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The blue creature was ready to dodge the Esper's counterattack, but it would find itself caught by surprise by Cinder's attack from behind, causing it to become vulnerable to Kinuhata's incoming punch. It skidded back several feet, but it wasn't down for the count just yet! With some distance between it and the two of you, it would go ahead and go for another rush, thrusting its long arms forward, the arms springing forward like tendrils once again attempting to impale its enemies!

As for the red creature, as Gunha would attack it, its body would slam right into the ceiling, a crack visible on its rock-like body. Despite the damage done, it would press forward, its long tendril quickly wrapping around Gunha's neck and attempting to strangle him, lifting the young man's body from the ground, almost acting like a noose.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Kaykay @Gibbons
"Grk...so it's...a battle of...guts...is it?" Gunha grabbed onto the creature's tendril with both hands and yanked in opposite directions, attempting to rip the tendril apart with a loud grunt. He probably would've been yelling, were it not for the whole being choked thing.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Kaykay @Verite
Ryner's eyes flew open and the fire stopped, the circle forming into a new shape, blocking the first fist flying at him. The second however, struck him, hard, and sent him tumbling backwards, leaving him clutching his ribs tightly

So much for that tactic, this was a tough foe indeed, Ryner'd had the wind knocked from his lungs, and could feel his head spinning from the impact against the floor, he was gonna be feeling that attack for some time

"I'm not the kind of guy to just throw affection around, sorry" he mutters as he gets to his feet "So I guess you'll have to find someone else to love"

His eyes clenched as he tried something new

"I offer up this contract, to unleash the magic beast of light which dances through the skies"

This time, three red circles appeared around himself, and beasts made of light pounced from his body, moving in serpentine patterns towards the lady, before attacking her with all the ferocity of hungry wolves

@Jeremi @Verite @Atomyk @CCC Kouhai @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @Arena Peeps​

Passionlip was about to continue the fight as her arms returned but before she could do anything she would've been attacked by the pack of wolves. "Kyaa! B-b-bad dog! Bad dog!"

Kizaru would take the opportunity to speak aloud to the gathered group. "Well...I don't know about you but I sure don't want to be turned into a cube...instead of fighting her from a distance...maybe going close is the trick...?" Suddenly Kizaru would be looming over Passionlip and the few wolves who were still alive.

With her distracted Kizaru would let out a ferocious kick right unto her head that would send her crashing to the floor and leaving a big crater in its wake.

Even so it wouldn't take her long to dig herself out of that. Something needed to be done to put her down permanently.

@DapperDogman @Verite @Atomyk @CCC Kouhai @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @Arena
Mari smiled and nodded to Annabeth. "John is thankful for your acceptance", she said, before John could answer to her by himself. She said it so quickly without thinking as well, and then after she had said it... she wondered why she did that? Was it an indication that she cared that much about the approval or Annabeth and Percy? She smiled to herself and shook her head... no, that could not be it... could it?

@The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles

John felt relieved. He felt so out of place in this environment from the word "go", and... he felt some kind of attraction towards the pretty japanese girl, Mari. Both of those friction points in his mind were helped by her answer, as well as the answer from Annabeth. And in turn, he would do his best to watch out for, protect them... especially Mari.

So, after that was assured, that he would be with her, and them, for a while at least, he looked towards the rest of them. "We gave an answer, right? Kind of slow huh?", he announced bluntly.

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @corecrew
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mari
John felt relieved. He felt so out of place in this environment from the word "go", and... he felt some kind of attraction towards the pretty japanese girl, Mari. Both of those friction points in his mind were helped by her answer, as well as the answer from Annabeth. And in turn, he would do his best to watch out for, protect them... especially Mari.

So, after that was assured, that he would be with her, and them, for a while at least, he looked towards the rest of them. "We gave an answer, right? Kind of slow huh?", he announced bluntly.

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @corecrew
"No need to be rude, John," Mari responded in a tone that strongly sounded of disagreement and disappointment, and then she lowered her voice volume quite a bit when she continued.

"At least not yet." This boy... John had a way with things, which seemed to be very compatible with her personality and ways, as it turned out. She was surprised, and feeling more comfortable by the moment with this so-called partnership or cooperative agreement between them. Could it be more, even for the cold-hearted Mari Kurihara?

@Wedge Antilles
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
Ryner's lips twitched as he looked down slowly "You're quick, Kizaru...do me a favour...Get everyone away from me...And when she's dealt with...Shut my eyes for me..."

Slowly he'd allow himself to think of all he'd seen that day, the blooming romance between Saber and Lon'qu, the tragic nature of it all, the deaths of the innocent old man, and the two boys, the fact he'd sworn to protect people, and couldn't do it, all of this flooded into him, guilt, anger, sadness, emotions he'd shut away behind heavy steel doors came flooding out

"Ah, yes...That's it...let it out"

"Life is inconsequential"

"Your goal in life is to kill everything, to leave nothing in your wake!"

Equations flew threw his mind, graphs, complex sums, the answer to all things flew past his eyes, sums that would never be solved within the lifetime of humanity, great mysteries taken to the grave with brilliant minds

And then he laughed, loudly, his eyes shimmering red before the discs emerged, menacingly


"You pathetic worm..."

A hand extended toward the woman and a glowing red rune formed



Just like that, one of her hands would have turned into molecules that fizzled and vanished entirely

@Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @Atomyk @Verite @CCC Kouhai @Arena

John felt relieved. He felt so out of place in this environment from the word "go", and... he felt some kind of attraction towards the pretty japanese girl, Mari. Both of those friction points in his mind were helped by her answer, as well as the answer from Annabeth. And in turn, he would do his best to watch out for, protect them... especially Mari.

So, after that was assured, that he would be with her, and them, for a while at least, he looked towards the rest of them. "We gave an answer, right? Kind of slow huh?", he announced bluntly.

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @corecrew
"No need to be rude, John," Mari responded in a tone that strongly sounded of disagreement and disappointment, and then she lowered her voice volume quite a bit when she continued.

"At least not yet." This boy... John had a way with things, which seemed to be very compatible with her personality and ways, as it turned out. She was surprised, and feeling more comfortable by the moment with this so-called partnership or cooperative agreement between them. Could it be more, even for the cold-hearted Mari Kurihara?

@Wedge Antilles

"I'll admit, it's annoying to have such an actual simple answer be processed as obviously correct. Whoever is running the questions here is probably laughing at us or being incompetent as ever," the detective sighed as she crossed her arms, waiting for the answer to be confirmed to be correct. It had to be correct, there was no other reasoning around it.

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @TheSpringwoodSlasher @corecrew​
Despite her Offense Armor, Kinuhata didn't feel like taking a risk to take the attack. She had no idea what these were or how hard they could hit. So instead she did a forward roll to try to evade the tendril and launch her palm into the creature's mid section.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Verite @Gibbons
Cinder Fall
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Kaykay @Gibbons
Cinder jumped into the air in an attempt to avoid the tendrils, putting both of her blades together in rapid movements, making them form a bow before one could visually register what had happened...

By the time she was starting to fall, she had already loaded and drawn 3 arrows into the bow, firing all three of them at the blue creature, upon impact, each would detonate in a fiery explosion, but, it was uncertain if that would be enough to take down creatures like these.​
"Grk...so it's...a battle of...guts...is it?" Gunha grabbed onto the creature's tendril with both hands and yanked in opposite directions, attempting to rip the tendril apart with a loud grunt. He probably would've been yelling, were it not for the whole being choked thing.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Kaykay @Verite
The red creature let out something of an inhuman shriek as Gunha ripped apart its tendril, before abruptly letting the Esper go. Evidently, it seemed to be its weak point, judging from not just the shriek, but the sheer amount of a strange black substance almost resembling blood, before the rest of its circular body would crash into the ground, becoming motionless with that.

With the blue creature, as it would dash forward while thrusting its tendrils forward, it would stop itself, drawing its arms back and attempting to protect itself from Cinder's arrows, though the explosions would come off as something of an unexpected surprise that would knock it a few feet back, damaging its body quite a bit, but before it could initiate any retaliation, it would be knocked right into the wall by Kinuhata's attack, its body crashing though the barrier and ceasing to move with that, effectively defeated.

Zelretch would give a mild whistle once the fight was over, looking at what appeared to be a pocketwatch while you were all fighting. "Hmph. Not a bad time," he commented, before pocketing it and continuing to walk forward, "Come, we don't have any time to waste. Don't wanna run into any more of those things."

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Gibbons @Academy


Max had little time to talk to Ryuko, giving her only a brief smile as the events occurred before the Retcon Queen. Every bad trope from busty, innocent antagonist to non-Euclidean geometry danced before the Irish-descended photographer's eyes. People of extraordinarily impressive abilities and talents, with lightning dancing and fire rising from their palms. Yet as they fought, chasing some delusional lady, Max followed in silence, her right hand raised, the world around her flashing a orange and teal hue. Her body concentrated, Max closing her clear blue eyes, focusing all of her energy as she walked with such an elegant grace in her lanky form.

.yltnenamrep nwod reh tup ot enod eb ot dedeen gnihtemoS .taht fo tuo flesreh gid ot gnol reh ekat t'ndluow ti os nevE
.ekaw sti ni retarc gib a gnivael dna roolf eht ot gnihsarc reh dnes dluow taht daeh reh otnu thgir kcik suoicoref a tuo tel dluow uraziK detcartsid reh htiW
.evila llits erew ohw sevlow wef eht dna pilnoissaP revo gnimool eb dluow uraziK ylnedduS "?...kcirt eht si esolc gniog ebyam...ecnatsid a morf reh gnithgif fo daetsni...ebuc a otni denrut eb ot tnaw t'nod erus I tub uoy tuoba wonk t'nod I...lleW" .puorg derehtag eht ot duola kaeps ot ytinutroppo eht ekat dluow uraziK
"!god daB !god dab-b-B !aayK" .sevlow fo kcap eht yb dekcatta neeb ev'dluow ehs gnihtyna od dluoc ehs erofeb tub denruter smra reh sa thgif eht eunitnoc ot tuoba saw pilnoissaP

Everything froze from Max's perspective as she neared closer and closer to Passionslip, carefully and tenderly walking between the rubble and frozen attacks of those around her. With a shaky breath and anxiety coursing through her body, Max lifted a small lead pipe, beginning to feel as if her plan was foolish.

"Come on...come on...think of it as playing baseball. Well, if baseball had sexy busty women..."

Positioning herself beside Passionlip, Max carefully closed her eyes, the artist flinching as the world once again fell back into motion. To those around her, it was as if she teleported beside Passionlip, when in reality Max had simply altered the course of time. As the others unleashed their absurd attacks ranging from molecules shattering to bolts of pure electricity, Max held a more unorthodox approach. Raising the lead pipe in her two hands, the Mildly Frustrated Max closed her eyes, bringing the small lump of heavy metal down towards Passionlip.

Hey, it might work~


@DapperDogman @Verite @Jeremi @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena
  • Like
  • Useful
Reactions: C.T. and Jeremi

"Because of course, we can't ever be teleported randomly and then go back to saving the world..." Robin muttered as he stood up and waited for the clothes to be handed to them.


Minato shrugged as the offer of tea was made, "Sounds good to me, though... If you have some wrenches and duct tape, I might be able to fix your washer. Might not work like brand new, but it'll last awhile." For once, he was glad he was a stay-at-home boyfriend who had to fiddle with home appliances to ensure they continued to work properly and without fires.

"Saving the world? What, you talking about the World War III that just started?" Cromwell questioned curiously, tilting her head slightly, "If you wanna stop that even though it's already started, you're delusional, kid. Unless you're part of a growing superpower like Academy City, it's hopeless, unless you got some sort of master plan?"

"Ah... it's complicated," Illya awkwardly replied, wringing her hair to get water out of it.

"In any case, fixing it would be nice, I suppose. None of us know the first thing about these blasted machines, and we'd rather not waste money on something that wasn't our fault," the woman sighed, running her hand through her blonde hair, "I'll give the Far East girl a call. Wrenches and whatnot aren't stuff we carry around, after all."

- - -

After a surprisingly brief wait, two nuns would appear in the room, walking through the door. One couldn't be any older than Illya, sporting red hair, while the other looked more like a normal nun, both of them holding some clothing in their hands.


"We only had some of Sister Angelene's Winter clothes lying around, since the rest of her clothes were supposed to be washed tonight, but ah... looks like that didn't go as planned," the younger nun spoke, handing Illya what appeared to be a coat and a little hat along with it, "You can go change in the restroom or so, and you... fine gentlemen can change in here," she said, while the other nun would hand the two of you some spare clothes.

"It's lucky that the clothing shop didn't already close for the night."

"Bet Kanzaki managed to get 'em for free after running around in just that yukata."


"A-Anyway... would you two like something to eat with some tea after you change? Perhaps a crumpet or two?"

@The Tactician
Misaka had been shooting off electricity during the fight, but the strange woman just continued to shrug off the majority of their attacks. The young electromaster grew more frustrated with the fight every passing moment, her face affixed into a snarl as energy attacks flew left and right around her. She felt a bead of sweat roll down her forehead, her body flushed with emotion more than exhaustion. This woman had to be an esper, as it seemed her ability lied within the strange interdimensional space kept within her chest. Misaka had the growing unease that simply destroying this woman would not free the idiot trapped inside, if he even was still alive in there. Something drastic had to be done, and Misaka was already growing red at just the thought.

"Ugh... I can't believe this!" she moaned, bringing a hand to her forehead. Whatever Ryner was powering up, it looked like it had the potential to kill this creepy boob lady for good. Realizing there was no time, Misaka shut her mouth and threw out her hands. Her electromagnetic abilities allowed her to establish a magnetic connection with Passionlip's mighty claws, which Misaka used to suddenly pull herself toward the woman at a great speed. Propelling herself into the air, Misaka cried out as the large chest of their enemy grew bigger and bigger below her.


Nothing was going to deter her at this point, not even the sudden appearance of Max striking at the woman's side. Misaka couldn't help but yell out wordlessly as she plunged a hand deep into the infinite space of the woman's chest, her fingers grasping for the boy trapped inside. "Come on, you...!" She grinned as her fingers clasped around an arm, before pulling it up with all her might. "Come oooooooon!" she yelled, as Touma was pulled up and out of the infinite chest. Misaka stumbled backward and away from Passionlip, crashing to the floor so that Touma landed on top of her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she snapped, electricity coursing around her.

@DapperDogman @Verite @Jeremi @Krieg @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena
"Saving the world? What, you talking about the World War III that just started?" Cromwell questioned curiously, tilting her head slightly, "If you wanna stop that even though it's already started, you're delusional, kid. Unless you're part of a growing superpower like Academy City, it's hopeless, unless you got some sort of master plan?"

"Ah... it's complicated," Illya awkwardly replied, wringing her hair to get water out of it.

"In any case, fixing it would be nice, I suppose. None of us know the first thing about these blasted machines, and we'd rather not waste money on something that wasn't our fault," the woman sighed, running her hand through her blonde hair, "I'll give the Far East girl a call. Wrenches and whatnot aren't stuff we carry around, after all."

- - -

After a surprisingly brief wait, two nuns would appear in the room, walking through the door. One couldn't be any older than Illya, sporting red hair, while the other looked more like a normal nun, both of them holding some clothing in their hands.


"We only had some of Sister Angelene's Winter clothes lying around, since the rest of her clothes were supposed to be washed tonight, but ah... looks like that didn't go as planned," the younger nun spoke, handing Illya what appeared to be a coat and a little hat along with it, "You can go change in the restroom or so, and you... fine gentlemen can change in here," she said, while the other nun would hand the two of you some spare clothes.

"It's lucky that the clothing shop didn't already close for the night."

"Bet Kanzaki managed to get 'em for free after running around in just that yukata."


"A-Anyway... would you two like something to eat with some tea after you change? Perhaps a crumpet or two?"

@The Tactician

"Oh, uh, thank you," Robin took the clothes from the nuns with a smile before nodding, "That would be nice... Though could we also have some privacy? I'm fairly certain sisters of the church aren't supposed to witness two men undressing..."


"Mister Tact, stop being such a prude. Let me tell you, nuns love it when they get to watch..." Minato muttered with an amused smirk, not at all embarrassed or ashamed as he began to remove his t-shirt in front of the nuns.
Ryner's lips twitched as he looked down slowly "You're quick, Kizaru...do me a favour...Get everyone away from me...And when she's dealt with...Shut my eyes for me..."

Slowly he'd allow himself to think of all he'd seen that day, the blooming romance between Saber and Lon'qu, the tragic nature of it all, the deaths of the innocent old man, and the two boys, the fact he'd sworn to protect people, and couldn't do it, all of this flooded into him, guilt, anger, sadness, emotions he'd shut away behind heavy steel doors came flooding out

"Ah, yes...That's it...let it out"

"Life is inconsequential"

"Your goal in life is to kill everything, to leave nothing in your wake!"

Equations flew threw his mind, graphs, complex sums, the answer to all things flew past his eyes, sums that would never be solved within the lifetime of humanity, great mysteries taken to the grave with brilliant minds

And then he laughed, loudly, his eyes shimmering red before the discs emerged, menacingly


"You pathetic worm..."

A hand extended toward the woman and a glowing red rune formed



Just like that, one of her hands would have turned into molecules that fizzled and vanished entirely

@Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @Atomyk @Verite @CCC Kouhai @Arena

"That doesn't strike me as very important right now..." Was Kizaru's response to Ryner before he did his thing.

The attack would hit and Passionlip had a look of silent shock in her eyes as she turned her head to where her left arm should be as it disintegrated from existence.



Max had little time to talk to Ryuko, giving her only a brief smile as the events occurred before the Retcon Queen. Every bad trope from busty, innocent antagonist to non-Euclidean geometry danced before the Irish-descended photographer's eyes. People of extraordinarily impressive abilities and talents, with lightning dancing and fire rising from their palms. Yet as they fought, chasing some delusional lady, Max followed in silence, her right hand raised, the world around her flashing a orange and teal hue. Her body concentrated, Max closing her clear blue eyes, focusing all of her energy as she walked with such an elegant grace in her lanky form.


Everything froze from Max's perspective as she neared closer and closer to Passionslip, carefully and tenderly walking between the rubble and frozen attacks of those around her. With a shaky breath and anxiety coursing through her body, Max lifted a small lead pipe, beginning to feel as if her plan was foolish.

"Come on...come on...think of it as playing baseball. Well, if baseball had sexy busty women..."

Positioning herself beside Passionlip, Max carefully closed her eyes, the artist flinching as the world once again fell back into motion. To those around her, it was as if she teleported beside Passionlip, when in reality Max had simply altered the course of time. As the others unleashed their absurd attacks ranging from molecules shattering to bolts of pure electricity, Max held a more unorthodox approach. Raising the lead pipe in her two hands, the Mildly Frustrated Max closed her eyes, bringing the small lump of heavy metal down towards Passionlip.

Hey, it might work~


@DapperDogman @Verite @Jeremi @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena

Then a hit to the head by a lead pipe, which wasn't much more than a love tap to Passionlip. Still she just stood silently looking at her missing arm. That was until Misaka did her thing.

Misaka had been shooting off electricity during the fight, but the strange woman just continued to shrug off the majority of their attacks. The young electromaster grew more frustrated with the fight every passing moment, her face affixed into a snarl as energy attacks flew left and right around her. She felt a bead of sweat roll down her forehead, her body flushed with emotion more than exhaustion. This woman had to be an esper, as it seemed her ability lied within the strange interdimensional space kept within her chest. Misaka had the growing unease that simply destroying this woman would not free the idiot trapped inside, if he even was still alive in there. Something drastic had to be done, and Misaka was already growing red at just the thought.

"Ugh... I can't believe this!" she moaned, bringing a hand to her forehead. Whatever Ryner was powering up, it looked like it had the potential to kill this creepy boob lady for good. Realizing there was no time, Misaka shut her mouth and threw out her hands. Her electromagnetic abilities allowed her to establish a magnetic connection with Passionlip's mighty claws, which Misaka used to suddenly pull herself toward the woman at a great speed. Propelling herself into the air, Misaka cried out as the large chest of their enemy grew bigger and bigger below her.


Nothing was going to deter her at this point, not even the sudden appearance of Max striking at the woman's side. Misaka couldn't help but yell out wordlessly as she plunged a hand deep into the infinite space of the woman's chest, her fingers grasping for the boy trapped inside. "Come on, you...!" She grinned as her fingers clasped around an arm, before pulling it up with all her might. "Come oooooooon!" she yelled, as Touma was pulled up and out of the infinite chest. Misaka stumbled backward and away from Passionlip, crashing to the floor so that Touma landed on top of her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she snapped, electricity coursing around her.

@DapperDogman @Verite @Jeremi @Krieg @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena

"W-what?! No! You can't take him!" Passionlip would raise her only remaining arm into the air in an attempt to crush both Misaka and Touma. "He was a part of me!"

Before she slammed her claw down she'd feel something sharp piercing her abdomen. "My my...you should really learn how to share..." Kizaru had teleported behind her and stabbed Passionlip with a sword made of light.

He'd slid it out of the wound and take a few steps back.


"I don't know about you...but I'm pretty sure you should be dead already."

Despite everything however Passionlip was still standing, tears welling up in her eyes. "I...I just...wanted to be...loved." Uttering those words she'd send her gigantic claw down in an attempt to crush Misaka and Touma.

@DapperDogman @Verite @Atomyk @Krieg @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena
Misaka had been shooting off electricity during the fight, but the strange woman just continued to shrug off the majority of their attacks. The young electromaster grew more frustrated with the fight every passing moment, her face affixed into a snarl as energy attacks flew left and right around her. She felt a bead of sweat roll down her forehead, her body flushed with emotion more than exhaustion. This woman had to be an esper, as it seemed her ability lied within the strange interdimensional space kept within her chest. Misaka had the growing unease that simply destroying this woman would not free the idiot trapped inside, if he even was still alive in there. Something drastic had to be done, and Misaka was already growing red at just the thought.

"Ugh... I can't believe this!" she moaned, bringing a hand to her forehead. Whatever Ryner was powering up, it looked like it had the potential to kill this creepy boob lady for good. Realizing there was no time, Misaka shut her mouth and threw out her hands. Her electromagnetic abilities allowed her to establish a magnetic connection with Passionlip's mighty claws, which Misaka used to suddenly pull herself toward the woman at a great speed. Propelling herself into the air, Misaka cried out as the large chest of their enemy grew bigger and bigger below her.


Nothing was going to deter her at this point, not even the sudden appearance of Max striking at the woman's side. Misaka couldn't help but yell out wordlessly as she plunged a hand deep into the infinite space of the woman's chest, her fingers grasping for the boy trapped inside. "Come on, you...!" She grinned as her fingers clasped around an arm, before pulling it up with all her might. "Come oooooooon!" she yelled, as Touma was pulled up and out of the infinite chest. Misaka stumbled backward and away from Passionlip, crashing to the floor so that Touma landed on top of her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she snapped, electricity coursing around her.

@DapperDogman @Verite @Jeremi @Krieg @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena
"That doesn't strike me as very important right now..." Was Kizaru's response to Ryner before he did his thing.

The attack would hit and Passionlip had a look of silent shock in her eyes as she turned her head to where her left arm should be as it disintegrated from existence.

Then a hit to the head by a lead pipe, which wasn't much more than a love tap to Passionlip. Still she just stood silently looking at her missing arm. That was until Misaka did her thing.

"W-what?! No! You can't take him!" Passionlip would raise her only remaining arm into the air in an attempt to crush both Misaka and Touma. "He was a part of me!"

Before she slammed her claw down she'd feel something sharp piercing her abdomen. "My my...you should really learn how to share..." Kizaru had teleported behind her and stabbed Passionlip with a sword made of light.

He'd slid it out of the wound and take a few steps back.


"I don't know about you...but I'm pretty sure you should be dead already."

Despite everything however Passionlip was still standing, tears welling up in her eyes. "I...I just...wanted to be...loved." Uttering those words she'd send her gigantic claw down in an attempt to crush Misaka and Touma.

@DapperDogman @Verite @Atomyk @Krieg @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena

Like a bad romantic comedy, it looked like when Touma would be grabbed out of Passionlip's... well-rounded chest, he would find himself landing on top of Misaka. Out of the frying pan and into the fire for him.

Such misfortune.


"M-Misaka-san?! It's not what it looks like! T-This is just a misunderstanding!"

He sat up on her, inadvertently taking a position that made it look like he was straddling her while trying to gather his bearings, as though his legs had become numb while he was trapped within the reaches of Breast Valley. He didn't even have time to realize how he looked before Passionlip would attempt to crush him and the girl underneath him.

"Whoaa! What the hell?!" Touma exclaimed in surprise. With the young man being the boy with a hero complex that he was, he instinctively held out his right hand, his Imagine Breaker that would destroy every illusion that would come his way, in an attempt to block Passionlip's massive hand. He didn't know for sure if this was like fighting a magical golem where he could just touch it and make it disappear, but even so, he had someone to protect! That was enough for him to act.

"You may want to be loved, but I'm sorry that that love will never be returned! You're under the delusion that you can't live without love, but that's wrong! Just take a look at the world around you! You can fulfill yourself in other ways! And even if you can't find someone that will love you, you can at least love yourself! I'll show you! That's why I'll break that illusion of yours!"

What was he even talking about at this point?

Either way, a little out of nowhere, but it was something he did often.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @C.T. @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @DapperDogman @Arena
Last edited:
The answers were given and as they chatted among themselves, the cube finally deigned to give some kind of response. Parts of it began to shift around, revealing bits and pieces of the inner layers of the Core. Although it'd stop right before it exposed itself entirely those who had gathered. The same voice from before then began to broadcast itself once more.

"The answer is correct. As for it's easy nature, that is something that cannot be given a sufficient answer. Perhaps the creators simply did not think those that found themselves standing here would be worth the time and effort of a long and drawn out process? It cannot be said for sure. But in any case, you draw closer to the true Core. The next question is as follows. What is the next number in the following set? 21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16."

"Feel free to take as much time as you need to formulate an answer or shout out all at once. It will then be processed and depending on if you're capable of answering this, you'll find what you came here to see."

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles

"Oh, uh, thank you," Robin took the clothes from the nuns with a smile before nodding, "That would be nice... Though could we also have some privacy? I'm fairly certain sisters of the church aren't supposed to witness two men undressing..."


"Mister Tact, stop being such a prude. Let me tell you, nuns love it when they get to watch..." Minato muttered with an amused smirk, not at all embarrassed or ashamed as he began to remove his t-shirt in front of the nuns.
"Of course. Come out once you are finished," the older nun bowed to Robin in response, before leaving, not seeming to show any sign of embarrassment or stuff like that.

On the other hand, the younger red-headed nun's cheeks would be seen flushing a little at Minato's comment, before she would frown and turn around with a "Hmph!," following the older nun out.

"You're quite the catch," Illya commented to Minato half-jokingly, before beginning to leave as well, preparing to go off and change in a different room.

@The Tactician
"That doesn't strike me as very important right now..." Was Kizaru's response to Ryner before he did his thing.

The attack would hit and Passionlip had a look of silent shock in her eyes as she turned her head to where her left arm should be as it disintegrated from existence.

Then a hit to the head by a lead pipe, which wasn't much more than a love tap to Passionlip. Still she just stood silently looking at her missing arm. That was until Misaka did her thing.

"W-what?! No! You can't take him!" Passionlip would raise her only remaining arm into the air in an attempt to crush both Misaka and Touma. "He was a part of me!"

Before she slammed her claw down she'd feel something sharp piercing her abdomen. "My my...you should really learn how to share..." Kizaru had teleported behind her and stabbed Passionlip with a sword made of light.

He'd slid it out of the wound and take a few steps back.


"I don't know about you...but I'm pretty sure you should be dead already."

Despite everything however Passionlip was still standing, tears welling up in her eyes. "I...I just...wanted to be...loved." Uttering those words she'd send her gigantic claw down in an attempt to crush Misaka and Touma.

@DapperDogman @Verite @Atomyk @Krieg @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @Arena
She just looked in mild bemusement as all that went on. First Ryner seemed up to the task all by himself, and she was just content to sit on the sides and let 'im do it all. But even Max leaped into the scene, striking with a precise metal pipe and Misaka just...did she just PULL that guy out of this chick's chest?? She didn't follow that questioning any further cause like what the fuck. Instead, as Passionlip continued to try and attack, only then did she finally step in.


"You got a fucking strange way of showing love, ya know that?" Ryuko spat out after throwing her scissor blade straight on to hopefully interrupt that strike, finally over her shock and surprise that kept her from posting until now, rather than any laziness on the RPer's end :|. "Speakin' of that though..." Ryuko shot a glance back towards Misaka and Touma. "If you guys can hold off on your lovers' spat until we're outta this crazy situation, that'd be nice. Just sayin." She shrugged, advancing closer to check on Passionlip.

@Jeremi @DapperDogman @Verite @Atomyk @Krieg @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai
"I will. Promise. I'm just about fed up with dying."

"Good. I'll hold you to that," Rin said, brushing aside some stray hair, "In any case, you gonna go look for Ryan then? Kinuhata's with some other people, and I'm sure they can take care of themselves should they come into contact with danger."

@BarrenThin @Hospes
"Good. I'll hold you to that," Rin said, brushing aside some stray hair, "In any case, you gonna go look for Ryan then? Kinuhata's with some other people, and I'm sure they can take care of themselves should they come into contact with danger."

@BarrenThin @Hospes

"Yeah... you stay safe too, okay?" Frank gave her a look that was suddenly pleading. Losing one family had broken him. There was no telling what having it happen a second time would do.

The old man looked about the area for Ryan. When he found her, he just looked down and grinned from ear to ear. "Hey, Ryan."

The answers were given and as they chatted among themselves, the cube finally deigned to give some kind of response. Parts of it began to shift around, revealing bits and pieces of the inner layers of the Core. Although it'd stop right before it exposed itself entirely those who had gathered. The same voice from before then began to broadcast itself once more.

"The answer is correct. As for it's easy nature, that is something that cannot be given a sufficient answer. Perhaps the creators simply did not think those that found themselves standing here would be worth the time and effort of a long and drawn out process? It cannot be said for sure. But in any case, you draw closer to the true Core. The next question is as follows. What is the next number in the following set? 21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16."

"Feel free to take as much time as you need to formulate an answer or shout out all at once. It will then be processed and depending on if you're capable of answering this, you'll find what you came here to see."

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles

Well now we got a riddle on our hands.

"Umm... Ethel doesn't know the answer..."

"Well then, is it 18? I mean... based on the pattern of the numbers, so..." Karin would try to answer the question.

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles
The answers were given and as they chatted among themselves, the cube finally deigned to give some kind of response. Parts of it began to shift around, revealing bits and pieces of the inner layers of the Core. Although it'd stop right before it exposed itself entirely those who had gathered. The same voice from before then began to broadcast itself once more.

"The answer is correct. As for it's easy nature, that is something that cannot be given a sufficient answer. Perhaps the creators simply did not think those that found themselves standing here would be worth the time and effort of a long and drawn out process? It cannot be said for sure. But in any case, you draw closer to the true Core. The next question is as follows. What is the next number in the following set? 21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16."

"Feel free to take as much time as you need to formulate an answer or shout out all at once. It will then be processed and depending on if you're capable of answering this, you'll find what you came here to see."

@Mari @The Silver Paladin @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles
Annabeth thought for a moment. "18?" she said a bit silently. She wasn't quite sure. "Because if it counts down, and then begins counting up by the same number again?"

@Mari @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles
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