Bloomfield High ~ An Academy for Girls

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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I was confused for a few minutes before I realized what I made my previous comment sound like, I meant to say that one shouldn't just speak their mind, or throw whatever is it they have in mind - negative, hurtful, positive or appreciative - too lightly since you never know what kind of reception you might get from other users.

I was just tripped up over the 'conservative' thing. I just associate the word as something to describe someone who keeps to themselves, their thoughts, their opinion, their views, so they don't take up the entire room, in a way of speaking. A private person, if the previous definition didn't make any sense. I failed to recognize that some may take the word at it's literal meaning, or the more well known and used way - describing traditionalist, so apologies. I honestly didn't mean to make it so political.

EDIT: That made no sense. I just didn't mean to make it a liberal vs conservative thing. Apologies.
Who cares? Politics is fun :D It's all good as long as you don't start calling liberals retards or calling conservatives heartless or calling communists away with the fairies :D
The collab post between me and White chocolate is going swell \(._______.)/ can't wait till its completed!
@Fendisteel if you ever need to check my status for posts and all, visit my profile page or just give my user name a quick click to see what status message I've typed up, I often give warnings about my absences and what I'm up to in lieu of typing up my responses to things. As such, I'll hopefully get my reply over to you as soon as I can tomorrow.
@Fendisteel if you ever need to check my status for posts and all, visit my profile page or just give my user name a quick click to see what status message I've typed up, I often give warnings about my absences and what I'm up to in lieu of typing up my responses to things. As such, I'll hopefully get my reply over to you as soon as I can tomorrow.
Yeah sorry if I'm coming off as impatient .-. Just really want to continue ^___^ Moar RP :D
I'll get a post up for the initiation of Day One by tomorrow evening.

Now there's a much higher chance that I'll remember to post!
@Sailor Moon Sorry for my absence! I was going to get started on my post last week but midterm exams got in the way. Then I somehow got food poisoning (still sick with it I'm afraid) and ended up being miserable and stuck in bed for a weekend. Normally I would push through sickness and just get my shit done but I was feverish and a bit delirious so I didn't trust myself with interacting with the human species (without embarrassing myself forever) on the internet for those days. THEN the site update happened.

I'll get started on Bloomfield and G-Force posts sometime this week after I get all of my stuff together in real life. Exams, paperwork, making sure I throw up in the toilet and not the floor, etc. =v=;;;

Edit: Oh, White actually explained everything for me. Thanks~!
HOOOOOOOOOLY Fuck that downtime went on longer then i expected.

The deadline for our posts is Wednesday right?
HOOOOOOOOOLY Fuck that downtime went on longer then i expected.

The deadline for our posts is Wednesday right?
There's no deadline as of right now, but I'm going to be tagging or messaging inactive members to see what's going on. :)
@Sailor Moon Sorry for my absence! I was going to get started on my post last week but midterm exams got in the way. Then I somehow got food poisoning (still sick with it I'm afraid) and ended up being miserable and stuck in bed for a weekend. Normally I would push through sickness and just get my shit done but I was feverish and a bit delirious so I didn't trust myself with interacting with the human species (without embarrassing myself forever) on the internet for those days. THEN the site update happened.

I'll get started on Bloomfield and G-Force posts sometime this week after I get all of my stuff together in real life. Exams, paperwork, making sure I throw up in the toilet and not the floor, etc. =v=;;;

Edit: Oh, White actually explained everything for me. Thanks~!
No worries! Sorry you got food poisoning.
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Okay. So, @Kitsune, @GrieveWriter, you two are the main ones I haven't heard from and I'm wondering if you're planning on posting, or if you want me to find someone to fill your spots?
I think I might have an idea for the Morning Class stuff post, but I'm a little bit lost on the order of things. It's wake up>get ready>straight to class, correct? I've been doing so many duties in FFXIV I'm a little bit scatterbrained.
I think I might have an idea for the Morning Class stuff post, but I'm a little bit lost on the order of things. It's wake up>get ready>straight to class, correct? I've been doing so many duties in FFXIV I'm a little bit scatterbrained.
There's no specific order. I just don't want people to draw out their morning posts by having super long interactions.
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Done. Sorry my post is late and a bit short/rushed.
Oh, are we back? So, I said I was going to post by yesterday but since the forums were down, I'll post by tonight instead.
FACK DE FACKING DOWNTIME! It was annoying. That is all.
Due to circumstances outside Iwaku, I no longer have the ability to post in RPs. I can't link thoughts together enough to write out a proper post. As a result, I think I have to drop, so I don't hold anyone back.

Apologies in advance.
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