The mask stood there, eyes in spirals, drooling like a hypnotized drunk in a cheap vegas magician show, however his body was still in working order, slapping the face and head to force him to snap out of it. So a hand reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a first aid kit labeled "Scenario 8", his hands opened the case and inside was a bottle labeled "ACME inc. Remember-all" His hands then unscrewed the head off the body and opened the mouth, a metallic squeak was heard almost as if they opened a rusty metal cabinet door, they poured every drop of the concoction into the mouth then shook the head like a margarita mixer before screwing it back on.

After a few moments the mask snapped back to normal and looked around confused, remembering Victoria he started to toss things out of his pockets frantically, what flew out were various things, a chicken coop, a van, a fridge, Stan Lee(yes actual stan lee) the entire bee movie script, a bazooka, a slushy machine, a baseball bat, a can of tennis balls, a porsche, a ship in a bottle and a rubber chicken. After a while of flinging out crap, which kept landing near the group of strange people, he found the sparkling pink chalk, he drew a circle into the ground, once a colorful hatch appeared he jumped in, but before falling all the way down he looked at the crowd of strange people around "Coming?" he asked assuming they were here for him, he was in a hurry so introductions would have to be walk and talk. He landed onto the trampoline-esque ground then proceeded to zip around frantically, looking for any sign of Victoria. The surrounding area as well as the entirety of the dimension looked like something out of a dr seuss book.

The icons of power in their respective worlds felt a little unsettled here. It was so far and away different, their reach on the cosmic and magical powers they possessed seemed somehow distant, like a half-remembered dream.

They followed the Mask for a short time until they came across a man in a lab coat, sitting at a table seemingly in the middle of nowhere with Victoria, and together they seemed... be doing shots.

"Bout time you bozos got here. I had to de-dark the lady here. She became the Dark Froopy and nearly undid all the -" -BELCH- "..the-the work I did on this place. You're welcome by the way."

Then followed an awkward conversation where The Mask found out that 'it's not me it's you' from Victoria. After a jaw-dropping moment, the Mask suspected that it was this new guy that she was leaving him for and he charged toward him -

Only to dive through a portal that the guy zapped into existence in his path.
"Where'd you send him?" Victoria asked.
"Gazorpazorp. Lots of women for him to pick from there."

"What?..." He stared at the icons. "...oh, right. You probably want a way back to your universe."

He tweaked with the portal gun and fired it, opening a green portal that indeed the senses of the assembled powerhouses could verfiy was their version of Earth.

"...unless you got some questions for me. I got time."

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ringmaster
Lucifer Morningstar

" I just have two things to say. One, thank you for taking the Mask off our hands and helping us out here. I am going to give you something nice, give me a second," Lucifer replied, pulling a bottle of good scotch out of his jacket and handing it to the man. " Two, what's your name?" He asked.

@Michale CS
Tick nodded towards Steven and stars at El Seed with a smile, with a determined look in his eyes. Tick said, " El Seed, you will be stop and your army of cacti! Prepare to face to The Wild Blue Yonder, THE TICK! Spooooon!!! Tick charges at the Cacti, taking out a pickle shape pillow. Tick knocks back each Cacti with the pillow, without not damaging them, but just knocking( or knocking them out if possible) them back( it the same kind of limits strength he uses to knock down powerless foes without hurting). Tick stop in the middle of the army and started to swing the pickle pillow at many cacti. What went through Tick mind while he was doing was, "Wow, this pillow is very durable and soft to the touch."

Between the joint effort of the team... And the fact that El Seed ran screaming away from the horde of insects attacking his face suddenly... The cacti returned to their places. However, there was no known way to change them back...

"Well done, friends! We have won the day!" American Maid proclaimed, and in the distance, two cacti high fived each other.

"So... Any idea on what to do with these guys now that they're no longer following a supervillain? Oh and is anyone interested in chasing after him? We should at least see if he's okay, right?" Silver Scorpion asked.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Breach
Steven and Dax

Dax walked over and sniffed the cacti seeing that they were still abnormal and titled his head, not knowing what to do about that and tall human would be mad if he peed or did anything else to them. Of course, he liked thinking about what could be.

Steven looked over at her and nodded, surprised that they had won the day and that nothing had gone horribly wrong though.

Well, we could keep them as pets or turn them over to someone who can turn them normal. I mean, we could also keep them as a sideshow. I'm joking about the last part. Yeah, we should probably go check on El Seed."

@Breach @Michale CS
"True, they do look adorable and would be nice to get Speaks a friend, but first, we do need to take care of El Seed." Tick sees El Seed running around and screaming. Tick simply walk in the path where El Seed is going to run to. Tick raises his pickle pillow with one hand and says, " Feel the softness of JUSTICE!" Tick slammed the pickle pillow(In an upper cut motion) on El Seed`s chin or where his chine should be if he didn`t have a flower for a head, which the grasshoppers decide to jump off and away from El Seed to avoid the pillow. El seed was sent five feet in the air and it was so awesome everyone who was looking felt that they were seeing it happen three times; but in different angles. El Seed lays on the grass knockout. Tick grabs, with one hand, him by the back of his green Jacket. Tick was smiling at his group, one of the hands on his hip, making a fist. Tick look very heroic.
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The Freeplay Threads for Epic Mashup

Look for the WEST COAST Epic Crossover Thread
To be crafted and posted as links in the Epic Crossover Clan

Link will appear here in an edit of this post as soon as the thread is up.

Assume a two day time-skip for all storylines currently running.
Those involved in particular storylines can opt to continue them or fade the interactions.

Thanks for your patience during this move back to our old home now that it's been renovated.
