• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Skype - same name. Add me, please! Mostly it's questions about getting started and getting brain straight after an overload of information. Clearly some studying will be required. lol
And I don't need to wait till next month - *shots fired!*
Well, yeah but I'm spending my time playing Borderlands, going to the beach and sailing, so that's a good alternative >:C

"I'm not as scary as I look, so enough with that you little shits!"


Name: Sango Aoi
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: Age 28, Born February 16th
Age Appearance: Mid twenties
Sexuality: Heterosexual

: Shinji and Sayuri Aoi
Length and build: 1.72m, lean/toned build
Weight: 67kg
Favorite weather and season: The rain, all seasons


Village: Hidden Rain
Birthplace: Amegakure
Organization: Shinobi Forces

Rank: Jounin

Chakra Nature:

Fire Release


Wind Release


Smoke Release



"How do I get my hair like this? None of your damned business.~"


"You got a problem with me? Let's settle it over a drink. I'll pretend to give a damn."

Sango is a quite stubborn person. She doesn't easily let somebody persuade her, as she is the kind of person that first wants to see something with her own eyes before believing it. Though she doesn't judge people for their belifs or what others say, she judges strongly based on actions. And if she disagrees with somebody, she let's them know it, thought not to a point where she doesn't follow rules or instructions of her superiors. She sometimes speaks in a crude manner, using curse words to emphasize her points, resulting in mixed reactions from people. On the other hand, she is normally a kind enough and an open minded person. Wise, though a tad bit young at heart, she is someone who would make for a good person to talk to, about anything.


History: Sango was born and raised in Amegakure, her family setting up home in the outskirts of the industrialized Hidden Rain village. Her home life was not a favorable one to a child, as she gew up with rather abusive parents who were obsessed with power. They always plotted ways to rise up the ranks and take what they thought was theirs, and after both being rejected promotion to Jounin, they turned their sights and anger onto Sango. They treated her as some way to make up for failing as shinobi, and thus pushed her to train at a young age. Sango however, was not the best of students while at the academy. She was stubborn, a trouble maker, and lashed out with bad words much like she expirenced at home. She had grown up thinking that was normal, and it took a long time for her to break out of that habit.

The one thing her parents left for her was the family's Hiden or Secret Technique that they passed down onto her as soon as she had managed to sucessfully become a genin. Though the Smoke Release techniques were not well fit to use in an enviornment such as a village of never ending rain, they felt it important enough to learn it to her as soon as it was possible. Learning mastery over the technique took a long time to achieve. For a time, she only had her fire style ninjutsu but when her second affinity for wind surfaced, it started to become easier to her.

As she worked harder and did more mission, Sango ended up getting promotion to Special Jounin, but was not put in charge over a group of genin until much later. She shadowed a Jounin for some time before she was given the full title and put in a request to obtain a squad of her own. Though she has not gotten any students, she is eager to pass on her knowledge and stories on the younger generation. Though she does not wish to have children of her own, Sango wishes to pass on the Smoke Release technique to someone. Perhaps a student?

Theme Song:


"I don't want to have a good fight. I don't want to have an exciting fight. I want a finish."

Name of Weapon or Item: Standard Shinobi tools

Description: Shuriken, Kunai, Paper Bombs, etc..

Appearance: N/A



Advanced in Silent Killing
Good reflexes/stamina
Moves silently
Good chakra control
Adept in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu
Can reckognize basic genjutsu


Special Traits
Large Chakra Reserve
Quick thinker/learner




Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique: Smoke Release: Shroud
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Short to Mid
Nature Type: Smoke
Handseals: Dog and Tiger
Description: This jutsu converts the chakra stored within Sango's body into hot, thick, black-colored smoke that is normally spewed from her mouth and nose into the air. As the name suggests, the jutsu shrouds the user and a large amount of their surroundings with the smoke; making visibility poor and allowing her to quickly make her escape or attack from cover.
Weakness: Though Sango can see through the shroud, most times her allies cannot, making so she has to guide them through it or wait until they are out of range before using.


Name of Technique: Smoke Release: Wave
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu - Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short to Long
Nature Type: Smoke
Handseals: Dog, Rat, Ox
Description: This jutsu converts the chakra stored within her body into hot, thick, black-colored smoke that is forcibly expelled from the pores of Sango's hand. The force of the expulsion causes the smoke to be blasted out in a wave-like shape, hence the name.The jutsu is used mainly as a form of surprise tactic to unbalance others more than cause injury.
Weakness: Most water-based counter attacks.


Name of Technique: Smoke Release: Corrossive Gas
Type of Jutsu: Offensive Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Short to Mid
Nature Type:
Handseals: Dog, Bird, Ox
Description: Used mainly as a last resort/torture method, this jutsu creates a hot, corrosive smoke spewed from the users mouth that slowly burns away the target's skin. By infusing the smoke cloud with conentrated wind chakra moving at high speeds, this also inflicts slashing wounds that cause even more pain.
Weakness: The jutsu takes up quite some chakra and can easily tire her out if she uses it too much. Meant to be a last resort kind of technique to make an escape.


Name of Technique: Smoke Release: Exhale
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Nature Type: Smoke
Handseals: Dog
Description: Sango expells smoke from every pore in her body, causing her to change shape/form into a cloud of smoke. She can move in and out of this state as well as move around freely by controlling the winds around her with her chakra. She uses this when forced into close combat with someone.
Weakness: Cannot perform the jutsu while she is wet. Thus if she is hit with a water style move, it becomes impossible for her to do this. In addition to this, those who are capable of controlling winds or have wind style ninjutsu are capable of pushing her away while in this form; thus she is susceptible to that kind of manipulation.



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Green or red apples?
Depends what it's for. Snacking, I prefer green apples with salt, red apples with peanut butter, and golden are better for baking, so my answer is... yellow: I prefer lemons, silly!
In Every. Sense. Of the word. O_O

And thank you for the oh-so-warm welcome, all! ^_^
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Depends what it's for. Snacking, I prefer green apples with salt, red apples with peanut butter, and golden are better for baking, so my answer is... yellow: I prefer lemons, silly!

And thank you for the oh-so-warm welcome, all! ^_^

Good answer!
Oi lads and lasses. A bit of posting isn't bad. But you got skype and pm for questions and what not. Now please stop for a bit. Merci.
  • Nice Execution!
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Not a problem, Little Bear - I mean, Bertje! (*whispers*: Guys! Did I get it right? @Aliceee and @Nim)

And which village will I join? Uh... it's a surprise! (for me , too >_>) Speaking of, though, I do submit my character here to be accepted, yes?
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Not a problem, Little Bear - I mean, Bertje! (*whispers*: Guys! Did I get it right? @Aliceee and @Nim)

And which village will I join? Uh... it's a surprise! (for me , too >_>) Speaking of, though, I do submit my character here to be accepted, yes?
Yes, you submit your CS here.
Not a problem, Little Bear - I mean, Bertje! (*whispers*: Guys! Did I get it right? @Aliceee and @Nim)

And which village will I join? Uh... it's a surprise! (for me , too >_>) Speaking of, though, I do submit my character here to be accepted, yes?

*Nim gives thumbs up*

And yes, a sheet needs to first go here to be reviewed by Gms and accepted by 2 before officially entering the roleplay.
Not a problem, Little Bear - I mean, Bertje! (*whispers*: Guys! Did I get it right? @Aliceee and @Nim)

And which village will I join? Uh... it's a surprise! (for me , too >_>) Speaking of, though, I do submit my character here to be accepted, yes?
Beertje would work better though. Just saying~

Also a welcome from me ^^ And I look forward to your character. Now I will run away from Gero who might murder me.
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