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Original poster

If you're bored like me then, hey, we pretty much belong together! I'm into mostly anything, except I've never been a fan of too much drama and tragedy or cheesy stuff tbh. But I love dat romance doe

I play both genders, but prefer to be a / the girl. I use anime / realistic art pictures, I've never really gotten into the real life ones. If you absolutely cannot play a dude then I'm totally willing to do a male role.

And please, if you are semi-lit / illiterate then please don't comment or PM me. I'm looking for literate people only. I'm literate but my replies vary on my partner, but I always try to make them as descriptive as possible.

I'm looking for something long-term, where me and my partner thoroughly discuss the plot and talk to each other during the RP via PM. I will probably be most active on the weekends, but I'll try to manage at least 1-2 replies a day during weekdays.

I have a few ideas below that I'd like to try out, so contact me if you're interested!
➛If the title has a ** next to the title, I'm really craving it!


(neighbour x neighbour)
Apartment life certainly isn't easy.

A and B are next-door neighbours in a shady, surburban community. Their place is pretty much run down, with bad plumbing, faulty electricity, terribly unsteady ceiling structures and completed with, worst of all, incredibly thin walls. Anything that goes on in A's room is impossible to ignore for B, and everything going on in B's room is in clear earshot for A. This has ranged from awkward sex noises, awful singing in the shower, obnoxious parties and loud home repairs.

There was even that one incident wherein A was watching a game show a bit too loudly over the TV and so B ended up participating by screaming out the right answer over at, and through, the wall. Sometimes, there are even sentimental moments between the two, where they knock on the wall just to talk about their day.

One thing is for sure though, privacy is definitely not a part of the deal.
Drama couldn't be kept to oneself, and that included A's brutal break-up with their not-so significant other which has left them sobbing for days. B could not get any peace so maybe it was finally time for them to come over and pay their neighbour a visit. After all, they already seem to be closer than they think. They've known each other for a while now, but never bothered to introduce themselves face-to-face - which was quite odd.
But it's never too late.


Lost at sea**
(Pirate RP)
A (female) has always been infatuated with the thought of adventure and going out to see the world, but both being a woman and forced to work at the family inn as a waitress her options are limited, to say the least.

Living in a city by a harbour which is popular as a stop for both travellers and businessmen alike, A's thirst for adventure was temporarily quenched with stories from these foreign people. But when a crew of men come in, bragging about their life on sea as pirates, A can't hold back anymore. In the dead of night she steals away and hides on their ship, and in the morning she is far out on sea, away from the familiar city.

But when she is caught, A is mistaken by the captain (B) for a boy, as girls don't usually have short hair, and is forced to work and find out that life on the sea isn't necessarily all that she had expected it to be. Mopping the deck, being kicked around by the men on the ship and having to fight for survival daily.
But who cares?
She's finally on her way to adventure.

It's a small world**
(Roadtrip / travel RP)
Growing up is difficult. Especially in a small town where nothing ever happens, where everyone knows everyone and there isn't enough room for change. That's exactly how it is for A, who loves their town, but is ready to move on. Their exhaustion has lead to constant arguing in their home, leading to strained relationships both with their family and some friends, who are content.

But that all changes when a new person suddenly arrives.
B is like a firework, bright and loud and different, but will disappear in only a moment. Only passing through the town, they bump into A at a gas station and they get along just fine, so A asks B if they can come along for a while. Even though B is caught by surprise, they accept, and after A has packed their stuff, they run away with B.

But life on the road isn't as easy as it made out to be; the car is old and prone to breaking down, money doesn't grow on trees and even though they get along most of the time, A and B both have strong personalities that tend to clash.
But it has to work out, right?

People say that music is the rhythm of the heart. Unfortunately, A just can't seem to find the right beat.

After recently transferring to a new school in a new town, A completely felt like a fish out of water. You could even say that they literally were since the swim team didn't happen to be accepting any new members temporarily which was probably one of the most devestating news they had ever heard.

So, while throwing a fit at home, A was encouraged by their beloved parents to find something to bide their time with instead, and suggested an extra-curricular activity that happened to be- wait for it... music!

Even though A wasn't very excited to spend their free time in a classroom full of idiots blowing horns and beating on drums to let out repressed anger (we all know that's why they do it), they decided to stay and give it a chance. Mostly because they're beginning to have the biggest crush on their music teacher.

It was clear that A did not have a special talent for any instrument in particular, but they had to choose one and stick with it. The lacking effort A had put into learning became obvious to the presiding instructor and so this resulted with the teacher having to spend extra time in the music room teaching A.
The teacher did not seem impressed with their newest student, in fact, they were rather disappointed.

Will A's disinterest continue, or will they start putting in effort to impress their teacher?

This RP doesn't have to revolve around A's relationship with their teacher, it can also be with another student, or simply what happens during practices. We can even have it revolve around a bunch of characters that are in the band, and their lives:)

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