don't know. Haven't been told the results for the last vote yet. Ran off."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
@Nater Taters
@The Tactician
Frank was glaring past Robin at Shiki when he answered. "Don't know. Haven't been told the results for the last vote yet. Ran off."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
@Nater Taters
@The Tactician
Both Minato and Robin stared at Frank for a moment before turning as one to see that he was glaring at Shiki.

"... Arisato, this wouldn't have something to do with your first game, would it?"

"Yeah, um... Let's just say things didn't go well for Shiki, and he's not exactly the best for wear because of it."
Both Minato and Robin stared at Frank for a moment before turning as one to see that he was glaring at Shiki.

"... Arisato, this wouldn't have something to do with your first game, would it?"

"Yeah, um... Let's just say things didn't go well for Shiki, and he's not exactly the best for wear because of it."

Frank laughed a mirthless, almost creepy laugh at that.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
@Nater Taters
@The Tactician
Eve narrowed her eyes, realizing the group was in danger from an enemy they were facing. "Ilona, move!" she called out to the very distracted young blonde. She quickly transformed a few strands of her long hair into a hand and reached forward to grab onto Ilona, pulling her out of the immediate line of fire.

Despite her attempt, the both of them ended up sent flying by an eerie tornado which their enemy had spawned.

"Eeek!" Ilona cried, trying to keep a steady grip on Eve's magical hair.

"Hang on," Eve told her, making an attempt to grab onto one of the pillars and save them from crashing.

@Verite @The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper​

Ethel would be blown away, but as soon as she saw the pillars, Ethel tried to reach out to them, trying to get something to stop Ethel!

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper​
Barbossa was blasted towards the pillars, and tried to use his sword so that he could grab onto one. He fired a few more shots from his pistols towards Wallachia, before holstering it, and trying to hold his beloved hat onto his head. After all, it would be a real tragedy if he lost it.
'Aye, aim for his eyes! He won't be able 'ter fight blinded!'

@Verite @The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Of course, it seemed everybody else just wanted to unload on the vampire guy.

As expected, wounds that should've been lethal were completely worthless, so Kinuhata just tried to hold onto a pillar for now.

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus

"W-Whoa!" Erika had to have her scythe disappear as she and the others were thrown off of their feet and presumably towards those pillars. Luckily for her, Battler managed to get close to Erika, grabbing her wrist in an attempt to redirect themselves into a way that they hopefully wouldn't have a rough impact.


"D-Dammit... hold on Erika!" Battler yelled out Erika by her name for once, struggling to get themselves in a safe position. Well... how was that going to go?

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Verite@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper
Ryan was about to get frantic from the way everyone now chose to attack the vamp.. But her protests were quickly cut off by the attack thrown by the vamp, himself. "Ryan!" she heard her eldest sister exclaim, just before feeling that same sister's hand latch onto her own. "Hang on!" Reece commanded her, trying to get a grip on the column.

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Verite @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper
Suddenly a great wind sent Gilgamesh backwards, as he was sent flying he shot out a whip with his gates of babylon, hoping to use it to grip onto a pillar.

@Gummi Bunnies @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Mighty Roman @Mari @Wedge Antilles @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Shrine Skyscraper​
Though it seemed that Barbossa, Ethel, and Karin were able to save themselves just in the nick of time, the rest of you would appear to crash into the pillars around. Hopefully, you were more durable than the marble pillars themselves, or else you had a high chance of sustaining a good amount of injuries from crashing into them. Mari, Pyro, Daredevil, and Elektra would be sent rolling towards the edge of the building. If they didn't recover quickly, it'd be a long fall for them meanwhile!

However, Wallachia wasn't about to stop right there, it seemed.

As Barbossa would fire his pistol at Wallachia, the bullet would be caught in the vampire's hand, smoke and blood rising from it. The bullet certainly hit Wallachia's hand, where it was lodged in tightly, though it seemed that pain was not a concept he registered at the moment with all of his current power.


"Ke...kekekekeke! What a crudely primitive weapon!" Wallachia taunted, not seeming to let up on the assault as with several more flicks of the wrist, he would launch what seemed to be giant, wheel-shaped razors, sending multiple projectiles at you. As they rolled along the ground at high speeds, the blades would easily tear up the surface it traveled upon. It was time to move!



@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper Top
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  • Love
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Frank's expression was less than happy upon recognizing Shiki. Upon seeing the way the boy reacted, the old man's eyes hardened even further. Apparently, he had neither forgiven, nor forgotten.

Then, his eyes focused on the others and he greeted them with a wave.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
@Nater Taters
@The Tactician
"Eh, Castle, Mister Zombie," Minato waved back at Frank and for some reason Stubbs. It seemed he still remembered being trapped in the bedroom together at the beginning of the game.

Where as the Persona user was rather subdued in his response to seeing their companions once again, Robin was at first shocked before rushing forward to the others, "Well, well, it seems Naga favors us indeed! Frank, would you mind telling me if the group has discovered any other traitors? I would like to know what the methods have been so far and such as well, to keep some idea of our foes' operations."

@BarrenThin @Gibbons @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Nater Taters @Verite

Shiki had a rather concentrated, almost concerned look on his face. Though he seemed to be looking past or through Frank, the young man absent-mindedly spoke to him.

"Mister... Castle, was it? Fancy meeting you here again, though I suppose anything's possible in a Murder Game."

Not that it did, but perhaps it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise for him. After all, he was aware that Frank was familiar with that Tohsaka girl from the Association. And though Shiki hardly believed in something like fate, it seemed like when the Murder Games were concerned, some people were just destined to keep running into trouble.


"T-Tohno-kun! It's me! I'm back from the dead!" Yumizuka exclaimed excitedly, jumping around in an effort to get Shiki's attention, though her efforts would go unrewarded as Shiki, with dead eyes, would look straight at Frank.


"Mister Castle... How do you know who that person is? Where did she come from?"

@The Tactician @Nater Taters @BarrenThin @Gibbons @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Back Alley
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Though it seemed that Barbossa, Ethel, and Karin were able to save themselves just in the nick of time, the rest of you would appear to crash into the pillars around. Hopefully, you were more durable than the marble pillars themselves, or else you had a high chance of sustaining a good amount of injuries from crashing into them. Mari, Pyro, Daredevil, and Elektra would be sent rolling towards the edge of the building. If they didn't recover quickly, it'd be a long fall for them meanwhile!

However, Wallachia wasn't about to stop right there, it seemed.

As Barbossa would fire his pistol at Wallachia, the bullet would be caught in the vampire's hand, smoke and blood rising from it. The bullet certainly hit Wallachia's hand, where it was lodged in tightly, though it seemed that pain was not a concept he registered at the moment with all of his current power.


"Ke...kekekekeke! What a crudely primitive weapon!" Wallachia taunted, not seeming to let up on the assault as with several more flicks of the wrist, he would launch what seemed to be giant, wheel-shaped razors, sending multiple projectiles at you. As they rolled along the ground at high speeds, the blades would easily tear up the surface it traveled upon. It was time to move!



@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper Top

"Hmm... Ethel can do it..." Ethel said confidently, as he got out of the way of the razors and used ice magic to drop a giant piece of ice on top of the vampire to try and knock him the fuck out. Hopefully that works, Ethel thought as she use Hailstone.

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Verite @Shrine Skyscraper Top​
Though it seemed that Barbossa, Ethel, and Karin were able to save themselves just in the nick of time, the rest of you would appear to crash into the pillars around. Hopefully, you were more durable than the marble pillars themselves, or else you had a high chance of sustaining a good amount of injuries from crashing into them. Mari, Pyro, Daredevil, and Elektra would be sent rolling towards the edge of the building. If they didn't recover quickly, it'd be a long fall for them meanwhile!

However, Wallachia wasn't about to stop right there, it seemed.

As Barbossa would fire his pistol at Wallachia, the bullet would be caught in the vampire's hand, smoke and blood rising from it. The bullet certainly hit Wallachia's hand, where it was lodged in tightly, though it seemed that pain was not a concept he registered at the moment with all of his current power.


"Ke...kekekekeke! What a crudely primitive weapon!" Wallachia taunted, not seeming to let up on the assault as with several more flicks of the wrist, he would launch what seemed to be giant, wheel-shaped razors, sending multiple projectiles at you. As they rolled along the ground at high speeds, the blades would easily tear up the surface it traveled upon. It was time to move!



@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper Top

"GAH!!" Battler cried out as he and Erika failed to redirect themselves from the incoming impact, both of them falling to the ground with a nasty thud. Battler managed to get a hold of himself, trying to ignore the pain he felt from that alone. However, he looked over to his right to see that the detective was knocked out.


"S-Shit... Erika..." Battler was shocked to see that she wasn't able to endure that hit. Maybe this fragment was able to nullify their immunities to mortal blows such as these. Seeing that the cape was going to get in the way, Battler had the gamemaster's cape disappear as he slung Erika over his shoulder, not having much other options but to carry her out of here before things got nasty. However, the options were continuing to get slimmer and slimmer as this encounter got worse and worse. So... Battler had no choice but to make a risky move here...

"... Endless Nine."


A red cylinder-shaped barrier surrounded himself and Erika. This barrier protected against all kinds of magic, and he had no idea if those razor blades would be stopped by the protective field, but again, this was a last second decision.

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Verite @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper Top​
Though it seemed that Barbossa, Ethel, and Karin were able to save themselves just in the nick of time, the rest of you would appear to crash into the pillars around. Hopefully, you were more durable than the marble pillars themselves, or else you had a high chance of sustaining a good amount of injuries from crashing into them. Mari, Pyro, Daredevil, and Elektra would be sent rolling towards the edge of the building. If they didn't recover quickly, it'd be a long fall for them meanwhile!

However, Wallachia wasn't about to stop right there, it seemed.

As Barbossa would fire his pistol at Wallachia, the bullet would be caught in the vampire's hand, smoke and blood rising from it. The bullet certainly hit Wallachia's hand, where it was lodged in tightly, though it seemed that pain was not a concept he registered at the moment with all of his current power.


"Ke...kekekekeke! What a crudely primitive weapon!" Wallachia taunted, not seeming to let up on the assault as with several more flicks of the wrist, he would launch what seemed to be giant, wheel-shaped razors, sending multiple projectiles at you. As they rolled along the ground at high speeds, the blades would easily tear up the surface it traveled upon. It was time to move!



@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper Top

While Eve had put forth her best effort to grab onto one of the pillars and avoid crashing into them, she had failed. The grip her hair had on them slipped and the two girls crashed right into them. Seconds before hitting the pillar, with her reflexes, the bioweapon morphed her hair into a shield to protect herself from too much damage. But Ilona, who had no special powers to cushion herself from receiving too much damage, smashed right into one of the pillars.

The girl screamed as she collided with the pillar, silenced when the collision quickly rendered her unconscious. Eve created a net with her hair to quickly capture the girl, having little time to react when she realized projectile weapons were being hurled at them. She did her best to create a dome with her hair, around herself and Ilona, to protect the two of them from the projectiles.

"I-I can't fight and protect this girl at the same time," Eve thought, holding up the dome as best she could. What would she do?

@Verite @The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper Top​


Blood flew violently from Wallachia's body as you would all strike him. The slices from Erika, the strike from Ethel, and the weapon spam from Gilgamesh. With every hit, the vampire wordlessly staggered back until he would finally fall to the ground without any resistance, his body riddled with wounds and weapons sticking out as he lay in a pool of his own blood.

But it wasn't over. It was never that easy.

Mere seconds later, Wallachia would rise, grabbing each sword that remained inside his body and yanking them out with his hands without a sound. And then when he was done, he would face you all, his blank eyes opening for the first time.


"That... hurt," He hissed with an empty grin on his face, stepping towards you all, "Let me return the favor."

With that, he would extend his arm, before performing a sort of swiping motion. In an instant, what looked like a black mini-tornado would materialize out of thin air on the rooftop, quickly moving towards you all and sucking you in like a vacuum.


Sending you flying about at high speeds, Wallachia would attempt to crash you all into nearby objects, most notably the nearby pillars!

Dice roll situation

Odds - Crashing into the pillars

Evens - Grab onto one of them to resist the mighty wind

@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper

John was out of his element here. He didn't feel like his powers would be able to incinerate the pillar that had his name on it, so he tried to grab it...

@shrine skyscraper
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mari
Though it seemed that Barbossa, Ethel, and Karin were able to save themselves just in the nick of time, the rest of you would appear to crash into the pillars around. Hopefully, you were more durable than the marble pillars themselves, or else you had a high chance of sustaining a good amount of injuries from crashing into them. Mari, Pyro, Daredevil, and Elektra would be sent rolling towards the edge of the building. If they didn't recover quickly, it'd be a long fall for them meanwhile!

However, Wallachia wasn't about to stop right there, it seemed.

As Barbossa would fire his pistol at Wallachia, the bullet would be caught in the vampire's hand, smoke and blood rising from it. The bullet certainly hit Wallachia's hand, where it was lodged in tightly, though it seemed that pain was not a concept he registered at the moment with all of his current power.


"Ke...kekekekeke! What a crudely primitive weapon!" Wallachia taunted, not seeming to let up on the assault as with several more flicks of the wrist, he would launch what seemed to be giant, wheel-shaped razors, sending multiple projectiles at you. As they rolled along the ground at high speeds, the blades would easily tear up the surface it traveled upon. It was time to move!



@The Silver Paladin @Mari @Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper Top

...Oh, s#@%.

Thinking fast- as per usual -, Reece scrambled to her feet, looking to her sister's unconscious little body. She looked so.. Frail. So... helpless. But Reece couldn't think about that right now. Instead, she threw herself over little Ryan's form, shielding the child's body with her own. However, the Sybil wasn't an idiot - this was just backup. On top of that little protective maneuver, Reece chanted something unintelligible, and all of a sudden a... Couch cushion....? appeared between the two blondes and the blade.

Three words: What the fuck?

@shitpost @The Silver Paladin @Mari @Verite @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Crimson Spartan @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Team Beerus @Shrine Skyscraper
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