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Seiji Hirai
The border between Wolf country and Honey country

Walking amongst a field of rocks, Seiji made his way over to the group of Kirigakure shinobi stationed there. He could see who he presumed to be their squad leader flinch upon seeing his mask. Seiji did not blame him. The ANBU hardly carried a good reputation in Kirigakure anymore. Too much had happened. Raising his arms so that his palms were aimed at the group, Seiji signaled that there was no need to be afraid. They retained their distance, however, eyes narrowing. All in all, seven fully-trained shinobi. The squad leader, a blonde-haired man in his forties, took a step forward. "Why are you here?" He grunted. Seiji smiled underneath his mask. "The Mizukage has ordered your withdrawal. Protecting Honey Country has became our number one priority." Following suit with his words, he drew forth a parchment and flung it into the air toward the group.

The squad leader caught it with an air of annoyance, taking his sweet time to read through the order. When he was done, he raised his head and stared at Seiji through half-lidded eyes. "Very well. We'll withdraw at noon tomorrow." Seiji nodded. He'd expected the man to be opposed to the idea of surrendering Wolf Country to their secret adversaries. "If there is nothing else, I shall take my leave." Seiji said, offering a quick-succession of polite bows aimed toward the group. As he turned his back to the group and began ascending the hill of rocks, he could feel their gazes digging into his back. Two more groups to seek out before his mission would be complete. It'd been a long journey. In his mind, all he could think about was his cats; trodding the vegetation outside his house with their soft pads, tails slightly bent at the tip, searching for any food he'd left behind. He sighed. When he finally returned, he'd gift them the mightiest feast he could afford.
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  • Love
Reactions: Lesli
Hanako Asushika
Chuunin of Kumo Team 3

Location: Gathered for the March

Hanako was about to say something when a girl came over and presented herself to Satoshi-Sensei as the newest member of the their squad. She understood what they were going to do and what could happen to all of them. She wasn't a medical ninja, or an offensive fighter or rather she wasn't a fighter at all. Hanako was a defensive shield and tried to avoid trouble.
"Greetings Korina," Hanako said in her usual happy toned voice, "I'm Hanako Asushika of the Asushika Clan. Nice to meet you." She reached out and firmly grasped the girls forearm as one would grasp another's hand.

"Where am I needed, Sensei?" Hanako asked as she turned to Satoshi seriously. Her cheerfulness had turned to solemn understanding and left her with a level head. Hanako adjusted her bag and gazed around at all the people as she thought of how she could help in the midst of a fight. She could hide them in her Labyrinth and lure the enemy to where they lay waiting.
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Saki Yamanaka,
Konohagakure Chuunin of Team 7.

Lots of notes!

Notebook? Check! Pencils? Check! Saki had a growing smile on her lips. Today she was going to better herself. She was going to become a better kunoichi and perhaps not in combat abilities and skills, but Saki had signed herself up for a course at the War Academy. It existed out of a lecture and then a small test. And while she couldn't do any physical training, that didn't mean that she could try to improve her tactical insight. Though Saki wasn't seeing herself as somebody who could lead a squad or as Kensuke had slipped, seeing herself as somebody who deserved specialized jounin promotion. She was content with what she was and could do. Perhaps a bit of refining her skills, but in all due time.

Heading to the location, Saki was wondering what it was like. She had only done some courses by doing it largely at home. Reading and making some paperwork and delivering it. Most feedback was positive and that made her feel great, wanting to keep striving for the positive feedback. Thus she headed out, hoping that she wouldn't stand out. Finding it wasn't that much of a problem. It was a big complex, giving much of the same idea as the academy. But as she arrived at the small square in front of the entrance of the War Academy, Saki was a bit surprised. All kind of people of all age were either entering or leaving the complex. Brushing a few hairs aside, she felt slowly nervous as she realized she was alone. But seeing that she had already arrived, Saki didn't want to make a fool out of herself to walk away. What if somebody saw her do that? Deciding to muster her courage, she walked straight to the entrance.

Entering the hall, Saki start to look for the room where she would have her lecture. It took her a good ten minutes before she had found the place. Entering the room, she noticed that several others joined her. Feeling less awkward, Saki gained a bit of her spirit back. Settling down on a seat, she pulled out her notebook and a pencil. Placing it on the small desk, she felt quite eager to start. As the instructor took their names and started, Saki felt how her courage was smashed apart.

"Today we're going to talk about the battle near the Kanabi bridge. Where a company of Konohagakure forces fought against a company of Iwagakure forces. At both sides..."

History? Saki already felt lost. She knew in big lines about the Great War, but she hadn't expected that that they would go so far in detail. The instructor started to write down number as he also hang up several maps. Noticing that people were taking notes, Saki faced an intern panic attack. What should she do? Picking up her pencil, she started to take notes. The instructor didn't go at a fast pace, but Saki felt how she slowly started to become dizzy. Though the details on the historical battle didn't go that far, Saki wasn't even sure where the Kanabi bridge was. Was that in the Fire province?

"As we can see here, the chuunin ranked now and then are assigned to lead small squads. The..."

Focusing on the lecture, Saki managed to calm herself down over time. Taking notes, she found slowly her way. Asking questions and answering some questions that the instructor asked them, Saki smiled. This wasn't going that bad. Making more notes, she however noticed that she had a lot of notes. Turning a page, Saki blinked. Hearing that they had a break, Saki quickly checked. She had already four pages full with notes. "Oh no..... why am I doing this to myself...."
The Sushi... date?!

A collab between Iceiceice and Leslesles.

Part I

Hideki and Saki both meet in a sushi restaurant that is full. However by some miracle they both end up sharing a table. Sweet awkward and comedic moments follow!


While she had been disappointed and not in the brightest of mood, Saki decided that she would cheer herself up. And after some pondering, she had decided to take herself out for lunch. Nothing wrong with a strong independent young woman as herself going alone to lunch. Almost had Saki felt ashamed as she was looking for a suitable place to eat. But then she saw a sushi place uphead. With the fact she hadn't eaten sushi for months, Saki decided that she should just order a table for herself. Nothing wrong with that!

Approaching the restaurant, she kept watch of her pose and walk. Trying to make sure she wouldn't look shy or timid. No, she walked with her head up and didn't want to let anything bring her mood down. As she entered the restaurant, she however felt her mood being crushed. It was full and she couldn't see a table that she could have for herself. Biting her lower lip, Saki didn't want to walk just out without trying. Approaching one of the counters, a waiter smiled at her. "Can I help you?" Saki nodded as she flashed a smile back. "Yes, I would like to have a--"

"OI! Jiro! Have you been well?" Hideki almost shouted as he entered the restaurant, grinning from ear to ear. The waiter, who seemed to be speaking with someone else, lit up upon seeing Hideki. "Oh! Hideki! You're back then, eh?" Hideki nodded, then bowed awkwardly to the customer. "I didn't mean to interrupt. Please do continue." He said, offering an apologetic smile. Jiro arched an eyebrow at Hideki's politeness, as if he expected the boy to suddenly burst out laughing.

Saki stayed silent as she was a bit surprised. But she kept up her smile and when the newcomer allowed her to continue, Saki made a polite nod towards him. Turning to the waiter, she continued. "I would it to have a table for myself, if that is possible." She requested politely. With her left hand, she crossed her fingers as she hoped that a miracle would happen and that they would have a table free for her.

Hearing her words, Hideki slowly turned his head. The sight made his head ache. His worst nightmare had come true. All the tables were occupied in the restaurant. He sighed audibly, his shoulders sinking. After meeting Kiyomi and being told he was to be in a team, he'd atleast hoped to be able to enjoy a good meal. Well, I believe the lady there is finished. Jiro said, gesturing toward a small lady in her fiftes who was approaching the counter. After exhanging greetings, the lady left the restaurant with a satisfied smile. Wait here a second while I clean away the dishes. Hideki issued yet another sigh and made to turn away.

A place was free? Great! Glancing to the direction that the waiter gave as he answered her request, Saki was relieved. Curious, she glanced a look towards the person who seemed to know the waiter. Judging by his eyes, she could tell he was a Hyuuga. "Seems like a nice place, doesn't it?" She asked, hoping to create a conversation instead of just awkwardly waiting in silence.

Hideki stopped in his tracks, turned slightly toward the customer. A blonde-haired girl. Shinobi even; her headband tied around her waist. Hideki nodded in response. He could feel his stomach rumbling quietly. "It's great. I always come here on the weekends." Silence. Licking at his lips, Hideki felt a tinge of fear that his belly might explode out of hunger. Well, not scientifically speaking perhaps. "Uh. Maybe I can.. Nevermind. Hideki blushed a little, embarrased by his rudeness.

Smiling, Saki wasn't sure what to say. Raising her left hand to brush some strands of hair behind her ear, she only kept smiling. Trying to remind herself that she shouldn't feel bad for being alone without somebody to eat with her, she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking of her. Opening her mouth, she wanted to say that he could say what he had on his mind, only realizing that it would probably make it even weirder. "Euh..." Why was this so hard?! "I like the decorative walls..." The smile vanished as Saki realized what kind of sentence she just uttered. Mentally, she wanted to burry her face in her hands and just walk away.

Confused at first, Hideki parted his lips slighly. Then, as realization came to him, he looked over at the walls. "Oh. Yeah. They're pretty cool.. I guess. I mean, I've never really been into walls and that stuff before." He trailed off, ending the sentence with a cough. Again, silence. Hideki's mind was racing. A battle between social appearance and hunger taking place there. Finally, he opened his mouth to say something. "Uh, maybeIcaneatwithyousincetherearenoothertables" He spat out, incredibly fast. Realizing his mistake, he coughed yet again. "Uh, since there are no tables, could I maybe sit with you?" He gestured toward his stomach, unable to fathom the awkwardness of that move.

A light blush appeared on her cheeks as she realized how dumb her sentence had been when he replied back. Looking away, Saki hoped that the waiter would soon come back. Turning her head, Saki frowned as she wanted to ask what he just said, confused and slightly panicking when she was blaming herself for not paying attention to what he said, she was silently happy that he asked her a question on a normal pace. "Oh euh..." For a moment, Saki wasn't sure until she saw his gesture. "I guess that it couldn't hurt." Stretching her left hand, Saki almost said her name until she realized that it was normal to use her right hand when to introduce herself, she pulled her left hand back. "Saki. Saki Yamanaka." She said.

Hideki grasped her hand. He bowed yet again. "I'm Hideki. I promise to repay you in the future." He said in an overly-polite tone, still a bit aghast at how he'd acted moments ago. As Jiro returned, he raised another eyebrow, the hint of a smile on his lips. Oh, you're eating together? Well, feel free to settle down and I'll go fetch the menu." Taking a seat in front of Saki, Hideki awkwardly drummed his fingers on the table. "It's your first time here then? I mean.. the walls."

Settling down, Saki had placed her hands on her lap as she wasn't sure where to look at. She noticed a candle and feared for a moment if they would light it up. But her attention was drawn to Hideki as he asked her a question. "Yes, this is my first time." She said, pausing and quickly adding something to it. "Being here, I mean. This is my first time. Being here." Smiling, she wasn't sure why she was so nervous. So what that she messed up some replies? Everybody could experience that. Trying to think of a question back, she decided to go for a compliment. "I like your eyes." .... "Oh god... why... out of all the things I could've said... " She thought as she tried to set up a pokerface.

Hideki seemed confused at first, then a slight frown entered his brow. He prodded at his eyelids. "Ah, yeah. They're not exactly secretive." Hideki mumbled, a bit depressingly. Everyone in Konogakure knew what they signified. A legacy he'd once been so proud of had been reduced to nothing but dust in his eyes. His clan did not make him special. There was nothing unique about him. He'd merely had the fortune of being born into a wealthy family, his blood a mere coincidence.

Thinking about a normal reply, Saki felt she should say something about his eyes. Just to make less awkward. But she was pretty sure that she was being quite the awkward person. "It always seemed cool to me." She said. Realizing that it wasn't that bad, she got eager and thus continued. "Y'know? With seeing all kind of things, the bu... bulged... veins." She slowly looked away, raising her left hand to scratch her neck. "Oh look, that wall has a nice painting." She said with a timid voice.

Lips parted once again, Hideki could only nod as Saki trailed off on her own. As she mentioned the painting, however, he couldn't resist to let loose a chuckle. "It's pretty." He was about to continue as Jiro came over with the menus, beaming. They made their choice within a minute, Hideki offering eager advice as to what dish Saki should pick. As the waiter disappeared once again, Hideki felt that the awkwardness between them had been slightly reduced by a common factor; they were both hungry. "You're a Shinobi, right?" Hideki asked, fiddling with his own headband.

Fearing for a moment that they would have to suffer an awkward silence, Saki felt some relieve with his question. She had this! "Yes!" She said, her smile growing back on her lips as she leaned a bit backwards. Though she would normally wear it on her forehead, she had it now around her waist. "Am just chuunin ranked though, nothing special." She told him. Wondering if she should tell that she was also a member at the Guardians, Saki decided it was perhaps for the better if she wouldn't say too much. Because of her previous blunders.

Hideki's eyes lit up. "I'm just a Chuunin too. As a matter of fact, I just recently came back to the village. Some duties at the border.." He wrinkled his eyebrows and smiled subsequently. Talking about the borders always left a sour taste in his mouth. There weren't even showers in some of the places they lived! Although, as a shinobi, hygiene was more of a luxury than anything else while away on a mission. Searching her face, a slight frown creased between his brow. "Have I seen you before, perhaps?"

Duties at the border? She wished she could say something like that, but stating she was an ex member of the nation's spy teams - Team Zero's- would just be wrong. Thinking of something, she just decided to answer his question. Though she felt somewhat nervous by the way he looked at her. Perhaps she had a pimple somewhere? Or worse. "I wouldn't know. I've been often on a mission and recently got set in a regular team. But euh..." Pausing, Saki swallowed as she then continued. "I'm also a member at the Guardians. Perhaps.. there? Or euh.."

Hideki's eyes widened, a smile settling on his lips. "You are? I'm also a memb-" It felt wrong to claim he was a member when he'd practically been away for two long years, not attending to any duties related to the organization. "I used to be a member as well. I've been away for so long, but I hope I'll be able to return." He said, smiling. It had not been his intention to make friends while at the restaurant, especially not with a girl, but it was a pleasant surprise. Then, as he was about to go on, his former commitment struck him. He'd promised himself that he'd avoid as many people as possible, for the sake of protecting himself against further damage, emotionally. Coward. He fell silent, licking his lips.

Listening to him, Saki felt slowly more at ease. Though it weren't her favorite topics, they could pass for now. "Oh, I'm sure they would allow you to become a member again. Else I could-" The waiter, Jiro, came back. He smiled as he apologized for something. Lightning up the candle between them, he excused himself as he walked away. Staring at the candle, Saki's eyes slowly moved up to Hideki. Trying to look a bit confident, she shifted her weight, but accidently kicked his foot. "Oh! Sorry!" She said, looking terrified as if she had accidently stabbed him.

Hideki silently cursed Jiro in his mind as the awkwardness returned with the lightning of the candle. "Uh." He blushed a little, then, as Saki accidently kicked him, jumped in his seat, surprised by sudden action. "Oh, it's nothing!" He exclaimed, still a bit flustered over his own behaviour. A few moments passed, in which they continued to converse idly, before their food arrived. Hideki had to double-check to make sure he wasn't drooling.

Her cheeks maintained a light reddish tint, but she was happy that the food arrived. That meant that they wouldn't have to talk a lot. "Enjoy!" She told Hideki, using her chop sticks to pick up a sushi roll. Putting it in her mouth, she reveled silently in the flavour that went rampant in her mouth. Chewing and clearing her mouth, she tried to keep the conversation lightly going on. "This is really nice."

Hideki ate with the hunger of a tiger. Although, his manners never went beyond what was considered impolite. He smiled at her comment. "I know, right? It's my favorite place to come to. For how delicious it is, the meals are really cheap. The staff are also nice." He told her eagerly, happy to be able to share his 'passion'.

"I think I will really pay this place more often a visit then!" She said with a cheerful voice as she just cleared her mouth. This was by far the best sushi she had eaten in her entire life. Just when she picked up another sushi roll, Saki froze. Very close, she could hear and detect music. Slowly Saki's eyes moved to look at what was happening at the left of them. A man playing a violin. Her eyes shot back to Hideki as she had her mouth opened a bit, but couldn't produce a word as she was unsure what to say.

In his mind, Hideki could picture Jiro laughing behind the kitchen door, obviously entertained by the sudden turn of events. Hideki said nothing at first, silently picking away at his food, when he was reminded of a conversation with Kiyomi a few nights ago. Heat rushed to his face. "Uh, sorry about that. It's the first time I've seen that happen. He murmured, glancing at Saki, referring to the violin. Gods, Jiro, you blundering fool.

Trying to keep up her composure, Saki shook her head lightly. "It is lovely." She said. Remembering her training, Saki felt silly that she had lost control over her emotions that easily. Hadn't she worked hard as a spy? Done her work for two years with earning praise and trust? She should have this in her pocket. "Let's just make the best of it?" She suggested, though her voice growing a bit timid.

Hideki nodded, picking up his chopsticks. "Do you know of any Tatsuya?" He asked, looking over at her. He didn't particularly care about the subject, but for some odd reason, he enjoyed speaking to her. And if she was in the Guardians, she'd probably met the boy.

"Tatsuya? Euhm." She thought, but eventually shook her head a bit. "No, I'm sorry. I know some people, but nobody with that name." Wanting to return the question, Saki felt that it would be quite arrogant to ask if he knew Kiyomi. Deciding to take another route, she flashed a smile as she leaned with her elbows on the table. "What kind of hobbies do you have?"

Hideki arched an eyebrow, absently staring up at the ceiling. "Uh, hobbies? I don't really have any hobbies. I do like eating.. but that's- Y'know." He returned his eyes to her, slightly disappointed with his answer. He couldn't remember what hobbies he used to have before he was assigned to the borders. If he had had any at all. Except for training and eating, what interested him?

Thinking about something, Saki wanted to keep the conversation going. It was now a challenge she had accepted. "Oh, what about dancing? Do you like to dance?" She asked. Deciding that it was best to ask innocent questions like these Saki did notice that she hadn't use any excuse to get away. She even enjoyed her time with Hideki.

"Dancing?" Imagining himself dancing almost made him burst into laughter. "I haven't really considered that. What? You're a dancer?" He asked, smiling curiously despite himself.

"Yes, though I'm not that great. I love to do it now and then." She told him. Pondering on his reaction, Saki decided to make a suggestion. It couldn't hurt after all, at least she hoped. "I know a nice place, perhaps care to join me for a dance?" She asked. Slowly she folded her hands together to support her head as she hoped her suggestion wouldn't be too odd.

Hideki could not keep himself from laughing anymore. "I'm sorry! It's just.. I can't imagine myself dancing. He wiped a tear away, a grin glued onto his face. "But I suppose it wouldn't hurt?" He didn't believe his own words. Had he really agreed to go out dancing? Gods, so much for his commitment. If Kiyomi were to see him, she'd drown in laughter.

Her smile grew bigger as her eyes lightened up. "I can teach you. I think I do owe you, euh.. I think?" She cursed herself silently. Trying to save the conversation, she thought about something. She had to keep the ball rolling! "If you want we could just visit a place where we can dance. Simple dancing and not some complex dancing, y'know?"

"Yeah, alright. Hideki decided to not ponder his decision more. There's no turning back now, old friend. In the back of his head, Jiro and Kiyomi had joined together to laugh at him. With a bit of hesistation, he stood. Clearing his throat, he raised his eyebrows at Saki. "Where's this place, then?"

"It isn't very far from here." She said with her smile still present on her lips. This ought to be fun, she reckoned. Though she wondered if there would be a lot of people at the place she had in mind.

[fieldbox= S H I N R A - G E N I N, #00ccff]
Location: Amegakure - Training Field 10
With: Team Sutā (15)


While she was up on the tree, her dojutsu did most of the work. Plainly focusing on one place before moving to another, she was trying to find out exactly where Mitsunari had gone. "Where is he?.." She wondered, before her eyes diverted back down to Akihiko, who was still on the field. It was perhaps time to actually scatter around and find a way to win the sparring. However, she kept her gaze on the latter in that moment, and was able to catch enough details to distinguish exactly where his equipment was, or what he kept visible on the surface.

She was still concerned regarding the third person in this entire ordeal, who was able to hide himself before her eyes could catch him. Shinra knew more about how Mitsunari would fight rather than Akihiko, so taking out the former rather than the latter would have been the best option, at least for her. She did not take any chances with Akihiko, and decided to stay put and observe and canvass the area for anything unusual. But, she decided to change her spot. "I can't stay here much longer... And where the hell did Mitsu disappear to... One thing is to run away all the time.. Another is hiding?.. That guy is so tiring..." She sighed, because it reminded her about how her previous sparring partner is good at running away from danger.

Shinra dashed away from the tree branch she was standing on. Jumping into the area with many trees and brushes, and the rain made it also harder for people to find her. Standing behind a tree this time, she looked into the forest while her Tendōgan was activated. She was able to see exactly how many leaves were falling down from any random tree right before her eyes. It was around sixteen, due to the heavy weather. It was not surprising. They were in Amegakure after all.

In that moment, she heard a familiar voice behind her, at the center of the field, where Akihiko presumably had disappeared from, or so she believed. She slowly tilted her head to the side, just enough to see what was going on, while she squinted, just to enhance her focus. A familiar figure, a traumatic voice. It was Kazen-sensei, who looked like she was in a bloody fight. Her blood mixing with the rain, the bruises on her body, which were visible to Shinra, and the fact that she was wearing the clothes of an Amegakure ANBU. Yes, Shinra knew exactly what an ANBU would wear, because she had seen a few here and there. "What the?... Kazen-sensei?.. What happened to her?" She whispered to herself, before she instinctively moved away from the tree, not hiding anymore.

Thats when her gaze fell on Akihiko, who was concerned just as much as herself, and who was running to aid their sensei. She eventually believed that because of the situation. The sparring match would come to an halt, and therefore, she started to run towards Kazen-sensei, to help her, just like Akihiko. "Kazen-sensei... Wh--- Whats going on?..." She raised her voice, while approaching their sensei. She kept on running and decided to glance around her to see if Mitsunari had noticed that something awful just occured and there was no time to fight amongst themselves.

"Mitsu.. Wherever you're hiding.. Come out.. It's ... It's Kazen-sensei...." Shinra shouted, hoping the hide-and-seek boy would hear her voice. Thats when she noticed Akihiko right by Kazen-sensei. The weirdest thing she saw, which made her slowly, but surely, stop in her tracks. She was confused. "Did... Did your.... Did your hands just go through her?..." She spoke up, trying to assure that what she believed, was really what she saw. 'Somethings not right...'

Immediately thereafter, she looked around, wondering where on earth Mitsunari is. And thats when it struck her. He is not there, but the both of Shinra and Akihiko are. "Why isn't Mitsu here?.." She asked herself. Her long black hair was soaked in rain, so was her face, however, her eyes were unwavering. She was able to understand what just happened. The Kazen-sensei before her was not actually there. It was all an illusion, and they all fell right into it.

During all this time, her dojutsu was still activated. She knew that she couldn't keep it up constantly so her eyes went back to their original state. If anything, Mitsunari was able to make her undo her dojutsu, even if she kept it up for perhaps a few minutes. She would only activate it again if it was completely neccessary, as it can also drain her chakra, like every dojutsu out there. 'Nicely done.. Mitsu.. You sly fox..' She thought to herself, however it was commendable.

While Akihiko was distracted, she decided to do something herself. She pulled out a kunai from her shinobi toolbag, which was strapped next to her right hip. It was no ordinary kunai, it was a kunai with a paper bomb attached to it. With her improved accuracy, she threw it towards Akihiko, but at the same time, she shouted. "Akihiko, WATCH OUT... THATS AN ILLUSION!!" She finished. Right after that, she started to run back towards the little forest surrounding the training field and dashed towards a tree branch. She was in a crouching position, while she looked at the aftermath of the paper-bomb-kunai, which should have given Akihiko enough time to get away unscathed. And she was hoping the illusion would still be there, where the bomb would create smoke, which would billow around the area, decreasing the vision around the illusionary Kazen-sensei.

However, her little trick was not yet over. Shinra disappeared from the tree branch, appearing inside the forest. She leaped around the area, sometime on the ground, sometime on a branch. This time, she threw several shuriken right at the center of a couple of trees, though they were all attached with a paper bomb, but this time, it was a timed paper bomb, which would only blow up the moment she weaves the 'release' handsign. The trees she threw the shurikens at, would be the ones one would see from the open field. The very first trees that would lead into the forest.

This little trick, would at least give her the advantage to blow the trees up in several places and the small area around them. If she noticed Mitsunari appearing on one, or behind one, or perhaps him getting back to the field by passing one, all the dominos would fall in their respective place, at least when it came to Mitsunari. But it was all circumstancial as well, and it depended on Mitsunari actually being inside the forest, or close to them. 'Well... Here goes...' She thought to herself, before she threw a couple of smoke bombs from within the tree, around the already smoke created by her paper-bomb-kunai from before, and to create a vast amount of the same thing.

Now, the smoke was all over the field, and she easily ventured inside it, though she waited for the smoke to generate itself more around the surrounding area. Thats when she quickly dashed around to jump inside the smoke without anyone actually noticing. Her affinity to wind would come in handy now. [/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Kirine Azuha, crimson]Team 22 | Amegakure | Training Field B

First Team Exercise

As Kirine listened to Samidare-sensei's words, she watched in slight admiration at the Amekage's actions to create the platform they then stood upon. As he mentioned the training and what they were to do, she smiled at first but then looked between Sho and Rini. ~Work together?.. I don't even know if these two know the word involving eachother from what I've seen.. Oh boy...~ With a mental sigh, she groaned quietly before taking a breath. Sliding her feet and body into a stance, Kirine shut her eyes for a few moments as more controlled breaths left her.

'Tendōgan!' Eyes opening, her pupils shifted slowly to look like that of a snakes' within crimson red eyes. Looking around her surroundings, she was curious about what her sensei had done now that he had mentioned about the floor being uneven in support. If there were anything she could catch on to prove that as a difference in what was weak and what was sturdy, she had hoped that maybe she could find that within her vision using her Clan's dojutsu.

On the other hand, she was hoping this would at least go well. Half of her expected the other two to retort about this in some way, but the other half kept her focused on the task at hand. One she knew that if they were to succeed, they'd have to work together. She just hoped that wouldn't be too difficult. ~Oh who am I kidding.. The way I've seen them I don't see this going well.. Hnn.. I wonder if Shi-chan has to deal with something like this with her team...~[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="Eiji Emiya, sandybrown"]
Team 11 Jounin | In a Forest

Everything happened so fast. While the hands managed to grab hold of Yuki, who had been completely caught of guard by the sudden attack, they fell away. Surprised the boy held on tight to his box as he jumped sideways. He had heard his sensei's words, but really, how was he going to fight without the proper use of his hands.

Four men appeared from the water that Kuni had tried to drown in the ground. They were obviously unable to sustain their hiding in water technique now that their direct water source on the ground had been dispersed. For a split second they stood there and then they moved at the same moment that Yogiri slashed at the waterwhips and Ryuu's kunai sliced through them. The waterwhips fell apart and the two shinobi that were hiding in the trees turned their attention to Ryuu. One of the figures disappeared from sight in a flash while the other again reformed his whip to lash out at the young Uchiha, clearly making sure that the boy stay on his spot and would not get back to the group.

Three of the four men on the ground suddenly rushed forward to each Genin while preforming the exact same seals. The seals for the water prison jutsu. With their jutsu ready they tried to swoop in and trap the Genin so that the fourth man could pick up the boxes.

Eiji in the meanwhile was finding himself in a struggle with the last man. The group had clearly understood that separation was the way to go and they desperately tried to keep Eiji from his students. He lashed out with his poi to the incoming blade, managed to wrap the iron chain around the sword and pulled, aiming to disarm the guy. While surprised the other shinobi didn't let go, but instead let himself be reeled in, a kunai ready in his other hand as he jumped up and flipped himself over Eiji before throwing the weapon. With only one hand to operate a poi, the other protecting the box, Eiji had to retort to jumping up as well. He didn't have time for this. He knew what these guys were after and he wouldn't let them hurt his team for that. He gathered chakra to release a technique and-


A gigantic explosion filled the air.

One of the waterwhip shinobi that had been attacking Ryuu had gone straight for the place where the boy had hidden the box. As he had removed the cover he was too late with noticing the paperbomb trap the boy had placed. It was not something one would expect while protecting a box filled with paperbombs. The paperbomb went off, throwing the man backwards, but that was not the only thing that happened. The paperbomb explosion was enough to set the box alight, and the box was filled with stacks and stacks of explosives that all went off at the same time.

Eiji was used to explosions, being an explosion release user himself, but this was a lot bigger than just a normal technique. For a second the whole area lit up as the fire and wind generated by the explosion ripped away the tree the box had been hiding in sending large chips of wood in every direction. One of them went right into the chest of the shinobi that was attacking Ryuu directly and he was blown away. Ryuu too, because of his proximinity to the explosion, would be swept of his feet, and he would find a chuck of wood stuck in his thigh. The explosion reached the road together with the falling tree as dust was whipped up and the whole area shook. Both parties would suffer all the side effects that an explosion brought along (Ryuu the most of all), including things such as ringing ears, disorientation and the like. Only Eiji, who had been able to shield himself from most of the explosion with his poi, and possibly Kuni who had been underground, suffered less.

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Yoshikuni Sadako
Amegakure genin, Team 11

Her plan worked! The four shinobi that hid in the water were forced out and then they appeared to begun heading in different directions, with one of them heading directly at her. She couldn't afford to try and see what was going on with the others while one of the enemies was heading right at her, so she immediatly begun to sink into the ground and before the shinobi could reach her, Kuni was completely underground and sensing the vibrations to try and get a proper feel of what was occuring.

Suddenly there was a very strong vibration that came from a specific direction, and she also heard a faint explosion sound. Did that mean one of the boxes exploded? She didn't have time to find out as she remembered her box was still above the ground, unprotected and completely open to be grabbed. She sensed a few more strong vibrations that felt like something dropped, and then focused on the closest vibrations. It appeared as if the shinobi that was headed towards her before was now somewhere else, completely on the ground too.

She quickly moved to underneath him, took her hands above the ground and grabbed the shinobi's legs, and after focusing her chakra as much as she could, she begun dragging him into the ground, aiming to bury him up to his neck before letting go, while also trying to pay attention to any other vibrations that may suddenly come.
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[fieldbox="Daily Life, green"]

[Spoili]Kensuke does stuff.[/spoili]

6:30 - Kensuke's house

He opened his eyes. Rolling over to the side of his bed, Kensuke rubbed his eyes and drank a mouthful of water. Opening the drapes he saw the very first rays of sunlight peak over the horizon. As per usual, Kensuke was woken up by his biological clock right before true dawn. Yawning once and rubbing his eyes again, he went through his morning ritual of washing his face, frowning at his stubble, wondering if he shouldn't shave himself yet, and preparing a hearty breakfast. Today it was oyakodonburi. Essentially, rice with chicken and eggs. You ate both mother and child. A cruel dish for a cruel schedule ahead.

8:00 - Kensuke's house

As he came from underneath a brief, cold and refreshing shower Kensuke rolled his shoulders relaxing the muscles after the first of his two daily trainings. He had to keep in shape after all. Staring in the mirror as he dried himself he observed his many scars with a wry smile. Ironically, so far his face had been saved of being scarred, despite all the danger he had gone through. Barely anyone even knew he looked like this naked. Following the enormous scar left by Samaki's machuitl down from his shoulder to his hip, he shook his head and got dressed.

8:30 - 10:00 - Private Dojo

The young man in front of him leaned heavily on his knees as he tried to regain his breath after an exhausting series of new kata he was shown. These involved a much more intense form of footwork for the first time. And very precize too. Kensuke patiently awaited the young man to regain his composure. "Even if you don't become a good swordsman after my lessons, you will definitely be a good dancer." He said to cheer the boy up, upon which he received a hollow sort of a muffled victory cheer as the young man got into the combat pose again.

As he executed the new kata with him once more, Kensuke once again realized that he wasn't teaching things that another kenjutsu specialist couldn't teach the boy. These were simply the advanced parts of the basics he was teaching him, and any experienced teacher and swordsman could learn him that. Then again, he supposed that the generous pay of the boy's parents wasn't a bad incentive to be persuaded into 'wasting his time' here. They after all wanted the best teacher for their swordfighting novice son!

11:00 - 15:00 ANBU training dojo

Parrying a strike from the much smaller kid he tackled the young man making him fall face-first into the floor. His opponent landed on one hand however and vaulted back on his feet in an admirable display of agility, one Kensuke could not repeat after him. Before he knew it the masked shinobi was delivering alternating strikes at him again with the heavy training bokuto. Using the strength of his foe he stepped aside and found an opening, hitting the other person on both wrists painfully hard.

Without a sound the boy retreated, retrieved his bokuto and bowed before Kensuke, before returning to his place. Not even a grunt... He thought, both scared and impressed by the young man's discipline. This lad was an ANBU in training for a reason. Looking over the dojo filled with his other apprentices, people of many sizes, ages and ranks, a dozen and a half of impressionless white masks stared right back at him.

"How could he have defended himself against such a riposte?" Kensuke asked the anonymous crowd. One of the younger shinobi raised his arm. There was only that much the faceless and uniformed appearance of the boy could hide from his dojutsu, and his age was definitely not one of those things. "By the hanging crown guard, sensei." He said, upon which Kensuke nodded. "Correct." He answered. "You, stand before me." He then said, upon which an older man quickly positioned himself before Kensuke. "Now, for the next part of this kata, as your collegue correctly analyzed, I shall defend myself with the hanging crown guard as you attack. What I do afterwards is the correct counter against that."

16:00-17:00 - Konoha park

Despite having taken several short breaks, including a break to have lunch during the previous four hours of training, Kensuke took the late afternoon as a moment of rest. Training the ANBU was not something he did every day, but it sure was one of the toughest classes he had to give. Well, he was paid well for it, but those nimble, agile and utmost intimidatingly disciplined and silent shinobi would use any opportunity to take him down during a spar, and he could never go easy or underestimate even a single one of them. For a reason the ANBU were known as scarily efficient, despite their previous rank or age. Chuunin or not, once you were an ANBU you were a force even jounin dared not take lightly.

Enjoying the early spring sun bake his skin he peacefully ignored the soft banter and noise around him from other people visiting the park. Dependant on his mood he took his breaks here, at home, in some establishment of sorts or at the cemetery. Today was a day where he felt peaceful and still, so he rested here. This was also usually the time people would bug him when he was at home or when he would do his daily tasks if he had many, but luckily not today.

18:00-20:00 - Kensuke's house

The rest of the day he wasted away making a simple and cold dinner, and eating it as he rumbled through stuff he had to go through every other damn day. Administration from his army unit, from his squad, from his position as a clanleader. Not for the first time he wondered why no Kage ever realized throwing lots of paperwork at the enemy would kill them in an instant! A slow, everlasting, boring instant! Being a clanleader was such a drag. What did the Lord of the Yuuta clan even want to talk to him? Kensuke was not a clanleader interested in bantering about the latest rumours. He had no time for such pleasantries. Not that he'd like that anyways. Politics definitely was not something the young shinobi enjoyed.

20:00-22:00 - Kensuke's house

The day was finally over, he mused as he washed the sweat of his second training off of him. He excercised his strength, his stamina, his agility, ... All the usual things. The last few minutes he spent before bed were usually in his sofa, overthinking the day and the days to come. But today, as so common the last few weeks, he spent them staring at a single glass of heavy alcohol, ending up not drinking it at all, as he thought of the disastrous existance of Konohagakure Team 4.
[fieldbox=Atsuko Uragiri | Kirigakure - Betrayal]
A young man remained in the shadows of an alley, his eyes reflecting the image of the lit up house across the street. As a silhouette appeared in the light coming out of the window, Atsuko made his way across quickly, seeming like a blur to the drunkards trying to stay on their feet outside.

As he let himself into the wide and empty living room, the young ANBU cautiously made his way towards the sound of dense water falling. The man could see only a mask in the mirror before his head fell forward, crashing into the ground and cracking the pavement with force unproportional to the speed of the fall.

With the sound of the shattering stone, a tensing whining sound was heard from outside the room over the soothing water rushing out of the faucet. As he tracked the source of the noise, Atsuko thought of how he oughta do it. He hated it, but he knew that the baby could become a problem. There were so many ways to kill it, but none of them came to the young ANBU's mind even as he stood over it in its cradle. I could kill it by holding it by its head... So why... Gritting his teeth he placed his hand over the baby's head after a long hesitation. There was a small cracking sound heard as the face caved in, stopping the crying of the child.

Finally, with his job done, the young traitor felt more at ease than he'd expected he'd be. He quickly went around the house before setting his eyes on a small prize wrapped up with two handles.
Takumi's Mission!
Reporting for duty.

A collab between Detective Zero and Lesli

Summary :
Takumi reaches the outpost where she had to bring a message over to the officers.

It was quite some time before Takumi found herself getting remotely close to her objective, having been a decently long journey by foot. She had only taken two ten minute breaks as she covered the distance, going over what she was to do in her head several times over. Stopping atop a large branch, the girl let out a breath as she looked around her surroundings. "It shouldn't be too much further.. The last road was only a few minutes from here so I know I'm on track. I guess I should be more wary of that however..."

The silver-haired genin sighed as a hand rested on the handle of her katana as she slid down onto the trunk to sit, one leg bent up as the other laid flat across. "One more break should be enough and that will be the last until I get there. Even as a genin, I have to be careful out here considering things.. I sort of wish it wasn't the case." Taki seemed to have shut her eyes gently as she held her katana leaning in with her leg. She was listening to her surroundings. It was peaceful as a forest usually should be.

About a minute in however, she noticed a small change in the birds' chirping patterns and then the beating of their wings nearby. Opening her eyes she blinked a few times as she looked to see some flying away. She was likely to brush it off as ordinary but listening closer she could hear activity on the ground, albeit not much. "Maybe there are others nearby.. If not a wild animal.. Still.." Shifting her body around, Takumi worked to pick herself up with a gentle grunt. Looking left and right, Takumi held her sheathe with her thumb pressed against the guard as she hopped down.

Moving to check out what it was, Takumi went closer to the source of the change until she was near above it in the trees. There was a small clearing nearby and as she got a closer look, she found herself amongst a camp. "Well, they did say I'd find a few on my way to where I need to go.. I just hope they'd be cooperative with me..." Spending a few minutes looking over what they were all doing, Takumi finally decided to hop down fully from the tree and approach the entrance by foot, surely that couldn't go wrong, right?

Standing against one of the wooden stakes, that were all together forming a pallisade, one of the guarding nin looked down at the approaching genin. The other four were dicussing something, making the man pushing himself from the stake and scratching his chin. "Stop there, girl. What is your business?" The man asked, sounding quite bored, which was further expressed by the way he looked at Takumi.

The genin stopped in place as she looked up to the guard, listening to him speak, "I've come from Kirigakure to deliver a message to the commanding officer of these local encampments. I was told I may find him towards some of the encampments along some ports. I came here in hopes of finding some assistance to guide me there directly." The genin spoke clearly with a neutral expression, hand away from her blade as Takumi spoke.

Yawning, the man continued to scratch his chin. ''Any proof?" The man asked as he threw a skeptical look at Takumi. He didn't seem convinced as his right hand slowly went to the handle of a blade that he had on person. ''Lee, let that little be. Geez, you're the worst." Another man called out. This made 'Lee' look over his shoulder and call back. "Can we really trust people that easily today? She could be-" But his comrades complained as one of the four then made a suggestion. "I'll keep an eye on her then. You," The man called out, leaning on a naginata. "Come over here." Waiting for the girl to come over, the man spat on the ground before he asked her a question. "What do you need?"

"I am Takumi Kozumari, a genin of Kirigakure. If I do anything suspicious then so be it with your actions. I know not what specific outpost I will find your commander to be within, so I had hoped I may have some help with that. I have a message to deliver to them and if needed I will assist with any matters while I'm here under their instruction."

The man seemed to listen as he nodded, meaning that he understood what she was after. "You see, Lee. Nothing but a messenger." The guarding nin sneered to his comrade. 'Lee' threw a venemous look in the direction of Takumi and the guard that had listend to her. "Well, guess then I should ought to bring you to the commander. Takumi, was your name right?" He asked as he straightened his back and let the naginata partly rest against his shoulder. Already the man threw a look in the outpost, his facial expressions showing he wasn't that thrilled with his new chore.

"Yes, and thank you.. I apologize if I've caused any issues like coming at a bad time. We're all trying to get by from this after all.." Takumi bowed her head in respect as she then moved to follow, showing a faint grin before returning to her neutral expression.

"Naaah, don't feel bad." The man said as he waved with his free hand to wimple her excusses away. "Some people are just grumpy sacks." Walking through the outpost, it iwas a place that was filled with activities. The sound of a hammer slamming on metal, shaping something on an anvil. People inspecting cargo and preparing other work, the man had already read the message of Takumi. "Here it is." He said, stopping in front of a large tent. Two other guards were standing in front of the tent. "One second, kid." The guard said as he approached the other two. Showing the letter and explaining it himself, one of the guards disappeared into the large tent. The guard who had accompanied Takumi earlier, nodded towards her. "Good luck, kiddo." Walking away, probably his earlier post, a man walked out of the tent.

"You're the messenger?" He asked. Sporting a short black beard, the man was quite large. There were several scars covering his face and made him look more stern and menacing, even though he had a smile on his lips.
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[fieldbox=Katsu Uchiha | Konohagakure - Ready to depart!]
Katsu was rushing towards the gates after he'd received a letter that had made him rather easy at heart, saying that the other two members of the squad would be told to go to the gates. Finally Koike was going to return home. He was. Since this was Koike they were talking about, there was no way he'd be dead. Katsu kept telling himself this, though he didn't really know if he actually believed it or if he was just trying to comfort himself.

He saw two figures at the horizon, noticing that one of them was more familiar than the other. An excited smile grew on his panic-ridden face. "Shikaroku! You're here!" He came to a halt as he neared the two. The boy's eyes averted to the girl, noting the eyes, trying to remember her name from the files. "Euh... You must be Masami Hyuuga, am I correct? Now that we're all here, I'll quickly give you the details for the mission!" His lips moved rapidly, letting the words out in an unpausing stream. "Koike Hon is our target. The mission is to find him and bring him back, alive. He was sent to protect an important individual from a cultist group, but we haven't heard from him for some time. We're going towards where he was supposed to be. Any questions?" Without waiting for anyone to actually object, or do anything between the question and the following, the boy spoke up, nodding. "No? Good! Let's get going! Quickly!"
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The Sushi... date?!

A collab between Iceiceice and Leslesles.

Part II

Hideki and Saki both meet in a sushi restaurant that is full. However by some miracle they both end up sharing a table. Sweet awkward and comedic moments follow!


Looking around, Saki was sure that they were close. Though they were walking into a calm street with not a lot of people, she could already see some people of their age group. "Ever been to a play before?" Saki asked, deciding to start a conversation again. She decided it was best to just ask innocent questions on what he liked and disliked. And then continue on that topic if they had something in common, which made it much easier to keep talking about it.

Walking besides Saki, Hideki looked around at the surroundings. He was pretty sure he'd been here before. Although, the occasion was quite different this time around. Different indeed. "When I was a kid. My mother used to take me to a few." He'd never really been interesting in acting. As a matter of fact, the plays his mother used to take him to often gave him nightmares. "How so?"

"I just wondered. I've not been to one in a long time." She replied, flashing a smile. She had a crazy idea, but so far this whole experience had been somewhat fun. "I don't really have any friend who is interested in them. Perhaps you would like to go to one with me next time?" She asked, feeling that she hadn't said anything weird. At least she hadn't start about walls and decorations.

Hideki considered that. Nightmares weren't an issue anymore. Neither did he dislike plays so much that he could decline out of that reason alone. Remember, Hideki. You promised. He inhaled, exhaled, and glanced over at Saki. "Yeah, sure. Sounds fun." Licking at his lips, he found himself struggling with his own choices.

"It will be fun, promised." She told him, already however regreting to promise it. How could she make such a promise? On what could she actually base that he would enjoy a play? Saki lowered her eyes a bit as she tried to figure a way to keep the conversation going in a good direction. Looking up, she however saw the place. "There it is!" For a moment she grew excited and wanted to grab Hideki's hands, but she remembered that she shouldn't be acting weird. Trying to make the gesture as if she wanted to run a hand through her pony, Saki hoped she would be able to survive this evening without embarrassing herself too much. Then again... She kind of had said some stupid things already.

Walking to the door of the place, they would walking into a hall. It seemed to be a mix of a pub as one could order drinks at a bar and counter. But most of the hall seemed to be designed for dancing as a band were playing live. Listening to what was being played, Saki folded her hands together as she wasn't sure how to proceed further. "Perhaps we could drink something and when they play a nice tune, we could share a dance?" She suggested.

Hideki nodded, mistrusting his own voice. It'd been a long time since he'd been this nervous. It wasn't, however, an unpleasant nervosity. It actually felt kinda good. Approaching the bar, Hideki ordered a drink and took a seat in front of Saki. What do I do know? He thought, a tinge of panic running through him.

What now? Come on, a subject. Saki thought still smiling as she hide away her emotions that were going rampant inside her. Placing her hands first at her lap, she then moved to leaned on the edge of the table. Glancing at the people on the dance floor, the band was using traditional instruments and Saki felt a bit unsure. She had spend time with Kaname at places like these as they were more relaxed than inns and such places. The people were relatively easier going and friendly. "Soooo....." Saki started, still unsure what topic she should bring up. "Do you have ever tried... sake?"

A smile crossed Hideki's features. "Uh-huh. Well, a few times. It wasn't always so fun to guard the borders, y'know." Not that he was an especially good drinker, but she could do well without that information. "Why do you ask?" He said, curious.

"Oh, I was wondering if you would else like to drink something." She replied, hoping that her voice wasn't too timid as she wanted to sound more confident. "Is there any specific drink that you really fancy?" She asked.

"I don't really know a lot about drinks, so I could do with anything." He paused for a moment, searching for something to say. "Do you drink a lot?" As soon as the sentence ended, he debated whether or not to commit suicide right there and now. He could feel himself blushing furiously.

The question made Saki blink with her eyes twice, rapidly. "I.. I try to keep it at a reasonable level." She replied, but she could remember how she had ended up when she and Kensuke had made that cherry-alcoholic-cake. Thus a no would be a lie and she didn't want to lie as it was just a innocent question. He probably didn't mean anything with it, right? Not wanting to panic, Saki looked away as she noticed a waiter. Raising her hand and flashing a smile, she threw a sideways glance to Hideki. "I think we would like both a small glass of sake." She held her eyes locked on Hideki, to else change the order in case he wanted something else.

Hideki returned her gaze, shaking his head gently. "I like your hair. It's pretty." He finally said as the waiter left their table.

Smiling back as he shook his head, Saki turned as she flipped her pony. Just a second later she heard his compliment as she found herself speechless. Nobody had ever complimented her on her hair. Not when it had been way longer nor when she had decided to cut it. "T-Thanks." She said, feeling how her cheeks started to glow. Wanting to say something back, Saki decided to take a risk. "Would you perhaps tell me more about your time at the border?"

"Hardly worth a mention. I was on guard duty most of the time. We only really dealt with petty smugglers and the like." Hideki said, sighing. There had been a few notable incidents, especially a certain recruitment, but he'd rather withhold the details. For now. "Sorry if it's disappointing." He said, feeling apologetic.

Listening, Saki smiled again. She realized she was constantly smiling and hoped that didn't made her look like some kind of idiot. "That's isn't really disappointing." She opened her mouth, wanting to continue, but the waiter brought them their drinks. Nodding a thanks to the man, she turned to Hideki as she grabbed her small glass. "I was a member of a scout unit. Nothing special most of the time, just needed to track several people and then bring back a report." She thought about something as she raised her glass. "On our disappointing previous positions?"

Hideki accidentally snorted, choking back laughter. "That sounds good." He said, smiling wholeheartedly. She was kinda weird, in an adorable way. Not that he'd displaying the epitome of manners. He raised his glass, looked her in the eyes, and clinked together his glass with hers. "Cheers."

"Cheers!" Moving the glass to her lips, Saki emptied it in one go. Placing the glass on the table, she briefly glanced at the dance floor. It wasn't that busy and there was a rather calm theme being played. "Shall we try to dance now?" She suggested.

"Oh.. Yeah. Sure." He replied, his heartbeat speeding up rapidly. How come this was so difficult? He stood, and slowly, crossed the bar to the dance floor. He had a hard time focusing on the music. She glanced around, but it was time to see how this part of the evening would go. Hearing the slow rhytm of the music and seeing some other couples, she gained an idea. "This will be easy. I need you to wrap an arm around my waist. And hold my other hand. I'll lead." Trying to sound confident, Saki already felt her cheeks starting to convert more into the reddish tint.

Hideki stared at her for a moment, butterflies making waves in his belly. "Uh. Oh. Yeah. Of course." With the slightest of hesitation, he did as told; wrapping his arm around her waist and grasping her other hand. He cleared his throat quietly, unable to find words for the situation. "Don't worry. Just slowly, move." She said with a softer tone. Slowly leading him, Saki had her eyes lowered, staring at their feet. "So.."

Slowly, as the music progressed, the rhythm seeped into Hideki and he found that the music almost became an extension of himself. It was fun. A smile crept onto his lips. He could barely hear the music anymore, his body reacting automatically to the instruments. There was too much to focus on. He could not, however, muster enough strength to look her in the eyes. Her scent was almost familiar to him, as if he'd know her for years.

It went great. Not once had either stepped one another's feet. Losing herself in the calm and slow music, she licked her lips as she slowly started to smile again. Her eyes slowly went up as she locked her on his. "Enjoying so far?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper as she hoped he liked to dance.

"It's fun." He managed a smile in her direction, his nervosity naturally melting away. As a matter of fact, it was difficult to not maintain a smile. He felt like a stupid fool. But he didn't dislike it. She wanted to say something. But at the moment Saki felt comfortable with the silence. She wasn't sure, but for some reason it felt weird to breath as if something was making her anxious yet feeling incredible. Staring into his eyes, Saki briefly bite on her lower lip.

Hideki was caught up in an emotional storm. In the end, he decided to go with the flow. His eyes lingered on her for a moment, heart lurching in his throat, then, slowly, he moved closer, pressing his lips against hers, heat rushing to assail his face. All or nothing.
Is he...
Saki's eyes opened a bit more as she noticed how the distance between was closed in. Feeling his lips moving against hers, she closed her eyes. For a moment, she almost panicked, but slowly started to lose herself in the kiss. After a long moment, Saki broke the kiss as she tried to say something. Closing her mouth, her cheeks were almost as red as a tomato. "You're good."

Hideki shared her embarrassment and could simply nod at her compliment. He was probably just as surprised as she was. He had not thought of himself as the type. For several minutes afterwards, they danced in silence. Words had lost all meaning. "Uhm. Would you like to take a breather?" Hideki finally asked, gazing into her eyes to see her reaction. "Yes, please." She replied.

Saki felt like an idiot. Not due the kiss, cause she actually hadn't mind that. But she had ruined the moment with her stupid compliment. Her smile became bit more nervous as she hoped that she could correct her last mistake with the compliment. Stepping one step away from Hideki, she however glanced at the hands that they were holding. Deciding to say nothing, she would follow him outside.

Hideki stepped outside of the building. A breeze sifted them past, fluttering the strands of his hair. They were still clutching hands. Hideki didn't mind. She was warm despite the cold outside. "I.. had fun." Hideki began, the ghost of a smile playing at his lips. Further ahead, Hideki could make out a small shape, swathed in shadows.

"Yeah. Me too." As they walked, Saki now and then threw a glance at their hands. "Did you make that sound?" Saki suddenly asked as she thought she had heared something.

Confused, Hideki looked to Saki and then back to the road. "Huh? No.." As they neared the source of the sound, the small shape trodded closer, emitting a purring sound. The light of a nearby streetlight illuminated the scene, revealing a small tabby cat before them, its tail curved at the tip. Hideki's eyes lit up. "A cat!" Judging by its fur and the lack of a collar, he guessed it to be a stray cat. Stray cats were normally wary around strangers, however.

A bit surprised, Saki eyed the little critter. "Yes, do you think it is somebody's or a stray one?" She asked. She couldn't see collar, but was unsure if that meant that it was a stray one. "He looks adorable. Aawww." Saki forgot a moment what had all happened today as she couldn't look away from the adorable animal.

Bending down, Hideki gently offered his hand to the cat, allowing it to smell him. Then, as the cat stroked its head against his fingers, Hideki scratched him behind the ears. "I think it's a stray. But we'll have to be sure. They are usually tattooed in one of their ears if they're owned by someone." He said, trying to cope a better look.

Bending down as well, Saki couldn't stop smiling. Not only the cat, but Hideki was kind of cute as well. Using her free hand to brush some hair away she silently enjoyed the cute scene in front of her. "Perhaps you should else take him.. or her." Realizing that she had no idea what it was, Saki however didn't deem it reasonable to check it out now. "It is after all going to be cold tonight."

Hideki nodded, trying to hide his excitement. He'd always loved cats, but there had never been an opportunity for him to have one. "He's a cutie, isn't he?" Hideki was almost convinced it was a male. It didn't especially emanate a feminine aura. "Noru. That'll be his name. Noru." Hideki turned to Saki, as if her verification was necessary.

"Great name." She flashed a warm smile towards Hideki as she replied. "Hey, shall I walk you home? If that is okay!" She quickly added as she didn't want to be too pushy. She had barely spend a day with him and was worried that she was now crossing some line.

A bit flustered, Hideki smiled at her words. "Of course. I'd love that." In the back of his mind, however, he wondered if the gender roles had been switched. Hardly mattered to him. Straightening, Hideki took a few steps forward, turning to see if Noru was following them. He was, scuttering forward on soft pads. Almost satisfied, Hideki glanced in Saki's direction. "Since it's so cold, could I hold your hand?"

Walking next to Hideki, Saki also looked to see if the cat was following them. But it was more precisely following Hideki, which was adorable in her opinion. Looking up, hoping to see some stars, Saki heard his question. "Yes! I mean.. Of course." Trying to sound too enthousastic, she moved her hand towards his. "You know, that sushi restauarant is really something." She said, sounding quite amused.

Hideki grasped her hand and continued down the streets, Noru scuttering along happily. "Maybe I should visit more often?" Hideki suddenly froze as he realized his mistake, the blood draining from his face. "Uh. To see if you're there. Of course. Hehe. Nothing else." His clarification was even more embarrassing. "Y'know what I mean." He said, blushing a little.

Briefly Saki's eyes widened as she looked surprised at his first response. She was wondering if he made a joke that just came wrong over. His second sentence made it clear as she then let out a soft laugh. It was after all growing a bit late and waking up people with laughing out wasn't something she wanted to do. "I guess then this means we're going to visit places more often, together that is?" She asked, admitting that she was finding the prospect quite fun.

"I hope." He simply said, enjoying the silence as they walked beneath the stars. Noru rushed ahead of them at times, as if to impress, clawing at tree trunks and gazing back at the pair with wild eyes. "I like him already." Hideki exclaimed, watching Noru with a childish grin. They were slowly drawing nearer to the Hyuuga compound, several buildings looming in the distance.

Noticing the Hyuuga compound, Saki wondered about it. She hadn't given it yet thought if this was a serious start. She was willing to try it as she had a great time. But she wondered if his clan would disapprove it. Slowly coming to a halt, Saki squeezed softly in his hand. "I want to thank you for this evening. It was a bit unexpected." She paused, realizing what an understatement that was. "But I really enjoyed myself."

Clearing his throat, Hideki tried to recall the evening but his memories seemed obscured. Too much had happened to take it all in at once. "Me too. Sushi was great as well." He added, unable to keep that one small detail to himself. "Is it a long way home for you?" He felt a bit bad about the fact that she'd walked him home instead of the other way around. But she probably didn't mind.

"It is okay. I like to take long walks." She said. For a moment she grew silent. "I think that I should wish you goodnight then?" Smiling, she squeezed softly in his hand again.

Hideki returned the squeeze. "Yeah." He uncurled his fingers methodically, the wamth lingering. He gazed at the compound for a brief moment, then he returned his gaze to her. "Maybe I could have your adress the next time we meet?" He asked, expectantly. "Yes, of course you may." She told him, almost want to give it right away. "Oh!" Realizing something, she let out a soft nervous laugh. "I recently moved on my own. So... yeah. I need to do a lot of things. You know, walls.., and decorations."

Hideki arched an eyebrow, amused. "Yeah? You really like your walls, eh?" He said, ending the sentence with a soft laugh. "Well, I'd love to come by." Noru meowed in the background. "And him too, of course." Gazing back at Saki, Hideki leaned forward and gave her a light peck on the lips. He then swung round and - with Noro rushing after him - made his way toward the compound, satisfied.

Wanting to say something, Saki's eyes half closed as she felt his lips on hers. It was a very brief moment and she wanted to grab his hand to kiss one more time, but all she did was moving her hands on her back as she kept smiling. Hoping that he would turn around, she saw him and his stray heading into the compound. Turning on her heels, Saki had her head a bit lowered as a wide smile crept on her lips. Walking home, she didn't even notice the cold.
A young Panther, one that was out of the kitten stage but not quite full sized yet, was walking among the branches of the forest. Minding it's own business, the youthful Panther looked up whenever some sounds disturbed it's travels. That was when it saw the water whip and thought the attack was meant for herself. Suddenly the water was broken and the Panther was no longer in danger in her mind. She looked at the boy who had saved her life.

Ryuu watched as the Water Whip flying towards him came at him. The boy reacted quickly and threw a Kunai into it. This in turn caused the Water to blast apart. Then there was an earth - shattering roar followed by Ryuu being thrown to the ground. A piece of debris lodged into his leg. "Sensei!" He yelled out as he hit the ground... then nothing. The boy was knocked unconcious by the impact.

He soon came around and tried to get up, only managing to get a little off the ground before collapsing again. He heard a dull ringing... no hearing. He was deaf.


Ryuu's eyes opened again to see something land in front of him, a Panther. The beast, instead of attacking him turned its back to Ryuu as if guarding him. It hissed at anybody who came near.
Sharing Your Secrets Part I
Nadaki Uchiha

Nadaki eventually got rid of his grey cloak after getting inside the Capital without letting them know he hailed from the Empire of Akino, or in other words, Konohagakure and the fact that he was an ANBU, that was a given. Once he approached the very place the scroll had mentioned, a BBQ restaurant, he stopped in the streets. He was not close to the entrance at all. He decided to stand by while leaning against a wall by his side, and waited to see if anyone suspicious didn't venture inside the mentioned place. However, he did not stay long on the streets because prying eyes could be everywhere. He was always cautious.

'That should be the place...' He thought to himself, pondering if he would ever eye some Shinobi hailing from Iwagakure. Something caught his attention eventually. Some people were wearing some unusual clothes that could be seen as a Shinobi, and as Nadaki's memories would recall, those were not the clothes a Shinobi from the Capital would wear. He was however, unable to see if they were actually wearing any forehead protectors or equipment on the surface that would represent the village he really wanted to investigate or if they were actual Shinobi.

After the suspicious men entered the BBQ restaurant, Nadaki eventually re-surfaced back on the streets and decided to follow and assure that those were the Shinobi he was trying to find. Once he got closer to the entrance, he turned to his right side, revealing another road which was crowded with people. Thats when he noticed some men who looked way more suspicious. And they were definetely not from the Capital. "Hmm.. I should probably check that out.." Nadaki squinted his eyes and noticed that the equipment he could see on the surface was to that of a Shinobi, but unfortunately, their backs were turned towards Nadaki, so he couldn't completely narrow it down to what he believed they might be.

He had to see if his hunch was right, and therefore, he decided to walk down that very crowded road. Once he got closer, he glanced to the side, noticing them standing before a door. He quickly looked at the sign above the door, which was nothing more than another, but regular restaurant. Nadaki decided to walk closer but past the Shinobi by the door. They were talking amongst one another, however due to the rush, he was unable to hear anything useful. It looked like a normal conversation between two bored men. And typically, sometime, those would be the Shinobi guarding a place, or keeping things in check, on who and what goes in and out.

Nadaki walked down the same road again, but this time, he intentionally bumped into one of the men. Their conversation was abruptly cut off. "Ah... I'm sorry.. I didn't see you.." He had an apologetic expression on his face, however, it made the Shinobi turn around, which revealed what Nadaki expected. A forehead protector, and one which represented Iwagakure. He quickly glanced over it to make sure and bowed one or two times to show him being embarassed and somewhat stupid.

The Shinobi who he bumped into was not thrilled. He had an annoying expression on his face. "Hey.. Watch out will ya?.. You just ruined a damn good story I was telling.." The Iwa-nin uttered. "I'm really sorry.. I.. I was just about to go in so I could get something to eat.. And... I didn't see you.. Again.. I'm really really sorry..." Nadaki apologized. The Iwa-nin looked at him for a couple of seconds in a condescending way. In the Iwa-nin's eyes, Nadaki was nothing but a peasant, just someone who was lesser than the latter.

"Go in then.. What are you standing here for.." The Iwa-nin scowled, before he just diverted his attention back at the other Iwa-nin he was standing with. "So where was I... Ah-- Thats when I noticed the boar.. And something just wasn't right, you know?.. I mean the guy was hiding behind a boar, and he thought we didn't see him...---" Nadaki excused himself and was able to enter the said restaurant, even if he was able to hear something about that 'good', but probably a made-up boring story.

'I guess keeping my appearance as a merchant was a good thing.. Although I might actually look like a poor man on the streets rather than a merchant..' A deep sigh escaped his lips. However, he was finally inside the restaurant, which was semi-packed. He started to walk around with a smile on his face, while scratching the back of his head. As if he was not someone who could afford something in the restaurant. Once he walked towards the stairs, which actually led to the second floor of the very same restaurant, he glimpsed around to see if any Iwa-nins were there. Unfortunately, he was unable to find any at the first floor. Nadaki eventually started to walk up the stairs, but that was also when one of the waitresses in the restaurant, eyed him out and decided to follow.

When he finally made it to the second floor, he was stopped by the same waitress. "Excuse me.. Excuse me sir.." The woman uttered, whilst poking him on the shoulder. Nadaki tilted his head to the side, and gazed at the woman who held a tray against her chest. "Yes?.." Nadaki responded. The woman walked past him and turned around, almost as if she was blocking his way. Was his clothes that torn that he couldn't even enter the place without getting such a reaction?

"I'm sorry but this place is quite expensive... So...---" Nadaki decided to interrupt the woman, while he laughed, though lightly, feeling embarassed. "You see. I am a merchant and I was able to sell a few pricey things I had in my stock.. And I heard this place had some of the best food in the Capital so I decided I'd come and spend some money at my leisure. I am after all, quite hungry.. And thirsty.." There wasn't much he needed to do for fooling the waitress before him. She was already believing in what Nadaki said.

"Oh, I see.. My apologies then.. Sir... So what will you be having?... We'll bring it to your table..." She suggested. The service was also not surprising. Nadaki just kept on scratching the back of his head before he gave her an answer. "You can start by giving me some water.. That would be best.. I'm quite thirsty.." The waitress just stood there and took his little to no order. She bowed and expressed her gratitude. "Alright sir. Your water shall be brought to you shortly." She finished, before she walked by him again and down the stairs.

However, Nadaki decided to slip in something extra. "Oh and.. I'll be on this floor.. I'm sure you'll be able to find me amongst one of the tables here.." The waitress only nodded before she walked down to the first floor. Now that the obstacle was out of the way, which was also able to attract the attention of all the customers on the second floor, who knew by now that he was just a silly merchant, diverted their attention away from him. It was a good thing. Everyone believed he was random merchant with some money in his pocket.

As he walked down the hall in the second floor, glimpsing from one place to another, as if he was trying to find an empty table, or a suitable table to his likings, he eventually walked past three Shinobi from Iwagakure, and two who were from the Capital. 'That must be them..' Nadaki murmured in his thoughts, before he sat down on the mat, by a table, right behind them. Fortunately, there were walls around every table, so they couldn't see him, nor could he see them, but he could hear them perfectly fine.

It was time to eavesdrop and investigate the matter further. While he sat, he brought up the small menu as if he was occupied by it. "Well, we're not actually here to only discuss about the treaty. Thats happening in another place, in the Capital, though I'm sure your higher ups have told you about it. And they'll likely work a deal for the treaty. You help us and we'll help you guys.. Right?.." The Iwa-nin laughed. It was probably a wise choice to get in on the conversation for Nadaki. His expression was somewhat serious.

'A treaty?... Another place?...' He curiously thought to himself, wondering who else was in the Capital. "Yes Tadakori-san. You're right, though nothings settled yet. So why don't we enjoy the meal we've been served?" One of the Shinobi from the Capital uttered. "Besides.. You guys are here a few hours too early, but thats just to give us the heads up that one of the higher ups from Iwagakure, Hanamaro-san, will be arriving shortly to discuss the matters regarding the treaty you guys proposed." The sound of the Shinobi from the Capital was quite serious.

'The higher ups in Iwagakure?.. And he's named Hanamaro?... So the actual meeting regarding the treaty hasn't happened yet?' Nadaki rhetorically thought to himself, and the mission had perhaps more intel than what he may have assumed, though only time would tell. He kept on listening, though a moment later, the same waitress appeared, placing a glass of water on the table. "Ah, thank you.." He nodded towards her. "Will there be anything else.. Sir?" The waitress asked. "Nothing for now.." He responded. Once the waitress left, his attention was back at the small meeting between the Iwa-nins and the Capital-nins. 'So.. Where is the actual meeting happening?...' He wondered, hoping they would spill the location.

"One hour.. Hanamoro-sama should arrive in about one hour... But I figured we could also talk about this you know?.. Although I dont know the exact details about the treaty.. And like you said.. I'm just a messenger.. Or we're just the envoy.. So if the relationship between Iwagakure and the Waterfall Country would be strengthened, we should also strengthen our friendship." Tadakori explained. The talks between the Capital-nins and the Iwa-nins were going smoothly, though mostly from the Iwagakure's side. They sounded quite confident about the treaty, and the fact that the Waterfall Country needed them more than they needed the Waterfall Country.

"Yes.. An envoy.. Or a messenger. Call it whatever you want.. Also Hanamoro-san will be talking to Dase-sama, since he'll be be the one meeting your people from Iwagakure. Anyhow.. enough about this.. The only reason why we decided to meet you guys here is because of the food in this place and to show respect.. So eat up before your meat gets cold and hard.. You and your men will surely enjoy it while its warm, Tadakori-san." The Capital-nin stated.

A response came quite quick by the Iwa-nin on the other end of the table. He just laughed in an arrogant way. "I'm sure.. I'm sure you did Reto-kun.. We wouldn't want that, now would we?... Let the meat get cold and hard.. We wish to preserve this restaurant, keep it in good shape at all costs.. It's good for business.. And I'm sure you brought us here because you can vouch for this place. So.. What are we waiting for, huh? Lets eat and drink.. Get to know eachother better.. Now that our countries will be allied very soon... And we shall rise again... Hahahaha... Eat.. Eat... My friends.." The Iwa-nin was named Tadakori while the Capital-nin was named Reto.

Nadaki's expression was quite serious on the other side of the wall. He never liked the Shinobi from Iwagakure. Not after what happened back in the days. And even when Iwagakure met with a devastating defeat. 'So they are just an envoy... And.. Tadakori.... Hanamoro.. They seem like names I shouldn't pass up...' Nadaki was able to at least confirm a few things before the actual meeting would start. 'I doubt they'll spill the location of the said meeting between Hanamoro and Dase'.. To keep up his appearance as a customer, he grabbed his glass and drank the water. Placing the glass back on the table, he stood up.

Since Tadakori, Reto and their men probably didn't have anything more useful to share, Nadaki knew that their purpose for his investigation was fulfilled. This only meant that he would have to investigate some more before he could obtain the neccessary information about what the treaty was actually about. 'I better get to the entrance to the Capital.. I am sure if I wait long enough, Hanamoro will appear.. And since he is an important person from Iwagakure, he'll likely have guards surrounding him, so he will be easy to distinguish from the rest..' That was probably the safest option in the Konoha ANBU's mind. He slowly stood up from the table, stretching his arms as if he was quite tired, even yawning at the same time, before he turned around and walked away towards the stairs leading to the first floor. On his way though, he was able to glance over at the table and etch the faces of both Reto and Tadakori in his mind, especially the Iwa-nin's face.

Once he reached the first floor, he approached the counter and gave enough ryō for an entire meal, and apologized to the waitress. "I'm sorry about this.. I'm just feeling very tired and sleep would be much more enjoyable now rather than the meal, however I'll be back again.. Since I'll be around in the Capital for the next few days.." Nadaki expressed his lie, before he left the restaurant. He was finally back on the streets and decided to get close enough to the entrance and wait there until the said Hanamoro would appear, so the Iwagakure higher up can lead him to the location of the actual meeting with Dase from the Capital.

"Now.. I wonder when you'll make your appearance... Hanamoro..." Nadaki whispered to himself. His black eyes were quite serious, and so was his expression. His investigation was fruitful for now, and this mission became just that more interesting.​
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Reactions: Ganryu
Masami Hyuuga
Konohagakrue Chuunin

Heading out!

Masami spotted and recognized Shikaroku as she was approaching the gates of the village. She was about to greet the boy, but before she had the chance, another person appeared. He seemed to be in a hurry, but he recognized her - so she was not late. That was a good thing, and she had an inner sigh of relief. Nodding her head upon hearing her name, she then listened to the brief goal of their mission - Koike Hon. Having a high opinion about Hon Shinobi, Masami decided that she will do her best, and even a bit more than that to make sure the mission succeeds. She clenched her fists, than she gave the boy a thumb up, signaling that she understood.

Turning towards Shikaroku, she gave her a friendly wink with a smile. Having somebody from Team 9 to accompany her on this mission made hel feel a lot more easily - aslo she was very glad to go on a mission with Shikaroku. After the wink, she nodded and waited for the boy -their captain on this mission, Masami´s guess to lead them.

They will definitely get Koike Hon back!
Akihiko Ken
Training Field, Ame

Akihiko was shocked when his hand went through Kazen-sensei and he stood back staring for a few seconds. He was called back to reality when Shinra announced Kazen-sensei was just an illusion. His eyes widened and he quickly jumped backward from the illusion, just in time to see a large wall of smoke erupting from the clone and consuming him. He landed on his feet and looked around. He was completely surrounded by smoke. Was the smoke all an illusion? Was it Shinra or Mitsunari? Akihiko grunted. He was completely confused, not being able to tell what was reality and what was illusion. He must have been completely vulnerable now. If it were him casting the illusion he would have taken out the victim by now. He was going to see to it that both Shinra and Mitsunari regretted not doing just that. He crouched low to the ground and activated the worm release. He could feel as the cells in his skin started to rearrange. He still couldn't change all his body cells but the surface would have to do for now. It would protect him from shallow cuts at least. He started to sprint toward the trees, staying low to the ground. He hoped the smoke was real, and if not the rain would provide cover from all but Shinra. Akihiko saw a tree in the near distance and pulled his sword from it's sheath, hoping to deflect any projectiles with it. He reached the tree and jumped unto a high branch, trying to scope out anything in the gloom below him. He started a sweep search of the ground below hoping to catch a glimpse of someone in the trees or down in the smoke. He didn't see the tagged kunai that was stuck into the tree above him as he tried to scope out his opponents.
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Reactions: Ganryu
Rika Suzu,
The Fifth Mizukage

The road to madness and insanity...

People cringed and flinched as they heard the usual sweet and almost singing voice screaming. It had lost the usual charm as it was harsh, cold and angry. Especially angry. Even those who stood at the entrance of the Mizukage's office seemed to be turning pale, not sure if their life was certain or going to be over when the screaming would stop. Ever since the evening, the woman had been in the mood. And most weren't at first sure what had happened, but word reached far and traveled fast. It was also not really a secret anymore with Rika's outburst of rage and sorrow. Cause now and then she seemed to be lost in her sorrow, only to burst out of rage again.

Soon word would reach the public, people on the street growing afraid of what would follow as the first sign followed already that same evening. More ANBU were positioned to guard important buildings. The Mizukage estate as other important public buildings. Parents who brought their children at the Academy would see the patrolling and guarding ANBU keeping an eye on everybody. It was certainly intimidating and caused most people to fret if it meant that the Revolutionaries were about to lay siege on Kirigakure or worse : already were inside the city.

But with the morning, gossip and rumour soon made it clear that Rika's husband, Hiroshi Suzu, had been murdered. Even her child. This caused some disbelief as some were certain it were rumours that the revolutionaries were trying to use to make everybody panic. Making it easier for them to take over. The increase of patrols in the city didn't seem to calm people down. Certainly not when more people started to notice ANBU being stationed in clear sight.

And those who would pass the Mizukage Office? They could see on occasion somebody with a pale face walking out of the building.
Mitsunari Takeda
The Hidden Rain
The King's Delicate Constitution.

Mitsunari nearly gloated to himself as he heard in the distance the commotion about 'Kazen-sensei'. He didn't dare check, but the sudden commotion was a good sign, it was away from him, and that's all that mattered. He was in the rocky area area of the training area, near the stream, they were near the trees, he just had to stay away, and wait for either someone to gloat in victory, or for things to get really quiet. They had no way of finding him, he thought.

One thing he didn't expect, though, was the smoke. Mitsunari's throat was starting to get scratchy from it. At first, it was a bit surprising, but as it was getting to be an absolute irritant as it covered him.

Must not cough, must not cou-


For a second, the transformation failed and he coughed in the heavy smoke.

Who the heck is using smoke bombs? What a jerk move, they make my throat scratchy. Man up Mitsunari! Gotta get back to hiding.

Mitsunari was mad at himself, quickly redoing the transformation jutsu. The smoke probably covered him from showing, but the cough probably gave away his general location, and that was his biggest secret beforehand. He nearly gagged as he kept himself from coughing more.
Hunting the Missing Spy, pt 1
Collab between Ganryu, Lilly, Fieryly
Matsuri Hyuga, Chinatsu Hon, NCP Kaori Ito

The three gather info one what's become of the Hokage's eyes and ears in the Land of Grass
As the team made into a city listed in the Land of Grass, the one listed in the report, Matsuri made a motion to stop for a minute.

"This will be the first place to look. We're not sure why Sir Hewajima isn't making his reports, but I don't think if we enter as ninjas it will help. I'm going to use transformation jutsu to hide my eyes and curse seal, we all should probably put away our headbands. Generally criminals and missing nin keep a lower profile with recognizable ninjas around. When I was a- "

Matsuri cut herself off. It was alright for Chinatsu to know.... but she didn't want Kaori knowing she was a missing nin before. It... wouldn't go down well.

"... We'll start asking around public shops. The report says he works in trade. We'll tell everyone we'd set up a trade of-..."

Matsuri around looking for a inspiration for the lie, before noticing Chinatsu's bow.

"Trappings! That's it. Shall we start off?"

Chinatsu did not bother to feel special with Matsuri 's choice, she still would not look at her. She did however, nod and listen to what she said. Her summon was already wandering about the city in pursuit of the man and quickly weaving some handsigns she had now an appearance of a mere girl. She could still feel the weight of her bow so it was a comfort. "Yes, we should start now..." Chinatsu said.

It had become clear to Kaori during their travels that Matsuri and Chinatsu - a Hon she knew now, like the Empress - knew each other, though their relationship seemed complicated. Kaori didn't want to butt in and say something about it, but they needed to be a team. The Hokage himself had made them a team. Of course she would have rather stayed home with Kensuke and with her friends than go out, but if they were out they'd better make sure that she came home. If this whole issue between the two would become a thing they could be damn sure that Kaori would talk about it.

"We will tell the people that we, teenages, are setting up a trade of trappings," Kaori repeated. Matsuri might be teamleader, but Kaori had never really been someone for authority. "I guess that could work if we pull it of with enough confidence." She pulled her headband away from her forehead and stashed it in her bag before looking around. "Let's do this. I'll start with that one?"[/color] She pointed to a groceries story on the far end of the road. Do we have a time and a meeting place to gather at later?"

Matsuri nodded her head. She was starting to get worried about Chinatsu, but she'd ask later.

"Yes, we'll meet back here at sunset. Miss Kaori, if you would take the one you suggested, and head east from there, Miss Chinatsu, take the one opposite, and head west. I'll head into the center of town. Just say you're doing business with our father's trappings, and he'll be angry if we don't find Mr. Hewajima. If they ask questions, just seem ditsy."

She did a few quick handsigns, transforming herself to much the same appearance, save her skin was unmarked, and her eyes were brown.

"Alright, we'll see eachother at sunset."


With a quick nod to agree and confirm Matsuri's words Kaori turned around and walked away from the two. This was what she was good at: talking to people. She had always been a people person, more so than she was a shinobi. Not that anyone besides Kensuke knew that. Honestly though her people skills had saved her quite some time on missions. Instead of sneakily getting information she was pretty okay with just walking down to someone and have a nice chat about who knows what.

The bell that hung above the door of the grocery story announced her presence to the middle-aged woman inside. She gave Kaori a friendly smile which the girl immediately answered as she walked to the counter.

"Can I help you dear?" the woman asked.

"I actually have a question, if that is okay?"[/color] Kaori pulled her shoulders forward and cast her eyes slightly down. She was a young girl who was new in town and who was send by her father to ask around. She was not going to be the beacon of confidence.

"Of course." The woman smile reassuringly and put the booklet she had been reading down.

"I eh... just came into town, my dad is a trader and he is looking for Mister Hewa...' she pretended to hesitate for a second.

"Hewajima?" suggested the woman.

Kaori nodded, happy with the confirmation that the man had actually been here. "Yes, mister Hewajima. My dad was hoping he could help him out with the trade. He trades in trappings. So I am looking for him, but I don't know where to find him..." she trailed off.

"Well, mister Hewajima does all kinds of stuff in town so I am sure your dad could find a partner in him." The woman turned her head to the small door opening behind her. "Hey Jiza, do you know where Yukumichi hangs out these days?"

The was a short silence and then an older woman appeared in the dooropening. "What?!" she yelled just a bit too loud to indicated that her hearing was not what it had been.

"Yukumichi. Blond fella. You know. Trader. This girl here is looking for him."

The older woman spat on the ground and gave Kaori a stern look. "I haven't seen him in a few days. But that is what he gets for having all these people from across the border in his shop. Nothing good comes from talking to those foreigners."

The younger woman shook her head. "We are a trading village, mum. That is what we do."

"Tch, it was better when we were all just people of the Grass." Jiza started to stumble backwards when the door of the groceries store opened again and another woman entered. Immediately the younger woman asked her where Hewajima might be found. What ensued was a long discussie about who should be talked too and who should. In the end Kaori was left with the clear impression that mister Hewajima had at least been talking a considerable amount with Iwagakure people. She thanked the woman polity and was told to perhaps try the bar across the street, because that was where he often had his drinks.

With that said, Kaori set off to the bar. Again she found confirmation that Hewajima had been drinking with people from across the border and had been spending time with them. She pondered about this information. It all depended on the fact if the people from Iwagakure knew Hewajima was a Konoha ninja or not. But as it looked now it seemed that mister Hewajima had perhaps been spending a bit too much time with those foreigners.

And so the sun set and Kaori slowly walked back to the meeting place, wondering what the others had found in their searches.


Matsuri leaned against a post, in the shade next to a house holding her hand over her left eye. She had one heck of a headache. The transformation hid her sharingan, but it didn't stop it. Being social didn't help, Matsuri was an introvert, talking to people all day long was taxing. She really wanted to just curl up in a ball and read a good book. Last time she'd tracked someone this hard was Ushio, it was just as taxing then. Of course, then she had underworld connections.... and she didn't have any connections in the Land of Grass.

It was just the old fashion way of searching. Maybe Kaori or Chinatsu were having more luck? All Matsuri had found so far had been a couple of people complaining about his prices. As she thought of her options, she heard a voice behind has an old man came out the house

"You alright young lady?"

"Yeah. Just a bit tired. I get headaches from time to time."

"Well, it's not going get better just standing out there. If you need somewhere to sit down for a minute, why not come in for a cup of tea?"

Matsuri as surprised by his hospitality, and almost naturally said no before thinking about it. It was probably better than just standing outside, maybe she could see what he knew.

She found the man quite nice as they talked. Matsuri fabricated a backstory, talking about her 'hunter father', and her siblings. It made Matsuri think of Zakito. Really it was like writing a book, she just put a story to a man she already knew. The old man seemed to know quite a bit about trapping rabbits himself. Matsuri pretended to ask for advice to help out her father, before arriving to the point of the conversation.

"So... sir. Do you know of an Yukumichi Hewajima? I'm looking for him. Father wants to trade with him. He's anxious trade in the rabbit trappings. I don't want to let him down."

"You speak highly of your father. Must look up to him a great deal. Yukumichi? Yes, I know him. Rather fond of Leaf citizens, always gave them a discount."

That sparked Matsuri's interest. Maybe he hadn't gone rogue? It would be much better if there was some other explanation, like he was hurt, or something of the like and just lost contact. Still, it bothered her that maybe he had. She wanted to tell herself him being friendly with Leaf citizens was a good sign, but she was too as a rogue.

"Could you tell me where he is please?"

"That I don't know. He closed down shop 3 weeks ago. Pity, he seemed so promising. I talked with him about it. Said things were getting a little dangerous.I guess you get involved in ninjas, and it always does. Did a little too much business with Leaf Ninjas in his day. Still, see him around town every so often. He's around."

Matsuri nodded her head. Even as she a ninja she had to agree on the dealing with ninjas being dangerous. Ninjas had power other people didn't. That always lead to conflict. Conflict led to war. It was a hassle though that he'd shut down shop, that would make him harder to find.

Matsuri took a deep breathe, and finished the tea.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality. I think my headache's getting better."

"Oh, any time my dear. Any time."

Matsuri bid farewell to the man, thanking him repeatedly as was her nature.

She headed back towards the meeting place, noticing the sun setting. She noticed Kaori there.

It had been a long while since she saw her two friends and was about to give up on the information until an old man stopped her. "Excuse me, young lady. If I heard correctly might you be looking for Mr. Yukumichi Hewajima?" the old man asked.

Chinatsu stopped and turned to face the old man with what she hoped was a genuine smile or some impression of it. "Yes sir, do know where I could find him for my father? He would be real unhappy with me if I come home with no news of him," Chinatsu said sweetly. She found out that she had no interest in sweet talk or acting like a helpless young girl.

"You would not know it, but the man is a recluse. There is a small house on the far side of this here town, it looks a bit run down but you can find him there. He aint a fan of little girls though," the old man advised.

"Why, thank you sir. I will make sure to let my father know. Do you know where his shop is?" Chinatsu asked.

"Oh yes, I used to go there all the time. Its the small cart by that old looking resturaunt," the old man said. Chinatsu thanked the man and went on her way towards the meeting point. Already seeing the other two there, she felt a sense of pride.


Matsuri listened to the reports of information, as well as give what she had heard. She smiled when she heard Chinatsu's though, it was good her friend had gotten the most.

Good job Miss Chinatsu. Very good job.

Matsuri stood thinking for a minute on the reports, silently undoing the transformation.

"Friendly with the Stone.... and closing up shop. This doesn't look promising.... still, he's still friendly with the Leaf, and is still around town. He can't be all bad."

To herself Matsuri thought rogues rarely are all bad though..... Matsuri put her hand into her bag to pull her headband out. As she did, she looked down to see the wrong headband, and quickly put it back, hoping Kaori didn't see the scratch across it. It was a memory of a mistake. Matsuri quickly grabbed the right headband.

"Alright, let's go pay him a visit. It's getting late late, so he's probably home right now. I'll use my genjutsu, Toll of the bells: Masked Presence to hide us on the way there. I don't want people noticing us at night. Miss Chinatsu, would you lead the way?"
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