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"Sorry, ah..." Makiko tilted her head slightly, wondering if she'd bonked her head ages and every moment after then hadn't been some feverish nightmare. "I admit I'm not feeling too well. Can we move this along?"

Anything to get herself moving. Maybe her thoughts would start to make sense.

@The Silver Paladin @CCC Kouhai @The Great Detective
For some reason, Bailey felt a bit of unease upon seeing the kitsune woman. Nevertheless, she continued to follow the group, not seeming to say a word.

@The Silver Paladin @CCC Kouhai @Atomyk @york

The Kitsune bowed. "Ah, Miss Haneyama. I didn't realize you were among the company."

She then led them to another elevator, past Bailey's desk. The elevator went up a few floors. It finally opened in another pristine white room. Instead of the hum of servers, people on this floor stood over tables lined with test tubes, and boxes. People in Lab Coats and HAZMAT suits ran around the room.

In one side of the room, was a Freezer. It was a Walk-in, as people came in and out of it. One hallway led to A series of Operating Rooms, and finally, a bunch of Crates sat on a desk.

The Kitsune went to talk to a scientist in one corner, and Kim wouldn't be ready for a few minutes, so you could look around.

Talk to the Kitsune, Explore the ORs, Look at the Crates, or Go to the Freezer?

@Atomyk @york @CCC Kouhai @The Great Detective
Miles rolled his eyes. 'Wow, my hair is a mess.' he said sarcastically, sitting up in the Fountain. 'Alright, you got me. Take me to your leaders.' He said, in a sing-song voice, raising his hands, mockingly. 'Bee-Tee-Dubs, I love the Décor. Just on the right side of Snobbish. In all seriousness, don't try and kill me.'
@The Silver Paladin

The people didn't find it very entertaining. The receptionist pointed to an elevator labelled Mall

"Miss Adler is at the other end of the Arcology. You'll have to go through there to meet her." She said a bit testily. "Now, please leave before I call security."

Go to the mall?
The people didn't find it very entertaining. The receptionist pointed to an elevator labelled Mall

"Miss Adler is at the other end of the Arcology. You'll have to go through there to meet her." She said a bit testily. "Now, please leave before I call security."

Go to the mall?
'Adler? Like from Sherlock Holmes?' said Miles, hurrying up towards the Mall. 'I assume that I'll know her when I see her, or do I have anything else to go on?'' He called back. Well, at least lies and comedy pratfalls seemed to get results. So far. Miles was good at trying 2 things: trying to get what he wanted, and trying other peoples' patience.
But why would the person he was looking for be in the mall? What would be the point of that?
@The Silver Paladin
'Adler? Like from Sherlock Holmes?' said Miles, hurrying up towards the Mall. 'I assume that I'll know her when I see her, or do I have anything else to go on?'' He called back. Well, at least lies and comedy pratfalls seemed to get results. So far. Miles was good at trying 2 things: trying to get what he wanted, and trying other peoples' patience.
But why would the person he was looking for be in the mall? What would be the point of that?
@The Silver Paladin

"You don't even know a World Leader? Have you been living in a rock? Miss Annaliesia Adler leads the Fourth Largest Megacorporation." The woman scorned. "Everyone knows who she is."

((This information was not explained, it's just sort of extra info.))

Here's some information about Unitas:

They're a company based around people. That's why they invented the Arcology. An Arcology is a self sustaining city within a building. Unitas developed the first successful one in Berlin in 2034, and various companies have since been establishing them everywhere. The first several floors are usually a mall open to the public, much like this one. Usually followed by the Arcology itself, and at the top, corporate offices and Arcology Overseer offices. Most Arcologies have been fairly successful, except for one five years ago that went on Lockdown due to the Security Systems developing an AI of sorts, and locking people in.
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"... Y-Yeah, we are."

Throat clearing of confidence boosting activated.


"I mean, yes. We are!"


"Where do we start?"

@Kaykay @Jeremi
How convincing. In the meantime, Karin just took off running before he even gave them any directions.

"Head to the main elevator. Someone should be meeting up with you there. Oh, and one last thing. The CEO there's a bit messed up. Took over the company when he was really young, so he's a little...troubled in the head."

Karin turned around. "What, so you want us to save him or something?"

"Ah, forget it. They really sendin' kids like you to take down the company...?" he sighed as he lit up a cigarette.

"Send- you're not coming with us?"

"Why would I? I'm just a policeman, and I'm going to stay at my post. That's my job."

"Are you a chicken, or something? You're just gonna let a bunch of girls go and do all the fighting for you, huh?"

"Speaking of which, how do you guys, er, girls plan to-"

"ARE YOU?!" She grabbed him by the collar and began dragging Goto along, the cop dropping his cigarette.

"Just my luck..."

As they presumably went to the main elevator, they'd find someone else there.


Familiar faces all around, huh?

@Verite @Jeremi
How convincing. In the meantime, Karin just took off running before he even gave them any directions.

"Head to the main elevator. Someone should be meeting up with you there. Oh, and one last thing. The CEO there's a bit messed up. Took over the company when he was really young, so he's a little...troubled in the head."

Karin turned around. "What, so you want us to save him or something?"

"Ah, forget it. They really sendin' kids like you to take down the company...?" he sighed as he lit up a cigarette.

"Send- you're not coming with us?"

"Why would I? I'm just a policeman, and I'm going to stay at my post. That's my job."

"Are you a chicken, or something? You're just gonna let a bunch of girls go and do all the fighting for you, huh?"

"Speaking of which, how do you guys, er, girls plan to-"

"ARE YOU?!" She grabbed him by the collar and began dragging Goto along, the cop dropping his cigarette.

"Just my luck..."

As they presumably went to the main elevator, they'd find someone else there.


Familiar faces all around, huh?

@Verite @Jeremi

"H-HEY! Don't be such a pus-!" Oh Goto got dragged along. "Well I guess that's better. Don't expect us to do all the shitty work for someone like you okay?" She was suddenly rather assertive...wonder what was up with her?

@Verite @Kaykay
"You don't even know a World Leader? Have you been living in a rock? Miss Annaliesia Adler leads the Fourth Largest Megacorporation." The woman scorned. "Everyone knows who she is."

((This information was not explained, it's just sort of extra info.))

Here's some information about Unitas:

They're a company based around people. That's why they invented the Arcology. An Arcology is a self sustaining city within a building. Unitas developed the first successful one in Berlin in 2034, and various companies have since been establishing them everywhere. The first several floors are usually a mall open to the public, much like this one. Usually followed by the Arcology itself, and at the top, corporate offices and Arcology Overseer offices. Most Arcologies have been fairly successful, except for one five years ago that went on Lockdown due to the Security Systems developing an AI of sorts, and locking people in.
Miles rolled his eyes. 'Let's just say I've been out of the loop for a while. More than a while.' he said, as he walked towards the Mall.
Well, that technically wasn't a lie. Heck, Miles hadn't even owned a TV in years. He only got news from the Radio, if anything. That's what a lifetime of being on the run with the Clowns had reduced him to. Still, Miles disregarded the thought. Ever since the crash and the loss of his beloved Cycle, the Clowns had hardly backed him up.

Then again, Miles had thought for more than a while now, that Joker would one day end up pushing him beneath Kaneda's wheels. Plus he'd been on his own for a while now. Not that he minded. As far as he knew, he was the only one who cared about him. His parents long since dead, his uncle deadbeat (and dead to him), Miles was used to being alone. But the thought that he was the only one who'd chosen to investigate Unidas filled him with dread. Perhaps the place was a bit more...difficult to raid than the others...
@The Silver Paladin
Jurikono, however, was not so good at hiding his emotions, his face pouring with sweat. "Um...yes! We're here to ..." Hmmm...people, form experience, don't usually like having their stuff stolen...beat rephrase it all...."Ask you to give us your eggs...and if you don't want to...that's cool...but I think my friend here isn't going to take no for an answer... So yeah...please play nicely?"
Ekaterina leaned back in his chair, and smiled at Meiko. 'Well, I'm confused why some...small fry like you would take such an interest in a Weapons Manufacturer. What would you hope to achieve? If you're after blueprints, or designs, or weaponry, there's a snowball's chance in hell of you leaving this building alive.
That said, I admire your tenacity young lady. That said-'

He clicked his fingers.
'Captain Murdock? The idiot.'
Truly, he was the Wolf. Despite his well-mannered shell, the eyes of a hunter glanced over to Jurikono. As far as he was concerned, Jurikono seemed to be the weakest of the herd. The twig of a man was quite frankly shaking like a leaf!Murdock cocked his gun towards Jurikono.
Nothing personal, boy, it's just that time's money, and your friend's a bit tougher than you. So, why are you here? You don't exactly look like a Capsule.'
@Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mari
Ekaterina leaned back in his chair, and smiled at Meiko. 'Well, I'm confused why some...small fry like you would take such an interest in a Weapons Manufacturer. What would you hope to achieve? If you're after blueprints, or designs, or weaponry, there's a snowball's chance in hell of you leaving this building alive.
That said, I admire your tenacity young lady. That said-'

He clicked his fingers.
'Captain Murdock? The idiot.'
Truly, he was the Wolf. Despite his well-mannered shell, the eyes of a hunter glanced over to Jurikono. As far as he was concerned, Jurikono seemed to be the weakest of the herd. The twig of a man was quite frankly shaking like a leaf!Murdock cocked his gun towards Jurikono.
Nothing personal, boy, it's just that time's money, and your friend's a bit tougher than you. So, why are you here? You don't exactly look like a Capsule.'
@Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian

Meiko smiled as she stood her ground. She said no more at this point, but felt herself a little concerned that her new friend was going to be pressured by this man. She looked towards Jurikono, and had to resist the urge to aid him. If she did that, he would likely lose face in her perception, and it would be seen as a sign of weakness... if she acted out on his behalf there was no question in her mind it would mean a much worse fate for Jurikono, and Meiko would feel responsible, as she was the one who recruited him into the Capsules, and got him into this situation that they were in. So she kept quiet, and kept her facial expressions to a minimum.

Be strong, she thought to herself. Be strong, Jurikono.

@Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian
The Kitsune woman bowed. "Ah, I'm sorry." She straightened her kimono, and ran her hand over her ears.. " I'm Sanda Katsumi." The girl seemed a bit jumpy. "So, I-I'm supposed to take you up to Dr Kim. We'll go up through the labs."

@Atomyk @CCC Kouhai @The Great Detective
For some reason, Bailey felt a bit of unease upon seeing the kitsune woman. Nevertheless, she continued to follow the group, not seeming to say a word.

@The Silver Paladin @CCC Kouhai @Atomyk @york
The Kitsune bowed. "Ah, Miss Haneyama. I didn't realize you were among the company."

She then led them to another elevator, past Bailey's desk. The elevator went up a few floors. It finally opened in another pristine white room. Instead of the hum of servers, people on this floor stood over tables lined with test tubes, and boxes. People in Lab Coats and HAZMAT suits ran around the room.

In one side of the room, was a Freezer. It was a Walk-in, as people came in and out of it. One hallway led to A series of Operating Rooms, and finally, a bunch of Crates sat on a desk.

The Kitsune went to talk to a scientist in one corner, and Kim wouldn't be ready for a few minutes, so you could look around.

Talk to the Kitsune, Explore the ORs, Look at the Crates, or Go to the Freezer?

@Atomyk @york @CCC Kouhai @The Great Detective
Hanako Mustoka
@Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @CCC Kouhai @The Great Detective

Hanako followed quietly, looking around at everything around him, it looked like they were in for a bit of a wait, seeing as Kim appeared to be taking a while to get ready... The Kitsune was cute, and well, friendly enough, though, he figured it might be better to look around a bit rather than talk with her for the time being... Frowning a little, he decided to look over the crates, seeing that they were the closest in proximity to him, and would arouse the least suspicion if he were to do this.

Miles rolled his eyes. 'Let's just say I've been out of the loop for a while. More than a while.' he said, as he walked towards the Mall.
Well, that technically wasn't a lie. Heck, Miles hadn't even owned a TV in years. He only got news from the Radio, if anything. That's what a lifetime of being on the run with the Clowns had reduced him to. Still, Miles disregarded the thought. Ever since the crash and the loss of his beloved Cycle, the Clowns had hardly backed him up.

Then again, Miles had thought for more than a while now, that Joker would one day end up pushing him beneath Kaneda's wheels. Plus he'd been on his own for a while now. Not that he minded. As far as he knew, he was the only one who cared about him. His parents long since dead, his uncle deadbeat (and dead to him), Miles was used to being alone. But the thought that he was the only one who'd chosen to investigate Unidas filled him with dread. Perhaps the place was a bit more...difficult to raid than the others...
@The Silver Paladin

You enter the mall through an elevator. The people on the floor he entered into returned to their business as he went up onto the Public Mall Floor.

On this floor, people crowded and pushed against each other. There was a clamor, as it was a crowded mall, servicing the 100,000 person Arcology above, as well as this part of the City. Most stores in it were Unitas owned, or independent. As Miles Reached an intersection, people moved various directions.

Left, Right, or forward?
Ekaterina leaned back in his chair, and smiled at Meiko. 'Well, I'm confused why some...small fry like you would take such an interest in a Weapons Manufacturer. What would you hope to achieve? If you're after blueprints, or designs, or weaponry, there's a snowball's chance in hell of you leaving this building alive.
That said, I admire your tenacity young lady. That said-'

He clicked his fingers.
'Captain Murdock? The idiot.'
Truly, he was the Wolf. Despite his well-mannered shell, the eyes of a hunter glanced over to Jurikono. As far as he was concerned, Jurikono seemed to be the weakest of the herd. The twig of a man was quite frankly shaking like a leaf!Murdock cocked his gun towards Jurikono.
Nothing personal, boy, it's just that time's money, and your friend's a bit tougher than you. So, why are you here? You don't exactly look like a Capsule.'
@Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian
Tony grunts, finally breaking the statuesque pose he'd been holding since his entrance into the office, finally unfolding his arms and stepping forward, his frame blocking Jurikono from view "And you've got about as much chance of leaving this office alive, I'll kill you, your guard and about half this building before I go down" he grins, slightly, almost cockily

"So go ahead, shoot, you'll know what you're up against when that dinky little forty five round bounces off my chest" he spreads his arms dramatically, allowing him to take the shot "Go on, you think you're the wolf, let me tell you something, big shot"

He smirks, planting his hands on the desk between them and leaning forwards toward Ekaterina "I'm a human" one could almost see the intensity and belief Tony held for his own words

"You have nasty fangs and claws? Guess what? I have a shotgun"

As if to emphasise his point, he lifts his hands from the desk, showing the imprints he'd made in the wood

"I'll bring this entire building down, with all of us in it, if you don't give me exactly what we came for"

"Sorry about the desk, but you're a big boy, you can pay to replace it, right?"

How much 'bad cop' had Tony played in his time on the force? A lot

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mari @Mighty Roman
The Kitsune bowed. "Ah, Miss Haneyama. I didn't realize you were among the company."

She then led them to another elevator, past Bailey's desk. The elevator went up a few floors. It finally opened in another pristine white room. Instead of the hum of servers, people on this floor stood over tables lined with test tubes, and boxes. People in Lab Coats and HAZMAT suits ran around the room.

In one side of the room, was a Freezer. It was a Walk-in, as people came in and out of it. One hallway led to A series of Operating Rooms, and finally, a bunch of Crates sat on a desk.

The Kitsune went to talk to a scientist in one corner, and Kim wouldn't be ready for a few minutes, so you could look around.

Talk to the Kitsune, Explore the ORs, Look at the Crates, or Go to the Freezer?

@Atomyk @york @CCC Kouhai @The Great Detective
Curious to see if things were... well, the same as usual, Bailey decided to explore the ORs for now.

@Atomyk @york @CCC Kouhai @The Silver Paladin
Tony grunts, finally breaking the statuesque pose he'd been holding since his entrance into the office, finally unfolding his arms and stepping forward, his frame blocking Jurikono from view "And you've got about as much chance of leaving this office alive, I'll kill you, your guard and about half this building before I go down" he grins, slightly, almost cockily

"So go ahead, shoot, you'll know what you're up against when that dinky little forty five round bounces off my chest" he spreads his arms dramatically, allowing him to take the shot "Go on, you think you're the wolf, let me tell you something, big shot"

He smirks, planting his hands on the desk between them and leaning forwards toward Ekaterina "I'm a human" one could almost see the intensity and belief Tony held for his own words

"You have nasty fangs and claws? Guess what? I have a shotgun"

As if to emphasise his point, he lifts his hands from the desk, showing the imprints he'd made in the wood

"I'll bring this entire building down, with all of us in it, if you don't give me exactly what we came for"

"Sorry about the desk, but you're a big boy, you can pay to replace it, right?"

How much 'bad cop' had Tony played in his time on the force? A lot

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mari @Mighty Roman
The moment the gun entered Jurikono's line of sight he froze. His heart stopped mid beat as he heard the clicking of metal. The blood in his face rushed to the surface as his balanced failed him.
"G-G-Gun! G-G-G-Gun!!! I-I-I-I Don't want to die!" The stumbled backwards, collapsing into a pile on the floor "I haven't done anything meaningful yet!!! Id be a waste of bullet!!!"

When his protector entered the scene, he scrambled at his feet, clinging to them for dear life, life an animal falling from a tree. Wether this guy acted as a meat shield or valid protector wasn't important; it made him feel slightly safer. "Thank you sir! T-T-Thank you!" He broke out into incompressible wimpering once more

@Mari @Mighty Roman
Mobile post
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Hanako Mustoka
@Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @CCC Kouhai @The Great Detective

Hanako followed quietly, looking around at everything around him, it looked like they were in for a bit of a wait, seeing as Kim appeared to be taking a while to get ready... The Kitsune was cute, and well, friendly enough, though, he figured it might be better to look around a bit rather than talk with her for the time being... Frowning a little, he decided to look over the crates, seeing that they were the closest in proximity to him, and would arouse the least suspicion if he were to do this.

Several shipping Locations were on the crate. Namely The UN Building, the Diet Building, and Several Hospitals in the area,

Inside the crates were vials labeled "Nullifying Agent" They were various colors, and had the Biohazard Symbol marked on them. Syringes were also nearby. It is unknown what the nullifying agent did.

Curious to see if things were... well, the same as usual, Bailey decided to explore the ORs for now.

@Atomyk @york @CCC Kouhai @The Silver Paladin

In the OR, there's doctors running between rooms. People sit behind glass doors marked "QUARANTINE" as doctors in HAZMAT suits enter. In several rooms, people are getting surgery to get cat ears or fox tails or whatever.

Kim stands at the end of the hallway clutching a clipboard, and chastising two American Doctors who are wearing CDC patches on their suits.

An OR appears to be open.

Talk to Kim, or enter the OR?
Several shipping Locations were on the crate. Namely The UN Building, the Diet Building, and Several Hospitals in the area,

Inside the crates were vials labeled "Nullifying Agent" They were various colors, and had the Biohazard Symbol marked on them. Syringes were also nearby. It is unknown what the nullifying agent did.

In the OR, there's doctors running between rooms. People sit behind glass doors marked "QUARANTINE" as doctors in HAZMAT suits enter. In several rooms, people are getting surgery to get cat ears or fox tails or whatever.

Kim stands at the end of the hallway clutching a clipboard, and chastising two American Doctors who are wearing CDC patches on their suits.

An OR appears to be open.

Talk to Kim, or enter the OR?
The feeling of tugging curiosity flooding Bailey's mind, she silently stepped into the open OR, pulling down her hood to cover her face as she did so.

@The Silver Paladin
How convincing. In the meantime, Karin just took off running before he even gave them any directions.

"Head to the main elevator. Someone should be meeting up with you there. Oh, and one last thing. The CEO there's a bit messed up. Took over the company when he was really young, so he's a little...troubled in the head."

Karin turned around. "What, so you want us to save him or something?"

"Ah, forget it. They really sendin' kids like you to take down the company...?" he sighed as he lit up a cigarette.

"Send- you're not coming with us?"

"Why would I? I'm just a policeman, and I'm going to stay at my post. That's my job."

"Are you a chicken, or something? You're just gonna let a bunch of girls go and do all the fighting for you, huh?"

"Speaking of which, how do you guys, er, girls plan to-"

"ARE YOU?!" She grabbed him by the collar and began dragging Goto along, the cop dropping his cigarette.

"Just my luck..."

As they presumably went to the main elevator, they'd find someone else there.


Familiar faces all around, huh?

@Verite @Jeremi
"H-HEY! Don't be such a pus-!" Oh Goto got dragged along. "Well I guess that's better. Don't expect us to do all the shitty work for someone like you okay?" She was suddenly rather assertive...wonder what was up with her?

@Verite @Kaykay
Kana puffed her cheeks a little at being called a kid. Sure, she was a little on the smaller side, but she at the very least still looked like the young lady she was, right? 24 wasn't that young either...

Well, then again, 5'4 isn't that tall.

Anyway, Kana could only very faintly remember the girl. Looked like a good old-fashioned reunion, huh? All around her were familiar faces, worn out faces.



"We're here to take down Shiawase."

@Jeremi @Kaykay
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Several shipping Locations were on the crate. Namely The UN Building, the Diet Building, and Several Hospitals in the area,

Inside the crates were vials labeled "Nullifying Agent" They were various colors, and had the Biohazard Symbol marked on them. Syringes were also nearby. It is unknown what the nullifying agent did.

In the OR, there's doctors running between rooms. People sit behind glass doors marked "QUARANTINE" as doctors in HAZMAT suits enter. In several rooms, people are getting surgery to get cat ears or fox tails or whatever.

Kim stands at the end of the hallway clutching a clipboard, and chastising two American Doctors who are wearing CDC patches on their suits.

An OR appears to be open.

Talk to Kim, or enter the OR?
Hanako Musoka
@The Silver Paladin @CCC Kouhai @Others

Hanako frowned, though, he quietly decided to grab a syringe, and, one vial of each color that he could find, he didn't want to take too much, as he'd be noticed... But he felt like it would be for the best to figure out exactly what this stuff might be; they should have some good tools back at home, but, he needed to make sure to travel light; carrying too many would cause them to make noise. He tucked the items he took into the pockets lining the inside of his rather formal shirt, carefully dusting himself off and standing up... It looks like these vials were most likely medicinal fluids, but... Why would such fluids have biohazard labels on them? With a shrug, he carefully resumed his previous position, and waited until KIm arrived before he attempted to talk to Kim, trying to keep his cool "So... Kim, what's up with the animal parts?" he asked, cocking his head a little... He looked puzzled really about this whole thing; he knew anime was quite popular, buuut, he wasn't too sure this sort of thing is... Usually what fans of anime species would do.
Kana puffed her cheeks a little at being called a kid. Sure, she was a little on the smaller side, but she at the very least still looked like the young lady she was, right? 24 wasn't that young either...

Well, then again, 5'4 isn't that tall.

Anyway, Kana could only very faintly remember the girl. Looked like a good old-fashioned reunion, huh? All around her were familiar faces, worn out faces.



"We're here to take down Shiawase."

@Jeremi @Kaykay

"Don't say it so casually, idiot!" She shouted at Kana. "Aren't supposed to do it in secret! I'm too young to die you know!"

@Kaykay @Verite
The feeling of tugging curiosity flooding Bailey's mind, she silently stepped into the open OR, pulling down her hood to cover her face as she did so.

@The Silver Paladin

The empty OR was less an OR, and more just a hospital room. Several people in HAZMAT Suits stood in it. Blood was on the floor, along with some of the wall. Pieces of the ceiling and lights had fallen. It seemed the room was Out of Commision. Several of the HAZMAT crew said the name 'Tetsuo' in their conversation.

Just outside the room, there was blood, guts, and cloth splattered everywhere, like someone had exploded.

Talk to one of the HAZMAT Guys? Or get out of the room?

Hanako Musoka
@The Silver Paladin @CCC Kouhai @Others

Hanako frowned, though, he quietly decided to grab a syringe, and, one vial of each color that he could find, he didn't want to take too much, as he'd be noticed... But he felt like it would be for the best to figure out exactly what this stuff might be; they should have some good tools back at home, but, he needed to make sure to travel light; carrying too many would cause them to make noise. He tucked the items he took into the pockets lining the inside of his rather formal shirt, carefully dusting himself off and standing up... It looks like these vials were most likely medicinal fluids, but... Why would such fluids have biohazard labels on them? With a shrug, he carefully resumed his previous position, and waited until KIm arrived before he attempted to talk to Kim, trying to keep his cool "So... Kim, what's up with the animal parts?" he asked, cocking his head a little... He looked puzzled really about this whole thing; he knew anime was quite popular, buuut, he wasn't too sure this sort of thing is... Usually what fans of anime species would do.

You uh, you now have a bunch of some nullifying agent.

Kim looked up from her clipboard. "Oh, People like anime, and they have money. They come to us, or one of the other corporations to look like a Kitsune or a Neko." Kim wasn't being mean like she usually seemed. She was being professional and kind. "It's a huge trend. It's also huge over in the Unified Korean States, and over in America."
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