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Torna headed back to his people in his Berkak clan, and immediately started investigation of the Precursor Brewery. He found, much to his dismay, that the Brewery made the Precursor for more than forty clients. He shut the place down, imprisoning the Brewer, and sent a message to Lord Delegate Buras.

My lord Buras.

I write this with heavy heart. It turns out that the Precursor Brewery I mentioned is involved in delivering the Precursor to the Soulbane potion to more than forty clients. I include in this message the complete list of clients. I do not have the authority to further investigate, as none of the clients are in my clan. I will immediately sentence the Brewer to Death as obedience to the Word of the Arbiter.

I Remain,

Torna Yuricksson, Warchief, Clan Yurick.
Aylina remained where she was then, glad Feolis had asked such a question, and she tried to forget that her own biological father, was out and homeless, hating her for the rest of his life, because he couldnt forgive her for her mothers death, or that she was deeply in love with Garrick. She simply shoved all the memories of her childhood to the far back burner of her mind, and felt grateful Feolis was here now, actively taking an interest in her relationship. It had indeed been a long day, a violent one at that, but she felt happy that it was ending so well.
Buras gave a look to the skies, waiting for something to happen. And when nothing happened, he nodded in acknowledgment of the Ancient's will and began walking towards the door and back to the forge, like Magana was so eager to do. "You look uneasy, Magana. And I would have thought you wouldn't be phased. I was the one talking to them after all, and I'm the one that questioned them when I was accepted as Lord Delegate. I have more to fear then you do, I doubt they get mad at people simply through association." He told her as they made their way back to the forge, him walking quickly to compensate for his shorter strides. That and he wanted to be away from that place. He may have talked boldly, but he was just as shaken as Magana by the whole thing. The gods had decided to talk to him? If he wanted to, he could have that written down in his clan's histories and archive it to prove that he was the best of the leaders and as a reason to rule. But he didn't want to, and he prayed no one but him and Magana knew about his short chat with the Ancients.

Upon arrival at the forge, he sees a letter in a creamy colored envelope, sealed with wax that had the symbol of Clan Yurick. "Now that was quick." he muttered as he picked up the letter, already guessing who had written him and what it was about. But he would read it at a later time, right now he had teaching to do. So he tucked the letter away on the inside of his apron, protecting it from the harsh heat of the forge and any sparks that would try and set it on fire.

"I banked the coals slightly before I left, so we shouldn't have to much work to get it back up to heat. Get back on the bellows, a few good puffs and some coal and we'll be right where we left off." he told her, gesturing once more to the billows as he got ready with the coals. Once that was done, he looked at Magana and said. "Now that we have the forge heated, we can begin. I should have a piece I'm working on for a close friend with my things. I'll show it to you as a goal for you to reach." Smoothly he went to several rows of hooks and grabbed a bag. And from that bag, he pulled out an elaborately worked and decorative sphere. Looked from one side it could be argued that the sphere was supposed to resemble a head. But looking at the different sides, you could easily tell that that wasn't the case. "All they told me was that they wanted a more solid document of their clan's history. And that is what this is. From their founding all the way to when he commissioned it. I have only added what is important to their clan, there's far to much for me to engrave if I was to put everything. Currently I'm finishing up the focal point," here he tapped the gold and silver face "and then I'm going to have it delivered to a craftsman so they can inlay jade into these grooves right here. Once that's done they'll deliver it back to me and I'll begin engraving the jade myself and fill them with silver. By the time I'm finished with that it'll be mostly completed. From there some detailing and polishing will round it out and make it presentable."

"But you are just starting, so you will not be attempting anything like this for possibly years to come. No one will go to you for commissioned pieces, they will come to me. And even then you won't lay a hand on these pieces unless it's to polish the finished product. For now, you will be doing things that everyone comes to a smith for. Horse shoes, nails, farming equipment like a shovel head, and repairs. But you won't even be able to do that if you don't know what you are doing." With that, he began his lesson in forging. From properly heating metals to what specific parts of the anvil were used for as well as what hammers to use when. "Are there any questions so far?" he asked, taking a short pause in between describing when to dip metal in oil, brine, or water to treat it.
Renn smiled gently, "Length of time in a body doesn't necessarily facilitate such understanding either." he said honestly, "We may be dealing with a blind leading the blind type of situation here." he said and took another sip of his wine, "But I can assure you," he said with a gentle smile, "That you are indeed attractive, and though I cannot see souls as you apparently can. I can see a willing heart and a desire for peace and happiness. All things I find very attractive in any person I meet, and which I am grateful to find in you. being with such power can be known to have a tyrant personality, and force others to do their bidding by using that power to intimidate and cast down."

He wasn't used to talking this much, and he found himself rambling on nervously. He had no idea how to stop it either, since his nerves were getting the better of him. "I'm not really sure what to make of the though of being the one who fills someone else's missing part." he said after taking another drink of wine, "But I am very glad that there is a place for my humble talents in your life. I am not entirely sure I can do what you believe I can, but I would like to try."
Garrick looked at Feolis and smiled, "I intend to try emperor," he said and reached out a hand but winced at the motion, "Non-magical healing is a bit ... annoying." he said and huffed out some air, "I wanted to see you to ask your permission to court Aylina with the intent and goal to become her husband."

He was waiting to see the man's reaction to that statement. Elves and Berkak did not marry. None of the races intermarried, but he didn't care. Tradition had gotten them 30 years of war. it was time to change all of that. I know it's against tradition, for both of our houses, but it's time to unite the races."
Feolis smiled at both his daughter and at the prone Berkak, and said, "I am breaking with tradition, I know, but in this new world we are trying to build, for me to stop such a union would be tantamount to treason to the Ancients. So long as you do not hurt her, and so long as you treat her with the honor and respect due her, you have my total blessing. I intend to give her away to the man that makes her happy, no matter the race of that person."
Aylina blushed bright red from shock at such a word... husband....? She did smile though, loving the idea of being a good wife to Garrick. She hoped for his sake she could be a good woman in his life, despite the dark history of her past, and her uncertain future. She would also love being a mother of his children, should that special day happen, and felt the blush deepen around to the back of her neck, feeling the shyness creep in. "I'll be honored, Feolis, to have you give me away at the time of our wedding." She assured him, very happy. She agreed wholeheartedly in uniting the dwarves with the elves, and ending the war completely was something she signed up to do in the first place.~
Magana was listening to him but didn't reply until they were out of the room and down the hall a bit, "I...never heard the ancients...and um..I never expected to EVER hear them..you know..out loud." She was obviously shaken by the experience but seemed to be moving a bit more steadily as they went.

She looked at the coals and then nodded when he said to man the bellows. She gave them a few good long presses and pulls and continued until he told her to stop. The physical work was needed. She'd had a really unusual day and her body needed to work and sweat. He produced a beautiful piece and she ran her fingers over the intricate carvings in awe, "Buras...this is magnificent..." she said lifting ehr eyes to him with obvious respect and admiration mirrored there. "Years?" she said in shock, "I'd be surprised if I could manage something like that in a decade..." That kind of precision would take a long time for her to master. She wasn't a gifted artist. She may never be able to do something like that, and she was ok with that. "I will be happy to polish and do anything else you think I need to do to learn. I would not expect greatness without a lot of work and effort." Nothing in life worth obtaining, or learning, could be garnered without discipline and hard work. She wasn't afraid of either thought.

She smiled, "My only question is...what would you ahve me do first?"

"A good question." Buras told her, placing his hand on his chin as he briefly thought about it. "Horse shoes first and for most. They are needed by everyone except maybe farmers who have oxen for that sort of thing. And they're constantly needing to be replaced. Horse shoes are the bread and butter of most smiths. Go grab some iron, it's the darker colored metal, left a bit, that one, and put it in the fire. Once it's a nice and bright orange color, almost white, take it out. I'll make the first one for you so you can see how I shape it then cut off what I don't need."
The Arbiter said, "I cannot guarantee perfection. With all our power, and even with our deity, we, like the people of this realm, are quite imperfect. Some of us see this imperfection, and work with it. Some see it, and choose to act as if it does not exist. And there are some, who when confronted with the imperfection, try to destroy that which caused them to see the imperfection. We are nothing if not quite a fickle race in our own right." He looked up at Renn, and said, "If you can deal with emotional swings, a hatred of dishonorable and evil actions, and a penchant for drinking fruited waters, then I think you are just what I need."

Renn listened and grinned, "That makes you a bit less intimidating," he replied candidly, "I feel as though I must be equally as honest...I am a healer. That is what drives my life and my heart. I never turn away a patient, and that means that I sometimes leave important things and matters unattended. I can be very single minded about my healing to the exclusion of all else, and I know I must appear thoughtless and even rude to people because I am so focused on healing the person I am dealing with at the time. If I am carving, likewise I get lost in the art usually until it is completed. That could be because I have never had anything else to occupy my thoughts, but I cannot be certain of that."

He took another sip of wine and set the now empty glass on the table. "If you feel you can accept me as I am, then perhaps you are right about us."
Kylessa sat in her quarters at the desk, jotting names and places, and even names she could recall. Something was bothering her, but she couldn't quite name it. A shadowy kind of dread and feeling of ill ease seemed to be surrounding her mind and heart. She was almost a little afraid to begin these investigations.
Garrick smiled at Aylina, "You will be the most beautiful bride in Ilkaria," he said as he watched her. Turning back to Feolis he tipped his head, "I could never hurt her," he said with conviction, "To do so would be like cutting out my own heart....and I do appreciate your sentiments about the new world we are creating. We need to show unity and break the old barriers of mistrust and prejudice. The only way to accomplish that is for the races to intermarry and become friends."

He had been attempting to do so ever since the fiasco that started this whole war. He'd been building temples, making carved gifts for cities, free of charge, and treating everyone with the same courtesy no matter who they were. He'd experienced a lot of rejection but also a lot of acceptance. he was hopeful that this would be successful, and that Feolis and Magana would create a government that every race would support whole heartedly and loyally. "I have faith in you Emperor," he said after letting his thoughts run all over the place, "You and the Regent will build the hegemony government that will heal our world and bring lasting peace."

@Maggie @Aragon
Feolis smiled, and replied, "I never thought, before being assigned by the Valena to the delegate's positon, that I'd have a position of power, but I always believed that the war was.... wrong. There was something wholly suspicious about it. Still is. I'm struck by the way it seems that some want the war to continue to fatten their purses. When we were voting on who should come to the Hegemony, it was those who make weapons for warmongering that made the most trouble, and voted against us joining the Hegemony. One of them even put forward a petition to directly violate the command of the Arbiter. That was quickly quashed, Thank the Ancients." He turned to Aylina, and wrapped her in a hug. He said, "Come visit me in the Emperor's quarters regularly. I don't want to lose track of my daughter."

@Maggie @PoetLore
The Arbiter nodded, and reached across the table to cover Renn's hand with his own. "I think I can accept that wholeheartedly. I give you my word that I will do what I can to ensure I never cause you pain. I will stand by your side as long as you will have me." He looked into Renn's eyes, and said softly, "I swear loyalty to you, Renn Jorell."
Aylina smiled, thoughher hand went to her shoulder as she felt blood seep from the bandaging. She ignored the burning pain and smiled at Feolis and Garrick. "Neither of you will lose track of me, I promise. in fact, is there anythijg i can do to help with this investigation? i could do a little research or help question those that are suspect." she offered, not wanting to miss all the action.
Magana had to agree with that logic even if a horse shoe didn't seem like a very difficult thing to make, she was sure it would turn out to be incredibly so. she went to the bin he mentioned and grabbed a hunk of black ore and returned with it. It was a little bigger than her hand, and she hoped it was enough to make the horseshoe. She left it in ehr hand a moment to get a feel for the weight of it, and then placed it in the tongs and pushed it into the coals. She moved it around and watched as it began to heat up. Holding the tongs shut was a different kind of muscle movement and her hands and arm were soon aching but she did not quit. She saw a bright orange glow with golden yellow edges and she pulled out the iron, "Like this?' she asked.

her arm was burning but she was glad for the feeling. She looked at Buras then, "Thank you," she said, "I really needed this physical task." He had not had the best of days either, he could well ahve sent ehr away, but he hadn't and she was grateful. There were probably things she should be doing as regent but she really HAD to work off some of the tension of the day, or she'd likely go back to her room and slice apart her wardrobe cabinet or something else equally destructive.

"That's good, now set it on the anvil. Quickly, before it cools to much." he told her, hefting a hammer and motioning her to rest it on the anvil. "It's a bit big, so we need to shrink it down. When I say flip, put it on it's edge. And when I say it again put it back." Without another word he set to work hammering at the metal. Occasionally he barked out "Flip!", but otherwise the only sound he made was the occasional grunt as he put a little extra strength in any particular swing. He did add one phrase though, when the metal was a dull red and looked like it had before it was put in the fire. "Bring it towards me, I don't want to reach."

There was another half minute of him working the iron as best he could, even cooled as it was, before he straightened back and gestured towards the forge. "Work the bellows while you're at it. Don't worry, the iron won't go anywhere." he told her, a bit out of breath himself. He had put a little to much into those swings, and he had worked on it a bit to long before putting it back in to heat up again. But he had gotten a lot done, the proof was in the pudding one could put it. Half of the bar had been stretched and shaped properly before he had it put back in.

"Do you remember what I just did? Because now you're going to do it on your own. Figure out which hand you're going to use for what now, otherwise we might be here all day."
Renn wasn't entirely sure what to make of the declaration, but he turned his hand over gently held Mikael's hand. He smiled a small smile, "That will be a long while," he said with a slight chuckle, "Since elves live a long time." he tipped his head, "How long will you live?" he asked realizing he had no idea, "I know the ancients are immortal, but you are in a body now. Does that make you different?"

He brushed his thumb over Mikael's knuckles as their hands were joined. It was an unconscious motion, but he wanted to allow himself to honestly explore his feelings and be open and caring. He looked down at their hands and smiled, "Would you like to walk out on the balcony?' he asked, "I feel like a bit of air might do us both some good."
Garrick looked at Feolis, "I would never keep her from you, ever. You have my word as Berkak."

He noticed the blood and frowned, "Aylina?" he asked, "Is your arm ok? It looks to be bleeding." His own bandages were soaked with blood as well, but he wasn't paying attention to that.

"Maybe we should send for Renn..." he suggested.

@Maggie @Aragon
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