A Venture Southwards!
[ Lightning Country | From the cold, far North to Okino! | Part 2 ]
[ Reyna Azuma and Asami Sanosuke - A collab between @ChromeHound and @Aliceee |
Reyna accompanies Asami, as the latter decides to venture with the Saemund-Sanosuke fleet to the south. The offensive of the northern clans of the Sanosuke lash out with their Saemund ally in a bid to keep the northern seas dominated. But only time will say if their efforts will pay off. ]

"I'll try..." Reyna said, the uncertainty clear in her voice. Muttering a quick prayer under her breath, Reyna watched how Asami leapt over the edge of the ship, landing gracefully on the water. Glancing over the side, Reyna muttered again before gathering chakra under her own feet and jumping out. Landing awkwardly, Reyna stumbled forward, off balance. Releasing one of her swords, she quickly gathered chakra in her hand, managing to stop her fall partially as one arm plunged beneath the surface of the cold water. Recoiling from the cold, Reyna realized her other sword had fallen into the water and let out a curse. Reaching back into the water with the hand that was already soaked, Reyna managed to find her blade and retrieve it.

Pulling herself to her feet, Reyna quickly made her way to the beach, desperately hoping nobody had witnessed her embarrassing escapade.

For a moment, Asami just stared at the girl. This was the jinchuriki of the three-tails. The girl that wanted to face a conflict to help her family. In a way, Asami felt the need to walk back and drag the girl to the ship. For what she kept witnessing was that the girl was anything but going to be an useful asset on any kind of combat situation.
Throwing a quick look, others were starting to secure the beach. More ships landed as the majority seemed to be Saemund. Waiting for Reyna to catch up, Asami spoke up.
"Try a bit harder," Asami managed to push the words from between her lips, the tone being an odd mix between friendly and stern. Turning once more to face landinwards, it soon became clear that there were no enemies awaiting them.

"Come with me," Asami instructed as she would start to walk. Various groups started to work on setting up small tents. But it became clear that certain groups were given order to push more into the land and make sure that no enemy force would just overwhelm them at the beach.
The cold, biting wind together with trudging through the sand didn't make the walk any easier. Reaching a dune, Asami threw a look around. In the distance were some woods that obscured the horizon. In between the various dunes and the perimeter of the woods were a mixture of smooth plains and a few, small hills.
"Seems nobody has spotted us. Or no enemy force with enough numbers to contest us," Asami began, her hands resting on the heads of the axes that lightly dangled at her hips, "with some luck, we will have a camp set up before the night falls."

When it became clear that Asami had, in fact, witnessed her accident, Reyna's face flushed a deep shade of red. Lowering her head, she followed the Jounin up the beach and towards the tents. She was relieved that they were not immediately engaged in combat, but there was a small part of her that felt uneasy. She had managed to muster up the courage to run into battle and now… now she would have to try and find that same bravery if and when the time to fight came again…

Shivering as her damp clothes were hit with the freezing wind, Reyna hoped they'd be able to find warmth soon. She followed Asami up the dune, glancing out over the forest. The uneasy feeling grew and Reyna looked at the Jounin, still trembling from the cold. "What if they're hiding in the forest? Waiting for us to let our guard down?"

The question was followed by a cold breeze that swept over the dune. Asami had considered the same but didn't want to say it. But there was no avoiding it as Reyna brought it up. "Then I hope it is a small force. Else? We are kind of fucked," the woman said as she let her gaze move over the edge of the woods. From their position, they could see various formations of friendly troops moving about. Most were busy to prepare to dug in and set defences for the camp that had to be established. Others were already moving out to the forest.

Clearly not satisfied, Asami patted Reyna's shoulder lightly. "I want to see something for myself. Come with me," the woman ordered as she started to descent from the dune. Reaching more solid ground, Asami also had an uneasy feeling about the woods. Yet there was no sign of danger or a cause for her to worry - other than the mere void of anything to confirm her suspicions.
Reaching the edge of the wood, Asami peered into it for a moment. Then she walked straight into it. Up ahead she could see a band of Sanosuke moving. The group seemed lighter armoured and less armed than most that accompanied the large fleet and host.
"We will follow them for a bit. I want to see if we can get a landmark or anything that helps me understand where we are exactly," Asami said, glancing at Reyna, "Also, sheath those swords before you're going to hurt yourself or me."

Asami's response certainly did not inspire confidence and Reyna cursed inwardly. Why did she have to open her mouth? Keeping an eye on the forest, Reyna tried to descend the dune with Asami but was struggling to keep her balance with the blades still in her hands. As if on cue, the Jounin told her to sheath her weapons and Reyna quickly complied, blushing again.

"Do… do we have to enter the forest?" she asked quietly, glancing between Asami and the dark woods. The shadows between the trees would make it incredibly easy for someone to hide and Reyna shivered again, this time no longer certain it was just from the cold… The girl contemplated summoning her armadillo to scout ahead with them. He had a way of calming her down, but Reyna didn't know whether or not Asami would appreciate the animal.

"Yes, unless you want to stand out in the open. A good shot with a bow and you're falling to the ground. Likely grasping at your throat while suffocating in your own blood," Asami calmly said. She was well aware that it was a quite intense answer. But she felt like that Reyna needed it. So far, the jinchuriki hadn't shown anything to prove that she had either the experience or fortitude yet to deal with a nasty situation.
"Besides," Asami gestured around them as they continued to walk, "now we are less out in the open. While somebody can hide in here, so can we if we need to."

For a few minutes, Asami was content with the situation. She didn't mind to spend time on a ship. But neither on dry, solid land. The absence of a ship rocking and crashing through the waves was certainly not bothering her.
When Asami wanted to say something, a loud sound pierced the air. It came from their right at first, quickly followed by their left. The sound of horns blowing in the wind, an ominous omen of impending danger.
Halting in motion, Asami narrowed her eyes for a mere second. Then she turned around rapidly. A hand would move towards Reyna as Asami wanted to almost drag the girl back to the beach.
The word was followed by a soft rumbling, as if the earth was awakening from a deep slumber. The rumbling was faint but steadily started to increase in intensity.

Her eyes widening as Asami gave an incredibly visual description of the current risks, Reyna's hand unconsciously traveled to her neck.Gulping, the girl nodded slowly and looked back at the forest. Asami was right though, the forest would hide them just as well as it could their enemies. Their walk was interrupted however, and Reyna panicked, looking to Asami for instructions.

The woman's reaction filled Reyna with dread and the steady rumbling all around them only enhanced her fear. "SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!" Reyna's screamed internally as she got pulled back by Asami. Turning quickly, the girl followed behind Asami, her full effort focused on getting back to safety. "Where are they coming from?" She asked, her voice strained from the effort of running at top speed through the sand.

"Doesn't matter, run!" Asami shouted as she would run as fast as her own legs could carry her. More horns started to ring but the tone seemed much different. The different horns that bellowed through the air was accompanied by the ground starting to shake heavier. Shouts started to become faintly distinct, mixed with various sounds.
Throwing a look over her shoulder, Asami cursed underneath her breath. The signs were all there but up on the horizon she thought that she had seen what was coming.

"Come," Asami said as she increased her speed. Moving to a nearby tree, the woman gestured Reyna to hurry over. "Climb in there and use the basic camouflage technique. Quick," Asami instructed her as she would offer some help for Reyna to move up in the tree quickly. Luckily the pine hadn't shed its leaves, hopefully allowing them to hide efficiently from the coming storm.

The noise around them grew even louder and Reyna tried to push the fear from her mind to focus on running. When Asami guided them towards a tree, Reyna stopped running and glanced up, doubt filling her mind. She didn't even know what they were hiding from, let alone where they were coming from.

There wasn't time to sit around asking questions, however, so Reyna followed Asami's instructions and gathered chakra at her feet and hands, making her way up the tree as quickly as she could. When she had reached a high enough point, Reyna glanced down, waiting to see if Asami was going to join her. The foliage managed to block most of her sight and Reyna wasn't sure whether or not that brought her comfort.

Forming the necessary handseals, Reyna used the camouflage technique to blend in against the branches and pine.

Following Reyna, Asami would halt at a branch lower than the jinchuriki. She was confident that the pine provided enough camouflage but was feeling a bit more at ease as Reyna followed the suggestion of using the camouflage technique.
Throwing a look at the direction that they had run from, Asami saw the tide of riders. On top of tall mounts, the shouts became more distinct as the horses rushed between the trees. The thundering of many hooves threw up flakes of dirt and snow as the cavalry moved in quickly. The foliage did somewhat provide a hindrance but not enough to temper the charge.
There was no sighting of the previous troops that they had seen before the realisation that an enemy charge was imminent.

The sound of the passing cavalry made it near impossible to verbally communicate. Throwing a glance up, Asami signalled that Reyna should remain quiet or in any case to not move. Though Asami doubted that Reyna would be eager to get the attention of the enemy thundering below.

When Asami joined her, Reyna felt a slight comfort, but it faded soon as the sounds of the enemy grew closer. Clinging tightly to her perch, the girl was scared to even breathe for fear of discovery.

When the enemy came into view, Reyna bit her lower lip to avoid letting out a gasp. The cavalry passed below and beside their tree and she didn't dare move. Closing her eyes, Reyna waited for the enemy to pass, making a silent prayer that the would not be discovered.

What was actually not longer than a minute, seemed to be a hour. As the cavalry rushed past, their thundering charge could still be felt. Though a certain silence followed, Asami didn't give any instruction that they could climb down. For soon enough, individuals could be spotted. They moved as fast as their gear allowed and though less impressive as the thundering stampede, the silent troops moving through the woods had something more menacing.
Observing the various footmen Asami's right hand traveled to one of her axes. Softly the woman whispered something in her native tongue, the words likely odd and perhaps even crude to Reyna. And despite the meaning lost on the jinchuriki, there was an angry tone residing in the words.
Then Asami spoke softly to Reyna. "Time to wet your steel. Stay if you are scared. If you want to live, however, stay close and don't hesitate."

Without waiting for Reyna's reply, Asami would slowly climb down. A few footmen creeped below the tree, heading towards the beach. Asami halted at a thick branch, high enough to stay hidden in the pine foliage. But yet close enough to prey on the various hostile individuals.

When the sounds had subsided, Reyna opened her eyes, hoping that the horror was over. Unfortunately, however, it did not appear to be the case. There were still enemy troops moving through the woods beneath them, though these were not riding on horses. Feeling a tightness in her chest, Reyna looked at Asami for instruction but the woman did not move at first. Once the men had moved past, however, Asami gave her two options and Reyna hesitated. Before, when she had chosen to be brave… she hadn't actually seen the enemy. It hadn't been quite as real. But now…

Looking down, the girl did not move. She just watched as Asami made her way down the tree and towards the soldiers. Cursing inwardly, Reyna did not know how to react. If she followed Asami, there was a good chance they'd be overrun and killed. She had no idea how far they were from the other soldiers, and Reyna was not the most experienced fighter. If she stayed, however, she would have nowhere else to go. If Asami was killed, who would take her home? Who could keep her safe?

Biting her lip again, Reyna felt tears of frustration welling up and tried to force them back. Now was not the time.

Making up her mind, the girl shook her head and slowly began to move. Pulling out one of her blades, she lowered herself through the branches, keeping an eye on the troops below. She got down close to Asami before her foot caught a weaker branch. With her attention on the enemies, Reyna had not been watching as closely where she was going and she paid the price. The branch broke below her weight and Reyna felt a moment of terror as she thought she would tumble down the rest of the way. She managed to keep herself attached to the tree with one foot and hand, however, and looked down in fear as the small branch fell to the earth. If the enemy didn't know where they were before, they certainly would now…

Closing her eyes and uttering one final prayer, Reyna released her grip on the tree and dropped. She had not dropped from too high, but even still she felt the tremors reverberate through her body and had to grit her teeth. Pulling out her second blade, Reyna charged towards the first person she saw.

Counting the enemy, it was clear that the infantry that followed the cavalry charge was light. Likely intending to clean field of those who would be unlucky enough to be alive after confronted with the cavalry charge. Up to a dozen were in the nearby vicinity, so far Asami could detect. Hearing, however, something above her Asami was experiencing a sense of satisfaction that Reyna decided to come with her. Even if the options were nothing more than an ultimatum.
But the moment of satisfaction was shattered when Reyna slipped to the ground. Watching the jinchuriki moving to the ground, Asami's eyes narrowed. Her satisfaction of before turned into a black-pit rage.

The action of the jinchuriki alerted the dozen of footmen. Despite their armour being nothing more than padded jackets and armed with a few weapons, they seemed enough trained to respond in a controlled fashion.
As Reyna charged a nearby soldier, another attempted to flank and stab Reyna in the side. Before the man could push his weapon forward, an axe would slam into the man's neck - avoiding the steel helmet and gambeson.
Dropping from the branch, Asami reached for her other axe as she saw how the remaining soldiers started to form a net around them.

In her haste to try and attack the first person she saw, Reyna had forgotten about the others that surrounded them. Her life was saved, however, by Asami who launched an attack of her own with deadly precision. Making a mental note to thank the woman later… if they got out of this… Reyna focused her attention on the soldier in front of her. The man was wielding a sword of his own and Reyna swung the blade in her left hand, attempting to use her second blade to come around and catch him when he blocked her attack. Instead, the man simply shifted his stance to avoid her first attack and parried the second with ease.

Cursing silently, Reyna realized this was not going to be as easy as she'd hoped. Catching movement in her peripheral vision, the girl realized they were steadily being surrounded and cursed again. This was getting worse by the second.

Stepping forward again, she feinted with her right blade and stabbed forward with the left. Instead of putting all her strength behind the second attack this time, however, Reyna would pull back her right arm slightly and separate the right blade into its chain form. Whipping it forward, she attempted to catch the man off guard.

As expected, the soldier ignored her feint, focusing on the second attack. His eyes widened slightly in surprise however, as one of Reyna's blades became a chain-whip. Trying to shift his sword to block the unexpected attack, the soldier was caught by the blade in Reyna's left arm and was unable to get his sword up fully in time. The chain-whip wrapped around his neck and Reyna winced as she flicked her wrist to pull it back. The result was rather messy as the blades in the chain-whip sliced through the man's neck like butter, severing his jugular and sending a stream of blood shooting out that splattered across Reyna and made the girl reel backwards, trying desperately not to vomit.

The first opponent that Asami faced wielded a spear. The longer reach of her opponent didn't allowed Asami to fight on even ground. Her opponent launched quick jabs while keeping his distance. Narrowing her eyes Asami would step aside to avoid a jab. Her free hand grasped the shaft of the spear and grabbed it tightly. As expected, her opponent attempted to yank his weapon loose. Using the force to slightly move herself forward Asami raised her axe and let the sharp edge bit into the man's neck. The steel carved easily into the skin and teared the flesh. While the man's eyes widened and a gasp escaped his lips Asami yanked her weapon loose and kicked the man backwards.

Scoffing she would quickly turn to deflect a sword strike. The new opponent was more than eager to face her in close quarters as he readied for another slashing motion. As Asami's foe would launch his fierce strike Asami moved underneath it. Hooking the man's ankle with her axe Asami managed to quickly topple her foe while she straightened herself.
In a quick succession Asami would move forwards and raise her right foot. The last sound that the man produced as his lips parted was likely a plea. Before the words could be formed into something coherent the boot of Asami violently stamped down the man's windpipe - creating a soft cracking sound.
Turning around Asami's nostrils widened as the woman inhaled. The other soldiers seemed wary but still confident to take the two on. Noticing Reyna's situation, Asami cursed something softly in Chonobi. One of the soldiers attempted to move in on the girl.
Before the man managed to close enough to pommel Reyna's head with a mace, another axe flew through the air and would bite into the man's back. The sharp steel teared through the gambeson and wound the man.
Noticing that the soldier was wounded but not yet dead Asami wasn't capable for providing more aid for the jinchuriki, as two more soldiers started to close in on Asami.

Wiping the blood from her eyes, Reyna gasped and moved to the side just in time to avoid a plunging spear. Whipping the chain-blade around, she managed to wrap it around the weapon. Trying to pull backwards, the girl realized all too quickly that the man holding the spear on the other end was much stronger than her. Not to mention, he had two hands on his weapon…

Thinking quickly, Reyna's Lightning Aura kicked in, surging through her weapon and down the shaft of the spear. The man grimaced and dropped the spear, stepping back and pulling out a large knife. Before she could launch an attack on the man, however, Reyna was forced to react to another soldier who came at her from the opposite side. Raising the sword in her left hand, Reyna tried to block the incoming strike from a scythe-like weapon. The enemy was clearly quite skilled with the strange weapon and Reyna just barely managed to parry the attack, though it knocked her off balance. Shifting to try and regain her balance, Reyna saw the other soldier coming at her again as well and cursed inwardly. Whipping her chain-blade around, she caught it around the man's ankle and pulled back, trying to trip him up.

The attempt managed to pull the man off-balance as well, but he was too heavy for her to drag him all the way to the ground. She didn't have time to try and trip him again as she was forced to parry the man with the strange curved blade once again. The soldier managed to smash her sword aside and Reyna winced as the blade cut into her arm. It was not a deep cut and her Lightning Aura would begin healing it immediately, but it caused her to wheel backwards nevertheless, trying to put some distance between herself and the two soldiers. Her chain-blade was still wrapped around the one man's ankle and Reyna sent another charge of lightning through the weapon, stunning the man temporarily.

This wasn't good...
The Snake's Head
[ Lightning Country | At Ranzaki, the political capital of the North ]
[Hojo main force | Under the leadership of Setsu Hojo ]

Watching from the top of his mount, Setsuo admired the fortifications that were laid out before him. A large distance was present between him and the stout, tall walls of Ranzaki. But that didn't deter Setsuo to admire the heavily fortified capital of the Lightning country. He was most capable to use his imagination to swap the large banners that were hanging at the walls with that of his clan. A grin spread across his lips as he steered his steer and pressed into the flanks of the animal, spurring it to get moving - followed by his retinue.

The march had been rather difficult. In a rapid advance the Hojo forces had left a few detachments to lay siege to key forts and castles, allowing supplies to reach Setsuo's army from the path that he had taken. Granted, the army had dwindled in size by the time it had reached the perimeter of Ranzaki to a mere messy nine-thousand troops. Enough to pose a threat to the numbers of defenders that likely resided within the imposing capital-city. But not enough to storm the walls and take the city by a quick storm.
Yet, none of his officers or commanders had told Setsuo that this offensive was going to fail. Short meetings had been held before on how they would tackle to take the capital. On how they would not be held too in a prolonged siege, only to risk having the Regency's armies turn back. Cause if that would happen then the Hojo force would be pincered between the walls of Ranzaki and a superior numerical enemy. A desperate situation that was a synomym for suicide.

For this purpose, Setsuo had prepared something. For while a good and honorable death could be achieved by taking the city with force, he had to be cunning. There was, after all, no honour to be won by defeating a group of upstart commoners that believed they held the power with this so called 'regency-council'. So no dishonour would stain Setsuo or the Hojo's name if they would win by trickery rather than a show of force.
Before the arrival of Setsuo's force, he had dispatched a large group of Steel Sentinels. The Hojo shinobi operatives had ventured much ahead of the Hojo army under the cover of disguises. Posing as merchants or fleeing farmers for the menacing Hojo horde, they would move into the city and await the next phase of the siege.

For while the defenders would man the walls and towers, barring the gates and prepare for the inventiable Hojo troops to advance towards them, the Steel Sentinels would strike.
The mere thought of delivering a defeat to an enemy that had more troops and holding a far more advantageous positions made Setsuo grin. Walking into the spacious tent the heir of the Hojo was greeted with the sight of his commanders. All but one would make a deep bow of respect. The exception only staring down at Setsuo with a gaze, that betrayed the man's iron will and fortitude. Something that reminded Setsuo of the foreigner's presence and his troops. Yet did little to intimidate Setsuo or reduce his disdain for the faithless Iron troops.

"My good Lord," one of the commanders said after he rose from his bow, "the preparations are going as desired. Various messengers are sent out to the nearby clans. Hopefully, with their aid, we can strenghten our numbers with a few more thousands."
Another commander made another bow before he spoke up.
"The construction of siege engines are well under their way, my Lord. Within two days we will have the necessary equipment for your plan at the ready. But we shall continue to keep the enemies eyes upon us."

Setsuo nodded as he threw a look at the table, which they all surrounded. A few maps of the large city were positioned so that Setsuo could once refresh his mind of what they knew about the city's defences.
"The Steel Sentinels shall deliver the stab in the back that will bereath the defenders ability to resist us. Once the Sentinels have acomplished their task, the Iron troops shall advance first," Setsuo said, his eyes briefly glancing up. His gaze first traveled at the silent commander of the reinforcing Iron troops. The man only made a subtle nod, an indication that he understood or acknowledged the task.
"With all respect, my Lord," one of the commanders spoke up, making a quick bow with his head, "though I mean no disrespect to our allies, don't you think it is more proper if the Hojo themselves lead the charge?"

Setsuo would straighten his back, placing his hands at his back.
"It would indeed make for a better song. And it is more fitting for a Hojo to lead the charge to cut the snake's head off. However," Setsuo gestured towards the maps with his left hand, a soft smile finding its way to the heir's lips, "It is only gracious for us to share some glory. We have already several fortifications under siege. People will learn once more what the Hojo are capable off. And it is only fair to give our allies a good demonstration of their capaibilities. I am most curious to their abilities," Setsu finished, his gaze falling back on the silent commander. Setsuo's gaze was answered with a simple answer.

"You will see."
Empire of Akino | Yakimara heartlands | Team 9

With orders received and a little under 2 hours to prepare before the very latest time to depart, Kyoi took to making her own preparations quickly, sorting through her equipment and changing into her standard shinobi gear, talking all the while. "This should be quite an easy task, but to play it safe don't get too confident in your abilities. In order to catch as many of them as possible, as we don't know exactly how many are sneaking out I want us to split into pairs.

If there's no qualms with it, I will work with Yiko, so he can support me with taijutsu whilst I tie up our quarry. Karma and Shikaroku, I trust that you two can work well, Karma has plenty of experience in the field of stealth and you have the shadows to your advantage, so getting the drop on soldiers with no clue that they're about to be jumped should be like childs play. And remember what Hiron said, you can use force and break them a bit, but don't go killing anyone, personally I'm planning to have them tied up buck naked for the rest of the night, serve as a warning to others. Any objections or personal preferences with this plan?"

Working on her own preparations after Hiron's orders were given, Karma decided to leave her naginata's blade covered with the cloth. It meant that she would be able to use it in a safer manner and without the need to worry she would accidentally cause any severe injuries. She preferred to look over some knocked out soldiers rather than ones that needed emergency treatment. When Kyoi turned to them and spoke up, Karma initially made no indication of what she had thought, before giving a shake of her head as indication that she had no objections to the plan. If that was what Kyoi deemed to be the best course of action, then they needed to follow it. She was appointed the leader for this task. Afterwards, she turned to look at Shikaroku, wondering if he would have any objections or not.

After gathering most of his supplies, Shikaroku glanced towards his weapons, wondering what he should bring. This was a non-lethal mission, so it would not make as much sense for him to bring Double Fang. While the weapon was good for restraining targets, it was equally likely to seriously injure them if he wasn't careful. Instead, he decided to take a few of the training weapons they had used: dulled kunai, a wooden bokken and three bolas that he had learned to use somewhat effectively. When Kyoi called them together and explained her plan, Shikaroku's brow furrowed slightly. Waiting for the Hyuuga to finish, he scratched the back of his head before responding. "With respect, I would advise a different plan of attack." Feeling a little uncomfortable that he was disagreeing with his direct superior, Shikaroku gathered his courage before continuing, "We are moving under the cover of nightfall. My shadow techniques are next to useless here unless we have some strong moonlight above to provide some light in the dark. Judging by the cloud cover out there, it would be safe to assume that any restraining I could do would be temporary at best." Glancing around at the others, Shikaroku made a few mental notes before speaking again. "While it is also true that they may be sneaking out separately, I do not believe it would be wise for us to split up. Hiron-Sensei said that these soldiers are sneaking out to cause chaos. That likely means they are visiting somewhere nearby to have a little fun before they head to the war-front and risk their lives. He also mentioned that they have been doing this for some time which means they must be coordinated to some degree. Captain Florus likely has guards watching the camp to try and stop these people, but they have obviously found ways to still get out. This means we have a better chance of catching them together if we can determine where it is that they are heading."

As he spoke, Shikaroku gained a little more confidence, but still felt uncomfortable with the situation. "My family has had a lot of dealings with the Cho clan and I have done a lot of research on these lands. I may not be too useful with my techniques right now, but I can help us identify the most likely location they will be heading where we can set an ambush." Glancing from Yiko to Kyoi, Shikaroku scratched his chin, "You two have an advantage over Karma and myself. Both of you can use your Dojutsu to spot our targets well before us and likely well before they ever have a chance to see our ambush. And if we play it right, we may not have to use any force at all."

Karma's passive acceptance of the plan was sort of expected, though Kyoi had also expected some kind of opinion from the girl. Shikaroku's response, in the process clearing up some of the limits to his capabilities, garnered her attention instead. "I see. I may have been putting a bit too much faith into that aspect of the plan. If your intention is to ask about the closest townships to the good Captains camp, then it would certainly narrow down our options for where to lie in wait, was that more or less your plan or are you familiar with the area itself?"

Admittedly Kyoi was about as clueless about the surrounding area as anyone else who had suddenly been thrown into a military camp in a completely different area of the country, so Shikaroku's input was certainly appreciated whether he knew the place from experience or knew what questions to ask.

Scratching the back of his neck, Shikaroku shrugged before speaking. "There are not many towns in the area. In fact, if memory serves, there are only three that would be reasonably close enough for the soldiers to be able to sneak out, have their fun and make it back before the rest of camp wakes up." Glancing around at the others, the Nara chewed the inside of his cheek, pondering something before continuing, "Two of those towns are relatively close together, enough that we can plan an ambush at a point they would need to pass by to get to either one. The third is in the opposite direction, but there are still many viable areas to lay in wait. What we would need is to place a sensor at key points near both sides of their camp, out of sight. Once we've determined which direction they are heading, Karma and I can move to the best intercept point, while the others move behind the soldiers."

Now came the time where he had to describe the part of his plan he didn't know they'd fully agree with. "My suggestion would be to not attack the soldiers. Instead, I would suggest that we play to our strength of deception." Pausing, Shikaroku turned his attention back to Kyoi. "As the only one here who can speak Yakimara fluently, I will disguise myself as Captain Drest. He is a senior ranking member of the 12th Division and the most likely person to cause these soldiers to halt and listen to orders. The goal is to talk some sense into the soldiers. Most of them are likely just afraid that they may be shipping off to give their lives. Hiron Sensei did not say they were deserters, only that they were sneaking out and causing trouble. If we can renew their conviction and get them to fall back in line, we will not need to humiliate them or hurt them. After all, we may be fighting beside these people very soon. I for one would rather have a loyal soldier at my side than one we've just humiliated and beaten..." Letting out a soft sigh, Shikaroku shrugged. "Should my plan fail or they see through the disguise, then we can fall back on our plan to incapacitate them and return them to camp."

The young Uchiha listened in as he stowed away his weapons, kneeling down to the ground. There was no need for anything that could potentially kill or even leave any injuries that would take the soldiers out of commision. Yiko figured if anything, he could use his unrelenting force technique, and incapacitate the soldiers if need be. Yiko was surprised that shikaroku spoke against the original idea, and provided an even more optimal plan that Yiko felt a lot more comfortable with. He brought up a good point that they would be fighting together no matter what, and it would lead to very uncomfortable interactions, plus it means less work. work smart, not hard. " Let's hope this plan works out, I really don't want to expend any more energy than we need to " He then stood up from his kneeling position, ready to go.

Kyoi had a bit of trouble seeing how Shikaroku's plan would work out in the end, but a majority of it was relatively sound. "We can certainly give your suggestion a try, but the moment I see that they disbelieve your disguise I will be intervening with force. If they're enough of a liability to put another soldier's life at risk on the battlefield because they were caught breaking the rules by them, then they're not meant to be here in the first place." Kyoi finished her preparations and looked between the three of them.

"If you're all ready, we're moving out. The sooner we get there the better chance we have at catching them out early, let's hope your plan at least makes them reconsider their circumstances."

Later in the day, with night descending upon the encampments, Kyoi's team would arrive at Drest's Camp and begin with observation over the area to determine where exactly this group of troublemakers is going so that they can intervene. Using her Byakugan to get a better view of the overall area on the end of the camp where the two settlements were, Kyoi would leave observation of the other end of the camp, with only one settlement, to Yiko.

In order to maintain quick deployment in either direction, Karma and Shikaroku would be positioned in hiding somewhere between the two observation points with line of sight on the observers. The intent would be for whomever sees their marks to give the confirmation hand signal along with a numbered hand signal, allowing them to make their move to intercept while the observer who spotted them would meet with the other observer and they would then move to flank them in case force was needed.

And if it turned out that they had men sneaking out on both sides… That would be dealt with if it came to it.

Maintaining his position near the mid-point between the two sides of camp, Shikaroku kept watch for any signals that would come from Kyoi or Yiko. He was hidden amongst the foliage in a large tree that provided a perfect line of sight to both of his teammates. The night was dark, which would help them remain hidden, but it could also make things difficult. Not for the first time, Shikaroku wished he had the natural gifts of the Uchiha or the Hyuuga. Being able to see through the darkness and locate their targets without breaking a sweat… it would certainly make things easier.

The Nara felt a slight flutter in his stomach as he wondered whether or not he'd be able to pull this off. The idea had been his, but that didn't mean he felt 100% confident about it. Should things go sideways… Shaking the thought from his mind, Shikaroku focused instead on watching out for any movement at the outskirts of the camp. It would only be a matter of time now.

Karma also hid herself, keeping the plan in the back of her mind. There was no reason to be worried or anxious as things seemed to go as they should be. The sky started to darken as the group took their positions. With the clouds obscuring the moon, it seemed like a perfect night to do all kinds of misdeeds as it was getting darker than with the guidance of more moonlight.

Time passed slowly by for the team, the seconds seeming closer to minutes and minutes seeming to stretch to hours.

But then some movement occurred, accompanied by some soft sounds. Despite the darkness, the barely audible sounds made it clear: their targets were on the move. The path that the small group was taking was going alongside the anticipated route that Kyoi had figured out. And anybody observant could see a certain confidence in the group of men as they continued to walk - not even attempting to sneak.

There were some soft chuckles, likely to suppress some laughs as the small group continued to move away from the camp.

By Kyoi's reckoning, it hadn't taken too long for the troublesome soldiers to emerge, what really concerned her was the fact that they were basically walking out as if there was nothing to stop them.
Something to keep note of for later, clearly.
After getting a count of how many there were, she flashed hand signs, indicating that they were on her side and that there were about 12 of them. The number of soldiers itself certainly gave her the impression that simply trying to talk them down would do nothing.

Regardless, while Karma and Shikaroku moved to intercept the men, she would meet with Yiko. "There's about twelve of them, we'll be flanking. Be ready for a fight." After that she would quickly move off to be ready behind the group for the potential ambush, now it was all up to Shikaroku to see if he could in fact convince them with his impression of the captain.

Yiko had his eyes fixed on the camp in front of him, he lay hidden up in a tree, concealed by the leaves. It gave him a perfect view of the place, which only made the use of his sharingan that much better. With it active he could see the chakra of others, which made people stand out, and made for seeing figures in the dark that much easier. The sky was dark, not even the moon could give light to the surroundings, clearly giving Kyoi and yiko a huge advantage. His eyes scanned the camp for any slight movements, or any chakra signatures. It was then that he noticed Kyoi signalling to them all that they were on her side, and about twelve. That number made Yiko feel a bit uneasy, none the less they had a job to do, and it wouldn't be very uchiha like of him to lose his cool.

He met up with Kyoi, and she briefly explained the situation, and yiko replied with a confident nod, and began to take position behind the group of soldiers, making sure he wasn't too close to Kyoi's position for incase anything went wrong, didn't need both of them to be caught, and if everything went smoothly and there wasn't any need for a fight, he could get away without a trace. He then waited patiently to see if Shikaroku would be able to pull this off.

When he received the signal, Shikaroku moved out, keeping a hurried pace so that he could get out ahead of the group. There were more people than he'd thought, but it did not change what he had to do - it would only make things more difficult if he failed in his role. Using the transformation technique on himself, Shikaroku would don his guise as Captain Drest before taking his position at the intercept point. While he stood waiting for the group to arrive, Shikaroku tried to push the feelings of doubt and fear aside. He had a job to do.

The first shadows began to appear as the group made their way towards the town and Shikaroku stood his ground, remaining silent until they were all close enough to see the lone figure standing in their path. "Evening gentlemen," Shikaroku stated coldly, speaking in Yakimara. "Enjoying your late night stroll?"

The group came to a halt upon the sight of nobody else than Captain Drest standing in their way. Almost instantly, half of the dozen soldiers wavered. It was evident that the sighting of the captain caused the lesser brave ones of the soldiers to consider to run back to camp before Drest would be able to figure out who they were.

But one of the men would take a step forward, almost unanimously making himself the leader of the pack.

"Captain, sir," the man began with a faint smile, "the boys and I were just out for a small stroll. We already worked ourselves to the bone. And there is a lovely small place nearby. I swear on the Vetei and on God that we won't cause any harm. Just a few drinks and enjoying the warmth of some lasses. That's all, captain, sir. If it pleases you, captain, I can see to it that we might be able to persuade a lovely lass to open for you, heh."

Tilting his head ever so slightly, Shikaroku let out a slight scoff. "I can't tell what's more despicable. The fact that you have apparently forgotten all of your military discipline in front of a commanding officer, or the fact that you have no respect for the comrades you've left back at base." Shaking his head, Shikaroku locked eyes with the man who had chosen to act as their leader. "Do you care so little for your people that you'd abandon them and leave them at risk of attack all for a few drinks and a quick fuck?" His tone grew in volume and in sharpness and Shikaroku glanced around at the others as well. "Is that what this unit has come to? Where the hell is your pride?"

For the time being, Kyoi would carefully watch the situation as it unfolded, slowly controlling her hair to snake it through the grass from her hiding spot in preparation in case any of them decided to try throwing a punch. At the present moment, she was rather impressed by Shikaroku's performance as Captain Drest, even if one of the cocky troops was trying to buy him out.
She wouldn't tread too close with her ensnaring hairs though, not yet, so long as they were within lunging range she would maintain a distance and wait for them to make the first hostile move.

The words of the disguised Shikaroku caused some of the men to clearly waver even more. The cockier of the bunch and likely self-proclaimed leader, however, stood his ground well. The man gestured to the left, as a gesture to the entire lands around them. "With all respect, captain, you can't be serious? Who is to attack us? We are in the Empire and even more important, we are part of the Imperial force. If our duty is to heed to the call of the locals, then why not some lasses that desire some real protection?" The soldier eyed the disguised Shikaroku for a moment after his words.

"These lands were once under the heed of our ancestors. The only thing that makes the Chonobi more tolerable is that they don't sprout the nonsense of some all-seeing deity," the soldier briefly paused to spit on the ground, "as for our pride, I got enough of that captain sir. The question I dare to ask back is where yours is? You going to put some local sluts above your fellows, eh?"

His eyes narrowing in anger, Shikaroku resisted the urge to attack the man right then and there. Insubordinate seemed to just be a starting point with this asshole… "We are fighting an enemy that hides amongst us. One that has already infiltrated several clan lands. Use your head soldier. Do you truly think we're invincible just because we are within the Akinian borders?" Shaking his head again, Shikaroku once more looked at the other men in the group. "You claim to be a part of the Imperial forces, yet you act like a band of pitiful mercenaries." His words were filled with venom and Shikaroku didn't bother hiding his contempt. "A real soldier puts the lives of his brothers, of his people, above his own. A real soldier thinks with his head, not with his cock."

Turning his attention back to the man in front of him, Shikaroku paused for a moment, letting the words sink in. "I could have you all arrested. Sent back to your homes in shackles to show your families the shame you've brought to yourself and to Akino." Glancing around at the others, the Nara would slowly settle his gaze back on the insubordinate piece of work in front of him. "But I won't," Shikaroku said, his tone shifting, softening slightly. "I'm giving you all one last chance to prove your worth. To prove you belong in the Imperial army." Tilting his head slightly to gesture back the way they'd come, Shikaroku continued, "Turn around. Head back to camp now and we'll pretend this never happened. Or..." Glancing over his shoulder, behind him, Shikaroku shrugged and turned back. "Leave." He let the word sink in, waiting a moment before continuing. "Go satisfy your basic urges and prove me right. Prove to everyone that you're not worthy of the uniform. Just know that if you leave, you are not welcome back. You will be dishonorably discharged from the Imperial Army and left here. You can either find your own way home from here, or deal with the Cho. I'm certain they'll be happy to help a bunch of deserters roaming about in their lands." Folding his arms across his chest, Shikaroku raised a single eyebrow. "The choice is yours."

Silence followed the words of the disguised captain. For a moment, the tension seemed to rise as the leader of the pack of soldiers didn't like the words that were thrown at him. But before any fists could be thrown or cusses fill the air, the first of the soldiers turned around and started to walk back to camp. One by one, the soldiers started to drip off and decided that it was better to head backwards. Knowing fully well from various sources on what horrors could be inflicted if they were considered dangers, for being deserters, for the locals - without the backing of the Imperial force.

The leader did briefly halt and throw a look, as if to make sure that captain Drest still stood there. A soft grumble escaped the 'leader' before he continued to follow the others back to the camp where they came from.

Shikaroku simply watched as the group turned and began making their way back to camp. He could not risk letting any emotion creep through his facade, else it could interfere with the disguise and the Nara had a fairly good idea how the soldiers would react if they found out they were not truly dealing with Captain Drest. Even after the soldiers had disappeared from sight, Shikaroku waited for another few minutes before turning and making his way towards the meeting point.

Once he was hidden amongst the trees, Shikaroku dropped the disguise and looked down at his trembling hands. Clenching his fists, he took a deep breath. That had been closer than he'd like to admit and, for a moment, Shikaroku was certain his plan would fail. Taking out his lighter, he flicked it open and shut. Shikaroku did not turn it on, however, he just found comfort in the familiar sensation. Awaiting the other members of his team, the Nara leaned back against a tree and spent the time trying to calm his nerves.

Watching the entire interaction slowly bring the men round to returning to camp without causing trouble, Kyoi cracked a small smile and gathered her hair up, tying it in as neat a braid as she could before wrapping it gently around her neck for cutting off later.

This would give enough time for the men to leave before she made her way over to Shikaroku, giving him a few extra minutes to relax on his own before she arrived.

"Well done, Shikaroku, dissolving the situation without any need for violence. Let's get back to our camp and report in to Hiron, I'll need to bring up the fact that these men walked out of camp without any resistance from those inside, in case more than those few are involved in this problem."

Upon their return to camp Kyoi would write a full report on the operation for Hiron, making special note of the lack of resistance nor stealth observed whilst watching the offenders leave the camp. This followed by a suggestion that there may be more than just a rogue group of soldiers who play a part in these outings.
A Change of Plans?
[ Eastern Continent | Wolf country, at the northern region | The 13th Imperial Brigade ]
[ A collab between Kazumo Sarutobi (@Oblivion666 ) and Aiko Cho (@Lesli ) | Kazumo is summoned to meet with Aiko. The Sarutobi's mentor has little positive to say about Kazumo's persistence to stick with his past decision to pursue the commoner that he has fell in love with. However, Kazumo briefly threads on thin ice... ]

Seated, Aiko's eyebrows formed a frown on her brow. There was a subtle wrinkling at her nose bridge as the woman read the content of the letter brought to her. The red wax wasn't the same as the Imperial military used. Yet, the content of the letter was important enough that it kept Aiko's attention focused on it.
Done reading it, Aiko rolled up the scroll and would rise from her seat. Starting to pace in the tent, she was absent-mindedly grateful that the tent was tall and big enough to allow her to pace. As she kept walking around, Aiko considered her options regarding the new developments. Chances were that if she responded too slow, that things would develop into a direction she rather avoided.

While she paced, the flaps of her tent were pushed aside as a guard noted that somebody had arrived to see her. Halting her pacing, Aiko briefly turned to face the guard that came to notify her. Gesturing that it was all fine, she would place her hands at her back. Waiting for the person to enter her spacious tent.

He had been escorted to the tent of Aiko's, it had been a little bit since they came to the East. So far things have been going as easy as it could get for now, and yet despite being in a war situation. The scariest thing was the fact that he now had to walk through the tent flaps. Once allowed in he would slowly walk into the tent and the frown was enough to indicate that any smart man would turn around and run. That however would only make things worse he felt.

He really couldn't look at her and mainly stared at the floor, like a child who was trying to hide away from what he caused. ".....How mad are you and how mad are they?" Kazumo asked the simple question softly.

The question remained unanswered for several seconds. With a gaze that didn't reflect Aiko's thoughts or emotions, the woman would gesture to one of the chair.
"Mad? I am not mad. Frustrated, that was what I had been before," Aiko began on a calm tone as she also took place on a chair. Folding her hands on her lap Aiko kept her gaze locked on Kazumo.
"Now? I am just disappointed."

Letting the words fill the tent for a moment, Aiko would continue. "The Edani replied as courteous as they were expected. That they hope you will change your mind soon. In other words, before you have even gained one of the clans as an ally, you have made one already into an enemy. Granted, they know nothing of your goal but they know your description. And making the link between you and I? They will know. And resent you for the slight of honour. More so when you have already proposed to a mere commoner." Aiko's eyes would close half as a certain threat seemed to surface. "One that I had plans for. Different plans. So technically, you are disrupting a Scylding clan and a Great Clan's plans. Even skipping training with a special force. One led by a captain that had doubts and I had to convince to give you a fair chance."

Once more Aiko would let the silence echo briefly, plaguing Kazumo. "I can forgive you for disrupting my plans with that girl. I can try to let bygones be bygones in regard with 'skipping' training once. But if you don't follow the plan, I don't think you got what it takes to become the person to unify the Sarutobi. Let alone to carry the ambition to reclaim what was lost."

Oh no the chair, he debated with himself if he should take a seat given the circumstances but given the scenario he reluctantly took the seat. Sure enough as to be expected he was given the talk of how disappointed she was about the various things he did wrong within one day. Which did hurt as he hated letting Aiko down but he did what he wanted to do, if the Edani didn't like it then that would be his problem later on. Although he was curious that she had plans for Meilin? And skipping training he could understand her being a bit irked over that. Yet if he didnt follow the plan she didnt think he had what it took? The plan to lie to everyone about who he was?

His own frown began to grow, no longer wary of the look he was getting from her. "Okay yes most of that is my fault. Skipping training? Yes my fault. The Edani slight? My fault. Yet you having plans for Meilin? I can't really be blamed for that one. I know what I did. I planned on training extra hard to make up for that one day I skipped. As for the Edani I apologize for that too, they were all lovely ladies." Kazumo said being silent a bit before he resumed speaking.
"Yet if I don't follow the plan I can't unify the Sarutobi? Not all plans work out, sometimes they have to change and sometimes thats for the better. I can't expect them to trust me if Im lying to them."

Waiting for Kazumo to speak, Aiko's eyebrows slightly rose as the young man spoke back. "If you can't follow a simple plan and are willing to sacrifice some matters, then I indeed think you don't have what it takes. If you want to unify the Sarutobi clans, then you got to give up on certain freedoms. Such as the idea of proposing to anybody that you might fancy," Aiko began, her voice stern, "And how do you think it is going to work out when you're going to tell everybody that you're not a direct descendant of Sigeberth? 'Oh sorry, but I am actually not his possible heir. Woops!' Yeah, you can ride that high horse but the fact is that you won't get your goal. Sometimes doing matters that we don't like is how we get things done."

The woman let a pause rest before she continued. "Or are you also going to just ask nicely for the ancient kingdom? I am certain that the Earth country and the people that inhabit the old kingdom will just give up and give you all the space," the facial expression of Aiko shifted slightly, "if you can't see through what must be one of the easiest steps to unify the Sarutobi and are ready to make excuses, then my doubts will be the least of your worries, Kazumo."

Raising her right hand to signal that he shouldn't speak, Aiko released a sigh. There seemed to be an exhaustion that replaced Aiko's sternness and disappointment. "I realise that my words are unpleasant. But you must understand that it isn't an easy path. Every action counts and has consequences. You'll be forced to take choices that can impact if you will or won't succeed in your ambition. And the sad fact is that once you've done it all? Unified the clans and even perhaps take the old homeland back? That you'll be facing new challenges. Not just of ruling but facing your consequences. Worse, you'll be a pin cushion cause every defeat will be aimed at you. Every wrong decision will be thrown at your face. Will it be fair? No, far from it. But it is the burden of leading." Aiko once more paused as she would place her hands on her knees and leaned slightly forward.
"So, I do advice you to lie for now. And reconsider if you want to press on to marry that girl. Regardless if I had plans for her, though. I can find myself some other. For it is not too late to consider things, Kazumo."

He understood her points and views he really did, yet it was also that he saw her views that he had to think about everything through others' views as well. After all, what if it became known that his entire rule was based on a lie he told to get them to support him? He wanted to speak up but was already signaled that he shouldn't, so he bit his tongue as she continued to lecture him. He knew this wasn't going to be easy, none of it would. During and after was always going to be hectic and he knew this well enough. Yet while he understood some lies were needed, he also felt some lies weren't.

When she seemed to have finished speaking, he waited a few more seconds in silence before speaking himself. "I understand none of what I want to do is going to be easy. It's always going to be hard and I'm always going to be the bad guy in someone's eyes. Yet…. If I'm simply lying about all the important things, what's to stop them all from no longer siding with me? I understand some lies have to be told I do. Yet if that's all they see me for, then I feel that they won't hesitate to make sure I can't lie anymore." Kazumo spoke back a bit more relaxed now, being silent for a bit he would speak up on one more thing.

"Did you and Zakito get to choose to be with each other?"

She would let him speak. Though she had little doubts that he understood it was going to be hard, Aiko did briefly wonder if he understood how complex and hard it was going to be. Perhaps she had missed a chance to introduce him to what kind of business came with managing a clan and taking various decisions. At least, she was content that he understood that he wasn't going to be the shining hero in everybody's opinion. Only a very few people ever could proclaim that and enjoy such bliss.
"The truth will stop them from siding with you. You wanted to base your ambition of being the heir of Sigeberth. A reasonable move. Many who gained some success in unifying one or two of the Sarutobi clans did the same. Frankly, yes, they still failed or people figured it out. But once people know you aren't the descendant of Sigeberth, things will get harder. There will be many things you want to talk and think about. But every leader of a great clan doesn't have that privilege. Some secrets and lies are required to keep things in order and allowing peace to prevail over chaos."

Frowning slightly when Kazumo asked his question Aiko stared at the young man. Her nostrils widened slightly as her eyes would narrow subtly. "We did. Though yes, there was a political benefit to it. And I answer this because I care about you Kazumo. But beware that you're threading very thin ice now."

He wanted to argue back but at the same time he also knew she was right, Sigeberth's name held a bigger advantage politically than what it turned out his actual lineage was. He just nodded quietly as he looked at her while she answered his question while warning him. It didn't take a genius to know he struck a nerve, hell she basically just told him he did. He would just let out a sigh while rubbing the back of his head.
"Sorry… I didn't mean it in a bad way.." He had the look that he wanted to say more but he just stayed silent for a bit before speaking again.
"I'll keep the ruse going that I'm Sigeberth's descendant, and I promise to work extra hard to prove I belong in the unit. You know I will. I'm sorry if I let you down Sensei."

Aiko didn't respond right away. Letting her gaze rest on Kazumo, Aiko's right eyebrow slightly perked upwards - a silent questioning on his words. "I know you don't mean it in a bad way. And despite what things might look or sound like, I am quite aware of that you just try to listen to your gut. But the truth is that if you are going for that girl, you are going to gain nothing political. Not to forget insulting the Edani," Aiko explained, her tone calm while she was aware she was reading him the lesson again. Letting a silence echo shortly afterwards Aiko thought of something.
"But if you feel it is right, then you should pursue the girl. Destiny is a strange and fickle thing. Regardless if the Edani will hold a grudge against you, I will support you. And though I think right now that it isn't the right choice, you are free to make your own decisions."

Which he knew, he knew pursuing Meilin meant no real advantages to his goal. He was aware she doesn't have noble blood, also knew she had Taika roots mixed in which more Anti Taika people would surely use against him. Yet it wasn't that he was listening to his gut, it was just everything in him told him that was the right choice. So it caught him off guard when she said she would still support him even if he choose Meilin. Those words enough brightened his mood and caused his smile to return.
"Thank you sensei. I do apologize if this affects you majorly though, but it means a lot to hear you say that."

Her emotions were mixed. But upon sighting Kazumo's smile, Aiko decided to reveal the ghost of a smile on her lips. "Apology accepted. Now, let's discuss something of current importance,"
Team 19 Meeting!
[ Empire of Akino | Imperial Rain Province - Amegakure, the provincial capital ]
[ Team 19 - Ferra Arkos | A collaberation done by Team 19 | Ferra rallies her team to participate into a meet and greet-esque event. While there is some hesitation among the participating students, Ferra continues to motivate them. With the team continuing to partake in Ferra's event, they soon are put to a certain test...]

! Part 1 !

Her arms folded across her chest, Ferra sighed as she glanced around. Here she was again, waiting out in front of the arena for her new team to arrive. Ferra was not one to get nervous, but she could not help the feeling of anticipation that grew in her gut as she waited. The last time she had waited here for her new students to arrive, only one had shown up and he had not lasted long under her tutelage. That thought had bothered Ferra for quite some time, causing hints of doubt to creep through her mind as she wondered whether or not she was the problem.

Sighing again, Ferra hoped they would show up soon. The more time she had to herself, the more annoyed she was going to get at her own thoughts...

Walking to the area designated by the note, Kuni had her mind deep in thought. Since the trial, she had been staying in the barracks. It was certainly a change from living with people who cared for her to being mostly ignored or given slight glares. Her previous restrictions were also back in full effect. She also had the fine to pay, which she imagined would be deducted from her pay. Overall, things felt like she has fallen quite far from where she had been before. And she had no one to blame but herself, but for the time being, she knew she had to make sure not to let it affect her interactions with her new team. Part of working on not repeating her past mistakes was to not fall to depression just because bad things happened.

Looking up from the ground, Kuni watched as the Godai arena came into her view. She knew of the sport, but never tried looking further into it. It took her a moment before she spotted a woman standing in front of the arena. Approaching her, Kuni offered a small bow "Yoshikuni Sadako, reporting for duty." She said, before rising from the bow. Part of trying to change things from before was to act more seriously, at least when on any job.

Heading towards the location where she would meet her new team, Rini didn't feel any excitement or anxiety. Having gone through several formations of teams had taught her one thing: they rarely lasted for long.
Yet it pained her that Kitana wasn't transferred with her. In a way, Rini had hoped she would be able to count on the presence and aid from the chuunin that she was starting to see as a friend. But alas, the military wasn't the social hub to make friends and be happy forever.

Closing in on the Godai arena, Rini was most curious about Ferra. Of course, she knew about the woman and her feats. If anything, Rini was most curious to learn and work with the woman. Perhaps even one day being allowed to get some tips on how to start her own Godai team.
Nearing the spot of the main entrance, it was hard to miss Ferra Arkos. Approaching the woman, Rini saw another figure bowing to the jounin. Which made it quite obvious that it was likely another member of the team.
"Rini Yoto, ma'am," the genin would say as her greeting was emphasized with a resolute salute.

Looking over the note once more Megumi made her way to the destination. It hadn't taken her long to get there as her eyes looked at the Godai Arena. It seemed she would be have a changing team, first Etsu was promoted to Amekage and Rini was appointed her previous leader. Now she was moved to a second Jounin to train under. She had met Kuni previously before she was transferred so she had at least met two out of the three other members. When she approached the arena she saw Rini and Kuni near a third person, whom she would guess was Ferra. Taking a bow upon her arrival she smiled. "Nice to meet you Ferra sensei, I'm Megumi Omari." Glancing over at Rini and Kuni she gave the pair a bow as well. "It is good to see you two again, I look forward to working together."

The first member of the team approached and Ferra felt a small wave of relief flood through her as she would not need to wait for much longer. As Kuni introduced herself, Ferra observed the girl for a long moment. She had heard several things about the jinchuriki and not all of them pleasant. Ferra was not one to judge based solely on past reports, however, so time would tell whether or not the girl was going to fit on her team.
Returning Kuni's bow with a slight nod of her head, Ferra noticed another girl approaching. Rini stated her name and then saluted and one corner of Ferra's mouth curled up in a slight smile. She preferred salutes to bows. After all, she was not a figure of royalty. Nodding her head in return the Jounin was about to speak when she saw the third team member arriving.
A bow again… Ferra did not comment, but simply inclined her head politely. When the girl had finished speaking, Ferra glanced at the team and nodded slowly. "Thank you for coming. It appears that you already know each other, which is a good start. However, we're going to start with introductions. I'd like each of you to state your name, rank, favourite food and worst fear." Keeping her arms folded across her chest, Ferra would wait for the first person to speak.
Offering a nod towards Megumi, Rini was quick to listen to Ferra. Curiosity started to swell as Rini wondered what kind of leader Ferra was. The woman was a renowned Godai player but Rini didn't know how that would translate into the woman leading a squad of nin.
"Rini Yoto, ma'am. Chuunin since short. My favorite food is chicken ramen and," the chuunin paused for just a second. But during that second, a thought went through her head. She knew what her worst fear was but decided to go for something else.
"To bring shame on my unit and empire, ma'am." Rini opted with, placing her hands behind her back as she awaited for further instructions and what the others would say.

Watching as her two teammates arrived and greeted their new team leader, Kuni moved to listen to what the Jounin's first instructions were. And they were relatively simple ones. Rini was the first one to go, answering with a brief pause before speaking up her fear. Kuni only thought it was fair to pause on that, as it wasn't something that everyone would share lightly. Once she was done, the jinchuuriki spoke up "Yoshikuni Sadako, Chuunin. My favorite food is spicy curry. And my worst fear is to repeat my past mistakes without learning from them, and cause harm to others by doing so." Once done, she moved her gaze towards Megumi. She knew what she told may not have been the worst fear indeed, but it was the one that was currently occupying her mind the most.

After brief introductions Ferra had asked them for their name, rank, favorite food and worst fear. Rini started her introduction first making Megumi listen intently. That fear seemed common among people, she gave a slight nod once the other was finished. Her eyes shifted to look towards Kuni who spoke up after Rini. Again a common fear of the past and bringing harm. When the girl gazed towards her she gave yet another nod. Looking to Ferra she began to speak. "Megumi Omari, Genin. My favorite food would be vegetable stir fry with rice."

Pausing for a moment she pressed the tips of her pointer fingers together a few times. "My worst fear.. My worst fear would be having to use my Kekkei Genkai." Rocking on her heels she smiled at Ferra to hide her pain. "May I ask the same question to you sensei?'

As each of the team members spoke in turn, Ferra watched them carefully, the expression on her face never changing. When Megumi finished speaking, the Jounin paused for a moment, considering the question of the Genin. Turning her attention back to the group, Ferra spoke. "Thank you." Her eyes narrowing slightly, Ferra shook her head slowly. "As shinobi, we are taught to conceal. To hide not only ourselves, but our secrets as well. One of the most effective methods is to conceal one truth with a lesser one. Thus providing false assurance to your enemies that they have discovered your secret without causing them to probe too far." Glancing from Rini to Kuni, the Jounin's brow furrowed as she continued, "Here in this team, however, there can be no secrets. We are not enemies and we will not treat each other as such."

Shifting her head slightly to crack her neck, Ferra remained silent for a moment, considering her next words. "Rini Yoto, your hesitance does not lend much weight to your words. You may well be afraid of bringing shame to your unit or your Empire, though I very highly doubt that is your deepest fear. Yoshikuni Sadako," She began, shifting her attention from one Chuunin to the other, "As a Junchuriki, I would imagine that you have greater fears than simply repeating past mistakes." Raising a single eyebrow, Ferra took a moment before shifting her attention to Megumi. Tilting her head to the side, the Jounin paused once more. "Your answer I find interesting." she said briefly, nodding slowly to herself as she pondered something. "I would like to know more about why your Kekkei Genkai has you so afraid. But." Ferra said, raising her eyebrow once more, "I suppose it is only fair that I return the favour first. As you all should know, my name is Ferra Arkos and I am a Jounin." Folding her arms across her chest once more, she continued, "My favourite food is Donburi and I have two fears that I would consider my greatest." Raising two fingers, Ferra began listing them, lowering each finger as she did so. "The first, being burnt to death. Ironic I know, seeing as my chakra nature is fire. However, I have watched enough people burn to death that it is not an experience I ever wish to go through. The second... is heights."

Narrowing her eyes slightly in defiance, as if daring her students to mock her, Ferra paused for a moment before continuing, "Ever since I was a child I have been afraid of heights. I have had to deal with that fear on a daily basis and, while I have occasionally managed to ignore it, the fear will always be there."

When Ferra called her out, Rini stayed silent. A part of her, a more childish part, wanted to sneer back. But the years she had spent in the force had taught that was the worst reaction you could give to a superior. Staying silence, Rini did have some less pleasant thoughts and replies going through her mind.
However, it seemed that luck was on their side as Ferra did focus some attention on Megumi. Lending Rini some time to already conjure a response if the jounin would back to her. After all, she already assumed that Ferra wasn't far off from Etsu if it came to forgetting things.

Hearing Ferra's words made Kuni feel a bit frustrated. She could already guess what the jounin had meant, but she barely gave that aspect any thought. If anything, she had full trust in the seal, considering past experiences and how so far, it seemed as though only one person had actually altered it in any way. But deciding to remain silent as well, she looked towards Megumi, as she noticed the jounin showed some curiosity towards her fear. She was curious herself as to why would a person be scared of using something that they possess naturally.

As Ferra listened to them it was obvious she wasn't happy with the first two fears she was told about. Each chuunin seemed to have given her an answer she wasn't fond of. Meanwhile she grew curious with Megumi, of course she expected such seeing her answer to the question. All eyes moved to watch her. That soft smile she held soon faded as she looked to the ground. Her movements became stiff as she began to speak.

"I may hold the Omari name but I am was not born into the clan. I was born into the Kurosawa clan. Their Kekkei Genkai, my Kekkei Genkai, lets us see vital parts inside a person. We often are used as medical ninja because we can quickly find the cause of trauma and fix it." Taking a deep breath she looked up to Ferra, her fingers fidgeting with her shirt trim. "My parents both had been shinobi, many are trained from a young age to hone their Kekkei Genkai. Both of my parents had to use it to save someone. My father a team member."

Silence grew after a few moments before she gave a weak smile. "My mother and I had gotten attacked. I was hurt... and she administered aid immediately. Through the process of using the Kekkei Genkai one slowly grows blind, under strenuous procedures and stress they can go blind on the spot." Eyes growing wet she felt the heat hit her cheeks. "She went blind but the people had back up that soon came for us. She told me to run. She sacrificed herself for me. Our Kekkei Genkai has taken my parents. This... ability is a double edged blade. And since then I vowed to never use it. I stopped training and soon Chu had adopted me. Taking me away from it. Taking me somewhere, my life wasn't just that anymore." Shaking her head she looked back to the ground. "But I will always be like them, I will always help when I can. I don't need my Kekkei Genkai to ease the pain from others. I just need the heart and soul for it."

Nodding slowly, Ferra remained silent for a moment. Going blind in order to save a teammate or family member truly sounded like an awful trade-off for such an ability. Glancing at the two Chuunin again, Ferra closed her eyes and sighed. "Fear..." she said slowly, opening her eyes and looking at the group, "Fear can be a powerful motivator. It's your mind's way of kicking your fight or flight instinct into action. At its core, fear is meant to keep us alive, to keep us safe. Until you learn to control your fear, however, you will never be able to use it to your benefit. It will always control you, cripple you..."

Raising an eyebrow as she looked at Rini and Kuni, Ferra continued, "Acknowledging that fear is the first step in gaining control over it." folding her arms across her chest, the Jounin tilted her head to the side. "I want you all to think about that and decide whether or not you want to let fear rule you." Before they'd have a chance to answer, Ferra continued speaking, "I told you before that there is no place for secrets in this team. In order for us to work together as a single unit, we need to trust each other completely."

Cracking her neck, Ferra looked at each student, making sure to lock eyes with each as she delivered the next instructions, "I will ask you each three questions. Should you answer honestly, I will allow you all to ask me one question each to which I must also answer truthfully. If any of you answer dishonestly however, I will answer no questions and the group will be punished." Thinking about something, she added, "Oh, and should I be satisfied with your answers then maybe, just maybe, we will do something fun as a team."

Holding up her fingers once more, Ferra lowered the first, "Who do you respect the most and why?" Lowering the second, she continued, "Why did you join the Shinobi corps? And finally," lowering the third, Ferra took a moment's pause, looking at each student once more before finishing, "What is the biggest weakness you bring to this team?"

Megumi's story made Kuni feel a bit scared for her teammate. If the genin's kekkei genkai had that bad of an effect the more used, then she felt she could only encourage not using it. Afterwards, Ferra spoke up again, about fears and no place for secrets in the team once again, and then gave them three questions to answer, or they would be punished. Hearing the questions, Kuni felt confident enough that she already knew the answers.

"There are two people I equally respect the most. The first is my mother, rest in peace, who always worked hard to provide for us and showed me so much, along with helping find the right path for me in life. The second is my former sensei Eiji Emiya, who not only formed a special bond with me and helped me improve in many aspects, but also took me in and acted as a father figure to me." After answering the first question, Kuni briefly paused to think about the second one, not being so sure anymore.

"I joined the shinobi corps because my mom thought I should find a productive outlet for the excessive amounts of energy I have, along with showing the potential for using chakra, according to a jounin that spoke to her at the time. She also told me it would be a way to help others. Finally, the biggest weakness," She moved her hands over her stomach, where the seal hid away underneath her shirt "There is the fact that as a jinchuuriki, I could always be a valued target to enemies, not to mention be unable to hide my chakra signature in an efficient way. But I personally feel that my over-reliance on ninjutsu would be the biggest weakness, because I would basically serve as an anchor without ninjutsu, not properly able to hold my ground, which would only mean bad things for us." As she finished speaking, Kuni looked towards Ferra, hoping her answers were good. She personally felt they were as truthful as it could get.

Rini kept her hands on her back, her face stuck in a neutral expression as she was able to keep her thoughts and emotions away from the surface. The story of Megumi was sad and enough for Rini to pity her team member somewhat. But such matters weren't exclusive, in the form of sacrifice or pain. If anything, Rini simply saw it as the result of how the world was. Harsh, cold and rather unforgiven.
The words of Ferra did little to inspire Rini to consider opening up more. Though she understood what the woman meant completely, the teen did anything but agree with her. Secrets? She had seen another side of shinobi and couldn't just wish that being open with others would make things better. If anything....

Shaking the thoughts off her mind, Rini briefly thought about the questions that Ferra asked. Luckily, Kuni was the first to react. Allowing Rini to think and consider her answers. Not because she wanted to keep more for herself or wanted to convince Ferra to then do something 'fun'. But merely because the first question already made her bitter. After all, most of her previous sensei had left her hanging.
"I respect Etsu Yabut the most," Rini began, "not just cause she is the Amekage. But because she has taught me more than those who came before her." Rini said, allowing a second of pause before she continued.
"I joined the shinobi corps because I had the gift of chakra manipulation. Causing me to become recruited. The reason why I am still staying with the corp is because I have seen what I can try to help others. Even if I am lacking sorely in the direct ability as medical ninjutsu or such."

The third question was answered also rather easily as Rini didn't need much of a pause to continue on.
"I don't have a large variety of techniques as most other chuunin have," Rini said, shrugging lightly, "but I am good at what I can do."
A Mentor and His Student
Hiron Hon and Hayate Hyuzu | Eastern Continent

A collab between Gero and Chrome

Sitting in his chair, Hiron frowned. The reports came mostly by messengers. Paper was a scarce commodity in their current situation. But Hiron had some trust in those that served in the 9th Brigade. Their training and overall experience meant that they wouldn't twist the words that they were given. But if the last report was to believed, then that meant that there were enemy fortified positions eastwards. Luckily, the distance seemed to be far and the scouts that Hiron had to send out hadn't got into any combat. Dismissing the messenger, Hiron leaned back. Resting an elbow on the side of the chair, he supported his head as he continued in thoughts. If anything, he was rather doing some more active work. Even while planning and strategizing was one of the most important matters of war, Hiron felt a need to move. To strike and win.

Eventually after some minutes, one of his guards pushed the flap of his tent aside. A soft whisper moved through the spacious area but still managed to reach the ears of the general. Giving a subtle sign that he agreed, Hiron's eyes settled on the only entrance and exit of the large tent.

Approaching the tent, Hayate's mind was racing a mile a minute. The young commander had been waiting for this moment, but now that it was here… The guard returned and nodded at Hayate to indicate the Hyuzu could enter and he nodded his thanks in return. Steeling himself, Hayate entered the tent and saluted.

"It is good to see you," Hayate smiled. His tone was warm, but held a hint of something else. Waiting for permission to approach, Hayate wondered what Hiron must be thinking. If the man approved of how he'd led so far, if he was disappointed… Pride and doubt were fighting in his head and Hayate just wanted to get it over with.

As Hayate entered, Hiron stayed silent. When the boy greeted Hiron, the latter didn't reply. The gaze of Hiron was locked on Hayate and there was little of a hint on what Hiron thought or felt upon reuniting with Hayate. "I have heard that the young captain-commander of the Guardians is to be responsible for some losses that the 2nd Division has taken. Or, at least, those who had already been sent to this continent in order to fulfil our agreement with the Republic and the Lightning," Hiron calmly stated though the phrasing certainly seemed to be akin to an accusation.

"Yet, with barely half of the enemy forces, this same commander managed to outwit and defeat a force that was twice as large. Almost three times if I need to believe the reports." The ghost of a smile crossed Hiron's lips as he would get up from his seat.

"It is good to see you too captain-commander," Hiron began as he gestured Hayate to drop the formalities, "There is a lot that we have to discuss. And I wish that I had more time, I am required to meet with the leaders of the Republicans and Northerners to get them aligned to my plans for this campaign."

Half turning to the nearby table that was riddled with maps, Hiron waited for Hayate to be closer. Placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, Hiron simply nodded. He doubted he needed to express his pride in words. Turning to the table with the maps, Hiron crossed his arms.

"I was most curious about your opinion on my plans. You have likely heard that I take command back over the brigades. But seeing that you're a commander on your own right and merit, I wanted to know what you think is wise as our next moves."

Hiron wasn't making it any easier on Hayate when he did not respond at first and the young Hyuzu had to avoid the desire to fidget in his discomfort. When the man did begin speaking, however, it was at first one hundred times worse as he stated the losses that already sat heavy with Hayate. Opening his mouth to respond, Hayate shut it again quickly as Hiron continued. The dread and doubt were quickly replaced by embarrassment and a flush of pride as Hiron finished speaking.

Remaining silent, more out of not knowing exactly how to respond than anything else, Hayate approached the table and looked over the maps. A lot of his previous concerns and doubts were washed away when Hiron made it clear that he still wanted Hayate's opinion. The boy glanced from the maps and back to Hiron before asking, "I have not yet received word that the Guardians are being sent home so," Hayate raised an eyebrow, "what did you have in mind for us?"

"Very observant," Hiron replied, the amusement in his voice quite evident. He would point to a single piece that remained at the edge of the main map that was laid on the table. It resembled the same likeness of three other pieces, that resembled the Imperial forces present on the continent. "In truth, I have various ideas on where I want to deploy you and your Guardians. I was considering to keep you behind and solidify the control on the gains that we make. Eradicate any enemy operatives that we either miss or slip through. Or actually putting you past the front and disturb the enemy's supplies or assassinate their leaders. That sort of work," the general would cast a sideways look at Hayate, "the truth is that I won't give you an assignment. You have so far managed to lead a large force without me looking over your shoulder. And it would be stupid to not let you gain more experience. So, go ahead," Hiron nodded towards the map.

"Pick your own assignment. The Imperial army is designed to allow some flexibility and independence during campaigns. The Guardians even more. You and your unit are technically not even under my formal command. And I trust you well enough to not let your feelings think for you. So you may pick your own place."

A slight smile touched his face as Hiron acknowledged his discovery and Hayate glanced back at the maps. "It is an honour to have your trust, Hiron. I don't intend to break that." Folding his arms across his chest, the young commander stared down at the maps for some time before continuing, "I have some thoughts as to how we can supplement the other forces and how we may be able to use our specialists to begin planning counter strikes on the enemy. In order to achieve this, however, we need to remain flexible as you'd mentioned." Looking back up to Hiron, Hayate's tone grew more serious. "In no way would I like to interfere with the plans that you have, and the Guardians will remain available should you need support in any specific area. However, I would like to take your offer of operating outside the main army. I believe we can be of great use by launching our own strategic operations against the enemy and any information gathered during these operations would be relayed directly to you. Would this be acceptable?"

It felt a little weird for him to make such a formal request to Hiron, but Hayate believed it was important. He appreciated Hiron's faith in him and respected the man greatly. The Guardians may have been able to operate outside the main forces without permission, but Hayate needed Hiron to know that he would remain loyal to his mentor's wishes and orders, should they be different from his own plans. Hayate knew that the Guardians could make a significant impact launching their own operations while the main Allied Forces occupied the enemy's attention. In order to do that however, he needed Hiron's blessing.

Hiron shifted his gaze to the map that laid in front of them. Placing his hands behind his back, he considered Hayate's proposal carefully. "It is certainly acceptable. If you won't be involved in the action," Hiron said as he gestured to the map, "and before you start to argue back, let us not forget what is at stake. Or what your role is, captain-commander. You are to lead and manage the Guardians. I will allow you to operate without much restraint as long as you uphold that condition and relay information back to me." Hiron turned slightly towards Hayate.

"I will have you also be updated about my plans. For now, I already gave you the basics of it. If there will be a change of plans then I will let you and yours be informed. As for the brigade generals? I reckon that your rank as a Scholae will coerce them to cooperate. Else I expect a report on any of them not willing to try to aid you, if they can. It is of paramount importance that we cooperate and hit this threat so hard in the throat that next time they even hear 'Akinian' that they will shiver in fear."

Hesitating for a moment, Hayate opened and closed his mouth. Hiron had a point and despite the young commander's desire to have the Guardian's join the fight when needed, Hayate knew they were better served running counter operations against the enemy. Letting out a slight sigh, Hayate nodded slowly. "Understood. The Guardians will not engage in the main fighting unless absolutely necessary. You have my word."

Thinking of something, Hayate tilted his head and looked back at Hiron, "There is some concern that the enemy has been able to infiltrate our forces. Because of this, there are certain operations that we may need to keep quiet until they are completed."

Content with Hayate's decision Hiron frowned slightly upon hearing the various concerns. "They are quite valid concerns. After all, you decided to be soft," there was a certain displeasure audible in Hiron's voice. The man looked back at the maps as he continued. "I thought that you had learned to be more wary for others and their loyalties. The possible betrayal of those refugees that you saved have proven that they can't be trusted. It is why I have decided to inform every high officer to pass the command to not allow any easterner into an Imperial military camp. Only if they are disarmed and unable to commit any wrongs. These people aren't our allies nor worth our mercy, Hayate."

Hiron threw a sideways glance at the other. "And if you regard my words as cold and cruel, aye, they may be. But I am hoping you understand that this war. Remember what happened last time you led a group of friends into a conflict. If you want to avoid the same mishaps, then don't let your heart guide your choices."

Clenching his fist, Hayate listened as Hiron chastised him for the decision he had made regarding the Easterners. When the man finished, Hayate took a moment before he replied, glancing away to gather his thoughts. "We still don't know whether or not they betrayed us." The young commander finally said, a slight edge to his tone. "I'm not saying we need to trust them, or that I was right in providing the level of freedom that I did. However, I will not see them treated like animals. They may not be our allies but they can still be useful. We can get information from them that could help us against the real enemy."

Shaking his head, Hayate let out a frustrated sigh. The decisions he had made, they were in the past and he would learn from them, but that would not stop him from feeling guilty for the results. He had to own them and that was a weight he'd carry with him for a long time. What made it harder was that Hayate truly believed the decisions he had made were made using his head, not his heart. He just didn't know if that made things worse...

When Hiron mentioned the last time he had led a group of friends into a conflict, Hayate felt his anger flare and he turned to the Jounin with fire in his eyes. Opening his mouth to respond with a snarl, the Hyuzu paused. Clenching his fists again, Hayate closed his eyes and looked away. Once he had regained his composure, Hayate spoke, his tone controlled. "That was a long time ago, when I had no real training on how to lead anyone. That is not a fair comparison." Turning back, the young commander met Hiron's gaze. "I can assure you my heart is not what is guiding me here."

Hiron took no pleasure to push and test Hayate. In all truth, he would have rather send the lad home, westwards. Despite the obvious fact that Hayate would likely be tempted, Hiron knew better. Hayate wouldn't let himself either fail or be manipulated to remain away from the fighting. Pondering to put Hayate through more trials, Hiron remembered something that Hisoka once had done. And Zakito as well. The memories pained him but also comforted Hiron, in a way that he neither understood or felt a need to understand completely.

"You are a special piece of pigshit, Hayate," Hiron mumbled, loud enough for the other to hear him, "noble, smart, tenacious. Good fucking gods, you may sometimes be prettier than her," Hiron said, throwing a glance sidewards to Hayate.

"I like to think that one day I can retire thanks to you. Allowing me to stop fretting on what risks she might take. Or that she will take someone that can't or don't dare to stand up to her."

Exhaling slowly, Hiron turned his gaze to the table where the maps and instruments were laid out.

"I intend to advance my plans by the breaking of the next daylight. Rest well, Hayate. Tomorrow, we continue to march to whatever lies beyond those damned mountains."
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A Certain Step
[ Republic of the Water | Kirigakure, the capital ]
[ Kimi Iomaski | Minister of Knowledge ]

The sun would move slow, lazily rising ever higher as it drove the dark of the night away. With the ascension of a new day, people would return to their affairs as per usual. The unrest and troubles that had gripped Kirigakure hadn't ebbed away or been entirely solved. But people adapted to the situation. Much like the stray cats adapting to finding new places to thrive and urchins learning new ways to rob good folk of their coin.
The sound of boots resonated loudly, causing people to move aside and conversations to turn into exchanges of whispers. Chainmail jingled with the step of the soldiers marching down the street, their stern gaze eyeing for potential signs of unrest and threats for the city's order.

Watching the city from her safe place, within the large governing complex, Kimi continued to ponder. She had a good sight on the quarantined part of the city. Now and then, she even believed she could see some disturbance. Either a group of patrolling soldiers and shinobi. Or sentries shifting from position to maintain a vigilant watch over the districts. A soft smile crept on her lips as she played with some ideas. For while today a drastic change would occur, Kimi wasn't entirely satisfied yet.
Word had come from the eastern continent. The Imperials were taking charge of the allied effort to restore order. But also information started to find its way back to the Republic. Information about 'Rong' and what is entitled. More interestingly, the bits of information did explain several matters about the Zealots. Even the bits about the shapeshifting monsters that had been sighted and dealt with.

Wondering what Rika Suzu would do, Kimi grew more amused. She was convinced that the last Mizukage would have tried to use only force. Not recognizing the potential danger as a threat but as a mere challenge. A foolish and naive vision that did brighten Kimi's mood. Even if it was starting to become a vision that somehow seemed to infect a lot of minds. And thus hampering the Republic and Kimi's own ambitions, for dumb minions make for bad results.
Throwing a glance over her shoulder Kimi noticed how Nami silently entered the room. The girl kept her head bowed, her eyes averted from looking at Kimi. No sound was made, no word was uttered.
"Nami, my dear," Kimi began as she turned her head to peer through the window once more, "be a peach, will you? Tell that they can begin."
Not inspecting if the genin left or had understood the instruction Kimi heard the soft clicking of the door closing. Causing the woman's eyes to slightly narrow in delight.

The Senate was a complex guarded by the most elite that the Republic could muster. Not only shinobi of the regular corp but ANBU, Hunter-nin and soldiers alike. To either storm or sneak into the complex where the venerable senators sat and debated was a suicide mission.
Yet today, things would change. A majority of the security would suddenly just vanish. As if the Divine had plucked them and threw them either into the ocean or hide them in the clouds.
The few that remained wouldn't have much time for confusion or able to investigate what was going on. Before most could even realise what was about to descend on the area, steel or chakra ended their lives swiftly.
In a rapid fashion, those who weren't disgruntled or disappointed with the stagnancy of the Republic and its Senate were laying dead or choking. Either due to poison or their own blood.

But even in the Senate, a good portion of senators and council members were missing. Messages had arrived days or, even in a few cases, weeks before that this or that senator was unable to attend. Either due to concern of the unrest in Kirigakure or forced to attend to matters at home and clan
As the meeting of the day would start, awkwardly due to the missing of various part of the Senate, the next stage of Kimi's plan would be launched.

For some time the security in Kirigakure had been tightened. Patrols of soldiers and shinobi had maintained a sense of controlled peace and order. Allowing stability to cautiously and slowly find its way back. Areas that were most patrolled were around various important facilities and complexes. Various captains, however, started to receive commands to steer their forces away. The reasons being to focus on more turbulent parts of the Republican capital or diverting more manpower to hold the quarantine.

Leaving certain areas to be much less secure or kept in check.
Sight on the East
[ Satoshi | Commander of the Lightning Forces ]
[ Eastern Continent | Wolf Continent, the Northerner's Camp - located at the centre of the eastern front ]

The camp of the Northern forces, under the leadership of Satoshi Jun, were readying themselves for the next phase. While some of Satoshi's commanders had expressed their doubts about following the plans of an Imperial leader, Satoshi had decided to follow through. They were still allowed their independence and operating in their fashion - not becoming mere auxiliary forces for the Imperials. A fear that some commanders had, due to the constant following of instructions and plans made by the Imperials.
Satoshi understood why some of his officers were wary. And while he had yet to find a real good reason to distrust the Imperials, their plans had so far given little incentive to not cooperate.
The arrival of more Imperials even reminded Satoshi that the Empire of Akino took the largely unknown threat of Rong serious enough.
Understanding that his own country wasn't capable of sending any reinforcements at the current moment, Satoshi couldn't help but ponder at times if the aftermath of the civil war could see the Lightning also sending more troops. Or if he was going to receive orders to break from the eastern campaign and turn back home with his army.

Exhaling slowly, the breath of the general created a small cloud of condense. Letting his gaze travel over the scenery in front of him, Satoshi's thoughts moved to the present.
Right now, they were in the centre of what one could describe as the frontline against Rong. The enigmatic opponent had left Satoshi in serious doubt if they were even able for the task. A country that could draft a huge army and afford to lose it was certainly a bigger threat than what they had seen before.

Spotting a messenger heading his way, the corner of Satoshi's lips curved down slightly. It seemed that the rare but peaceful moment of contemplating was over.

Listening to the verbal report of the messenger Satoshi gained a frown on his brow. It seemed that ahead, to the east, were various mountain ranges. Mountain ranges that effectively formed a natural barrier for easy access towards the east.
Immediately Satoshi wanted to consider that as an advantage. It meant that even if Rong had a larger quantity of troops and resources, that they were still hampered by natural boundaries. But it was going to slow down allied movement and momentum as well.
"Send a few scout units to the north-east direction," Satoshi spoke up, shifting his attention between the various officers that were present in the spacious tent. "Don't engage enemies. I want to have a good understanding of the terrain before we conduct further operations there."
Shifting his gaze to a few other officers Satoshi continued. "Launch various operations, however, into the mountain range. Send scouts to uncover potential enemy activity. Map those activities and deal with it with combat units. Make sure that the enemy doesn't know that we are attempting to extend out."

Name of Operation:
Shallow Shadows
B ~ A
Leading Operative:
Chuunin Genji Hojo @Oblivion666

Other Operatives:
Chuunin, Niji Yakeij - @GlitchyBugger
Chuunin, Mizuchi Hojo - @Jason Targaryen
Chuunin, Yumeji Hojo - @Oetje
Genin, Kaya Irozaki - @Lesli

A scouting party came back. They found a group of Redcloaks. It isn't certain yet what the Redcloaks are planning but commander Satoshi wants to see them either captured or removed entirely from this world. The mission is to intercept this group of Rongese Operatives. Engage with average risks and see to it that the Redcloaks can't relay any information back to any (possible) nearby enemy hosts. There might be locals within the area of operation. Be wary as we haven't yet established on if we can trust the locals. But stay your steel unless the locals turn hostile.

OOC Notes:
* The Redcloaks have been spotted several miles to the north of the allied camp. The targets seem to number up to ten to twelve 'bandits'.
* The AO is considered average with risks: uncertainty of locals and their loyalty. The fact that the scouts can't tell on the ranks of the enemy but judging by last exchanges: they are likely to be of chuunin quality - if we base it on previous combat reports and interactions with red cloaks.
* Average risks: the squad isn't allowed to operate on minimum risks and stay too passive. Orders are to eliminate the 'bandits' before they can conduct whatever they aim to do. Wounds are acceptable if it means that the mission is a success.
Treacherous Paths - Part 2
[ Eastern Continent | Imperial Akinian Military - 3rd Division]
[ A Platoon of the Axebiters | A collaboration between:

The small group is sent out to venture out of the 11th Imperial brigade's camp. They are to venture to a small hamlet where locals can provide information on possible hostiles - likely fleeing remnants of the large key battle that took place prior to the Imperial reinforcements arrived. The group's task is to find and, if possible, eliminate the hostiles. ]

Part 1

The air seemed to grow colder as time slipped slowly by, carried by a gentle breeze to the horizon as the group had to wait. Meilin kept the tasks simple as enforcing several rules. No fire would provide warmth for the company but instead Meilin would offer to some stones - which were providing some warmth due to the Cho's ability to mould her chakra into some heat.
Eventually, simple rations were eaten before the scouting part would take place. Taking Madoc and Dagrún underneath her leadership, Meilin would coordinate their skills and abilities to scout out the terrain. Using the information that the village elder had provided and their abilities, the three would soon enough stumble on signs of human life. And not long after the actual camp of their likely targets.

Madoc's sensory and Meilin's raven technique would confirm the identity of the targets, causing Meilin to lead them back to the others of the group. Once reunited Meilin flexed her gloved fingers. She had rallied the group around her and the absence of much light created a dark and grim atmosphere. Fitting, Meilin mused to herself due to the nature of what their work and the timing.
"Once more the plan. Madoc will establish the telepathic connection. Under my leadership Aoi and Dagrún will advance to their perimeter. They seem to keep some of their own to take watch. The perimeter is out of the light, which will make them hard to spot if you don't know where they are. Don't worry about that though, I will update you both where their sentries are. Once the sentries are taken out, we will move from various approaches as silent as each can be. From there? We will aim to take them out quickly and efficiently."
Meilin shifted her gaze among those who were present.
"Nothing fancy. Nothing that will put others at risk."

Letting a silence fall Meilin waited for a few seconds before she would nod towards Madoc to set up the mind link. Then Meilin gestured Dagrún and Aoi to follow.
"The rest of you, stay where you are for now," Meilin instructed.
Leading Aoi and Dagrún into the darkness towards the direction where the enemy camp was found Meilin briefly felt uncomfortable. So far only Aoi and Madoc knew of her particular technique. But she still preferred to keep some matters to just herself. Even if she could use the dark to keep her matters easier to herself.
Once far away enough Meilin gestured the two to spread a bit out. Waiting for a few seconds Meilin brought her hands together to form the required handsigns. Allowing the chakra to mould and the technique take hold Meilin would soon enough use the raven technique to move through the cold night sky.
Giving coordinations for Dagrún and Aoi, Meilin would lead the two close to the perimeter. Instructing the two to wait for a moment, Meilin moved on ahead. From the bird's-eye view she managed to spot a small campfire. Around four sat at the campfire near the entrance of the cave.

Landing nearby Meilin would attempt to look inside from her current spot. Unable to manage to see anything of use Meilin decided to check on the sentries. Still careful, despite the raven technique, Meilin would soar from tree to tree to find the sentries. Finding four in total, Meilin decided to pass the locations on to Aoi and Dagrún.
The excitement of before that Dagrún showcased almost seemed to peak. The Hon was most eager for the plan and a strange glint was visible at times in her eyes. Though Dagrún had various questions moving through her mind she focused on the goal.
With Meilin's guidance and instructions on where the targets were Dagrún's right hand traveled to her hip. In addition to her usual sword Dagrún had decided to bring a hatchet. Gripping the weapon just below the steel head Dagrún moved almost silently through the snow, closer to the goal.

The dark prevented her from spotting her foes but Meilin's indications allowed Dagrún to realize the best approach. Once the Hon was close enough she would move slower, as a feline ready to pounce on her unaware prey. Coating her boots in chakra the Hon wouldn't sink through the snow as the chakra was meant to form a base - nullifying the Hon's sound of movement.
Lowering herself Dagrún caught sight of her first target. Halting her movement the Hon's gloved hand slowly moved the weapon from its ring. The solid wood was gripped tightly as Dagrún's eyes narrowed briefly.
The sentries were in the dark, allowing them to see better ahead and be harder to spot through conventional means - more so than when they would stand near a place of light or comfort.
Sneaking forward Dagrún felt her heartbeat slowly increasing in pace. Without alerting the sentry Dagrún moved close enough that she was sure that she could remain at his back for as long as he wouldn't turn around.

Noticing the man's head moving slightly Dagrún shot into action.
The steel head of the axe would move towards the man's right leg, acting as a nasty hook to pull the man from his balance while Dagrún used her free hand to grab the man by the back. Pushing him into the snow Dagrún quickly as effectively placed herself on top of her prey. The man struggled but he quickly ceased once Dagrún slammed the axehead into the man's neck. The steel biting easily through the skin and hit something hard enough to give a satisfying vibration.
Pulling the weapon out slowly Dagrún observed for a mere second how a dark liquid started to stain the snow as the man's body twitched only twice before becoming motionless.

Raising herself up slightly Dagrún started to grin. The excitement and challenge of moving on to the next unaware target was giving her a certain rush. Slowly moving away from her victim Dagrún would start to head towards the second one.
Approaching her second target Dagrún briefly observed her second victim. Much aligned with the other victim, the target was clothed in a red cloak. The straw hat reminded Dagrún briefly of what she had heard of Taika fashion. But she ought it to be wiser to not make any thought of it - less she wanted to have Aoi be riled up by it later.
Focusing on the second target Dagrún would go around some vegetation to position herself at her target's back. Like before the Hon crept on her target as a cat approached an unaware bird.

The head of the woman turned as her body followed suit. Before the red cloaked woman could make any further sound or movement Dagrún already made her own move. The soft song of the axehead came to an abrupt end as it burrowed itself deep into the woman's throat.
Only a soft gasp escaped the horrified expression of the red cloaked woman, who attempted to grasp at Dagrúns arm. A mere act of desperation, Dagrún mused to herself as she would carefully - almost gently - work the woman against the ground.

Turning her head to the right Dagrún did notice what appeared to be a possible third target. Aware that Meilin had informed that they only had four sentries Dagrún felt the temptation growing to steal Aoi's kill. Pulling the axe out of her second target a smirk grew on the Hon's lips as she already turned.
Before she was able to conjure a quick plan to take out her target Dagrún saw something moving fast through the air. The object pierced the sentry in the neck, causing the sentry to go limp before being caught by Aoi.
"Fucking bloodrelease," Dagrún whispered to herself, slightly sad that her plan was foiled.

Once the sentries were taken care off Meilin would initiate the next stage of the plan. Directing the team, Meilin would swiftly and carefully move from one place to another. Disguised in the form of a raven she managed to do so without the enemy getting alerted. But it would be only a matter of time before they would realise that their sentries were dead.
Coordinating the positioning of her team Meilin was certain that if they executed it fast enough, they would be able to overwhelm the enemy.

As things were right now, the campsite at the mouth of the cave would be attacked from three directions. Aoi and Dagrún would attack from the north. Madoc and Orun would attack from the west, while Mamoru would move from the south supported by Meilin.
A tense silence seemed to creep on the site, save it for the red cloaked figures at the campfire.
For all that Meilin could hear, they spoke their crude and unknown language. Just before she would decide to head towards Mamoru, Meilin could hear a bit of snickering from the four at the campsite.

Moving through the night sky Meilin had to aim her landing well enough. Reversing the Raven technique mid-air gave her a rush of excitement but it didn't particularly allow her to make the smoothest of landings. For Mamoru, it would appear as if Meilin just seemed to fall out of the night sky - quickly rolling to break her fall.
"Good, now that we are all in position," Meilin began to converse through the telepathic communication, "let us advance. As silent as possible. There are four at the campfire and there are likely more inside. We take the ones out at the campfire and then proceed from there."
With the instruction given out Meilin didn't shoot a glance to see if Mamoru was ready. Already the Cho moved forward, barely making a snow as she headed towards the campfire.

Mamoru never felt this tense in his life before. He was waiting at his position, observing his surroundings, trying to take in as much detail as possible. Despite the weather being rather cold, he did not feel it. The stone Meilin gave him back at the campfire still provided him some warmth, and the rations they had, while smaller, were still keeping him energised without being heavy on his stomach. His surroundings helped him to keep his mind rather calm despite the situation he was faced with. He knew there was no way to avoid it. As much as he dreaded about taking his first life, Mamoru knew that his enemy would not hesitate to take his life. Keeping this in mind, he steeled himself for the coming experience. And when the order from Meilin came, he acknowledged it and started to move according to it.

He moved from one spot providing him with cover to another one, trying to be as swift as possible while making no noise. He slowly approached the position and spotted their objective. Walking into position, he eyed their target. He heard the branches right to him and his hand instinctively shot towards Oak. It was a raven heading for the ground and while his eyes found it hard to believe, Meilin appeared - as if from thin air. To make matters weirder, she transformed from the raven. He saw Meilin make her landing. While it was not the most graceful one, he knew better than to make remarks about it in this situation. He gave her a simple nod and slowly approached the campsite, matching his pace with hers. He was walking in a way that put him directly behind the back of one of the man, and upon reaching a certain distance he stopped. He shot one more look at the campsite. Four targets. They seemed to be engaging in a discussion, but Mamoru could not discern it due to the alien nature of their language. But it was clear that they did not expect to be attacked, and that played into their cards. He quickly went through the options he had on hand and came up with several ways to silently take out his target. He dropped into his knees and clenched his bandaged fist. When the order to slowly advance was given, Mamoru did not hesitate. He stepped out towards the inevitable. Understood, Lieutenant. On your mark.

Heading to her position Dagrún weighed her axe. The dark of the night didn't allow her to see too much. But that was okay. With stealth Dagrún managed to navigate to the place where she would link up with Aoi. Despite the dark Dagrún flashed a grin to the Miyazato. Gripping the axe at the bottom of the shaft Dagrún turned to where the cave entrance was.
When Meilin contacted them through the telepathic connection Dagrún slowly inhaled. Her other hand went to the hilt of her blade. Drawing the weapon, Dagrún was certain that she couldn't use her techniques. Her nature element would betray their location. But she was confident that her martial skills would be enough to defeat one of those redcloaks. The thought that one would be perhaps a challenge did excite the Hon. Softly, whispered incantations started to leave Dagrún's lips as she would start to creep forwards. Still cloaking the sole of her boots, allowing her to travel silently over the snow.

Moving steadily forward Dagrún kept herself low. Their targets enjoyed the comfort of the fire, which also blinded their sight to look too far into the dark. Scoffing softly Dagrún's eyes narrowed. From her spot, she could view a few silhouettes in the dark. Turning her attention on the campfire Dagrún sneaked forward.
Letting the head of the axe rest against her shoulder Dagrún observed the targets. Waiting for a second, the Hon would dash forwards. In a fluid motion she straightened her back and already started to sprint towards the targets.
A few strides were made as Dagrún flung her axe, aiming the axe at the head of one target, the Hon still moved forwards. By the time that the axe would slam into the face of one foe Dagrún's sword already thrusted forwards to impale one of the redcloaks who had his back towards her.

At position he still very much disliked this operation but it was more in line with what he has done before. He had two daggers drawn as he silently moved through the snow, the sounds coming from the targets ahead speaking a language he couldn't guess. He had his worries about the new kid but with careful steps he should be fine. Step by step he got closer to the targets, it was almost sad that the four weren't paying attention. The shame of not having proper lookouts for the duty. Meilin made sure they knew not to use any of their techniques which was honestly the smartest choice at this point.

When he was almost on one of them, he suddenly saw a quick sprint from the dark, only for an axe to come flying from the shadows and xxinto the back of ones skull and then Dagrun appearing into the light. He chuckled a bit before sprinting forward himself and with a swift motion brought one of his knives from behind to the man's throat and slit it open, kicking him to the ground as he clasp the neck bleeding out, then tossed his one dagger hitting the other man in the eye where he would slump in front of Mamoru. Walking closer to the fire he gave Mamoru two thumbs up.
His gaze turned to Dagrun as he simply gave a slight head raise with a smile as he warmed his hands.

The moment Dagrun was off Aoi knew it wouldn't be worth even trying to get herself involved in the takedown of the group around the campfire. Instead she watched as the Hon made short work of one of the men before she even crossed the threshold into the light of the fire and took the second just as quickly once she could be seen. She wasn't too surprised, the Hon had proven herself a bit of a typhoon-like force when it came to fighting, and if there was anything she could say her upbringing had taught was that Hon's knew their way around their weapons. She spotted a second figure sprinting from the treeline toward the other side of the fire at around the same time Dagrun's axe made its mark, and was surprised to see Madoc be revealed by the fire instead of Meilin or the Dragon Rider.

As quickly as the assault on the campfire began it was over, and Aoi made her way over the snow to the edge of the firelight close to where Mamoru stood. She watched Dagrun and Madoc exchange cocky nods and a glance to one another over their work before seeming to wait for some kind of order on what to do next. 'Maybe get out of the fire light you two' Aoi sent over the link as she reached out and grabbed the Senju to pull him out of the fire light. "Come on then back where we can't be seen." she whispered before she started back toward the treeline.

Sword in hand, Orun waited quietly in position, waiting to move into the camp as the sentries were taken out. As the telepathic communication came to go ahead and move in, Orun began to creep forward. It didn't take long for Madoc and Dagrun to rush in and kill the four at the fire. With a frown, Orun stood quietly from his crouch position in the shadow, letting his sword drop into an easy rest at his side. For now, he'd have to wait for orders from the Lieutenant, but the next phase seemed likely to be moving into the caves themselves.

Mamoru slowly made his way toward his target . Than it happened - Dagrùn rushed from her position and quickly dispatched one guard, than without a second of hesitation lunged at the other. Using this distraction, Mamoru decided to pounce at the opportunity she created. He felt his stomach churn, his mind screaming at him to stop, but he kept moving. It was all for naught. Out of nowhere, Madoc swept in and took care of the remaining ones. Looking up from the man, lifeless at his feet, his emotions were in disarray. One part of him was relieved his hand was not forced to did what Madoc just did. But on the other hand, he felt - angry? Yes. He made peace with the idea that taking another man's life was inevitable and he wanted to have this experience. Despite knowing it will not end there and that he will have to take more lives afterward. He felt conflicted about his emotions, he was relieved and angry at the same time. He stared at the Yamanaka, who was looking at him with a grin that Mamoru could not help but describe as cocky. He clenched his fists and was on the verge of doing something really, really stupid. Then he felt a hand grab him and pulling him away, with a whisper telling him to move. He was still glaring at Madoc, but followed the hand nonetheless. He did not realise to whom it belonged at that moment.

Watching the scenery from her position Meilin remained calm. Her blood was boiling upon the sight and fact she could now wet her steel. These men and women weren't perhaps involved in taking people in the dead of the night from Keishi or some other place. But they served most likely the same masters. Making them as guilty as the others in Meilin's opinion. What kept her at back from rushing in was the fact she held in mind what her occupation was. She was to lead the mission, not to be the first into the fray.
Once Dagrún and Madoc made swift work of the four redcloaks around the campfire Meilin released a soft sigh. Not yet sheathing her sword back Meilin was about to pass on the next instructions.

"Good call Aoi," Meilin continued on what Aoi told the others. Happy that Aoi pulled Mamoru back Meilin was slightly curious as confused on Mamoru's body language. For the moment, she simply wrote it off as that the Senju was just ready to get into a fight and had to let his rush of adrenaline wear off.
Then it dawned on her as the telepathic mind link informed her of what went through Mamoru's mind. In a few steps Meilin was near Mamoru.
"Focus, genin," the words send through the mindlink was both stern and colder than how Meilin usually communicated with the genin. Deciding to not linger on the matter, Meilin turned her attention on the others.

"Good work though, Madoc and Dagrún," Meilin further reported as she would keep to the shadows herself. There wasn't any sound or indication that the enemy that could be inside had heard them. If they had already taken out eight, then that meant that there were only two left inside. If the intel was really that solid, then that meant that they could easily overwhelm whatever remained inside.
Resisting the temptation to just waltz inside and carve the remaining hostile targets to shreds with no regards for stealth or subtle tactics Meilin would move to the cave entrance. Staying in the shadows the lieutenant threw a look inside. Her eyes needed a few seconds to adjust before she was able to peer well enough into the cave. Only to spot no sleeping target on the ground.

"Madoc, try to sensor where these bastards are right now. Aoi, Mamoru, you two will tail me. Dagrún and Orun, you will stay at the rear. Madoc, you in the middle." Were her orders. Throwing a look over her shoulder at the group Meilin continued.
"Even if there is only one hostile target, who is blind, deaf or brainless inside I want each of you to keep your guard up."
Finishing, Meilin would slowly move into the cave.

To Aoi's statement about leaving the light he gave a shrug and smile but started walking away when suddenly some rather….. surprisingly aggressive words came into his head from Mamoru causing him to stop in his tracks and turn to look at Mamoru "Remember you are on a mind link little dude. We can talk later about that." Madoc said in the link before continuing on his way before Merlin asked him to use his sensory on the cave which was an easy enough task."Sure gimme a moment" he stated as he took the steps to scope out the cave while Meilin would deal out their formations. Once she finished he would also inform them of the numbers of the enemy.

Three chakra signatures were picked up. Listening to Madoc's information, she frowned slightly. It was odd. Why were those chakra signatures not laying down or close by? Were they awake or occupied with something? Curious about it Meilin would use her left hand to make a gesture, signalling the team to get into formation and ready to follow her lead.
Moving into the dark Meilin's eyes had to adjust briefly to the darkness before she was comfortable to move further. The fact that they weren't greeted by any redcloaks caused the hairs on her neck to rise.
With the group slowly moving into the dark Meilin made sure that the pace was slow, thus allowing everyone to move as silent as they were able.

Moving further into the dark Meilin halted. The dark was hard to navigate through and it made her wonder why the redcloaks were so far back. Squinting her eyes, she couldn't see much beyond. Just before she was about to create a faint light Meilin felt something. A few small pebbles hitting her left shoulder.
In a mere second Meilin realised what was going on. Her eyes widened as her right hand shot to her left.
"Above us!"

Another second passed by but as one would look up, they were greeted with the silhouettes of various figures. In the dark, it was barely something one could spot. But as another second slipped by, fire started to illuminate the cave. The light spread as the flames of Meilin's technique attempted to reach the figures.
Before the dreadful heat could draw near, the straw-hat wearing figures moved quickly. Some dropped down, engaging with their bare fists or weapons against Meilin's squad. A few others would reposition themselves to then launch an attack.
The only source of light amidst the chaos being the chakra engulfing the weapons of the enemies or techniques starting to cross the cave.

Quiet as death they crept into the darkened cave. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, but even when they had he still found it hard to see. Orun followed along, keeping pace with Meilin as she moved even further in. He found that it was disturbingly quiet and dark as they moved in, but kept quiet. Perhaps they had just kept their supplies in the cave, and that was why they camped near it. Perhaps they had been wrong after all. It didn't take long for things to go pear shaped. The mental warning from Meilin warned Orun of the presence of the enemy, and as the flames from Meilin rose and the enemy fell to the ground, Orun moved back. The foe he faced landed just in front of him, attempting to strike Orun with his leg as he fell. He dodged and the enemy quickly regained his balance in time for the pair to begin a deadly fight. Orun dropped his sword as the enemy closed in with a knife, the long blade useless in such close quarters. A quick thrust towards his belly from the enemy's knife probed his defense, but Orun was equally quick. His left hand darted out as he stepped forward inside the enemy's defenses and his left arm wrapping around the enemy's right. At the same time, Orun's right hand moved forward as he jabbed his fingers into his foe's eyes, gouging at them. He was rewarded with the sensation of flesh tearing underneath his fingernails. The man screamed and struck out with a sloppy left handed punch which clipped Orun on the jaw. He continued unfazed, pushing forward into the man while controlling the knife arm still, sticking his foot behind the enemy's to slam him into a pin on the ground, with the enemy on the floor and Orun sitting on top, one knee pinning down the knife arm. In a flash Orun drew one of his kunai to finish the man with a blow to the throat, who was quick to reach up with his left hand to catch Orun's hand. The next few moments were a struggle as Orun slowly inched the blade into the man's throat, adding his second arm to the mix. With his pinned position however it didn't take very long for the fight to be over, the foe choking on the blood and steel that filled his throat.
Team 19 Meeting!
[ Empire of Akino | Imperial Rain Province - Amegakure, the provincial capital ]
[ Team 19 - Ferra Arkos | A collaberation done by Team 19 | Ferra rallies her team to participate into a meet and greet-esque event. While there is some hesitation among the participating students, Ferra continues to motivate them. With the team continuing to partake in Ferra's event, they soon are put to a certain test...]

Part 1
! Part 2 !

Fear often held many back and Ferra spoke up about that fact. Looking up to the woman as she spoke Megumi would listen intently as the words came out. Nodding every so often to show she was paying attention she relaxed a bit more. Next came more questions, which she figured would be so the team could learn more about each other. Kuni was the first to answer the questions. The genin looked over as each one was answered. After a moment Rini began to answer after Kuni finished. Megumi felt they were being more honest with their answers. As she thought about her own she waiting for her turn.

Moving her attention back to Ferra she nodded. "I respect Chu the most. It isn't easy to just adopt a random girl. It takes a good heart to see someone in need and to help a random stranger you never met." Looking around at her team she smiled. "I also respect every shinobi because I understand this isn't an easy life. So thank you everyone." Giving a quick bow to the group she gave Ferra her attention again. "I became a shinobi because my parents taught me to help those in need. Chu also helped solidify my decision. I want to be someone who others can come to in times of need. I want to help make a difference even if its only in a few lives, or many. I hope I will be able to me that light for someone's darkness."

And now the last question. Taking a moment to truly reflect on herself and her weaknesses she finished the set of questions. "I believe my biggest weakness would be my lack of experience compared to everyone else. But not just field experience in combat but overall in life. Like I stated, I care about helping others and I know this world has bad people. I may be too oblivious and help the wrong people. I understand and have seen the bad but I want to see the good if there is any. So I believe my greatest weakness may also be my driving factor to why I am here." Giving a bow once more she kept her smile on her face.

Listening carefully and watching closely as each of her students would take their turns answering, Ferra's attention was focused less on the answers themselves but more on how they answered. The exercise was a simple one, but it gave her some insight into each of the students. None of the questions were designed to be overly difficult to answer, instead, they were designed to provide Ferra with more information that she would use to properly assess each student.

When Megumi had finished speaking, Ferra would nod once more taking a long moment before she would nod slowly. "Very well, thank you." Looking between the three of them once more, she would continue, still processing some thoughts, "It would appear that we have some common themes." Raising an eyebrow, her tone took on a slight hint of amusement for the first time, "Seems I have my work cut out for me." The fact that all three were lacking in some form of training was both a blessing and a curse. Megumi was as green as they got, but seemed keen to grow her skills. Rini had gone through more teachers than there were days in the week… which could explain the chip the girl appeared to have on her shoulder. And Kuni… Kuni seemed to have trouble ever focusing on anything for a long enough time that she was capable of learning many new things. Ferra wasn't sure how she'd be able to keep the Jinchuriki's attention on task, but if the girl was truthful in her desire to not repeat the mistakes of her past, then perhaps she would be easier to train.

"As promised, you may each ask me one question which I will answer honestly. Once that is finished, we will do something fun."

Rini thought about it. In all honesty, she found herself lacking of interest yet in the woman. Of course, there was the admiration and curiosity for Ferra being a renowned Godai player. But Rini did not feel like using her question on the sport. Her own vocation was that of a kunoichi, a member of the military. Unlike Ferra's, who seemed dual.
"How did you become a jounin?" Rini decided to ask, actually wondering how the woman had managed to reach her position. Half a mind of Rini wagered that the woman had done something to gain the rank by merit. Another was cautious if it wasn't due to the woman's fame as a renowned player of Godai.

While there were many topics Kuni could easily come up with for potential questions, she felt like many wouldn't be appropriate. And then there were questions that made her think she might be making assumptions by asking them. Of course, asking questions to figure out if an assumption was right or not was a better way to go than to stick to the assumption, but the jinchuuriki figured it would be better if she left those questions alone. Hearing Rini ask her question, Kuni thought about it for a brief longer "How long have you been serving as a shinobi?" She ended up asking.

Each began to ask their questions. Rini and Kuni asked theirs relating to Ferra and her being a shinobi. Megumi stood a moment as she thought of what she would ask. She could go with the same idea as the others but what could she ask that would broaden the subject. After a few moments she spoke up with hers. "What is your favorite Godai technique to use in matches?" Of course she could ask something regarding Ferra's rank or reasoning of being a shinobi but she also knew people were more than just that. She genuinely wanted to learn more about her team and who they were as people. Not just Kunoichi.

As each student asked their question, Ferra took a moment to ponder them before responding. Turning her attention to Rini first, the Jounin tilted her head slightly. "It started with me failing to join the ANBU." she said, a hint of amusement in her tone. Shrugging, Ferra continued, "When I was younger I was very independent, even more so than I am now. I thought that my best bet would be to join the ANBU where I could work on my own and help my village by eliminating any threats. The reality, however..." Ferra sighed. "I suck at being sneaky, and I was...am rather insubordinate. Neither trait served me very well during my application. After that, I went through a period of frustration where I often let my anger get the better of me. The outlet I chose was Godai. It allowed me to work off my… issues, in a more constructive manner. The sport also taught me a fair bit about leadership, something I had never thought about before." Glancing away, Ferra's memories played clearly in her mind and the Jounin let out another soft sigh. "The more success I had with the Flying Lemurs, the more I learned about how to lead a team and how to accomplish a unified goal. It took a number of years before I was entrusted to lead a mission with a team under me. When I got the opportunity, however, I wanted to prove how capable I was." Looking to each of the team members in turn, Ferra's tone grew more serious once more. "That first mission failed horribly. Turns out leading a team in Godai is completely different from leading a team in a real life-or-death situation. I froze at a time where the team needed me to take charge and, as a result, the other Chuunin in the group stepped up and just like that my chance was blown. We did not accomplish our goal, instead, the other Chuunin made the choice to pull back and regroup so that we didn't lose any lives and we could report back to our superiors." The memory was one a humiliating one for Ferra and to this day it made the hairs on the back of her neck raise in anger. "It was not the decision I would have made, but I learned in that moment that I could never freeze again. If I ever wanted to be taken seriously or have the opportunity to lead a team again, I needed to act. To be decisive. To take command when it was needed and have faith in my own decisions."

Turning back to Rini, Ferra continued, "It took awhile, but I got another chance. We were tasked with investigating a small village that had been raided several times by unknown assailants. The job was to determine who was performing the attacks and, if possible, stop them. If not possible, then we were to report back to the Jounin Commander so that an appropriate force could be sent out to eliminate or apprehend the perpetrators. We arrived in the village and quickly discovered that the raids were a diversion and the attackers, a well-known band of criminals that called themselves the Black Youkai, were actually planning to murder the village elder and his family and make off with the majority of the village's wealth, which was held in the elder's manor. They had staged the raids to divert the attention of the local militia and have them chasing ghosts while they'd move in and assault the manor. Unfortunately, we did not discover this in time to alert the local militia. We had managed to capture one of the criminals during one of their staged raids and… coaxed the information out of him. The attack was happening that same night and I had to make a decision. Stay behind to try and protect the village elder's family or return to the village to report our findings so that the Black Youkai could be caught and defeated once and for all with a proper force. That would mean, of course, that we'd be abandoning the elder and his family to certain death." Folding her arms across her chest, Ferra glanced around the small group once more. "We were a group of two Chuunin and two Genin facing a criminal organization that contained several ex-shinobi members. We were under-equipped and not nearly skilled enough to handle the entirety of the Black Youkai... I made the decision to stay." Letting the words hang in the air for a moment, Ferra's gaze traveled back to Rini, her face expressionless.To this day, she struggled with whether or not it had been the right decision. "I ordered the other Chuunin to leave. To go first to the local militia and then to head immediately back to Amegakure to report back to the Jounin Commander. If we were to fail, I needed to make sure at least one person could report what had happened so the Black Youkai would not be able to do this again. While I could have sent one of the Genin, I needed to make sure the person would be able to defend themselves should they run into any of the criminals and the Chuunin was the most likely to make it back in one piece. The Genin and I headed to the manor and held out for as long as we could. Our only hope was that the militia would arrive in time to weaken the Black Youkai enough that they would flee..." Looking off in the distance, Ferra continued, "We lost three members of the elder's family, including the elder himself, in the initial assault… After fighting off the first wave, we managed to hide the elder's wife and their two children, luring the heads of the Black Youkai into a separate area of the manor where we could hit them with a multi-pronged attack. Our attack… our attack was successful in pinning them down, however… one of the Genin panicked. She hesitated in her attack and the Black Youkai took advantage of that moment of uncertainty. In the ensuing battle, she was killed." Ferra hesitated for a single moment. Everything she was saying was true, but… there was more to the story that didn't need to be shared. Using her momentary pause to take a breath, Ferra turned back to the Genin in front of her. "We killed two of the Black Youkai's leaders. Severely wounding the third. He managed to flee back through the manor, but by that time one detachment of the local militia had arrived at the manor and pushed the remaining members of the group back. The man we had wounded was caught weeks later by a small group of ANBU that had been dispatched thanks to the Chuunin who got word to the Jounin Commander. When we got back to Amegakure, we were honoured for our bravery...". The last words were spoken with disgust and Ferra's expression shifted slightly before she took another breath and her expression turned neutral once more. "The Genin that survived, he was promoted to Chuunin and I received my promotion to Jounin. The Commander thought I had exemplified great instincts and courage under fire. Despite his praise, I did not feel ready to lead a team permanently. Because of my choices, my… actions… one of my teammates was dead and I will always own that responsibility. I requested permission to serve alone until I was ready. That request was granted and I did not lead a team for a number of years. Shortly before the Shoji Occupation, I made the request to get a team of my own. With everything that happened afterwards, it took some time, but you are now my first official full team."

Realizing she had provided probably a much longer answer than the girl had expected, Ferra scratched the back of her neck and tried to remember the other two questions. Turning to Kuni, Ferra thought for a moment, trying to remember the exact year she started… "I have served for 16 years and have been a Jounin for the last 5." Glancing over at Megumi, Ferra smiled. "I did promise that we would do something fun, so rather than tell you what my favourite move is, why don't I show you?"

As Ferra answered Rini's question, Kuni felt herself taken away by the story that was unfolding in front of them. It was much more revealing than she expected from her new team leader, and showed a lot more about herself than any of the previous team leaders she had revealed in their first session with a new team. It was a change Kuni felt a bit confused about. As she finished the story that was the answer to Rini's question and moved to answer Kuni's question, she felt like her question ended up being the most lackluster, as afterwards she asked Megumi if she shouldn't just show them the technique rather than tell them. Seeing the question felt aimed at Megumi, she turned to look at the genin, wanting to let her answer.

Rini was silent. The story of Ferra was surprising as Rini hadn't expected the woman to be this open. It was, however, a pleasant surprise. Slowly nodding, Rini couldn't help but gain some more respect for the jounin in charge. While she had no experience or anything to make herself relatable to Ferra in terms of leading a team, she was aware of how difficult decisions could be in missions as an individual. As a teamleader? It just appeared to be tenfold as stressful than as a mere member, in Rini's mindset.
When Ferra suggest to show her favorite move, Rini wasn't that much interested in seeing the competence of the woman when it came to techniques. She was more curious about the woman now than her abilities. Yet, the question was aimed at Megumi, so Rini wouldn't say a word.

Ferra's answer was longer than Megumi had expected when it came to how long she had been a shinobi and how she became a jounin. Listening to the story intently she watched as the woman gave them an insight into her past. She could tell a lot had gone on in the other's life and couldn't help but feel a bit of pain on some of the details. Once the story came to an end and Ferra's attention went to Megumi giving her an answer, the girl smiled. Nodding and rocking on her heels she replied with excitement. "Of course I would like to see the technique. I always enjoy seeing new fighting styles, even if it isn't used for military operations." Megumi wanted to broaden her knowledge when it came to many things, including fighting techniques and styles. She had seen how mednin fight and was still learning how to be a swordsman. Now she could learn about Godai as well.

Nodding her head, Ferra gestured towards the arena behind her. "Very well," she began, "Let's head inside then." Turning, Ferra began to lead the students into the building. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure they were following, the Jounin continued speaking. "This arena is where the Flying Lemurs train and has occasionally been used for tournament matches." Ferra did not try to hide the pride from her voice as she spoke of the arena. For her, it was something she had sunk years of her life into and the results had been quite successful. There weren't a lot of other things in her life she could say the same about… "Have any of you played Godai before?" Ferra asked, glancing back at the group as they would enter the large building.

Following the jounin, Rini threw a few looks around. She had seen a Godai match or two before. "I never got to play it. Never had the time, really," Rini answered back to Ferra's question. She briefly wondered if the jounin was seriously wanting to play a match of Godai. All that Rini knew was that the used techniques and rules were vastly different than anything she had done before.
"So, what was the most difficult team you were up against? I believe a lot of people consider the Fierce Strikers to be a threat for the Flying Lemurs."

Kuni shook her head after Rini responded "Never played or seen any Godai matches. I always ended up being occupied with other matters." She answered. She couldn't exactly say she knew what to expect of the sport either, since she didn't get to hear much about it, or know people that actively took part of watched any matches.

Following behind Ferra, Megumi shook her head at the question. "I haven't seen Godai or played the sport before but I have heard people talking about it here and there." Glancing over to Rini then Kuni she wondered if the two would be interested in the sport, it seemed neither had the time for it, which she understood. "Do you think any of us would be good at it Sensei?" Her eyes shifting back to the woman after asking her question. It took training so she was unsure if they would even be able to do well at the sport or not.

A grin grew on her face as Ferra heard Rini's question. "The Lemurs have had their share of rivals. As for who was the most difficult?" Thinking back, the Jounin scratched her chin. "I'd have to say the Storm Serpents were the toughest challenge we've faced. They were not necessarily the most skilled team we've played against, but they had a way of getting under our skin and their tenacity made them a significant threat." Leading them down the hallways towards the arena, Ferra stopped in front of the large doors. Turning to face the three students, she considered Megumi's question for a moment.

"There's really only one way to find out." she responded, before gesturing behind her, "Behind these doors lies the arena that the Lemurs call home. Seeing as none of you have had the opportunity to try your hand at the sport, I'm going to show you the ropes."

Opening the doors, Ferra stepped inside, pausing as the arena itself came into view. "In Godai, each participant may use only a single element during the match. Should you possess control over more than one chakra nature, you may choose which element you use." Glancing behind her at the large arena which rested flush with the ground - for the moment - Ferra turned back to her students. "Now, first things first, I want you each to tell me which chakra natures you are capable of using. Once you have done so, if you have any questions, ask them know otherwise we will get started and you will have to learn as you go..."

As she listened to Ferra and then followed her inside, Kuni felt like the arena itself appeared to be rather simplistic. Hearing that each participant could only use one element sounded like a decent rule in her mind. When the question regarding the chakra nature rose, she was quick to speak up "I'm able to use Earth, and I wanted to ask about the lines that are marked on the field. What role do they serve?"

As they made it to the doors to the arena they were asked what chakra nature they could use. They also were informed if they had any questions. Tapping her fingers together Megumi grinned sheepishly. "Uhm I actually don't know my chakra nature. I never was taught much about elemental jutsu in my training." Giving a slight bow she stood back up. "I do apologise for the inconvenience." Megumi wondered if she would be able to participate or not now that she was unsure of her nature.

Entering the field, Rini remained silent and behind the group. When Ferra instructed them to tell their chakra nature, Rini already had a hunch why. She was mostly curious if Ferra had extensive knowledge over the wind chakra. It could certainly be helpful if Ferra was able to help with certain techniques, Rini mused to herself.
"Mine is wind," Rini began as she threw a look at Kuni, "those lines are what used in Godai matches. They mark certain territories. When a Godai player is forced into a zone, they must stay there and can't just advance. When an entire team is forced back, the enemy is allowed to advance a zoner closer. Basically giving the enemy more ground to work and be pushed back into. The team that got the most territory by the end of a round, wins that round."
Himiko Harurei
Aboard the Junyo
Paralyzing.. People?

Getting booted wasn't quite how Himiko expected to be awoken from her admittedly light slumber, but it was all fine. She couldn't sleep too well either; the genin had never really slept on a ship before these first few days, the rocking of the vessel making shuteye a bit tough, however she could tell something was up, seeing her other teammates being woken up in a similarly rough manner. She briskly got herself ready, getting her pouch of supplies and following everyone else just to see the chaos of fighting unfolding on deck. With the command, Himiko immediately looked towards the enemy ships, trying to look for any insignias but with no avail. Only the make of the ship was firmly accounted for, even in the dark of night.

Himiko could tell what shape it was for future reference, at the very least.

Though the chaos on board had led her to quickly move about, her smaller form no match for the weapon wielding brutes, only occasionally using her sword to deflect stray attacks and at times almost stumbling as she tried to figure her footing. She hadn't ever experienced such a chaotic environment, though that didn't mean she wasn't thinking. No, she wasn't a scared little child to freeze up with fear, she was trying to figure out some solution, whilst fending off attackers with her electricity-filled jab attacks. She had no clue to her new teammates abilities, however she heard the yell of one of the girls, a call to action in order to keep the intruders off her.

Lower body attacks it is, at least for now.

She saw the signature wisps of frost as she ran back towards the passage leading below deck, her eyes catching and body moving to intercept and paralyze anyone who was within her grasp. The occasional attacker would hit the floor, yelling about not feeling their legs or something, as Himiko panted. She definitely would lose a physical altercation, and it was too crazy to even attempt genjutsu, so paralysis was the best she could do to help.
Treacherous Paths - Part 3
[ Eastern Continent | Imperial Akinian Military - 3rd Division]
[ A Platoon of the Axebiters | A collaboration between:

The small group is sent out to venture out of the 11th Imperial brigade's camp. They are to venture to a small hamlet where locals can provide information on possible hostiles - likely fleeing remnants of the large key battle that took place prior to the Imperial reinforcements arrived. The group's task is to find and, if possible, eliminate the hostiles. ]

Part 1
Part 2

The warning that moved through Dagrún's mind caused her to grin. Looking up, the Hon's eyes narrowed in sheer delight. The grip on her weapons tightened when the enemy descended.
In a fast response Dagrún skidded backwards when the first opponent dropped near her. A flash of blue flashed past, aimed at Dagrún's right side. Aligning her movement to evade the quick attack, the blonde Hon noticed something approaching her. A secondary attacker moved in, likely hoping to utilize the dark to ambush Dagrún from the side.
Dagrúns eyes widened as she would respond to the incoming threat.
A loud sound vibrated through the air as steel clashed against steel, a soft but nervous scraping sound audible for Dagrún and her current assailant.
"Skeggǫld," Dagrún whispered, loud enough for her opponent. The Chonobi term seemed to provoke little from the blonde Hon's opponent. In a rapid pace, the first attacker joined the fray.
Briefly the three engaged what could be described as a lethal dance. Flares of chakra and lightning created a grim scene, clashing of steel accompanied by Dagrún's voice.

The dark made it nearly impossible to read all of her opponent's movements. But the same counted for her foes. The flares of chakra and flickering of lightning only briefly allowed either side to reveal what the other was about to do.
Though Dagrún wanted a prolonged fight, curious about the capability of her opponents as proving her strength before finishing them off, she understood the necessity to finish it as rapidly as she could. Dodging a stab from one attacker Dagrún lashed out with a kick. Feeling the impact hitting her opponent, Dagrún let lightning briefly crackle. Spotting that her target was sent backwards, hunched forwards, Dagrún decided to make use of the window of time.
Instead of staying cautious for what the second attacker could do, Dagrún moved in.

Swinging her axe, the sharp steel briefly emitted lightning - heralding the deadly strike aimed at Dagrún's target. Wanting to slam the weapon down into the opponent's shoulder with such deadly force Dagrún lips turned into a wicked grin.
Halting her strike Dagrún performed a quick pivot to dodge a stab from the dark. The light that the lightning around the axe's head gave revealed a surprised expression from the secondary attacker.
"Skálmǫld!" Dagrún exclaimed, the joy clear in her voice as she responded already.
Drops of warm blood would descend on the ground as Dagrún rammed her sword through her attacker's throat. The force and speed slamming her attacker down to the earth, the tip of the Hon's blade pinning her foe while the wound started to suffocate the redcloak in his own blood.
Releasing the grip on her sword Dagrún already moved away to evade the flurry of her remaining attacker. Noticing the sloppy form, that betrayed rage and anger, the Hon's delight only seemed to grow.
Noticing that her opponent flared her weapon in chakra, the blue engulfing the short sword fully, Dagrún decided to move in.
Her opponent sneered something in a language that Dagrún didn't understand. But her motions spoke loud enough for Dagrún to understand the gist of it.
The two dashed on each other, one accompanied by a flaring blue light while the other approached with lightning that seemed to expand and grow more violent with each second.
The violent clash seemed to explode into a bloody mess. Only for the clash of chakra and lightning to rapidly die out.

"Tch," Dagrún frowned as she would twirl the axe in her left hand, she observed the bloody mess in front of her. The axe had cleaved straight through her opponent, the chakra-lightning of the Hon causing the damage to result in a horrific sight. "Disappointing," Dagrún muttered as she turned to see what remained of the others, slowly shrouded once more in darkness.

Mamoru felt being reprimanded through the Mind Link. If he had to describe it, he felt his mind being hit by a whip that caused him to snap out of it. He gave an apoleptic look, but refused to outright apologize. He knew that he would have to explain his behavior, but he pushed it out of his mind for the moment. Apologies, that was his short, curt reply. He raised his eyes and looked at the figure that dragged him into the shadows, and it made him blush a bit. Looking at Aoi, he tried with all his might to hide his thoughts on this subject and keep them strictly out of his mind. He reached for the hand and gently touched it, than he stood there and waited for further orders. Once the cave was scouted out by the Yamanaka, and some signatures were detected. So they were venturing in, into the lion's den, straight into his jaw. The first few steps of them moving in the formation, Mamoru could not see a damn thing and it took him some time to adapt to the darkness, but he still felt partially blind. His hand was above his back, a mere few centimeters from the hilt of Oak, flexing his fingers as he was prepared to unsheath his trusty blade.

"Above us!"

Meilin's voice, together with a technique for her penetrated the silence in the cave with a seemingly deafening mixture of sounds, and the team sprung into action. Raising his head, he made a step back in the last possible second to dodge a blow that would end his life in a second. He quickly unsheathed Oak and blocked a swing that was aimed at his torso with a loud clang. His opponent, physically larger and without a doubt more skilled, used his strength and the moment of surprise to push Mamoru back. Struggling for a second, he let himself be pushed back, realizing he can't stand against the man in terms of sheer power. Instead, he decided to use his power against him and focused his chakra into his hands, coating his blade into it, just as Meilin taught him. He let the man push him back another few steps, and when he felt his chakra coat his blade enough, he dug his feet in and stood his ground, using all of his strength to push back.

It took only a second, and Oak, now greatly enhanced by his chakra, shattered the opposing blade. Using the momentum he suddenly gained, he used his right shoulder to bash at the foe and press him backward. Exploiting this opening, he lashed out, but his enemy backstepped him, but due to his blade still being coated in his chakra, he managed to get in a cut on his abdomen. This left him staggered and upon finishing his swing, Mamoru fixed his target with his eyes. The heart of his foe. As he secured his footing, he thrust his blade forward, and hit his target dead center. In this situation, there was nothing could stop his blade. It pierced any form of armor the Redcloak was wearing and came out on the other side, cleanly piercing skin, flesh and bone. He then moved his eyes to the face of the man, something he immediately regretted.

He caught the second life was leaving his eyes, and he felt his mind shatter at that sight. His entire body stiffened, letting go of the hilt of Oak as if it electrocuted him. He stood there, leaving himself completely exposed as the lifeless body hit the ground, pushing out Oak from the stab wound. Mamoru fell onto one knee, feeling his breathing spiralling out of control. He was gasping for it, in short, violent attempts that left him suffocating. No, no, no, he kept repeating in his mind. He killed a man, he took a life. He felt his stomach churn, but managed to hold it in. His mind was a mess of emotions, he felt sorrow, anger, relief, all at once. He wanted to rip his throat out, to scream so hard his vocal cords would rip apart. His fingers were digging into the stone floor of the cave, his nails white from the pressure, gaining several small cuts and bruises from the uneven, rough terrain. As his blood stained the floor, he held onto it as to a steady point in this chaos. Closing his eyes, he silenced his mind by focusing his chakra onto his halm, to change the earth around him into sand. His hand easily sunk into it, leaving several drops of his blood in it. He then increased the density of the ground, leaving his blood in it. I took a life .. and I will give life back, for every one I will take, he thought for himself. As he gathered all his remaining strength, he walked forward on wobbly legs and grasped the hilt of Oak, and knelt next to his victim. Placing his bloodied blade onto the chest of the man, he used his bandaged hand to close his eyes, than he looked at this palm.A forest. I shall cut down many, many more trees in the near future, he thought for himself, it alone enough to make his stomach churn again. I want to give back. I will give back, the genin thought to himself. As for how, he did not know at this point. As his mind was calming down, he came back into reality, where the fights were being handled by the rest of his team. With one eye, he caught Orun dispatching his foe, the bloodbath that Dagrún was enjoying, and at last, his lieutenant caught his eye.

A loud clang resonated through the air. The sparks of steel that violently clashed would land near the Senju genin. The shadows were briefly driven away as two figures seemed to struggle. A crackle of lightning ran across a blade while the other seemed engulfed into a blue chakra cloak.
"Mamoru," Meilin's cracked through the mind link, her voice a mixture of what one could only describe as anger, frustration and panic. "Back!"
The order was given, only followed with darkness quickly following as both Meilin and her opponent pulled their respective chakra away from their weapons.
Feeling the painful aching through her arms Meilin attempted to find her opponent. Her heart was pounding between her ears as she realised she facing the odds. Wanting to throw a look over her shoulder to see if Mamoru had followed her orders and wanting to drag the Senju out of the fight were clashing with her desire to shed blood. Her anger was threatening to reach a boiling point, only tempered by her own discipline and slight fear of what could happen if she didn't focus well enough.

Detecting a sound to the right Meilin reacted as fast as she could. Swinging her short blade, the steel edge slammed hard against that of her opponent. Attempting to drag the steel down to the small guard of her opponent Meilin noticed something to the other side. Lightning jumped between the fingers of her opponent as he lashed out.
Wanting to respond back Meilin tasted the typical flavour of iron, in her mouth, with the presence of lightning nearby. Only swiftly followed by a sharp pain as her opponent's fingers grasped around her left arm.
Her eyes widened as her breathing became sharper. Quickly Meilin lashed out with her blade, desperately wanting to slam the point of her weapon into her foe.
Instead her weapon hit nothing as she managed to force her foe to move back, releasing his grasp on Meilin.

Frowning, Meilin tried to ignore the numbing pain in her left arm. A quick twitch allowed her to confirm that she could still move her limb. Focusing once more on the darkness, Meilin detected the deadly song of steel - but different than before.
Responding fast the Cho would move to the right, using her weapon to deflect two projectiles while using her body to continue shielding Mamoru from any attacks. The pain of something sharp piercing her right leg brought tears to Meilin's eyes as she bite hard on her lip.
Using her left hand, she quickly pulled out the thin knife and dropped it on the ground.
Realizing that the longer she continued to fight with such odds, the more harm she would call upon herself.
Hearing something moving through the dark Meilin acted upon it. As agile and fast as a cat, Meilin dashed forward. Aiming at a particular spot, the short blade of Meilin slashed against her target's weapon. The crackling of lightning briefly lit the exchange between the two combatants as Meilin intercepted the foe from moving on the Senju genin.
Wanting to use her blade to move her opponent's steel away Meilin was forced to take a step back. In a rapid motion, her opponent sliced through her weapon - cleaving the blade in half.
Bringing her hands together, Meilin weaved the signs as fast as she could. Her eyes squinted as she lowered herself while her opponent moved his blade down.
In a bright flash, it was unsure what happened first: Meilin breathing fire in close proximity against her foe or the lightning-clad blade mowing the Cho down.

The light created from the fire briefly flared up, only followed by the redcloak coughing. A few sparks of fire seemed to lit as a figure lying motionless on the ground, a dark liquid growing.
With the sparks dying out, the redcloak seemed to turn to his next target. The lightning jumping between his knuckles and sword seemed to grow more intense, creating an eerie scenery.
Before the Rongese operative could take another action, something seemed wrong. The lightning would die out as an arm wrapped around his throat. A stifled gasp escaped the redcloak as the shadow seemed to devour him whole.
"Mamoru, back." Meilin's voice resonated outside the mind link, a shadow approaching the Senju slowly.

The call out was much welcomed as his gaze turned upwards in time to push himself back to avoid being beheaded by his attacker. He did a quick sensory too see if any more were hiding, which as soon as he did he dropped forward onto his hands avoiding a horizontal swing from one trying to do a sneak attack. Pushing his legs off the ground and onto the one that just swung, he kicked off the person and in the same motion propelled himself back onto his feet and swung at the one who dropped on him earlier with his dagger. Yet the attack was blocked by the man's short sword as it glew blue which caused Madoc to whistle "Well shit. I don't know that move, kinda unfair bro." Madoc said pushing off the man and bringing his one dagger back to block his friends swing
In another swift motion he unsheathed his other dagger and brought that one up and blocked the other guy's sword. Grunting as his arms shook holding both the men off, a thought occurred to Madoc followed by a smile as he dropped right down on his ass. Both blades of the men had no more force blocking them and resumed movement. Sadly both stopped right before decapitating each other and both pushed back as two green glowing daggers attempted to stab them.

Jumping up to his feet he charged at the one man and swung one dagger which of course the man went to block, but then came the second dagger. The man moved his body enough so his only grazed his side, He however grabbed the man and switched positions with him kicking him back towards his friend, only for his friend to kick his friends back, blade out towards Madoc. Moving just in time for the blade to graze along his side leaving only a minor wound. He groaned a bit as keeping up with this movement in the dark with the only light being emitted was by the chakra coming from everyone's weapons was rather annoying. That and these two were persistent as all hell in keeping the pressure on him, as the one moved past his friend and did several thrusts with his blade that Madoc pushed away with his daggers. He could see the other friend moving in to probably join in on the stabbing party,
"Man and to think I almost passed up this for lookout duty gals and one dude" Madoc thought to himself but that would have been transmitted to the others as well.
Ducking one attack he rammed his shoulder into the enemy sending him to the ground as he caught the other attacker's blade only he caught it in the notch of his sword breaker, and sure enough in one twist the sword snapped and his other dagger found its home in the man's throat
"Shhh it's okay. I'll wait to say I won after you can't hear it anymore." Madoc stated as he kicked the man's now limp body off his blade.

Yet during his distraction he caught it in the nick of time and moved his head to avoid it being pierced. That however was when that blue light coating the enemies blade grew a bit longer, sending Madoc falling backwards as a surge of pain was in his head. Biting his lip as he could feel blood pouring down his face. The enemy moved in with a downwards slash, only for Madoc to catch it in the notch of his dagger. This time though he held the blade there as Madoc swung his leg up kicking the man in his family jewels. A loud gasp escaped him before a hand grabbed the side of his head and then slit his throat and fell to the floor. It was hard to tell due to the dark light but he felt like things were a bit off.
Looking around he let out his sensory and saw just about everyone finishing up but waited until it was clear of all hostiles first. His situation could wait for a few minutes. Pulling out a rag from his bag he covered the right side of his face and cursed mentally from the pain. Only thing that made it unexpected to those paying attention was the fact he cursed in Yakimara.

There had been a brief moment of hesitation as Meilin had directed them into the caves, but as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone, instead replaced with a feeling of hypervigilance. A gnawing feeling at the back of Aoi's mind told her that everything about this was wrong. Her breath quickened as they crossed the threshold into the dark maw of the cave, she could hear her heart beat faster in her ears and feel it in her chest. A sound from behind her caused her to quickly shoot a look back at what she could only imagine was Dagrun or Madoc before she would direct her attention back forward with a similar intensity.

As the group moved slowly forward Aoi felt her heart racing ever faster as the light of the fire crept away behind them until they were engulfed in darkness. With more than a little willpower she continued forward as her eyes quickly adjusted to the near blackout condition of the cave, revealing dense shadows that could only constitute as walls or rocks around them with the mix of lighter moving darkness giving away the team around her.

She shuddered as the darkness become ever more consuming around them and felt the welcome sensation of her iron snaking its way down her arms and her hands and forearms as she prepared for the three foes somewhere ahead of them. With a quick breath she took in the sound of the pebbles and debris falling from above and shot her eyes up before Meilin had had a chance to place the dots into a neat line and figure out what was happening. Unable to comprehend exactly what her instincts seemed to already know Aoi didn't warn the group instead she reacted to just what she was terrified of, to the enemies hidden in the darkness.

The flutter of what she could only imagine was a cloak falling towards her caught her vision from above as Meilin let out her warning to the group. Her body moving before she could really comprehend what was going on Aoi flexed her fingers into a flat palm and hardened the iron around them as a second cloaked shadow fell from behind the first.

The shadow engulfed her vision and fell to her with an unnerving hard to place form. But she reached her arm up and toward the figure as it fell and felt the confirmation of her suspicion as her forearm pierced the falling enemy before they both tumbled to the ground in a heap. She heard a weapon clatter away as she attempted to pry her hand from the man's insides as he fumbled on top of her for a moment before blow after blow would land from the man's fists as he remained entwined with Aoi's arm. With each strike Aoi felt her mind slip and reset as the darkness above her brought down wrath upon her head. She placed her free arm over her head in a futile attempt to protect herself as the man continued to land punch after punch.

With a sharp breath the iron around Aoi's arm inside of the man dissipated, allowing her to move her hand and fingers. The man squirmed suddenly and reeled back with an agonized scream as Aoi grasped something inside of him and pulled as hard as she could. Her hand emerging from the man with something more than just blood between her clenched fist she let go and quickly began moving to roll the man away from her with all her might. The man sent spralling and clutching at his abdomen Aoi had no time to collect herself as the second shadow came at her with something glinting in the dark.

With a yell Aoi tackled toward the shadows legs as he came at her. She wrapped her arms around the shadows legs and grunted as the form landed heavy on her back slamming her to the rocky ground of the cave. As with the first figure there was barely any time to think on what to do next as the shadow landed a solid blow into Aoi's flank. With the hit she could feel her grip easing on the man's legs. With another scream of exertion Aoi rolled the far larger man as best she could, tangling the two together in a heap as she switched from holding both legs to just one. One of the figures legs free the shadow began to kick wildly at Aoi, landing blows on her shoulders and the side of her head as she dragged in the leg she still held onto.

Her teeth sinking deep into the meat at the back of the shadows ankle Aoi gagged and coughed as she pulled away from the flesh. The figure writhed and stopped its kicking long enough for Aoi to slip a hand into the pouch at her side. Her grip came back firm on a kunai that she moved quickly down herself and toward the pelvis of the figure she fought, sinking it deep into the space between the closest of the shadows legs and its stomach. Coughing and sputtering as she pulled back the kunai to release a rush of hot liquid into herself.

The fight over and the sound of struggle around her gone she could feel the panic take her. Thrashing beneath the shadow for an apparent eternity as it died Aoi managed to slide herself free and kick her way from it until she hit the closest cave wall. Rubbing at her eyes in vain as the blood from the figure burned and blinded her even more than the dark she began to sob and shake. Retching as she tasted the outcome of what she had just done in stark contrast to the lack of taste she had had during the fight.

The sounds of violence ebbed away slowly as the ambush had been taken care off. Meilin approached Mamoru still slowly. A blue hue started to spread from her right hand, revealing her holding the broken blade. Drops of blood dripped from the steel as the sharp edge had tore through the fabric of Meilin's glove, biting into her palm.
Offering her free hand to get the Senju on his feet Meilin briefly tore her gaze from the Senju to look around her. There were some sounds that made it clear that others remained alive in the large room. Detecting something that caught her attention, Meilin responded quickly. The voice of the Cho resonating once more through people's minds, betraying she wouldn't take any talk against her orders.
"Form pairs. Dagrún and Madoc. Mamoru and Orun. Aoi, you are with me," Meilin instructed, "We are going to move back. Once outside, I will take a look at the wounds. Mamoru and Orun, you take front. Dagrún and Madoc, second. Move it."

Dropping the broken blade Meilin felt a sharp sensation moving from her hand, causing her to mutter a soft curse. Using her right hand to slightly pull out her longsword, only revealing a part of the steel above the guard, the chakra running through the steel would illuminate more of the surroundings. The white light allowed Meilin to see the bodies of their enemies on the ground. None posing a threat anymore.
Finding Aoi quickly Meilin closed the distance.
"Come on," Meilin muttered softly, as her left hand traveled to Aoi's shoulder, her gloved fingers wanting to pull the other up on her feet. "Stay with me."

Watching as the fighting had ended before she could jump into the fray once more Dagrún had expected Meilin to give the next batch of orders. Lightning crackled fiercely at the mere whim of Dagrún, who used it to lighten the space around her.
"On it, lieutenant," Dagrún responded to the instruction as she would turn to her first victim. The body laid still, a spot of dark liquid having formed around the person's throat.
Effortlessly Dagrún jerked her blade loose. Cleaning it off from the corpse's cloak Dagrún would turn and search for the Yamanaka. Sheathing her sword in the process.

Spotting Madoc, Dagrún took a few steps towards the Yamanaka.
Lifting the head of her axe, Dagrún whistled softly upon seeing Madoc's face. Or more precisely, a side being covered by a rag. With a dark stain having spread on the rag.
"Ye okay there, pretty boy?" Despite the phrasing there was a certain caution and worry tangible in Dagrún's voice.
"If ye are in need of carrying, ye only need to say so." Taking a step closer there was a curiosity growing in Dagrún, wanting to take a look at the wound herself. Instead she offered her left hand and arm to support Madoc, in case he would take up on the offer.

As he heard his mind resonate in the mind link, with a fresh set of orders with them, he turned and quickly grasped Oak and spun around, almost lashing out with his hand at Meilin approaching him. Upon realizing she meant no harm, he took a deep breath and took the offered hand to stand up. He did so, and his legs felt like back in the day when he did the field run with her. He grasped Oak with both hands and he noticed that his hands were shaking. He clenched his fists, but it did not help at all. He then took a good look around him and was shocked to see the state his team was in. Madoc had half of his face covered with a piece of cloth, Meilin had her blade broken and her palm wounded. Than as he spotted Aoi, he wanted to rush to her side to see if she was alright. Just as he was about to do it, his orders told him otherwise.

For a split second, he just stood there. He wanted to help Aoi the way she helped him back in front of the cave. Just to help her stand up and make sure she'd get out of this cave in one piece. Gritting his teeth, he rushed to the front of the group, his back to the rest of them as he started to head towards the exit of the cave, in a slow pace, waiting for Orun to catch up to him. His hands still shaking, his eyes were darting left and right, his ears picking up on all the small noises in the cave. He was expecting to come under attack from any angle, in any second now, his body tense like never before.

Hearing Meilins voice in his head meant the mind link was still ongoing so that was a plus side to this entire ordeal, Orders were given to evac the cave so Meilin could look at the wounds and to pair up. Simply giving a confirmation in his head he didn't have to go looking hard for Dagrun as she would find him lightning blade and everything. Hearing the whistle kind of confirmed what he was thinking. Her comments though made him chuckle as he gave a thumbs up. [color=00cdcd]"Of course, all part of the plan I had."[/color] Madoc said with a chuckle before accepting her arm for support.
[color=00cdcd]"Now this isn't cause I need help. It's just the cool ones of the group got to stick together."[/color] Madoc said although it was fairly obvious he was a bit shaky on his legs right now.
[color=00cdcd]"Think its my eye. I dodged the blade but that chakra thing grew longer and next thing I knew..."[/color] Madoc softly said as he could feel the blood had soaked through the rag and started dripping down his arm. Hopefully the East didnt have any predators that were attracted to the smell of blood.

Orun cursed as he looked up from the violence that he had wrought on his one foe to see the violence others had wrought around him. It hadn't taken them long at all to beat the enemies, but even in the low light he could tell that the team had injuries too. Listening to Meilin, he retrieved his sword and moved towards the front. He realized that he should have brought his shield, he had thought it would be a burden, but the lack of the defensive piece had meant a bruise or two. Though still he fared better than the others. Orun wasted no time in moving ahead of the group, hoping Mamoru would need no encouragement to keep up, before popping outside he checked to see there were no foes that came up on their rear while they were fighting inside. He then stepped out into the night and the small clearing that had been the red cloak's camp.

Her fingers grabbed a piece of cloth, the weight of Aoi's body demanding Meilin to exert more strength to pull the Miyazato back on her feet. The sob and shaking of Aoi wrecked Meilin's heart. Licking her lips, Meilin wanted to give words of comfort. But the situation wouldn't allow her. Not yet.
Throwing a look to the others Meilin already saw that they were making their way out. Leaving the corpses behind as silent reminders of the scuffle. Returning her attention on Aoi, Meilin would use her own body to support Aoi. Letting Aoi lean against her left shoulder. A sharp and heavy sting of pain ran through Meilin's left arm and right leg.
"Stay with me, Aoi, come on," Meilin said, drawing her longsword with her right hand. Chakra swiftly seemed to course over the steel blade, radiating a white light. Using it to shed a light for them both, Meilin would keep whispering softly to the Miyazato.

Once outside, Meilin carefully and gently allowed Aoi to sink down to the ground. Placing her weapon down, next to Aoi, Meilin quickly eyed her friend and subordinate. There was some blood but nothing that seemed life threatening.
"I will be back in a second," Meilin stated, her tone grown more firm as she gently squeezed in Aoi's shoulder.
Getting up, Meilin ignored the crimson stain at her right leg as she turned. They all had survived, which was a relief. But it was a brief experience as Meilin noticed Madoc's head - a part of it covered in a bloody rag.

Moving as fast as she could, the panic numbed the pain as Meilin swatted any resistance away from Madoc. Checking the source of the bloodstain the Cho said nothing. Instead she simply started to focus and do her best. The training and knowledge that Doctor Mei was coming in handy. But the result that Meilin wanted wasn't achieved.

"We are going back. Dagrún, you support Madoc. Mamoru and Orun, you two move ahead---"

A loud roar pierced through the air. The harsh sound seemed powerful enough to freeze the world and silence everything else. If anyone turned to the direction where the roar had came from, they would be greeted with a large shadow moving through the night sky.

Returning to camp, Meilin felt bitter and angry. The mission was a success and the entire unit had survived. Madoc was brought to the physicians as Meilin had only been able to conduct some treatment that helped to stop the bleeding. She couldn't do much against the pain or the potential loss of sight.
Before leaving to debrief Meilin would order Dagrún to watch over Aoi. Once certain that Aoi would also be looked after, Meilin headed off to debrief captain Eòin of the operation.
A very nice and good talk!
[ Eastern Continent | Imperial Akinian Military - 3rd Division]
[ At the 11th Brigade Camp | A collaboration between: Hayate Hyuzu | @ChromeHound | and Meilin Cho | @Oetje | ]

Meilin learns that the Guardians are moving to the northern side of the eastern campaign, linking up with the 11th Brigade. Deciding to give it a try, Meilin seeks out Hayate. Both for advice and some talk.

It had taken her some time to find the place. Not just because that she had no clue where to find the placement of the Guardians and their tents. But more because she had been occupied with other matters before, that had made it near impossible to try to contact Hayate. Despite aware that it wasn't really the time for trivial matters or to sit and have a nice talk, Meilin was curious. Prior to a lot of things, Hayate had been one of the few friendly folks that had gave her a sense of welcome in Konohagakure. The idea that he had been stuck on the eastern continent for some time had made her wonder how he was doing.
Approaching the department of the Imperial camp where the Guardians had set up their tents and facilities, Meilin had little issue to find the larger tent that belonged to Hayate. The various guards that stood outside made it abundantly clear that it belonged to the commander of the Guardians.

Walking towards the entrance of the tent, Meiline halted at a respectable distance. Making herself known to the guards and requesting entry, Meilin decided to wait. Garbed in the required equipment, as it was protocol to keep one's armour equipped during day, Meilin hooked her thumbs briefly behind her belt. She wanted to carefully eye the guards but after a second of thought, opted to just look away and await if Hayate had both the time and want to meet her.

The last several days had certainly been chaotic and Hayate had begun to feel out of place. Before Hiron's arrival, things had been difficult, but at least he knew his place. He knew he was responsible for looking over everyone and now… It was funny in a way. The young commander had not wanted the responsibility when it had first been granted, but now that Hiron was stepping in to take command, Hayate found it difficult to move away. It wasn't the power, he cared nothing for that. Instead, it was the obligation he felt to his people. To keep them safe and ensure they were being led as they deserved. He had immense respect for Hiron, but there would always be a part of him that felt he was letting the troops down.

Reading through the papers stacked on his desk, Hayate had turned his focus on looking after the Guardians. For the moment, it was the best he could do and he intended to have the Guardians lead the rest of the Allied Forces by example. The guard entering his tent tore his thoughts away from the plans in front of him and Hayate turned, curious as to who might be visiting. When the guard announced who was outside, the Hyuzu smiled and nodded, gesturing for the guard to let Meilin inside. When the Cho had entered the tent, Hayate smiled warmly. "Hello Meilin. It's good to see you're still in one piece."

Entering the tent, Meilin was happy enough to leave the cold behind. Saluting Hayate, Meilin would respond on turn.
"Same, commander. I heard you have been putting a nasty fight," Meilin would reel in her curiosity as she flashed a smile, "I was hoping that you would still be around."
She noticed the paperwork rather quickly and briefly pondered her decision. Not wanting to intrude, Meilin would gesture to a nearby chair.
"Would you mind if I join you? I was looking for a person to kind of, I suppose, level with. And you're likely having more experience in the matters I am struggling with."

Returning the salute, Hayate chuckled softly when she mentioned him putting up a fight. As she gestured towards the chair, the Hyuzu nodded quickly, "You're always welcome here Meilin." he said, indicating that she should take a seat before taking his own. Tilting his head slightly as she continued, Hayate found his curiosity growing. "If you believe I can be of any help, then I am happy to see what I can do." the Hyuzu stated warmly, "So what's on your mind?"

"Thank you, commander," Meilin replied as she was happy to take a seat. When Hayate stated he was happy to help, Meilin quickly thought about what she wanted to talk with him about.
"I know it may appear all out of nowhere but I figure that the Guardians are an unit that exists of members from all kind of Imperial clans, cultures and such. Seeing how diverse my own team and now platoon is, I had some struggles with it," Meilin began, remembering the trouble that had been with Dagrún and Aoi.
"I think that my team now tolerates each other. But I suppose its not just that," rubbing her arm, Meilin felt a bit odd as she realised that Hayate was perhaps a few years younger than her, "but it sometimes feel I need to pick a side. Either siding with those of Taika descend or Chonobi roots. And I really haven't had anybody to talk about it. Or to give me some advice about it all."

As Meilin described the situation she found herself struggling with, Hayate listened closely. It was something he had definitely found difficult when he was first put in charge of the Guardians. During that time he had often tried to seek out Hiron for advice and guidance. Now it appeared he'd have the opportunity to try and share some advice of his own. "Truth be told, I have always felt a little out of the loop when it comes to clans and clan politics. When I first started out as a Shinobi, it was never something I had to think about. The higher-ups dealt with it and I just had to focus on doing my job." Shrugging slightly, Hayate let out a slight sigh. "Unfortunately, once I inherited more responsibility, I was put in a position where I now suddenly had to deal with it a lot." Thinking for a moment, Hayate scratched his chin and glanced away.

"I don't know if there will ever come a time where every culture will get along and not want to stab each other in the spine the moment an opportunity presents itself… however, I do know that it's a lot easier to get people to come together when there's a common goal, or a common enemy." Looking back at Meilin, he continued, "With the Guardians, a lot of the work had already been done for me. Kiyomi had done an excellent job establishing a strong foundation, one that people were proud to be a part of. My job was made far easier by that fact. All I had to do was get them to understand that being a part of the Guardians meant being a part of something bigger. It doesn't matter what your history is. It doesn't matter who your family is or if you're Chonobi, Taika or Yakimara. All that matters when you are accepted is that you are now a Guardian." Remembering the earlier days, Hayate was truly thankful he'd had Kiyomi and Hiron to lean on. The two of them had provided him with so much guidance that it had made it easy not to stumble and fall.

"With that being said, being a Guardian doesn't mean you have to forget your heritage or give up your culture. It simply means that no individual's beliefs or culture is greater than that of the whole. Being a Guardian comes with its own culture and nothing supersedes that while we're working to accomplish a goal or a mission. Outside of Guardian duty? Sure, people can bicker about which one of their cultures is better. But as soon as we are working as a team, the only culture that matters is that of the Guardians." Hayate tilted his head and smiled. "It sounds like you've already started to lay the foundations of that with your own team, if you have gotten them to the point of being able to work together to some degree. It may take some time, but if you focus on building your own culture as a team, you may find that they begin to forget about who's Taika or who's Chonobi and instead focus on the team and the task at hand."

Listening to Hayate, Meilin had wondered how he managed to control the Guardians. She hadn't seen much of the ins but enough to understand that it wasn't an organisation that was solely formed up by one clan or culture. Briefly, she wanted to suggest if she could have her team become enrolled into the Guardians. But even with the current skill and experience of the majority of her team, she doubted that the ability to do so would be anytime soon. The current campaign wouldn't pause for her team to do something like that.
When Hayate continued, Meilin had initially hoped he could give her some advice. A few tips that could allow her to try to mould the team's cohesion to become better. Yet, Hayate's replies did help her. Even if it was a bit.

"Thanks, it means a lot." Meilin made a vague gesture as if she would be able to convey her meaning better that way.
"I have managed to get them to tolerate each other. But it is a constant fragile balance that I need to enforce. I want to adhere to my Chonobi roots but two members of my team are starting to mean a lot to me. And I don't want them to think I would forsake them just for what they consider small."
Reeling in the frustration, Meilin released a soft sigh as the ghost of a smile soon flowed on her lips.
"I suppose that I should just be a bit more patient and hope that the tolerance will turn into something better. Despite their flaws and all, I must say that I have grown a liking to them. If things weren't so busy, I would have love to introduce you to them."

Chewing his lower lip thoughtfully for a moment, Hayate took a second before responding. "Patience is a great virtue," he began, a hint of amusement in his tone, "or so I've been told. But, it isn't always enough to solve every problem. If the balance is still very fragile, you may need to take some steps to intervene before that falls apart. Building a team culture is more than just waiting and hoping everyone will learn to get along. You may even need to discipline them so they understand their limits." Looking away for a moment, Hayate tried to think of something he could use as an example. The first thought that popped into his mind was his brother and Hayate smiled before turning back. "As their leader, you need to drive the change and show them that no single culture outweighs the others or the team. This may have been communicated to them, or perhaps they've even claimed to know this, but you need to make them believe it too. It… it sounds silly, but the best way I can explain it is to compare it to an example."

"My brother, Jora, he's the leader of our clan, but also a member of the Dragon Guard. If you haven't heard of them, they're essentially a special force within the Hyuzu clan that is tasked with keeping the clan safe from all threats, external and internal. They have to remain neutral and focused on their specific mission even if it runs directly against their individual beliefs. Now my brother," A slight chuckle escaped his lips as Hayate shook his head. "my brother can be a very stubborn individual. There are some things that he believes in very, very strongly and it's next to impossible to change his mind. When he sets his mind on something, he will see it through regardless of what anyone else things. It can be a good quality, but it can also be detrimental to a team." Meeting Meilin's gaze, Hayate continued, "When he first joined the Guard, his stubborn nature got him in a lot of trouble. Especially as he'd joined with someone he grew up considering a rival. Whatever his rival would say or do, my brother would make it his mission to do the exact opposite. Now I'm sure you can imagine how much of a headache that would be for their team leader at the time. Having to try and deal with two students who refused to work together and whom constantly argued about the right way of doing something, it can be a nightmare. After trying a bunch of different things to force the two of them to get along, their leader had had enough. He realized two things."

Pausing, Hayate leaned back in his chair, holding up two fingers. "The first," he said, lowering one finger, "was that the two of them were never going to agree on anything, not until they understood the fundamental importance of working in unison. And the second," lowering his second finger, Hayate's tone grew slightly more serious. "the second was harder to admit as it meant admitting his own fault. Their team leader realized that he was the one to blame for their continued fighting and inability to work as a team. It didn't matter that the two of them were the ones bickering, what mattered was that he was their leader and he was not putting them in a situation where they had no other choice than to put their differences aside. By not coming down on them harder for their lack of uniformity, he was essentially telling them that it was okay to continue acting that way."

"Once he understood this, he was able to take charge of the situation with more clarity. The first thing he did was strip away their freedom. He laid out their options and told them that they would either comply with his orders or be kicked from the Dragon Guard permanently. That may not seem like a huge deal, but it is a massive shame in our clan to be kicked from the Guard. Neither my brother, nor his rival was willing to deal with that shame, and so they agreed. Their leader enforced a strict dress code. They had to cut their hair a certain way, had to remain clean-shaven and they were required to wear their uniforms at all time, even when they were not training or on duty. I remember the first time I saw my brother come home with his hair cut incredibly short and his uniform cleanly pressed. He looked defeated, humiliated." Holding in a chuckle at the memory, Hayate continued, "The purpose of this wasn't just to humiliate them, however, it was to force them to realize they were in the same boat. It didn't matter what their beliefs were outside of the team, nor did it matter that they considered each other rivals, what mattered was that they were both stuck in the exact same situation."

"The next step, after their freedom was taken away, was to enact punishments for them every time they would fight or disagree. These punishments were designed to be difficult and they were designed to be embarrassing. But they were also always designed to force the two of them to work together to complete a task. If they were caught fighting during that task, their team leader would give them a worse punishment. It didn't matter who started the fight, all that mattered was that they both got punished for it." Hayate had heard many of the horror stories that Jora had told him of those punishments and was thankful he'd never personally had to go through them. "Over time, my brother and his rival, they realized that it wasn't worth it to fight any more. It was too tiring and they had forgotten what they were even fighting about in the first place. However terrible the punishments were, they had forced the two of them to spend so much time together that they started realizing they had more in common than they'd like to admit. They did not become friends, at least not for a long time after, but they did stop trying to sabotage each other."

"Their leader wasn't finished there, however. It wasn't enough just to have them tolerate one another. He needed them to actually believe that working together was necessary. That being a part of their unit and the Dragon Guard itself, was more important than any of their individual issues or their petty rivalry. In order to do that, he began sending them on missions and making them take turns leading. The missions started out small, but steadily began to grow in complexity and risk as they learned to work together and trust one another. When they had completed enough of these missions that their leader began giving them back their freedoms. They would be allowed to keep their hair whatever style they'd like and they could grow out their facial hair or remove their uniforms when off-duty. Something interesting happened however. When they were given the freedom to change, neither my brother, nor his rival took it. They realized the importance of keeping the same standard and how it made them both equals on the team. That was the moment the leader knew they fully understood."

Realizing that he had been speaking for a long time and hadn't even acknowledged Meilin's comment about meeting with her team, Hayate scratched the back of his head and flashed an apologetic smile. "Sorry for going on so long. But yes, I'd love to meet with your team and hopefully we get the opportunity."

The whole tale that Hayate told her left Meilin silent for a few seconds. She took in what Hayate had said, word after word. Realising that he didn't just try to help her but also open a little to her made her feel good. It reminded her of when she learned that she was accepted into the Guardians, even if it was the mere rank of protegé. Somewhere and somehow, Meilin wanted to tell Hayate of some of her own experiences. The tale about the Dragon Guard seemed to be in a similar line as the Cho Guard. Aside from the near similar name, the harsh climate and emphasis on discipline reminded her of the secretive organisation.
"Thanks," she began, feeling that the word of appreciation wasn't enough to cover it. Not after the long tale that he had told her.
"I certainly will remember this. Though I can't say for sure that I can entrust either Dagrún or Aoi to lead one another. Or to shave their heads. I feel like that they will shave mine in the hollow of the night," a wry smile crawled on Meilin's lips as she didn't imagine that to be impossible.

"Though it isn't just them. It is also me," Meilin began as she briefly sought for the words, the effort causing her eyes to narrow for a moment as she tried to weigh the words carefully - all in order to convey her message clear to Hayate. "I feel sometimes that I am letting them down. Not just Aoi and Dagrún. But also Madoc and Mamoru. I like it that they respect me as a leader but so far, I haven't done anything to prove that I can lead. That I am worthy of them seeing me as the one who takes charge." scratching her neck with her left hand, Meilin released a soft chuckle.
"It is pure irony but I just now start to understand how little chance I gave Kensuke when he tried to lead the team. That it isn't easy to call the shots or to keep everybody content as to succeed in the missions."

Becoming silent for a moment, Meilin lightly shrugged with her shoulders.
"I sometimes feel just a twinge of fear, you know? That I will make a bad call. That somebody will die," the last few words were audible but spoken with a softer tone.
"I already got one genin dead. And in the process may have hurt Aoi. I don't want to face something like that again. All because I didn't consider some unforeseen risks."

Chuckling at first as Meilin mentioned her students may try to shave her head if she forced such conformities on them, Hayate listened to the rest of her words with keen interest. As Meilin shifted into a more serious tone, Hayate grew quiet. When she had finished, he let the silence linger for a moment before slowly nodding. "Fear can be healthy. It keeps us alert and cautious." Hayate began, meeting Meilin's gaze. "Losing someone under your command can be a devastating experience." he continued, feeling a twinge of pain as he thought about all those lost during this conflict alone. "Most people will tell you that it's not your fault. That these things happen and that everyone knows the risks when they sign up. I… I wish I could say it were that easy." Letting out a sigh, Hayate scratched the back of his neck and glanced away.

"The truth is that you're their leader. Ultimately you're responsible for everything that happens to them and that isn't always an easy pill to swallow, especially when it ends in loss.""[/b][/color] Turning back to Meilin, he continued, "In order to be a great leader, you need to take ownership of everything your team does and that often means you have to take responsibility for the bad, even if you weren't the direct cause." Hayate tilted his head slightly pondering another thought. "The fact that you wear that loss so heavily tells me that you're already further along than most. The important thing though, is not to let the loss affect your ability to lead. Learn from it, adapt, but don't give in."

His tone remained soft, but Hayate still feared that his words may sound harsh to Meilin. When he had first learned that he was to lead the Akinian forces in this campaign, Hayate had spent a long time studying, trying to understand how successful leaders worked. He had been afraid that he wasn't ready. That he wouldn't be capable of handling it and that the troops wouldn't respect or listen to him due to his age. His deepest fear, however, was one that he had only shared with a very small group of people. The fact that he didn't believe he was even worthy to lead. "Every leader has doubts. It's a natural part of the job and if anyone tells you they're one hundred percent confident all the time, they are either a liar, or a terrible leader. When I first took over the Guardians, I stumbled. I didn't know where to start or how I could lead the people that Kiyomi had lead so successfully for so long… If I didn't have the support of Koike or Saki, I don't think I would have been able to pull myself back up and have success. Not at that time." Hoping he wasn't bombarding her with too much information, Hayate scratched his chin, trying to collect his thoughts.

"Over time I've learned several important lessons. One of the ones that took me the longest to learn, but helped me the most is that a good leader needs to be able to walk the line between the extremes. They need to be aggressive, but not reckless, humble but not passive, disciplined but not rigid and they need to own everything but empower those around them. It sounds crazy at first, at least that's what it sounded like to me... " Letting out a soft chuckle, Hayate shrugged. "What it means, however, is that a leader needs to understand the situation and be able to adapt on the fly. They need to be able to take charge, but do so in a manner that is planned out and not without thought. They need to forget their own ego and accept their faults, but not let others use it against them or walk all over them. They need to accept ultimate responsibility for everyone under their command, but they need to be able to allow others to make decisions in the field and trust that the mission will be completed."

"You mentioned that you feel you're not worthy of your students' respect, that you still need to prove to them that you can lead. It may sound counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to prove this to them is to own up to your mistakes. To show them that you take complete ownership, even when it comes down to the failure of the team. When you show them that the success of the team means more to you than your pride, you'll show them that you understand what it takes to lead. That you have their back, even if things go awry. If they fail in a task, take them aside but don't put the blame on them. Tell them that you as the leader are responsible for the failure and that will stop them from immediately going on the defensive. It will cause them to open up and have a functional discussion about how you can achieve success together as a team the next time." Chewing his lower lip thoughtfully for a moment, Hayate smiled a little sheepishly. "Does that make sense?"

Half Meilin had expected Hayate to tell her that it hadn't been her fault. To tell her that losses came with the job. Everybody who had been trained and signed up was aware of the risks. Not that it meant that many actually imagined that they could be the one to bleed out on the ground, far away from home and without any hope to pass on some loving last words to family and friends.
But when Hayate didn't say what Meilin had expected, the young woman's respect grew more as she listened to Hayate. The fact that he understood her meant a lot. But also made her feel sad that she had maybe brought up something painful.
"Thanks, your words mean a lot, Hayate. Even despite I can't perfectly convey them in words or the like," Meilin said, "but yeah, thanks."

Intrigued further as he began to talk about his own experiences, Meilin took in his words. It felt still more like advice than just a story to inspire or move her mind from what had happened before. Something that she did both enjoy and appreciate. For a mere moment, Meilin forgot that Hayate couldn't be much older than her, yet it made her understand that he either had an amazing mentor or even a couple. Or had experienced much more than somebody of his age should have, in her opinion. It briefly caused a thought on how all the hardships could have changed her siblings, granted if the missing brother was still alive.

"Yeah, it does," Meilin would start with, brushing a few strands of hair away from her right eye, "I do feel a tad better now. After all, they have shown that they got my back. Only fair that I should aspire to make sure that they know that I got theirs."
A wry smile started to grow on Meilin's lips as she decided to elaborate.
"I was tasked to partake in a certain training for a full day, to prove that I could lead a platoon. After sufficient training in a sort of crash course, you know. But at the end of the day if I wanted to become a lieutenant I had to complete a ruck run. Which felt near impossible to achieve because I was already quite exhausted. The previous trials that I had to lead the platoon through were quite tiring. Yet I decided that I wanted to prove myself. So I ran and started to curse everything that came up in mind."
Becoming silent for a second, Meilin could remember when her own team had decided to show up. Back then it already gave certain energy. But to think back made her realise what it meant.
"I wanted to actually quit till they showed up. Full in gear and tired from the day as well. Yet completing that idiotic ruck run with me."

Once more, Meilin felt happy that she had decided to visit Hayate. Slowly, a thought did move across her mind.
"Say, I know it is a bit out of order. Perhaps a bit, well, out of place. But I was wondering. If you were up for something as silly as a spar. Just a friendly one," a slightly nervous smile crossed her features, "I reckon that you won't have much of a problem to beat me. I remember the last time that we had a spar. Just curious if I have improved compared to back."

Relieved that his words had seemed to help Meilin, Hayate nodded and smiled. It had taken him a long time to learn a lot of the leadership lessons he knew now, so if he could help anyone, it filled him with a small sense of pride and accomplishment. Listening as Meilin continued, Hayate thought back to some of the savage training regiments he had been pushed through and instantly empathized with her. They were as much tests of mental fortitude as they were endurance and not a lot of people were capable of handling both. The fact that Meilin's team showed up to support her was a great sign and Hayate's respect for her as a leader grew. She may still have doubts, but it was clear she was inspiring her team more than she might even realize.

"It sounds like you have an excellent group Meilin," Hayate said, smiling warmly. "Leading by example is an important part of gaining your team's trust and respect. Sounds like you're already well on your way."

As she asked whether or not he'd like to have a spar, Hayate hesitated for a moment, not expecting the question. Truth be told, the exercise would likely be a good way to distract him, but Hayate didn't know if it was entirely appropriate to have a spar in the middle of a military camp. Thinking for a long moment, the young commander tilted his head slightly. "I suppose I did promise you a rematch," he began, a small grin growing on his face, "though I'd have more faith in myself if I were you." Chuckling, Hayate shrugged his shoulders. "I have not had much time to train in anything other than military tactics and fighting as a soldier. So I fear I may have fallen behind more than you think."

"When did you have in mind?"

The ghost of a smile touched Meilin's lips as Hayate remarked that she had an excellent group. Despite some flaws that they all had Meilin did agree. A bit worried that her request was indeed too much out of order. Largely due to their difference in rank. When Hayate seemed acceptive of the idea Meilin felt a certain warmth spreading in her stomach as she shrugged lightly.
"I was thinking right now. My platoon isn't ordered to anything for today. And I have no idea what tomorrow holds for us. So perhaps we could try to find a field or out of camp if we are going to use ninjutsu," Meilin replied as she remembered the curious abilities that Hayate had shown before. Random explosions inside the camp would likely attract the kind of attention neither of them were eager for.
"Unless you are busy, then we could look for another time when we are both capable for a rematch."

Glancing back at the papers on his desk, Hayate let out a slight sigh. Busy was an understatement, but… "I think I could use the break," he said, turning back to Meilin with a smile.

"If you're wanting to spar today, I suppose now is likely as good a time as any." There were not any outstanding orders that would pull him away either and Hayate knew they'd have time. He still felt hesitant, however, as a spar was probably not the best way the he should be spending his time. Not to mention if Saki or Koike were to find out… Shaking the thought from his mind, Hayate scratched his chin. "I can likely also arrange for us to use one of the temporary training fields that has been set up." The statement was made more to convince himself than anything and Hayate nodded slowly. "Very well. I'll have to let a few people know that I'll be occupied for a short time. Would you like to start right away then?"

A sensation of excitement crawled over Meilin's back. A smile flowed on Meilin's features as Hayate stated that he could arrange a field.
"Sounds all good. I am ready as ever," Meilin replied as she would rise up from her seat. Though she had some doubts it had been smart to challenge somebody much more experienced and higher ranked than her to a spar, she was excited to see how it would go compared to their first spar.
"You lead, I follow," Meilin said, though she decided to add something quickly, "as soon as you're ready as well, that is."

Chuckling at Meilin's eagerness, Hayate nodded. "I will arrange things and send word where to meet." Thinking of something, Hayate smiled, "Thank you for coming Meilin."

Summoning the guard from outside, Hayate asked him to send word to one of his aides. There would be some preparation to take care of, but Hayate was looking forward to the distraction.
Change of Regime

[ Republic of the Water Country | Kirigakure ]
[ Jirou Kanbe ]

A change in the government of the Republic occurs after months of unrest and stagnancy in the Republic.

"Sir! The guards are moving toward the quarantined area and to other places that have been reported to be more troublesome." A young man in the Republican army uniform spoke up, appearing to be slightly out of breath after entering the room with haste. The young man appeared to be both anxious and excited, as he kept his eyes on the only other person in the room, who stood in front of a window.

Turning to face the young soldier, Jirou nodded "Start sending out the message then. It appears my inside source has deemed the time is right. Only those who still will still refuse to make the change will be present. Now go. I will depart shortly."

The young man nodded and left the room, and a moment later Jirou could hear the building door. For some time, he spent much of his time in structures like these. Either abandoned and owned by families that have suffered at the hands of the current government. But today, it will change. He will make it change. Be it the change the people of the Republic desire or not, it didn't matter to him.

He knew it was the change he desired.

Grabbing his weapons and armor, Jirou made sure it was properly equipped and set before departing from the poorly maintained house. Several people, all equipped with the Republican army uniform, waited outside for him, and offered a salute upon seeing him. After giving a nod, he gestured to them begin following him, which they did in an orderly fashion, being three rows that followed him. It would be clear to anyone seeing this that something was going on, but what would be unclear, only that the Republican army was involved in some way. And as far as most civilians would know, Jirou was just the man who was leading the force to where they needed to go.

The streets were void from any other patrols. The path towards the Senate was clear for him, clear for all of those that followed him and desired a change. And with Kimi taking care of the security for him, it was clear to him that things would be much simpler. At times he wondered if dealing with her meant he was making a deal with the devil, but at the same time, he was willing to do many deals with many devils to get this done. He also needed to make sure that Hakumo would know his place once this was done.

As he closed the distance to the Senate, more people followed him. Not all of them had the army uniform now. Some of them simply had weapons at hand, and some had some poor quality armour. Jirou wouldn't appear to pay attention to the increase in numbers, but he was satisfied with it. The more people that joined this, the clearer it will become that the time for change is now, and he is not alone in thinking this.

Arriving at the senate doors, Jirou met no resistance as he and some of his men opened the doors. He quickly turned to all those that followed him and held his hand, gesturing everyone to stop "I am certain everyone wishes to take part in this next part, but we must maintain the security of the location. So unless I have given you the instruction beforehand, you will remain outside and hold off any potential disruptors to the operation." He called out. While there was some grumbling among the followers, Jirou turned around and entered the structure, and listened as only about two dozen footsteps followed him inside. He believed that would be more than sufficient, as the senate were mostly without military training, and any security that were present would already have been disposed of, if everything went according to plan.

If not, well, Jirou always had his own weapons.

Stopping in front of the senate hall doors, Jirou placed both hands on them and opened the doors with force, causing them to slam open. It had more than enough effect to cause the senate members that did choose to participate in today's meeting to turn their heads towards the doors and look in astonishment as Jirou stepped inside, with his force following. With only a gesture, his force moved to stand around the room, with a couple of soldiers closing the doors and securing it.

"What is this? We are holding an important meeting here! Interrupting the Senate in this kind of manner is an offense against the country, let alone bringing in armed troops!" One of the men sitting in the room called out towards Jirou, who went and stepped to the center of the room.

"If that is the case, then consider me a felon. But what you think is right or wrong does not matter from this day onwards. Tell me, senator, why is it that the room is so lacking in security that I was able to step inside without anyone to stand in my way? Or why do you think that many of your colleagues have not been present in some time? Before you try and answer, let me stop you by reminding that what you think does not matter." Jirou said, looking at the senators that were present. Snapping his fingers, the soldiers unsheathed their weapons. "I will give you a brief explanation of what will occur next. All of you who are present were deemed as senators who refuse to see the country's leadership change for any kind of reason, or refuse to see the country prosper. If to put it in an even simpler manner, you stand in the way of the country. And that means you stand in my way." Jirou looked towards the one who spoke before and stepped towards him, coming to a stop right in front of him. He unsheathed his own sword and moved it to the senator's neck.

"I won't allow anyone to stand in my way."

Without any further words, he made a swift movement with the sword, and blood came spurting out of the senator's neck as the man tried initially to stop the bleeding. This also served as a signal for the rest of the soldiers, who began cutting down the other senators who were present in the room. Screams and shouts echoed through the hall, and Jirou just kept his eyes on the senator, who was making a final attempt to prevent his own death. He ended up trying to grasp Jirou's blade, before finally falling to the ground, unmoving.

The noise kept going for a few more minutes before it became silent. The soldiers were now beginning to pile the bodies at the center of the room, while Jirou looked at their labour. One of the soldiers stepped up to him and saluted "Orders?" He asked simply.

"Step out and spread the word. There is a change in the regime, and a public announcement will be made by evening. On the way, order some of the soldiers outside to come in. I'll be needing some more hands in order to prepare for the evening announcement." Jirou instructed. After the man nodded and ran out, Jirou closed his eyes. Not everyone will approve or appreciate the way in which he will announce the change, but it felt like the right way to him. A show of strength, of absolute power. He will be the leader, and anyone who dares dispute that will meet the same fate. And he has no reason to hide it like the leaders of the past.

It was almost evening, with the dusk sunlight barely visible in the skies above. Outside of the Senate hall, where the senate would normally hold their announcements, a few carts were set. What they contained had been covered by rugs, yet the smell that had began to rise from it was anything but pleasant. People had gathered around, wondering what the announcement about a change in a regime will be about. It seemed and felt peculiar that such an announcement would come out of the blue. Some of those who were in the crowd were also whispering among themselves about the security that was present around the Senate hall. It seemed off, as though someone threw together a mix of poorly equipped guards and military personal.

Jirou was already standing on the stage, appearing to be just a soldier that had been stationed among the several who stood beside him on the stage. He had been waiting there for some time, knowing the curiosity of some will attract them, some will come due to worries, and some just to see how the plan will unfold. This was, without a doubt, the first in the final steps to ensure his place above all else will be unquestionable. Glancing up, he watched as the darkness in the skies creeped over, pushing any remaining light away. Torches, lanterns and any other source of light were lit up, before Jirou took a step forward.

"All of you who have come here have heard of an announcement that will be made. One about a change in the regime. To my sadness, the country is no stranger to abrupt and sudden shift in the regime, be it how the fifth Mizukage came to power, or the revolution that brought upon us the Republic. Unfortunately, both of the latter have put this country in a stagnation. And those that sat in the leadership before, they saw nothing but greed in their eyes. After living in the country for 4 decades, and seeing how poorly things have been, it was clear that something had to be done." Jirou took off his helmet, revealing his facial features. The light danced over his stern expression as he moved to one of the carts.

"The message about the change in regime was no lie. And as you can see around you, some of the armed people are not soldiers. This is to show something more. That the people who wanted change and were willing to take action are here, to take action. Which is exactly what was done. An action was taken. Earlier today, those who attended the Senate were only those who refused to see the country change. For better or worse, they were happy with the status-quo, while we were not. So they all met their end." Jirou pushed the cart he stood next to forward, making it topple off the stage and drop in front of the crowd. The cart landed on its side, and several corpses rolled out of it, and those who did know the Senate members would become shocked and sick. Noises from the crowd began to rise, being a mix of cheers, shouts of horror and cries for help. Simply looking around for a moment, Jirou gestured with his hand towards the other soldiers who stood by the remaining carts. The soldiers would follow suit, and the carts dropped one by one, revealing more and more corpses.

Some people were beginning to try and leave, but the security that were present now stood in their way "If they are too weak-willed to witness this, then let them leave. Those who will stay can hear the rest." Jirou instructed, and the security slightly loosened up, but it was clear the armed men and women were still paying all the attention they could. Taking another step forward, Jirou now stood by the edge of the stage "The Senate is no more. The Republic is no more. Those of you who wish to pretend it is still around, you can pretend all your want, but there is one truth one. The truth that from this day on, I am in-charge of the Water country. Jirou Kanbe, the new leader of the country. And I will go ahead and make a few things clear for all to hear. I will not pretend to be peaceful or merciful. I will not pretend to care for those who wish me ill and then take them out through the shadows. I will not fake kindness towards our rivals. I will do what I think is right in order to push things forward. I will bring this country into glory under my sole leadership. If anyone tries to oppose me, they will meet a fate like the corpses you see before you. If anyone tries to backstab me, they will meet a fate worse than death."

Jirou looked around. There was nothing but silence when he finished speaking, and he could feel the eyes of all those who were present on him "Fear me, cheer for me, it matters not for me. Refuse the acknowledge this new truth, of my leadership, and you will face the consequences." He took a step back and looked towards the soldiers closest to him, those who stood alongside him on the stage. They kneeled down, facing the ground, and then yelled "Jirou! Jirou! Jirou!" in an almost perfect sync with one another. Jirou didn't care if it was perfect or not, as long as it got the message through. Turning to look to the crowd, he raised his fist to the air, and the armed personal around the crowd also started shouting his name. This was the declaration he wished to do. Even if the whole plan wasn't like this, to pull this stage in this manner was a clear show of strength, power, respect. Everything he wanted to show to ensure people understood they were now in his grasp. And anyone who would even consider to think otherwise will be facing a bad time.

"The announcement is over. You are all dismissed." Jirou said out loud, and the security that stood around the crowd started moving away, making clear paths for people to be capable of leaving. Jirou glanced over the dispersing crowd for another moment before turning and walking inside the Senate hall. Several men followed him inside, and once Jirou sat down in the senate hall, the soldiers moved around the room, except for one who approached Jirou "Instructions, sir?" He asked, and Jirou look at him.

"Take out a paper. There are plenty of orders that I have now."
Operation Bloody Mist
[ Republic of Water | Unknown Location ]
[ Yumi Hasewaga | a Scholae of the Empire of Akino ]

The soft sounds of the water surface being disturbed were followed by the subtle sounds of the vessel moving forward. At a slow pace, the small boat was directed towards the coast. Under the cover of the mist, the vessel would be nearly impossible to be detected from the coast.
Throwing a glance at his passenger, Izumo's stomach turned abrupt. The young woman had given him a few reasons to be on his toes. Despite her appearance and lack of weaponry, there was a tense vibe that he didn't like. A more dangerous atmosphere hanged around her, one that seemed way more subtle than the usual people he smuggled to the island.
"We are nearly there," Izumo said, his voice soft but audible enough for her.
"Good." Was the sole word that was given as response.

Time seemed to move as slow as the vessel, held up by the low-hanging mist. Through careful navigation and Izumo's experience as knowledge of the location, he was able to land the vessel on the beach.
The soft sound of the boat making contact was a most welcome one.
"Well, you'se now need to--"
His eyes widened. The pain being unbearable, which caused his throat to squeeze together. Even as his lips parted, only a soft sigh escaped before he collapsed.
"Your price."

[ Kirigakure | Capital of the Republic ]

The information was right. And the smuggling had gone without an issue. Though Yumi wondered if it was because of what the Zero Team had informed her off. That the city was in a lot of stress and trouble. It certainly didn't help that a part was quarantined, with a heavy force at that. If anything, Yumi lacked any empathy towards the locals. They weren't her concern and if they learned who she was and why she was here, they would lynch her in a heartbeat. Of that, she was sure. And keeping the thought in her mind allowed her to stave off any pity or empathy towards the locals.

Continuing heading towards the place where people were gathering Yumi threw a subtle glance to her sides. Wearing an attire that allowed her to blend easily with the crowd, she didn't consider herself safe.
Entering a spacious plaza where a lot of people were standing, Yumi tried to catch anything important out of the indistinct mumbling. Then the event unfolded in front of her.
What first to appear as a common soldier. Or, at least, judging by the start of the speech she figured. Then it suddenly started to become way more intense.
A cart was pushed towards the crowd and toppled over. Thankful that she didn't stand in front to be in danger of having a cart topple on her, Yumi watched what followed.
The corpses caused a light panic to erupt as various people started to run and cry for help. Others already shouting their approval.
Idiots, Yumi thought as she wondered if those who shouted in approval understood what this could mean. Being cautious, Yumi just remained on guard as paying attention.
It appeared that the soldier that gave the speech was also the self-proclaimed leader. Jirou Kanbe.

For a few seconds, Yumi wondered about something. If it was true that the Republic would be spearheaded by someone that could provide a danger for the Empire, then this would be the best chance to take him out.
The idea played in her mind for only a few seconds. Her mission wasn't to assassinate anyone in charge. Not to mention, the idea to become a martyr wasn't certainly an appealing one to her.
Once the crowd was dismissed Yumi decided to head to her current 'safehouse'. The situation in Kirigakure was quite different than she had anticipated. But she saw no reason to resign from her mission.
Operation Ranzaki Target - 3
[ Lightning Country - Sanosuke clan heartlands | Near the city of Reistara ]
[ Hojo unit composed out of Steel Sentinels - Part of Plot 'Ranzaki Target' ]

Previous Post


Panting, Tenji shifted his weight. A pulse of pain surged through his body, provoking a grunt from the man. The vision in front of him was one of the nightmares. The Sanosuke had managed to drive through their ranks and were killing men and women that he had known for years. People that he had served alongside for many dangerous operations. Only to see them fight bitterly to the end and falling to the steel of the barbarians.
For a mere second, Tenji wondered if he had done what he could. If he had truly served his purpose in the name of the Hojo clan.
Sinking on a knee Tenji briefly closed his eyes. He didn't detect that someone was approaching him. Something in a crude tongue alerted Tenji, causing the man to glance at the person who had closed in.

Looking at a young man with fire in his eyes, Tenji flashed a wry smile. The Steel Sentinel was certain that this Sanosuke saw in him an enemy. An unforgiven foe that had decided to venture north to attack his clan and kin. To destroy their culture and sniff out their gods and traditions.
"You are right--"
Before Tenji could finish his sentence a sharp pain surged through his head. Only for darkness to overtake everything.

Okitsugu ploughed through the snow. He and the others were making a quick run for it, though the thick snow seemed to work against them. While there were methods to walk or slide over snow, they required chakra. And Okitsugu wasn't keen on giving a track for the Sanosuke to hunt them down. Throwing a glance over his shoulder, their 'price' seemed relaxed. His features were calm and indicated that he was still knocked out.
Turning his attention to the direction that the small unit was heading Okitsugu knew that the way back wouldn't be that much easier. Delivering the Ranzaki heir to Kosami's Hold would pose its own difficulties.

Days went past as Okitsugu's group continued to travel southwards. Sharing their rations with Keitaro Ranzaki, the Steel Sentinels wouldn't reveal who they were. Orders were orders, after all.
But as Okitsugu pondered on both how to safely get Keitaro over the mountain ranges, that the Sanosuke occupied, he also wondered about Keitaro. Why was it that they weren't allowed to name themselves as the Ranzaki's saviour? Hadn't they done him a service to rescue him out of the Sanosuke's claws?
Deciding to not continue his pondering, Okitsugu continued to focus on the tasks ahead. His faith and loyalty in the decisions of his clan were stronger than his doubts.

The crossing was far from easy. The Sanosuke security was tight and there weren't many places to move without the Sanosuke knowing or able to prevent one from entering or leaving their dominion. What made it worse was the winter that blockaded and prevented anyone from using various passages - narrowing it down to a few other passages. Which, of course, were heavily guarded by the Sanosuke.
Knowing the price of their service, Okitsugu's unit would initiate their plan. Once more lives were sacrificed to give a chance for Okitsugu and a remaining few Sentinels to continue on their path.

The sacrifices started to weigh heavier on Okitsugu's mind as the last part of the journey remained.

Travelling through a woodland, Okitsugu felt a sense of relieve. Much blood had been shed and lives been sacrificed. For just to save and bring the Ranzaki heir closer to the borders of the Hojo clan.
Yet, the stomach of the Hojo operative turned and twisted. He was aware that his Lord and master was striking back at the Regency. And they had signed an armistice with the Sanosuke, hadn't they? The questions continued to plague Okitsugu's mind.
Turning his head, he gestured to one of the four remaining Sentinels to move ahead. Before a silent response in the form of a nod could be given Okitsugu sensed something wrong.

Stumbling to the right, the impact at his right leg caught him off guard. Another sensation penetrated his right arm before a few more followed. The arrows started to fill the air, indiscriminately picking off the remaining Hojo Sentinels under Okitsugu's command. Yet, the archers left Keitaro unharmed.
A samurai, armed with a bow stepped forward. He had notched an arrow and kept his stern gaze on the fear-frozen Keitaro.

"Wait, is that you? Lord Ranzaki Keitaro?!"

Taking a sip from his small cup, Mareo would release a satisfied sigh afterwards. The warm liquid did wonders as Mareo enjoyed the comfort of his drink. It certainly was welcome after his walk through the gardens. Reminding himself that the winter season would soon come to pass Mareo wondered about something.

But whatever coursed through the old Hojo's mind was disturbed rapidly. The door to the room as was opened by one of his personal guard. Allowing a messenger to walk hurriedly. Despite the urgency of the message, the courier held himself at the required etiquette.
By the third bow and steps, the courier would lower himself to his knees. His forehead touching the cold, wooden floor.
"Lord Hojo, I bear message from your most faithful subject.
Lord Daisetsu of the Miyara clan wishes to inform you that his soldiers have found Keitaro Ranzaki. He wishes to inform you that he will be escorting the Ranzaki to your court, unless you desire otherwise."

The message brought a warm smile to Mareo's lips.
"Ride back to your lord. Let him know that I am happy to have such good and loyal vassals."
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
[ Empire of Akino | Eastern Continent | Imperial Akinian Military | 3rd Division]
[ A collab between Meilin Cho { @Oetje } and Mamoru Senju { @RedFox } |
After the events that perspired on his first mission, Mamoru is approached by his Lieutenant. After sorting out Mamoru's actions, he is given a means to cope with the effects of besting his first foe. Parting ways, The Young Senju is more at peace with his actions and better prepared for the next mission.]

Exiting her tent, Meilin rolled with her left shoulder. Despite what had occured last night, life continued on. The imperial camp was as busy as always. Due to the fact that her unit had no given objective, yet, Meilin decided that it wasn't necessary to fully don on her kit. Wearing the required standard, she briefly went over her options on what to do. A few matters instantly moved through Meilin's mind. Only to provoke a sigh from the Cho.
Deciding on something Meilin would head to a nearby tent of a squad.
Nodding and flashing a few smiles to a few familiar faces that belonged to her platoon Meilin would arrive at the tent.

From the moment they returned to the camp, Mamoru only got a few moments of rest. Unable to get much sleep, he decided to give up the attempts and mumbling something about being around, he grabbed Oak and head out of the team's tent, sitting at its side. He was about to clean his blade, bringing his cleaning kit with him - a piece of cloth with the emblem of the Senju on it, and a whetstone. Sitting down, he unsheathed his blade and as he saw the dried blood on it, he felt his stomach churn. His mind was filled with the images of the man's face, just in the moment as life was leaving them. He felt his fingers tense up and he dropped his blade, it falling on the ground with a loud clank. Just as he was about to reach for it, he heard footsteps approaching. He stood up and turned to see Meilin approaching their tent. He gave her a polite, slightly awkward smile." L-Lieutenant. W-what brings you here?"

Closing in on Mamoru, Meilin decided to sit near the Senju. The question of Mamoru caused Meilin to throw an amused smile at the other.
"Taking some time, I suppose. Checking if you are still alive," Meilin responded, aware that the retort wasn't that hilarious at all. Deciding to press on she nodded at the dropped blade.
"You managed to hold yourself against one opponent yesterday. How are you feeling?" She asked, the tone radiating some concern but mostly a serious one.

Picking up the blade, he was surprised by the question, despite somehow sensing it was coming his way. Placing the blade on the table, his eyes lingered on the blood, dried on the blade." Fair point. I guess having time like this will be a rarity in the times we are facing." Grabbing the cloth with his clan emblem, he dampened it into the cleaning fluid and went over the blade, starting to dissolve the dried blood." I should consider myself lucky only one of them thought I'd be an easy twig to break. Which I did. Considering how the team looked when we pulled out of the cave, I think I got off easy. But for some reason - for some reason it does not feel right." He finished his line with a sigh, working some more on the blade. He was not sure whether he made any sense at all, but deep within, he felt a very slight hint of relief, as he got the chance to speak about the events that took place yesterday.

She simply nodded on Mamoru's remark that they wouldn't get many moments to truly sit down or rest out. Listening further to Mamoru, Meilin had a few remarks. But she would just let the genin speak and wait for a good time to respond.
"Madoc will be alright though. Same as Aoi," Meilin stated, surprising herself on how steady her voice remained. "I do get it. Killing isn't the easiest thing to do. Certainly not when it is all sudden and in a dark situation. Literally dark," Meilin added, a wry smile flashing for a few seconds.

"The question is, what now? Do you think you can continue? I won't judge you if the experience was too much. But you certainly weren't a liability. Not as much as I actually expected from a genin with no record of joining dangerous missions or having any kills on his name."

Listening to Meilin, Mamoru felt his fingers clench on the blade as he cleaned it. By the time she remained silent, the blade was clean, and he placed the cloth on the table, for both of them to see." I'm glad to hear that, Lieutenant. I - despite what happened yesterday, I do care about them." He then remained silent, thinking about the second part of her words." T-thank you, Lieutenant. I knew I was not going to avoid it, that sooner or later I will have to take a life. The second we got shipped, I could not stop thinking about it. I dreaded the moment, feared it. Wanted to avoid it as much as possible. But when the moment came ..." His voice broke and he clenched the cloth in his hand." … I did what I had to do. I was just - shocked. It lasted only a few seconds. But when I replay the events in my mind, it feels like an eternity."

She wondered if Mamoru truly cared. The anger that had radiated yesterday had worried her. Then again, she would not judge or berate him for every deed. She had been far from being the perfect team member as well. "That is okay. Most of us get that experience." Meilin replied, trying to find words of wisdom. Sentences that could provide comfort. But her mind remained void of such responses, causing her to grow silent for a moment.
"I don't know if you fought sloppy and got lucky. Nor if you really did well. Too dark and I was too occupied to fend everything off from you. But you survived," she stated, feeling the need to do so, "so you can continue on. Learn from it and do even better next time. Perhaps it will be easier then. Or not, I can't guarantee such things."

Considering something Meilin decided to continue.
"Truth is, Mamoru, I am not going to be able to fully help you out. I am trying to figure all this," a frown formed on her brow, "shit out as well. It is not going to be an easy ride, that I know. But if you stick with us, I will help you out. I already got something for you."
Pulling something out of her pocket, she reached her closed hand out to Mamoru. Nodding to subtly gesture that he should hold his hand out, she waited patiently to let it drop in the palm of his hand.

Mamoru listened to the words of his Lieutenant. The way she said those words, how seemingly easily was baffling to him. And yet, she was right. He made it through baptism by fire. He was not scarred like Madoc, or shell shocked like Aoi was. But something felt different to him - about himself." I came to piece with the fact that I might not make it. I accepted that, and it - I feel like it has no hold on me anymore. I'm not a small boy anymore. I am a shinobi of The Empire of Akino.To be a shinobi is to endure. I - I read that in the chronicles of my clan. Lord First said those words, and I decided I will endure. No matter what, I will. I got a team of people that are counting on me to do my part. Whether the sky falls down or the seas rise to the sky. You, Madoc, Dagrún, Aoi - I want you all to know that you can count on me."

A sense of shock came over him, and he was sure that his face mirrored it as well. If Meilin is still trying to figure this all out. Looking at her face, he was sure her words were genuine. And if she is feeling this way, there was no telling about the turmoil she could experience." I - I understand, Lieutenant. I will do my best so you won't need to divert a part of your focus to me, all the time. I'll - I'll stick with you and we'll figure out this … this shit … together. " His reply came in a voice not as firm as he wanted, and he than extended his slightly shaking hand and opened his palm, giving Meiling a puzzled look.

"I will be honest," Meilin started, "I wanted to stab you yesterday. To be troubled during a fight is all fine. But to come up with the idea to plant a tree for every kill?" She shrugged lightly, "I don't know. Maybe it was because I suffered a bit by defending you. Maybe it is for my own reasons to never like these people. But it is a nice goal. And if it keeps you going, then I will help."
Inhaling and exhaling slowly Meilin threw a look at the scenery of the Imperial camp in front of them.

"As long as you don't forsake your duties while planting them, you won't hear a complaint from me. Except that finding an acorn wasn't that easy. Luckily, this one didn't sprout yet. So maybe you can later try to give him that chance."

Mamoru felt his cheeks burn at her remark. He knew his behavior was completely unfit of his position in the team, and he knew he would have to spend a lot of time making up for it. Both in her eyes, as well as in the eyes of his teammates." I understand, Lieutenant. Maybe a stab was in place. I - I won't hold it against you if you want to do it in the future. Just - avoid my eyes, please. " His reply was an attempt at a joke, with a questionable result. He then looked at his palm, and his eyes opened wide at the sight of what was on it. An acorn.

"H-how did you manage to find one? They - this is a rare catch in this time of the year." His voice was that of an excited child who got rewarded for doing his best. He shook his head and did his best to calm down." Sorry about your injuries, Lieutenant. I - I wish I could heal it for you, but as far as treating injuries go, the best I can do is bandaging them." Giving the acorn a quick look, he was even more surprised to see it in perfect condition. Perhaps the cold helped to preserve it. "It's a child's way of coping. My father used to take me to the forests around the village a lot. When we were caught off guard by bad weather, he used to hunt, with me doing my best to help him. Each time an animal fell prey to us, we only took what we needed. Not a bit more. We used to make small - small shrines to honor them. Planting a tree is - is my own, weird way to honor the man that fell victim to my blade. Yesterday and … and in the future." He finished, his eyes glued at the acorn darting at Meilin's face.

She remained silent. The pain in her palm and leg were certainly less pulsing than they were yesterday. Meilin was certain that the aching would vanish on its own, so she decided to not continue to hold it against Mamoru. Neither did she laugh or smile upon the attempt of Mamoru's joke.
"I couldn't sleep right away. So I managed to wander a bit and find one. Not sure why," Meilin briefly seemed restless, as if she was searching for a reason to steer the exchange to another topic, "just make sure that you find peace with doing so."
Remaining silent for a moment Meilin decided to shift the talk to another topic.

"Next time though, do try to keep a hold of your temper. Madoc is a… jerk, at times. Or seems so most at times. And I wish I could explain why I like him. As a friend and comrade," a memory surged through her mind, "but just take it from me. He is a reliable guy. Just try to endure his remarks."
Raising a hand Meilin patted Mamoru's shoulder.
"I need to arrange some stuff. Try to rest out and be ready for the next mission. I doubt it won't take long before we will need to head out, again."

With a heavy sigh, Mamoru dropped his head. He knew he will get reprimanded for his behavior the second it passed. But somehow, he felt better now, that it already happened. " I apologize for my behavior, Lieutenant. I think - no, I know it won't happen again. It is just … I was prepared. In that moment, when we sprung our ambush, I was prepared to take a life. I - I - they always poke fun at me for being a greenhorn, for not having real experience. I know they don't mean it, that it is just friendly banter. But when the opportunity came for me to gain experience - they turned it into a - into a ... " Mamoru visibly struggled with the words, and it took him a few seconds to continue." .. pissing contest between themselves. And then he made that remark and - and I snapped." He was looking at Meilin as he spoke, but he dropped his head again.

"I know now how foolish that was from me. I also know there is no shortcut to gain their respect. And after - after yesterday, I know it will be a bloody hard road, literally and figuratively. But I know I can count on him to have my back. He - he has that weird quality that I don't think I can name or describe yet. Dagrún and Aoi too. You have it in spades. I don't know how but I will get it too." He was than reminded about the importance of catching up on his rest and somewhere, deep within, he knew that he might rest somewhat easier now." Understand, Lieutenant. I will be ready when the order comes." He felt a slight smile spread on his lips as he felt the hand on his shoulder."Thank you. I - I really needed this"
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Working on the changes

[ Republic of the Water Country | Kirigakure ]
[ Kimi Iomaski and Jirou Kanbe ]
A collab between Lesli and Nim

Jirou begins his meetings with the council members, with the first person being his accomplice from the takeover operation, Kimi.

Having finished taking care of some of the military business, Jirou looked up to the remaining standing people in the room. He put his kusarigama on the desk and looked over all of them "Make sure you spread out the word. And if any other high ranking member shows resistance or disobedience, have them brought over to me immediately. All of you are dismissed." Jirou told them all, and after seeing them all offer him a deep bow, they began leaving the office one by one. A few soldiers came inside, and began carrying out the bodies that laid around in the office. Only once this was done, another soldier came inside and saluted "Iomaski Kimi here to meet you!" He stated loud and clear. Jirou looked at the young man and nodded "She can come in. Make sure we are not disturbed as long as she is present." Jirou told the soldier, who nodded before walking back outside. She was the inside source to the government and the one who controlled the security until the moment he stepped in. And now he wanted to make sure she wouldn't pose a future threat to him.

Arriving at the large complex, which served to house the Senators meetings as various other facilities to compliment their job, Kimi had a calm expression plastered on her face. The only one to accompany was a young girl that neither carried weapons or dangerous tools. Only tools as material to write and draw.
Approaching the tight security Kimi would let them do their job. She was half amused by what had transpired so far and frankly, she was aware of what dangerous game it was becoming.
Once she and Nami were allowed into the building, they received an armed escort. Something that Kimi found only amusing. She knew the complex well as a Councilmember and for other reasons. The presence of the guards already gave her an impression of what the situation was.

Being brought to the office Kimi briefly glanced at Nami. A warm smile flowed over Kimi's features as she patted the girl's shoulder four times before entering first.
"Hm?" Kimi threw a glance around once she entered, almost not acknowledging the presence of Jirou in the room, "I wouldn't have picked this office. There are ones with much better sights on the city or docks." The woman's eyes glanced slowly, almost lazily over the room, before they rested on Jirou. The ghost of a smile crossed Kimi's lips again.
"So," Kimi began as her eyebrows slightly moved up on her brow, "what do you want?"

"Want? Many things. But right now I rather focus on what I need. And what I need is to make sure those who are allowed to keep their positions will be loyal to me. As for this office, it is temporary. I intend to move to a different location once it is prepared." Jirou said, keeping his eyes on Kimi. The fact she brought a kid with her made him suspect she was essentially there as Kimi's own backup plan "Now that the takeover had officially occurred, I wanted to discuss the future of the council with you. The senate is officially gone, but that doesn't mean it has to be the case for the council members. And you are counted among them. As the one who provided me with the aid I required, I deemed it only fair that I show some respect by offering you a position in my own council, as I will meet with each of the council members to determine if they can be trusted or not, and then proceed to offer them positions accordingly. And if you wonder, you are the first to receive this offer. This will mean you will report to me, and advise me when I require it."

Jirou looked down at the puddles of blood that had yet to dry up "A woman such as yourself, with the hold you have, it is clear I should attempt to keep you close." He added, looking back at Kimi.

Letting Jirou speak, Kimi patiently awaited till she could speak. When Jirou was done, a certain expression flowed over Kimi's features. If anything, she seemed quite amused by the words of the dictator crowned in the blood of senators. Gesturing with her right hand to the room that they were standing in, Kimi spoke up.
"I would have picked a whole other place for such a romantic proposal. Keeping a woman like me close? My, my," Kimi said, a certain underlying tone not hiding her mockery. "As for the offer? I am not sure yet. You seem aware that I hold a few important strings. But you didn't invite me over. You instructed me to come over. You may have thrown the Senate over, there are plenty that remain. If anything," Kimi paused, the amused expression remaining, "you are at the moment nothing but a glorified rebel. So, how about we start about the more attractive parts instead of trying to flex muscles. Hm?"

Without gesture Nami would move forward. Using one hand to support the stuff she was holding, she carefully reached out and grabbed a chair. To then move it so that Kimi could sit down.
"I was thinking of a good salary. Double what I was earning already. Now, that is something we can discuss before I might make the decision to cancel whatever," rather nonchalant Kimi gestured with her left hand to the room, "this may be."

Leaning against the desk, Jirou listened, taking in everything that was said and how it was said. Grabbing a hold of the kusarigama that laid on the desk, he looked at it for a brief moment before looking back at Kimi "A glorified rebel. And you talk of salaries. You will need to inform me of how much you earned to begin with, as I haven't bothered asking those types of questions. As for whatever this may be," He lowered the weapon "This is what you aided in so far. Now, you may hold many cards in your sleeves, but I already began to act. The bodies that you likely have seen be brought out of here earlier were the bodies of high ranking military officials. Those who disagreed to follow me. And I will keep installing only those who are loyal to me. As for instructing you, yes, it was an instruction. An offer can be refused, and a command can be disobeyed. An instruction felt like a good middle ground for someone who had aided me, not too carefree, yet not overly strict."

"There is no romance in my offer. I am not that type of guy. I will keep on pushing until everything is deemed right by me. And I doubt it will ever be deemed exactly right by me. So I am certainly open to negotiating things such as salaries and other perks if it means you will work under me. As for the flexing muscles, well," Jirou looked around for a moment "It is what I know best. It is what worked for me so far. And it is also why I know I require others under me to help with more delicate matters."

"Indeed, I do," Kimi remarked on the first rebute of Jirou. "Despite what I know and can do, I need food on the table. And I doubt that charity will allow me to enjoy my current lifestyle." The woman paused, letting her words echo briefly through the room.
Her amusement seemed to ebb away, a more neutral attitude showing itself.
"Hmm, you certainly lack a sense of humour, that is for sure," Kimi said, a twinge of disappointment briefly present. "As for killing high ranking officials, military or civilian, I hope it will work out for you. After all, the more blood that you shed, the harder it becomes to find competent people to work for you."

Throwing a sideways glance at Nami, Kimi turned her attention back to Jirou. As the genin started to write some stuff down Kimi continued. "I will let you receive the information on how much I want to be paid out and how. For now, I am debating if I want to work underneath you. As you have stated, you are open for negotiating. Yet, seem more keen to kill the opposition. So I will certainly see how things will go. As things stand now though?" Kimi lightly shrugged as if they spoke about the most casual topics at the moment, "I will see. I am not against you but will need to see how you handle the other council members. You can consider our previous alliance to hold. For as long as you won't instruct or lay demands, I see no reason to work and undermine your current," Kimi flashed a small smile, "ongoing operation here."

Glancing at Kimi and Nami, Jirou kept his attention more focused on the former as she kept speaking. After a moment of silence, he spoke up "I intend to show willingness to negotiate with each council member. With the military, it was more a matter of already knowing capable and loyal people who can replace those who refused. People who are eager to prove themselves. And I am pleased to hear about your willingness to let the operation continue. I am willing to not demand or give you further instructions for as long as you are still considering the position matter. As for the other council members, I already have men approaching each one to arrange for them to come and see me. I can't say they will be approached with an instruction as my soldiers have approached you, but that will only be to ensure they actually meet with me. After all, as you put it, I can be considered a glorified rebel right now, and I doubt the other council members will rush to meet with such a person."

Looking at Nami, he briefly pondered on something before continuing "Well, as long as you are still present, I have a question for you. Would you be willing to tell me about Takeshi Shun, the current Jounin Commander?" Jirou decided to ask.

She wanted to remark on his first answer. But Kimi opted otherwise, deciding to stay silent. The fact that Jirou stopped flexing his 'muscles' was enough for Kimi to decide to not continue either to poke fun at him. Despite that, she still had various things that she wanted to say.
"About Takeshi? No." Kimi said, slowly getting up from her chair, "You already know of his station. Likely about some of his achievements. If you want intel, you will need to provide me a good reason to supply you. After all," Kimi's small smile found its way back on the woman's lips, "I don't work for free."

"Exactly why I phrased it the way I did. I do know about his position and some of his accomplishments, but I was hoping to learn more about the man himself before meeting with him later today. As for offering you something in return, how can I offer anything when I have yet to see what you even want, aside for a doubled payday?" Jirou remarked "But this is also fine. Meeting the man blindly can also be illuminating on its own. See how our personalities interact before beginning to work things out. Before you depart, let me assure you that next time I wish to hear from you, it will be an invitation, and hopefully, to a better looking office." Jirou opened his mouth to add something more, but closed it a second later. Telling her that she is dismissed would likely not end things on the best of tones. He stayed that way for another moment before finally speaking "Good day, Miss Iomaski."

Turning halfway around as Jirou continued, Kimi heard him out. The first remark was met with a smile and a simple answer.
"Then you have to start making offers. Though, I am aware of what you currently are holding. But next time, you are most free to surprise me," Kimi replied, at first, "and good. I bid you a good day as well. Seems like you do need to do some more cleaning." Giving a most subtle nod Kimi turned towards the door, followed by Nami. Exiting the office the woman placed her hands on her back while venturing back to her own affairs.

As the door closed, Jirou put his kusarigama back on the desk. He felt somewhat relieved, as it went better than he had expected. Kimi did not outright rule out the possibility of her working for him, and the meeting with her gave him some thoughts on how to try and approach some of the more diplomatic-inclined council members. Of course, he would still need to figure some more things out, and he was certain more blood would shed, but perhaps less than he initially deemed needed. Turning to the desk, Jirou looked at a list of names that laid on it, grabbed a pen and marked something next to one of the names, before looking towards the door once more, waiting for the next person to arrive
[ At Kumogakure | Lightning Country ]
[ Yakamochi of the Tano Clan | New master of arms for the Regency council forces ]

Yakamochi's Army.

A constant beat of step after step, the ground softly trembled as if it was under awe and fright. Up close, the rustling of chainmail and leather overpowered most sounds. The creaking of wood and metal of the engines only heard faintly as the small talk or grunts of the soldiers were all but drowned out completely.
Despite the noise, he could see that the soldiers were talking, laughing or even perhaps joking around. It was unclear to Yakamochi if the majority had their mind of the task ahead or if they just looked forward to it.

The large column that stretched out long advanced slowly forwards. Various fortifications on the way to Kumogakure had been besieged by a strong detachment but that still allowed Yakamochi to keep advancing with the bulk of the force.
Steering his mount to the direction that the army was marching towards Yakamochi could see the stout fortifications, that were perched on their advantageous position. Nestled on high terrain, it would be pure madness to just assault the walls and hope for a swift victory. No, Yakamochi was assured that a direct assault wouldn't gain much else but to reap needless losses. And despite their overwhelming numbers and ability to choke income of resources from Kumogakure over land, Yakamochi hadn't forgotten that the Sanosuke and Hojo were still in open rebellion. After the Raikage and his subordinates had been dealt with, those great clans remained.

Releasing a heavy sigh as Yakamochi considered what would happen the next few days, he already knew how they would look like. Unlike pitched key-battles, sieges were a terribly dull affair. It consisted out of waiting, negotiating and making sure that the defenders were contained.

The encirclement went on slowly but without many flaws. The forces of Yakamochi were preparing for a lengthy siege. The harsh winter condition didn't do much good but the secured supply line did provide some relief. Supplies and resources were still coming in and Yakamochi reckoned that Kumogakure wouldn't be able to last till the summer.
The steep defences and at what height they were meant that heavy assault siege-engines wouldn't work. Towers to allow troops to embark on the wall wouldn't be able to work. And tall ladders would be easily repelled. Even bringing a battering ram up to the gates alone was a risky endeavour.

Altogether, it just seemed more feasible to starve the defenders out. Or lure them out, letting their numbers dwindle by giving them enough room to sally out. Only to then utterly crush any attempts to break or weaken the encirclement.

"How many?"
He asked, frowning as he looked at the messenger.
"Around five to seven thousand, general," the courier responded, his head lowered in a bow.
Frowning, Yakamochi was both curious and wary. The news that a Hojo force was moving south, to the Alaricus land meant a few things. And while those numbers couldn't contest his main force, Yakamochi didn't deem that they weren't harmless. Such numbers could provide a threat in several ways.

"We could send a force out. I can lead them and annihilate them. Before they will become a real problem," Hogai offered, eyeing his older brother, "They are likely advancing to either contest our hold on the Alaricus. Or to disrupt our supply lines. Maybe till more forces can be called upon to challenge us?"

Yakamochi nodded slowly. He considered his options. Truth be told, he wanted Hogai close. For various reasons but also because by the time that Hogai would be able to intercept the Hojo forces, the enemy could already have caused some damage.
The only force that was able to react swiftly enough were the Alaricus. Their force was marching towards the siege, to reinforce their numbers and provide the necessary aid.
"Send word to the Alaricus. I want them to deal with the problem. Tell them that I want the heads of those Hojo commanders and officers as proof." Yakamochi ordered, on which the courier would take his leave.

A second of silence plagued the interior of Yakamochi's command tent. Then Hogai spoke his thoughts.
"Are you certain that the Alaricus can be trusted? If anything, I think it is wiser to set them on the front and let them try to scale the walls of Kumogakure first."
The comment was met with Yakamochi slowly nodding on his turn, after hearing his brother out. "I doubt that the Alaricus would remain much longer allies if we tried to force them to do that. But this Hojo army manoeuvring around? Through Alaricus territory? That is a different story. The Hojo and Alaricus have sworn rivals. To allow them to undertake this task, will hopefully settle some loyalty with them. If not, let the Hojo and Alaricus weaken each other. Before we take them out."
Two Blonde Bullies
[ Eastern Continent | Wolf Country, at the northern part of the 'front' ]
[ A collab between Oblivion666 and Aliceee | Madoc spends some time talking with Dagrún. The two discuss some matters in their 'typical' fashion. Beside the various puns about Madoc's loss of an eye, the two do learn a bit more about each other's motivations. Only to make a bet that will either get them into some trouble or allowing one of them to reap all the fun. Or an excuse to acquire some booze. ]

It was quite the adjustment, after being taken to the medic tent the healers managed to stop the bleeding and got it patched up. Sadly not much else could be done about his eye. The chakra managed to pierced right into it, basically splitting his eye in half. The doctors gave him the usual talk about it could have been much worse, they then helped him put on an eyepatch just for some added protection until it was fully healed. So the first few minutes of his new excitement was spent accidentally bumping into people who went to yell then stopped upon seeing that he probably wasn't doing it on purpose.

Yet its been a couple days enough for him to get a bit more use to walking around. It still aches every now and then, with the occasional itch he had to resist. However as he was heading back to the team's tent, outside was Dagrun who seemed to be doing some maintenance on gear. Approaching the blonde he looked at what she was doing and nodded. "Whatca doing there? It's hard to see." Madoc said and if Dagrun would look, she would see Madoc with a smirk on his face, clearly not even that upset about his own situation.

Hearing the familiar voice Dagrún's head slightly twisted. Flipping the knife that she had been sharpening, her lips parted to give a response. But Madoc's 'joke' caught her off guard, causing her to grow silent for a moment.
Only for Dagrún to release a chuckle.
"Making sure I am prepared for the next fight. Hopefully, preventing ye from losing your nose and getting uglier," Dagrún responded on her turn. Sheathing the knife she would gesture to a nearby cut off tree stump that functioned as a seat.
"So, what are ye going to do now? Did ye report to the boss that yer back?" A grin started to descend on Dagrún's lips. "Eye am back, something like that?"

"I think the eyepatch looks wonderous on me. I think so anyway. Never had the eye for fashion." A chuckle escape his lips as he sat down on the tree stump before shrugging. "Haven't seen her…… heh" he said at the accidental pun he made.
"But yeah no idea where she is right now. Then again shes higher ranked, probably a bit more busy than we all are. I'll probably catch up with her later so she can tell me not to go losing my other eye or something along those lines. Then again all I'd need to do for that is apparently fight Orun." Madoc said with some sarcasm in his voice.
"So what did I miss while doctors were giving me the look of 'Oh shit I can't fix that' Does Mamoru still want to punch me?"

Dagrún eyed the look of the eyepatch. Her features turned briefly more serious before she responded on turn. "It could have been much worse. But I think it will be a good battle scar. Who knows? Maybe ye will become one of those old men that can brag about winning, despite not having two eyes."
Becoming silent for a moment Dagrún would pick up her handaxe. Holding a whetstone in her other hand, she would casually yet slowly start to sharpen the weapon's edge.
"Fighting Orun, eh? Now that is something I would like to put money on. Ye might actually put up a good fight, heh." The grin of before returned as Dagrún gave it a thought herself. "Then again, I heard yous Yamanaka can take over bodies. How much of that is actually true, hm?"

Halting the whetstone Dagrún leaned a bit forward as she lowered her voice. "Is it true that yous Yamanaka can possess people? Cause if I were ye? I would start with Mamoru. By Valdar's balls, that kid, oef," whistling Dagrún flashed a wicked smile before she continued.
"Cause I bet that he do want to punch ye. Probably not after the liet' is done with berating his arse, though."

An old man winning without seeing the opponent, the thought itself made him smirk but he quickly shook his head. "Rather not be using sensory twenty four- seven, so lets stick with just one eye for now." Madoc stated as she would start to resume the sharpening of her axe before claiming she would put money on a fight between him and Orun. However she would then quickly change the subject to the Yamanaka possession techniques he can do. Although the way she made it sound as if the technique itself was nothing more than a myth.

He raised an eyebrow before smiling. "Yeah I can, unless you mean that story about doing it permanently. In which case that is itself is nothing more than a rumor. I can only take over someone's body like I would borrow something. Only this one I'd actually have to return to them. Multiple ways to do it. The more controlling but risky one is for me to enter their mind and then control them. Or I insert my chakra into them but thats a lot of concentration. It has it's flaws though. For example the more willful they are. I mean like they need to be really willful or just outright have the mental power to kick me out of their mind. It can even be more dangerous as well. Sometimes those that are purely driven and incredibly willful can not only kick me out, but also in the process shoot themselves into my body and take over me."

Finishing his spiel on the Yamanaka's hidden technique he let out a chuckle. "So avoid the angry kid until he get scolded, gotcha. Guess that means avoid talking to Aoi for a bit. Kid seems like she will protect him or something…." He stopped for a second before chuckling.
"Although it's kind of funny he wants to beat my ass for doing the same thing you did."

"Shiiit," Dagrún said, adding a soft whistle to emphasise her disbelief that the technique was a serious thing. "Must be a nuisance, though," she continued, "I can't imagine if ye would take over a fat arse. To suddenly be hampered by one's other body, ye know? Or what if they don't have a mind of their own? How 'bout that?" Dagrún asked, curious about the odd technique that wasn't some kind of fairy tale after all.
"It is what I would do. So far, Taika folk seem to be sensitive. 'Bout a lot of matters," Dagrún frowned for a moment, clearly considering something. "True yeah. I did actually perform much better than ye, eh? I got to say, I am happy that I decided to enroll into the Imperial fight. Much more action than I get at fighting at home, that's sure."
Halting her motion of sharpening her weapon Dagrún threw an amused look at Madoc.
"Humour me though. Say if the kid was going to swing a punch at ye. What then? Ye going to fight a kid like that?"

"Well you gain their physique strength so, it can suck sometimes. Never did it on a fatass though. I have done it on this wild beast though and let me tell you. That was incredibly interesting but creepy at the same time. Yet if you mean if they are just stupid it still works, in fact its even easier then. If you mean if they are dead then no. I can't make a corpse start walking around. Which is also dangerous in that regard. Cause whatever I take over is treated like its my own body. So if I did possess a fat man and he had a heart attack right then and there. Well that means my own body is having a heart attack. So useful ability but also one with many flaws behind it." He explained a bit more about the mechanics that went along with body possession.

Her next statement would have made most people get a bit annoyed but he simply shrugged. "Yeah you did, I never really trained for fighting people. I trained more for making sure they never saw me fighting them. Yet you enrolled for fighting? Is that all you enrolled for? As for what would I do? Nah I wouldn't fight him over something stupid like him wanting to get his sword dirty with someones blood. I've got better things to do than fight a hormonal child."

Listening intently, putting her weapon and whetstone down, Dagrún seemed serious about learning more about the Yamanaka technique. Yet, it seemed to slowly dawn upon her. "That's a shame. I thought yous Yamanaka were some kind of seers and powerful masters. Though, I respect ye Madoc. Even if ye are considered a cunt by the kid." Dagrún flashed a smile as she continued on. "I hope ye won't have to take over a fat arse then. Despite all, ye ain't so bad."

The question that Madoc asked caused Dagrún to briefly turn silent. She picked up her axe again and briefly inspected it.
"Well, for various reasons. I heard that some stories of powerful Taika. Respectful figures and all that. Thing is," she shrugged as if it was nothing, "I suppose that I just wanted to prove myself. After all, I got nothing to win over hunting some boar. Or taking down a bear. Seen that ,done that kinda thing." Some of her usual composure seemed to return again.
"That and I like what I am being put so far. These squints, eh? I hope they got some good fighters. I can't wait to see what kind of shite they can pull off."

"Well to be fair they are. I was simply listing off what I knew and could do. What the Seers of my clan can do is far beyond what I know. I can't communicate with the dead after all. Also those that focus purely on possession, again the world is full of lots and lots of possibilities. After all supposedly according to legend, one grew so close to someone that when they died, their lover wept and wept before being permanently taken over by the deceased." He however followed that up with a shrug as to show that even he couldn't guess what his own clan could actually do.

Yet now was his time to listen to her and what she was about. Proving oneself huh? I guess when you come from a clan of warriors, it makes sense to want to prove yourself capable. He would have guessed she was after fame, but it seems more like she was just here to show what she could do and become better. Not a bad reason he supposed, far different than why he was here. He was here to get away from having to prove himself. A chuckle escaped when she was hoping they had some good fighters.

"That's the last thing I'd be hoping for, but you are more driven for combat than I am. So while we are here… want to make a bet? A bet on those tattoo's you offered. Simply a bet on what the others might get."

Dagrún flashed a smile upon hearing that Madoc wasn't hoping for the same. "Not to worry. I shall try to keep the big, spooky fighters away from yous. More glory for me, heh," she responded.
When Madoc suggested a bet Dagrún visibly became curious. Then a laugh briefly escaped the blonde Hon upon hearing what the Yamanaka suggested.
"Sure. I don't mind a good bet. I already wondered what each of yous wanted. Though I doubt the kid or Aoi want any. Don't seem the type, ye know?"

He laughed and gave a smile. "Oh thank you valiant protector. I shall speak of your name in only good ways to all I see."
When she stated that Aoi or Mamoru probably didn't want any he simply scoffed and waved his hand. "Oh I can peer pressure anyone don't worry about that." He said with a smirk.
"We will however for now pretend they will. I bet Mamoru…… will get some form of a tree tattoo, while Aoi would get a flower. She seems like that type. As for Meilin…. I'd say wings. Something with the emphasis of soaring for new heights or something along those lines." Madoc stated thinking a bit more before giving a small shrug.

"I also accept tributes of money and ale. Good food though, but I highly doubt that ye can get yer hands on any decent food. Dear gods, I wouldn't mind to kill for some honey." Dagrún mumbled, deciding to sheath the axe and halting her handiwork with her tools and weapons.
"Okay," Dagrún responded, curious to what Madoc thought that Aoi and Mamoru would want for tattoo. Maybe he can read minds from afar, Dagrún mused to herself. The thought amused and piqued her interest.

"Aoi does seem the flowery type, aye. I got to agree with that. But I will say that she goes with something tougher. I don't think she or anybody but liet'ant knows Ylfling symbols or their meanings. But I think she will go with a weapon. Perhaps a spear or sabre?" Thinking about Mamoru, Dagrún wasn't entirely sure yet. "The kid and a tree? Aye, I can see that. I will go with a boar though. Might give him some good luck. He might need that."
When she thought of Meilin, Dagrún frowned slightly. "Wings, eh? I suppose that the liet'ant is a tad ambitious. In a good way, I say. But wings? It ain't like she can turn into a bird. So I will bet that she goes on a symbol. Maybe Signý? That or Valdar."

"I mean. I can make you think food tastes like honey. Although that requires me altering how your brain thinks, so we will go with the Ale." Madoc replied knowing that not many people were open to the idea of having their brain think differently. Yet it was very curious to hear what Dagrun thought the others would get. He couldn't imagine Aoi getting a weapon tattoo, that seemed so unlike her.
Mamoru was another story he didn't know the boy well enough to guess his tastes, so a boar could certainly be his thing. Then came her guess on Meilin which caused him to resist the urge to make a comment on the fact Meilin could indeed turn into a bird. So she choose a symbol of their clan's ancestors.

"Hmmm I could see that for Mamoru and Meilin. Although I soooo doubt Aoi getting a weapon. If she does I will do anything you say for a week. As for what I get from the bet..." He paused to think about what he could possibly want while at war in unknown territory.
"You have to help me pull a prank on the others." Madoc said holding out his hand.

"Nay, I am all good. Thanks for the offer though," Dagrún said, shaking her head to give some emphasis on her answer. She was curious about if it truly worked or if Madoc was joking around.
When Madoc said that he would do anything if she was right, Dagrún grinned. "A week? Oh, that would be quite amusing. And a prank? Why do I feel like ye're going to get me involved in trouble?" Clearly amused as suspicious of the Yamanaka intention Dagrún raised a hand and shook his.
"Ah, fuck it. I am in. It ain't like they will send us back home anyways. Not for a prank, I imagine."

Shaking her hand with a grin he couldn't help but chuckle. "Thats the spirit! I knew I could count on you to not be a goody two shoes. I'll make sure we won't get horribly reprimanded for anything."
Taking his hand back he paused before raising a finger. "Although we both could be wrong…. Eh fuck it, if were both wrong we get the others some booze and make it a party. Sound good to you?"

"Hahaha," the blonde Hon bellowed a laugh as Madoc suggested what they should do if they both were wrong. "Ye can count on it. I am all in for it, Madoc. I don't think I have ever minded so much to be wrong about something then. Ye got yourself a bet. Though," she threw him an amused yet meaningful look, "I hope ye won't cheat. I can't read any mind but I am quite capable of knowing figuring shite out. And unlike ye, I still got both my eyes working."

He simply held up his hands with a smile. "If I was gonna cheat and read their minds. I'd kinda make sure they were within eyesight. Kinda the prerequisite for doing that kind of stuff. " Madoc said standing up and letting out a whistle followed by a smile. "I have to say, 'eye' can't believe you said that to me." Madoc would say with one last pun before giving her a wave and heading off in the distance.
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