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Moogle Building ~ Fountain
Skulld, Cat Friend, Ephemera, and Stella

Whistler was rather silent for this portion of the fight. He listened to Skulld, Stella, and Ephemera catch up while he defended them with his keyblade skill, but the sheer amount of Heartless began to overwhelm him. His speed was not enough to hold so many back, but Ephemera suggested getting to higher ground and led the way before Whistler could think about it.

"Right." He mumbled to himself following behind.

Whistler was clearly the shortest of them all, probably just an inch smaller than the second shortest, but it did not bother him much. His height merely made him think of jokes he could say and it brought a smile to his expressionless face, but his poker face returned when he heard a door slam. Looking ahead he saw that Ephemera had kicked the door open and he slowed. Calmly, he walked in and shut the door behind him, he placed his whistle between his lips, and proceeded to walk up to the angry Moogle. Everytime it opened its mouth he whistled. In time the Moogle actually calmed down and Whistler played a soothing song as he found the group conducting a magical assault from their vantage point. Whistler did not aid in the magic assault as he was still inexperienced in handling his own. Instead he stood behind the group as they called out spells and fired on the Heartless.

"I have found that they don't like when I whistle a joyful tune, like the Happy Birthday song. So, I could be of use, but I don't know how making them scatter anymore than they already are would help here." Whistler rambled to himself noting they were fixated on the battle.

Whistler then resumed whistling the tune he had used to soothe the Moogle before. The bombardment of magical projectiles on the enemy lasted long enough for Whistler to lose count of how many times he had played the chorus to his song. When it was all over and everyone took a breath Whistler looked around and saw a little ball of light land on his head. The ball morphed into his cat friend and he lay on top of Whistler's head.

"Hello." Whistler said looking up. The Chirithy waved weakly even though Whistler could not see it.

Whistler then looked back to the group. "You all seem beat. Rough day? I could play another tu-" Whistler was cut off by Gula's sudden news. "Looks like it is time to go again."

Whistler popped his hood up over his cat friend and pulled out a handkerchief to clean his whistle. Whistler was ready to make his way to the fountain.

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty [at]fountain
Lily- Daybreak Town Plaza-Anyone nearby/Everyone

With the heartless finally defeated, Lily took a moment to catch her breath while her Chirithy landed on her shoulder.

"Man...freaking Mondays." she groaned. Then, she heard something about the fountain and there being a meeting? Well, she wasn't sure if that surprised her much or not. Her keyblade vanishing, she began to make her way to the fountain.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Everyone
[ Millicent // Heartless Battle --> Fountain // Anyone ]

Was that it? Aww, she was actually starting to have fun.

"Well, no need to thank me, kiddies." Her keyblades vanished in little bursts of light, and she flipped her hair a bit, letting some sparkles flutter off of her tutu. "It's always an honor to help you guys. You're all so cute!" The way Millicent said 'cute' wavered between 'childish glee' and 'pretty obvious condescension'; yet Millicent didn't bother to dwell on it. With the battle over, it looked like everyone was moving back towards the festivities, and she was always happy to go back to where the fun was at.

"Betcha' you'll see me around, sugarplums!~"

With that, she turned on her heel (purposefully making it look like a graceful little twirl) and began to go back to the fountain, a little smile on her face.​
[ Millicent // Heartless Battle --> Fountain // Anyone ]

Was that it? Aww, she was actually starting to have fun.

"Well, no need to thank me, kiddies." Her keyblades vanished in little bursts of light, and she flipped her hair a bit, letting some sparkles flutter off of her tutu. "It's always an honor to help you guys. You're all so cute!" The way Millicent said 'cute' wavered between 'childish glee' and 'pretty obvious condescension'; yet Millicent didn't bother to dwell on it. With the battle over, it looked like everyone was moving back towards the festivities, and she was always happy to go back to where the fun was at.

"Betcha' you'll see me around, sugarplums!~"

With that, she turned on her heel (purposefully making it look like a graceful little twirl) and began to go back to the fountain, a little smile on her face.​
"Hey there! Pretty lady!"

He recognized the dancer. A grin over the face of the street musician, one hand adjusted his hat as he waited for her to come closer. Soon as she did, he gestured to her.

"You had some moves back there. I dig it. Think you can do it again?"

He waggled his eyebrows and brought up his keyblade. The weapon he used to fight earlier and play his music, a bit macabre up close with its bone and snake patterns...And was that a shrunken head as the keychain? But when he put it to his lips and tapped his foot, the music that followed was everything and more from before. Hey, he was never good at waiting.

Might as well make it a party.

@Lissamel @york @Takumi @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Ephemera - Daybreak Town - Stella/Skuld/Whistler
Thanks to the assistance of his comrades, it wasn't long before Ephemera could see the streets below starting to clear out. The heartless hoard that had once covered the road was gone, leaving no trace they had ever even existed other than the damage that could be seen below. Pieces of Daybreak Town's colorful, pastel road were broken and scattered about, part of the fountain at the center of town was busted, trees were destroyed, park benches were broken, and food that had once been sold by moogle vendors was scattered and smashed. To summarize, things appeared to be a terrible mess!

But they didn't have time to worry about the mess right then. From where Ephemera, Skuld, Stella, and Whistler stood in the moogle shop, they could clearly hear when Master Gula called out for all keyblade wielders to meet by the fountain. While it was obvious part of the meeting would probably be about the little heartless problem they had experienced, the young man couldn't help but wonder if they would also cover the accusations made against Ava and the Vulpes Union. And if they did, would the masters even tell the truth about it? For all he knew, they would just cover it up to keep the peace...

Shaken from his thoughts, Ephemera glanced to his friends and ran a hand through his hair. "Good work, guys! I guess for now we really have to get out of here, huh?" he replied, chuckling at Skuld's excitement. "Definitely! Let's stand in the front. I'm interested to see how this will go." Smirking he added, "And hopefully we won't be attacked this time."

As they left the shop, Ephemera found himself laughing again before patting Whistler on the shoulder. He found it amusing that the young man had managed to calm down the moogle shop owner with no problems. "If there's any way I could learn that trick, I'd absolutely love to," he said, heading with the group toward the fountain.

Sleepy - Daybreak Town - Ophelia/Alan/Kiso/Yavis
Reaching up to pinch one of the burned bunny ears on her hood, Sleepy shrugged in reply to the question asked by both Alan and Ophelia. "I guess I'm okay," she replied, her words lethargic and uncertain. "My hood is burned though. What a bother. I'd fix it, but that'd be way too much trouble," she added, stifling a yawn and stretching her arms. But on the bright side, at least all of the heartless were defeated. And, in the end, Sleepy really never had to do all that much. Whoever had been shooting the magic fire and ice spells from the window above ended up mostly taking care of the problem.

"Anything is trouble for you," Sleepy's Chirithy snapped back, placing a hand on its hip. "Would it kill you to go out and buy some materials to fix and and then repair it yourself. I'd even help you out. I think it'd be good for you to do something other than sleep all the time! Maybe you could even make a hobby out of it."

Noncommittally, Sleepy shrugged her shoulders again. "I could just buy a new one, ask a friend to fix it for me, or maybe even pay someone to fix it for me. There are ways..."

"Why must you be this way?" the Chirithy questioned with a sigh, shaking its head. "Anyhow, if you were just listening, it seems the Masters are calling a meeting at the fountain. We should all get going."

Sleepy nodded, a frown on her lips. It would be troublesome to walk all the way over to the fountain, but she knew if she didn't her Chirithy would only scold her again. So, reluctantly, Sleepy began to make her way over to the fountain.


The Foretellers - Daybreak Town Fountain - The Keyblade Wielders
After Master Gula had spread the word about the meeting which was to take place by Daybreak Town Fountain, the other foretellers followed after their fellow master and approached the fountain--quietly discussing their plans among each other for a moment. Most of the foretellers stood around the fountain while their representative speaker, Master Ira, eventually stood atop the fountain to draw the most attention on himself. He waited until he was certain everyone had arrived before drawing his keyblade and rapping the side of the fountain to quiet down the crowd.

"Attention, keyblade wielders!" Master Ira began, his deep voice ringing out loudly into the crowd. "Attention!" he would cry again, wanting to make very certain he had the full attention of the group before he began to speak. Once the volume of the crowd would lower to a dull roar, he finally began the meeting. "If any of you missed it this morning, our weekly Ranking Parade was interrupted by a heartless attack."

Biting her tongue, Master Inivi would struggle not to speak up again. While Master Ira had mentioned the heartless attack, he had failed to mention how Inivi had spoken out and opening accused the Vulpes Union of cheating to boost their scores. Why else were they always on top of the rankings board?

Master Ira continued, "First off, I want to thank all of you for aiding in the unexpected battle that took place here today. I noticed quite a bit of effort and teamwork among all of the Unions, so I am very proud of you all. Second, I would like to say that if any of you were injured and are not well versed enough in magic to heal yourselves you can see me after this meeting and I will heal you. Unfortunately we will not be rescheduling the Parade. We will wait until next week to have another one as usual."

"The next thing I would like to address is the current state of our town. After the battle Daybreak Town is in need of many repairs. This is why I am going to ask that instead of doing missions today, some of you stay in town to help take care of repairs. This is what most of the foretellers, including myself, will be doing. If you would like to aide in repairs, please see Master Aced for further instructions. If you choose not to stay in town you may check the missions posting board by the fountain and choose a mission so that you can go out to collect lux for the Unions."

The Master would pause before adding,"Lastly, if you have any information regarding the heartless attack please speak with a Foreteller about it. We will be investigating this attack ourselves to find out the cause, so anything you can provide will be most useful."

Boldly speaking up, Ephemera would call out, stepping forward. "Is that really it? What about the accusations Master Inivi made earlier? Aren't we going to talk about that?"

"Another meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss what Master Inivi had to say. For the time being, let us only focus on taking care of the town, gathering lux, and discovering the cause of the heartless attack. Dismissed."

After the meeting was over, the voices of everyone in the crowd became loud and melded together. Master Gula, who had been speaking to everyone, immediately approached Ephemera. "You best respect your masters. I think today you should stay in town to aid with repairs. I'd like to keep an eye on you," he said before walking away.

Sheepishly, Ephemera rubbed the back of his head, deciding to sneak over and pick on Master Ava regardless of Gula's warning. "Soooo got anything you want to admit? It was awfully suspicious that a hoard of heartless attacked right after Master Inivi made those accusations. Are you a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater?" he questioned, holding back a laugh.

Ava puffed her cheeks out and reached forward to flick Ephemera on the forehead. "I think you need to get to work, errand boy," she teased back, shaking her head at his antics.

Speak with Master Gula to be healed.

Speak with Master Aced to aide in town repairs.

Check the Mission Postings Board for a mission to obtain lux for the unions

Speak with Master Ava, Master Inivi, or any of the other Foretellers.

@chaosheart13 @Astaroth @Mizos @Lissamel @Minerva @Bomb @york @Arcadium @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @ShiroKiyoshi @DustBunny @Atomyk @Mason Moretti
King - Daybreak Town Fountain - Master Arced

Party time was over, and the time for work was now. King knew that a lot of the younger bucks would be all for the regular jobs, earning for their guilds. He'd let em, he was old enough to recognize that there would be more in future. Besides, nothing wrong with a little elbow grease and sweat. Gotta earn that honey and get that money.

Plenty of time for music later so dispelling Baron Friday, he adjusted his hat and moved forward to talk to Master Arced. He took his time, walking around his fellow key bladers or pausing to give the Moogles and Chirithy the right of way. As he did so, he gave Arced a look of scrutiny from behind his shades. Once you saw him, was hard to really forget or misplace his face. Not too many wore a bear skin head, even around these parts where all sorts of worlds mixed and mingled. Now as a Master, though not from his more awesome guild, Arced deserved proper respect. He deserved a measure of proper decorum.

If you expected the latter from King of all people, prepare to be disappointed. And like greeting an old friend, grin grinned a megawatt smile sly and tricky as he called out.

"Hey baby, where y'at?"

Stepping forward in time, he tipped his hat like a hobo dandy as he spoke.

"Reporting for repairs! Whatcha need me to do?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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The Foretellers - Daybreak Town Fountain - The Keyblade Wielders
After Master Gula had spread the word about the meeting which was to take place by Daybreak Town Fountain, the other foretellers followed after their fellow master and approached the fountain--quietly discussing their plans among each other for a moment. Most of the foretellers stood around the fountain while their representative speaker, Master Ira, eventually stood atop the fountain to draw the most attention on himself. He waited until he was certain everyone had arrived before drawing his keyblade and rapping the side of the fountain to quiet down the crowd.

"Attention, keyblade wielders!" Master Ira began, his deep voice ringing out loudly into the crowd. "Attention!" he would cry again, wanting to make very certain he had the full attention of the group before he began to speak. Once the volume of the crowd would lower to a dull roar, he finally began the meeting. "If any of you missed it this morning, our weekly Ranking Parade was interrupted by a heartless attack."

Biting her tongue, Master Inivi would struggle not to speak up again. While Master Ira had mentioned the heartless attack, he had failed to mention how Inivi had spoken out and opening accused the Vulpes Union of cheating to boost their scores. Why else were they always on top of the rankings board?

Master Ira continued, "First off, I want to thank all of you for aiding in the unexpected battle that took place here today. I noticed quite a bit of effort and teamwork among all of the Unions, so I am very proud of you all. Second, I would like to say that if any of you were injured and are not well versed enough in magic to heal yourselves you can see me after this meeting and I will heal you. Unfortunately we will not be rescheduling the Parade. We will wait until next week to have another one as usual."

"The next thing I would like to address is the current state of our town. After the battle Daybreak Town is in need of many repairs. This is why I am going to ask that instead of doing missions today, some of you stay in town to help take care of repairs. This is what most of the foretellers, including myself, will be doing. If you would like to aide in repairs, please see Master Aced for further instructions. If you choose not to stay in town you may check the missions posting board by the fountain and choose a mission so that you can go out to collect lux for the Unions."

The Master would pause before adding,"Lastly, if you have any information regarding the heartless attack please speak with a Foreteller about it. We will be investigating this attack ourselves to find out the cause, so anything you can provide will be most useful."

Boldly speaking up, Ephemera would call out, stepping forward. "Is that really it? What about the accusations Master Inivi made earlier? Aren't we going to talk about that?"

"Another meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss what Master Inivi had to say. For the time being, let us only focus on taking care of the town, gathering lux, and discovering the cause of the heartless attack. Dismissed."

After the meeting was over, the voices of everyone in the crowd became loud and melded together. Master Gula, who had been speaking to everyone, immediately approached Ephemera. "You best respect your masters. I think today you should stay in town to aid with repairs. I'd like to keep an eye on you," he said before walking away.

Sheepishly, Ephemera rubbed the back of his head, deciding to sneak over and pick on Master Ava regardless of Gula's warning. "Soooo got anything you want to admit? It was awfully suspicious that a hoard of heartless attacked right after Master Inivi made those accusations. Are you a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater?" he questioned, holding back a laugh.

Ava puffed her cheeks out and reached forward to flick Ephemera on the forehead. "I think you need to get to work, errand boy," she teased back, shaking her head at his antics.

Speak with Master Gula to be healed.

Speak with Master Aced to aide in town repairs.

Check the Mission Postings Board for a mission to obtain lux for the unions

Speak with Master Ava, Master Inivi, or any of the other Foretellers.

@chaosheart13 @Astaroth @Mizos @Lissamel @Minerva @Bomb @york @Arcadium @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @ShiroKiyoshi @DustBunny @Atomyk @Mason Moretti
Alan - Daybreak Town - Master Ephermera/Ava

"Holy shit... it feels like I've been fighting for 4 months straight..." Alan sat down, feeling tired. Luckily, Alan had some adeptness with healing magic with his Starlight keyblade, but he'd decided to save it for later. After hearing about another meeting, Alan decided to speak with Master Ephemera and Ava about the recent attack.

"So, what's up with this? You think there's a conspiracy just because a couple of Heartless attacked? Could've been a coincidence. You have nothing to back up your claim!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @others​
Ophelia - Daybreak Town - Master Gula
Ophelia listened to the speech with a frown on her face. Indeed, the place looked like a mess after that Heartless attack and she would've volunteered to help if she had the strength to move the rubble and fix things. Truth be told, she didn't think she would be able to do that, so she remained quiet as Master Ira talked.

Once he was done, she immediately headed over to the Foreteller to be healed, though her injuries were minimal. Once that was done, she made a beeline for the mission board, intent on getting some lux for her Union. She scanned the board with brows furrowed in thought. She didn't know what mission to take.​
KIso and Yavis- Fountain-Sleepy's Chirity-Anyone In vicinity​

Kiso shut his eyes patiently waiting for the meeting to attend, he only opened his eyes hearing footsteps approach and glancing over he looked at the wielders arriving at the fountain. He eyed them for a moment remembering some from the fight before, seeing as there hearts were still intact they seemed to be capable fighters. He turned his attention back to the fountain doing what he could not to listen to the conversations around him, feeling it rude to eavesdrop. Yavis however was paying complete attention to the others looking for someone that could work. His attention moved to a small group and a girl with a burnt hood, he recognized her as the sleepy one from the battle.
"...that Chirity has a real diamond in the rough there...I understand his pain a little."
"How would you understand? You've only watched after me."
Yavis stared at Kiso the two meeting gazes for a moment, Kiso felt like he was missing something important from his floating companion, though he couldn't really tell the expression he was making.
Yavis sighed and turned back to the fountain as the masters appeared.

Kiso listened very closely to the words of the Master Gula glancing over at his own master, he noticed she was trying not to speak, though due to the mask on her face he wasn't entirely sure how she was feeling right now. He wasn't big on politics so he wasn't sure what was going to happen after all of this but even he could tell it was going to be tense for a moment. He'd have to be observant around the Vulpes union members. Though as he thought that he realized he probably was going to forget it anyway and just listened to the master's words. He was glad that the earlier remark hadn't been brought up, there were more important things to focus on right now, though one person stepped forward to add to the fire.
"It's understandable...that's a heavy accusation but it's a matter between the Foretellers, we have little to do with it." Yavis said floating next to Kavis.
The young man stayed quiet his gaze moving to his own leader as Gula finished up his conversation, once he finished he realized he had to do two things. The first one wouldn't take too long and he approached Inivi to accomplish it, ignoring Yavis' words.
Kiso and Yavis-Inivi-Fountain

"Master Inivi," Kiso said giving a small bow. "I won't take up much of your time since I intend on helping clean up the town. I'm not sure what all is going on but as always should you need any assistance you need only ask, your union is here to help."
"Kiso now is not the time to discuss this. I am terribly sorry Master Inivi, I'm still teaching him. Kiso let's go, come on!"
"Hey you don't have to push."
Yavis shoved Kiso from behind pushing him away from Inivi going into one of many reasons why that was a bad move. He didn't seem to understand since they were in things called 'Unions' didn't that normally mean unity of some form? If he couldn't offer support what was the point of calling it that.

Kiso and Yavis- Master Aced-King

Kiso walked over to Master Aced since he hadn't really been injured during the fight, he was more tired than hurt. He rotated his shoulders as he approached his eyes moving to the young man standing nearby. He blinked a few times remembering him being the one playing music earlier.
"....the one playing music."

"Kiso he has a name, don't just title people."
"....the guy playing music killing heartless."
"...that's still a title, you know what never mind. Just...let the foreteller know why you're here."
Turning his attention back to the master he gave a small bow to the large looking man as Yavis floated next to him.
"I've come to help with the repairs," Kiso said.

"Partially because he helped make said mess." Yavis added.
He looked over at the broken stand as a piece of wood fell off it clattering on the ground, Kiso rubbed the side of his head at this before cracking his knuckles.
"Ready to get started."

Kiso and Yavis- Master Aced-King

Kiso walked over to Master Aced since he hadn't really been injured during the fight, he was more tired than hurt. He rotated his shoulders as he approached his eyes moving to the young man standing nearby. He blinked a few times remembering him being the one playing music earlier.
"....the one playing music."

"Kiso he has a name, don't just title people."
"....the guy playing music killing heartless."
"...that's still a title, you know what never mind. Just...let the foreteller know why you're here."
Turning his attention back to the master he gave a small bow to the large looking man as Yavis floated next to him.
"I've come to help with the repairs," Kiso said.

"Partially because he helped make said mess." Yavis added.
He looked over at the broken stand as a piece of wood fell off it clattering on the ground, Kiso rubbed the side of his head at this before cracking his knuckles.
"Ready to get started."
King- Fountain - Master Aced and Kiso

King spun on his heel, making it look like the prelude to a dance number, tailcoat flapping and teeth glinting like a diamond smile. Looking his fellow keyblade wielder over he gave a rich, rolling chuckle.

"How y'all doing? A tip of the hat, from King 'Coal' Vance. My card."

From out of nowhere, a purple card with a snake and skull combination emblem appeared in hand which he passed over, with the following on it.

King Vance. Voodoo Musician.

Miracles and Magic made real, for the price of a song.

@Mizos @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Ephemera - Daybreak Town - Stella/Skuld/Whistler
Thanks to the assistance of his comrades, it wasn't long before Ephemera could see the streets below starting to clear out. The heartless hoard that had once covered the road was gone, leaving no trace they had ever even existed other than the damage that could be seen below. Pieces of Daybreak Town's colorful, pastel road were broken and scattered about, part of the fountain at the center of town was busted, trees were destroyed, park benches were broken, and food that had once been sold by moogle vendors was scattered and smashed. To summarize, things appeared to be a terrible mess!

But they didn't have time to worry about the mess right then. From where Ephemera, Skuld, Stella, and Whistler stood in the moogle shop, they could clearly hear when Master Gula called out for all keyblade wielders to meet by the fountain. While it was obvious part of the meeting would probably be about the little heartless problem they had experienced, the young man couldn't help but wonder if they would also cover the accusations made against Ava and the Vulpes Union. And if they did, would the masters even tell the truth about it? For all he knew, they would just cover it up to keep the peace...

Shaken from his thoughts, Ephemera glanced to his friends and ran a hand through his hair. "Good work, guys! I guess for now we really have to get out of here, huh?" he replied, chuckling at Skuld's excitement. "Definitely! Let's stand in the front. I'm interested to see how this will go." Smirking he added, "And hopefully we won't be attacked this time."

As they left the shop, Ephemera found himself laughing again before patting Whistler on the shoulder. He found it amusing that the young man had managed to calm down the moogle shop owner with no problems. "If there's any way I could learn that trick, I'd absolutely love to," he said, heading with the group toward the fountain.


The Foretellers - Daybreak Town Fountain - The Keyblade Wielders
After Master Gula had spread the word about the meeting which was to take place by Daybreak Town Fountain, the other foretellers followed after their fellow master and approached the fountain--quietly discussing their plans among each other for a moment. Most of the foretellers stood around the fountain while their representative speaker, Master Ira, eventually stood atop the fountain to draw the most attention on himself. He waited until he was certain everyone had arrived before drawing his keyblade and rapping the side of the fountain to quiet down the crowd.

"Attention, keyblade wielders!" Master Ira began, his deep voice ringing out loudly into the crowd. "Attention!" he would cry again, wanting to make very certain he had the full attention of the group before he began to speak. Once the volume of the crowd would lower to a dull roar, he finally began the meeting. "If any of you missed it this morning, our weekly Ranking Parade was interrupted by a heartless attack."

Biting her tongue, Master Inivi would struggle not to speak up again. While Master Ira had mentioned the heartless attack, he had failed to mention how Inivi had spoken out and opening accused the Vulpes Union of cheating to boost their scores. Why else were they always on top of the rankings board?

Master Ira continued, "First off, I want to thank all of you for aiding in the unexpected battle that took place here today. I noticed quite a bit of effort and teamwork among all of the Unions, so I am very proud of you all. Second, I would like to say that if any of you were injured and are not well versed enough in magic to heal yourselves you can see me after this meeting and I will heal you. Unfortunately we will not be rescheduling the Parade. We will wait until next week to have another one as usual."

"The next thing I would like to address is the current state of our town. After the battle Daybreak Town is in need of many repairs. This is why I am going to ask that instead of doing missions today, some of you stay in town to help take care of repairs. This is what most of the foretellers, including myself, will be doing. If you would like to aide in repairs, please see Master Aced for further instructions. If you choose not to stay in town you may check the missions posting board by the fountain and choose a mission so that you can go out to collect lux for the Unions."

The Master would pause before adding,"Lastly, if you have any information regarding the heartless attack please speak with a Foreteller about it. We will be investigating this attack ourselves to find out the cause, so anything you can provide will be most useful."

Boldly speaking up, Ephemera would call out, stepping forward. "Is that really it? What about the accusations Master Inivi made earlier? Aren't we going to talk about that?"

"Another meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss what Master Inivi had to say. For the time being, let us only focus on taking care of the town, gathering lux, and discovering the cause of the heartless attack. Dismissed."

After the meeting was over, the voices of everyone in the crowd became loud and melded together. Master Gula, who had been speaking to everyone, immediately approached Ephemera. "You best respect your masters. I think today you should stay in town to aid with repairs. I'd like to keep an eye on you," he said before walking away.

Sheepishly, Ephemera rubbed the back of his head, deciding to sneak over and pick on Master Ava regardless of Gula's warning. "Soooo got anything you want to admit? It was awfully suspicious that a hoard of heartless attacked right after Master Inivi made those accusations. Are you a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater?" he questioned, holding back a laugh.

Ava puffed her cheeks out and reached forward to flick Ephemera on the forehead. "I think you need to get to work, errand boy," she teased back, shaking her head at his antics.

Speak with Master Gula to be healed.

Speak with Master Aced to aide in town repairs.

Check the Mission Postings Board for a mission to obtain lux for the unions

Speak with Master Ava, Master Inivi, or any of the other Foretellers.

@chaosheart13 @Astaroth @Mizos @Lissamel @Minerva @Bomb @york @Arcadium @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @ShiroKiyoshi @DustBunny @Atomyk @Mason Moretti
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Others?

Stella Cross - Daybreak Town Plaza - Master Aced/Town Repairs

Stella seemed a bit relieved, and even cheerfull seeing that the Heartless threat was done and dealt with. Even so, her expression seemed to turn more serious during the meeting, even at the front. It actually began to concern her moogle a little, and when the meeting was over, they seemed to exchange a few hushed words, out of earshot of even Skulld and Ephemera, who couldn't have been too far.

Alas, after a while, they both nodded at each other, and with Stella leading the way, decided to talk with Master Aced about repairs, but... Her usually timid nature made this a bit difficult.

"Um... I-Is there anything I can do... Sir?" She asked, stuttering a little.

Despite her awkward entrance, she seemed quite determined, clearly trying her best to keep it together. Outside of the heat of battle, one could hardly call Stella a fighter, but even so... She still wanted to help as much as she could, since the Heartless attack didn't leave the Plaza in such a good condition.

Skuld - Daybreak Town Plaza - Ephemera/Others?

"Yeah! Let's go!" Skuld shouted excitedly as she headed towards the fountain.

Evidently, she was alot more vocal than the usually soft spoken Stella, or maybe she was just trying to match Ephemera's chipper mood? In either case, she looked just a little jealous as Ephemera praised Whistler a little, but nonetheless put on a smile, partially because she didn't want to be a bad sport, and well... To hide that expression a little. It was a bit embarassing to be seen looking at that way, especially around Ephemera.

Throughout the meeting, though Skulld did pay attention, she seemed a bit worried about Stella, seeing as she was stealing a few side glanced at her every now and then, a look of concern momentarily flashing on her face. However, immediately after the meeting, she was a bit distracted from her worries about her friend upon seeing Ephemera teasing Ava.

She puffed her cheeks a little, looking more than just a bit jealous that Ava was getting more attention than she was. However, she was able to keep her childish impulses at bay, and put on a smile, trying to catch Ephemera as he parted from Ava for the moment.

"So! What are we doing?" She asked excitedly.

It was hard to tell if she had even paid attention to the meeting, but she was clearly excited to do... Something with Ephemera, likely cleanup duty or missions though since she didn't feel like talking to the Foretellers hanging around just yet.

Unfortunately, in her moment of childishness, she sort of lost track of where her friend Stella went, but oh well... This was usually how they parted anyways, they'll probably run into each other again, right?​
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The Foretellers - Daybreak Town Fountain - The Keyblade Wielders
After Master Gula had spread the word about the meeting which was to take place by Daybreak Town Fountain, the other foretellers followed after their fellow master and approached the fountain--quietly discussing their plans among each other for a moment. Most of the foretellers stood around the fountain while their representative speaker, Master Ira, eventually stood atop the fountain to draw the most attention on himself. He waited until he was certain everyone had arrived before drawing his keyblade and rapping the side of the fountain to quiet down the crowd.

"Attention, keyblade wielders!" Master Ira began, his deep voice ringing out loudly into the crowd. "Attention!" he would cry again, wanting to make very certain he had the full attention of the group before he began to speak. Once the volume of the crowd would lower to a dull roar, he finally began the meeting. "If any of you missed it this morning, our weekly Ranking Parade was interrupted by a heartless attack."

Biting her tongue, Master Inivi would struggle not to speak up again. While Master Ira had mentioned the heartless attack, he had failed to mention how Inivi had spoken out and opening accused the Vulpes Union of cheating to boost their scores. Why else were they always on top of the rankings board?

Master Ira continued, "First off, I want to thank all of you for aiding in the unexpected battle that took place here today. I noticed quite a bit of effort and teamwork among all of the Unions, so I am very proud of you all. Second, I would like to say that if any of you were injured and are not well versed enough in magic to heal yourselves you can see me after this meeting and I will heal you. Unfortunately we will not be rescheduling the Parade. We will wait until next week to have another one as usual."

"The next thing I would like to address is the current state of our town. After the battle Daybreak Town is in need of many repairs. This is why I am going to ask that instead of doing missions today, some of you stay in town to help take care of repairs. This is what most of the foretellers, including myself, will be doing. If you would like to aide in repairs, please see Master Aced for further instructions. If you choose not to stay in town you may check the missions posting board by the fountain and choose a mission so that you can go out to collect lux for the Unions."

The Master would pause before adding,"Lastly, if you have any information regarding the heartless attack please speak with a Foreteller about it. We will be investigating this attack ourselves to find out the cause, so anything you can provide will be most useful."

Boldly speaking up, Ephemera would call out, stepping forward. "Is that really it? What about the accusations Master Inivi made earlier? Aren't we going to talk about that?"

"Another meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss what Master Inivi had to say. For the time being, let us only focus on taking care of the town, gathering lux, and discovering the cause of the heartless attack. Dismissed."

After the meeting was over, the voices of everyone in the crowd became loud and melded together. Master Gula, who had been speaking to everyone, immediately approached Ephemera. "You best respect your masters. I think today you should stay in town to aid with repairs. I'd like to keep an eye on you," he said before walking away.

Sheepishly, Ephemera rubbed the back of his head, deciding to sneak over and pick on Master Ava regardless of Gula's warning. "Soooo got anything you want to admit? It was awfully suspicious that a hoard of heartless attacked right after Master Inivi made those accusations. Are you a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater?" he questioned, holding back a laugh.

Ava puffed her cheeks out and reached forward to flick Ephemera on the forehead. "I think you need to get to work, errand boy," she teased back, shaking her head at his antics.

Speak with Master Gula to be healed.

Speak with Master Aced to aide in town repairs.

Check the Mission Postings Board for a mission to obtain lux for the unions

Speak with Master Ava, Master Inivi, or any of the other Foretellers.

@chaosheart13 @Astaroth @Mizos @Lissamel @Minerva @Bomb @york @Arcadium @Ringmaster @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @ShiroKiyoshi @DustBunny @Atomyk @Mason Moretti
Mason - Daybreak Town - Missions Board

As the majority of Keyblade Wielders were busy holding the weekly parade and fighting off the hordes of darkness, Mason was at home, sleeping soundly. His dreams were filled with pleasantness and light, with no worries entering his mind except for what to eat first at his imaginary banquet. However, his pleasant dream was interrupted by the annoyance of sunbeams striking his face from through the window. With a level of drowsiness still clinging to his mind, Mason awoke and gave a stretch and a yawn.

"Gee, I sure slept well," Mason said, taking a look towards his small bedside table for his alarm clock. Unfortunately, a very tired Mason had forgotten to set his alarm clock the night previous, and the current time showed how late in the day it was.

"Oh no! I'm late for the parade again! Ava's gonna kill me," he exclaimed with much worry in his voice. He leaped out of bed and towards his closet. He didn't have much time to prepare this morning, so he left his hair in its usual messy state and pulled the first thing he could find that matched out of his closet.
He looked like this.

As he rushed his way towards the door, he asked, "Chirithy, why didn't you wake me up in time?" However, there unfortunately was not a Chirithy within his house to be found. "Where did Chirithy go?" he wondered, but only for a short amount of time, as his young mind felt the need to impress the leader of his Union much more than worry about a creature that proved itself very resilient and would most likely pop up again sooner or later.

As he exited his home, Mason met a view of the damage caused by the Heartless attack. He summoned his trusty Starlight Keyblade to his hand in case any danger remained as he made his way towards the Mission Postings Board to check for opportunities to obtain Lux. Even though he was sure Vulpes had made its way to the top of the leaderboards once again, he felt that his absence could only be excused with more hard work at gathering Lux.

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Master Inivi/Sleepy - Daybreak Town Fountain / Missions Board - Mason/Ophelia
Those heading to check out the daily missions would see a very frustrated looking Master Inivi standing nearby. She wanted to stay something at first when Kiso spoke up to her, but was almost grateful that she wasn't able to reply. It wasn't as if she regretted what she said earlier, but it wasn't as if she wanted to say anything else to create more drama either. They needed to focus on repairing the town first.

"A few jobs have been taken already, but there is one left," Master Inivi would say, glancing to Mason and Ophelia as they approached. "Find and track down a large flying heartless at the Dwarven Woodlands. You should know it when you see it. I hear it's been attacking residents of that world." She folded her arms, letting out a sigh when a Chirithy would approach, dragging her keyblade wielder by the ear as it floated in front of her.

"C'mon, Sleepy! You're going on a mission today! I'm not just going to let your lazy butt stay in town and find a place to sleep. Nope! You're going to do work! And hear that? It's at the Dwarven Woodlands too. Maybe you'll get to see your family."

Sleepy groaned, waving her arms frantically. "I-I'd much rather stay here and rest! I'm really tired after that big battle!"

"Oh, PUH-LEASE! You didn't do anything during that battle! You're going to work!"

The Chirithy glanced at Ophelia and Mason, sighing. "Could you please take my keyblade wielder with you on that mission? And make sure she works! I can't be the one to babysit her all the time!" she complained.
@Mason Moretti @chaosheart13 @Missions

Master Aced - Daybreak Town Fountain - King/Kiso/Yavis/Stella
The strong, stoic Master Aced glanced to King, the first one who would arrive to see him, before looking toward the others. "Are you a responsible sort of pers--" The man cut himself off, surprised when sly man would speak to him without a proper title. "Perhaps not," he added after the man spoke. He needed someone to keep an eye on Ephemera--who also seemed to be misbehaving lately--while they helped clean up the town.

"Anyhow, if the lot of you would like to help out, feel free to start work around here. The fountain should probably be fixed first so that it doesn't flood the streets. Follow me and I'll show you where we can find some materials," he told them, gesturing to a door right behind the fountain. He waited for King, Kiso, Yavis, and Stella to follow him before heading in that direction.
@Ringmaster @Mizos @york @TownRepairs

Master Ava/Ephemera - Daybreak Town Fountain - Skuld/Alan
Before Ephemera could say anything back to Ava, the two would glance at Alan as he approached. "Oh yeah, wise guy? Well, you have no proof it wasn't a coincidence either," the white haired male protested, folding his arms. "Isn't it awful convenient that a hoard of heartless just so happened to attack the town right after Master Inivi tried to speak up? I think it's fishy if you ask me."

"Oh, please, Ephemera!" Ava snapped, shaking her head again as she looked at him. "How much longer are going to go on about this?" she questioned, actually seeming a bit upset by his accusations.

"Until I find answers, of course," he replied back. "There's an explanation to everything. I'm sure there's one for this too."

"I really can't believe you," Ava said, turning away from him. "We've always been friends, but you really don't trust me?"

A moment of hesitation from Ephemera was more than enough to give Ava her answer. She then pushed past him and began to walk away.

I wonder if he would trust me if I was the leader of his Union? This is why I don't care for our Union system. It always leaves a gap between all of us, even if we're friends...

After Ava began to walk, Ephemera glanced to Skuld, a frown on his face. He glanced at the ground, letting out an unhappy sigh. "Well, I think I'm staying in town to help with repairs because Master Ira said I had to. You could come with me if you want. Unless you're mad at me too, like how Master Ava and the others probably are..."
Kiso and Yavis-King-Master Aced-Stella​

Kiso leaned back at the spin of King and stared at the man, he wasn't sure what to really take from his smile but he looked at the card handed to him eyeing the rectangular wonder for a moment. He wasn't used to such introductions so he responded with silence at first turning the card upside down and looking at the back a few times. After a few minutes of this he stuck the card in his sleeve giving a small nod at Vance before looking over at Yavis who was floating next to his head.
"He has a card...Yavis...we should get a card," Kiso said.
"You wouldn't be able to keep up with them." Yavis said shaking his head.
"....it's fancy though."
Yavis sighed and shook his head giving a small nod to Vance as Kiso brought a hand to his chin lost in his own world.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance King Vance, this is Kiso and my name is Yavis."
"...what is Voodoo?"

"Well I'm not an expert...and you should ask Vance that...since it's on his card but there is a world somewhere that-"
"Oh look someone's here," Kiso said.

Yavis reached his nubs towards Kiso unable to properly express the rage that flared for a moment as he turned to look at Stella who approached apparently wanting to help as well.
Kiso stared at the timid woman for a moment glancing back at Vance for a moment before looking back at Stella.
"....Do you have a card too?" Kiso asked. "...Is it fancier than King's?"
Yavis started to yell at Kiso on his rudeness when Master Aced spoke drawing the attention of the two, Kiso glanced over at the fountain staring at it's broken form, he rubbed the back of his head as he walked after Master Aced before crossing his arms over his chest. At the very least he wouldn't be doing all of this alone, he didn't have any real plans minus going to train, and a part of him was hoping he'd figure out what happened here if he stayed around.
"Well if we're going to work together let's get to know each other. Vance greetings again, Kiso be social introduce yourself to the young lady."
"....maybe Kiso card holder."

"Why do you focus on the wrong things? Stop focusing on the card, there are people here, people, living.things."

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Master Aced - Daybreak Town Fountain - King/Kiso/Yavis/Stella
The strong, stoic Master Aced glanced to King, the first one who would arrive to see him, before looking toward the others. "Are you a responsible sort of pers--" The man cut himself off, surprised when sly man would speak to him without a proper title. "Perhaps not," he added after the man spoke. He needed someone to keep an eye on Ephemera--who also seemed to be misbehaving lately--while they helped clean up the town.

"Anyhow, if the lot of you would like to help out, feel free to start work around here. The fountain should probably be fixed first so that it doesn't flood the streets. Follow me and I'll show you where we can find some materials," he told them, gesturing to a door right behind the fountain. He waited for King, Kiso, Yavis, and Stella to follow him before heading in that direction.
@Ringmaster @Mizos @york @TownRepairs

Master Ava/Ephemera - Daybreak Town Fountain - Skuld/Alan
Before Ephemera could say anything back to Ava, the two would glance at Alan as he approached. "Oh yeah, wise guy? Well, you have no proof it wasn't a coincidence either," the white haired male protested, folding his arms. "Isn't it awful convenient that a hoard of heartless just so happened to attack the town right after Master Inivi tried to speak up? I think it's fishy if you ask me."

"Oh, please, Ephemera!" Ava snapped, shaking her head again as she looked at him. "How much longer are going to go on about this?" she questioned, actually seeming a bit upset by his accusations.

"Until I find answers, of course," he replied back. "There's an explanation to everything. I'm sure there's one for this too."

"I really can't believe you," Ava said, turning away from him. "We've always been friends, but you really don't trust me?"

A moment of hesitation from Ephemera was more than enough to give Ava her answer. She then pushed past him and began to walk away.

I wonder if he would trust me if I was the leader of his Union? This is why I don't care for our Union system. It always leaves a gap between all of us, even if we're friends...

After Ava began to walk, Ephemera glanced to Skuld, a frown on his face. He glanced at the ground, letting out an unhappy sigh. "Well, I think I'm staying in town to help with repairs because Master Ira said I had to. You could come with me if you want. Unless you're mad at me too, like how Master Ava and the others probably are..."
Kiso and Yavis-King-Master Aced-Stella​

Kiso leaned back at the spin of King and stared at the man, he wasn't sure what to really take from his smile but he looked at the card handed to him eyeing the rectangular wonder for a moment. He wasn't used to such introductions so he responded with silence at first turning the card upside down and looking at the back a few times. After a few minutes of this he stuck the card in his sleeve giving a small nod at Vance before looking over at Yavis who was floating next to his head.
"He has a card...Yavis...we should get a card," Kiso said.
"You wouldn't be able to keep up with them." Yavis said shaking his head.
"....it's fancy though."
Yavis sighed and shook his head giving a small nod to Vance as Kiso brought a hand to his chin lost in his own world.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance King Vance, this is Kiso and my name is Yavis."
"...what is Voodoo?"

"Well I'm not an expert...and you should ask Vance that...since it's on his card but there is a world somewhere that-"
"Oh look someone's here," Kiso said.

Yavis reached his nubs towards Kiso unable to properly express the rage that flared for a moment as he turned to look at Stella who approached apparently wanting to help as well.
Kiso stared at the timid woman for a moment glancing back at Vance for a moment before looking back at Stella.
"....Do you have a card too?" Kiso asked. "...Is it fancier than King's?"
Yavis started to yell at Kiso on his rudeness when Master Aced spoke drawing the attention of the two, Kiso glanced over at the fountain staring at it's broken form, he rubbed the back of his head as he walked after Master Aced before crossing his arms over his chest. At the very least he wouldn't be doing all of this alone, he didn't have any real plans minus going to train, and a part of him was hoping he'd figure out what happened here if he stayed around.
"Well if we're going to work together let's get to know each other. Vance greetings again, Kiso be social introduce yourself to the young lady."
"....maybe Kiso card holder."

"Why do you focus on the wrong things? Stop focusing on the card, there are people here, people, living.things."
Stella Cross - Daybreak Town Fountain - King/Kiso/Yavis/Master Aced

@Mizos @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ringmaster
@People Helping With Town Repairs

Stella nodded, giving the fountain a few sideways glances, if they had the materials on hand, she might be able to freeze up the water to make the cleanup process easier. Though, she wasn't quite looking forward to picking up ice chunks if it came to that; that burning feeling in her hands after she handles things like that just didn't quite sit well with her. As her chirithy floated quietly behind her, she prepared to follow Aced, as he would lead them to where the materials were to fix the fountain.

However, she stopped abruptly hearing a familiar voice, though, turning around, she noticed there was someone else with Yavis this time, someone called Kiso.

"H-Hello... I'm Stella... Cross. It's... A pleasure to meet you..." She said, trying to manage a polite curtsy, or was that a bow? Hard to tell which one she was attempting to do.

Since she was trying to sound as formal as possible, in an effort to make a good impression on those who she hadn't really met yet in the group (well, really, she hadn't interacted with nearly anyone in this group a while lot till today, so this was a pretty big leap in her usual habbits to begin with), Stella ended up pausing every now and then, just to make sure what she said sounded right.

A few quick words from her Chirithy though quickly reminded Stella of the task they had at hand, so she decided to speak up, just a little more.

"Um... We should follow Master Aced's lead... But... We can... Talk on the way...!" Though she didn't quite manage to sound enthusiastic about this, it was clear she was at least making an effort to.

Never the less, it seemed that her sense of duty already prompted her to follow Master Aced's lead, but she tried to keep her pace this time, so she wouldn't accidentally leave everyone behind, or something.

Skulld - Daybreak Town Fountain - Alan/Ephemera/Master Ava?
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb

Skulld seemed to grow a little more concerned seeing Ava's attitude when Ephemera started to bring up questions like that... Though she had to admit he might have pushed the matter a little toofar, that jealous look faded, replaced by a more concerned one for a brief moment.

However, as Ephemera looked her way, Skulld suddenly brightened up, trying to maintain her exciteable attitude, it wasn't long after he spoke that she ended up latching onto Ephemera's arm almost playfully, despite her Chirithy's futile objections.

"Of course I'm not mad at you! I bet everyone's just going through some phase... They'll get over it!" She said, trying her best to console her friend.

When even Ephemera's chipper mood started to falter, Skulld usually had a feeling something was up, and... Naturally, tried her best to fix it, somehow.

"Oh! And I'd be happy to come with you, we can... Get an early start!" She added, after a small nudge from her Chirithy.

Welp, looks like she and Stella had a few more things in common than she might dare to admit.
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Skulld - Daybreak Town Plaza - Alan/Ephemera/Master Ava?
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb

Skulld seemed to grow a little more concerned seeing Ava's attitude when Ephemera started to bring up questions like that... Though she had to admit he might have pushed the matter a little toofar, that jealous look faded, replaced by a more concerned one for a brief moment.

However, as Ephemera looked her way, Skulld suddenly brightened up, trying to maintain her exciteable attitude, it wasn't long after he spoke that she ended up latching onto Ephemera's arm almost playfully, despite her Chirithy's futile objections.

"Of course I'm not mad at you! I bet everyone's just going through some phase... They'll get over it!" She said, trying her best to console her friend.

When even Ephemera's chipper mood started to falter, Skulld usually had a feeling something was up, and... Naturally, tried her best to fix it, somehow.

"Oh! And I'd be happy to come with you, we can... Get an early start!" She added, after a small nudge from her Chirithy.

Welp, looks like she and Stella had a few more things in common than she might dare to admit.
Master Ava/Ephemera - Daybreak Town Fountain - Skuld/Alan
"Maybe," Ephemera replied half-heartedly to his friend when she would call everyone's thoughts to be a phase. "What do you think about this whole thing?" He asked her, unable to help but smile at least a little while she would latch onto his arm. "Do you think someone could be up to something sneaky? I just can't help but have this strange feeling lately that something is going to happen," he said, quieting when he would see Master Ava actually turn to come back and speak with him.

"Why don't you three come with me for town repairs," Ava said, either not having heard what Ephemera asked Skuld or just choosing to ignore it this time. "There's a very angry moogle shop owner that wants you to help him clean up a mess."

Ephemera smiled sheepishly. "Darn, I was hoping that shop owner would forget about us trampling around in there..."

Ava simple shook her head. "So reckless..."
Master Ava/Ephemera - Daybreak Town Fountain - Skuld/Alan
"Maybe," Ephemera replied half-heartedly to his friend when she would call everyone's thoughts to be a phase. "What do you think about this whole thing?" He asked her, unable to help but smile at least a little while she would latch onto his arm. "Do you think someone could be up to something sneaky? I just can't help but have this strange feeling lately that something is going to happen," he said, quieting when he would see Master Ava actually turn to come back and speak with him.

"Why don't you three come with me for town repairs," Ava said, either not having heard what Ephemera asked Skuld or just choosing to ignore it this time. "There's a very angry moogle shop owner that wants you to help him clean up a mess."

Ephemera smiled sheepishly. "Darn, I was hoping that shop owner would forget about us trampling around in there..."

Ava simple shook her head. "So reckless..."
Alan - Fountain - Skuld/Ava

"Aight. Got nothing else to do here." Alan said as he followed Ava. "Anyways, I was thinking there's someone else involved. A sudden Heartless attack isn't always normal."

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Master Ava/Ephemera - Daybreak Town Fountain - Skuld/Alan
"Maybe," Ephemera replied half-heartedly to his friend when she would call everyone's thoughts to be a phase. "What do you think about this whole thing?" He asked her, unable to help but smile at least a little while she would latch onto his arm. "Do you think someone could be up to something sneaky? I just can't help but have this strange feeling lately that something is going to happen," he said, quieting when he would see Master Ava actually turn to come back and speak with him.

"Why don't you three come with me for town repairs," Ava said, either not having heard what Ephemera asked Skuld or just choosing to ignore it this time. "There's a very angry moogle shop owner that wants you to help him clean up a mess."

Ephemera smiled sheepishly. "Darn, I was hoping that shop owner would forget about us trampling around in there..."

Ava simple shook her head. "So reckless..."
Alan - Fountain - Skuld/Ava

"Aight. Got nothing else to do here." Alan said as he followed Ava. "Anyways, I was thinking there's someone else involved. A sudden Heartless attack isn't always normal."

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Skulld - Daybreak Town Fountain - Master Ava/Ephemera/Alan
@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Others?

Skulld paused to think about this, with her Chirithy hovering silently in the background, unlike Stella, she hadn't been thinking too hard on the matter. However, it seemed that Stella was far from the only one who had the idea that the Heartless attack wasn't just a mere coincidence.

"Someone could have been... Heartless are attracted by negative emotions, but, it's weird that they all found us, in the square, without anyone else noticing first!" She said, then sort of fell silent as Ava popped by suddenly, sheepishly detatching herself from Ephemera's arm.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Master Ava or anything, just that her sudden appearance had caught her by surprise. However, when she brought up the Moogle Shop they had trashed as they barged through to get to a good vantage point to fight the heartless, Skulld did realize that they did sorta owe it to the shop owner.
(Well, minus Stella actually, she had taken extra precautions to avoid messing anything up more than it had been already when the others in her group barged in.)

At any rate, her Chirithy was quick to tug on her sleeve, clearly wanting to make amends for their actions earlier, and so, Skulld nodded a little.

"Well, I guess I do still owe him an apology... Heh..." Skulld said, now that her actions had sort of caught up to her, she couldn't help but feel a bit embarassed.

In either case, despite her Chirithy's protests, she decided to wait for Ephemera before following Ava's lead to the moogle shop in question.​
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Master Inivi/Sleepy - Daybreak Town Fountain / Missions Board - Mason/Ophelia
Those heading to check out the daily missions would see a very frustrated looking Master Inivi standing nearby. She wanted to stay something at first when Kiso spoke up to her, but was almost grateful that she wasn't able to reply. It wasn't as if she regretted what she said earlier, but it wasn't as if she wanted to say anything else to create more drama either. They needed to focus on repairing the town first.

"A few jobs have been taken already, but there is one left," Master Inivi would say, glancing to Mason and Ophelia as they approached. "Find and track down a large flying heartless at the Dwarven Woodlands. You should know it when you see it. I hear it's been attacking residents of that world." She folded her arms, letting out a sigh when a Chirithy would approach, dragging her keyblade wielder by the ear as it floated in front of her.

"C'mon, Sleepy! You're going on a mission today! I'm not just going to let your lazy butt stay in town and find a place to sleep. Nope! You're going to do work! And hear that? It's at the Dwarven Woodlands too. Maybe you'll get to see your family."

Sleepy groaned, waving her arms frantically. "I-I'd much rather stay here and rest! I'm really tired after that big battle!"

"Oh, PUH-LEASE! You didn't do anything during that battle! You're going to work!"

The Chirithy glanced at Ophelia and Mason, sighing. "Could you please take my keyblade wielder with you on that mission? And make sure she works! I can't be the one to babysit her all the time!" she complained.
@Mason Moretti @chaosheart13 @Missions

Master Aced - Daybreak Town Fountain - King/Kiso/Yavis/Stella
The strong, stoic Master Aced glanced to King, the first one who would arrive to see him, before looking toward the others. "Are you a responsible sort of pers--" The man cut himself off, surprised when sly man would speak to him without a proper title. "Perhaps not," he added after the man spoke. He needed someone to keep an eye on Ephemera--who also seemed to be misbehaving lately--while they helped clean up the town.

"Anyhow, if the lot of you would like to help out, feel free to start work around here. The fountain should probably be fixed first so that it doesn't flood the streets. Follow me and I'll show you where we can find some materials," he told them, gesturing to a door right behind the fountain. He waited for King, Kiso, Yavis, and Stella to follow him before heading in that direction.
@Ringmaster @Mizos @york @TownRepairs

Master Ava/Ephemera - Daybreak Town Fountain - Skuld/Alan
Before Ephemera could say anything back to Ava, the two would glance at Alan as he approached. "Oh yeah, wise guy? Well, you have no proof it wasn't a coincidence either," the white haired male protested, folding his arms. "Isn't it awful convenient that a hoard of heartless just so happened to attack the town right after Master Inivi tried to speak up? I think it's fishy if you ask me."

"Oh, please, Ephemera!" Ava snapped, shaking her head again as she looked at him. "How much longer are going to go on about this?" she questioned, actually seeming a bit upset by his accusations.

"Until I find answers, of course," he replied back. "There's an explanation to everything. I'm sure there's one for this too."

"I really can't believe you," Ava said, turning away from him. "We've always been friends, but you really don't trust me?"

A moment of hesitation from Ephemera was more than enough to give Ava her answer. She then pushed past him and began to walk away.

I wonder if he would trust me if I was the leader of his Union? This is why I don't care for our Union system. It always leaves a gap between all of us, even if we're friends...

After Ava began to walk, Ephemera glanced to Skuld, a frown on his face. He glanced at the ground, letting out an unhappy sigh. "Well, I think I'm staying in town to help with repairs because Master Ira said I had to. You could come with me if you want. Unless you're mad at me too, like how Master Ava and the others probably are..."

Mason - Daybreak Town - Mission Board - Master Inivi/Sleepy/Ophelia

Mason did a quick, small salute to Master Inivi. "Got it. We'll get right to it," he said, bursting with excitement.

Hearing Sleepy's Chirithy's request, Mason replied,
"Sure! The more, the merrier! Especially with other Vulpes friends. Come on, Sleepy! We have some Heartless to fight and Lux to collect! We can't let anyone take away our Union's number one spot!"

Mason took Sleepy's hand in his left and summoned Starlight in his right. A beam of light shot out from the tip of his Keyblade to form a glowing portal in front of them.

Before stepping through, he turned to Ophelia and said,
"Want to have a little friendly competition? You're from Ursus, right? What do you say we see which of us can get more Lux in this mission? Sleepy and I, or you? Loser buys the winners dinner," with his face beaming overconfidence.

Not wasting time on waiting for a response, he said,
"We can talk more on the other side," and tried to pull Sleepy through the portal to Dwarf Woodlands.
@chaosheart13 @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti
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