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Dynasty Warriors on low difficulty is the best form of stress relief ever. Yay for mass murdering hundreds of mooks in the span of a few minutes XD!

...And with that, I'm getting back on posting for FF.
...Why am I having so much fun with a genocide simulator? Is that a bad thing?
  • Nice Execution!
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HEY! Do ya'll have room for a late entry?

Name: Project Zero/Fatal Frame Fandom
Gender: Female

PZ absolutely love horror! Problem is she is a bit of a scaredy cat as well. But like the series protagonists of her beloved video games, she won't lets ghosts, jump scars, or spooky sound tracks keep her from doing the right thing! ...Even if means completing the ritual (-distant spooky voice- The crimsons sacrifice must be completed-Disnat spooky voice fades-) but mostly that means you are willing to go out on a limb for your buddies. You are no stranger to loss and heart ache but if your experiences have taught you anything is that the best thing you can do is just try and move on with your life while you're still alive, Appreciate the time you have, and save the good film and healing items for the final boss fight.

Abilities and Equipment:
The Shaeiki AKA the Camera Obscura: One of Several cameras made by the renowned paranormal investigator Dr Osou. Dr Osou found a way to combine western technology with eastern mysticism. While it's primary function is to used to find and exorcise ghosts by taking their picture; it can also 'uncover the hidden and unseen'. This allows pictures she takes with it to show clues or information that would otherwise be unknown.

Spirit Sight: PZ has the ability to sometimes perceive spirits and ghosts that are not trying to make themselves known, even without using the camera obscura. This also has the unfortunate side effect of often attracting spirits or having trouble telling the living from the dead. It also allows her to sometimes sense spiritual energies and presences.

Ceramonial mask: This sort of odd mask. PZ doesn't really remember where she got it, or what it even does for that matter. Does look happy, sad, or angry? Honestly, no one is sure. But there is defiantly a spooky presences coming off of it and that is why she likes it.

Herbal Medicens and Sacred Waters: The former is a decent healing item, the latter is both a healing item and a good tool against ghosts. While she has only a limited number of these on her at any given time, she has this odd ability to find more in the strangest and most unlikely places.

Home: It started out kind of small and creaky. But as time went on it grew larger and larger. It's still kind of run down but she is comfortable here. She sometimes find rooms that she doesn't remember or hallways that are unfamiliar, and door have a habit of closing on their own. Despite rarely having friends over ( no one ever seems interested in coming over ) for some reason she doesn't ever really feel like she's alone.
Completionist: She likes to find EVERY LITTLE POSSIBLE RELEVANT HING THERE IS! Notes, pictures, items. like PZ always says; "If you don't have it all you may as well have none of it!"
BUTTERFLYS!!!: PZ has this thing about butterflies. Especially red ones! "Do they scare you or do you like them", people ask. The answer is; "Yes."
Spooky speaking: Sometimes randomly goes into a whisper or takes long odd pauses. Not all the time mind you, but the longer she talks the more the variations will pop up.
Puzzel Master: They are survival horror games after all. Plenty of puzzles, so of course they PZ is good at the puzzle solving.
Tank Controls: PZ moves kind of clunky, They aren't the quickest on turns or corners, nor are the much of a runner to be honest. But they do seem to manage to get around well enough.
Ghosts did it: She thinks ghosts did it.

Other: Her blue inked tattoo seems to randomly change. Some times its just a bit by her neck and shoulder, sometimes it nearly covers her whole upper body! seems to correlate with her stress.
Last edited by a moderator:
HEY! Do ya'll have room for a late entry?

Name: Project Zero/Fatal Frame Fandom
Gender: Female

PZ absolutely love horror and scars! Problem is she is a bit of a scaredy cat as well. But like the series protagonists of her beloved video games, she won't lets ghosts, jump scars, or spooky sound tracks keep her from doing the right thing! ...Even if means completing the ritual (-distant spooky voice- The crimsons sacrifice must be completed-Disnat spooky voice fades-) but mostly that means you are willing to go out on a limb for your buddies. You are no stranger to loss and heart ache but if your experiences have taught you anything is that the best thing you can do is just try and move on with your life while you're still alive, Appreciate the time you have, and save the good film and healing items for the final boss fight.

Abilities and Equipment:
The Shaeiki AKA the Camera Obscura: One of Several cameras made by the renowned paranormal investigator Dr Osou. Who found a way to combine western technology with eastern mysticism. While it's primary function is to used to find and exorcise ghosts by taking their picture; it can also 'uncover the hidden and unseen'. This allows pictures she takes with it to show clues or information that would otherwise be unknown.

Spirit Sight: PZ has the ability to sometimes perceive spirits and ghosts that are not trying to make themselves known, even without using the camera obscura. This also has the unfortunate side effect of often attracting spirits or having trouble telling the living from the dead. It also allows her to sometimes sense spiritual energies and presences.

Ceramonial mask: This sort of odd mask. PZ doesn't really remember where she got it, or what it even does for that matter. Does look happy, sad, or angry? Honestly, no one is sure. But there is defiantly a spooky presences coming off of it and that is why she likes it.

Herbal Medicens and Sacred Waters: The former is a decent healing item, the latter is both a healing item and a good tool against ghosts. While she has only a limited number of these on her at any given time, she has this odd ability to find more in the strangest and most unlikely places.

Home: It started out kind of small and creaky. But as time went on it grew larger and larger. It's still kind of run down but you are comfortable here. You sometimes find rooms that you don't remember or hallways that are unfamiliar, and door have a habit of closing on their own. Despite rarely having friends over ( no one ever seems interested in coming over ) for some reason you don't ever really feel like you're alone.
Completionist: She likes to find EVERY LITTLE POSSIBLE RELEVANT HING THERE IS! Notes, pictures, items. If you don't have it all you may as well have none of it!
BUTTERFLYS!!!: PZ has this thing about butterflies. Especially red ones! Do they scare you or do you like them, people ask. The answer is; Yes.
Spooky speaking: Sometimes randomly goes into a whisper or takes long odd pauses. Not all the time mind you, but the longer she talks the more the variations will pop up.
Puzzel Master: They are survival horror games after all. Plenty of puzzles, so of course they PZ is good at the puzzle solving.
Tank Controls: PZ moves kind of clunky, They aren't the quickest on turns or corners, nor are the much of a runner to be honest. But they do seem to manage to get around well enough.
Ghosts did it: She thinks ghosts did it.

Other: Her blue inked tattoo seems to randomly change. Some times its just a bit by her neck and shoulder, sometimes it nearly covers her whole upper body! seems to correlate with her stress.
Oh, hi! Yeah we're always open for new players. ^^

Your CS looks mostly alright to me. But, I'm assuming you started to write it in 2nd person, then changed it to 3rd? Cuz chunks of it are still in 2nd person. You might want to fix some of that to avoid confusion for anyone else reading.

Other than that, though, looks good! You'll probably want a quick sum-up of where everyone is in the IC right now... Things have gotten pretty chaotic! I'll get all that info up for you later today, probably.
Yeah, I had started it out in second person as that is how the HS intros all went. Decided to not go that directions at the last second and did my best to fix it, I'll go back over it.
Yeah, I had started it out in second person as that is how the HS intros all went. Decided to not go that directions at the last second and did my best to fix it, I'll go back over it.
Ok, thanks. Yeah I know the HS intros are like that but in an RP environment like this it's easier to just make it all 3rd person. After all, this RP isn't very heavily Homestuck-based and doesn't really run on HS-centric rules like most Fandomstuck incarnations.
Currently trying to write up a summary-esque thing for our newcomer. @Clirkus: what ever happened to the triceratops that was on FF's ship? Is it still with them or...?
Currently trying to write up a summary-esque thing for our newcomer. @Clirkus: what ever happened to the triceratops that was on FF's ship? Is it still with them or...?
Well I haven't posted for it since it pushed FF through the portal (and *cough*saved his life*cough*) because I haven't posted again yet for JP and JW. I will in my next post, I'm sure it will get picked up on JW's way back. It's not really an important element anymore.
Well I haven't posted for it since it pushed FF through the portal (and *cough*saved his life*cough*) because I haven't posted again yet for JP and JW. I will in my next post, I'm sure it will get picked up on JW's way back. It's not really an important element anymore.

Ok. Just wanted to know since I'm trying to write up a summary of all the groups and I wasn't sure if that was still in FF's group or what.
Triceratops: At large

...It's possible I'm just having a slow day but I'm really not sure what that's supposed to mean.
...It's possible I'm just having a slow day but I'm really not sure what that's supposed to mean.
You know, when they say a criminal is on the loose or someone is not where they're expected/supposed to be, they're "at large" ?
You know, when they say a criminal is on the loose or someone is not where they're expected/supposed to be, they're "at large" ?

Oh. Ok. Thanks.
Triceratops: At large
Wanted dead or alive. Preferably incapacited, but still alive and capable of feeling pain. Lots and lots of pain...