• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

7/23/18 Will be the next Update Post.
Post Order is just for combat situations at the moment, or if I call for it.
If the party splits up, I'll make banners for different scenes so we can keep track.

Lineup/Combat Post Order:
@Michale CS as the GM
@Gands as Hercules
@Breach as Spawn
@Ringmaster as The Gunslinger
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lucifer Morningstar
@Sonevar as John Constantine
@Drixe as "Bob" the Minion
@Michale CS as Squirrel Girl

(Yes I know this gives me two posts, I'm endeavoring to keep the group PC and NPC posts separate.)

We may not stick 100% to a post order, and I'll allow exceptions as long as the posts are timely and don't derail the party/plot with side conversations/actions that don't involve the majority of the party.

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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Those who heeded the call from Psi-Lord arrive at the Baxter Building...

baxter building.png

Where they are met by a strange - or not so strange for New York - escort.
"Greetings. I am HERBIE. The Master is not in at the moment but please, join us inside..."
The robot returns to its VW bug form and drives into the oversized double doors at the bottom of the building. Those who follow get led to a cargo elevator, which takes them to the sub basement.

Once they arrive there, they find two others in attendance. One almost needs no introduction...
Doreen Green Intro.jpg

And the other, well, it depended on if you were into K-Pop or not...

Luna Snow Story.jpgLuna Snow closeup.jpeg
Luna Snow, a K-Pop star turned superheroine.
"Hey, so I'm here to hang out at this end of the portal to pull you through after you're done. So, it seems that unlike most of the rest of you, there's an alternate version of me in the other universe, and through a device that Richards made, I can share brainwaves or something. Once you're there, you'll need to find the other me. I've already talked to her a couple of times. Listen, I'm not the best at detailed explanations but I'm going to relay what Franklin told me so far..."

She broke down what had happened, to the best of her ability to describe...

In this universe, Thanos, Darkseid, and Apocalypse fell into contention over an especially large Reality Shard. As in, about human-sized. Franklin sensed this and watched, but when Thanos and Darkseid tried to destroy the Shard, Apocalypse of all people stepped in to prevent the destruction.

Franklin felt ill-equipped to take all of these extremely powerful entities on at one time - not with a Reality Shard at stake, so he did the next best thing - made a pocket universe around the three entities and the Shard. He's aware that certain things like the Anti-Life Equation, the Infinity Stones, and other ultimate sources of power are linked to their native universes, so, while the battle still rages over the Shard, Franklin has to make it appear like these items still work, otherwise they'd immediately realize they are no longer in their home reality and begin to find a way to escape.

One more detail... it appears in the rush to protect the Reality Shard from being destroyed, Apocalypse granted it sentience and a humanoid form.

"So... you have to save her to save reality. Of course, she was brought to life by Apocalypse... but we're hoping that being an entirely new entity she'll be like The Vision was and be innocent and pure? But being around him, who knows how long that'll last. Basically you need to bring her back to this reality before she either gets destroyed which we think destroys everything, or gets indoctrinated by Apocalypse, which would mean some serious reality editing that almost no one would like I bet..."

Luna took a deep breath. "So... any questions?"

"Nope! When do we start?" Doreen replied.

From the other side of the portal, music is heard...

Those interested must be part of the Epic Crossover Clan
This is open to high end Superhuman, Global or Cosmic
Characters only! Let me know in Clan or in Discord Which character you're taking before posting here.
Realize this is a commitment, don't sign up if you can't post twice weekly at least.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @Breach @Drixe @superwolfgirl @Ringmaster @York @ anyone I missed
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Hercules Lion of Olympus

Herak had finished with another Metropolis villain want to be. Surprised with the presence of Hercules rather than Superman. Baah, the fellow was splendid and all but... pfft, never mind. it had just been a long week. With each new would be foe, there was more paperwork for Shield for he and his assistant.

He felt a nagging, a tugging at his mind. He was however rather cranky and ignored it for a bit, causing himself something of a headache.


When there appeared out of nothing his half sister Athena.

" Is that you nagging at me Sister Athena ? "

" No, Lion of Olympus... Earth cries out for it's hero. Young Franklin Richards holds worlds end at bay. You must go, else all is lost"

With that.. she disappeared of course.

So, perhaps a bit less cranky, Hercules went into his vault and gathered a few things. Gifts from friends, a few legendary things gathered in his youth and more recently. He stuffed as much as he could into the bag given to him by his friends the fantastic four, an incredibly tough bag, labeled " Yancy Street Gym, Ben Grimm Proprietor".
Into a cab, his favorite cabby for the short drive from Queens to Manhattan.

Once there, he was mostly quiet. He had heard tales .. unbelievable fables about her. He had heard a bit about these Shards too. A Shard given life... and sentience. And the three villains...Uggh, he thought his week was long before. Really a pity he had given up alcohol recently.
Spawn, The Hellspawn

Spawn was looking out of the city, when he felt everything, including himself, suddenly vanish and came back. He shake his head, he knew only few things that could have cause this effect. He heard the voice telling him to head to the Baxter building. He arrives to the building and meets Herbie, Squirrel Girl, and Luna Snow. She explain everything and Spawn knew that most bring the girl, the now humanoid reality shard, to their reality to protect the universe and the girl(Spawn has a soft spot for kids and will kill anyone who would try to harm one).
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  • Thank You
Reactions: Michale CS
See this now, see it well.

A chase that has pervaded the subconscious of those sensitive to the skein of fate. Woven like a spider, more tenacious than a horse hair from which the Doom of Damocles hangs. Though the players have changed and reality is warped, the essential nature of the chase is the same. There was a group of warriors known as the Gunslingers. Destroyed not from enemies outside, but from the malignance within. One by one, falling to their shared foe and his monsters. In the blinding, white expanse of the Mojave Desert there is a figure running. His breath resembles a ragged rabbit, on its last heels. Or perhaps its that of a fox, wily and preparing to turn the tables on its captor. It could be both, you could reckon. But though the faces change, the statement holds true. And that, across the worlds is this.


It had been weeks since he had left civilization behind. His guidance had brought him to the point his foe was within his grasp. But though his body was inhuman, it was mortal like any other. Prone to hunger, thirst...The thirst in particular. He sipped the flask of water, wrenching out the last and tossed it over his shoulder. Dead weight now. Had he more confidence in his magecraft, he might have opened a portal to the Nevernever. But time measured differently there and to use it was to alert his enemy further.

To say nothing of what else might be around yet.

So he slept that night, dreaming of the nights in Gil-Elad and his friend, the man he called brother.

And when he woke, he knew his prey had fled that night, rather than rest as he did. No matter.

But the more he walked, the more dead the world felt to him. Even in a desert, life of a sort flourished. The beasts of the desert, the snake and the spiked toad, the hare and the cacti. The cricket by night and the scorpion by day- he felt none of them. No life, no earth nor sky above.

Only death greeted him, an open expanse and it loomed towards him like an omen of evil.

Lucifer woke up. Sitting up from his sleeping position, he looked the direction of his quarry. He flicked open his pocketwatch, the orbit of the planets marking a time that made him frown.

....He was honor bound to seek the Laughing Man, but this required him as well. Time was, when a Gunslinger could merely go off when needed. But that was then, when their numbers were greater. When the Walls were stronger and the Tower loomed over all, like the face of his father. Now there was only one.

And so for the first time, the Gunslinger opted to heed the call.

And turning from his path, he left towards the way as he opened a hole in the Nevernever and stepped through.

Much later, he listened to the tale with his arms crossed and an impassive expression beneath the brim of his hat. Straightforward enough. And with a grunt, he acknowledged the objective as he prepared himself internally for what was to come.

@Gands @Michale CS
Lucifer Morningstar- Totally and Completely Fine

Lucifer had gotten used to weirder things in his life, so seeing a robot escorting him into a building was not odd. It wasn't fine and yeah, getting a call was not why he had come here. He had come here because even with facing himself, there were still traces of his old form that wouldn't leave. Seeing as he was stuck with him, he thought it might be a good idea to help with the Reality shard. He was fine... even if he wasn't and sighed. " Well, I imagined that this wouldn't be simple, but I imagine that with all of us working together it should be doable. It's certainly going to be annoying... but hopefully the shard isn't corrupted already. Is there anything else we should know?" He asked. He honestly didn't care- but sometimes it was better to ask even if he had other things on his mind.

@Michale CS @Gands @Breach @Ringmaster
"I acknowledge that this mission is important. But I would know more about those I would work with."

The Gunslinger peered at his fellow saviors, one after the other scrutinized by his glare. Hercules got a small nod. This was the equivalent of a hearty greetings from the quiet damphir. The second Lucifer got an open glower, the eyes of the Gunslinger glowing a hellish red. The scent of Brimstone as his senses expanded on the being before him was overpowering, and his palms itched for his pistols.

He broke his gaze first, evaluating Spawn in turn with the same wariness he gave to the former Son of the Morning. Luna was given a neutral look, as was Doreen. His response to them would be determined by their actions.

@Gands @Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9 @Breach
Heracles Lion of Olympus

"I will speak on behalf of these two. This one " points leisurely at Lucifer Morningstar " is a creature of justice and punishment. Saving lives helping me expose a mind control conspiracy"

" This one" points now leisurely at Spawn " fought against the robots and minions of Ultron in Detroit. Whatever they did before I met them my friend, they have done good deeds in my presence. Against the foes we face, we will need their power I believe "

@Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9 @Breach @Ringmaster
"I acknowledge that this mission is important. But I would know more about those I would work with."

The Gunslinger peered at his fellow saviors, one after the other scrutinized by his glare. Hercules got a small nod. This was the equivalent of a hearty greetings from the quiet damphir. The second Lucifer got an open glower, the eyes of the Gunslinger glowing a hellish red. The scent of Brimstone as his senses expanded on the being before him was overpowering, and his palms itched for his pistols.

He broke his gaze first, evaluating Spawn in turn with the same wariness he gave to the former Son of the Morning. Luna was given a neutral look, as was Doreen. His response to them would be determined by their actions.

She pulled out her cell phone and started showing off pictures on it.
"Well... Thanos? One of the guys we're going after? I beat him once..."
squirrel girl thanos.jpg
"Then there was my career starter, when I beat Doctor Doom." A short video recorded from Iron Man's HUD played showing how Doreen had frustrated Doom into abandoning his plan to capture Iron Man.

Squirrel Girl Doom.jpg
"Basically, I always find a way to win, even if the best way to win is to turn an enemy into a friend. Especially then. Oh, and a fan made a song about me..." She clicked a button on her cell phone and cranked up the volume.

Luna just shrugged. "I'm not going with you, I'm just going to be your point of contact in the other universe, but I think the other me you'll meet there isn't much different, and she may help you so... I've got powers over ice and darkness, and I heal amazingly quickly. As far as I can tell the version of me in that universe is also fairly new at the hero thing, so it's probably best I use my powers defensively and stay out of the main line of fire if possible, as the other version of me will be your only line of communication back to this reality."

@Gands @Ringmaster @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drixe @Breach @superwolfgirl
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Hercules and his rousing endorsement enabled him to relax a hairs length. Though the idea of the former leader of Hell as 'a creature of justice and punishment' struck a chord in him as he spoke. As Gunslingers protecting the Tower, one thing they were made aware of was the idea of Narrative Casuality. A method in which monsters and warlocks empowered themselves, using the collective will of magic to accomplish great and terrible deeds. This was why monsters appeared under beds and why folks such as the Laughing Man was an archetype of evil. Of such things did they obtain most of their strength. It took something though, for a fulcrum of stories to reject their nature. He'd keep that much in mind for now. As to the others...

...His expression could have been cast in stone at the music playing. But it was annoying, not deadly and thus he put up with it. Luna garnered more of his attention as he listened carefully. Finally satisfied and knowing what to expect, he went back to his resting position against the wall. Also, keeping everyone in his sights as he said simply.

"Very well then."

@Gands @Michale CS @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drixe @Breach @superwolfgirl
Meanwhile across the portal in the other universe

Bob yawns as he wakes up, the alarm telling him the "day cycle" beginning. It's hard to tell otherwise in space. He changes from his sleeping attire into his black overalls with the team entropy logo on them. Technically Batman didn't let him join the team but it was the color he liked. The fact that Batman had the best toys was a big factor.

He heads to the cleaning supply room and grabs his gear. Heading down the hall he prepares to start his daily routine. Its not a bad job, just that he remembers the fun of being one of dr naferious's lab assistants . They won't let him near the lab now thanks to the " fartgun" incident.

The station is kind of quiet for some reason, several of the team's being sent off to do something fun he guessed.
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Lucifer Morningstar- Huh- A glower isn't new...it's the norm

Lucifer shrugged when the Gunslinger glared at him. It would have been something new if he wasn't used to it. He looked over at Hercules and the Gunslinger. " He's not lying and I haven't always been the best person. Sometimes I hurt people in Hell for the gain and fun and it wasn't always good, but I like to believe that is in the past. I imagine you won't trust me, but honestly, I don't care. You just have to work with me. "

@Gands @Michale CS @Ringmaster @Breach
Lucifer Morningstar- Huh- A glower isn't new...it's the norm

Lucifer shrugged when the Gunslinger glared at him. It would have been something new if he wasn't used to it. He looked over at Hercules and the Gunslinger. " He's not lying and I haven't always been the best person. Sometimes I hurt people in Hell for the gain and fun and it wasn't always good, but I like to believe that is in the past. I imagine you won't trust me, but honestly, I don't care. You just have to work with me. "

@Gands @Michale CS @Ringmaster @Breach

"If you are the fallen son, then you know why I'm wary. But give no reason to let me raise my guns and I will keep them trained on our mutual enemies." Was his reply, still in that reptilian pose of patience. The Gunslingers had fought all manner of monsters, from beyond the world and within it. Their guns, forged from the weapons their ancestors had used against dragons, demons and more- Roland would have inherited the guns of Arthur Eld. He himself, as the adopted son of course would never touch them, but he and others had been worried when it was clear just which pistols resonated perfectly with him.

If the Sandalwood guns inspired brightness and hope, Baskerville and Sammael were the savage shadow that brought fear. Forged from the blade of the Traitor Knight, they had a personality of their own that condemned prior owners to early graves, consumed by a drive to kill all foes in their path. Until Lucifer arrived, they had remained silent and sleepy in their storage...Until Lucifer arrived.

In an eyeblink, his right hand was suddenly full of black iron, Baskerville in his grip as he spun the chamber. Unlike Excalibur that parted the darkness and brought demons to heel, Arondight was a bane against dragons. Especially powerful against those types and as he aimed upward and peered through the sights, he gave a grunt and slipped it back in his holster.

With his weapon in hand, he knew what he wanted to know.

@Gands @Michale CS @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drixe @Breach @superwolfgirl
Meanwhile in the other universe

He puts his headphones on and starts moping the floor, as the music kicks in he starts dancing as he cleans. Oblivious to the people around him he sings along to "little green bag".
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Even in his sleep he felt the thrum of a reality shard, but like a petulant child he rolled over and covered his head against the sun's rays streaming through the hotel window. unfortunately it didn't block out that sodding incessant voice. Idly he wondered which pissed off ghost was hounding him this time, then he wondered who he had gotten to take him into their bed last night as he felt a warm body beside him, and Then he wondered why he even cared. Damnit all! Now he had to have a piss, he threw off blankets and pillow and stumbled into the bathroom.

After dressing and leaving the hotel, he pulled a cigarette from a fresh pack of "Cut Silk"s with his lips muttering about bleeding inconsiderate shite shards as he lit up. He hoped he would get lucky and that all night diner around the corner would be running a breakfast special. Lost in his musings as he wandered, he turned the corner and headed for the glass doors.

As he reached them however, he realized this was NOT the diner that would satisfy his longings, but a business building of some kind. His blood tingled as in response to a power activation of some kind (like the appearance of a gun). "Oh bollocks!" he cursed around the cigarette in his mouth. He stared up at the sky shaking his fist and screaming "STOP IT!" over and over. As he noticed passers by across the street he turned his enraged stare on them "You havin' a laugh?! You wanna have a go?! Piss off!!". Turning to the sky he shouted "Fine!" and pulled open the doors to stomp in.

Once inside, he began muttering the phrases of a well loved "hot or cold" magic detection spell, feeling too irritated, brazen, and hungry to slow down and do this like a muggle. As he arrived at the place where the others were assembled, he took one look at the damphir, the fallen, and the hellspawn and burst out "Not for all the orgies in Heaven, Hell, ancient Rome, and Amsterdam! This is like the punchline to the worst bleed'n joke ever!"

He stared skyward as he crossed into the room "Tell me you're winding me up! .... Seriously?" He continued toward the center of the room not bothering to look at anyone. "Let me guess... reality shards, end of the world or worlds... bad wolf and/or other big bads wanna have a go at the shard and we have to stop it? So where we off to? heaven?" he glanced at the Olympian "hell?" he glanced at the three "Oz?" he glanced at Doreen. Exasperated he began gesticulating 'Let's go' arm movements "Come on then, queue up! Everybody get in the big blue box or whatever bleeding contraption we're using and lets get this sodding cock-up sorted!"
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  • Nice Execution!
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Hello what do you want me to do?
[[ Honey, this is the In-Character thread. Please post Hope's arrival at the building IN-Character, perhaps you could edit your original post - or delete it and repost? ]] @superwolfgirl
Meanwhile in the other universe

Bob took a break from his dutys and sat by one of the few windows overlooking earth. He missed his friends and family. Everything was so dull here in space, others came and went but he was stuck here.

The weight of imortality was heavy in his mind, blurry images of times past haunted him. He usualy pushed past this with help of his clan, but they were gone. Now he was alone, the others saw him as a curiosity or a nuisance, and treated him as such. He sat in silence as he star gazed, dreaming of leaving this station he saw as a cage.
Now that all of the heroes are assembled...

Franklin Richards, or at least a facsimile of him, appears next to the portal.
"All right, I've done the best I can to contain things, but... there's going to be some changes from the Earth you're used to compared to here. Partially because there's a sentient Reality Shard there, and all of you have at least a passing familiarity with what they can do. I've scoped around and found several points of interest, but you'll be arriving at the location the Baxter Building would be in that universe. Which, apparently, the bottom floor of the building there is, of all places, a Karaoke Bar. I wish I could tell you all of the changes but by the time I listed them, they might change again. Because, you know, sentient Reality Shard."

He paused and took a deep breath. "I'll be working with others who can do similar things to myself at this end to keep up the illusion to the villains." A vision of entities like Doctor Manhattan, the Silver Surfer, and Galacta (Daughter of Galactus), breezes through each of their minds. "Plus, I did have some help making a stable portal that our opponents won't detect."

A loud belch followed by a muttered, "Y-you're welcome." was heard but no one saw who said it, though Constantine had been through the Froopyland incident and had met Rick Sanchez briefly.

"If you'll please step through the portal now, you'll end up at the back of the Karaoke bar on the other side. This is the closest place to where I sense the Reality Shard is at the moment. However, there are other powerful entities on the other side you should look for. There is a mutant by the name of Hope Summers on the other side, who can gain the powers of all mutants near her, and my senses are telling me there's a caretaker in the Watchtower - that's the Justice League's space station - who could be helpful to you as well. Also... when you first arrive, we have to 'write you in' to that reality, so for about a minute after you can see your surroundings, you'll be unable to interact with them and no one will see or hear you. Once you stop looking transparent to each other that means you're integrated fully. Good luck."

Once they get through...

Karaoke Heroes.jpg
Karaoke Heroes Pic.jpg

On the main stage, two people are standing, one of them still carrying a microphone, a female. And the other is...En Sabah Nur1.jpg
En Sabah Nur, also known as Apocalypse.

What's most disturbing is that, to any special senses our heroes have, the massive power level of Apocalypse is dwarfed by the raw power being detected from the female.
inbetweener female reality shard.jpg
"I'm not going with you, Father. You'll not order me like I'm some sort of tool for you to use."

"You do not have a choice. I am your creator. You serve me."

The young woman stared defiantly at En Sabah Nur, and...

He cringed. Staggered back before growling loudly. "Enough! You cannot simply edit my existence to your whim. I am En Sabah Nur, the First. I am eternal."

"Wrong. I am as old as reality itself. For once, it is you who is a child in someone else's eyes. I've scanned your mind for the information I needed. I am a GODDESS! And from now forward, you may call me Nyx. I tire of you. I'm going somewhere else, somewhere fun. You can stay here and talk to the others, they've nearly arrived..." Nyx faded away then, just as the heroes became fully corporeal in the universe, being unable to interact at all until this point, nor even move from their 'beaming in' points.

Just then, the screens lit up all around the bar, with people clapping and cheering. They all thought it was an act, apparently!
Then, one of the DJs put a music video up on all of the screens. Apparently, super heroes here were quite public, as the video was taken from various movies, games and tv series, with a theme song playing over it all...

@Sonevar @Drixe @superwolfgirl @Gands @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Breach

[[ OOC notes to particular players:

  • @superwolfgirl - When all of the heroes arrive in "your" universe, you sense a large power shift and can go to investigate (since you didn't respond before I moved the story, Hope will be 'native' to this universe.)
  • @Drixe - I'm hoping the team will hit the Watchtower soon enough, but if not... don't worry, I have a plan to integrate you in.
  • @Gands - Since Nyx is a Greek Goddess, once the Realtiy Shard declared herself the Goddess of Night, she took on her portfolio as it were, and potentially part of her personality, which will help Hercules provide information about her and maybe help with interactions with her. Feel free to use the link above or do any of your own research about Nyx and have Herc know that.
  • @Ringmaster, @LuckycoolHawk9, @Breach @Sonevar , they may have heard of Nyx, but won't know much more than she's an ancient Greek Goddess.
  • @Ringmaster - you sense the Tower is much stronger here than in the universe you just left, and instinctively know there may well be other Gunslingers still alive here.
  • @LuckycoolHawk9 - your "other" is astonishingly silent here, and you realize that's because he somehow didn't come with you... or at least his ability to communicate to you at all is gone, because you also sense there is a version of him in this universe, alive and well and un-merged.
  • @Breach , @Ringmaster , @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar - a silent call of rage from Hell itself rings in your ears like tinnitus for a moment then fades. The Hell of this world and its spawn are alerted to your arrival.
  • # everyone - no post order yet, just don't post a second time until everyone has. If you don't respond by 4/10/18 in the morning, I'm hopping past you in the rotation to post. This WILL update every 3 days, and if you miss three rotations in a row you become an NPC for the duration of the storyline. ]]
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Hercules Lion of Olympus

The Olympian had seen many things in his time. Fought against another version of himself for the right to exist. He remember with a rare chill, a scene from a movie.. a military man looking at a crash, saying .. [ This business will get out of control, out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. ] Hercules had not ever known fear, not even traveling to the zombie world, or fighting for his very existence... and if this little chilly feeling was fear, he'd not admit it to another. But, indeed, for such a powerful creature.... En Sabah Nur had really made a mess of things. He whispers to Lucifer, loud enough to be heard by those of his quest nearby... " In the world of my father, Nyx is powerful enough that Zeus himself dare not earn her wrath. Please bare this in mind, that she is not someone to be threatened or intimidated by the likes of any of us. "

Hercules walked up slowly and without the body language of threat towards En Sabah Nur.

" Sir, I do not believe we have met. I am Hercules of Olympus. Forgive my impertinence, but the situation seems... Dire.. My friends and I hope to be able to help solve this. What are you willing to tell us about She who has become Nyx ? "

Hercules is wearing a modern looking armored Kilt, a belted sword, his mace on the other side hanging from a belt hook. The weapons duffle bag with various guns and a Hephaestus made shield. Olympian made sandals, his now technologically enhanced head piece and a few other things shoved into the packed duffle bag.

@Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drixe @Sonevar @Ringmaster @Breach @superwolfgirl