• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Ah okay, never watched that anime hehe.

Last anime I watched was Donten ni Warau. My inspiration for my character Amitis, who I never get to use ;w;
And I don't think I've seen that anime.
It's not really a well known one, I think. But it's one of my favourites. Much like the anime Utawarerumono :D
I think I have that one saved on my computer.
I had it saved o.o years ago. Bah dunno where it is now, I just stream it. I love it though, it has like all genres in it. From fantasy to mecha, comedy, romance, action, adventure, angst. It's like my OTP for anime XD
Group rps are pretty hard to maintain, to be honest. I'm impressed by those that remain alive.
I'm surprised I've kept this one alive! Speaking of alive, I'm going to post with Lonn and Var soon (I can't post with Belyavor yet)
This one's a medley of serious rpers who don't want to see another one die after being part of so many rps that have been martyred T.T

:D And yay! :D
@Squee, I Just thought of something that could be used to tie my characters together. The family weapon. Sorin could've been passed down from farther to son in the form of a claymore when Victor was jailed, Sorin was separated from his partner and reverted back to the armored form to search for him.
I changed the tread title! It was originally "care for a diamond" to draw in attention, bring people in with a question then provide some sweet delicious nutritious context, but we've got enough people now and I put the banner in the advertising loop. I feel this is a more appropriate name.
I changed the tread title! It was originally "care for a diamond" to draw in attention, bring people in with a question then provide some sweet delicious nutritious context, but we've got enough people now and I put the banner in the advertising loop. I feel this is a more appropriate name.
Very nicely executed. I like the change. You get two thumbs up from me and a bro fist.
I shall miss 'Care for a Diamond' ;w;

However I reckon those who come in now will be coming to a rebellion after all :O
Morning peeps :3
Hello people I am back. Not really though since I`m only at some mall with WiFi. I lived 3 days with no internet or electrcity and assembled 12 Ikea furniture by my self, cooked for my whole family then mowed the lawn when it was 34 C° outside. Screw all streotypes about teenagers these days.

I hate typing on a phone.
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You sound like me!
Oh :P
My family was always pretty mean to me though, they kind of force me.
For me it was if I didn't nobody did...
I was the only kid at home and my mom has probs with her legs so I'd usually end up doing most of the stuff. I got to cooking early in my teens when my mom had broken her arm :O
Yep, and I might be closing this off again soon depending on how much fresh blood comes in.
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