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I will have a post up tomorrow guys. Sorry for the wait.
Did you perhaps mean Xenethis? Akashi meant Vaham was /never/ in Soul Society yet.
Really? I swear I read a part where Vaham was in soul society then left...maybe i'm loosing it, hmm.
Lol really? What part?
I don't know, I think it was one of your post after we went to soul society...I guess I just misread the post or something.
I don't know, I think it was one of your post after we went to soul society...I guess I just misread the post or something.
Hmm.. Yeah, you clearly must have, because in my posts its quite clear where Vaham is or not.
Just pay more attention in the future. No big deal.
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And here is my lieutenant. She's twice as friendly as Kiyoshi and will inevitably lead the Soul Society into an era of peace.

Yuriko Sagara


Name: Yuriko Sagara

Age: 254
Gender: Female

Division: 11th
Rank: Lieutenant

Zanpakutō Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutō Shikai Appearance:

Shikai Abilities: "Smite, Kappatsuna!"

Kappatsuna is a lightning elemental Zanpakuto.

-Thunder Tunnel: This involves Yuriko spinning her Zanpakuto in front of her while charging forward, emitting a burst of electricity from it as she goes. This creates a cone of electrical energy around her, leaving something of a tunnel of electricity in her wake. This makes attempting to approach her from any angle difficult, except for the blind spot it creates behind her.

-Lightning Storm: Yuriko twirls her Zanpakuto above her head, unleashing a spiralling storm of electrical energy. This creates an effective killzone where anyone standing within range will receive a heavy shock. Yuriko has to stand still to perform this manoeuvre, leaving her open to attacks that can get past her electrical storm.

-Thunderang: Yuriko hurls her Zanpakuto forwards, as it surges with electrical energy. Naturally anyone getting hit by it will be zapped, but the attack involves her Zanpakuto to automatically return to her after travelling a certain distance, potentially striking the enemy once again from behind. Given she has to throw her Zanpakuto to perform this attack, this leaves her vulnerable without actually having her Zanpakuto on her person.

Kido Spells:


Other Skills:

-Zanjutsu Expert: Zanjutsu is Yuriko's primary combat focus, and as such has developed to exceptional levels.

-Poor Kido: Yuriko knows one Kido spell and she only uses it when she absolutely has to.

-Average Hakuda: While Yuriko is strong, she has no finesse in Hakuda, making her little better than a common brawler.

-Shunpo Expert: Yuriko developed her Hoho to supplement her Zanjutsu, allowing her to attack with strength and speed in a vicious combo.

-Exceptional Spiritual Pressure: Yuriko's spiritual pressure stands out compared to other lieutenants.

Personality: Yuriko is a blunt, brusque, and boisterous girl. She's a perfect fit for the 11th​ Division, though she's adamant she has better reasons than just fitting in with that rambunctious crowd. Contrary to popular belief, she does not like to fight for fighting's sake; instead, she usually ends up in fights due to being irreverent, easily offended, and highly competitive. If she's given a good reason to hate someone, she will hold a grudge over it for a long time, and is far too stubborn to try and reconcile. She isn't incapable of making friends and being friendly, but she's easily provoked and difficult to approach. Anyone attempting to make friends with her will need the patience of a saint, if they even think it's worth the trouble.

Yuriko has a great deal of pride in being a member of the 11th​ Division. She admires the strength and accomplishments of the division as a whole and thinks it should serve as a model for the whole Soul Society. She believes other divisions place too much importance on trivial aspects of their role in the Seireitei. Paramount among her reasons for placing the 11th​ on a pedestal is her reverence for its captain, Sieghardt Oda. Perhaps the only person Yuriko actually respects, she thinks of him as an example for everyone to live up to. While she never acts like a squealing fan girl in front of everyone, it is for certain that she'll be singing her praises of him in her head.

History: Born to an otherwise insignificant family in the Rukongai, Yuriko's only tie to the Seireitei was through her brother, Junichi. Yuriko never had many friends, having been a rather irritable and hostile girl since birth, but her brother was the one person that had the patience to put up with her. She thought the world of her brother, even if she never liked to say it out loud. That is why she was devastated when he was slain on assignment. Rather than join her parents in mourning, Yuriko was filled with a great anger. She wanted revenge. Her parents told her it was unlikely they would ever find the Hollow that killed him, but Yuriko didn't care; if she couldn't find the exact one, then she could fight until all the Hollows were extinct. She practically threw herself into studying at the Shinigami Academy, proving to be an adept student. She quickly became a fully-fledged Shinigami and joined the ranks of the Gotei 13.

Initially, she was admitted into the ranks of the 6th​ division due to the recommendation of then captain Satoshi Kikuchi, a close friend of Junichi's. He and Kiyoshi Kuroda, the as of then Lieutenant, hoped to care for Junichi's sister as they had her brother. But Yuriko soon found herself an ill fit for the 6th​ division, and she had little in common with her brother's friends. She considered Junichi to be insufferably nice; always concerned with trying to treat problems in the Soul Society with tact and delicacy where Yuriko believed they should charge in and enforce the law. Kiyoshi was a stoic man who constantly lectured Yuriko on what it meant to be a member of the 6th​ division, spewing line after line about duty and adherence to the law. Yuriko frequently mocked his rigid attitude and his social awkwardness, which earned her no love from Kiyoshi, though he was always determined to try and win her over. She gave it her best, but she just couldn't stand life in her brother's old division.

She knew the 11th​ division well even before she joined it. Being a member of the 6th​ made her privy to the many incidents caused by their casual brawling. She had never been interested in them merely for their reputation as brutish thugs. But one day, she had the opportunity to witness their captain, Sieghardt Oda, the Kenpachi, in action. She had never been more impressed in her life. She came to a realisation that day; while she had no love for the thuggish nature of much of the 11th​ division's rank and file, she admired their purity as an efficient Hollow killing machine. Not long after, she formally requested a transfer. Satoshi and Kiyoshi, in spite of everything, were sad to see her go, but knew there was no dissuading her. She soon became an official member of the 11th​ division, and while she was not the type to pick fights for giggles, the number of incidents involving the 11th​ division spiked from then on.

Yuriko had no intention of being part of the power struggles in the division at first. She wanted to kill Hollows, not Shinigami. But in the 11th​ division, she quickly learned that conflict would find her as quickly as she used to find it. Several low ranking members attempted to haze her when she was new, but they quickly learned not to due to valuing the integrity of their genitalia. She preferred to just have the others leave her alone, but eventually someone got drunk, or they felt like being a pest, and she got more and more of a reputation. In due time, the lieutenant, a brutish man like the rest, confronted her out of fear she would challenge him in time. Yuriko hadn't planned on it, but the lieutenant pissed her off, so she fought him. The fight ended with Yuriko drowning the man by shoving his face into the bowl of a toilet. She had only meant to humiliate him but held his head down too long. Fortunately for her, this was the 11th​ division, and her mistake was rewarded with a promotion. She didn't mean to become the lieutenant of the 11th​ division, but she couldn't be happier; this meant she was second in command to none other than Sieghardt Oda, the most badass Shinigami she knew. Getting to kill Hollows as his second in command was an honour as far as she was concerned.

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First idolizing. First vote for yandere targeting goes to Seig.
It comes with the badassery.
Will be making my post now.

@Saito Hajime - Your LT is accepted.
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@Artorias Are you working on a post? Once Akashi goes again me and emp may have to pass you with a collab to catch things up, or get things moved around you so to speak, as to not hold up everything. If you aren't working on anything let me know please.
I haven't started working on a post yet. I am re-worked Kon's Shikai and Bankai currently. But I'm open to go into a collab, or work something out.
I haven't started working on a post yet. I am re-worked Kon's Shikai and Bankai currently. But I'm open to go into a collab, or work something out.
We can do a three way colab if you want, I'll wait till Akashi has posted though.
And thus,, I've posted... With a twist... dun dun duuuuun... XD
Fuack, thats was the plan I hope you didnt try to do!
Sieg isn't having a good day, is he?
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