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Bloomfield High ~ An Academy for Girls

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Yuki aksana - THE MALL featuring a Mon-Tage. That is a tage of mons. - Rosiemary shows a lot of stuff - The morrow arrives and Yuki does stuff as well - @Justin Charming

Yuki and Rosemary spent the rest of the afternoon at the mall. Rosemary insisted on several outfits for Yuki and even went as far as to touch her breasts to gain an idea of what would compliment that asset. She measured her with a tape measure and did the same to her ass. Yuki blushed but kinda enjoyed having another girl touch her ass and breasts. That felt nice. Um..... i'm straight though but it did feel nice. Yuki thought to herself before trying on what felt like a hundred outfits. Some were rather revealing, some were comfortable and some were in the terrority of WHAT THE BLEEP ARE YOU WEARING! Catergory. They returned to their dorm in the evening with several bags of clothes and Yuki had the sorry task of finding room to put her new clothes.


The alarm went off and Yuki rose from her slumber at 5am. She slowly got up but felt something rather wet around her legs. Her eyes widened in a manner that said oh crap as she realised what had happened. Seriously? Now i'm wetting myself? Great. She thought to herself and fortunately for her, there was no smell. Just a giant wet patch on the mattress and her pyjama bottoms being soaked through. She made her way towards the bathroom with a blue and green horziontal striped thong and proceeded to clean herself up. Afterwards, she put on the thong and put her bra and white shirt back on before ramming the soaked bottoms into her laundry basket. She hoped Rosemary would not have noticed and kinda enjoyed the feeling her new thongs gave her. She had spent 4 hours sorting out her clothes and barely managed to fit everything into her wardrobe. She looked at one of her many swimming costumes and was curious to see if the art club had accepted her as a model. She had applied yesterday afternoon and was tempted to put down Rosemary as a prank but figured that her roommmate would throw a massive hissy fit if that happened so she didn't.

@Sailor Moon
I did read most of it so I'll try not to confuse peeps. And thanks ^^

Btw for some reason I'm not getting alerts when someone mentions my name with the @ >.>
Fighting off a cold. I'll try and get a post up tomorrow, regardless. No guarantees I'll succeed or remember.
@Sailor Moon
I did read most of it so I'll try not to confuse peeps. And thanks ^^

Btw for some reason I'm not getting alerts when someone mentions my name with the @ >.>
Happens to me sometimes. I think you probably won't get them if you've got a notification for the same thread that you haven't checked.
Well Dovah's post made me uncomfortable... I mean didn't need to know about the wet spot or whatever lol.
Well Dovah's post made me uncomfortable... I mean didn't need to know about the wet spot or whatever lol.

@The Dovah from now on please refrain from going in depth about your character's accidents, or wet spots of any sort. Also the in depth descriptions of panties, because I'd like to make sure everyone is comfortable in this rp and the drawn out explanations may very well be pushing lines we shouldn't cross in the non libertine section.

Also, for everyone's notice you can describe what you're character is wearing, but making sure we know it's sexual is crossing the line i think. If there's a panty flash, it shouldn't be overtly sexual and shouldn't go into explaining what's underneath said underwear, or what's happening with them.

For example, the wet t-shirt joke. If the girls had wet t-shirts, it would be that their shirts are wet and we as the readers know what that means, but we wouldn't be explaining anything else. Imo, that is true fan service, not forcing it to be.

Ok. Thanks. :D
In the words of the Iron Dovah.


The thong bit? It's kinda leading on from what Yuki wanted to do and part of the montage but yeah, i'll stop all mention of that. Ok, i may do the odd bit of accidentally pant shot but apart from that, just keep the fanservice at an all time low.


Wait, giggity? SOD OFF QUAGOVAH!
In the words of the Iron Dovah.


The thong bit? It's kinda leading on from what Yuki wanted to do and part of the montage but yeah, i'll stop all mention of that. Ok, i may do the odd bit of accidentally pant shot but apart from that, just keep the fanservice at an all time low.


Wait, giggity? SOD OFF QUAGOVAH!

Well, the thing about the thong bit and all the fan service is that your post was just describing some panties and her accident. I feel like some of your posts are just talking about her body parts, or panties and nothing else.
Really? My bad if that is the case. Although it could be the OOC that i mentioned waaay too many times and not the RP.

I... I have too much free time and well, i know i go over the top sometimes. Just need a friendly "quit it or we make you humble" reminder sometimes.

Yeah, i am prone to being carried away with stuff.

*strangles self with a shirt*
Mm. Just regulate oneself I guess, being too liberal on the net always comes with some repercussions.

@Sailor Moon Just a heads up, or reminder I guess, working on a collab post, it's a little slow, but I'll throw the 'Morning' post with it when I do post.
Mm. Just regulate oneself I guess, being too liberal on the net always comes with some repercussions.
Being too conservative gets you way worse though. You get called a racist or a homophobe or sexist or something. Which makes it hilarious when you point out you're both female and gay XD
Being too conservative gets you way worse though. You get called a racist or a homophobe or sexist or something. Which makes it hilarious when you point out you're both female and gay XD

Yeaaahh, but being female and gay doesn't make you exempt from being a homophobe, a bigot, or a racist. I know people who are all of these things and fall under the gay and/or female tag.
Yeaaahh, but being female and gay doesn't make you exempt from being a homophobe, a bigot, or a racist. I know people who are all of these things and fall under the gay and/or female tag.
Which is precisely why it's funny - so many people forget that being female/gay/black isn't mutually exclusive to being sexist/homophobic/racist. Thus, their reactions when you're a gay female who is making sexist / homophobic jokes are hilarious.
I was confused for a few minutes before I realized what I made my previous comment sound like, I meant to say that one shouldn't just speak their mind, or throw whatever is it they have in mind - negative, hurtful, positive or appreciative - too lightly since you never know what kind of reception you might get from other users.

I was just tripped up over the 'conservative' thing. I just associate the word as something to describe someone who keeps to themselves, their thoughts, their opinion, their views, so they don't take up the entire room, in a way of speaking. A private person, if the previous definition didn't make any sense. I failed to recognize that some may take the word at it's literal meaning, or the more well known and used way - describing traditionalist, so apologies. I honestly didn't mean to make it so political.

EDIT: That made no sense. I just didn't mean to make it a liberal vs conservative thing. Apologies.
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