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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Sporadically, Though out the Day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
- Modern/Magical/High Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Romance-ish
- Supernatural
- Original
- Fandom
- Action
- Adventure
- Espionage
- Apocalyptic
- Alternative Reality
- Genre-Bent Reality
- Steampunk
- Cyberpunk
- Dieselpunk
- Magipunk
- Sci-fi
- Superhuman

In the land of kings and monsters, the people prayed for mercy from the chaos and two gods answered. One a woman with a beauty beyond compare with flowing red hair streaked with golds of the sun and blues of the skies, and the other, a man with strength no one could best. The woman, goddess Mariun, bestowed upon her four chosen individuals objects that appeared unique only to the individual it was destined for but seemed no more than a broken trinket to those not worthy. The man, god Raoul, bestowed upon his four chosen armor that could withstand demonic magic and blades that could cut through the toughest skins. Lead by these merciful gods, they alone restored order to the chaos. It was they who founded the Order of the Destined.

The Order of the Destined was founded by two gods, Mariun, goddess of magic and sorcery, the sky, will, and birds, and Raoul, god of earth, metal, politics, and war. Together with their Destined, they brought wonder and hope into a world were there seemed to be none. But once the two gods felt their work was done, they chose two of their destined to lead the order and continue their practise and bestowed upon them their last gift, and perhaps the most precious, knowledge to aid them in their noble quest for order.

A century had passed since the rise of the Order, and since then what started off as a humble organization has turned into one of the greatest forces of this time with branches in every kingdom far and wide. But the Castle-city of Haven was where their story had started, the seaside settlement transforming into the largest city in the kingdom, and perhaps all of the nine great kingdoms. In the center, the castle towering tall and proud over it's people. In honor of Mariun and Raoul, a queen and king with equal power are chosen to lead, and it is to them the Order has sworn their loyalty.

The Order itself resides in a now sprawling construct on the edge of the city. Built right up against the Grand Wall that protects the city of outside invasion and monstrous forces at works it houses numerous disciples with new children, whether born or recruited, coming in on a semi-regular basis, and masters that help guide these children into initiates. A work staff aids in the care of the residences and the up keep of the grounds, but are by no means servants. Disciples, initiates, members, and masters alike are expected to clean up after themselves and are in charge of their living spaces. The grounds can house children thirteen and older, keeping the younger disciples, children who are still training to become initiates, in rooms of four with two bunk beds and chests to store items, and the older disciples, those who have seen their fifteenth winter in rooms of two with two beds and chests. Once inituated upon seeing their eighteenth winter, they are given the choice to live off grounds. The younger disciples, children who are still learning about the world, often live in nursery houses off the grounds in clusters of seven with a woman and a man to look after them. Unless one or both of their parents belong to the Order, then they can stay with them until the age of thirteen.

Besides living spaces, the Order also has a large dining room where they serve three meals a day, kitchens where anyone other than kitchen staff is not allowed, training grounds for both martial and magical purposes, classrooms, and study halls. Upon entrance, one can find themselves in the main hall where announcenents are given, disciples are initiated, and members can find missions posted on the message board; however, personally assigned missions, while rare, can be arranged in many other ways. The local bath houses and other establishments such as the forges also serve the Order for recreational and intellectual purposes.

But not all is well. Recently, Destined, a pairing of one warrior of Raoul and one sorceress of Mariun, have been going missing during their assignments and the Order is starting to become worried, especially now when they are to initiate their graduating disciples and send them off on their first quest. Murmurings have started amongst the masters of whether or not they should proceed, or delay the initiation until the two missing parties can be found. If they do, it would the first initiation delayed since the Order of the Destined was established.
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Sorry but her transformation is way too futuristic for this setting o.o; Mostly the helmet.
Will change ASAP, but why was I not informed about this? The description for the transformation existed from the first time I posted and hence was there when I asked for a revision.
Because I didn't look over your appearance. You were still editing your sheet so I looked over what mattered at the moment. This is why I prefer not looking over sheets until they're finished.
  • I'm SHOOK
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Because I didn't look over your appearance. You were still editing your sheet so I looked over what mattered at the moment. This is why I prefer not looking over sheets until they're finished.
Understood. Original post updated to reflect changed transformation appearance, it should be acceptable this time.
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@Skyswimsky, @Beowulf, @Asuras, @ERode, @Blighted_Agent, @Alphakoka, @Zombehs
sorry, keep forgetting to tag everyone​

- Updated Worldly Information with Ethersickness.
- Beastmen and Scourge have been added to the Bestiarium.
- Updated Warrior Sorceress Clause I and II under Rules under Special Snowflakes Clauses.
- Drafted the IC ^.^ In the spur of the moment I want to use everyone's initiation ceremony in my GM post (just the part where everyone is accepting their gear). If you don't want it used just say so :3
- I'm not revealing everyone's partnered until the IC is up >:D
- Speaking of which, keeping with the pattern, the IC will be up Thursday.
- @Blighted_Agent, @Alphakoka, @Skyswimsky, you guys still have your week to finish your sheets but if you want to be apart of the start of the Roleplay, this is your heads up.
- Debating starting a Discord server thingy. Thoughts?

Well that took longer than it should have D:< Sorry, technical difficulties.

- The IC is up! Link to it is at the top of the page. Just click the IC image thingy.
- Except for Beo's latest creation becauseIkindaforgottoincludethatandjustremembering the Bestiarium is should all up to date in the addition of my own creation the Moon Pleemal which I created on the fly last night.
- The mission directory thing with be updated with a small blub to keep track of happenings and events. Kind of like a story so far.
- You guys were given knapsacks that include small rations of bread, meat, a small vial of honey, and a piece of dried moon pleemal with a full waterskin. This is enough to cover at least six meals.
- You were also given a half hour to make your preparations. What your character does with this half hour should be detailed in your starting post and should end with you at the front gate of Haven, ready to leave.
- I will allow you to add three additional items on top of your rations. Your knapsacks aren't enchanted or anything, so they will have to small or something. The only items I wouldn't recommend is a map and a compass for reasons.
- A map and a compass were given to one of you. The map is marked with your path and the compass was enchanted to lead you back to that path if you get lost. I'll let you decided which of you has these items. Commence the fight to the death! Arguing over it ICly may or may not be encouraged but not required :3
- I'll have my own post up soon!
- GM posts will be indicated with this font:
- Payton posts will be indicated with this font:

You have until next Thursday to have at least one post up before I make another GM post. If more time is required another week will be added.
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  • I'm SHOOK
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Alright turns out I'm exhausted and distracted to finish my character post tonight, but I'll definitely have something up tomorrow!
  • I'm SHOOK
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I think a discord server or channel within a server could be a good idea. If not there, a Google Hangout, maybe.

The jellta live on the plains of Calcia, and are a rather interesting species. Eating insects instead of the plentiful grace and with quills to make a porcupine jealous, what makes this creature so unique is how it chooses to defend itself. When it senses danger, it flattens itself out as much as possible and it's quills suddenly look like the tall grass. However if a predator does find it, then it will have to get around the quills to get at the rubbery hide of the jellta.

Jellta do lay eggs and are kept as farm animals by many Calcian people. When the jellta has become to old to lay eggs or is overly aggressive, the easiest way to catch it is to leave out a combination of yeast and water. When the jellta goes to take a drink, the yeast enters it's system and throughout the night produces gas that in turn bloats the jellta. Seeing a bloated jellta is extremely comical, their elastic skin stretching and giving them a distinctive round shape.

-Farm jellta are often the size of goats, but are a distinctively darker shade of brown then a wild jellta.
-Jellta quills are serrated, don't pull them out and instead push them the rest of the way through.
-Extremely elastic, the skin has a wide variety of uses once cleaned and cured.
-Like most creatures of the plains, it is extremely wary of fire.
@Noctis the Devious My character's name is neither Vivian anymore nor does she have white-hair! I know you had your post in preperation or something and I probably ended up editing my Ceremony post after you already copy pasted it to reflect the few changes I made.

@Noctis the Devious @Beowulf @Alphakoka Got any input in regards to character relation between your character and Lucille?

@Alphakoka Seeing how Morgan is 'quiet' there is even a good chance they barely exchanged any words before! Not that I wouldn't mind that though.
@Noctis the Devious My character's name is neither Vivian anymore nor does she have white-hair! I know you had your post in preperation or something and I probably ended up editing my Ceremony post after you already copy pasted it to reflect the few changes I made.

@Noctis the Devious @Beowulf @Alphakoka Got any input in regards to character relation between your character and Lucille?

@Alphakoka Seeing how Morgan is 'quiet' there is even a good chance they barely exchanged any words before! Not that I wouldn't mind that though.
I am so sorry I'll fix this ASAP Dx
  • I'm SHOOK
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@Skyswimsky Gareth probably wouldn't have talked to her much if at all since she came to Haven later. He would, however, probably want to protect her because of how fragile she looks.
Edited my post a little, I got mixed up with some of my notes >_<
It shouldn't change anything too drastically, it's mostly internal stuffz
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*Flails* I'm sorry I keep saying I'll get up a character post but I forgot the kids were coming tonight and ended up spending the day cleaning Dx Tomorrow for sure!

Feel free to lynch me if I fail you ;^;

EDIT: I'll get to relationships after my character post!
  • I'm SHOOK
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Got any input in regards to character relation between your character and Lucille?
Seeing how Morgan is 'quiet' there is even a good chance they barely exchanged any words before! Not that I wouldn't mind that though.
Well, he's quiet in regard of his actual opinion. Although you can still see it from his expression and tone when dealing with him.

But yeah, Morgan would be concerned about Lucille's health and sluggishness impairing her ability to do her job. This meant that she'd probably found him asking her if she wanted to do theoretical work together or asking her for help.

They probably don't interact much outside of those though, especially since Lucille's an asocial person and he can't really drag her around to activities without feeling guilty afterward if her sickness worsened. But Morgan would probably find that being around her means being in a quiet place so he'd do that whenever he just wants to stay put for a bit. He might even tell her if he found a new quiet place to relax in.
"Since no one else seemed to want the two things we actually need."
Well, when the old people said they'd be in one of the sacks rather than "one of you take the map with you."
Well, when the old people said they'd be in one of the sacks rather than "one of you take the map with you."

Ugh just reread my IC post, that whole sentence was kind of wonky =.= Still, if someone wanted to take the map and compsss, they could have spoken up, OOCly. Anyone can still have the map and the compass though :) You'll just have to claim it ICly.
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medicine for a worst case scenario, some extra rations of water

Could you specify how much and what medicine you brought? And how much water? I'll let you carry 2x types of medicine and 1x extra water. Or 2x extra water and 1x medicine.

I would also like to clarify a day literally refers to daylight hours ^.^; The village is only three or four hours walk away from Haven but for convenience I wanted to keep the length of time general. Keeping track of specific amounts of time ICly is cumbersome x.x The next round after this will be more casual since not only are the Holidays approaching but it'll be more of a socializing round. But more on that later.
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