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"You give many hugs, Ty Lee. I am feeling most blessed."

Helena gave a dizzy laugh, able to wrap an arm around the young girl much more readily this time now that there was a precedent despite some lingering stiffness. Not even her sisters had called her smart before. Even they had been unable to resist calling her crazy, psychopath, dangerous; Ty Lee seemed to look past these things like only one other had, her little niece. Kira. She hoped her own children would look past this too, one day.

She had taken the bottle of bizarre viscous liquid from the safe initially, shaking it next to her ear and smelling it for a moment in puzzlement. Ty Lee's offer, however, was briefly considered and met with a shake of the head, the pale woman holding the strange tonic out to her a second later and regarding her with a tilted gaze.

"You punched buttons. Mine was only guess. I think medicine is meant for you." She smiled and bit her lip, somewhat worried about the liquid's effect but having an inkling to what it might have been. She had seen many signs with these bottles since waking up here, advertisements for strange things like out of science fiction movie. Powers she had longed for, but only briefly. She did not need another way to kill. "I will tell secret... I think you will get superpowers. Become strong like magician. Perhaps you will not need to worry about mad hat robot if I die, with this."

The clone winked, an unusual gesture for her, but waved her hand towards the bottle as if imploring Ty Lee to proceed.

"Sssshhh. I do not know what you said."

Helena hushed Kwangsoo gently in the aftermath of his statement, looking at him blankly as one hand slowly moved up to his mouth to pinch and fiddle with his lip like it was broken.

@Yun Lee @Bomb @Verite @Plasmid party
Superpowers?! Ooh, that was really exciting!!! Ty Lee was now really wanting to drink this-until...until Helena said that. If I die... Ty Lee didn't like how that sounded. No way-she and Helena were in this together now, and she was gonna make sure that both of them, the kids, and everyone she possibly could, survived. That poor Jesse guy...he didn't deserve to die. None of them did. Not here, away from their homes and loved ones. But...maybe this potion would help.

Ty Lee drank the potion, and suddenly felt a surge in her. At first she panicked slightly, worrying that this was the start of poisoning, but it felt...okay. Tingly, even.


"Woah..." Ty Lee had no idea what to do with this power. Though...electricity...it could power stuff, right? Along with...other uses.


Oh yeah. Ty Lee was no stranger to lightning's power.

Gulping, now apprehensive to be a temporary lightning bender, Ty Lee shot a bolt at the switch, hoping sbe didn't just doom everuone by doing so.

@Verite @OrlandoBloomers @Bomb

"I think the more appropriate question is... What do you taste like-nya?! I'll tenderize you up into some chewy meat if you continue to underestimate me like this!" It exclaimed, its soft harmless not-hands jabbing at Samael.

"Look at the chaos before you! That was a part of my master plan! I turned you all against each other-nyehehe!" The Neko-Arc said, not seeming to realize that the feud between Winslow, Keaton, and others seemed to be resolved already, "I've planted the seed of mistrust between you all! Let us see what it can grow into-nya!"

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @T.O.M. @Sen @Ringmaster @Takumi
"In that case, I'm probably gonna be okay. My flesh is already soft and tender."

Samael licked her lips as she stared down the little creature.

"But I always heard cat meat is healthy for the skin, want to become part of my experiment?"

Turning the Neko Arc so that it was facing the other way, she leaned in to give it a small bite...​

"Y- yeah... same here..."

As the creature flailed in Samael's arms, Mirei was... somewhat amused by Neko-ARC's... mannerisms. "... I wonder, I really really wonder too, Neko-ARC. Anyways, Samael, can I trust you with looking over the cat? I have to tend to the others."

And Mirei went to observe the rest.


"Looks like Neko-ARC's 'seed of mistrust' has been uprooted. Or it didn't survive through the famine and drought, metaphorically, that is," Mirei smiles as she gazed upon the sight that had been mended by Wadanohara's healinh. "The code keyed, the door opened, I think we just need a little bit more stuff before we can move on. Keaton, Winslow, can you two stand?"


@Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M. @NEKOARCABUSE

Others at Hestia Chamber:

@Ringmaster @Takumi @Yun Lee

GM tags:


Winslow didn't say anything, at least not anything that would have been intelligible. But to see this child be so open to being friends with him was more than Winslow could hope to understand. He wore this outfit to hide himself from the various miseries that had been inflicted upon him in the ever growing list of tragedies that seemed to encompass Winslow's life. Winslow let himself be guided along while nodding his head in regards to the mention of music.

It'd been so long since he'd been able to talk to anyone about his music. Instead, all of his days were spent elsewhere. Locked up in that cold dark studio doing nothing but rewriting his cantata. But just as Winslow opened his mouth to speak, he caught himself.

The one person who seemed to be as interested as he was in music and Winslow couldn't even speak to her. That bothered Winslow more than the Neko Arc or the fight with Keaton. Winslow simply stared down the girl before inclining his head to the right. He didn't know what to say or do. He could have used his telepathy but who's to say Samael would have gotten out what he wanted to say?

The Phantom merely mulled over his thoughts as Keaton approached and Winslow reflexively lurched back. But as the man only seemed to come to offer his apologies, Winslow muttered out an indecipherable response to show he acknowledged it. Which sounded like all of his other grunts.

He didn't care for apologies however. It wasn't where his interest resided in the moment. Instead, he was more invested in learning more about Wada's connection with music. But he just couldn't do it as he was now. Turning towards Samael, Winslow approached and loomed over the angel and the neko arc. Yet, he said nothing once again. It would have been a waste of breath and spittle on his part. Though he did shoot a sharp glare down at the creature.

"I need you to help me speak to the witch girl. She and I both share an interest in music. You're the only one who can tell her what I have to say.."

@Kaykay @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Ringmaster @Verite
"Hm? Ah, I don't want to be left behind."

Realizing that everyone else had started moving along without her, Samael quickly took a few steps to catch up with the rest, saving the Neko Arc from her fangs for now. A pout seemed to rest on her face as she did so. It seemed she hadn't really liked being left behind. As she made her way there, her friend turned to her, asking her for help. Not particularly distracted this time, Samael listened to what he had to say before nodding.

"Sure, what do you want me to tell her?"

@Verite @T.O.M. @Crow @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan
McCree had silently followed the group with Jack a little ways now, and he was getting sick of some of these people. That little girl had actually been about to eat the little cat thing, on top of the infighting and stuff going on. Made him uneasy. He tilted his hat down to hide his distrust a little better. "Ya'll are even crazier 'n the last bunch I worked with." The cowboy had a few he trusted about, but it was getting harder and harder to tell who he could count on other than Jack. Maybe that Winslow fellow was alright, being as he'd stayed on the right side of things. One of the Gwens was good, the other was... Oddly aware, but seemed alright. The kids seemed good for the most part. The big dilemma was, how much of this information could be trusted? A poker face could hide a killer. He sighed, then followed after the rest. "The cat thing won't be a problem? I could try shootin' it a few times."

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Sen @Hana @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan
"Hm? Ah, I don't want to be left behind."

Realizing that everyone else had started moving along without her, Samael quickly took a few steps to catch up with the rest, saving the Neko Arc from her fangs for now. A pout seemed to rest on her face as she did so. It seemed she hadn't really liked being left behind. As she made her way there, her friend turned to her, asking her for help. Not particularly distracted this time, Samael listened to what he had to say before nodding.

"Sure, what do you want me to tell her?"
Keeping in step with Samael as she walked along, Winslow couldn't help but be the slightest bit disgusted. Not at Samael of course but the little bundle of annoyance that Samael had tucked under one arm.

"I don't understand why you insist on keeping this thing with you. We've got what we needed from it." But Winslow supposed that if Samael kept it under check then it wouldn't pose a problem. Still, he wouldn't mind punting it down the way. If the chance came then he'd do it. But for now he'd simply bide his time. Staring down at Samael, Winslow smiled as she seemed far more receptive to helping him this time around. Something the Phantom could appreciate.

"..I need to know what kind of music she likes. I don't think I told you before we got sent here. But I wasn't always like this. I used to be a composer and had a great number of ideas for songs...Until Swan entered the picture that is." Even though it was said within his mind, Winslow clenched his hands into fists and grit his teeth together at the mere mention of the producer's name. If there was one motivating force keeping Winslow through all of this. It was seeing Samael bring down Swan once and for all!

As the cowboy from earlier showed up and offered to shoot the Neko Arc, Winslow nodded his head up and down to signify 'yes.'

@Kaykay @Hana @Sen @Crimson Spartan @BarrenThin @Verite
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"...A thumb tacked-baseball headed twisted Where's Waldo figure is your daddy--"

"Well yes that does scream trouble or a distraction but first do your shapeshifty thing and calm the little girl already, yeah?"




"... alright, that can work... as long as she feels comfortable with it..."

Again being too hospitable for his own good, Nier guessed it was fine to keep this little sister with them, wanting to protect her from the potential threats in this area. Though, Nier gave an annoyed look when it came Gwen... yelling out like she didn't care at all.

@C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ringmaster @The Artemis Suites
"My powers have their limits. I am not sure I can successfully shift into a Big Daddy, given their size and mass. Also, there are other factors at work that bond a Big Daddy with a Little Sister. Even if I were to successfully imitate its appearance, the Little Sister may be able to tell the difference because the bond would not be there."

Mystique turned to Gwen. "You are making a lot of noise. Given the nature of the enemies here, we had best not call too much attention to ourselves."

@Gummi Bunnies @york @Ryu Keiko @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ringmaster @The Artemis Suites

Judging from what he was hearing, the floor above was definitely a site of some sort of villanous monologue... He should know; Ultraman had a strange habbit of pulling things like this whenever he had some beef with someone, except it seems that someone, or something else had some beef with those upstairs. In either case, Owlman wasn't about to miss out on this one, especially if another big metallic behemoth was about to fall through the roof or something, so with that, he backed up, giving himself a little distance between the door.


Then, when he was in the right position, he raised both of his hands, making fists as he took aim... And then fired an volley of explosive projectiles towards the blocked up entrance to the upstairs room, it was apparant a little roadblock wasn't going to discourage him.

Mystique doubted there was anything she could do about the force behind the blocked up entrance. So she remained with Nier and Gwenpool and the Little Sister.

Gwenpool's idea seemed absurd, on the face of it. Mystique didn't really know much about the relationship between the Big Daddies and the Little Sisters, aside from what little information had been given them, and what she had seen. But she doubted that the Little Sister would calm down just from the mere appearance of the Big Daddy. There was, Mystique guessed, some complicated process that bonded the Big Daddies with the Little Sisters.

However, no one seemed to have any better ideas for calming the Little Sister. The werewolf's idea was not really worth even considering at this point.

So Mystique quickly walked out of sight of the Little Sister. There was no way of knowing whether or not Gwenpool's idea would would unless she actually tried it.

So Mystique concentrated, trying to remember every detail of the Big Daddy's appearance. After a few moments of intense concentration, since this was a form she had never tried before, her form shifted into an approximation of the Big Daddy.


The figure in the form of the Big Daddy moved back into sight of the Little Sister. He did not speak, as the Big Daddies did not speak, instead making sounds similar to whale sounds. He stood there silently, giving a nod to Gwenpool as he observed any change in the behavior of the Little Sister.

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites
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Mystique doubted there was anything she could do about the force behind the blocked up entrance. So she remained with Nier and Gwenpool and the Little Sister.

Gwenpool's idea seemed absurd, on the face of it. Mystique didn't really know much about the relationship between the Big Daddies and the Little Sisters, aside from what little information had been given them, and what she had seen. But she doubted that the Little Sister would calm down just from the mere appearance of the Big Daddy. There was, Mystique guessed, some complicated process that bonded the Big Daddies with the Little Sisters.

However, no one seemed to have any better ideas for calming the Little Sister. The werewolf's idea was not really worth even considering at this point.

So Mystique quickly walked out of sight of the Little Sister. There was no way of knowing whether or not Gwenpool's idea would would unless she actually tried it.

So Mystique concentrated, trying to remember every detail of the Big Daddy's appearance. After a few moments of intense concentration, since this was a form she had never tried before, her form shifted into an approximation of the Big Daddy.


The figure in the form of the Big Daddy moved back into sight of the Little Sister. He did not speak, as the Big Daddies did not speak, instead making sounds similar to whale sounds. He stood there silently, giving a nod to Gwenpool as he observed any change in the behavior of the Little Sister.
100% approval rating as she nodded back at the now Big Daddy, giving a subtle thumbs up in return as well. Sometimes the simplest ways are best. If only I could edit the Mystique wikia page with this adventure, I would so do it right now! But I can't right now. Phone has no wi-fi. Not even McDonalds was crazy enough to continue their globalization into the depths of the ocean...a missed opportunity. Although...



She smiled, looking at her phone. At least I can take a picture.

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites

Superpowers?! Ooh, that was really exciting!!! Ty Lee was now really wanting to drink this-until...until Helena said that. If I die... Ty Lee didn't like how that sounded. No way-she and Helena were in this together now, and she was gonna make sure that both of them, the kids, and everyone she possibly could, survived. That poor Jesse guy...he didn't deserve to die. None of them did. Not here, away from their homes and loved ones. But...maybe this potion would help.

Ty Lee drank the potion, and suddenly felt a surge in her. At first she panicked slightly, worrying that this was the start of poisoning, but it felt...okay. Tingly, even.


"Woah..." Ty Lee had no idea what to do with this power. Though...electricity...it could power stuff, right? Along with...other uses.


Oh yeah. Ty Lee was no stranger to lightning's power.

Gulping, now apprehensive to be a temporary lightning bender, Ty Lee shot a bolt at the switch, hoping sbe didn't just doom everuone by doing so.

@Verite @OrlandoBloomers @Bomb

When the switch would be charged with electricity, that would seem to do the trick, as it would be juiced and powered up. Before everyone knew it, the whole place would light up nicely, as it seemed that they had successfully managed to accomplish what needed to be done on their end. Now it was time to wait on the other group.

Oh, and it looked like the powers that Ty Lee got just might be for keeps. Right on.​
"In that case, I'm probably gonna be okay. My flesh is already soft and tender."

Samael licked her lips as she stared down the little creature.

"But I always heard cat meat is healthy for the skin, want to become part of my experiment?"

Turning the Neko Arc so that it was facing the other way, she leaned in to give it a small bite...​

"Hm? Ah, I don't want to be left behind."

Realizing that everyone else had started moving along without her, Samael quickly took a few steps to catch up with the rest, saving the Neko Arc from her fangs for now. A pout seemed to rest on her face as she did so. It seemed she hadn't really liked being left behind. As she made her way there, her friend turned to her, asking her for help. Not particularly distracted this time, Samael listened to what he had to say before nodding.

"Sure, what do you want me to tell her?"

@Verite @T.O.M. @Crow @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan
McCree had silently followed the group with Jack a little ways now, and he was getting sick of some of these people. That little girl had actually been about to eat the little cat thing, on top of the infighting and stuff going on. Made him uneasy. He tilted his hat down to hide his distrust a little better. "Ya'll are even crazier 'n the last bunch I worked with." The cowboy had a few he trusted about, but it was getting harder and harder to tell who he could count on other than Jack. Maybe that Winslow fellow was alright, being as he'd stayed on the right side of things. One of the Gwens was good, the other was... Oddly aware, but seemed alright. The kids seemed good for the most part. The big dilemma was, how much of this information could be trusted? A poker face could hide a killer. He sighed, then followed after the rest. "The cat thing won't be a problem? I could try shootin' it a few times."

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Sen @Hana @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan

"NYAAAAA! DON'T YOU DO IT, OLD-TIMER! If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine-nya!" It exclaimed, struggling in Samael's grasp, before suddenly stopping, letting out a low cackle.

"You've tempted my power for far too long! Very well! If you are so eager to perish, then I shall accommodate you-nya! WITNESS MEEEEE-NYA!"


Suddenly, what seemed to be rocket boosters would activate beneath the Neko-Arc, and it would suddenly take off, either managing to worm itself out of Samael's grasp, or end up having her fly around as well.




Ty Lee should probably go ahead and see if she could shock the Neko-Arc as it flew all around the place, out of control. Or McCree could try to take it out if he felt so inclined as well.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M

When the switch would be charged with electricity, that would seem to do the trick, as it would be juiced and powered up. Before everyone knew it, the whole place would light up nicely, as it seemed that they had successfully managed to accomplish what needed to be done on their end. Now it was time to wait on the other group.

Oh, and it looked like the powers that Ty Lee got just might be for keeps. Right on.​


"NYAAAAA! DON'T YOU DO IT, OLD-TIMER! If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine-nya!" It exclaimed, struggling in Samael's grasp, before suddenly stopping, letting out a low cackle.

"You've tempted my power for far too long! Very well! If you are so eager to perish, then I shall accommodate you-nya! WITNESS MEEEEE-NYA!"


Suddenly, what seemed to be rocket boosters would activate beneath the Neko-Arc, and it would suddenly take off, either managing to worm itself out of Samael's grasp, or end up having her fly around as well.




Ty Lee should probably go ahead and see if she could shock the Neko-Arc as it flew all around the place, out of control. Or McCree could try to take it out if he felt so inclined as well.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M
Keeping in step with Samael as she walked along, Winslow couldn't help but be the slightest bit disgusted. Not at Samael of course but the little bundle of annoyance that Samael had tucked under one arm.

"I don't understand why you insist on keeping this thing with you. We've got what we needed from it." But Winslow supposed that if Samael kept it under check then it wouldn't pose a problem. Still, he wouldn't mind punting it down the way. If the chance came then he'd do it. But for now he'd simply bide his time. Staring down at Samael, Winslow smiled as she seemed far more receptive to helping him this time around. Something the Phantom could appreciate.

"..I need to know what kind of music she likes. I don't think I told you before we got sent here. But I wasn't always like this. I used to be a composer and had a great number of ideas for songs...Until Swan entered the picture that is." Even though it was said within his mind, Winslow clenched his hands into fists and grit his teeth together at the mere mention of the producer's name. If there was one motivating force keeping Winslow through all of this. It was seeing Samael bring down Swan once and for all!

As the cowboy from earlier showed up and offered to shoot the Neko Arc, Winslow nodded his head up and down to signify 'yes.'

@Kaykay @Hana @Sen @Crimson Spartan @BarrenThin @Verite

McCree tilted his head to the side in what seemed to be momentary confusion, but, in reality, he was aiming. This was his preferred method of fighting: the quick draw. He'd hit similarly evasive targets with ease in the past. This time, it was just to get rid of a pest. "Always was more of a dog person." He didn't even have his hand near his gun, at this point. With a chuckle, he spoke up in a friendly tone. "I ain't gonna hurt you. You ain't done me harm yet, so I'll return the favor." The cowboy rolled his shoulders back with a relaxed sigh. "I've just got one question... Any idea what time it is? Ah, well..."


I guess it's high noon somewhere in the world."

Almost faster than the eye could follow, McCree drew the Peacekeeper and, with his superhuman accuracy, he tried to place three shots into the damn thing.

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M

When the switch would be charged with electricity, that would seem to do the trick, as it would be juiced and powered up. Before everyone knew it, the whole place would light up nicely, as it seemed that they had successfully managed to accomplish what needed to be done on their end. Now it was time to wait on the other group.

Oh, and it looked like the powers that Ty Lee got just might be for keeps. Right on.​


"NYAAAAA! DON'T YOU DO IT, OLD-TIMER! If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine-nya!" It exclaimed, struggling in Samael's grasp, before suddenly stopping, letting out a low cackle.

"You've tempted my power for far too long! Very well! If you are so eager to perish, then I shall accommodate you-nya! WITNESS MEEEEE-NYA!"


Suddenly, what seemed to be rocket boosters would activate beneath the Neko-Arc, and it would suddenly take off, either managing to worm itself out of Samael's grasp, or end up having her fly around as well.




Ty Lee should probably go ahead and see if she could shock the Neko-Arc as it flew all around the place, out of control. Or McCree could try to take it out if he felt so inclined as well.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M

Clare watched Neko-Arc fly all over with a raised brow.

Maybe she should do something to stop Neko-Arc.

McCree tilted his head to the side in what seemed to be momentary confusion, but, in reality, he was aiming. This was his preferred method of fighting: the quick draw. He'd hit similarly evasive targets with ease in the past. This time, it was just to get rid of a pest. "Always was more of a dog person." He didn't even have his hand near his gun, at this point. With a chuckle, he spoke up in a friendly tone. "I ain't gonna hurt you. You ain't done me harm yet, so I'll return the favor." The cowboy rolled his shoulders back with a relaxed sigh. "I've just got one question... Any idea what time it is? Ah, well..."

View attachment 112915

I guess it's high noon somewhere in the world."

Almost faster than the eye could follow, McCree drew the Peacekeeper and, with his superhuman accuracy, he tried to place three shots into the damn thing.

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M

Oh. Someone else was taking care of that...

@Verite @Ringmaster @CCC Kouhai @Atomyk @Jeremi @Minerva @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Krieg @Josh M @BarrenThin @Hestia Chambers
McCree had silently followed the group with Jack a little ways now, and he was getting sick of some of these people. That little girl had actually been about to eat the little cat thing, on top of the infighting and stuff going on. Made him uneasy. He tilted his hat down to hide his distrust a little better. "Ya'll are even crazier 'n the last bunch I worked with." The cowboy had a few he trusted about, but it was getting harder and harder to tell who he could count on other than Jack. Maybe that Winslow fellow was alright, being as he'd stayed on the right side of things. One of the Gwens was good, the other was... Oddly aware, but seemed alright. The kids seemed good for the most part. The big dilemma was, how much of this information could be trusted? A poker face could hide a killer. He sighed, then followed after the rest. "The cat thing won't be a problem? I could try shootin' it a few times."

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Sen @Hana @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan


"Mr McCree! You've arrived at the right moment! I think everything is about fixed right now and we should be able to move to the next room soon. Don't need to worry about-"​


"NYAAAAA! DON'T YOU DO IT, OLD-TIMER! If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine-nya!" It exclaimed, struggling in Samael's grasp, before suddenly stopping, letting out a low cackle.

"You've tempted my power for far too long! Very well! If you are so eager to perish, then I shall accommodate you-nya! WITNESS MEEEEE-NYA!"


Suddenly, what seemed to be rocket boosters would activate beneath the Neko-Arc, and it would suddenly take off, either managing to worm itself out of Samael's grasp, or end up having her fly around as well.




Ty Lee should probably go ahead and see if she could shock the Neko-Arc as it flew all around the place, out of control. Or McCree could try to take it out if he felt so inclined as well.​


"- the cat... "

What the everliving fuck.

"Yup, nevermind, worry about the cat. A lot. I'm not even sure Producer would want that cat. Pet maintenance would be ridiculous."​

McCree tilted his head to the side in what seemed to be momentary confusion, but, in reality, he was aiming. This was his preferred method of fighting: the quick draw. He'd hit similarly evasive targets with ease in the past. This time, it was just to get rid of a pest. "Always was more of a dog person." He didn't even have his hand near his gun, at this point. With a chuckle, he spoke up in a friendly tone. "I ain't gonna hurt you. You ain't done me harm yet, so I'll return the favor." The cowboy rolled his shoulders back with a relaxed sigh. "I've just got one question... Any idea what time it is? Ah, well..."

View attachment 112915

I guess it's high noon somewhere in the world."

Almost faster than the eye could follow, McCree drew the Peacekeeper and, with his superhuman accuracy, he tried to place three shots into the damn thing.

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M
"The magic ends at midnight!"

Mirei strums her instrument, boosting the power and velocity of McCree's shots. This was going to hurt...


@BarrenThin @Kaykay @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @T.O.M. @Yun Lee @Ringmaster @Josh M @HestiaChambers

GM tags:

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Keeping in step with Samael as she walked along, Winslow couldn't help but be the slightest bit disgusted. Not at Samael of course but the little bundle of annoyance that Samael had tucked under one arm.

"I don't understand why you insist on keeping this thing with you. We've got what we needed from it." But Winslow supposed that if Samael kept it under check then it wouldn't pose a problem. Still, he wouldn't mind punting it down the way. If the chance came then he'd do it. But for now he'd simply bide his time. Staring down at Samael, Winslow smiled as she seemed far more receptive to helping him this time around. Something the Phantom could appreciate.

"..I need to know what kind of music she likes. I don't think I told you before we got sent here. But I wasn't always like this. I used to be a composer and had a great number of ideas for songs...Until Swan entered the picture that is." Even though it was said within his mind, Winslow clenched his hands into fists and grit his teeth together at the mere mention of the producer's name. If there was one motivating force keeping Winslow through all of this. It was seeing Samael bring down Swan once and for all!

As the cowboy from earlier showed up and offered to shoot the Neko Arc, Winslow nodded his head up and down to signify 'yes.'

@Kaykay @Hana @Sen @Crimson Spartan @BarrenThin @Verite

When the switch would be charged with electricity, that would seem to do the trick, as it would be juiced and powered up. Before everyone knew it, the whole place would light up nicely, as it seemed that they had successfully managed to accomplish what needed to be done on their end. Now it was time to wait on the other group.

Oh, and it looked like the powers that Ty Lee got just might be for keeps. Right on.​


"NYAAAAA! DON'T YOU DO IT, OLD-TIMER! If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine-nya!" It exclaimed, struggling in Samael's grasp, before suddenly stopping, letting out a low cackle.

"You've tempted my power for far too long! Very well! If you are so eager to perish, then I shall accommodate you-nya! WITNESS MEEEEE-NYA!"


Suddenly, what seemed to be rocket boosters would activate beneath the Neko-Arc, and it would suddenly take off, either managing to worm itself out of Samael's grasp, or end up having her fly around as well.




Ty Lee should probably go ahead and see if she could shock the Neko-Arc as it flew all around the place, out of control. Or McCree could try to take it out if he felt so inclined as well.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M
Before Samael could answer Winslow properly, the cat she held in her arms took off quite literally like a rocket!

"Whoa, hey!"

Not thinking to let go, she ended up flying all over the place along with the Neko Arc.
McCree tilted his head to the side in what seemed to be momentary confusion, but, in reality, he was aiming. This was his preferred method of fighting: the quick draw. He'd hit similarly evasive targets with ease in the past. This time, it was just to get rid of a pest. "Always was more of a dog person." He didn't even have his hand near his gun, at this point. With a chuckle, he spoke up in a friendly tone. "I ain't gonna hurt you. You ain't done me harm yet, so I'll return the favor." The cowboy rolled his shoulders back with a relaxed sigh. "I've just got one question... Any idea what time it is? Ah, well..."

View attachment 112915

I guess it's high noon somewhere in the world."

Almost faster than the eye could follow, McCree drew the Peacekeeper and, with his superhuman accuracy, he tried to place three shots into the damn thing.

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M


"Mr McCree! You've arrived at the right moment! I think everything is about fixed right now and we should be able to move to the next room soon. Don't need to worry about-"​


"- the cat... "

What the everliving fuck.

"Yup, nevermind, worry about the cat. A lot. I'm not even sure Producer would want that cat. Pet maintenance would be ridiculous."​

"The magic ends at midnight!"

Mirei strums her instrument, boosting the power and velocity of McCree's shots. This was going to hurt...


@BarrenThin @Kaykay @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @T.O.M. @Yun Lee @Ringmaster @Josh M @HestiaChambers

GM tags:


When the switch would be charged with electricity, that would seem to do the trick, as it would be juiced and powered up. Before everyone knew it, the whole place would light up nicely, as it seemed that they had successfully managed to accomplish what needed to be done on their end. Now it was time to wait on the other group.

Oh, and it looked like the powers that Ty Lee got just might be for keeps. Right on.​


"NYAAAAA! DON'T YOU DO IT, OLD-TIMER! If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine-nya!" It exclaimed, struggling in Samael's grasp, before suddenly stopping, letting out a low cackle.

"You've tempted my power for far too long! Very well! If you are so eager to perish, then I shall accommodate you-nya! WITNESS MEEEEE-NYA!"


Suddenly, what seemed to be rocket boosters would activate beneath the Neko-Arc, and it would suddenly take off, either managing to worm itself out of Samael's grasp, or end up having her fly around as well.




Ty Lee should probably go ahead and see if she could shock the Neko-Arc as it flew all around the place, out of control. Or McCree could try to take it out if he felt so inclined as well.

@BarrenThin @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M

McCree tilted his head to the side in what seemed to be momentary confusion, but, in reality, he was aiming. This was his preferred method of fighting: the quick draw. He'd hit similarly evasive targets with ease in the past. This time, it was just to get rid of a pest. "Always was more of a dog person." He didn't even have his hand near his gun, at this point. With a chuckle, he spoke up in a friendly tone. "I ain't gonna hurt you. You ain't done me harm yet, so I'll return the favor." The cowboy rolled his shoulders back with a relaxed sigh. "I've just got one question... Any idea what time it is? Ah, well..."

View attachment 112915

I guess it's high noon somewhere in the world."

Almost faster than the eye could follow, McCree drew the Peacekeeper and, with his superhuman accuracy, he tried to place three shots into the damn thing.

@Verite @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Josh M

Clare watched Neko-Arc fly all over with a raised brow.

Maybe she should do something to stop Neko-Arc.

Oh. Someone else was taking care of that...

@Verite @Ringmaster @CCC Kouhai @Atomyk @Jeremi @Minerva @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Krieg @Josh M @BarrenThin @Hestia Chambers


"Mr McCree! You've arrived at the right moment! I think everything is about fixed right now and we should be able to move to the next room soon. Don't need to worry about-"​


"- the cat... "

What the everliving fuck.

"Yup, nevermind, worry about the cat. A lot. I'm not even sure Producer would want that cat. Pet maintenance would be ridiculous."​

"The magic ends at midnight!"

Mirei strums her instrument, boosting the power and velocity of McCree's shots. This was going to hurt...


@BarrenThin @Kaykay @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @T.O.M. @Yun Lee @Ringmaster @Josh M @HestiaChambers

GM tags:

Woah indeed. Ty Lee looked at her hands, rather shocked (pun not intended) at her new powers. This was something new, something so unique...not many people could bend lightning back home-it was so rare, so hard to master, Ty Lee could only think of three people who could do it-and they were all Fire Nation royalty. To be one of the few to use lightning, even if not really bending...that was really, really cool. But also really scary. She knew how potent electricity could be-it had almost killed Aang, Zuko...

But she was gonna be careful, if this was a permanent thing. And, hey! Maybe it wouldn't be. But she would use electricity for good!

And right now, good seemed to be taking out that weird...thing flying around. Ty Lee shot a bolt at the Neko-Arc, hoping to hit that weird little beast-but not Samael. That wouldn't be very good at all.

@Verite @OrlandoBloomers @Bomb @BarrenThin @Crow @Kaykay

"All things must wither and die. Let root rot and bower blight, to feed the pestilence of abandoned hope!"

It was chaos up on the second floor. Despite their best efforts, the flies managed to infiltrate beneath the clothing and attacked the exposed sections mercilessly. Blood oozed and bites swelled upon the faces of the Twins and the Inquisitor. No outward effect just yet. But even this was bad enough as Jack's mad laughter echoed in the room. The tank would roll for the center, Jack unheeding as his top-hatted visage filled the room like a black angel. The mask would be sliced apart.

With no outward effect.

It was not the anchor keeping what was once Jack the Ripper here.

And then out of the swarm, three blades flashed as they flew through the cover for Jacob, Evie and Gregor using the insects as cover.

A sight Owlman saw, having demolished enough of the blockade to see what was going on inside.



Down below, the buzzing of flies grew louder and louder. All coming from the first apartment.

And the little sister cringed beneath the bed, as a rising cloud of bugs in the shape of a man appeared behind the party.

And moved to engulf and sting them too.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites​
Down below, the buzzing of flies grew louder and louder. All coming from the first apartment.

And the little sister cringed beneath the bed, as a rising cloud of bugs in the shape of a man appeared behind the party.

And moved to engulf and sting them too.​


"Leave it to the pests of the animal kingdom to ruin a Kodak moment! Ahhhhhhhhh!" Gwen flailed wildly in an attempt to swat aside any bugs getting all up in her personal space while simultaneously trying to flee with a mad dash while also screaming her head off. Yay for multi-tasking.

Trying to shoot bugs would be an exercise in futility since her aim wasn't that good and they were swarming in large numbers and she had to conserve her ammo. And trying to slice bugs with a katana would be even more embarrassing as far as she was concerned.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites​

"All things must wither and die. Let root rot and bower blight, to feed the pestilence of abandoned hope!"

It was chaos up on the second floor. Despite their best efforts, the flies managed to infiltrate beneath the clothing and attacked the exposed sections mercilessly. Blood oozed and bites swelled upon the faces of the Twins and the Inquisitor. No outward effect just yet. But even this was bad enough as Jack's mad laughter echoed in the room. The tank would roll for the center, Jack unheeding as his top-hatted visage filled the room like a black angel. The mask would be sliced apart.

With no outward effect.

It was not the anchor keeping what was once Jack the Ripper here.

And then out of the swarm, three blades flashed as they flew through the cover for Jacob, Evie and Gregor using the insects as cover.

A sight Owlman saw, having demolished enough of the blockade to see what was going on inside.



Down below, the buzzing of flies grew louder and louder. All coming from the first apartment.

And the little sister cringed beneath the bed, as a rising cloud of bugs in the shape of a man appeared behind the party.

And moved to engulf and sting them too.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites​
As he was just entering and made it to the first floor, he saw before him a sight that would have made him vomit if he had the physical capabilities to. There before him were fles in a mass that dared to take the form of a human. Not even taking time to ask a question, Marquis raised the rifle part of his cane and yelled, "I would say not today Satan, but that would imply you dare have the mental capabilities to actually do something of power!"

With that, he gave several shot at the flies in a group that were forming into a man, not caring if the bullets went through it and hit anyone else.4

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T.@Ryu Keiko @Ringmaster @The Artemis Suites

"You saved this dump? If that's the case, then I'd hate to see what this place looked like pre-saving! Besides, you don't exactly have a demeanor that shouts "I save people!" like a hero, y'know, so forgive me if we're skeptical," Gwen responded, examining the decrepit building that they were all inside, "Know this, Ugly Jack; looks aren't everything. You can look as pretty all you want, but what counts is how vile and disgusting you are on the inside!"

"Also I dunno about the handsome guys can't be evil thing... Kylo Ren was kinda cute in that movie I saw recently..."

Still, try as she might have to maintain her cool while talking to the zealous Handsome Jack, Gwen's blood boiled a bit when the man from the other end of the radio would suggest that she kill everyone in the group in exchange for a ride home. This kind of monster who held little regard for human life... He had to be stopped!

After Peter died, she swore that as for as long as she could help it, nobody would die by her hand. And she was going to keep that promise, lest she disrespect his memory. She made a promise to herself that she would use her power for the benefit of good people, and if it meant defeating evil men like this, then she'd be more than okay with that!

"You can take that offer and stick it up where the sun don't shine, because if you think you know jack about me, then you've got another thing coming, Jack!" She exclaimed defiantly towards the man.

@Jeremi @DBZ7

Jack got silent after Spider-Woman's little speech aimed at him. "I like your moxie, kiddo. It's a shame that shame moxie's going to get you killed when I personally push you into the water as I strangle you to death! I tried to be nice! Even gave you a ticket out of here and you just spit it back in my face? Yeah, you're officially on the shit list now, and you ruined the mood. Handsome Jack out."

And the radio went silent.

@Verite @Atomyk @Josh M

"Good question... Maybe we caught them durin' Sunday school and they're in prayer?" The preacher suggested with a serious tone before looking up and around to make sure there wasn't anyone hiding above them, getting ready to scare them. If the upper area seemed clear, Jesse would shrug and look towards the door, "Looks like we've only got one way to find out."

"Catching them off guard would be a nice surprise." Bridgette went to push open the door. "Ladies first."

The scene when the door was opened however would reveal why there had been no cultist welcoming committee. Blood and guts were splattered from floor to ceiling. The windows were so stained with blood and viscera that it would give the place a crimson shine.

Skinned, what you could only assume were humans were hanging from meat hooks attached to the ceiling.

This was no cultist hq...it was a slaughter house. In the center of the room they would also spot a large hole and what appeared to be a container laying next to it.

The side had been ripped open from the inside. As they inspected the container they would hear a blood curling scream from the upstairs area.

It appears they are not alone.

@The Tactician

"All things must wither and die. Let root rot and bower blight, to feed the pestilence of abandoned hope!"

It was chaos up on the second floor. Despite their best efforts, the flies managed to infiltrate beneath the clothing and attacked the exposed sections mercilessly. Blood oozed and bites swelled upon the faces of the Twins and the Inquisitor. No outward effect just yet. But even this was bad enough as Jack's mad laughter echoed in the room. The tank would roll for the center, Jack unheeding as his top-hatted visage filled the room like a black angel. The mask would be sliced apart.

With no outward effect.

It was not the anchor keeping what was once Jack the Ripper here.

And then out of the swarm, three blades flashed as they flew through the cover for Jacob, Evie and Gregor using the insects as cover.

A sight Owlman saw, having demolished enough of the blockade to see what was going on inside.



Down below, the buzzing of flies grew louder and louder. All coming from the first apartment.

And the little sister cringed beneath the bed, as a rising cloud of bugs in the shape of a man appeared behind the party.

And moved to engulf and sting them too.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites​
Niko had been observing the situation quietly. That was until a massive amount of flies pretty much engulfed the group. Niko spewed insults in Serbian as he swatted angrily at the flying insects

@A Tiny Fool
@Gummi Bunnies
@Artemis Suite
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Jack got silent after Spider-Woman's little speech aimed at him. "I like your moxie, kiddo. It's a shame that shame moxie's going to get you killed when I personally push you into the water as I strangle you to death! I tried to be nice! Even gave you a ticket out of here and you just spit it back in my face? Yeah, you're officially on the shit list now, and you ruined the mood. Handsome Jack out."

And the radio went silent.

@Verite @Atomyk @Josh M

"Catching them off guard would be a nice surprise." Bridgette went to push open the door. "Ladies first."

The scene when the door was opened however would reveal why there had been no cultist welcoming committee. Blood and guts were splattered from floor to ceiling. The windows were so stained with blood and viscera that it would give the place a crimson shine.

Skinned, what you could only assume were humans were hanging from meat hooks attached to the ceiling.

This was no cultist hq...it was a slaughter house. In the center of the room they would also spot a large hole and what appeared to be a container laying next to it.

The side had been ripped open from the inside. As they inspected the container they would hear a blood curling scream from the upstairs area.

It appears they are not alone.

@The Tactician

"What in Sam's Hell tore a warpath through this place..."

Whatever Jesse had expected to find in this shithole, it definitely hadn't been something like this. It looked like whatever the cult had been up to had bit them right in their collective asses, and it seemed the cause for it had come from that container. "You think... They brought in whatever done this by choice?" That was the best idea that the preacher could come up with, but why they would do something like that was beyond him.

However, as the roar echoed through the building, Jesse's hand tightened around the grip of his shotgun, "Looks like whatever was in that box is still hangin' around..."

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