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Lucifer smiled. " To make sure that doesn't happen," he said, pointing to the crowd and pictures. Thankfully for the Mask, Lucifer had telekinesis and he made sure that the phones and cameras accidently found the nearest water source that were near them. " Also, to make sure that nothing bad happened while you were in the city as a second part." Lucifer's eyes glowed red and he used his persuasion. " This is just a stray carny on his way back to the circus. Nothing to see here."

The mask watched as the people walked away, he then looked at Lucifer "Be thankful that guy in the grey hood and leather jacket isn't here. No amount of magic could make people ignore him." he pointed out and cracked his knuckles and thought "And If I want to bring unwanted attention my way?" he dared to ask.
Lucifer Morningstar

" You would be surprised what you can make people choose to forgot or misremember, it is a surprisingly high amount," he admitted to the Mask as he looked at it. " It's your funeral if you want to lead Loki here, I just personally would be annoyed since he damaged New York a lot. That being said, I can make getting the calendar a whole lot difficult if you choose that route, Garry."

The mask thought "You forgot about Mercer, that incident with Frank Castle, that battle royal with that Luke cage guy and that other one in stolen hammer tech.... and a detective snapping the neck of someone with your similar powers. Oh also the devil of hell's kitchen and Rand's old CEO rumored to come back from the dead and suddenly disappear.. again..." he pointed then grinned "And why shouldn't I bring Loki here? Something tells me you don't want him here for......... other reasons." he questioned getting curious.
Lucifer smirked. " If I mention every incident that happened on this Earth, I would be here for a very long time. Also, trust me, I am not the other man who had his neck snapped. I have other means to deal with things," he said, looking over at him. There were a ton of reasons that he didn't want Loki here, but one of the more prominent reasons was that dear mom was inhabiting a human body in this city and really was vunerable. Not that he cared if she died. " My life is already hellish enough, I don't need more trouble. So how about I help you get your magnize and we talk about my nightclub? Get a drink perhaps?"

The mask looked up at him then around, he removed the mask and reverted back to normal "Pass." he said and slowly began to walk away, he called a taxi on his phone and stood by the bus stop waiting for it. This is not at all how he pictured his day would go down, he thought he could cause a bit of mayhem and disappear in a drunken blur like always but with the devil himself around. He was gonna need some serious firepower to take him straight on. Too bad the mask didn't let him use energy based attacks. He hid the mask in his coat pocket again and continued to wait.
Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer watched as he left and double-checked if he still had that favor from the taxi company and he did. Time to cash it in. As he did, he went to his car and pulled up to the bus stop. " Taxi service is a bit busy, but I owed them a favor so where exactly do you need to go?" He asked, leaving his shades on. He could have shape-shifted into a new form, but he decided that he wanted to make that it wasn't that easy to get ride of him. He waited for him to respond and see if he would get into the car. Oh, he could call for another taxi, but when you lived in LA for so long, you have a hand in most everything.

"What's it gonna take to get you off my back? I'd go to a church but i doubt LA has one anymore." Gary said and waited, this guy was rather persistent. The mask can take quite a beating but even that has limits. He stood back and waited for the cab, he sighed and began to feign compliance "Malibu." he answered.
Lucifer Morningstar

"As I said before, I only wish to make sure that you don't break any. Also, that whole church thing is completely wrong. I don't know who started that rumor, but I don't die if I enter a church. The fire department if I remember correctly, also, I really like this car, so please don't do anything that could break it," he said. Being a master of deception, Lucifer knew when someone was faking it.

Gary looked at the car, he begrudgingly got in and looked around, it was a nice car but his current company was not what he was expecting at the moment. He decided to stay quiet for the rest of the ride, he couldn't afford having him read into him more. At least not at the moment.
Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer looked over at him during the quiet ride occasionally and decided to address it. " I don't read minds by the way, just desires and I can only read them if you let me, I however can infer that you like the friend you are getting the calendar for very much, can't say much about her though," he said.

Steven Lasket

" Oh, that latte sounds really good. I like bacon crumbs and I am sure that as long as there no seafood- well except shawrma. I really like Shawrma for some reason. I am going to get the Bacon Cheeseburger though, it has stuff I don't get much of since Dax really likes Bacon and is always anything with bacon in it."

He paused, realizing he had never mentioned Dax to her. "
Dax is my dog, " he said. He wasn't sure if Dax was a daxamite like him, but he did exhibit some of his powers when he went out.
"A bacon eating dog. Well all right." I smirked. Even this guy's dog was dominant over him. He didn't get bacon because his dog liked it so much?

"So, are Daxamites like Canadians or something? Cause you seem overly polite. Not that's necessarily a bad thing, but it puts off the perception that you're a little... Meek. Which is cute in small doses."

I didn't want to sugar coat it. If this guy was too much of a pushover that was gonna be one massive turn off and I may as well find out now.

Steven Lasket

Had he screwed up? He felt like he had screwed up, but when your dog could shoot lasers out of his eyes and give you burns, wouldn't you also give him bacon?

Nope, Daxamites are..." he gave pause, thinking about everything that his mother had told him. " Not like me. Let's just say that I am more human than most of the others who hail from my mother's homeplanet."

He didn't mean to come off as meek or a pushover, but sometimes he was. "
No, it's just that- well, I'm not good at these things. Dates and such. Probably has everything to do with being on the streets when I was younger before Lucifer found me."

@Michale CS
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He didn't mean to come off as meek or a pushover, but sometimes he was. " No, it's just that- well, I'm not good at these things. Dates and such. Probably has everything to do with being on the streets when I was younger before Lucifer found me."

"Huh. Usually street life has the opposite effect. Like, making people jaded and untrusting. You're like... a kid, somehow? I don't mean to speak bad, I mean it's refreshing, to have someone be honest and innocent. My life has had very little of either of those." I replied, earnestly.

It wasn't much time before the food arrived...

bacon cheeseburger.jpg salmon-burger-and-garlic-fries.png

I used the little kiosk on the table to fire up the internet jukebox in the place as well...

Steven Lasket

Steven didn't want to correct her about her statement, but he wouldn't exactly call himself innocent. His phrasing had been deliberate. Street life had made him jaded, a little mean and untrusting, but that was before Lucifer found him. " Wow, that must have really sucked."

Steven looked over at the food and his mouth watered.

He didn't eat out much and he couldn't remember the last time he had a good burger. He was silent, wondering what to say next... that wasn't a lie.

@Michale CS
T-Rae Logo.png
" Wow, that must have really sucked."

Steven looked over at the food and his mouth watered.

He didn't eat out much and he couldn't remember the last time he had a good burger. He was silent, wondering what to say next... that wasn't a lie.

"Yeah. Taken to a place where my powers could be 'fixed' and lied to about them 'healing' me. They just wanted to replicate my powers in people, to add to the enhanced army to fight against the natural mutants, inhumans and nuhumans."

I shrugged. "I'm here now, so that stuff is all behind me. It looks like I'll have a better life here."

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Steven Lasket

" I don't like the way that sounds. Nobody deserves to be lied to or fixed or healed. You are made the way you are for a reason. Each person has a unique reason for being alive and you shouldn't ever want to change what makes you special or be 'fixed."

He nodded. " It is a good thing it is, that world didn't seem to be a safe place for you. How do you like your food?"

@Michale CS
" I don't like the way that sounds. Nobody deserves to be lied to or fixed or healed. You are made the way you are for a reason. Each person has a unique reason for being alive and you shouldn't ever want to change what makes you special or be 'fixed."

"That's the world I was born in. A mutant named En Sabah Nur tried to take over the world. Nearly did. A combination of superhuman, military, and magical forces put him down, but it didn't unify the world, especially when all we were able to do was put him in some kind of hibernation and shoot him into space because people didn't want to do the right thing like drop him in a volcano or shoot that spaceship into the sun to kill him." I shrugged, giving Steven a history lesson of my world.

He nodded. " It is a good thing it is, that world didn't seem to be a safe place for you. How do you like your food?"

"It made everyone crazy against mutants. A Superhuman Registration Act was passed, and generally? If you registred, it was like being drafted. They made a new branch of the military - Superhuman Threat Operations and Policing. STOP. One of those stupid acronyms. Well, a lot of the registered superhumans joined STOP. Those who didn't, faded away in the background or disappeared. A lot of people in STOP just saw it as a way to lord it over others, so tons of people who would have been villains joined."

I sighed. "And it just got worse from there. Oh and the food's great. I've had it before, this is a favorite of mine."

I dug back into my food like I had just been talking about a movie I'd seen.

Steven was silent as he listened to her and couldn't help but think of the horrible thing he had heard about his home world from his mother. That the prince had taken an escape pod from there and had left his people to die. That she had escaped with her life and made it to Earth. That the planet used slavery. He bit on his tongue, listening to her, wanting so badly to give her a hug. It sounded like a horrible world to live in. He didn't want to live there, that much was indeed certain. He chewed on his burger.

Steven wonder how Dax was doing at home. Usually he checked in on the dog before he went anywhere. ( And to repair any broken walls or things in the house) The thing they didn't tell you about having an alien dog who was also powerful is that at the end of the day, they were still a dog and did dog things like running around the house and pee and break things ( though he had to replace his fridge when the dog knocked it out of the electric unit. Yeah, that was a fun thing to explain his landlord. He was thinking this as he listened to her.

Steven smiled. " Well, I guess it is good that you are familiar with it. I really like this bacon burger," he said to her.

He was silent as he didn't have much more to add to what she had said to him.

@Michale CS
Steven smiled. " Well, I guess it is good that you are familiar with it. I really like this bacon burger," he said to her.

He was silent as he didn't have much more to add to what she had said to him.

"You... really have no idea what you're doing do you? It's kinda cute. Not sure how long it'll stay cute, though. We've been opening up to each other - though kinda more me than you. Daxamites aren't great with empathy are they?" I prodded. Maybe I was wrong and this guy was just a pretty face. He seemed intelligent enough, but somehow he was just kinda... boring. Hopefully that'd wear off once he wasn't so nervous.
