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Yay for apple pie!!!! I hope it comes out well too!!!!!!
The smell...Oh dear lord, it smells like wonderful on a rainbow diamond unicorn. God I'm good!
@Zarrock T.T I thought you were the nice one T.T
Soooo I posted :D *praises self and pats on back* Waiting for Cresion on Ashfa but TYT, being sick ain't fun. *sends get well wishes*

*slithers off to where Royal Blood is spilling*
You posted multiple Tifa dying pics *sniffles*

It's kay though :P I found something else to rage about instead ^_^
Oh, ok! The Tifa pictures! Yang sure won that fight in a snap! :P

But anyway, yay for other things to rage about!
Don't be mean after I've gotten over it! D: Hm... although that was a forced fight! XD I'm sure if there ever was a collab, Yang and Tifa would've gotten along very well.

*is totally a pacifist*

Yay indeed XD I really shouldn't though... I get headaches. Thankfully I also have that satisfied feeling when I've finally posted. *dances*
I am a man who lives in a pool of rage, marinating in the hatred that is the human society.
I can't do that. I remember last January before I met y'all, I was living around too many people aka family, and it was getting too much with so many clashing opinions and in your face people o_o I had migraines and weeping spells the whole month til we moved.
Normally I'm a negative person, it's just who I am. Thankfully, internets lets me better filter the shit I say.
Thankfully, internets lets me better filter the shit I say.
Really? Usually the opposite happens :P Like, I noticed with my husband, he tends to be meaner online to the point that I'm like O.O "You CAN'T post that." And he'll be like "But it's the truth!"
Really? Usually the opposite happens :P Like, I noticed with my husband, he tends to be meaner online to the point that I'm like O.O "You CAN'T post that." And he'll be like "But it's the truth!"
Oh, I do that when the moment calls for it, but I'm definitely a much more mean guy offline, but that's ok because that's just me xD
Haha Yeah totally okay! :P

It could be good in one sense though o.o When you tend to be too nice to everyone else, you end up being nasty to the important people.
Also, the people I am nice to know that it means they're special to me...

Cough @CylciaAlyann cough
Awh how sweet *collects sap* JK JK!

Hmm o.o I got the opposite XD I get to hear the rants. I'll be like "Why am I having to hear you getting all pissed off?!? x.x" Although I suppose usually you can only open up and rant to those close to you.

I just notice your sig. I loved the original title ^_^
Awh how sweet *collects sap* JK JK!

Hmm o.o I got the opposite XD I get to hear the rants. I'll be like "Why am I having to hear you getting all pissed off?!? x.x" Although I suppose usually you can only open up and rant to those close to you.
Must be a man thing, she gets that, too. Like, I can't be mean to my co-workers because I can get fired so if one irks me, she hears the brunt of it.
I just notice your sig. I loved the original title ^_^
I know you did, I still stand by what I said though, it served its purpose xD
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Hah I give it back though! If I have to hear the rants, I'mma give them back as well! Though it's usually we're both pissed at the same stuff these days XD so it works out.

It was so intriguing though! Hm.. I see what you mean. The current title may not have caught my attention, but 'Care for a Diamond' would. Haha.

Oh snap x.x Just saw the time. I'mma sleep, night!
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