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Demigod trash
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
[fieldbox="THE FLARE, #ffffff, dashed, 10"]

T H E -- F L A R E

  • [bg=#0d0d0d]

    Years ago, people on Earth predicted that that a solar flare would wipe out the human race and leave the planet a barren wasteland.

    At first nobody gave it any attention. But then slowly, signs started showing. The weather started changing, crops wouldn't grow anymore, draughts became the number one problem faces by most countries. The predictions were coming true. Humans would soon cease to exist.

    So, these same scientists that foresaw what would happen felt the need to take matters into their own hands. They made labs deep under the ground where they hoped the Flare wouldn't reach them. They intended to gather newborns so they could run experiments and create a race of superhumans with abilities that might help bring the Earth back to what it used to be after being destroyed by the solar flare.

    From all of the space exploration they had done, they collected particles from various planets, its moons and even stars and asteroids. They called it 'Essences'. These Essences were the main ingredient in the serum that were injected into these children. And not all of those kids chose to be there. They were all handed in by their parents and had been among hundreds of other children from all around the world to have passed the initial round of tests and were qualified to be injected.

    Now grown up, these people, more commonly referred to as experiments, are all of what's left of the world apart from the main scientists and guards at the lab. They still have to undergo a few more tests and events till they can leave the lab.

    But nobody knows what they'll find upon reaching land again since anyone that's gone up after the Flare hit, has never come back down...


  • [bg=#0d0d0d]

    HARRISON LEE JORDAN ; 'The Creator'


    Harrison Lee Jordan is the mind behind the experiments. The one who had proposed the idea that they needed to test on people to make a superhuman race. He had suggested they use the essences they collected from various planets and moons but unfortunately, he died during The Flare since he had been above ground when it struck.

    CLEMENTINE LISA JORDAN ; 'The Commander'


    Clementine is Harrison's sister. She picked up his work after him and vowed to see it through and make sure that nothing would go wrong. She currently runs the labs and makes all the decisions. Her word is law and all the guards and other scientists are under her control.


    After a few years of experimentation, the children sported odd black marks and as time wore on, they became defined birth marks that looked more like tattoos. Upon closer inspection, Clementine saw that two people would have the same tattoo which she went on to call their 'soul tattoo' meaning they would eventually learn to work together and help one another out. She continued different experiments after this, assigning particular serums to those with the same tattoos so that these two people, Soul Guardians, would be bound to each other to protect each other.


    The tattoo that identifirs you with your Soul Guardian. It is unique from everyone elses except your Soul Guardian. It is black and usually abstract or minimal, and does not properly depict what it is.


    Every resident has a wrist cuff that has their details as well as a unique bar code. This wrist cuff is used to get food, alcohol, check out books and even access various rooms through the electronic hallways.


    Most of the time, residents are allowed to wear whatever they please but during training, they have a specific attire and during experimentation they have a different attire.










    People can choose to work if they wish to, and in exchange they are allowed more flexible schedules.


    There is a wake up time and a lights out time. Wake up is at 8:00 in the morning. If not out of the room by 8:30, guards will arrive to escort you whether ready or not. There is an hour each day for experimentation, usually before lunch. Lunch is at 1:30. After lunch is recreational time and lights out is at 11:00 in the night. No room can be accessed after tis time till 7:00 the next morning.


  • [bg=#0d0d0d]


    The labs are far underneath the earth and there are only a few ways to leave it and go back to the surface, none of which are common knowledge among the habitants except the Commander and the guards. Even the scientists performing the experiments do not know how to get to out of the labs.



    There are a number of labs where experimentation takes place and they are similar in size and appearance, and all contain the same equipment.



    The hallways all have electronic doors that are always locked shut unless opened through the scanner. Every resident has a metal bracelet with their details and a bar code which opens the door for them.



    The centre of the underground haven. A TV is in the centre displaying footage of what the Earth used to be like and there is also a map to guide residents. In the middle of it all is a fountain, and in the middle of the fountain, is a stone statue of The Creator.



    The lounge is a large room where habitants can spend their free time playing games, relaxing watching movies and do other hobbies.



    The bar is smaller than the lounge but always has one bartender at work. There is a limit on the number of drinks that can be had by a person.



    The research centre is open to all and contains whatever books are left of the Earth.



    The gym of the underground haven, but contains more than just ordinary gym equipment. It also has a simulation room for people to enhance other skills according to their powers.



    The facility has greenery all around, as well as many greenhouses. The main garden is a park of sorts close to the Intersection and is designed in the form of a park, with streams and benches and even tree houses here and there.



    The ball room is not often used but when there are occasions like celebrating big holidays, Christmas for example, a party is hosted here.



    The hall is where all meetings between the Commander and the residents take place. There is a meeting every week.



    The rooms are the same for everyone. There is a left wing for women and right wing for men. People do not share rooms, but two rooms are always conjoined meaning that one person can walk into the next conjoined room.



    The diner of sorts, that has a set menu each day and is open to all at any time of the day.



    Misbehaviour is dealt with seriously. Stepping over any lines results in solitary confinement.


  • [bg=#0d0d0d]

    1) No godmod. No controlling other characters or deciding what the outcomes of their actions are unless the characters belong to you.

    2) No OP characters. Every character has powers but with powers come flaws and since these are fairly untrained characters, they will have more limitations than strengths.

    3) Post at least once or twice a week. I realise that people get busy and have other things to do and I don't expect anyone to post at the speed of light.

    4) Please REQUEST a character first and wait for approval before you make your character sheet. No character sheet is to be posted in this thread as this is only for OOC chat.

    5) You may request up to 4 characters. That is the maximum. I would request, but not insist, that you play at least two, one of each gender, to even things out. I don't want an extremely large group of people because things tend to go haywire.

    6) Cussing is definitely allowed however bedroom scenes need to fade to black or be taken to the PMs.

    7) Please read theough all the details in the folklore, roles and settings tab.

    8) Please try to keep posts for each character at least two paragraphs.

    8) Please mention your favourite colour when requesting so I know you have read through all the rules.


  • [bg=#0d0d0d]


    There are three categories in which the reidents experiments are classified. There are the Ferus, which are those people that exhibit 3 powers. These are rare. Then there is the Lacertus, which are those that exhibit two powers. Uncommon, but not rare. Lastly there is the Laicus, that have one power only and are more common.


    The Essence of the Sun :: #1 :: Solaris [TAKEN [M] ; @CookieMonster ]
    Gravity manipulation, Light manipulation, Thermal manipulation

    The Essence of the Moon :: #2 :: Luna [ TAKEN [F] ; @~Dark Disney~ ]
    Night manipulation, Invisibility, Fog generation

    The Essence of the Asteroids :: #3 :: Acer [ TAKEN [M] ; @lxngdon ]
    Superspeed, Forcefield, Energy attacks

    The Essence of the Stars :: #4 :: Orion [ TAKEN [F] ; @Marianne ]
    Dreamwalking, Hypnosis, Telekinesis

    The Essence of Black Holes :: #5 :: Ubera [F] [ TAKEN ; @MadKingJai⭐™ ]
    Cyrokinesis, Intangibility, Magnekinesis


    The Essence of Mercury :: #6 :: Nova [ TAKEN [M] ; @CrystalTears ]
    Telepathy, Flying

    The Essence of Venus :: #7 :: Helen [ TAKEN [F] ; @Shayla ]
    Charmspeak, Siren Song

    The Essence of Earth :: #8 :: Gaia [ TAKEN [M] ; @Marianne ]
    Terrakinesis, Thermal manipulation

    The Essence of Mars :: #9 :: Cadman [DECEASED]
    Superstrength, Feral Mind

    The Essence of Jupiter :: #10 :: Ventus [ TAKEN [M] ; @MadKingJai⭐™ ]
    Weather manipulation, Aerokinesis

    The Essence of Saturn :: #11 :: Helio [ TAKEN [M] ; @Shizuochan ]
    Portal creation, Healing

    The Essence of Uranus :: #12 :: Scyle [ TAKEN [F] ; @lxngdon ]
    Precognition, Luck manipulation

    The Essence of Neptune :: #13 :: Perseus [ TAKEN [M] ; @Marianne ]
    Hydrokinesis, Tremor inducement

    The Essence of Pluto :: #14 :: Nico [ TAKEN [F] ; @MaryGold ]
    Necromancy, Ferrokinesis


    The Essence of Titan :: #15 :: Arden [ TAKEN [F] ; @CookieMonster ]

    The Essence of Phobos :: #16 :: Deimos [ TAKEN [M] ; @Shayla ]
    Fear Inducement

    The Essence of Callisto :: #17 :: Ailin [ TAKEN [F] ; @Shizuochan ]

    The Essence of Titania :: #18 :: Haefer [ TAKEN [M] ; @Marianne ]

    The Essence of Iapetus :: #19 :: Rashi [ TAKEN [F] ; @lxngdon ]
    Pain inducement

    The Essence of Oberon :: #20 :: Aktaion [ TAKEN [M] ; @CookieMonster ]
    Weapon manipulation

    The Essence of Rhea :: #21 :: Flora [DECEASED]

    The Essence of Europa :: #22 :: Troy [ TAKEN [M] ; @MadKingJai⭐™ ]

    The Essence of Charon :: #23 :: Fuego [ TAKEN [M] ; @lxngdon ]

    The Essence of Nereid :: #24 :: Grimlock [ TAKEN [F] ; @Marianne ]


  • [bg=#0d0d0d]

    (full name)
    (Between 16 and 25)
    (remember, they come from all around the world, so I want some diversity)
    (according to the facilities available)



    (see roles tab)
    (see roles tab)
    (see roles tab)
    (see roles tab)
    (will be assigned later)
    (will be assigned later)




  • [bg=#0d0d0d]

    Character Index
    IC Thread


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I know. I will get to that by tomorrow once I get these posts together now that I'm back and my mind is working with and not against me XD.

If Ophelia is telling you to stay away... you know it's bad XD. Adamo poor Adamo lol.
Ophelia may sympathize with him and even like some of his personalities.

But Quinn has to back the fuck off xD she cares for him too much. She'd have no problem attacking him for her best friends own good.

Honestly, it 's a good thing Artemis is love interest 'cause she loves her too. Otherwise I'd pity the poor soul who'd try to make a move on sweet Quinn xD

Quinn: You need to be a bit more specific than "that one" Ophelia. . . I have no clue who you're meaning. *chuckles*

I mean. . . If Quinn had the choice, he'd totally be buddies with everyone, because this boy is so naive he'd hug the enemy if he was allowed to >:T He needs to realize that all people aren't good >:T

If Quinn had the choice he'd be all cuddly with Angelina without really knowing that it would lead to more, because this naive blind boy, but I am his ultimate God and I will try what I can to be like the little conscious voice on his shoulder Q~Q

Don't take my boy's innocence Angelina >: O Slut somewhere else >:T (Though I do pity Adamo, since Personality Disorder gotta be a pain, and Quinn will know he has it too. . . My little naive too caring boy <3)
Yeah, Ophelia will be like"OH, noooo, you don't!"
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We can be korean buddies and talk about kpop records from cute kpop boys that are probably dead now ;~;

Totally deal xD Let them be Korean buddies xD <3 Quinn never really lived in Korea (since he moved when he was just a little baby and then the Flare and all happened :X) But he knows Korean and of course it's culture through his parents :D <3

Slut somewhere else XD. WowWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! XD.

But yeah. Angelina is the least of everyone's concerns.. it's his other personalities everyone will need to watch out for XD.
Too far? I'm sorry Angelina :X <3 *bows apologetically*

I read his entire CS and all of the personalities, I do agree that Angelina isn't the biggest problem xD

Ophelia may sympathize with him and even like some of his personalities.

But Quinn has to back the fuck off xD she cares for him too much. She'd have no problem attacking him for her best friends own good.

Honestly, it 's a good thing Artemis is love interest 'cause she loves her too. Otherwise I'd pity the poor soul who'd try to make a move on sweet Quinn xD

Yeah, Ophelia will be like"OH, noooo, you don't!"
Quinn be like: "But he seems like he needs one! D;" while he's not really knowing what he is getting himself into xD

But yes, I am so happy that there's like a triangle of friendship there <3 QuinTissa is a ship that's sailing away :X <3
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Quinn be like: "But he seems like he needs one! D;" while he's not really knowing what he is getting himself into xD

But yes, I am so happy that there's like a triangle of friendship there <3 QuinTissa is a ship that's sailing away :X <3
Ophelia: Yeah, but, no.

QuinTissa, wooh! Yeah, Ophelia is not sticking around for the gooey bits xD She is not going to be a third wheel! But, she'll totally be a third wheel and it will be hilarious
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Hey Adamo will grow on you all soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!! XD/

Now back to selfies so I have a new avatar and then posts lol.
Ophelia: Yeah, but, no.

QuinTissa, wooh! Yeah, Ophelia is not sticking around for the gooey bits xD She is not going to be a third wheel! But, she'll totally be a third wheel and it will be hilarious
Quinn: I can read everything in his mind. . . It can't be that bad can it?

Crystal: Keep going Ophelia, keep that boy in check >:T

Well. . . I don't think Quinn would be the type to be all lovey dovey with Artemis when Ophelia was around, he's very including after all ^o^ <3 But on their own, all lovey dovey for suuuuure :X <3
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold
Quinn: I can read everything in his mind. . . It can't be that bad can it?

Crystal: Keep going Ophelia, keep that boy in check >:T

Well. . . I don't think Quinn would be the type to be all lovey dovey with Artemis when Ophelia was around, he's very including after all ^o^ <3 But on their own, all lovey dovey for suuuuure :X <3
Adamo/Angelina: "Yeah. I'm not ALL bad. I have my good and my bad... and when I'm bad, I'm good at it." XD
Adamo/Angelina: "Yeah. I'm not ALL bad. I have my good and my bad... and when I'm bad, I'm good at it." XD
Quinn: "See? Nothing to fear ^^"

Too naive =_=

I swear, if Quinn got robbed, he'd literally give away his money rather than have it stolen from him xD

"Um. . . Sir I need to borrow your wallet. . . "

"Sure :D *hands it over* "
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Reactions: Justin and MaryGold
Quinn: "See? Nothing to fear ^^"

Too naive =_=

I swear, if Quinn got robbed, he'd literally give away his money rather than have it stolen from him xD

"Um. . . Sir I need to borrow your wallet. . . "

"Sure :D *hands it over* "
Damn... now Angelina might just feel bad for him XD.

Adamo/Angelina: "Awww, sweetie pie... no, no, no." XD
Adamo/Angelina: "Yeah. I'm not ALL bad. I have my good and my bad... and when I'm bad, I'm good at it." XD
Ophelia: Oh, HELL NO *holds Quinn tightly*

XD that's not happening lol

Quinn: I can read everything in his mind. . . It can't be that bad can it?

Crystal: Keep going Ophelia, keep that boy in check >:T

Well. . . I don't think Quinn would be the type to be all lovey dovey with Artemis when Ophelia was around, he's very including after all ^o^ <3 But on their own, all lovey dovey for suuuuure :X <3
Good, otherwise she's out xD
Damn... now Angelina might just feel bad for him XD.

Adamo/Angelina: "Awww, sweetie pie... no, no, no." XD
Quinn: "He's just borrowing it. There's nothing to worry about ^^"

This boy doesn't just need a soul guardian, he needs one for life xD

Ophelia: Oh, HELL NO *holds Quinn tightly*

XD that's not happening lol

Good, otherwise she's out xD
Quinn: "Ophelia-- Breathing is essential to living--!"

They're so cute, I can't wait for the RP XD <3
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Reactions: Justin and MaryGold
Quinn: "He's just borrowing it. There's nothing to worry about ^^"

This boy doesn't just need a soul guardian, he needs one for life xD

Quinn: "Ophelia-- Breathing is essential to living--!"

They're so cute, I can't wait for the RP XD <3
Yeah, this is going to be soo much fun lol.
@MaryGold He looks great! Imma PM you about relationships. :3 His soul Guardian is Eden btw! I'll send you the tattoo or you can get it from lxngdon.

Also, @CrystalTears I will say yes, you both can make a character each :3 One female and one male :)

@MadKingJai⭐™ Elaine and Rocket, gosh why didn't I thinj of that?! I'm gonna reply to your PM now about other relationships!
@MaryGold He looks great! Imma PM you about relationships. :3 His soul Guardian is Eden btw! I'll send you the tattoo or you can get it from lxngdon.

Also, @CrystalTears I will say yes, you both can make a character each :3 One female and one male :)

@MadKingJai⭐™ Elaine and Rocket, gosh why didn't I thinj of that?! I'm gonna reply to your PM now about other relationships!

MORE CODING FOR ME TODAY 8D *masochist to the max at this point*

I'll be taking the male, have fun with the female @MaryGold I have a FC and everything, that's why I need a male :X xD
@MaryGold He looks great! Imma PM you about relationships. :3 His soul Guardian is Eden btw! I'll send you the tattoo or you can get it from lxngdon.

Also, @CrystalTears I will say yes, you both can make a character each :3 One female and one male :)

@MadKingJai⭐™ Elaine and Rocket, gosh why didn't I thinj of that?! I'm gonna reply to your PM now about other relationships!

@CrystalTears You get to make your dark and mysterious moon xD And I'll make my bright and out there sun!
@CrystalTears @MaryGold both of them are gonna be soul guardians so I'll PM you tattoos once you're done :3
Oh yay~! :D <3

And that's fine! I'll try and get it up today. . . It's 2 am, but I don't have a bedtime, so I'll code like my fingers are on fiiiiiire!!!!
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They'll be soul guardians but opposites, I can't wait to see how that is X3
I know right? :X

I gotta get working fast! *noms down food*
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