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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
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This the General Chat thread! This is where questions, comments, and concerns will be posted as well as out of character chatter.​

ROUND 2: June 24th - July 24th

Should have mentioned this earlier but I had a tiring day yesterday and when I was available, it was only to talk and answer questions. Anyway, because of Wicked's schedule eating 'em alive, I've decided to archive Lou until Wicked decides to return. I've also decided to conclude round 1. What does this mean for the current scene? We'll time skip to the next day and I'll let Namora decide if Cerise is still captured or not. If so, Zelda and Angelica could have returned to the girl's cave with the news of her capture during the night and we'll pick up again with the girls planning a rescue mission. This could be the opportunity for both sides to meet. The time skip will also allow for a smoother migration for the newest members and open up new opportunities for character interaction.

I'll start up round 2 later today/tonight and tomorrow I'll do what I had planned to do yesterday and work on updating/reworking the OOC thread again since I'm still getting questions about things that are already written out. I didn't have a clear idea on how long I should keep each round open for but swing as the first round managed to drag on for months I'm setting the closing date exactly thirty days after the initial opening, which means round 2 is opening today, June 24th, and closing July 24th.

Happy roleplaying and may the muse be with you :)

[Warning=red]From now on, you want to have a creature attack, you run it by me first.[/warning]

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It would be nice to work on biographies for our characters so that there is more to them than what we have i our cs.
Yep, I agree. Even though I absolutely hate writing down an actual biography for the cs. (I always demand it in my roleplays though.) But I do like to get in touch with my character well, which is why I always need the background for my kids. Otherwise they feel too... aloof, if you know what I mean.
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Yep, I agree. Even though I absolutely hate writing down an actual biography for the cs. (I always demand it in my roleplays though.) But I do like to get in touch with my character well, which is why I always need the background for my kids. Otherwise they feel too... aloof, if you know what I mean.
I think i get what you're saying. To me, they don't feel complete without a full bio.
Still hate writing them tho. Because they always turn into like 5000 word novels, every single time, without fail. "I'll keep it short," I said. "It'll be fun," I said." Bullocks. You know it always happens anyway, you wanker... I just never learn.

But do you have a story for me about Sorrell? I'd like to know where he comes from.
I have been thinking about it since making him. I'm still working out the kinks but I can tell you what I got so far, if you want.
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Okay, well in my first post I had mentioned that Sorrell comes from a well of family of musicians in the city...

His mother played the harp and his father was a violinist. Growing up, his parents were always away doing concerts in the orchestra they were in, leaving Sorrel behind in the care of a nanny and his older sister Amy. When he was little, he had always pronounced his sister's name as 'Ammy' accidentally going from 'A' to 'Ah' with her name and adding an extra 'm' in it. They were really close and were always joined at the hip whenever they were seen in public. His sister was proficient at gravity casting, as he was, but she went into the music industry like their parent's becoming a pianist.

They were only three years apart and whenever she practiced her castings, she would bring him along and help him with his. Sadly, when he was fourteen and she was seventeen, a training session they were both doing went horribly wrong and his sister paid the price with her life. Idk how much graphic detail I can get away with but it involves a piano, two siblings fighting over on controlling it with their gravity powers and the piano being destroyed and debris flying everywhere. After the death of his sister, Sorrell went into depression for a bit and subconsciously believed that he was the cause of her demise.

When Sorrell got his familiar, the galaxy wolf, he remembered that his sister always wore a wolf pendant with a diamond as its eye. He thought that the familiar was a reincarnation of his sister that was sent to look after him. This made him happy and when he had to name it, the first thing to slip from his mouth was the name he used for his sister, Ammy.

That is all I got for his background. I hope it is okay.
We're talking about bios? I wanna join (tho I should be going to sleep cos I have work tomorrow ;A;)
I deliberately hate including bios into skeletons because like I said, Trent isn't a very developed character I would hate to write down one thing and say another. I've also learned it gives up something additional to roleplay and explore in story. My goal as GM is to have a character arch for at least each character. But I'm not opposed to letting uou discuss it OOC or including it in your skeletons :)

@Cybermoon,I 'm not sure if you followed the conversation I had with Wicked about Familiars but Familiars are with you since birth ^.^ I'll quote it for you if you like.

I might talk a little about Trent and Raina if you like.
Oh... I never got that quote. Well that changes things :p and I liked how he named his familiar after his sister.
He could have named his familiar after his sister's death?

Give me a sec and I'll fetch the convo.
Oh yeah, and if you guys have any questions about familiars, just ask :)
Actually, I was thinking that maybe at some point of the RP Lou could get one somehow? Not entirely sure how that works or happens, though... I'll need to re-read the thing about the familiars. I think I might have just skimmed over it.
Actually that is entirely possibly :) Also the familiars thing kind of explains their role, what they are, and what they do [change size, act as foci, et cetera]. It doesn't explain how they exist or how come to be your familiar.

I'm going to go too far into this because this will quickly become multiverse but demons and familiars are one in the same - manifestations of magic [or ghostly apparitions made up of your element] that reside in the different realms, one realm for each element. The difference being familiars are willingly sumoned into this world when magic first manifests in a baby. Magic kind of calls to it. Demons are, one way or another, forced into this world and with out a magic binding, roam the physical realm freely if not angrily due to the wrongness of their presence. Am I making sense so far?
Yes, you're making sense. Don't worry, we're kinda speaking similar kind of language here lol. For now I'll let Lou be without a familiar, but I'll contact you again in a PM when it's going to be more timely. I may need some help to brainstorm how it's going to go down, and how exactly it's going to be like. Physical as an "element" is an interesting concept to tie a familiar with magical wise, especially when they're supposed to represent their casters element. We'll see about that then.

Anyway, anyhow. I'll go and have a quick cigarette and then return to my laptop with full intention of scrawling a post together. If there isn't any objections? I'll try to stitch Lou and Sorrell together into the group interaction, because they're now kinda apart form it.
Just something a little extra: while familiars are semi-ethereal and can interact with casters and other familiars, they actually have no presence or physical form, but can be perceived to have a physical form. Using Sorrell's familiar, Ammy as an example, you see a wolf and you expect it to have fur, therefore when Lou touched Ammy he felt what he expected to feel: fur, skin, and muscle, despite her not actually having any actual anatomy. The same applies to Batter when I described him landing on Raina in my first post. Does that make sense?
Yep, still making sense. I like this, it's kind of like their magic is by default all about psychologically misleading the one who is perceiving them. You believe it to be a certain way, then they are. I'm actually thinking of a Peregrine Falcon or some other kind of avian, but we'll see, we'll see...
There you go ^.^
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I wanna share Livi's history! I've been thinking about it and I think I know what I want now.

Livi's parents are both amazing healers, in fact they're kind of known for being great healers. People flock to them and they always have good business. Her parents are also good Casters, tho they like to focus their magic on healing rather than fighting.

When Livi was born she was born frail and sickly. Her parents were really worried about her and at times thought she wouldn't make it, though of course, they put everything they had into making sure their daughter was healthy. As a result they are kind of (understatement) over protective with her. Livi of course happened to be a free spirit, when she was a kid she didn't want to be limited in the things she did, and that kind of stuck with her.

Still as she grew older she knew she couldn't completely ignore her body and it's health. She needed to take care of it, so she is to a degree careful about her health, she's not that reckless. Still, she's a total dare devil to her parents. Her parents didn't want her to have anything to do with Casting because they knew her body wasn't made for being a Caster.

But watching her parents work their magic on people made Livi want magic of her own. She was always observing her parents, learning from them. That's how she picked up on so many medical tricks and ended up become the pretty decent healer she is today.

She spent so much time watching her parents and studying that she didn't really bother to go out have a "normal" childhood. Not that it would've been normal anyway. Her parents had her on a strict schedule anyway, and because she could easily get sick she had to be in clean spaces and people around her had to be clean and the list could go on and on of the crazy things her parents enforced upon her and their guests.

Still, she admired her parents for being healers, and darn good ones at that. But living as a healer wasn't enough for her. She wanted to do more. Being a healer felt too "safe" for her. So she wanted to train more.

Her parents greatly objected to this but she didn't pay them any mind. That's when she started to develop her lightning magic. She was fascinated by it and couldn't love it more. Of course this just proved her parents right, her magic caused great harm to her body. (Still does) Yes, her body wasn't really built to withstand the demands of being a Caster but her magic itself also effects her body. (You can learn more about it in her draw backs listed with her spells)

Her parents want to protect their child and shield her from the dangers of the world, but Livi is tired of being sheltered. She knows she can protect herself and that's what she intends to do. Still she wants to expierence the fun things in life that everyone else gets to as well. Having lots of friends, developing intimate relationships, being the best caster she can be. All of these are what Livi wants to acomplish in her life.

^^Lol and I intended for this to be short.
I like Sorrell's and Livi's backgrounds. What I've been thinking for Lou is complicated as per usual. There is no actual time line, but I hope you'll get the gist.

Louis is the first born in the Maddox family. He has two younger brothers, two years between each of them, Lucas and Landon. Their father is named Michael and mother is Annabeth. However, they are a broken, complex family. Just like any other family, really, because each is sad in their own way. Annabeth left their father when Louis was thirteen, because she fell in love with another woman. This really hurt Michael, and he turned to the bottle to drown his sorrows while trying to raise a flock of now motherless boys, who refuse to see their mother because they all feel betrayed. They don't have any pictures of Annabeth in the house, and it's been six years now, and Lou admits that he's started to forget what his mother looks like. She tried in the beginning to keep in contact, but Louis was the one who told her to keep a respectable distance because he was afraid it would be bad for Michael. Lucas and Landon refuse to understand because they were so young when Annabeth packed her bags and left, and all they see is their miserable father who looks like he wants to fold in on himself whenever someone brings up their mother. His younger brothers are angry at their mother for it, and Lou thinks it's just better if she never comes back at all. It has been his call as the oldest brother. This really broke Annabeth's heart, but she respects the wishes of her son, and keeps to her girlfriend.

Overall they are not much. Just a regular working class family, trying to get by. The only way Louis and his father knows that Annabeth is still out there is that she pays her sons educations, because Michael could never afford them. Because of his drinking problem, Michael was out of job for couple of years, but lately he has gotten back around to it. He still has his regular bottle for every Friday, but the boys do not say anything about it. It's Michael own battle, and he is trying. And that is what matters. All of them inherited the magic from Michael's side, so the whole family is Physical Casters. (But only Louis is the one born without a familiar, and nobody knows why that is, not even the doctors.) Louis is the most prominent of all the brothers, because he is the one who taught his younger brothers usually instead their father, because Michael was usually either drunk or sleeping it off. Michael may be considered officially the head of the family, but it has been Lou who has been looking after it. He does it out of worry and love, and not to get recognized, so Lou does is subtly and mostly in silence. This is how he has become a reliable young man and how he so easily finds himself on top of things. It's just natural for him.

Lately things have gotten a bit better, and as said before, Michael has gotten a job; just some grunt work at the local factory, but it's a start. Louis still sometimes gets frustrated with his father, so it is not that unusual for them to butt heads, because they're both pretty strong personalities. They always keep their fights verbal, and never has Michael raised his hand against any of his sons, no matter how drunk he has been, which Lou is glad about. Michael may be a broken man, but he is a good broken man. In the end they always apologize to each other, in their own quirky ways because like father like son, they are really bad at saying sorry to each others faces, so they do favors to each other in silence; help prepare dinner, do little tasks for the other, buy little gifts. Lucas and Landon think both Michael and Louis are stupid, immature and embarrassing, and that they should just make things easier and get over themselves and say sorry, because every time this goes down it is really ridiculous to follow from the sidelines. Their home is loud and lively, and a bit messy, and the food sucks, but it's a warm home. Sometimes when Lou feels like he needs silence, he packs his bags and goes to hike in the nature during holidays. During summer vacation, he might be away from home for weeks at a time.

Not having a mother figure in the family, living with three other males and going to all boys school is why Louis has become pretty crass and masculine personality wise. Femininity is rather nonexistent in Lou's life, which is why he regards it as something alien and a bit weird. Also why he is so eager to label all the girls as he does, and so ready to step on this school rivalry without question. It is not really hard to get Lou riled up for it at all.

However, for a young man, Lou is a bit lost. He has been so busy with keeping his family together and looking after his father and brothers, that he has not really had the time to think about what he wants from his own life. He's nearly graduated and Lou has no idea what he wants to do when he "grows up" and whatnot. All he is good at is casting, but it is also breaking him apart because he has no familiar. It is not like he can make a career out of it because it is killing him. And Lucas and Landon won't be needing their big brother forever, they will grow up and leave the nest eventually, too. And there is no way Louis will stay home to look after Michael, he's a grown man and needs to stop relying on his first born to do it.

So that's what Lou is all about. Any thoughts?
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I'll have round 1 up in a couple of hours. My mom is drilling me for Christmas presents but there's not much that I want D:
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I'll have round 1 up in a couple of hours. My mom is drilling me for Christmas presents but there's not much that I want D:
Anyone speaking about Christmas in November is making me mad. Christmas decorations laid out before December makes me angry. You have no idea how much I want to scream in public nowadays when they already start putting decorations on the streets and in the shops already in the end of October. "IT'S NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN YET GUYS WHAT THE FUCK." Fuck this country. Fuck it with a ten foot pole.

I just like buying presents to people. I don't really need a special day to do that, so I do it all around the year. And Christmas overall, I just dislike it. My family always requests my presence during it but all I do is to count slowly ten in my head and try not to blow up on all of them because they just keep fighting. Peaceful Holidays my ass, I've never experienced one. (Except last year when I didn't go due to my work. Holy shit best Christmas ever.) It's pretty obvious that we have some Italian, Gypsy and Russian Cossacks in our ancestry... Everyone's stopped asking what I want for Christmas because I just give a grunt as an answer or dodge the question, so they either don't get me anything or get me something useful like hygiene products and socks and whatever. I just really dislike useless shit.
I honestly keep forgetting what month it is .-. But it is dissapointing to take my little brother Trick or Treating and not seeing very many Holloween decorations :c I love Halloween! It's my favorite holiday ;~; But yeah apparently they have all their Christmas shopping done but I'm a hard person to shop for. I keep saying I don't know because I really don't >.< I'm not a person of materialistic values, and all these questions are stressing me out. Which isn't hard to do but still.
Anyone speaking about Christmas in November is making me mad. Christmas decorations laid out before December makes me angry. You have no idea how much I want to scream in public nowadays when they already start putting decorations on the streets and in the shops already in the end of October. "IT'S NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN YET GUYS WHAT THE FUCK." Fuck this country. Fuck it with a ten foot pole.

I just like buying presents to people. I don't really need a special day to do that, so I do it all around the year. And Christmas overall, I just dislike it. My family always requests my presence during it but all I do is to count slowly ten in my head and try not to blow up on all of them because they just keep fighting. Peaceful Holidays my ass, I've never experienced one. (Except last year when I didn't go due to my work. Holy shit best Christmas ever.) It's pretty obvious that we have some Italian, Gypsy and Russian Cossacks in our ancestry... Everyone's stopped asking what I want for Christmas because I just give a grunt as an answer or dodge the question, so they either don't get me anything or get me something useful like hygiene products and socks and whatever. I just really dislike useless shit.
Okay dude. No more talk about it in front of you. We get it. Would you like a hug?
Nah, I'm just being over-dramatic because it's my kind of thing. I'm not actually really mad, just roll my eyes at Christmas at most. It's just so commercialized holiday and all about spending money. And my family being eccentric, they really don't do me favors making me enjoy it. Food's okay, spending time with the crazies is alright when they ain't screaming at each other, and TV is full of good movies. 'S not all bad.

And what is with you guys and hugs? Seriously. xD
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