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Vacuum propelling him forward, Hideki spun through the air, landing in front of the training dummy with a dull thud. His palms flashed outwards, gently pushing against the wood, surgically injecting chakra as if it were a real target. Noru sat to the side, ears perked up, his tail happily crooked, amused by simply watching. Hideki had been training for hours a day recently, for no purpose whatsoever. Something had changed inside of him, the core melting away as if engulfed by flames, leaving him vulnerable to whatever dangers presented. It was in the air all around him, swirling in his peripheral vision, taunting him through cryptic coincidences. The only way to temporarily rid of those feelings was to exert himself through training, sweating away his troubles. There was nothing keeping him busy, yet he felt suffocated by responsibility. Perhaps a change of scenery would do him good. Noru had been steadily improving with the weeks, adapting to a shinobi's pace. He would soon be ready to accompany Hideki. Somewhere. Anywhere.
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Seiji Hirai

Seiji leaned across his balcony, the sky a uniform grey above, watching the smoke of his cigarette swirl skywards. Three cats played at his side whilst the chubbiest one, Hiroshi, lay on the porch, purring loudly. Taking another puff of his cigarette, Seiji directed his attention to the village beneath. He'd been safe since his return, mostly due to the fact that the majority of Kirigakure's shinobi had attended to their foreign visitors. Hisoka Uchiha and Asami Sanosuke. An untimely interruption. Additionally, he'd overheard a conversation about the Water Daimyo. Something involving the Ina Clan. Nothing good ever came out of those bastards. Closing his eyes, he felt the nicotine settle in his brain. Too much was changing at once. If Kimi had not attended to her part of the bargain, their fate was sealed.
[fieldbox="Kensuke Nimatsu - Konohagakure Team 7 Jounin, green"]
Outside Konoha

He let out a resolved sigh as he saw what was awaiting them along the path and came to a halt next to Ezuri and a Hyuuga girl who looked about a year or two younger than himself, give or take. However, he had also felt the presence of the third man, who slowly stepped out of the brush behind the two younger Hyuuga, clad in a traditional kimono. Kensuke stepped forward, mentally dreading what was about to happen as the older man stepped forwards aswell, making angry hand motions to get Ezuri towards the rest of Team 7.

"Good morning sir." He greeted the man who by now stood directly in front of Kensuke, almost agressively close. This forced Kensuke to look down on the shorter man, much to the latter's chagrin. "Ezuri. Join your team." The man managed between clenched teeth without losing eye-contact with Kensuke. "Nimatsu, we must talk." The man then spat out, walking a short distance away from the team. Kensuke followed him and turned towards the man to listen to what he had to say as soon as they were out of immediate earshot of the team.

"I do not know why the leadership of Konoha, to whom we are all loyal, would decide to place Ezuri, such a young and promising youngling, under your leadership, but let me make this clear. I do not care how you conduct your trainings and how you work, but we will NOT tolerate you making a mess of Ezuri's education as a shinobi! We will take this to the Empress herself if we must to ensure that you do not taint another Hyuuga with your malicious influence! Do your work properly, Nimatsu!" The man said. Kensuke had listened to the entire rant with a respectful silence, but as the man continued his initially hushed and silent voice became louder and louder untill he spat out the words at Kensuke with barely conceiled anger and resentment. Briefly the young man wondered why the Hyuuga senior even bothered to talk to him in private, the rest would have had to be deaf to have heard nothing of his rant. Kensuke knew that he shouldn't let this get to him, but the man was going pretty far with his insinuations and insults, and for a brief moment he felt indeed inclined to blow the incident up. But then he regained control over himself and nodded once the man was done. "Of course, sir. Above all I hope to serve Konoha by turning my pupils into splendid shinobi. Don't we all, sir?" He replied on a most respectful tone, upon which the other man snorted, not deigning to reply. For him the conversation was over, and he turned to the girl, who Kensuke presumed to be his daughter and left.

Sighing deeply, Kensuke returned to his team. It seemed that Ezuri hadn't had a good excuse for being late back home, and he certainly did not have one now. Taking a moment to calm down Kensuke approached Ezuri. "You're late." He said on a colder tone than he had intended to use, with a frown born of annoyance and withheld anger etched on his forehead. "What is your excuse?"
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blue After traveling through the forest, the two nin accompanies Masayoshi and his family on a suspiciously misty road. Hiroshi ends up bonding with the son of Masayoshi and begins to learn a bit more about this mission.

Vigilant's bane - Part II
Hiroshi held his arm above his head to avoid having rain hit his eyes. "Ugh, it had to start raining now of all times? Couldn't it have waited until we had a roof over our heads?" complained Hiroshi.

"That's mother nature for you, kid. She doesn't give a damn. Just ask anyone with a monthly bleeding," spoke Isamu before he looked into the sky. "I find the rain quite peaceful."

"I just don't want this suit too wet," added Masayoshi to the conversation, "But we're at the road. The manor isn't too far ahead." As they walked a bit further they would step onto a misty road, on that road stood a woman beside a wooden cart, and in that cart laid supplies alongside a young boy wrapped in a cloak. Masayoshi ran up to the much taller woman and they exchanged a kiss. The couple turned to Isamu and Hiroshi as they walked up. The woman went by the name Naoko. Her caramel eyes washed over Hiroshi as her lips pulled into a smile. "Why hello," her soft voice spoke. Hiroshi smiled and waved.

"Introductions are nice but we should really get going," spoke Isamu with a sniffle.

The group would notice the small amount of mist previously surrounding the road thicken as they pressed forward. Mist was normal, but the way it built as they went forward was weird. The family seemed to either not have noticed or didn't mind it. Hiroshi and Isamu glanced at one another. Isamu gave a slight nod before reaching for the hilt of his sword. Hiroshi would fall back to the side of the cart, hand on his kunai pouch.

"So," spoke Isamu suddenly, breaking the silence, "Is this amount of mist normal here?"

"Hm? Oh! I've only encountered this amount of mist few times," replied Masayoshi.

Hiroshi decided to speak up. "When were those few times exactly?"

"The first time was a week before I sent the request, the second being a day after I sent the request. So, uh, not too long ago for the last one, why do you ask?" asked Masayoshi in a nervous tone. He looked back at Hiroshi then over at Isamu, eyes widened. "I-Is there something wrong?"

Hiroshi studied Naoko as Isamu and Masayoshi spoke. She continued pressing forward. Her face held a calm expression though her eyes closed shut. Her hands were pressed together as if she was praying. She wasn't moving her lips at all so Hiroshi couldn't get an idea of what she was praying about exactly. He would assume she was praying for the safety of her family yet he had nothing to base that off of. Looking to his right, the boy in the wagon that his father was pulling locked eyes with Hiroshi, the boy looked around nine or ten. The boy waved. Hiroshi returned the wave.

"…Just that this mist is weird how it thickens the closer we get to the manor. As well, how it appeared near the time of the request." Hiroshi focused back on Isamu just as he finished speaking. He should have been listening. He was glad he caught a bit of it anyways.

"Could just be a coincidence though. Like you said earlier, Mother Nature is a bitch," spoke Hiroshi with a smirk. He wasn't totally knocking any suspicious activity. Isamu was way more experienced than him thus able to catch these sorts of things easier. Half of Hiroshi spoke out of not wanting the family to be too anxious, the other to just point out another possibly. Isamu ran a finger under his nose as he looked back at Hiroshi. Isamu looked forward again. "Fair enough."

Continuing on the road, the group would make their way up a hill where a manor stood heavily shrouded in mist. In the distance Hiroshi could just barely make out an outline of what looked to be a barn. With the large amount of mist covering the area he couldn't be sure. Hiroshi entered the manor after Isamu and the family. The first room was rather large yet empty save for a few generic tables and chairs set up. "So lively," spoke Isamu sarcastically. He rubbed his nose.

"Apologizes, there was a, um-"Masayoshi stopped speaking for a moment to clear his throat, "-This manor held most of our family. Majority moved out after paranoia struck, they took some items with them. All that's left is my wife, our nine year old son Fumihiro, and I."

The nine year old boy, who had previously been sitting in the cart, walked up to Hiroshi. His large brown eyes stared up at the older boy. Despite the darker skin Fumihiro acquired from his mother, his cheeks were visibly red due to a blush, possibly due to shyness. "Can you play with me?" asked the younger boy shyly.

Hiroshi glanced around before his eyes lay upon Isamu. Isamu nodded. "Adults need to talk." He spoke with a sniffle. Hiroshi nodded then began walking off with Fumihiro. He didn't like being dismissed because of his age, but he wouldn't argue. Making their way up stairs, Hiroshi took a glance back. He caught site of Masayoshi and Naoko walking into another room that, from where Hiroshi was standing, looked to be a kitchen. Isamu sneezed into his arm before following. Hiroshi would turn his attention forward.

Entering a room Fumihiro ran into, Hiroshi would take notice of the various toys scattered across the floor. Mostly play swords and different types of weapons. There were few action figures as well. Hiroshi picked one up. It was a girl with red hair; she had a cat companion attached to her. "Well that's…interesting," mumbled Hiroshi. He gently sat the action figure onto the desk that was near a small bed. Turning, he would catch Fumihiro charging him with a play sword. They were playing Shinobi it seemed. Hiroshi finally found someone slower than him.

Reaching back, Hiroshi grabbed his staff. As Fumihiro neared him, Hiroshi would send his staff forward and smack against the fake blade causing it to fall from Fumihiro's grip. Hiroshi was no combat expert, but he knew long range weapons were good at keeping melee fighters at bay. Fumihiro looked sad. "Erm, sorry," spoke Hiroshi as he rubbed the back of his head, "In any other case, if I didn't have the staff, you would have killed me!" Hiroshi grinned. Cheering up children also wasn't his strong suit.

"…Are you a Shinobi?" asked Fumihiro curiously, "I want to be a Shinobi."

"I kind of am," spoke Hiroshi with a nervous chuckle, "But, uh…trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be." Hiroshi sat on the floor with crossed legs. Fumihiro plopped on his bum as if he was about to be told a story from his grandmother. "I mean, it has its good moments, but…I think I'd prefer just working at a store or something." Hiroshi gave another chuckle, though void of any amusement. It was doubtful Fumihiro noticed. "Tell me, why do you want to be a Shinobi?"

Fumihiro perked with excitement as if he was waiting his whole life for this moment. "To protect mommy and daddy!" He damn near shouted with a grin. "They've been being weird, and-"Fumihiro kept going on and on about why he wanted to be a Shinobi. A lot of it was generic idealistic stuff, and while Hiroshi wanted to listen, his mind stopped at the parents acting weird. That could have been useful information.

"Fumihiro," Hiroshi cut off the rambling younger boy, "What do you mean your family has been acting weird?" asked Hiroshi with a raised eyebrow. He played it up by leaning forward and mustering up his most curious face. Fumihiro leaned forward as well.

Fumihiro would whisper. "Well, when mommy and daddy think I'm sleep I hear them talk." Oh, that brought back memories for Hiroshi. "Daddy laughs a lot, and mommy sounds like she's crying. She says she's scared and, and daddy says they have to do…something, in order to protect the rest of the house. I don't know what he's talking about. Sometimes I hear that weird man in there…"

Hiroshi's eyes softened. He sympathized with the kid who had to hear his mother cry, mostly because he could relate. But what things did they have to do to protect themselves? And what weird man, exactly? "Can you tell me about this man?"

Fumihiro nodded. "I saw him once. He-"Before Fumihiro could finish his sentence the door to the room swung open suddenly. It was Masayoshi. His eyes were narrowed. His face quickly cleared once Hiroshi glanced over to him. Clearing his throat, he spoke. "Dinner time." Masayoshi then walked away.

Hiroshi focused on Fumihiro then smiled, ruffling his hair. "Well, you keep working at wanting to protect your family. It's a noble goal. Now let's go, we shouldn't keep your parents waiting." Hiroshi stood alongside Fumihiro who started running off. Looking around the room, Hiroshi was beginning to think there was more to this mission than they thought. He needed to speak to Isamu alone, and quickly.
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[fieldbox=S Ō H A - G E N I N, #269952]
Setting: Kirigakure - Escort Mission
With: Team Dai (12)

Keeping his side on constant watch as per ordered by their senpai, his hands were pocketed as he kept glancing between the team and the path before him. Listening to what the latter was saying, he kinda felt that it was probably the right choice. "You're probably right senpai, I guess I just felt at that moment it was something that perhaps wasn't important for us to know." Sōha remembered exactly what their senpai was referring to. The session they had once the team was formed, and the fact that knowing one another to a certain level would pose a positive effect for them, especially when an enemy ever imitates one in their team.

His attention was easily drawn back to the path before him, not glancing at the rest anymore. Keeping quite for the moment. Once their senpai mentioned the chance of encountering some trouble on their way to the docks, he couldn't help but think about the revolutionaries and the loyalist, and the fact that they were doing a mission during such times. A civil war was happening in Kirigakure, after all. The harsh voice escaping the Archeologists lips was quite angry. 'So.. He's a loyalist.. then?..' The thought ran through Sōha's mind because of the way he addressed the revolutionaries, but judging by the attitude of the man they were currently escorting, he decided to actually not ask him openly. It would probably just cause more issues. Instead, he kept quiet and listened to what else their senpai had to share.

A serious expression was formed on Sōha's face as the mention of throwing the weapons down in case they would meet any of the revolutionaries in their path. It was probably the wisest decision. The Archeologist didn't seem like a Shinobi type or one who could hold his own during a fight, nor were Sōha and the team he was in experienced enough to fight Shinobi from the revolutionaries. The capabilities of Daiki-senpai was still unknown to him, but judging by the number a troop would usually be in, perhaps he could keep up with them, but only for a certain amount of time. "It would probably be for the wise anyway... Throwing down our weapons if we do encounter them." He agreed with their senpai.

The reaction from their newest addition to the team was actually quite amusing. Riku had this air that carved a smile on Sōha's face when he responded to the one they were escorting. He figured it would be right time to be somewhat apologetic about the reaction regarding Riku going overboard and all. "I guess you weren't going overboard at all, Riku. In case I sounded rude. I apologize." It did not take long before the one remaining part of the team came waltzing in, albeit quite late.

Noticing Naname, a simple nod was made towards her when she appeared before the rest. "Quite late aren't you..." Sōha rhetorically asked, not really seeking an answer. [/fieldbox]
Hideki Hyuuga

Sitting atop a rooftop, Hideki watched the argument between the Hyuuga senior and Kensuke Nimatsu unfold, trying to determine what they were saying through lip movement. When they were done speaking, the senior took his leave, pulling away what Hideki presumed to be his daughter. By expression alone, the argument seemed to have gone in no-one's favor. Which, knowing his clan, was probably for the better. There was a certain limit of entitlement no one should cross, disregarding nobility. With a single-handed seal, Hideki's eyes returned back to normal, the bulging veins abating. He watched the Hyuuga's backs until they disappeared among the crowds of people flocking the market place. Then he dashed away, navigating the rooftops with ease, heading for the Hyuuga compound. Saki had been there as well. Unfortunately, for the time being, they were both caught up in their own duties. It'd be a while before they could see each other again.
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Zakito Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin Commander | Hon clan leader,


Reading the several responses, Zakito was quite content. With some coordination between him, the governor of the Hotspring country and with Kumogakure they would hold a sort of Chuunin exam very soon near the Sea Keep. The spot was chosen as it would be easier for the participants from the other regions of the Empire to go to the location and yet not too far for the participants of the Cloud.

It would take some more small arrangements, but the field would be soon prepared for the exams. While he had first considered to have the exams held within the fortress, it wouldn't be probably sufficient for the required space. Due that reason Zakito had send out an order to the garrison of the Sea Keep to prepare fields, tents and other necessities to hold the event near the Keep. Even sending some groups of nin and civilians, such as carpenters and such, to help setting the event up.

It would probably take up a week to still have everything at the ready. Meaning he had some time to arrange other matters before he would personally head towards the event to oversee it all. It wasn't after all just a regular Chuunin exam. The last exam had convinced many a people that the old system wasn't that great. One exam resulted into the destruction of a capital and a lot of lives lost in the fight. And the last exam Kirigakure was left without a leader, being thus barely able to react against the sudden outbreak of the Six Tails.

Knowing fully well that it had been a highly secretive undercover mission from the Empire, trying to weaken Kirigakure as the higher ups of the Leaf didn't trust Rika for a bit, Zakito had thus decided that the next exam wouldn't include parties from neutral or hostile nations. Cause what they could do meant that others could try to do the same. That thought made Zakito start to write a request to Meisa. Tatsuya's jinchuriki status was still not public knowledge, but Zakito considered that it would be best if some undercover Ghost ANBU would start to watch over the young Hon. As for Kiyomi? Zakito wondered if anybody with enough guts would attempt to kidnap his niece. The thought made him chuckle as it was hard enough to catch a Bijuu. To catch however a jinchuriki who could work with her or his beast was a difficulty set on another level.

The other fact that made it different was that it would also have some fields where others could duel and spar against each other. With preferably teams of barrier nin at each field to make sure that the public wouldn't suffer any action of the sparring participant.

Done with writing the few orders and the request, Zakito rose up from his seat. Walking to the door, he would exit his office and then pass the orders to a messenger that would bring his letters away. That done, Zakito considered what more he had to do today. As far as he knew, most of his tasks were done. Only he needed to check the request that the Amegakure Jounin Commander, Hoshi Miwa. Returning to his office, Zakito pocket his hands as he already tried to remember what the request was about and what he could later advise Kiyomi about it.
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Ezuri Hyuuga

Just outside village

A new mission!

"I'm sorry Kensuke-sensei" Ezuri mumbled it a bit so only he could hear it "ohaio" he greeted them properly and addressed each of them as politely he could "Kensuke-sensei, Yamanaka-senpai, Inuzuka-san". He looked at Kurohana who gave him a small smile just before his uncle pulled her away and returned to the village. Kensuke asked for his excuse "I'm terribly sorry sensei, i though i had informed you i would not be able to get here in time because i had an audience with our Empress, lady Kiyomi-sama" He hoped Kensuke took this as good enough. Ezuri stayed a little at the back of the group as they started moving again, being silent not attracting anymore attention his way.

-about 20 minutes earlier-

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop Ezuri followed Kurohana, she knew where Ezuri was supposed to meet up with the rest of his team. It didn't take Ezuri long to notice another presence but he could not really determine who it was. Since Ezuri received the cursed seal he had been appointed a guardian. His uncle, and while this mid 40's man was his appointed guardian, his daughter Kurohana was his acting guardian.

As Ezuri and Kurohana dropped to the ground he already saw his teammates approaching. That was when his uncle suddenly showed up, Ezuri moaned on the inside, this was not good. He immediately saw Kensuke and his uncle locking eyes, the tension was nearly visible. Ezuri let his head hang as he heard his uncle raging against Kensuke. If Ezuri had to choose he would pick to side with his sensei. he looked at the 2 inch taller Kurohana and gave her a crooked smile as he went to join his team.
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Shisen Inuzuka
Genin of Konoha Team 7

Location: Gates
Shisen eyed the girl he was with when Ezuri finally showed up, saying nothing to him as she really didn't care what his reason was she looked to Kensuke-Sensei and awaited his instruction. Besides, if she wanted to become something then she needed to distance herself from those who made poor choices and made rash decisions. The last mission probably would have gone better if Ezuri hadn't run off like he did. Why was he still a ninja if he couldn't behave like one?

Shisen shrugged it off, picking up her smaller ninken who didn't seem all too pleased with the late arrival herself. The young ninken seemed to be showing early signs of impatience which would need to be corrected if it continued. Arashi on the other hand was rather hostile with Ezuri, voicing her irritation with a growl and bared teeth. Arashi had a harder time accepting males, so it was no surprise to Shisen at her open aggression.
"What's the mission?" Shisen asked after a moment.
Saki Yamanaka
Konohagakure Chuunin of Team 7.

Noticing a man out of the bush, Saki frowned. She had been slightly distracted by the arrival of Ezuri and the girl. Seeing the man, Saki felt tempted to check if there were more Hyuuga lurking about. Quickly glancing over her shoulder - a habit of hers - Saki concluded that there were no more Hyuuga's lurking about it. Then the man 'spoke' to Kensuke, causing Saki to half close her eyes and bite her lower lip.

The rising tension made Saki's right hand slowly creep to her knives. Her thumb rested on the handle of a knive near her belt as she eyed the Hyuuga. Not that she was considering that it would turn into a conflict. Yet, she had a determined expression on her face as she kept her attention shifting between the Hyuuga that was 'scolding' Kensuke and the girl with Ezuri. Though she wanted to stay out of the clan's business, her loyalty towards Kensuke was big enough that she wouldn't waver to dart to his side if things would turn ugly. Her opinion of the Hyuuga clan would be lowered thanks to the arrogant attitude of the man, making her worry about Hideki. Was he also exposed to such rude approaches? Was this truly the attitude the 'proud' clan had?

With Ezuri greeting her, Saki felt uncomfortable. The whole event had diminished her respect and opinion on the overal Hyuuga and the fact that Ezuri had reported that he had a meeting with Kiyomi, while Kensuke had send orders to gather made her consider her opinion on the genin. What was so important that he would risk to blow off an order to then meet with the Empress? Glancing towards Kensuke, Saki wasn't sure if this would be accepted. Hell, if she was in his place then Ezuri wouldn't have be capable of getting away with that unless he could explain more why he was late.

A sarcastic reply was at the ready, on Saki's tongue, but then she was baffled. "What's the mission?" Shisen asked, making Saki stare for a moment at the girl. Kensuke had not even ten minutes ago briefed them about what the mission was?! Slowly Saki saw how everybody became taller as she fell on her knees. Her hands slowly moved to her chest as she then laid on her side, slowly moving into a fetus position, feeling more lost at how to describe the feeling she had with the situation than eating too much of the alcoholic cake that she had made once with Kensuke.

Blinking, Saki noticed she was still standing. Yet the feeling on how baffled she was before lingered on. "Kensuke just explained prior before being disturbed," throwing a glance towards Ezuri, Saki continued, "on what our mission was. We're to escort a Konoha representative. Simple as that." She managed to sound calm, but Saki couldn't shake the dumbfound feeling off. For a moment, she dreaded the upcoming mission already. Moving a hand to her neck, she could already feel the vanished bite marks of the hound again.
[fieldbox="Kensuke Nimatsu - Konohagakure Team 7 Jounin, green"]
Outside Konoha

Blinking a few times to give his baffled brains the time to process what he had just heard, Kensuke took a deep breath. Shisen seemed to have somehow magically forgotten about the mission briefing he had given her literally moments before, while Ezuri seemed to shrug off being late and having his grumpy familymember insult Kensuke to for fun by stating he had an audience with the Empress. Kensuke happened to know the Empress very well, and he damn well knew that she would have kicked Ezuri's ass over here at once should she have known that the mission was today and this morning.

"Bad excuse Ezuri. Shisen, I just explained what the mission was, and I won't do so again." He replied on an ice-cold tone with a face dripping with silent disappointment as he turned around. "Let's get going." He then said, unwilling to waste any more words on this disaster of a situation.

After a few long hours of travelling they finally arrived at the meeting location. He had left the genin and Saki to their own devices during the trip here, letting them chat amongst eachother without interfering. He was hardly in the mood to do so anyways. Having thought constantly about the shameless Hyuuga mentor that had accompagnied Ezuri he could not say that he was in a good mood. At all. The prospect of having to do a diplomatic mission didn't amuse him either, especially considering how his squad had been doing up untill now.

"So you are my escort? Greetings Nimatsu-sama, I am honoured that the leader of the famous Nimatsu clan will protect me on this diplomatic mission." The middle-aged man said. Kensuke smiled back in a friendly way bowing in return. "Yes Toru-sama, you assumed correctly. The honour is entirely mine. I have always had a weak spot for the hard workers in our smithies who incessantly produce the greatest steel of the world." Kensuke replied diplomatically while only partially lying. He had inherited Tsubasa's interest in metalworking after helping her with her small smithy, and if he found the time he intended to get into the craft himself one day.

"You embarrass me Nimatsu-sama! We strive to make the highest quality goods, but to call us the best smiths of the world? I have heard of at least several very skilled artisans living amongst your own people who can most certainly match our wares, if not produce better ones!" The representative parried. Kensuke smiled knowingly as he responded. "Alas, even I, their feudal lord, do not know their secrets, and probably never will. All I can do is to offer them the best working environment as possibly so they may continue their magic in peace." The face of Toru, Konoha's weapon industry's representative, seemed to change slightly in emotion as he realized he would not be able to get anything out of Kensuke. Nevertheless, it was not his primary mission. And a nothing bargained is nothing gained. "Alas indeed."

"These are the genin, and chuunin, that will serve as your escort. This is Yamanaka Saki, of the well-known clan. This is Inuzuka Shisen, which you might have already guessed, and this is Hyuuga Ezuri, which is once again not a surprise if I guess correctly." Kensuke said instead, praying that none of his pupils would mess up the mission given its rather delicate and diplomatic nature. Saki could blend into any situation like a statue, but Ezuri's personality and Arashi's general hostility to strangers he feared for the idea of standing in a small room behind the representative while talking with another, also defended by hired muscle.

"Of course of course! Say, I feel confident that this mission will be a grand succes, being guarded by so many promising younglings of such great and loyal clans. Just wait untill I can boast to my collegues that I was accompagnied by you lot!" Toru then said to Team 7. Kensuke could relate to the man's response. If he only threw around the names of his team, they did sound quite formidable. He hoped that their physical act would be as formidable as their names sounded once inside the castle where the representatives would meet to discuss the terms of some sort of an agreement.

Ezuri Hyuuga

mission site

Ezuri was happy that Saki once again explained the missions core to Shisen who asked for it, apparently after Kensuke had just told them, judging by their reactions, so he didn't have to ask himself. Ezuri kept telling himself to make sure to not screw up again and already was making a list in his head who he could ask to train him in the various field he wanted to improve on. arriving at the mission site, team 7 was met with the guy who was i need of an escort which they would provide, after a little 'competition' between the man and Kensuke, their sensei introduced them to the man. by the mention of 'promising younglings' Ezuri brightened up a little from the dark mood he was in since he joined his team earlier this morning. Ezuri smiled at the man but doubted if the latter noticed it. The young Hyuuga became ever more determined to bring this mission to a good end.
[fieldbox="Eiji Emiya, sandybrown"]
Team 11 Jounin | On the Road

As Eiji searched through the area where the explosion had happened he questioned what had actually went down. One of the boxed had exploded there was no question about that, but how and why were things Eiji was wondering as he searched through the mess of fallen trees and little fires. Luckily the rain was dampening all of them by going from drizzle to actually heavy rain and most of them had already died out.

The first he found was a half blown up body. Eiji passed on until he heard the sounds of the struggling boy. He didn't call out however deeming it not overly safe to make too much sound before he was absolutely sure that no enemies were nearby. Finally he found Ryuu on the ground, his tigh embedded with a large chunk of wood.

Next to him stood a panther and for some odd reason the creature was not running away nor did it look damaged by the explosion that had occured. Eiji eyed the creature warily before walking over to the boy and kneeling down. The panther didn't move so Eiji deemed it okay and focussed on the seemingly blacked out boy.

The wound looked nasty and Eiji debated if he should get the chuck out and risk that Ryuu would bleed to his death or keep it in and risk the same thing. First aid was not his forte really. He was a destoyer more than a healer. Still he knew the basics and checked for Ryuu's pulse, looked for signs of any broken bones especially his neck, decided that it was only his leg and possibly a concussion and deafness because of the explosion, and deemed that he could move him.

"Okay," he said to the boy eventhough he was pretty sure that the boy couldnt hear him. "I am going to lift you up now and we are going to get you back to Amegakure." With that he lifted Ryuu up in his arms and slowly started to make his way back to the road.

Two of the ANBU from the depot arrived on the road the same time that Eiji came out of the woods.There was some short discussion during which it was decided that the ANBU would take Ryuu back to the city. One of them even knew some basic medical ninjutsu and made sure that the boy wouldn't bleed dry on the way there. The apprehended shinobi that had attacked them joined the ANBU on their tour back to the city.

It wasn't until then that Eiji turned to the rest of his team. Especially Yogiri seemed hurt so he walked over to her and kneeled down. "Tell me where it hurts." he said softly. "Can you continue with the mission?" As he said that he also shot a glance to the other two as if asking them the same question.

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Ryoku Samidare
The Amekage


Ryoku was pleasantly surprised by how dynamic his team is. In a pleasant way, of course. Maybe they were not the best at coordinating yet, he thought, as he easily dodged the shuriken hurled by Rini. It was a good throw, he had to admit though. Next he noticed that Kirine marked the areas that should be avoided - that move deeply impressed him. As he ran, he formed a quick series of seals and when he touched the ground with his hand, he was holding a sword, made from rocks - it lacked an edge though, as he made it blunt on purpose. If Kirine wanted to engage in taijutsu, Ryoku would be more than happy to oblige. He blocked her kicks, using one of his hand to hold the hild and supported the other end of it with his other hand.

" The only limit is your imagination. "

He then proceeded to deliver a kick of his own. Not aimed at causing any injury, just to push Kirine further away. He then turned to Rini and formed another quick series of seals, to produce another sword. He stomped the ground and the sword launched itself - he then launched it towards Rini by a roundhouse kick. Ryoku than quickly turned towards Sho and charged him - he was going to use a bit of taijutsu of his own. He landed a few steps before Sho and went into a sliding kick to make him lose his footing. As he came to a halt, he stood on his legs and leaned forward, resting his right hand on the ground, prepared to move.​
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Yoshikuni Sadako
Amegakure genin, Team 11

Kuni laid on the ground on her belly, intensly staring at the box as she heard in the background the ice dome was released. It was a couple of minutes later that Eiji arrived with Ryuu in his hands, and two more shinobi landed next to him on the road. She couldn't properly see from the ground what their headbands were, but she assumed they were friendly as they didn't attack, took Ryuu from Eiji and grabbed the enemy shinobi that Eiji took care of before leaving with both.

Seeing Eiji turn to face her and the other two made her realise she was still laying on the ground while holding the box. Luckily it seemed like no one cared too much to remark about it. She got up while still holding the box, seeing how Eiji approached Yogiri to see how she was doing, and then shot a glance at both Yuki and her while asking if they can continue with the mission, clearly indicating he was asking all of them "Eiji-sensei, I can continue with the mission. But if Yogiri needs to be taken back to Amegakure to be treated, then I volunteer to take her." She said in a whisper to him, remembering Yogiri said they were making too much noise for her while speaking normally.
Shisen Inuzuka
Genin of Konoha Team 7

Location: Escort
Shisen had completely forgot that Kensuke had already explained, the commotion due to Ezuri had made it slip her mind. She frowned, ran her free hand through her hair and sighed. Just one more reason to keep away from Ezuri, there seemed to be more than enough these days. Arashi seemed content to growl here and there, relentless ninken she was. Shisen kept quiet as they traveled to meet the person they were escorting and let Shiro down only to be scooped up by Arashi. Along the way there Shisen thought of Arashi's progress. From an unstable ninken to a loyal and mild aggression, the progress was pretty good. Shiro, was becoming a formidable ninken as she had the speed and stealth a ninken should possess.

As they reached the site, she stood there quietly and observed the exchange of words between the two. They seemed liked they were friends. Arashi sniffed the air in question before giving a distasteful huff and putting Shiro down. The smaller ninken sniffed the air but gave no inclination of like or dislike as she simply sat down next to Shisen. All three of their surnames carried power and were notorious, but individuals could leave stains on clans records. Shisen hoped she wouldn't do that to her clan. She wasn't going to mess up and cause another stain on her clan. She was already a stain to her clan.
Saki Yamanaka
Konohagakure Chuunin.

During the trip, Saki had been mostly quiet. She was still in 'shock' from the fact that her 'dream' had been crushed. The situation was one big disaster and while she had no part in it, Saki flinched mentally as she noticed Kensuke's expression. Hiding it behind her mask, Saki decided to remain somewhat distant as she didn't know the Hyuuga that was now also accompany them nor unsure what to talk about with the genin.

Arriving at the meeting location, Saki picked up from Kensuke's conversation that this wasn't just a simple escort mission. While despising it, she was now forced to act on her best for her clan's sake. Not that she could remember the Yamanaka to be any political interesting or interested clan. Catching on the conversation, Saki already had a warm smile - as part of her fake mask - on her lips as she made a short bow to the representative when Kensuke introduced her. Already she guessed he did so in hope that the genin would catch on her example, showing respect to the man that they would escort. But as she glanced at them, she noticed that they kept themselves silent, thus deciding to do more than just bow and smile.

"It is a pleasure to meet, Toru-sama. I'll do my best to guard you." Straightening her back, she kept up her 'smile'. Her tone was even honeyed and polite, which were all part of her act. While she seemed to be quite polite, respectful and friendly Saki still felt dumbfound. But this wasn't a situation where she could be genuine with her words or emotions towards the world. Not if she wanted to bring Kensuke shame and further disappoint him.
Suzaku Uzumaki
The First Sword Of The Empire

Boring trips are just ... boring.

Another ride in the caravans of The Fire Country. This one will take him just to the outskirts of Konoha, and from there on, it will be easier to protect the Ship Builder. Suzaku learned to travel with one eye open as he called it - his body was resting, but his mind was on full allert. His senses were still on full alert in case they would be attacked. They managed to leave the port without anyone noticing them - Suzaku found that a miracle. He anticipated that they would be attacked about six or seven times by now. He thought they either gave up on the ship builder, or were so disorganized that they could not mount a search action for them.

Suzaku than opened his eyes to look at the man he was rescuing. He had so many questions he wanted to ask but the man was sleeping since they left the port - over twelve hours ago. Suzaku felt a tiny bit of envy as he watched him, but he had a mission to carry out. And he was used to lack of sleep. He then shifted his look to the purple bag he was retrieving. He wanted to take a look on what is inside of it so badly, but he resisted - whatever was inside was not meant for him. Perhaps the Empress will be able to tell him more once they return to the Hidden Leaf Village.

Twelve hours checked.
Another thirty six to come.​
Masami Hyuuga
The Rising Star of Konohagakure


Masami travelled the entire time with her Byakugan activated, yet she felt no fatigue whatsoever. Sha thanked Hiron Sensei for his teachings and continued to watch out as they travelled. It was rather lacking of any sort of situation where her eyes would be needed, but she followed the better safe than sorry rule. She managed to see some pretty wonderful sceneries of nature as they travelled, and she took in the last moments of peace as much as she could. Masami knew they were getting nearer and nearer to their destination as the hours passed, and she felt ready to do whatever needed to be done to save Koike.

Little after this string of thoughts, Masami saw a broken carriage on the road. Before she could tell Katsu, he noticed and asked her to do so - correcting himself with the please word. Blushing a bit, she scanned their area - and found no traces of any persons near.

" No persons nearby, Katsu-San! But I see footsteps, from the carriage and off the road! I see four pairs of them, Katsu-san! Your orders?"
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Satoshi Jun
Kumogakure Jounin | Team 3

Korina's words made Satoshi briefly glance at her. As Riku made a suggestion, Satoshi lowered his arm and seemed to ponder about it. "I suppose gathering firewood would be an okay task. Though if you all packed well, then we don't need more for supper." Briefly Satoshi thought about the supply wagons. They would get some rations too after all. "Korina, you gather some firewood and take of the fire once we'll need to set up camp." Beckoning his students to keep walking as the host wasn't stopping, Satoshi hummed an old war tune.

After hours of marching the sky started to darken and orders were shouted around. Slowly the host came to a halt as everybody started to set up camp. Hoping that his students knew what they had to do, Satoshi glanced at them. "Alright, you all know what you have to do?" He asked, but decided to remind them of their tasks anyways. "Korina, firewood and later we'll need to talk. Hanako, you set up the tents. Riku, your task is to take care of supper and out of you three taking first watch." Satoshi then paused as he glanced around. "I'll need to find somebody. I trust that you three won't cause any ruckus."

With others already starting to put up tents and fires, Satoshi wagered that some would already start to share some rations from the supplies that were taken with them. And hopefully his students would be busy with their tasks while he would try to seek out Nariko to give him his bag. And if it would take longer? Perhaps then his students could occupy each other, hopefully.