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Starlight Keeper
  • Welcome to Garden Springs, just your ordinary everyday high school and home to the Tigers. Here at Garden Springs, we provide some of the best academics and athletics in the state of New York City, New York citizens couldn't ask for a more well-kept and safe environment for their children.

    Really? Okay, let's cut all the bullcrap and tell them about the real Garden Springs. Welcome to Hell On Earth. Well, it's hell for a large majority of the students. While the academics and athletics are great, Garden Springs is far from safe. The bullying policy doesn't exist and at least 45% of the students here are high or otherwise involved in less than desirable endeavors. Cliques rule and nerds drool here at Garden Springs. I hope you enjoy your stay at our less than prestigious school.

    Character Index
    In Character
      • The crème de la crème of Garden Springs ― most either want to be with them or, well, be them. At this school, no one is admired, envied, or feared more than the royals. At the very top of the social food chain, they redefine what it means to be popular with their disarming smiles and convoluted schemes. These are the students who set the trends, get exclusive invites to the hottest parties, and deem who's in and who's out ― all the while keeping their reputations perfectly pristine. They not only have the school wrapped around their fingers but the city as well. Beautiful, powerful, and often filthy rich, the royals are on top for a reason ― and they're definitely not the type to let you forget it.
      • Alright, everyone knows the preps. They are right under the royals in the social standing and they'd like to keep it that way. These mainly consist of the kids that have the looks, and the money, and the brains. You've got your Ivy League bound kids, as well as Hollywood bound kids. Not all preps are complete snobs, but good portions of them are. Normally they do more "sophisticated" things than other students - like instead of playing football or going to a friend's house they're playing tennis, golf, having memberships to country clubs and playing violin or piano. Of course, that doesn't mean all of them do these things, but a good portion of them have that 'superior brainiac air' to them. A lot of the preps have some kind of musical or artistic talent. They are usually wealthy, and their fashion is typically brand name - never knockoff.
      • First off, let's get something straight. There is a huge difference between a jock and an athlete, but the two are typically grouped together. Most sports teams are filled with jocks, unless you've been grouped into one of the unpopular groups. Jocks have a tendency to abuse their popularity and use it to beat down or up those below them. These guys (and girls) will have people falling at their feet and boosting their egos to an all-time high over their sport skills. They have plenty of lovers and make sure they only associate themselves with the popular crowd. Jocks are typically interested in their social status, some of them more than others. After all, once you're already up there, why would you want to tarnish your perfect reputation?
      • While still classified as Jocks the Cheerleaders are seen as their own exclusive clique. The Cheerleaders are closer than close. They cheer together, practice together, claw losers' eyes out together. The cheerleading squad are their own little family. As with all families it isn't all sunshine and rainbows all the time. Only Cheerleaders can get away with messing with Cheerleaders. These guys can talk crap about each other all day but let someone else do it and the claws of the tigers will be coming from your pretty eyes. It is somewhat rare to see a cheerleader not amongst the flock, which is why the Cheerleaders are seen as a clique. That's not to say that the cheerleaders don't socialize with other Listers because they do. There just always seem to be most comfortable when their with the squad.
      • Ah, the wannabes. As the name so clearly states, the wannabes want to be something they're not. They're the highest-ranking B-Listers, but they think they are (or should be) much more royal than that. Wannabes desperately want to be a part of the A-Listers. Some of them are close, and some of them are plain annoying. These kids will do anything for the A-Listers. To them, they're gods. However, unless they're bossing them around, the A-Listers don't typically give the wannabes the time of day. The wannabes will try to act cool by bullying people at the bottom of the social ladder. Most people either pity them or hate them, but the wannabes don't mind - they're used to the haters. If and when they become apart of the A-Listers, those who doubted them will surely pay. Wannabes typically try to start trends, but they seldom come through as successful. Much like preps, they wear name brand clothes and act superior.
      • If you're not wary of this clique, well, let's just say ― you really should be. They don't give a damn about what you think of them, as long as you are thinking of them. It's the girl you make eye contact with from across the hall, her hips sashaying to a tantalizing rhythm as she approaches. It's the boy who sends shivers down your spine; strong hands teasingly moving upward as he whispers dirty secrets in your ear. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who it is. All it takes is that one undeniably sexy smile, two hands on the small of your back, three steps down the hall to the janitor's closet ― and you're a goner. This crowd never fails to keep themselves satisfied, luring others into a game of cat and mouse for the sole purpose of fulfilling their own carnal needs. Perhaps the only thing they do more than, well, their peers is ― party; in ways that would have Mother Teresa rolling in her grave. Undisputed party animals that use little discretion, the Animals' are Garden Springs's hot messes and everyone knows it.
      • What can be said about the Rebels that isn't already assumed by their stature and general demeanor? The Rebels of Garden Springs can be defined as the classic rebels. These males and females simply laugh at the rules enforced in the school and do things their way. In most cases, it's their way or the high way. Often turning a blind eye to what the administration and society says, they run across the school with their own desires in mind. Frankly, they are the students that have the courage to do what all students wish they could. Some admire them for it and others resent them for it. Regardless, these are some badass students.
      • Remember that elaborate mural you passed by on your way into school? Of course you do. We can bet it caught your eye but, by any chance, did you happen to catch a name? Of course not ― and that, ladies and gentlemen, summarizes this clique in its entirety. Half of Garden Springs's student population may proudly boast about the school's top-notch standing in liberal arts and humanities; however, they're often the ones who can't pinpoint the source of such works. Which they could consider a snub ― if it weren't for the fact that they're pretty content with that kind of recognition. These kids are quick to let their pieces speak for themselves. All in all, they're a creative and accepting bunch ― filled with a mishmash of students just trying to find an outlet.
      • Thespians absolutely adore the theatre. It's their life's true calling. They are usually random, loud, and often burst out into song. Thespians love the theatre because, essentially, it's their kingdom. Thespians feel at home there, and it's where they can share their passion for the art with their peers, parents, and friends. They insist on auditioning for every single school production. Those who reside in this category but hate the performance aspect of it are often behind the scenes painting sets and directing the light fixtures. Thespians worship their director, and they're really one big family unless someone stole so and so lead role, and then it's war. They usually obsess over Broadway plays and musicals as well, and have stars in their eyes and big plans for the future.
      • The Musicians have a passion for music and adore being in the spotlight. These students bring rhythms and melodies to the halls of Garden Springs. Music has a special place in their hearts and, ladies and gentlemen, try not to stare in awe as they showcase their talents. From songbirds and skilled dancers to aspiring DJs and instrumentalists, the Musicians may seem like nothing more than a motley crew of gifted individuals; however, it's their passions and love of music that unite them. Which, and let's be real here, is more than we can say about some other cliques at this school.
      • At every school you have those students who claim that they 'don't believe in labels' or they 'aren't part of a clique' or that they are 'friends with any and everyone'. Well even if they don't want a label they like everyone else at Garden Springs get stuck with one. There label being ... the Drifters.'The Drifters are basically the chameleons of Garden Springs. These are the kids who have a talent for being able to blend in with almost all the cliques. Most of the drifters tend to intertwine with the in-between cliques, staying within their own group of the Free Spirits or drifting into the Virtuosi. Those who are brave enough and willing to risk the chance of social suicide will go as far as hanging out with the Rejects and Brainiacs. Than you have those really special drifters who have enough charm and charisma to actually get in with the Listers.
      • The Skaters are exactly what the name suggest .. they're skaters. Probably one of the easiest cliques to spot all you've gotta look for is the board or the blades. The popular kids have their fancy luxury cars and their fast sport cars and skaters have their own stylish wheels. Probably any skaters most prized possession their boards or blades are off limits to all. Unless you ask nicely...then you may be aloud to touch it.
      • While most of these students aren't actual hippies they is a good chance the parents and grands are. They fashion boho chic and vintage clothing. Some hipsters are into the stereotypical hipster stuff like saving the world, playing guitar, and taking photographs
      • Its hard to say whether or not you really classify loners as a clique seeing as loners are always alone. Loners basically avoid social contact with others, which causes people to think of them as crazy or depressed or simply weird. Popular kids may mock them or sometimes-random cliques will invite them to sit with them at lunch. They speak when spoken to and while usually polite they do their best to make conversations short and bland so they can go off and sit by themselves. Loners don't dress in any specific way and don't necessarily have to be depressed; they might smile or laugh to themselves.
      • Piercings, tattoos and multicolored Mohawks are a signature look for the Punks of Garden Springs. Far from being the violent mobs that the media often portrays, the ideological culture of Punks hold some very worthy beliefs such as anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, vegetarianism and environmental protection. With their bold designs and torn t-shirts with offensive slogans the Punks are may not be the rebels of the school but they are the Rebels of the Rejects.
      • With every clique there is a stereotype and when people think of Goths they're thoughts go from the clothing to music right up to the stereotypes of all Goths being Satanists or part of some kind of cult. Categorically, all of these are false. In truth there is no specific thing that defines what you need to do or be to fit into the Goth scene (except of course the implied black clothing). People in the Goth scene all have different musical tastes, follow different religions, have different hobbies, and fashion sense. Goths are free thinkers, people who do not accept the moral rules of society because they're told 'This is just how it is'. Rather Goths tend to listen to what you have to say, and make up their minds. This kind of freethinking and rejection of dogma earns only rejection in Garden Springs.
      • Emo kids are sad creatures of the dark. They are characterized by their dress sense and also how in touch they are with certain emotions (i.e. the negative ones). Typically emos wear lots of black and will most likely have dyed hair (mainly black or sometimes colourful streaks) and write music, lyrics, or poems about the trials and tribulations of their torturous lives. Basically emos are sort of like goths...but with a lot less darkness and a lot more Harry Potter. A lot of people make fun of them but most high-ranking students just overlook them.
      • Despite being often mistaken for their nerdy counterparts there is a difference between the two. Difference being that unlike nerds, geeks aren't all knowing know-it-alls. Instead they are all knowing enthusiast about whatever topic or field happens to catch their interest. These are the kids with 1st edition or limited edition comic books. They are obsessed with the newest, coolest, trendiest things that their obsession has to offer.
      • Just because they've got the highest IQ's in the school doesn't always necessarily mean that they're the nerdy kids wearing beat up glasses and holding onto inhalers like their lives depended on it. They just possess envious amounts of intelligence and work ethic. These students make the flawless grades and make our school look good. They'll definitely be the ones getting into the Ivy League colleges all on their own — not because daddy dearest is going to pay for that library. You know who you Being a nerd is nothing to be ashamed of — unless you have no social life, that is.
  • Rules
    ~ No godmodding, etc... Every character should have their weaknesses as well as their strengths.
    ~ Happily is my Co-GM. What she says goes, no exceptions. ^.^
    ~ If you have an issue with drug and alcohol usage, social issues, different orientations, or anything of that sort, feel free to live now. On that note, steamy stuff has to fade to black and go to PM. I don't want none of that. I don't care if it's mentioned, just don't go beyond that. Please respect other people's boundaries as well.
    ~ Every character has an important role, so don't worry about your character not being important.
    ~ Please be literate.
    ~ Romance is encouraged, but it should not be the focal point for all relationships.
    ~ Originality is very much appreciated. Tell me your character's favorite color in your CS.
    ~ Do not physically maim another person's character without their permission.
    ~ You cannot be your own love interest, spouse, or anything of that sort. That kind of ruins the point of roleplaying.
    ~ Insert as much drama as possible into the IC, but I will not tolerate drama in the OOC. It is unnecessary and immature.
    ~You can have as many characters as you want. Just make sure you can keep up with them.
    ~ Please note that I reserve the right to reject any character I feel is not up to standard.
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I have a question, during the rp can we add links to show thinks like outfits,hairstyles, etc? I can write it out (I just love adding pics tho XD)
So my only character is Amaterasu. I am accepting applications for Enemies and Friends. I am also accepting three candidates for exes (That are preferably her age). One other thing, the underclassmen are outnumbering the upperclassmen. The Freshmen are just so numerous.
Freshman: 18
Sophomores: 15
Juniors: 19
Seniors: 21

Updated F:M Ratio
Female: 37
Male: 40

@MaryGold I didn't include you in the grade count cuz I don't know what you're keeping and getting rid of {all I know is you're going to have 2 guys and two girls}.

@~Dark Disney~ Are you still participating in this one? ^.^
no it's fine, I probably should've looked through everything before putting it down. She can just be a different position ^.^ {honestly it'll make for a better drama scenario for her anywho :3}
This is what I've got for friends, enemies, etc ... always open to suggestions and the like ^.^

For your reference [sheet] [freshies ;; Tati - loner | Nate - musician | Anna - drifter | Walt - thespian | Juju - hipster | Kolt - prep | Cady - wannabe] [Sophs ;; Esme - drifter | Luke - skater | Gia - artist | Aug - wannabe | Tier - cheerleader | Gal - animal | Max - animal] [Juniors ;; Jez - prep | Onyx - rebel | Lyd - cheerleader | Char - wannabe | Essie - royal | Alex - musician | Oak - loner] [Seniors ;; Mad - rebel | Toby - animal | Fletch - jock | Tails - drifter | Ky - rebel | Quenn - hipster | Gid - jock]

[right now I only looked at the characters who had personalities {I also didn't include any relationships that were already discussed ... unless I forgot about them hehe u.u} ... I'll add the others/post again once more have personalities {i'm really bad about judging non-romance relationships off just pictures}]

Hayden [friends] Nathaniel {different cliques, similar personalities, many classes together, basketball}, Anna {I feel like they could easily be too of the most trusting and gullible freshmen haha}, Tierney {cliques are similar, I think personalities kind of compliment one another well}, Gideon {clique ... also felt like maybe Gideon could take him 'under his wing' so to speak?}, [frenemies] Kolton {I feel like maybe they could have been really close when they were younger, but then they sort of just drifted apart because of their personalities and other interests and stuff} [enemies] Gallagher {not sure why I feel like it, but I keep thinking they could potentially butt heads a lot during football}

Laelia [friends] Maximus {I feel like they would just click for some reason}

Min-Ho [uhhh] Tatiana {honestly, I feel like their personalities would make them either like best friends or mortal enemies}, [friends] Juniper {I feel like their personalities would just compliment one another really well}, Cadence {personalities & extra curriculars}, Gianna {she would probably find him adorable 99% of the time ... but thanks to the lack of filter tha she has would also not hesitate to 'scold' him when he is too much for her}, [enemies] Nathaniel {I just feel like these two are soo different...and not in the fun way}, Charles {I just don't see them really getting along ... I think Charles would be too uptight}, Estella Mae {nothing against him ... she just hates anyone who isn't a royal/queen bee material or someone who would be a threat to her ... but they are both in SG ... sooo felt the need to put her down.}

Cordelia [friends] Kolton {I think their personalities go well together}, Anna {personalities}, [frenemies] Juniper {personalities}

Lancelot [friends] Tatiana {they're rather similar in personality}, Walter {I feel like he could maybe be that one loud, outgoing friend that most introverted people seem to have... and Lance could basically keep him grounded}

Nick [friends] Kolton {personalities}, [frenemies] Juniper {I think they would get along for the most part ... but I could also see them butting heads and her being a little overwhelming at times}, [enemies] Kyle {they are completely different ... and Kyle just isn't the most level-headed guy. Don't know if the would interact too much, but they are both on hockey}

@Mundane Monster
Schyler [friends] Walter {I feel like the personalities are similar and compliment one another fairly well}, August {I think they might get along fairly well ... though they would only really interact during book club}, [enemies ... sorrtttaa???] Cadence {I feel like they are just really opposite in the not-fun ways ... but like I also feel like they would be civil enough in passing... just kind of like it would be a burden for one another if they had to work together in class or whatnot}

Deacon [friends] Kolton {I don't know if I would say like close friends or anything, but they seem similar enough to at least be friendly in my opinion}, Tatiana {personalities}, [enemies] Charles {though I think it would be adorable if they were friends, the logical side of me says that Charles is too much of a diva for practically anyone :3}

@Minamoto Lightning
Amaterasu [friends] Jezebel {they have a decent amount of the same classes and I think their personalities would work well together}, Oakley {Oak is new, but I could see her becoming friendly with Ama since she seems safer than about half the school}, [frenemies] Tailin {They are both in the same clubs, and tails is trying to learn japanese ... I feel like they could almost be best frenemies because tailin can be a bit overbearing at times}, [enemies] Onyx {in the same light that I could see Jez and Ama being super close, I see her HATING Onyx .. which honestly, 99% of the population probably hates him}

@utsu {I promise this is nothing against your characters, I actually really like all of them! ... for some reason only enemies stood out to me for Cohe and Wyatt though :| .. so seriously, if you have other ideas lemme know!!!}
Wyatt [semi-enemies???] Tailin {it's not that she would outright dislike him, he would just be kind of confusing in her mind ... plus she is quite opposite of him. They do share a number of classes though}

Cohe [enemies] Madison {if she didn't get on his nerves he would ware on hers most likely. She is also a bit of a bully with a huge attitude ... very, very few people can break through her rock-solid facade}, Kyle {he's just very ... atypical. He might be okay towards Cohe every so often ... but generally speaking Ky is just a ticking time bomb}

Lucas [friends] Jezebel {I feel like they would just click}, Charles {I feel like they are different enough that they could compliment one another without being too much}, [frenemies] Essie {I feel like he could be one of few people that she 'takes pity on' and doesn't hate 100% if they aren't royalty}

@Arayvian {I apologize, but I was running out of steam by the time I got here ... so I only did the relationships for characters within the same grade atm ... but I do plan to look through my others again later unless you suggest anything additional first!}
Imani [friends] Gideon {besides being ava's boyfriend, the two do share a number of classes together and high social statuses ... I think she may also remind him of his sister ... which would annoy him, but also make him feel kind of protective of her.}, [one-or-the-other] Quennly {their personalities make me believe that there will be a very strong, extreme relationship between the two... either very close or absolute worst enemies}, [frenemies] Tailin {some aspects make it seem like they would get along swimmingly, then others make me think they would be clawing at each others throats}

Amaya [friends] Charles {while I think most would dislike or only tolerate him, I feel like they could be like genuinely good friends ... possibly since they were younger?}
@~Happily.Ever.After~ Agree with these. Imani would definitely be that annoying younger sister XD she'd call him Giddy just to get on his nerves. As for Quennly, I'd say mix it up and make then enemies. Maybe we could come up with something that made them such? I'm fine with Tailin and her being frenemies.

Amaya would really get along with Charles, if he kisses to the popular kids she won't like it. Maybe they've been neighbors since elementary school?

Estella and her are kind of the same as well. They could be friends. August could be her lackey so to speak or a admirer. Since she's at the top of the food chain he could try and get close in an attempt to become a royal. She'd find his attempts useless but adorable.
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