She's kinda scary... (w/ LolaDesiré)

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The fact that the first thing Marilyn said was 'I'm sorry' instead of saying how she was seeing ghosts where there weren't any -awful joke that had been said to her too many times- or putting the blame back on her, had Delilah staring back at the girl with wide eyes. She even called her Lilah! No one at the school had ever called her by a nickname, unless it was an insulting one when talking behind her back when they thought she wasn't listening.

She dropped her head to the floor, pouting a bit without meaning to. 'I know they call me scary, and other things. I'm not sure why, but I just chose to ignore it. I thought you were playing the good girl, trying to make everyone see how you're some kind of martyr that's trying to befriend the outcast girl and that I'm actively pushing you away, so everyone would see how much of an awful person I am and would like you instead.' She brought her hands up to her hair, to kind of brush it with her fingers but also squeeze her own head. "Argh, and in the end I ended up doing just that! I'm sorry, I'm so stupid..."

Threading her fingers through her hair, Marilyn listened to Delilah speak and stared at her. She couldn't believe that such a cool person was worried about what people said, or that a person could be so untrusting that they assumed someone wanting to be her friend was clearly a bad person playing a trick. The girl shook her head at the other's words, "'Lilah, you're not scary! Or stupid...." She protested. "You're a kind girl." She stated, "I hurt your feelings really bad today, and you thought I was out to make you look like a bad person, but when you saw that I needed you and that you could help, you did! You put yourself in danger to help someone who did you wrong!" The girl exclaimed. "And! You took down some big, scary, spirit that I couldn't even stand up to, I could never have tried to fight it! You saw me, I was on the ground crying because of that ghost but you were fighting it! Do you know how cool you are?" She asked with a frown.

Marilyn had always been so positive about herself, even when she did stupid things. Now she was seeing that clearly someone else needed that positivity and she was glad to give it. Quickly after her little protest against Delilah's negativity, Marilyn washed herself and grabbed the towel, standing up and wrapping herself in it. After that, she stepped out of the tub and made her way towards the tattooed girl, sitting beside her. "I don't care what anyone says. You're not scary... You're super neat." She stated, bringing her knees up to her chest. "Don't let anyone tell you that you're not amazing, okay?"

Delilah was too embarrassed to raise her gaze again, so she listened to Marilyn from the safety of her curled up position. Did the girl really find her to be that cool? That spirit had been a weakling, it wasn't impressive that she fought it away. She didn't mention it though. She didn't want the girl to feel useless for not being able to put up a fight against that ghost. Though by the way she spoke, it was hard to imagine the girl feeling low about herself. By the end of Marilyn's small discourse, Delilah was smiling to herself.

She looked away at the door when Marilyn stepped out of the bathtub, only turning her head back when she felt the other sitting down next to her. She smiled a little at the bubbly girl's last words. 'Okay.' She conceded, as the girl had made her feel less bad about herself.

Suddenly wondering what time it was, she stuck her hands in her pockets. In one pocket she found Marilyn's supplies for the ritual, so she left them on the floor for Marilyn to take them. "Why the fuck do I have this with me instead of my cellphone?!" From her other pocket, she pulled a white quartz pendulum. Her cellphone must have been left at her nightstand. "Well, this still works..." She let the pendulum hang and swung it around a little bit.

"Has 12am passed yet?" The pendulum swung from side to side, in this case signalling 'yes' for Delilah. "Was 1am passed yet?" Delilah frowned when the pendulum answered 'yes' again. She kept asking for times, until she managed to narrow it down. It was a quarter to 2 am already! "We really should go to sleep, we have to be up early tomorrow..." She said with a sigh.

The girl sat there beside the other until Delilah finally admitted that Marilyn was right. Afterwards, Marilyn stood with a smile, going to the corner of the room behind Delilah so that she could get dressed. As she did so, she listened to the girl trying to figure out what time it was. When she heard her friend speak, Marilyn hummed. "Well, let me finish getting dressed, okay?" She said with a smile. She was quick to put her clothes on after that but she still went to look in the mirror and brush out her hair, humming softly.

In the few moments it took Marilyn to string the brush through her hair, she came up with what she thought was a wonderful idea. It was obvious when she thought of it because her hair brushing got much faster and she seemed more enthusiastic about her actions. Everything she did after brushing her hair she did in a happy craze. She was quick to place colorful bandaids on her scratches, put her towel in the hamper, and collect her stones, her candle, and her bubble bath, but after that she smiled widely at the other girl. "Lilah! Can I come sleep in your room? It'll be like a sleepover! To celebrate our new best friendship." She enthused positively. To some people, it might've seemed like she was joking. A sleepover at their age? At past 2am? Just because they had spent some more time together today? It was ridiculous. But, you could tell by her face that she wasn't kidding. She looked so excited about this idea, sleeping in the same room as her friend and talking to each other quietly. Not once in her life had she had a sleepover, or even a friend to have a sleepover with, so she was extremely happy just to be asking.

'Kay.' Delilah replied putting the pendulum back in her pocket. She watched Marilyn get ready, and wondered how did she manage to handle so much hair. She could never learn how to braid her own hair, and it was always one giant tangled up mess. Short suited her better. 'You have such a nice face, it pops out more with your short hair.' Her siblings used to tell her.

She got up from the floor when it seemed like they'd go away. But Marilyn couldn't just say bye and go to sleep, of course not. Delilah stared at the other dumbfounded by the suggestion. She was about to blurt out how it was a bad idea, that it was late already and they had to be up early tomorrow, and her room was a mess, and they were too old for sleepovers and--

She had a coughing fit that made it seem like she'd cough her soul away. Delilah was taking too much time so her guardian had gone out to find her, and witnessed Marilyn's request, so she made Delilah choke before she could turn it down. The tattooed girl could hear the scolding in her mind, and remembered the previous sermon of how she had to be nice to people and embrace Marilyn's friendship. She kept coughing, holding a finger up to Marilyn signalling for her to wait a minute, until she could regain hear breathing. Once she was breathing normally again, she gave a strangled 'yea, why not?'.

"Sorry for the mess, I haven't decided what I want to do with the decor yet." Delilah stepped into her room, and turned the lights on. Unlike Marilyn, she had a big bedroom all for herself. There were some boxes that hadn't been open yet. There were some things hanging from the ceiling, witch ladders made with small animal skulls and feathers, and posters on the wall. Delilah realized in embarrassment how aside from the posters of the bands she liked (all featuring musicians and artists dressed all in black, plus one poster of Lady Gaga) there was a poster of a model she followed, signed and all, but the model was dressed in lingerie. She'd have to take that one down later.

'Look the other way, I'm gonna get changed.' Delilah warned the other. She took off her tunic to throw on a big purple t-shirt with a white skull printed on the front. It combined with her purple bed sheets. The walls were painted in a baby light blue colour, and they contrasted against the black curtains. There were clothes, books and witchy supplies scattered on the floor, and a pile of cute plushies on one corner. Some of the plushies had sachets or amulets hanging from their necks. There was also a desk that Delilah used to study, and a small vanity table, where she had set up an altar, having very few actual make up supplies.

'Huh, make yourself at home.' She said awkwardly. It had been a long time since her last sleepover, and the few she had were always with her siblings and cousins.

Marilyn was over joined when Delilah had said yes. She really did make a good friend today, and that friend was even going to let her sleep over! She had already forgotten every terrible thing that had gone wrong during her first day of school because it just turned amazing!

When the girl first walked into the room of her friend, she looked around to take it all in. Delilah just had so much stuff! There was a bunch of stuff scattered on the floor, supplies everywhere, little cute stuffed animals in the corner... It took her a moment to take it all in. She wanted to run around and check everything out, run her fingers along the witch ladders, examine all the posters, she wanted to see all of it! But sadly, she knew that actually running around and touching all of Delilah's stuff would probably be rude, so she decided against it. Instead, she shrugged off her shoes and put them next to the door, then her socks. After that she carefully sat on the bed, looking up at the ceiling to see what was up there.

Hearing Delilah's request, the girl kept her eyes glued on the ceiling, carefully listening for when she didn't hear the rustling of clothes coming off or being put on. When she heard the noise stop, she looked back at Delilah and smiled. "I like your room. You got a whole lot of cool stuff in here... My mom only let me bring two boxes of stuff..." She said as she glanced around one more time. There was a quick moment where her eyes had obviously landed on the poster of the model and she stopped to stare for a moment. Marilyn's mother would kill her if she ever asked for a poster like that so it definitely took her off guard. She didn't say anything because she was scared that it would come off mean, so she kept looking around until her eyes landed back on the plushies. Their amulets reminded her of her own necklace so she reached up to play with necklace as she examined the them For a moment she paused and looked down at the amber, realizing that the piece on her necklace was broken. It upset her slightly, but she understood. She shouldn't have thought that a simple stone of protective amber would match up with the power of a spirit like that. Marilyn took it off and hung it on the headboard before looking back at Delilah again curiously. "What are those stuffed things for, Lilah?" She asked.

"Really? I always bring lots of stuff and my parents don't really mind. They know I end up using lots of these things in my practice, so if I didn't bring them with me I'd have to go buy them during the year." Delilah replied, feeling a bit more relaxed now that she was in her big t-shirt pajamas.

"What, the plushies?" She walked over to that corner, picking up a cat plushy. "Many of them are regular plushies, but I also use them to hold spirits and such. This one has the spirit of a guardian cat, the amulet around her neck is one for protection, and she protects me from nightmares. It's great because when I cuddle the plushie, she feels how I'm cuddling with her and it's wonderful." She hugged and squeezed the plushy. Then she pointed at one of the closed boxes.

"I have a porcelain tea set there. If you saw me using you'd think I'm pretending to throw a tea party with the plushies, but really instead of just leaving offerings in random places, I like to sit down with them to drink tea together. The spirits appreciate random offerings, but actually sitting down with them to chat and enjoy food together is a wonderful bonding experience, it helps bring everyone closer." She grinned happily. "And when they're done enjoying their treats in their own way, I get to eat all the offerings myself, haha. I bury some of them though. I'd get fat quickly if I ate it all by myself."

Marilyn was staring at the girl in front of her with the largest, beaming smile. How on earth could this be the person everyone thought was terrifying? This girl had tea parties with spirits just because leaving offerings wasn't as pleasant. Giggling, Marilyn crawled towards the pile of plushies, "You're so silly... I bet you have a lot of spirit friends, since you're so kind..." She said. In a weird way, she kind of wished she had her own pile of haunted plushies to talk to. Not excessively of course, just when she was lonely and needed a friend. Which was often, but maybe not too often.

At this point Marilyn had shrugged off her shorts and pulled her shirt down to cover herself. Delilah had told the girl to make herself at home and this was the best way to do so. She was usually the type to sleep in just her underwear but she didn't want to make her new friend uncomfortable. Curling up on her side with her head propped up by a pillow, Marilyn was admiring Delilah. Though she had already recognized that this girl was absolutely beautiful, when Delilah was constantly sitting with a neutral or unhappy face, it felt like the tattooed girl was a model, something in a magazine. But when the girl was grinning widely and hugging a plushie, it was a different level of beautiful. Marilyn felt like in that moment, Delilah was more in her reach than she had been before and it was a wonderful feeling. To feel like someone liked you enough to relax around you, to smile a real smile... It caused Marilyn to start giggling to herself as she hugged the blanket on the bed. "Lilah... What's it like hanging out with spirits? The nice ones. Is it fun? Or are they still kinda scary just because they're spirits?"

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Delilah smiled happily, taking the comment about her being silly as a compliment. It was nice, not having to be on edge about if Marilyn had second intentions when talking to her or actually meant to spill some venom, as the girl seemed so sweet and honest. "I have many, but honestly it's because it can be difficult to find humans who'll pay so much attention to them. Lots of people fear them, and many spirit workers try to use them. I only use their aid for spells and such if they offer it in the first place." She left out the part of how she wouldn't be able to force a spirit to do her will if she wanted to.

She left the plushy on a corner of the bed next to the headstand, and sat down on the bed. "It depends on if they're ghosts, or spirits of some other nature. Ghosts used to be humans, so they have experienced lots of the same stuff as we do. They can offer advice that is more on point, and understand us better. The ghosts of domestic animals are a bit more strange but still close to us. Now a spirit of a gem won't understand why you have to constantly move around and do stuff, when it's been perfectly fine sitting still for ages. And the spirit of a dragon will want to hoard lots of stuff, and maintaining a room clean with a dragon spirit living on it is really hard."

She kicked a piece of clothing that lied on the floor. "Not my excuse though. I'm just a mess. I don't have any dragons living with me. I do have a small fairy, and she likes to hide my stuff so I'm always using my pendulum to look for lost gems, piercings, homework..."

Listening to Delilah speak was so fascinating. The tattooed girl may have been a student but she was actually very knowledgable on subjects like this. Of course, most of it probably came from experience but that fact in itself was cool. To be so experienced that you can teach other people about a subject just based on your own knowledge. Marilyn licked her lips as she listened, perking up when Delilah mentioned a fairy. "A fairy?!" She exclaimed, "That's so neat! I always wanted to hang out with fairies when I was little!"

To be truthful, she had tried multiple times to wander into the forest and find fairies, but Marilyn's mother would always cast some sort of fairy repelling spell on her. Marilyn's mother had a thing against fairies, always saying that some of them kidnapped children or led little kids off of cliffs. Then Marilyn would say 'What if the fairy I meet is nice?' and her mother would tell her that it wasn't worth taking the chance.

All this thinking of her mother had Marilyn in deep thought, so she had to bring herself back. She glanced up at Delilah and spoke again, "Lilah, how are your parents so cool with you messing around with spirits and stuff like that? Do they know you do it? Or is it like, a big secret?" She asked. Her mother had been very protective and she couldn't imagine being allowed to do all of the things Delilah did, like studying dueling, fighting ghosts, or having tea parties with spirits.

"Really? Well if you still want to, be careful. They can get nasty, you should avoid them if they come in groups until you gain each other's trust." Delilah offered her advice, then let the silence settle. Marilyn seemed to be thinking of something, maybe about what could she say or ask next. The tattooed girl distracted herself tracing the designs on her arm with a finger, until the other girl spoke again.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise. Why would she keep it a secret? But... Explaining her relationship with her parents and spirits, meant outing some information that always made people run the other way. Marilyn had been so gentle up to now... She curled up, resting her chin on top of her knees, suddenly nervous about telling her.

"Err, in my family we're raised around ghosts and spirits since we're little. In the beginning we handle really easy and loyal spirits, like those of dogs or our deceased grandparents, and we branch out as we grow up." She really hoped Marilyn wouldn't further ask about her family. She didn't want to out herself as a necromancer, if Marilyn for some reason hadn't figured it out on her surname alone. "Why do you ask?"

Marilyn nodded along to her explanation. Then when asked why she asked, she answered with a soft hum. "Oh, no reason... My mom's just really protective." As she said that, she hesitated for a moment. It was strange to have someone to talk to about her life, but Delilah had been really nice and easy to trust so far, so she supposed that she should go on. Besides, she didn't want to seem like she was bad mouthing her mother, just the thought was unsettling to her. "I-I mean, my mom is really nice, kind, sweet, caring, warm, and beautiful, but she'd end me if she knew I messed with a spirit. And if she heard I got hurt? Gosh Lilah, she'll take me back out of school in an instant." Marilyn said, shaking her head. "I guess I just figured all parents were like that, you know?" She said.

After Marilyn spoke, she was looking at Delilah, watching her for a reaction. Because of her lack of experience in social situations, Marilyn had no idea when to stop sharing details. Earlier at lunch just today, she tried to tell a long, detailed story from her childhood and noticed that by the end, everyone else seemed to be bored of it or they looked uncomfortable. Later on, Marilyn asked Brittany about why everyone looked uncomfortable and Brittany said she was oversharing. The new girl didn't know what that meant, but she knew that she didn't want Delilah to get bored with her. It was strange for her to feel this insecurity, and it made her feel the need to hide. She slid herself under the blanket with only her head poking out so she could watch the other girl.

Delilah found endearing how many nice things Marilyn had to say about her mother, but the way she was so protective made her wonder if the bubbly girl wasn't saying that, at least a little bit, out of a very faint fear. Not that mothers couldn't be all that and more. Delilah was sure most of that stuff applied to her own mother, even if she could get quite strict or asphyxiating at times.

"Oh, well, don't let her know then. It'd be a shame if you had to leave right after our first sleepover." She replied, jokingly implying there could be more sleepovers to come. She shrugged her shoulders. "My mom is really protective too, but she also wants to let us experiment and experience life. She says she prefer we try and start playing with ouija boards or drink alcohol under her wing where she can guide us, instead of doing it with other teens who don't know what they're doing and end up hurting ourselves."

Delilah's family was quite big, specially if one took in consideration all the family members who still hung out with them as ghosts, so she usually assumed it was the same case for everyone else. "What about your dad? Is he that protective too? What about your siblings?"
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The first thing Delilah said brought a large smile to Marilyn's face and she started to giggle, hoping that Delilah was hinting at more best friend sleepovers this school year. Then she listened to the other girl speak about her mom. Marilyn loved her mother, but she couldn't help but think how much Delilah's must've loved hers. A mother who would let you do whatever you want as long as she knew? That sounded amazing.

At the last question, Marilyn shook her head. "I don't have a dad. Or- Well, I guess I have one. I just don't know where he is. And then I don't have siblings either... It's just, me and my mom." There was another hesitant pause before she went on, "It was kinda lonely. N-Not that she didn't pay attention to me. I just.. I always wanted a whole bunch of siblings or friends to play with." She said. At this point, she had noticed how serious the conversation had gotten. Earlier when she even started to have a serious conversation with her other friends, they looked uncomfortable, so she decided to stop herself while she was ahead. So, she put on a positive smile and stood, making her way towards Delilah. "At least I've got you now though, right? And me and you can hang out all the time!"

"Oh, I screwed up." Was Delilah's first thought when Marilyn mentioned how she didn't have a dad. Or siblings. She just said she didn't know where he was, but what if she had lost her dad to some tragedy or there had been an ugly fight and her parents split up? That kind of think one wouldn't share with someone you don't know a lot, but would still cause stress. Maybe Delilah had just made some ugly memories pop up in Marilyn's mind, and mentally scolded herself for it. She fidgeted in place, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the turn the conversation had taken, due to her own fault.

She watched Marilyn get up, wondering if she was deviating their chatting topic on purpose, but as always -as far as this day went- her smile was contagious and she let the topic change slip in. She nodded happily in response. But then a single glance at the skull shaped watch on her nightstand reminded her of how late it was. "Sleepovers are good and all but we should go to sleep. At this rate I'll be a zombie in tomorrow's class, but zombie-state it's still better than falling asleep on my bed." Delilah spent so much energy in all of her ghosts that she really needed to sleep. She'd never be able to pull off an all nighter and hope something good would come out of it.

By the time Delilah was checking her clock, Marilyn had wrapped her arms around the other girl in a little hug. She wasn't quite sure if they were close enough to hug yet but so far she had just been going by her instincts and it had worked out... For the most part. Listening to the other girl speak, Marilyn nodded. It was getting kind of late and whether Marilyn liked it or not, she needed to get some rest. When she was homeschooled, she could go to sleep and get up at whatever time she liked as long as she was getting eight hours, but she knew that she needed to be more strict on herself while she was at the real school. Letting out a soft huff, she nodded. "Okay Lilah..." She said. She wanted to stay up extra late and talk to her new friend, but she didn't want to make Delilah be tired the entirety of the next day.

After speaking, Marilyn went to hop back into Delilah's bed, crawling right into the middle and pulling the blanket up to her chin. Smiling, she opened up the side of the blanket so that Delilah could get under it. "C'mon, hurry up! The longer I hold this blanket, the colder I'll be when you come lay with me!" She sang. She was planning to sleep pretty close to Delilah since that's what she figured people did when they "slept over", so she was worried about being too cold or too warm. She didn't want Delilah to not like laying next to her.

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Marilyn let the hug take place without protests despite not liking it when people she didn't know much touched, but Marilyn just seemed to be that type of person who was overly affectionate, like a puppy. She stood up to turn on the lamp on her nightstand so they wouldn't be left in complete darkness, and then turned off the bedroom's lights.

When she turned around, Marilyn had crawled into the bed and was inviting her to sleep together. She stared at Marilyn for a few seconds, astonished, until she heard a strange clacking noise. She turned and saw a skeleton barely stepping out of her closet; it was the skeleton her ghost guide used whenever he wanted to be more tangible. The skeleton pointed with his fingers at the holes where his holes once were, and then at Delilah, silently telling her 'I'm watching you'. This made Delilah blush until her ears were red. Her guide knew she was a lesbian, and for as long as she was a minor, and specially if she was at school, he wouldn't allow her to do anything 'inappropriate'.

As the skeleton locked himself up in the closet again, Delilah went to grab one of her pillows. "A-a-ah, don't worry, I'll sleep on the floor. I have an extra... Blanket... Over there..." She muttered as she dropped the pillow on the floor, and went to look for an extra blanket for herself, intending to sleep on the ground. Marilyn was her guest and she deserved the comfy mattress.

Marilyn had frowned when Delilah offered to sleep on the floor. Sitting up, the girl stared at her new friend and looked down nervously. "Are we not good enough friends to sleep in the same bed? I don't understand..." She spoke impulsively. She didn't mean to say that, for all she knew this was normal sleepover behavior. But at the same time, shouldn't she be taking the floor then? This was Delilah's room after all, and Marilyn was the one who wanted to suddenly have a sleepover. And why did either of them have to sleep on the floor? Why couldn't they just sleep in the same bed? With a confused tilt of her head, she hugged herself in thought.

Was there a possibility that Delilah didn't like her? Could it be that Delilah had only saved her to be nice, but now Marilyn was doing too much? Was she being too pushy? She wasn't sure. All of this overthinking was starting to upset her, and the anxieties bubbling up inside of her were giving her a sudden exhaustion. Still, she waited for Delilah's answer so she could decide if this was a normal thing or not. If Delilah gave an answer that sounded absolutely ridiculous, Marilyn decided that she would leave. She had already kept the tattooed girl up past two am, made her fight for her, and now Delilah wanted to sleep on the floor? If Delilah wasn't enjoying this, Marilyn didn't want to be the reason the other wasn't having a good time.

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Delilah looked up at Marilyn from her kneeling position, her eyes wide at the unexpected comment. "Dude, I've only known you for a day." She blurted out, but then she realized how mean that had sounded. She pressed her fingers against her temple and apologized. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that harsh."

"But really, w-we're a bit old to sleep together, don't you think?" Bullshit. She knew her older sister slept with her best friend whenever she was over at home, and she herself had slept with her sister a couple of times as grown ups too. But she couldn't say 'I have a skeleton in my closet who doesn't want me sleeping with you because I'm into girls and you're pretty.' "I don't mind sleeping on the floor, I'm serious."
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It was clear that the first comment made Marilyn tense up. Her shoulders were tense and she squeezed her eyes shut, expecting the worse when Delilah continued. She listened as the tattooed girl went on but Marilyn could tell that Delilah was uncomfortable with it so she dropped the topic, not even bothering to answer the question. Instead she quietly laid down and covered herself up, curling up into a fetal position with her back turned away from the side Delilah was on. She really did need to work on herself, didn't she? Making other people uncomfortable all the time, trying to do things too soon, all of that. She supposed that she was simply too excited about having friends, but now it was clear that she would have to calm herself down before she started annoying people.

All of these negative thoughts had turned Marilyn silent, and she realized that. "Goodnight." She whispered in a simple, soft voice. It didn't sound as cheery as she usually did but it was good enough. After speaking, she quietly tried to sleep.

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