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Well....That was easy enough. The child brightened up as she spoke.

"My daddy is the best and strongest daddy around! I have a doll of him too, see?"




The voice was hoarse and quiet, but it cut through the buzzing of the flies easily as the music ended and the phonograph clicked as the music ended.

It was coming from within the clinic.

Inside, there would be a single figure. Another guardsman, seated in the doctors chair as he clutched his side. The gasmask stared out at anyone who saw him as the same voice rasped once more, begging.

"Help me.....Help me."

" 'E's calling fer help. And will any of you three answer? You, servant of a corpse who can't see you, so far from home? You two, members of a dead Creed? Look into my eyes and say my name."

The flies swarmed and converged into a massive figure, who in between his fingers held a rusty scalpel to the guardsmans throat. A dark chuckle erupting as the buzz of flies remained a constant background. A black coat covered the swarm, a black topper gave shape to the amorphous head and when he spoke, it was with the voice of millions all in terrifying harmony.

His was a universal name. One that haunted a million-million Whitechapel's.

Jack the Ripper had returned.


"Say. My. Name."

And behind them, the entrance they had come through would suddenly cave in. It'd take some time to free up the entrance, barring brute force in spades. But till that time?

The Frye Twins and the Inquisitor were trapped.

And with wild laughter, Jack's hand twitched and the guardsman collapsed, choking on his own blood as Jack's hand(for lack of a better word) ripped off the mask and slapped it on the flesh, the sound of flies buzzing as the guardsman thrashed and was suddenly still, as the body twitched from the numerous bugs devouring the still cooling corpse.



For the party below, the sudden sound of something heavy collapsing would herald them to the fact something was wrong.

The little sister screamed.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites
When the girl showed the doll, that is when the suspicions that Owlman had raised became confirmed.

At first, Mystique had thought the girl was just another victim of the madness-causing drugs, but now, she realized the truth. This little girl was one of the Little Sisters, and the 'Daddy' she was speaking of was a Big Daddy much like the one they had fought earlier.

"I see." Mystique replied. "It is clear this girl has been used as a tool by the people running Rapture. She is not a Splicer, but a Little Sister."

She had little time to dwell on this before there was a rumbling from above, as if something had collapsed.

The Little Sister screamed.

"I have a feeling some of us most likely do not want to know what is going on up there. But we must investigate anyway. I believe the Fryes are in serious danger."

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites
Wendy nodded towards Mystique's words. "The question is, are we prepared to go up there...What if we spring a trap or something?" She says. "Are we ready for a fight, just in case...?" She said, before looking at her toes again. "I'm just thinking is all...."

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ringmaster @The Artemis Suites
@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites

The instant he saw that doll, Owlman understood that his suspicions were correct; the little girl's father... Was that metal monstrosity from before... Though, whey did her sister say he was sick? Was that the reason that creature was more violent than it had been before? He hadn't the time to think about this too much, as the sudden crashing noise quickly distracted him.


"Stay here." He told the girl gruffly.

Then, he tried to head up the staircase to investigate what had happened.


"... Ah, I see. I suppose I can keep an eye out for your father."

As Nier said those words, it made sense to him now. It was possible that their group had fought against this girl's father, and that they weren't untouched by the apparent experimentation that was going on in this ravaged city. Though, he snapped out of his train of thought when the little sister screamed. What was going on up there?


"I'm going to stay here... in case something were to happen... I can't stand the thought of someone as young as you being hurt..."

I saw my own little sister, Yonah, be taken away from me... I'm not going to let someone like this girl fall for the same fate... even if she may not be as helpless as she gives herself to be...

@york @Ringmaster @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites​
1960? What did that number have to do with anything? Still, Ty Lee considered Helena to be super smart (heck, she knew how to blow fire at that robot thing without even being a firebender!), so the next number she tried was 60.

@Verite @OrlandoBloomers @Bomb
6 0

Oh, hey. Helena got it right.

The box would finally beep positively, and it would automatically open up! Inside, Ty Lee and anyone else who was trying to open up the box would find a small vial of a strange red liquid, with a note on the side that simply read "Drink in case of shutdown emergency."


Well, this was sorta an emergency, right?

Upon drinking if it so desired, Ty Lee would feel a strange surge of power rise inside her, before what seemed to be electricity seemed to harmlessly surge around her body. She had acquired the ability of Electro Bolt!


Now that that was finally over, perhaps she could test out by seeing if she could fire a bolt at the switch that Clare had flipped, but resulted in nothing happening. Maybe it just needed a little juice...

Also, maybe for some kicks, try zapping the Neko-Arc that was in Samael's grasp and see what would happen.

@Yun Lee @OrlandoBloomers @Bomb
Unfortunately for the creature, it seemed falling off of Samael's head was part of its "Master Plan." The short-lived game of tag complete (possibly), she bent over to pick up the Neko Arc off the ground.

Of course, she was quite aware the "flying snake" referred to herself, but the Neko Arc didn't need to know that.


"Hypothetically, what would you taste like?"

@Verite @T.O.M. @Crow @Sen @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Takumi

"I think the more appropriate question is... What do you taste like-nya?! I'll tenderize you up into some chewy meat if you continue to underestimate me like this!" It exclaimed, its soft harmless not-hands jabbing at Samael.

"Look at the chaos before you! That was a part of my master plan! I turned you all against each other-nyehehe!" The Neko-Arc said, not seeming to realize that the feud between Winslow, Keaton, and others seemed to be resolved already, "I've planted the seed of mistrust between you all! Let us see what it can grow into-nya!"

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @T.O.M. @Sen @Ringmaster @Takumi
"What's in the past is in the past, Bridgette, just glad you know where it is," The preacher wouldn't judge the woman for whatever had happened in the past. It hadn't been more than a few years since his less than squeaky-clean past, and he was still struggling to keep the right path in life. With that in mind, he fell in beside the bartender and smirked, "Come on, it's about time we paid our old friends a little visit, don'tcha think?"


"You don't have to tell me twice. I'll take point. Cause I actually know where I'm going." She replied stepping forward.

Everywhere they walked they could see poverty and misery in the streets. On one of the corners they could see three children begging for something to fill their bellies.


"Mister priest...do you have anything? Please?"​

@The Tactician
"Still don't know where you are, but that's gonna change any minute now! Yep...

Any minute now. So...what's up? Other than being unlawful bastards in my city and fucking everything up, of course but that's just obvious you know?"

@Verite @Ringmaster @CCC Kouhai @Atomyk @Takumi @Minerva @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Krieg @Josh M @Hestia Chambers

While waiting for F.F. to respond to her, it seemed that Handsome Jack felt inclined enough to get on the radio and say hi as nicely as he possibly could. How swell and nice of him! Maybe she should respond in kind as well!

"Ooooh, y'know. We're going through your old workplace and I'll just say that you really need someone with a sense of interior designing to help you out. I mean... It's almost like this place oozes an aura of "Don't go here!" Aaaannyway, we're just on our way to meet some people who claim to be good friends of yours. They're called... mm, the Resistance, I think! Sound familiar? And after that, we'll be paying you a visit while we're at it. I'd love to finally meet you so we could all have a nice chat," Gwen replied to the maniac, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she leaned against the wall with the radio in her hand, "So how's your day been, honey?"

@Jeremi @DBZ7
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Wadanohara waited for the composer's answer with a tentative look of hope on her face. She wasn't sure of what person Winslow was or what he was like with friends, but se was quite certain she wanted to see for herself. That was the thing about making friends - they had to get to know each other and acknowledge each other as imperfect beings but at the end of the day still like each other. Her expression lit up considerably at hearing his hesitating reply and she sighed in relief. "I'm glad. Really glad."

Her face clouded for a second as she thought of what to do next. Winslow was clearly troubled by things but maybe giving him something else to tackle would help? She remembered him mentioning writing music earlier when asked about his skills.

The witch extended a hand to him. "Let's go back to the others," she told him with a smile. "Keaton is very protective of Kana, so he panicked when he saw that knife coming at her. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." She paused before asking curiously, "You mentioned earlier that you wrote music. I also do a little music for my friends, but with my ocarina and my father's piano. He was a music lover."

Winslow didn't say anything, at least not anything that would have been intelligible. But to see this child be so open to being friends with him was more than Winslow could hope to understand. He wore this outfit to hide himself from the various miseries that had been inflicted upon him in the ever growing list of tragedies that seemed to encompass Winslow's life. Winslow let himself be guided along while nodding his head in regards to the mention of music.

It'd been so long since he'd been able to talk to anyone about his music. Instead, all of his days were spent elsewhere. Locked up in that cold dark studio doing nothing but rewriting his cantata. But just as Winslow opened his mouth to speak, he caught himself.

The one person who seemed to be as interested as he was in music and Winslow couldn't even speak to her. That bothered Winslow more than the Neko Arc or the fight with Keaton. Winslow simply stared down the girl before inclining his head to the right. He didn't know what to say or do. He could have used his telepathy but who's to say Samael would have gotten out what he wanted to say?

The Phantom merely mulled over his thoughts as Keaton approached and Winslow reflexively lurched back. But as the man only seemed to come to offer his apologies, Winslow muttered out an indecipherable response to show he acknowledged it. Which sounded like all of his other grunts.

He didn't care for apologies however. It wasn't where his interest resided in the moment. Instead, he was more invested in learning more about Wada's connection with music. But he just couldn't do it as he was now. Turning towards Samael, Winslow approached and loomed over the angel and the neko arc. Yet, he said nothing once again. It would have been a waste of breath and spittle on his part. Though he did shoot a sharp glare down at the creature.

"I need you to help me speak to the witch girl. She and I both share an interest in music. You're the only one who can tell her what I have to say.."

@Kaykay @Hana @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Ringmaster @Verite
6 0

Oh, hey. Helena got it right.

The box would finally beep positively, and it would automatically open up! Inside, Ty Lee and anyone else who was trying to open up the box would find a small vial of a strange red liquid, with a note on the side that simply read "Drink in case of shutdown emergency."


Well, this was sorta an emergency, right?

Upon drinking if it so desired, Ty Lee would feel a strange surge of power rise inside her, before what seemed to be electricity seemed to harmlessly surge around her body. She had acquired the ability of Electro Bolt!


Now that that was finally over, perhaps she could test out by seeing if she could fire a bolt at the switch that Clare had flipped, but resulted in nothing happening. Maybe it just needed a little juice...

Also, maybe for some kicks, try zapping the Neko-Arc that was in Samael's grasp and see what would happen.

@Yun Lee @OrlandoBloomers @Bomb
Kwangsoo looked at Ty Lee, in awe. Kwangsoo had "superpowers" during specials but it wasn't a real one. In front of Kwangsoo's eyes... was a real superpower.

"(How did you do that?)"

@Yun Lee @OrlandoBloomers @Verite
"You don't have to tell me twice. I'll take point. Cause I actually know where I'm going." She replied stepping forward.

Everywhere they walked they could see poverty and misery in the streets. On one of the corners they could see three children begging for something to fill their bellies.


"Mister priest...do you have anything? Please?"​

@The Tactician
Jesse paused as the kids came up, begging for some food. Something tugged at his heartstrings to help the kids, even though he was broke himself with only American dollars filling his pocket. Better lives my ass. If those leaders still haven't gotten kids like these out of the slums, then I'm starting to think they're not really trying.

"Bridgette... Can you buy these kids some food? It's not right for them to go hungry like this..."
"Tch.... Thanks..." Keaton said wincing slightly as the knife was pulled out. He didn't seem to be doing so well even after he was healed. Realizing how much he worried those around him.

"Okay... Maybe I overreacted... But I saw his knife flying towards her.... Didn't want to take the chance of it hitting her..." Keaton had added as he watched her go over to Winslow.

Keaton looked at Winslow. He wasn't sure what should do now that it was all resolved. He wasn't a fan of the bird man
but he did attack him for a misunderstanding. Still he shouldn't have even thrown the knife in the first place in Keaton's eyes.

"...Tch I guess I should apologize.... I saw the knife flying at her and lost control..." Keaton commented apologizing to Winslow.

@T.O.M. @Crimson Spartan @Sen @Crow @Kaykay @Verite

Kana had watched in horror as Wadanohara pulled out the knife from her friend, unaware that the whole time Keaton had been in pain. Why couldn't she see the hilt of the knife buried in her friend? There was blood, so much blood coming from the wound that tears began welling up in her eyes, expression full of fear and shock. Even after the witch had closed the wound, making it as if nothing had ever happened, Kana was still afraid. "Keaton!" she flung herself at the Wolfskin, wrapping tiny arms around his waist. "I- I'm so sorry!" the girl wailed, bursting into tears. "You got hurt and- and it's because I wanted to pet the kitty!"

@Hana @Crimson Spartan @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Crow @Verite @mobilepost
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"... Ah, I see. I suppose I can keep an eye out for your father."

As Nier said those words, it made sense to him now. It was possible that their group had fought against this girl's father, and that they weren't untouched by the apparent experimentation that was going on in this ravaged city. Though, he snapped out of his train of thought when the little sister screamed. What was going on up there?


"I'm going to stay here... in case something were to happen... I can't stand the thought of someone as young as you being hurt..."

I saw my own little sister, Yonah, be taken away from me... I'm not going to let someone like this girl fall for the same fate... even if she may not be as helpless as she gives herself to be...
Scott paused as Nier suggested staying alone with the Little Sister and then he remembered Handsome Jack, the man had promised that he would cause the group chaos. He bit down on his lower lip, as he was about to regret what he said next. " I think we should take this little sister upstairs with us, seperating from our group can be a bad idea, Jack has promised that he will make us regret coming here, plus it would be safer in the long run if we protected her with the others," he said, looking at the man and hoping that he agreed too. " Little girl, I can protect you, but we need to stick with our group, maybe if you travel with us, we can find your daddy and your sister," he added.

@york @Ringmaster @A Tiny Fool @Gummi Bunnies @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @Ellya @The Artemis Suites
Kana had watched in horror as Wadanohara pulled out the knife from her friend, unaware that the whole time Keaton had been in pain. Why couldn't she see the hilt of the knife buried in her friend? There was blood, so much blood coming from the wound that tears began welling up in her eyes, expression full of fear and shock. Even after the witch had closed the wound, making it as if nothing had ever happened, Kana was still afraid. "Keaton!" she flung herself at the Wolfskin, wrapping tiny arms around his waist. "I- I'm so sorry!" the girl wailed, bursting into tears. "You got hurt and- and it's because I wanted to pet the kitty!"

@Hana @Crimson Spartan @T.O.M. @Kaykay @Crow @Verite @mobilepost
"Ack... It's alright Kana... It had nothing to do with you.... It was me overreacting....." Keaton tried to reassure Kana that everything was all right and not her fault. In truth it was his fault but considering he didn't know Winslow's intentions no one could really blame him for what he did. Keaton put on a smile and tried to lift the girl's spirits again. "I think someone caught that kitty if you still want to pet it.." Keaton added noticing the Neho-Arc ha indeed been caught as it seemed. He smiled putting more effort into trying to make her happy again as he didn't like to see her crying.

@Verite @Sen @Hana @Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Takumi
The smell was worse within. Up close, a greenish ichor dripped from the hung splicer. Flies buzzed in abundance and maggots dropped from the open wounds on the floor.

Whatever items were in here, was few and in between. He did find a box of shotgun shells, with at least five left within and a bottle of beer though.

Houston frowned at the box of shotgun rounds, disappointed that he unfortunely doesn't have a shotgun on his person, Nevertheless, He took the box of shotgun rounds and placed it inside his jacket pocket. Houston ignored the beer, as Houston only drank Root Beer.

Well....That was easy enough. The child brightened up as she spoke.

"My daddy is the best and strongest daddy around! I have a doll of him too, see?"




The voice was hoarse and quiet, but it cut through the buzzing of the flies easily as the music ended and the phonograph clicked as the music ended.

It was coming from within the clinic.

Inside, there would be a single figure. Another guardsman, seated in the doctors chair as he clutched his side. The gasmask stared out at anyone who saw him as the same voice rasped once more, begging.

"Help me.....Help me."

" 'E's calling fer help. And will any of you three answer? You, servant of a corpse who can't see you, so far from home? You two, members of a dead Creed? Look into my eyes and say my name."

The flies swarmed and converged into a massive figure, who in between his fingers held a rusty scalpel to the guardsmans throat. A dark chuckle erupting as the buzz of flies remained a constant background. A black coat covered the swarm, a black topper gave shape to the amorphous head and when he spoke, it was with the voice of millions all in terrifying harmony.

His was a universal name. One that haunted a million-million Whitechapel's.

Jack the Ripper had returned.


"Say. My. Name."

And behind them, the entrance they had come through would suddenly cave in. It'd take some time to free up the entrance, barring brute force in spades. But till that time?

The Frye Twins and the Inquisitor were trapped.

And with wild laughter, Jack's hand twitched and the guardsman collapsed, choking on his own blood as Jack's hand(for lack of a better word) ripped off the mask and slapped it on the flesh, the sound of flies buzzing as the guardsman thrashed and was suddenly still, as the body twitched from the numerous bugs devouring the still cooling corpse.



For the party below, the sudden sound of something heavy collapsing would herald them to the fact something was wrong.

The little sister screamed.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites
Houston shut the drawer closed as he ran out the apartment room, he drew his gun again and took aim he did a 360, scanning the area, he lowered his weapon once he finished his spin, he turned the group, asking of what happened. "The hell was that sound, We got more of them incoming?" He said, his index finger twitching, ready to shoot the first splicer. He noticed the little girl cowering behind the group. "Where'd the girl come from?" He asked, pointing at her.

@Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @ york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Chris Lang @Atemis Suite people
Evie looked back at the man as he spoke to her. At first she didn't feel like she had time for him, but when he mentioned a demonic presence, Evie turned around and looked him in the eyes. "What do you mean?" she asked curiously, staring at him with furrowed eyebrows, until she heard the phonograph suddenly stop playing music.

"... Never mind that, later. Something's wrong." Evie urgently said, then immediately running after Jacob and entering the room as well.

There was a stern look to her features, darkened with muscles taut where lips frowned slightly and brows barely creased. Her tone was genuine though. I surmised she was not exactly giving me the time of day, barely offering me a moment's worth of her time, one she rescinded nigh immediately once the music cut out. My posture straightened as I realized the implications, the hair on the back of my neck standing straight. A weary sigh escaped my lips as the svelte actor of the arts arcane turned and departed after her own brother's tracks.

"Surely everyone recognizes that these are not coincidences?" I muttered aloud, slight despondence settling in the air as I chastised mentally the siblings' rash course of actions.

As much as I could be bluntly assertive and direct as to step upon toes everywhere I went, I was not that much of a bastard as to leave them. Naturally I followed after the sister.

The voice was hoarse and quiet, but it cut through the buzzing of the flies easily as the music ended and the phonograph clicked as the music ended.

It was coming from within the clinic.

Inside, there would be a single figure. Another guardsman, seated in the doctors chair as he clutched his side. The gasmask stared out at anyone who saw him as the same voice rasped once more, begging.

"Help me.....Help me."

" 'E's calling fer help. And will any of you three answer? You, servant of a corpse who can't see you, so far from home? You two, members of a dead Creed? Look into my eyes and say my name."

The flies swarmed and converged into a massive figure, who in between his fingers held a rusty scalpel to the guardsmans throat. A dark chuckle erupting as the buzz of flies remained a constant background. A black coat covered the swarm, a black topper gave shape to the amorphous head and when he spoke, it was with the voice of millions all in terrifying harmony.

His was a universal name. One that haunted a million-million Whitechapel's.

Jack the Ripper had returned.


"Say. My. Name."

And behind them, the entrance they had come through would suddenly cave in. It'd take some time to free up the entrance, barring brute force in spades. But till that time?

The Frye Twins and the Inquisitor were trapped.

And with wild laughter, Jack's hand twitched and the guardsman collapsed, choking on his own blood as Jack's hand(for lack of a better word) ripped off the mask and slapped it on the flesh, the sound of flies buzzing as the guardsman thrashed and was suddenly still, as the body twitched from the numerous bugs devouring the still cooling corpse.



For the party below, the sudden sound of something heavy collapsing would herald them to the fact something was wrong.

The little sister screamed.​

The power sword's hilted handle was out at the ready with its blade left unignited as I traversed the steps to the second flow in tow. The state of the upper level was worse than the ground floor, its conditions not fit to be pronounced as dreary, dark, and in disuse or disrepair. This was dilapidated, beyond that-- at once I was reminded of the worst hive cities I'd visited infrequently, my thoughts coming back to me on the matter of people living there without choice-- it truly put a face to being at the absolute bottom, the very thing nigh all men never wish to discuss.

These were the conditions that fit the God of Disease's machinations perfectly.

The loud buzzing aside, the odor itself was cause enough to retch as I found myself sucking air in through my teeth. If I used my nose, I may have had found myself debilitated in the slightest. I hear the cry of help and crossed over into the clinic with the others. The recurring theme having long since been established, we found, to no surprise of mine, yet another guardsman. He cried out once more.

I stifled all desires and urge to render aid to him, knowing fully well he was within the clutches of whatever hellspawn of Nurgle's lurked this place. I intoned briefly, post-haste, the Litany of Salvation toward the dying Krieger, prepending these words mine: "You cannot be saved, may the God-Emperor have mercy."

In the clasp of the Rot or whatever else conglomeration of horrendous diseases, the guardsman was lost to the Vile Gardens bodily and spiritually. My efforts would be in vain, especially with the advent of a voice terrible that it must have belonged to an aberration most foul. A daemon.

A daemon born of the flies.

"You're not fit to reference Him in the slightest," I spat vehemently, my response automatic as all servants of Chaos enjoyed taking to verbally defiling the God-Emperor and all that represented he. But that hadn't been the important component of his words, the insult likely a distractor to lure me away from a fact that stared me directly in the face. He knew the twins somehow, I certainly did not. That was most disconcerting, especially if it meant that somehow the forces of the Immaterium had access to souls belonging to other worlds since he was apparently dead, now a warp-entity with his form realized in these carrion flies. Corrupting an existing entity, that was the simplest and basest aspect of Chaos; this took more to have it realized. The gears within my mind turned rapidly as I stepped forward, the luminous glare of my blue blade erupting to signify my readiness.

"Listen to me," I uttered aloud toward the twins whilst staring down the millions of flies, in spite of our way barred by collapsed debris at its behst, "And we'll survive this yet." There was no lack of surety or certainty, it was without a doubt that we must survive.
When she finally arrived back where her brother was, Evie's eyes widened as she looked at the scene in front of her. The entrance behind them closed off, and a figure all too familiar to her and her brother suddenly formed out of mere flies. Evie's mouth dropped open slightly and her heart started beating much faster. She took a careful step backwards, pulling the sword out of her cane. "Jacob... Tell me that's not who I think it is..." she mumbled.

"... Who is this?" I inquired, my eyes leveraged for the amorphous humanoid form still. Perhaps knowledge of the daemon's name would help. A daemon's true name was tantamount to wielding divine power over the warp entity, though I had suspicion that may very well not have worked here. Such procedures were lengthy and rife with risk that practitioners of the warp invariably died; nothing hindered the daemon in preventing the process after all.

In the least, knowledge of his name would open the way to potential solutions for us all. At the least, one simmered within the crevasses of my mind's eye if there was truly a connection between it and the siblings.
"He's supposed to be dead" Jacob murmurs, too stunned to say much else "He's supposed to be dead"
His hand tightens around his cane, his jaw clenching tightly as he raises his eyes from the floor, laying them upon Jack's form
"You're supposed to be dead. So why are you here? Why didn't you just stay dead?"

His hidden blade engages as he braces to have to fight his student once more. Though part of him seems hesitant

"Jack...You wouldn't let me help you before, let me help you now. Please don't make me do this"​

"Neither of you are helpful," I growled as they had yet to put a name to the face of the daemons comprised of a thousand-thousand carrion flies. A murderous glint in my eyes flared as I flourished the thrumming power-sword to my front, holding the blade in my resting stance as I stared down the way. It would attack and it would be devastating, but if I had to guess? It would take its time and torment us, such was the languid modus operandi of Nurgle's spawn with their diseased. Perhaps more so with the nuances this daemonic spawn outputted.

@Ringmaster @DapperDogman @Ellya
Last edited:
Well....That was easy enough. The child brightened up as she spoke.

"My daddy is the best and strongest daddy around! I have a doll of him too, see?"

"...A thumb tacked-baseball headed twisted Where's Waldo figure is your daddy--"
For the party below, the sudden sound of something heavy collapsing would herald them to the fact something was wrong.

The little sister screamed.​
"I have a feeling some of us most likely do not want to know what is going on up there. But we must investigate anyway. I believe the Fryes are in serious danger."
"Well yes that does scream trouble or a distraction but first do your shapeshifty thing and calm the little girl already, yeah?"
Wendy nodded towards Mystique's words. "The question is, are we prepared to go up there...What if we spring a trap or something?" She says. "Are we ready for a fight, just in case...?" She said, before looking at her toes again. "I'm just thinking is all...."


Scott paused as Nier suggested staying alone with the Little Sister and then he remembered Handsome Jack, the man had promised that he would cause the group chaos. He bit down on his lower lip, as he was about to regret what he said next. " I think we should take this little sister upstairs with us, seperating from our group can be a bad idea, Jack has promised that he will make us regret coming here, plus it would be safer in the long run if we protected her with the others," he said, looking at the man and hoping that he agreed too. " Little girl, I can protect you, but we need to stick with our group, maybe if you travel with us, we can find your daddy and your sister," he added.

@york @Ringmaster @A Tiny Fool @Gummi Bunnies @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @Ellya @The Artemis Suites
Houston frowned at the box of shotgun rounds, disappointed that he unfortunely doesn't have a shotgun on his person, Nevertheless, He took the box of shotgun rounds and placed it inside his jacket pocket. Houston ignored the beer, as Houston only drank Root Beer.

Houston shut the drawer closed as he ran out the apartment room, he drew his gun again and took aim he did a 360, scanning the area, he lowered his weapon once he finished his spin, he turned the group, asking of what happened. "The hell was that sound, We got more of them incoming?" He said, his index finger twitching, ready to shoot the first splicer. He noticed the little girl cowering behind the group. "Where'd the girl come from?" He asked, pointing at her.

@Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @ york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Chris Lang @Atemis Suite people
"...A thumb tacked-baseball headed twisted Where's Waldo figure is your daddy--"

"Well yes that does scream trouble or a distraction but first do your shapeshifty thing and calm the little girl already, yeah?"




"... alright, that can work... as long as she feels comfortable with it..."

Again being too hospitable for his own good, Nier guessed it was fine to keep this little sister with them, wanting to protect her from the potential threats in this area. Though, Nier gave an annoyed look when it came Gwen... yelling out like she didn't care at all.

@C.T. @york @Ryu Keiko @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ringmaster @The Artemis Suites​

While waiting for F.F. to respond to her, it seemed that Handsome Jack felt inclined enough to get on the radio and say hi as nicely as he possibly could. How swell and nice of him! Maybe she should respond in kind as well!

"Ooooh, y'know. We're going through your old workplace and I'll just say that you really need someone with a sense of interior designing to help you out. I mean... It's almost like this place oozes an aura of "Don't go here!" Aaaannyway, we're just on our way to meet some people who claim to be good friends of yours. They're called... mm, the Resistance, I think! Sound familiar? And after that, we'll be paying you a visit while we're at it. I'd love to finally meet you so we could all have a nice chat," Gwen replied to the maniac, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she leaned against the wall with the radio in her hand, "So how's your day been, honey?"

@Jeremi @DBZ7

"Oh hahaha, sarcastic replies rolled into indescribable hate for the one I'm talking to is my thing, kid. And the "Resistance"? You didn't see that but I was doing air quotes. The Resistance are just a bunch of terrorists ruining this fine city for me and the citizens I'm trying to protect. Newsflash! I'm not the bad guy here! They are! And you helping them makes you bad guys as well. I'm the hero here! I mean it's in the name. Handsome. Jack. Bad guys aren't handsome. They are vile and disgusting and smell like dirty feet! I'm none of those things!

I saved this city from being ripped apart the only way I could, by taking over! I'm the CEO of a company, I looked after an entire planet. A small city in the middle of the ocean? Pfft like taking candy from a baby! Which is actually really easy, I'm talking from experience here. Btw I'd totally want to meet you too! Just you know tell me where you are and I'll set up a nice play date! What do you say? Or...maaaybe you'll kill everyone in the group? You'd be my most favorite person in the whole world if you did that! I'd maybe even send you home! Now wouldn't that be nice?"

@DBZ7 @Atomyk @Josh M

Jesse paused as the kids came up, begging for some food. Something tugged at his heartstrings to help the kids, even though he was broke himself with only American dollars filling his pocket. Better lives my ass. If those leaders still haven't gotten kids like these out of the slums, then I'm starting to think they're not really trying.

"Bridgette... Can you buy these kids some food? It's not right for them to go hungry like this..."

Bridgette did one better and tossed them the entire purse. "Don't spend all in one place now." The kids would grin widely as they skipped away grabbing the purse with them.

"They needed it more than us. Besides less chance of getting mugged if we don't have any money." She replied.

@The Tactician

There was a stern look to her features, darkened with muscles taut where lips frowned slightly and brows barely creased. Her tone was genuine though. I surmised she was not exactly giving me the time of day, barely offering me a moment's worth of her time, one she rescinded nigh immediately once the music cut out. My posture straightened as I realized the implications, the hair on the back of my neck standing straight. A weary sigh escaped my lips as the svelte actor of the arts arcane turned and departed after her own brother's tracks.

"Surely everyone recognizes that these are not coincidences?" I muttered aloud, slight despondence settling in the air as I chastised mentally the siblings' rash course of actions.

As much as I could be bluntly assertive and direct as to step upon toes everywhere I went, I was not that much of a bastard as to leave them. Naturally I followed after the sister.

The power sword's hilted handle was out at the ready with its blade left unignited as I traversed the steps to the second flow in tow. The state of the upper level was worse than the ground floor, its conditions not fit to be pronounced as dreary, dark, and in disuse or disrepair. This was dilapidated, beyond that-- at once I was reminded of the worst hive cities I'd visited infrequently, my thoughts coming back to me on the matter of people living there without choice-- it truly put a face to being at the absolute bottom, the very thing nigh all men never wish to discuss.

These were the conditions that fit the God of Disease's machinations perfectly.

The loud buzzing aside, the odor itself was cause enough to retch as I found myself sucking air in through my teeth. If I used my nose, I may have had found myself debilitated in the slightest. I hear the cry of help and crossed over into the clinic with the others. The recurring theme having long since been established, we found, to no surprise of mine, yet another guardsman. He cried out once more.

I stifled all desires and urge to render aid to him, knowing fully well he was within the clutches of whatever hellspawn of Nurgle's lurked this place. I intoned briefly, post-haste, the Litany of Salvation toward the dying Krieger, prepending these words mine: "You cannot be saved, may the God-Emperor have mercy."

In the clasp of the Rot or whatever else conglomeration of horrendous diseases, the guardsman was lost to the Vile Gardens bodily and spiritually. My efforts would be in vain, especially with the advent of a voice terrible that it must have belonged to an aberration most foul. A daemon.

A daemon born of the flies.

"You're not fit to reference Him in the slightest," I spat vehemently, my response automatic as all servants of Chaos enjoyed taking to verbally defiling the God-Emperor and all that represented he. But that hadn't been the important component of his words, the insult likely a distractor to lure me away from a fact that stared me directly in the face. He knew the twins somehow, I certainly did not. That was most disconcerting, especially if it meant that somehow the forces of the Immaterium had access to souls belonging to other worlds since he was apparently dead, now a warp-entity with his form realized in these carrion flies. Corrupting an existing entity, that was the simplest and basest aspect of Chaos; this took more to have it realized. The gears within my mind turned rapidly as I stepped forward, the luminous glare of my blue blade erupting to signify my readiness.

"Listen to me," I uttered aloud toward the twins whilst staring down the millions of flies, in spite of our way barred by collapsed debris at its behst, "And we'll survive this yet." There was no lack of surety or certainty, it was without a doubt that we must survive.

"... Who is this?" I inquired, my eyes leveraged for the amorphous humanoid form still. Perhaps knowledge of the daemon's name would help. A daemon's true name was tantamount to wielding divine power over the warp entity, though I had suspicion that may very well not have worked here. Such procedures were lengthy and rife with risk that practitioners of the warp invariably died; nothing hindered the daemon in preventing the process after all.

In the least, knowledge of his name would open the way to potential solutions for us all. At the least, one simmered within the crevasses of my mind's eye if there was truly a connection between it and the siblings.

"Neither of you are helpful," I growled as they had yet to put a name to the face of the daemons comprised of a thousand-thousand carrion flies. A murderous glint in my eyes flared as I flourished the thrumming power-sword to my front, holding the blade in my resting stance as I stared down the way. It would attack and it would be devastating, but if I had to guess? It would take its time and torment us, such was the languid modus operandi of Nurgle's spawn with their diseased. Perhaps more so with the nuances this daemonic spawn outputted.

@Ringmaster @DapperDogman @Ellya
Evie stood back still, keeping her eyes focused only on the villain in front of them. She kept her cane sword ready, barely even noticing the curious blade the man beside her had. It was obvious he was a fighter, and Evie was more than happy to find that out about him. "His name is Jack..." Evie mumbled softly, trying to not let the fear come out in her voice, knowing that fear was the very thing Jack used to become such a legend. "Jack the Ripper, as he likes to be called..."

She would have given more information, but she knew that the more she said about Jack, the more it would please his ego.

@DapperDogman @Ringmaster

There was a stern look to her features, darkened with muscles taut where lips frowned slightly and brows barely creased. Her tone was genuine though. I surmised she was not exactly giving me the time of day, barely offering me a moment's worth of her time, one she rescinded nigh immediately once the music cut out. My posture straightened as I realized the implications, the hair on the back of my neck standing straight. A weary sigh escaped my lips as the svelte actor of the arts arcane turned and departed after her own brother's tracks.

"Surely everyone recognizes that these are not coincidences?" I muttered aloud, slight despondence settling in the air as I chastised mentally the siblings' rash course of actions.

As much as I could be bluntly assertive and direct as to step upon toes everywhere I went, I was not that much of a bastard as to leave them. Naturally I followed after the sister.

The power sword's hilted handle was out at the ready with its blade left unignited as I traversed the steps to the second flow in tow. The state of the upper level was worse than the ground floor, its conditions not fit to be pronounced as dreary, dark, and in disuse or disrepair. This was dilapidated, beyond that-- at once I was reminded of the worst hive cities I'd visited infrequently, my thoughts coming back to me on the matter of people living there without choice-- it truly put a face to being at the absolute bottom, the very thing nigh all men never wish to discuss.

These were the conditions that fit the God of Disease's machinations perfectly.

The loud buzzing aside, the odor itself was cause enough to retch as I found myself sucking air in through my teeth. If I used my nose, I may have had found myself debilitated in the slightest. I hear the cry of help and crossed over into the clinic with the others. The recurring theme having long since been established, we found, to no surprise of mine, yet another guardsman. He cried out once more.

I stifled all desires and urge to render aid to him, knowing fully well he was within the clutches of whatever hellspawn of Nurgle's lurked this place. I intoned briefly, post-haste, the Litany of Salvation toward the dying Krieger, prepending these words mine: "You cannot be saved, may the God-Emperor have mercy."

In the clasp of the Rot or whatever else conglomeration of horrendous diseases, the guardsman was lost to the Vile Gardens bodily and spiritually. My efforts would be in vain, especially with the advent of a voice terrible that it must have belonged to an aberration most foul. A daemon.

A daemon born of the flies.

"You're not fit to reference Him in the slightest," I spat vehemently, my response automatic as all servants of Chaos enjoyed taking to verbally defiling the God-Emperor and all that represented he. But that hadn't been the important component of his words, the insult likely a distractor to lure me away from a fact that stared me directly in the face. He knew the twins somehow, I certainly did not. That was most disconcerting, especially if it meant that somehow the forces of the Immaterium had access to souls belonging to other worlds since he was apparently dead, now a warp-entity with his form realized in these carrion flies. Corrupting an existing entity, that was the simplest and basest aspect of Chaos; this took more to have it realized. The gears within my mind turned rapidly as I stepped forward, the luminous glare of my blue blade erupting to signify my readiness.

"Listen to me," I uttered aloud toward the twins whilst staring down the millions of flies, "And we'll survive this yet." There was no lack of surety or certainty, it was without a doubt that we must survive.

"... Who is this?" I inquired, my eyes leveraged for the amorphous humanoid form still. Perhaps knowledge of the daemon's name would help. A daemon's true name was tantamount to wielding divine power over the warp entity, though I had suspicion that may very well not have worked here. Such procedures were lengthy and rife with risk that practitioners of the warp invariably died; nothing hindered the daemon in preventing the process after all.

In the least, knowledge of his name would open the way to potential solutions for us all. At the least, one simmered within the crevasses of my mind's eye if there was truly a connection between it and the siblings.

"Neither of you are helpful," I growled as they had yet to put a name to the face of the daemons comprised of a thousand-thousand carrion flies. A murderous glint in my eyes flared as I flourished the thrumming power-sword to my front, holding the blade in my resting stance as I stared down the way. It would attack and it would be devastating, but if I had to guess? It would take its time and torment us, such was the languid modus operandi of Nurgle's spawn with their diseased. Perhaps more so with the nuances this daemonic spawn outputted.

@Ringmaster @DapperDogman @Ellya
As he took up his sword, Jacob places a hand on the man's shoulder "This doesn't involve you. He's here for me" he looks at him for a long moment, a stern expression adorning his feature


"If you want me, I'm right here. I'm not running any more, Jack"
As he spoke, Jacob flicks on his Eagle Vision, looking for any sources of flame. He couldn't stab flies, and so he figured his next best bet would be to flambe Jack's new form

6 0

Oh, hey. Helena got it right.

The box would finally beep positively, and it would automatically open up! Inside, Ty Lee and anyone else who was trying to open up the box would find a small vial of a strange red liquid, with a note on the side that simply read "Drink in case of shutdown emergency."


Well, this was sorta an emergency, right?

Upon drinking if it so desired, Ty Lee would feel a strange surge of power rise inside her, before what seemed to be electricity seemed to harmlessly surge around her body. She had acquired the ability of Electro Bolt!


Now that that was finally over, perhaps she could test out by seeing if she could fire a bolt at the switch that Clare had flipped, but resulted in nothing happening. Maybe it just needed a little juice...

Also, maybe for some kicks, try zapping the Neko-Arc that was in Samael's grasp and see what would happen.

@Yun Lee @OrlandoBloomers @Bomb


"I think the more appropriate question is... What do you taste like-nya?! I'll tenderize you up into some chewy meat if you continue to underestimate me like this!" It exclaimed, its soft harmless not-hands jabbing at Samael.

"Look at the chaos before you! That was a part of my master plan! I turned you all against each other-nyehehe!" The Neko-Arc said, not seeming to realize that the feud between Winslow, Keaton, and others seemed to be resolved already, "I've planted the seed of mistrust between you all! Let us see what it can grow into-nya!"

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @T.O.M. @Sen @Ringmaster @Takumi

Kwangsoo looked at Ty Lee, in awe. Kwangsoo had "superpowers" during specials but it wasn't a real one. In front of Kwangsoo's eyes... was a real superpower.

"(How did you do that?)"

@Yun Lee @OrlandoBloomers @Verite

"Oh my gosh! Helena, you're so smart!!! Thank you!!!" For the second time that day, she hugged her Ukrainian friend, then turned to the potion. She was, like, 90% sure it wasn't poison, but before drinking it, she looked to Helena.

"Hey...you were the one who figured the number out. Maybe you should drink this! Like, you earned it!"

@OrlandoBloomers @Verite @Bomb
The instant he saw that doll, Owlman understood that his suspicions were correct; the little girl's father... Was that metal monstrosity from before... Though, whey did her sister say he was sick? Was that the reason that creature was more violent than it had been before? He hadn't the time to think about this too much, as the sudden crashing noise quickly distracted him.

"Stay here." He told the girl gruffly.

Then, he tried to head up the staircase to investigate what had happened.
"He's supposed to be dead" Jacob murmurs, too stunned to say much else "He's supposed to be dead"
His hand tightens around his cane, his jaw clenching tightly as he raises his eyes from the floor, laying them upon Jack's form
"You're supposed to be dead. So why are you here? Why didn't you just stay dead?"
His hidden blade engages as he braces to have to fight his student once more. Though part of him seems hesitant

"Jack...You wouldn't let me help you before, let me help you now. Please don't make me do this"
Evie stayed behind, knowing that to Jacob, this was a much more personal matter. Confident in her brother, she didn't intervene just yet, but kept her guard up just in case something went wrong. "Be careful, Jacob..." she softly said under her breath.
There was a stern look to her features, darkened with muscles taut where lips frowned slightly and brows barely creased. Her tone was genuine though. I surmised she was not exactly giving me the time of day, barely offering me a moment's worth of her time, one she rescinded nigh immediately once the music cut out. My posture straightened as I realized the implications, the hair on the back of my neck standing straight. A weary sigh escaped my lips as the svelte actor of the arts arcane turned and departed after her own brother's tracks.

"Surely everyone recognizes that these are not coincidences?" I muttered aloud, slight despondence settling in the air as I chastised mentally the siblings' rash course of actions.

As much as I could be bluntly assertive and direct as to step upon toes everywhere I went, I was not that much of a bastard as to leave them. Naturally I followed after the sister.

The power sword's hilted handle was out at the ready with its blade left unignited as I traversed the steps to the second flow in tow. The state of the upper level was worse than the ground floor, its conditions not fit to be pronounced as dreary, dark, and in disuse or disrepair. This was dilapidated, beyond that-- at once I was reminded of the worst hive cities I'd visited infrequently, my thoughts coming back to me on the matter of people living there without choice-- it truly put a face to being at the absolute bottom, the very thing nigh all men never wish to discuss.

These were the conditions that fit the God of Disease's machinations perfectly.

The loud buzzing aside, the odor itself was cause enough to retch as I found myself sucking air in through my teeth. If I used my nose, I may have had found myself debilitated in the slightest. I hear the cry of help and crossed over into the clinic with the others. The recurring theme having long since been established, we found, to no surprise of mine, yet another guardsman. He cried out once more.

I stifled all desires and urge to render aid to him, knowing fully well he was within the clutches of whatever hellspawn of Nurgle's lurked this place. I intoned briefly, post-haste, the Litany of Salvation toward the dying Krieger, prepending these words mine: "You cannot be saved, may the God-Emperor have mercy."

In the clasp of the Rot or whatever else conglomeration of horrendous diseases, the guardsman was lost to the Vile Gardens bodily and spiritually. My efforts would be in vain, especially with the advent of a voice terrible that it must have belonged to an aberration most foul. A daemon.

A daemon born of the flies.

"You're not fit to reference Him in the slightest," I spat vehemently, my response automatic as all servants of Chaos enjoyed taking to verbally defiling the God-Emperor and all that represented he. But that hadn't been the important component of his words, the insult likely a distractor to lure me away from a fact that stared me directly in the face. He knew the twins somehow, I certainly did not. That was most disconcerting, especially if it meant that somehow the forces of the Immaterium had access to souls belonging to other worlds since he was apparently dead, now a warp-entity with his form realized in these carrion flies. Corrupting an existing entity, that was the simplest and basest aspect of Chaos; this took more to have it realized. The gears within my mind turned rapidly as I stepped forward, the luminous glare of my blue blade erupting to signify my readiness.

"Listen to me," I uttered aloud toward the twins whilst staring down the millions of flies, in spite of our way barred by collapsed debris at its behst, "And we'll survive this yet." There was no lack of surety or certainty, it was without a doubt that we must survive.

"... Who is this?" I inquired, my eyes leveraged for the amorphous humanoid form still. Perhaps knowledge of the daemon's name would help. A daemon's true name was tantamount to wielding divine power over the warp entity, though I had suspicion that may very well not have worked here. Such procedures were lengthy and rife with risk that practitioners of the warp invariably died; nothing hindered the daemon in preventing the process after all.

In the least, knowledge of his name would open the way to potential solutions for us all. At the least, one simmered within the crevasses of my mind's eye if there was truly a connection between it and the siblings.

"Neither of you are helpful," I growled as they had yet to put a name to the face of the daemons comprised of a thousand-thousand carrion flies. A murderous glint in my eyes flared as I flourished the thrumming power-sword to my front, holding the blade in my resting stance as I stared down the way. It would attack and it would be devastating, but if I had to guess? It would take its time and torment us, such was the languid modus operandi of Nurgle's spawn with their diseased. Perhaps more so with the nuances this daemonic spawn outputted.
Evie stood back still, keeping her eyes focused only on the villain in front of them. She kept her cane sword ready, barely even noticing the curious blade the man beside her had. It was obvious he was a fighter, and Evie was more than happy to find that out about him. "His name is Jack..." Evie mumbled softly, trying to not let the fear come out in her voice, knowing that fear was the very thing Jack used to become such a legend. "Jack the Ripper, as he likes to be called..."

She would have given more information, but she knew that the more she said about Jack, the more it would please his ego.
"Once. A long time ago. You killed me, Evie Frye. And you Jacob, you betrayed everything I had ever worked on! And what would had happened?"

The looming form rose as a million-million voices roared in abject fury.

"I WOULD HAVE BEEN FORGOTTEN! REDUCED TO A SHADOW UNDER THE BED OR WRITING ON THE WALL! And so my soul wandered....Too tainted to enter Heaven and too savage to enter Hell."

In its left hand, a knife the size of a short sword would flick into its hand. Grimly, he added.

"But there were always.....Other options."
As he took up his sword, Jacob places a hand on the man's shoulder "This doesn't involve you. He's here for me" he looks at him for a long moment, a stern expression adorning his feature


"If you want me, I'm right here. I'm not running any more, Jack"
As he spoke, Jacob flicks on his Eagle Vision, looking for any sources of flame. He couldn't stab flies, and so he figured his next best bet would be to flambe Jack's new form
"Wouldn't that be a first, Jacob Frye?"

The Eagle vision flashed and off in the clinic, there did appear to be several things glowing. Some form of tank storage and something in a cabinet. Unknowing, Jack slowly spun his blade in hand.

"I'll kill you, long after I've had my fun....But not so quick, oh not so quick. To think your bitch sister would have been with you! And this!"

He pointed his blade in the direction of Gregori, the head slowly shifting to give the impression of looking at him. With relish, Jack continued.

"My Masters will be pleased....That here, of all places would be one of them. And I'll get my personal satisfaction into the bargain. Now then."

He shifted backwards, the sound of the wings louder now as he said quietly.

"I think we've just about said our piece to each other?"

The form slowly, bent over in what looked like approximation of a bow.

Right before unleashing itself in wave after wave of ravenous bugs, attacking and stinging the three via any opening in their clothing of exposed skin as Jack's laughter radiated through every bug around them.



Owlman would find the way blocked and hear faintly, a loud buzzing and someone roaring out words.

Everyone else down below would be....Talking apparently. In no danger whatsoever that they could see.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @A Tiny Fool @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nater Taters @Indolent @DapperDogman @Chris Lang @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Ellya @C.T. @Ryu Keiko @The Artemis Suites​
"Oh hahaha, sarcastic replies rolled into indescribable hate for the one I'm talking to is my thing, kid. And the "Resistance"? You didn't see that but I was doing air quotes. The Resistance are just a bunch of terrorists ruining this fine city for me and the citizens I'm trying to protect. Newsflash! I'm not the bad guy here! They are! And you helping them makes you bad guys as well. I'm the hero here! I mean it's in the name. Handsome. Jack. Bad guys aren't handsome. They are vile and disgusting and smell like dirty feet! I'm none of those things!

I saved this city from being ripped apart the only way I could, by taking over! I'm the CEO of a company, I looked after an entire planet. A small city in the middle of the ocean? Pfft like taking candy from a baby! Which is actually really easy, I'm talking from experience here. Btw I'd totally want to meet you too! Just you know tell me where you are and I'll set up a nice play date! What do you say? Or...maaaybe you'll kill everyone in the group? You'd be my most favorite person in the whole world if you did that! I'd maybe even send you home! Now wouldn't that be nice?"

@DBZ7 @Atomyk @Josh M

Bridgette did one better and tossed them the entire purse. "Don't spend all in one place now." The kids would grin widely as they skipped away grabbing the purse with them.

"They needed it more than us. Besides less chance of getting mugged if we don't have any money." She replied.

@The Tactician
The preacher sent the kids away with a smile before nodding, "Agreed, and good on ya for it. Now come on, lets get rid of the riff-raff."
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