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The man looked thoughtful. "Contract demon..." he nodded to himself, his suspicions confirmed. "Phynex, huh?" he repeated. He had known that name before. But where? The demon remembered seeing another demon similar to the one before him, wandering with a companion. They were in the ruins of the forest, where the red haired man's clan lived, hidden from the world and dwelled in the forests and were hailed as their guardians. He recalled attacking plants, alive and needing flesh, the two traveling demons panicking as the plants dragged them deeper into the forests...He glanced at Phynex for a few seconds, "So this Phynex has just been summoned?" he asked, voice trailing off.

Her eyes widening at the Huntress' question, she began apologizing frantically. "I-I'm sorry...he's like that sometimes." She tugged at the man's arm with force, her eyes becoming clouded with anger. "Golem! You;re being rude!" she hissed at him, aware of the eyes that were on the two of them and the little girl who was hiding behind her father, curious eyes looking between the new duo and concern for the fire demon her partner seemed to be interested in. "This is my partner, Golem. I am Belinda," she said in a soft voice, eyes cast down, her cheeks flushed with a pink tinge. She didn't know why her demon partner had suddenly just strolled towards the Huntress for no reason at all. The people would mistake him for another Matt Evans, even though Golem was far from that.

From what Belinda could see, the fire demon looked like he was in pain, but he was also staring back at the two of them. With a loud grunt, the fire demon managed to get onto his feet and move towards the red haired man and the brown haired girl with cautious body language. The muscles were tensed and coiled, ready for any sort of attack that might come to him. His face had not yet left Golem's one, but there did not seem to have any eyes on its lava submerged face. The fire demon drew closer to the Huntress, sitting back down on his haunches right beside her.

Golem stared at him for a few seconds. "I believe I do. But I do not think he knows me." Golem had been one of the few who had helped the travelers out of their dilemma, and because of his unique appearance, it easily caught his eye. But Golem was a middle-tier demon and was of a common species, there was no way he would be able to remember someone like him. The brown haired girl was smiling awkwardly and shyly. "Come on, Golem." She bowed at Selene again, "We're sorry for interrupting, we'll be on our way..."
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I believe I do. But I do not think he knows me. There was that strange look of recognition in the eyes of the man, who now identified as 'Golem'. Such a strange name, considering the man's appearance - tall and slender, definitely not alluding to stocky, and brawny 'golems'. But since he was in his human form, his demon form might be quite different. Selene looked at the girl, Belinda, and nodded slightly. She could see the worry in the girl's lovely hazel eyes, and the allusion that Golem didn't usually act like this.

She looked over at Phynex as she sensed him move closer to her, settling beside her and meeting Golem's stare with his own. The fact that he still appeared to be in some pain, the grunt betraying some of that feeling, made her a little more worried. What had suddenly happened that had caused something like this to him? While she was no longer as suspicious of the two in front of her, she could see the honesty in Belinda's eyes, she couldn't completely throw off the possible connection. Then again... Hadn't Phynex started his lessons on meditation and transformation? Was this a sign of some success with their lessons?

Her eyes snapped back to Golem and Belinda, and suddenly, as they seemed about to leave she raised her voice slightly. "Wait. Miss Belinda," she paused for a second, glancing at Phynex. "I apologize if my own behavior has caused you discomfort, I was merely a little suspicious with you and your partner's," here, she gave Golem a searching look, "Sudden approach and behavior. You do not have to leave so soon, if I may, I would like to ask a few questions myself." She hoped her expression was placating enough, raising her eyebrows slightly and trying to put on a polite smile, though she only managed a slight uplifting of her lips as she looked to the other hunter, then at Golem.

Golem was a contract demon that had successfully undergone transformation, she could tell. The way he moved easily in his human form was a sign enough that he had been in that form long enough to grow used to moving in it, since demons in the early times after transforming often tended to stumble a little, their sense of balance and their mass changed from what they were used to. This Golem, and his partner, Belinda, might be able to give them advice and some help.

She politely motioned with one hand to the free chairs on her and her partner's table, asking them wordlessly to sit down. "Phynex and I are looking to help him transform as soon as he can," she began, then looked over to see Ellie and Sandwich Man coming over tentatively. The man looked at Golem and Belinda, giving them a searching, curious look, but seeing that most hostilities seemed to be gone for the moment, smiled warmly.

He held out a handwritten menu to the newcomers. "Would you two like to order something? My daughter also serves different drinks, if you need some refreshments," he shot a relieved glance to Selene that the huntress returned evenly as she waited for Belinda and Golem to sit down, still standing up herself.
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"When I saw him, my head hurt." Phynex whispered to Selene, sighing as he lay down, low enough for his head to rest on his large hands. It seemed like this demon knew who he was. But as much as he tried to rack his brains trying to figure out who this demon could be, it was impossible. Phynex had met countless outstanding demons along his journey. He made enemies who would chase him down, demons who helped him out of a pickle, met snobby aristocrats and spoken to the poorest of the poor. The underworld had many inhabitants, and this demon was in his human form! How was he supposed to tell who it was? For all he knew, it could be that white demon from across the River of Souls, Phynex wouldn't know.

Belinda was just about to pull Golem away when the Huntress no longer seemed so hostile. She breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, she was afraid that if her partner had pushed too much, it could cause another Matt Evans-like fiasco. Golem was a stubborn, hard to control demon, but he had a good heart. Being a giant demon himself, Belinda would call him a gentle giant at times. And she was a healer, the two of them were a very defensive team, usually sent to gather information for other missions and teams or tagging along with other parties. The two of them always found themselves at the front line of the battlefield. Golem was an immovable force, even if the enemy managed to dwindle down his energy, Belinda would be able to restore him to his prime.

The two of them exchanged a look and took the menu from the man, the woman thanking him with a warm tone while her partner continued to rudely examine both the white haired huntress and the burning form of the demon named Phynex. Belinda beamed at Selene, most of her worries cast aside. "We would gladly answer your questions." She looked over at Golem. "Golem's transformation was very painful, since his body was made entirely of stone. He had nothing that could connect him to a human body like muscle or bone. I myself am a healer, so I helped him by lessening the pain a little." She ordered two chicken sandwiches, handing the menus back to the man and waving at the little girl who was hiding behind the counter.
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"We'll ask him about that when we can," Selene replied in a low tone to her partner, keeping her voice down for only him to hear. His head hurt at the sight of Golem? Was it because of memories or something more malicious or probing? That wasn't out of the realm of possibility. She took a seat from across Belinda and Golem as soon as the two sat down. Sandwich Man smiled and took the menu from them after they had decided, before moving away to cook their orders and leaving the two pairs to talk to each other. He ushered Ellie back a little, sensing that the hunters and the demons were going to talk business.

She was quiet for a moment upon hearing Belinda's words. Golem was a stone or earth type demon. It wasn't too far from Phynex, though her partner was more fire and lava than he was rock and earth. Selene could see why it would be painful for Golem, his stone body changing into soft flesh, tissue and skin, along with completely foreign organs and hard but completely different bone. If Golem was the kind of demon that was large and made of stone... Never mind the feeling of his body shrinking down and becoming compact, that was probably painful enough already.

And Belinda was a healer. Selene had heard of healers, and Belinda and Golem were obviously a defensive team. Since Golem was a stone type, he probably tanked through most attacks and dealt a lot of damage with brute strength and force. Belinda would be able to further strengthen Golem and keep him going for longer, healing any injury which had formed. Though looking at his slender human form, he probably had learned quicker forms of fighting too. Which Selene meant to teach Phynex as soon as he was able to after transforming. Maybe Belinda knew something about Celestial's Heart? "I know about the pain, and I do want to reduce it as much as I can for Phynex. There is a flower called Celestial's Heart, have you heard of it? We are going to go out of the city to search." The healer would probably know a lot about plants and herbs, it was part of her work.

Other than that, the huntress was also a little curious about the way Golem and Belinda interacted so familiarly with each other, and even Golem sometimes ignoring his partner's admonishments. Golem seemed stubborn, if anything it probably related to his earth nature. Immovable and forceful.

While Belinda seemed... Kind and friendly, or at least a little soft towards her partner, though Selene knew Belinda probably acted different when it came to work. How long had these two been partners? They seemed to have known each other for a long time, making Selene wonder when Belinda had formed a contract. It wasn't any of her business, but she still had these questions in mind.
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Belinda nodded at the white haired huntress. "It is essential for healers to learn about plants, so yes, I know about the Celestial's Heart." It was an Eastern flower, but brought to the West for the purpose it could serve. Once brewed correctly, the flower could make an elixir that helped demons foresee their human form - if they would ever consider transformation - and help lower the chances of their magic attacking their own bodies or getting out of control. Complications like that could happen. The magic no longer recognizing the body and going against it, causing harm to the demon and even their partner. This was why the demon needed to be healthy and strong to make a contract, weak demons would die if this ever happened during the painful process.

She graciously accepted two cups of water from the man, who had stopped by their table to do so, before returning to the grill where there were strips of beef and chicken grilling, the smell hanging in the air. It was so delicious that it would make anyone drool. The healer looked at this Phynex curiously. He seemed to be made of fire and rock, making the girl assume he was of both elements. But unlike Golem, who was just simply a bunch of rocks given life by demonic magic, this fire demon had visible muscle and a bone structure. He had an anatomy of a beast, which bore some similarities to the human body. Phynex had arms, legs, a distinguishable body - though there would be new flesh growing over his exposed ribcage - and even a visible spine. Transforming into a human would still be painful, but at least he wouldn't be going through the same pain as Golem did.

The girl looked surprised. "Oh? Does it still grow in the West? I heard its supplies have been overexhausted to the point its extremely rare to find nowadays." Belinda took a sip of the icy cold water. "But they say you can find it easily if you looked for the flowers during the full moon in the sky, since they glow under the moonlight." This was all something she had learnt from a textbook. The healer had seen and even worked with some of the common and uncommon plants, but she'd rarely ever seen the rarer plants, in truth, she had no reason to use them. Rare plants were sometimes used for deadly poisons, taboo potions for love and immortality...potions that could be altered if anything changed. A love potion missing one ingredient could turn into something else entirely.

"How long have you two been binded?" Her eyes flickered to Phynex. "And since he hasn't transformed yet, that would mean you haven't gotten a contract rune yet, yes?" Contract runes, or symbols, were impossible to imprint on the demon body. They had to be in their human form for the hunter or huntress in charge to imprint it on their skin. A permanent mark on their skin, it was considered the final step to a demon contract and a 'telepathic' connection between the two parties. The hunter would feel the pain of the demon, and vice versa.
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"Someone in the recent decades noted that the plant can still be found outside the cities and towns," Selene murmured, remembering her relatives' notes. It wasn't any wonder that they had heard of that plant and had even encountered it, considering the sheer number of contracts that was in the family before. She nodded, having already read the same thing about the moonlight making the flowers glow. "I know how to use some stabilizing wards and spells that I will probably use once the day comes."Most of the wards Selene usually used were powerful binding and constriction spells, solely for restraining demons and capturing them, but she had read about most forms of magic from her family's libraries.

In theory, she would be able to use the wards and spells that would keep Phynex from thrashing around, and also try to keep his magic stable by lending some of her own. Still, she would probably have to practice it for a little before using it on her partner. It wouldn't do to suddenly cause an accident and hurt him, but she had little doubts that he was strong enough for transformation. If anything, it wouldn't be as painful as Golem's, whose original form was entirely stone.

Taking a sip from her own drink, Selene nodded again to Belinda's next questions. "We formed the contract a month ago." Finalizing the half-formed contract would have to wait until Phynex got his human form, since the contract mark could only be imprinted on the demon when he was in a humanlike form. Once the contract was finalized would they finally be able to reap the benefits of lending a measure of power to each other, blood magic, along with some telepathic and empathic links. Selene wasn't really sure if she wanted him to be able to read her thoughts, but it didn't always have to be broadcast to him and they would probably not try to read each other out of respect for their privacy.

"If we may ask, can you help us with the transformation lessons?" Selene asked after a contemplative silence, glancing at Golem who seemed to be wolfing down his sandwich with vigor. "Golem's experience as a contract demon and with the transformations would be an invaluable help." The huntress didn't usually ask for help, but this concerned Phynex. "And I'd also like to ask about the other contract partners in Nora." She had heard the names of some, but those hunters and their demons kept to themselves most of the time, or only interacted with each other.

She then looked at Phynex, noticing that he hadn't spoken up. "Is there anything you want to ask them? Maybe you can talk to Golem." And maybe he can get an answer as to why his head hurt when he looked at the other demon. They still had some time before they had to go out of the city for their search, and she had already prepared her packs and items back at her house.
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"Really?" Belinda's face expressed surprise. It was so rare that she'd never seen it before apart from the fake plastic samples at the academy, most students and even some teachers assumed the rare white flower was extinct. But hearing that it could be found outside in the cities and towns was comforting. Belinda and Golem had no uses for it, but she felt happy to hear that it still existed apart from the books she had read. She didn't need the elixir to reveal and stabilise the magic of a demon during their transformation, neither of them were interested in the elixir of immortality, either. Not only did you need the Celestial's Heart, there were ingredients that were simply unobtainable like the feather of a Celestial, blood willingly given by a demon, flowers and herbs and whatnot in the Northern regions and the East. Only the Rabbit of the Moon had access to them, provided by the ascended humans themselves. Belinda had heard of stories of foolish mortals who were willing to travel across the land just to gather these ingredients and create the concoction themselves. They were either banished, prosecuted or never heard of again.

The brown haired girl smiled. "A month ago? You two already look close." She looked between the white haired huntress and the fire demon who lay on the floor, she could sense some connection between the two of them already. Some hunters and their partners took years to get used to each other, some never do, but seeing Phynex and the Huntress herself reminded her of the times she bonded with the stubborn Golem. Like Phynex, the earth demon developed a liking for human food, wolfing down his meals with relish every time.

And that was what the earth demon was doing. The man had returned with two chicken sandwiches, placing the steaming hot meals in front of them and thanking them. Golem, without hesitation, began scoffing down the meal like it was his last. Belinda had told him many times that it was unhealthy to eat so quickly, but it seemed to be a habit developed due to food not being important to him as a pure demon, and food was a new concept to him entirely. She took a bite out of her sandwich and chewed, looking thoughtful about her question.

"There isn't much we can do. Transformation is different for every demon and comes naturally because of the contract. Spells that lessen the pain don't do much against such ancient magic, with the exception of the elixir." She looked at Phynex, "All he needs to do is envision the feeling of being in a human body and ignore the pain." The brown haired girl bumped the earth demon with her elbow, who seemed annoyed at her interrupting his meal, which he had almost finished eating. "I dunno what the fire demon will feel, but you should warm up his muscles beforehand." Golem scanned over Phynex's body, who began glowing out of embarrassment. "He has a lot of muscle. It'll have to shrink, y'know."

The eyes of the girl brightened. "Oh yes, we all hang out in usually two places. There's a cafe in the neutral zone that is run by both demons and humans, we tend to mingle with them whenever we have a gather up. You can always find some of us at the back having meals or chatting with each other. And there's a bar we go to at night in the Hunter's District. You can join us, if you like. But I don't think Phynex will be able to fit inside in his normal state..."

Phynex narrowed his eyes. "I think I am fine. It was probably because I was surprised from seeing a demon's aura in a human body, that's all. I am sure I have met him on my travels or something like that," he murmured, laying his head back down again.
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"It might take a while, but I think we can find it," Selene glanced at her partner again for a moment. If anything, the trip would give them much more time to focus on training and his transformation lessons. She knew Phynex would also appreciate a chance to experience hunting game within the forests, such as the deer, rabbits and hares, and also see what other kinds of demons had settled themselves into the forests of the human world.

What she liked best aside from that was the time taken away from the city and most people, and the privacy of being by herself and with her partner only. Away from the pollution and the crowded streets. Phynex had also told her of his journal of creatures and plants that had been left in Phantisamine, he might like this chance to take down notes about the human world's varieties too - that is, if he hadn't gleaned all that he wanted from the books she lent him already.

Her brows rose slightly at Belinda's next statement, surprise flickering across her face. "Oh?" Her cheeks warmed slightly, caught off guard that these strangers would notice so soon. Selene had known that she was growing used to the fire demon and his antics, and even appreciating his presence. It was hard not to when he was always rather eager and bright, the childlike wonder he showed at the simplest of things something that she took note of often. "I suppose the events on the first day may have something to do with that," she murmured, looking away. The day he had given her that gift and acted like he cared may have helped the currently good feelings.

She watched Golem, who was scarfing down his sandwich with gusto. It was a little dizzying to see how fast the food disappeared into the red haired man's mouth, the demon not even speaking up with how preoccupied he was eating. Catching the eye of Belinda, Selene gave a slight shrug, a wry look in her own eyes as she pointedly glanced at Phynex and the empty sandwich plate and hot sauce on the table. Even Belinda seemed a little exasperated, but in a fond way as she looked at Golem.

Selene listened intently at Golem as he spoke up, after being prompted by Belinda. He seemed a little annoyed at being interrupted with his meal, but still spoke. "I know," she nodded, not really surprised. With the mass of Phynex's body right now and his muscular body, it would probably be one of the more painful parts of the transformation for him - the shrinking of muscles, though the growing of human skin would probably be the most painful. "He has warm ups from our training," she shot another wry look, this time towards Phynex. Selene didn't go easy on him, having given him a strenuous regime with his fire magic and even muscle and stamina.

He seemed to appreciate it, though he didn't really like the obstacle courses or the dodging lessons very much. What was a little bemusing was how quickly Phynex recovered from his exhaustion, like it was never even there most of the time. She still couldn't forget the memorable day of Phynex having his first taste of coffee... The huntress had to take him out to a larger training field that day just for him to bound around and wear himself out.

"Thank you," Selene murmured, giving them another tiny quirk of her lips. Belinda was willing to share where she and the other contract partners usually stayed at, and while the huntress wouldn't go there immediately it was good to know. "I might come with Phynex, once we finish his transformation." If they could time it right and do things well, he could be able to walk around in human form within a month. While Selene wanted less pain for him, she also expected good results.

At Phynex's reply, she glanced at him once again, signifying they would be talking about this encounter some other time. While he didn't seem to want to talk about it immediately, she was still concerned at the sudden pain he had experienced.
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Phynex started blushing. It was true that they had gotten closer other the past month, learning to trust one another and lately, Selene didn't seem to be annoyed with his strange antics. She was willing to let him try anything, food that he pointed out and wondered what it was, objects that he had no idea of she would explain with utmost calmness and try to be as informative as possible. Phynex found himself getting more attached to the human, something that a month ago, he wouldn't have imagined. He saw Selene as more and more of a friend, and hoped that they could become the closest of friends. Having a friend as patient as her and as kind was a new experience and an exhilarating one. Everyday was following a regime yet different at the same time. Under the white haired huntress' wing, Phynex learnt new things everyday. She introduced the meats that he ate, and established the importance of eating greens despite the fire demon's dislike of it. The food she made reminded him of home and the food his mother used to make him when he was a child and Phynex found himself sleeping more comfortably each and every night. He'd never been so relaxed around a human before.

The fire demon watched as the demon sitting across him wolfed down his sandwich. It was just like how he used to eat, before Selene told him to slow down a bit lest it do something bad to his stomach. What kind of demon was Golem? He had yet to find out where he knew him from. But by now he had realised that he was an earth elemental demon. Phynex recalled the night he and his companion had been trapped in the ruins of the dense forest, the vines had come alive and binded them, throwing them about until the inhabitants saved him. They were guardians of the forest, seeing other demons was rare for them. Perhaps Golem was one of the many clan members that lived in the green covered ruins.

He leaned in and looked at Golem in the eye, who raised his brown ones to meet his with a cool stare. "Are you from the ruins?" the fire demon asked, his voice rumbling out low. The fire demon's eyes sparkled with curiosity and recognition, wanting to confirm his suspicions. Golem swallowed the last of his sandwich and nodded. "You're the one with the pretty fire nymph. Travelers, right?" The two demons stared at each other before bursting into laughter, resonating throughout the square and causing Belinda and the rest of the customers to look at them with confusion. The two demons began chattering away, talking about the memories of being in the underworld, what Phynex did after leaving the ruins and life in the forest. Speaking so informally with each other, it was almost like they had known each other for decades.

Belinda smiled at the sight of her partner conversing with the fire demon, both of them looking happy. "Your partner said his head hurts, right? I can fix something up for him, if you'd like." Her question was directed at the white haired huntress, but her eyes did not leave the chattering demons.
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The huntress looked at the two demons as they started conversing with a wary look, before her eyes widened at the sudden burst of laughter the two shared. Well, that confirms that they know each other. It was a little bewildering to see the earlier ice between Phynex and Golem suddenly completely gone, and the two were already talking like they they knew each other for most of their lives. And a fire nymph? The earth elemental demon knew about Phynex's former companion, which made her raise an eyebrow as she continued watching them.

She glanced at Belinda, seeing her smile at the sight of the two demons happily talking. Selene was a little surprised again at the sudden offer to help, and blinked twice before tilting her head. "We would be grateful for your help," she raised her voice slightly so the other could hear, since their partners were talking quite loudly. Then she returned to watching the two demons joke and share with each other. Golem didn't seem as aggressive and demanding as he had been earlier, and it seemed they were talking about where their lives took them. "How long have you been with him?" She asked Belinda, having told her earlier about how long she herself had been with Phynex.

Seeing her partner smiling, so carefree with the other demon and looking relieved to know another friendly demon made her smile faintly. It seemed that today, Phynex had made a new friend or two. If the other contract demons were able to befriend him, she wouldn't have to worry about him feeling lonely and out of place. The girl knew he must have felt strange being surrounded by hunters in the hunter district, and only seeing another demon when they had to go and kill one. While Selene wasn't someone who wanted or needed to many friends, her partner seemed to thrive with friendships and companionship. It was still a little surprising that he was able to put up with her, since she was often quiet and only spoke when she was teaching him, or when she felt she had to.

Phynex would probably want to finish his transformation even sooner now so he could meet the other contract demons and hunters. He had always been curious about other contract demons and how they fared with their hunter partners, and looking at Belinda, it seemed like they were doing well. Golem and Belinda moved around each other with the familiarity of long-time partners, even with the slightly exasperated glances the healer shot her partner, and he in return.
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Belinda, with a grunt, unclasped the small brown chest that hung over her shoulder and placed it on the table, pushing aside the cups and plates. Phynex stopped conversing with Golem for a few seconds, distracted and somewhat curious about the new object on the table, leaning in subconsciously and sniffing it. Golem laughed at his actions, explaining to both Selene and Phynex that his partner never left home without her trusty 'first aid kit' - hunter style. Inside contained leaves and herbs for all sorts of purposes, collected by both Golem and Belinda, who had knowledge in the field.

Opening the chest, inside contained about ten small bottles, each with a label with elegant, cursive and loopy handwriting written on the papers which signified what type of plant it was. From the ones she pulled out and examined, there was one for hangovers - useful considering the hunters liked to get tipsy after a successful major mission - and another for a speedy recovery for the common cold. There was one for fevers, a painkiller and one for dreamless nights. All of these were extremely important if they ever needed to camp out in the wilds away from the city. "There we are," she smiled, pulling out a small bottle, containing bunch of dried plucked small white flowers with a bright yellow middle. "This is feverfew. You can brew tea with this," she said, pushing the tiny bottle towards Selene and packing the rest of the bottles away. "I have peppermint and butterbur, if you prefer something stronger," she added, waving the appropriate bottles at the huntress. "Most of my plants are either picked by myself or imported." She sighed, "I was lucky enough to catch the Eastern merchant who sailed here a couple of years ago selling plants from the East." Those were rare in the West, and had their own purposes. Plants in the East were often used to 'rebalance the inner energy'.

She looked up, "Me and Golem?" she cast her brown eyes up in thought. "Almost two years, now." Golem turned to smile at her. For someone who could be so stubborn, Belinda had found out that he could be quite the sweetheart, an awkward one at that as well. The poor guy had problems expressing his feelings with words. "I was seventeen at the time, Golem was surprisingly very calm about the whole process," she fondly remembered the times she spent with the innocent Golem, who was just as curious as Phynex before he learned to adapt.
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Selene looked over with renewed interest as the contents of the small brown chest was revealed, leaning forward a little in her chair to get a better look. She had seen healers before, and their preferred medical kits which were often a mix of modern medicine made with technology and the more natural herbs and remedies, along with the magical plants and herbs that could be found. When she was a child, she had gotten a particularly bad fever once, and as the redhaired shadow of her father wasn't in the city at the time, her father had gone out to get a healer.

While her father knew how to make a few remedies, knowing a lot about plants himself, he didn't have much experience with taking care of a sick child and had to get a few instructions from a curt, no-nonsense elderly healer. It was supposed to be a common fever that had somehow worsened due to the cold weather, but she had been up and about after a few days. While Selene was susceptible to colder temperatures, she still had the quick recovery and vitality of her family - which made the occasional headaches and fevers distracting and annoying. The girl didn't particularly remember the details of those days of illness, but the bottles and herbs Belinda showed them looked familiar.

She recognized the plants themselves, having read about them in her books, but the specific bottles like feverfew and peppermint she had seen in her father's storage. Selene had also packed using a checklist of the mandatory medicines that might be needed for the trip outside, though Phynex probably wouldn't be needing them. The medicine for hangovers wasn't something they would probably need, but the one for dreamless nights made her pause. It would have been great to have dreamless nights, but it might cause one to grow a dependence on the medicine.

Seeing the fond look in Belinda's eyes, which was returned by Golem as she smiled at him, Selene wondered if she could ever learn to grow that fond of Phynex. The only thing that came close to fondness for her was the way she cared for her best friend, as they had known each other since they were very young. It wasn't even just fondness, but closeness and trust. It was a little strange to think that she might end up being this familiar with Phynex after two years, looking at the older girl before her.

"Thank you," she murmured, accepting the tiny bottle and putting it in a secure pocket on her coat. She flicked a pointed look at Phynex at Belinda's description of how Golem acted at first. "He was quite angry, but he calmed down quickly." Looking back she had expected a much worse reaction from the enraged fire demon that first appeared in the summoning circle, thrashing and roaring at her, and even snapping his jaws ineffectually when she came close.

Selene looked around, seeking Sandwich Man, and then motioning him over towards their table. He smiled and walked towards them, and the huntress paid the man for their earlier meal. Looking at the time, it was surprising to see that they had lingered here for quite some time. The talk with Belinda and her partner seemed to have made time fly quickly. "Ellie was quite worried, but she was peeking out of the window upstairs and relieved that Mister Phynex is fine." He smiled at the fire demon, then at Belinda and Golem. "Did you enjoy your meal?" He asked Belinda and her partner.

"We would have to go soon," the white-haired huntress murmured to Phynex as Sandwich Man started talking to the other two. "You can ask them to meet us the next time we're back in this district."
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Belinda laughed. "I've heard of stories like that," the brown haired girl smiled. "Ironically, most of the partnerships are the closest. I know a woman who would argue day and night with her contract demon for months on end in the beginning of their bond. Now they're as close as ever, drinking buddies and generally kind people if you ignore their silly disputes." Belinda and Golem were regulars in the neutral cafe, run by a kind woman and many veteran waiters and waitresses who have escaped the war and found a land where both races would relax. Though demons and humans of the war generally sat apart from each other in the cafe, in exchange for peace and quiet, good food and generously kind employers, they promised never to attack each other. The employers were accepting of both parties, the demoness and demons not fearing to mingle with the humans and vice versa.

Quickly pulling out her leather wallet, she quickly paid for the meal she had ordered for the both of them. Golem was still chatting away with Phynex, casually switching between the human tongue and the demon languages, their words sharp and clear. Because Belinda never really studied the demonic languages, she had no clue what they were talking about, but she heard the names of several demon forests and the names of plants that grew within them, the only worlds she could understand. She was lucky she summoned a demon like Golem. Just like her, he had a passion for plants and had a wide knowledge in the ones that grew in his forest and near the ruins. Belinda taught him about the plants of the human world, in turn he did the same.

Phynex blinked at the Sandwich Man, a little surprised. His face glowed as he shot the man a smile before glancing up at the building, spotting Ellie's little face peeking out of the curtain windows, her adorable round eyes looking back at him with excitement, seeing that the fire demon had noticed her. He puffed out some smoke, shaping it into a heart and sending it towards the girl as a sign of affection, flushing at his own actions. It was just like when he gave Selene the flower of fire.

Golem and Belinda nodded and thanked the man. "Thank you, sir. Those chicken sandwiches are top notch," Golem laughed, followed by the agreement of Phynex, who then recommended him to one day try the grilled beef one with lots of hot sauce. Which was then proceeded by Golem furiously declining the mention of hot sauce, telling the fire demon he could not handle spicy food at all. Belinda watched the two of them with glowing cheeks, an irremovable smile on her face.

The fire demon looked almost sad at needing to leave his new found friendship. But then he realized they still needed to go look for the Celestial's Heart. He had been so caught up in the moment, that he had forgotten why they had been here in the first place. Both Belinda and Golem solemnly promised they would meet again at some point, and that the demon needn't worry. "Once you get that human form, you can see us anytime. Sometimes the employers don't realize you're a contract pair, so ask for the one named Milia. She's a sweetheart, that one." Belinda and Golem waved their goodbyes before heading back to the opposite of the square, Belinda bouncing after Golem excitedly with the chest strung over her shoulders.
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Well, there were rumors that the hunters and their demon partners ended up being each other's closest companions. Selene was a little interested about the pair that Belinda mentioned, she couldn't really imagine an argumentative Phynex. The huntress herself wasn't particularly confrontational, preferring to keep everything away at arm's length or distant. Then again, they had only known each other for a month. She still was sure there were some things that might come up and cause them to argue, but for now she would appreciate the amiable bond they had managed to foster.

She had also heard about the cafe in the neutral area. Humans and demons mingled in their everyday business there, even becoming friends and co-workers. Only the normal hunters at Hunter's Society seemed to show some reserve at rubbing shoulders with another demon, though even they had to respect the laws of neutrality in that place. It was only natural that the contract demons and their partners would feel more at ease there, surrounded by both humans and demons in a friendly atmosphere.

A shape made out of smoke caught her eye and made her look at Phynex in amusement. He had somehow formed the shape of a heart out of the smoke he had breathed out, making the little girl watching from the window squeal in delight and wave at her unlikely friend. His cheeks were burning brighter, a sure sign of his embarrassment and happiness at causing the little girl to be so happy. It reminded the huntress of the time he had given her that fire flower. It was nice that a demon's abilities, usually considered destructive and wasteful, could also be used for things of beauty.

At Belinda's last reminders, Selene nodded and gave a small smile that passed quickly. She still wasn't particularly used to smiling a lot, it embarrassed her to sometimes have small slips in expression, especially now that she had met Phynex. Smiling just didn't feel natural for her and seemed to startle people, so she wasn't entirely sure if it was a good thing or not - though a lot of people liked Jasper's smile. Then again, it was him and he managed to make his entire face look warm, even the huntress liked to see it often every time she visited.

"Well, now let's get back to the apartment." She took a deep breath after standing up, and looked to Phynex. "That was interesting." A tiny smirk appeared on her lips. "Did you really get strung up by a plant monster in an embarrassing position?" She had heard that part, Golem had been laughing particularly hard, so it was hard not to notice.
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Phynex blinked at her as they began to walk away from the Sandwich Man and his place, but not before saying their goodbyes and waving back to the little girl peeking out of the window, her cheeks still rosy pink and the happiness evident in her face from the heart Phynex had made out smoke. The two of them began walking back towards the direction of Selene's apartment. He stared at the white haired huntress, his cheeks flushing again. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he mumbled softly. Was he that loud about it? Golem did laugh loudly at the his retelling of the story. Phynex silently cursed the earth demon in the demon tongue, planning on exacting his revenge. The fire demon sighed. "Me and my companion were jumped upon by some hostile demons. They had pre-soaked their bodies in swamp water, so we couldn't burn their long, vine like arms." He shuddered at the memory, "We were hung up from trees for a few hours before we were found by Golem and his clan."

The two of them had walked into the forest all confident. After all, why should they fear anything when they were users of fire, able to bend it to their will and burn anything in their path when they were traversing a patch of forest? They were there to see the fabled ruins and the potential rare demons that could be seen in these forests. The trees were tall and cast shadows, all sorts of innocent looking giant flowers fluttered their bright petals in an attempt to catch their attention, smaller demons scattered at the sight of them. But just as they were about to reach the ruins that were within the horizon, vines had appeared out of nowhere and hoisted them into the air, making both fire demons panic and lash out with fire, only to figure out that for some strange reason, the green could not be burnt.

He retold the story to Selene while they headed towards her apartment, about how the two demons were poked fun of while they were strung from trees, unable to burn the swamp water soaked vines that held them up. Finally, about three human hours later, the vines were cut and the demons were chased away by the earth demon clan that lived there. Much like the Snow Fairies of the Northern mountain ranges, they served as guides through the forest and the guardians of the forest. They were neutral about the war, preferring to hide and live among the trees than to fight on the bloody battlefield.

Selene quickly packed all their tools and equipment, knowing they were going to stay out in the wild during the night, the huntress had prepared more things earlier in the day before they left for the Sandwich Man. Strapping some of the kits to herself and hoisting the rest on Phynex's back, she quickly hopped on with grace and elegance, as if she had done this millions of times. The fire demon quickly adjusted himself according to the new weight and flew off towards the clouds, again hiding among the white fluffiness to avoid human sight. The white haired huntress directed him over the howling wind, the fire demon flying for a few hours, headed towards the east.

At last, the demon landed, his body exhausted. A few metres away were the tall, impressive forests that hid the Celestial's Heart. From the outside, it looked like a clump of emerald green trees, sparkling against the light. But the two of them had done some research. Inside, the forest harboured some sort of harmless but eerie green mist, it was surprisingly a light mist that still allowed vision to go through. Inside was dense, filled with all sorts of plant life. At night the forest turned into a light show, with exotic plants glowing purples and pinks and greens and bright colours. Phynex could hear a river running through the entire forest, and a waterfall of sorts.
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Selene had seen a lot of impressive, lush greenery, being that her father's house was surrounded by a green paradise. However, even she had to admit, these tall, silent trees were quite impressive. The leaves were close together and formed a facade over the forest that only filtered a little of the golden sunlight, and even that was about to fade with the afternoon's passing. The feeling the forest gave was an eerie serenity, with its beauty and its silence though she could hear the distant sounds of a rushing river and the sounds of the insects and small animals.

Deeper within this forest, the larger animals lived - deer, rabbits, and maybe even large cats. Her eyes spotted the exotic plants that she had read about, and even some that she hadn't seen before, all in vibrant shades. With how healthy the plants were, it was like some benevolent deity was watching over the forest - it reminded her of the beautiful flowers in her father's home, which he had tended with loving care.

The only real dangers in these forests would be the plant guardians that protected the special flowers they were seeking. They only needed one, perfect bud, but the notes had firmly reminded that the guardians would most likely react violently - it was the way they were made, and apparently these plants also had a symbiotic relationship with the magical flowers. The Celestial's Heart seemed to give out a positive energy that enriched those guardians, and their nectar even seemed to help them. These plant guardians weren't just any mere plant - they were almost persons in themselves, with a sentience seen in intelligent animals. Whichever demon or Celestial had brought them there meant to protect the rare flowers.

Then there was the strange, but light green mist that seemed to settle all over the area. It made the place look a little eerie and hampered sight somewhat, but Selene could still see beyond the mists. Even if it hampered some small details, the huntress didn't rely on only sight to get around. Her hearing and her reflexes were just as sharp, and even the rest of her senses sharper than what was normal. She had seen the forest from above when Phynex had flown her here, and she could navigate it, having a general idea of where the important landmarks where. The center of the forest, and even the waterfall and the river that ran throughout.

Looking at Phynex, she could see he was tired. He had been flying for hours, after all. With the few times she had been up in the air with him, she had learned to like the silence. The beauty of the land as they looked down, and the novel experience of being so close to the lower clouds. They had even encountered a flock of birds that were seemingly migrating, the birds neatly arranged in that usual 'V' formation before they scattered in fright upon seeing the fire demon sailing the clouds.

Seeing as her partner was tired, they would have to make camp in the forest soon. Tomorrow, they would officially start their search and help him train, after he had gotten a well-earned rest this night. "Come on, then." She leaped down from his side with practiced ease, taking her packs. She was holding some, while she left a few strapped to his back. "We might be able to hunt for dinner if we find a good place to camp soon. We'll start tomorrow." She carefully made her way into the forest.

There was a curious thing about forests for Selene. Her steps, even if she didn't mind them, were completely soundless, whatever the terrain or the ground - soft grass or earth - as long as it was in a forest surrounded by green life. It was useful, for the times she had to go and kill a demon in a forested area. She carefully made her way a little further in, glancing curiously at the strange plants and the green mist. Then she looked behind her and waved Phynex onward as they made their way into the large forest.
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Phynex sniffed at the air. It was clean. He could sense life from within the forest, both of the human world and their animals and presence of smaller demons and something else...Phynex couldn't quite put his finger on it. Sighing, he assumed he was just too tired from flying so many hours. It was time for the both of them to find a suitable place to sleep and eat, making sure there would be a nice place to bathe nearby and a source of food. Phynex recognized some of these plants, which grew in the underworld. Quickly, the demon compiled a list of edible plants that could keep them full enough to get some energy for the following morning.

The hanging mist was the forest's first line of defense. To anyone who didn't know better, or did not know of the forest's existence altogether, it looked very poisonous. Green and purple was often associated with poisons in the media and whatnot, making the forest seem unapproachable at first glance and examination. But if you looked closely, the mist was nothing at all. You could still see through it, the animals bounding across the fields, the clear waters of the lakes and waterfalls and ponds of still water, as cold as ice and clear as crystals. The plants swaying with the wind and coming in all sorts of sizes, colours and smells, their pollen overpowering in some parts of the forest. Insects buzzing about, giant trees with their roots jutting out of the ground, little critters roaming the earth and birds making their nests in flocks in the tall, proud trees.

With careful, practiced steps, the fire demon followed his partner. His body was already awkward and clumsy due to its size, with his aching body and new weight on his back, his movements were sluggish and slow compared to his hyperactive bounding. Claw after claw set after huge, long roots from the old trees, after flowers to avoid trampling them, Phynex saw the second forest of his entire life. The ones in the underworld were dull, like the rest of Hell, had a disgusting smell and had slimy plants growing everywhere ready to snap any limbs off. Here on the human plain, everything looked so ethereal. The purples and pinks of the forest had not yet come out, the sun still shining in the sky, making pillars of light shine through the canopy of emerald green and illuminating the earth below them, ranging from soft moss green to a mess of bark and leaves. Not far was the sound of a running river flowing into a gathered, rocked surrounded pond.

"Hunt for dinner? What can we hunt?" he asked curiously. The only meats he had tried thus far was chicken, beef and bacon. All were delicious, but wild game could be fierce competition. The creatures in the underworld were barely a challenge, making a quick, boring and easy meal. From watching the creatures Selene called 'horses', he could tell these four legged hooved animals were terrifyingly fast. Chasing prey at that speed would be very interesting indeed.

Phynex was careful not to raise his body temperature - as well as his skin - to avoid setting fire to the entire place. These plants did not have a life like a demon, did not cover themselves in swamp water and were immune to his fire, Everything here was flammable, and if Phynex wasn't careful enough, could risk the lives of Selene and the beautiful scenery before him. He could hear the random chrips and calls from birds that flew from tree to tree, their colours bright and eye catching, light blue to a crimson red. Everything would cause him to shift his attention, the fire demon becoming more and more fascinated by the life around him.
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"Deer. Rabbits. Small birds," Selene replied, lifting a hanging piece of vine out of the way. After a moment, she glanced back and added, "The meat of deer is called venison. It's lean and I think you'll enjoy it." Most wouldn't expect her to know how to make her way around a forest or even set up camp and hunt for food, but it was one of the things her father and Kasimir had both taken to teaching her. As a child, she had gone out with her father and the redhaired into the more forested areas behind their land, carrying hunting rifles and knives. Even if she didn't use a hunting rifle, her aim with her knives was deemed good - and forceful enough - to pin most small animals to the trees or take down some larger animals. If that wasn't enough, her father had taught her how to set up snares and traps.

The smell of the plants, some light and pleasant, some thick and heavy, almost overpowering, mixed in the air along with the rich, potent smell of the earth. She could recognize some plants that were edible, and she was sure Phynex recognized some as well - they wouldn't be starving in this forest. "... I like rabbit stewed with herbs," she mumbled more to herself. If they didn't get any meat for this evening, Phynex would have to agree to her making a simple soup made with the herbs and plants. She was sure that once they came across small ponds and even at the river they would find even more small water-plants, and even tubers. Some flowers were also edible, and there would be small nuts and berries. She had brought some dried foods for him to snack on, like dried beef strips and a mix of nuts and berries in small pouches.

With the training she was planning to put him through the following weeks, and her own practice, they would have to keep up energy. Phynex wasn't going to be the only one working hard to improve, she would take this chance to also improve herself as much as she could. Her speed, reflexes and agility were all at the top levels, but Selene knew she wasn't particularly enduring as she could have been. Hunters based themselves on certain builds that suited their body types - hence, most often women were used to flexibility and speed, or if they didn't want that, poisons and healing. Women also usually had finer control over magic, though the men often proved to be the stronger magic users.

Male hunters, who were often stronger, used larger weapons like halberds and scythes, and even greatswords and claymores. Much like Golem, who was obviously a tank or a shield for the parties he joined in, and Belinda who was a skilled healer. So the training, at first, for all the hunters was usually the same - it built up the basic speed, strength, and flexibility. Basics like using utility knives and how to aim with guns, and use basic short-ranged weapons. How to use basic spells and basic first aid. Basic stealth training. However, as soon as that was done, the hunters chose their own paths - would they go for more strength and offensive training, or be faster, or focus on spells and healing?

She wouldn't really know herself, since she hadn't truly gone to the usual centers to train, where hunters usually started at eight. Her growth had been kept up by her father and his former partner back at the lonely estate, and it probably did attribute to why she was so far advanced from her peers, she had only come for her... Testing... And gotten her first missions. She hadn't stayed long with her peers in age, and they never particularly liked her.

She had come and gone within a year with the highest scores ever recorded for many generations, second only to her father's results when he had taken them in the past. And she had surpassed him on the speed, agility, and stealth tests along with thrown weapons, then matching him in the written exams. Her teamwork and cooperation with others was what brought her scores lower than she would have liked. She had been capable of taking down weak lower demons before others her age even started to read, and mid-tier demons were easy pickings unless they swarmed her in numbers back before she even turned ten.

The girl shook herself out of her thoughts and glanced behind her at Phynex again, noticing the fascinated way he looked at the birds in the trees and the colorful sights. Even when he smelled something new he would look at the source curiously, and his tail seemed to flick from side to side. Selene allowed herself a secretive little smile before turning away as they both made their way across the forest, pushing vines out of the way and keeping distance from the suspicious looking plants. They were trying to cut the shortest path to the river where it would end up in a small, enclosed pond, and she could hear the sounds of rushing water now amid the rustling of the trees and the bird calls.

When they finally reached it, she knew her partner wouldn't really like to be close to running water and nodded for him to stay back, he didn't have to get too close. "You can take a rest now," she murmured, patting his cheek as she passed by. They had come to a small clearing where there were lots of water plants at the edge of the pond, the river feeding the small, enclosed pool of water. It was surrounded by rocks and nearing the edge, she rather liked how the water was so clear and clean. The pond itself wasn't too particularly deep, she could see the rocks at the bottom and the green water plants thriving in it, bobbing gently in the calm waters.

Of course, as always one had to be more careful about pools of water like this. Because it was so clear, it could have fooled people into thinking it was very shallow - and then end up drowning themselves when they found that some parts were very deep. She had heard stories of that. Selene did know to swim, though, and later after they had settled down she would go for a wash.

She walked back to Phynex, and started setting up the camp as she let him take a rest, taking the bags from his back. Setting up a small tent - she probably wouldn't even be sleeping in that too much - where she put the more important packs. The white-haired girl moved around quickly and gracefully, hands deftly setting up things where she wanted to put them and then starting to assemble traps and snares with the ropes she had brought. There was little chance of anyone else being in this forest, but it was still better to keep the traps as a failsafe, and maybe even catch some small animals and birds for food. They had situated themselves under a particularly shaded part, and she had brought an additional cover over Phynex if it ever started to rain. "If you're really tired, you can have a quick supper with what we brought and then sleep."
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"Oh." He wondered what these animals looked like. Phynex had been living in the human world for about a month or so now, yet what he knew only scratched the surface. He had heard of rabbits before, furred creatures that were extremely small and like to chew on the orange crunchy vegetable that Selene called a carrot. But what was this deer animal? She said its meat was lean...was it a very active animal? Phynex immediately recalled the horses and cows he managed to get a glimpse of, the majestic animals galloping across the fields in such speeds it was like the wind. "Venison..." he repeated to himself thoughtfully. He would ask Golem about it after their search for the flower, if they made it back alive.

Golem was his new friend. Suddenly being able to talk to another demon felt so strange. He could tell Selene was worried about the two of them until they began laughing and chattering away, and the fire demon felt guilty for making poor Ellie thought he was a bad person. His partner Belinda was also very kind as well, he found it amusing that a human could know so much about plants, Golem had mentioned she was well informed about the plants of the demon world as well, spending most of her live studying replicas of demon plants and the books written by professors and dedicating her life to training and studying to become a healer. As a result, Belinda wasn't a fighter, though she could provide natural paralysing agents to rub on weapons if one asked her nicely.

The fire demon followed Selene quietly, looking at everything. It was all like a reminder of his own journey many years ago. Except instead of the once familiar sight of a cheeky fire nymph who loved to play pranks on the bigger fire demon, it was a huntress who knew how to fight like a demon - ironic since that was what she was meant to kill in her rather dangerous job. But Phynex had a feeling she could handle herself well, from the way she quickly dispatched the Butcher, even though it was bloody and gory.

Trees were looming over them, vines draping across trunks and branches and obstructing the path, making the two of them maneuver between roots and whatever else littered the floor of the forest. For Selene it was easy, her lithe body able to slip through practically anything in the forest, leaving behind an awkward large fire demon trying his best not to get frustrated and burn the place down to the ground. In the distance, he could hear the sound of water being gathered and stilled after a waterfall, the two of the them changed direction and moved towards the source of the sound.

Pushing past a few vines and low tree branches, they stopped and stared at the scene in front of them. There was only one word to describe it. Beautiful. Tall, ancient emerald green trees surrounding the clear pond of gathered water in a ring, with rocks and patches of soft green grass and logs set in a ring around the body of water. For a demon who didn't like water, he neared it close enough to marvel at the clearness of it, like crystals. He could see the rocks at the bottom of the pond, gently running in from a small branch of the river. The area was shaded and cool, with no sound apart from the gentle whistle of the wind and the rustles of bushes from animals. Flowers that were glowing slightly in bright colours were littered here and there, and Phynex could see a few plants that thrived in the damper areas growing near the pond, some of them floating on the body of water itself, looking like little green boats.

Phynex closed his eyes at her touch and moved off to find a nice patch of grass for him to lay down, finally deciding on a spot a few steps away from the pond and settling down, sighing at the coolness of the grass and the shade the canopy provided. He gently shrugged off the bags and packs strapped to his back, the fire demon watched curiously as the huntress began setting up a cloth house just beside him, opening and closing packs and pulling out ropes.

He shook his head and smiled. "I can lay here and keep watch," he murmured softly. Turning his head to snap his mouth over a flower he had recognised, chewing the edible plant absentmindedly while he looked at the pond with curious eyes, with a tinge of fear that was expected from a demon like him.
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Selene glanced at the demon who had settled quite close to the pond, more than she had expected. While he was a fire demon, he seemed to appreciate cool spots, all except for, of course, water. He was already munching on an edible flower that had been close to him, and after a moment, she nodded. "I'll go and look around close to camp, then," she murmured, not quite willing to leave him alone yet. "You can probably still see me with your 'sight'." She had found out that his sight had a rather wide range and span, which had given his opponents a nasty surprise if they thought he was blind. It also made sneaking up on the demon a challenge, unless his attention was somewhere.

She wondered how he would feel once he saw through eyes for the first time in a human body. No doubt his sense of vision would shift with his transformation, probably disorienting him for the first few days. As for the rest of his senses, with his rock and lava covered body, he would probably be surprised at the feeling of something touching human skin. Selene had tested his sense of smell and hearing, and as was expected of a demon, it would be better than most human's, and even hunters. It was probably why he really enjoyed human food, which was rife with different smells and textures than what he had told her of the food in his home world.

For now, the huntress ventured a little ways from where they had set camp, keeping in mind not to go too far away. While most would feel uneasy or afraid of being alone in a large forest, Selene liked the silence in the place except for the sounds of nature and animals. No sounds of crowded streets or cars, no loud sounds during the evening. Even if she was still alert to everything around her, this place was still nicer than the crowded human districts. Where you had to watch out for demons hidden among humans, and even human pickpockets and others with bad intentions. There there were also so many annoying lights, sounds, and bad smells - hunters didn't really like crowded human places either, which was why they lived in their own districts most of the time.

After taking pieces of fallen wood, gathering them into something enough for cooking and to make a fire for the night, she brought it back to the camp before leaving again. This time for the quick supper she had promised Phynex. Looking for plants and herbs with which to make their supper with, and keeping a lookout for the small animals she could catch and kill, Selene had already gathered some plants and herbs that she recognized, keeping it in a pouch she had brought along. She had her weapons as always, but for now she was looking out for the telltale sounds that her sharp ears would catch easily - and the little details that would give away the animals to her eyes.

A small shifting sound against the soft grass and bushes - a peek of small eyes and long ears - there. Her hand was flicking out a knife in that direction already as the rabbit tried to dash away, following through with two more as she caught its friends also trying to flee. Selene had aimed in a way that would kill them instantly, going for their heads and right through their eyes. An instant death that wouldn't make the animals suffer for too long. She then took these herbs and the rabbits back to camp.

Glancing in Phynex's direction where he was lying down and keeping watch, she held up the rabbits. "Dinner. I need your help with this." Selene then took out a few things from the tent, a medium iron pot for cooking and a ladle, along with small plates. She hadn't brought too much with her considering it was only the two of them. She had prepared, skinned and gutted the rabbits on a rock, bringing out her knives and expertly taking out the entrails and other unwanted parts, then taking out the bones and cutting the meat into smaller parts. Setting the meat aside, she then got started on washing the plants and herbs, and then also cutting it into smaller parts before throwing it into the pot she had filled with fresh pond water.

She then looked to Phynex, and motioned him a little closer. Selene had created a makeshift stove with small rocks and the pieces of wood she had brought back. "Can you light up the wood?" If there was one good thing about bringing a fire demon to a forest full of flammable materials, it was probably that you didn't really have to worry about firewood. Or being cold for the rest of the night.
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