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Renzo waited for the captains and other relevant guests back at the 1st division. He'd chosen to hold this meeting like any other captain's meeting despite the large number of extra guests that would be present. Most of all, he wanted the room arranged in such a way that naturally their guest would be in the middle, able to be killed immediately with no fuss if things came to that. The invited parties slowly trickled in at their own pace and he observed each of them carefully. He'd been watching the events of the day before from behind a monitor but he wanted to have the opinions of those who had been present. And of course, he figured he was going to have to discuss older matters. He hated to say it but this enemy was not an entirely new and unknown one. They were on a different scale from what he'd seen before but hollows with parts of their masks ripped off were nothing new. In the older wars when the Gotei fought more for survival and less to uphold order, some such creatures has been seen. It was just that most of them were a bit less humanoid, something in between man and beast. All of this made him uneasy. Further, other matters had caught his attention too. Their response had been far from ideal. Though many of his captains now sought more strength, that was but a minor thing among what they were lacking. Given the events of the day before, he could clearly say that what needed the most help were things in which battle prowess was small foot note. And he had no doubt that these matters would be touched on whether he liked it or not.
Melaura Omaeda

Melaura was communicating with her zanpakuto when the message came to her about the Captains meeting. This came at a shock to her but her division could handle helping the remaining shinigami that still required some type of treatment most of the ones that could be saved were saved and they just had to undergo a few more days of medical work to be completely rehabilitated. Zion Furenji was one of them but to her knowledge he didn't return back to the medical barracks, he could be stubborn when he wanted to be much like a child.

Melaura made her way to the meeting as quick as possible if Captain commander set up a meeting then there was important information to be relayed or discussed. "Yes Katai I do hope he has a plan to defeat those monsters, they killed so many of our friends and comrades" she says mid shunpo still conversing with her Zanpakuto. Melaura was different at least for the moment which is probably because despite her vain attitude she had a big heart especially when it came to the dead.
She arrived at the first division seeing the Captain Commander, she bowed to him "Commander Renzo have I arrived to soon, it is a pleasure to be in your presence" she said questioning her superior and paying him a compliment at the same time.


Zion was practicing his swordsmanship for sometime now, seeing as Heizo or Kairi had not arrived yet, his arm dropped Jisatsu in its sealed state as a twinge of pain ran through his body. "Damn maybe I do need more rest?" he says aloud. He has realized that pushing himself to the brink won't do much to raise his power. Lifting his Zanpakuto off the ground he caught sight of his face, touching his cheek he looked carefully at his reflection. The face of the boy he saw in his dreams/flashes resembled his, the hair was different but he couldn't shake the feeling that what he was seeing meant something. While staring at himself a black butterfly relayed the message of the Captains meeting to him and it was set up by Captain Commander Renzo. He was surprised that there would be a meeting so soon after the funeral but he couldn't disobey an order so he sheathed his Zanpakuto and made his way. He walked as using shunpo would strain his body, as he walked he thought about putting Holly in charge of the division when he was training with Heizo and Kairi. Holly did show great skill in handling the workload of a Captain as well.

Seighardt Oda
@Nevvy and others
Seig had spent most of his time paying his respects to his squad members that had perished at the initial attack from the hollow like creatures that bore human bodies. He also received medicine just to make sure whatever plagued him from one of the attackers was truly gone. Most of his squad decimated in a single attack from one girl, it was hard to believe. He also took her way to lightly, she may not have been powerful outright but she excelled in using that to her advantage. He never dreamed that one would use a sickness to defeat their enemy, it was pure logic yet was a tactic best used once to off the target. Since he lived he now knew what was dangerous about her, which would make him for careful when attacking her. Basically she was no longer a threat to him, not anymore anyway. To the others she might be, but to him it would only be a matter of seconds before he burned her to ash. It was a shame but he had to give the girl credit where it was due, she came the closest by far to murdering him. If only it wasn't a curable disease, and if only she wasn't crippled by said sickness. All that mattered to him now was that his people that died would enjoy their new lives, and to kick the ass out of that giant man and the one with the overwhelming presence. Those two seemed great to do battle with! He would put That red head on the list but even when crippled his hits barely hurt, so it wasn't worth his time to seek him out. If he got in the way, was a different thing altogether though.

Then came the message for a captains meetup at squad one, so he payed his respects again before shunpoing off to the division, only to have been beaten by others already. That man crazy captain being one. While she bowed to him and sucked up to him, Sieg scratched the back of his head while resting his his palm on his sword. "Is this meeting about how we plan to go kill those little assholes? Cause I really need to vent my frustration out of them." He asked before grumbling and giving the Head captain a bow and assuming his place for the meetup. Although he did wonder why the meeting grounds was bigger than usual, then it hit him that the one that stayed was still around. "Ahhh first topic can be how that one girl can get us to their hideout so we can burn it to the ground." He suggested, figuring they all had to have their ways to and from said place. After all the only reason she was staying wasn't because she was captured forcefully, actually what was her reason for staying again? Well it didn't matter, if she could help them get to the hideout then that was all that mattered.
Nene Surin

Once the funeral had ended and everyone went about their duties, she herself had went about her own duty trying to gather feedback from others that may have seen the invaders. She sent out nearly her entire squad to come back with some form of clues or information on who they may have been. She ruled out one of them, as everyone seemed surprised at their appearance, even the older captains didn't have any idea of them. They also went by numbers from what they heard, almost like a ranking system. So they didn't hesitate to show who was the strongest and weakest among their number. They seemed to have unique abilities much like the captains did as well, so they very well could be mistaken for simple shinigami. Yet when reports came in that would only further prove that couldn't be the case as, witnesses that survived squad eleven's attack said this girl came out and would just slowly morph into something in human. Almost like a monster, that would explain that massive man from earlier, they also could fire off cero's something unique only to hollows. Yet Hollows never looked human, or used swords from her knowledge. They were strange beings indeed, had features unique to Hollows yet looked all the same as Humans did. It was a very curious subject, one that made her scientific side from her time in squad twelve come out. Oh how she would revel in the chance of studying one, and how their body worked. They must have some form of regeneration or a healer. After all Sieg unleashed his bankai and ran through one of the invaders. Usually that bankai of his would burn anyone to ash, or at least prevent a fatal wound from healing like that. Yet she stood up moments later clearly weakened but not dead.

Her research would have to wait, as an order came to assemble for a captains meeting. This made her frown a bit but get up from her desk before leaving a sign on the door that stated to leave gathered info on desk. She would then head out taking her time to get there. She never did arrive early anyway, she usually came in around when everyone else did, the ones that seemed to be there first were their seniors from squad twelve and eleven, and the squad four captain. Well this should be an interesting meeting to say the least, they never really gathered after something like that. So it only amused her to think of how most would react, the only guarantee she knew was that the squad four captain was probably going to hit on one of the male captains if not all of them.
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Soul Society

Shizune Kurenai

As they made their way to the meeting, Shizune and Oka likely went together at a fair pace. Arriving shortly after plenty of the others would be showing up, Shizune gave a nod to the Wolf captain before taking her own place upon the meeting. Her lieutenant was there as well, but by the looks of it they were in a rather peculiar research suit, one that made them look rather androgynous with a visor that only showed one way. She wasn't surprised considering the task she had left them but was a bit glad they were able to put the time aside to show up. Taking note of the others working on arriving, Shizune took great notice in their little 'guest' who had stayed behind from the attack. Perhaps there would be more answers here than she originally thought.

Kairi Veritahl

With Kairi following Kon to the meeting, the woman smirked a bit underneath her bandaging as she placed one hand on her shoulder and rolled that arm a bit, "You may be younger but I can still kick your ass any day. Just wait." Patting herself a bit, Kairi felt it unnecessary to go and find her Captain seeing they'd all be at the meeting either way, "Besides, it was because of my Captain I got like this. He's taking yesterday rather hard and looks to have even more questions than answers he'd ever want. He may be dead serious on asking me to train him about Shunko... It will be a shame having to bother Holly's father once again. But, that is who I learned it from, as bloody tough that was..."

Alicia Fullburn Las Noches


Having reached her own...room as it were the Segunda passes many of her own following, rather than wearing the drab white that was all too common from Alicia's own point of view, her own underlings seem to be dressed in clothing that matched her own, more suited to a tea party than not. For the most part they seemed engaged in ideal chatter, but would bow in recognition to there master as they seen her in a manner. While it was possible and likely they could or some even would try and replace her, those attempts were dealt with her..other half. And often left quite the impression.

Never mind her general hijinks. One of which would be on display now, a new comer to the group as it were, he had yet to be hazed.

"You there. Boy, I have a riddle for thee."

Smiling as she drags a finger along the wall the others watch with a look of amusement setting aside there own small talk to see what she had in mind.

"I may be bald as a Friar
I may have worn a crown of fire
Or a coat of every color there is.

Made of the White vaults wealth
Of the Golden Fields warmth
I can be hard, I can be soft

I've made many a person smile
unless you are sour
yet from fire I am born.

What am I?"

"I..I..w-what..I don't understand."

He says in blank if somewhat annoyed reply. The others around him start to giggle as one with a top hat a monocle motions for him to follow. "Please allow me mistress! Do not Distress! For we live to serve, not to swerve!" Leading the man to a red pad suspiciously in the center of the common area, a female in a maids dress pressed a button causing the floor to fall from under him, while he technically could fly out of it, few were ever ready for the trap to react quickly. It was a maze with a nasty surprise.

"Oh me, oh my! No answer? Oh? Then...welcome to my barbecue! Please don't end up in the stew!" Laughing in her typical Ohohoho fashion Alicia's eyes narrow as a bit of her other persona leeks through. Seemingly her aura takes on a hue of crushing authority as if judging the man below.

"I highly suggest you run. Least you end up well done." With a snap of her right fingers, the same maid presses another button on the control panel causing flame throwers to deploy on wall runners in the hall. While they could do this by hand, and it was of little danger to the Arrancar, it did send a powerful psychological message, and helped...to break in the more unruly joiners to be reshaped as she seen fit.

"Well while this fool runs and toils to learn his mistake, can one of you tell me what it is I wish to make for the littlest of us all?"

Laughing the hatted man bows, his gaudy Grey greatcoat blowing in the breeze. "But of course my lady! You wish to make a cake! How magnanimous of you! We shall make her a cake of strawberry, elderberry, blueberry, chocolate, of what I wonder for such a treat!"

Pondering to consider the hatters words, what indeed would be the best. Thinking of the time period Alicia believed the girl hailed from, this would be fairly simple. "Cinnamon, with glazed icing of maple, and bits of cherry.. it was a classic at its time when the powder was a delicacy. Yes I think that will do, for this time it is nothing, for her own it was an item very hard to come by..perhaps we shall add a small bit of ginger as well.."

Oddly not speaking in Rhymes the Segunda and her entourage alternate between making preparations for the cake, and watching the poor new fool lose his composure and with it his own will bit by bit..after all he had cleared the first bit of the maze into what they all called, "The Room." He would be one of them by the time he finished that, of that much was assured.

Oka Ogasawara Soul Society

Entering the meeting room, it was a bit more cramped than normal, though likely with good reason. Taking position where she normally did, there was no command to be seated or an idea of how the old man would want his meeting carried out. So there was little else to do, unaware of some mannerisms, civility, or self awareness, the 10th Captain laughs leering towards the Captain Commander. "eheheheh, so you you're still alive old fart? Given how little you talked to me then worried you went senile on me or had a heart attack."

Her fresh scar likely made her all the more threatening until it healed up, though likely by now the old man was used to her lack of proper etiquette, if not some sort of punishment game or foolery would follow. "Ara, ara..I was going to get a replacement mask too...hmph.." With a slight slouch she had did what she could for now unless something else got her attention.
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[BCOLOR=#800000]Zuo Ci, 4th division Lt.[/BCOLOR]​

Zuo Ci was actually working when a hell butterfly came in, landing on him. He was a little unsteady on his feet from the funeral, but he didn't talk about it. A visible red mark was still on the side of his face. Ci explained he had a sudden urge to work, which no one believed. The Butterfly caught him off-guard.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"A captain's meeting, what on earth do they want me there for!?"[/BCOLOR]

His patient flatlined. Zuo Ci looked more annoyed than anything.

"Oh for the love of- Get up."

An electric shock accompanied his Kaido, and the patient was jump started back.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"3rd seat, get in here!"[/BCOLOR]

"I'm busy."

[BCOLOR=#800000]"And I'm old, excuses, excuses. They want me in a captain's meeting."[/BCOLOR]

A pause was visibly heard around the barracks, more out of fear than anything else. A thud broke it as a lower seated officer fainted. A sudden and steady beep caused everyone to get back to work. Zuo Ci grumbled, and headed off to the captain's meeting, the 3rd seat taking over for him.


Zuo Ci entered the meeting, and almost breathed a sigh of relief as he saw other Lieutenants, and more importantly his captain. He'd never been so happy to see her. Normally during the Lieutenants meetings, he tried avoiding work from other divisions as much as possible. He liked his work, being a medic. It was a cushy job. Other people's work could be dangerous, or worse, boring. He liked other people having those assignments. He prefered the screaming in the med-bay. Still, he was in a good mood to see his captain.With a smile, he even walked behind her, patting her on the back.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"My, my, look at my captain, diligently trying to get a promotion for even more work. I aspire that I may work as hard as you, if only my old age wasn't working up on me. My back! By the way, got a little brown there by the way."[/BCOLOR]

He motioned to his nose, before nodding at the captain commander.


Then, as per his normal attitude, Zuo Ci stepped to the back of the room, where he would hopefully be given as little work as possible.

There was one thing that bothered him though, especially the king meathead's suggestion about how finding their hideout.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"Yeah, lead us to their hideout, great thinking. Young'uns. Just throwin' it out there, if I were somehow captured by the enemy, I'd promise them access to my hideout, open a dangai, mess with it JUST a little, and laugh as the whole thing cra-*cough*cough* I mean- I'd set a trap for them on the way, and it would be a bad idea... yeah... that's what I meant."[/BCOLOR]

Illea Sirani, La Tercera

With black substance still dripping down her face, Illea made her way early to the throne room where they met. She could rest in her chair there anyways. With her small size, it seemed almost like a bed. She still had a great many things to think about from her talk with Guerra. Things she didn't want to think about. Whether or not she could trust Vaham wasn't a problem, he was her friend, her thinking stopped there.... or rather she couldn't let herself think it out. The question she had was, if Guerra didn't like Vaham, and things went south, what would she do? Alexander and Xenethis fought all the time, but secretly, she thought that's how they showed their friendship. That was no big deal. What if someone ACTUALLY made a fight in the Espada? She wanted ALL her friends, not just one or two.

Illea shook her head as she realized the answer.

"If a fight broke out... I couldn't let them hurt each other. Friends don't let other friends get hurt. If I want us to keep being friends, I need to make sure nothing could break us apart. If Vaham doesn't have any obstacles, he'll be happy with us. If he's happy with us, Guerra will be happy with him. So for us not to have obstacles...I need to remove them."

When she thought of 'them', instantly she thought of Kenpachi. She didn't know why, but whenever she thought of Kenpachi, she got antsy. She didn't normally like fighting.... but for some reason, she felt she needed to fight him again, prove that she could do it. He embodied strength, she embodied weakness. Day, and night.

Sure he was in as bad a condition as she was by the end, but that gave away her abilities.... of that day at least.

Illea smiled through the black goop, a finger almost melting before reforming. Her disease changed so often, it wasn't as if the balancers would get a miracle cure.

"Kenpachi...I called him weak, I need him to fall. I won't lose next time. If I can't be do that, I can't remove obstacles for Líder, and I can't keep all the Espada friends. I need to figure out how to beat Kenpachi. I can't let myself fall to a balancer again. I've seen all his tricks, he hasn't seen all of mine, it should be easy! He called himself the 'strongest'."

With those final thoughts, Illea positioned herself in her chair, mumbling as she tried to rest.

"Are you happy Vaham? Did I do good?"

Zion kept walking but he was walking a bit slow it would take him a while to make it to the meeting, but he sensed Kairi and Kon nearby and thought maybe he'd use shunpo to speed up the process he believed he could handle the strain. So he relaxed and in a second he bolted, he could feel the strain on his body but it was minor. He did feel weird though as his vision did blur for brief seconds while using shunpo. He would soon reach Kairi and Kon, as he approached he saw a person standing before him and smiling which surprised him as Zion deviated from the path he was on and unsheathed his Zanpakuto because he had never seen this person before. As he looked back no one was there, he felt no reiatsu but he wondered how he saw a person before him as clear as day.

It actually bared some resemblance to the young boy he had seen in his weird dream while he was in the unconscious but this person was older. "Whats going on, why am I seeing things" he said to Jisatsu but he got no reply from his Zanpakuto. Zion was actually scared as maybe he was loosing his mind and what would he do if he was, he was a Captain he couldn't be dealing with issues like this especially now. He sheathed his Zanpakuto and decided to continue walking as he was now a short way from Kairi and Kon so he thought he'd ignore what he saw.

He approached the two shinigami, "KON, KAIRI .... nice to see you two, seems like maybe Captain Commander wants to come up with a plan against these enemies we faced. Maybe he has plans for a counter attack, or an idea of what to do with the Espada that remained here actually I'm surprised that the Espada has not been dissected by the research division or interrogated by us" he says to them with his usual smile but he knows it probably had to due with his injury when it came to the interrogation comment he made. Although he was going through something he could not explain he did not want to act out of character around his subordinates especially Kairi after asking for her help, and didn't want Kon to notice anything wrong with him because he was a very private person he only opened up with Heizo, Kairi and Holly really.

"Oh Kairi after this meeting when training begins I plan to place Holly in charge of the division temporarily just letting you know so if you need anything I would like for you to approach Holly." he says to her

@Detective Zero
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Natsuko Sunemizuki Seireitei - Captain's Meeting Hall

"I understand your angst and am deeply apologetic regarding the losses of your barracks, Captain Kenpachi. However, I do hope, considering your experience as a Captain outranking my own, that I will not have to point out, as the 4th division lieutenant has, why such a swift and thoughtless plan would sooner end in our annihilation than anything else," Came Natsuko's voice, coming out of damn near no where as per usual.

Appearing in the middle of the entrance, she of course bowed, as was only the respectful thing to do in the presence of the Captain Commander, only taking her position in the room afterwards. Natsuko wasn't going to underestimate these Hollows; they were more than dangerous. They caused such a ruckus within the Seireitei and there were some of the ten, at least assuming what the cow had told her to be true, that didn't even participate much. She understood Kenpachi's wish for vengeance, but rushing in there, well. If he almost perished in the face of that girl, he might have actually gotten offed were he to face the Segunda. Frankly, she was lucky that the woman was the type to play with her opponents rather than finish them dutifully.

"There are too many unknown variables regarding them. And to be absolutely frank, the one whom you faced, and almost was felled by, is not even the most skilled of their ranks. If what the Harlot I encountered said is true, that little girl was only ranked third among them," The noble continued, not intending to be harsh or demean his abilities, but rather to explain that they couldn't be taken or dealt with so nonchalantly or simply.

Alexander Cirilo Las Noches - Espada Meeting Room

The Sexta remained silent through Vaham's speech. What could he say? Vaham spoke much, vaguely, and a great amount of the content in which he said to Alexander was complete bullshit. However, Alexander was young and uneducated with this world. There was no way he could tell that any of what Vaham was saying was false. Even when he asked Guerra, he received little that could've helped him see through what was being said. The false accusations regarding the Soul Reapers' actions didn't help ease his internal conflict with the whole series of events.

"It... used to look like that...?" Alexander questioned with some surprised and disbelief. For such a thing to have happened, it must have transpired long ago, longer than many of the Espada had been around. There weren't even traces of anything aside from the barren desert.

Thankfully, the two didn't remain alone for long. Illia soon appeared, likely having finished her feeding. Honestly, it was a bit odd to Alex. Illia was more evolved and older than he, and yet while he felt no temptation to feed, rather the opposite, she still felt as if she had to. It was a bit odd, but not something someone like him would be able to make sense of. The Tercera was apparently in thought, or a bit tired, as she simply entered the meeting room and proceeded to her seat while mumbling about something; poor girl.
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Vaham was clearly getting to Alexander. With the question he asked, it was clear that the point he was trying to get across was doing its trick. "Yes, indeed." He added, with a simple yet concerned voice, before the Jōkyaku again, turned to the side, gazing at the wall separating them from the desolate sands of Hueco Mundo.

"Only something made it through the endless times, and those are the ruins you can see on the surface. Deep beneath our sands, there was once a city that is no more. Hueco Mundo was a place much more beautiful than even Soul Society, or where the Shinigami live, the Seireitei." He explained, however, they were both interrupted by the little Espada, Illea. If anyone that was the Arrancar he was mostly pleased with.

A smile crept on his face, before he moved his attention back at the Sexta. He did not utter a single word, before the Tercera asked him a question that was fairly easy to answer. "Obviously.." He turned around, before the Jōkyaku started to walk towards the throne chair. "Out of every single one of you. I am mostly pleased with the results you provided, Illea. I am proud of you." He gave her a genuine compliment, because what he said was all truth.

Taking a seat, he continued. "By now, the rest should join us shortly, so we can start the meeting. A neccessary one." His yellow eyes squinted ever so slightly behind his mask. His white hair fluttered, before he leaned back on the chair.

"Looks like you're in a good shape already.." He asked the little Arrancar, before continuing. "Was your little trip with Guerra forthcoming?" Vaham curiously asked, as they all waited for the rest to arrive.


A man was standing next to the Captain Commander during the meeting that was about to begin. With the captured Espada at the center. He was wearing a black conical hat, with white but long hair, and with a black staff that had silver hilts on both its ends, and golden rings that would ever so occasionally ring against one another, once in contact. Other than that, he was wearing the all too familiar outfit. A black hakama underneath a white/blue shihakusho, along with the Kidō Corps symbol embedded on it. Both by the right side of the chest and the back. This man was named Jinrai Hasekura. The Grand Chief of the Kidō Corps.

One after another, the Captains and their Lieutenants arrived. Expressing their concerns from the get-go. Asking questions that were bound to be answered sooner rather than later. As they all eventually showed their respect and stood in their respective place, Jinrai had nothing to say. There was no need for him. All he did was glance at a few particular Shinigami's. Sieghardt was one of them. The meeting was almost underway, and things were about to get quite interesting.
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"Heh, like I said. She's a woman now. Has a family. If you missed that and her hair, you need to sharpen the senses more Lieutenant Sakoto." Turning to look at the boy with right eye closed, Heizo hoped to remind him of years past, alongside using his title. In the past, "Lieutenant" was used often by him to acknowledge Sakoto's well deeds and to lecture. The eye gesture was to symbolize Sakoto had only one eye open. His second, mental eye, failing to observe which warranted review. Facing forward after the brief reminder, Heizo soon stopped in his tracks upon being asked who utilizes archery. Scanning his Lieutenant's face, unsure of his words, it soon dawned on him what he meant by the statement.

Resuming his pace he answered "Who indeed." before pausing in between words. "I only know of a few who might, but I've never seen them in person..." he added, prodding implicitly. Truth be told, Heizo's mind was shifting through possibilities. Impossible. They should be dead. The archives. Was it a hollow? If so why not say it? Looking to Sakoto as he confirmed his previous statement Heizo's mind shifted into one of resolution. "The Captain Commander may know if not the others." he said, supporting share of the fact. After this exchange it was of some time before Heizo and Sakoto reached the assembly. Being the last to arrive, seemingly appropriate considering their squad's numerical order, the following scene greeted them.

From outside, the white assembly building rose to the height of almost three stories. Being square in appearance, it would seem to be a perfect one from the front, but the sides revealed it closer to a rectangle. From the sides, a single row of slitted windows extended the length of the building. Vertical in design they were compressed into single square units of ten slits for every half foot of base wall. Allowing for as much natural light to enter as could, they were of human height.

The entrance of the building was akin to a Senkaimon. With shōji doors fit to accompany a giant, they rose past the heads of most upon entry. With two members of the Kidō Corps positioned to either side of it, the building was defended on all corners. With teams of Corps maintaining a barrier around it in order to keep any and all in or out. Proceeding past them Heizo and Sakoto entered before the doors mutely closed behind them. Inside, the wooden floor of the dojo-esque building greeted their feet as the four pillars scaling to the roof their eyes.

Embedding into the balconies on the higher floors, the room seemed purposed not to fit just those present. With solid wooden railing the balconies extended the entirety of the left and right walls. Being somewhere between the second and third floor in height they seemed to fulfill a purpose long forgotten or no longer needed. Allowing for light from below to shine in easily, they proved no hindrance to visibility. What could be seen of the room were the captains and guests to either side of it. Some standing while others seated, there were cushions for all squad captains including the Captain Commander who was standing in the middle near the back wall.

To the left of him in descending order were,(2nd)Div. Captain Furenji, (4th)Div. Captain Omaeda, (8th)Div. Captain Ukitake, (10th)Div. Captain Ogasawara, and (12th)Div. Captain Kurenai. To the right of him, (3rd)Div. Captain Surin, (5th)Div. Captain Sunemizuki, (7th)Div. Captain Honoka, (9th)Div. Captain Benkei, and (11th)Div. Captain Oda. In the middle of the room and constrained to a chair, light shown on what appeared to be a woman through the grated skylight above the Commander's head. Signifying the time, the light cast down at an angle where it otherwise would be above the Captain Commander himself come noon.


Viewing this, Heizo did so with silence as he took up his spot beside the Eleventh Division Captain. Choosing to stand rather than sit he awaited the meeting's start. In doing so he turned briefly to inspect the brash Captain's condition. Catching his gaze he said "Nice to see you're still with us Captain Oda." with a light smile.

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Renzo gave a cursory greeting to the captains who passed by. Some were more formal about it than others but he didn't really care. To him, it was all about the business and less about the pleasantries. A good deal of his attention was kept towards Kayano who was placed in the middle of the meeting area with sekisekki cuffs. She also had a collar with four restraints leading to the floor. She was basically a caged animal without the physical bars of a cage but still, she seemed hardly bothered by the prospect. From the point Seighardt entered, her gaze moved towards him and stayed there. Renzo just sighed as if he held slight disgust towards the situation on a whole but it was short lived as Satori passed by and the last captains took their places. There was a bit less space than usual due to the extra guests but most of them took their places near their captains. Checking the time, he got right down to business.

"I know this isn't the most sensitive time to be having this meeting but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of waiting much longer. The invaders before, including the one here are what are called arrancar. They are hollows that have ripped off parts of their masks, attaining some powers of a shinigami, a hybrid. I fought against some of them in the last war. At least, we believed we wiped them all out at that time. Whether we were successful or not, I don't know but it is clear that they are back, more advanced and in larger numbers. Our enemy is bent on our destruction and for the first time in a while, it is an enemy that has the means to actually wage war on us," Renzo began, setting up the cursory background information, "This arrancar here, Kayano Aishi, has agreed to assist us for... personal reasons and has provided us with a wealth of information thus far. However, she cannot simply be trusted so that will be the first order of business for this meeting. We've questioned her extensively already. I would like a report from everyone here on yesterday's events. Should her information be false, we'll have one less thing to consider."

Starting from the top, Renzo turned his gaze to Zion.
Jati Ishlan - Seireitei

A black butter fly flew into Jati's office through a window he left open for air. The butterfly landed on a report he had finished reading as was going to sign off on it. As he grabbed his stamp as was about to stamp it he notice it. It relayed the message to him which caused a him to smile. He was honored to be invited to a captains meeting, He hopes of joining there ranks one day and leading his own squad. He stamped the reported and soon after made his way toward the meeting.

Once Jati got in place for the meeting he knew at least a few of his question on these attackers would be answers. Upon entering he notice a man wearing a conical hat he had never seen before. He recognized the symbols on his shihakusho, He was a member of the Kido corps. The Kido corps were composed of the most experienced Kido users in the Seireitei and one was right there. He had to be high up on there food chain or he wouldn't be front and center. He was standing beside the Head Captain and in front of them was there guest of honor, The intruder chained allowing her unable to do anything. This is when the meeting started as the Head Captain explained what they were facing. Kayano Aishi was a Arrancar, A race of hollow that was long thought eradicated. They became this way by removing parts of there mask to become more like Shinigami to gain power. She seems to be willing to betray her comrades and already gave information out to the Head Captain. To verify her information and make sure she isn't lying he would like to hear from those involved in yesterdays events.
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Guerra-Washroom: Going to meeting hall.
He had bathed quickly, washing his body of the past day's grime and sweat before rising out of the water and drying himself. His put on a fresh pair of pants but left his torso exposed showing his hollow hole near his heart while his body dried, he walked out of the bath area with his blade in his hand rather then on his back as it normally was as he made his way to the meeting area as he figured that the meeting itself would start soon or was already underway.
-interaction: Vaham-
He entered just as Vaham had finished asking Illea about their hunt out in the sands. He ran a hand through his hair as he spoke. "Well she's got a new sickness to use if the hollow she fed off of was any indication." He looked at the man with a pause before speaking again. "But you did ask Illea the question so I should let her answer shouldn't I?" He asked in a rhetorical matter to their "leader" as he wondered just what this meeting would be about and if he was going to have to listen to criticisms of his own actions inside the shingami's domain. He made his way to his seat and while laying his blade in front of him on the table relaxed into the seat, he looked to Vaham before asking him a question. "Oh and Vaham if possible after this meeting I wish to speak with you in private if that's alright?" He spoke with a smile, he didn't trust Vaham but he would at least be civil with him.​
Belladona Kiosa - Las Noches

Belladona made her way to the meeting room taking her time as usual. She enter the meeting room and took her seat with her fellow Espada's already there. She then lifted her right leg over her left crossing them and then folded her arms together. She had heard Guerra ask Vaham if they could speak in private after the meeting when she walked in. Belladona being who she is naturally started prying into Guerra business. "I know you weren't talking to me But Guerra, Why not just say it in front of everyone. Whatever you can say to Lord Vaham in private you can say it in front of your peers." She told him as a smug smile appeared on her tan face. Bella was a nosy one, That was one of her numerous negative personality traits.

Belladona then took a look at Illea and grimaced as she saw her face. "Illea honey, Clean your face! You look terrible, You might need some more rest." She told her sounding worried. She was worried about Illea but also about herself. She feared catching one of Illea's nasty diseases. She has seen plenty of hollows fall from her diseases and it never looked peaceful from her point of view. "If you would like you can clean up with my scarf, I have plenty of them." She removed her red scarf and held it out towards her. "Take it and keep it for yourself, I insist." For the most part Bella liked Illea better then most people in the group. She was just a naive child to her and didn't deserve any of her snide remarks unlike Guerra. As far as Bella remembers Illea was never rude to her but pleasant so why not at least try with her.
Illea Sirani

Illea was so groggy and tired, she almost jumped as noticed Alexander and Vaham there infront of her. Vaham's praise to her mumblings seemed to completely revitalize her; Illea glowed. She'd tried her best, but to hear she had done the very best out of all the Espada.

Before she could even answer Vaham about how it went, the other Espada started to enter. Guerra being first, and being the one to answer the question. Illea's expression turned serious. If he wanted to see Vaham one on one, then he couldn't be happy. Illea needed to make him, and all the other Espada, AND Vaham happy. Guerra said his family was the Espada, Illea couldn't agree more, ALL of the Espada.

Her fears about having to say something were silenced by Belladona who nosed in. Illea's smile returned, before looking embarrassed as she was handed a scarf to clean herself with. She looked like a child at a dinner table. Granted, the truth was much horrific. She quickly cleaned herself, trying to make herself presentable.

"Thank you, Belladona."

She turned to Guerra.

"You said we were like family right... if it's that important, isn't it important for all of us?"

Then she turned to Vaham, to answer for herself.

"The trip went well, Guerra's right. I fed on a sickly Menos to heal myself, and to get a new disease. I don't want the balancers to be protected against what I have. I want to be useful. Lord Vaham, mind if I ask a question before we get started? Why did you gather the Espada in the first place? The shinigami are all to weak to hurt us in our world. The one I fought called himself the strongest, and in the end, it was me being sick that made me too weak to regenerate. If I could just fight him again..."
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Zion Furenji

Zion saw the Captain Commanders gaze upon him which was indication that he wanted him to inform him about what he noticed on the battle field. As a Captain he felt ashamed but he mustered enough courage to speak up to his superior, as he stepped forward he spoke.

"I must say that the power of these Arrancar was quite surprising two of them actually overpowered me, my shikai ability caused my reiatsu to be poisoned and act on emotion from the Espada known as Guerra. To be honest since then I have not felt the same other then my shame of not protecting my friends and comrades better. My blade could barely pierce their skin and there seems to be an hierarchy to some extent as they are numbered but still the lower ranked Arrancar can posses abilities beyond the higher ranked ones. I was able to cut Guerra lightly but couldn't scratch the one known as Xenethis, and I don't know if Captain Seig will vouch for me but to match them we had to use Bankai but in my case the Espada used a enhanced Cero to match a attack from my Jenosaido"

Zion paused as the shock of even diverting an attack that even though it did not reach full power it was still powerful enough to level a good portion of soul society. Zion's bankai usually left nothing standing which is why he rarely used it, and besides that his skills were usually enough to overcome even a more powerful enemy like Saiga had taught him.

"I apologize Captain Commander for failing, I lost control and I have never came across enemies like that. The fact still stands not many can withstand an attack from Bankai and if it wasn't for Captain Heizo then I would not be standing here right now. If you are asking for my opinion on the matter of the Arrancar that stands before us I don't believe she can be trusted, in a moment she's turning against her own kind and she may have her reasons but Soul Society can fall if we put too much trust in her." he says before he went to step back he stopped....

"Captain only information I believe that can be useful is for her to tell us everything about who leads these Arrancar because to keep powers of beings that were capable of killing an opponent like my master Saiga in check. Their leader or possibly leaders may have power to match you or overcome you Commanders." he said hypothetically

Nene Surin
As they all gathered with many snarky comments toward Seighardt who looked visibly annoyed by all of them, she couldn't help but giggle a bit as Zion would start his reports on the Arrancar that attacked them, yet the Head Captain fought them once before? Oh the questions she had wanted to ask, yet now wasn't the time for such, she had to wait her turn and after the meeting for question on them. Yet removing their masks to obtain powers like their own? Incredible! Utterly intriguing! She was certainly going to experiment on this later should they meet again. She was listening cloesly to Zion's report and looked at Seig who according to Zion although he gave himself an out by saying he couldn't vouch for Oda but they both had to use their bankai's. Another thing that was intriguing was the veins that could pop on one man's forehead. Truly curious. Yet as Zion would finish speaking, she would give her report and might as well add to the fueling of Sieg's anger.

"I alas didn't have much confrontation with them, besides at the end where we were bargaining for Sieg's life after he was brought down by said arrancar Natsuko spoke of. Which begs to wonder what they were here for? If they intended to kill, then no offense to Captain Oda but he would be dead by now. They were here for something. To prove a point? To get something? As for them in general, they are smarter than one might think. The one that launched the attack did so instantly, taking out a majority of Squad eleven. The red haired one, Xenethis was highly aggressive yet when I tried tricking him. He didn't fall for said trap. They are powerful and intelligent beings clearly differing from typical hollow mindsets."

She would then offer a bow and a smile. "I would say more but you know what they are, takes out a large chunk of my intelligence. Yet I believe they are ranked by power as Captain Zion mentioned. The little girl was rank three and Xenethis was four. The one called Guerra, I thinks that was the giant one. His power felt very very high, I'd rank him at one or two. With that being said I conclude my report and pass it off to our fourth squad captain." Nene said giving one more bow of respect while looking at Sieg who was now starting to exert a teeny bit of killing intent, which made her cover her mouth to prevent her from laughing out loud. No wonder the girl almost beat him, too quick to anger. Not taking time to understand what she does. Sloppy, sloppy mostly from their senior captain of all people.
Zuo Ci

Ci was a bit nervous about the captain of the Kido corps being there, and about his last comment leading towards what had him flee from the squad. Not that he expected anyone to remember the little incident. Still, if his old captain didn't know it was him, it'd be better, so Ci decided to be uncharacteristically involved.

He stole the report time from his captain. He'd treated the patients anyways.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"Well, uh, as far as the medical reports go, we seem to be facing various types of abilities and skills too. Most injured were by an initial blast strike.... A cero as you young'uns call it, right? Beyond that, there was blood on the ground that seemed to infect many soul reapers, such as King*- I mean Captain Oda. I looked at it, took a while to figure out. It was mainly some sort of bubonic plague. All of that came from one of the hollows. I saw a few people who were complaining about some weird emotional stress, said they had uncharacteristic rage. Even little Ryuunosuke. "[/BCOLOR]

Ci restrained a chuckle at the last comment, a frail squad member who had been near Guerra, and had later assaulted a squad 11 member with a broom. He was in ICU currently. The longer Ci talked, the more he slipped back into his jackass self.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"There were many injuries and fatalities in the Rukongai as well. They seemed to suffer blunt trama damage, fired from a distance. Appearantly hardened Reiatsu fired at them. Seems to me these hollows have strange abilities emanating from their bodies, not their weapons. Most of them seemed bone ass lazy, worst assault on shinigami I've ever seen. Hell, I think after a few drinks, King Meathead here's probably done more overall damage, especially to his own barracks. Oddest death was probably in the Academy, some poor smuck got completely drained of Reiatsu, just one kid. Other deaths there were more normal. Anything I miss there Captain?"[/BCOLOR]
Natsuko Sunemizuki Seireitei - Captain's Meeting Hall

"I faced the one supposedly ranked second. Very arrogant and nonchalant about the entire situation... Apparently all she wished to do was shop..." Natsuko chimed in, narrowing her eyes in remembering "the cow". "She called herself Alicia Fullburn and told me the one Captain Kenpachi faced was ranked third. Though extremely infuriating and whimsical, her capabilities are naught to be underestimated. Even had I used my bankai, I fear the woman still would have posed a decent amount of trouble for me... and should I have bested her, it would not have been without great destruction."

Pausing at that, Natsuko released a sigh. This was why she didn't want to charge to their homes, wherever it lay, recklessly. "Whomever these beings are, whatever class of hollow, they are all quite easily Captain-class," She, at this point, had noticed the large tick mark on the eleventh division Captain's forehead, though she continued regardless. "I would also like to point out that supposedly not even all of their ranks fully participated. The one I battled as well as the docile male we should have all heard about due to a third-seat's report did not participate in the attack, or at least didn't take it very seriously. Were we to take the conflict to their homes, it might change their attitudes. We also are unaware of how many their ranks consist of; there could be twenty more that didn't even come... not to mention their lackluster abilities... The woman assaulted me with floating bones that could generate blasts of reiryoku themselves."

It would probably sound as though Natsuko wanted to take a passive stance on the matter, which was wrong. She of course wanted them dealt with, however they didn't know enough to eliminate these beings without possibly immense casualties on their own side.
Soul Society

Kairi Veritahl - 2nd Division Lieutenant

Despite the others stepping in and her Captain already having started it off, she followed suit after Captain Sunemizuki finished. The fact that she too was bandaged up *for an entirely different reason to the Fifth Captain, may have raised some brows at her timing. Clearing her throat a little before beginning, Kairi crossed her arms before tightening one of the bandages that had gone loose, "If I may add.. Even classing them as Captain-class can be questionable to each and every one of us.. The one that my Captain and I had fought.. Guerra.. Although you see my injuries plainly here, these were self-inflicted. But I knew, the way the fight had originally began, if that 'man' of a hollow truly wanted me dead, I would have been then and there.. That didn't stop me from doing what I could.. We do not have a clear picture if they were even going full out at all, and from the sound of it, they weren't let alone all participating... While we could go off what our 'guest' here says, it's clear to take it with a grain of salt if we do. Whatever the situation, we'd be going in blind no matter how much information we truly had... As much as I do not want to admit it, this is very likely a matter none of us Lieutenants can be of true help with, at least not against those so-called 'ten.'" Of anyone who could tell saying that was a heavy blow to her own pride, it'd be Kon and her own Captain. After giving her side of the report, Kairi quietly backed up into place, turning her head to the side a little.

Hueco Mundo

Kurono Akitachi - Quinto(5th)​ Espada

After parting ways with a couple of the others from the baths, Kurono had arrived to the meeting after redressing. Returning to her rather taciturn self, Kurono took a seat as she crossed her arms, waiting for things to proceed, not particularly acknowledging anyone at the moment. There was plenty on her mind concerning her, both related and unrelated to the meeting. Whatever the case it was growing to be time for it to begin, her mind heavy with wonder on how the others would take this meeting, what would be said, how others would react. Only time forward will tell, and worrying about it now would only make it feel longer. Still, Kurono had a fair share of questions she sought answers to.
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