Lucifer Morningstar and Steven Lasket

" It is more that I manage to get to know Luke over so much time that I can just pick my days. I am sure that he will also let you pick your days, he's pretty chill about that," he admitted, as he looked over at her and mixed a drink in one hand as he thought about talking more to him. It was true that she interested him and didn't seem to mind his slight aloofiness and ask about anything nosey.

Steven followed, holding his own tablet and scrolling through the drinks he had made to see if there was anything that would go with them. After a tense moment, Steven noticed that Lucifer was playing his piano. It had been a while since the man had done that. He looked at her and paused. " So, you don't smell human. What are you, inhuman, mutant, alien?"

@Michale CS
" It is more that I manage to get to know Luke over so much time that I can just pick my days. I am sure that he will also let you pick your days, he's pretty chill about that,"
"Huh. Cool. Better deal than I've ever had since I showed up here." I admitted.

After a tense moment, Steven noticed that Lucifer was playing his piano. It had been a while since the man had done that. He looked at her and paused. " So, you don't smell human. What are you, inhuman, mutant, alien?"
"First of all, eww! Secondly... rude. I got better senses too but you don't see me commenting on people's B.O." I shook my head and sighed. "But you're right on all three counts. Got an X-gene that's how I have my practically perfect physique, as strong and fast as you'd expect a top notch human to be, maybe a bit more I haven't really pushed myself. Then I got exposed to Terragen Mist, which usually kills mutants but I had enough Inhuman in me to survive and go through my chrysalis. Finally, I'm from a different Earth, which technically makes me an alien to this one."

Lucifer Morningstar and Steven Lasket

Lucifer played the piano, while silently listening and muttering how stupid men could be.

Steven sighed. " Sorry, it is a bad habit and just kind of happens when I get too close to people. I swear that I smelled something off and I am sorry if I offended you in any way," he replied, looking over at her and pausing. That was the same scent as the guy he had ran into back New York. Inhuman mixed with mutant. " So, I guess that makes you a inmutant, I can honestly say that I had caught that scent on another guy once, but he didn't know what he was. Another Earth, that is something I haven't heard before. So, was the Earth that you came from better or worse than this one?"

@Michale CS
Steven sighed. " Sorry, it is a bad habit and just kind of happens when I get too close to people. I swear that I smelled something off and I am sorry if I offended you in any way,"

"Eh, thick skin here, but I'm always honest, except when it makes more sense not to."
I waved it off.

" So, I guess that makes you a inmutant, I can honestly say that I had caught that scent on another guy once, but he didn't know what he was. Another Earth, that is something I haven't heard before. So, was the Earth that you came from better or worse than this one?"

"If you consider a world where mutants are hunted or used as weapons by the government and not considered anything but possible plague carriers better then it was. Otherwise nope. My own parents checked me into a 'rehabilitation center' so I could be 'cured' - so I wouldn't turn into a monster and eat Denver or something."
The look on my face made it clear I wasn't joking as I explained.

Lucifer Morningstar and Steven Lasket

" I guess that is a good quality to have as a person. Not many people like brutal honesty though," he admitted.

Steven watched her facial expression and saw that she was not joking in the slightest. It seemed that she had gone through hell. " That's horrible. I can't say that I ever had such a bad experience with my parents, well, expect my mom is dead and my dad is who knows who quite honestly so I guess I wouldn't. So, albeit, I have been an orphan since thirteen, but Luke kind of adopted me when I turned seventeen so it worked out fine."

@Michale CS
" I guess that is a good quality to have as a person. Not many people like brutal honesty though,"

I waved ringless hand at Steven. "Hence I can't land a date to save reality."

" That's horrible. I can't say that I ever had such a bad experience with my parents, well, expect my mom is dead and my dad is who knows who quite honestly so I guess I wouldn't. So, albeit, I have been an orphan since thirteen, but Luke kind of adopted me when I turned seventeen so it worked out fine."

"Huh, Luke told me that he hadn't heard anyone calling him that in recent memory. Made a big deal about it. Pretty sure he wouldn't have forgotten about you, so... you changing how you refer to him just because of little old me?" I teased, chuckling, while still working on getting some pairings done.


Steven wasn't sure if she was being literal or figurative, but either way it was sad.

Steven chuckled a bit. " What can I say? Luke is a whole lot classier than saying his full name or calling him Luci. Either way, it is something that he seems to like." Steven admitted. He wasn't about to tell her that he had chosen because she also used it, even if it was the truth.

@Michale CS
Steven chuckled a bit. " What can I say? Luke is a whole lot classier than saying his full name or calling him Luci. Either way, it is something that he seems to like." Steven admitted. He wasn't about to tell her that he had chosen because she also used it, even if it was the truth.

"I dunno, a guy named Luke with powers running a bar. Seems like that's been done before." I joked, still half-heartedly working in the background. It really was an easy job to pair up food with drinks.

"Anyway, yeah. Until I landed this job I was pretty much staying in hotels all the time. Now, seems our boss is going to set me up with a more permanent residence. Does it bug you, though? Who he is... or says he is? It's still sort of sinking in for me and I hope I haven't made a huge mistake."

The joke went over Steven's head as he did not keep up with superheroes and other owners of bar in the slightest. He wouldn't know that there was a man named Luke running a bar back in New York.

Not really. If he is the Devil, he is certainly different from how everything shows him, he helps people and even helps the LAPD. I mean, I am a half-Daxamite, you are from another world. Besides if you take the time to think about, the Devil is just a angel who made his father angry," he said.

@Michale CS
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The joke went over Steven's head as he did not keep up with superheroes and other owners of bar in the slightest. He wouldn't know that there was a man named Luke running a bar back in New York.

Not really. If he is the Devil, he is certainly different from how everything shows him, he helps people and even helps the LAPD. I mean, I am a half-Daxamite, you are from another world. Besides if you take the time to think about, the Devil is just a angel who made his father angry," he said.

@Michale CS

"That's one way of looking at it..."
I didn't quite see it that way but this guy was half alien so I can see how it seemed like a story to him.

I fell into silence for a bit as I did some more of the pairing, and then asked, "So... Daxamites... They are obviously close enough to human to make hybrids, but are there any surprises you are hiding like antennae or a tail or tentacles?"

Lucifer Morningstar and Steven Lasket

Lucifer listened while he played the piano. He would say he was surprised that she was worried about him being the Devil, but he was used to it.

Steven looked over at her. " Yeah, nope. We are kind of like Superman where we gain power in the yellow sun, except we aren't weak to Kryptonite like them, instead we are weak to lead. That's how my mom died. stabbed by a lead pencil. "

@Michale CS
"The fuck is Kryptonite? No matter... And lead? Okay then stay out of Queens, man. Most of those old brownstone houses used lead paint. Really sucky way to die, man. I'm sorry.". I shook my head and reached for his hand.

"So you have all my powers and then some huh? Super senses, laser eyes, x-ray vision like the big blue boy scout?"

Steven Lasket and totally not eavesdropping Lucifer Morningstar

Steven was surprised that she didn't know what Kryptonite was, but he wasn't sure how to explain it to her. He accepted her hand, not sure what else to say. He wasn't used to sympathy for his mother's death from anyone before.

" Not exactly. I do have super senses and heat vision, but they are much weaker. Sadly, I didn't get x-ray vision, but I can fly a little like twenty to fifty feet above the ground. Being half-human makes some of my powers more dangerous."''

@Michale CS
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" Not exactly. I do have super senses and heat vision, but they are much weaker. Sadly, I didn't get x-ray vision, but I can fly a little like twenty to fifty feet above the ground. Being half-human makes some of my powers more dangerous."''

"Well weaker than Superman is a huge range. Anyway, you could still probably kick my ass on any given day."
I shrugged.

I smiled at him. "I mean you can probably play ping pong with wrecking balls."

Steven Lasket and Lucifer Morningstar

" I am not entirely sure of that either. I haven't actually fought crime. I mean, I helped Lucifer with a few tough clients, but I never- well fought anyone really."

Lucifer walked down the stairs. " That would be a little dangerous especially since he is half-human. If he loses or tires, he would probably get some broken bones."

@Michale CS
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Steven Lasket and Lucifer Morningstar

" I am not entirely sure of that either. I haven't actually fought crime. I mean, I helped Lucifer with a few tough clients, but I never- well fought anyone really."

Lucifer walked down the stairs. " That would be a little dangerous especially since he is half-human. If he loses or tires, he would probably get some broken bones."

@Michale CS

"Well, if you need a few pointers on hand-to-hand combat, let me know. I'm not formally trained but I do pretty well and know what works." I offered to Steven.

When Lucifer came downstairs, I shrugged. "Isn't that what the whole burden of power is about? You either use it for good, evil, or take the milquetoast way and say 'what if'? I mean, I guess a lot of people with abilities just try to live as if they didn't have them, but that seems almost... cowardly to me, you know?"

Steven Lasket and Lucifer Morningstar

Steven looked over at her. " I wouldn't mind the few pointers about combat. I am by no means an expert at it. I am still learning how to fight better," he admitted to her.

Lucifer looked over at her and smiled. " You are correct in the notion that powers should be used. I was just making the point that I don't think it is a good idea to play ping pong with wrecking balls. It would be a waster of talent if he got hurt doing a stupid trick," he replied, looking at the ceiling and wondering when he should make his appointment with Linda.

@Michale CS
So... Luke was a bit too literal at times. I didn't mean to actually play ping pong with wrecking balls but it seemed kind of pointless to explain to him that I didn't mean that in the literal sense so I just chuckled and slid my tablet over to where Luke was, so he could see the pairings I'd made up.

I smiled at Steven. "Since I'm here way early I'm going to see how many of those dishes I can make with what we have in the kitchen and what we need to get up to speed. Luke, if there's anything else you need from me that's where I'll be, taking inventory."

Steven Lasket and Lucifer Morningstar

Steven almost forgot how literal his boss/ surrogate father could be about things. Then again, he hadn't used metaphors since that incident in high school when the school bully had mysteriously fallen out of a two story window and he was about to argue with the man as Tamara slid Lucifer the tablet

Steven smiled back at her. " I will note that you are working on the dishes. I actually have to go out for a bit, I should be back in about twenty or so minutes. Steven is in charge while I am gone, perhaps he could help you with some inventory," he said, leaving the two of them behind.

@Michale CS
Steven smiled back at her. " I will note that you are working on the dishes. I actually have to go out for a bit, I should be back in about twenty or so minutes. Steven is in charge while I am gone, perhaps he could help you with some inventory," he said, leaving the two of them behind.

After Lucifer had left, I asked Steven, "Is it just me or is he trying to matchmake us?"
