She's kinda scary... (w/ LolaDesiré)

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Delilah watched Marilyn give her back, and she wondered how did she manage to screw things up, one thing right after another. She really had been too harsh on poor sweet Marilyn. '...Goodnight.' She replied in a soft voice. She crawled a bit to turn the lamp off, and then lied down, wrapping herself up in the blanket. The floor was hard and uncomfortable, but she didn't complain. As whenever she had to endure something hard, she brushed it off as 'training' and decided to withstand it.

She woke up the morning after when her alarm in her cell phone went off. The first alarm was soft. For the times that wasn't enough to wake her up, she had a way louder one ten minutes after. Getting on her knees, she grabbed her pillow and gently hit Marilyn with it. "Wake up sleepy head. The earlier we get the cafeteria, the higher chances of getting cupcakes or something tasty." She then stretched on the floor in a cat-like manner, sighing when several of her vertebrae snapped as she elongated her spine.

She yawned, and looked at Marilyn with heavy eyelids. She felt kind of groggy. "Slept well?"
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When hit with the pillow, Marilyn woke up but barely reacted. She gave a soft yawn, rolling onto her back before she arched her back upwards until she felt, and heard, the multiple pops. After that, she let herself fall back down with a pout, turning onto her side. Never once in her life had she felt more tired then she did right then, and she hated it. Still, she was the one who wanted to go to a public school, so she sat up and stretched anyways. Letting out the smallest, high pitched yawn, she stretched out her arms. Her hair was flat now, surrounding her in a way that her head looked like a waterfall until it stopped on the bed and flowed around her. It was messy and she knew she must've had bags under her eyes. With a pout, she finally opened her eyes and looked at Delilah.

"Lilah, I'm tired..." She whimpered. Marilyn took a moment to concentrate but used her powers to draw water from the bathroom sink. It came in, floating in a blob, and Marilyn gently took some and drank it. She ended up drinking it all and even using some to splash herself in the face, but she still looked like a sad, tired mess. "Do we have to eat breakfast? And o we have to go to class?"

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Delilah felt like a zombie, but she still chuckled a bit when she heard Marilyn's yawn. It was like the cute noise of a little animal. She got up to try and stretch her arms and legs a bit, amused by Marilyn's sleepy self and the way she manipulated water. It seemed to come really natural to her, if she was able to do it while barely awake. She looked away when she heard some familiar clacking sounds. She looked at her closet, and found the same skeleton from the night before, doing the exact same gesture of 'I'm watching you' at her, before hiding in the closet again.

She turned to Marilyn, rolling her eyes. "Yes, we have to go, because I got a stupid skeleton" she raised her voice a bit "breathing down my neck that won't stop giving me lectures all day long if I don't go to class." She added a 'hmph' gesturing with her chin towards the closet, before walking up to the other girl. Delilah grabbed Marilyn by the wrists and pulled lightly, to get her up.

"C'mon. If you don't want your breakfast I'll sacrifice myself for you and eat it, but you still have to go to class." She said with what tried to be a smile, but with what little will to live she had at the moment, it came out as a lazy smirk.
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For a minute, Marilyn had no idea what Delilah was talking about, but she was too tired to care. Really, she was ready to fall back asleep until the other was pulling at her wrists and urging her to get up. The tired girl got up with a soft whine, hugging Delilah gently before she huffed. "I have to go to my room first... I need to find a cute outfit and put on some pretty makeup..." She said, releasing Delilah from the hug. She really didn't want to go get dressed, and that was clear from her tone, but if she had to go to class she wanted to look good for all of her new friends. Stretching out one more time, she began pulling all of her long strands of hair up into a big bun on the top of her head, then she grabbed her discarded shorts from the floor and began to venture out into the halls, in a shirt that just barely covered her panty area.

Marilyn stopped at the door way of the room and looked at Delilah with a big, stupid looking smile, "I had lots of fun with you, but I have to go get pretty..." She hummed with her eyes barely open while strands of her hair fell into her face. "I'll miss you~" She sang, waiting for Delilah to reply before she left. Marilyn was like a small animal, waiting to be told to go before she actually left.

Delilah accepted the hug with glee, but also wondered if it wasn't just an excuse to sleep standing against her, instead of falling back against the bed. Marilyn released her quickly though, so the girl hadn't fallen asleep against her chest. She followed Mari with her eyes, smiling when the girl stopped by the door frame. "You're pretty already, you don't need no make up." She said honestly, though it was true that Marilyn looked a bit too untidy for this fancy school.

"And put those shorts on, or you'll flash anyone with your panties and you'll get a detention." She added with a short laugh. "I'll miss ya too." She said, more out of reflex to correspond to that phrase than consciously saying it. She waited until Marilyn was gone, closed the door to her room, and started getting ready. Some simple black clothes, a black long tunic from the many ones she had, a quick comb through her hair, some eyeliner, and filled in eyebrows as the final touch.

She picked up her bag with her needed supplies, and was about to go away when she noticed the gem necklace hanging from her bed's headboard. She picked it up, and remembered Marilyn was wearing it the night before. She forgot it here? She stuck it into a pocket, and headed to the cafeteria, walking quickly. She really wanted a cupcake.
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The moment Delilah had walked into the cafeteria, people started whispering about her. Lot's of people had felt that power last night and no one cared. That was, until the rumors started. The girls in the room right across from Marilyn's had seen Delilah go into Marilyn's room, leaving with some clothes. Then when those girls asked Marilyn's roommates about it, they had said that Marilyn didn't come home last night. This led to a lot of rumors such as 'Delilah sacrificed the new girl to her scary dead friends', 'Delilah murdered the new girl', etc, etc.

Meanwhile, Marilyn was minding her own business and trying to get ready for her day. Her daily getting ready routine was a lot more complex that Delilah's. First she stopped by the showers on the way back to her room. She put on a shower cap, turned the knob completely into the cold direction and then she stepped in. It was absolutely freezing, but she didn't mind in. When she was back at home, she'd sneak out on the coldest winter nights to go to a little collection of ponds in the forest by her home. She liked to lay in the water. The cold was numbing but strangely relaxing to her when she was in that place, under the moonlight. When she was in the cold water here, during her shower, it was a wake up call. The water hitting her skin sent a jolt through her body.

After her shower, she quickly rushed to her room. First took out her bun and she slammed a brush through her hair to straighten out the kinks. Then she had to re-do her bun, do a cute cat-eyed style of eyeliner and mascara, slap on some tinted lip gloss, and after that was where the routine got hard. Her outfit. Marilyn wanted- no, needed to look cute for her peers. All of her life she was allowed to run around her house in her pajamas and if she did dress up? No one would see it but her mother. So now that she could finally wear the sorts of things she wanted, she had to pick out something pretty. She ran through all of her options first. It was autumn so though it was colder outside, that meant the heat was on and it was warmer in the school. Running around through her drawers, her closet, her everything, she pulled out practically every outfit until she settled on something. She ended up in a red trapeze dress that was decorated with white polkadots with a pair of white flats, and a uncut, ruby gem necklace. Today, the necklace was mostly for matching her outfit but it was also for protection from negativity.

By the time the now happy girl had gotten ready, she still had plenty time for breakfast! With a large smile, she went to find Delilah in the cafeteria.

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Delilah could overhear some people whispering rumors about her. As always, she ignored them to the best of her ability, and went to get breakfast, gaining herself a cute cupcake with purple topping and chocolate sauce to go with the rest of her breakfast. She could eat in peace for a little while, until somehow the whispers turned louder. She tried hard to ignore them, but it got to a point where it felt like she had someone whispering right into her ear, accusing her of murdering Marilyn.

'Would you stop that?' She whispered.

'This time they're saying really nasty things. You can't allow this lack of respect to take place. Where's your sense of honor? Go defend yourself.' Her guardian ghost, the ghost of a powerful warrior, spoke into her mind. He was tuning her ears into the comments going on about her so she would do something about it.

'Stop it.'

'Don't incite her to violence. She has to find inner peace no matter what is happening around her.' Her guardian ghost, who had sensed her discomfort, chimed into the conversation.

'Shut it up both of you.'

Some people heard her whispering, alone, sitting by herself, and new comments reached her ears. 'She's crazy. She's talking alone.' 'She's not alone you idiot, she's talking to the demon she summoned last night.' 'That's why she killed that girl. She surely ate her after that, they say you need a heart and a liver to summon a--'

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. She got up, quickly located the source of that last comment -some stupid boy she shared classes with- and walked, almost running, up to him. 'WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!' Her scream scared the life out of the boy; it seemed like his eyes would pop out of his face. Delilah grabbed him by his clothes, and slammed him against the wall behind of them. The classmates that were sitting with him had varied reactions, from gasping in fear to swearing at her. The 'responsible adults' in the cafeteria were aware Delilah was constantly bullied -hence why they tried to save for her the most pretty and tasty treats- so unless Delilah actually tried to hit the boy, they decided to let this one slip and let the girl fight back for once.

'WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! SAY IT TO MY DAMN FACE!' She pulled the guy's clothes by the collar, and slammed him back into the wall, gaining a whimper from him. When Marilyn arrived at the cafeteria, she walked right into that spectacle. Delilah glanced at her, noticed the guy did the same, and slammed him against the wall again. 'DOES SHE LOOK LIKE I ATE HER? DOES SHE LOOK LIKE I FUCKING ATE HER??? LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME DAMMIT!' The guy looked like he'd start crying at any given moment.

When Marilyn had walked in, her eyes immediately fled to the commotion. She looked upset to see that her friend was fighting. Or whatever she was doing? The situation looked complicated. It wasn't until when Delilah started yelling that Marilyn flinched. It was scary. Scary to see that boy pressed up against a wall, scary to see that he was almost in tears, and scary to see everyone else reacting in negative ways. Still, being her positive self, she immediately tried to make sense of this. She knew that Delilah was scared of being bullied, and she knew a lot of people made fun of Delilah. So, adding those issues to the fact that Marilyn had kept the poor, tattooed girl up past 2am? She figured it was her fault, and it was her responsibility to fix it.

The new girl walked over to the site of the drama with a small frown, stepping to Delilah's side. She knew that Delilah could be scary at times, but they were friends now, weren't they? They had a sleepover, Marilyn got to see her smiling and laughing, and Delilah had saved her life. That's why when she gently put a hand onto Delilah's arm, she wasn't afraid. Her face was calm and caring as she looked at her friend. "Lilah... I don't know what he did wrong, but it's okay. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I mean, clearly, since you didn't eat me. I'm right here..." Her hand very slowly slid down Delilah's arm until she was at the tattooed girl's hand. She took it softly and attempted to lure the hand away from the boy's collar. "I know he might've made you mad and you're tired from being up so late, but can you please pay attention to me instead?" She asked with a small, cute pout she liked to use when asking for something. "You said there was good food here and I don't know who to ask for some... Plus, I need you to sit with me. I don't want to sit alone..." She whispered to her softly, hoping to be able to draw her away from this man.

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The guy looked at Marilyn when she approached, and he seemed as scared of her as he was of Delilah. A couple of girls who had hung out with Marilyn the day before already knew the girl could be quite clueless, and urged her to step away from them and be silent. Delilah listened to her, but had her eyes fixated on the boy before her, never loosening her grip on his clothes. Even when Marilyn attempted to pull her hand away it was firmly in place, like a stone statue.

The guy's words were horrible, but Marilyn had a point. She had a tendency to get moody whenever she didn't sleep properly and maybe, just maybe, she was overreacting. And for some reason Marilyn seemed utterly lost in school, as if she had never attended a school before, so she needed some guidance. Someone other than her could guide the bubbly girl while she beat the crap out of this guy, but it was a good excuse to let go, and she should take it before she did something that would get her in trouble.

She let go reluctantly. As she did so, she noticed he had been holding the guy up the whole time, the poor guy barely able to stand on the tip of his toes. He rushed off, scared, and she stared at the ground for the few seconds. She then gestured towards Marilyn, as she turned towards the other side of the cafeteria. "C'mon, I'll keep you company while you stand in line." She muttered, still annoyed.

When Delilah had finally let go, Marilyn gave a relieved smile and squeezed her hand gently. After that, she went to stand in line with the girl, holding her hand gently. She didn't want to let go because of the anger she had just witnessed. She wanted the tattooed girl to know that she was here to support her and that it was okay. That she didn't think Delilah was scary. That was the main point here, she wanted her friend to know that Marilyn still liked her and that she'd never think she was scary like how everyone else did. After the little, happy moments they shared? She never wanted Delilah to feel insecure about their friendship again.

While in line, the girl impulsively spoke out while playing with Delilah's hand. "What did he say to you? Are you okay?" She whispered in a soft, caring voice. After she had asked, she regretted it slightly. It probably would've been better to let Delilah forget about what happened and to spend her time cheering her up, but the girl was curious. If he said something absolutely out of place, Marilyn would have to remember not to speak to him. She was looking for friends but she absolutely refused to be friends with anyone who made Delilah feel like she needed to fight to defend herself.

Delilah's discomfort showed clearly on her face. She was back to the same stoic expression as the first time Marilyn met her, except this time her gaze was so intense it seemed like she could stare at the floor until she made a hole on it. Just as last night when Delilah told Marilyn they didn't know each other too much hence they couldn't sleep together, she didn't like much physical contact and under other circumstances she might have pulled her hand away. But if she did, she was almost sure she'd walk back all her steps and punch that guy's teeth out.

'Apparently your roommates told everyone you didn't go back to your room last night.' She spoke angrily, but in a low voice so nobody else would be able to hear. 'Your ghost summoning released a lot of energy. Everyone felt it. They blamed me, saying I summoned a demon or something. That guy said that for the ritual I killed you and ate your heart and your liver.'

She sighed heavily. "He didn't even say it straight to my face, and almost cried when I confronted him. Everyone think they're so brave muttering behind me... I'd kill them all if it wasn't illegal. Hmph." Those last words had been say out of anger, not seriously. At her age, Delilah was almost over that embarrassing edgy phase of her teenage years, but she was still a teen, and every once in a while she'd fall back in that 'I hate everyone-I want to kill people-Society sucks' mode.

Marilyn had been gently playing with Delilah's fingers as she listened to the girl speak. The frown on her face gradually deepened as she did so. It was pretty obvious that a lot of the problems Delilah had mentioned had stemmed from Marilyn's mistakes and ideas. If she hadn't summoned that spirit, if she had gone home last night, or if she had at least went to the cafeteria with Delilah, things would've been okay. It was lame to think that she could've prevented this so easily. She could've saved Delilah some pain... It really hurt her feelings to know that she was causing her new friend trouble, she'd have to think about how to fix that later.

"My mom told me that people might do that to me... Um, talk behind my back. She said you're supposed to ignore it, but I'm not sure... I mean, she told me not to worry though. She I can barely pay attention to the things around me, so I'd never be able to tell you what's going on behind my back!" She giggled and tried to joke with her, smiling at Delilah. She just wanted her friend to be less angry was all, but she wasn't sure what to do besides try to joke with her and hope for the best.

Delilah brought up her gaze with some effort, as it felt glued to the floor. She looked at Marilyn from the side of her eye. There she went again, with her overly positive attitude. Still, Delilah didn't blame her at all for any part of this. It wasn't her fault that the rest of the people there were assholes (though she better not go around summoning spirits if she valued her health). She couldn't get herself to smile, but did reply to the joke with 'You had me worried there for a moment; I thought your mother told you people might do that to you, eat your liver and stuff like that.'

By the time Marilyn could chose her food, she didn't have as many choices laid out for her as Delilah, but still could get a good breakfast. Delilah offered to carry her food platter over to where she was sitting, not even asking if she preferred to go sit with someone else, as it slipped off her mind.

She sat down and stared at her own breakfast. The remaining tea with milk was cold by now. The orange juice was untouched. She hadn't gotten to eat much, and the cupcake was still whole too. She moved her platter towards Marilyn. 'You can have it. I'm not hungry.'

Marilyn giggled at Delilah's words, glad that the tattooed girl at least could joke around still. As she picked out her food and went to sit down, she raised her eyebrows when given the other plate. Then she smiled brightly. "Thanks a lot Lilah! You're so nice." She said before she started eating. Though she wasn't a very big girl, she was a big eater. She gobbled down her food within a period of a few minutes.

Afterwards, she was smiling and looking at Delilah. "Thanks for the food..." She giggled, gently poking the other's hand. That was when a girl named Harriet, and one by the name of Denise came up to the two of them. Harriet seemed scared as she came up to the table, mostly because the event Delilah had caused earlier was really scary. She wasn't a confrontational girl, in fact she was the girl who would do the quiet, behind the scenes bullying. If someone wanted an insult written on Delilah's locker, she'd be the one to do it. If someone wanted something of Delilah's to go missing? Harriet would be the one to do it. Usually that's all she had to do, stay in the background and blend in. But sadly, Brittany and Sarah wanted to ask Marilyn if she had any dirt on Delilah, or if the tattooed girl was forcing the new girl to hang out with her, and those girls were too scared to actually go over to the table themselves. So, Harriet spoke up. "Um, Mari? We're about to go meet up with Sarah and the others to walk to class together, do you wanna come?"

Marilyn was glad to see her other friends, even if she was still pretty tired. For some reason, she felt much more relaxed around Delilah than she did around these other girls, but she was their friend so she wouldn't turn them away. "Sure!" She said with a bright smile. Turning towards the tattooed girl, she giggled. "Promise me you won't get into any more problems while I'm gone? I'd miss you a whole lot if you got in trouble..."

Delilah welcomed the silence that settled between them while Marilyn ate. It allowed her to cool down. At a point though, she found herself staring a bit at the bubbly girl. She ate a lot. But she was so petite. Where did everything go? "To the hair maybe, that would explain why she has so much of it." She thought, amused.

When the girls approached them, Delilah just greeted them with a glare. She was aware that Harriet was among the people who bullied her. She hadn't actually seen her do anything, but she didn't need to put a ghost on her own locker to act as a security camera to be sure of it. She was always hanging out with Sarah, and Sarah was always a nightmare.

In response to Marilyn's words, Delilah turned to her, her grumpy expression still on her face. 'Oh, c'mon. It should me be telling you that.' Between the two girls, it was an obvious reference to Marilyn's ordeal with the ghost from last night. But for an outsider, it did sound like some sort of abusive friendship scenario, where Delilah was dictating who Marilyn could hang out with, and what things she could do.

Delilah waited until they went away, and then put away both her and her friend's platter. She left the cafeteria quickly, not wanting to hear anyone else muttering about her. She went straight to the classroom here she'd have her first class, a class she didn't share with Marilyn, and sat down to read while she waited for the rest of the students and the teacher to come in. Only then she remembered Marilyn's necklace. Oh well, she'd have a chance to give it to her sometime later.

Marilyn had ended up meeting back up with Sarah and the others, smiling as they walked to class. It wasn't until the other girls started asking questions that she was confused. They were asking if she was okay, if Delilah was hurting her, etc, etc. She replied to each question correctly, yes she was okay, no she wasn't being hurt, and then afterwards she asked why they thought she wasn't okay. And what they told her? It upset her. They told her that they thought there was no way in hell that someone like her would be friends with, well, someone like that. And just the fact that they said that made her so incredibly angry. Of course, she didn't do anything but dismiss the topic, but on the inside she was boiling.

The rest of the day it seemed like Marilyn tried her best to make even more friends. She still wanted to keep the one's she had already made but she didn't want to sit with them until the events involving Delilah blew over. She couldn't stand to hear people saying all those, terrible, mean things about her friend! It really made her want to go to the tattooed girl and hug her, be kind to her, but at the same time she knew that she needed to hold back. Maybe it was all in her head, but Marilyn honestly felt like she might've been a little too pushy on Delilah. Ever since the tattooed girl had said that thing last night, about them not being that close, it made the newer girl decide that she probably needed to calm down. That's why she decided that she wouldn't sit, talk, or bother Delilah until after school.

Meanwhile, in each of Delilah's classes people were writing notes about her. No one actually wanted to audibly talk about her because of what she did to that boy this morning. Of course, the rumors about murder had gone away but rumors about demons and abusive friendships continued to go around. Plus, with Marilyn choosing to sit with others in the classes that she did have with Delilah, a lot of people thought maybe the new girl had seen something or was trying to avoid the other.

It wasn't until the end of her last class that Marilyn ran to find Delilah, smiling widely and giggling. "Lilah! Lilah! Can we hang out today?" She asked. She had plenty of homework that she needed to be handling, but Marilyn didn't quite understand the concept so she didn't plan to do it.

Delilah spent the rest of the morning by herself. She had her feet up on the seat next to her constantly, as nobody wanted to be near her to the point where the seats directly next to her, in front, or behind of her, were empty. Her ghost didn't insist on carrying rumours over to her now, but every once in a while she noticed someone stealing a glance from her.

Every once in a while her mind drifted off to thinking of Marilyn, specially in their shared classes, something she blamed on the fact that she had to give the other's necklace back. But since Marilyn always had company, she didn't try to approach her, instead waiting for Marilyn to come over to her. Surprisingly, she made no contact in all day.

It was a nice surprise when, after her last class was finished, Marilyn suddenly popped up next to her, with her ever present warm smile. She returned the greeting with a smile of her own. "Uhm, yea sure. But I can't play all day. I have homework already and I don't like leaving it for the last moment."

She kept on walking, but in the opposite direction of her room, as she wasn't heading there. "Have you decided what clubs you're going to join? I'd invite you to the Duels club, but you don't seem to be the fighter type." Delilah spoke, obviously assuming Marilyn knew what clubs were and what clubs were available in the school. Surely she had looked them up before switching schools, right?

Marilyn giggled and nodded, happy that Delilah would be able to hang out with her. When Delilah asked about clubs, Marilyn looked at her and tilted her head. The girl hadn't really thought about joining any clubs except the spirit working club, and that was only because they had invited her. It didn't even come to her mind that the school offered other clubs. "Um... I haven't thought about it?" She said softly and smiled at the tattooed girl. "To be honest, I didn't even think about there being other clubs.. Gosh, I don't know which one's I'd join... Can I join them all?" She asked with her usual, wide smile.. In all honesty, she didn't quite understand what clubs were for either. Of course, she understood the concept of meeting up as a group now and then but she didn't know that clubs actually did things. In her mind, a club was a nice place where people with common interests came to talk about their interests. It sounded interesting enough since she hadn't really been exposed to many hobbies in her life. She thought that if she joined all the clubs the school had to offer, she'd make tons of friends and then she'd have tons of new hobbies too!

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"Really??" Delilah's eyes widened in surprise. It was weird for a student not to think about the clubs. The clubs were countless, everyone took part in at least one, even for something as simple as knitting together. But what was more important, some of the most popular clubs required specific materials (like the Creature Taming club) and the school had a limit to what they could provide, so the clubs had a limit to how many people they accepted, and you had to rush if you wanted a spot in one of those popular clubs.

"Pfft..." She laughed a bit when Marilyn asked if she could join all the clubs. "You do have a death wish, don't you? If you joined all the clubs, at the end of the semester you'd be in HELL trying to keep up with all the club activities, preparing for the shows, the final projects, the demonstrations and all that. Lots of students from other schools come to see those, so you can't half ass it. We have to show our school is the best there is."

"Plus it's impossible to literally join every club. There are too many. You don't have enough hours in the week for them." She added as a final note. "In my case, I'm joining the dueling club. Last year I was in one of the divination clubs and I learnt a lot, but maybe I'll take something more artsy this year. I've always wanted to learn how to draw and paint, so one day I can have a fancy grimoire, as mine now is really boring." She said, scratching her cheek.

The young girl was disappointed to hear what her friend said. A small pout came about Marilyn's face as she learned that she couldn't join all the clubs. How would she make friends with everyone if she couldn't be in all of their little groups? She let out a small huff, "That's lame. I wanna do everything." She said, and she did really sound like she meant it. Being a sheltered kid, she had a few hobbies that she had maintained over the years but anything her mother didn't approve of she didn't even know about. Like dueling. She had only heard of dueling in her history books and thought it was a thing of the past until she met Delilah.

Speaking of Delilah, the new girl listened to her and nodded along, wondering what kinds of clubs that she should join this year. She'd love to be in clubs with Delilah, especially if they were artsy. Marilyn used to paint on her walls when she was younger and she really did enjoy it. Plus, if she wanted to get close enough to the tattooed girl to where they could sleep in the same bed, Marilyn supposed they'd have to spend more time together!

The new girl smiled, "I wanna join all the clubs you're joining Lilah!" She exclaimed, then paused in thought as they turned the corner into a colder hallway, causing her to cross her arms to retain warmth. "Well, not all of them. Mother wouldn't let me join any clubs about fighting, but anything else is would be amazing! We could paint together! And- And um... Um... What else would you do in a club? Do we just sit around and paint together? Or do we do other stuff too?" She asked. The idea sounded nice. Painting with Delilah. Marilyn would paint pretty pictures of her memories from back home, of the scenery so that she could share with her friends how beautiful that forest had been. And Delilah would paint... Well... Something neat.

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