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Frank nodded to the one that thanked him, then focused his attention back on the girl. He didn't quite like what he was hearing, but maybe Accelerator could do something for hey. "You need to see Accelerator?" He frowned and looked about the room again. "Any way I can find him? I'll get you to him, if I can."

"Yeah," Kinuhata nodded, "That's super right. Hamazura is super out there, and I'll super take you back to him. Then you two can super run away."

She looked at the natives who decided to go with her. She couldn't speak to them but she had to say something, something anyone could understand. One fist was raised into the air.

"Go!" she said in English. Everyone at least spoke that much, right? Maybe if not her body language would sell it to them. Despite the kind of excited proclamation, she stealthily skulked out with the natives presumably behind. Going the same way they came from, she hoped they could get through without being noticed with the loud-mouth blondie and that sorcerer guy or whatever holding them up.

However long they could distract the soldiers for, Kinuhata had to make it there in that time. As long as she did it quickly, it wouldn't matter how long the two could hold up. So as quickly as she could with Takitsubo and the others, she tried to make it back to where they started.

Complying with the girl, the natives, albeit a little hesitantly, made a break for it, running off and out of the settlement. At least they understood that much, fortunately. With the soldiers continuing to yell about to each other, oblivious to your operation, you could only hope that you had a decent amount of time left before they'd notice and take action.

Luckily, Kinuhata would be able to make her way back to Hamazura and the other members of the settlement militia, much to the relief of the young man.

"Oh, thank god!" He exclaimed, helping Takitsubo off Kinuhata and hugging his girlfriend, "You're okay!"


"Ah... Hamazura..." Takitsubo murmured softly, returning the hug weakly. Whatever was going on, she seemed quite sick, though some could say it was a little hard to tell, given her usual reserved demeanor anyway.

As for Frank, the little girl would cough some more, before softly responding. "He... out there somewhere... In the deserted snow somewhere..."

You could only assume that she meant the clearing, but what would a guy like him be doing out there?​
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You ever wonder if that box gets crowded?

In the distance, you could hear indistinct Russian yelling, though it would be difficult for the remaining soldiers to track you down in this kind of snowstorm. Continue to hide until they were gone or take them all out now?

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @The Tactician @Mari @Wedge Antilles @Hideout

Arriving at this hideout with John, Mari didn't know what to make of this scene. She looked towards John, hoping he would be wise and quick enough to act. Or not act. This type of situation was definitely not her expertise, after all. But just in case... she decided to check with him to ensure he was seeing the same thing she was.


"What should we do? And by that I mean, what should you do?", she asked, two questions, to her male partner.

@Wedge Antilles @Bomb @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite

John shrunk his flame down to size, though it still provided a significant amount of warming hear for the couple. "I say we hide for now," he recommended, "but I'll keep things warm and toasty. And ready to hear things up if we need to."

@Mari @Bomb @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mari
"FOR NAGA!" Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Robin had snuck up behind the man under his box and reached up to knock him with a punch to the side of his neck. The gunfire soon ended as Robin dragged his newest victim into the box and glared at Ethel, "Where is your box? No soldier leaves home without their box!" Cue him tossing a box at Ethel for her to hide in as he did the same.

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
Arriving at this hideout with John, Mari didn't know what to make of this scene. She looked towards John, hoping he would be wise and quick enough to act. Or not act. This type of situation was definitely not her expertise, after all. But just in case... she decided to check with him to ensure he was seeing the same thing she was.


"What should we do? And by that I mean, what should you do?", she asked, two questions, to her male partner.

@Wedge Antilles @Bomb @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
You ever wonder if that box gets crowded?

In the distance, you could hear indistinct Russian yelling, though it would be difficult for the remaining soldiers to track you down in this kind of snowstorm. Continue to hide until they were gone or take them all out now?

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @The Tactician @Mari @Wedge Antilles @Hideout
Secretly, each body was being cremated with Robin's fire tome and the ashes hidden under the snow as he walked about.

Slipping into a corner of the area, Robin huddled down and kept quiet. He was ready to hide things out until everything finally cooled down once again.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Verite @Mari @Wedge Antilles
John shrunk his flame down to size, though it still provided a significant amount of warming hear for the couple. "I say we hide for now," he recommended, "but I'll keep things warm and toasty. And ready to hear things up if we need to."

@Mari @Bomb @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
With the great reasoning power that maybe any more take-outs were a bad idea, Erika got herself into the most non-suspicious position while hiding in the box she had. She was going to wait it out in hiding, and hopefully the alertness of the guards would go down in time.

@Mari @Bomb @The Tactician @Wedge Antilles @Verite @Hideout​
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Reactions: Mari
"Hell is that gold thing? Is that a magician? Or...?!"

The soldiers yelled in surprise and pain as they continued to be felled by Battler's power until whoever was left either surrendered or beat a hasty retreat, though still, the tank continued to stand, aiming its cannon towards the young man and firing off an explosive round with a loud BOOM, hoping to blow Battler up.


"... Kinuhata really has made some interesting friends while I've been gone..." Hamazura simply commented to himself meanwhile.

@Gummi Bunnies @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @DapperDogman @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @Front Lines Settlement

"That not enough for you guys? Just keep your eyes open for this!"

Battler kept that confident grin on his face when it came to that one tank up against him. Well, his Endless Nine couldn't do much here, but he had a risky backup plan. Once the explosive round was shot towards him, the Sorcerer aimed... and then tossed his golden broadsword right at the explosive round that was aimed at him. Regardless of the fact that the sword hit the round or not, an explosive blast of golden magic energy came from the sword, causing the weapon to disappear as this happened. To ensure this boost of power would deter the explosion from harming him, Battler juiced the broadsword up a bit by contributing his cape's energy to it, causing the cape to disappear from him.

Just to be sure he wouldn't get messed up from there, Battler flung himself out of the blast radius. Well, he was going to improvise with what he could do in battle now that he had temporarily sacrificed his magic for the time's being.

@Verite @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @DapperDogman @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @Front Lines Settlement​
"FOR NAGA!" Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Robin had snuck up behind the man under his box and reached up to knock him with a punch to the side of his neck. The gunfire soon ended as Robin dragged his newest victim into the box and glared at Ethel, "Where is your box? No soldier leaves home without their box!" Cue him tossing a box at Ethel for her to hide in as he did the same.

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
"...No way." Ethel didn't seem to want to do some box shenanigans, and tossed it away.


"... can Ethel have some duct tape though?"

@The Tactician @Verite @Gummi Bunnies
John shrunk his flame down to size, though it still provided a significant amount of warming hear for the couple. "I say we hide for now," he recommended, "but I'll keep things warm and toasty. And ready to hear things up if we need to."

@Mari @Bomb @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite

As everyone else elected to keep hidden, Mari followed along... after all, she wasn't capable of carrying on a fight like what would be required, by herself. She stayed with the rest, and kept warm with John and his flame.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Bomb @Verite


With that, Cinder's vision would suddenly fade to black, as though her eyes had involuntarily been closed. Everything was black at first, and then... a small light. And then more. Before long, the lights would turn out to what appeared to be shards of glass that would come together into a platform that she would be able to stand on.


The entire environment was dark, but not completely bleak. It was a little chilly, but not cold.

In front of you, what appeared to be a young man, covered from head to toe with tattoos and a cheeky face.


"Yo," he greeted briefly, "How you doin'?"

Cinder Fall

Cinder looked aroud at the strange platform like structure forming down from below her; she wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but, she quite frankly seemed more introgued then scared, especially when that strange young man showed up in front of her... With a rather simple greeting. "I'm fine." She said simply, crossing her arms, it looked like she was waiting to see what would happen next.​
Complying with the girl, the natives, albeit a little hesitantly, made a break for it, running off and out of the settlement. At least they understood that much, fortunately. With the soldiers continuing to yell about to each other, oblivious to your operation, you could only hope that you had a decent amount of time left before they'd notice and take action.

Luckily, Kinuhata would be able to make her way back to Hamazura and the other members of the settlement militia, much to the relief of the young man.

"Oh, thank god!" He exclaimed, helping Takitsubo off Kinuhata and hugging his girlfriend, "You're okay!"


"Ah... Hamazura..." Takitsubo murmured softly, returning the hug weakly. Whatever was going on, she seemed quite sick, though some could say it was a little hard to tell, given her usual reserved demeanor anyway.

As for Frank, the little girl would cough some more, before softly responding. "He... out there somewhere... In the deserted snow somewhere..."

You could only assume that she meant the clearing, but what would a guy like him be doing out there?​
Kinuhata smiled at her success. And then quickly decided to bark out some commands.

"I super don't know what you're doing here, Hamazura, but you should super take Takitsubo and run. If people have to cover for you and her, it'll be a super inconvenience." She wasn't sure whether Hamazura had any responsibilities here, but she couldn't imagine that being so, especially here in Russia. Hopefully he could just run away with her to safety, right?

Kizaru did the only thing he could to save Minato from the attack, and that was to kick him away so that Accelerator couldn't hurt him. "You shout too much..." He then replied casually to Accelerator as he raised his leg. "Let me ask you something..."

"...Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light...?"


@Atomyk @Verite @The Silver Paladin @The Tactician @Clearing
For Misaka, it hadn't been that long at all since she'd last seen the pale boy standing before her. Unlike Touma, he certainly looked rather different, looking more weary and sickly than Misaka had anticipated. It seemed he'd been through a lot in this timeline, but that did little to sway the fear and anger she felt when looking upon his grinning face. Whatever nonsense he was spewing, Misaka tried not to listen to it. Even if he didn't look it entirely, he certainly sounded the same.


When the rocks were sent flying, Misaka's arms raised on instinct, limbs flashing blue as her electricity spread around her, shooting snow and wind into the air in an admittedly lame attempt at blocking the attack. She heard a faint voice, and she could have sworn it sounded familiar. In that split second, a thought crossed her mind-- Of course he'd be here. Then, the barrier of snow fell and Misaka's head whipped around her, surprised she'd managed to be spared by the attack. She looked to find the source of the voice, but it was hard to see much at all in the blowing wind. Was that a patch of black hair amid the snow...?

His attack over, Accelerator started ranting all over again, turning Misaka's head back to him. Her mouth went dry at the thought of him trying make anything up to her, and she felt downright sick at him using the word cute to describe anything related to her. Her hands flexed into fists at her sides as she relented making a comment on how gross he sounded. Even with all these people around, she had to admit that she was frightened. Anger kept her going, allowing her to face this powerful esper, but her fear reminded her that she was not strong enough to fight him on her own. With her apparent source of victory lying unconscious in the snow, was it even possible for her to come out of this alive?

"That idiot," she mumbled under her breath. "Always trying to be the hero." The last thing Misaka wanted was for anyone to be hurt on her behalf, especially her... well, she wasn't sure she could call him a friend, could she? It didn't matter-- she would protect him no matter what. "Whatever!" she said, voice loud enough for Accelerator to hear. "We haven't come this far to lose now. Losing is just... out of the question!" Hands flashing with electricity, snow and wind picked up around the electromaster. It flowed like a tornado, forming in the middle of the group like a vortex threatening to pull them in. As Kizaru made his attack, the tornado shot forward, moving to surround Accelerator so that it was more difficult for him to see anything around him.

Just need to keep him busy. Damn it, hurry and wake up!

@The Tactician @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Jeremi
"No... but you're free to try it on me and see what happens. Looks like it hurt. It really would be a shame if you'd be able to land a hit on me, but that's not gonna happen," Accelerator would reply to Kizaru with a mad grin.

"This doesn't look good..." The girl who resembled an older Misaka murmured, hiding behind Kizaru now that it seemed that Minato had been hastily knocked away.

"Well, C'MON THEN! BEAT THE VILLAIN TO A BLOODY PULP! TAKE YOUR REVENGE ON ME, RAILGUN! DON'T I DESERVE IT?!" The Esper screamed in a mixture of anger and resentment... though it felt like the resentment was aimed at himself more than anyone. With that, he would harshly stomp his foot into the ground, causing a shockwave and manipulating the vectors of the wind to dissipate the tornado with relative ease, before stepping forward.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! I'M RIGHT HERE! GO ON! SAVE YOUR SISTERS! SAVE THEM FROM THE BIG BAD VILLAIN!!" He continued to yell, leaping forward at high speeds again, straight towards the Electromaster and throwing his arm forward for a devastatingly powerful punch, "DON'T YOU WANT TO PAY ME BACK FOR ALL THE MURDERING I'VE DONE LIKE I DESERVE?! HUH?! HUH?!"

@Atomyk @The Tactician @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @Clearing
Cinder Fall

Cinder looked aroud at the strange platform like structure forming down from below her; she wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but, she quite frankly seemed more introgued then scared, especially when that strange young man showed up in front of her... With a rather simple greeting. "I'm fine." She said simply, crossing her arms, it looked like she was waiting to see what would happen next.​

"How curt of you," the individual replied playfully, walking around Cinder in a circle, "Not even gonna ask me who I am? Well, I guess I'll just have to introduce myself on my own, even if that makes me feel like I'm coming off as the "all-about-me!" kind of person, y'know? I'm Avenger. The spirit of the Holy Grail, the vessel of evil. Or in short, I'm the embodiment of all the evil in the world. How do you do?"

"In any case, it looks like you've got found out. Maaan, and you were the most sly Traitor of them all. Even if you did somehow manage to get that pirate by complete accident," he revealed to Cinder, stretching his arms nonchalantly.

"No... but you're free to try it on me and see what happens. Looks like it hurt. It really would be a shame if you'd be able to land a hit on me, but that's not gonna happen," Accelerator would reply to Kizaru with a mad grin.

"This doesn't look good..." The girl who resembled an older Misaka murmured, hiding behind Kizaru now that it seemed that Minato had been hastily knocked away.

"Well, C'MON THEN! BEAT THE VILLAIN TO A BLOODY PULP! TAKE YOUR REVENGE ON ME, RAILGUN! DON'T I DESERVE IT?!" The Esper screamed in a mixture of anger and resentment... though it felt like the resentment was aimed at himself more than anyone. With that, he would harshly stomp his foot into the ground, causing a shockwave and manipulating the vectors of the wind to dissipate the tornado with relative ease, before stepping forward.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! I'M RIGHT HERE! GO ON! SAVE YOUR SISTERS! SAVE THEM FROM THE BIG BAD VILLAIN!!" He continued to yell, leaping forward at high speeds again, straight towards the Electromaster and throwing his arm forward for a devastatingly powerful punch, "DON'T YOU WANT TO PAY ME BACK FOR ALL THE MURDERING I'VE DONE LIKE I DESERVE?! HUH?! HUH?!"

@Atomyk @The Tactician @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @Clearing

Helel suddenly appeared between Misaka and Accelerator, a spark floating at the tip of its finger. With a snap, the flame suddenly blew out at the boy in an attempt to drive him off as Minato growled, "For five seconds... Can you shut up and think rationally?! Is this really all your life is worth, killing others and trying to incite others to kill you?" The Personer user then charged in himself, his saber ready to cut apart Accelerator if he still stood, "Absolutely pathetic!"

@Atomyk @Verite@The Silver Paladin @Jeremi
Secretly, each body was being cremated with Robin's fire tome and the ashes hidden under the snow as he walked about.

Slipping into a corner of the area, Robin huddled down and kept quiet. He was ready to hide things out until everything finally cooled down once again.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Verite @Mari @Wedge Antilles
John shrunk his flame down to size, though it still provided a significant amount of warming hear for the couple. "I say we hide for now," he recommended, "but I'll keep things warm and toasty. And ready to hear things up if we need to."

@Mari @Bomb @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
With the great reasoning power that maybe any more take-outs were a bad idea, Erika got herself into the most non-suspicious position while hiding in the box she had. She was going to wait it out in hiding, and hopefully the alertness of the guards would go down in time.

@Mari @Bomb @The Tactician @Wedge Antilles @Verite @Hideout​
"...No way." Ethel didn't seem to want to do some box shenanigans, and tossed it away.


"... can Ethel have some duct tape though?"

@The Tactician @Verite @Gummi Bunnies
As everyone else elected to keep hidden, Mari followed along... after all, she wasn't capable of carrying on a fight like what would be required, by herself. She stayed with the rest, and kept warm with John and his flame.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Bomb @Verite
As you would all hide to remain hidden from the remaining soldiers that had become alerted to your presence, you could hear their voices run around the place, attempting to find anything suspicious, traces of "What was that?!" and "Where did he go?" being heard in the distance of the perimeter, and then eventually, a "Follow me. I think I see footprints outside..."

With that, it would appear that the remaining soldiers would leave the area, going off to investigate. Perhaps now was your chance to act and attempt to break into the shack to see what they were supposed to be guarding.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mari @Wedge Antilles @Hideout
As you would all hide to remain hidden from the remaining soldiers that had become alerted to your presence, you could hear their voices run around the place, attempting to find anything suspicious, traces of "What was that?!" and "Where did he go?" being heard in the distance of the perimeter, and then eventually, a "Follow me. I think I see footprints outside..."

With that, it would appear that the remaining soldiers would leave the area, going off to investigate. Perhaps now was your chance to act and attempt to break into the shack to see what they were supposed to be guarding.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mari @Wedge Antilles @Hideout

"C'mon, let's get going..." Erika knew that this was their chance, and so she took that chance to see what was being guarded in the first place.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Verite @Mari @Wedge Antilles @Hideout​
Kinuhata smiled at her success. And then quickly decided to bark out some commands.

"I super don't know what you're doing here, Hamazura, but you should super take Takitsubo and run. If people have to cover for you and her, it'll be a super inconvenience." She wasn't sure whether Hamazura had any responsibilities here, but she couldn't imagine that being so, especially here in Russia. Hopefully he could just run away with her to safety, right?

"W-What? What are you talking about? I can't just desert all these people fighting for their homes, Kinuhata! That's crazy talk!" Hamazura exclaimed in response, looking down at the girl, "Don't worry, I don't have any intention of letting myself or Rikou get hurt, but hell if I'm gonna let the other good people here get hurt too! We're really close to winning too now that your buddies are here either way, right?"


"C'mon, let's get going..." Erika knew that this was their chance, and so she took that chance to see what was being guarded in the first place.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Verite @Mari @Wedge Antilles @Hideout​
As you would approach the front of the shack, you would see that it was protected by what seemed to be a set of small panels to the side, keeping the door locked. They looked like so:


Underneath the panels seemed to be small buttons that you could press. Which button should be pressed?

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Bomb @Mari @Wedge Antilles
As you would approach the front of the shack, you would see that it was protected by what seemed to be a set of small panels to the side, keeping the door locked. They looked like so:


Underneath the panels seemed to be small buttons that you could press. Which button should be pressed?

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Bomb @Mari @Wedge Antilles
Robin pressed the middle button with a watchful eye, "Let's establish some rules first..."

@Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @Bomb @Mari @Verite

"How curt of you," the individual replied playfully, walking around Cinder in a circle, "Not even gonna ask me who I am? Well, I guess I'll just have to introduce myself on my own, even if that makes me feel like I'm coming off as the "all-about-me!" kind of person, y'know? I'm Avenger. The spirit of the Holy Grail, the vessel of evil. Or in short, I'm the embodiment of all the evil in the world. How do you do?"

"In any case, it looks like you've got found out. Maaan, and you were the most sly Traitor of them all. Even if you did somehow manage to get that pirate by complete accident," he revealed to Cinder, stretching his arms nonchalantly.

Cinder Fall

"Hmph... I should have known... That there was a bigger reason for these blanks in my memories..." Cinder said, looking up, she didn't look very happy about this, it was a little difficult to tell how she felt about this, but, the tone of her voice revealed she was probably... As one could say, a little "salty" knowing she had been unconsciously following orders that weren't her own...​
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