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Ok I don't even care if I look like a rambling idiot again but this needs to be shared.

I just discovered a creepypasta about the Beatles cartoon.

...Not just about the Beatles in general -- but specifically the shitty cartoon that had zero effort put into it and falls into "so bad it's good" territory. Someone wrote a creepypasta about it. That would be like writing a creepypasta about Foodfight or Birdemic.


I just


*whispers in shocked surprise*there was a cartoon?
*whispers in shocked surprise*there was a cartoon?

The animation was cheap and stiff and full of mistakes, the voice acting was awkward (not to mention the VA's for the cartoon Beatles sounded nothing like the real Beatles -- it's like they weren't even trying), the writing didn't make any sense, and all around it was just... bad. Very lazy and very low effort. Still, it's just the right amount of bad that it's really easy to laugh at because of how awkward it is. XD

Here are just a few highlights:

Awkward voice acting (and really obvious and unnecessary recycling of voice clips??)

Awkward pacing (probably an attempt at padding out the episode length)

Well-thought-out episode plots.


I don't even know what to say about this.

And despite the fact that this is about the level of quality that you'd expect from those bargain bin DVD's of bootleg Disney movies with misleading box art in an attempt to trick parents into buying it -- this is actually an officially licensed Beatles product. And, you know, it aired on actual TV during the 60's.

The real Beatles themselves weren't very big fans of this cartoon, though. I wonder why.

ALSO said real Beatles were really not involved in the production of it at all. Other than licensing their songs and their likenesses, they really had nothing to do with it. I'm pretty sure they wrote the opening theme -- if you can even call it an opening theme, being about five seconds long and consisting of a single guitar riff -- but that was really all they did with it.

ALSO!!! This cartoon is not to be confused with the Yellow Submarine movie -- which is also animated, and, yeah, the animation style may look a bit bizarre at first glance, but personally I think it's a really solid movie. It also has nothing to do with the cartoon TV series.
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Oh, Kaga, I didn't want to say it on Tumblr just in case, but that monument the North Korean visited is a giant cross. It adds another layer to that story, IMO.
Oh, Kaga, I didn't want to say it on Tumblr just in case, but that monument the North Korean visited is a giant cross. It adds another layer to that story, IMO.
Wait, you mean the map was on a giant cross, or...?
Wait, you mean the map was on a giant cross, or...?

The map is in a gift shop next to a giant cross.

And the thing is huge, like, Airport Control tower huge.
To clarify:

We have a large cross on a giant hill in our area. The cross is roughly air traffic control tower sized, and sort of cool. I've been up inside it, and that's not usually open to the public.

Next to the cross, they have a gift shop with a map, and some stuff on the history of it. That map has pins where you can place where you're from. There was a pin in there from North Korea, as you saw.

Is that a better explanation?
To clarify:

We have a large cross on a giant hill in our area. The cross is roughly air traffic control tower sized, and sort of cool. I've been up inside it, and that's not usually open to the public.

Next to the cross, they have a gift shop with a map, and some stuff on the history of it. That map has pins where you can place where you're from. There was a pin in there from North Korea, as you saw.

Is that a better explanation?
...Um, yeah, I guess, but I'm still not sure what sort of "deeper layer" you're suggesting that adds to the story.

Unless you're implying there's some sort of religious thing going on. Still, if that person actually was from North Korea (which I personally find rather doubtful) and they wanted to share that information by pinning it on a map like that, I have a feeling they would've done it whether or not it was next to a giant cross, so... yeah.
SomeGuyWhoMadeACreepyPasta said:
"Are you all right?" asked Ringo.
"Seeing is not believing. Seeing is killing".
John soon got back consciousness and said "Yes. Yes I am. What time is it George?"

Also... Who spoke the bolded line? It does not make any sense for John to be the speaker, considering he's apparently still unconscious. On the other hand, Ringo saying it doesn't make sense either...

. A crowd of girls soon started chasing the guys for 30 seconds when all of a sudden a picture of a girl with no eyes just her eye sockets dripping with blood <The sentence just ends here>
Grammar pls? D:

It was another picture of a Zalgo victim that was popular on Creepypasta.

Metapasta hype? O_o

I was shocked that this episode involves John saying fuck.

But apparently he's completely okay with everything else that happened up until now, including a crowd of fangirls being burned to a crisp...

[...]and goat's skull on a pentagram.

So... did they miss an "a" in there? Or are they implying that some guy who called himself 'goat' (specifically without any capitalisation) was killed too?

And in a shock, I found out that the dead woman was Ringo's fiancée, Jenny. I didn't know that Ringo had a fiancée but I was scared that Ringo's crying started to get mixed with screams of a girl.
I started to suspect that's supposed to be the screams of Jenny

So the dead woman started to scream? Or was she not dead after all? Eh, neither of the two would be the strangest thing to happen in this Creepypasta...

Another on was a river with a Garfish in it

And now the capitalisation problem is reversed >_<

(John is a jerk and pushes someone under a falling piece of rubble) Realistic blood and brain matter went everywhere [...] (Paul kills himself) Realistic blood and brain matter went everywhere

Go go copypaste!

It seems that some of them had bullet holes in there head and blood all over their bodies.

...How. How do you both make the there/their mistake AND use the correct word in the same sentence?

I was glad that I got money but that the sight of seeing the tape scared half to death.

That poor tape :( ...
Maybe something like this?
You know.

I've actually been playing a lot of Yoshi's Island recently.

And I know that Mario's crying has a bit of a reputation.


I think it's actually some very clever game design if you think about it.

@Neobullseye thought of you. :P
Sorry, I accidentally bumped the thread while scrolling on my phone.
Sorry, I accidentally bumped the thread while scrolling on my phone.
SUGGESTION: Next time you bump one of my threads -- accidentally or otherwise -- could you please leave a post about it on my profile? Donator/mod bumping, for some reason, "breaks" my alerts. I normally don't have any issues with my alerts "breaking" the same way most people's alerts do (by ignoring an alert and then not checking the thread), but the bumping thing is something I just cannot prevent. I just stop getting alerts for posts after a bump has happened. The only reason I'm even reading this post right now is because I got an alert about Takumi giving me a rating on the thing I screencapped from Tumblr. @_@ So uh... yeah... it's not a huge issue since I still check my watched threads list regularly enough to notice before long, but, yeah, best to get my alerts "fixed" as soon as possible by receiving some other notification telling me to check out the thread. ^^"

...Actually... come to think of it... if I can assume that this problem isn't just specific to me and that it happens to everyone with donator/mod bumping... I should proooobably start giving pokes to most of our members, now... o_o
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ALSO, UNRELATED PROBLEM, LalaTokyo (the person who used to play AT) has been banned.

...So that's a thing I'll have to deal with later.
@Kaga-kun Yep they were broken.

I'll start seeing what I missed. I can definitely get a reply in by next week after I'm caught up.
@Kaga-kun Yep they were broken.

I'll start seeing what I missed. I can definitely get a reply in by next week after I'm caught up.
...Oh, well, if you missed more than the last couple posts, then your alerts were broken way before SP's bump earlier. o_o

I suggest more thoroughly going through your alerts and being careful not to accidentally ignore any, in order to prevent that problem from happening in the future.
...Oh, well, if you missed more than the last couple posts, then your alerts were broken way before SP's bump earlier. o_o

I suggest more thoroughly going through your alerts and being careful not to accidentally ignore any, in order to prevent that problem from happening in the future.
Yeah I had already been fixing a few from finals week mainly.
um....is it safe to assume that the person RPing Adventure time isn't gonna be in the RP anymore...? (O . O)
um....is it safe to assume that the person RPing Adventure time isn't gonna be in the RP anymore...? (O . O)
Yeah, I'm going to have to do something about them.
With a whip of his hand, Exdeath ripped large chunks out of several buidings, moving them rubble towards a nearby hill. A bit of dimensional warp magic created a wall-like hill on three sides of the structure, forcing any would-be attacker to go through the one accessible location -- which of course was heavily defended.
Question. Exactly what does "heavily defended" consist of? What are DR/W101/PKMN gonna see if they are at that spot?
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