Gang Members Have Lives Too (Reboot) (Sign-ups/ooc

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I don't plan on playing Azalea's brother or sister so I was wondering if anyone wanted to. I already have their images just go to Relationships and click on Vince Monroe and Telsa Monroe. If no one wants to then I'll play them.
Azalea Monroe


Azalea Monroe

» Aza «
The nickname Aza was given to Azalea by her family and as such, only her family calls her by this nickname. If anyone else calls her Aza, they get hit

» Wolf «
The nickname everyone in the gang calls her. After all, every good gang has nicknames for their members. Not to mention that Wolf really suits her

» Wolf Queen «
The nickname given to her by the school. Everyone calls her this, minus the teachers and the gang. Wolf came from the gang always calling to her and the Queen part came from her maturity and kindness. If you think about it, Wolves are fierce creatures yet they are graceful and they watch out for the pack. Queens are mature and responsible, especially when they have others looking up to them. Doesn't it suit her perfectly?



.::Role in gang::.
» The Giver «
Azalea is the one everyone turns to for advice or opinions. She's known to help everyone with their problem, using her knowledge and experience. Usually, people fear the gang members but the school, as well as the gang, turn to her for advice and help. She's pretty much being used but Azalea doesn't really care. If you have a problem of any sorts, just ask Azalea for her help. The same goes for when you need someone's honest opinion or to settle a score. Just look to her. Azalea mainly works with Luca and Remi because she knows she can get useful information from them. However, she has many other unnamed sources that help her to get what she needs. Kinda scary, huh?

105 lbs

.::Hair color::.
Light brown

.::Eye color::.
Left: Green
Right: Blue
Realistic and Blunt, Azalea is always one to get straight to the point of things and doesn't day dream. Normal sixteen year old girls fantasize a lot, but Aza sticks to logic and fact, seeing such things as stupid. For such a young age, she is surprisingly mature and is always taking responsibility for the gang alongside their leader. She may be different and young, but people look up to Azalea so she makes sure not to let them down. Despite that, Azalea is still only sixteen so she's willing to mess around with anyone who asks, especially since she loves to let loose and be crazy every so often. But that's just another trait people love about her. Kind strange, isn't it? Aza can be very scary when you upset her, but she's worse if you hurt someone she cares about. Like the gang for instance. Put one hand on them, you'll be dealing with her. Which isn't gonna be an easy battle since she knows how to fight. Putting that aside, if you don't upset her then Azalea is usually pretty nice. She's also hardworking, which she's shown countless times. If you sum it all up, I guess the school does have a pretty good nickname for her. Besides, the nickname Wolf Queen isn't bad.

+ Chocolate
+ Animals
+ Forests
+ Singing
+ Reading
+ Writing
+ The weird and strange

- Vanilla
- Abuse
- Extreme Temperatures
- Bitchy Girls
- Goody Goodies
- Silence
- Being disturbed when doing something
Azalea was born into a rather poor family as the youngest of her two siblings. The oldest, Leon, was two and the second oldest, Vince, was one. Her father worked in a grocery store while her mother stayed home to take care of the three of them. With all five in the house, they barely had any money left over after rent and the needs to live. After a year of this hard struggle, Azalea's parents found it to hard to take care of three kids, so they dumped Azalea and Vince on the doorstep of a rich family. Because Leon was their first born, they just couldn't give him up. The family, a rich young couple, happily took the two of them in as their own. The women couldn't have children like they'd hoped, so it was a miracle to them. Azalea and Vince were happy as any kid could be. But when Azalea was three and her brother four, their parents came knocking on the door with a pink bundle in their arms. Apparently, they had found the child on the streets but since they couldn't take care of it, they relied on the Monroe's. Of course, they happily took the child and named her Telsa. From that day on, Telsa was Azalea's little sis. Things were great. The three of them grew up happily, but that was before the bullying started. When Azalea was in the seventh grade, a group of girls began bullying her because they were jealous of her. After taking this for a month, Azalea finally turned to Vince, who taught those girls a lesson. A few weeks later, two guys, the lead girls older brother and his friend, beat up Vince. He wounded up in the hospital and Azalea felt guilty. She ran off, her little sister following, into the night. It was on that night, on the corner of Hazel Street, that they met him. Well, more like ran into him. Azalea and Telsa were running really fast, so they ran right into a guy standing under the street light. He looked a little like Azalea, but was older. The girls quickly got off him and apologized. After things were cleared up, the three of them sat down and talked. Once the man heard Azalea's name, he knew who she was. As it turns out, the guy she had ran into was her eldest brother Leon. They talked for a while before two men approached them. They were from a nearby gang Aza had heard of. They talked to Azalea and Telsa, asking if they'd like to join them. They promised to teach them to fight and protect those they care for. They said they'd think about it then rushed to the hospital to tell their brother about it. When they got there however, Aza's real parents were there, bloody knives in hand. On the ground were her parents bodies, limp and bleeding heavily. Her brother was leaned up against the wall, crying, when he saw the girls. They ran over to him and cried. Then the police came and arrested their parents. Afterwards they were going to put the kids in foster care. Of course, they refused then ran home. When they got there, they packed their things and ran to where they had met the gang members. They were still there, smoking and talking to Leon. When they saw them, the men asked what happened. Azalea told them everything, then asked if they could join then and there. You can guess what they said. Leon wasn't part of the gang, he just knew them, but he dragged the three of them aside and suggested they join his gang. Azalea trusted Leon more than the strangers so she accepted his offer. They lived with the gang until High School when they met Natsume. She invited them to her gang and Azalea, as well as Vince, joined. They told Leon about it and he decided to join them to keep an eye on his siblings. Vince got a job and a year later, they were living in an apartment between the school and the gang's base.

.::Gang Relationships::.
Natsume Tanaka [female] | Positive | Friend
"I've known Natsume since I joined. We have our disagreements but other than that, we get along fairly well and I'll always be loyal to this gang. After all, they gave me a new place to call home."

Remi Yamada [female] | Positive | Partner
"Although Remi has eight-grade syndrome, she's one of my info partners. We get along fairly well, though I do get annoyed of her with all the stuff she has going on. But I do mess around with her sometimes, though it's mainly because I have nothing better to do."

Luca Carson [male] | Positive | Partner
"Luca is my other partner. He tends to avoid everyone, but I think we're on good terms. After all, the only reason I ever go to him is for information for future references. I think he's a nice guy but because of the way he is, it's hard to figure him out. One thing is for sure though. The dude knows how to fight."

Ryder Rowe [male] | Negative | Gang Member
"I don't really care about that guy, but there's something about him that really pisses me off. Maybe it's the fact that he tries to act all mysterious. I mean, I understand Luca's no-talk dilemma. More or less. But this guy keeps just about everything hidden. He's just a problem waiting to happen."

Haru Tzukino [male] | Positive | Close Friend
"Although Haru doesn't get along with the others that much, we get along rather well. He told me that he doesn't do well with people around his age but I guess my maturity makes me more like an adult. Either way, I'm happy he's a close friend."

Cassius Sterling [male] | Positive | Close Friend
"Despite his scary temper, Cas is a really good guy. He's almost always smiling and puts others before himself. A trait not many guys have these days. We get along really well and whenever he loses his temper, I use myself as bait so it ends faster and the other don't have to deal with it. I know he hates it, but that's what friends are for. Being there when no one else is"

Mari Anne Florence [female] | Positive | Adopted Sister
"Mari Anne is like a little sister to me. I love having her around and the way she acts is what really makes me think of her like a sister. She knows this and even let's me call her 'Sissy'. Oh! Telsa is also my sister and since sissy is cute, I though it would fit her. Which it did. I care about her a lot."

Ryuuichi Hanayuki [male] | Positive | Friend
"Me and Ryuuichi are on pretty good terms with each other. He's really popular at school but that's because he has that aura of mystery. Unlike Ryder, I don't mind at all because he isn't all quiet and creepy." -chuckles- "I'm really glad to have him as a friend though. Like Cas, he cheers me up whenever I'm down."

Quentin Connels [male] | Negative | Gang Member
"I get along with Quentin, but he does get on my nerves. He probably thinks he's better than me maturity wise but just that makes him lesser than me. What's even worse is that he get's carried away, so I have to step in and take care of everything. He's a real pain in the ass."

Avery Herondale [female] | Negative | Enemies
"I would like to get to know Avery better, but she only intends to be friends with Natsume. It's annoying as hell. What's worse it that she runs from fights she knows she will lose. How the hell can I look up to her? I have no respect for Avery whatsoever and actually look down on her. She's a real pain."

Suishou Konuka [female] | Positive | Close Friend
"Although Suishou is one of my partners, she's also a close friend. I've only known her since last year but we got along rather well and suddenly were close. I love having her around. I mean, I know she can be a little scary at times because of how good she is at her job, but I look past that. When you really get to know her, Suishou is a good person."

Ayaka Nojima [female] | Negative | Partner
"We don't get along that well, but we are partners either way. Like Luca, I only use her for information for future references. There's times when she agrees and times when she refuses. Either way, we're in this together."

Vince Monroe [male] | Positive | Brother
"Me and Vince are close, despite all our quarrels. We look out for each other and have one another's back. I know that even in the worst situation, he'll be there for me. We've gone through the worse with each other and that's made our bond stronger. "

Telsa Monroe [female] | Positive | Sister
"Although she isn't our real sister, she came into our lives as one. No matter what people may say, Telsa will always be my little sister. We've been through some tough times and we trust each other greatly. I love my lil sis."

.::Other Relationships::.
Mrs. Watashi [female] | Positive | Teacher
"Mrs. Watashi isn't your average teacher. She is kind and sweet one minute then scary and creepy the next. She likes to have a good time and I get along well with her. She teaches my Literacy class. Which is one of my favorite classes."

Mr. Ivans [male] | Positive | Teacher
"Mr. Ivans is known for being a scary and strict teacher, but that's probably what makes me like him. We don't really get along but he sure as hell pushes all of us to do our very best. He teaches my Math class. It's not my best subject but I still have an A and an above average."

Mrs. Daniels [female] | Positive | Teacher
"Mrs. Daniels is the one who teaches Gym then after school she teaches me karate. She's hard on me, but I that's my fault. I was the one who told her not to go easy on me. But she really is a nice women, though no one in her Gym class thinks that."

Mrs. Shizuko [female] | Positive | Teacher
"Mrs. Shizuko is the one who's been teaching me fencing and parkour. She laid back and really cool. We get along rather well, so I think of her more as a friend. Especially since she's only 21 which isn't even ten years older than me. She's like an older sister."

Mrs. Trevors [female] | Positive | Teacher
"Mrs. Trevors teaches me how to play piano and violin. She is really sweet and always brings treats with her to our training sessions. We get along really well. Like the other teachers who help me learn things after school, she was friends wit my adoptive parents which is why they do this for me. They want me to be an amazing women with many futures to choose from."

Mr. Matsuko [female] | Positive | Teacher
"Mr. Matsuko teaches me gymnastics and how to play the guitar. We get along fairly well and he treats me right. He knows I'm part of the gang, but he doesn't really seem to care. Like the others, he was a friend of my adoptive parents and wants a future for me."

Aiko Natsukawa [female] | Positive | Best Friend
"I met Aiko when I was in the sixth grade. We've been in the same class every year and still are. She knows I'm in a gang and all, but she isn't afraid of me. She's always coming up with crazy ideas and taking me along for the ride but I don't really care. It's fun."

Nagi Yoshida [female] | Negative | Enemy
"I don't know why, but for some reason Nagi just hates me. She's a pain in the ass. She talks bad about me, fights me, pranks me, and more. I don't really mind it but one of these days she's gonna make me flip a damn switch."

Leon Parker [male] | Positive | Brother
"I met Leon when I was twelve shortly after my parents were murdered. He took care of Vince, Tesla, and I until we could stand on our own feet. Over time, we grew close and now he visits me all the time."
Tsubasa Katagiri from AKB0048
[the blonde women with glasses]

.::Theme song::.
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Finally updated the relationships on my CS. : D

Telsa Monroe

✿ Death ✿
♫ Classmates
The nickname death comes from her scheme of both red and white. It is a superstition that red is the colour of blood and white is the colour of bandages. Having always carrying around a red rose and a white lily, there is also a rumour saying that if you got too close to her, you will die. Despite the horrible things that people say, she doesn't appear to be the least bit bothered by it, and accepts the nickname.

✿ Pipsqueak ✿
♫ Gang-Members ♫
Due to her height, she has earned the nickname 'pipsqueak'. Yes, she is generally shorter than people her age, and she can get a tad bit annoyed with an overuse. Though, she is used to it at this point, and secretly likes the nickname.



Role in gang
She has not joined the gang yet, though, she has been thinking of joining and occasionally goes with her sister.
Telsa is generally a soft spoken, kind, polite, and patient. She can offer advice and listen like her sister, but she is less blunt and straight forward. She is more emotional and can be a cry baby at times, but none the less, she is capable of taking care of herself and others when it calls for it. Despite her petite structure, she is fairly motherly to children younger than her. Maybe it's because she's the youngest sibling that she feels as though she has to help protect people who are younger than her, or maybe it's because she wanted to know the responsibility that her brother and sister have to go through with her.

Despite being like that, she can be cold and calculating, along with observant. There are times where she can turn into her own exact opposite, due to suffering from bipolar. She will also have occasional anxiety attacks, but that's rare. On average, she has at the very least 2 attacks per year. Otherwise, she can play the violin and piano to calm herself down.

Last but not least, she can also be fairly violent. She isn't afraid of gore or killings, rather, she enjoys watching them and finds them fascinating. This can be disturbing, yes.
Likes: Hot Chocolate, Playing the Violin and Piano, Listening to music, Helping people with their troubles, Horror + Gore.
Dislikes: Her nickname 'death', Other classmates, People who pick on her siblings.
Bio: Not much is known about Telsa before she decided to join the Monroes. However, she was discriminated due to just being Albino which, in turn, made her develop her bi-polar, and anxiety attacks. As time turned, she was eventually accepted into her current family, growing up as a younger sister alongside the other children. She was happy, and she eventually took up piano and violin lessons at a young age. She grew to be fairly good at this, as she went to internationals and placed first in nearly every national and minor competition. Though, she usually ended up playing for fun.
Looks: Basically, she is Albino. Her eyes are reddish orange, and her hair is a snow white/pinkish color.
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 112 lbs
Hair color: White with hints of pink
Eye color: Red with bits of orange
Azalea Monroe Positive Sister
"Azalea treats me really well, even when people in my class keep gossiping about me. I like her, a lot, and I try my best to help her out if she needs it!"

Theme song

She needs to take pills and medications for her bi-polar and anxiety attacks.
She suffers from asthma and needs to use a puffer during an anxiety attack.
She had won first place in international piano and violin contests. She is currently holding the top place for violin for 3 years, and had placed in the top five for piano.

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@Citrus Go ahead! I hope we have fun together :)

Vince is still open for playing if anyone wants him.
@XxDreamingxX, she's accepted but the only problem is the relationship you put for Natsume. See, Natsume is the one who started the gang so she's been the leader the whole time. I apologize, it is my fault for never saying that officially, I only sort of figured everyone would understand but I can add that to my bio for future reference if it is needed.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Verite
I finish the whole dang sheet, save it, and it doesn't save. *Flips a table*
Get goin' Cas
Come up with a good reason why Luca is embarrassed alright B)

"I actually tried to put him in pink today but he escaped"
"I actually tried to put him in pink today but he escaped"

Genius XD
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