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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Title: Monkey See, Monkey Do.
Power level: Enhanced to Global
Look/Feel: [Mastermind's Machievellian Plot ]

Mission Full


Los Angeles. one of the Crown Jewels of the West coast, as coined by CatCo Worldwide Media, along with National City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Coast City.
Crime is no stranger to Los Angeles with one of the highest crime rates of cities in California. But, crime, after a fashion was somewhat predictable. People choose a life of crime, and recidivism in criminals is high.

What is strange is a rash of burglaries, armed robberies and other type of theft from people who had never committed crimes before. Even more strange - none of them remember committing these crimes, even under polygraph. They simply don't remember. Most of the thefts were from law abiding citizens who had never even had so much as a traffic ticket. Those who weren't caught during the act dumped their ill gotten gains somewhere that they cannot remember, even with trained psychologists aiding them.

This sounds like a job for...

You, maybe?​
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I laugh, a loud joyous sound.

Very well, I will take that on advisement Sir Morningstar.

We go outside, where I had parked the bike earlier. two pairs of double tires on a heavy framed body with an eight cylinder Maserati engine.

There a few things extra, but we shouldn't need any.... and luckily, I heal quickly!

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS
Name: Jesus Montoya
Age: 24
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 138lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Criminal Record: None. Background check came back completely clean.
Profession: Delivery Driver for SAIA
Home Address: 505 Hobart St, Santa Ana California (Renting)
Work Address (Dispatch): 1551 11th Ave N Suite 200 Nampa, Idaho
Current Whereabouts: Out of state on a long haul. (Info obtained by calling his office. no way to get more without access to the computers on site at his work.)
Jesus has two siblings, a brother and a sister. His sister lives in Olympia, Washington and his brother lives in Portland, Oregon.
His parents, both living, live in Tecate, Mexico (Baja Callifornia)
He lives alone, and is separated from his fiancee' who lives in Alpine, Texas.
Since his work address was in Idaho, along with all of his relatives, Jason decided it was best not to waste time and resources on what could end up being a wild goose chase. Instead, Jason decided to check out the man's home, since it was the closest lead. Plus it might just provide some good info, if Jason was that lucky.

Jason hopped on his motorcycle and made his way to the man's home. He was wearing a black t-shirt with the Arkham logo printed on it, along with some red Nike shorts, just so he wouldn't draw attention. Jason went in through the back door, which the man oddly left unlocked for some reason. Anywho, once Jason was in he lowered his visor and began to walk around the house, checking to see if there were any leads that Jason could use to continue the investigation.
I laugh, a loud joyous sound.

Very well, I will take that on advisement Sir Morningstar.

We go outside, where I had parked the bike earlier. two pairs of double tires on a heavy framed body with an eight cylinder Maserati engine.

There a few things extra, but we shouldn't need any.... and luckily, I heal quickly!

I laugh, a loud joyous sound. Very well, I will take that on advisement Sir Morningstar We go outside, where I had parked the bike earlier. two pairs of double tires on a heavy framed body with an eight cylinder Maserati engine. There a few things extra, but we shouldn't need any.... and luckily, I heal quickly!

Lucifer was silent as he honestly wasn't going to admit that he rarely gave that advice. He looked over at the bike and smiled. He was happy to see that this bike was tricked out to be dangerous and complicated. " Well, it is lucky that you and I both regenerate because we are going to take the fastest route perfectly." He put the keys in the ignition and he waited for Hercules to get on the bike.

@Gands @Michale CS
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Since his work address was in Idaho, along with all of his relatives, Jason decided it was best not to waste time and resources on what could end up being a wild goose chase. Instead, Jason decided to check out the man's home, since it was the closest lead. Plus it might just provide some good info, if Jason was that lucky.

Jason hopped on his motorcycle and made his way to the man's home. He was wearing a black t-shirt with the Arkham logo printed on it, along with some red Nike shorts, just so he wouldn't draw attention. Jason went in through the back door, which the man oddly left unlocked for some reason. Anywho, once Jason was in he lowered his visor and began to walk around the house, checking to see if there were any leads that Jason could use to continue the investigation.
((OOC- Not in Santa Ana, ese vato. No one leaves their door unlocked. Unless you meant you picked the lock. Otherwise, step off I'm the GM. We're going with you picked the lock cause yeahhh. ))

The house looked like one part church and one part Mexican restaurant with paintings that would be on the walls of a ma and pa restaurant, along with candles, and several paintings of Mary and Jesus. The living room was clear except for a long couch, a coffee table and a flat screen TV on one wall. The kitchen... the fridge just had bottled water, beer, tortillas and condiments in it, and the freezer was packed with frozen dinners.

The one bedroom was just a bed, a nightstand, one chest of drawers and another TV. Man this guy's life was boring. There was, however, one of those digital picture frames by his bedside. It appeared this guy was a fanboi of Supergirl, because all of the pictures on the rotation were of her. Looking in the drawer of the nightstand was a stack of papers stuck into a D-ring binder. Clippings about Supergirl, mainly, but some that were obviously pictures he'd taken and printed out that, once he looked closely were at the Santa Ana Zoo. Apparently a worker there looked a lot like Supergirl as he'd circled the faces and at least once wrote Supergirl's Secret ID? in the margins.

All of this being what it was, it didn't seem to have anything to do with the carjacking or the case at hand. He did find out that this guy practically enshrined her.


{{ and an entirely OOC Lookie here! @Yuuki_Tatsunohi }}
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I laugh, a loud joyous sound.

Very well, I will take that on advisement Sir Morningstar.

We go outside, where I had parked the bike earlier. two pairs of double tires on a heavy framed body with an eight cylinder Maserati engine.

There a few things extra, but we shouldn't need any.... and luckily, I heal quickly!
The pair get to the women's jail in Lynwood, where Lauren Redfern is being held. Due to Morningstar's affiliation with the LAPD and Hercules' SHIELD ID, it's not long before they get sat down in an interview room with Miss Redfern.

"I don't know what I'm going to tell you that I didn't tell the last ten people who interviewed me, but you're welcome to try. I wish to God that I knew what came over me for so long, but I don't. I simply don't. But go ahead, ask your questions."

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
((OOC- Not in Santa Ana, ese vato. No one leaves their door unlocked. Unless you meant you picked the lock. Otherwise, step off I'm the GM. We're going with you picked the lock cause yeahhh. ))

The house looked like one part church and one part Mexican restaurant with paintings that would be on the walls of a ma and pa restaurant, along with candles, and several paintings of Mary and Jesus. The living room was clear except for a long couch, a coffee table and a flat screen TV on one wall. The kitchen... the fridge just had bottled water, beer, tortillas and condiments in it, and the freezer was packed with frozen dinners.

The one bedroom was just a bed, a nightstand, one chest of drawers and another TV. Man this guy's life was boring. There was, however, one of those digital picture frames by his bedside. It appeared this guy was a fanboi of Supergirl, because all of the pictures on the rotation were of her. Looking in the drawer of the nightstand was a stack of papers stuck into a D-ring binder. Clippings about Supergirl, mainly, but some that were obviously pictures he'd taken and printed out that, once he looked closely were at the Santa Ana Zoo. Apparently a worker there looked a lot like Supergirl as he'd circled the faces and at least once wrote Supergirl's Secret ID? in the margins.

All of this being what it was, it didn't seem to have anything to do with the carjacking or the case at hand. He did find out that this guy practically enshrined her.


{{ and an entirely OOC Lookie here! @Yuuki_Tatsunohi }}
Jason raised a brow at the site of the odd Supergirl pictures that he had in his room. Jason took pictures of it, as he felt like this could be used as evidence for another case that could happen sometime in the future. "Better safe than sorry." Jason mumbled before leaving.

Once Jason returned, he decided to go after the guy directly. How? Well, first Jason would need to somehow set up a direct link to his company's servers so he could track the guy from his gauntlet. The address which he received the dispatch from was in Iowa, though. But that doesn't mean that there weren't any facilities in Los Angeles, though. Jason quickly went to his handy dandy computer and checked if there were any facilities in the area.
I look relatively comfortable despite the tiny seat I've been given. Morningstar of course, has that rock star smile going, all friendly like.

Lets start with this Miss Redfern

What is the last thing you remember and where were you at the time.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS
"I'll put on my... Business suit, and check out the sewer." She concluded after a moment.

Those who were less perceptive may not immediately realize what she was hinting at, but to her... It was pretty obvious.
Eisley and Tepes arrived in the general area. It would have to be a block or so away, as the area was still crawling with cops. It wouldn't be hard to gain access to the sewers at all, and once down there, they found a lot of the sewers ran parallel to the Red Line tunnels, or vice versa.

They did, however come across a strange hatch, that would seem to lead nowhere to those with average senses...

Thankfully, neither of them were average. The sensors in Cloud's suit sensed a wide open area behind the hatch, and Tepes' hearing picked up the hollow echoes from behind it.

The hatch was metal, and apparently opened by turning a wheel to turn the bolts. The faint hum of machinery was heard behind it.

@york @Ringmaster
Eisley and Tepes arrived in the general area. It would have to be a block or so away, as the area was still crawling with cops. It wouldn't be hard to gain access to the sewers at all, and once down there, they found a lot of the sewers ran parallel to the Red Line tunnels, or vice versa.

They did, however come across a strange hatch, that would seem to lead nowhere to those with average senses...

Thankfully, neither of them were average. The sensors in Cloud's suit sensed a wide open area behind the hatch, and Tepes' hearing picked up the hollow echoes from behind it.

The hatch was metal, and apparently opened by turning a wheel to turn the bolts. The faint hum of machinery was heard behind it.

@york @Ringmaster
Tepes mockingly saluted, threw a coy wink in Eisley's direction before taking the first step inside and transforming into a rat.

This way, he'd shadow her and keep an eye open for any trouble.

@york @Michale CS
The address which he received the dispatch from was in Iowa, though. But that doesn't mean that there weren't any facilities in Los Angeles, though. Jason quickly went to his handy dandy computer and checked if there were any facilities in the area.
There were a few general truckyards that Saia used to rent berths for trucks, but all of the actual business was done out of state. The internet is great for that. Some hacking later, that hurt his brain because these guys were using some old school UNIX even today, he found out the itinerary for Jesus' trip. Apparently he was delivering half a dozen chicken coops from a company called Chicken Condos to an address in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The last GPS ping from Jesus' tattler on the truck put him in San Antonio Texas. Given that it was after 10pm there, it was pretty likely the guy had stopped for the night.

I look relatively comfortable despite the tiny seat I've been given. Morningstar of course, has that rock star smile going, all friendly like.

Lets start with this Miss Redfern

What is the last thing you remember and where were you at the time.
"I... lost two months of my life, people. As I told the cops, the last thing I remember before waking up in the driver's seat of a school bus was this bizarre dream." She sighed and shook her head.

"I'll retell it again. I know you guys are checking to see if my story changes. It won't. In this dream, I am waiting for the Red Line. I was going to go to Hollywood to enjoy myself for the night. I remember thinking that I'd go to the TCM Chinese Theatre and catch a movie, maybe walk down the Walk of Fame and grab dinner somewhere. I look over my shoulder and there's... the strangest things." She paused and shrugged.

"A baboon or something. A monkey with a painted face. I remember him smelling like the best cologne ever. Next to him, was this huge damned white gorilla. Then I heard a voice behind me. Someone else. Someone with a kind of English accent. He said, she'll do. And then, pretty much everything went black." Redfern looked exasperated and bored at yet another retelling.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands

He downed the rest of his drink.

"I'll go with you. I ain't gonna need no fancy lights or anything down there, so makes me best t'follow."

@york @Whoever​
"So, it looks like I am going to be busy getting an empty office to look like a command center in record time, and get all the data we're waiting on like facial recognition or...apparently gorilla sightings, no matter who they came from. By tomorrow afternoon the command center should be set up." Cardiff commented.

"So it looks like Miss Cloud and Mister Tepes are going to the sewers, Mister Todd is looking into the carjack victim, which leaves Mister Morningstar and Agent Hercules to look into Miss Redfern? Just so I know where you all are in case one of you needs backup for some reason."

@york @Ringmaster @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands
Eisley and Tepes arrived in the general area. It would have to be a block or so away, as the area was still crawling with cops. It wouldn't be hard to gain access to the sewers at all, and once down there, they found a lot of the sewers ran parallel to the Red Line tunnels, or vice versa.

They did, however come across a strange hatch, that would seem to lead nowhere to those with average senses...

Thankfully, neither of them were average. The sensors in Cloud's suit sensed a wide open area behind the hatch, and Tepes' hearing picked up the hollow echoes from behind it.

The hatch was metal, and apparently opened by turning a wheel to turn the bolts. The faint hum of machinery was heard behind it.

@york @Ringmaster
Tepes mockingly saluted, threw a coy wink in Eisley's direction before taking the first step inside and transforming into a rat.

This way, he'd shadow her and keep an eye open for any trouble.

@york @Michale CS
Eisley Cloud
@Ringmaster @Michale CS

Eisley nodded at Tepes, glad she had at least some company in the sewers, though she had been prepared to lone wolf the operation, she new an extra pair of eyes was always a good idea. After looking around for a moment, just to make sure that she didn't have any unwanted observers, she opened up her suitcase. It required a few fingerprints and a few presses around particular areas of the suitcase before it finally popped open.

The interior was lined with a soft, gel like substance, and it looked like it had lead lining underneath that gel. Though, the contents itself seemed to have taken her interest, components to what was apparently some sort of suit, unlike anything found in this current day and age. Carefully putting on her suit, she then pressed down on a few more sections of the suitcase, causing the whole thing to collapse down into a neat little rectangular box, which she stowed on the belt of her "business suit", clearly some sort of high tech powersuit, with some added benefits, including some sort of arm mounted cannon... It looks like she was ready for action.


Arriving on the scene, Eisley was instantly alert, upon finding that hatch... Tepes appeared to be one step ahead, becoming a rat as he covered her, though she was concentrated on her job, she managed a smile back towards him just before he shifted, subtly in response to that wink of his.

Focusing back on the task at hand, EIsley decided to try and open the hatch VIA turning the wheel, making sure to scan the interior as thoroughly as possible before she entered. This way, she could make doubly sure that the area hadn't been rigged in some way.

Focusing back on the task at hand, EIsley decided to try and open the hatch VIA turning the wheel, making sure to scan the interior as thoroughly as possible before she entered. This way, she could make doubly sure that the area hadn't been rigged in some way.
The room looked like a trauma center, oddly. Brightly lit, a dozen gurneys in a row across the center of the room, with, well...

It seemed that there were four people in the centermost gurneys, all hooked to IVs

A man and a woman, both dressed in lab coats, turned at the sound of the hatch opening. They both looked confused. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave. You're not on the list." The two of them said this at the exact same time. "Security will be called." The woman said.

"Yes, they will be called. Please leave. The patients' health depends on it." The man followed.

The far end of the room had a large mirror, presumably one-way glass, and a metal door with a card key lock. The rest of the room was outfitted as you expected a trauma center to be outfitted.

@york @Ringmaster
The room looked like a trauma center, oddly. Brightly lit, a dozen gurneys in a row across the center of the room, with, well...

It seemed that there were four people in the centermost gurneys, all hooked to IVs

A man and a woman, both dressed in lab coats, turned at the sound of the hatch opening. They both looked confused. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave. You're not on the list." The two of them said this at the exact same time. "Security will be called." The woman said.

"Yes, they will be called. Please leave. The patients' health depends on it." The man followed.

The far end of the room had a large mirror, presumably one-way glass, and a metal door with a card key lock. The rest of the room was outfitted as you expected a trauma center to be outfitted.
"How about no?"

Tepes appeared behind one, transformed as he chopped his hands down for the direction of the back of the male doctors neck in an attempt to knock him out. Way he saw it, with the cute girl he managed to team with seen, they were already compromised.

If he succeeded, he rifled his pockets for anything they could use.

@Michale CS @york
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The room looked like a trauma center, oddly. Brightly lit, a dozen gurneys in a row across the center of the room, with, well...

It seemed that there were four people in the centermost gurneys, all hooked to IVs

A man and a woman, both dressed in lab coats, turned at the sound of the hatch opening. They both looked confused. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave. You're not on the list." The two of them said this at the exact same time. "Security will be called." The woman said.

"Yes, they will be called. Please leave. The patients' health depends on it." The man followed.

The far end of the room had a large mirror, presumably one-way glass, and a metal door with a card key lock. The rest of the room was outfitted as you expected a trauma center to be outfitted.

@york @Ringmaster
"How about no?"

Tepes appeared behind one, transformed as he chopped his hands down for the direction of the back of the male doctors neck in an attempt to knock him out. Way he saw it, with the cute girl he managed to team with seen, they were already compromised.

If he succeeded, he rifled his pockets for anything they could use.

@Michale CS @york
Eisley Cloud
@Michale CS @Ringmaster

Eisley blinked, she had expected a sewage system, not... A room like this, but at the same time, she had a feeling this might just be where the mysterious crime sprees have been stemming from. Seeing that Tepes had already made his move... Headed towards the male doctor, she rolled her eyes, instantly realizing that all bets are off if this was actually some trauma center.

With a quick motion, Eisley attempted to rush the female doctor, to deliver a firm blow to the back of her head. It shouldn't be hard enough to cause any real damage, just enough to knock her out. Though she couldn't say for certain the pair did seem like they might be under some sort of mind control.

"Think there's any more?" She asked.

Regardless of whether or not she had managed to do what she had intended, she was still concerned about the possibility of these two doctors having backup of some sort...​
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Eisley Cloud
@Michale CS @Ringmaster

Eisley blinked, she had expected a sewage system, not... A room like this, but at the same time, she had a feeling this might just be where the mysterious crime sprees have been stemming from. Seeing that Tepes had already made his move... Headed towards the male doctor, she rolled her eyes, instantly realizing that all bets are off if this was actually some trauma center.

With a quick motion, Eisley attempted to rush the female doctor, to deliver a firm blow to the back of her head. It shouldn't be hard enough to cause any real damage, just enough to knock her out. Though she couldn't say for certain the pair did seem like they might be under some sort of mind control.

"Think there's any more?" She asked.

Regardless of whether or not she had managed to do what she had intended, she was still concerned about the possibility of these two doctors having backup of some sort...​
"Who knows? What I do know is that they mentioned they'd call security if you didn't leave-Seeing how they didn't when you walked in, I'm thinking that's a no."

He briefly considered draining them enough to enthrall them before shaking his head. Instead, he busied himself with Baskerville as he checked his gun and spoke.

"Be a dear and open the door darling? I don't recognize half the tech normally, so gonna rely on you to do that while I shoot anyone who so much as throws a mean look our direction."

@york @Michale CS
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Eisley Cloud
@Michale CS @Ringmaster

Eisley blinked, she had expected a sewage system, not... A room like this, but at the same time, she had a feeling this might just be where the mysterious crime sprees have been stemming from. Seeing that Tepes had already made his move... Headed towards the male doctor, she rolled her eyes, instantly realizing that all bets are off if this was actually some trauma center.

With a quick motion, Eisley attempted to rush the female doctor, to deliver a firm blow to the back of her head. It shouldn't be hard enough to cause any real damage, just enough to knock her out. Though she couldn't say for certain the pair did seem like they might be under some sort of mind control.

"Think there's any more?" She asked.

Regardless of whether or not she had managed to do what she had intended, she was still concerned about the possibility of these two doctors having backup of some sort...​

"Who knows? What I do know is that they mentioned they'd call security if you didn't leave-Seeing how they didn't when you walked in, I'm thinking that's a no."

He briefly considered draining them enough to enthrall them before shaking his head. Instead, he busied himself with Baskerville as he checked his gun and spoke.

"Be a dear and open the door darling? I don't recognize half the tech normally, so gonna rely on you to do that while I shoot anyone who so much as throws a mean look our direction."

@york @Michale CS

The lab techs went down quickly, but at the same time, the light on the key card lock on the door turned red.

"Woman, kill your partner. In fact, kill everyone in the room."
Came over the P.A. And those words had weight. Eisley felt a very strong need to do so.

The enhanced senses of Tepes heard a door opening and closing in the distance.

But he had more urgent matters to deal with.

@york @Ringmaster
There were a few general truckyards that Saia used to rent berths for trucks, but all of the actual business was done out of state. The internet is great for that. Some hacking later, that hurt his brain because these guys were using some old school UNIX even today, he found out the itinerary for Jesus' trip. Apparently he was delivering half a dozen chicken coops from a company called Chicken Condos to an address in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The last GPS ping from Jesus' tattler on the truck put him in San Antonio Texas. Given that it was after 10pm there, it was pretty likely the guy had stopped for the night.

After finding out where Jesus was, Jason immediately got on a plane and flew there. All he took was his visor and suit, as he didn't think this would turn too bad. He did take his trusty pistol and one or two gadgets, however.

Once Jason arrived around three hours later, he stepped off the plane and drove to the location of the truck, using his gauntlet to track him.
"Who knows? What I do know is that they mentioned they'd call security if you didn't leave-Seeing how they didn't when you walked in, I'm thinking that's a no."

He briefly considered draining them enough to enthrall them before shaking his head. Instead, he busied himself with Baskerville as he checked his gun and spoke.

"Be a dear and open the door darling? I don't recognize half the tech normally, so gonna rely on you to do that while I shoot anyone who so much as throws a mean look our direction."

@york @Michale CS
The lab techs went down quickly, but at the same time, the light on the key card lock on the door turned red.

"Woman, kill your partner. In fact, kill everyone in the room." Came over the P.A. And those words had weight. Eisley felt a very strong need to do so.

The enhanced senses of Tepes heard a door opening and closing in the distance.

But he had more urgent matters to deal with.

@york @Ringmaster
Eisley Cloud
@Ringmaster @Michale CS

Eisley nodded, preparing to attempt to breach that door... However, a sudden voice that came over the P.A. brought chills up her spine, it was a trap. As fast as her reflexes might have allowed her to be, she wasn't fast enough to take out the P.A. system in time, much less stop it from broadcasting to her all-together. She fought the urge to follow the orders from the P.A., but she knew it was only a matter of time before she could no longer resist them. Considering her options, she realized there was only one thing left to do.

"Initiate... Security Protocol... 6-4-6-3..." She muttered, between gritted teeth.

Just as her own personal will began to leave her, the suit began to power down... On the bright side, her quick thinking would hopefully prevent her from doing some major damage, but the shutdown process would take approximately 15 minutes, which meant that Tepes would have to find a way to keep her busy for around that long.

As hard as she had tried to fight this mind control... It would seem that for the time being, she had been unable to resist it for too long, and at the moment, she was forced to follow the orders from the intercom. With some rather stiff looking movements, thanks to her continued efforts to fight off this mental influence, she raised her right arm... And what had looked to be a simple arm brace, suddenly formed into some sort of energy cannon, gathering power as she prepared to fire upon Tepes.

Looks like he might have his hands full... But, at least it would only be for 15 minutes, or perhaps even less time, if he could figure out someway to disable her (or at least her suit). Her movements were a bit more impaired than usual for now, but it was likely once she completely lost all control of her body, she'd be fighting at her full ability... Or at least as full as it can be with her under mind control.

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Eisley Cloud
@Ringmaster @Michale CS

Eisley nodded, preparing to attempt to breach that door... However, a sudden voice that came over the P.A. brought chills up her spine, it was a trap. As fast as her reflexes might have allowed her to be, she wasn't fast enough to take out the P.A. system in time, much less stop it from broadcasting to her all-together. She fought the urge to follow the orders from the P.A., but she knew it was only a matter of time before she could no longer resist them. Considering her options, she realized there was only one thing left to do.

"Initiate... Security Protocol... 5-3-5-2..." She muttered, between gritted teeth.

Just as her own personal will began to leave her, the suit began to power down... On the bright side, her quick thinking would hopefully prevent her from doing some major damage, but the shutdown process would take approximately 15 minutes, which meant that Tepes would have to find a way to keep her busy for around that long.

As hard as she had tried to fight this mind control... It would seem that for the time being, she had been unable to resist it for too long, and at the moment, she was forced to follow the orders from the intercom. With some rather stiff looking movements, thanks to her continued efforts to fight off this mental influence, she raised her right arm... And what had looked to be a simple arm brace, suddenly formed into some sort of energy cannon, gathering power as she prepared to fire upon Tepes.

Looks like he might have his hands full... But, at least it would only be for 15 minutes, or perhaps even less time, if he could figure out someway to disable her (or at least her suit). Her movements were a bit more impaired than usual for now, but it was likely once she completely lost all control of her body, she'd be fighting at her full ability... Or at least as full as it can be with her under mind control.


Oh, that was interesting.

Tepes in contrast smiled and gave a coy wink to Eisley as he spoke low and soothing, like trying to calm a ruffled horse.

"Darling, I dunno if you noticed, but hell of a first time to compare guns at a time like this. But if you wanna get it out of your system?"

He leaned back against the mirrored wall and made a show of checking his pistol.

"Go ahead...Shoot me. Fire with all your power."

@york @Michale CS
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