She's kinda scary... (w/ LolaDesiré)

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Delilah smiled in relief when Marilyn decided right away she wouldn't be joining the Duel club out of respect for her mother. Marilyn was too sweet. The rest of the people would eat her alive. "It depends on the club I guess. In the shows at the end of the year, I've seen both really technical drawings, to the live demonstration of a girl smearing paint all over her body and painting with everything she had, even her hair. It was weird, but props to her for originality.' The end result had been a beautiful seascape. And there she was, not even able to draw a simple pokemon with her main hand. The things one could achieve with practice...

She perked up when she got an idea, and looked down at Marilyn seeming more cheerful than usual. 'I've got it, why don't we go check out the art clubs after I sign up in the Duel club? We could see which one we like the best and sign up together.' She offered, happy that for once the had the change of having a friend at a club.

She found the person she had been looking for in one of the outdoor gyms. A well built guy with tanned skin from training so much under the sun, a year older than her (so he should be graduating this year). The guy looked up at Delilah from his spot on the ground when she approached. 'Delilah! You're here for joining us again, aren't you? I set aside an application form just for you.' They never developed an actual friendship since they never bothered to meet outside the club, but the club leader appreciated her for her skills.

The guy -to whom Delilah referred to as Kiba when she greeted him- got up to hand Delilah a paper sheet, and then eyed Marilyn up and down. He got a bit more closer than what would be comfortable for a regular person, and went as far as grabbing her wrist to measure it, putting his fingers around it. "This is a new recruit you brought me? She's a bit on the small side..." He then smiled widely, and spoke directly to Marilyn. "Oh oh oh oh oh I get it! You must be really powerful with your offensive spells, right? Let me guess... Fire balls? The sweetest looking girls are the most vicious in battle they say."

'Leave her alone Kiba.' Delilah rolled her eyes, and kept filling in her application.
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Listening to the tattooed girl speak, Marilyn let out some giggles. Going to school with other students really was wonderful, especially if people would constantly do weird things like paint with their bodies! Marilyn hoped that maybe she could do that, paint with her body. She'd have to ask the kids in the art club if they knew how.

When Delilah suggested that they join a club together, Marilyn's smile widened so much more. She nodded quickly and happily. "That sounds like a wonderful idea!" She said happily. She really was glad to see that Delilah wasn't annoyed with her, or else the tattooed girl wouldn't have asked her to join a club with her. It seemed like the idea of backing off for the day really worked!

Marilyn was happy to follow Delilah to the Duels Club sign ups, even when she was grabbed she still had a happy smile on her face. As she looked at Kiba, she tilted her head and stared at his hand. "I'm not allowed to fight." She said softly, gently poking the male's hand. Slowly, she pulled her wrist away from him but she was eyeing his hands. She placed her hand against his with a small smile, comparing them. "My name's Marilyn. You have big hands, I bet you fight good. You held my whole wrist!" She said. Sure, she had little wrists and hands so that wasn't much of an accomplishment, but no one at this school had taken her by her wrist before so she thought it was neat. That was when Delilah told Kiba to leave her alone, and Marilyn giggled. "Kiba? That's such a cool name! I wish I had a cool name like that." She said with her same infectious, happy attitude. This man seemed to know Delilah well, and Marilyn wanted to make friends with Delilah's friends.

Kiba let the bubbly girl compare the size of their hands. This one was really cute, and he had broken up with his girlfriend during the summer, so he couldn't help but to eye all the cute girls in school. "Oh, my name isn't Kiba. It's a nickname I got because I remind people of a character from this... Er, anime? A japanese cartoon, they've told me. I've never watched it but I like the nickname." And for whoever that had bothered to watch 'Naruto', the reason behind the nickname was obvious, and said reason appeared from behind Marilyn.

A soft tug on Marilyn's clothes, a call for attention, revealed a big white haired dog, happily wiggling his tail. Kiba's pet, and a companion in combat, he explained. But as soon as Delilah turned around to hand in the application form, the dog's demeanor changed entirely. He gave the girl a menacing look, and made a low growl.

"Ugh, Kiba, control your pet." Delilah whined, taking some steps back. Kiba held the dog back by its collar. Delilah carried so much death energy just from hanging out with her family and ghosts, that animals tended to despise her. Another reason, among many, why people were put off by her. "Mari, step back, the dog might jump at any moment." She warned the other, for the first time calling her by a nickname without realizing.

Marilyn gasped when she saw the dog, practically dropping to her knees to give him a hug. When she was younger, she got to see a lot of wild animals like foxes or deer, but she never got to play with domesticated animals! She seemed very happy to meet this animal, gently petting him and speaking to him in a soft voice. "Who's a good puppy? Huh? Who's a good puppy!" She was giggling and playing with the dogs face until suddenly the dog got upset. She pouted as she looked at Delilah, "But he's my friend..." She whispered. Still, she moved back to standing at Delilah's side with a pout.

"Lilah, Kiba, does he not like me anymore? What did I do?" She asked, hugging the tattooed girl's arm as she stared at the dog. She was smart enough to know that when an animal growled, you needed to move away, but she didn't understand what was wrong. While looking at the dog, she thought about getting her own. A dog would be nice, but she would need a little bitty one. Not a big one. She thought that you had to raise a dog like people, and she wouldn't be able to control a big dog. She'd have to remember to ask Kiba for a dog some time soon.

Delilah moved back even further, but pulled Marilyn behind, trying to get between her and the dog. 'It's not you who he doesn't like. It's me.' She glared at the dog. Kiba pulled the dog away. Luckily the dog was obedient enough to go after being told to go a couple of times without having to be scolded.

'I'm sorry for that.' Kiba said, trying to play it cool in front of Marilyn. 'He must miss Delilah after the whole summer without fighting against her.'

'Yea, right.' Delilah was still glaring at the dog, to make sure he wouldn't suddenly turn around and jump on her. She only relaxed once the dog was out of her sight.

'Well girls, it was a pleasure chatting with you but I should go back to training.' He gave Marilyn a bright smile. 'If you need anything you can always find me here, 'kay?'

As they went away, Delilah felt a bit of second hand embarrassment for Kiba. It was so obvious how he was showing off to the bubbly girl. Didn't he have a girlfriend though? She stuck her hands in her pockets, and felt the necklace she had been meaning to return to Mari the whole morning. She pulled it out and held it up to Marilyn's face. 'Ah, you left this in my room last night.'

Marilyn had been curiously eyeing the dog until Kiba said his good byes, to which Marilyn smiled warmly and waved. "Okay! Nice to meet you!" She called after him, then she smiled at Delilah. "He was nice..." She said. Then when Delilah pulled out the necklace, the newer girl paused and stared at it before shaking her head. "I don't want it." She stated and looked away. She knew it was silly to not want a necklace that she made herself, just because the gem wasn't strong enough to protect her the night before, but the necklace was a reminder. A reminder of one of the scariest nights she had ever experienced, a reminder of something she didn't want to think about. It was just something about the way a spirit had broken into her mind, unlocked some of her worst fears and amplified them all at once in her head. It made her feel unsafe and insecure and she never wanted to think of it again.

So, after rejecting the necklace, Marilyn shook herself out of thoughts of the night before, then she smiled warmly. "Now c'mon!" She said, quickly hugging Delilah's arm and leading her off. Marilyn didn't have an idea of where she was going but she hoped that if she acted normal and tried to move on about their day, Delilah wouldn't be worried. The bubbly girl wasn't always the smartest but she knew a lot of things that could make people worry, and that strange moment where she turned down her own belonging? Well, it'd make people worry. That was why she was smiling extra wide and trying to find her way to the club flyers.

Delilah pulled her hand back a bit at the negative response. All she could sense about Marilyn shifted really quickly. Despite the girl going back to normal after a few seconds, Delilah was still a bit out of it. She let herself be dragged, putting the necklace back in her pocket. If her friend didn't want it, maybe she could re purpose it? Her teachers had been all about 'reduce, reuse, recycle' since the very beginning.

She ended up having to make Marilyn turn the other way down a hallway, but after a while they made it to the art classrooms. Since everyone was signing in to clubs already, the instructors -a mix of older students and teachers- were spending their time there to explain what they did to the new students. There were different painting and drawing clubs, a knitting club, a music club, different dance clubs...

It was Delilah's first time actually going to try and get into an artsy club. Now that she was there, she gulped, feeling a little shy. 'S-See anything you like?' She asked Mari, hoping the girl would have more initiative than her.

Marilyn was feeling very excited to be joining clubs. She was peering into each room and listening to what the club was about, then she let out a soft hum when Delilah asked her what she thought. Marilyn wasn't really a good dancer, she would love to learn of course, but she felt like her friend would be too shy to do so. Sure, Delilah was cool and confident, but she didn't seem very expressive and could actually get kind of nervous sometimes. Knitting, well, Marilyn knew how to knit, it wasn't exactly a bonding activity though. Some of her oldest memories were of her mother and her quietly knitting. Back then, Marilyn wasn't allowed to talk during knitting time because her mother needed to focus, and she absolutely hated the activity.

That was why she decided that a painting and drawing club would be best. Smiling brightly at Delilah, she took her hand and led the tattoo into that room. Then Marilyn went up to the girl sitting at a table, handing out signup forms. "Hi there! Can I get two thingies?" Marilyn asked with a large, beaming smile.

The girl, a kind looking light-skinned girl with dark brown, natural hair smiled at the two of them. "Sure thing, sweetheart." She said with a New York accent and a big smile. Handing Marilyn the applications, she spoke again. "My name's Cindy. I lead the General Arts club around here, so if you have any questions you just gotta ask me, 'kay?" She said, smacking her gum.

Marilyn nodded as she handed Delilah an application and started to fill it out on the table. It wasn't until she was done that she looked up to see Cindy giving the tattooed girl some sort of look. The club leader's eyes traveled along the tattooed girl. It was hard to know if that look Cindy was giving was positive or negative, but it was certainly noticeable. So, Marilyn decided to comment. "My name is Marilyn! And that's Delilah. Delilah is kinda shy and quiet sometimes, so she might look scary, but she's really really nice, okay?"

Listening to Marilyn, Cindy looked surprised but then a large grin spread across her face. "I wasn't judgin' ya friend missy, I was just lookin' at her! But I respect that you came to her defense like that. " She laughed a little bit. Turning her attention to Delilah, she spoke again. "I've seen ya around," The girl said, "I didn't think you'd be into art."

'Oh no, I'm doing it. I'm really, really doing this.' Delilah thought as she was led into the art club classroom. If it wasn't for Marilyn, and she was left to her own devices, she would have strolled around the hallway, 'decided' that she wasn't that interested in art anyway, and go join some martial arts class or something. She looked at Cindy as the girl introduced herself. She looked more on the gentle and feminine side, a perfect fit for Marilyn.

'I don't belong here.' She thought. The artists that looked like her usually drew creepy stuff, or gory stuff, or tattooed themselves and showed off their chest pieces along with their pierced nipples. And to make it worse, she conformed to the stereotype and was interested in all of those things. Except the nipple piercings. Those looked painful. But she didn't want to scare everyone off by trying to paint skeletons covered in blood and flowers. Now here eyes were settled on Marilyn and how she was eagerly filling her application. She swallowed down her... shyness? fear? anxiety? Whatever was ringing an alarm in her head, and tried filling out her own application form.

It wasn't until Marilyn introduced her that she looked up at the two girls. Her eyes quickly jumped from one to the other, then she looked away at the ceiling and scratched her face, trying not to seem that interested. 'Huh, I'm not really. I just thought, you know, it would be cool if one day I could get a tattoo that was drawn by me for a change.' She lied. There was no way she'd blurt out that she really wanted to beautify her grimoire. That was so childish, or of basic-girl-quality. 'It's strange that you know me. You don't seem the type to be into dueling.' She added, getting her guard up.

Cindy giggled a little bit as she listened to Delilah speak. "I'm not. I'm just inta duelists! Ya know, I've gone out with at least half of the club members." She spoke. Cindy was the type of girl that liked a lover who could protect her, and whether it was a man or woman? She didn't care. She just cared that it was duelist. "Ya know, one day I hope I get married to a duelist. My spouse'll go out, compete, win, bring back prize money. It's my dream really." She giggled, then she leaned over the table in a flirty way, gently trailing her finger up Delilah's arm. "I've noticed you're pretty good... I hope I'll have the chance to get to know ya better when ya join the club." She winked and giggled again, but then her name was called by another member and she smiled at the girls. "When ya finish the application, just put it in the stack. Nice meetin' ya!" She said and waved at them before taking her leave.

Through out the entirety of that process, Marilyn was smiling and nodding until Cindy had started flirting. She didn't quite know that it was flirting, but she still felt defensive. Hugging Delilah's arm, she pouted. "Hey listen, when we join clubs and makes lots of friends together, you know that you're still gonna be my only best friend, right?" She said. She knew that she wanted to slow down and that Delilah didn't feel that close to Marilyn. But to Marilyn? Out of all of her friends, Delilah was one of the people she had felt closest to. It was mostly because the tattooed girl had saved her life and was really nice to her, but still! She went on, "So, I gotta be your only best friend too, okay? Don't go around making lots and lots of friends and forget about me, okay?" She said softly, and though many people would take it as a joke, Marilyn did honestly sound insecure. Like as if she thought that might actually happen.

'Really?' Delilah thought, raising an eyebrow. She tried to remember the girl hanging out with the other club members, or if she had been one of Kiba's girlfriends... But Delilah didn't hang out with them outside of practice time, and she paid so little attention to people she really hadn't ever registered Cindy. She stared at Cindy with a blank expression, not letting it show how she was weirded out by how Cindy's aspirations in life were to marry a famous duelist because of the money they made in tournaments and such. That was so materialistic and superficial.

Since Delilah had no knowledge of some of the duelists Cindy had dated had been women, her flirty intentions took her by surprise. Delilah rarely received positive attention from people aside from some teachers and her club mates since she was good at sports, but a girl showing interest in her was far rarer. Possibly she was only able to know when a girl was flirting with her because of reading so many lgtb+ books and fantasizing about having a girlfriend. She blushed a bit as her heart skipped a beat, and then looked down at the floor in embarrassment.

She managed to drag her gaze away from the floor when Marilyn hugged her arm. She looked at the girl, and pressed an index finger against her forehead in response, as if pushing her away. 'So you get to make lots and lots of friends and I can't? That's a bit unfair.' She then pulled away and smiled at Marilyn. 'Don't worry. You're the first to actually want to hang out with me, so you get to be top priority. Promise.'

After that, she pulled away to finish filling her application, and left it on top of the stack. 'Want to check out any other clubs? For me, between this one and the dueling club, I have enough.'

Marilyn was glad to hear that she was the first priority. It filled her with joy and made her want to squirm happily. When asked about clubs, she shook her head no. She did want to look around at the rest of the clubs, but she supposed that she could do it tomorrow. She didn't want to run around with Delilah on her arm if the tattooed girl wasn't planning on joining any other clubs. "I wanna have time to hang out with you before you have to do your homework! And I wanted to show you my room!" She said, gently pulling Delilah's arm back into the direction of the dorms. She didn't give the other girl much time to protest before she was already pulling her back to her dorm.

When they got there, Marilyn peeked inside to make sure the other girls weren't in there. If they were sleeping or busy she didn't want to bother them, but she was glad to see that they had the room to themselves. Pulling the tattooed girl in, she smiled. "Tada!!" She giggled and went to jump on her bed on the right side of the room Because she wasn't special like Delilah was, she had to share a room with two other girls. On one side of the room was a bunk bed, where the two others slept, and on Marilyn's side was a lone twin sized bed. Her side of the room was just a little cluttered. On her nightstand she had many small vases, each with different plant samples in them. Above her nightstand was a jewelry hanger with about five hooks and what seemed to be at least ten different gem necklaces on each hook. And besides that, she just had multiple plants on her bookshelf along with her tons of home made scrap books.

Marilyn laid happily on her bed, covered with a large, pink, homemade blanket. Patting the space next to her, she waited for Delilah.

Delilah tried to insist on how Marilyn should take the time to check out the other clubs given she was new, and surely she'd find something that'd catch her attention, but she soon found herself being pulled away. She tried to relax and let Marilyn guide her, given how excited she seemed.

When she entered the room, she looked around in curiosity. She wasn't creeped out by dark, silent places, but the room still felt really compared to last night, when she had go in to look for some clothes for Marilyn. She walked up to the bed and sat there instead of lying down, eyeing all the colorful necklaces. She fiddled with her fingers, embarrassed to be in an other girls' room, and on the bed of a cute girl.

'This place is really nice. How do you fit all of your stuff though? And don't any of you get annoyed at the lack of privacy? I don't think I could be at peace sharing my room with two other girls through a whole year.' She commented, trying her best to not sound like an annoying spoiled girl. But for real, the room was so small!

Marilyn giggled at Delilah's questions. Because she was a bit of an airhead, the girl was constantly having things explained to her and she was glad to be able to explain something to someone for once. With a smile, she shook her head. "I kinda like how there's always people here..." She said softly, looking up to Delilah before going on. "I mean, back home there's no one else but me and my mom around, and animals and stuff. All the sounds were of nature. So when I hear them breathing, or snoring, or if they're up later than me... It's a weird feeling. But it's nice to be around people and be comfortable without talking to them..." She said. As she had explained that concept, her voice had gradually gotten quieter, and when she was done she was staring off at the ceiling. Sometimes she did miss home, but at the same time, she felt that if she went back there now, that the silence would drive her insane. The sounds of nature were something she had lived with all her life, but now she was growing fond of the sounds of other people, other beings, acting and living around her! Even in that moment, knowing that someone was there and actually listening to her strange rambles was a comforting thought. By then, her voice was down to a whisper as she continued. "It's a luxury to have people to talk to and know that you don't have to chat with them every moment because they'll still be there tomorrow. You can talk to them tomorrow..." Closing her eyes, she smiled a bit. She knew that she had started to ramble, so she decided to break the air with a soft and small giggle.

Delilah turned to look at the other girl, when she explained her feelings about sharing rooms with other girls. As Marilyn turned really quiet, she looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember the sounds from back home. She was aware of how nature sounded, but she had an enormous family, so she always had people around. And those who carried the family's blood in their veins, such as her, grew up hearing ghosts and spirits too. As a kid that drove her crazy. Before she learnt to ward the ghosts away, the voices in her head wouldn't let her sleep. Her therapist was quick to diagnose her as schizophrenic. Luckily her family knew better, and from a very early age, they taught her how to guard herself fron ghosts, to compensate her high sensitivity.

The air felt lighter somehow. Marilyn's soothing voice made her feel tranquil. So relaxed she actually laid down next to Marilyn, her gaze stuck in the ceiling. 'This peace is a luxury for me too. No small annoying cousins running around, no parents disappointed at me for being unnable to summon the spirit of a stupid plant... The concentration of ghosts here is so much lower, it's rare for me to get headaches.' She commented in a low voice.
Marilyn's eyes had closed by the time that Delilah had started talking, but she was listening intently with a little smile. She was happy, but not in the same way that she usually was. Usually she was a bouncy, off the wall happy, but in that moment she was more of a... Content happy. She was glad to be where she was. To be with someone who was interested in what she had to say, and someone she was interested in listening to. When listening to Delilah, she nodded. Though Marilyn would've loved to have company of cousins or be able to summon her plant's spirits, she could understand. Delilah didn't seem to be the person who liked to over-socialize, so Marilyn could see that it might've been hard for her in that situation. "You must've been stressed, huh?" She asked. "Whenever I was stressed back home, I'd always wait until at night when mother was asleep, then I'd sneak out to the forest and go lay in the lake. When it was warm, it calmed me, and when it was cold, it numbed me..." She whispered. Glancing over at Delilah, she had a small smile on her face. "What did you do? What was your lake?"
Delilah looked at Marilyn at her question. She couldn't help but chuckle a little. 'Don't get scared now, will ya?' She warned, and wiggled a bit to retrieve her cellphone from her tunic's pocket. She went to her music, and scrolled past all the mountains of new music, until she got to a song she used to listen to a lot back when she was a teen. With a little smile on her face, she pressed the play button.


The tattooed girl burst out laughing, and lowered the volume to a calmer level. 'Oh gosh, I was so emo back then. My lake was music, specially the really loud one, with the singers growling so hard I couldn't make out the words anymore. It made the voices of the ghosts fade away, when I was too tired to shield myself from them. And back then, I was tired a lot.'

After that, she changed her music to good old Queen, hoping Marilyn would like the more cheerful music. 'Since I liked music, I used to sing, and learnt how to play the guitar a bit. Some of my family members played other musical instruments. And at Christmas, or whenever we had a family gathering, we'd play together. In those instances we'd play more traditional, folk-like stuff though.'

When Marilyn heard the music her eyes widened and she started to giggle loudly. She had never heard such loud or angry sounding music, but when Delilah said she was emo, Marilyn couldn't help but let out some laughs. Afterwards, she listened to the tattooed girl talk about her music and her family. Smiling softly and reaching out to gently poke Delilah's face, Marilyn smiled. Delilah didn't look like a singer, not in the slightest. "It sounds like you had lots of fun with your family. That's cute.." She said before she continued, "I used to sing when I was young. Only when I was in the water though..." As she said that, she remembered a little story and giggled slightly.

"So one time, and this was the first time I had ever seen any one in my forest except for me and my mom, one time I was singing in the water and a hiker was passing by! He started yelling something about sirens, and you know I was like thirteen so I didn't know what sirens were, but he was freaking out! It was kinda funny, but also scary, but also exciting? So I ran back home to my mom to tell her, and she was so mad! She told me chased him out of the woods and made sure he'd never come back again." Marilyn had a faint smile on her face as she giggled. "I never sing anymore though. Do you? Because I don't think I've ever caught you singing... I bet you're wonderful at it Lilah!"

While Marilyn told her story, Delilah pondered on her words. Did she just say she was thirteen, and so far she didn't know what mermaids were, and on top of that, she had never seen anyone besides her mom in... Her forest? Just how secluded from the world had this girl spent her life? Delilah couldn't help but be a bit concerned about it.

She made a weird face when Marilyn asked her if she still sang. 'Err... I sing sometimes. Only when I'm alone. Sometimes in the shower, sometimes to my plant. Mom said plants like that. Yet...' She sighed heavily. She turned around on the bed and got on her knees. She moved closer to one of Marilyn's plants. She cleared her throat, and then started singing in a foreign language, her accent quite harsh for a native speaker.

Delilah went out of tune at times, but otherwise she was a good singer. As she sung, the plant would sway a bit in reaction, brightening up and overall seeming more full of life. When she finished her song, she looked at the plant, expectant. But the plant went still, no hint of its spirit manifesting.

'Argh! Why I can't ever summon these things???' She threw her hands up in frustration, and leaned forward to hug the vase. 'Why won't you talk to me?' She whined. The plant leaned away, trying to reach for a window, finding Delilah's desperate vibes too off putting.

Marilyn had crawled over to the plant with a large smile. She watched it sway with the largest smile, but she was completely silent until Delilah finished singing. Even when the tattooed girl was letting out her frustrations, Marilyn was clapping. "Delilah that was amazing! I've never made a plant dance and I've been around them since I've been born!" She said happily and honestly did look amazed. She reached out to her plant, gently caressing a leaf with her index finger. "Do you think I could do that? Can he hear me?"

Before waiting for Delilah to answer, Marilyn leaned into her plant and whispered to it softly. "Hello! Are you in there? I didn't know that you could move! If you can move though, you must be alive right? So you need a name..." She quickly reached into her bedside table for some masking tape and a marker. Then she wrote on a piece of tape the name 'Harriet' and put it on the plant's pot. "There you go." She pet it carefully before looking at Delilah with a large smile. She honestly was amazed! She thought she had known everything there was to know about plants but never had she made them move with her voice. Perhaps it was one of those strange, cool powers specific to Delilah and her bloodline? Or maybe it was something her mother just didn't like to do. Either way, Marilyn was curious. "Can you teach me how to make the plant dance?"

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