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Over the past couple of days Colten has been having some odd dreams but he just tossed them off as being a byproduct of the new amounts of work he was being exposed to in his first year of college. Hell, nothing would beat the odd dream he had about a clown made of ice cream that was rampaging through Neo Tokyo on a unicycle. Nevertheless said odd dreams came to an end sooner than later; Colten would believe they finally went away because of how well he was improving in the kendo club. However, the last time Colten went to sleep he found himself in a large field with twelve other groups of people, each group having around 10 or so people within it with each group being under banners that he recognized. Specifically the wolf banner which was apart of the team he joined on a mobile game he had been participating in recently.

Looking down at himself after standing up, he looked at the medieval tunic, pants and boots he was dressed in and then around himself with a smile at the other people under the same banner as himself. Before he could put any initial thoughts together a jester appeared from no where in a flash of light and confetti as trumpets sounded and stopped before he spoke.

"Greetings Denizens of Arcadia! Welcome to the Arcadia Quest Tournament, the Arcadia Games!"

More confetti, another fanfare, and many confused faces from the audience, as well as many shocked expressions from seeing this Jester appear out of mid-air, floating in the air in front of all of the groups.

"Now I know you're all wondering why you're here. You see, your Guilds have all been chosen to be participants in the first ever Arcadia Games. For the first Round, your Teams will be scattered to different parts of this recreation of the Port Island District. From there you must fight Monsters while capturing Camps".

The man suddenly snaps, and the bodies of everyone glow for a moment, before they are donned in various forms of armor with varying kinds of weapons and gear.

"Naturally you will possess the same Skills and Equipment that your characters possess. So get out there and go fight some monsters. There will be two Rounds and a Finals. The winning team of each round will win a special prize, with prizes also being rewarded based on how well you do, and a Grand Prize being given to the winning team!"

Colten was simply gawking in joy at the awesomeness that was happening around him as he watched the jester's display and began to have sparkles in his eyes as he watches everyone around him including himself get decked out in armor and weapons. An outfitting of a very light chainmail appeared and draped itself over his torso and a sheathed longsword that had a similar light weighted feeling of his armor. Without much more of a warning Colten found himself teleported away as the game began.

After some scouting with three fellow teammates it was discovered that one of their camps had been taken over but before they could retaliate they were ambushed. It was sudden and hard as Colten found himself teleported away along with one other teammate by the use of an Escape Gem from a fellow teammate. Colten wanted to stay and fight off the ambush with everyone but he didn't have much choice in the matter at the end of it. Before he knew it he had his back against the wall of a modern building with the teammate at his right as they were suddenly faced up against some Gremlin Archers that appeared to be higher level than either of them. Colten remembered fighting monsters like these before but the higher level made his soul quiver just a little bit at the challenge. As Colt already had his blade in his right hand at the ready he crouches slightly and turns to the the ally beside him to his right with a smile before speaking with great anticipation.

"I'll draw their attention and show em what's what. Cover me and show them what you got too."


Colt shouts the command for the skill "Dash" after looking back forwards towards the monsters with an enthusiastic grin as he attempts to dash up to the position that the Gremlin Archers are at, hoping to close the distance with the enemy archers as quickly as possible with the idea knowing that firing ranged weapons at close range isn't very effective while Colt's blade was perfect for being up close and personal.
Colt's Dash Attack
29 - 10 Accuracy (Novice) + 25 Distance Penalty = 44

Colt feels a strange pulse of power enter his legs, and suddenly he would feel his body shooting off a small bit faster than normal. Not all that much faster, since his Movement Speed wasn't that great to begin with and the Dash Skill wasn't too high of a Level, but still good enough. Still, regardless of the distance between the two Colt is able to get in close with his Dash, swinging his blade right at the creature.

The blade finds give and the creature screeches out in pain, a big, glowing red gash forming across its chest as the attack seemed to hit in quite deep. It is impossible to tell, since for some reason now Colt can't see how much Damage he is doing. Either way, its is most likely to assume that Colt did alot of damage to the enemy with one swipe, while at the same time putting him in a place right near the other enemies, meaning he should be getting their attention while the Dabber uses his Mana Skills to blast these Gremlins away.

Regardless, this Gremlin was still up and looked to be itching for a fight, despite having been slashed. Still, at least Colt cleared a way for the Dabbler to begin firing his mystical onslaught onto these Gremlins.​
"He's not seriously trying to talk, is he?" Shouko said when she received Xenon's message. Level 16. She glanced at the camp guardian and remembered its strength. Xenon had better know what he was doing.

A few tense moments later, the worst scenario occurred. Xenon's health began to fall. Shouko looked at the rest before they all bolted towards his position. Her heart sank as she watched his health drop further.

Are we going to make it in time?

They did. Xenon was fighting another person whose equipment looked medieval in design. It was actually quite impressive- Shouko had only seen such things in museums. The hours of fighting gremlins had begun to condition her muscle memory. Shouko had an arrow trained on the man before she even realised it.

Before she could fire, Tian-Gui had already rushed in to tackle the man. As usual. He successfully disarmed him, but the arm lock was easily broken moments later.

Shouko listened to his talk about joining forces. It sounded like a good idea, except that she didn't trust a complete stranger. Alex offered a counter-offer, of being neither allies nor enemies until the final round. In the end, that was what this Durin agreed to. Slowly, Shouko lowered her bow.

Rei arrived just in time to chew them out. Shouko sighed. Xenon's scouting was dangerous, but allowing enemies to creep up on the camp undetected was a bad idea too.

They returned to the camp afterwards. Rei mentioned being able to access the Abyss Auction, where they could get more gear and skill books. Shouko's interest was piqued.

"What is there to buy?" she asked, urging the teenager to switch on the laptop. Knowing what items were on sale would also tell her what items could be sold. She had ever intention of figuring out this secret world's economy.

Over the past couple of days, Kiryu has been plagued by a few... strange dreams. He can't really tell what they are, but they have just been strange. He normally shakes them away when he wakes up in the morning and just tries to forget about them during his now usual routine. However he's had no such luck.

Thankfully, the night before, the strange dreams just stopped and Kiryu's sleep was perfectly normal. Perhaps just a product of overwork at his father's training gym... Regardless, nothing bad occurred.

The next time Kiryu find's himself sleeping though he suddenly awakens in a large field with twelve other groups of people, each group having around 10 or so people within it. Each group is under a different banner.

The banners are familiar to you. Each one has a different animal on it. Bear, Eagle, Fox, Sparrow, Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bloodhound, Snake, Praying Mantis, Bull, and Peacock.

One of them is perhaps a bit more familiar to you than the others, however; as it is your own Team, in the Arcadia Quest Game you have been playing. Whether or not this is a Game, reality, or a dream is impossible to tell. Sure VR MMOs did exist, and they felt like reality according to those who played them... but still.

As you all stand there, beneath your respective team banners in what appears to be basic medieval period tunics, pants, and boots you all suddenly are met with a rather strange looking Jester seemingly appearing out of thin air in a bright flash of light, confetti ringing down as a fanfare of trumpets blasts away any and all possible conversations.

"Greetings Denizens of Arcadia! Welcome to the Arcadia Quest Tournament, the Arcadia Games!"

More confetti, another fanfare, and many confused faces from the audience, as well as many shocked expressions from seeing this Jester appear out of mid-air, floating in the air in front of all of the groups.

"Now I know you're all wondering why you're here. You see, your Guilds have all been chosen to be participants in the first ever Arcadia Games. For the first Round, your Teams will be scattered to different parts of this recreation of the Port Island District. From there you must fight Monsters while capturing Camps".

The man suddenly snaps, and the bodies of everyone glow for a moment, before they are donned in various forms of armor with varying kinds of weapons and gear.

"Well that I guess you could say giving us the gear was a glowing success...still creepy jester is creepy...tibia honest I feel like he's not going to let us stroll out of here though." kiryu winked at a few people and they rolled their eyes but had smiles on their faces. This was his coping mechanism, on the inside he was screaming what the hell was he going to do.

"Naturally you will possess the same Skills and Equipment that your characters possess. So get out there and go fight some monsters. There will be two Rounds and a Finals. The winning team of each round will win a special prize, with prizes also being rewarded based on how well you do, and a Grand Prize being given to the winning team!"

Without much more fanfare, the man snaps his fingers, and all of the teams are scattered across the area of The Port Island District.

That was three hours ago. For the first two hours,it felt amazing working in unison with each other, team wolf worked really well together and everyone got along decently fine. However that changed when Kiryu and a few others went scouting for a few more camps to capture. On the way back an archer with them saw that our camp was empty and we were quickly ambushed by team peacock. Kiryu was about to cast a few mana missiles their way but he and another member of the group were teleported out of the area in a flash.

Now you are about three hundred yards north of Neo Tokyo U's main building, behind the Science Complex (Neo Tokyo U has an immensely large campus with multiple buildings), and before you stands two Gremlin Archers. Kiryu grabbed his staff and started readying his spells. He checked their levels quickly noting they were one level over him at level eleven

With your backs to the science complex, all it looks like you can do is fight. Fortunately you do have, aside from 12 Gold Coins, you also have two Mana Potions and two Health Potions. Each of these capable of restoring 50 of their respective energy type.

Still, you can tell that these enemies mean business, and definitely look a bit tougher than the Gremlin Archers you had been fighting a couple of hours ago with your teammates.

Kiryu nods to his, probably last surviving teamate, and says "Go for it, I'll cover you with my magic. I don't have any guard spells so be careful." Kiryu then sees Colten speed off and wryly smiles "Maybe careful isn't in his vocabulary, welp time to get started." Kiryu activates mana theory and steps sideways so that Colten could still be seen but is also out of his field of fire. He raises his staff and aims it at the lead gremlin and shouts "mana missile!" Sending the larger bolt towards the archer.
Mana Missile
2 - 12 Accuracy = -10

The tip of the metallic rod in Kiryu's hand would glow, as suddenly a comet like blast of Mana shoots right from it, moving with a small bit of extra guidance from Kiryu's own will towards the Gremlin. Needless to say, the shot is extremely well executed. It hits the front-most Gremlin, the one next to the one Colt just slashed with his blade, dead on. These non-Gamers can't see how much damage they dealt, but it is clear from the loud cry of pain that the Gremlin lets out that Kiryu's mystical attack dealt alot of damage.

Of course, both being right next to Colt, two of the Gremlin's flash their swords at the swordsman, utilizing their flanking of the swordsman to their advantage. And utilize it well they do. The swords of both creatures bite dead on into Colt's body. Fortunately, thanks to Colt's strong Armor, the attacks do not deal much damage. Their first series of slashes only deal 10 Damage apiece, and it hurts.

Even if the damage wasn't high, this pain felt very real. The pain of iron slicing into his flesh. It hurt a good bit needless to say. Fortunately the wounds aren't too deep, just gashes that can be healed at a Camp or with a Healing Potion. Unfortunately for Colt, however; these Gremlins aren't done yet, as they are agile enough to get in another slash. Fortunately the first of the slashes miss, but the one from the other Gremlin strikes dead on, dealing yet another 10 points of damage and leaving a cut in Colt's side. His HP is being whittled away bit by bit thanks to all of these slashes and the fact that Dash took 20 HP to use.

The other Gremlin, who is in the back, takes out its Bow now. It trains its bow on Kiryu, hoping to defeat that Dabbler before he can throw anymore Mana.

Unfortunately for Kiryu, its aim is good. An arrow would fly forth, getting itself imbued deep in Kiryu's arm. This pain felt much worse than whatever pain Colt felt as a grand total of 33 points of damage is dealt to the Dabbler. Furthermore, the barbed arrow is now stuck in his arm, blood running down it, as an icon appears in the corner of his vision on his HUD, indicating that with this Arrow now stuck in him he'll be taking Damage until he can get it out.

But with the threat of the three enemies in front of them, there's no way they can do that.

Things don't look their brightest right now for the last surviving members of Team Wolf.

Kiryu grunts in pain and touches the arrow shaft, not really having the time to pull it out he raises his staff towards the two weakened gremlins and grins at them, beads of sweat forming on his head He still had to get his quips in though. "Tibia honest you guys were boned when you met us...really it's not very humorous." He winks at them and says "Mana bolt." Through clenched teeth. He sends the two bolts flying towards the two frontline gremlins. He was practically screaming in his head for them to hit their marks.

Mana Bolt 1
76 - 10 Distance Bonus - 6 Accuracy - 5 Technique Bonus = 55

The first bolt hits its target. Not completely dead on, but its a pretty solid hit. As it deals a decent blow. Not too much, but enough to make the Gremlin growl out in pain at least.

Mana Bolt 2
52 - 10 Distance Bonus - 6 Accuracy - 5 Technique Bonus = 31

The second bolt deals a much more solid hit this time, the other Gremlin breathing a bit heavily now as it seems like it is pretty hurt. Its hard to tell of course without seeing how much health they have, but nonetheless these two Gremlins aren't doing too well right now, the second one a bit more than the first.​
Colten's eyes widen as he feels the stinging pain of iron pierce his flesh and crimson seeps from his body. Wh, why the hell does this hurt so fuckin much! He wasn't prepared for this extra feeling of pain that wasn't normal by any means as he grips the handle on his longsword tightly as he readies himself and commits to a Full Attack action primarily focusing his two slashes upon the two Gremlins that have stabbed him. I gotta get them before they get me again. If his first attack didn't kill the Gremlin in front of him he would attack the same one again hoping to finish it. If it did kill it then he would use his second attack on the adjacent one, moving over with a quick side step and cleave.
Attack 1
73 - 25 Distance Bonus - 10 (Sword Use) = 38

Right as it seemed like xXBladesongXx was about to fumble, he quickly corrects himself at the last moment and slashes his blade down, the light longsword slashing right across the creature's torso. It lets out a loud cry of pain before vanishing in a burst of black mist, a gold coin appearing in its place. That is one Gremlin down. With how light the sword is, Bladesong is able to spin around and attempt to make a last second slash right towards the other Gremlin.

Attack 2
62 - 25 Distance Bonus - 10 (Sword Use) + 20 Second Attack Penalty = 47

The second attack doesn't slash as deeply as the first, but Bladesong still makes a deep gash right across the creature's torso. Considering that the creature was a little worse for wear than the other one was, the Gremlin vanishes with a scream and a burst of black mist, another Gold Coin appearing in its place. With the defeat of these two Gremlins, there are also two windows that appear, stating that 3 EXP had been earned for the defeat of each of them, similar to how it was in the actual game.

Still, they had just one last enemy to deal with, and it didn't seem like this Gremlin was going to give up yet. It raises its bow now, the arrow momentarily flashing before it fires the weapon right towards the Dabbler once again, who is 10 yards away from the Dabbler.

The arrow doesn't hit as hard as last time, but this time it shoots into the Dabbler's other arm for a total 28 points of damage, more blood running down his other arm now. Furthermore, with the arrow in his other arm he is still bleeding, so another 5 points of damage is dealt. It would be a bit harder to aim his Mana Rod now with the arrows in both of his arms, which would indeed feel like someone stabbed straight into them with white hot pain. Kamui now only has 14 HP left, so he could either attempt another attack in hopes to help finish off the creature as soon as possible, or hang back and drink a Health Potion.

Either way, taking one more arrow would mean death for the Dabbler.
"In reality, there's a ton of things to buy. And you can sell almost anything, except for super cheap stuff". Rei looks at Shouko's current Bow. Sure it was a nice Bow, but not a super great one. Just a normal Bow really. "You really need to raise your Strength up so you can use that Iron Clad Bow you received earlier". Of course, Shouko could also probably sell the Iron Clad Shortbow, but seeing as its her best weapon its best to just use it.

Right now all their Camp had was a Stool and a Table, a Flag Pole, and a Guardian. That's it. Perhaps building up their Camp wouldn't be such a bad idea if they were going to be here for a while. Rei looks to the Camp Chest. "First things first..." Rei takes out the Gold Coins from his Inventory, "we should power up the Chest so that we can start getting discounts. Then we should power up the Camp's Defense and Restoration Fields. And then get some more Monster Bait. This way we can grind and then peruse the Auction's site between battles. Furthermore, I believe it may be a good idea to put our Base Camp as the second camp I captured. Its atop a hill where me and Tian went to that Food Truck" Rei looks towards Tian, and then around the area.

"I believe that its in a better position than an open field, even if its not in the center of the island like this Neo Tokyo U camp is, and if need be we can take the upgrades from this Camp and send them to that one if its still preferable to just defend one camp instead of two". This option, of course, seemed like Rei may be putting it up for discussion. He didn't ask for any questions or opinions, but perhaps the way it was phrased meant that... well... people could voice their opinions since it didn't seem like something Rei was just doing outright.

Even if Rei wasn't giving them a chance to discuss what they should spend the portion of the Gold he earned, powering up those Fields is still an optimal choice in the end. It allows for faster healing and, if they are ever attacked in their camp, a higher Defense against attackers. Expanding the Domain's Range also isn't a bad idea either

Still, Rei doesn't do all of those things with the Gold. Instead he simply just purchases the Restoration Field Improvement, the last one available, and then puts the rest of the Gold from his Inventory into the chest for now, bringing the total amount of Gold that Team JUSTICE! has stored away up to 36 Gold Coins. A very nice amount. They could indeed power up the chest, purchase a discounted Defense Upgrade, and even start purchasing things to enhance the camp like Tents, Guardian Power Ups, and other things to make their Camp seem more like a Camp than just a table next to a Flag Pole.

"We can purchase some bait once we're done seeing what we want on the Auction. Things are highly expensive though, so we may not be able to afford what we want to get just yet". With that, Rei sits down at the table, pulls the laptop from his inventory, and boots it up. On the screen as it boots up, a picture of Arcadia's face can be seen, winking, and it just makes Rei roll his eyes. Instead of going to any form of startup screen though the laptop skips straight to a black screen with a single white box in the center for typing in a Username of sorts.

What appears is... maybe not what one would expect. The site appears very... flashy. In fact, one would say it almost appears like some sort of cheesy store. "It never looks any less like an MMO shop every time I see it..." Rei mumbles. Atop the page are various tabs, and one can click on them to go to different pages.

  • The Home Page has various Items listed, things that appear to be the most popular or very special deals going on. The Items here look rather incredible. Tomes of powerful magic, extremely rare potions, etcetera. The things here, however; are costing millions if not even billions of Yen. Needless to say, one would need a bottomless wallet to shop here.

  • Rei does not click on this tab.

    • The books in this tab cost alot, but not more than 90,000 ¥ and not less than 25,000 ¥. There are several more pages of these Rank G books, but the first page in particular has very interesting books.

      How to Start Learning Enchantment (Cost: 65,000 ¥): A book that can get any novice mage into the Arcane School of Enchantment. (There are four other books that are similar, each for a different school of Arcane Magic. Abjuration, Alteration, Evocation, and Mysticism).

      So You Want to Learn Fire Magic Huh? (Cost: 75,000 ¥): So you want to know how to shoot fire balls huh? Well this book on Flame Magic will show you how. (There are other books that are similar, one for each magical element. Wind, Aqua, Flame, Terra, and Lightning).

      My Spiritual Power Can't be this Strong! (Cost: 50,000 ¥): My spiritual power is much stronger than I thought, but how can I learn to harness it? Well, this book will teach you how to harness your spiritual power so that you too can become a Spiritualist.

      My Fists are the Fists that will Beat Your Face! (Cost: 35,000 ¥): Want to learn how to fight like a real man?! Then pick up this book today and learn how to really use your fists to beat up all those that stand in your way! This book is full of basic techniques good for any user of their fists and feet. Your Body is your true weapon.

      A Rookie's Guide to (Weapons) (Cost: 30,000 ¥): Want to learn how to use (insert weapon type here)? Then this book will show you how. (There are various volumes here for many different kinds of Weapons).

      Divination for Morons (Cost: 40,000 ¥): Are you really stupid? Or perhaps you just can't take a hint? Well with Divination you can always understand what's going on anywhere. Buy this book and get half off on your first Crystal Ball.

      Black-Smithing for Creative Dummies (Cost: 25,000 ¥): You're creative, but you don't know how to use that creativity. Then pick up this book to learn how to be a blacksmith. (There are other similar books for other forms of crafting like Leather-Working, Armor-Smithing, Fletching, Carpentry, Etcetera)

      A Study on Mana Theory (Cost: 45,000 ¥): Do you want to know more about the Mana you wield as you continue your training to use actual Magic? Well with this book, you can learn all about Mana and know how to use what you know to make your Mana even more powerful.

      There are other books as well, some for more individualistic abilities and others for just seem to have rather normal titles. Either way, there are many books here. (I am not going to list them all. If your character wants something more specific, feel free to ask XD)

    • The Tomes here seem a small bit more expensive, ranging in price from 75,000 ¥ to 150,000 ¥. Alot of the books in this Rank G section are slightly improved versions of books from the previous section (and thus are 50 to 75% more expensive), with a few exceptions that seem new.

      How to be a Dragonball Z Character (Cost: 100,000 ¥): Did you ever watch Dragonball or other such anime as a child and ask... how can I shoot Ki? Well... this book can certainly help you get you on your way to harnessing the energy known as Ki with these basic, but uncommon, mental techniques.

      How to Train your Alchemy (Cost: 80,000 ¥): So you want to learn Alchemy, or perhaps you already know it and just want to learn a few more special recipes and techniques. Whether you're new or old to this craft, this book is just the volume for you.

      How Materia-Listic of You (Cost: 125,000 ¥): Do you have a bunch of stuff lying around, or perhaps you just love to gather the essence of Monsters but have nothing to do with it? Well by learning the ancient form of Magic known as Materia Magic, you can put everything cluttering up your closet to good use.

      That Golden Oldie of Magic is filled with Soul (Cost: 125,000 ¥): Ever feel like going back to the good old days of magic when magicians harnessed the strength of their souls? Well with this book you can really go back and learn how to use your own Magic to use the power of your spirit with Magic.

  • Bronze and Iron Weapons fall into the Rank G Category here and range in price from 5,000 to 15,000 ¥ here. There are also a few basic firearms like small pistols that cost around 20,000 to 25,000 ¥. Armors can also be found in the Rank G Tab, with Leather being the cheapest around 5,000 ¥ and Iron Armors being the most expensive around 20,000 ¥.

    For the Rank F Category, there are steel weapons that range in price from 25,000 to 50,000 ¥ here. There are also stronger or larger firearms here, but they seem a good bit stronger and range from 50,000 to 100,000 ¥. There are also Steel or stronger Iron Armors here ranging in price from 25,000 ¥ to 50,000 ¥.

    • Here seems to be various tools and kits for various forms of crafts or professions.

      Small Essence Harvester (100,000 ¥): This device is capable of harvesting the Essence of most Tier G Monsters that you defeat in Pseudospace.

      Small Essence Distiller (50,000 ¥): This device can distill mystical Essence or Shards into a powderized form, however; this powder is not very stable, but can be used in various forms of alchemy, or simply mixed with water and consumed that way.

      Novice Ritual Magic Kit (20,000 ¥): This Kit gives you everything you need for the basics of most magical rituals.

      Crafting Kits (10,000 ¥): These kits contain the tools and materials you need for most basic crafting. (There are blacksmithing, leather-working, armor, carpentry, etc).

      Crystal Ball (20,000 ¥): This basic Crystal Ball is used by Diviners for their craft.

      Small Bombs Kit (25,000 ¥): Want to be able to make small explosive projectiles? Well this Kit comes with both an instructional manual and the tools you need to make small bombs. Has enough materials for 10 Bombs.

      And there are various other kits and tools for other things, these range in price, some being pretty cheap and others more expensive. There are even basic supplies like Rope, Lockpicks, etcetera.

    • Here the Kits are a bit more imrpoved, and alot of them come with instructional manuals for making more unique things, of course that would require you to have some form of crafting ability to begin with. These can range from better reinforcing armor to making special arrow-heads in a kit that helps you to make arrows. There is one thing that does stick out though.

      Time-Compression Pseudospace Stone (500,000 ¥): This special stone can create a Pseudospace that can compress time, it lasts 24 hours and compresses time by half, so one hour will be two.

    • There are many varying potions here, all ranging from 7,500 ¥ to 30,000 ¥

      Elemental Potion Set (30,000 ¥): These 10 Attack Potions can be thrown to create a burst of Element. They come in Aqua, Lightning, Wind, Terra, and Flame. There are two of each. Drinking them could also have an interesting affect on your spirit as well for a short time, imbuing you with new power.

      Small Wound Elixir (30,000 ¥): WOW, AMAZING! This potion can heal small wounds almost instantly and helps slightly with larger wounds. Its incredible!

      Small Spirit Elixir (20,000 ¥): Low down on spiritual power? Drink one of these and get that energy back up.

      Small Stamina Potion (15,000 ¥): This elixir really helps to boost your stamina a decent bit.

      Mana Boost Potion (20,000 ¥): Are you a Mage? Do you use Mana? Then drink this to boost the strength of your Mana for a short period of time.

    • Here there are some magical rings and rods, some that do various things. They are very expensive though, the cheapest being 50,000 ¥ and the most expensive being 125,000 ¥.

      There are also various small mystical shards and stones here. These seem to have mystical affects like creating a magical shield or conjuring fire, or even strengthening your abilities by holding them They all have limited usage. They range from 20,000 ¥ to 60,000 ¥.

"If you see anything you like, write it down and let me know. After we find out what we like, we will power up the Chest and then we can get Bait for a bit cheaper as well as other things like a Tent and perhaps even powering up our Camp a bit more". Rei is operating the laptop here, moving about between the various tabs, his mouse not clicking on the Slaves tab at all.​
Kiryu cries out in pain as another arrow sinks itself into his other arm, gritting his teeth he also feels how much he lost from his other wound. He let's out a soft moan and looks up at the bastard. "I think it's time Blade and I take you out you son of a bitch, BLADE HIT THAT MOTHER WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!" The normally laid back Kamui yelled over to his teammate and grabs his staff with both hands, trying to steady him and it at the same time. He holds it over his head, focusing harder this time, pouring more mana into this attack than his previous two he almost swings his staff like a baseball bat and shouts "MANA MISSILE!" Again hoping that the two of them can take this archer out. He let's out another cry as he realizes that he literally just did what he really shouldn't do as his arms fall to his sides and he leans back against a wall.
Mana Missile!
63 - 10 Distance - 12 Accuracy = 41

The powerful Mana projectile blasts the beast, it only able to barely avoid the blast from fully hitting its center. It still blasts very full on though, the creature crying out loudly in pain, but it just grits its teeth through the last of its cry, gnashing now as it prepares to aim its Bow. The beast is currently within four yards diagonally of Colt, so he wouldn't even need to dash to get close to it, instead he could just sprint at full speed and slash at the creature with another flurry, the creature indeed wounded judging by the well placed mystical attack and its reaction.​
After Colt finished off the two Gremlins he was in melee combat with he looked off in the direction of the last Gremlin just in time to witness the creature fire another arrow into one of his teammates arms. Colt looked back and followed the arrow in its trajectory all the way to when it impacted into Kiryu's arm; also seeing Kiryu's bloodied state.

"I think it's time Blade and I take you out you son of a bitch, BLADE HIT THAT MOTHER WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!" "MANA MISSILE!"

At this sight of his teammate's current status and his raging mana missile going off and striking the Gremlin as a desperate attempt to do damage Colt gripped his longsword with both hands and broke out in a dead sprint towards the remaining enemy with a loud battle roar, quickly closing the distance as he slides on his feet to halt himself kicking up some dirt while also keeping the momentum in his upper body. In the momentum right before his uppercut diagonal like swing truly begins he shouts loudly, staring into the eyes of the Gremlin with anger.


Even if his strike didn't kill the Gremlin Colt would hope that being in melee with the Gremlin as well as being in the way of it's line of fire to Kiryu may force it's attention onto him instead of his bloodied teammate.
There was more than a few things which caught Alex's attention when he saw what the abyss auction had in store. Skill books, equipment, potions, slaves even. Interesting. He pondered for a bit, thinking back in Rei's words of hitting 20 int before being able to learn real magic. No point in buying one of those books yet then. After pondering a short while longer Alex had his answer for what he would be looking for, for the time being.

"The book on mana theory most likely will do me some good." He held a single finger up, "also if you can look for some rings or other jewelry that could work as weak armour as opposed to clearly noticeable armour, that would be fantastic."
Another level to aspire towards, huh? As Durin disappeared dramatically in a flash of light, Tian-Gui let out a low whistle. Level 16, monstrously strong, and capable of some sort of light magic as well. Interesting.

Rei came, furious at how badly Xenon managed to fuck up. Level 25, well-balanced brawler with energy attacks and various passive abilities.

Tian-Gui closed his eyes, filtering out all of Rei's nagging. Sumi Ban. Level 38, lightning-fast martial artist with electricity powers.

Stepping stones were forming before his eyes, milestones to check up his progress. The raven-haired youth smiled, as Xenon admitted his mistakes and everyone headed back to camp. It looked like Rei was doing things his way once more, but at this point, Tian-Gui didn't really care. Their great dictator can't babysit them forever, so biding their time and waiting for him to go out alone to give them some agency was definitely fine. If nothing else, Durin's strength and his confidence gave Tian-Gui one thing to be happy about. Team Sparrow, one of the supposed 'top' teams in the Arcadia Games, were ONLY around the level 16 range.

And though Durin was strong, his defenses weren't absolute, his technique wasn't flawless.

He smiled when Rei mentioned the Food Truck. The hill really was a good idea to have a main camp, simply from a defensive standpoint, and while it stuck out…being flashy was good! If they were going to aspire to become the top team in the Arcadia Games, they might as well take the high ground, right? Looking over the white-haired Gamer's head as he directed them to the Abyss Auction site, Tian-Gui narrowed his eyes as one of the tabs read 'Slaves'.

Tapping the screen with a finger, he asked, "Slaves? What's that, Rei? There's a human trafficking organization in the Abyss?"
Power Strike!
11 - 10 Accuracy + 25 Skill Penalty + 25 Distance Penalty - 5 Technique Bonus = 46

The creature, perhaps thanks to the penalty and ferocity of the technique, manages to back step a good bit of the slash. That doesn't stop Blade though, as his light longsword glowing slightly with energy slashes deep across the creature's chest. It lets out a loud howl now as the blade cuts in deep, a large, deep gash present across its chest before the creature vanishes in a flash of black mist, a gold coin appearing in its place where it fell.

The enemies were defeated, but now came another problem. The arrows and wounds that Kamui had. Luckily with one of his Health Potions that could be taken care of, but they would still need to find a camp to where they could rest and heal themselves. In the end, the two were without the rest of their Team or a camp, with only 27 Gold Coins and 4 Health and Mana Potions to their name.

If they didn't find something soon, who knows when the two could be hunted down.


Rei takes care of Alexander's request first. He adds the book on Mana Theory to his 'Saved for Later' Items, as if this site is a real online shopping site, and then goes to look for some magical rings or other such trinkets.

"There are ones here similar to the ones in the chest. Lets see... Barestar Ring of Barrier, provides a small Magic Barrier...." Rei clicks on it now, reading through the text to himself as he mumbles beneath his breath. "Made too many... need to sell extras... 40,000 ¥" Rei nods. "Here we go. This will provide a weak Magic Barrier to the wearer. 40,000 ¥ is not a bad price considering the normal rate of such things". Indeed, the normal rate for even slightly better magical rings was going for 65,000 ¥ if not higher.

Of course, then suddenly Tian's finger came into his vision as the older Gamer tapped on the screen. "Word of advice, never touch a person's laptop screen. Its very annoying". Even if this isn't his laptop, that is still one of his greatest pet peeves. Of course, he knows that he'll have to click it or Tian-Gui would never shut up about it. So he decides to click the screen.

What is here is... alarming. Not in how it appears, but in how it doesn't appear.

It seems... very normal. Like any of the other pages displaying the Items it has for sale. Only these Items are... Humans.

Of course, there are tabs for each Rank, going from G all the way to A. Rank G Slaves range in price from 200,000 ¥ to 400,000 ¥. There are photos of these people being sold next to their listings, with basic descriptions such as "A boy with a useful Sorcerous Natural Ability" to "This Girl can actually call forth Demons. How Great!"

All of these slaves have some useful or great quality about them like having great physical strength or an extra large quantity of spirit energy. Some basic, useful ability.

"Tian-Gui. Has the incredible Gamer Ability. Lets him spawn monsters that drop items, has Mana that constantly regenerates, and has a strong body to boot, so he can recover from whatever you do to him rather quickly". Rei suddenly speaks after a few moments of silence. "Shouko. Female. Has a pretty decent figure, is decent with Chemistry and is also not bad at using Mana. Has the Gamer Power, great if you need easy to get Items".

Rei, perhaps fortunately, doesn't make up something else.

"Get too cozy in the Abyss, and your face could end up on this page, with some cheesy description like that next to your name and a price tag on your life. Our Ability is incredibly useful and unique, so unfortunately we would be seen more like Premium Merchandise than people to kill". Rei now looks back towards the others.

"Understand now?" His tone of voice is... still. Quiet. Even moreso than usual, but despite that his words carry a large weight to them.

"This is the type of world you've stepped into. Human lives and Human rights are all sold and traded like Trading Cards, and the Abyss Auction regulates nearly all of it, as a way to keep order and make everyone put their cards on the table". Then he suddenly looks right at Tian, a fierce, but cautionary glare in his eyes.

"And don't even think about trying to fight them! Arcadia is Level 60. I met a Dealer not too long ago when they delivered my custom made Patas back when I was Level 24. I couldn't see their Level, yet I could see Arcadia's". Rei clenches his fist on the mouse now.

"Their Dealers are even higher level than Arcadia. And who knows how many they have. So don't even dream that you can take on the Abyss". With that, Rei clicks off of the tab to the Arms tab, heaving a sigh. "Understood? This isn't a game, nor is it a place where you can play superhero, which is why since you won't give this up, I'm at least trying to make sure you all are strong enough and sensible enough to not get your idiotic selves killed".

After that, Rei starts to look through other things, bringing up various Items and things that look interesting and could benefit the new Gamers, including the page on Weapons, Tool Kits (that bomb kit specifically) and other such things.

Kiryu continues leaning against the wall for support, he puts his staff in his inventory...another not so smart move as he cries out softly in pain. "Well damn, I feel like an idiot." He says smiling to Blade as he dispatches the archer... Wonder if I should've attacked that one instead of the melee guys...I mean I am...squishy." He says as he grabs the shaft (no dirty jokes) of the arrow in his right arm and...wait "You know before I go tugging on any bad ideas think I should drink one of my potions and then rip it out or...?" The dabbler trails off obviously not knowing what to do, he keeps going through different scenarios of what could happen when he pulls one out finally just breathing deeply and looking back to where his hand is and looking over to Blade who he starts to walk towards. He decides to rip that arrow out that he's holding and let's out another shout of pain, stumbling to his knees. "Heh guess that wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had, it's was kind of terrible actually, want to give me a hand with the other one...and no clapping, I'm the smart-ass remember." He chuckles despite the pain. The body and everything was Kiryu, but he was given the gear and skills of his in game character Kamui, he always liked that name, never really understood why...might be because it and his name are two sides of the same coin. Kamui are divine spirits while Kiryu is a demon dragon. It was just something he decided to think about rather than the throbbing pain in his arms...his right arm thankfully less throbbing than his left, but he needs to see if he lost anymore health from pulling the arrow out of his arm before either he or Blade takes it out. "Status." Kiryu saw that his health was dangerously low now and decided it was a necessity to drink one of his health potions "Huh who knew that ripping an arrow out of your arm hurts more.." After his health rises back up he must have decided fuck it and rips the other arrow out.
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Tian-Gui's smile never faded as Rei began to explain the Slave section of the Abyss Auction, in which humans could be purchased for the low, low price of 200 thousand yen. Indeed, as the white-haired boy made it clearer and clearer just how dangerous and powerful the Auctioneers were, how ridiculously impossible the task of destroying this system was, his smile simply became wider, his teeth baring themselves.

What would that make the Dealers? Level 100? In his eyes, Tian-Gui's stepping stones only increased further and further, as he looked further into the future. His heroic aspirations were becoming more and more concrete now, the face of the enemy becoming clearer and clearer.

Durin. Rei. Sumi. Arcadia. Void Wizard. Auction Dealers.

Ah, he couldn't wait. He needed to optimize further. He needed to get stronger faster. He needed to make sure that every moment of his life isn't wasted. Everything was crystallizing. He was now understanding his endgame. There was simply…so much to consider!

Tian-Gui took a deep breath, rolled his shoulders, and decided on what he wanted to get.

A repair kit for his armor, and a new set of heavier armor that he could wear for more significant fights. Now that he was faster, putting on heavier armor simply made sense, and having two sets of armor to alternate from meant that if one broke, he always had a back up. It felt just a little bit painful to see his money drop down to zero once more, but Steel Scale Mail was certainly impressive.

Impressive and heavy.

As others tested out their new fancy stuff or simply got to training, Tian-Gui focused on repairing his Chain Shirt, constantly using Intensify Energy and Second Wind as he did so. It was exhausting, but it didn't matter. After all, his goal was Level 100 and the emancipation of the slaves who were caught within the Auction's spiderweb.

"Alright!" he said, fired up, "Let's get shit done!"
Colt stood still at the end of his power strike swing that finished the final Gremlin; breathing heavily a few times before he relaxed himself and looked at his hands gripped around the handle of his longsword as he recalled what he had just done as a huge smile comes across his face as he thrusts his elbows backwards and crouches slightly as he yelled aloud..."YEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" "THAT WAS...AWESOME!!!" His expression filled with a victorious happiness. "That ending was like a cinematic cut scene from Storm Wars 2!" "Ya saw that right?" As Colt turns around in time to see Kiryu pull out the first arrow, groan in pain and fall to his knees. "Oh shit, hey be careful dude!" Colt sheathes his sword and rushes over to his teammate, getting down on one knee next to him, holding his left shoulder with one hand with a concerned expression which was quickly replaced by a quick laugh at Kiryu's words. "Heh guess that wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had, it's was kind of terrible actually, want to give me a hand with the other one...and no clapping, I'm the smart-ass remember." "Yeah, yeah alright no clapping." "Status" Colt pulls up his own stats as well to check on himself as well. "Yeah, you go ahead and take a healing potion, I'm at half HP so I'm not in critical condition." Colt waits for Kiryu to pull out the last arrow after the healing potion was taken before helping him up onto his feet. "We should get going huh?" "I mean crap man...I bet most of our team got wrecked back there." "Come on...with luck maybe we'll find an abandoned camp or one that hasn't been taken yet or something like that right." With that Colt would start to cover some ground while sticking close to Kiryu; arms behind his head in a casual manner and smiling, keeping his eyes peeled as best as he can for a camp site as well ambushes as the previous ambush was still fresh in his mind.
[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=inherit]Back at camp, it was time to do some shopping. For a while, Xenon just idly watched over Rei's shoulder as he browsed through the auction site. The sheer amount of listings was impressive, to say the least. "Can you find me a listing for some light armor?" he eventually asked. "Preferably nothing that would weight me down," he added. One near death encounter had certainly been enough to convince Xenon that he needed to beef up his defenses a bit. Being mostly a mostly melee fighter pointed the red haired teen's attention to armors, since he tended to take some damage whenever he needed to get into range. Still, considering that he had a fractional amount of Tian Gui's stamina and was reluctant to compromise speed, light armor seemed to be the best option. [/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=inherit]And then Tian Gui breached the topic about the slave tab. He had been admittedly pretty curious about it, even more so because Rei hadn't clicked on it. It was just as the title expected - human slaves for sale. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit]Unconsciously[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit], Xenon had already [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit]categorized[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit] it with things like [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit]murder[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit], or [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit]poverty[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=inherit], just another something that was beyond his control. Though, that wasn't to say that he didn't feel a bit nauseated to see the auctions, or worse, Rei's humorless rendition of "gamers for sale". [/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=inherit]When the shopping was done, Xenon ended up buying some reinforced studded leather armor and a vigor band to boot. The new gear fit pretty nicely, with the leather not weighing him down too much and the vigor band granting some nice HP and vitality. [/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=inherit]In the down time before the next monster grind, Xenon decided to revisit mana film again while channeling mana. The film was still pretty weak overall - he wasn't able to make it cover any more than one katar and he couldn't wear a katar on the hand he was casting with. But, like he had relented before, it was a start. A start to being able to defend himself and the few people he cared to protect. [/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]​
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