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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Lore Magus

Creator and Bearer of Worlds
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Advanced
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Romance is a big plus for me, but I can be pretty adaptable
The setting is modern day Tokyo; where during the day the city seems more or less peaceful, but during the night it's teeming with violence and crime, practically ruled by the Yakuza. To make matters worse: there are some among the ranks of the immense gang with special abilities who choose to abuse them for personal gain. Standard police forces are either incapable of capturing the gangsters, too afraid of them to make the attempt, or, in rare cases, some officials are bribed or personally threatened to back off. Many people aware of the danger are too fearful to go out after dark to even stop at a convenience store or vending machine, and those working at night fear for their lives and well-being. Despite all of this, there is still a select few people who feel incapable of idly watching the chaos. This is a story of one such person, a young man with special abilities of his own and a mastery of various styles of kung-fu, and the people he comes to meet and the trials he will face in the near future as he struggles to keep his true identity as a vigilante crime fighter secret.

This is a small, anime-inspired group RP with a direct focus on a few major characters, my own being a direct center point. As described above, it is set in modern Tokyo, but in a somewhat alternate reality where the only major difference is that a select few people are born with special abilities and powers that no one else has. That being said, it's not exactly impossible for some people to be born with similar abilities to another (there are only so many different kinds), but typically, it should not be very common for a person to be born with such a gift. Within the setting of the RP there are many criminals, normal and super powered alike, committing crimes and the like against innocent people; happening more frequently at night but still occasionally during the day. The local police do their best, but due to the influence of the Yakuza as well as the ability of many of the gangsters themselves they have been having a hard time. This has led a very select few people of able body to take up becoming vigilante heroes during their spare time, the first one to appear having been my own character.

Considering the nature of this RP and the basic plans for it, it should have a maximum of 3-5 people; each controlling preferably 1 or 2 main characters, depending on the roles, and any number of side characters which can be created as needed. This is intended to be an RP where us members discuss among ourselves our desired direction or plan for the RP, how we want it to play out as we go along, and preferably keep it from being too random unless the situation calls for exactly that. Essentially I'd like to make sure everyone is on the same page as we go along, but also keep it open to creative ideas for events or situations to put the characters through if anyone should come up with any.

Currently we are recruiting members, as our original cast of members has had some disappearances. Current members are free to make new characters, but adding a couple more members would help to fill in our cast.There are plenty of potential characters that can be made, as well as some required roles that need to be filled. Some examples of characters we need or can have as sides that have yet to be taken include:
  1. The Heroine (our currently submitted one has left)
  2. Coworkers of An Ling
  3. Someone who is both the above and a vigilante hero(to add an interesting twist)
  4. Gang leader or member
  5. Known/named thug with special abilities (I'd like to use one that's already in the CS, but the user responsible for the character is missing)
  6. Anyone else who would be frequently involved with one of the 2 lead characters (accounting for the Heroine that we need replaced)
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You need to post the CS in the thread for CSes. A link can be found in the first post which is stickied at the top of each page.
so just thought I'd give everyone a status report: Crow is nearly done with their character; they have the basis backstory for their character set and are just deciding between powers last I checked (yesterday) so expect that RP to start up most likely sometime either later this week or early next week
Hey guys, so I contacted @Crow the other day asking for a status update on the heroine character and have yet to receive a response, so if we don't have anything for the character by Friday we will be starting without her. Likewise if we get no news on the situation then we may need someone else to create a new heroine character to take her place. I'd really rather avoid taking that route but Crow is taking a bit too much time on this after I already promised you guys a start time and we're already pushing beyond what I promised and I'd rather this didn't require more time than what is necessary. Crow, if you're reading this, PLEASE finish soon so we can include you in this RP and not be forced to replace you!
Hey guys, so I contacted @Crow the other day asking for a status update on the heroine character and have yet to receive a response, so if we don't have anything for the character by Friday we will be starting without her. Likewise if we get no news on the situation then we may need someone else to create a new heroine character to take her place. I'd really rather avoid taking that route but Crow is taking a bit too much time on this after I already promised you guys a start time and we're already pushing beyond what I promised and I'd rather this didn't require more time than what is necessary. Crow, if you're reading this, PLEASE finish soon so we can include you in this RP and not be forced to replace you!

My week's a little busy, but I'm hoping to complete my app today.
Alright, all done.
Alright, all done.
Okay, sorry for the late response, but I did look over her. She looks great, but there is a couple things that I want to discuss in relation to her. First off is that during the first incident between her and Hien I believe I said that there would be some cause for her ending up in Hien's apartment in the morning and nearly discovering his identity/secret after he ends up saving her from someone she takes on and can't handle or something, but concerning her personality I can't imagine how this result will come to pass. I'm not telling you to change her personality, but rather to help brainstorm what would cause her to be in Hien's care/residence overnight. The other thing is her age; I said that there could be the possibility of a romance sprouting between the characters, and I wanted to know if you wanted to do that or not, and if so then are you certain you want it to happen between characters age 16 and 23?
Finally off work now. @Crow any ideas?
I was kind of thinking for a bit - if I stuck with my current age, I was thinking that if they came close to a romance, it'd be kind of similiar to a student-teacher crush thing or a brother-sister-esque thing.

Plus, I was thinking that her young age would play into her mild inexperienced ways in magic at first and cold and occasionally bratty nature.

After some thought, maybe amping her age to 25 is a better idea. She's too cold for the 'badass & loli' trope if I think of reducing her size or age, so up is the way. I do have another teenager character planned anyways - Veronica's rival - the bratty Silence Dogood.

As for Hien saving her from a situation she can't handle - maybe it could be her first night around Tokyo, and it is a being that Hien has faced before but Veronica has not, so Hien knows its weaknesses but Veronica doesn't. That way, Hien can do his gigs without downplaying Veronica.
I was kind of thinking for a bit - if I stuck with my current age, I was thinking that if they came close to a romance, it'd be kind of similiar to a student-teacher crush thing or a brother-sister-esque thing.

Plus, I was thinking that her young age would play into her mild inexperienced ways in magic at first and cold and occasionally bratty nature.
This works fine for me, I was mainly just wanting your opinion on the subject I guess
After some thought, maybe amping her age to 25 is a better idea. She's too cold for the 'badass & loli' trope if I think of reducing her size or age, so up is the way. I do have another teenager character planned anyways - Veronica's rival - the bratty Silence Dogood.
I figured as much on the part of Silence Dogood, but on the subject of raising her age obviously it's up to you, but personally I think it won't fit her bio as much for her to be much older than 18 or so since she's trying to secure her place as head of the family which typically happens between 15-19 to my understanding
As for Hien saving her from a situation she can't handle - maybe it could be her first night around Tokyo, and it is a being that Hien has faced before but Veronica has not, so Hien knows its weaknesses but Veronica doesn't. That way, Hien can do his gigs without downplaying Veronica.
I do like this idea, but the actual subject of the question was more towards how she ends up being in Hien's home overnight; essentially something along the lines of does she lose consciousness, does she get severely injured and have him take care of her, does she follow him demanding to know more about him since he saved her life, does she beg him to take her in since she's homeless, etc. Do you, who has the best understanding of the character out of anyone, have an idea or plan on why or how she ends up staying at his apartment overnight and ends up being there in the morning for him to realize with shock and horror upon waking up, when he also then realizes that he has also changed to loli form which gives him even more to worry about
Hmm... maybe sticking to 16 will be a good idea then.

I do like this idea, but the actual subject of the question was more towards how she ends up being in Hien's home overnight; essentially something along the lines of does she lose consciousness, does she get severely injured and have him take care of her, does she follow him demanding to know more about him since he saved her life, does she beg him to take her in since she's homeless, etc. Do you, who has the best understanding of the character out of anyone, have an idea or plan on why or how she ends up staying at his apartment overnight and ends up being there in the morning for him to realize with shock and horror upon waking up, when he also then realizes that he has also changed to loli form which gives him even more to worry about

Severely injured, he takes her home and nurses her back to health and the like.

As for why she insists on staying there a little longer - a simple 'she's really, really that badly wounded' is enough, unless of course she needs to fight in that time period.

I was more thinking of them being buggy neighbours who visit each other from time to time as opposed to living under one roof.
a being that Hien has faced before but Veronica has not, so Hien knows its weaknesses but Veronica doesn't
@MetalNova @TheTechnologicVampire @Don @Minerva @Shizuochan Who wants to take this character on as a side character? Since everyone is sharing the role of NPC control I figured I'd ask while we're debating before the beginning of the RP. Also, @MetalNova I was thinking that, for Aya, maybe she doesn't start out as a vigilante in the beginning and instead had been struggling to find a purpose to use her powers for, maybe even contemplating using them for personal gain, but one night (most likely the beginning of the RP itself) she gets harrassed by a group of gangsters (to which she'd calmly warn them to back off or something) on her way home late or something, and just as one of them reaches out to her (either to grab her shoulder or her butt, whichever works) Hien shows up, beats them all up, then dashes back off after she insists that she'll be fine the rest of the way home, and this event is what convinces her to use her powers to fight serious criminals like the yakuza. What do you think of that idea?

If we do use that scene then it would be shortly after that he sees Veronica in trouble @Crow
Hmm... maybe sticking to 16 will be a good idea then.

Severely injured, he takes her home and nurses her back to health and the like.

As for why she insists on staying there a little longer - a simple 'she's really, really that badly wounded' is enough, unless of course she needs to fight in that time period.

I was more thinking of them being buggy neighbours who visit each other from time to time as opposed to living under one roof.
Sounds good. So are you implying that it'd be one of those 'mysterious person you met last night is now living next door to you' type of situations or one of those 'your home is now going to be split in half to accommodate this person you can't leave alone but who refuses to live with you or something' kinda situations?
Sounds good. So are you implying that it'd be one of those 'mysterious person you met last night is now living next door to you' type of situations or one of those 'your home is now going to be split in half to accommodate this person you can't leave alone but who refuses to live with you or something' kinda situations?

The former.
The former.
okay,so now all I need in order to start the RP is a response from everyone else and then to discuss our posting order and roles for the first scene. I'm thinking instead of doing this in an episodic manner and switching posting order like in my chuunibyou RP we should instead segregate the individual scenes themselves and define posting orders each scene since this is meant to be a somewhat smaller scale RP than Inside Identity, what with it revolving mostly around Hien and partially also around Veronica. What does everyone else say/think on this? @Crow @MetalNova @TheTechnologicVampire @Don @Minerva @Shizuochan
Sure, I can't truthfully imagine Kido do be in too many scenes, especially in the beginning stages. I can also handle the side character affiliated with Crow's PC, although I do need to read that character and the discussion a bit more.
I was thinking my character would have a very prominent role in this. However, I'm not able to play multiple characters very well, so may I ask to be not in control of any NPCs?
Sure, I can't truthfully imagine Kido do be in too many scenes, especially in the beginning stages. I can also handle the side character affiliated with Crow's PC, although I do need to read that character and the discussion a bit more.
it would essentially be some kind of criminal or ne'er-do-well, potentially with some basic power (enough to overwhelm and seriously harm Veronica on her first fight with them though), who my character Hien has already dealt with on multiple occasions but has either evaded or escaped arrest on multiple accounts and proves to run a constant thorn in Hien's side

I was thinking my character would have a very prominent role in this. However, I'm not able to play multiple characters very well, so may I ask to be not in control of any NPCs?
considering our member count I find that to be perfectly fine and understandable. In that case, since we'll need to include you a bit more, why don't we say that Hien and Hinomari have ended up randomly joining forces on occasion and have thus exchanged phone numbers for convenience and networking purposes, and he ends up calling her when the incident happens. Does that sound alright? Tbh the main reason why I was opting for people to take on multiple roles is primarily because there will be scenes in various times and locations where not everyone's main character can participate and I didn't want anyone to feel excluded, so if you could possibly make another character to use for certain times when Hinomari won't be involved, such as during scenes during the day involving An Ling's work (possibly a coworker of his, male or female; the male could be his superior in the store or be someone who likes to be buddy-buddy a lot or something, or the girl could be his superior, a kouhai who respects his work ethic, a coworker with a crush on him but who is too embarrassed to tell him to add spice to the mix, or even a combo of some of those) just so that you don't get left out most of the time then that would make me worry less I guess, but if you can't then I understand. Either way, some coworker role is open for anyone who wants it since Li Fu will need to run into someone at some point after deeds are done, but this character could be seen as a more main character since they'd have a decent amount of usage in the story and I did say that around 2 mainish characters would be fine considering how the RP will be following both day and night activities
The calling thing sounds good.

And it would be better if I did a female co-worker with a crush on Li Fu. I can't really play guys and I can only do homosexual relationships. That being said, I still might not make her due to being unable to play multiple characters.
The calling thing sounds good.

And it would be better if I did a female co-worker with a crush on Li Fu. I can't really play guys and I can only do homosexual relationships. That being said, I still might not make her due to being unable to play multiple characters.
so... would it be a crush on what appears to be an elementary school girl? it could even just be that she just really adores the apparent little girl and isn't romantically interested in her for the fact of the apparent age or something, but whatever floats your boat I guess. Li Fu is the name for 'loli form', while An Ling is the birth name so I'm just trying to clear up my understanding a bit is all
Hmm... We could develop it into a crush at some point if you'd like to take it down that route. She wouldn't be romantically attracted to the male An Ling, though.
Hmm... We could develop it into a crush at some point if you'd like to take it down that route. She wouldn't be romantically attracted to the male An Ling, though.
okay, sounds interesting >:) I just wanted to be sure that you were still aware of the apparent age of the side you were talking of and the taboo subjects it implied X3