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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Lore Magus

Creator and Bearer of Worlds
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Advanced
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Romance is a big plus for me, but I can be pretty adaptable
The setting is modern day Tokyo; where during the day the city seems more or less peaceful, but during the night it's teeming with violence and crime, practically ruled by the Yakuza. To make matters worse: there are some among the ranks of the immense gang with special abilities who choose to abuse them for personal gain. Standard police forces are either incapable of capturing the gangsters, too afraid of them to make the attempt, or, in rare cases, some officials are bribed or personally threatened to back off. Many people aware of the danger are too fearful to go out after dark to even stop at a convenience store or vending machine, and those working at night fear for their lives and well-being. Despite all of this, there is still a select few people who feel incapable of idly watching the chaos. This is a story of one such person, a young man with special abilities of his own and a mastery of various styles of kung-fu, and the people he comes to meet and the trials he will face in the near future as he struggles to keep his true identity as a vigilante crime fighter secret.

This is a small, anime-inspired group RP with a direct focus on a few major characters, my own being a direct center point. As described above, it is set in modern Tokyo, but in a somewhat alternate reality where the only major difference is that a select few people are born with special abilities and powers that no one else has. That being said, it's not exactly impossible for some people to be born with similar abilities to another (there are only so many different kinds), but typically, it should not be very common for a person to be born with such a gift. Within the setting of the RP there are many criminals, normal and super powered alike, committing crimes and the like against innocent people; happening more frequently at night but still occasionally during the day. The local police do their best, but due to the influence of the Yakuza as well as the ability of many of the gangsters themselves they have been having a hard time. This has led a very select few people of able body to take up becoming vigilante heroes during their spare time, the first one to appear having been my own character.

Considering the nature of this RP and the basic plans for it, it should have a maximum of 3-5 people; each controlling preferably 1 or 2 main characters, depending on the roles, and any number of side characters which can be created as needed. This is intended to be an RP where us members discuss among ourselves our desired direction or plan for the RP, how we want it to play out as we go along, and preferably keep it from being too random unless the situation calls for exactly that. Essentially I'd like to make sure everyone is on the same page as we go along, but also keep it open to creative ideas for events or situations to put the characters through if anyone should come up with any.

Currently we are recruiting members, as our original cast of members has had some disappearances. Current members are free to make new characters, but adding a couple more members would help to fill in our cast.There are plenty of potential characters that can be made, as well as some required roles that need to be filled. Some examples of characters we need or can have as sides that have yet to be taken include:
  1. The Heroine (our currently submitted one has left)
  2. Coworkers of An Ling
  3. Someone who is both the above and a vigilante hero(to add an interesting twist)
  4. Gang leader or member
  5. Known/named thug with special abilities (I'd like to use one that's already in the CS, but the user responsible for the character is missing)
  6. Anyone else who would be frequently involved with one of the 2 lead characters (accounting for the Heroine that we need replaced)
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I can always bring down my other character's age to match. :3
Though, She still might be a few years older than Li Fu.
Though, She still might be a few years older than Li Fu.
yeah, at minimum 5 years essentially (taking into account the possibility of a high schooler getting a job there, but still), though that's still just an outward appearance since they're still the same person ^-^
Noted. Did you want a sheet for the side character or do we just rp it?
Noted. Did you want a sheet for the side character or do we just rp it?
CS for all main and notable side characters please :) (though just random thugs whom we just use as faceless filler characters are fine without character sheets. You know the type; that guy that talks a big game but gets knocked out in a single hit and is never really seen again)
yeah, at minimum 5 years essentially (taking into account the possibility of a high schooler getting a job there, but still), though that's still just an outward appearance since they're still the same person ^-^
Yeah. I was thinking she'd be 16, so large breasts wouldn't look too out of place on her. (I like my characters to be very busty. Even if Hino's FC isn't. XD)
Yeah. I was thinking she'd be 16, so large breasts wouldn't look too out of place on her. (I like my characters to be very busty. Even if Hino's FC isn't. XD)
XD yeah, that classic trope was something I was envisioning too; either that or some really nerdy girl or something, though I see that being less likely to be in this particular setting, seeing as working in a supermarket/grocery store would require A: a moderate level of workability, and B: that they interact with A LOT of people XD but a busty airhead (kinda like Super Sonico who I believe is your current profile pics FC if I'm not mistaken) or something would fit pretty well. So if we're going through with this... would your character be new to working there in context with the story or would she already have been working there for a few months and, thus, having already seen Li Fu a couple times?
XD Super Sonic being my profile pic is correct. I found it online and thought itw a super cute. However, I doubt my girl will be too much of an airhead. She may have a little bit of innocence about her, but she won't be too naive.

As for working there, I would've thought she'd been working there a few month, which would've allowed her to see Li a couple of times and form a crush on her.
XD Super Sonic being my profile pic is correct. I found it online and thought itw a super cute. However, I doubt my girl will be too much of an airhead. She may have a little bit of innocence about her, but she won't be too naive.

As for working there, I would've thought she'd been working there a few month, which would've allowed her to see Li a couple of times and form a crush on her.
okay. btw, Li Fu is the full given name, Matsuki being the family name, as the given name is of Chinese origin, just to make sure that was clear ^-^ likewise with An Ling too, but of course if you want to refer to her as Li that's fine, I just wanted to assure that the situation with the names was clear
That's fine. My character will shorten her name to Li, too. She'd also be an English girl who moved to Japan with her parents. She'll also have powers and I'm thinking of making her Hino's little sister, which would mean they'd share a similar power set.

With Hino being the big sister, I would have to put in her bio somewhere the she decided to change her name to one more Japanese sounding.
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Alright I'll conjure up a side-o character for ya'll.
That's fine. My character will shorten her name to Li, too. She'd also be an English girl who moved to China with her parents. She'll also have powers and I'm thinking of making her Hino's little sister, which would mean they'd share a similar power set.

With Hino being the big sister, I would have to put in her bio somewhere the she decided to change her name to one more Japanese sounding.
don't you mean Japan considering this takes place in Tokyo? Also, this also reminds me that Hino doesn't have a bio up yet, so if you could possibly try to get that up soon that'd be great :)

Alright I'll conjure up a side-o character for ya'll.
okay, sounds good :)
That's what I meant, yes. XD

And I've been a bit stuck for her bio, so haven't written one up for her, yet.
well I'm going to sleep for a few hours before I have to get up and do another graveyard shift, so I'll check in here later :)
@Bass Magus @Crow

I've posted the CS for the first side-villain, please tell me how you like it/requested changes/etc ^^
@Bass Magus @Crow

I've posted the CS for the first side-villain, please tell me how you like it/requested changes/etc ^^
OMG that guy's fricking great XD you didn't even need the bio either, but it works so well; I love the character! I will add Ryusuke to the roster after work
@Shizuochan He's also got a good balance of power and weakness, so his balance is just right :)
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@MetalNova @TheTechnologicVampire @Don @Minerva @Shizuochan Who wants to take this character on as a side character? Since everyone is sharing the role of NPC control I figured I'd ask while we're debating before the beginning of the RP. Also, @MetalNova I was thinking that, for Aya, maybe she doesn't start out as a vigilante in the beginning and instead had been struggling to find a purpose to use her powers for, maybe even contemplating using them for personal gain, but one night (most likely the beginning of the RP itself) she gets harrassed by a group of gangsters (to which she'd calmly warn them to back off or something) on her way home late or something, and just as one of them reaches out to her (either to grab her shoulder or her butt, whichever works) Hien shows up, beats them all up, then dashes back off after she insists that she'll be fine the rest of the way home, and this event is what convinces her to use her powers to fight serious criminals like the yakuza. What do you think of that idea?

If we do use that scene then it would be shortly after that he sees Veronica in trouble @Crow

Sounds good. So are you implying that it'd be one of those 'mysterious person you met last night is now living next door to you' type of situations or one of those 'your home is now going to be split in half to accommodate this person you can't leave alone but who refuses to live with you or something' kinda situations?
Sounds good to me! ^^

okay,so now all I need in order to start the RP is a response from everyone else and then to discuss our posting order and roles for the first scene. I'm thinking instead of doing this in an episodic manner and switching posting order like in my chuunibyou RP we should instead segregate the individual scenes themselves and define posting orders each scene since this is meant to be a somewhat smaller scale RP than Inside Identity, what with it revolving mostly around Hien and partially also around Veronica. What does everyone else say/think on this? @Crow @MetalNova @TheTechnologicVampire @Don @Minerva @Shizuochan
I don't mind whatever posting order we do, and I guess my role will be the scene you mentioned before?
Sounds good to me! ^^

I don't mind whatever posting order we do, and I guess my role will be the scene you mentioned before?
Awesome! I just got off work so as soon as I get home I'll get started on stuff. While I do that, who will be taking the role(s) of the lowlife yakuza thugs that will be harassing Aya? Since these will be the faceless filler mobs they won't be needing CSes so y'all know btw @Don @Minerva